• Published 21st Jun 2014
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Two-Sided Prequel II: Who You Work For - FerociousCreation

Note: This is the FIRST installment of the Two Sided series. After working in a coffee shop for two months after leaving Suri, Coco Pommel found a job that is to make a dress "fit for a queen." Little did she know was who she was going to work for.

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One Act of Wrath

Coco couldn't help but chuckle at Suri's vagueness. “What do you mean Suri 'why'? I don't know what you are getting at.”

Fang was wondering why Suri was hiding as well. Using magic, he slid the clothes to the side and revealed the hiding pony. Suri gasped as she was exposed and pulled a dress' skirt to cover her flustered face.

Coco scowled at Fang, “Why did you do that?”

“I...” Fang stuttered, “...was just wondering why she was hiding, so I just moved the dresses aside.”

“Can't you tell she is uncomfortable already?”

As if she hasn't been uncomfortable... “Sorry, I was not trying to be rude this time.”

The mare gave a smirk, trying to make light of the situation. “Sure,” she said. Fang rolled his eyes at his friend's antics. It was nice to see that she was being playful with him, indicating that she was not angry at him anymore; or at least, that's what he is hoping.

As the two looked back at Suri, they noticed that the clothes were pulled back in front of her face. It didn't take a genius to know that something was up with her.

“Is there something you need to say, Suri?” Chrysalis asked. “I am curious as to why you stayed instead of leaving.” Both Fang and Coco looked back at the queen, remembering her presence. Chrysalis had a curious look on her face as she looked at Suri's direction.

“Yeah,” Coco responded. “Why did you stay instead of going on your way? We allowed you a chance to go. So why did you stay?”

It took Suri a few moments to respond. “Because...” Her words were caught in her throat. She was too flustered to answer. After everything I have done to her... she stands up to me... “Why, Coco...” Suri stuttered.

“Why what?” Coco asked, chuckling. “What did I do?”

“Why...” Suri was blushing, though she didn't notice it. She was embarrassed to say what she needed to say but had to ask out of curiosity anyway. Finally, she blurted out, “Why are you being so nice to me?”

Coco, Fang, and Chrysalis looked at one another, wondering how to take Suri's statement.

“Interesting...” Chrysalis said under her breath. No pony responded after hearing Chrysalis' input for quite some time. The cart bounced a bit as it hit a rock in the road, startling everypony and changeling.

Coco's heart raced from the sudden rocking, but quickly regained a grip on herself and continued to focus on the situation at hoof. “You want to know why I am being nice to you?”

“Y-yeah,” Suri replied, still shaken by the sudden rocking of the carriage.

Even though Suri could not see Coco's face, Coco smiled in Suri's direction. “Because everypony deserves a second chance.”

“I don't believe that,” Suri replied, her voice choking. “Not everypony deserves a second chance...”

Coco took a gander at Chrysalis as the queen raised a brow as to why her friend looked at her. “You would be surprised how wrong you are on that, Suri,” Coco replied.

“So are you with your logic, Coco...”

“What do you mean?”

As Suri inhaled, Coco heard her voice quiver. “I... d-don't deserve a second chance. Not after I have done...”

“But don't you think you can start anew with a second chance? Maybe here in Canterlot?”

“Will you stop saying I deserve a second chance?!” Angered, Suri shoved the dresses out of the way, revealing her true expression. Coco saw that she was quite peeved. But she saw something else that made her heart jump in shock: tears. Tears from a frustrated, yet guilty mare. Suri's salty eye droplets patted on the wooden floor of the carriage as she stared at the three in front of her. “Just tell me that you are being nice to me because you feel sorry for me or whatever! I don't deserve your second chance pity party!”

Chrysalis looked livid as Suri yelled in the carriage. Suri noticed her error and silenced herself before shouting any further.

Sighing, Suri continued her venting in a much quieter tone. “I don't feel like I deserve a second chance. I don't deserve your kindness after how I ruined your name. And yet here you are, being kind to me in front of what I can assume is the queen of changelings. Am I right?” Suri looked at Chrysalis, hoping she would reply to her statement. The queen nodded. Glad that Chrysalis replied to her statement, Suri continued. “You probably saved my life as well because of your kindness. But why toward me? I tarnished your name. Don't you remember? When you threw that coffee at me, I hated the way you showed me off and I wanted to teach you a think about how easily bad a name can be ruined. And now, five days ago, I...” Suri slowed her speech down. “...I now know how it feels when your own name is tarnished. So.. after all that I have done to you, you still want to show me compassion? Don't you remember how I treated you as an employee? How I scolded you? How I lost it one day and almost hit you?”

Fang's ears perked up upon hearing Suri's statement and leered at her. The mare noticed the aggressive stare and pointed a hoof at him. “Why don't you hate me like him?”

Coco looked at Fang and saw his angered expression before he could hide it away. Fang disliked how Suri drew Coco's attention to him but understood that the mare was trying to make a point.

“So Coco,” Suri begged as her tears continued to roll down her face, “why don't you hate me and leer at me like your friend here?”

“Because I am not like him or you,” Coco replied calmly. “I am me. I am one who dislikes conflict, but stands up for myself when needed.” Suri was quiet as she took in what Coco had said. Coco continued, “If there was one thing you were ever right about was showing me is how easy it is to tarnish somepony's name. But there is something else I have learned on my own from all this.”

“And what might that be...?” Suri replied weakly, huffing in her lungs and sniffing in any mucus that may try to drip out of her nostrils.

“Let me explain my story to you on the events of what happened after I 'assaulted' you.” Suri would rather have Coco to cut to the chase and hear what 'other lesson' she learned as well. However, Suri figured some backstory would help create a better picture as to what Coco had “learned.”


Coco cracked a small smile before it went away. The pony cleared her throat before speaking. “After I left working with you, I went to work on a line up with Rarity. When that finished, I decided to look for work in the city. I guess you can easily assume I couldn't find a job designing dresses at all.” Suri nodded, showing that she was listening. “I never thought that my act toward you would hurt my reputation more than I would have even considered. In fact, I didn't think throwing that cup at you was going to cause so much backlash... Every night, for weeks, I cried myself to sleep, regretting my choice. I hated myself. I continuously wished that I could take back that coffee cup and throw it at something that can't retaliate, like the trash. But instead, I decided to take my anger out on you... and... well... It was a stupid thing to do...” Coco was beginning to feel upset as she thought of her unfortunate past. However, the mare kept her sad emotions aside and keep a serious attitude.

“As a result of my single act of rage, I had to resort to a simple job at a coffee shop.” Coco then smiled and said, “If there was one thing you taught me how to do extremely well was a mean espresso.” Suri let out a small chuckle. She remembered how she taught Coco how to make a great cup of coffee. Eventually, Coco learned how to make various amounts of coffee drinks. Suri remembered that that reason was one of the reasons why she kept Coco around.

“Even though I had a job that helped me make an income, I was still struggling to even save a single bit. I wanted to move from the city and start fresh someplace else, but I couldn't because of expenses...”

Coco let out a sigh before resuming. “So, before I tell you what I have learned through all of this, I want to ask you a question, Suri.”

“Sure,” Suri sniffed again, trying to keep another river from flowing.

“Do you think, after all I did to you, that I deserved what I went through?”

All eyes were once again back onto Suri. She hated all the attention that was brought to her. Regardless of her distaste for her predicament, the mare had to deal with it. Suri looked down at the floor before she spoke softly, “No...”

“And why do you say 'no?'”

“Because... I...” Once more, the tears began to fall once more and the guilt infected Suri's heart. “Because I was the one who was cruel and mean to you. I deserve what came to me, you didn't. All you did was throw one cup of coffee, while I spread rumors about everypony. Yet, the one time I was telling the truth, my old boss remembered my ridiculous stories about my fellow co-workers and didn't want my rumor running mouth around anymore. So why, Coco... Why must you and I suffer the same punishment even though what I have done was much worse than what you did? Tell me what you have learned Coco Pommel.”

The light-blue maned pony looked at Suri with a slight bit of sadness in her eyes. “Because all it takes is one act of wrongdoing to ruin your life. That is what I have learned.”

“But you only did one thing and I did so much...” Suri sobbed. “Why must you suffer my fate?”

Coco shrugged, “It's just the way the world works. Think about it this way: If you are a jerk to somepony, expect that pony to dislike you. Also, if you are mean to them, expect that individual's acquaintances and friends to dislike you as well. On top of that, the victim, the friends, or both may tell others about your actions. Make sense?”

“Yes, but what are you getting at with this Coco?”

“Because there is a second part of what I am trying to say.”


“Now, let's say, in this scenario, you are the victim of the jerk.” Immediately, Suri knew Coco was making an example out of their own experiences. “Now the victim has told others about the jerk's actions and are aware of it. But one day, the jerk did something that pushed the victim to the limit and did something beyond what the jerk has done. And whatever that act may be, it still surpassed everything that the jerk has done. So now, everypony feels sorry for the jerk and is upset with the victim. Now does that make sense?”

It made perfect sense to Suri Polomare. The shame and guilt gripped tightly around the mare's heart like a rope snagging around her throat, preventing herself from running away or breath properly. Suri looked down in shame but still glanced upwards, looking at Coco.

“Now let's go back to the jerk-”

“I get it C-Coco...” A hard sniff came from Suri as tears once more rolled down her face. “Because of the jerk's past actions, not everypony has forgotten about them. And eventually, the jerk continued there wrongdoing. And soon, their wrongdoing caught up with them and finally got what they deserve...”

Coco nodded, “That's right.” Coco had got her point across to Suri and was glad that it did.

“I now understand,” Suri sobbed. “It all makes sense. And I am very sorry...” The mare's heart can no longer take it. Suri folded into a fetal position and looked away from her former co-worker, sobbing. Suri was no longer angry at Fang for “ruining” her reputation. She was no longer upset at Coco for throwing that cup of coffee at her stupid face. Suri Polomare was angry at herself. She despised and condemned her past actions and wish she could take it back. But no matter how badly she wanted to travel back in time and fix the error of her ways, Suri was stuck with the consequences of the present.

I'm sorry... I'm so sorry...” Suri said over and over. “I'm sorry... I'm sorry... I'm sorry...

But as she was sobbing, something warm touched the pony's shoulder. Suri didn't look back to see who it was; she knew it was Coco.

“I forgive you, Suri,” Coco said calmly. “I forgive you for everything. And I am sorry for throwing the cup of coffee in your face...”

The sobbing mare sat upright and faced Coco and smiled. “I think I should be the one apologizing.”

“Weren't you the one crying right now saying 'I'm sorry?' I believe you have said enough. Besides, at least we can forgive one another,” Coco replied. She then reached out a hoof to Suri and asked, “So, would you like a second chance and be my friend?”

If Suri could cry tears of joy, she would; however, she had already spent all of her tears when she wept mournfully and in sorrow. Instead of shaking the offered hoof, Suri moved in and hugged her new friend. Coco wrapped her arms around the earth pony in a close embrace.

“Thank you, Coco Pommel,” Suri spoke softly.

“Your welcome, Suri Polomare,” Coco responded.

“I'm... shocked that you are willing to give me a second chance,” Suri spoke.

Coco lifted her head and looked back at Fang and Chrysalis. “You would be surprised who else I would give a second chance to.” Removing herself, Coco got up and sat next to Suri. Immediately, the two began to talk among themselves, ignoring the other changelings who were among them.

As they remained on the other side of the carriage, excluded from the ponies' conversation, Fang and Chrysalis looked at each other and began to communicate by blinking at each other.

She really does have a way with words, doesn't she my queen? Fang asked.

Yes, she does, Chrysalis replied. She is more merciful than I will ever be.

Both changelings spectated Suri and Coco as they continued to talk, or rather, Coco was telling her friend about the events that have happened at the hive.

Looking down at Fang, Chrysalis continued to blink again. I am glad that my friend is happy with Suri, but I think we-

“Haha, talk about window pain!” Suri laughed aloud.

Both changelings looked at Suri because of her loud outburst. Her smile evaporated, afraid she was being too loud again.

“Don't mind us,” Chrysalis replied as she looked at the ponies. “We were only taking a passing glance.”

“Alright... hehe...” After the awkward interruption, Suri continued, “But seriously, you were thrown off a balcony?”

“Yup,” Coco said with a nod. “Fang actually saved me from the fall.”

“Is that soooo?” Suri replied as she raised a brow, looking at the changeling in the eyes. Fang glanced to the side, trying to avoid eye contact. Though, through his peripheral, he could still see the pony staring at him.

“Mmhmm,” Coco replied. “He is also very sweet to me.” The words “sweet” made Fang's ears perk up. Taking a lightning fast glance, Fang looked to his friend. He noticed she was blushing slightly. “Trust me, Suri, it's nice to have a shoulder to cry on.”

A harsh sigh came from Chrysalis. Fang could tell she was growing impatient and knew she wanted to get back to her errand. Looking at the two mare's she said, “Well, I do appreciate the fact that my friend has now befriended her old boss, but I and the others need to get back to shopping. Don't you think so, Coco?” Chrysalis' two emerald eyes fell upon her friend, awaiting a response.

“Oh, right. I almost forgot.” Coco rubbed the back of her head, embarrassed that she forgot about the important task of obtaining outfits for Chrysalis.

Staring at Suri, the queen asked, “If you would be so kind to leave me and my friend to get back to our business.”

“O-of course,” Suri replied. Removing herself from her seat, the pony went over to the door and glanced at Chrysalis. “So, do I just open it and he will stop?”

Without saying a word, the changeling used her magic to open the door. In an instant the wagon came to a complete stop. The light from the outside world seemed a lot brighter than usual.

Turning to face Coco, Suri smiled at her new friend and said, “Well, I will be on my way.”

“Wait,” Coco said aloud.

“Hmm?” The queen hummed as she and Suri turned their heads sideways in confusion.

“Umm, would it be alright if Suri would join us? She might know some stores that might have what we are looking for.”

The largely disguised changeling looked at her friend, then Suri. “Hmm... she might...”

“I would also like to connect with Suri a little as well if that is fine.”

A small amount of jealousy bit into Chrysalis' heart. She didn't like the idea that Coco was going to “connect” with her former boss because she felt her friend was wanting to spend more time with her new friend than herself. Then Chrysalis had an idea.

“As long as I am involved in your conversations, she may come with us. I wish to not be a third horseshoe. Besides, I like to be talked to as well.”

Coco let out a slight giggle. “Of course, Your Majesty.”

“Good,” Chrysalis smiled. Getting up from her seat, the changeling went over to Suri and kindly asked her to step aside. The mare easily compiled and made way for the queen. With ease, Chrysalis stepped outside. Looking to the sky, she saw the position of the sun and sighed in relief. It was still early afternoon.

Glad that not much time was wasted, she walked over to Sea More with a smile on her face.

“Yes, Your Majesty?” he asked with a smile as she approached. “You look very cheerful.”

“Don't look at me with your casual stare and try to make fun of my expression. Have you seen any stores that we have not visited?”

“Several,” Sea More responded. “However, I am not sure if they all have what we are looking for. I would have walked in myself to save us some time, but your orders were your orders, and I wish to not disobey them.”

“Good to know you are still a good little colt and does what he is told.” Clearing her throat, she spoke again,“So, we have some good fortune. We have another guest who will be shopping with us.”

Sea More looked to his queen in confusion and shock.“And who might that be?”

“Our hostage,” she responded with a grin.

Sea More couldn't help but be confused.

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