• Published 21st Jun 2014
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Two-Sided Prequel II: Who You Work For - FerociousCreation

Note: This is the FIRST installment of the Two Sided series. After working in a coffee shop for two months after leaving Suri, Coco Pommel found a job that is to make a dress "fit for a queen." Little did she know was who she was going to work for.

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The Fateful Event: Blueberries and Cream


Aaand… there!” Coco smiled as she finished applying the final dress to Stitch Snitch.

“Do you still think I look like a gift?” the changeling asked as she giggled.

“Hey, I ask the questions.” Both mares laughed at the statement realizing how silly it was. Coco looked around the room as the gatherers were once again in her dwelling. This time, however, they were fitted into their outfits and looked like ponies. Typical chatter filled the room. Coco heard others complement each other at how good their outfits looked on them. It was a happy sight. Despite that they were changelings, Coco loved their joy. If she could, the pony would want to feed off their happiness just to know what an emotion tastes like.

Coco also noticed Queen Chrysalis mingling with the other changelings. Again, it was a happy sight. Their ruler was talking among them. Coco could asume that it is a high honor to even be noticed by royalty. But because the she was so close to Chrysalis, it was nice just to have her as a friend.

“Oh, look who it is,” Stitch commented as she looked to the doorway. Coco turned to see her tailor friends entering her room. Silver Liner had a smile on his face, Silky Magot wore a bit of a serious face, and Knight Cap still obtained her blank expression.

They quickly walked over to Stitch and Coco. “So,” Silky spoke first, “this is it?” She looked around at others and then back to the pony. “I am glad to see you pulled through with dealing with us changelings.”

“Well, it is thanks to you and the others that made me do so,” Coco answered.

A sincere smile crawled onto Silky’s face. “And… it’s thanks to you that I… sort of… kind of… respect ponies maybe a little more because of you.” Just the thought was embarrassing enough, but the changeling was not wrong. If one single earth pony could help changelings, the possibility of another coming along and helping them is more than likely.

“You made our queen happy,” Silver Liner commented. “I have full respect for you Coco.” He glanced over to Silky and smirked at her. “Miss Prideful over here may not tell you everything, but you inspire her.”

A mean stare came from Silky Magot. “Keep talking and I will remove your tongue, Mister I hate simple dresses.” Instead of arguing with the mare, Silver felt that it was not the time to cause a scene. His queen was present and prefered her current joyful mood.

Since Knight Cap has not yet spoken, Coco Pommel set her gaze on the changeling. I wonder what is going on in that head of hers.

“A lot of things,” Knight Cap responded. It took the pony slightly aback as she forgot about the changeling’s mind reading abilities. Knight Cap placed a hoof on Coco’s shoulder and gave a small grin. “Thanks,” was all she could muster up. Coco took the friendly gesture as a “let me hug you” motion and moved in toward Knight Cap, embracing her. The love surrounded the changeling, startling her. “Let me go, let me go, let me go!” Knight Cap repeated, embarrassed from the kind gesture.

Squirming free from Coco’s grip, the changeling briskly walked to Stitch Snitch’s side, finally regaining her normal blank expression.

“Hehe, I am glad that we all care about you Coco,” Stitch remarked. “Just-” The changeling began to choke on her words, then began to sob. “-t-thank you… Thank you for doing this for the children.”

Coco walked over to Stitch and the two hugged for a short moment. “It’s just the right thing to do. Besides, Chrysalis was generous to give me this task and payed me well. I only have to give back my own generosity.”

After sniffling, Stitch looked at Knight Cap. “So how do I look?”

“Like a present,” she replied.

“I told you,” Coco commented, pointing her hoof at Stitch.

“And lovely,” Knight Cap continued. “I'm surprised no male changeling has asked you to be your mate.”

“K-Knight Cap!” Stitch blushed as she glared at her friend. “Don't say things like that! It's embarrassing.” The changeling looked away and frowned. “Besides, what stallion would want to be with me anyways?”

Coco went to Stitch’s side and placed a hoof on her shoulder. “I know that there is a stallion out there just waiting for you. You just need to find him.”

Not agreeing with the pony’s statement, the changeling finally changed into her pony disguise. Stitch’s new pony body shined with her goldenrod fur and curly rose red mane. “No one wants to be with an over sensitive mare anyways.”

“If you look like that,” Coco imputed, “you might be surprised. You might even meet a sweet stallion tonight.”

Again, Stitch disagreed and shook her head. “What pony would want to love a changeling?”

Coco looked at her friend sternly. “You are looking at one. I love and care about you and all the other tailors here.” The pony gestured to them as they spoke; they nodded at her comment.

“Even though we may not be on even grounds with ponies quite yet,” Knight Cap imputed, “you just might meet a nice stallion.” Using the will of her own will, Knight Cap smiled. In unison, Coco, Knight Cap, Silver Liner, and Silky Magot surrounded Stitch Snitch and all hugged her.

“We are all here for you,” Silky spoke warmly.

Of course, the amount of affection that was being exhausted unto the changeling, Stitch Snitch began to weep tears of joy. “Oh… You all are the sweetest,” she sniffed.

A large shadow loomed over the cluster of changelings and pony. “How sweet,” Chrysalis spoke. At once, Coco and the other tailors dispersed and looked at the queen. She noticed that even though Chrysalis was in her dress, she was not disguised as a unicorn just yet. “It's nice to see you all get along.”

“I would hope you would see that,” Coco smiled.

The queen smiled back without any words spoken. Then she looked up and exclaimed, “Attention everychangeling!” As if a wind came through the room and stole the changeling’s voices, silence reigned. Looking back down, Chrysalis stared at Coco Pommel. “...and pony.” Coco giggled as the queen mentioned her among the others.

“Tonight is the night we feed in secret!” Chrysalis called out. “I first want to mention something: we are not to be down on ourselves for what the Grand Galloping Gala is celebrating. Even though it is their celebration of our defeat, we are not broken.” The speech was a bit motivating to Coco, but couldn't feel nervous as well; almost afraid Chrysalis would turncoat on her and attack Canterlot. But Coco trusted her friend. She trusted that Chrysalis wouldn't go against her word. Right?

“We are not going to fall because of one loss,” Chrysalis resumed. “One is singular. And we! Are! Many!” A cheer ripped through the air. Several changelings buzzes their wings while others stomped their hooves. The noise was powerful and Coco could feel the energy rippling off of every changeling. Wanting to quiet the crowd, the queen lifted up her hoof, and soon, the noise died.

“I want you all to arrive after sunset,” Chrysalis ordered. “...and I want you to leave between 10pm and 12am. We don't want to all leave at once and create suspicion. Understood?”

“Yes my queen!” the hive mind spoke.

The changelings’ unison outcry shook Coco to the core. The fact that they all were in sync frightened the pony. They were the hive and were many as Chrysalis had just stated. Thankfully, they were on Coco’s side.

“You are all free until this evening,” Chrysalis spoke. “You may leave now.”

Quickly, the changelings began to make their way out of the room. “I will see you later,” Stitch spoke before turning around and leaving. The other tailors said their goodbyes as well before going with Stitch.

After all have left, only Chrysalis and Fang remained in the room. Fang was standing off to the side by the balcony away from his queen, staring out toward the sky. He was dressed and disguised handsomely. He looked powerful as he did good looking. It almost flattered Coco as how well he looked, but knew she was the one who made his outfit. Coco looked at her creation (her outfit of course.) When she was inspired by Fang, she wanted to create power. A prince, according to fairytales, is brave, handsome, and strong. Because Fang chose to disguise his fur crimson and hair like red shattered glass,not to mention the fact that he used fire magic, the idea was perfect. Alongside Chrysalis’ dress, which was blue and cool, Fang’s outfit was hot and red. And the crown. That silver crown propped up on Fang’s head. It was such an amazing accessory. The sight of him was amazing. Perhaps partaking in the contest at the gala was a good thing.

Done looking at her distracted friend, Coco brought her attention to the queen. “Are we ready to leave?” the pony asked as she approached Chrysalis .

“In a moment,” she replied. Chrysalis turned to the door and Coco soon followed the same motion. In the doorway stood Sea More, smiling as usual. “He requested to see you off before we go to Canterlot. It's the least I can do for him. He did suggest me to go the gala and hire a pony to make the dresses after all.”

Focused in on him, Coco Pommel made her way to the changeling. “You came to say goodbye I see.”

Sea More nodded, “Yes I did.” Reaching behind him, he pulled out a book. “I also want to give this to you. Consider it a gift.”

Taking the unwrapped present, Coco claimed the book. “Thanks,” she spoke. Even though I don't read. But it was a kind gesture to say the least.

“It's from my favorite writer,” Sea More spoke, pointing his hoof at it.

Taking a look at the title, Coco read aloud, “Endless Chase: Escape the River Kingdom. By Star Stripe Banner.” Not having much to say, the pony said, “An interesting title to say the least.”

“Trust me,” Sea More winked, “it's more than a story. Have fun with tonight.” And with that, he turned around and left.

A sigh came from behind Coco. The mare looked at her to see Chrysalis shaking her head in disapproval. “Him and his books.”

“Did he recommend this book to you?” Coco walked over to the bed and placed it on the sofa.

“He just loooves to recommend all kinds of pony written books. The hive has plenty of great writers.” Coco gave her friend a concerned look. “What?” the queen asked with a raise of a brow.

“You don't give ponies much of a chance do you, even when it comes to writing?”

Another sigh left Chrysalis. “I support those who support me.” A serious look came from the queen. “Am I wrong for that?”

“Maybe… you should give Celestia a chance to support you tonight.” Chrysalis’ mouth opened but no words came out. Coco smiled and placed a hoof on her friend. “Just try! Try!” she said, slightly shaking Chrysalis’ shoulder with a small amount of frustration. “And maybe you won't ever have to worry about being hungry if you do.”

Chrysalis knew creating a treaty with Celestia was always an option; Sea More constantly reminds her of it as well. But to allow that to happen without Celestia know of her crime was not in the queen’s book. If that princess were to know how she really feels, it would have to be personal.

But the more the changeling thought about it now, it made was making more sense to her. All she had to do was befriend her tonight, take her someplace quiet, and then… Then Chrysalis will show her true self and thoughts to the princess.

“I'll do it as I promised.” Queen Chrysalis spoke, removing Coco’s hoof with her own.

“Thank you.”

Still looking out the large window, Fang stood where he was, listening to the pony. Despite him being by himself, he was listening to Coco, still amazed by her. Just the fact that she was able to convince Queen Chrysalis, his queen, to even talk with Celestia was astonishing.

You are some mare, Fang thought to himself, smiling as he looked at several clouds moving through the air.

“What are you smiling at?” Coco’s voice startled the changeling and he flinched as he noticed the mare in his peripheral. “Sorry if I scared you,” the pony giggled.

“You just came out of nowhere,” Fang remarked as he grinned at her. “If I didn’t know any better, I might have mistaken you for a unicorn.”

Coco thought about what it could be like to cast spells and use magic, but shook her head at the thought. “I am just fine with the way I am. Besides, I’d rather keep magic a mystery to me.”

Finished with his conversation with Coco, he looked back to see his queen staring at him. “Are we about ready to leave, my queen?”

A green flame fanned over Chrysalis and transformed her physical form into her beautiful unicorn form. Chrysalis’ blonde mane shined with a lovely gloss and her white fur made the queen look as pure as snow. But of course, Coco and Fang knew the queen’s true colors, quite literally. But still, she did look very beautiful.

“I believe we are,” Chrysalis finally answered. “That is, until Coco can get herself dressed. Then we can be on our way.”

It just dawned onto Coco that she had not yet clothed herself yet. The mare was so carried away with dressing all of the changelings, that she forgot to apply her own. Quickly, Coco went over to her dress and put it on. After she was dressed, Coco walked in front of the mirror, adjusting her outfit. While she did that, the mare looked at the detail of the gown.

At the hemline of the dress, a lovely light-cyan strip ran around the edge of the skirt. Several light cyan beads were sprinkled across the body. The rest of the outfit was in a slightly darker shade of cream than that of Coco’s fur. At the upper breast region, a cute light-cyan ribbon was knitted into the dress. As Coco thought to herself before, the first thing that came to mind when she saw herself in the dress was blueberries and cream. Finished with her dress, the mare was adding the last thing: the pink rose that Fang had picked for her by her left ear. Despite Fang taking that flower from her daughter’s garden, Chrysalis let it slide.

“I’ll admit,” Chrysalis spoke as she came into the mirror’s picture, “your beauty does rival mine. But only as a pony!” the queen corrected. “I am still and always will be the most lovely of all changelings.”

“I know,” Coco giggled as she rolled her eyes.

Looking around the room, Chrysalis analyzed everything, thinking if she had forgotten anything. But everything has been taken care of. The only thing that needed to be handled was setting up everything for the competition at the Grand Galloping Gala. “Let’s get going now,” Queen Chrysalis spoke sternly. “I want to be sure we are entered into the contest.”

“Okay,” Coco answered.

“Of course my queen,” Fang spoke formally.

At once, all three began to leave the room. Fang and Chrysalis had already stepped outside, while Coco stood just at the door. She looked back at her work table, remembering her first time stepping into her room. So much has happened. So many friends were made. And so-

“Coco,” Chrysalis called, knocking on the wooden door, “we need to go.”

“S-sorry.” Shaking her head, Coco briskly went to her bed and took the book Sea More gave her before walking out of her room. She figured that Chrysalis may not want to hear questions all day, so Coco wanted to occupy herself if the queen wanted to be alone with her thoughts.

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