• Published 21st Jun 2014
  • 5,192 Views, 566 Comments

Two-Sided Prequel II: Who You Work For - FerociousCreation

Note: This is the FIRST installment of the Two Sided series. After working in a coffee shop for two months after leaving Suri, Coco Pommel found a job that is to make a dress "fit for a queen." Little did she know was who she was going to work for.

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Blanket of Tulips

Coco walked really close to Fang as they came back to the bakery. They noticed Sea More standing outside by the carriage all on his own and went toward him.

“Hello,” the pony spoke as she came to the halfling as she and Fang came to a stop.

“You seem happy,” Sea More commented, noticing Coco's grin.

Coco giggled a little while Fang kept a grip on himself. He didn't want to hurt Sea More in public so he did his best to maintain a straight composure.

“It was nice,” Fang smiled as he looked at Coco. “It's also been a while since I sat in the grass.”

“What else did you do in the grass?” Sea More pursued with a raise of his brow.

Fang couldn't keep his cool expression, and instead, showed his burning anger. His sharp tooth turned hot red like a sword being pulled out of a furnace. Coco saw his angry face and asked, “Why are you getting upset? Sea More just asked what we were doing.”

Immediately, Fang extinguished his anger. “I just... well... I don't like to be teased,” he stuttered.

“Well don't worry.” The pony then gave Fang a suggestive look. “He doesn't need to know what we did in the grass.”

Fang's face flushed. His fang once again burned; however, this time, in embarrassment. “You're not helping,” he grunted. But Coco didn't reply. She briskly walked inside the cafe.

“So...” Sea More said with his brow high again, “what did you two do in the grass?”

“Plotting a way to hurt you,” Fang responded coldly.

“I bet there was a lot of plot involved.”

“I'm going to hurt you when we get back,” Fang spoke through his teeth.

“Sure sure,” Sea More waved a hoof.

Both changelings then stood in silence, awaiting Coco, Chrysalis, and Suri. It was a good while before the three of them made their way out of the facility.

“So, am I clear on what needs to be done?” Chrysalis asked Suri as they came toward the wagon.

“Yes,” the pony replied.


Going over to the carriage door, Chrysalis went inside. Coco looked at Suri and said, “I'm glad you have had a change of heart.”

“It's the least I can do,” Suri replied, her ears folding back.

Coco reached and touched her friend's shoulder. “I know you can be good. Just try. Okay?”

“Okay.” Both mares then embraced each other for a quick moment. When they broke away, the ponies saw Chrysalis levitating a small pouch.

“In this sack,” the large changeling spoke, “is money for anything you need to purchase here in Canterlot. I will pay you when the job is done.”

“Yes,” Suri nodded. “Understood.”

The bag of money was then lobbed at the pony. Suri fumbled it as she tried to catch it, but managed to get a hold of the sack.

Clearing her voice, Chrysalis looked down at her friend. “We will be taking our leave.”


With no more words, Chrysalis entered the carriage by herself. Coco faced Suri and smiled at her. “Well, good luck with your work.”

“Thank you, Coco. For everything you have done for me.” Suri's ears fell back still ashamed of her past actions toward Coco. “I still don't feel I deserve the second chance I got.”

“Too bad,” Coco smirked. “Anyways, I will see you in... four days.”

“Three days,” Fang spoke, correcting the pony.

The mare rolled her eyes. “Whatever.”

“So, I'll be seeing you, Coco,” Suri said as she turned around.

“You too. Goodbye.”

And with those last words, Suri Polomare left.


The ride back to the hive was in silence. Coco Pommel wanted to ride with just Chrysalis, and Chrysalis did want to have some quiet time to herself. This left Sea More to pull the carriage and Fang to just fly around outside. The queen sat beside her friend asleep. Some drool dripped from her mouth and it began to pool at the bottom of the floor.

As for Coco, she was busy looking out the carriage window, enjoying the view in the sky. The clouds were below her and blanketed over the land from beneath, not showing the slightest bit of ground. The sun was beginning to set, casting a brilliant color of orange, yellow, and red over the sea of white. Coco felt like she was in a dream. She never thought that clouds could look so beautiful. They almost looked soft enough that she would bounce off of them if she jumped on them; of course, she knew only pegasi could do that.

Fang on the occasion passed by the window to gaze at Coco for a moment. The pony would marvel at how the changeling flew and slightly wished she had wings of her own.

When they were approaching their destination, Coco saw the large jagged mountain poke through the clouds like an iceberg drifting at sea. The moment the wagon went down, it made Coco's heart jump a little. She looked at the queen to see if her sleep was disturbed. She was still asleep.

The window fogged up a bit as the carriage descended through the clouds. When they exited the white cotton, the walkway was in sight of Coco. In a sudden movement, the wagon dived. The pony clung to Chrysalis' arm, hoping the landing would be a soft one.


The impact of the wagon crashing on the ground made Coco bounce from her seat and tumble onto the floor, her face breaking her fall. After a short while, the carriage came to a complete stop. Then the door opened.

“We are-” Fang was cut short when he noticed Coco was faced down. “Are you alright?” he asked.

The mare lifted her face from the ground, her eyes spinning. “Ugh... I don't know.”

“Did you enjoy the landing?” Sea More asked as his head poked from the top of the doorway.

Angry that his friend was hurt, Fang snagged Sea More's hair and pulled him down. Sea More fell to the ground with a hard thump. “Good job! You hurt our guest!”

Sea More didn't get angry with his friend; he just smiled. “At least you care about her.” A good kick came to his shoulder. He grunted in pain, but then began to chuckle. “See, you do care.”

In his peripheral, Fang saw Coco slowly getting up. He climbed into the carriage and offered a hoof to her. She giggled as Fang pulled her up, “How kind of you.”

“Just being polite to the guest of honor.”

“Aww,” Sea More said from behind, “how sweet.”

“SHUT UP!” Inferno Fang barked as he turned his head to glare at the changeling behind him.

The moment he yelled, Fang saw the queen twitch in his peripheral. Very slowly, her eyes opened. They gazed upon him with an angry glow of emerald green. “You dare wake me up in such a manner?” Chrysalis asked coldly.

“Forgive me, my queen,” Fang stuttered. “Sea More was being an idiot again, and I had to shut him up.”

“When is he not being an idiot?” Looking at Fang and Coco, the changeling asked, “Will you two excuse me? I wish to exit.” With no verbal response, the two moved out of the queen's way. Chrysalis took her time getting out of the wagon. She hunched her back, stretching her limbs.

“Fang,” Chrysalis spoke.

“Yes, my queen!”

“Make sure Coco gets to her room at a reasonable time. I wish to be alone.”

Upon hearing the statement, Coco asked, “Is something wrong?”

Ignoring her friend, Chrysalis looked at Sea More. “Sea More.”

“Yes, my queen!”

She was quiet for a moment, thinking of something to say. “Stop being an idiot.”

“I'll try,” he shrugged.

Chrysalis didn't want to deal with Sea More's antics, so she left him, flying up into the air and to the castle.

Coco walked to the entrance of the carriage, watching her friend move toward the mountain. She turned to Fang, “What's wrong with her?”

“Just leave her be. She needs to be alone.”

“How come?”

Sea More chuckled, “You do ask a lot of questions.”

Coco creased her brow. “I'm worried about my friend. Is there anything wrong with that?”

“See, there you go with another question.”

The running joke about her was getting under the mare's skin. “Haha... Very funny.” Sea More turned around to walk away from them when Coco said, “Since you are being quite the smart aleck, I have a question: didn't your mother teach you better and not pester mares?”

Sea More froze.

Coco Pommel felt that she hit a nerve and felt that she went too far. She glanced at Fang to see his reaction to her question; he just looked at his friend. Turning around, Sea More faced the pony. His wings buzzed as he lifted off the ground, flying over to Coco.

Upon landing in front of the carriage, he looked up at the pony with a blank stare. “My mother taught me well, and I am grateful for what she has done for me.” Not wanting to be around, Sea More rapidly fluttered his wings and took off quickly.

“You should be more careful when talking about a changeling's mother,” Fang spoke.

Coco looked at her friend, “How come?”

“We take pride in our family. My mother is what brought me into this world. She cared for me. She carried me. She loved me. She nurtured me. She protected me.” Fang looked deep into Coco's eyes. “Even though I am grown up, I still go to my mother so she can comfort me; all changelings do this. Our mothers are one of two things where we can feel true love.”

The pony smiled, “That's sweet. I never thought of it like that.”

“I assume you don't sleep beside your mother anymore.”

Coco couldn't help but let out a laugh. “Hehe, it's just weird. But I still talk to her.”

Fang smiled, “That's good. Your mother must be a wonderful mare.” His friend nodded.

Then a thought came to Coco. “So, you just said your mother is one of two things when you feel true love. What is the second?”

Pink color bled onto Fang's cheeks. “Wh-what do you think? From another mare of course.”

“O-oh, right. Hehe.”

Clearing his throat, Fang asked, “Anyways, shall we be going?”

“Yes,” Coco nodded. She walked outside and onto the stony ground. She heard the wagon creak as Fang walked out of it. When she turned to see her friend, her eyes fell upon the dresses and outfits that were inside. “What are we going to do about the dresses?”

I forgot about those... Fang thought to himself. In his peripheral, he saw a changeling flying through the air. “You there!” he called.

At once the changeling came down to him and landed beside him and Coco. “What is it Inferno Fang?” it asked.

“Take these dresses and outfits to the pony's room,” Fang instructed. “And don't let anything happen to them. The queen would be quite peeved if something happened to them.”

“Yes, sir!” The changeling looked at Coco and smirked. “So this is your special somebuggy everychangeling has been talking about.”

Fang was quick and was in the changeling's face. “Do as I have instructed,” he spoke through his teeth.

“N-no need for hostility, s-sir.”

“Then make no more comments and do what I asked.” Taking a step back, Fang looked at the changeling seriously. “Get moving.”

“Y-yes sir!” In a quick moment, the changeling moved and got to work.

Turning to Coco, Fang saw that she was nervous. “Is something wrong?”

“Not really,” she responded. “It's just your serious work face that surprised me.”

“It's something I must do sometimes.”

Coco smiled with a nod, “I understand. Business is business.”

Fang mirrored his friend's expression. “That's good.” Taking in a deep breath, the changeling looked up to the sky, sighing after a short moment. “So what would you like to do?”

“Hmm...” Coco thought for a moment. “I would like to go to the garden.”

“Why there?” Fang asked.

“Well, Chrysalis did say that the garden was made because of Beauty Fly. I would like to go there and see what she influenced.”

The changeling nodded, “Very well.”

“Oh, and one more thing,” the pony spoke.


Coco smirked at Fang, “Don't get so offended when others tease you.”

Fang looked a bit nervous. “I'll... try.” It also doesn't help that I am very fond of you.


Even though the light in the sky was fading and the overcast hid the blue atmosphere, the beauty of the rose garden was very awe-inspiring. Red, white, and pink rose bushes were mixed with each other, leaving a random pattern of color. The tile was very worn and gray; some weeds sprouted from the cracks.

The location of the garden was on a small balcony that overlooked the forest that surrounded the jagged mountain. Coco was expecting the place to be somewhere in the forest or high above the mountainside and that the garden would have some hedge maze with an assortment of various flowers. But in reality, the size of it was small and simple. Yet, it had its own gentle atmosphere, so the pony had no complaints.

Coco slowly walked through the small garden, smelling a pink flower every once in a while. “I do love the smell of pink roses,” the pony smiled as she inhaled through her snout.

“I must admit,” Fang inputted, “changelings really do love the natural world.”

The mare looked at her friend who stood a good distance away. “I guess that is another thing ponies and changelings can relate to as well.”

Fang tilted his head left and right. “I suppose.”

As he stood stationary, the changeling watched Coco Pommel lean forward and stiff a pink rose. Her smile warmed his chest more than any flame he had ever created. His heart began to pound as he began to wonder how she could look any more wonderful. Then... he had an idea.

In the corner of his eye, Fang saw a small pink rose at the bottom of the bush. It was a delicate little thing and would look lovely on his friend.

Using telepathy, the changeling removed the flower, leaving a little bit of the stem on it. “Coco, would you come here,” Fang asked.

“Hmm?” Coco turned to look at Fang who wore a flustered expression. “What is it?” She walked over to her friend wondering why he summoned her. When she got close, Coco noticed the small rose levitating in front of Fang.

“I umm... want to give you this for your mane,” Fang stuttered. “Y-you know, like a hair accessory.”

“Oh!” Coco looked away in embarrassment. “That's sweet of you.” The pony's cheeks flushed with the same color of the rose. Her eyes fell back to the flower. “Umm, maybe you could remove some of the thorns from the stem first.”

The changeling looked at the rose and picked off the pointy needles. Bringing it in front of his face, Fang asked, “May I... apply it?”

Coco brought a hoof up behind the back of her head. “I would like it here please,” she smiled, still blushing.

Very slowly, Fang drifted the flower over to the pony. The stem slowly went to the back of her skull. When Fang removed his magic from the rose, it stayed still.

“How does it look?” the mare asked as she gave her friend a sincere smile.

“It matches your blush,” Fang smiled nervously.

“Aww, stop it.” Coco turned her head, clenching her eyes tightly. “You flatter me. You know, I normally wear a barrette with a flower attached to it.” Coco touched the flower. “I guess this will do for now.” As she opened her eyes, something caught her attention. A statue that hid among the flowers. “What's that?” Very quickly, she went over to it.

Fang's face became disgruntled. And here I thought she was going to kiss me and feed me some love. Ignoring his hopeful thoughts, Fang followed his friend. When he caught up, he Coco watched from a distance.

Coco observed the statue. It was a small statue of a changeling. Its expression was fearless; it looked to the sky, unafraid. “What a nice little statue.” Looking at the statue, there were different flowers: tulips. The flowers were an arrangement of white, pink, and yellow. Interesting. “Fang, why are there tulips here?” Coco turned her head to see the changeling behind her.

He was quiet. And looked quite sad.

“What's wrong?” Coco asked.

“This...” Fang hesitated, “is Beauty Fly's grave...”

A shiver ran down Coco Pommel's spine. “O-oh,” Coco stuttered. Her ears folded as she took a step back from the stone figure. Coco blinked slowly and looked up at Beauty Fly's eyes. So fearless. So determined.

And yet, knowing that the remains of a long lost princess was beneath the soil of the tulips, it left a cold and depressing feeling in the air. Fang appeared in Coco's peripheral, though her eyes did not move. “Don't be sad,” the changeling spoke.

Tearing her eyes off of the statue, the pony looked up at Fang. “As long as you are there for me, I won't,” she smiled.

Fang smiled back. “And neither will I.”

A quick breeze blew some peddles off of a pink rose from the garden. They danced around the air before dashing between Coco Pommel and Inferno Fang. Both pony and changeling looked at one another, afraid of speaking another word. Besides, the moment between them was best to be left undisturbed.

A loud sound rumbled through the air, making a loud “hrrrrrr.” It shook Coco's body as it traveled into her. The sound didn't startle the pony; it did, however, intrigue her. “What was that,” Coco asked.

She looked to her friend and saw Fang looking very attentive as to where the noise came from. The sound came again, but much lighter and quieter than its last burst of noise. As Coco listened, the sound began to move up and down in a harmonious rhythm. After hearing it for half a minute, the pony asked, “What is that sound?”

“An organ,” Fang replied.

“Why is it so loud?”

Fang looked down at Coco. “Because the queen is dancing.”

“Oh, that sounds nice,” the mare smiled.

Fang let out a small sigh. “But it is not a happy dance.”

“How come?”

STOP!” a loud voice boomed. It ripped through the air and caused Coco's ears to ring. Fang grimaced in pain as he too heard the voice.

“W-what was-”

“Chrysalis,” Fang answered.

“Why did-”

Inferno Fang brought his hoof under Coco's mouth and caused her to go silent. He slowly pushed up and closed the mare's mouth. “No more questions for you. You have reached your limit.”

Coco grinned and pushed the stallion's hoof aside. “Oh shut up,” she huffed.

AGAIN!” Chrysalis boomed once more.

Her voice made the ringing intensify in Coco's ears. After the ringing subsided, she looked at Fang, ready to ask him a question. But remembering her friend's past action, she just stared at him.

“What?” Fang asked, confused at what Coco was doing.

“Oh nothing,” she replied. “Just not asking questions.”

“Good,” the changeling grinned widely, flashing his teeth.

A huff of hot air rushed out of Coco's nostrils as she walked away from Fang. She then went to look down the hallway of the mountain's interior. “I would like to see her dance,” Coco said. Coco looked back at her friend. “Maybe something is bothering her.”

“Perhaps. You can find out if you like.”

Coco nodded. “Sure.”

“But you have to ask me in the form of a question before I take you to the queen.” The pony looked at Fang with an irritated stare. Fang chuckled a bit before saying, “What? Can't I have a little fu-”

In a swift movement, Coco charged at the changeling. Fang was startled by Coco's sudden movement and didn't know what to do. And then, what she did next caught him off guard; Coco kissed him on the cheek. She clung her lips on Fang for a while before parting from him. When Coco got a good look at Fang's face, she could obviously tell he was shocked and flustered. His large tooth burned hot red and his cheeks flushed with pink.

“That shut you up,” Coco grinned widely. Fang could not get himself to move. He just stood still, surprised at Coco's sudden act. “Now, as your guest, I will not ask, but I demand that I see the Queen of Changelings.

“A-alright...” the changeling stuttered.

Coco began to walk down the hallway of the castle. “Oh, and by the way,” she spoke, turning back to Fang with her same smug smile, “I ask the questions. And your welcome for the love.”

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