• Published 21st Jun 2014
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Two-Sided Prequel II: Who You Work For - FerociousCreation

Note: This is the FIRST installment of the Two Sided series. After working in a coffee shop for two months after leaving Suri, Coco Pommel found a job that is to make a dress "fit for a queen." Little did she know was who she was going to work for.

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The Fateful Event: Snowfall Ash

Ch. 43

A nice applause came from the castle hall as onlookers noticed the host, along with Cadence and Shining Armor. Some whispered under their breath asking who Your Majesty was but didn’t question it any further. Your Majesty was a friend of Princess Celestia. That means she deserves the same respect.

Coco and Fang stood and clapped along with the other ponies with a smile at the arrival of the four. More specifically, for the changeling under that unicorn mask. Queen Chrysalis smiled and waved as the applause resumed. The changeling leaned over to Princess Cadence, who was now formally dressed, and whispered, “There is a lovely air tonight.”

“It is nice to be important I will admit.” Cadence looked at her husband. “In more ways than one.” The prince heard the compliment and pecked his wife on the cheek.

Looking around through the clapping ponies, Chrysalis was able to spot her other friend and guard. “May I go to my friend princess?” the changeling asked Celestia. “It was fun spending time with you, but I do believe that I must check in for the contest being held tonight.”

“Of course. But before you leave, I must announce something that you might want to hear. Come.” Walking forward, the four went up the staircase up to the center platform before the stairways when their separate ways. Looking to the rest of the guests, Princess Celestia announced, “Welcome everypony to the Grand Galloping Gala!” Another applause ripped through the air. “Tonight is a special night. Not only do we have a fashion contest featuring some of Equestria’s best tailors, tonight also marks the one year anniversary of Princess Cadence and Shining Armor’s marriage. And on top of that, on that same wedding day, with the two of their combined powers, were able to ward off the changeling invasion.”

An even louder cry of cheering echoed in the halls. Coco smiled but felt guilty for doing so in front of Fang. But even he didn’t look bothered by the princess’ statement. Fang just smiled along with everypony else.

Also!” Princess Celestia spoke boldly, “To make my evening even better, I have made a friend today.” Looking to Chrysalis, the alicorn smiled. “I want you all to become acquainted with Your Majesty. A wonderful mare who is intelligent as well as she is humorous.” As expected, the ponies clapped once more. Not as strong as the first few, but it was good enough for the changeling. She was getting the love she needed.

Coco’ and Chrysalis’ eyes met as they stood in their current position. It was hard to tell from their point of views but the two smiled at each other.

“Again I thank you all for attending this year’s gala,” Celestia said with conclusion in her voice. “Please enjoy yourself. And don’t forget: the fashion show begins at 10pm in the ballroom. It would be nice for you all to attend.”

Trying to find out what time it was, Coco asked the pegasus guard just that. “8pm Miss Pommel,” he answered.

Coco turned to face Fang. “We should go to the check in with Your Majesty for the contest.”

“Indeed,” the changeling nodded.Leaving the guard to his post, Coco Pommel and Inferno Fang made their way for the stairs; and the queen. “Keep up the work,” Fang called back to the pegasus.

Reaching the top of the stairs, Coco was easily recognized. “Ah Coco,” Princess Cadence spoke out of the four of them, “nice to see you again.”

“Hey,” was all Coco could muster up, still nervous to have four rulers before her. But she did feel less guilty about being before Cadence and Shining Armor. Perhaps Chrysalis became close friends with the two princesses and prince and they would not feel threatened once the queen shows her true colors. Hopefully.

“Are you feeling better Coco?” Shining Armor asked taking a step forward to the cream colored mare. Taking her hoof, he kissed it gently. Blush bled onto Coco’s cheeks and only nodded a “yes” to comply to the prince’s question. Fang had to bite his tongue and not show any sign of jealousy. His queen is still very against him with being close to Coco already.

“I’ll take that as a yes,” Shining Armor smiled.

“Oh you,” Cadence giggled, bumping her husband’s torso. “Always flattering the mares.”

“But you are the only one that I do more than just flatter you.”

“Shining!” An even harder jab struck the husband in the ribs. He grunted with pain but didn’t flinch perhaps trying to show that he could take a hit. “You don’t have to tell them that,” the wife hissed with flushed cheeks.

Everypony else laughed at what just happened before them. “Be careful Shining Armor,” Chrysalis spoke low. “A mare may have more power in her punch than you may think.”

“Alright, that is enough,” Celestia interjected, not wanting the stallion to get pestered by the two mares. “I do think you should make your way to the check in,” she spoke to Chrysalis.

“I think that would be the best thing to do.” Looking to Coco and Fang, she gestured her head to the left. That being their que, all three began to leave. “I will see you three sometime later tonight.”

“As will I,” Celestia answered.

“Farewell,” Cadence commented.

“Good luck with your contest,” Shining Armor replied back.


“So how did your day go with Princess Celestia?” Coco asked eagerly. “How close of friends did you two become? Any secrets shared? Do you like her now? Are you-”

“Stop with the bantering please,” Chrysalis huffed. “So far, everything is going well. That is all you will get out of me.” The changeling leaned in to Coco’s ear. “We can’t just talk about this so casually. Especially here.”

“I just want to know is all.”

“You will know when it happens. Now stop asking these questions and enjoy the night for now.”

Coco, Chrysalis, and Fang now walked in silence as they made their way to the check-in. But even the silence was bothering the queen and it quickly got the best of her. “But thank you for caring. Your heart is in the right place.”

“And I know you are talking to Princess Celestia because of me. So please, just tell me a summery if that is not too much to ask.”

I am curious as to what happened today as well, Fang thought to himself.

Letting out a defeated sigh, Chrysalis looked down at Coco. “You really know how to convince me to talk. Next time I am even interrogated, make sure you are there and I will easily talk.” The queen cracked a small smile as Coco giggled a bit.

“All I do is just bother you until you crack,” the pony joked.

“Do you want to know how the day with Celestia went or not Miss Questionmare?” Coco scrunched her brows at her pet name, but nodded a yes. Fang smirked at her silly expression.

“It was… very nice,” Chrysalis admitted despite the fact that she didn’t want to. “She, Cadence, and Shining Armor are in my same social class. We are leaders. We relate to many things. Of course I didn’t tell them I was a queen. I mustered up a nonsense story saying I was the boss of a very private clothing company. Regardless of what I ‘do,’ we still dealt with others and telling others what to do and whatnot.” A frown sank Chrysalis’ cheeks. “It still saddens me that I am still far different from them.”

“Now you stop while you are ahead!” Coco quickly intercepted the changeling’s pathway and had her creased brows stabbing Chrysalis’ eyes. “You are closer than you may think. Like I said…” The pony looked around to be sure nopony was around. There was not. “Ponies and changelings work to survive. Yes you do do things differently, but you do it not out of malaise.”


“Then be among me and the other ponies. Be one of us.” A sinister smile grew on Chrysalis’ face, happy that a pony wants her, no matter how different she was from her friend.

“Fine. I will be what I am not. But I will be among other ponies and loved by them.”

“That’s more like it.” Feeling a friendly embrace on its way, Chrysalis lifted an arm prepared for her friend. Sure enough, Coco moved into the disguised changeling. “I do hope my love can help you tonight.”

“I have gotten a good amount so far this evening so yours is miniscule. However, your support goes beyond what food I have obtained.”

As the Coco and Chrysalis were in a friendly embrace, Fang watched with a joy filled heart. The two mares he cared for looked so happy and that is something he adored. It also relieved Fang to see his queen in a good mood. That means she is less likely to get angry. But knowing her, Queen Chrysalis is known to transform her mood faster than actually shape shifting into some other pony. As for Coco, well, he already knew why she made him happy. Her way with words is something he marveled, even if her questionmare attitude was a little… annoying at times. But everypony and changeling has a flaw.

“You can’t be serious!” A loud voice boomed through the hall. Coco and Chrysalis jolted away from each other, wondering where the sound came from. Fang’s ears twitched and turned to where the exclaimer was.

“Down the hall around the left corner,” Fang spoke low, even though he didn’t need to. “That’s where it came from.” The uproaring pony was not as loud as their shout, but the voice still echoed throughout the halls.

“I do believe the check-in is to the right,” Chrysalis spoke as a matter of factly. “We might as well see who our silence splitter is.” Coco nodded. The three of them walked briskly as if they were running late to the check-in. Perhaps they wanted to know who yelled.

As they rounded the corner, the trio knew exactly who was yelling.

“I… I told you I was sorry…” a gray mare spoke shyly.

“Please, stop bantering my girlfriend,” the brown pony to the pegasus’ side argued.

“Your girlfriend lost her diamond crown!” Suri barked. “That was an essential to the outfit’s theme! The Dairy Queen and her assistant! That is the theme I was going with you two!”

Coco flinched at the sight of her ex-boss’ old mean attitude. It was never a good thing to see and the mare never thought she would see it again. Too bad that reality was not real.

Chrysalis cleared her throat to grab Suri’s attention. “Can’t you see that I am bus-” Suri was about to leer at the ponies who was eavesdropping on her, but her anger quickly evaporated. “C-Coco! Y-Your Majesty!”

“Old habits die hard Suri Polomare?” Chrysalis spoke coldly.

Ashamed of her action, she tried to repent. “Sorry… I was just…” Suri looked at Coco who had a look of the past. Suri remembers that face. A face of fear and disappointment. “...frustrated…”

Coco noticed the gray mare point her ears back in shame when Suri finished her stumbling sentence. Getting a good look at her dress, Coco fully understood the theme. The flank of the dress was a nice goldenrod color with silver circles that looked to be like bubbles. The hem of the dress mimicked soda fizz with a nice creamy color. A cute red bow was knotted at the breast of the pegasus’ dress. On her cranium looked to be a… small white cloud with a red and white striped bendy straw. Overall, it was a cute and cleaver dress. The pegasus’ blonde mane really complimented Suri’s creation.

As for the brown stallion, he had a royal red cape with spotted fur at the hem of it. A red and white shirt covered the front of the pony’s torso and flank. A nice golden crown rested on his head with white pearls at each tip of the headwear, and in hoof, an iron cane.

“Again… I’m sorry…” the gray pegasus spoke softly.

With Chrysalis in her presence, Suri felt slightly intimidated and couldn’t find her angry fire. “It’s fine. I forgive you Derpy.” But the stares from Chrysalis, Fang, and even Derpy’s boyfriend was putting her on edge. “Can we just head over to check-in?”

Everypony silently nodded.


“Your dress is very cute,” Coco smiled as she admired Derpy’s dress.

“It is thanks to Suri that I have this,” the pegasus replied. Her one good eye was locked on Coco while the other was attempting to look at Suri, who walked a bit ahead of the group. “Even if she does have a short temper,” Derpy grumbled lowly so her voice does not reach the earth pony.

“I will have to say,” Time Turner, Derpy’s boyfriend, butted in, “it really was nice of her to treat us with a pair of free outfits. Also…” The stallion looked at Coco with curiosity. “...how do you know of Suri?”

“She is an old boss of mine.”

“And who is your current employer?”

Coco gestured to Chrysalis. “She is. Best mare I ever worked with.”

“Then I can assume you left Suri for reasons, yes?” Coco watched Suri from behind. Time Turner’s words stabbed into her and she flinched.

“Suri can be a good mare once you get to know her.” Coco was not sure if what she said was a lie or not. But she did know her old boss was at least trying to change for the better. “After all, she did make you both your outfits for free.” The couple couldn’t argue that train of logic. But that still didn’t make them appreciate her negative attitude.

Smiling, Derpy looked to Chrysalis and Fang trying to lighten the mood. “You two look great by the way. I bet Coco knew exactly what you wanted.”

“Actually,” Coco smirked, “I made about… four other dresses before Your Majesty made up her mind.”

“Four!?” Derpy’s dizzy eyes looked in opposite directions in shock. “Wow, you must have had your work cut out for you.”

“Indeed,” Time Turner nodded. “Must have been stressful.”

All Coco could do was shrug. “But I did it anyways. I have had to do worse.” Coco noticed Suri cock her head slightly, probably listening to the literal back talk behind her. Perhaps Coco needs to not mention her at all. No ill will is held against her, so there is no need for anymore comments.

Chrysalis didn’t appreciate being placed under the horse drawn carriage so quickly as her friend spoke of her. But she was quick to muster up a response. “I’m not the one who got upset when I told you to make another one. Never once did I say your outfits were terrible.”

All Coco could do was roll her eyes. She knew she lost the argument before it even began.

“Coco does make a very good uniform,” Fang added as he looked at what he was wearing. “She is just good at many things overall.”

“Yes,” Chrysalis responded. “Never knew a pony like her.”

You never knew anypony like me until you befriended one, Coco thought with a smile.

After one more turn, the check-in was right ahead. “There it is,” Suri dared to speak. Looking back, the mare saw every eye on her and hated now being the center of attention. “Derpy. Time Turner. Please walk with me please.”

Neither of the two Suri called for wanted to be with her. But she did do them a favor. The least they could do was partake in this contest.

“Well, it was nice talking to you all,” Derpy smiled while managing to keep her eyes straight.

“Likewise. And good luck Coco Pommel.” Time Turner looked to his girlfriend with blush in his cheeks. “Let's make the night our best.”

With a giggle and a chuckle, the two caught up with Suri. At this point Coco, Fang, and Chrysalis stood still as they watched the three head to the check-in.

“You sure are giving her a lot of mercy,” Chrysalis spoke to Coco. The pony knew exactly who she was referring to.

“I’m just… generous with second chances. And You are no exception.” If Chrysalis had any form of a rebuttal, she now lost it. The changeling wondered why she allowed such back talk from a mear pony, but knew that answer already.

“Excuse me you two,” Fang spoke up. “We should sign in now.”

Coco and Chrysalis didn't notice that Suri or the couple leave. Taking no time at all, Coco walked ahead to the check-in with anticipation. This is it Coco. You are about to let the world know of your creations.

As soon as Coco got to the table, the bored mare asked, “Your name?”

“Coco Pommel.” Looking back, she noticed Chrysalis and Fang were right behind her. The pony almost shrieked; they made no noise when they walked. “And- these are the two who are entering the contest with my outfits.”

The light-violet mare looked at her clipboard and back at Coco. “And what will you be calling your lineup?”

“Oh… umm…” Looking back at Chrysalis and Fang, the mare looked up and down at their outfits. Chrysalis’ dress had a blue and white color scheme while Fang’s was red and black. But what to call the lineup? That was the big question.

I got it. “Snowfall Ash.”

The check-in mare scribbled something on her clipboard. “Thank you.” Her slow eyes looked at the three ponies before her. “Be sure to be behind the stage fifteen minutes prior. Good luck.” If her expression was anymore slate faced, an actual slate would have more attitude on it.

“Thank you,” Coco spoke with a smile, trying to keep her enthusiasm higher than the bored pony.

“Let’s go Coco.” The earth pony noticed Chrysalis was looking more irritated than bored. Perhaps because of the check-in mare’s half-hearted attitude.

At once, the trio left the check-in without another word.

“Quite the charmer,” Fang spoke with a roll of his eyes.

“Indeed…” Chrysalis agreed.

Fang turned his attention to Coco with a grin. “I love your name for our outfits. “Snowfall Ash. Powerful I have to say.”

Coco simply shrugged, “It's just an artist title.”

“I agree with Fang.” Chrysalis seemed to disagree with Coco’s statement. “It is powerful. And I like power.”

“I bet you do,” Coco spoke low to herself.

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