• Published 21st Jun 2014
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Two-Sided Prequel II: Who You Work For - FerociousCreation

Note: This is the FIRST installment of the Two Sided series. After working in a coffee shop for two months after leaving Suri, Coco Pommel found a job that is to make a dress "fit for a queen." Little did she know was who she was going to work for.

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The Fateful Event: Down the Runway

Ch. 48

“Hehe, and that’s why we call Platinum ‘Fruit Bat’ in my family!” Velvet let out another laugh before sipping at her sparkling cider.

“That is too funny,” Coco Pommel agreed with a nod. The two mares stood by the beverage table, filled with happiness and giggles. Since Stitch Snitch and Platinum left them, the mares did nothing but tell stories to each other in the meanwhile. The only things Coco did not speak of was how Her Majesty was actually a changeling, and that she is helping the queen’s hive. It still did not make the earth pony feel good about lying to her new friend, but it was necessary to protect Chrysalis and the others.

“It is really amazing that you make dresses,” Velvet smiled and then frowned, upset her drink was now finished. “Maybe you should make me one for me sometime. And before you ask, of course I will pay,” she winked.

“Oh no, it is fine. If you consider me as a friend, I wouldn’t mind doing a favor for free.” Without warning, the batpony let out a cheerful ‘eeeee!’ Her glass she was holding shattered, unable to contain her loud voice. As for Coco and others around Velvet, they looked at her with discomfort and irritation.

“Sorry…” Velvet giggled, her ears folding back with embarrassment. “I just tend to get loud when I am excited.”

“So I noticed,” Coco replied, her ears still ringing. But the earth pony didn’t hold her upset look for too long, and smiled shortly after. Wondering what time it is, Coco noticed a stallion unicorn filling a glass with cider. “Excuse me, do you know the time?”

Without looking at her, he pulled out a pocket watch and the lid flicked open. “It is 9:42.”

“Thank you.” But with no other words left to say, the unicorn walked away with his beverage. Coco grunted at the slightly rude stallion. She was noticing the slightly snooty attitude some of the ponies had at the gala, and it was getting to her and Velvet. At least they had each other for the moment.

“What time do you are you going to get prepared for the contest again?” Velvet asked, knowing why Coco asked for the time.

“Actually, now.” Coco frowned, knowing she would have to leave her new friend. The batpony reached out a hoof and smiled, slightly baring her tiny fangs.

“Don’t think of you going off to do you own thing as a goodbye. Besides, I will be fine on my own.” Velvet sipped her bubbly drink, licking her lips to get any excess liquid off of them. “I will be right here, waiting for you to get back.”

“Okay.” Both mares hugged before Coco left her friend. The mare walked toward the black stage, only to be meet up with Chrysalis. “Have you been enjoying yourself?” she asked smiling.

Looking back to the ponies in the ballroom, she spoke low, “Yes. And so have the others.” Turning back to her friend, she too smiled. “I have a good feeling about tonight.”

Letting out a giggle, Coco said, “I do too. Perhaps a lot of good things will happen.”

I do hope so my friend… Chrysalis doesn’t know how Celestia will take the fact that her new friend is a changeling. Taking the small steps onto the stage, the two made their way backstage. A good amount of ponies flooded the small space that was given to them as they surrounded a poor mare, trying to keep everything organized.

“Everypony please!” the organizer begged out loud. “Once you sign in, please stand aside!” Knowing she was the one with the clipboard, Coco made her way through the body of ponies to her.

“I am here to sign in!” she told the organizer.

Practically throwing the board at Coco, the frantic unicorn said, “Write down the names in their proper boxes.” Looking at the paper she needed to tend to, Coco saw at the top of the list specific titles in their own respecive rectangles. From left to right, the boxes contained these phrases: Designer Name, Model Names, and Outfit Title. To the left side of the sheet were numbers. From 1 to 12, words were already claimed from early contestants. Using the 13th row, Coco Pommel wrote down her name, then Fang and Chrysalis’, and finally, Snowfall Ash. After hoofing the clipboard back to the organizer, the earth pony made her way back to the changeling queen.

“We are good to go,” Coco smiled. “Now all we need is Fang.” Looking around the group of ponies, she wondered if he was among them.

“He needs to hurry…” Chrysalis muttered. “Otherwise, I may have to find him myself.” Looking down at her friend, the changeling looked at Coco with a hard stare. “And the last thing you want me to do is find something on my own…”

Letting out a sigh, Coco only rolled her eyes, not intimidated whatsoever. “I know…” Chrysalis looked the other way, bothered that her friend is not as intimidated as she was before. But as she turned another direction, Fang came from behind the curtain. “Hey Fang,” Coco smiled. “Glad to see you here.”

“Forgive me for being late,” he spoke, disregarding the mare’s greeting. “Breaking a conversation with a pony who talks about his mare was quite difficult.”

“At least I didn’t have to seek you out…” Chrysalis looked at him with the same look she gave Coco. And this time, the queen got what she wanted: a loyal subject in fear of her anger.

“Okay everypony!” The organizer snatched everypony’s attention and voice, awaiting for her next words. “I want all tailors to leave the backstage please! The fashion show is about to start, and I would like to have less bodies in the way! Thank you!”

Coco frowned a little, hoping to be able to cheer on Fang and Chrysalis right before they went down the runway. But she had to heed the organizer’s request. “I guess I will see you both later… again.”

“Worry not, my friend.” Chrysalis gave a soft smile to the earth pony. “We will be fine, will we not Fang?”

“Of course Your Majesty,” he nodded. Fang too smiled at Coco and took a few steps toward her, touching her shoulder. “Now the world will get to see your hard work.” The pony’s cheeks flushed and her body shivered a bit, believing his words, but also afraid not everypony will like her creations.

“Thanks Fang,” Coco spoke low, her gaze shying away elsewhere. “A-anyways, good luck.” Without saying any more words, Coco got off stage and made her way back to the beverage station. As she walked, the mare wondered where Suri was, or even Time Turner or Derpy Hooves. Perhaps they were running a little late. Coco hoped that was not the case.

When Coco came into view of the punches and ciders, she noticed Velvet was occupied by two other bodies. Sitch was giggling a bit as she stood beside Platinum, talking to the two batponies. Now in earshot, Coco Pommel interjected into the conversation, “Well, glad to see you found somepony to talk to Stitch.” A wide smile grew on the pony’s face as Velvet, Platinum, and Stitch looked at her.

“That was sure fast.” Velvet was the first to speak. “What happened back there? I saw you walk in and out in a matter of minutes.”

Still clinging onto Coco’s words, Stitch’s ears fell back a bit, looking down at Platinum’s legs with a nervous grin. “Well, he is an interesting one.” Looking back at the earth pony, Stitch asked, “Did you know Platinum and Velvet live on the moon?”

Coco didn’t know who to answer first. Deciding with Velvet’s, she looked to her and said, “To answer your question, they don’t want fashion designers getting in the way. There were too many bodies back there anyways.” Now facing Stitch, Coco replied, “As for your question, no, I did not know that.” Glancing at Platinum, she now asked her question. “What is it like to live on the moon?”

“You get a magnificent view of the world we live on,” he smiled. Looking to Stitch, Platinum’s eyes shined a bit. “If you had wings, I would show you right now.”

“It would be nice if you could do that, but I am fine with being a part of Equestria, not away from it.” The moon shined through the window, full and bright. Stitch looked at it, wondering what it was like just to stand on the surface of the large rock. “It sure is lovely.”

Not realizing he was staring at Stitch, Platinum said, “She is.” In her peripheral, Stitch caught his gaze as he stared at her. In an instant, he snapped his neck toward the large white sphere in the sky. “A-as in the moon.” But the changeling knew what he was implying, and her throat felt slightly hurt. Before she knew it, a few tears rolled down her cheeks. Platinum reached a hoof at her, trying to apologize, but she shook her head. He was still adapting to Stitch’s strange attitude, forgetting that the mare was a bit more sensitive than others.

Coco and Velvet looked at each other, winking in unison. They took enjoyment out of watching Stitch and Platinum take a liking into each other. Coco will be happy to return to the hive, and tell Knight Cap her friend found a stallion she enjoys being with.

“Attention everypony!” A voice boomed throughout the ballroom. A bright spotlight shined down on the stage with a unicorn smiling into the crowd of ponies. With all attention onto her, the pony’s voice rung out once more. “I want to thank you all for attending this wonderful event.” Walking over toward the stage along with the others, Coco looked up at the lovely dressed mare. “Today marks a very special day. As you may know, Princess Cadence and Shining Armor’s anniversary is today.” A round of applause rose in the crowd. Coco smiled at the couple’s celebration, as did Stitch. “And today, also marks the day that the two used their love to ward off the changeling attack.” An even louder cheer grew in the cluster of ponies. Even Platinum and Velvet showed their enthusiasm their support by applauding loudly. Velvet let out a loud “eeeeee!” and made Coco squint, hoping her eardrums do not shatter.

“Because of their amazing triumph exactly one year ago, the two of them are going to be the judges for tonight’s fashion show.” The light left the mare on stage and now shined onto the prince and princess who sat at a table beside the stage. They waved at the crowd as ponies continued their joyful cheer. As Coco looked at them, Cadence caught her eye and gestured her husband to wave to her. Several eyes looked to the mare, tracking the leaders’ gaze. Coco had to look away to get the attention off of herself.

“So without further ado,” the stage pony announced, “let’s begin the fashion show!”


“Up next, we have Cotton Ball’s design named, ‘Ace and Spades.’ His models, Swift Light and Lily Bud.” Two ponies came from behind the stage curtain, and then walked down the runway. The stallion, Swift, wore a black and white outfit. At the breast of his shirt, a spade symbol almost stood off of his clothing. A twist of black stretched all about his white shirt, resembling thick vines. His red fur and orange-yellow mane made the uniform stand out, creating a nice compliment.

The stallion’s partner, Lily Bud drudged next to him wearing a red and cream-white dress. Small red hearts spotted all over the flank, the skirt resembling a lovely wedding cake. Like the stallion, she too had an emblem on her breast as well, but it was a heart. The unicorn’s white body respected well with her cute dress, and the mane was also similar to Stitch Snitch’s wavy red mane.

The crowd cheered in respect as the two made their way down the runway. Several ponies clicked their cameras, taking pictures of the models. Coco looked up to the pair, judging with her own eyes in the most respectful way she could, as she did for the rest of the contestants. The naming of the line was slightly interesting, as she knew what Cotton Ball was aiming for; the black and red colors of playing cards. However, if the name was called “Ace of Hearts,” it would have popped out to the mare much more.

A hoof nudged her side, causing the mare to flinch, her concentration broken. “Don’t be so nervous,” Velvet spoke, standing close to her friend. If Coco could see her face, she would notice that her expression was wide eyed and worried. But she couldn’t help it. This was her first contest she was doing independently.

“Do you wonder if my outfits will do well?” Coco asked the batpony beside her.

However, Stich overheard the earth pony and commented, “Have I not told you that your designs were amazing?” The changeling’s brows slightly furrowed. “You need to understand who loves your dresses. And if she likes your work, then that should be enough.” And Coco knew exactly who Stitch was talking about. The mare did respect Chrysalis’ opinion dearly, but she was only one of many eyes. Changelings may have different tastes than ponies do.

But to keep her friend from leering at her, Coco nodded, “Yeah, you are right.” She placed a fake smile on to get Stich from being upset with her.

“Who is ‘she?’” Platinum asked Stitch.

“Our employer. She is the best, most amazing pony you will ever gaze your eyes upon!” Stitch’s eyes began to water as she imagined her queen walking down the runway, dressed in Coco’s lovely attire.

With Swift Light and Lily Bud now finished with their walk, the announcer’s voice spoke into the microphone, “Up next is Coco Pommel’s designs.” This is it! The world will now see your creation! Ever since the mare knew she was partaking in a contest, Coco knew that the moment would come sooner or later. Her heart pounded hard against her ribs and her knees quivered. But before her anxiety consumed her, Stitch and Velvet stood by Coco’s sides. They gave confident stares at her, almost trying to force the earth pony to be happy.

With their support, Coco took in a deep breath and looked forward, filled with determination. “Her line name is dubbed ‘Snowfall Ash.’ And her model’s names are Inferno Fang and Your Majesty.” And in the spotlight, the named changelings began their way down the runway, marching proud and strong. Fang held his leader’s hoof as his chest was puffed out. Chrysalis looked straight into the crowd with a lovely smile across her face. Coco had to admit it, her creations looked lovely in the light. Catching her eye, Fang flashed a smile at her as he reached the end of the runway.

Several camera flashes went off as Fang and Chrysalis stood in front of everypony, turning their heads this way and that, hoping good photos were taken. A huge amount of love flooded the crowd, almost overwhelming the queen. She has forgotten what it was like to be loved by so many when she had disguised as Princess Cadence. Turning a plastic smile at the princess, the changeling observed Cadence. No hard feelings from last year, dear. It was your beloved princess I was after.

After several moments of sucking in the crowd’s love, both Fang and Chrysalis walked back down where they came from. She stared down at her guard with a smile. This is perfect, she blinked. I am nearly full, and yet, I can still absorb more!

I am glad my queen. Or shall I say, Your Majesty. Fang nodded his head in respect to his leader.

At this point, you can call me Queen Chrysalis or Your Majesty. Both mean the same thing. Making their way backstage, Coco could no longer see them

“Now all we have to do is wait for the results,” Coco muttered, still feeling nervous.

“Again, I know you did well.” Stitch smiled at her friend, with tears rolling down her face. “You made her look so lovely up there. And I thank you for that.” Coco wanted to speak aloud about Chrysalis, but kept her tongue still.

“Next up, Suri Polomare!” No longer nervous, the earth pony now wanted to see her boss’s work in the spotlight. “Her brand name, ‘The Dairy Queen and Her Assistant.’ The models, Derpy Hooves and Time Turner.”

Time Turner and Derpy walked side-by-side, taken aback by the amount of ponies before them. The cross-eyed mare’s knees shivered, but her legs carried the pegasus forward. Just before the two got to the front of the stage, Derpy stumbled over her forelegs and fell over, chin first. Coco, along with the crowd gasped at the sudden fall. Blush bled over the pegasus’ cheeks, almost ready to cry.

But Time Turner was by her side, and helped her to her hooves. Placing his forehead onto hers, he muttered to her, “It’s okay, I am here. Don’t be upset.” Unable to stop herself, Derpy’s eyelids overflowed with salty liquid and tears streamed down her face. The crowd let out an “awww” at the stallion’s sweet gesture to her. Several cameras clicked and flashed, trying to capture the sweet moment.

Before long, the two left hoof in hoof. The crowd cheered for them a second time as the couple left. A hard sniff came from Stitch Snitch as she cried. “That was so sweet!”

“It was,” Platinum agreed with a nod. She looked to her new friend, rubbing her cheek into her dress.

“Sorry I-”

“It’s fine. You are just sensitive is all.” Platinum patted the mare’s shoulder gently. With a flushed face, Stitch touched his hoof and rubbed it. The batpony flinched, not expecting the motion. But then he kept it there, almost wanting around Stitch’s neck and pull her close to him.

“Hey Coco,” Velvet whispered. The pony’s ears twitched as she watched Stitch and Platinum standing close to each other. “Do you think they like each other?”

Turning to Velvet, Coco muttered back, “What do you think?” The two mares giggled a bit before looking back toward the stage.

“Our next contestant is-”


Coco stood in front of Derpy, seeing a small bruise on the pegasus’ chin. “You took quite a fall.” Looking to Time Turner, she smiled, “And that was quite a save on stage.”

The brown stallion only shrugged. “It was the right thing to do. If there is one thing I dislike more is to see my special somepony cry.” Derpy bumped into Time Turner, pressing her cheek against his.

“He is the bestest stallion ever!” she giggled, hugging him tightly in the process.

“It sure seems like it,” Coco agreed before looking to Fang who stood beside her. She then took back her previous statement, thinking there is other bestest stallion.

“Where is Suri?” Chrysalis asked, looking around the room. “I would assume she would want to be here when you walked down the runway.”

A frown sank Derpy’s cheeks. “She was here… But when we got back from walking onstage, she got mad at me for stumbling…” Fang and Chrysalis looked at each other with angry looks in their eyes. “At least she didn’t yell…” Derpy continued. “She just left all frustrated…”

“The trip was not your fault,” Time Turner spoke, pulling his lover close to him. “You looked beautiful out there and that is what mattered.” With the inability to be sad anymore, Derpy giggled and kissed her special somepony on the cheek.

“If you were a changeling,” the cheerful mare said, “I would feed you all of my love!”

“Well, let’s just hope there are none here tonight,” Time Turner muttered. Coco had to keep a straight face, not to give him any amount of suspicion.

“You two walked down the runway really good,” Derpy complimented with a nod to Fang and Chrysalis. “It’s like you two know how to be good models!”

“I know how to be in front of others,” Chrysalis replied. “That’s all. And Fang here can agree as well.”

“You are correct Your Majesty.” Fang looked at Coco with a sneer. “As for my friend here, she doesn’t know how to keep her composure when it comes to crowds.”

Coco snorted, bothered that Fang would choose now to tease her. “I have done contests before. It’s just… been a while.”

“Well I think yours will do well.” A voice not apart of the group made everypony stare at Suri. The mare expected the harsh stares from Fang and Your Majesty, so she didn’t bat an eye at them. She made her way over to Derpy and said, “Sorry for getting angry at you. It’s just… the heat of the competition gets to me…”

“I noticed…” Fang bit. Coco jabbed an elbow into his ribs, keeping him from making another input. He grunted a little, but unharmed by the weak blow.

With a small smile, Derpy nodded, “It’s okay. I forgive you.” Time Turner felt the side of his lip twitch upward, happy to see a change in Suri’s attitude.

“Glad to see you alive and well,” Coco spoke, wanting to get the tension off of Suri. “I didn’t see you backstage when I was checking in.”

“I was just sprucing up Derpy and Time Turner, making sure everything looked perfect before going back there.” Letting out a sigh, Suri looked to the two who wore her designs. “And despite our little hiccup, I think you two did very well.”

“Your attention, everypony!” Princess Cadence’s voice boomed as she spoke into the microphone. She stood on stage with her husband and paper in hoof. “The results of the contest have been concluded!”

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