• Published 21st Jun 2014
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Two-Sided Prequel II: Who You Work For - FerociousCreation

Note: This is the FIRST installment of the Two Sided series. After working in a coffee shop for two months after leaving Suri, Coco Pommel found a job that is to make a dress "fit for a queen." Little did she know was who she was going to work for.

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Chapters Next
A Change in Commission

Who you Work for

“You'll never make it out there! You'll never work in this city again! You're history! You hear me!?” Those were the words that trailed after Coco Pommel as she strutted out of the runway plaza with a strong sense of purpose, and the slightest hint of swagger, in her step.

Coco Pommel, a resident of Manehattan, was an unassuming and soft-spoken dressmaker and aspiring fashion designer who aimed to make a name for herself in the big city. She had a cream-white complexion, a sky blue-striped mane, a tyrolean cutie mark, and a signature lilac sailor collar, she may just as well have been the meaning behind the term "cute as a button". For a good long while, Coco had been under the employment of local fashion designer, Suri Polomare, hoping that the experience with Suri might help herself advance in the field of fashion design. Unfortunately, Suri was not the most charitable of employers and often treated Coco poorly. Even when Coco gave it her all, Suri would find a way to put down and criticize her employee, always drilling down on one point: "It's everypony for herself." The timid mare had been under Suri's hoof for so long that she came to believe this sentiment as truth.

However, over the course of events of the most recent Fashion Week, Coco had an epiphany of sorts. Through the interactions with, and with the help of, distinguished fashionista Rarity and her friends, Coco came to realize that a little generosity can go a long way and that it doesn't have to be everypony for herself. So, Coco took it upon herself to rectify the situation, right the wrongs of events past, and live her life with this newfound sense of generosity. Her first course of action: to present a rather impromptu and abrupt notice of resignation to Suri in the form of a steaming hot cup of macchiato.

Soon after parting ways with Suri, Coco approached Rarity and her friends, explaining the circumstances of the most recent Fashion Week and informing them of lies that Suri had made to secure her victory. Coco apologized for her involvement in the affairs, presenting Rarity with a small spool of rainbow-colored thread as a way to thank her for her generosity. Rarity gladly accepted the apology and offered Coco a chance to work with a friend of hers in Manehattan, as a way to help the young mare get her hoof in the door in the scene of fashion design. Coco humbly accepted and thanked Rarity once again for all she had done, and saw her friends off at the train station as they returned to Ponyville before heading to help Rarity's friend with his line of dresses. For several weeks, Coco played the assistant to the mare, who fully proved to be a much more gracious and courteous employer than Suri could ever hope to be, as she helped in the creation of a set of costumes for his next big show. In that time, Coco learned much more than she had ever hoped, both in dressmaking and in fashion design. Several weeks under the instruction of one of Manehattan's most famous clothing designers allowed plenty of time for Coco to make a name for herself... and plenty of time for that name to be completely trashed.

Coco had proven to be an incredible student and a skilled dressmaker and designer in her own respect, and she sought out a job as a dressmaker or assistant fashion designer immediately following her time with Rarity. However, Coco soon came to realize that securing another employment opportunity in the field of fashion was impossible for her. Every store in town turned her down for one of two reasons: they were not looking for designers at the time; or they refused to hire the poor mare for her bad reputation, a reputation of which she learned after she began seeking a job in the line of fashion. She couldn't doubt the fact that word of her most recent "conversation" with Suri had already spread, and that her old employer had warned just about everypony in the city involving and her "rash" behavior. A hot cup of coffee in an ex-boss's face may have come off as incredibly rude and impulsive to nearly everypony regaled with the tale, but to Coco and those who knew her side of the story (a list of ponies about as long as a bodkin), Suri fully deserved it. After all, it was Suri who had copied and stolen Rarity's concept and designs, stitch for stitch, from the fabric she "borrowed". It was Suri who had Coco work on the "new" line-up for Manehattan's Fashion Week, even though Suri was the one participating in the contest. It was Suri who lied to Rarity in the hopes that Poniville's finest fashionista would forfeit the contest, leaving her to be the victor by default. To Coco, it was Suri who had been rude and inconsiderate, not her. For that reason, she believed that Suri fully deserved a cup of hot coffee to the face.

What little Pride Coco had in herself for standing up to Suri did not last, and she soon came to feel a great deal of remorse for her course of action as word of her actions quickly spread throughout the fashion design community. With her new reputation making it difficult for her to find a job in the respective field, Coco had little choice but to find work elsewhere. To help pay rent and make a living, the mare took up a position at the local coffee shop. It wasn't exactly her dream job, but it worked out well enough. Coco's time working for her two most recent employers turned her into a competent dressmaker and a fine barista, capable of hemming a ball gown as easily as adding the right amount of froth to a vanilla cappuccino. However, her ability to make a mean espresso reminded Coco all too well of her time working for Suri and the abuse with which she dealt for so long, as if the past liked to taunt the unfortunate mare and maliciously harp on the mistakes she made, and Coco .

It was another day at the coffee shop as Coco made another transaction at the cash register. “That will be twelve bits, please,” she said with a subtle smile. The customer quickly placed a dozen coins on the counter as Coco scooped them up and placed them in the drawer. “Here is your receipt. Your espresso will be number 37.”

11 A.M., Wednesday morning. Traffic in the shop was slow, as expected. Business during this time of day was usually scarce. Most of the pony folk were at work. Coco was an opener at the store and had about an hour left of her shift before she had to clock out.

A voice came from behind Coco. “Do you want me to make the espresso for you?” She turned her head to see her boss standing behind her. A badge by the name of Steam Joe was pinned on the manager's shirt.

“You sure you can handle it?”

“Missy, I've been working here since I opened this joint! I basically know this place like the back of my hoof. Probably better, at this point. I got it.”

“Alright.” After an exchange of smiles, the boss began making the caffeinated beverage as Coco began sweeping the floors of the kitchen. An uneasy silence slowly began to settle in between employer and employee.

“So... any luck finding any work in your fashion field yet?” Joe asked.

Coco stopped sweeping, her head hung low. “No, not yet...”

Joe could see the physical and mental exhaustion in his co-worker as she resumed her sweeping session, staring blankly at the ground. “It's been about 2 months since you've been workin' here and you still haven't found anything?”

“No...” she said in a hushed tone. It's not like Coco hadn't found anything; at this point, she had given up more than anything else. No matter how many times she walked in and out of fashion departments, wrote applications, and tirelessly called various businesses with inquiries about job openings, she was always dismissed or ignored. “I mean, I'm fairly sure I know why I'm having such terrible luck, but it's just so hard to believe that every department in the city neither wants nor needs me.” She stopped looking for another job in the field of fashion almost 2 weeks ago. The effort just didn't seem to pay off, and she felt that she would be better off in a stable occupation with which to make a living rather than wasting precious time in what seemed to be a frivolous pursuit of a career in a field she held so dear.

“You've gotta move on from this place and out into the real world. You know how much you love fashion. Your co-workers and I certainly do. We've all heard you talk up a storm about dresses and models and fashion design and all that creative jazz. We know you want this for yourself, and so do you. You just gotta believe in yourself.”

“That's true. But who is going to take me? I mean, I already have a bad name out there even though I stood up for what was right. I just-”

Placing a hoof on her shoulder, Joe said kindly, “Hun, we talk about this almost every time you work. Just remember this: work will find you in due time. You just gotta take the initiative to find it.”

“Yeah, you're right.” A light smile came across Coco's light cream colored face. Looking up, she said, “Maybe today I might find some work.”

Joe gave small grin of his own in approval. “That's the spirit! But before you go following that light in your heart, how about you keep up with your current job and take this next customer's order?”

The glass door swung open as a pony veiled in a black, hooded cloak entered the shop. It was difficult to make out most of the pony's visage, save a large, keen fang that was bared on the left side of its mouth.

Coco turned around to get a proper view of the hooded figure but quickly did a double take as she got a full glimpse of the brooding figure. “C... can you take this customer's order boss?” Coco looked a bit nervous because of the shady figure that had just entered the coffee store.

“Nonsense! You can handle this!” Patting the mare's back, Joe exclaimed, “Hello, inconspicuous customer! My lovely employee Coco Pommel here shall take your order!”

“Thanks for putting me in the spotlight...” she said weakly.

“Well, you do have experience in running fashion shows and the sort. You should be used to it.” Leaving his co-worker to deal with the customer, Joe walked through the kitchen doors and out of sight.

Coco had been too distracted by her boss to realize that the cloaked figure had made their way to the counter. She turned back around, startled by the sudden appearance of the figure. She took a moment to compose herself just enough to firmly grip the cash register and use it as a makeshift barrier between her and the stranger. “How may I, umm... t... take your order?”

The pony in the cloak did not respond but simply reached one hoof toward its hood. Coco began to panic. Oh no!, she thought frantically. He... she... it's about to take off its hood! It's probably some hideous face of a wrinkled earth pony! Just as she closed her eyes and began to imagine the vilest complexion possible, the dark figure tossed their hood back and revealed a face.

Lowering its head, the individual said in a low tone, “Just a cup of dark walnut coffee and a heart-shaped brownie...”

Coco slowly opened her eyes and, much to her relief was not greeted with the horrifying images that her mind had fabricated. When Coco got a good look at the pony, she realized the figure was a unicorn stallion and a very tired-looking one at that. His face was a dark crimson and his hair had a glass-like quality to it. There were various splotches of red in the stallion's hair, like bloodied shards in a broken glass mural. It seemed that he was hoof-crafted, made to look perfect. The only odd feature was the fang hanging on the corner of his lip.

Well, now I feel like a jerk.... Keeping her thoughts to herself, Coco finally responded to the customer's request. “I'm sorry, but we don't have heart-shaped brownies.”

“Can't you just cut them into the shape?”

The earth pony looked at the selection of sweets that sat on the counter. In the midst of them were the brownies in a perfect square. “I suppose I could.”

“And can you make sure you make the coffee with love?”

Coco giggled in amusement at the crimson unicorn's request. “Umm... excuse me?”

“Just... can you please?” the stallion asked, avoiding eye contact.

“Hehe, sure, no problem.” Coco quickly punched in the order. “Seven bits, please.”

The unicorn scooped his hoof into his satchel and casually procured a hefty sum of coins far greater than the required seven. “Will this cover it?”

Must be a foreigner... “Yeah, and then some...” Coco gathered only seven of the bits that littered the countertop and pushed the remainder of the coins back to the stallion.

“The extra is to make sure you put love in it.”

“Y... you sure?” The mare was amused on how the customer was acting. Is he hitting on me?

“Please, make sure it is made with extra love.”

“Okay then.” After taking the rest of the coins, Coco cut a brownie into a heart shape and began making the cup of coffee. While she was doing so, the cloaked customer was still standing at the register, stiff as a board, seemingly lifeless. Shying away, the mare continued her task.

Coming out of the kitchen was her boss who looked at the customer and asked, “Have you been helped, sir?”

Remaining in his stagnant position, the unicorn uttered a simple "Mhm."

“Alright then, sir...” Hurrying over to Coco, the manager asked, “Did you anger him?”

“No, not at all," she assured. "He's actually quite funny.”

“How so?”

“He wanted me to make the coffee with extra love.” Coco giggled once again. Just the thought of a customer wanting to have a cup of coffee with love was rather bizarre, but the pony seemed so serious about it that it was hard for Coco to contain herself.

As the light-cream mare walked over to the counter to call the order, Joe furrowed his brow. “Were you talking about your crazy fashionista life with another customer?”

Coco panicked, “N... no! Not this time."

“Alright, good. Remember: there's a time and place for everything.”

Within a few awkwardly silent minutes, the mare finished the unicorn's order. Coco brought the order to the counter and called out to her sole customer. “Your order is ready, sir!”

Coming back to life, the unicorn slowly stepped up to the counter and used his magic to collect the coffee and brownie. “Thanks... Do you have any paper towels?”

“Sure! Let me getcha some,” Joe said from behind the counter as he ran off into the kitchen.

Coco sighed, annoyed by her boss's conjecture. “Geez... always assuming I'm always talking about fashion.”

“Did you say fashion?” Without realizing it, the mare began thinking aloud, inadvertently drawing the customer's attention to the conversation she was having with herself.

Coco turned to face the unicorn. “Yes, I did.”

“How much do you know?” the unicorn queried, clearly interested in the topic at hoof.

Coco shrugged, “Well... lots, really. What do you want to know?”

Before the unicorn could continue the conversation, an abrupt “Aha!” came from Joe as he walked in on the conversation with rather poor timing. The mare was startled by the sudden exclamation and dashed around the counter where the customer was standing. “Well, so much for not bothering customers with your fashionista jibber-jabber,” he said accusingly. "Didn't we just talk about time and place?"

“N... no, he asked me!” she squeaked.

“It's true,” the calm unicorn affirmed. “I am quite curious as to what she knows about dressmaking and fashion, and what kind of experience she has in relation to these subjects.”

Joe stood there, brows raised, staring intently at the customer. "Alright... Well, she's had issues with this sort of thing before..." He turned his focus to both of them - "...so just keep the chit-chat to a minimum, will ya? There's bound to be other customers coming by soon." Joe singled out Coco with a small nod. "YOU'RE still on the clock, missy. Don't go neglectin' the other customers just for this fella's sake." Coco gave a small nod of acknowledgment as she walked back behind the counter. Joe returned the nod as he headed to the kitchen. "I'll leave you to it."

As the kitchen door swung shut, the mare once again fixed her attention on the customer. “Sorry about that. My boss can be a bit brash at times, but he really does mean well. Anyways, why did you want to know what I know about fashion? It's rather refreshing to be able to talk with a customer about this since nopony ever really asks me about it while I'm behind the counter."

The unicorn replied, “I am here in Manehattan to look for a fashion designer ready to be assigned a large task.”

Intrigued, Coco asked, “And what may that be?”

“I'm looking for somepony capable of making a dress fit for a queen," the unicorn said nonchalantly.

“That sounds lovely!” Coco exclaimed.

The unicorn nodded in approval. “How about we sit down and discuss my proposal?”

The mare frowned. “I would, but, as my boss pointed out, I have work to do.”

“Ah, yes, you are correct. What time will your shift be over?”

“Uh... I get off in about an hour.”

“Then I shall wait here until you are free.”

“Oh, no, you don't have to do that,” Coco said with a nervous smile. "Why don't we discuss it another time or- "

Before Coco could finish her sentence, the stallion procured a sack of bits and gave it a good shake. Coins sang from within, like some joyous Hearth Warming Eve carol. “I will pay you well if you are willing to accept the commission.”

The mare's eyes widened in sheer astonishment. “I'LL TAKE THE COMMISSION!” The ambient noise of conversation, cups and coffee machines within the cafe was abruptly drowned out by Coco's extreme outburst. She blushed and lowered her head in embarrassment. "Ehehe... yes, I'll take the commission."

With the faintest sign of a smile, the unicorn said, “Then I shall be waiting.” And with that, he turned and walked off into the store and rounded a corner.

“Looks like you have yourself some work for your clothes-making skills.” Joe was standing just outside the kitchen door seeming quite pleased with the events that had just unfolded. "I happened to walk in as your friend dropped that sack of money on the counter. Seems he's pretty serious about this whole job he's got planned out for ya. Ponies don't just go whippin' out giant bags o' bits for nothin'." His smile faded a bit. "But ya can't go causin' such a racket about it, alright? Time and place. Seriously."

Coco blushed with embarrassment again. “Hehe... guess I did get carried away a bit. But please oh please oh pleeeaase let me go talk to him now! It's been so long since I've had a chance to work in the line of fashion! Just let me go just this once please!” There was no hiding her enthusiasm. It was written all over her face with a giant quirky grin. Coco was practically bursting with emotions at this point; ecstasy, exhilaration, and anxiousness, all at the same time. In all her life, not once did she envision a scenario of this magnitude. It was almost like this entire turn of events had been ripped straight from a fairy tale or a fantastical fan fiction.

Joe paused for a moment, contemplating whether or not he was feeling particularly softhearted at the time. “Ah, go on, I gotcha covered. Take the rest of the day off. I can see how important this really is to ya. Just let me know if you need a few days off ASAP. I haven't made next week's schedule yet.”

Coco's eyes shimmered with delight as memories of the time that Rarity presented her with a job opportunity came flooding back. “Thank you so much, Joe!”

The old pony smirked. “You're welcome. Now go do your thing before I get all crusty-hearted again.”

In an instant, she briskly shadowed the same path that the unicorn took just moments earlier, finding him sitting alone in a corner on the vacant side of the building with his back turned to the rest of the cafe and its denizens. A wisp of energy with a sinister green glow drifted through the air and made its way to the unicorn's horn.

Trying not to startle him, Coco gently said, “Umm, I'm here, so...”

Unfortunately, her plan didn't go accordingly. The colt flinched in surprise as he turned to see who was behind him. “Oh. Hello again. I did not expect you at this time. Was I incorrect in my understanding of you finishing in an hour?”

“No, my boss let me go early for the day. Sorry about that.”

“No need to be sorry. Come, sit down, so we can discuss business matters.”

Shaking with anticipation, the mare joined the unicorn at the table, sitting across from him. “So what do you want me to do in terms of tailoring, mister...”

“Inferno Fang, but you may address me as Fang if you wish.”

“Alright.” She glanced at Fang's coffee and brownie. The coffee no longer looked like a delectable liquid, but more like thick molasses. The heart-shaped treat was now shriveled, cracked, and darkened. It looked as though it was sucked dry of its appeal and love. I wonder what he did to... never mind. I might as well not ask...

The unicorn broke her train of thought. “I must say I'm certainly glad I finally found somepony to do this job.”

Coco looked puzzled. “What do you mean?”

“No matter where I ventured in this city, no tailor or designer wanted to take my task at hoof. I tried to show them the amount I would pay, but they simply said something along the lines of 'We are busy. Come back another time.' You would think that somewhere in this city you might find a generous soul who would take the job.”

“Well, I can be that generous pony.” I can't let this job slip by. Even if I have to come back and work at this coffee shop for the rest of my life, I just can't give up on my passion.

“Are you sure you can do this?”

“Yes, most definitely!”


“Absolutely. I will put my skills to the test!”

“Very well, then. I shall take you at your word. However, if you disappoint my Queen-”

“Wait... did you say 'queen?'”


The air between the two grew tense. Wow... a queen... A lot went through Coco's mind at that moment. Up to this point, the biggest project in which the mare had ever been involved was the pony musical, for which she assisted Rarity in making the costumes. Aside from that, she has made the lovely clothing designs for the fashion show for Suri and several other commissions for dances and balls. But this task blows everything out of the water! A queen... Coco thought again. “Where is this queen?”

Taking his time, Fang replied, “The kingdom is in the... Pointy Rock Glaciers?” The unicorn could not help but feel ridiculous about his last statement. I have the honor of acting as the Queen's personal guard, yet I still manage to make a fool of myself...

“Are those the mountains that go beyond the Everfree Forrest?”

But then again, the Queen always tells us, 'The gullible are the easiest to trick.' “Yes... they are.”

“I never thought there was a kingdom out there.”

“We live there in secret, secluded from the rest of the world.”

“How will we be getting there?”

“We take a train to Canterlot, where I will escort you to the kingdom.”



“It certainly does, but...” Now the request was beginning to sound like an even more unrealistic fan fiction. This random customer walks into the coffee shop, offers Coco a job, and says it's for a queen for a kingdom of which she's never heard. The more Coco thought about it, the more ridiculous it all sounded, and the more Coco felt unsure about this task.

Fang could see the doubt in her eyes. “You do not have to take the job if it sounds too unrealistic.”

But the reality packed in the unicorn's statement snapped the mare out of her daze. “No! I can't back down! Not now. I will take the job!” Coco, without a doubt, had her mind made up. She was going to take the job. She was going to work for this queen. And above all, she was going to continue her dream.

Fang smirked subtly. “Excellent. Meet me at the train station at 6 PM this evening.”

“Wait, we're leaving tonight?”


Coco frowned. “That doesn't leave me with much time to prepare.”

“I'm sorry, but I have an agenda to uphold. The Queen is...”


“Let's just say that she needs all the love in the world. If she is unable to come by enough love...” Fang shuddered at the thought of his queen being angered.

“Alright. Well, if I'm to pack all my stuff in time, I'd best be going." As she got up from her seat, a thought crossed Coco's mind. "Ah, but I'll need to let my boss know what's going on. How long do you think I will be gone?"

Fang paused, the question taking a lot longer to answer than Coco predicted. "You may be having an extended leave that will be much longer than a day off."

Coco bit her lower lip, worried her current job would be in jeopardy if she had suddenly flaked out with a flurry of no-shows. She had already a bad reputation for "attacking" her former boss. Wouldn't want to tack on another negative mark. "I'll need to speak to my boss about that. But I will be ready to leave tonight."

"Excellent," Fang smiled, his long tooth reflecting a small twinkle. "I'll see you at the train station at six.”

“As will I.”

With that, Coco and Fang exchanged courteous nods, and the cream-white mare headed towards her boss to inform him of the events at hoof, greeting him with a sigh full of both relief and nervous energy. "Well, Joe... looks like I'll finally be using those vacation days."

Joe laughed, grinning from ear to ear. "About time, too! Aw, man, this is great news! I know I give you a hard time about the whole fashion thing, especially with talking to the customers about it, but you've earned this opportunity! I'm so glad you've finally got your hoof in the door again. Congrats, kiddo! Anyways, know how long you're gonna be off?"

Coco looked down a bit. "Not really. I want to say it won't take too long since it sounds like it's just the one dress, but it's not exactly around these parts, so I'm not exactly sure."

Joe patted her shoulder. "Ah, don't worry about it. I'll work something out with your co-workers to get ya covered. You go do your thing. Make me proud!"

Coco smiled. "Thanks, Joe. I'll be sure to give it my all. See you around." And with that, Coco took her leave and left for her apartment.


Being the designer she was, Coco decided to be fashionably early to the train station. She awkwardly lugged two bags and a trunk strapped to her back like a makeshift camel's hump. It was 5:30 PM, the sun was casting a brilliant spectrum of reds and oranges as it set for the day, and Inferno Fang was nowhere to be seen. Maybe I was too early...

But the mare's thoughts were cut short as she caught eye and fang of the unicorn. Once again, Fang had his dark cowl concealing his head, as if to purposefully appear suspicious. Coco flimsily approached and said, “I'm here!”

The unicorn turned to greet her. "Excellent. I'm glad you arrived early." Fang noticed that the poor earth pony's legs were shaking from trying to carry such a heavy load. “Would you like some help with carrying your belongings?”

“Don't worry, I'll be fine-”

However, Fang was not about to take no for an answer. Without question, he used his magic to loosen the ropes that were securing the luggage to Coco and set the heavy boxes gently down onto the ground. “Better?”

“Yeah...” With no strength left, Coco flopped onto her belly in exhaustion.

“Well, well, look who it is.” A rogue voice came from behind the tired mare.

That voice... It couldn't be...!

Coco staggered to her feet, very much aware, and afraid, of the mare to whom the voice belonged. Confirming her fears, and much to her misfortune, Coco turned to see her old boss, Suri Polomare.

No! Oh no, no, no! Not her! Why here? Why now?! Coco retreated behind Fang as Suri slowly approached.

The mare's actions perplexed the unicorn. “Do you know her?” Fang asked.

Coco nodded frantically. “Yes! She's-”

“I'm her ex-boss.” Suri was very blunt as she interrupted the cowering mare. For some reason, she was smiling as she looked at Coco. “Are you finally running away from the city? Finally realizing no one wants you here and that I was right all along?”

In that moment, a flame - a sense of justice and confidence - ignited within Coco's heart. No longer was she Suri's doormat. No longer was she a pushover. She was a dressmaker - a fashionista in her own right - through and through, on her way to her first commission - for a queen, no less. But before she had time to act upon it, Coco's new-found courage was quickly extinguished by her own fear as torments of the past flooded her mind.

Fang spoke up, coming to the mare's defense. “She is assisting me in a commission.”

“Oh, it's you again.” Turning to the hooded unicorn, Suri mocked, “Have you finally found some city trash to help you with your dress fit for a queen? Let me tell you right now: the only thing she's good at is making coffee, and even then, sh-”

Fang cut her short, “I came to this city looking for someone worthy of this job. I have spent many hours digging through 'trash', and I have been rewarded for my tireless search." He turned towards Coco, who was no longer cowering behind her partner - "I found a gem. The most precious one in the city, perhaps in all of Equestria." - and turned back to Suri. "I know trash when I see it. You are the last mare who needs to educate me on the subject.” Fang stood quiescent, staring at the pink mare with a blank and emotionless visage.

A gem? Wow... I hardly know this unicorn or where he's from and he's still standing up for me.

Suri was floored, rooted in place, mouth agape, with no comeback to be had. She couldn't think of any way to retaliate; there really wasn't any way to retaliate from Fang's beautifully executed scorning. Soon enough, she collected herself, realizing how foolish she looked standing with her teeth in her mouth. “I see.” She then turned to Coco. “Well, I'm not surprised you're running off with this hooded freak.”

“W... what do you mean?” Coco stuttered.

“It's certainly not the first time you've run off like this. That day you threw the coffee in my face? You can't tell me you weren't running from your problems then. Oh, but not before throwing that little tantrum, of course. Well, thanks to your little hissy fit, I decided to give all of the stores around town a 'friendly' word of advice about you, warning them about your out-of-control behavior." Coco looked down in shame as she was forced to recall her actions from that fateful day and relive the guilt associated with them. "And, judging by all these bags packed and ready for you to move out..." Suri gave a swift kick to the auburn leather case closest to her left hind leg, causing a cacophony of tiny bottles and pins to erupt from within. "...I think it's safe to say they've all but run you out of the dressmaking world.” Coco was on the verge of tears as her ex-boss continued to affront her relentlessly. “I warned you before that it's everypony for themselves in the city. You turned against me, and I made your life a living nightmare. Simple as that. And now here you are, running away like the day you threw that coffee in my face. Coward."

Coco wanted to completely fade from existence. Suri made sure every word from her mouth was sharp and filled with venom, but she had a point. I knew it... If I hadn't thrown that cup of coffee on her, there would be no bad name against me... Stupid me! She tried to conceal her body from Suri's view, but it was to no avail. All she could do was hide her eyes as they began to flood with tears.

“Are you finished?” Fang asked Suri in a harsh tone. “You are offending Coco and wasting my time.”

“Oh, no! I am FAR from being finished,” the bitter mare replied. By her front hoof was an open cup of coffee. Suri looked down at it with a sinister expression. “Coco...” The frightened mare looked up at her old boss, both out of habit and fear. “I think you forgot something when you left.”

“What...?" From what she remembered, Coco retrieved all her belongings before leaving Suri, so she was taken aback a bit by this new information. "What could I have possibly left in your possession?”

Without missing a beat, Suri ran at Coco with the styrofoam cup in hoof. In an outburst of rage, she screamed, “YOUR STUPID CUP OF COFFEE!”, and with all of her might, the mauve mare threw the hot coffee at her defenseless ex-employee.

Shutting her eyes in fear, Coco thought to herself, I guess I deserve this... “Ah!” Coco tensed up as she felt Fang suddenly leave her side... but, much to her surprise, she never felt the sting of piping hot coffee. When she opened her eyes to find out exactly what happened, she saw Fang staggering a bit as the creamy brown liquid dripped from his face and onto the cup at his feet. Coco looked past Fang to see a rather ill-composed and irritated Suri.

Regaining his footing, Fang glared at the attacker with a satisfied grin. “You missed your target.”

“Grrr...” Suri gritted her teeth, livid that the hooded figure took the blow for Coco.

“Are you alright, Fang?” Coco asked in alarm.

Turning his head, the stallion replied, “It's just liquid. Nothing spectacular here.” As he spoke, the hot coffee bubbled and boiled on his face as it quickly evaporated into the air.

Coco and Suri were both astonished by this spectacle. Coco began to question her friend about this amazing feat. “How did you-”

But Fang anticipated his friend's inquiry. “I can quickly heat my body to rather high temperatures. Again, nothing spectacular here.” A flash of light sucked him from existence, leaving Coco and Suri alone to ponder his all of a sudden absence. Fang conjured up his magic to teleport, instantly appearing in front of Suri, an inch from her face. Suri nearly toppled from the sudden materialization of the brooding face and its glowing green eyes, now fixated on her, almost staring into her soul. In a tone low enough to where only Suri could hear him, the unicorn growled, “I highly recommend that you take your leave. Now. Before I truly lose my temper.”

Suri quickly recovered from Fang's last maneuver, her cocky attitude as diehard as ever. In a mocking tone, she jeered, “And why's that? Hm? Oh, please, show me your worst. I'm no stranger to showbiz. It'll take more than a fancy magic trick to get the best of-"

A split second later, the once-haughty Suri became dead silent as her arrogance and pride were drowned out by terror and dread. She was now looking upon a completely different face, and the unicorn she saw moments ago was gone, replaced by a sinister and dark figure. Once again, Fang spoke in a low tone, but this time with a completely different voice; one akin to a great dragon; one that made the ground beneath him shake. “You should fear that which you cannot comprehend.” Suri blinked a few times, bewildered and frightened by what she just saw, hoping that it was all just a trick played by her eyes. Fang could clearly see her dismay as she stood frozen in place. Satisfied to know that his message finally got across to the stubborn mare, he slowly transformed from the horrible figure back into the familiar unicorn. Suri was still rooted where she stood. No matter how hard she tried, she simply couldn't wrap her head around what just happened. Snapping the mare to attention, Fang barked, “BEGONE!”

Like a dog with its tail between its legs, Suri scampered off as quickly as possible. I MUST TELL SOMEPONY ABOUT THIS!

"That takes care of that." Breathing a sigh of relief, Fang turned back to his partner after he returned to his unicorn form. Coco was watching her fleeing ex-boss with the most baffled of looks. "I must apologize for that rather ugly display. I could not think of any other way to convince your ex-boss to leave you be. I'm certainly glad it worked, and a bit too well if I do say so myself."

"No kidding," an awestruck Coco replied, observing Suri as she disappeared into the crowd of people on the streets.

A faint whistle. Coco turned her attention to the tracks along the station. Fang examined the station clock. Another whistle, but closer than before. "5:57 P.M. I do believe our ride is here, Coco. Let us gather your possessions."

The vivid and colorful locomotive screeched to a halt at the station, hissing and steaming as its doors rolled open. The conductor leaned out and hollered, "AAAAALLL ABOOOOOARD," gaining the full attention of the crowd gathered at the platform.

"Well, then..." Fang gestured to the behemoth on the tracks. "Shall we?" Coco smiled and nodded. The two boarded the train, settled down in the rear passenger car, and waited for the train to set off and bring them to their next destination.


Time seemed to pass at its own as the sun slowly set on the horizon and made way for nightfall. A small drizzle found its way to the train, making for a rather unpleasant atmosphere just outside the passenger cars. What little of the world that could be made from inside sped by as Coco and Fang sat quietly on opposite sides from each other.

“Are you still okay?” Fang piped up, hoping to break the dead silence and tension that hung in the air.

“Yeah...” Coco stared pensively at the dark and foggy train window, lazily focused on her downcast reflection as it stared back at her. She was still deep in thought about the encounter with Suri, still hurt by what her ex-boss had said about her and how she was running away from her problems.

“Is there... anything I can do?”

The mare drew away from her trance. “Well, you can answer a question.”


“What did you do to Suri that caused her to run off like that?”

The unicorn's eyes darted around the room as he thought of a way to phrase his answer. “I did a sort of... burning glare.”

"Oh... Well, I guess that makes enough sense." Coco smiled faintly. "I mean, your name IS Inferno Fang.”

“Indeed. I am quite proficient with... pyromancy? No, that sounds too sinister. Let's just say I'm skilled with doing fiery things, eheh...”

"Hehe, okay. Oh, but you didn't hurt Suri, did you? I mean, she's very bitter and all, but I wouldn't wish physical harm on her... except maybe a cup of coffee to the face..."

Fang shook his head. "No. I simply used my power to intimidate her and get the point across to her. I believe that she will not make the same mistake of denigrating you should you two ever cross paths again."

“Okay, good. Thank you." Coco paused for a moment. "I have another question and it's a silly one.”

“Say what you wish.”

“Will I be treated like a royal guest?”

“Y... yes? I am not one hundred percent sure, but I cannot doubt that you will be given some sort of honor.”

A royal guest... Wow. Hearing about all those times Rarity was treated like a royal guest, and now, here I am, a soon-to-be royal guest myself! Oh, this is so exciting! Subconsciously putting the events of the day in the back of her mind, Coco found a smile work its way onto her face as she turned her head from the window and looked at Fang. “Umm... thank you for finding me and giving me this job.”

“You're welcome...” Fang's voice trailed off as he looked away from Coco.

The mare tilted her head in concern. “Is something wrong?”

“Are you SURE you want this job?” The unicorn's vague question confused the mare as he responded with a question.

“What? Of course I do! I'm finally getting back into fashion design and dressmaking, and all for a queen, no less!”

Fang took a deep breath. “Well, there is something I need to show you - something I should have shown you earlier, but not without risk - and it may cause you to change your mind.”

“I doubt it. I mean, you came into my work to present me with a commission AND you stood up for me when my old boss was being a jerk to me. To be honest, this day couldn't have been any better. It would take a LOT for me to refuse your offer now.” Maybe when we get to Canterlot, I'll be escorted in a personal carriage by Fang. As Coco's mind began to ponder what may be in store for her, she turned her attention back to Fang, who sat motionless with his head hung low. She could see a great deal of remorse in him as if he had just insulted her dressmaking skills. "I'm sorry, I should have taken you a bit more seriously. What did you want to tell me?"

“I cannot tell you, I have to show you...”

“Then show me.” Coco leaned a bit forward, anticipating what the unicorn has to show.

“Alright. However, you have to promise not to scream.”

“What are you talking about?”

Pulling his hood over his head, Fang looked around and saw that the rest of the passengers on the train were either asleep or facing the other way. He then tugged on the sides of his hood so that only Coco could see his face. “Promise not to scream,” he asked again.

“Okay...” Will he be showing me a scar or some fire magi-

Her thoughts, much like her breath, were cut short as she witnessed Fang's face suddenly take on a new form: the face of a changeling. Coco's eyes widened in shock at the sight of this transformation, but she restrained her urge to scream, keeping to her promise.

Quickly reverting back to a unicorn, the changeling took his hood off. “Now do you see why I asked you if you still wanted the job?”

Coco frantically looked around to see if anypony else witnessed this event. A changeling?! HERE?! OF ALL PLACES?! WHAT ARE THE ODDS?! She could hardly speak, but she managed to utter a very muted “mhm.” Pressing her back against the seat, Coco shivered where she sat, shying away from the shapeshifter. “S-so... you... you're a-a ch-changeling?" Fang nodded. The mare looked down, trying to connect the dots in her head. "Wait..." She looked up sharply as it all came together in her mind. "You said I'll be making something fit for a queen, correct?" Fang nodded again. Coco's eyes widened. "So does... does that mean I'll be making something for the changeling queen?” she whispered harshly.

“Queen Chrysalis,” Fang corrected. “And yes, that will be your assignment.” Coco sat frozen in surprise as she began to have second thoughts about the job. She did want to make a dress for a queen, but she never suspected that she would be tasked with making one for the Queen of Changelings. “You are free to turn down my offer if you so wish.” Fang was sincere in his proposal, but he could not help but feel nervous about the thought of Coco rejecting the job, leaving him to return home empty-hoofed or begin his search for a viable dressmaker anew.

Coco couldn't help but notice the changeling's uneasiness as he offered her the chance to decline. Breaking free of her paralyzing trepidation, the mare asked, “Well... what happens if I say no? Will something bad happen to us?”

“For you? Nothing. You simply return home and carry on with your life as if none of this ever happened. As for me..." Fang fell silent for a moment as he pondered exactly what would become of him if he returned to his kingdom without Coco. "Well, a good scolding by the Queen, a cut to the rations I receive each meal, and then have me return to my search for somepony worthy of making a dress fit for our Queen. In short, nothing for you, but nothing good for me."

Coco nodded in response, thinking to herself for a brief period. Wow. I can't turn down this job now. Not with the thought of causing so much trouble for Fang if I do. But this changeling... no, I can't be like this. He hardly knew me, and he still stood up for me of his own volition. Maybe there's more to the changelings than I know, or anypony else knows for that matter. The mare looked up, a fierce determination burning within her. I know what I must do. “I appreciate your offer to back down, but I cannot. I WILL not. I wholeheartedly accept the job!”

Fang raised his eyebrows, blown away by this conviction. “I'm certainly glad to hear that. However, I cannot help but question this sudden boost in confidence that I see in you."

Continuing her thought, Coco said, “How could I not go through with so much conviction? You gave me a job AND you stood up for me. You had only met me this afternoon, and you showed me so much kindness! I thought changelings stole love and ate the hearts of ponies, but I've been proven wrong. Now I need to know how wrong I've been; how wrong ponies have been about your kind.”

Fang chuckled to himself. “We create love and feed on it. Stealing love is a rather crude way of putting it. The part about eating hearts is only a myth. I know it's something shown in movies, but that does not always make it true. I am glad to see you are ready to go through with this.”

"Hey, you gave me a chance with this job, so it only seems right that I return the favor.”

“That is very generous of you. Thank you.”

Generosity... the Element of Harmony associated with Rarity. Coco smiled to herself. The thought of Rarity, and her display of generosity in the face of selfishness, once again ran through Coco's mind. After all, she gave me that chance, and now I'm paying it forward. Maybe this won't be so bad... I hope.


A couple of hours passed in relative silence before the train reached its destination. Coco and Fang disembarked the train in silence as they made their way to the pick-up area, where they were greeted by a small carriage. The cart looked a bit rustic, the exterior looking relatively worn and tarnished, and jagged neon green stripes lined the side cart, giving the impression that this contraption had often been used before, perhaps by something - or somepony - with an eerie air about it.

“You will be riding in this,” Fang spoke as he gestured toward the cart.

“Alright...” Though she was fully intent on going through with this commission, Coco could not shake the apprehensive feeling within her. To make matters worse, the chilly evening air began to sap the heat from her as she walked around without any sort of layering. The mare quivered, from both the cold and from her nervosity, as she slowly trod over to the carriage door.

“Are you cold?” the unicorn asked as he observed Coco's adverse reactions to the night air.

“A-a l-l-little,” Coco said through chattering teeth.

Fang removed his cloak and handed it to the mare, shivering for a brief moment. “Here. This should keep you warm.”

Coco smiled as she wrapped the coat around herself. “Thank you. But what about you?”

The changeling in disguise flashed a smile, “I am more than certain that my fire-affiliated abilities will keep me warm.”

A comfortable warmth quickly spread to her body and made a subtle “mmm” sound in approval. The mare lifted a hoof under the cloak and asked, "So why do you wear one in the first place?"

"Let's just call it a fashion choice."

A train station bag boy approached the two. “Alrighty, folks, your baggage is all strapped to the top of your carriage and ready to go."

Fang turned to the colt. “Thank you.” He turned back to the carriage, opened the door and gestured Coco to enter. “You shall be riding inside the carriage alone. I must remain outside to drive us to our destination.”

“No w-worries.” Coco struggled a bit as she climbed into the carriage. After all, it was close to midnight, and she was both exhausted and nervous from the day's events. As the mare closed the door, she found herself once again enveloped by an uneasy silence. The glass windows and olden hybrid wood/metal body of the carriage proved to be suitable protection from the outside world. The velvet red cushions were quite comfortable, almost calling out to Coco to rest her head on them. Across from the mare was a mirror in which she could see her troubled and weary reflection.

A muffled sound came from outside. Wondering what it was, Coco opened the carriage door and poked her head outside. “Are you ready?” It was Fang as he shifted around in the harness at the front of the carriage. He seemed a bit restless, rearing to leave the train station and return to his kingdom as soon as possible.

“Ready as I'll ever be,” Coco responded. She pulled the door closed, and soon, the cart began to move. Street lights scattered along the dirt path's side, giving Coco a small range of vision outside her window. I wonder how long it'll take us to get to the Queen of Changelings Many other thoughts ran through the mare's minds along the way, such as where she would be assigned to stay, how she would be treated, what the place would look like, and whether or not the Queen would approve of her work. But it was about fifteen minutes before the carriage came to a complete stop. Quickly opening the door, Coco asked, “Are we there yet?”

“No, it will be a bit longer before we arrive,” Fang called out from the front of the carriage.

“Then why did we stop?” Coco was about to get out of the carriage when Fang's shadow caught her eye. As the earth pony looked out the carriage door, a pair of large and daunting wings protruded from his back, and the shadow he cast mimicked this transformation. The wings were more akin to bat wings, thin and veined and jagged, than pegasus wings, feathered and soft and fluffy. The mare was a bit startled before she remembered that her escort was a changeling, capable of hiding and altering appearance at will.

Fang turned his head toward the carriage. “My reason for stopping is not important. Just close the door and hold on tight. And do NOT open the door under ANY circumstances. It is imperative that you keep the door closed until I open it for you.”

“Okay...” What is he talking about? And why did he grow wings all of a sudden? Setting her thoughts aside, Coco did as she was told and sat back down in her seat. A quick yank pulled the cart, gaining its momentum again. It started moving slowly but hastily picked up speed. Coco stared out the carriage window as the world began to whiz by. The carriage began to rattle violently as if it were threatening to fall apart at any moment. The mare had the urge to open the door and ask her friend to slow down a bit, but she kept to the instructions she was given and bunkered down, not knowing what to expect.

Just as the cart felt like it was going to collapse altogether, its harsh vibrations suddenly stopped. In fact, to Coco, it almost felt as if there was nothing beneath the cart. No sounds could be heard outside the cart, either. No clickity-clack of wheels against loose bolts, no grinding of gravel on a dirt path, nothing - save the rushing of wind. The cream-white mare could not help but be curious as to what was going on. She took a peek through the window on her right and caught a glimpse of the world shrinking below her. Wait... SHRINKING?! Coco's eyes widened in panic as she immediately huddled back into her seat. AM I IN THE SKY?! She cautiously moved back to the window to make sure she wasn't seeing things. A dark blue cloud illuminated by moonlight drifted by to confirm that she was, indeed, in the sky. She quickly pressed herself against the back of her seat again, her body tensed in fear as she waited for the ride to end. The warmth of Fang's cloak greeted Coco and relieved some of her tension as she curled up in it. Mustering her wits, Coco scooted back over to the window to see the pale moon shine down on her. She was surprised to see the celestial body so close to her, yet out of reach as always. With the warmth of the cloak, the clarity of the moon, the serenity of the ride, and the comfort of the carriage interior, Coco finally sat down and relaxed. She wanted to get a better look at the world from her lofty height, but her exhaustion proved too much, and she soon found herself drifting to sleep. As she closed her eyes, Coco sighed in content and whispered to herself: “Maybe this isn't going to be so bad after all...”


Caw! Caw!

A harsh rupture sharply woke Coco from her soft slumber. The cart violently shook back and forth before finally settling down. After a few moments, the carriage door opened and a voice trailed in. “So you actually found somepony.” The voice was a bit harsh, somewhat similar to Fang's. “She looks a bit... disoriented.” Coco's world was literally upside-down as she lay with her back against the wall and hooves in the air. “I think you killed her...”

“Wha- I'm not dead!” Quickly turning over, Coco stood up and looked at the figure standing at the door. The surrounding area had enough illumination to give Coco to get a good view of the unfamiliar changeling standing outside the door.

“Forgive me for my terrible landing.” Fang's voice came from somewhere in the vicinity. He pushed aside the one standing at the door and beckoned Coco to exit the chariot. Wide awake from the sudden landing, the mare left the chariot and set foot on a slabbed stone floor. From where she stood, she could see what lit up the area so well. Lamp posts dotted the trail before her, each about a meter apart. The balls of glass emitted a light turquoise glow from its top. The necks of the lamps very much resembled tree roots as they stretched upward, gnarled and twisted, toward the beacons they housed. Coco was stunned by how hypnotic the lights were. They seemed so calming and relaxing as if intended to ease the mare's tensions.

The lights led down to a rather grandiose and haunting castle that towered high in the sky with an unsettling and eerie green glow. It was quite comparable to the hoofwork building in Manehattan... if it had a larger base and were constantly shrouded in darkness and mystery, that is. Many elements of the castle shared a similar theme with the lampposts that provided the illumination needed to properly observe it. The various images and scenes portrayed in the stained glass scattered across the face of the building were of various objects and equines, and all of them were drastically gnarled, twisted, and tormented. The castle spires trailed off into the night sky like a crooked barb, much like a root would if it grew up from the ground. The very castle itself was riddled with various ivy and moss, almost as if it was alive and conscious being capable of decorating itself so as to strike fear and dread, as a warning, into the hearts of those who stepped too far into its dangerous territory. Coco felt a similar dread, unsure of what to expect when she stepped inside, but the knowledge that she was here for a reason put her nerves at ease... if only for a brief moment.

Just as Coco was getting accustomed to this new environment, a loud buzzing sound surrounded Fang, the other changeling, and herself. The thought of an angry swarm of bees immediately flooded her mind and set her on edge, but a double-take on the situation cut her fear short as she remembered that bees would not have been active this late in the evening. The stone ground trembled as several rogue figures descended from the dark and surrounded the three of them.

“We have informed the Queen of your arrival,” spoke a voice. “Have you found a fashion designer as requested?”

Fang responded to the inquiry. “Yes, I have.”

One of the new figures, a changeling with a large slash-mark scar over his right eye, came forth and approached Coco. “We appreciate your cooperation to work for the Queen.”

“I- it's my p-pleasure,” Coco stuttered nervously.

“My name is Sea More. I will be escorting you to the Queen.” Sea More looked to Fang. “You have had a long day. I will be escorting her now. You may return to Queen Chrysalis.”

Fang sighed heavily, both in relief and out of exhaustion. “Thank you, friend.” Instead of heading off to where his next location, he came before the pony. "Forgive me, Coco, but...” Coco looked at her previous escort with a concerned look. “May I have my cloak back?”

The mare's eyes widened in realization and panic as she quickly motioned to remove the cloak. “Oh! Yes of course! Sorry...”

Fang reassured Coco as she handed the cloak back, “No need to be. No harm was done.”

Sea More beckoned to the mare. “If all your affairs are in order, please follow me.” He then turned to the figures that joined him earlier. “Guards!” Without skipping a beat, the surrounding changelings moved into a square formation behind Coco and himself. Looking back to the mare, Sea asked, “What is your name?”

“Coco Pommel.”

“Well then, Miss Pommel, shall we?” The changeling gestured her towards the castle. With all the events of the past few hours, Coco took her first few steps slowly, but soon revived her conviction and started down the grand hall with the most unlikely of companions at her side.


Sea More's directions inside the castle seemed a bit odd to Coco, as if there was no rhyme or reason to them. A turn here, a turn there, down a flight, up a flight, down a flight and a u-turn to another turn... so many twists and turns! It was impossible for Coco to keep track of where they were, and it didn't help that she had no idea where they began in the first place. All Coco could do to keep her mind occupied was turn her focus to the many statues and pictures that rested within each hallway through which they passed. Some of the statues were of various changelings striking rather menacing poses, some of the "statues" were actually suits of armor, and a small handful were of a larger changeling adorned with a crown-looking object. Hmm... Must be statues of their queen. Coco did not witness the events of the changeling invasion during the wedding for Princess Cadence and Shining Armor, brother to the recently-crowned Princess Twilight Sparkle, but word traveled far enough to reach her, and, based on news reports that took the city by storm AND the information given directly by the changelings she had already met, Coco made an educated guess as to just who this figure might be. She would have asked Sea More directly, but she ultimately decided against it, keeping the silence and suspense that hung in the air grow with every turn. Most of the art along the halls were of little interest. The frames were rather extravagant and looked extremely valuable, but the images themselves were, for the most part, lackluster in quality: faded, torn, blackened, and even melted, as if the life and vibrancy had been sucked from them.

Sea More's tour through the maze of halls eventually came to an end, leading to a grand hallway. A large, tattered crimson carpet paved the entire hallway in aged elegance. Changelings stood on both sides of the hallway, mirroring each other, looking straight ahead with unparalleled concentration and a spear in hoof. If not for the glowing eyes, they could have been easily mistaken for gargoyles. Each guard was also equipped with black plate armor with a green gem resting in the middle of each breastplate. A dim light emanated from each torch that lined the hallway, casting a haunting shadow from each changeling in the hall. At the end hall, two gargantuan jagged doors loomed steadfast and unmoving, obviously guarding something very important.

“Guards, dismissed!” As Sea More spoke, the changelings that were following him and Coco turned on the spot and departed from the hall. One of the guards standing in the hallway also began to take his leave until Sea More barked at him. “Not you! You stay put.” The stand-out changeling quickly squabbled back into position. “Come,” Sea More said to Coco.

She responded by timidly nodding and following his lead. As Coco neared the large double doors, she felt her nerves begin to unwind. She had gone over this situation in her mind several times, but as the hour drew near, the reality of the situation hit her full force, and she began to quiver uncontrollably. Never before this recent turn of events did Coco ever believe for a moment that she would make a dress for royalty, let alone meet any, especially not the Changeling Queen. About halfway to the door, Coco finally broke free of her unnerving fear long enough to ask, “So... what do you do around here, Sea More?”

Holding his head high, the changeling replied, “I am the combat instructor for the Queen's army. I am the best dualist our kind has seen in generations, so it is only fitting that I'd be assigned such an important role. I would be more than willing to give you a short demonstration once your business with the Queen is finished if such an offer appeals to you.”

Coco began to feel the pressure of meeting the Changeling Queen take effect again, so it was difficult for her to get out much more than a simple "that's nice" in response.

Sea More looked a bit aggravated that his impressive skills, or claims thereto, were dismissed so quickly, but he did not let the mare's words dampen his spirits for long. “Indeed. It is thanks to the Queen that I have been blessed with such an incredible honor.”

Coco continued to pay little mind to Sea More's hot air and turned her attention to the guards in the hallway, all of whom were either rolling their eyes or pointing at Sea More's back, mocking his boasting.

It didn't take long for the two to reach the large, spiky seal that secured the two massive doors together. Taking flight, Sea More flew up to the large left door handle and began pulling on it. But for some reason, neither the handle nor the door would budge. Pulling harder, the changeling yanked on the handle again, but to no avail. The doors stood resolute. “Confounded doors!”

Coco looked to the ground in meditative silence when a small sign caught her eye. “To open the door, push.” Heeding the instructions written on the parchment, Coco put her hoof on the right door and gave it a good push. Surprisingly, it took very little effort to get the door open. Almost willingly, the door slowly rumbled open into a much larger, and nearly pitch-black, chamber.

"At last!" Sea More shouted in triumph, beads of sweat rolling down his face. He quickly looked down to descend when he noticed Coco standing near the door with her hoof extended. His jaw dropped. “How did you open this door?!” Sea More queried in exhaustion as he slowly made his way back to the floor.

Coco simply pointed to the sign resting on the wall. “The sign says push.”

“Oh...” Sea More blushed in embarrasment.

A small snicker emanated from behind them. Sea More's ears perked up. “Better watch out, Sea More.” The changeling whipped around to see who was so boldly taunting him, but could not properly discern the culprit amid the two rows of nearly identical figures. “This earth pony just might take your title as the Best Dualist.” Low pitched laughs echoed through the hallway as Sea More's face reddened with abashment and outrage.

“SHUT UP!” Sea More's voice rang through the halls for several seconds and immediately dampened the laughter. Coco stifled laughter herself, but could not help give off a small smirk. Sea More caught the faint facial expression in corner of his eye. His head sharply turned towards her. "This is NO laughing matter. Or smiling matter."

Coco looked away. “Sorry, but it was just so... amusing, I guess.”

Sea More snorted in derision. "Amusing or not, they are soldiers and guards, and are to be at attention at all times, NOT cracking smart jokes and breaking the-”

“SILENCE!” A commanding voice echoed from beyond the doors. “Enter now, pony!”

Sea More's anger quickly dissipated as his attention turned to the grand chambers just past the doors. "I suggest you obey her summons, Coco.”

Coco froze in place as her nerves took control of her muscles. Try as she might, the mare could not get herself moving. The voice rang from beyond the darkness again. “Would somepony get her in here? It is late and I would like some rest!”

Sea More quickly answered the call. “Yes, my Queen!” He turned to Coco and whispered, “Forgive me for what I must do, but the Queen has given me direct orders, and I cannot ignore them.” Using levitation magic, the changeling lifted the earth pony and briskly transported her into the expansive room. Coco began to flail about in the hopes that she might break free of the spell's effects, but her efforts quickly proved futile and she simply slumped over mid-flight as she abandoned her attempts at resistance. Within a few moments, the mare found herself touching solid ground again, struggling to keep her balance.

“Close the door.” The voice from before was now only a few meters away; far too close for Coco's comfort.

“Yes, my Queen!” Sea More obeyed the voice as he used his magic to slowly swing the large doors shut. Almost instinctively, Coco pivoted on the spot to watch in horror as the remaining light in the room gave way to a shroud of total darkness. Coco cowered under the concealment of the blanket of total darkness as she prepared for the worst.

“Welcome...” A pair of green, sinister eyes burned through the darkness.

“EEP!” Coco shrieked as the baleful eyes locked with hers. What have I gotten myself into?!

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