• Published 21st Jun 2014
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Two-Sided Prequel II: Who You Work For - FerociousCreation

Note: This is the FIRST installment of the Two Sided series. After working in a coffee shop for two months after leaving Suri, Coco Pommel found a job that is to make a dress "fit for a queen." Little did she know was who she was going to work for.

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For Reference

Taking in a deep breath, Fang told himself, You are just checking in on her. That's all. Very slowly, he pushed the door to Coco's dwelling and entered her room. As he entered, he looked out of the large window and saw the sun slowly moving behind the horizon, leaving the room in a mix of yellow, red, and orange colors.

To his left, he saw the pony he was looking for. Coco was at her workstation, looking down at the wooden table. Quickly, Fang went over to the mare to see if anything was wrong. As soon as her expression came into view, the changeling saw a sad pony with a very small water droplet in the corner of her eyes.

“Coco, what's wrong,” Fang asked instinctively. There was no reply from her. All she could do was continue to look saddened. Doing what he can to comfort his friend, Fang reached his arm around her and carefully pulled her close so that she does not fall off her chair.

“Fang...” she finally spoke.

“Yes, Coco?”

“I'm leaving...”

“W-WHAT?!” Quickly, Fang jumped back in shock and looked at his friend. “W-why? Did something happen? Do you not like it here? Did... did that disgusting locust Scar Splash hurt you again?!”

As she did before, Coco continued to look downwards. “Chrysalis has chosen a dress. Now that she has done so... she doesn't need me...” Fang was at a loss for words. “But...” Coco said as her gaze moved from the ground to the changeling.

“But what, Coco?”

“P-please don't hate me...” Suddenly, she began to huff and sob.

Once more, Fang moved toward his friend to hold her once more. However, Coco was faster. Much faster than the changeling would have anticipated. Coco jumped from her chair and onto Fang, wrapping her arms around his neck and buried her face into his chest.

“Don't cry, Coco,” Fang replied, trying to keep his friend from sobbing anymore. “I will never hate you.”

“But you might when I say...”

Both of them looked into each other's eyes. Fang gave a concerned gaze while Coco delivered an upset and teary stare.

“S-say what?” Fang dared to ask. What's going on? Did the queen do something to her?

“When I say t-that... I can't live without you!”

Suddenly a rush of love coursed through Fang's body as if a quick bolt of lightning struck him from where he stood. The love was more powerful than he could ever imagine.

Fang knew what she meant by “I can't live without you.” Coco was in love with him.

“'You can't live without him,' you say?” spoke an eerie voice from the shadows. Fang looked to see his queen dressed in the first outfit Coco had made for her. The turquoise on the dress mixed with the harsh colors of the sunset created a mixed blend that almost made Coco's creation look brown.

“C-Chrysalis!” Coco exclaimed and took a few steps back in fear. “I was just-”

“I heard enough, my friend.” Fang then stood in horror as he saw Chrysalis levitate the defenseless pony up into the air.

“Fang!” she screamed. “Help me! Please!”

Chrysalis grinned at Fang as she hurled Coco toward the glass window. Time slowed down as he saw the mare crash through the window. A spectacle of transparent glass danced through the air as Coco broke the barrier of the see-through surface. Somehow, Fang could not make himself move. No matter how hard he tried, the changeling could not budge.

A cold voice came into his head, I told you not to become attached.

“I- I couldn't help myself!” Fang cried out, knowing it was the queen talking in his mind.

And I also told you that once her job is complete, you will never see her again.

“But I need to save her!”

No you will not. As your queen, I demand you to remain still and watch her leave.

Fang couldn't remember the last time tears rolled down his face. “I cannot let you kill your friend like this!”

Then, he heard Chrysalis speak from behind him in a horrific tone, “HOW DARE YOU DEFY MY WILL YOU WORTHLESS INSECT!” In a flash of electric green light, Chrysalis struck Fang down as he was flung forward. His head collided with the ground, bouncing from the recoil of his queen's awesome power. Sprawled on the ground, Fang looked up to see Coco still traveling through the air, slowly and steadily. Their eyes met with sorrow and fear as the changeling watched helplessly as Coco crawled toward the edge of the balcony.

Then time suddenly returned to normal. In an instant, Coco disappeared from behind the balcony, crying a bloodcurdling scream, “FAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAANG!”

In a harsh twitch, Fang felt drenched in sweat. He lifted his head from the ground and looked around to see where he was. He saw his large scythe leaning against the wall, looming a shadow over him as a mystical lamp shined in the corner of the stony room Fang was in. He was in his home. With a tired sigh of relief, Fang rubbed his forehead with his hoof to get the beads of sweat off of him.

What a dream...

The changeling let out a light chuckle, shaking his head about the ridiculous fantasy he had just had. But as soon as Fang gave more thought to his dream, he began to ponder about it.

Does Coco have more emotion towards me that is more than just mutual feelings?

Shaking his head, Fang remembered the queen's statement: "Once this job is over, you will never get to see her again...

Will it be true...? the changeling thought, his heart weighted by the possibility. Fang did care about Coco. But he also feared that he might become too attached to his friend and go against Queen Chrysalis' wishes.

Just as his thoughts were beginning to give him a headache, a changeling crawled through a hole in the ground and appeared before Fang.

“Hello, brother,” Snackrifice said as he came out of the hole. “I have not seen you all day.”

“What do you mean all day?” Fang asked as he raised a brow.

“I mean I have not seen you all day.”

“W-wait... What time is it?”

“I don't know... We don't have clocks to tell us the hour.”

Fang was irritated with his relative. “I mean time of day, you mutated mule.”

“If you are going to be like that, then I suppose you don't want any of the evening rations I brought along.” On Snack's back was a ragged sack what he held with one hoof. Gently, the changeling placed the bag on the ground; the contents of the sack made a light “thunk” as it touched the ground.

“Did you say evening rations? As in... nighttime?!”

As Fang looked at his brother in shock, Snack nodded, “Yup.” Carefully, Snack pulled out a large glass sphere out of the bag. It was the size of his head and the inside of it was filled with the darkest black anypony could imagine, or at least most of it was black. At the very center of the rounded ball of glass was the shape of a heart. Not the kind one would find in an anatomy book, but rather the shape you would find on a filly's wallpaper. The heart radiated a bright pink aura and small clouds of darker pink orbited the shape.

Almost playing with the ball, Snack placed his hoof on the ball and began to rotated it slightly as it rested on the ground. “So, you want some?”

Fang thought about his brother's request. Sure he didn't eat for at least twelve hours. However, he thought about Coco and how he hadn't seen her. Maybe... he didn't need any rations. “No thanks, brother.”

“Suit yourself.” Upon Fang's answer, Snackrifice wrapped his hoof around the sphere and placed his horn on the glass. Flinging his head backwards, Snack shot a green beam into the circle. As the beam went inside, it splashed into the blackness of the sphere like ink dropping into a clear glass of water. The neon green began to circle the heart, slowly encasing it in a cloudy, muggy fog. When the color completely covered the shape, only a dark silhouette of the heart showed that it was still inside. The shadow of the heart broke in half and slowly began to dissolve, cracking and breaking as the shape began to lose its form. Soon, the green cloud began to break away and move toward the outer rim of the sphere. It then left the orb and went toward Snackrifice's horn, absorbing the love he had just dissolved.

All that was left was a glass sphere with the same dark void it originally had. The only difference was that the heart was no longer inside it. “Doesn't matter if you wanted some, anyways,” Snack said. “I ate most of it along the way back.”

“Figures,” Fang replied, rolling his eyes at his brother's action.

“Besides, you can go to your little love bug and have her feed you.”

Fang would have blushed if Snack said something like “special somepony” or something mushy like that. But love bug? Now that was a quip if he ever heard one.

“Excuse me?” Fang leered as he rolled the orb away from his brother.

“What?” Snackrifice pulled his head away from his angry relative.“It's what the hive is calling you two.”

“You mean... the entire hive is calling Coco and I 'love bugs?'”

“Yeah. Last night, when you were at the bathing pool with the pony, some say you were behind the waterfall, alone with her.”

“W-we were just talking!” Fang blushed that time, trying to hide the fact that there was more than just talking.

However, Snack was not convinced. “If you were just talking with her, why are you getting defensive?”

“I just-”

“You what? You care about her?”

“I... I do...”

Snackrifice shook his head in disapproval. “You cannot become attached to her. Don't become like Sea More and be soft like him.”

Not wanting to hear a lecture from his brother, Fang stood up quickly and walked to the hole in the ground and looked downward to see the world outside of his dwelling. “It's my choice, brother.”

“Whatever.” A brief moment of silence fell upon the relatives as they stared at each other with an emotionless gaze. “I will say this Fang: ponies may have an endless amount of love, but I will never befriend one. Not in a lifetime.” With a short hop, Fang descended into the hole, leaving Snackrifice to himself.


Irritation was the only thing he felt as he went towards Coco Pommel's dwelling. As he went through the hive, several changelings snickered, giggled, and even commented to him as he passed by. Though he didn't bother to stop and ask why they were behaving as such, he knew exactly why.

When he passed a group of four, one of the stallions shouted, “Hey, going to see your little love bug, Fangy?”

Lucky for Fang, he had a strong composure within himself to not stir up some trouble. But his expression showed that he was bothered by the comments and reactions as he went through the halls.

Reaching his destination, Fang saw the door to Coco's room. A changeling stood at the entrance with a spear in hoof, stagnant and unwilling to blink. Soon, Fang was at the door.

Taking in a deep breath, Fang told himself, You are just checking in on her. That's all. Very slowly, he pushed the door to Coco's dwelling and entered her room.

Just before Fang closed the door, the guard from outside said “love bug” before the wooden seal closed. Turning to face the door, Fang was about to storm outside and give the changeling on watch a piece of his mind, when he heard a voice, “Oh hello, Fang.”

Flinching upon hearing the feminine voice, Fang turned to see the pony he was looking for. “Hello Coco,” Fang said awkwardly.

To the changeling's surprise, he was shocked to see that Coco was not alone. There were the other tailors in the room. Silky Maggot was at the desk, drawing something down on paper and Silver Liner stood to her left. Knight Cap stood on the balcony, staring blankly into the night sky; the lack of color in the air proved that Snackrifice was telling the truth about the time. Stitch Snitch and Coco Pommel were standing by the two dresses that were to the left of the desk where Silver and Silky were stationed. The two dresses were Coco's designs. The other dresses that the other four tailors were nowhere to be found. Perhaps the queen wanted them moved someplace else, but that remained unknown to Fang.

Both Stitch and Coco exchanged glances and went toward the large toothed changeling. “What brings you here?” Coco asked.

“I... wanted to see you,” Fang said quickly, biting his lip on how stupid he sounded. “Just to see how you were doing and... make sure, heh, nochangeling was attempting to throw you off the balcony.”

“Hehe,” Coco giggled. “At least I have my friends here to prevent that. But there is nothing wrong when the queen's personal guard comes to check on a simple earth pony.” She gave Fang a sweet smile as he tried to create a straight face, but instead, his lips writhed into what looked like a child that drew squiggles on a sheet of paper.

“S-so what have you been working on?” Fang asked.

“Well, since it is my day off, nothing much really.” Coco walked over to her dresses in and Fang followed suit. As Fang walked passed Stitch, she gave him a light nudge and winked at him.

The stallion's fang burned bright red in hopes to intimidate Stitch to the point where she won't tease him about being Coco's love bug. To his surprise, it didn't effect Stitch; in fact, she just smiled at him.

“The tailors are here only for simple chatter,” Coco said as she and he went toward the two designs of fabric. “I slept through most of the day due to my lack of proper sleep the last few days and my friends came to check up on me.”

“That's nice,” Fang smiled. At least I'm not the only one going out of my way just to see if you are doing well. “How long have they been here?”

“Several hours.”

“Heh, so much for simple chatter.” Fang grinned.

“I know, right?” Coco smiled along with her friend.

As Coco and Fang got to the pair of dresses, the pony stared at them, her eyes darting back and forth between the two.

“Is something wrong?” Fang asked.

“Nothing is wrong,” she replied and looked at her friend. “I'm just curious on which dress the queen prefers the most.” Looking back at the dresses, Coco continued, “Sure Queen Chrysalis gave the critique I wished for. However, she did not tell me which one she liked the most.”

“But why does this bother you?”

Scratching her chin, Coco answered, “If I recall, there will be several gatherers accompanying the queen, correct?”

“Yeah.” Fang gave it more thought and then realized where Coco was going.

“Because of the theme, the princess and her shining armor, I want to be sure the gatherers have an outfit that complements the dress the queen chooses.”

Looking at the two dresses, Fang asked, “Well, which one do you like the most?”

“If I had to chose, it would be my second dress.”

“The white one you say...” Fang said slowly and quietly.

“Mmhmm,” Coco nodded. “I know half of the dress is white, but the gold and blue just really make it pop.”

“Then why not go with that?”

“Because I cannot work any further until she gives me her orders. I want to be sure that my customer is happy with what she gets. I know she is my friend, but I also work for her.”

“At least you are willing to work with the queen in more ways than one, Coco.”

Coco nudged her friend with her shoulder. “What's that supposed to mean?”

“You usually argue with Queen Chrysalis, wanting to do what you please,” Fang grinned.

Grinning back, Coco replied, “At least my arguing got me a new friend. It's not every day a simple earth pony befriends a queen.” Both of them gave a light laugh as Coco gave Fang another light push to his side. After their moment of happiness was finished, the changeling gave a nice long look at the white dress, admiring the beauty of it. The blue diamonds, the golden rope, the medieval helmet visor. It was a sight to see.

“You know, Coco,” Fang said as he walked around the dress, observing it more.

“Hmm?” she replied with a turn of the head.

“When I look at this dress, I think of ice.”

“Ice?” Squinting her eyes, Coco's eyes darted up, down, and around, trying to see how Fang saw her dress. “Explain, please...”

“Well, white is the color of snow. And blue... well light-blue can represent ice. But this kind of blue can be used to describe ice, yes?”

Suddenly, Coco's eyes widened. “Fang! Turn into the unicorn you were disguised as when you met me!” The changeling lifted up a leg and moved backward as the pony leaned in toward him.

“W-wha? Why?” Looking around, he saw the other changelings look at the two of them, embarrassed that attention was drawn to them.

“Please Fang, I need you to!”

“Ok-ay...” Quickly, Fang transformed into his crimson-red unicorn form. “So, why do you-”

Without warning, Coco reached out an arm and touched his face. Blush came to his cheeks as she ran her hoof through his hair. Placing one hoof down on the ground, she reached out with the other one and placed it on Fang's chin, turning his head from left to right.

Quickly, she ran over to the desk and grabbed the yellow waist measurement tape that was coiled in a small bundle. Placing it in her mouth, Coco went back to Fang.

“Can... I ask you something?” she said as she placed the tape on the ground.

“Anything, Coco.”

“May I... use your body measurements for reference?” Coco's cream cheeks began to glow red, realizing what she had said.

The question alone grabbed everychangeling's attention. They looked at Coco and Fang in a mix of wonder and grins.

“W-what f-for Coco?” Fang stuttered.

“A concept for an outfit I have in mind.”

“But what about waiting for Queen Chrysalis?”

Coco smiled. “I want to surprise my friend. So, will you allow me?”

Glancing left and right, Fang saw everychangeling that was in the room continue to stare, giving the same looks they started with.

Almost immediately, Fang answered with a light smile, “Of course. Anything to help my friend.”

“Thank you,” Coco responded as she hugged her friend. Slowly, while he looked at the other changelings, wrapped his right arm around Coco.

“Oh, and Fang?”


The two of them broke their embrace and looked at each other. “Have you eaten today?”

What a weird question to ask a changeling... “No I have not.”

Without realising it, Coco leaned in and gave a quick kiss on the cheek. The love that he received shocked him, quite literally as it transferred from pony to changeling.

“Oh... Thank you, Coco.”

To Fang's surprise, he noticed that his friend had no blush on her cheeks, but she still smiled. Maybe it was just a friendly kiss.

“Your welcome.” Quickly, her smile vanished and she quickly unraveled the rope she possessed and pulled tightly. “Now hold still.”

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