• Published 21st Jun 2014
  • 5,192 Views, 566 Comments

Two-Sided Prequel II: Who You Work For - FerociousCreation

Note: This is the FIRST installment of the Two Sided series. After working in a coffee shop for two months after leaving Suri, Coco Pommel found a job that is to make a dress "fit for a queen." Little did she know was who she was going to work for.

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Two Alone

It was not easy for Suri as she sat alone with the queen of changelings. The pony slowly chewed on a custard-filled pastry as Chrysalis watched her intently. Sea More was outside by the carriage once more, attending it in case somepony wanted to take a look inside.

As for Chrysalis, she was trying to find words to say to the pony so that they can get business handled. “It's funny,” the queen said, attempting to make small talk among the two of them.

“W-what is?” Suri answered as she tensed up when she heard Chrysalis’ voice.

Chrysalis smiled a bit, knowing that Suri was uncomfortable around her. “It's funny how Coco Pommel, a simple earth pony who makes dresses, can be so… convincing with words.”

The pony looked at her snack as sweet custard oozed out of it. “She is.” Suri licked the sugary cream and swallowed it before continuing her thought. “I wonder why.”

“It's an easy answer: the ability to give others a second chance.” Chrysalis glanced left and right before continuing, making sure nopony were eavesdropping on her conversation. “You know who I am. Considering that fact, it is not easy to soften my heart.” The changeling scratched her chin. “Why do you think Coco is like that?”

It took Suri a moment to reply; she had a mouth full of pastry and had to swallow before commenting. “Coco was very soft spoken even when I knew her before she… became unemployed.”

“That reminds me,” Chrysalis spoke coldly as she stared at Suri, “why were you so cruel to Coco?” Even though Chrysalis wore a beautiful facade, Suri knew a horrible creature was behind that white fur and has to watch what she says to not anger the queen.


“Never mind. Forget my question.”

Suri sighed internally and became relieved that Chrysalis dropped the question.

“I will say one thing,” Chrysalis spoke in an intimidating tone, “I do not like you. Coco may have forgiven you, but that does not mean I have to.”

Suri had to do her best to keep a strong composure; however, Chrysalis knew she was frightening the harmless earth pony. “Why do you not like me?”

“Because you were the one who brought harm to my friend.”

Suri’s brows twitched, creasing for a quick moment. Get over it.

“If you are going to be angry at me because of my opinion toward you, you can forget your commission and give it to a pony who wants to work.”

The earth pony froze, frightened that Chrysalis was able to read her so quickly. “S-sorry.”

Clearing her throat, the tall mare smiled, “But like Coco said, everypony deserves a second chance. So despite my attitude toward you, I believe giving you a second chance will help you a lot. After all, I do pay well.” Suri didn’t dare attempt to think anything negatively toward Chrysalis. All she did was nod. “So, let’s focus on business instead of petty emotions,” the changeling spoke, placing her hooves on the table.

“Yes,” Suri complied, placing her pastry down, ready to work.

“I need you to make five outfits. Two red stallion uniforms and two blue dresses.”

“Is there a particular theme?”

Chrysalis had to think for a moment. “Classy. Forgive me for being vague. I’m not trying to make this difficult for you.”

“No no no,” Suri reassured. “Don’t worry about that. I think I can do that.” But Suri then remembered something. “You said five outfits, right?”

“I did.” Chrysalis smiled as she looked to the side and then back to the earth pony. “I want you to make a dress for Coco. The three things I want on it are light-cream and light blue colors with pearls.”

Suri smiled as well, “That's very nice of you.”

The queen’s ego inflated slightly, “I may be very beautiful in every way no doubt. But…” Chrysalis paused. “I think Coco deserves to be just as pretty as me for one day.”

If Suri could, she would think of something sarcastic. But even her thoughts could not be hidden from the changeling; so instead, she continued to think positively.

“I'll do it,” the pony spoke.

“Good. And I am certain you are not going to disappoint.” Chrysalis raised a brow, awaiting a reply.

“I will make sure Coco shines like a night sky,” Suri spoke, buttering up her words.

“Thank you. You have three days to finish your commission.” Chrysalis leaned forward a bit. “Do you have all the tools necessary to make the dresses and outfits?”

“Umm,” Suri thought, “I do have the equipment and a good amount of fabric with me. You know, just in case somepony-”

“So that's a yes,” Chrysalis spoke a bit loudly, cutting off Suri.

“Yes.” The pony hesitated in trying to speak on her own. “A-as for supplies, I may need to purchase-”

“I'll supply you with some money so you can buy what you need.”

She can sure be quick with responding.

Suri picked up her pastry and put the remaining portion of it in her mouth. She closed her eyes enjoying the sugar and breading from her snack. Swallowing the last of the custard treat, Suri opened her eyes again. She noticed Chrysalis was frowning.

“Is something wrong? ” Suri asked instinctively.

The large changeling let out a sigh without making eye contact. “I think your reputation will be restored after the events at the gala.”

Confusion crashed down on Suri. “What do you mean?”

Chrysalis didn’t reply. She just continued to frown.


It was quiet between the pony and changeling as they made their way through the park. A family of three sat on a blanket enjoying their afternoon lunch, laughing aloud every once in a while. Coco kept a happy smile as she turned her view here and there while she walked on the path. Fang walked beside the mare, but just off of the path. His hooves dragged through the grass, the hairs brushing on his lower legs; a feeling he grew to like since he was a colt.

Every so often, Fang would find himself taking a quick glance at Coco, making sure she was still there. He knew she was not in any danger, considering both of them were out in open daylight in a park. However, being a personal guard of the queen, it is hard to shake off old habits when walking with one who is very important.

But Fang kept looking at the lovely pony for another reason. A reason that may cause the queen much distaste toward him.

Quickly, Coco turned her head to her friend. “You keep looking at me Fang,” she smiled with a giggle.

“Oh- well…” Fang stuttered, “I… you see…”

Coco giggled once more and looked forward. In his peripheral, he noticed the pony glanced at him nervously, slightly. Blush, barely visible, streaked on her cheeks. “Why do you keep looking at me?” Coco asked.

With nowhere to go, Fang had no choice but to answer the question. “It’s… hard to believe that a pony such as yourself would befriend me and…” The stallion leaned in to whisper to Coco, “...the other changelings.”

“We are all the same,” Coco answered. “We are all just trying to make it through each day.” Looking to Fang, the mare smiled. “I am glad to have you as my closest friend.”

Fang took that as a high honor. “I am glad to know that.”

“Well, you are the only stallion who lets me vent to, even letting me cry on your shoulde-”

“Haha, you’re funny daddy!” Laughter from the family of three broke Coco’s concentration and caused her to look away from Fang for a moment.

In that time, she thought of something to ask him. “Hey, Fang?”


“Can we take a seat somewhere? I want to ask you a few things.”

The changeling smirked, “Does the questionmare need to bombard me with questions?”

“Hey,” Coco shoved Fang a bit, “I ask the questions. You answer.”

Both laughed for a bit before Fang agreed to let the two of them sit down. A tiny maple tree off the path caught the changeling's attention. "How about there?" he asked as he gestured to it.


With their destination now set, Fang and Coco went toward the small tree. When Fang sat down with Coco, he made sure to sit close but not too close.

Looking at the mare, it dawned onto Fang that his friend was upset as her face sagged with worry. “What seems to have you troubled?” the changeling asked.

Coco was quiet for a moment before answering. “I'm worried that the…” She glanced around before whispering into Fang’s ear, “love that Chrysalis gets will be used to do harm. Do you think she will use the love for harm?”

Nervously, the changeling scooted closer to the mare so he can speak low to her and that nopony could hear their secretive conversation. “I… don't know…” Fang answered quietly.

“I know you know Fang,” Coco replied. “You are Chrysalis’ personal guard.”

Even though he didn't want to answer truthfully, he spoke low, “The queen will do anything to take away everything Celestia cares for and loves.”

A pair of angry eyes looked at Fang. He couldn't deny that what he said would bother Coco. Fang looked down, worried that his friend may think differently of Chrysalis and the other changelings.

“Well,” Coco spoke deeply, “I do personally know Princess Twilight Sparkle by extension from another business partner. I could…” Her words were caught in her throat.

“...tell Twilight Sparkle about Chrysalis’ true intentions?” Fang finished the mare’s question.

“N-no… I mean…” Coco’s ears folded back, upset and regretting what she had just asked. “Just forget what I said… You are right. I do ask too many questions…”

Just as Fang did, Coco Pommel hung her head, looking down at the grass. A weed that held a flower swayed a little as the breeze gently moved it. Fang frowned and scooted closer to the pony. The moment his flank lightly bumped into hers, Coco’s ears shot up in alert.

“S-sorry,” Fang apologized as he moved back to his original position.

Instead of replying with words, Coco sat upright and scooted up against Fang, then leaning onto the stallion’s shoulder.

Fang took in a deep breath as the pony moved toward him. He didn't mind her doing what she did; however, every time the mare advanced toward him, Fang was always caught off guard. To comply with Coco’s act, the changeling in return gently leaned his head onto the mare. Neither spoke for a while as they sat in silence. Despite that they were enjoying each other's comfort and company, there was uneven tension in the air.

“Do you think changelings and ponies will ever come to an agreement?” Coco asked quietly.

A nice cool breeze brushed past the two of them.

“Maybe,” Fang answered.

Coco adjusted herself to look up at the crimson-colored stallion. “What makes you say that?”

The changeling smiled, “Well, I do have a mare who happens to be a pony right up against me.”

“True,” Coco replied back with a sweet grin.

“Because of ponies like you,” Fang continued, “I do think changelings and ponies have a chance at happiness.”

“That's true.” Then an idea came to Coco. “And since I have a connection to Twilight Sparkle, I might be able to get her to talk to Chrysalis and form a treaty. Or something like that.” The idea made Coco’s heart flutter with excitement.

“It's a good idea,” Fang responded with uncertainty in his voice. “But…”

“But what? You don't like the idea?”

“O-of course I like the idea,” the changeling stuttered. “It's just-”

“Chrysalis…” Coco spoke softly.

Fang bobbed his head slightly to answer the mare.

A harsh rush of hot air came out of Coco’s nostrils as she sighed in frustration. “Must she have her mind set on revenge?” she spoke into Fang, trying to keep her voice down. “Is there any way to change her mind?”

“There is one way,” the changeling spoke.

“Really? What could possibly be the answer to changing her mind?” Coco was pursing her lips, thinking about the queen’s stubborn grudge bent on revenge. Yes, Princess Celestia may have been part of the reason why Beauty Fly had died. But there may be a reason why the alicorn did what she had to do.

“The answer?” Fang looked down at Coco and grinned, exposing that oversized tooth of his. “I'm looking right at her.”

Coco’s upset attitude about the queen quickly left her and was replaced with disbelief. “M-me!? But why me? Why would I be the answer? How could-”

“If you keep that up, you are going to reach your question asking limit,” Fang joked.

Coco pushed into Fang. “Oh hush!”

“Then why are you smiling?”

“Hey,” the pony smirked, “I ask the questions.”

“Fine.” The disguised changeling turned his head away from Coco, his mane shining as the light reflected off it.

“Did I ever tell you your mane is very nice?” the mare asked as she admired the red stain glass hair.

“Stay on track, Coco,” Fang answered as he slightly leaned into her.

Pushing back into him, the pony looked at him again. “So, why do you think I am the answer?”

Fang adjusted himself before answering. “You have done something no changeling has ever been able to do: melt Chrysalis heart. Well, except for Left Wing…” The stallion had to take in a deep breath; otherwise, he may get angry.

“Anyways, you have touched Chrysalis’ heart. You have made my queen happy. You have given all changelings a chance.” Fang looked at the pony sincerely. “Coco Pommel, you may be the only one who can show others that my kind are not the heartless creatures some may think we are. You put it best: we all need to live so we can make it to the next day.”

Flattered, Coco wore a silly grin. “Wow. You really think I can?”

Fang had to think up a response. “Well, you like me as a friend, right?”

“Of course.”

“Then I am sure you would want me around more,” Fang commented as he smiled, raising a brow.

Coco thought about the words Fang had just said. Looking up at him, she saw the disguised changeling in his unicorn form and admiring his handsome face. Fang looked at her, awaiting an answer.

Somehow, Coco couldn't keep eye contact with him and looked away, smiling and blushing.

“Is something wrong?” Fang asked when the mare turned her view elsewhere.

Turning back to face Fang, Coco looked up at him with blush still on her face. With a sweet smile, the mare said, “You just want me around just so I can feed you.”

Throwing caution to the wind, Fang smiled back as his cheeks flushed. “Maybe.”

Coco giggled as she leaned on her friend and closed her eyes. Fang looked down at Coco and watched love drift off of the mare, taking deep breaths so he can fill his stomach.

With nothing else to say, both changeling and pony sat quietly. Alone. And happy.

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