• Published 21st Jun 2014
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Two-Sided Prequel II: Who You Work For - FerociousCreation

Note: This is the FIRST installment of the Two Sided series. After working in a coffee shop for two months after leaving Suri, Coco Pommel found a job that is to make a dress "fit for a queen." Little did she know was who she was going to work for.

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Following Contestant

Who you Work For
Ch. 19

Coco was stared at by the two disguised changelings in silence. Fang looked slightly nervous as Chrysalis took an emotionless gander at him before back to her friend.

“Did I... say something wrong?” the pony asked with the turn of her head.

Chrysalis answered, “Are you growing fond of Fang, Coco?”

“Maaaaaybe,” Coco replied with a smile. “But to answer your question, I am fond of him. He has stood up for me the day he met me and-” She paused as she tried to make sure she will say the right thing. Her cheeks showed that she was flustered about something. “...he also has a shoulder for me to cry on.”

“Is that so...?” Chrysalis was more interested than upset upon hearing Coco's reason as to why she wanted time alone with him. Fang was interested in her reason as well, while being nervous by his queen's constant stare. He was grateful that the pony was very open to him, but he was worried that she had other thoughts in mind. Fang didn't want Chrysalis to think that they are becoming more than just friends.

“Very well. If it makes you happy, you two can have your time alone together. However, there are no promises that it will happen considering the task at hoof.”

“I understand,” Coco answered with a nod. “Business before pleasure.”

After their words were exchanged, the pony finished her sandwich with several larger bites than what she had done before. Coco could tell that Chrysalis wanted to get their shopping done sooner than later and decided to make haste. Before they left, Coco left a few bits in the tip jar and complemented the cooks on the sandwich. Coco left ahead of Chrysalis and Fang as the two of them slowly walked out. Fang looked back to his queen to see if she had anything to say to him about Coco's request, but she did not. All she did was stare, so Fang remained silent.

As they exited as well, they went over to Sea More as he stood in a lot next to the store. Coco was already with Sea More, talking about her breakfast. “How was your meal?” Sea More asked with a smile.

“Very filling and warm,” Coco answered.

“You know what my mother made for me for breakfast on the occasion? Stuffed pancakes with strawberries and frosting on top.”

Somehow, Coco's stomach was no longer full and her mouth watered as she tried to picture and taste Sea More's mother's signature food.

“I think we need to focus on the shopping for now and worry about food later,” Chrysalis spoke as she placed her hoof on Coco's shoulder.

“Sorry, Your Majesty...” Coco answered.

“'Your Majesty...?'” Sea More seemed confused as he looked at the three of them. I thought we were undercover...

Fang cleared his throat, went to his friend, and whispered in Sea More's ear, “We are calling the queen that when she is disguised as that unicorn.”

“Understood,” Sea More spoke low. “I was wondering what we were going to call her, so good to know we have a name now.”


“Ahem,” Chrysalis cleared her throat loudly. “I believe we should get today's task finished before Celestia takes the light away from us.”

“Yes, Your Majesty,” both said at the same time.

Sea More adjusted himself and pulled the carriage out of the lot and onto the street. “Are you three getting in or shall we all be walking on hoof?”

Queen Chrysalis looked at her pony friend. “Do you prefer to walk or sit in the carriage?”

“Umm... I think on hoof would be more beneficial. We can see all the stores that are around the kingdom and pick and choose which one to go into.”

“So be it.”

With their minds made up, the four of them began to make their way through Canterlot. It didn't take long before Chrysalis opened up a conversation to Coco and asked about the lifestyle of the fashion industry. Coco explained that it was quite a competitive field to get into because of the many dresses and outfits that are being put on the market. She also explained that there are different trends that are seasonal and go out of style once a season is over.

“Why do certain outfits go out of style?” Fang asked Coco.

“There is a term called 'what's hot and what's not.' When a particular design, color selection, or even apparel is in a trend, that is what is hot. When something is not, the fashion industry sees that particular dress, hat, or whatever as unappealing.”

“Who decides what is hot and what is not?” Sea More asked.

Coco let out a sigh, “The media...”

“I can understand why you don't like them,” Chrysalis spoke.

“Yeah... It doesn't matter what you or I may find appealing. They dictate what is good and what is bad.”

“I honestly despise those who dictate...” Coco looked at Chrysalis and smirked at her with a raise of her brow. “Hey, I may be a...” Chrysalis stopped herself and brought her mouth to the pony's ear. “...queen... BUT!” Chrysalis began to talk normally again, “...I at least give others a chance to speak their opinion. Am I right?” she asked as she looked at Sea More and Fang.

“Of course Your Majesty,” Fang responded with a nod.

“You are the most caring to us and those who follow you,” Sea More agreed.

“See!” Chrysalis spoke as she lifted her head up high.

“Are you two just kissing her flank?” Coco asked jokingly, smirking at her tall friend. Chrysalis scowled at the pony upon hearing the remark.

“Yes,” Sea More replied honestly.

The queen did not have to look to where he was, considering he was right behind him. She gave a quick buck with her right leg and hit him square in the chest. He coughed and hunched over in pain, causing those he was following to watch him keel over in pain. It embarrassed him that other ponies saw what had happened and stared at him.

“Will you ever learn to watch your mouth?” Chrysalis asked. She then turned to Fang and asked, “Do you just kiss my flank?”

“Of course not,” he responded nervously, knowing that if he didn't butter up his reply, Fang would end up like his idiot friend. “You have given me many great things, and I could not be any more grateful.”

Chrysalis let out a light chuckle and then looked at Coco, who stared back with the same smirk as earlier. “Hey, he was being rude. Sometimes you have to put others in their place to assert your dominance.”

“Kind of like how a dictator deals pain to those who oppose them or speaks of something that is not to their liking.”

The queen knew that she had been cornered by her friend. “L... let's just keep walking.”

“I don't think that is necessary,” Coco spoke slowly.

“Why do you say that my friend?” Chrysalis noticed that Coco was looking through a window.

“I think we found our first shop.”

“Oh... Wonderful. Shall we?”

“As long as you promise to not kick Sea More again.”

The queen grunted. You are no fun... “Fine...”

Coco gave her a wide smile, “Thanks.”

Fang went over to the store door and opened it for his queen, gesturing for her to enter. She went in without hesitation. Coco heard a voice from inside, “Welcome to Canterlot's very own, Success and Dress boutique!”

Coco went over to Sea More, who was still in pain. “Are you alright?” she asked.

Sea More grinned, “I have gone through worse. Trust me.”

“Okay... I just want to be sure you are okay.”

“Thanks for caring at least,” the stallion smiled.

The mare giggled a bit before walking inside. Fang was still holding the door open, waiting for her to enter. Before walking inside himself, Fang looked at Sea More, who gave him a wink before looking elsewhere. Fang huffed out of his snout as he turned to go into the building. He saw Coco and Chrysalis standing in front of the store counter as the employee who worked there conversed with them.

“Yes, we do have dresses that fit your needs,” the clerk spoke. “Unfortunately, we do not have any stallion outfits in the color red...”

“That is fine,” Chrysalis replied. “So long as we get what we need here, the less amount of spending is needed. Besides, I have my tailor here who can... patch up any holes if we need to make any more dresses or outfits. She is one of the best designers out there you know.”

Coco blushed as she was thrown on the spot as the pony at the counter giggled at Chrysalis' pun. Fang approached from behind and waited, so that he may not intrude on the conversation.

“Oh, so you make dresses, yes?” the employee asked as she looked at the earth pony. Coco nodded in response, still flustered by the fact that Chrysalis put her on the spot. “I presume that you are partaking in the contest that is being held at the Grand Galloping Gala, correct?”

Suddenly, Coco's expression writhed into a confused emotion. Her brow creased as she looked at Chrysalis. “What?” Chrysalis asked in an uncertain tone.

“You didn't tell me that there was a contest being told at the Grand Galloping Gala.”

“I didn't?” the disguised queen replied stupidly, making it obvious that she did not tell Coco an important detail about the ball on purpose.

“No, you did not. All you told me was that the theme of the gala was 'the princess and her shining armor.'”

The employee raised her hoof so that she may grab both mares' attention. Coco and Chrysalis turned to look at her, wondering what input she was going to make. “That isn't the theme of the gala, that is the theme of the contest.”

Panicked emotions began to flood through Coco's body. “W-why didn't you tell me about the contest?”

Chrysalis calmly replied, “I felt there was no need to.”

“Well, you should have told me!” Coco began to pace the floor while Fang continued to spectate all that was happening. The employee felt slightly uncomfortable with the situation that was unfolding before her, and Chrysalis was wondering why her friend was behaving in such a worried manner.

Coco began to speak aloud as her thoughts came out of her mouth. “What if my designs are terrible? Will others think my outfits are even appealing? Who-”

“Coco!” Chrysalis blurted out as she stepped into the pony's constant pacing. Coco stopped suddenly and looked up at the queen with worried eyes. “This is exactly why I didn't tell you about the contest. I figured whomever I hired, I would not tell them about the contest because they may panic and leave the job entirely.” Despite her words, Coco did not believe her friend. The tall mare sighed as she collected her thoughts, trying to think of a way to keep her friend from panicking any further. “I have the utmost faith that your dresses will do well in the contest. You have wowed me with your amazing designs and I have never been impressed by a pony that much.” Considering you are the only pony who has wowed me... “Besides, I would have told you that your dresses needed work if they did, but they don't.”

The queen's remark made Coco calm down and Chrysalis could tell that her words were helping. “You are very good at what you do, and I hope that you do not stop what you love to do anytime soon.”

“Aww, thanks,” Coco finally responded with a streak of blush in her cheeks and a silly grin on her face. She looked at Fang who gave her a comforting smile. “Sorry for acting the way I was... I just... I've never had any of my designs on the spot before.”

“What about the dresses you made during that one contest out in Manehattan?”

“I was using somepony else's fabric. It was not my original creation by technicality.”

“But did your creations wow the competition?”


“Then you should have nothing to worry about Coco.” Chrysalis placed her hoof on Coco's shoulder and smiled down at her friend. “Besides, this contest may very well get your name out.”

The pony gasped at statement. She never considered it like that before. Coco has heard that the Grand Galloping Gala has many famous faces who attend, including Sapphire Shores, Spitfire, Hoity Toity, and many more. Maybe either one of them or others may be looking for a tailor to work for them.

“I see that you are pondering the possibilities that may come out of the contest, including first place.”

“Yeah.” Coco could feel her spirits being lifted after hearing Chrysalis' encouraging statement. She smiled at her friend and gave her a hug.

“Good. Now let's not worry about the contest right now and worry more about shopping.”


The time it took for the four of them to obtain ten outfits proved more difficult than Chrysalis had hoped. Because of the theme that she was aiming for, it was hard to find dresses with the color blue and outfits with the color red. The red outfits were proving more difficult than the blue dresses as they only had two. The time was three o' clock and Coco was beginning to get hungry.

“Shall we get some food please?” Coco asked as she, Chrysalis, Fang, and Sea More walked down the streets of Canterlot. Neither Fang nor Sea More answered because they knew better than to answer for their queen. Fang didn't want another rock chucked at his head and Sea More didn't want to get kicked in the chest, despite the queen promising Coco that she would not buck him.

Chrysalis' eyes darted around, looking for any store that may have what they need. She didn't even hear her friend's request because she was doing her best to find anything within any windows they came across.

“Umm, Your Majesty?” Saying the name broke Chrysalis' concentration and looked down at the pony. “Can I please get something to eat?”

Chrysalis frowned upon hearing her friend because she did not want to stop what they were doing. Also, she was a changeling. She and her two guards did not need any means of food that had to be ingested. But, because Coco was not a changeling, Chrysalis would rather not have her friend starve from hunger. Just the thought alone made Chrysalis' heart cramp.

“Yes,” Chrysalis finally answered. “Forgive me. I am just very focused on getting today's task done.”

Coco understood her friend's reasoning and smiled, “Don't worry. I understand how you feel.”

“Good,” the large changeling smiled back. Both Sea More and Fang smiled at each other, knowing that their queen is in a good mood. “Where would you like to eat?”

“I saw this bakery that I would love to stop by. I saw some tasty treats in the window and would love to dig my teeth into something sweet.”

“Where is it?”

“I think... it was on Orchard Way.”

“I remember where it is,” Sea More answered with a smile. “It's not that far from here.” But something was off about him as Coco looked at him. He was blinking rapidly.

“Something in your eyes?” Coco asked.

“Yeah,” he replied as he clenched his eyes tightly.

The strange behavior didn't stop there. Now both Fang and Chrysalis were doing it.

“Are you three okay?”

“Yes,” Chrysalis answered. “The dust from the air somehow caught wind and into my eyes.

“Same here,” Fang spoke immediately after his queen.

Coco didn't seem to be bothered by the air. In fact, it looked quite clean by the looks of things. But she could not argue that sometimes small particles can enter anyponies' eyes at any moment.

“Well... shall we make our way to the bakery?” Coco asked.

“Of course,” Sea More replied with a smile. “Follow me.” He made a hard right, causing the three he was following to turn around to go his way.

Coco smiled as she went to Sea More's side, eager to fill her stomach with something sweet. Fang and Chrysalis stayed a bit behind the carriage, out of the pony's view.

From there, they continued to blink at each other.

How long have we been followed, Fang?

Quite some time actually...

And you have kept this from me for so long?!

I have been trying to find the right time to tell you, my Queen...

I understand. So how many more?

Just one. Happens to be a mare.

Let's hope we can get rid of her soon then, yes?

Understood, my Queen.

Not far behind Chrysalis and Fang was a pony who peaked her head around the corner. The pony's heart was racing and her expression was an angry one.

Under her breath, Suri Polomare said, “I will expose you, changeling. I know who you are.” Even though he couldn't see her, he could feel her stare hit him in the back of the head.

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