• Published 21st Jun 2014
  • 5,192 Views, 566 Comments

Two-Sided Prequel II: Who You Work For - FerociousCreation

Note: This is the FIRST installment of the Two Sided series. After working in a coffee shop for two months after leaving Suri, Coco Pommel found a job that is to make a dress "fit for a queen." Little did she know was who she was going to work for.

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Pummel Pommel

Who you Work for

Coco could feel it; the solemn embrace of death had her secured in its unwavering grasp. At last, her end had come.

And yet, something seemed peculiar about it all. Hm. I've never heard of death's grasp including hooves. I certainly never expected it to be so warm. And why is the wind still blowing around me? What exactly is going on...? Coco quickly opened her eyes, and not to the sight of any pearly gates or an empty void, but rather to the sight of the mountainside slowly spiraling away from her under the summer's moonlight. She tensed up a bit as she tried to accustom herself with the weightless sensation and exhilaration of non-vehicular flight; she hadn't quite expected to be rescued at all, let alone flown out of harm's way. Wait... how exactly AM I flying? The ever-inquisitive mare looked up and saw Fang, holding her close in his grasp. "F-Fang?! B-but... when? How? W-why?" Coco silently held back tears of joy and humility as she came to terms with her friend's unforeseen act of heroism.

"Falling to her death isn't quite exactly how I imagined the Queen's personal guest to be spending her time." Fang clutched the mare a little more comfortably as he picked up speed and pulled her up out of the canyon. "Don't worry. You're safe now. And Scar will be answering for his ill-mannered behavior. Throwing you off the side of the balcony... He has a LOT of nerve, I'll give him that." Coco faintly nodded as she cozied up in Fang's arms and simply let her troubles, and the world around her, flash away in a melded sea of rock and stone as the two of them sped through the afternoon sky.

The flight was short-lived, to Coco's modest dissatisfaction, and the two of them made it back to the balcony in a matter of seconds. Unfortunately, their return was not met with any significant warmth or hospitality, but rather with the sight of a myriad of burning turquoise eyes and the muffled sound of a large gathering of angrily buzzing wings, as if the two of them had incurred the wrath of a hive of large insects. In the time Coco had been thrown off the balcony and rescued twice, a large group of changelings managed to flood her chambers, and a good amount of them was crowding the door to the platform, blocked only by a single guard. Fang surveyed the situation with dire concern. "What the...? Sea More! How quickly did news of this travel?"

A disgruntled Sea More grimaced as he stood anchored against the door to prohibit access from the chambers to the balcony. “Scar was getting pretty loud, and Coco certainly didn't react calmly to his abuse. A crowd was bound to show up and take interest in that sort of ruckus. It certainly got MY attention. Seems it got yours as well." He turned to Coco and gave her a fleeting grin. "At least you saved our guest. Are you alright, Coco? Relatively speaking, that is.”

Coco shrugged. “I-I've been better, but I'm fine...” She looked past Sea More to watch the hubbub unfold in her room as the changelings reacted in their own ways at the sight of her. Some chatted amongst each other, a hoofful rolled their eyes at the presence of the mare, a few of them were in an uproar about her presence, but most of them simply stared back with a cold glare of disapproval. Coco could not help but worry to herself about how she would be treated by the changelings she had not met; she apprehensively drew farther back from the balcony door.

Sea More observed the cream mare's odd behavior and slowly nodded at her response. “Good to hear...” He rapidly spun around and looked through the door to confirm the cause of Coco's rather abrupt panic. "Don't worry about them, Coco. They won't hurt you,” the scarred changeling said reassuringly as he turned back around. “The past few days have been quite eventful, and hardly anychangeling else has caught wind of what's been happening. They're just... alarmed a bit. They don't understand what's going on, so they don't know what to make of this whole situation.”

A voice suddenly rang out from above. “There is no need to understand. The wretched pony does not deserve the chance to explain herself.”

Fang glanced up and watched a lone changeling descend onto the balcony, mere feet away from him. “Go swallow your tongue, Scar Splash!” he barked angrily.

Coco quickly ducked behind Fang at the sight of the burned changeling, hoping that she would not be seen by the one who caused her so much grief. Much to the mare's chagrin, Scar Splash proved too observant; he caught her movement out of the corner of his eye and laughed in ridicule. “Is that all you do?” he asked mockingly. “Quail and cower in fear behind others to avoid conflict? To avoid the truth?”

Coco gulped. All she could utter was a muted, "yes". He's right, horrid as he may be... Twice, I've hid behind Fang when things got hairy. Once with Suri, and now with this... vile changeling.

Scar Splash shook his head derisively. “I almost expected this sort of cowardice. Your kind has turned a blind eye to the truth - hid from it - for as long as we can remember. There's no reason you should be any different.” The burned changeling swaggered past Coco and Fang, his armor rattling with each step as he approached the balcony doors. With one last offhoof gesture of his head, the changeling remarked, “If you can't stand for yourself, you will never be upright.” He casually brushed Sea More aside, entered the building, moved through the crowd of changelings as it parted for him like still waters on a lake, and disappeared into the castle halls.

An uneasy quietude settled over the area in Scar's absence. Not a single changeling dared to speak out against Coco or advocate Scar's words and actions towards the mare, nor did any of them shuffle about or make any sort of movement. Even the wind blew through in total silence, as if to keep in line with the artificial peace. Time seemed frozen in place, if only for a few moments, until a large voice blasted from within the halls, over the crowd, and through the closed glass pane balcony doors. “WHAT IS THE MEANING OF THIS!?” Chaos immediately broke out amongst the changelings as they scrambled for the exit at the sound of the Queen's voice. In a hasty and orderly fashion, the group made for the balcony door, filed out of the room and flew off into the night sky. The dust slowly cleared, and only four figures remained standing: Coco; Queen Chrysalis; Inferno Fang; and Sea More.

The Queen's eyes burned furiously. “Inferno Fang! Sea More! I will not ask again! What is the meaning of this?!” she demanded once more.

Sea More gave a puzzled frown. “Perhaps they were just startled by your appearance,” he suggested.

Chrysalis rolled her eyes in sarcasm. “Thank you for stating the painfully obvious. What I want to know is why they were all gathered here in the first place!” She looked over to Coco, eyebrow accusingly raised. “You wouldn't happen to know anything, would you? Seeing as how they gathered in your chambers.”

"I-it's a bit of a story, but I can start from this morning..." And so, Coco gave a full account of the day's events, minus Snack's relatively impudent behavior, to the Queen. It took her about two minutes to progress the story to her most recent encounter with Scar on the balcony. “And as soon as he left, you yelled and they all fled.”

Chrysalis put her hoof to her chin. “Hm. This certainly does explain why Scar Splash and the other changelings were taken aback by my presence. Yet the question of how news spread so quickly still remains. I can only guess that the commotion between you two attracted the attention of one too many of my subjects, and the small initial gathering snowballed until they all joined in to spectate the pandemonium,” she grumbled silently. “In any case, I thank you for delivering this news of Scar and his actions towards you. However, as callous as he may have been, his words rang true, and I must side with him in that aspect.”

Coco's and Sea More's jaws both hit the floor at Chrysalis's sentiment. The mare stood shaking in surprise and disbelief. “I-I don't understand...”

Sea More was a bit more verbal regarding his attitude towards the Queen's statement. "I mean no disrespect, my Queen, but how could you say something like that?"

“I will always stand by my kind and side with them. Our best chance lies in unification. You know this, Sea More," the Queen replied assertively. "As Scar Splash said, we have been made out to be villains, hostile and beyond redemption, for quite some time. As such, we have lived to turn the words and actions of others into self-fulfilling prophecies, and to show them the true meaning of deception and malice. Our hatred toward pony kind is now ingrained into our society. This is how it has been for ages and, unless a major change for the better in pony-changeling relations takes effect, it is how it will continue to be.” Chrysalis sighed heavily as she stared towards the heavens and gazed upon the countless stars that lit the night sky. “Our very history is written before it even comes to light. It is an ugly reality." Chrysalis's heartfelt soliloquy ended just as quickly as it began; she immediately snapped her attention back to the cream mare standing before her. "Enough sap stories from me for one night. If I recall, you said that Scar asked if you have been betrayed in any way. Am I correct?”

"He did," Coco replied with a slow, short nod. "And I have.”

“Interesting... Care to tell me your story?”

The blue-haired mare raised her eyebrows in excitement. “You mean it?" I mean... don't you have any royal duties to attend?”

“A few end-of-the-day duties, yes. That doesn't mean I don't have time to be regaled by your tale whilst I attend to them.” Chrysalis turned around and made for the door. “You three come with me. Inferno Fang... Sea More.... Do not allow anypony near her, including yourselves. We have much to discuss.”

Fang and Sea More exclaimed in unison, “Yes, my Queen!”

The four of them returned inside, closing the balcony and chamber doors behind them, as they began a narrative-filled walk down the halls.


Coco lost track of the time as she walked alongside the Queen and her guards, but she didn't care for it. She was too busy giving the story of how she was, from her perspective, betrayed by the ponies back home. For the cream mare, the stroll proved to be just as much of a chance to give her story as it did a chance to see how the changelings lived. As she gave the account of her resignation as Suri's assistant, Coco was directed to a rather odd-looking passageway that opened up to a poorly-lit room. The mare strained her eyes in an attempt to see what was inside but was redirected to Fang's side by the Queen's hoof.

"One moment. Nightly inspections are in order. I will be finished in here shortly. Feel free to join me inside if you wish to continue your story," Chrysalis said with a surreptitious grin. She warmed up her wings and silently flew into the murky room, with Fang and Sea More closely following. In her ever-curious nature, and in the spirit of not being left alone, Coco scampered after them to try and catch up. As she passed through the entryway, she slowed her scamper to a complete stop, waited for her eyes to properly adjust to the low lighting in the room, and looked on, completely dumbfounded, at the stupendous sight before her.

Based on the information she had already been fed, Coco safely assumed that she had been led to the changelings' hive, and she took it upon herself to examine the place in acute detail. The rumors of glowing, green, slimy sacs permeating and overrunning the living spaces turned out to be only partially true; the dimpled cave-like walls of the hive were indeed lined with gelatinous bodies, but these sacs were all organized and laid out in varying patterns and formations. In spite of the somewhat repulsive nature of their beds, the changelings still proved to keep their abode relatively clean and incredibly orderly. Dozens of walkways composed of green, luminescent membrane, and of varying widths and sizes, weaved around the room as makeshift bridges and landing sites, creating a sort of safety net for the winged inhabitants, allowing for quick and safe travel over the abyss. Tunnels leading to who knows where dotted the walls as changelings zipped in and out at random. The ground floor of the hive sloped down into a large abyss, the bottom of which was swallowed in darkness and all but indiscernible. It may not have proven to be as grand or elegant as the Queen's throne room, but the hive was a proper home nonetheless.

Coco surveyed the elaborate system in awe as the changelings interacted and moved about to their own rhythm. "My goodness!" she exclaimed, her voice echoing through the expansive room. "This place is... well, it's... I don't even know!"

"I believe that 'impressive' may be a fitting word for what you see." Chrysalis stood only a few meters away, waiting for the teal-haired mare to pick her jaw up off the floor. "Yes, this is what my subjects call home. An intricate system, an organized system... perfect for, shall we say, a hive mind. Now then, you were telling me of your encounter with Inferno Fang in the coffee shop?"

"Oh, yes! Well, you see..." Coco made her way back to the Queen's side and continued with the anecdote as she watched the changelings in their habitat. As Chrysalis and the group moved through the room, the resident changelings reverently bowed in the presence of their leader but refused to treat Coco with the same respect as she passed by and instead kept a prejudiced watch on her every move. Coco had trouble shaking off the latent hostility around her, but pressed on and kept silent about the subject out of a somewhat contrived respect for the kin's connection to their Queen. She certainly didn't wish ill for any of them and hoped to keep the perceptible peace to the best of her ability, but at the same time, Coco was quite opposed to the idea of a re-enactment of the scene at the balcony, and the myriad of judgmental stares were rather unhelpful in putting her mind at ease in regards to this thought. Regardless, Coco gave her story, pausing every now and then for Chrysalis's inspections, and covered every point up to her departure from Canterlot as they moved through the hive.

“A fine tale, indeed," the Queen replied with a subtle smirk. "Now, about your old employer... Suri was her name, yes? How did it feel to exact your revenge upon her in such a manner?”

Coco scratched her head as she tried to put her feelings to words. “Scary at the time... but definitely satisfying.” The mere thought of the adrenaline rush she experienced from throwing the caffeinated beverage in Suri's face gave her mild goosebumps.

A sinister grin replaced the Queen's smile. “Did you make sure it was steaming hot?”

“O-of course! I mean, what good is coffee if it doesn't burn your tongue on the first sip?” Chrysalis and Coco shared a small giggle as they continued to walk. "I just... I never thought I'd get so much... happiness, I guess, from acting out revenge like that."

“Sometimes revenge is more lovely than happiness.” The Queen silently laughed to herself as her words echoed through Coco's mind.

Sometimes revenge is more lovely than happiness...

...revenge is more lovely than happiness...

...more lovely than happiness...

“No, it never is...” the earth pony retorted, and rather loudly. The pony gasped and quickly put a hoof to her mouth as she realized how audible her statement was, hoping that she had not been heard.

Chrysalis stopped in her tracks, slowly turned towards the cream mare, and towered over her as she stared her down with a face contorted with confusion and indignation. “Excuse me?!”

“Uh, n-nothing! Just thinking about fashion stuff, that's all! Don't... mind me...” Coco slowly gulped and stared back with a nervous grin.

The Queen kept an eyebrow warily raised. “I see.” Chrysalis turned back around and continued along the narrow pathway. “Speaking of fashion, what do you have planned for me?”

“As in, the design for your dress?”


“Well, I, uh... I...” Coco began to silently panic, her heart pounding against her chest, beads of sweat rolling down her face. In her mind, Coco had managed to make such a good impression with the Queen. She began to wonder what might happen if that trust was suddenly lost.

Chrysalis bit her lip. “You don't have anything planned out, do you?” she asked accusingly.

“I-I'm sorry... I don't..." the cream mare murmured as she hung her head low in shame. "I just hope you understand that I have no idea where to start with-”

Any traces of friendliness in the Queen quickly dissipated as she lashed back around to Coco. “No, YOU understand!” she blurted out sternly. The earth pony jumped back out of fear and collided with Fang and Sea More as the Queen's words echoed through the hive and lingered in her ears. “I need a dress from you. Tomorrow.”

“But I have so little time, and I hardly know where to start...”

Chrysalis rolled her eyes. “Start with the theme and work your way from there. Surely you remember it.”

“W-well, y-yes," Coco stammered. "Princess Cadence and Shining Armor.”

The Queen quickly huffed at the sound of their names. “Then you should have no issues.”

“But... what theme should I go with for these two? Royalty? Love? Color palettes? Are other changelings going?”

“You're the dressmaker; you figure it out. As for accompaniment, I will be escorted by about twenty of my best gatherers. Not that it should matter in the process of making my dress.”

“Okay then... So what are gatherers? Are they special changelings that-”

“Must you always inquire about my instructions?” the Queen asked abruptly, cutting off Coco mid-question. “You know your theme. Make me a dress. You have until tomorrow morning. I suggest you make a large pot of coffee to keep yourself going.”

Chrysalis's demand left Coco rather wide-eyed and speechless. Less than twelve hours to make a dress?! Is she for real?! It's like working for Suri all over again...

Fang piped up from behind Chrysalis and Coco. “A gatherer is a changeling designated to absorb vast amounts of love and to store said love for later use and distribution.” No sooner had Fang finished his sentence than a small rock flew through the air and struck the changeling in the cheek. He yelped in pain and, almost involuntarily, covered his sore with a hoof.

“And must you always ignore my instructions?! Do not speak for me!” Chrysalis barked.

Fang replied with a simple "Yes, my Queen", muffled by the hoof that covered his mouth and cheek.

The group continued along the paths in relative silence, save the occasional clanking of the guards' armor and the barely audible sounds of stifled laughter that emanated from Sea More as he tried his best to not mock his friend's misfortune. About ten minutes passed, with only a couple of stops in that time, before the Queen and company found themselves standing before a small, wooden door.

“I have one last errand, Coco Pommel, but I want you to stay out here," the Queen stated firmly, barely bothering to look in Coco's direction. "Under no circumstance are you to follow me inside.”

The earth pony shrugged. “Alright." Implying that you've actually invited me, even once, to join you during your check-ins in the first place... Ha.

"I mean it this time," Chrysalis warned as she furrowed her brow. "Do not enter through this door, or there will be consequences. Do you understand?”

"Uh..." Restraining her urge to pester the Queen with a bombardment of questions, Coco looked behind her for affirmation from Fang and Sea More and found the two of them nodding in agreement. The mare turned back around, still confused by the Queen's request to not be accompanied this time, but willing to go with the flow. "I guess so...?"

“Good enough. I will be back in due time.” Chrysalis promptly walked through the doorway and slammed the door shut behind her, leaving Coco, Fang and Sea More to themselves.

With the Queen out of the picture for only a few seconds, the cream mare set her curiosity loose and exploded with questions. “So... what exactly is in there? Is it a dark secret that shames Chrysalis? A deformed changeling that might try to attack strangers like me? What kind of consequences would I face for going in? How long will it take for her to finish up in there? Why would she tell me now, of all times, to not follow her into this room when I haven't accompanied her in a single tunnel tonight?”

Fang raised his hoof to calm Coco down. “One question at a time. Even we don't have all the answers. Let's just start from 'what exactly is in there'." He raised his head as if to motion towards the door. "The room just beyond is inhabited by creatures of sorts. Terrible, devious creatures...” The changeling shivered at the thought of what lurked inside. He lowered his tone, almost to a whisper. “A constant harassment for love and affection is all they have to offer. No mercy, no letting up, no sort of hospitality...”

Sea More solemnly placed a hoof on his friend's shoulder. “We've all been in there at some point. Fang and myself are no different in that respect.”

“So it's a prison?" Coco asked with concern. "A penitentiary? Something like that?”

Sea More bobbed his head back and forth in indecision. "It's difficult to explain what's in there," he answered. "Not in the sense that it's scarred us to the point that we don't want to talk about it, but rather that it's something you actually have to see for yourself."

Coco stared at Sea More, confused and troubled by the changeling's suggestion. “As in... I have to go in there to find out? Me, personally? Despite the Queen's instructions?" The mare slowly shook her head in protest. "I don't mean to be stuffy, but, uh... I'd prefer to avoid making the Queen mad if I can help it. I mean, it took a LOT of personal restraint to not bother her with all the questions I let loose on you guys, but I did it to avoid any more confrontation. Besides, why would she order me not to follow her if all of you have been in there before?”

“Ah, well, telling you would ruin the surprise," Fang replied mischievously. "I know you'd rather not cause more trouble, and I admire that, but... how does your kind say it? 'Knowledge is power'? Yes, I think it would do you well to know what's in there instead of trying to imagine it.”

Coco gave a small sigh and contemplated the suggestions aloud. "I'm really not in the mood to cause any more trouble... but darn it, I really want to know what's in there." Foregoing her cautiousness, the earth pony made her way to the door in the spirit of curiosity. But as she reached for the doorknob, the word “horrors” began to reverberate through her mind. "Although..." She suddenly pulled her hoof back and once again turned to Fang and Sea More for some sort of reassurance. Sea More gave a small, excited gesture to encourage her and an unsettling grin to boot, but Fang simply gave a short nod and waved her on. Coco's spirits rose and her curiosity came back, as strong as ever. "Nope, I have to see what's in there." With a breath of confidence, she twisted the knob and pushed.

The aged wood and rusted hinges creaked as the door opened into a small, dim hallway that gently turned left several meters away. The mare took a single step and, without warning, felt herself being forcefully shoved into the hallway. She tried to gain her balance, but all too late; she stumbled over herself and smacked her jaw on the cold floor. "H-hey! What gives?" Coco whined as she rubbed the point of impact.

“Just making sure you stick with this. Sorry about the jaw. Have fun!” Sea More said in an eerie tone as he closed the door behind him.

"That is n-no way to be treating guests, Sea More!" Coco rolled her eyes as she picked herself up and adjusted her bow. "Well... no way but forward, I guess..." She took one last look at the door behind her and, with a heavy sigh, slowly started down the hallway.

With each lead-hoofed step she took, Coco became less and less confident in her decision to disregard the Queen's warning. Despite her introspection, she could not help but constantly double-guess herself. Was it really worth risking the Queen's anger to find out what's down here? Was it worth risking my life to find out if these mysterious creatures are as heinous as Sea More and Fang made them out to be? Should I have headed back to my room to work on the dress rather than waste time in here?... But leaving the Queen without giving her notice? That would be ru-

A blood-curdling scream suddenly rang through the hallway; one that shattered Coco's train of thought and froze the mare in place. Okay, maybe this was a really bad idea... She frantically looked back and forth down the hall, her breath rapid and shallow and heart aflutter, as she tried to get a mental grip on the situation. Oh, what have I done? Why did I have to find out what's in here? Surely if Chrysalis doesn't cause me grief, these creatures will... No, no, no, no. I can't go back now. Come on, me. You got this. With a deep and shaky breath, Coco relaxed her nerves enough to allow herself to slowly creep to the end of the hallway and carefully peek around the corner. From her angle, there was little she could make out save the soft glow of a large and well-lit room dotted with seemingly tiny beings that moved about in the background. Can't do much from here. I guess I'll have to get closer... Coco silently gulped. ...to whatever's in there.

With a few dozen cautious paces, Coco rounded the corner and exited the corridor as it opened up into a narrow walkway overlooking the main body of the room roughly thirty feet below. The walls and floors were comprised of the same material found throughout the rest of the hive, the room measured to be about the size of two track fields side-by-side, and the opening to another narrow corridor leading Coco knew not where could be seen waiting at the back left corner of the room. The upper walkway wrapped around the entire room and the corridor like a stand at a coliseum; part of a room seemingly fit for the sport of spectating something... or somepony. In an effort to see exactly what might be subject to this sort of distant scrutiny, Coco approached the edge of the walkway and silently observed the clamor below.

To the mare's relative surprise, there were no ugly, horrid, or deformed creatures the sight of which would provoke nightmares. There was only a mass of small changelings, all of whom were laughing, running, flitting their tiny wings, and screaming with delight. Some of them ran about and chased each other; some mingled and moved around on what appeared to be jungle gym equipment, completely carved out of stone; some kept in smaller groups of two or three and chatted amongst themselves, but all of them were engaged in activities that Coco deemed rather normal.

Oh, goodness... Are these children? So adorable, so innocent... and certainly not monsters! Coco's anxiety and heart melted at the sight of the outward joy and naivete of the little ones. How could this possibly be such a terrible place? These little ones aren't causing any trouble or harm... so what was with the scream? Perhaps a joyful cry? Goodness knows it can certainly run off at times. The cream mare smiled to herself at the thought of her wracked nerves causing so much grief as she slowly paced along the ledge. If this is a playground, perhaps there's a classroom nearby, just like back home! I wonder who teaches them how to talk and read and write, and do math, and... history... Coco's smile suddenly faded and her heart sank as the innocence of the changeling children fabricated in her mind evaporated.

They're going to come to learn to hate ponies, just like Scar said! ...Or perhaps they already do? Oh, I don't even like thinking about it! The cream mare solemnly put a hoof to her mouth as she watched the changelings merrily run about in naive bliss. How awful, dooming the children like that. But why? They have so much potential to change the future, and yet it's just thrown away... Why would they be taught this sort of thing for so many generations? Come to think of it, what about ponies back home? Are those children taught to have such horrible attitudes towards others? Is it generational as well? I wonder... For a brief moment, Coco could not help but think back to her old employer, Suri, and imagine the deceitful mare as a filly. The thought of a young Suri amused Coco to the point of a stifled laugh, but the pressing matter of when and how her employer came to be so mean-spirited occupied her mind as she absentmindedly kept an eye on the changeling children below. Oh, Suri... If only I had more compassion for her and her past. What a vicious cycle of-

A small voice suddenly rang from the pit, “Who is that?” The high-pitched wail pulled Coco's full attention back to the clamor below, where she found a wide-eyed changeling child watching her warily. Slowly but surely, the volume of laughter and chatter began to die down as the other children joined their friend in examining Coco until they were all huddled below the cream mare in a large, black mass. Neither Coco nor the children knew what to make of the encounter; both parties were left in awkward silence as they stared each other down with petrified gazes.

The children's silent nature did not last long, though. Awkward silence transformed into worried murmurs, worried murmurs into confused chatter, and confused chatter into panicked shouting. “I thought nochangeling was allowed in here except the Queen!” “I'm going to tell Miss Chrysalis!” “Me too!” "Nuh-uh! I saw her first, I'll tell the Queen!"

As if driven by a hive mind, the children all bolted for the back of the room, shouting and yelling about the intruder and the Queen along the way, and disappeared down the side corridor. Coco's heart began to race at the thought of being caught by the Queen. She motioned to skedaddle out of the room, but the fear that gripped her heart quickly took control of her legs as well, and she found herself helplessly rooted in place. Now I'm really in for it...

The sound of raucous shouting and stomping ominously faded from the hollowed room, a strained silence taking its place for a moment before the clack of a single set of hoofsteps on hard ground echoed from the corridor below. A lone female changeling appeared from behind the corner and saw Coco frozen with fear. “Excuse me, what are you doing in the nursery? What is the meaning behind this?!” she shrieked.

A cold, demanding voice sounded from within the corridor; a voice that sent chills up Coco's spine. “Who is it, Bitter Tongue?”

“It's an earth pony," the changeling replied testily, eyes glued on the cream mare. "I'm assuming it's the same one you brought all this way to-”

"COCO POMMEL! Come forth!” Queen Chrysalis's powerful voice shook the earth and startled Coco out of her leg-lock.

With little choice in the matter, the mare inched her way across the walkway, toward the corridor at the end of the room, head kept low out of humiliation. She rounded the corner and found Queen Chrysalis inspecting the crowd of changeling children below. The fillies' eyes flickered and darted back and forth between Coco and Chrysalis, unsure of who to deem the center of attention. Without even bothering to look at her, the Queen addressed Coco with a tone far more bitter than any she had used before. “I told you to wait outside. I made sure that you were clear with me. And yet I come to find that you have deliberately disobeyed me.”

Small bouts of whispering and sing-song mockery quickly broke out among the children. "She made the Queen mad! She made the Queen mad!" "Ooh, she's in trouble..."

“I'm sorry..." Coco struggled to hold back shame-filled tears. "I just-”

“So is this the same pony you brought in for the special task, my Queen?” The female changeling's sharp voice interrupted Coco before she could give an explanation.

With undiminished disappointment, Chrysalis replied, “Indeed, Bitter Tongue. This is Coco Pommel. She is the pony who has been brought here from Manehattan to create my dress for the Grand Galloping Gala, and she is currently on very thin ice. ”

“Is that so?” Bitter Tongue took one more good look at Coco with a certain prejudiced disdain and snorted in begrudging approval. “Very well. Just make sure she stays out of my hair. It's hard enough keeping the children under control without outsiders like her distracting them.”

The cream mare hid her face as best as she could from the judgmental glares of this mysterious changeling and the Queen. So many changelings giving me the same kind of nasty look... Are our histories with them truly that awful? Is it something I did?

“At my side, Coco,” Chrysalis commanded authoritatively. Coco kept her face angled toward the changeling children, not daring to look upon the Queen, as she made her way across the walkway and gradually slowed to a stop at Chrysalis's side. “You have gone against my instructions, so it is only fitting that you receive the due punishment.”

Coco's ears immediately perked up at the statement. “S-sorry? What kind of puni- woahwoahWOAH!” Before she could finish her question, the pony found herself once again suspended by Chrysalis's magic, and with no warning, she was transported to the floor below and dropped like a ragdoll in the middle of the crowd.

"Your punishment, dear Coco, is direct interaction with the children."

I don't know... Moving and dropping me so suddenly was pretty messed up, too... With a little grunting, Coco got back on all fours and apprehensively surveyed the group of children that surrounded her. It was not the thought of what the children might do that worried Coco, but rather the thought of what they might say to her, or think about her, and what kind of effect this encounter would have on their outlook on her and other ponies. Surprisingly enough, and much to Coco's delight, there were no angry faces to behold, and instead she was met with a wave of awe-filled and curious eyes. The mare silently let out a sigh of relief, and her pent-up tension vanished amidst the peace.

“Is she a real pony? Like, somepony not from here?" one of the children asked wondrously.

“Yes, she is, young one,” Chrysalis gently responded. “She and others like her are the main sources of the love we use to nourish ourselves.”

Another child piped up from the back of the crowd. “My daddy says that you got a pony to make a dress for you. Is this her?”

The Queen nodded. “Indeed. She is the one whose work will aid me in collecting the love we need.”

A small wave of excitement coursed through the crowd of children as they marveled at their savior-to-be. “Wow! Really?” “How can she do that? Is the dress magical?” "Is she an angel?”

Questions quickly erupted from almost every child and stretched Chrysalis's focus every which way as she tried to answer all of them in a mannerly order. "One at a time, little ones... Her name is Coco Pommel... Yes, she is staying in the castle... How can she help me collect love? Let's just say she possesses her own brand of magic that she pours into the dress... No, she is not an angel. She certainly is a blessing of sorts, although she has her moments..."

Chrysalis's sentiment provoked a bit of thought and reflection within Coco as she stood and watched the children and the Queen go back and forth from the figurative sidelines. Wow... I-I never thought I was that important to Chrysalis, to the changelings... That was quite nice of her to say on my behalf. Despite the numerous mishaps, both minor and major, with which she had already dealt on her trip to the changelings' home, the mare could not help but feel that she had a special place among their numbers, like a love-filled patch for a well-worn hole in a blackened heart. Seeing all the children's' bright and smiling faces made her feel quite appreciated, even empowered to a degree. But why do I feel so loved and wanted here? Amongst children changelings? Maybe there's something I missed... For a few solemn moments, Coco zoned out of reality and once again became lost in her own thoughts.

What exactly am I accomplishing by making this dress? For everypony back home... well, they'll be safe from another changeling invasion, I guess. What about the changelings? They'll get all the love they need for a good long while if everything goes according to plan. Which means I got a lot of ponies and changelings depending on me to get this right. And if I do, then both sides will be content... but content with each other, or just content in knowing they won't have to clash again? Wait... Coco let out a soft gasp as she came to a small epiphany. Is this a chance to fix everything? With both sides meeting on peaceful terms, is there a chance for me, for them, for all of us, to change the way ponies and changelings see each other? To finally repair a generations-old conflict brought about by misunderstanding? Coco always knew that Queen Chrysalis was not attending the gala just for kicks, but the mare now saw how critical this mission truly was for her, folks back home, the Queen, and the changelings alike.Maybe this is why I kept the job. Maybe, deep down, I always knew this was about more than just a commission and payment for the Queen, and more than just getting the love she and her kind needs. And maybe... just maybe... I can possibly change the changelings' and ponies' opinion on each other for the better. It may be a bit of a stretch, and the idea may warrant ridicule from both sides, but I have to try for the betterment of our futures! With a small smile of satisfaction, Coco placed this new-found inspiration for her work and more positive perspective on her situation close to her heart.

The thought of a chance at such a paradigm-shifting course of events was, to say the least, a catalyst for the cream mare's spirit; a sudden, almost instinctive, burst of positive energy flowed through her. “Oh, look at all of you!" she beamed. "All of you are the cutest little things I've ever seen!”

Without warning, commotion between Chrysalis and the children slowly died down, and one by one, every changeling in the room turned their focus to Coco until all eyes were fixated on her as if she had just performed a miracle in front of them. Unbeknownst to her, Coco gave off a potent aura of love and affection for a brief moment, and the group of children, Bitter Tongue, and Chrysalis all felt its power. Bitter Tongue and the Queen were no strangers to the sensation, but the mare's emotional outburst was rather unexpected.

As for the children, they had never embraced a pony's love first-hoof, so the whole experience was quite astonishing to them, and they began small, hushed discussions about this new sensation. "Wow, that was cool! What did she do?" "Was that her love? I've never felt so much!" "How did she do that? She should do it again!" "Is she an angel?"

In the midst of all the chatter, a single tiny voice caught Coco's attention. “Umm, miss pony?” A small changeling filly at the back of the crowd nudged her way past the other children and up to Coco. Her innocent eyes shimmered with curiosity behind her long mane as she looked to the blue-haired mare for answers. “Do you like us? Do you really like changelings?”

Coco's shining smile slightly dimmed at the question. The mare had never taken the time to ponder her stance on changelings in general, and having a changeling filly pop the question threw her off-guard. She delicately avoided eye contact with the child and the others as she frantically mulled over a proper answer in her head. I guess I like changelings... most of them, at least. That Scar Splash is something else... But they're victims of circumstance if what Chrysalis says about our pasts is true. And even if I didn't, I couldn't tell the children. They'd come to hate ponies even faster! I wouldn't be dishonest in saying I do, but certainly wouldn't be truthful in saying I like every changeling-

"Miss pony? Did you hear me?" The changeling filly poked Coco's side, eager to grab her attention and to provoke a reply.

The cream mare blinked a couple of times and looked down at the child at her side. "Oh, I'm so sorry! I was a bit distracted. Always have something on my mind..." Coco's reassuring smile quickly recovered as she continued. "Of course, I do, sweetie! Especially all of you cutie pies! Why do you ask?”

“Well, my mommy says that nopony cares about changelings. Is this true?”

Coco's face may as well have been made out of silly putty with all of these serious questions bouncing back and forth; she couldn't keep a single facial expression, let alone a smile, for more than a few seconds at a time. The poor mare was completely stressed and worn out, mentally and physically, from being put in the spotlight so many times in such a short period, and she found it nearly impossible to come up with any sort of answer. “I'm sorry, sweetie, but... I'm not exactly sure how anypony else feels about you...”

The vague answer sparked a relentless bombardment of inquiries from the children. “How come you don't know?” “If you don't know, then why has nopony come to help us?” “Are you really an angel?”

Too many questions from every angle kept Coco spinning on the spot as she tried to pick out and discern even a single question to answer, but the constant pressure proved far too overwhelming for her already-worn capacity to concentrate. "Well, I... uh... One at a time, please..." she whispered weakly. "I can't answer everypony all at once...”

Chrysalis could clearly see the exhaustion in Coco, even from her perch. This sort of treatment won't get my dressmaker anywhere with her creation. I cannot allow the children to continue probing the earth pony like this if they are afflicting her with so much mental exhaustion... A sinister thought immediately crossed her mind, and a cunning grin quickly accompanied it. ...but there may be another way to keep them entertained. “Children! Leave her be for now.” The children drew silent at the Queen's behest and turned their attention to her as she drifted down from the walkway and landed on the floor below. “Gather around me. I have a new game for all of you to play.”

“The Queen wants to play a game! Let's go!” At once, the children sprinted toward the Queen and formed a half-circle around her. "Oh, what game do you have for us now?" "Can we all play?" The children all ecstatically hopped up and down as they awaited Chrysalis's next instructions.

With the crowd finally gone, Coco took a breather and collapsed in relief. Oh, thank goodness. I don't know how much more of that I could have taken.

"Settle down, children," Chrysalis calmly instructed; the children heeded her words and fell silent, excitedly awaiting the Queen's plan for them. "The new game I have in mind for you today is called 'Pummel Pommel'.”

Coco shot her head up at the Queen's proposition. Please don't tell me the game is as bad as it sounds...

“Whenever somechangeling says 'Pummel Pommel', I want you to go ahead and jump on her-" Chrysalis gestured a hoof towards Coco. "-the same way you were jumping around me moments ago.”

I was right. It's worse than it sounds. Perturbed by the thought of enduring the pain of being trampled by a crowd of changeling children, Coco spoke out against the Queen's cruel scheme in a desperate effort to change the children's course of actions, “I don't know... I-it doesn't sound like it'd be very fun. Are there other games you can play besides 'Pummel Pommel'? Perhaps a game of hopscotch, or tag, or something else that doesn't sound so bru-"

Chrysalis cupped a hoof around her ear in mockery of the cream mare's sentiment. “Did you hear what she said, children?” The children all looked around at each other with uncertainty, waiting for somepony to give the Queen an answer. “She said 'Pummel Pommel'. And what are you to do when somepony says that?”

A child near the front of the group hesitantly spoke up. “We... jump on her?”

“Precisely!” Chrysalis exclaimed with a devious smile. "Now, go on, my dear! All of you! Go on and jump on her!"

In unison, the children all turned toward Coco with equally mischievous grins plastered on their faces and made a mad dash towards her. "Get the pony!" "Run over there! Don't let her escape!" "Can't angels fly? What if she does?" "That's why we're jumping on her, stupid."

It was still in Coco's interests to talk the children out of using her as their own personal plushy pony pogo practice, but she knew better than to take chances. "N-now, hold on, l-let's not do anything rash!" the startled mare yelled, trying to reason with the overly-energetic changelings who all seemed unwavering in their effort to go through with the Queen's inane activity, as she made a hasty backpedal retreat. "H-hey, I'm sure there are other games you haven't tried! Why not try a game of mine?" she suggested. No reaction; the children were headed straight for her just the same. With her hopes of assuaging their appetite for entertainment almost completely dashed, Coco kicked her backpedaling into overdrive and doubled her vigilance, closely watching both the area behind her and the children's every movement and looking for any opening that could act as a means of escape. She dodged and weaved through the changelings' jungle gym as she tried to calm them down one last time. "Come on, let's just sit down and try to find a middle ground here! I mean, there are plenty of other games I know that I'd love to play with you all, and they don't involve getting anypony hurt or inju- oof!"

Coco's rear end suddenly slammed into a hard surface. She frantically looked behind herself, only to find that she had been backed into a corner at the front of the room, thirty feet below the very spot from which she surveyed the room upon arrival. She quickly turned around to look for a way out, but her heart immediately sank at the sight she beheld. In the time Coco had her back turned on them, the children managed to wrap themselves around her and cut off any possible escape routes.

"Oh, no. No, no, no... Escape..." Coco whispered loudly to herself as she desperately searched for a way out. "Come on, there's gotta be something I can... climb..." With some exceptional thinking on her hooves, the mare positioned herself to scale the wall directly behind her. A surge of panic-fueled adrenaline coursed through Coco, and in a last-ditch effort to avoid being trampled, the blue-haired mare used all of her strength to try and ascend the cliff to safety high above her. She managed to scramble a good five feet off the ground, but proper traction on such a slippery surface was hard to come by with her naturally smooth hooves. One misplacement of her hind left hoof sent the cream mare plummeting back down to the ground, back first, where she could do nothing against the impending onslaught of tiny changelings. "Wait, no no no no! Aaaah!"

In a mad blur of black and teal, the crowd of changeling children assaulted Coco from all sides and angles. One by one, each child took an opportunity to use Coco's helpless body as a makeshift trampoline. The poor mare curled herself up to try and diminish the pain, but her defensive measures proved to be of little aid; she still felt every sting, every blow, every relentless jab that the children happily delivered. Her head grew numb from the constant physical abuse, but a cacophony of cheering and singsong taunts rang loud and clear in her ears. "Pummel Pommel! Pummel Pommel! Let's all pummel the ne'er-do-well!"

The accumulated physical and mental stress through which Coco had been wrung completely devastated her spirit, and she broke into uncontrollable sobbing. "I-I-I'm s-sor-ry... Puh-ple-e-ease s-stop..." she blubbered amidst the injury and mistreatment. "I-I w-won't cause a-a-any... m-more tro-ouble... I-I-I pr-romi-i-ise..." But the barrage of tiny hooves did not stop, and she was subjected to continuous abuse, against her will, for a good while longer.

Bitter Tongue flew to the Queen's side and joined her in watching the children stomp Coco into the ground. “Look at them, so happy causing pain and grief for the earth pony. They grow up so fast...”

“I was hoping this mare was different from her kind," Chrysalis commented coldly as she and Bitter Tongue approached the fray. "She seemed like she would be reasonable and willing to listen to me. Yet here she is, in direct violation of instructions directly from me, the Changeling Queen herself, and she is paying the price. It disheartens me to think that this sort of behavior may be ingrained into all of ponykind..." Chrysalis suddenly paused, several meters away from the commotion, with Bitter Tongue following suit, and shook her head in denial. "...but one act of discrepancy does not a change in character constitute. I trusted Inferno Fang to choose the best of the best, and he placed his faith in Coco, so I shall place my faith in her as well.” With one swift motion, Chrysalis turned to the children, sharply inhaled and bellowed, “Children, release Coco! I believe she's had enough for one day.”

With a great deal of reluctance, whining, and grumbling, the children ceased jumping on Coco, slowly stepped away from her, stumbling and tripping over one another as they disbanded, and left the cream mare softly trembling on the ground, her hair completely disheveled and her body covered in sores. They gathered around the Queen and waited for her to give them a new order of play, but continued to watch Coco from a distance.

"So tell me, Coco Pommel," Chrysalis called out to the motionless pony. “Did you have fun with the children? They certainly had a fun time with you, and seem eager to play again.”

Coco slowly stood back up and gingerly approached Chrysalis and the children, wincing and limping in pain with every step. "D-did... did I-I have f-f-fun?" she asked in disbelief. Her voice was filled with a violent and uncontrollable shakiness. "Y-you ca-can't be... s-seri-ious... I-I-I don't... I can't even... wha-"

Without any warning, Coco's gentle nature transformed into a brutal rage, her face contorted with wrath, her mind pushed aside the pain from the numerous bruises and contusions covering her body, and she began screaming at the top of her lungs. “HOW COULD YOU POSSIBLY THINK I HAD FUN?! HOW YOU COULD POSSIBLY ASK SOMETHING SO ASININE?! DID IT HONESTLY LOOK LIKE I HAD A SINGLE OUNCE OF 'FUN' TO YOU?! HUH?!" Coco's fury burned so greatly that it caused several children to dart behind the Queen and cower in terror. "NO, WAIT! I HAVE A GREAT IDEA! WHY DON'T WE PIN YOU DOWN AND SEE HOW YOU LIKE HAVING DOZENS OF CHILDREN PUMMELING YOU INTO THE GROUND?! DOES THAT SOUND LIKE A GOOD IDEA TO YOU?! BECAUSE IT SURE AS SILK SOUNDS GOOD TO ME!" Coco's vocal chords had never been put through so much stress before, and her voice began to crack and squeak.

“How dare you yell at the Queen!” Bitter Tongue barked defensively. "She is the very reason you are here, and she can just as easi-"

"Can it, nanny," Coco growled. "Unless you wanna make this personal. Oh, I can arrange for that. I'd absolutely love to!"

The caretaker motioned to lash out at Coco, but the Queen's outstretched hoof blocked her advance. “There's no need to speak on my behalf, Bitter Tongue, nor is there any need to escalate the situation," Chrysalis interjected. "Let her vent. She has had a long day.”

Coco let out a contemptuous snicker. "A nice gesture, but I planned on ranting either way. Besides, why do you care if I've had a long day? Based on how you treated me, a special guest and 'blessing', as you so quaintly put it, I'm starting to doubt that any of you really care about me!"

The hot-headed mare took a small breather to clear her raw, scratchy throat. "My day isn't even over yet, because, apparently, I still have to make your dress! A dress, might I add, for which I've tried to set up and prepare my supplies all day! But seeing as how nearly every run-in and encounter I've had with your changelings today has had a negative impact on my progress, I've had virtually no time for this infernal creation whatsoever! Even when I was accompanying you during your queenly business, I still got nasty looks from every single changeling! Do I even have to mention what Scar Face did to-”

“I believe you mean Scar Splash,” Chrysalis interrupted.

“WHATEVER!" Coco roared, now visibly red in the face. "THE POINT IS HE THREW ME OFF THE BALCONY! Only Fang and Sea More had the decency to help me, but even they arrived in just the nick of time! Not even you sided with me! You had the gall to agree with his sentiment! Then you go and have these little-”

Coco abruptly cut herself short. Before she could bring them into the conversation, the cream mare caught sight of the children huddling behind the Queen, frightened and petrified by what they had just witnessed. The rage that gripped her heart quickly molded into regret as she came to terms with the outcome of her petty tantrum, and she let out a heavy sigh. Oh, what am I doing? This is no way to make a first impression...

“-children... I am so sorry. Please... forgive me..." Coco pleaded remorsefully. Her eyes began to well up with tears, but she held her composure. "I never... There was no reason for what I did. I just... I finally had enough... I was fed up with everything... that's been going on around me, and I... let it out in front of you... almost on you... and I am so sorry. I hope you don't hold it against me... or ponies like me. We're not like this. I'm not like this, and I'm sorry you had to see me... lash out." Coco meekly turned her face away from the children.

The children cautiously stepped out from behind the Queen and watched Coco in idle silence. Several moments passed, seemingly frozen in time, until, all of a sudden, the same child that first approached the cream mare walked up to her and placed a tiny hoof on her. "It's okay. You still care about us, don't you?"

Another child soon joined the first, then another, until, one by one, they had all gathered around Coco, once again, to comfort her. "Maybe a game will cheer you up?" "Yeah, but let's not jump on her... even though she was really bouncy!"

Coco smiled weakly. "Thank you... And you too..." She returned to her upright position and boldly approached the two older changelings. "...Queen Chrysalis and Bitter Tongue. I apologize to both of you as well. What I did to all of you was uncalled for. I just... I'd like some respect and cooperation while I'm here. No arguments, no prejudice... just a hospitable environment. I mean, I am helping out your hive, after all. I'm helping both of you, and your guards, and...” She turned back to the children around her. “...and I'm helping them.”

Bitter Tongue stared quizzically at the earth pony. “You truly intend to aid the Queen in her task? Do you want to help us? Help the children? Of your own free will?”

“Of course," Coco replied with a confident nod. "A little compromise from you and your fellow changelings would certainly make my job easier, but I plan on going through with this dress, one way or another. 'If you give to those in need, you will be known for righteous deeds'. It's a famous quote from Princess Celestia, I believe... I mean, I don't know how you feel about me quoting her, but...”

For several strained moments, Bitter Tongue could not wipe the puzzled frown from her face. But as she took the earth pony's words to heart, the caretaker nodded with a straight face and replied, “Very well. I think we can arrange something.”

Coco's face lit up. “You mean-?”

“Yes. You shall have my respect and the respect of the rest of the hive. The Queen and I will do our best to-” Bitter Tongue was interrupted by an impromptu hug from Coco.

"Oh, thank you, thank you so much!" the mare exclaimed exuberantly.

The caretaker gave Coco a small, awkward pat on the head. "Erm... you're welcome." She could feel the energy and affection radiating from the earth pony as she stood motionless in the embrace. So much love... Genuine, authentic love... She really does feel strongly about helping us. It seems I judged her too quickly... but what about the rest of her kind? No, that will take time...

Chrysalis chuckled to herself as she watched the small exchange. “You certainly seem to enjoy clinging to anypony that brings you joy," she commented.

Blushing with embarrassment, the mare hastily let go of Bitter Tongue. “I, uh... well...”

“It's quite alright. At the very least, it is a sign that you are wholeheartedly willing to help us.”

“Absolutely!" Coco beamed. "Thank you for understanding. I promise I won't disappoint you!” The blue-haired mare then stepped out from the ring of children and politely to Chrysalis, almost impulsively, as if some inner force or train of thought drove her to pay the same respects due to the royalty back home.

Coco's act of courtesy caught everypony in the room off-guard. Chrysalis's eyes widened with surprise, Bitter Tongue's jaw hit the floor, and all of the children gasped in awe. The thought of any pony, even their guest, showing respect in this manner had never crossed any of their minds.

Hoping to break the stunned silence, the earth pony stood back up and stuttered, "A-again, I'm... sorry for doing what I did. I don't know what came over me.”

“It's fine,” Chrysalis replied, her voice quivering ever so slightly. “It's difficult to put this into words properly, and perhaps I should have said this earlier, so I'll keep it short.” Her voice briefly caught in her throat as she put her thoughts to words, but she managed to utter a small, “Thank you.” With haste, the Queen flew up from where she stood and returned to her spot on the ledge above, but she kept her gaze averted from the crowd down below.

Bitter Tongue and Coco both waited for any sort of response or command from the Queen, but they were only greeted with her distant demeanor. “The Queen is rarely this pensive, especially when in view of the rest of the hive," the caretaker remarked. "She just needs some time to herself." Bitter Tongue quickly looked over to Coco. "As for you, I truly meant what I said earlier... and I'm certain the Queen feels the same way, which may explain why she is acting this way.”

Coco turned her attention to the changeling standing beside her. “You mean with respect to, well, having respect for me?”

“Yes. I know we did not exactly get off on the right hoof, but I can see that you are not as heartless and uncompromising as your kind has proven itself to be. Thank you for your willingness to aid us, and for treating us like normal denizens of this pony-filled world and not like monsters.”

The cream mare smiled faintly. "I wish I could say we're all this kind, but I've seen the kind of hate you know us for in ponies I know, and I really can't blame you for- ow!" Coco was interrupted by a sharp yank on her tail.

“Sorry...” The same filly who first talked to Coco was once again standing timidly beside her.

“What's wrong, Teethling?” Bitter Tongue asked.

“Uh... nothing's wrong," the filly answered quietly. "I just wanted to ask Miss Coco something else. Is that okay?”

Coco smiled brightly. “Of course! What's on your mind, sweetie?”

“Well, I guess it's not really a question," Teethling said as she played at the ground with a hoof. "I wanted to say thank you for helping us.” As she finished her sentence, the filly carefully wrapped her front hooves around Coco and gave the earth pony a small hug.

With a warm smile, Coco returned the hug. “Aw, you're absolutely welcome. It's my pleasure to help.”

“Maybe once we get all the love we need, my daddy can start eating more.”

“What do you- oh...” Coco's heart sank like a stone. The thought of a family, of an entire species, suffering from a lack of nourishment caused by discrimination dampened the mood for the cream mare. Yet at the same time, Teethling's sentiment motivated her even further to pour her heart and soul into the dress and to help the changelings. They may be on unfriendly terms with most of Equestria, but that doesn't mean they don't have the right to live. They're pony beings, just like us, and they deserve a second chance. Coco gently pulled Teethling closer and softly murmured, “Don't worry. Your dad and the entire hive will get all the love they need and more. I promise.”

A fleeting thought provoked a brief inkling of doubt in Teethling. “But... there's, like, a bajillion changelings. That's more than I can count! Are you sure you can help all of us?” she asked worriedly.

"Well, a bajillion is quite a lot," Coco laughed. "It's certainly more than I can count as well. But you know what? I have no doubt that I can make it happen. A friend of mine once told me something. 'One positive and generous act can go a long way.' And in this case, it'll help you, your dad and all the changelings here!”

“It's true,” Bitter Tongue added. “Very few ponies seem to know and understand this concept, so it is quite comforting to know that Coco does. To be fair, I should have suspected that Coco kept such values close to her heart based on what she said before, but nevertheless, I am glad to hear this.”

Coco rubbed the back of her head. “Oh, it's not that special. I just try to keep myself in good company,” she said sheepishly.

Bitter Tongue chuckled silently. “Well, you stick with that philosophy, and we'll get along fine. Anyways, I think we've had enough drama for one evening.” She redirected her focus toward the children and exclaimed, “Tonight, you are free to do as you please!”

A cacophony of jubilation rang within the narrow halls as the children all celebrated the instructions together, cheering and jumping up and down with excitement. Coco watched the children split up and return to the activities in which they were engaged prior to her arrival, but, out of the corner of her eye, she noticed that one of them had stayed. The cream mare looked over and saw Teethling, staring at the ground in stationary solitude. "Are you okay, Teethling? Don't you wanna join your friends?” Coco asked.

Without answering the question and without warning, the young one took to the air, flitting her wings with all of her might, and ascended the thirty-foot cliff to join Chrysalis, who had not moved an inch from her spot high above Coco and the rest of the changelings. From where she stood, Coco could barely make out Teethling talking to the Queen, but the squeals of delight coming from the playful fillies proved too great, and she found it impossible to determine exactly what the child was saying. Teethling finished her dialogue rather quickly, and with a small nod from the Queen, she flew back down to the bottom floor.

“I see you've gained confidence in your flight skills," Bitter Tongue commented as the child landed at her side. "Very well done, but please let me know if you plan on ascending by yourself next time. So, what did you tell the Queen while you were up there?"

Teethling shook her head, still refusing to make eye contact with anypony. “I didn't tell her anything. I just asked if she and Miss Pommel had to leave soon. She told me yes, they do...” A small grin suddenly formed on the child's face as she slowly looked up at Coco. “...but she also said we could play one more game before then.”

Coco could not shake the uneasy feeling that came from hearing the phrase “one more game”, but the look in Teethling's eyes tugged all too much at her heartstrings. Darn it, I can't say no to a cute face like that... “Alrighty, I think one game will be fine,” she replied.

Teethling's grin turned into a goofy smile. “Well then, let's go!” she exclaimed as she took ahold of Coco's foreleg with a firm grip. The child excitedly led her guest, who struggled to keep up the pace with only three hooves on the ground, toward the center of the playground area, navigating a path through the crowd of children, until they reached the most barren spot. Teethling let go of Coco and circled the area a few times. “Hmm... Yep, this is the perfect place to play our game,” she said conclusively.

“Alright, what game did you have in mind?” Coco asked with a smile. “Are we going to play tag, or Nanny Neighs, or-”

Before the question could be finished, Teethling hollered, “PUMMEL POMMEL!” and immediately bit down on Coco's tail. Coco's unassuming smile twisted into a horrified look, and the rest of the children ceased their horseplay and turned to the center of the room, as the changeling's words rang through the air like an ominous siren.

The panicked earth pony tried bolting for the closest opening, but the tiny changeling's grip on her tail was deceptively powerful, and she bounced right back. "Teethling, I thought we agreed no more changelings jumping on my head!" she moaned in despair as the children charged straight for her.

"Phorry, Miff Phummel, buff diff game iff fo muff fun!" the child explained with a mouthful of hair. "Ull juff make fur we go eevy on you diff tum!" She spit out the blue mess and cried out, "One at a time, everypony! We don't want to hurt her."

"A bit late for that," Coco sighed in exasperation. Well, no good deed goes unpunished, I guess... although it could be much worse. With a small deal of reluctance, she let the children pile onto her once again.


“Queen Chrysalis, why did you give the children a game that involves using me as a trampoline?” Coco was still aching from the second session of Pummel Pommel as she and Chrysalis made for the hallway leading out of the nursery. The children were gathered below to bid them a spirited goodbye.

“Well, if I recall correctly, I decreed that your punishment for going against my instructions was direct interaction with the children," the Queen taunted. "I believe that's quite some direct interaction if I do say so myself. Perhaps next time, you'll do as I ask and not cause any unnecessary trouble.”

"Yeah, but... nrgh..." The mare grumbled to herself, but she could not deny the truth in Chrysalis's statement.

Before Coco and Chrysalis could make it to the hallway, a voice called out from behind. “My Queen!”

The two slowed their pace and turned to see a figure flying through the air in a hasty approach. "What's the matter, Bitter Tongue?" the Queen inquired.

“Forgive me for bothering you," the caretaker huffed as she landed on the ledge. "May I speak to Coco one last time before you leave?”

"Very well, but please make it quick."

Coco briskly walked over to Bitter Tongue with a light spring in her step. “Did you need something from me?” she asked.

“There is nothing I require of you, Coco," Bitter Tongue answered with a small wave of her hoof. "I simply wanted to extend to you a formal apology.”

The earth pony recoiled in surprise. “Wai- apologize? For what?”

Bitter Tongue briefly glanced down at the children before answering. “I want to properly apologize for judging you before getting to know you. I know I made a comment regarding your altruism earlier, but I think it's safe to say that hardly counts. So... I apologize for my irrational judgment and behavior earlier." With two sharp motions, the caretaker bowed her head and snapped it right back up.

“Oh... Well, thank you. And I certainly forgive you,” the mare replied. "But... why make it so urgent?"

“There's something else I need to tell you. It's something that should have been explained to you as soon as possible... Something that will provide a bit of insight as to why what's been happening to you has been happening.” Bitter Tongue nervously looked in the Queen's direction before subtly gesturing Coco to come closer. As the earth pony came within earshot, Bitter Tongue roughly whispered, “You've had this rather bad reputation for one big reason: the Queen. She resorted to bringing in a pony, an outsider - no offense - to make her dress for the Gala, rather than assigning the task to one of us... one of her own kind... and it's made a lot of us feel a lot less useful to the Queen. Many of us would rather die than be replaced, so it's only natural that we, including myself, would absolutely despise you... or, at the very least, despise the thought of you being here in the first place.”

“Oh... well, how would they be able to help the Queen dead? I mean, it seems counter-productive, doesn't it?”

“In a sense, yes, but it's part of our mode of operation. If we can't live for the hive, there's often no point in living. It's rather macabre, so try not to think about it too much. It hit rather close to home, so to speak, when I realized what kind of impact it could have on those around me - namely, my closest friend, Silky Maggot. Silky is the Queen's lead apperal designer, responsible for drawing out and designing her dresses, as well as drapes and various linen decorations about the castle. When news about a pony designer coming in to replace her and the other tailors got out and spread to her, it brought her a great deal of grief. Of course, I was not keen on the idea of my friend dealing with that kind of turmoil, so it goes without saying that I was not keen on the idea of a pony being brought in to 'replace' my friend, let alone meeting my friend's 'replacement'.”

The earth pony looked away ruefully. “I'm sorry... I never knew that my being here was causing this kind of distress and controversy...”

“It's not your fault,” the caretaker grimaced. "You, individually. Besides, if the Queen is going to have the best dress possible for this gala, it only makes sense to bring in an expert with a more direct knowledge of the standards that will need to be met."

“It's true,” Chrysalis pitched in, mere inches away from Coco and Bitter Tongue. Both of them flinched at the Queen's sudden and completely unexpected presence.

At once, Bitter Tongue slammed her forehead on the ground as she bowed in submission. “Forgive me, my Queen, but the others and I have always felt very strongly against the idea of turning to a pony for help in this endeavor, rather than to your own kind, and we-”

“Enough, Bitter Tongue,” Chrysalis interrupted solemnly. “Look at me.” Bitter Tongue lifted up her head, now bruised and slightly reddened from the impact, and met the Queen's gaze. “You and the rest of the hive are special and unique to me. You cannot, and will not, ever be replaced by anything or anypony. Do not forget that.” Without warning, the Queen turned and hastily made for the exit. “We depart, Coco. My errands are finished for the evening.”

Coco hurried to Chrysalis's side per request and gave one last glance back at the caretaker, now standing alone on the lookout, as she and the Queen disappeared into the hallway.


It was a quiet walk back to Coco's room. Fang and Sea More tried to extract information and details of what went on while they waited outside, but the Queen and Coco kept silent. Chrysalis maintained an emotionless facade with no orders or instructions to give, and Coco reflected on what Bitter Tongue had disclosed as each changeling glared her down while she and the rest of the group made their way through the hive.

In due time, Coco and company rounded a cobblestone corner, into a hallway that rang familiar even for the guest. To her relief, not a single changeling was to be found anywhere near Coco's room as she and the others continued down the short passageway. The earth pony broke off from the rest of the group and slipped into her room without a sound.

Before Chrysalis reached the door to Coco's room, Sea More broke the silence and asked, “My Queen, if it be in your interests, would you care to tell us what happened at the school grounds?”

The Queen stopped and sighed, and wearily turned to address her guards. "Much has come to light tonight - too much to relay at this hour - but I can tell you this much. Fang, you have found the perfect candidate to help us thrive. I applaud your keen judgment of character. Sea More, your suggestion to have a pony assist me in this venture to obtain love was, for a lack of better words, brilliant. I thank you, both.”

Fang's and Sea More's eyebrows shot up in unison, and they glanced over at each other with the utmost surprise. They were no strangers to compliments from the Queen for a job well done, but to be personally thanked by her for anything was almost unprecedented. Nonetheless, they bowed in respect and replied in unison, “You're quite welcome... and thank you, My Queen.”

Chrysalis nodded in response, turned on the spot, and headed into Coco's room as Fang and Sea More silently waited outside. The calm did not last for long, and the solemn air was shattered as the Queen's voice boomed through the air. “This is no time for sleep!” At that moment, both guards ran to the door and peered inside the dark room to see what the commotion was all about.

"Get up!" Chrysalis yelled as she stood at the edge of the bed where a very tired Coco lay. “I clearly remember telling you that I need a dress by morning!”

The earth pony cautiously crawled out of the comfortable mattress as the aggravated changeling towered over her. “But... it takes time to make a dress.”

Chrysalis looked out to the moon loftily hanging in the dark-blue sky. “Judging by the current position of the moon, you have roughly six hours before sunrise," she said bluntly. "I suggest you get to making my dress, posthaste.”

Without another word, the Queen made for the door in a royal fit. Coco, who had been denied the chance to finish her thoughts, got up from the bed, dashed past Chrysalis and blocked the exit. “You cannot expect a dress to be properly designed and completed in such a small time frame. Please... I need more time,” she pleaded.

Chrysalis raised her eyebrow in disbelief. “Really? Because Fang would have me to believe that your previous boss had you make five dresses in less than twenty-four hours. That means one of you is lying, and I'm in no mood to drill the truth out of either of you.”

“No, he's right... I'm sorry..." Coco said weakly, her body slouched. "I'm just... nervous, I guess. I-I'm making a dress for a Queen... for someone with so much power that... I'm interacting with on a regular basis. It's kinda intimidating, in a weird sense.”

The Queen smiled. “Well, Fang also told me that your dress lineup got second place at the... Manehattan Fashion Show, was it?”

“Yeah, it did.”

“Would you say you were just as nervous then as you are right now?”

“I guess.”

“Then if your stories are true, it's safe to say you will not disappoint me.”

'Do not disappoint me!' Suri's voice rang in Coco's head ominously, and visions and memories of the last Fashion Week flashed through her mind. All the credit for my work... all the glory and recognition for my toil, even if it wasn't first place... all of it was wrongly taken away. It's awful, it's unjust... but why me? Why did Suri decide to keep me around and force me to live through that nightmare? Why did she never criticize me about the designs and final product?... Was my work so outstanding that it truly rivaled Rarity's? I mean, Suri never complained about my work. She only ever nitpicked about my ability to fetch her coffee and the fact that I nearly had her disqualified... Maybe I can make this happen...

"Seems you're at lost in your own thoughts again," Chrysalis commented as Coco stood in a trance before her. "I'll leave you with this: it is better to try and fail than to never try and never know if you can succeed. But I trust you can do this. Prove it to me. Prove it to yourself." She made her way around the earth pony and parted from the room. “You two are to stay here with her," she instructed the guards on the way out. "Sea More, guard the door. Inferno Fang, you make sure she designs a dress.”

“You want me to monitor her during every single process?” Fang clarified.

“Correct. I take it you won't be distracted by his presence, Coco?”

The mare hoped to be excluded from the Queen's conversation, but the question prompted a short “no” from her. Coco knew she could trust Fang to treat her with kindness.

“Good. I will be seeing your work in the morning.” With that, Chrysalis' hoofsteps echoed through the hallway and room, gradually fading, as she made her way down the hall, around the corner and out of sight.

No sooner had Chrysalis left than Sea Moor suddenly exclaimed, “Well, you two have fun!” shoved Fang into the room with Coco, and slammed the door shut.

“I can enter a room by myself, thanks. No need to be pushy." Fang grumbled against his brother's mannerisms under his breath.

"Uh... Fang?" Coco's voice cut the changeling off mid-rant. "Not to be rude, but..."

"Oh! Right. Here to watch you while you work, I guess," Fang recalled. "Sounds like fun, huh?”

“Yes, but... how am I supposed to work in this dark? I can't exactly see anything, not even my own hoof.” Coco haplessly waved her front left hoof in front of her face.

“Here, let me see if I can fix that for you.” A pale green glow emanated from Fang's horn, and in a flash of light, six white spheres of energy burst to life from the chandelier that dangled from the ceiling at the center of the room. “My name is Inferno Fang, after all. It may not be typical fire, but my magic easily gives off a fair amount of light. I'm pretty sure I can use it to... light up your evening. Eh? Get it?”

Rolling her eyes and giggling at the same time, Coco waved her hoof and said, “Oh, cut it out.”

“If I have to cut it out, does that mean I have to use my scythe?”

“Stop it! Your jokes are terrible!”

Fang and Coco shared a small laugh as the mare moved about the room to gather her supplies. “Well, are you going to get started?” Fang asked.

Chrysalis's parting words danced in Coco's head for a brief moment. The pony knew what she had to do. “Yes, I am.”


Overcast weather hung in the air as the dark-blue sky slowly gave way to the light creeping over the horizon. Whizzing and whirring filled the guest room as Coco worked the sewing machine overtime to bring her creation and design to life. A cool breeze crept through the crack in the window and tickled the earth pony's neck. All six spheres of light continued to burn with the same intensity they had upon their creation, keeping the room brightly lit.

Fang had positioned himself up against the wall, off to Coco's right side, to keep an eye on the door, the balcony, and everything in between. He had a clear line of sight to Coco and her work, but, despite the Queen's instructions, he chose not to observe her every move, instead preferring to keep an eye out for any intruders, per his more recent agreement with Coco.

The whirring of the machine's gears suddenly died down. “Are you finished?” Fang asked, his attention drawn to the sudden silence, but his eyes kept away from Coco and her work.

Coco took a deep breath and replied, “Yep. All done. One second here...” The pony grabbed the mannequin on the opposite side of the room, pulled it across the floor, creating a great deal of horrible screeching noises as metal dragged against stone, and set it by her work table. Very carefully, she took the new creation and fit it perfectly over the white figure. Satisfied with the dress's seating, Coco took a step back and exclaimed, “There!”

Fang dared to peek for only a moment, but it proved to be more than enough to floor him. “That's amazing!”

“Hey!” Coco pouted as she jumped in front of the dress to block it from Fang's view. “You said you wouldn't look.”

“Sorry...” Fang quickly looked away out of guilt.

“I want it to be a surprise to both you and Chrysalis.”

“Queen Chrysalis.”

A pencil flew through the air, courtesy of Coco, and made a small "plink" sound as it bounced off Fang's helmet. “Come on, it's too early for technicalities, Fang,” she said playfully. With her work done, Coco slowly made her way to the bed and crawled under the sheets to finally get a little shut-eye. Fang dimmed the spheres of light housed in the chandelier and closed the blinds to accompany her sleep.

Unfortunately, a loud knock at the door kept the cream mare from much-needed rest. As tired as she was, Coco managed to jolt herself up from the bed and stagger over to the wooden barrier. She lifted the latch and, to little surprise, found Chrysalis standing before her. “Oh... good morning, Queen Chrysalis.”

“Have you made the dress?” the queen asked plainly as she stepped inside the room.

“Yes, o-of course.”

Chrysalis looked around the room with uncertainty. “I hope you didn't try to make it in this darkness. I know your kind struggles to work under these sort of conditions.”

“Oh, no, the room was lit up quite well not a minute ago. The dress is right over there...” Coco gestured toward the dress that stood in the darkness. "...but it might be hard to see properly."

“Inferno Fang, if you would,” Chrysalis prompted.

“Yes, my Queen!” The changeling's horned glowed, and the lights returned to the chandelier once again, bathing the room in a soft white light.

“Bring the dress closer. I want to properly inspect it.”

Fang turned his head and levitated the mannequin and dress over to the Queen's side.

Chrysalis slowly paced around the dress several times, inspecting it from top to bottom and scrutinizing over every little detail. Coco sweated silently as she watched the Queen critically inspect her handiwork, the result of six hours of sleep-deprived creativity. "So, uh... what do you think? Is it good? Okay? Not all that-"

“Make another,” Chrysalis said firmly.

Coco's face lit up like the prismatic spheres that danced about on the chandelier.

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