• Published 2nd Feb 2015
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A Journey Beyond Sanity - Darkwing Dust

Somehow transported from our world to Equestria, a young man unwillingly arrives in the form of an Earth Pony. Join us as we explore Stardust Balance's adventures, aiding the Mane Six throughout the seasons, discovering friendship... And love.

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Chapter Ninety-Seven: Rainbow Rocks I... Joy...

My Little Pony: Equestria Girls: Rainbow Rocks is the worst thing to have ever been invented by a human... Right next to the bagpipes.

Pushing myself as politely as humanly possible past these cardboard students, I continued seeking out the particular group of friends, directed by some people earlier upon asking. Why is it so bad you ask? Well, it'd take me a while to explain because basically everything is wrong in this movie. The best way to describe it is imagine walking through Lego on bare feet.

Yeah... That's about right.

Like its predecessor, Rainbow Rocks shares and continues on with the last problems the first flick had; weak story, underdeveloped characters, lack of morals and humour. It's real only saving graces are two certain aspects; the 'reformed' Sunset Shimmer, and that a few - but not all - songs that were clearly made for just to make more money - like all EQG - were surprisingly decent. Aside from which, this movie like the last one and the ones to come lacks which the show possesses; creativity and art.

So then are the flicks basically exposing Hasbro for being cold, shallow business frauds? I'll let you decide...

But the answer's yes.

Ah, there's the sound of generic pop music...

Sighing in exasperation, I proceeded to follow the muffled sounds back to its source. [BEEP]ing Starswirl, deciding to send me right smack-dab here instead of Equestria. Instead of home. Yeah, let me endure through more torment first before earning the warm embrace of my friends, and meeting the Goddess sparkling eyes of Twilight once more...

I sighed again, earning, instead, Sombra's own exasperation.

Just keep moving. The sooner this is all dealt with, the better.

Good point. And the more I approached, the closer and louder the music became.

"And when you walk these halls, you feel it everywhere!

Yeah we're the Wondercolts forever more ohh yeah!"

They didn't even try...

The door which had the practicing girls behind them opened quietly at my gentle push. Admittedly I was slightly nervous; though they were human versions, they were still human versions of my friends, and I was slightly anxious at seeing everyone again after how long it's been. My twenty-first Birthday wasn't all too long ago, and time, as we know it, operates differently between worlds, this one and Equestria especially.

"You can feel it! We are back!
And we're glad that we're better! Better than ever!"

The Human Six were oblivious to my presence, intent with smiles and grins at their own rehearsal for the Canterlot High Musical Showcase. Taking advantage of that, I leaned against the doorway with folded arms and a small smile. No reason to ruin their fun, despite my initial dislike from everything wrong which was this mockery of a world, for mine and Twilight's kind alike.

Hm? Noticed their extended hair and ears-?

Don't, get me started. I literally felt Sombra's smirk at my annoyed response.

"There was a time we couldn't see, past the differences.
That separated you and me, and it left us on our own."

We'll get back to this nonsensical plot point about the girls activating their magic through music in a moment. First, let's take a moment to address here how left out Sunset probably feels at this moment. I mean look at them, they're literally playing right in her face! Oh true she doesn't seem to mind, nodding and patting her knees to the beat, but I don't believe Twilight said to keep Sunset out of their activities in order to show her friendship. This was one of the many things I'll be fixing during my Godforbid time in this world.

Hm. You're sticking around then.

Obviously, since someone decided to have me dumped here than where I should be.

No answer from Starswirl.


"We are all together! (Ah, ah, oh-oh-oh-oh!)
Now it's better than ever! (Ah, ah, oh-oh-oh-oh!)
Now that we are back on track! (Now... that... we... are...)
Yes, I'm so glad that we're better!
Better than ever!"

Hm? Is it over yet?

"Whoa-oh, oh-whoa-oh!
Oh yeah, we're better than ever!
Whoa-oh, oh-whoa-oh!
Oh yeah, we're better than ever!
Whoa-oh, oh-whoa-oh!
Oh yeah, we're better than ever!"

Now it's over.

Indeed. And, conveniently, their new adorned ears and hair-tails disappear right after the music finishes. Ain't that neat? Shaking my head a little, I waited patiently until the right moment after the girls were done patting themselves on the backs.

"Ehah! I still can't believe that happens when we play!"

"I know. It's complete and utter bull[BEEP], isn't it?"

Aren't you the King of all Praises?

I think I'd hold that title much suitably than you, Sombra.

The reactions, however, to my sudden tone was nothing short of amusing. Pinkie dropped her drumsticks, and the teenage girls all gasped in my direction. "Stardust?!" Glad to be recognized, though on this world I wouldn't particularly call it an honour. Pushing myself off the doorway, I was about to retort with sarcasm-


Before being promptly hugged to death by Pinkie Pie. Worse, human Pinkie Pie.

"Ohmygosh it's so great to see you again! How have ya been?" Thankfully I was released for air, something quickly occurring to the energetic teen as she pushed past me to poke her head into the hallway, as though checking for something, or someone. "Where's Twilight? Is she not with you? Bummer."

"Well, nice to know I felt missed," I retorted dryly, but smiled at her antics anyway. Despite having little to no personality, this version of Pinkie still held some similar traits to her pony counterpart.

"Well I'll be," Applejack spoke next, herself and the others joining us. Sunset lingered, immediately avoiding my glance. "How have ya been?"

"Yes we must know," Rarity agreed, grinning enthusiastically. "It has been quite a while since we last met. I thought we weren't seeing either yourself or Twilight again for a long while."

Rainbow, adjusting her own guitar slightly, smirked friendly. "Yeah, but that just makes it better, right girls? Our friend here can also watch our awesome performances for the showcase." Yeah... Looking forward to it. Pink eyes then blinked curiously. "So, where is Twilight?"

"You're stuck with just me, I'm afraid." They tilted their heads at my shrug, prompting me to clarify. "Twilight's still in Equestria, at the moment." And believe me, no one right then wanted to see her more than the man who could proudly call her his girlfriend. "It's a long story."

The teens exchanged curious glances, before Applejack spoke on their behalf. "Well, it sure is great to see ya again, in any case."

"Yeah! We can catch up for lost time!" Pinkie disregarded personal space by dragging me further into the room, presenting the musical objects. "As you can see, we're rehearsing for the Canterlot High Musical Showcase! I'm playing the drums! It's gonna be simply amazing!" She grinned brightly in my direction.

Well, at least some were enthusiastic about this.

"And I'm pondering what kind of accessories we should adorn for our outfits during the contest," Rarity added, walking around thoughtfully. "Especially now with these pony additions which seem to appear during our rehearsals. Not an unwelcome addition, I won't deny, as it does present new opportunities design-wise." Pinkie cocked her head at my low scoff, prompting my sheepish shrug. Oh yes, opportunities to sell creepy-looking human dolls with pony ears and multiple outfits! Hasbro's ingenuity strikes again!

"Say, ya wouldn't happen to know anythin' about that, would ya Stardust?" Applejack suddenly inquired, inciting the girls to stare at me curiously. "We thought Twilight's crown took all the magic back with you two to Equestria."

...Should I humour them?

What would be the point otherwise...?

Good point. "I might know a few things about it."

But before any of them could inquire further, a voice I certainly never missed volumes from the announcement speaker in the corner. "Sunset Shimmer, please report to the main foyer."

As though eager to get away, the mare-turned-teen in question spoke while heading to the doorway. "Gotta run; I volunteered to show some new students around the school. Thought it'd be good of them to get to know the new me before they heard all the stuff about the old me. We can catch up later." Grinning sheepishly before making a hasty retreat.

...I get the feeling she wasn't exactly comfortable around my presence.

Sombra snorted. Considering she almost downright killed you, I'm hardly taken by surprise.

"In the meantime." Rainbow removed the tension, wrapping an arm around my shoulders and motioning to the others. "Why don't we give our returned pal here an exclusive? Some things still need to be worked on, but trust me Stardust, before you know it, my band will be the highlight of the entire showcase!"

While the girls displayed clear irritation at Rainbow's blatant reference of the group as 'her' band, Fluttershy spoke up hopefully, "Um, Rainbow Dash, I was wondering if we could maybe play the song I wrote?"

"We'll get to it."

Pitying the dejected look on the yellow teen's face, I said quite casually with some reassurance to Fluttershy, "I'd quite like to hear Fluttershy's song first, if that's alright."

Rainbow raised a brow, before reluctantly nodding. "If you say so..." While the others smiled, whereas Fluttershy regarded me with awe and gratitude, eagerly hurrying over to her spot on the band.

Adorable. Sombra commented mockingly. Despite despising this world with every fiber in your being, you still rather prefer appeasing your friends above all else.

Shut up. Also, brief thing to notice, Sentry never entered the room like he would of in the film...


"The Princess of Friendship?"

"A Council of Friendship?"

"A castle?!"

At my tired nod, Rarity's grin widened. Explaining to them what has been occurring since I was last in Equestria, I was already beginning to feel slightly exhausted. And who can blame me? Enduring through this world was tedious enough, but the fact it was late at night in my own world before being transported here, I was clearly going to be more drained than usual.

"Golly, you've clearly been through a lot."

"More than you can believe..." Before continuing with my lunch/supper, now wanting to eat in however much peace I can obtain. And to do that. "So, what else has been happening in this school during my absence?"

"Eh, not much." And I proceeded to block out the following conversation between the girls, feigning interest while eating my meal. So here's a couple of things about the movie that were left totally unclear. And I don't care if they were explained in some comic or whatever!

One was Sunset and the others transformations ever recorded by video and put on the net? Two how did no one else but the sirens notice the magical beams and rainbows in the night sky during that event? Three was there satellite coverage of what happened that night, did the government learn about this and were keeping close tabs on these teens? Four how were these teens treated the following next day, did everyone else in this school acknowledge what happened last night or go about their business as if everything remained the same; did no one ask these girls questions about what the [BEEP] all that was about at the Fall Formal? Five does Sentry know he dated a pony, and did he realize he was interested in another pony in the films? Six if it's apparent people knew something was up about Canterlot High, such as human Twilight, then why wasn't there several news teams around the school, why weren't these girls famous already? Was Celestia covering for them?

Tch. That would be giving her way too much credit.

"- Back here?"

Realizing everyone was looking at me, I snapped back to attention with a sheepish grin. "Sorry, what was that?"

Rainbow repeated herself, "I asked why you're back here Stardust. Not that it isn't great seeing you again, but last time you didn't seem all too happy being here." Oh trust me, nothing's changed there. "Again, we thought we weren't gonna see you or Twilight for a long time."

"Did somethin' happen?" Applejack pitched in with slight worry.

I shook my head, reassuring their concerned gazes. "Twilight's fine, along with all our other friends back in Equestria. At least to what I know... I've been away for a while now." They blinked at my bitter confession. "And I'm stuck here, for now, instead of home..."

"Oh darling." Rarity expressed sympathy, smiling sadly while placing a delicate hand on my shoulder. "We're awfully sorry to hear that, especially after hearing all the accomplishments you've made in Equestria. But do not despair, you will always have a place among us, until we can find a way to return you back home." At their noises of agreement and nods of encouragement, even I smiled. It's staying here I'm worried about, should everything not fall to plan.

There's a plan?

Ever since watching the flick...

"Say." Applejack spoke up next after swallowing her food, green eyes regarding me. "You said earlier you may know somethin' about our magic ears and tails."

"And wings," Rainbow pitched in.

"That too. Think you could explain to us about that?" Before I could answer that question, again, a certain teen pulled up a chair beside Applejack, prompting her to look at the dejected Sunset. "Oh hey. So, how was the tour?"

Avoiding my gaze still, the yellow mare-turned-human expressed her own worry. "I don't know, I mean, these girls. There was something... Off about them."

And they'll be joining us any moment from now...

You don't sound excited.

Over some overrated villains? They're not something to hype about.

"That's just it, I can't put my finger on it! They just acted sort of... Strange around me." Yeah, you'd think spending God knows how many years on this world would teach them to blend in right. "Maybe someone already talked to them, told them about what I did." Sunset sighed. "So much for making a good first impression."

"Uh-huh." Jesus Fluttershy. I was torn between annoyance and amusement at the callous response. "Oh, that's probably not it."

Any moment now...

My eyes kept glancing at the doors the three sirens will most likely enter, after they're done plotting and having a brief power struggle which leads nowhere, warily eating my food as the girls spoke about the newcomers. There was also a chance I could fall under their hypnotic music powers as well. Dammit, if I sound like, say, headphones with some catchy music to listen while those sirens sung to the crowd-

Hm? Feeling something suddenly heavy in my coat pocket, I reached down to pull out some... Aha!

Starswirl, my thanks! This partially makes up for sending me here first instead of Equestria!

And ah, right on cue!

The second I heard the melodious call of the teens, I immediately placed on the headphones. And what followed caused my head to bob up and down with a [BEEP]-eating grin on my face, whereas the rest of the crowd was beginning to grow fixated on the girls seducing them all through music and creepy hand touches.

[BEEP] yeah! Pig Power in the House!

So yeah, the sirens... Well, what can I say? Adagio, Sonata and the third one whose name was never said once in the entire movie. People like to ship themselves with them; specifically mostly Sonata. They are beloved by EQG fans and MLP fans in general alike.

I don't see it. They're just as bland and uninteresting as Sunset was pre-RR, sharing the exact same problems; weak motivations and nonsensical plans. Oh true they are much closer personality-wise than Sunset formerly was, but the hype and love spreading around these girls by the fans were as ludicrous as... Well, people liking the EQG movies.

But hey, if people love them, I'm not holding that against them.

A shame, their song here is quite catchy. But I couldn't afford potentially falling under their influence. At least I have Pig Power in the House to listen to. Again, good call Specter.



"Those three are definitely in possession of some kind of dark magic. How else could you explain what happened back there?"

"Teenagers acting competitive around a band competition in a high school? Unnatural!" They rolled their eyes, having grown use to my old behaviour the last time I was here. Seriously though, pretty big assumption there, eh Sunset? Where'd you base that off?

"Don't worry y'all!" Applejack spoke confidently as we walked down the hallway. "We'll let Principal Celestia know all about this, and those girls will be kicked to the curb in no time."

Yeah, I hate to be the bearer of bad news but. "That's not gonna help. Not with Celestia and Luna already under their influence." This I already knew of, but they didn't.

Sunset finally glanced at me. About time! "What do you mean?"

"I mean the sirens - Or, the 'Dazzlings' - have already gotten to them. They won't be of help to us." Not that they're any more useful than their Equestrian selves. I mean seriously, 'I find that hard to believe?' You SAW magic at the Fall Formal, Principal Moronia!

The teens all halted, and I paused also, meeting their disbelieving stares. Rainbow stopped kicking her football around while asking, "Eh, Stardust, how do you know that?"

"More to the point, you know who they are?" Rarity inquired.

Sunset frowned intently, looking decidedly worried. "Do you know what's going on?"

Yeah, might as well get to what can laughingly be called the plot of this movie. Sighing, I answered with a tired smile, "Suffice to say, my visit here isn't a social call. This school is under threat, and I'm here to help."

Fluttershy asked from behind, "We're in danger, again?"

Glancing throughout the hallway, I looked at the girls. "Any place we can discuss this without unwelcome eavesdroppers?" Last thing we need is any further complications. And a high school was often notorious for gossip to spread like wildfire.

Rainbow winked with a smirk. "I know just the place. Come on."

And we followed, the blue teen kicking around her ball while guiding us up another floor of the building, then to a staircase leading up a narrow hallway towards a dank-looking door. Opening it almost blinded me, but we followed Rainbow onto what was the school rooftop, the gentle breeze of a pleasant day greeting my skin along with warm sunlight.

Huh... Loved the view.

"So, spill." Rainbow tucked her ball under her arm, while the girls perched themselves around several spots of the roof, regarding me with clear expectancy.

Welp, no need to beat around the bush. Nodding, I glanced at Applejack first. "Earlier you asked me why you still possess magic, even after the crown was taken back to Equestria." She nodded, leaning forward. "To be honest, it makes about as much sense to me as it does to you. My guess, some magic lingered via the bonds you shared with Twilight that night at the Fall Formal, hence the absurd transformations."

Rainbow opened her mouth as if to protest the absurd inclusion, but the orange teen asked first, "But then why was Sunset here seemingly unaffected by these sirens magic? She never had the chance to use the crown for her own selfish agendas. No offense."

Sunset sighed. "None taken. But Applejack brings up a good point." Puzzled eyes stared at me. "How come I don't appear to be affected by these sirens dark magic either, back at the cafeteria?"

"I'm guessing magic of friendship... Bonds and all that... I don't know, your guess as as good as mine." I shrugged. If Hasbro can't be bothered providing a coherent explanation, then why should I?

"Well that's helpful..." You're telling me. "But who are these sirens, or 'Dazzlings' exactly? Where did they come from?"

"Um, I'm guessing Equestria...?"

Rainbow snorted at Fluttershy's meek guess. "Obviously, but how and why are they here?"

"Perhaps if we allow Stardust to explain, we may gain some answers." Rarity gave the blue teen a look before regarding me again. "Please, continue."

Will do. Clasping my hands forward, I carried on with what I know. "The sirens were, as Fluttershy correctly guessed, originated from Equestria, but were banished to this world a long time ago by an ancient pony." Whom I will be having words with regarding this matter afterwards. "They used the emotions of other being to feed themselves and their magic. Negative emotions, to be precise. As such, they often used their powers to encourage discord and anger between ponies in order to fuel them, hence their exile."

"But if they were banished here so long ago, why are they only revealin' themselves just now?"

"Oh, I know! I know!" Pinkie raised her hand excitedly, and at my look she answered with a knowing grin. "The magic from the Fall Formal attracted them here!"

"Correct Pinkie." Her grin brightened, fisting the air in triumph. Having no energy to roll my eyes, I continued with a nod. "That magic brought them here. The sirens will go through any and all means to be as powerful as they once were long ago. For a long time now they've only been harnessing negative emotions from arguments alone. But now, they have the opportunity to take over the world with the magic you six possess."

If I expected them to be intimidated, I was sorely mistaken.

"Pfft." Rainbow scoffed, resuming kicking her soccer ball around with an air of cocky confidence. "They don't scare me! I say bring it! If we have magic they want, we can just use it against them, right guys?"

"That sounds easier said than done Rainbow Dash." Rarity pointed out wisely, frowning in concern. "We have magic, yes, but are we certain we can use it without the assistance of, say, Twilight?"

"Well I-"

"Yes." They all blinked at me in surprise, not expecting that simple certain reply. With a smirk, I glanced at each of them. "I am very confident we can defeat these sirens together without the help of Twilight. After all, it wouldn't do us any favours to keep relying on one individual for help all the time, would it?"

Because, let's face it, Twilight played no real significant role in Rainbow Rocks. Affection for her aside, you could've taken her out of the movie and nothing would have changed. There's no real reason to have her here; she barely did anything! Hell, Spike was more involved with the story simply by getting Vinyl to open a door.

As much as I wanted to see Twilight again, more than anything, that'll have to wait. I'm here now, and I can help just as much.

But I wasn't Celestia. The pony one; I wasn't going to lay out the plan without their consent first. Steeping forward, I gestured for the others to come closer. They did, although Sunset was more reluctant before joining the circle. "I won't lie, this will be very dangerous." I glanced at each and every one of their curious and concerned looks. "I shouldn't have to get you involved in this, but I'll need your help, if we're going to do this the way Twilight would've wanted."

Is that your excuse? Proceeding with the more 'noble' route to remain in her good graces?

"I'm giving you all the choice, you can back out now, go back to your classes and rehearsals and let me handle the sirens alone." My own hand stretched forward in the center. "Or, you can save the school and the entire world with your music. The choice is yours."

It only took a split second. One blue hand placed atop my own. "And let you take all the credit? Fat chance."

An orange hand. "Ya don't honestly think we're gonna let you fight this battle all by yerself, do ya?"

A pink hand. "Mm-hm!"

A yellow hand. "Um, I'd be happy to help however I can, even if it does sound a little scary..."

A white hand. "After everything you and Twilight have done for our school and world, we would be fools to deny your assistance in your hour of need."

Six gazes then focused on the last member yet to join her hand on the pile. Sunset was regarding her us all with uncertainty, clearly still wrecked with guilt and reluctance to partake in anything so significant involving friendship. But, with our friends smiling encouraging looks, a small smile emerged on her own face before a dark yellow hand was placed in the circle.

"For all our friends in Canterlot High, the world and for Twilight. Let's show these sirens what we're made of."

And the hands soared into the air, the vow solidified. I only hoped I wasn't making a big mistake, as the girls all looked at each other with confident and excited grins, smiles and smirks. But I know, even here, I wasn't alone. And, if Twilight trusts them, why couldn't I?

...Damn, how soft she's made me...

"So then, how do we beat these Dazzlings?"

I smiled at Rainbow's question. "Since the competition will now become a 'Battle of the Bands,' I think the Rainbooms need a new member."

"Oh!" Blue eyes brightened in joy. "Do you want to participate in the band too Stardust?"

"A splendid idea, Pinkie Pie," Rarity concurred with a nod. "Do you play anything, darling?"

I shook my head, chuckling slightly at the quick assumptions. "I wasn't referring to me, thanks, but one with more potential and talent than I could ever pull."

It only took a couple of seconds before Sunset's uncertain frown at my stare changed considerably to shock. "Me?" Prompting the other's gaping looks. The indecisive teen rubbed the back of her head, looking away at my affirmative gaze. "I, I don't..."

"Whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa!" Rainbow began protesting, waving her arms in objection with a baffled stare. "Sunset? I'm not sure that's such a good-"

"Hey remember when Twilight and I entrusted you girls to teach her more about friendship?" They slowly nodded, Rainbow frowning at my tone. "Well I don't think excluding her from the band is a good example."

"This is different!"

"Rainbow Dash is right, Stardust." Rarity pitched in, regarding the downcast Sunset solemnly. "It's not that we don't want Sunset to feel left out. But... Considering her reputation among our peers, it won't do us any favours in winning the competition. Surely you can understand."

"Oh, perfectly, all the more reason for her to get involved, as lead singer."

Rainbow's jaw dropped. "What?"

Was it wrong that I felt a little smug leaving her so flabbergasted? "Consider it this way, what better advantage to give Sunset more redemption in the eyes of the school than showing her good intentions through teamwork and good sportsmanship? Remember, the sirens will seek to extinguish all competition and root out the magical users. We don't want them to potentially split up the band by sowing seeds of discord, don't we?"

They exchanged agreeing yet uncertain looks. "I guess..." Applejack mumbled, still not entirely convinced by the plan.

"We need everyone to work together here, and that means complete and utter trust with one another. No arguments, no heated disagreements, no upstaging one another, otherwise we're giving them exactly what they want. We're better than that." Taking a step forward, I placed a confident hand on Sunset's tensed shoulder, smiling at her reassuringly. "We're all needed here. It's what Twilight would want."

"I..." Sunset still looked unsure, slowly looking up to meet my gaze. She needed to see, I had every amount of confidence in her. And at my warm eyes and smile, the former villain gulped, before nodding slowly. "If you all think I'm up to it... Then who am I to let my friends down?"

"Well... I for one think we should at least give her a chance." Thank you Fluttershy!

"Hear hear!" Pinkie agreed.

"Heck, what kind of friends would we be otherwise?" Applejack asked rhetorically.

It took a few seconds for Rainbow to finally see sense. She sighed. "Alright. I guess this means I can show off my amazing guitar skills more." Knew she would agree. She along with the other teens centered around Sunset, who looked slightly uncomfortable with the attention, but was slowly warming up to the kindness and confidence we were radiating off towards her.

Sunset had it in her to be the heroine of this world, as Twilight was the heroine of Equestria.

Again, they turned to me, the pony-turned-human asking for them, "So then, how do we start with beating these sirens exactly?"

"Well, right now we have the element of surprise. The sirens don't know who exactly holds any magic in this school, and we're going to keep it that way." I smirked quite deviously. "Girls, how good are your acting skills?"

So today, I learned that this school does, indeed, have classes.

Before I could explain the full length of my plan, the school bell had rang, indicating afternoon lessons were to begin. Waiting for their next break in the library, I offered assistance to a gratified Cheerilee, who recognized me as the 'nice boy who helped out his girlfriend and put everything back in their proper places last time.' Nice to know I was remembered so fondly... Which was more than what I could say for this world in general. I managed to have a brief rest before an unamused librarian rudely woke me up, not particularly fond of someone drooling on one of the desks.

Now absent-mindedly watching some random videos around this world's equivalent of Youtube, I sighed. No sign of the sirens entering, thankfully. Anyway, this school does use its classrooms, which the movies left totally unclear. It just looked as though the only things these people did was wander and hang out in the hallways. Because why would anyone willingly hang out at schools if they didn't go to class?

Other reasons.

Oh you're right; friends, food, smoking hideouts, drug exchanges...

It wouldn't surprise me if those hippies we saw in the cafeteria possessed the latter. Ha! Probably.

False accusations aside, it was generous of you to willingly approach the girls for help. I'm glad you have learnt not every battle can be won alone.

Yeah well, don't get too use to it. I shouldn't have to rely on others for everything, especially if it's dangerous. I could just grab a hammer and smash those jewels the sirens wore, but some form of fate probably wouldn't allow it, would it?

Has that ever stopped you before?

Now you're just tempting me Sombra. Leaning, I glanced up at the ceiling, pausing the rather uninteresting video. My suspicions that were no videos of Twilight and the others 'ponying up' were true, but that can wait a moment.

Starswirl, while we're on the subject of the sirens, you've banished these dangerous, soul-sucking monsters to another, more defenseless dimension... Care to comment?

He had the audacity to sound modest. I will confess, it was rather a spur of the moment on my part; the sirens were absorbing too much negative energy to the point it was draining innocent ponies completely. Had I not acted in time, none would have any feelings to experience in life yet.

So now, another world is in danger because of it, and with little to no experience with magic.

I will not state that my actions are always without consequences. You said it, not me. I had hope the lack of magic this world possessed would be enough to null their powers, but I have underestimated the passionate emotions of humanity.


I snorted, before waving with a sheepish look at Cheerilee's inquisitive glance. Do these people even have the right to be called humans? Can we really call this world 'Earth?' It's more of a mockery than anything, a planet-wannabe with a more sickening parody of the human race. Don't get me wrong, humans suck, but to call the species here even remotely human seemed too insulting even for me.

They behave like humans to a degree, but hardly enough to be taken seriously. Sombra pitched in, sounding somewhat thoughtful despite his scorn. Humanity mocks itself throughout history, but this extends to a level beyond pure comedy. Even I would not subject my enemies to endure through this shameful pitiful excuse for a planet.



"Hey Stardust!"


Pinkie's unexpected face and voice popping into my field of vision prompted an inelegant collapse onto the floor, slowly picking myself off the ground while giving the teen an exasperated look, repressing the inward nostalgia from the action. Pinkie grinned while the rest entered the library, all looking both pleased and worried.

"Sorry we took so long," Sunset said unnecessarily, smiling fondly at Pinkie's antics. "Ready to get back to detailing the plan?"

Making an immediately shushing gesture, I glanced around carefully. Quiet, for now. It's shameful how few students willingly use the library aside from research and studying. The girls followed as we walked upstairs, heading to a more shadowed area of the library on the second floor. The need for secrecy was a must, if we're to make certain the sirens know absolutely nothing about the girls magic.

Until the right time.

"So, what's the plan?" Rainbow asked, the ball spinning on her index finger skillfully. "How are we gonna beat the Dazzlings with my awesome guitar playing expertise, and everyone elses skills?"

No comment. Mouth thinning somewhat, I continued where we left off on the rooftop. "As I said, they can't know about your magic until the time is right, which will be at the finals." I added as Fluttershy opened her mouth. "I know for a fact our battle against them won't be before the finals."

"And how do ya know that?"

"Who cares?" Says Hasbro- Rainbow. Sorry. "Keep talking Star."

"All we have to do is play it safe; relent from going overboard with the music until the finals themselves. Twenty percent less cooler, if you will." Can't believe I just said that. "Your magic will combat against the sirens own at the very end."

"So no revealin' the tails or ears-"

"And wings!"

"- Until the last round. Got it." The girls nodded in agreement, smiling with Applejack. "Anythin' else?"

"Total and complete cooperation."


"I mean it." They all looked surprised at my sudden stern tone, intense eyes regarding them with the utmost seriousness. "I know for a fact there will be argument from this, but you have to remember: you're a team. This won't only be for the safety of the school and the world, but a testament to your friendship as well. This isn't one person's band, no one makes a decision without the others agreeing. You have to work together, or else all is lost." Several glances at a sheepish chuckling Rainbow.

"Eheh... I get the picture."

I somewhat doubt that, but alright. Nodding in satisfaction, for now, I smiled myself. "I have faith in all your abilities, but you have to give me reason to keep that faith. You want my trust? You want to save everyone and send those sirens packing? Unite yourselves through the music of friendship, and you will triumph over everything else."

Regardless of how silly that all sounds...

"We understand perfectly darling." Rarity expressed her own reassurance and confidence, grinning at us all. "As a team, we can accomplish anything." The teens made noises of agreement and enthusiasm, inciting my own nod and slightly relieved smile.

Hopefully all that pointless bickering won't come to fruition then...

"Then I'll see you girls tomorrow, and we'll see how well Sunset can truly sing." The teen smiled at that, before Rarity questioned.

"About that, where will you be staying, if you are cut off from your world?"

Shrugging, I answered quite humouredly, "The library, like last time. It's where Twilight, Spike and I slept during our first visit-"

"Pft! As if!" Pinkie suddenly dragged me forward, intending to escort me out the room as though it were the plague. "I say, slumber party!"

...Should've seen that coming.

Yes. Yes you should've. Sombra grumbled and Starswirl chuckled.

Ugh... How can they possibly sleep after that much pizza...?

Tossing and turning, I struggled to find any moment of comfyness or urge to sleep on this damn couch, having decided to rest down here while the girls slept upstairs. The amount of cheese pizza I had followed by the declaration of rest immediately afterwards was absurd; I can't possibly sleep now!

If your Princess could see you now.

You're not helping!

Come now, she has witnessed him in worse states.

You shut up too! This is your fault to begin with!

Curious, I don't recall force-feeding you all those unhealthy snacks nor encouraged you to partake in the pizza-consuming contest between yourself, Miss Pie, Miss Applejack and Miss Dash.

Are you... Are you being witty...?

Miracles can happen...

Ah [BEEP] this!

Kicking the trench coat I used for a blanket off me, I steadily sat upwards, standing and stretching. Since it'll be a while before the urge to rest kicks in - and believe me, it takes a long time for me to sleep - I tiredly headed into the kitchen. Perhaps some milk will help- Oh... Right. Almost forgot, nothing but whip cream in that fridge.

Although I like whip cream-

"...Sunset?" The girl jumped, startled by the address and whipping around to face me from the other side of the room, grinning quite sheepishly.

"Oh... Hey Stardust..." Clearly still uncomfortable talking to me, much less alone without the others, Sunset edged towards the fridge slowly. "The girls are all sleeping, though I found myself struggling to rest... Mind's on a lot of things, you know..."

I nodded, smiling while leaning against the counter. "I know. Takes me ages to sleep, personally. The pizza didn't help." That, at least, got a small giggle from the girl, prompting my smile to widen. "How are you feeling?"

Sunset shrugged unconvincingly. "As well as you can expect because... Well... You know." Eager to change the subject, the teen frowned and spoke in befuddlement at the supply of cans in the fridge. "Who uses an entire fridge for whip cream...?"

"To be fair, who wouldn't want a supply of whip cream?" I should point out by now that we're somewhere around the fourty minute mark of the movie. Fun fact: fourty minutes of Rainbow Rocks is pure filler. Nothing really goes on until after this scene where Twilight would be in my place. It's only after at the third act of the film where the story - if it can be called that - actually starts going somewhere-

"Ah!" My head whipped around in the direction Sunset yelped at, forcing myself to jump at the sight of human Maud Pie, who was staring at Sunset with that oh-so famous blank stare.

"Boulder was hungry," The older sister of Pinkie explained flatly while holding up said pet, getting out a box of cereal before proceeding to dump said cereal over the rock as she left. And I grinned lightly at the spectacle.

Ah Maud Pie. Never change.

"I'll never understand how she's related to Pinkie Pie," Sunset confessed in puzzlement, prompting me to smirk at her.

"The same could be said reversed."

"...True." Followed by shared, more comfortable laughter, before Sunset realized she was alone again in the same room as me, coughing slightly while backing up. "Well, I'll just be heading back now, so... See ya tomorrow, I guess-"

No, not having this. "Sunset." She froze, refusing to turn around and look at me. "You don't need to feel nervous around me... I'm not mad at you for what happened. I think our last exchange that night is a clear indication of that."

The teen sighed, head lowering while speaking in clear shame and regret. "I know... And I'm sorry for giving off the impression as though I'm nervous around you. You're a great guy, perfect for someone like Twilight, in fact. Maybe it's just... I don't know..."

I think I do. "Like you're still entirely to blame for what happened." Her body tensed at that, while I approached cautiously, speaking in complete understanding. "That, regardless of your actions now, the past can't be erased. It's not a matter of others forgiving you, but forgiving yourself as well."

Warily, blue-ish eyes glanced over her shoulder. "Sounds like you know from experience."

I scoffed. "Sunset I've done so many terrible things you wouldn't begin to believe. Hell, I still haven't forgiven myself completely for what I've done in the past." At that, Sunset turned fully, and I placed both hands on her shoulders for further reassurance, smiling softly. "But I'm getting there, and so should you. It's time you not only have confidence in your friends, but also yourself." Sunset lowered her eyes, but I quickly, yet gently, raised her chin with my hand so she wouldn't shut herself out from me so easily. "Know this, you are never alone. Your friends will be here for you, always."

To paraphrase something Twilight has told me so many times until it got ingrained in my head. Now it was time to pass that knowledge on.

Sunset mulled over those words, nodding slowly with a small smile raising on her lips. "You... Really think I can do this?"

"I know you're capable of leading the band... And Twilight would know this too."

Blue eyes reflected relief and gratitude. "Thank you." Was the soft reply after the teen began fiercely hugging me, pouring out the huge weight she felt on her shoulders, and I returned the gesture, knowing exactly what she was going through.

That said. "I'm no Celestia, but I always humoured the idea of being a mentor to someone." Sunset giggled in amusement at my teasing tone, and my voice turned slightly more serious. "And I am willing to listen. If for anything, if there's anything bothering you, something you want to discuss or share, any worries or fears you're feeling that you're not too comfortable sharing with all your friends, ever, I'll always be there to listen, and help you. Even when I'm in Equestria."

Those eyes then began growing tearful. "That means a lot to me, really." Before Sunset cocked her head in confusion. "But how can you help if you'd be in Equestria?"

With a smirk, I answered while waving my fingers, "Magic, don't question it." And Sunset chuckled again at the humour. "Now, off to bed with you. Big day tomorrow, and you girls need your rest."

Sunset rolled her eyes, but in good nature herself. "The same can be said to you, 'Dad.'" Before she turned to walk off, and as I proceeded to the freezer to check if any milk was there, a quiet "Hey" attracted my attention back to a smiling Sunset, leaning by the doorway. "Thanks... Again. Sleep well." And walked out before I could respond.


Pleased with yourself?

Actually... Yes. I feel rather very proud of myself for helping. What Sunset really needed was someone to listen to her. The movie had made the mistake on focusing on two protagonists rather than one, and that should've been Sunset, if this was a story of 'her redemption.'

Sunset was never a proper villain, more a troubled child who needed someone to hear her out. A teenager who needed someone to advise and pour her troubles and worries onto; a shoulder to cry on, a person to comfort her in her time of need. And I highly doubted Celestia could've fulfilled that role properly, what with her job of sitting on that throne and not really doing anything... Oh wait.

While Twilight had Spike and Shining to keep her company under Celestia's teachings, Sunset had no one... No one at all. No friends, no sibling figures - that I know of - just herself and her studies...

Everyone needs a mentor-like friend... And I'll be damned if I don't give Sunset exactly that.

No, I will not fail like Celestia. From hereon, I will be an ear for Sunset to speak to. I will be there to comfort and help her in her hours of need. I will be the mentor, the big brother, the role model if need be. Hell, I will succeed where that damn alicorn failed.

I may be dependent on others, but I am not helpless.

If Twilight has Starlight to teach the meaning of friendship to, then why can't I help someone who arguably needs it just as well?

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