• Published 2nd Feb 2015
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A Journey Beyond Sanity - Darkwing Dust

Somehow transported from our world to Equestria, a young man unwillingly arrives in the form of an Earth Pony. Join us as we explore Stardust Balance's adventures, aiding the Mane Six throughout the seasons, discovering friendship... And love.

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Chapter Twelve: Call of the Censors

"So most humans like to eat anything edible, but some prefer fruits and vegetables and others are... Stardust, are you even listening?"

"I hear you loud and clear Spike." Thankfully Twilight was busy researching... something, so our conversation wouldn't be interrupted - or worse, overheard - by her. Yet my gaze remained fixed on the hideous thing reflecting from the mirror within my room, blue-green eyes glaring back in distaste over the damn thing I've preferred my entire time in Ponyville to keep hidden, thanks to Rarity.

Yes, I'm still complaining about my cutie mark.

Can you blame me? What sane male would want a goddamn heart with a star in it for a mark forever stuck to his romp? I'd never hear the end of it from my brother nor my little sister. At least when I get back the cutie mark will be gone, and no one will be the wiser.

"So there are humans on your world who are carni... carna..."

"Carnivores, Spike."

"Yeah that." From the mirror I saw him behind me sigh in relief. "Thank Equestria then that one of your kind came here who doesn't just eat meat right?"

Oh I don't know, that would have made things more interesting. "Even if that happened my friend, humans don't eat dragons, or ponies." Well, not all humans anyway. But I see no need to indulge the young lizard about that distasteful habit.

So why exactly is a cutie mark placed on a pony's rear end anyway? Did Hasbro desire some twisted excuse for the fans to look at their creation's romps? Wouldn't it make more sense to have the marks on the chests or something? That'd be a better way to show off without making people, myself included, feel uncomfortable in case I get caught out by these inhabitants for glancing at their rear ends.

"Well that's a relief." Spike commented genuinely before saying in confusion. "But I thought you once said dragons don't exist in your world."

Nor should they, lest they allow my own kind more power over the world. But I nodded regardless. "Indeed, there are many creatures on this planet that have no shred of existence on Earth."

"Like what?" Better question Spike; why are you so curious about this? Here I thought it would be Twilight asking these questions. Well... better him than her. At least Spike wouldn't bother me that much about what I am and where I originated from.

Basically any creature that speaks English besides humanity. "Manticores, sea dragons, parasprites, alicorns, unicorns, pegasus'... give me a moment I'll think of more-"

"Wait." I cast the dragon sitting on my bed a side-glare at the interruption, as said lizard frowned, obviously more confounded over something. "But you also told me ponies do exist in your world."


"But you just said three types don't. So... only Earth Ponies live on Earth?"

I nodded. "Yes, except we simply call them 'ponies'."

"Oh..." Spike seemed to be in deep thought. Curious, he must really be fascinated with the inhabitants of another world. Or maybe he just doesn't learn about new things enough; I'm still recovering from my surprise that the dragon didn't even know what hibernation was. "No offence Stardust... but your world sounds really, really boring."

"Oh trust me Spike, no offence taken." I smirked while turning to face the lizard fully, finally having enough of burning my eyes at the sight of that disgusting excuse of a cutie mark. I understood completely where he was coming from. The prospect of no magic or anything that stands out aside from a different ruling species must make it sound dull in comparison.

And... yeah putting it like that had me agreeing.

"Well at least your kind does similar things like ponies do, like have parties." Spike then said, jumping off my bed with an excited expression. "Speaking of parties, did you know there's gonna be one hosted today to celebrate a filly getting her cutie mark?"

...Tch. "Well, good for her."

"Twilight's going. I can't because I've got chores to do..." Oh boo hoo. "What about you?"

"You know the answer." And you also know for a fact, Spike, that parties have never been my thing. Plus I don't need ammunition for a growing dislike of cutie marks in general. "Will this party be held at the Sugarcube Corner?"


That sealed the deal. "Then no." I had plans regardless. Plans of which I will refrain from informing the young dragon in case he got any ideas of tagging along.

"Yeah, I figured as much. I think the filly's name was Diamond Tiara or something like that..." The familiar name caused me to halt, glancing over to the lizard while making my curiosity presented.

"Diamond Tiara you say?"

"Uh... yeah? Do you know her?"

"Not personally..." But you have given me an idea MY FRIEND, one that will inconvenience the snobbish infant for my own amusement. Before visiting Rarity, I'll make a quick stop or two.

"While I'm glad you've decided to come to me for assistance in your little... Experiment, and you're lucky I have some spare time on my hoofs before tending to more important matters, I admit I'm a little disappointed that it has nothing to do with adding some flavour to that cape you always wear." Rarity admitted as she stood a good distance away, prepared to begin the test I had planned for myself.

"Another time I'm sure." By that I mean probably never, setting the fabric in question on the nearest coat rack. I continued seriously, standing at the other side of the large room in case of... well I don't know what but better safe than sorry. "Are you ready?"

"I should be asking you that." Though the white unicorn nodded anyway. "But yes, I'm prepared to practice this, although rather silly in my eyes, test."

What were we doing you ask? Well today I had decided to conduct a little experiment that had to do with Twilight's claim about the unusual effects of magic used upon me. I was rather curious about this myself, so today I had set out to Rarity's clothing store, as she was another unicorn I admittedly got along with well, to test out this theory from another magical user, even if she wasn't as adept at magic as Twilight was.

"The absurdity of this experiment, my dear, is irrelevant." I replied, mentally bracing for what was to come. The unicorn was going to try it simple: moving my hoof around like it was under her complete control. "I'm prepared as well. You may begin now."

"As you say darling." That said, a blue glow began to emanate from her horn, aimed towards my still planted right hoof.

I wasn't going to try and resist, and yet so far nothing was happening, inciting me to frown curiously. How interesting. Despite the mare from afar having an intense concentration on her features, even to the point of gritting her teeth, nothing occurred to my limb- ah there we go. Finally my hoof submitted to the unicorn's magic, moving around from left to right among all directions, before ceasing after Rarity had enough of exerting her magic on my limb.

My hoof then fell to the ground to return keeping me properly balanced, as my intrigued eyes turned from the still limb to the apparently exhausted unicorn. Oh? "Are you alright?" I called out. I had no intention of tiring her out, but if I did then that made it all the more fascinating.

"Oh don't worry darling, I'm fine." I heard Rarity manage to say while panting as my gaze returned to the palm of my raised hoof. "But... how did you do that?"

"I wonder that myself..." I admitted quietly.

Just another question to add to the pile it seems...

"Well then." I heard the voice come close indicating Rarity approaching me, and I tore my eyes from my limb to see magical... Hair accessories floating beside her. "A mystery we can figure out another time I'm sure, as for right now we must deal with a matter of greater importance."

"...And what might that be?" Even though I had the sinking suspicion what it was.

A bright triumphant smile, suddenly holding up a pair of scissors and a comb. "Since I've done you a favour, now it's time for you to do so in turn. It's time I've sorted out that roguish mane and absurd beard of yours after so long of being unkempt."

Ah, fair enough.

"Oh don't give me that expression Stardust. It won't take just a minute!"

And the dread increased even further. I sighed while awaiting the torture.


So after that heinous part of my day, I immediately resorted to finding the closest reflective surface around the town, swiftly 'thanking' the satisfied white unicorn for fixing up my mane and beard. And a groan escaped me when I witnessed the sight of what she had done through a window, correcting the exaggerate style into which I found more to my suiting.

With that out of the way, partially already missing the length of my beard though compared to the small remains on my chin, I smiled in my own satisfaction before heading back, intending to return to the library and dwell further on the results of my experiment.

I frowned contemplatively while passing by many busy residents.

First Twilight had a rough time having her magic affect me in any way, then the same with Rarity. Luckily the latter was far more concerned with my hair than why their powers work on me differently than anyone else. I once inquired to Twilight if it was hard in general to concentrate one's magic onto another living being, and her negative answer intrigued me all the more. Apparently even the doctors, the purple mare pointed out, had a hard time using magic to fix any broken bones of mine after the dragon incident.

A whole group of pony doctors and nurses; exhausted from using magic on me.

I have to admit, adding with the hidden strength and Specter, this was something so worth investigating I couldn't ignore it. I dare say that this might show more promising results than my tests in unlocking that inexplicable super muscle I used against the Ursaminor and dragon.

...Oh my God.

Voice in my head. OP strength. Magic affecting me differently to others. These were the things one would use for a bad gary-stu fanfiction-

A brown stallion rushing by me with an apple fixed between his teeth halted my train of thought. Honestly, these ponies must watch where they're going. The stupidity of this town often amazed me-

Wait... wait a minute.

My eyes widened as I quickly followed in pursuit of the Earth Pony, who was already blending in to the colourful crowd. Brown stallion. There's only one in all of Ponyville. One who always interested me about this world.

"Wait! Stallion, hold on!" I called out rather desperately while the pony failed to heed my words, instead the sound of addressing him only seemed to quicken his rush. "Doctor!"

No result... and by the time I passed through the crowd he had already vanished. My head turned in all directions for any sign of the elusive stallion. Dammit! It seems whenever I wanted answers for something that don't even concern myself, the world refuses to humour me. I wanted to see if it was true; if that brown stallion was indeed a pony version of the exact Time Lord my people back home knew and loved.

And perhaps if he potentially had the machine capable of sending me back home.

...Well, I tried. But even then my frustration for having no answers to anything showed itself vocally. "God [BEEP] damnit!"

...The Hell?!

My features immediately contorted into confusion. "What the [BEEP]?"

...You can't be serious. This world honestly couldn't be doing this to me right now.

"Hmm... Spike you [BEEP] lazy dragon." Yeap, that confirmed it. My swearing was literally, LITERALLY, censored by a loud beeping noise...

...You have got to be [BEEP] kidding me!

Oh come on even my thoughts were censored?! Okay I never usually swore but... this was just so [BEEP] ridiculous! I guess it kinda makes sense considering Equestria was a world invented for children to be entertained but... this was how they handled any profanities used in this world?

"[BEEP]. [BEEP]. [BEEP]. [BEEP] [BEEP] [BEEP]." I listed off every rude word I could imagine, my frown of disbelief deepening with every word covered by the already obnoxious beeps. Alright, let's try something else... ah! "F. [BEEP]- Oh God dammit!" I hissed in irritation.

Add that to the bucket of things-in-this-world-that-just-baffle-Stardust-to-no-end. And that bucket's big enough as it is.

Well... I suppose the only positives to this was I could still say 'damn' and 'hell' both vocally and in thought. Sighing with my eyes looking hard on the ground, I pondered what I was going to do now- oh yeah, I was suppose to return to the library. At least now I suppose there's more to dwell upon, to both my interest and annoyance-

"Excuse me sir, but how are you doing that?" A feminine voice called out from behind me... and was it me but did that voice sound familiar?

"Doing what?" I asked while turning around to face the two mares observing me inquisitively... hang on... these two... I know them from somewhere... at least that was what my brain was screaming at me.

The other pony, a unicorn, answered. "Those cool beeping noises whenever you talk." Lime-coloured fur, blue and white shades of hair, orange-y eyes...

"Hardly 'cool' my dear." I answered while allowing my annoyance to show. "Let's just say your wor- Equestria doesn't approve of my... usage of language." Dammit Stardust you continue to slip up!

"Umm okay..." The creamy coloured mare seemed to pick up on it to my immediate apprehension, which then died down when she smiled instead, setting a basket of apples - what is it with apples today? - on the ground and said brightly. "We were just curious. Is it your special talent or something?"

If my special talent was censoring myself, then clearly I had no purpose in life. But instead of saying such, a better idea popped up. "Pardon me for asking, but you haven't spotted a brown stallion running by have you?"

The Earth Pony blinked. "You mean Whooves?" I nodded eagerly, and I felt some form of delight rise within me at her own positive nod. "Yep... though I don't know where he went; he usually ventures out somewhere, most of the time without telling anyone where." A pitying expression given to me at my then clear disappointment. "I'm sorry."

"It's fine my dear." I sighed. I suppose seeking out the truth about the pony Doctor would have to wait another time then-

"Oh! Now I remember!" Our attention turned to the limy unicorn, who suddenly pointed at me in recognition. "You're the stallion we met on the day of the festival! Remember Bon Bon? We found him lying on the ground!"

Lying on the-? Oh. Ohhhhh! Yes I remember too now! These two before me were the first ponies I interacted with upon my arrival in Equestria!

Recognition then glinted in the Earth Pony's blue eyes. "That's right! I remember you now!"

I released a small smirk. "Good for you."

"And I don't think we've ever introduced ourselves." The more casual mare continued, gesturing to herself and then her friend. "My name is Bon Bon, and this is Lyra Heartstrings."

Bon Bon and Lyra... yes I vaguely recall being told about these two from my brother. Background ponies who, like Derpy and Doctor Whooves, have gained a lot of popularity for whatever reason. And I was so 'honoured' it seems to have been awakened by the two in my first day on this godforsaken world. But they seem like nice mares already, one more calm while the other was more enthusiastic.

And also apparently the friendship between the two was suspiciously deeper than it was led to believe. If I cared I'd probably inquire about it.

"A pleasure ladies." I initiated my usual formal greeting with a short bow, shaking their hoofs. "I am Stardust Balance. It's nice to see you both again after so long."

"I know right?" The limy one, obviously Lyra, concurred with a positive nodding. "It's weird that we haven't bumped into each other after our first greeting! Have you been staying in Ponyville at all since we last saw you?"

Eh, no harm in informing them I suppose. "Indeed; I've been living in the Golden Oak Library these past months."

Bon Bon, which wasn't as a bizarre name as 'Shining Armor' so I won't laugh that much, raised an interested brow. "Really? I thought Twilight Sparkle and Spike lived there."

I nodded. "They do, and so do I." For now anyway.

"Interesting. Pardon me for asking but are you related to Twilight or something?"

"No." I replied in amusement. Me and Twilight, related? Yeeeeah no.

"Oh." The cream-coloured Earth Pony raised another brow, causing me to slightly wonder what's on her mind. "Okay then... wait. Weren't you the stallion during Winter Wrap Up day who yelled at all the Earth Ponies - myself included - when we were cleaning away the snow and planting all the crops and plants?"

The words brought up an amusing and rather fond memory. A small smile lifted on my features. "Well I wouldn't say 'yelled at' exactly; I was just making sure everyone was doing their jobs without any slacking off."

"If you say so." A bemused smile in return from the Earth Pony. "So... what are you planning to do now?"

I cocked my head in thought. "Ehh... just to go back to the library and contemplate. Doing what I normally do, really."

"That's all?"

"That's all."

"Pfft. Well that's boring!" Lyra, who was observing the conversation with evident interest, spoke up again. "Is that what you do all day, sit around and just think about stuff?"

Well my writing capabilities was non-existent thanks to these damn hooves, the fictional books Twilight lends me, while I'm gratified for the thoughtfulness of her, were boring as hell, sometimes I complete Spike's chores for him when he decides to be a lazy piece of [BEEP], and the majority of this town's residents were far too energetic for my own taste. So yeah there really wasn't all that much for me to do.

But instead of voicing my irritation, I spoke calmly. "Well I pace more than I sit so- What the?"

For some reason then the light-green unicorn walked closer and grabbed my limb, to my annoyance and confusion, wrapping around it all ladylike as though I was about to take her out to dinner or something. "You, my friend, obviously need some more socialization in your life! Come on, let's show our new friend here the traditional Bon Bon and Lyra Heartstrings Ponyville welcome!"

And I don't get a say in this- Ah what else is new? "Fair enough, if Stardust doesn't mind that is." I let out a breath of relief at the creamy mare's uncertain tone. At least someone around here was using their brain.

Still... it could get rid of the recent stress. "Eh... why not? Provided it won't take long."

"Not at all!" The dragging unicorn exclaimed happily, evidently pleased of my approval, no matter how reluctant. "This way friend!"

Now, I just so happen to be very familiar with the term 'table manners', what gentleman wouldn't be? It was a requirement if one were to become professional and formal to others, whether in business work or going out on a date with someone. During my youth in the middle years of my teenage life, I was quite, depending on how you view it, a lady's man. One could most likely die from intoxication from taking a drink over how many girls I flirted with once a day in that forsaken school.

But while I was well-versed in handing out compliments, and sometimes presenting gifts, to the flustered female crowd, there was one thing about being a gentleman I was never an expert of, due to myself mostly seeing it as unnecessary.

Not eating like a pig.

Hey, it was high school alright? I'd be shocked if any teenage male back then even gave a [BEEP] about table manners.

But right now? Well I have an excuse for devouring the food right in front of me as though my life depended on it, to the bemusement of the two mares eating between around the same table; my days of being flirtatious to other females are long behind me. It was fun while it lasted.

…Well, not really. But it gave me something to do in high school four years ago.

"Enjoying the food?" Bon Bon asked amidst my chomping down anything on the plate besides hay. I nodded to the rhetorical question before continuing; yes I'll give the ponies who work within this small cafeteria some credit: when they cook, they cook in a way that would at least satisfy Gordon Ramsey.

Oh it'd be quite amusing if there was a pony version of that man. I'm probably the closest there was around Equestria to a usually cross individual who criticizes others like nobody's business.

And I won't lie; I take some enjoyment out of pointing out the flaws over anything. Nit-picky? If you look that word up in the dictionary I would be the definite definition.

The more enthusiastic mare, oblivious to the disgust of her friend or just plain ignoring the sent expressions, looked up from her own eager devouring of her food and grinned toothily. "Yummy, I'll never get tired of eating here!"

And I'll never get tired of eating like a pig. Right now it was a relief to me that there wasn't a certain purple unicorn shaking her head in clear disgust over my lack of mannerisms… or worse, my mother.

Swallowing the remains of a carrot before speaking, I said to the creamy Earth Pony with a genuine gracious tone. "Really, my dear, neither of you had to do this for me."

A bright smile. "Well, it was Lyra's idea remember?" Said pony perked up again and nodded with a stuffed face. Bon Bon shook her head before adding. "And besides, it's nice to have a fresh new pony from another place around. Ponyville rarely receives new residents, you know."

"I suppose so. Thank you both all the same." And I truly meant it too. Sometimes - no, the majority of the time – these ponies were far too nice and friendly for their good. Occasionally either a great benefit and relief to me, or a general pain in the arse whenever they insist on helping me with whatever problem I had, despite my attempts to send Twilight or Fluttershy away.

…Well what do you know? So 'arse' wasn't inexplicably censored as well.

"You're welcome." Bon Bon replied warmly as I took a sip from the glass of fresh apple juice. "Are you enjoying your stay in Ponyville so far?"

A smirk lifted on my features. "Absolutely not."

"Alright then…" As though uncertain whether I was jesting or not, which I wasn't mind you, the Earth Pony proceeded to ask after taking another bite of her food. "So… if you don't mind me asking Stardust, but where are you from?"

Ah, a question I saw coming a mile away. Setting the glass down I took a moment before answering. Need to sound convincing after all. "Well, no harm in indulging you: I am from a land known as England."

"I've never heard of it before." There was intrigue in her voice.

"I'd be surprised if you did. My land is very reclusive in itself, wrapped away from the annals of modern history." I paused from eating to speak my web of lies. Just because I ate like a pig in front of women – or mares – didn't mean I should speak with my mouth full. "Hell, even Twilight's library has no information about where I'm from at all. I checked."

Dark blue eyes regarded me. "Interesting." Bon Bon said out loud, evidently wishing to learn more about the mysterious stallion of the town.

"Mmm umph mm um muh mp?" Lyra spoke next with a stuffed mouth.

"I'm sorry?" I said, pretending the sight wasn't that disgusting.

Swallowing her food so quickly it was almost a cause for concern, Lyra repeated herself enthusiastically. "Why is your homeland so secretive?"

…Aw [BEEP].

I hesitated for a moment, wondering how I was going to proceed answering that honest question. What to say, what to say… aha! Got it! Clearing my throat formally, I placed my two front hoofs together and leaned forward on the table. "Um... well, believe it or not, but the secrecy of England has a purpose, not just because we like being quiet."

"What is it?"

"We're an Earth Pony society. And a very… narrow-minded one on that." I nodded as the two ponies exchanged curious glances. "You see, my peo- err ponies are exclusive Earth Pony-based. No other kinds of ponies are there: pegasi, unicorns or alicorns. It has been that way for centuries ever since the foundations of my land."

Did I mention that 'Pegasi' was a stupid word. No? Okay.

"Why's that?" Bon Bon asked as the pair leaned forward in turn with obvious interest; taking in everything I was saying with so much ease it was comical, the limy unicorn now absent-mindedly stuffing herself as I spoke. These ponies, along with Spike, were truly naive to the core.

"Supremacy." The two blinked while I nodded in thanks as an employee of the café filled up our drinks again. Hey, the creamy Earth Pony on the other side of the table was paying. "We have a… different perceptive on magic and how it's utilized. We believe such power is to be treasured and used when absolutely necessary."

"Getting things done practically, either big or small, is what England's residents strive for. You see, we consider the usage of magic for everyday tasks cheap and just pure laziness. We work to get things done using logic or hard work, rather than relying solely on such power, be it a menial task or when danger arises."

"We look down upon any gifted with the ability to use magic outwardly, as it is weak to rely on such power for almost every little thing. My kind believes that in order to achieve a greater purpose in life; we must focus on completing tasks or resolving situations by using our minds and muscle rather than the easy use that is magic."

Lyra swallowed whole again before inquiring with a confused expression. "But why are there no pegasi also then? I mean they don't use magic."

"Indeed." I agreed while taking a sip, slightly surprised how I was now conjuring these lies with ease now. "As I said, the population of my homeland are narrow-minded to the point of arrogance. While it's not a pegasus' fault for being born with wings, to the minds of my kind we believe flying is also a cheap easy way to get things."

"But then how is the weather controlled there in England without any pegasi around?"

"We allow the weather to take course naturally."

"Oh… well I don't mean to offend you, Stardust, but your kind sounds really… well arrogant."

Hm. I released a small smile. "A very accurate description to those from my home, Miss Bon. Unfortunately my kind are very old fashioned, always so resistant – and reluctant – to adapt. We try, oh how some of us try, to convince our elders and more traditional population to allow other kinds of ponies to live within our land, to let ourselves be known on the world map."

"Yourself included?"

"If I was just as prejudiced, love, then I probably wouldn't be tolerating right now living with a unicorn."

"Fair enough."

"Is that why you're here then?" Our attention turned to the speculating Lyra. "To find a way to get your homeland to see unicorns or pegasi aren't as bad as they think?"

An amusing idea, which I shook my head at while holding up my drink. "Afraid not my dear, I'm far too lazy and uninterested with the affairs of my own kind to conduct that sort of mission. If they want to stick to their roots and continue to be prejudice towards change, then that's not my problem."

Bon Bon stared at me with an expression I couldn't quite decipher before pointing out. "Pardon me for saying so, but it sounds like you lack faith in your own homeland."

I couldn't resist snorting. "Massive understatement, my dear."

"Ooh; desserts!" The limy unicorn then called out in excitement as the waiter arrived with a tray full of chocolate. And already the grin was on my muzzle.

We thanked the polite smiling worker before I decided enough was enough with detailing the make-believe ideologies and workings of my 'homeland'. "So then, why not tell me about yourselves now, Miss Bon and Miss Heartstrings?"

The latter immediately obliged, to my amusement and slight quick irritation, beginning into her likes and dislikes and how she spends the day with so much enthusiasm my interest had already turned completely to the delicious sundae made for me. Honestly I felt a little guilty with the kindness these ponies were providing me.

I always was reluctant to accept just about anything from genuinely generous people.

Still, too late to reject their kindness now, I simply smiled and feigned interest as Lyra babbled on about her life, catching only the last parts after finishing my treat a few minutes afterwards. "- and that's how Bon Bon and I became the bestest of friends in all of Equestria!" The happy unicorn concluded by grabbing the flustered mare's hoof with her own and holding them up high.

How nice it must feel to be so close to a non-related friend like that…

As my eyes then glanced at the heavy-looking bags and baskets resting by the table, an idea sprung up. "Miss Bon." The addressed mare looked to me in question as I smiled. "I think I've discovered a way to return the favour for this nice dinner."

"Well ladies, I won't lie, that was a very nice lunch you've treated me to." I admitted casually, nodding to the pair in gratitude for the delicious food and drink earlier. "Thank you for providing me with some usage of my time."

"And thank you for helping us with getting rid of those apples." Bon Bon replied evenly, traces of relief in her tone remaining as the three stood outside the entrance to Sugarcube Corner.

Lyra nodded energetically, adding with that positive aura around her that almost grated me as much as Pinkie Pie's, who was no doubt in that place entertaining the guests. "We should totally do that again sometime! I'd love to hear more about your homeland and how they work without magic. Maybe next time we can-"

"Yes, I won't object to a future time where we hang out again." I quickly cut the unicorn off, telling the pair this mostly just to humour them.

"Wonderful!" The more excited of the two mares beamed, before glancing over her shoulder as the noise from within the establishment increased. Thank God I wasn't in there right now. "Oh, they sound like they're having a blast! Come on Bon Bon! See you later Stardust!"

The creamy Earth Pony shook her head at the energy of her friend while watching her enter the store, though it was clearly in fondness. "Sometimes she gets too happy for me to even keep up..." She tilted her head as Bon Bon then turned to me with a slightly curious expression. "You sure you won't be joining the party, Stardust? I heard the place is filled with all kinds of cakes and treats."

Yes during lunch I made a prime example over my love for such sugary treats. "Tempting but no." I shook my head confidently. "Parties aren't my thing. I hope you and Lyra have fun in there."

"Thanks. We'll see you another time then?"

"Indeed. You know where I live. Goodbye Miss Bon."

"Please, just call me Bon Bon. Good day Stardust." The friendly Earth Pony nodded in farewell before turning around to walk into the building, and I waited until the crowd within shielded her from my vision completely before my expression changed from politeness to that of indifference.

Charming girls, the pair of them. Bon Bon had some similar traits to Twilight and Applejack. Lyra meanwhile was more like Fluttershy and Pinkie Pie, except not as dreadful as the latter.

I'll be honest, the treat to lunch was very welcoming in helping me calm down from my recent frustration, which quickly, thankfully, died in answering the inquiries about who I was and where I came from.

Which of course, was just one lie stacking atop another.

I despise lying. I really do. But there are some situations, such as being trapped in a new world altogether, that calls for such cheap deception. I fed them the usual bull I told Twilight and the others; I was from a faraway land comprised entirely of Earth Ponies - hence I informed Bon Bon why I was so skillful at barking orders to her kind during Winter Wrap Up - who think and behave differently than what'd you see in Ponyville or any other town. I swallowed down the sting of regret the whole way through, but I felt it rise every time, even now-

"Oh! 'Scuse me Stardust." My eyes looked up after discovering I was staring at the dirt for some reason, quickly sidestepping for the smiling Applejack to pass through towards the celebration, who nodded to me in greeting before continuing her walk inside. She didn't bother asking why I was even here... good.

...Right then, where was I? Well, as my eyes looked around at nothing in particular, I should probably return to the library now and spend the rest of the day doing absolutely nothing, read a book or two to satisfy my boredom or help out Spike if Twilight created another forsaken mess in there for whatever reason.

And maybe tomorrow I'll seek out that stallion.

"'Dearest Princess Celestia. I am happy to report that one of your youngest subjects has learned a valuable lesson about friendship: sometimes the thing you think will cause you to lose friends and feel left out, can actually be the the thing that make you closer friends, and realize how special you are. Your faithful student, Twilight Sparkle.'" The purple unicorn smiled as Spike jotted down the small speech. "You got all that Spike?"

"You betcha!" The dragon replied enthusiastically before breathing that weird green fire, sending the rolled up letter somehow to where Twilight's mentor was. Then Spike looked exasperatedly towards her mistress. "Can I go take a nap now? I've been working non-stop all day!"

I raised a brow while Twilight nodded, to the lizard's relief, before glancing in my direction as Spike departed rather happily to rest elsewhere. "What do you think? Didn't Apple Bloom learn a very important lesson about friendship today?" ...Was that a rhetorical question? Or judging by your expression you're awaiting some witty response from yours truly about the whole ordeal?

Well, ask and you shall receive my dear.

"I think Celestia only desired that any lesson about friendship would be learned by you exclusively." I replied after downing the rest of the water, setting the glass on the side as the headache slowly subsided.

"Well, she never said 'exclusively'." The unicorn shrugged, still smiling over something as she then proceeded to walk over elsewhere and re-arrange a row of literature. "By the way, I still can't believe you did that to Diamond Tiara's party, ordering Snips and Snails earlier to eat as many treats as possible before she caught them out."

She refers to the earlier visit from the two colts, who saluted to me upon my greeting them for doing exactly as I requested of them. As a result I simply patted them on the heads, congratulated and sent them home. I asked the young ponies to accomplish the task of ruining Tiara's party as much as possible. No one likes snobby little kids, least of all me.

And by the way. 'Shining Armor', 'Night Light', and now 'Diamond Tiara'. Hasbro was really going to town with these names.

"You don't sound irritated by it."

A scoff. "Oh I'm annoyed all right, but considering I'm in a good mood right now I'll let it slide."

At the statement I raised a humoured brow. "Positive? You? Since when did this miracle happen Twilight?"

"Very funny." The studious mare said flatly without turning to me, but I knew she wasn't taking my sarcasm seriously. "So, apart from telling two colts to sabotage a filly's party, what else did you do today?"

I shrugged, despite the unicorn not looking. "Eh, not much. Visited Rarity, then spent some time with some other residents of the town-"

"Whoa slow down now Stardust, you spent time with others instead of Spike or Fluttershy? Since when did this miracle happen?"

...You're lucky I'm fond of your attitude my dear. "Anyway, that about covers it. Spent the rest of the day contemplating, so nothing new there. What about you?"

"I spent the day researching some complex magic before visiting Pinkie Pie-"

"I'm so sorry."

"Har har. I then went to the party hosted by Pinkie celebrate Diamond Tiara getting her cutie mark-"


"Stardust, let me finish." I found myself smirking a little at the trace of irritation. Oh how I love to rile you up my dear Twilight. "Which concluded in Apple Bloom, Applejack's sister, meeting and then making friends with two more fillies."

Ohh? "Indeed?" I asked with genuine intrigue, picking up the empty glass before walking towards the kitchen doorway. I had a feeling I knew exactly the identities of the two Twilight was talking about.

Said unicorn confirmed my suspicion. "Indeed. Sweetie Belle and Scootaloo." So that was the third one's name. Twilight let out a humoured sound. "What a coincidence. Sweetie Belle as the little sister of Rarity. And Scootaloo happens to look up to Rainbow Dash."

"Poor ignorant filly." I commented before entering the kitchen, hearing the unicorn still as she continued.

"And together they've formed their own rather adorable little group named the Cutie Mark Crusaders. Isn't it just inspiring to see that amount ambition in young fillies-"

By that point my mind was elsewhere.

So let me get this straight... that party was where the foundation of that group began. I'm a bit surprised the three haven't been friends already; I always assumed they were the Crusaders right from the start. The beginning of the Cutie Mark Crusaders, which occurred within the exact party I avoided, and I missed it.

Tch. Oh well. There were more pressing matters across my mind as it is. Searching for the Doctor, for example, if he truly was the pony equivalent of the Time Lord. Even though logically that would a fifteen percent chance.

But I suppose, as a bright side, the three young fillies must have embarrassed the irritating Tiara somehow during that earlier event. How else would a strong friendship begin, if not by berating a bully together?

"- know, I mean, should I have added a lesson about cutie marks as well in the letter?" The voice of Twilight approached, and I glanced from the side of my drying the glass to the slightly worried purple unicorn by the doorway, eyes focused on the ceiling. "I suppose there must have been some lesson today about a cutie mark in general, but I haven't noticed one yet."

"How about 'They are not really necessary and there doesn't need to be a physical representation of one's talent?'" I quipped before I could prevent myself, half-expecting a lecture from Twilight then.

But the other half that her occasional dense nature wouldn't pick up on the bitter tone succeeded, raising a brow at me in confusion. "No... what on Equestria made you jump to that conclusion?"

"Um... just wild speculation?"

I meant what I said though. Cutie marks weren't really something to behold to my eyes. Quite frankly I didn't comprehend the appeal, and it was most likely I never would. Humans didn't need instilled tattoos to show off what they can do as an individual each. Wouldn't it be much more impacting to discover your special capabilities for yourself instead of having some mark decide your talent for you? And what's up with the cutie marks being on the rump? That's still something I'm bewildered about, honestly.

Twilight, no doubt dismissing my guess as pure randomness, spoke again. "But still, I'm really happy for those girls. Working together might just help them find what they're looking for."

I glanced at the smiling unicorn who turned around to leave. "They can have my damn mark if they wanted. I loathe the [BEEP] thing."

And my day got even more interesting as Twilight immediately froze on the spot, quickly snapping her head around to face me. I blinked at the expression on her. "Stardust... did you just... speak a profanity?"

Both my brows raised to high degrees. "Yes... though I'm surprised you know that considering that obnoxious noise covering the words."

"With good reason." Just like that her eyes narrowed, as though seeing me in a new light, and I'm not quite certain I appreciate the look. Her tone shifted too from frozen shock to boiling incredulity. "Years ago Princess Celestia used a spell to block out any extreme rude usage of the Equestrian language and replace with the noise you just made."

"...I'm sorry?"

A shrug that did not reach her eyes. "I read about it during my studies in Canterlot. I wasn't even aware there was someone else besides the Princess who knew the exact words to use."

My brain processed this information, this befuddling information, before I spoke out my own disbelief, ignoring the widening of Twilight's eyes. "Well, fancy [BEEP] that."

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