• Published 2nd Feb 2015
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A Journey Beyond Sanity - Darkwing Dust

Somehow transported from our world to Equestria, a young man unwillingly arrives in the form of an Earth Pony. Join us as we explore Stardust Balance's adventures, aiding the Mane Six throughout the seasons, discovering friendship... And love.

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Chapter Ninety-Two: The Princess of Memories

Time was short.

That was the literal sensation I've been feeling recently. Everything felt as though time itself was of the essence, the hunt for our villainous friend growing more and more desperate. And I don't seem to be the only one experiencing this gut feeling, judging how hurriedly the guards escorting me to the castle were behaving. On the outside, they displayed stern calmness as ever.

But I could sense the anxiousness within them. And I couldn't blame them.

And when we reached the front door to the old castle, two more stationary guards greeted us with salutes, although aimed at me. "At ease." They obliged. "Where is the Princess?"

"Within the old foyer sir."

I nodded in thanks, proceeding with the escort inside the ruined structure, greeted by more white, black and grey guards in gold and purple armour alike. The Canterlot castle? Oh no. More of the Castle of the Two Sisters. Indeed, royal guards were scouting out this place and the entirety of the Everfree Forest, seeking out Tirek now more than ever. With the Equestrian Games turning up around the corner, the search has increased dramatically.

It was now or never. Tirek had to be found.

Or else thousands will get hurt just like in the finale.

With all that time wasted interaction with your friends and your precious Princess, we may already be too late.

Hope springs eternal, Sombra.

The arrival into the foyer was quicker than expected. Even more guards were taking positions and searching through this room, grim resolve settled on their armoured features as they sought the dreaded Tirek.

And atop the front staircase, gaze fixed on the banner hanging from the wall generously decorated there by Rarity herself, stood a familiar blue alicorn. Blue mane glittering like stars and waving like water.

Both unicorns who had escorted me from the forest to here bowed respectfully. "Princess, we have brought him here as you requested."

In response, the mare of the night slowly turned, and a regal yet friendly teal gaze cast down on me. But was it just me, or was her expression kinda off? "Stardust Balance." Luna addressed almost neutrally, with a hint of warmness, as she walked down the steps to join us.

With a smile, I moved forward myself. "Princess Luna, it's good to see you again."

Regarding me openly, the Princess of the Moon eventually released a small smile herself. "Likewise." Almost as if she was making certain of something. Though I was curious as to what, I was also relieved to see her. Maybe now, finding Tirek can be finally done and over with.

"I must say," Luna said contemplatively after dismissing the two guards who had guided me here with a nod, eyes glazing over the cleaned room appreciatively. "You, Princess Twilight and the others have done a marvelous job redecorating the place."

I shrugged modestly. I still can't remember why we even did that in the first place. In Luna and Celestia's honour, I suppose...

"How are your friends, by the way?"

"Fine, thank you, they send their regards." They would've come themselves, but there was another fair going on at Ponyville. That's like, what, the seventh or eighth town even we've been having recently?

Teal eyes gazed at me mystically. "And yourself?"

"Couldn't be better."

A raised expectant brow. "In addition to the soul which inhabits your mind still?"

Ah. "Twilight told you."

"She told my sister." Luna corrected, not unkindly. Of course she did. "But out of concern for your well-being."

I shook my head, affirming, "I'm not mad." Especially not at Twilight of all ponies. That was close to impossible.

"Aren't you?"

An amused smile rose on my muzzle. "Sombra no longer has much of an influence as he used to." Recalling that experience regarding this Princess before me, my expression turned sheepish and apologetic. Right, I haven't apologized to Luna for back then. "And sorry for taking out needless anger on you, when you were trying to help."

Okay, that searching look was beginning to unnerve me now. Those ancient teal eyes looked as though they were searching through my very soul. But, thankfully, the calm exterior softened. "I am relieved to hear that," Luna admitted, "Though I am skeptic towards allowing King Sombra to remain existing in your mind still, I trust your, Princess Twilight and my sister's judgement."

Good... Good. "Thanks Luna."

With a small smile, the tall mare turned, motioning for me to follow. "You were right that day." Huh? "It was impolite of I to enter your dream without consent. I personally apologize for causing you discomfort that day."

Ahh it's already forgotten about. "Let bygones be bygones." Luna gave me a curious expression. Oh, right. "Let's move on from that. How have you and Celestia been?"

And the conversation moved from there, Luna explaining how Canterlot has been thriving and helping the Crystal Empire prepare for the Equestrian Games. But as we traveled through the maze of hallways and rooms, Luna flawlessly knowing where to go as though she lived here her entire life - which she did growing up, to be fair - the words from the alicorn's muzzle were slowly dying out, azure gaze looking through the rooms and corridors with a solemn expression. Reminiscing, as some would call it. We encountered guards patrolling around the ancient castle, reminding us of why were we here to begin with. And said reminder prompted Luna to shake her head in clear distress.

"The mere thought of that monster, using my old home to hide like the coward he is..." Something was off in her tone. Disgust? Anger? "It is simply intolerable."

I agree. "We'll catch him soon." The mare only looked down, regarding the floor with a somber expression. That incited me to reinforce my confident tone. "Luna, we will catch him. I'd stake my life on it."

You may already have.


Luna slowly met my gaze, nodding in assent. "Yes, he must be apprehended before it is too late." There we go! Whoa, the mare was already quickening her pace, and I hastily managed to keep up. "He must be captured and brought back to Tatarus indefinitely. Otherwise many be harmed by his power to take my subjects magic."

Was it me or was there a note of fear in her voice-?

"Princess!" Our heads snapped to the right, two pegasi approaching with purpose, bowing gracefully upon reaching us. "We have some news."

Luna's eyes widened slightly. "You've found him?" Now that had my complete attention, leaning forward in anxious anticipation. Did I dare hope these guards had more competence in them than even Celestia, the main pony they served, in locating Tirek?

One of the guards appeared sheepish. "Not exactly, your Highness." And both stepped aside. "We found him in the library, Princess."

Revealing a grinning Spike, waving embarrassingly with an old large grey book clutched to his chest. "Uh, hey bro... Princess Luna..." And from the corner of my eye was a perched Nightshade, staring down at us with a disapproving look at the nervous lizard.


"Twilight's assistant?" Luna inquired curiously.

"What are you doing here?" I asked next, approaching the meek dragon. "Did Twilight send you-?"

A soft gasp cut me off, prompting us to look at the stunned Luna. "Where did you acquire that?" She gestured to the stone-looking book in Spike's claws.

The baby dragon gazed away. "Um... From a secret room found in the library by pulling out a certain book to activate it?"

Huh... Well, judging by Luna's face finding it was hardly a good thing.

The mare had immediately pulled the large book from Spike's grip, veiled in blue magic as it hovered by Luna's side. "This is a very powerful book, filled with a most wondrous ability to create any pony's desire into reality," The mare explained, and Spike and I exchanged looks at the concept. "It can bring anything one wishes into their hoofs. Imagine anything you want to create from your mind, and it shall instantly appear. A very unique ability from a book indeed."


"But like all things, it has its own repercussions."

Spike's face dropped. "Oh."

Luna nodded, the stone book now in front of her for emphasis. "For desire and greed often go hoof in hoof. The 'Inspiration Manifestation' spell has corrupted most of the ponies of the past who wanted anything the more they use it. It plagues all sense of reason, until eventually the user loses all sense of self."

Huh. Well, it did already sound too good to be true. A book which can bring any object into existence. Imagine the possibilities. I could, like, make all the chocolate and coke I want out of thin air. Would it work concerning other worldly items as well. Could I bring a PS4 to this world with this book?

I'm almost tempted to try it out myself...

"Darn." Hm? My gaze now set on Spike, who kicked a harmless stone away in clear frustration. "Just when I could use it to cheer up Rarity..."

Rarity? "Something happened to Rarity?"

The dragon grinned sadly at me, nodding. "Yeah, the puppet stage she made - which was incredible in every way - didn't satisfy the customer for the Filly and Foal Fair. Now she's upset, and won't do anything else but eat ice cream and wallow in her own regret."

I see... I can imagine what he meant. Poor Rarity gets easily upset whenever someone criticizes or outright dismisses something of her design. To say the unicorn was proud of her work was a massive understatement.

"I was hoping she could use that spell there to make a better puppet stage to please the puppeteer." Spike chuckled without mirth. "Heh, guess that wasn't so great an idea, huh...?"

Quite the contrary. Exchanging a humoured look with Luna, I smiled at the dragon, placing a hoof on his shoulder. "It was very thoughtful of you to do that, that's what matters." Spike glanced up at that, looking gratified by the praise. "But you know, there is another way to help our dear Rarity."

"Huh, what's that?" The lizard asked eagerly. Hah. This dragon would move moons if it made his crush happy. I can relate.

Rubbing his head fondly, I asked slyly, "Well, we do have other friends who can help don't we?"

Spike then expressed skepticism. "I think they might be busy with the fair themselves."

"Busy? Those girls whenever one of their friends is in a state of crisis?"

"...Good point." We both grinned, before Spike nodded and immediately turned to rush off. "Thanks Stardust! See ya when you get back from looking for Tirek! Bye Princess!"

"Spike wait-!" But the dragon already turned a corner far off, Nightshade flying after him. With a sigh, I gave the the two standing pegasi an exasperated look. "Make sure they get back safe and sound." It was the Everfree Forest, after all. They were lucky the many patrolling ponies were scaring away the wildlife within those damp woods.

"Sibling love is a wondrous thing, wouldn't you agree?" Hm? I looked back at Luna, who was approaching me with the heavy-looking book still floating beside her. The blue alicorn smiled lightly. "Twilight tells us how you and Spike are as close as brothers to one another. It is lovely to behold."

Did she now? "Does Twilight tell you and Celestia everything?" I asked, but more in amusement and fondness about my girlfriend.

Luna only gave me a look that was close to mischievous, the large stone book then teleporting out of sight. "Only the parts she deems important." And now I'm beginning to question what exactly Twilight thinks as important when writing these letters to Celestia. The Princess inclined her head. "Shall we proceed?"

"So many memories return."


Finding ourselves now is the small study where Spike inadvertently transported us all into the comic book world, Luna was now gazing all over the dark blue room, expression softening with each passing second. "This is where my sister and I would spend most of our time, studying spells, history and preparing for our places on the throne... Alongside many other things..."

Now with that saddening tone, I just felt bad. Poor mare, after everything she's been through, coming back here must be akin to torturous. What was Celestia thinking, sending Luna here? Send at least a high-ranking official, not a Princess who only feels depressed upon coming back here.

"Luna." Luna then snapped her head down at me, looking momentarily stunned at my physical action; a hoof placed on her side for comfort. She probably wasn't use to such a gesture by another pony save for her sister, but the tall alicorn didn't react negatively. Using that to proceed, I continued solemnly, "I'm sorry for what happened to you, long ago. You don't deserve to be reminded of... Well..."

If this was, indeed, the place Luna became Nightmare Moon in the first place...


"But, eventually, we all have to face our past sins, and learn to overcome them. That's life, and it makes us a better person - or pony - for it."

The Princess of the Night only regarded me with a searching expression, eyes clouded in memories. I was about to take my hoof off before a small smile graced her muzzle. "Such profound wisdom. You remind me of my old teacher. Thank you for your encouraging words."

Old teacher... Ah. "Starswirl the Bearded."

Luna nodded, her smile growing at the mention of his name. "Indeed." Teal eyes looked around the room again, the mare stepping forward towards the center. "A mentor like no other. The greatest unicorn of his time, powerful and wiser than any of us could ever understand."

"Cadence mentioned a while back that he possessed magic not even alicorns could comprehend."

"And she is correct. Starswirl was an enigma among all pony kind, utilizing spells not even considered possible even to the royals. We were transfixed by his capabilities. The former rulers of Equestria were impressed to the point of requesting Starswirl to tutor their two daughters. Without him, we would not be the ponies we are today."

The admiration, the respect dripping from her voice. This Starswirl the Bearded sounds exactly like the Dumbledore of Equestria. Twilight once called him a revolutionary of magic, unlocking secrets and power no one else today can obtain. A pioneer of unicorn kind. If only I could meet the stallion...

From within my mind, I heard a small snort from the King of Fear himself.

"He would be proud of you, and Celestia, if he saw you now."

Luna remained silent, expression hidden from me. Was she lost in her own memories again? My internal question was replied with the mare turning to face me, her pony features now rather stony. "Come with me."

Huh? Curiously, I followed after the rather brisk pony, who took no leniency in her strides, passing by bowing guards who resumed their patrols and stationed areas as soon as she past. Where was Luna going this time? I had to quicken my pace to keep up; the alicorn was surprisingly fast in her brisk walk to a staircase leading downwards. The torches hanging on the walls of the castle were ignited this time, so no worry of tripping.

And the further we headed down, the more this location became familiar to me.

My suspicions were confirmed when we entered the next room down a more dusty narrow corridor, resembling the exact same state it was left thanks to Tirek. The organ room, the ginormous instrument in question still left untapped ever since the villain used it as an attempt to rid of me. The gigantic hole in the middle of the room was still present, the dark abyss below awaiting any unfortunate soul who stumbled over the edge by mistake.

Luna seemed to pay the hole no heed, however, merely flying across it whereas I walked around to join her, attention solely focused on the piano keys waiting for her. Catching up, I paused a few steps back, letting Luna enjoy her moment of nostalgia as her blue hoof softly brushed over the ancient keys, a loving smile gracing her features.

"My sister and I would often use the tricks this instrument provides to play," Luna explained without looking at me, pressing one down for emphasis which emitted a loud musical note from the pipes above. I tensed, but the mare didn't notice. "Even now, I can recall which worked as just regular keys and which worked on the many traps and secret passages in the castle... Sometimes, we would play our own practiced notes to each other in the evenings."

Is that so... Hm...

"I would love to hear one."

An azure eye glanced over in my direction, followed by a gratified and pleased smile at the request. Why not humour the mare? And returning her gaze on the instrument, Luna closed her mind, presumably to remember which piece of music to use, and began playing a soft, melodious tune that was like sweet honey to my ears. The further the music played, the more my body swayed to the wonderful noise from the rusty old organ.

It was... Beautiful... Yet somewhat haunting at once...

And it was already over before it began, minutes of the mare playing her music sounding only like seconds to my melting ears. My mind and soul objected to the ceasing of the tune. Even so, my smile matched Luna's own, stepping forward slightly with a satisfied and content tone. "That was amazing to hear..."

"You're too kind, Stardust." Luna replied sincerely, gazing over the touched key notes in her own nostalgic bliss, before stepping back with a sigh, looking upwards at the full organ. "Even my sister remarked I was flawless at playing this old instrument."

"Then for once she was right."

Ignoring my rather unintentional jab - Yes, unintentional before you ask - towards her older sibling, Luna then looked at me with a smile akin to mischievous once more. "Tell me, have you seen all the secret passageways of this castle yet?"

"The evacuation order is primed and ready." I affirmed to the Princess. "Ponyville will retreat to the secret location if Tirek makes himself known."

Luna nodded, before regarding the dark unicorn before us. "Anything?"

The guard shook his head in clear regret. "Nothing yet, your Highness. The monster continues to elude us still. We've searched through every part of the castle, including the hidden passageways you kindly revealed to us. It is likely he has fled to the Everfree Forest or beyond."

Which is NOT what I wanted to hear.

And from Luna's expression, neither did she. Her brow furrowed. "Proceed with the search. That fiend must be found before the end of sundown." Which was awfully close, according to Luna just before. With a salute, the guard followed by three others left to do as ordered, and the Princess of the Night shook her head in displeasure. "He must be found, before it is too late..."

"And we will find him."

A weak smile. "I envy your confidence, Stardust." Before straightening herself, eyes cast on a stained window beside her, walking towards it. "If Tirek has truly escaped from his prison, then all of Equestria is in more danger than it ever has been before."

I can imagine.

"It was you who told Twilight about his escape." I nodded, meeting Luna's stern look. "You saw him in this castle firsthand. Tell me, is it likely he remains within these walls or the forest?"

"I certainly hope so." A sigh escaped my muzzle, expressing anxiety in my look. "I just want him found and apprehended before everyone - including the people I care about - are in danger again."

The Princess nodded. "I share your concerns. We shall do everything in our power to capture that monster before such a reality comes to pass."

"I envy your ambition."

Although you both share such passion to seeking out that creature.

Oh, finally decided to speak up, have you?

I pictured his scowl. I was preoccupied expanding what little senses I possess that remains, seeking out any traces of darkness around these walls. Only spectrum's of the past are present.

Wait, you can sense other ponies presence?

In a sense. Sombra sounded rather boastful in his explanation. I am surprised, however, that you did not attempt your own ability on that.

Well, I haven't mastered it yet...

Because you've yet to continue trying it. Mastery requires effort, boy. Perhaps you've heard of 'working.'

Don't condescend me you-


"Hm? Yes, sorry." I said hastily to Luna's look, grinning tiredly. "Was just in the middle of an internal discussion with his Majesty."

Blue eyes widened briefly at that, a doubtful expression which was then cleared by softness. "Try not to indulge him too much, Stardust." Luna cautioned. "King Sombra is as rotten and corrupted as Lord Tirek. You must not let your guard down."

Oh, you flatter me, Nightmare Moon.

Sombra not now. I nodded firmly at the Princess of the Night. "I'm more cautious than I ever have been Luna, don't worry."

Seeming relieved to hear that, the mare resumed looking away, sighing again. "If it were possible to know what to do, to how catch this fiend before it's too late..."

...Can you say 'timing?'

"I think there is." Luna glanced back at me, prompting me to clarify with a stronger voice. "There is something, something you must not absolutely do to ensure everyone remains safe. Whatever you do, do not send Discord after him."

Because, as I recalled from my vague knowledge of the finale itself, Discord wound up cooperating with this villain somehow. I don't know how, but Tirek managed to persuade the former villain. It can't happen again. If I can prevent that, the more likely everyone will be safe.

Hell, my friends will be safe. Twilight will be safe...

At the cost of the Princess's new castle...?

"...It is imperative you keep Discord as far away from Tirek as possible." My firm eyes met the alicorn's serious own. "Tell Celestia, she cannot dispatch him."

"It will be relayed." The Princess said, to my relief. Great. That's one problem solved. "If you are certain Discord cannot be trusted... But I trust your judgement, my friend."

I smiled in genuine flattery and gratitude. Good... Good. If this goes as I hope, the finale will never have to happen in the first place...

Well, well, well...

Why am I not surprised...?

Returning to a quiet house, I was half-expecting Twilight to still be out helping clear up the fair as the moon began showing itself, and Spike fast asleep in his own bed. Rather tired myself, I was on my way upstairs to clean myself up after exhausting myself walking and exploring the castle with Luna - who was fun to hang out with, mind you - when I noticed the second floor lights were still on. Ah, Twilight must still be up, probably studying or waiting for me to come back.

Instead, I found the loving sight of the mare hunched over on a wooden table, front limbs draped over papers and open books, eyes blissfully closed and light snoring coming from the sleeping Princess's muzzle.

Heh... Even when sleeping, I was struck by how angelic she looked.

Slowly approaching the mare, I gently shook her pony shoulder in an attempt to awaken. What followed was a soft, adorable yawn, before Twilight resumed her deep sleep. She must have exerted a lot of energy today. My smile widened in content, taking that to brush a strand of purple mane from her closed eyes, which was answered by a smile of her own in turn, prompting me to freeze.

Was she asleep or...?

More snoring. Welp, that answered my question. Still, that position looked uncomfortable to sleep on. "Twilight...?" I gently prodded her again, to no avail. With a tired sigh, I nodded to myself. Alright, better be careful here. Not gonna leave her resting like this all night, certainly. Carefully, my hoofs reached under and picked up the snoring mare, cautiously putting her on my caped back. Easy does it... Okay. Making sure she was balanced resting on top of me, my hooves slowly moved, heading towards Twilight and Spike's shared bedroom. Thankfully, it wasn't too far, since both rooms were shared on the same floor. And the door was slightly ajar as we arrived, a snoring Spike blissfully sleeping on his own bed welcoming us in a dark room.

With another smile at the sight, I proceeded to step forward, arriving at Twilight's bed and pulling the covers down, carefully setting the blissfully ignorant alicorn down and placing those covers back on her sleeping state. Twilight's body recognized the bed she now rested on, curling up peacefully as another smile rose on her purple muzzle.

Ahh. That was easier than I thought. Taking a seat by the side of the bed, I sighed quietly and kept staring at the mare, the ridiculous smile refusing to leave my face. She was beautiful, in every single way...

But unlike that creepy old-young vampire from a particular book series, I wasn't going to just sit there and watch her sleep. Brushing another strand of her hair one last time, I slowly stood off the large bed and headed to the open doorway-


Something soft yet firm was holding onto my limb. Surprised eyes whirled around to see the sleeping Twilight now holding onto my outstretched gentle hoof, as if leaning into the touch.


Well... Guess I'm trapped then, though I wasn't complaining.

Grinning in both amusement and content, I stood there, waiting for when the mare eventually released. But the resting Twilight seemed adamant in holding on to me, so I sat on the floor instead. I was a patient man, after all.

Still, the happiness on her face. The blissful innocence. The reminder how young and pure-hearted this mare was. From what I heard of her battle against Tirek, it wasn't going to be pretty.

Did Twilight truly deserve to go through with that...? Did she, Spike or our friends ever deserve facing the threats Equestria had to offer...?

Sometimes we are guided by the hand of fate when we wish otherwise.

Even if it destroys who we are.

My eyes rested on the smiling mare. Maybe... But maybe I was here for another purpose, one that was beginning to grow clearer to me.

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