• Published 2nd Feb 2015
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A Journey Beyond Sanity - Darkwing Dust

Somehow transported from our world to Equestria, a young man unwillingly arrives in the form of an Earth Pony. Join us as we explore Stardust Balance's adventures, aiding the Mane Six throughout the seasons, discovering friendship... And love.

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Chapter 186: Ministry of Magic... Ponies


"Good morning class."

"All we just need now are the EEA's approval."

"My name's Professor Balance... But you can call me the Guy Dating Your Principal."

"It's you!"

"And for the record, my only motivation for continuously 'hogging' you is simply a precaution that you won't run away on us again."

"The Man Who Walked The Stars..."

"Stardust Balance once more. It's good to see you again."

"She has more important things on her mind like that Friends and Family Day event, which she expects us to focus on too! How are we suppose to concentrate when we can't even get excited over what we're doin' already?"

"Because YOU failed to meet the EEA's standards?"


"By order of the EEA, I am shutting this school, down."

"Pillow fort? And I wasn't invited?" Came my lame try of cheering the poor alicorn up, replied only by sniffles and tears muffled from beneath the mountain of colourful items overtaking my angel's bed.

Worth a shot. I sighed, opting next to take my seat on the edge with enough space, where I sensed the Princess was closest to. She'll come out in her own time. It's been about over a day since the failed incident at the closed school, Twilight, as usual, taking the blame all on herself for what happened.

Of course, just another we have in common. Heh, I had to smile a little there, despite the overwhelming sadness emanating from Twilight through our restored bond. Well, the bond never left, but it felt so much more powerful.

Stronger than ever before. Which only makes it more an issue for her depression to very well be my own, and I already had enough of that. Best I could do, for now, was send back waves of encouraged reassurance, wait for the alicorn to pop up out the pillows-

And there we go! Twilight peeked out from one magically lifted cushion, tearfully regarding the stallion loyally staying be her side- Oof! Finding myself then embracing by the lower half and golden chest, tight and filled with a craving for relief. All I was too happy to provide, smiling softly with a careful stroke of disheveled dark purple mane with lighter stripes. Huh, still beautiful no matter how she looked.

Only fools fall in love.

"You must think I'm being ridiculous right now..." The saddened Twilight muffled into my lap, the feeling of tears dripping my fur. Nothing new of recent. One violet eye peeking out to the wall with half-visible muzzle sighing. "I failed to open the best school for friendship... And now I'm paying the price for it..."

"No, love, just no..." Was my turn to sigh then, shaking my head lightly with a bemused smile. "Every action you make I find endearing, why would I find something you've been so passionate for, and become upset it didn't work, absurd...?"

No answer, just more sniffles and tiny hiccups, the mare then levitating tissue and sneezing, a little too close to my bodily fur for comfort then. Wincing just a little, I managed a wry chuckle accompanied by more strokes.

"You've done no wrong, Twilight... It's not even really your fault." Wrong words, as Twilight then snapped her gaze upwards with pained annoyance.

"Except it was, Jack." Practically hissing, the Princess of Friendship sending a spike of incredulous rage. "I should have paid more attention to my student's activities! I should have known I was asking too much of my friends! I should have... Should have...!"

"Coulda shoulda woulda." By God what was wrong with me? Huffing, I managed to keep eye contact whilst replying gently. "Look, we can't get everything right. You were already busy with other responsibilities as the Principal... But... Okay, I kinda see where that stuck-up piece of [BEEP] was coming from."

Twilight sighed wearily this time, but I picked up the faintest slice of amusement. "Language... Wait what?" Glancing upwards suddenly. "You agree with Neighsay... Then why aren't you blaming me-?"

Snorting, I laughed quite a bit in further attempt of lighting up the mood. "You think because I see where that prude's coming from that I would EVER blame you for anything but stealing my heart and being my main motivation for the pony I am today?"

At least, a faint blush occurred then. "Well, that second observation was equally credited to our friends too-"

"Twilight, point being that while his overall judgment on closing down the school WAS unfair, I empathize where Neighsay the Neighsayer was coming from." Rubbing a hoof through my own messy mane. They almost matched! "To be fair, others could have been hurt that day, and it's not setting a good example by losing students so quickly the first few days of the school's opening. BUT!" Adding quickly from sensing the moment of Twilight about to agree. "His own actions, while somewhat understandable, were too quick to pass judgment. You're the best teacher in Equestria, Twilight. A brilliant leader, but not perfect, as no one truly is. One mistake, which shouldn't have had your school shut down."

"OUR school, Jack..." Twilight reminded softly, snuggling back into my lap with murmurs of depressed resignation. "Uncredited. Irresponsible. Everything I should have been more careful for... Resulting in being a screw-up."


A tiny sigh. "I appreciate you trying, Jack, but..." Concealing the entire features as tender breathing tickled my golden hind legs. "We just can't pretend none of this would have happened if I haven't had proposed the idea in the first place..."

YOU can't, love... Because I refuse to believe it was ever your fault. Sighing kindly, I stroked the lovely, if messy hair and began opting to get up before my back ached. Only one thing prevented me then.

The resigned Princess clutching tighter onto me, burying the muzzle. "Don't leave me..." The wounded angel whispered, and my breath sharply inhaled from the next wave of panicking emotions assaulting my fragile heart. "Not again..."

Twilight... Alright. I gulped, nodding and settling back against the closest pillow, refusing to leave my beloved for a long while, until the others finally arrived to help cheer the distraught mare a good hour later.

"Can't say none of you tried, at least." Opted my own slight encouragement to the group upon departing from the bedroom shortly after Twilight, whom wandered off to pity herself moreso. I had hoped they would at least have done better than me in regards to making the poor alicorn feel a little better further.

Sadly, it wasn't to be, the sole plus being that spending the last good hour affectionately caring for the young Princess soothed her distraught heart by only a margin.

"I was so sure the cupcakes would work!" Pinkie exclaimed with disheartened exaggerate, casually swallowing down the whole colourful batch before continuing. "You guys should've told me it was a pity party!"

"Not sure a pity party is what Twilight was hopin' for, Pinkie." The certain farm mare commented with a faintly bemused smile.

Rarity nodded. "Quite right darling. I dare say none of our efforts shall bear fruit at this moment in time. Regardless, we mustn't give up on our dear friend, our own feelings regarding the school or not!" Putting her snow hoof down with resolve, looking to her friends sternly by passionate sapphire orbs. Good words my dear. "We simply need to try out a different tactic. Perhaps-"

"A party!"

"A race!"

"Apple buckin'!"

"Animal caring?"

"Dad!" We all turned to Spike by that last final proclamation, myself unable to not grin and laugh a little from the proud expression on the dragon's adorable face for his own suggestion. Even Applejack, Rainbow and Fluttershy giggled slightly.

Doing the best to maintain composure, the amused fashionista coughed politely before proceeding, "Yes well, all fine suggestions certainly, but it must be a plan devised from all our most spectacular assets merged in one glorious result. Has anyone seen Starlight, by the by?"

Starlight? Last I checked... No clue. The others were in the negative too, shaking their heads towards the somewhat pouting Rarity, which prompted Spike's soft sigh of warmth from next to me.

"Well, we certainly mustn't leave the poor unicorn out must we? Come along group, we have a plan to forge!" And they're off! That was to say, just the mares, Spike lingering behind alongside me as we observed their determined departure in going to cheer the lavender alicorn up, whom radiated enough sadness I could still feel from here. Regardless, I observed with a content and relieved smile.

All those times, whilst running away, worrying about Twilight... When it was made abundantly clear time and time again that, with six wonderful, caring friends and a compassionate, reliable son, she would always be fine. Just okay. Let them figure out a way of cheering up the mare, I needed to take a moment to cheer this poor guy up beside me in the hallway I missed terribly.

"You think Mom will be fine?" How casual Spike would refer to the very mare whom raised and helped hatched him in the first place, in spite of the concern leaking out his child tongue. In answer, though straining a little doing so, my wing extended enough to pull the young dragon in my embrace, feathers stroking green scales atop the head with reassurance.

"She has her friends, and she has us." I replied gently, offering a marginal smile. "What more could she possibly need...?"

"Erm... The EEA approving of her school to open again?"

Spike did possess a valid point. Twilight evidently wouldn't be getting happier anytime soon without something behind done regarding the EEA's decision of shutting down a passion of hers, I pondered while then walking through town, regarding the gravel in frowning thought. Question being, what though?

Let's address the situation by what we knew thus far, shall we? The EEA were informed of missing students right off the bat, the teachers weren't making a good impression, and then the incident at Friends and Family day occurred, all in the span of under twenty-four hours. Neighsay WAS well within his right to shut down the school.

Didn't mean, however, it was a sound conclusion. Do this by the book, do that by the book. Break one rule and you're uncredited! Sterner education facilities have proven more lenient, and success becoming the overall result from such. Neighsay didn't even provide Twilight a chance to hear her out, assuming the school was constructed in the manner of a public Dumbledore's Army for all ages, evidently misunderstanding Twilight's intentions. A school to protect? Please, Twilight would rather teach young ones a million times over how to befriend than to fight. In anything, I would be the exact pony to open up a school to teach others in defending themselves and other. A School of Balance, if you will.

But I was getting off-track, my main problem for now is how to get the EEA to give Twilight... OUR school another chance? From what Spike described, not to mention the impression Neighsay gave on that day of the school's closing, they were a stern and somewhat stubborn bunch, acting like their own Ministry of Magic.

...I needed to cut down on the Harry Potter references. Must be the Ravenclaw within- Stopping.


"No harm done." Some cloaked figure with visible scales replied from our accidental bumping, continuing our separate ways.

Now think Ja... Stardust, what could possibly work to amend this entire situation for the mare I loved...?

You could attempt appealing to the Equestrian Education Association. Oh hey Starswirl. Yeah remember him? We haven't really spoken as much since the wake the Zagreus' defeat, whom was currently stored inside a Master Ball safe and tucked away.

Appeal to them, old stallion? You want me to kiss their decrepit hooves and beg for them to re-open the school? Because, in all honesty... Well okay, if it was for Twilight's happiness in favour of my pride.

Perhaps not quite literally, Jack. Sounding rather amused by the mental image. Hardy har. Councilor Neighsay is motivated by conduct, taking rules and regulations to the heart without listening of self-justifications, yet that doesn't needlessly make the unicorn unreasonable. Like Twilight, you have your own certain wisdom and acts of persuasion. Think carefully my friend, what would sound appealing to ponies like the EEA?


Well, they value intelligence and knowledge, not too confident regarding wisdom. They obviously deem species outside their own as a threat, and I couldn't begin to list the things I had to say regarding THAT. On that subject, how would they regard me? Though entirely irrelevant, they may not listen if these stern clowns were aware, like practically every other equine in Equestria since that declaration in Celestia's kingdom, of my otherworldly origins. What guarantee would they listen?

But that wasn't going to stop me from trying, no no no. For Twilight, and everyone on this planet who should learn friendship, I would and will make an effort, just need to think up the best solution. Hmm, maybe I could set up a meeting between the EEA and representatives of other species to display they're not so entirely different and aren't without likable qualities. If I was a Prince without a kingdom now, perhaps assert my authority if things ever went south through a hypothetical gathering of that nature.

Myself pointing out, Jack, that even without becoming an alicorn has ever stopped you from dominating authority since your humble beginnings.

Hah! Fair enough- Hello? I paused from the sudden prickle of panic and fear amidst, a sea of passive content, from another life form close by, snapping my head upwards to notice the light brown stallion taking immediate notice of me and hastily trotting away, pulling a wagon of sheets down another light busy street.

Sandbar, wasn't it? Wonder what could make him so distraught and hurry away from my presence? My eyebrows shot upwards curiously. Did he assume us teachers - well, former - were mad still because of the incident? It was a mistake, I'm not blaming children unlike most on this planet.

Why not pursue, Jack, and uncover the reason yourself?


Starswirl chuckled. Perhaps our young Earth Pony friend over there shall guide you to the very solution you require against the EEA's judgment.

From a kid... The only pony kid who made friends with the other species of students? Still, whenever this typically vague implied the old teacher was aware of something that can often be fruitful for situations, plus I didn't really have anything better to do at this point, you know being sacked from educating and all.

Eh why not? Shrugging, I walked after the stallion, making certain to hold track of the scent of anxiousness repugnant coming from him and maintaining my distance enough whilst going on the trek.

You know, this would be a whole lot easier if it weren't for these [BEEP]ing, uncontrollably flapping wings knocking into every bush and feathers getting trapped between branches here and there. Damn good thing the young Earth Pony I pursued wasn't within earshots of my low curses and wings hitting everything it could on the pathway through the forest, that of he mistook the noises for other wildlife lurking within these woods.

No, I've yet to actually learn how to properly utilize these wings, and even regular Equestrian magic from my newly-acquired horn. I had been busy, what with constant celebrations and making up for lost time. I know I know, two months is more than enough spare time to at least practice out my new additions to the returned pony form, but like I said, Twilight, Spike, the girls, all my friends wanting me to do as they request in spending time together after breaking their hearts for about eight plus months.

But I digress, back to focusing on the present, Sandbar was leading me, unknowingly on his part, deep into the Everfree Forest. Why he would be pulling a wagon of blankets here was anyone's guess, but Starswirl wanted me to follow in hopes of searching my answer to Twilight's dilemma, so here I was, following. Keeping track of his energy scent as to not lose the stallion whenever distant enough.

Know something even more surprising than Sandbar not noticing he was being followed with all the accidental noise I was currently making? Not a single predator that roams these woods were spying or attempting to attack the seemingly lone stallion, or they detect my protective scent too. Maybe those six mares whom have confidently explored this habitat time and time again has taught the creatures here not to underestimate the six ponies or anyone associated with them.

Here we were, an open clearing! Sandbar, still not even picking up the slightest whiff he was then being openly tracked, continued merrily on his pathway towards the stone Castle of the Two Sisters, humming lightly to himself with his emotions, while somewhat apprehensive still, were rather gleeful as though something amazing was about to happen.

Sensing then, right afterwards, the other five presences within the ancient building itself, if the excited, playful sounds coming from its walls weren't enough of an indication. Smirking, I raised a brow and continued follow, getting a sneaking suspicion as to what, or who, Sandbar was supposedly meeting in such a private setting, taking ten seconds before following the young light brown stallion indoors.

"Yay, blankets!" Of course, and not a single one of them noticing my arrival in favour for the gifts their pony friend has brought them. Silverstream, the pink Hippogriff of the young six, plucked one light blue blanket out and nuzzled her cheek against it. "It's even softer than seaweed!" Charming. She beamed from the air cheerfully.

"Perfect!" Ah, Yona, picking up her own set of fabric from the pile and proceeding to carry them over to the side of the grand hall, which was a shell of its former self. "Blankets make best Yak den!"

"Blankets are used to wrap over, not under, Yona." Gallus, the blue griffon whom looked as though he painted himself in honour of the Wonderbolts, slyly commented while picking out his own piece of fabric next, inspecting it thoroughly before shrugging, evidently deeming it sufficient for rest.

Next was Smolder's turn, the orange feisty dragon in her presumably teenage years. No idea how dragons ages worked precisely. "THIS is what ponies sleep in?" Thumb of a claw rubbing the softer item curiously, the female lizard with dark pink scales raising a dubious brow. "No wonder you guys are so soft? Rocks are way better to sleep with!"

Observe, as Smolder demonstrated this apparent fact by snuggling herself into a pile of decayed rocks close by with seeming content. Said dragon then popped open an eye in realization.

"Hey, where are the pillows? Your promised you'd get some too!"

"Yeah!" Silverstream concurred, practically bouncing up and down eagerly in midair. "It's not a proper slumber party without pillows... So I've heard!"

Both Sandbar and I smiled at her enthusiasm, the former replaying in reassurance. "Don't worry, I'm just about to head out to get thos too, along with some cupcakes I ordered at Sugarcube Corner."

Then came Ocellus' tender, but obviously nervous voice. "Um, guys...?" The bluish green, reformed Changeling pointed towards the entrance. Ah, finally noticed my coming in, have we?

So have the others by then, evident by their flabbergasted, and rather, fearful, expressions. I barely concealed my grin, offering a gold hoof in wave. "Hey guys. Slumber party huh?"




"No teachers allowed!" I burst out in laughter then, rather impressed by Gallus' loud wit as retaliation to my playful question. Fair does kid.

"P-Professor Stardust! We were just er... Em..." Yeah? The pink niece of Novo wildly glanced around before diving straight into the blanket mountain, causing a small, utterly harmless explosion. Before Silverstream's head popped out the wagon with a wide, unsure grin. "Doing an overdue class assignment!"

"Y-Yeah!" Smolder quickly played along, tapping the chin on her hard skin. "On... Blankets... In a castle! Yeah we wanted to see if... If..." Before visibly deflating, rolling her pale blue eyes and giving up. "Ah heck, you caught us red-handed."

Sandbar immediately took point, approaching hesitantly before the waiting gold Prince and motioning to himself. "It's my fault, Professor." Eyes pleading for understanding. "We just didn't want to be separated after the school closed down... It's like you said, friendship comes in all shapes and form."

"That's still the cheesiest thing I've ever heard..."

"Yona no want to be removed from best friends!"

Ocellus then asked as everyone gathered to together, almost protectively. "Are we in trouble...?" That voice was so painfully sincere and terrified, such emotions reflecting in everyone's expressions.

These kids... Heh.

"Twilight would be proud of you six, just as I am." They blinked in shocked, prompting my smirk to widen. "Despite what happened that day, your bonds have quickly grown enough to see past any prejudice and learn what exactly friendship stems from. Of course you're not in trouble... At least, until any of the creatures that roam these woods find you guys."

"We can take care of ourselves!" Smolder punched her own palm with a determined grin, evidently eager for battle.

The female Yona added with her own smiling resolve, stomping right beside her dragon friend. "Yaks have no fear! Yona says, BRING THEM ON!"

Sandbar smiled fondly to his friend's enthusiasm, before turning back to me curiously. "So... What happens now?"

Good question, and fortunately you young six have already given me the best answer. Starswirl, get me a camera, stat! Soon as I ordered that, one medium, perfect device fell into my hoofs, myself smirking lightly towards the surprised, blinking assortment of friends. Yeah, clearing my throat, I then answered in finality.

"Go back to our castle in Ponyville, tell Spike that I sent you guys and that you need some rooms for the time being. It's safer there than it is here. Appears I'm going to amend some mistakes after all." When they finally, albeit hesitantly, nodded, my expression softened before playfully holding up the flashing device. "Now I want you six to get as close as you can together and smile with your best pose each. I need some evidence."

Twilight's school may be saved yet, and thanks to these young guys, I'll have all I required to appease the stuck-up ponies threatening to bring the Princess in a spiral state of depression. Knowing from experience, no one would ever wish that, for themselves of another. Although somewhat uncertain, the practically star pupils of the shutdown education building huddled together with their best smiles, confident or not. The camera took their picture without fault, finding myself being expressed gratitude to while being simultaneously crushed to death by an embracing energetic Hippogriff.

This will work after all.

This might not work after all.

Also, this WAS the [BEEP]ing Ministry of Magic!

Court was in session. A bunch of uppity scholars versus the Twilight Warrior and a Prince to boot, let's see who fares better.

"Stardust Balance." Neighsay from his place atop with his councilors between, all concealing in the shadows like they're suppose to be an intimidating force. "Quite bold of you to approach in light of recent events; your reputation precedes you."

I was only using magic because of the Dementors! Heheheheheheheheheheheheheh. Which one's Dolores Umbridge, that firm-looking [BEEP] on the side between the two decrepit stallions? My gaze turned to face the Head Councilor, not batting an eye. "Then you know why I'm here."

"I have a suspicion." His white shaded muzzle twitching in pure disdainful annoyance. Ah, already seeing I wasn't going to back down lightly. "Bias, however, is not part of your credentials, but I suppose witnessing your Princess so disheartened can soften a heart presumably set in stone."

"Then allow me to get straight to the point to my purpose here, and the very argument I am prepared to present before your oh so humble council."

Sarcasm wasn't lost on them, but Neighsay had the decency not to easily take the bait. Goodie, a challenge. "By all means." Leaning back and nodding once.

"Princess Twilight Sparkle and her friends have accomplished and sacrificed too much for your world to be squandered by petty rules. Their lessons and teachings required- No, NEEDED to preserve the spread of unity and protection across Equestria."

"You dare claim protection when your same Princess permits savages into our educational standards? The same beasts that almost brought harmed upon ponies that day, disregarding how many times they have attempted nothing but despair upon ponykind before?"

"'Savages' that make mistakes and learn just as much AS ponykind. They deserve the same privileges, respect and teachings as our kind do."

"Our kind, 'your Highness.'" Feeling the jibe behind that addressal, Neighsay practically sneering. "Hardly yours."

"Irrelevant..." I growled lightly, that nasally prejudiced tone already putting my body trembling to pounce. That inward urge to strangle the life out of any creature that speaks ill of kind with such disgust. "You call other species monsters. What of your own kind? How many times have THEY doomed Equestria?"

"Isolated incidents-"

"Ponies who've gone mad with power, secure in our highly positions and craving only for more. Ponies who accept non of equal, just for themselves." One hazel gaze sweeping over everyone following this firm statement, "Sound familiar?"

During that rhetorical snark, many among the high seats began to squirm faintly and trade uncertain glances. That's it, start doubting yourself, works all the better to stress my point. Sole exception being Neighsay, the tall stallion from his head seat merely curling his muzzle distastefully.

"The subject of traitors holds no bearing among the current conversation, politics do not concern us." Rolling my eyes, I huffed and leaned back. Of course he'd want to change the subject. "So far, your Highness, no evidence has been provided for us to even consider re-opening that irresponsible excuse for a school."

No evidence you say? Hmm, I don't know about that, myself then pulling out a certain photograph to be magically taken around the councilor's faces. Passing around the room above me for a good time before they reached Neighsay himself.

"You want proof? There's your proof. Six unique, respectful species becoming friends all because of that school you foolishly shut down." I began, not taking my eyes off anyone while moving around on the spot. "Yes, they performed an accident, like all living things."

"Ignorant youth, unaware of the danger they pose-"

"Exactly! Young, ignorant, but open-minded, ready to learn! Imagine what we could all learn from various cultures, religions and teachings! Students who equally have such to teach us; gateways to a new era for all Equestria and beyond! Unity, that protects our world and each other! Open your Goddamn eyes you old-fashioned hicks!"

Eyes narrowed, but the emotions coldness were beginning to break, leaking cracks of curiosity and doubt. Good, it's working!

The photograph passed down back to me, in my gold hoofs. "You can hide in those shadows, acting like you know best for the education of Equestria. Or you can rid some aged traditions and make way for the new, for the benefit of all."

"Never." Came Neighsay's exact stern, and rather biased response, despite some more of his fellow councilors trading glances every passing second, beginning to sway. With both white hoofs almost slamming on his desk, the tall robed stallion glared over with darker irritation. "Tradition is everything, and we refuse to heed the words of an ignorant otherworldly beast fooling others in a pony guise. You're not welcome here, your Highness."



Wanna play hardball, your Worshipfulness? I'll play hardball. Bowing my head a little... Then gazing back upwards, startling the mane intimidated councilors in shrinking back from the golden, terrifying eyes replacing green-blue in determined anger, throwing off the group of councilors from acting like stern creatures of high importance, to the scared little ponies as usual.

Put up with this prejudice in my own world. Ignorance a gateway to mockery, rage and shun. I will not have that here. Enough prejudice against others for a thousand years, it must end. I will never put up with it again!

Enough so that, amidst my powerful conviction, finding myself levitating atop this repulsive stallion's desk and causing him to lean back in sheer anxiousness. "I'll make you a deal." Came my rather strengthened voice. "You will have the school re-opened. You will never bother Twilight and her friends again, and allow to teach their own way without your petty rules and conducts. You WILL allow them to help Equestria and spread the magic of friendship without ever interfering with their methods and teachings again. They WILL operate outside of your EEA rules for everything they've done for all of you. And in return..." I exhaled, my tone softening a little for the best bargaining chip I could think of, first one springing to mind. "I will never teach at any Equestrian school again, theirs included."

Done! That should be sufficient enough in appealing to their somewhat natural revulsion against any creature outside of equine kind taking a part in their society. If it's the only way they'll never bother Twilight again... I've sacrificed worse.

"What are you, really...?" Neighsay finally voice, regaining his voice to a solemn tone and narrowing eyes in unnerved curiosity. "You who takes the form of our kind. What truly lies beneath to wield such stone conviction?"

He wants to know... Alright then.

Lenaing much closer, my following whisper put all of Neighsay's fears to rest... And ramped them up to twelve.

Matters gone well, all things considered. Except...

"Where in Celestia have you been?!"

Yeah that. My own satisfied smile wiped off fully from the stormily feelings of Twilight's emotions pounding my heart from closer proximity, the Princess having slammed the doors opened to outside the castle on my approach, visibly small relieved tears before she tackled right into me, nearly knocking me off my hoofs. Whoa, okay then! Evidently she missed me!

"Seriously, Stardust?" Starlight commented while approaching us next, raising an unimpressed brow as Twilight eventually released me, shaking her head with a scoff. "Of all times you chose to leave elsewhere, especially when last time you had it was..." One lilac glance to the visibly fuming Princess. "Yeah."

From the doorway, the rest of the Mane Six, Spike and the six students observed curiously, some of which halfway behind the doorways to conceal themselves. Tapping her lavender hoof impatiently, the Princess of Friendship returned my focus entirely on her whilst wiping off the remaining tears.

"I'm waiting." Twilight was brooking no room for stalling, expression stern fear-inducingly so, causing me to step back from the fierce looks on those breathtaking features, happy or frightening. Sometimes both!

Maybe Starlight was onto something, bonehead move on my part, leaving so early without at least informing Twilight... Perhaps I should've taken her with me... Goddammit, I just realized my own grievous error.

Opting next, as effort of making up, mumbling a "Sorry" before passing the scroll of a latter towards the lavender mare, whom softened her annoyance slightly in favour of puzzlement, Twilight opening and reading up and down the contents withing declaring the EEA's assent and promise of no interference for the future to come.




"Oh..." Twilight exhaled in realization, blinking and re-reading again and again, before passing Starlight began reading it while violet, sparkling eyes regarded me next. "Is this all true...?"

"You can now use the school and teach to your heart's content... In your own ways." Adding that second bit more vocally towards the groups approaching, eliciting some of their sighs of relieved happiness. "The EEA will never bother you again."

"In favour of your vow never to teach in any Equestrian facility again." Starlight announced in befuddled surprise, her own purple gaze glancing upwards my way. "But...!"

Now we see why Twilight wasn't too happy by the new of opening her school. "But you love teaching..." The Princess finished for her former pupil tenderly, finding lavender hoof press gently against gold.

"I do..." I confirmed, emphasizing a wide loving smile while brushing a strand of gorgeous hair. "But I love your happiness more..." Heaving a breath then declaring before Twilight could even interject. "This school is everything Equestria needs. Friendship is the true magic of the world, and balance can never be achieved until we all experience such a gift for ourselves. Equestria needs you girls... And son." Spike perked up, allowing my warm expression to get better.

"What about you?" Starlight asked next, tilting her head. "What will you do now, without being able to teach?"

"Oh... I'll have a lot to keep me occupied." Managing to spread golden wings somewhat and gesture with my new horn, offering a humoured grin that some returned. Twilight stayed quiet, her feelings jumbled.

But the resolve almost knocked me back, the Princess' orbs sparkling brighter. "Then we'll do our absolute best not to let your sacrifice go to waste." Turning to everyone else with a newfound smirk. "My idiotic lovable Warrior is right." Hey. "Friendship is the key element of magic, and we need to help share it across Equestria. And hopefully, one day, beyond that, and this time... We'll do things our own way."

Initiating a typical group hug between everyone, dancing and celebrating briefly while Spike came up to join me, the young son elbowing my right front limb with a wink. "Funny story, Twilight was about the school again even without Neighsay's permission, until we found you were suddenly missing."

"Uh... Oops."

"Maybe you can open your own school, huh? Teaching Balance and all, eh. You are the 'Prince of Balance now, officially."

That caused my short laugh, ruffling green scales and grinning widely, the mood lightening greatly. "One thing at a time, my boy." Meeting Twilight's love-filled eyes again and making my smile grow warmer every passing second, the gratitude and sheer affection mutually colliding without our sacred, reforged bond. "Besides, I'm not the Prince of Balance... I'm the Prince of Family."

Only a few hours later, with letters and encouragement, the School of Friendship opened anew, thus became a promising future for all.

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