• Published 2nd Feb 2015
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A Journey Beyond Sanity - Darkwing Dust

Somehow transported from our world to Equestria, a young man unwillingly arrives in the form of an Earth Pony. Join us as we explore Stardust Balance's adventures, aiding the Mane Six throughout the seasons, discovering friendship... And love.

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Chapter 105: Reap What You Sow

I felt like this was slave labour...

It is slave labour.

And you would know.

You chose to offer your services for this pathetic gala, boy, all to please your Princess. A shame, though, she'll be more preoccupied on pleasing her mentor.

If we could please focus, gentlecolts.

Right, sorry, yes. With a grunt, I placed the unopened boxes down, to which a group of gratified pegasi unsealed and began piling out the contents of decorations, having delivered them all myself from the upper levels of the castle. The servants moved without fault, expressions serious and hard-working, but I could sense the eagerness and glee for the formal event to be upheld tonight for their Princess and all visiting ponies.

The Grand Galloping Gala. Once again, I partake in the party. Willingly this time, I would add.

"Okay, that's about it! Great job everypony!" Ah. On the other side of the room, Twilight was ordering servants left and right as they sprung all over the grand room where the gala would be mainly held at. "If you raise that edge slightly... A little more... Okay, slightly downwards... Perfect!"

Shaking my head at the specific instructions, typical of the perfectionist mare, I headed towards her. Around the room, walls, windows and tables alike were being coated with many appealing things. Halfway completed, it wouldn't be long until everything was more than prepared for the Grand Galloping Gala the following night. The afternoon had only just arisen, and Twilight was more than eager to get things done without anything missing or ruined.

"Would you like the corners of the rug to be cleanly put, too? Or maybe the anchovies at the buffet to be recooked because they don't look right?"

Twilight sent me a sarcastic 'Ha ha' look, smiling regardless at my joking tone. "We don't serve anchovies in Equestria, Jack." Before a thoughtful expression took over. "Although, we could inspect the rugs around the castle just in case..."

Don't forget, this is your special somepony.

I know, and I love every second of being with her.

"Thanks again for accompanying me to Canterlot to help Princess Celestia set everything up for the gala. Your help has been great with preparations."

I grinned at the blissful gratitude. "Anything to please my Princess." Ignoring Sombra's triumphant scoff. Hey, I never denied I was here mostly to help Twilight.

At the bashful grin, the mare then gazed around the place with thought. "I hope this will also please Princess Celestia. I want everything to be perfect tonight; this is the first Grand Galloping Gala I've ever organized. What if I let her down? I can't imagine disappointment from her-"

A hoof was placed on her side, preventing her from beginning a distressed rant and inciting her to look at me. Smiling in both humour and reassurance, I put my girlfriend's worries to ease. "Twilight, you know as well as I do Celestia will appreciate the effort, regardless if anything goes wrong. Remember last time, how the event turned to a disaster, but she, you, our friends and I all had fun regardless?"

"That was different," Twilight insisted, "This time, it's her student... Former student whose helping with planning everything for the most important formal event in all of Equestria. Ponies from far and wide will be attending! I don't want to let them or you or the Princess or the rest of my friends down and-"

Plan B.

The Princess was abruptly cut off, but welcomed the surprise kiss in turn. Savouring the taste of those previously panicking lips for a moment, I pulled back with a childish grin at her slightly dazed expression. Servants nearby paused briefly at the spectacle, before quickly resuming their duties. "When have you ever let anyone down, love? This gala will be a hit, I guarantee it. I'll love it, Celestia will love it, everyone will love it."

Not even Discord tonight will ruin the experience with that massive blob of a date of his.

Twilight smiled slowly, relief beginning to sparkle in her eyes. "And, hypothetically, if Princess Celestia doesn't like it as much as we hope?"

I scoffed. Like I worry over that over-indulgent alicorn's opinion. "I have a few choice words for her if that becomes the case."

"And I think I'd prefer not to hear them."

Twilight gasped, immediately racing over to the approaching alicorn. "Princess Celestia!" The smaller mare shamelessly embraced her ex-teacher, which Celestia returned warmly.

Aw... How come you don't hug me like that, Starswirl?

If I had a physical presence, perhaps. Though I doubt you would welcome such a gesture at this present moment.

...Too true.

Celestia spoke after Twilight pulled back, smiling down fondly at her former student. "Stardust is correct, Twilight, I would never be dissatisfied by the work you put into arranging tonight's Grand Galloping Gala. I'm already proud of the effort so far. Just look at this place." She motioned with her wings to the servants and workers hard at work. "Half-organized by you. I never doubted the decision to request your services in the first place." Twilight proudly beamed at the praise, and even I couldn't help but smile slightly at the affection and compliment Celestia was rightly handing to her student.

Or merely indulging the young mare's ego.

Hey, Twilight does not have an ego!


...Okay, she can be a little smug at times, but not to the point of egotism.

"I just hope we can get everything ready in time before the end of the afternoon." Yet before I could state that the afternoon will be countless years away with the speed Twilight was preparing everything with, the mare suddenly excused herself. "Oh, which reminds me! I need to check how the trimmed bushes are doing in the gardens. I'll be back soon Princess. Jack." We both observed as the mare departed through the large doorway leading outside, both smiling at the sheer commitment and effort she was putting in.

"Admirable devotion, wouldn't you say?" Celestia asked in rhetorical fondness, beaming after her departing former pupil.

"Yep." I nodded, smiling humouredly to myself. "You've no idea how often she whips me into shape in the mornings." More than I'd like, between you and me. But my own devotion to keeping Twilight happy overrides my own need for extra sleep.

You mean self need for sheer tardiness.

I confirm nothing.

"Hm." Celestia mused in nostalgia. "I can recall everytime Twilight woke me up from bed to continue with our lessons." Implying, you have, indeed, actually trained her for anything.

Welp, this was fun. I'm just gonna go and help anyone who needs it than... Converse with you, dear ol' Celestia. That said, I swiftly began turning to depart-

"Stardust." Oh what now? My reluctant gaze met warm pink eyes, the Princess of the Sun speaking with sincerity. "It is good to see you again."


Oh... Right.

"You too." Was my lackluster response, before quickening my movements out of here, admittedly feeling slightly awkward being anywhere near the tall mare.

Still unimpressed with her actions during the Tirek incident?

Pfft, [BEEP] yeah!

You're aware she was doing what she thought was right.

Yes, and how many times have others been endangered because of those oh-so wise decisions? Far too many. But for the sake of Twilight, tonight, I'll refrain from outright scolding the alicorn for what happened back then.

Sombra snorted in amusement. If that happens, I owe you five bits, Starswirl.

Starswirl, for all his own wisdom, didn't even lecture the other pony for the offered bet. Instead, a tone of humour from himself matched the fallen King's own. Hm. I look forward to the outcome then.

Hey Sombra?


You had formal events back when you were King of the Empire, correct?

I still am King of my Empire... Officially, whether they claim otherwise or not... But proceed, what of it?

Did you ever make your subjects wait this long to appear before them in these kind of parties?

Although I could hardly picture him ever hosting these kind of parties back during his tyranny, it was to make up for the fact how long the two Princesses were taking to appear. Sombra echoed a scoffed. Bah! Any celebratory events - such as this gala - were few and far between during my reign; slight temporary moments of respite, before remind those fools of their places. Although, that didn't necessarily insinuate I was... Beyond such trivial matters of entertainment.


I can recall how amusing it was to see leaks of hope flutter across my subject's faces, before reality was returned the moment my gaze cast on them. I can remember destroying their hopes and dreams of freedom under my reign, reminding them their free will was forever sacrificed in the name of glory. He sounded positively nostalgic. I would've lived a life of luxury and peace... Had those pests of sisters - one whom you await - not taken everything from me in the name of their own precious moral codes.

My own gaze set on the busying crowd below. At the entrance, a servant continued announcing the arrival of many well-dressed ponies from Canterlot or lands afar. Do you really miss that life, Sombra; tyranny and destruction over choice and happiness taken from others?

It was the only option to peace, Sombra responded, albeit solemnly. Free will is not as perfect as it sounds, Wright... Many have committed more terrifying actions than I without supervision. I cared for my Empire, whether you believe me or not, and if enslaving the masses was the only means to ensuring a peaceful reign until the next heir... I have no regrets.

...I'm sorry.

Do not pity me. My ideals are justified.

No not that... I mean for what they did to you. The Princesses.


I couldn't resist smiling a little at the curious yet befuddled response. Yes, despite everything you've done in your reign as King... No one deserves to suffer for a thousand years like that. Not you, not Luna, not the sirens, not Tirek... Okay, well, that's one really debatable... Not even Discord warranted such a fate.

Hm... In any case, that clown is due to arrive very soon, yes? Sombra was evidently more than eager to change the subject. Any intentions on interceding the outcome, or do you plan on merely allowing the same events to occur and observe through them.

...Good question. In all honesty, I've been debating that idea for a while now. I could and would prevent the creature of chaos from overreacting in the first place and almost sending an innocent pony into another dimension. It's just a question of motivation-

"Her Highnesses, Princess Celestia, and Princess Twilight!"

Oh finally. I glanced up to where the servant was pointing on the right staircase, myself situated on top of the main stairs before splitting between two within the foyer. Took them long enough. "About time, you missed our friends... Arriving..."

The world froze for a brief moment.

Celestia was wearing a tall bright dress with multiple shades of pink adorned with sun symbols, but my focus was more on the beaming purple angel accompanying her.

Even though I saw her in that dress from the episode itself back home, seeing her adorn it in person was far more heart-stopping than I anticipated. A bright blue formal dress, edges decorated in dark blue sunflowers with yellow centers, a large orange bow on the back and her mane combed into a combination of beauty and elegance. Twilight walked down towards my still state along with her mentor, looking bemused and expectant at my expression.

"Well, how do I look?" She asked humouredly, looking away slightly with a bashful smile.

Where do I even... Ungodly beautiful? As gorgeous as the twilight in the sky itself? As divine as a Goddess walking among us? What can I possibly say to compliment this angel of a mare before me with pure meaning...

All that came out of my muzzle was: "I don't think anything I say will do you justice..."

The answer was, of course, an embarrassed yet flattered pinkness on her cheeks, Twilight beaming at the compliment. "That's all I needed to hear." Before she stood between myself and Celestia, gazing down at the arriving visitors for the gala below. And my own [BEEP]-eating grin was on due to the fact how close she was almost leaning against me, and her own hoof brushing my own. Twilight sent me a sly, loving glance before her attention turned on the speaking Celestia.

"I must say, it's been very nice having you take over some of the planning responsibilities for this year's gala."

Oh I knew where this was going...

Twilight smiled at the praise. "Anything I can to make it easier on you."

Celestia replied happily, "Thank you Twilight. I am looking forward to simply enjoying the gala for once."

The trumpet. On cue.

"Announcing the spirit of chaos, Discord and his guest, the... Uh..." The Clown Prince of Chaos helped by whispering into the stallion announcer's ear. "The Smooze!" And accompanying the entering Discord, himself adorning a bright orange party suit with a top hat and a cane, was a creature that made the Pokemon Muk look appealing by comparison.

Oh I don't know about that. I'd say that thing over there would be far more useful in combat than purple slime.

Should have a Pokedex with you, and inspect its statistics.

Whilst everyone else was gasping at the green blob with a red bowtie entering the foyer, I chuckled to myself at the Pokemon joke Starswirl the Bearded himself made. Twilight, however, misinterpreted that laugh, giving me a look that said 'Did you know about this?' Responded by a sheepish grin of mine that replied 'Maybe?'

"Good evening everypony! What a glorious affair!" With the Smooze promptly devouring the Victorian-dressed stallion's trumpet.

This was gonna be a fun evening. If Blueblood didn't turn up, I'll take what I can get.

I highly doubt it, considering the mockery you made of him the last Grand Galloping Gala.

I have no regrets.

Good. That worm needed to be shown his place.

...Are you praising me?

Sombra's reply was stopped by Twilight extending her wings and saying to us, "I'll take care of this." Followed by the mare flying towards Discord. Knowing the dialogue which happened next, I grinned even more.

"Well, this certainly might make a more interesting night than I formerly assumed..."

Again, I chuckled, this time at the white alicorn's bemused comment. "Oh Celestia, you have NO idea."

"You knew Discord would bring that Smooze thing here."


"And you neglected to tell me."


"Any particular reason?"

"Erm... Didn't want you panicking?"

"'Panicking?'" Twilight threw a curious Celestia a sheepish grin and chuckle, once the latter cast a glance our way at the mare's outburst, walking ahead of us to the main room where our friends were. Twilight then hissed to me through clenched teeth, "Any further surprises I should be aware of beforehand?"

Oh, where to begin? I shook my head, struggling not to smirk at the growing irritation on her features. It wasn't working too well. "Just a friendship lesson for Discord to learn is all."

At that, Twilight deflated slightly. "Oh..." Before a look of worry overtook her facial expression. "It wouldn't possibly ruin the gala, would it? We worked so hard into organizing everything..."

"Nothing... Too bad." This time, I grinned apologetically at the annoyance and concern radiating from the mare. "The party won't be ruined too much, don't worry. All in the name of our friend learning a lesson about friendship."

Twilight raised a brow. "I'm all for someone learning that type of lesson." Violet eyes turned to a smiling Celestia, oblivious to our conversation feet away. "But not at the expense of damaging hard work. Do you think you can, maybe, help by lessening this potential ruin?"

"Why? Celestia wouldn't care."

"But I do." The alicorn sent me a gaze that was rather pleading. "I put so much effort into preparing everything for this gala to give you, our friends and Princess Celestia a good time. I don't want it to be all to waste."

What Twilight didn't know, however, that Celestia will admit she enjoyed all the chaos Discord brought tonight very soon. Yet before I could mention which, the Princess of Friendship continued on.

"Plus, that Smooze thing, why do I get the feeling it'll be just as much trouble as Discord will be by what you're implying? Is it dangerous?"

I snorted. "More a mild inconvenience than anything." Which reminded me, note to self; stand atop a table or something when that blob becomes an ocean around the room floor.

Whether Twilight was relieved by the reply or not, she didn't show it. "With Discord, that doesn't exactly reassure me too much." Harsh, but true. Meanwhile, Celestia had turned a corner, out of sight for a moment. That gave the noticed mare confidence to raise her voice a bit from our previously low conversation. "Just see if you can intervene enough to cause less of a mess on Discord and the Smooze's behalf. It'll be a great way to get you back on the Princess's good side, now that I think about it."

Okay, hold on one second there love. "Implying I want to be on Celestia's good side."

Twilight sighed, and this time it sounded more drawn out. "You certainly have no qualms being on Princess Luna's good side."

Were we making comparisons now? "Because I can trust Luna."

"But not her sister." Twilight looked at me sharply before I could retort, expression even more annoyed this time, with a note of exasperation. "I know you have doubts, but every action Princess Celestia has committed was made to keep the fate of Equestria in safe hoofs. Sometimes, those decisions can be hard to make, and are often frowned upon. But I've never doubted the Princess's wisdom for a minute. I just wish my special somepony would share those thoughts."

Demonstrate one time Celestia has displayed any moment of 'wisdom.' "Twilight, every decision she makes not only actively empowers the villains, but endangers her citizens too. Plus, I can't bring myself to trust a mare who dispatches six teenagers will little experience and preparation against a force of malevolence without any sort of backup or plan. Don't forget, recently she put you in ever more danger by transferring her, Luna and Cadence's powers into you, making you a bigger target for Tirek."

A fact I was still rather peeved about, and Twilight could see it on my face and in my bitter tone. She frowned softly. "I understand your worry, but we always manage to win the day through every battle, don't we?"

"Only through sheer luck."

"By Celestia having faith in our capabilities. Also, the magic of friendship, which wouldn't have been possible if the Princess hadn't sent me to Ponyville in the first place. And without that, we wouldn't possibly have met."

"That wasn't wisdom; that was manipulation."

"It was trust!"

"Which she abused! Putting you and five innocent mares in mortal danger for the sake of a hunch!"

"Will you stop undermining her for one minute? Everything Princess Celestia does is in the name of peace and freedom across Equestria!"

"Including recklessly endangering her own student and everyone else, by practically sending Tirek after you?"

Twilight's brow furrowed. "As opposed to recklessly confronting Tirek head-on without any help or plan beforehand?" She snapped, this time full-blown annoyed. Jesus. Even I had to take a step back at the fuming mare before me, violet eyes glowering, daring me to argue that... Rather valid point.

Sombra mused. I should've brought some popcorn... This is the kind of entertainment I sought for tonight.

"Don't think I haven't heard from the others about your idiotic, suicidal plan and immediately forgave you for it." Twilight began, and this time I had to lean back from the sheer intensity of her features. Oh, the mare was beyond annoyed at this point; this time, she was full-on [BEEP]ed. Repressed emotions regarding that matter began unsealing through her tongue and eyes, ignoring all curious or concerned passerbys as she spoke heatedly. "You claim Princess Celestia is reckless, but I don't see her engaging dangerous enemies head-on without any kind of help or preparation beforehand. At least she doesn't decide to fight a battle she couldn't win alone. At least she doesn't break a promise. At least she doesn't flat-out lie to her special somepony!"

Oho, boy you are in for it...

I couldn't even retort that internal statement, only gulping at the fiery emotions pouring from the mare. A volcano bursting before me.

A purple hoof prodded my suit roughly. "You vowed you wouldn't fight Tirek alone. You promised you wouldn't throw yourself into battle if it meant getting you almost killed, again! But what did you do? Break it the moment Tirek made himself known! You knew he would be at this castle after the Princesses gave me their magic, and decided to go confront him behind my back, thereby breaking a promise! And you have the audacity to claim Celestia makes idiotic decisions?!"

That was different! Rather me than-

"And don't you DARE, for a single moment, believe that you're more expendable than anyone else!" This time, her voice sounded more cracked, as though knowing exactly where my train of thought was headed. "It's as if you want to perish! Well guess what Jack? I don't! Spike doesn't! Your friends, your new family doesn't want you to leave this world that way! You're just as important to me as anyone of my friends, special somepony or not! If you knew Tirek would've been defeated regardless, then why bother throwing yourself head-first into danger like that and make us - make me - constantly worry to death over it?!"

And, another time, I was speechless, the power of this mare's voice rendering me silent, jaw gaping in response only. Because... Because... I didn't want my friends to get hurt! I didn't know the precise details as to how they defeated Tirek at all, and that ignorance prompted me to act! I didn't mean to... I was just...

I didn't want anyone else to suffer...

Twilight sighed. "That's what I thought." Before looking away, tone and gaze more downcast than anything, but the faint traces of fury remained. "This lack of self-preservation needs to stop. Otherwise, I don't know why I even bother. If you can't give Celestia a chance... Then I don't see why you should have the luxury."

What? "Twilight..." But the mare ignored that weak response, heading onwards to meet with everyone else, leaving me alone, upset and befuddled at that what just happened. Alright, never mind upset, try Goddamn furious!

I doubt as furious as the Princess, although...

...Yeah. Twilight was mad and saddened by my actions for that day. She just kept them hidden well, and I never picked up on them until now. She was angry, worried for the life of her boyfriend...

Worst of all, perhaps, she was disappointed in me...

This night was not what I expected...

Discord acting like the clown he is and the Smooze terrorizing the guests? I fail to note otherwise.

That's not what I meant and you damn well know it...

Oh, you refer to your pitiful state of drinking punch by the table as you look at Twilight from afar like a lost canine. The harsh reality made me grimace, the grip on my glass tightening somewhat... All alone and forgotten by your friends, too busy enjoying themselves... Reminds me of your memories of prom.

Shattered glass met the carpet.


Oh relax boy, you're not bleeding. Sombra stated indifferently as I inspected my wet hoof. Physically, at least. Your heart says otherwise, though.

Are you done?

You brought this on yourself, you know. The Princess, for all her faults, was utterly justified in her words this time around.

Sighing, my eyes looked away from Twilight happily conversing with Celestia, downcast gaze set on the surface of the punch bowl before me, before proceeding with all humans naturally did when they were upset.


But yes, Sombra was right, as was Twilight; I was in the wrong this time. My own selfish actions not only endangered myself, but Twilight too, back then. Watching the two-parter back home upon return, it occurred, in dawning sickly horror, how Tirek hurt the mare I lo- held so much affection for because of me. The memory of it forced me to wince, hating myself even further for it. Not even Balance's warmth could cheer me up this time around.

Not that I deserved it...

...You really desire to know what prompted your reckless actions?

Was it you?

Hmph. Sombra only sounded partially amused. Typical of a human to shift blame onto others. But no, the motive out of your drive to intervene that day wasn't out of heroism or selflessness, but out of greed.

Greed... The [BEEP] does that mean?

You're terribly invested in making a name for yourself - whether you admit it or not - that the thought of facing such opposition will give you meaning. Aside from the sickening will to protect others, you are defined by your need to be noticed, the attention and adoration of others. You crave that attention, yet you try so hard to restrain that hunger... And fail so miserably.


The voice instantly responded, We're all imperfect. Not even I was driven by the pursuit of knowledge for pure reasons. Kind Sombra is partially right, Jack, you seek to be noticed by others, to be considered noteworthy. It isn't wrong to feel that way, so you have nothing to be upset for regarding that.

Except upsetting Twilight because of it... And yet, I did promise I wouldn't face Tirek alone, but I also promised a long time ago to keep her and my friends safe.

The Princess, rightly so, is simply concerned deeply for the well-being of a man who means that much to her which others, perhaps, couldn't begin to believe. Sometimes, we have to be reminded of our mistakes at face value if we are to learn something from it. And with that newfound knowledge, we learn from it for the better.

Yet instead, you choose to stand there like a miserable fool. This time, Sombra was outright scolding me. Find some dignity in yourself, and rectify your mistakes. As much as I enjoyed the suffering of others, feeling the depressed emotions of my host like this is prompting me the urge to be sick...

But what can I do...? How could I make up breaking a promise like that to Twilight? To my friends? I let them all down... And they all turned a blind eye to it, until now...

Don't forget, my friend, they willingly allowed you to confront Lord Tirek alone.

Still... I broke my word, and they let me, because of the faith they had in me. And I let them all down... I had to make it up to them somehow.

A scream attracted my attention to the door towards the gardens.

And I believe such an opportunity presented itself.


Twilight hurried forward first, granting entry to a slime-covered Rarity. The white unicorn, melodramatic as always, collapsed to the floor in deep breaths. "That creature took my jewels!"

Slowly approaching the one really responsible for the blob's mayhem, I heard Twilight speak to the creature of chaos, "Discord, I thought I told you to keep your 'friend' under control." And it relieved me somewhat Twilight found someone new to be annoyed at.

"Oh please, I have better things to do than to watch that thing all night." Discord waved dismissively, before taking note of Fluttershy's expression and forcibly chuckling, making a weak excuse before proceeding to clean up the mess. Sighing, I trailed after him, ignoring Twilight, Fluttershy and Tree Hugger's questioning looks.

Oh yeah, did I mention Fluttershy has a new hippie friend, a plot character for this episode? But you already all knew about this mare who's obviously been around a few too many mushrooms. But that's irrelevant. What's relevant now is making it up to my friends, to Twilight, for my actions. Starting with making sure this night doesn't become a brief disaster by just sitting here and allowing it to happen.

"Discord, we need to talk."

"Hm? Why, Stardust!" Rarity meanwhile slowly walked away now without a dress to wear after the spirit of chaos rid her of it. Discord smiled down, albeit sarcastically, towards me whilst Twilight was reassuring the audience. "So nice to see you again! I heard you were back, but we never really got the chance to catch up now, eh?" Before instantly teleporting towards the Smooze outside, dragging it forward with a new spike leash. "But you'll excuse me for one moment, I have pest control to handle here."

Frowning, I stood between them and Discord's destination. "We're going to talk now, Discord."

He at least looked amused by the defiance. "I see Twilight's been a good influence on you, what stiff posture and not taking no for an answer is all." Whoa! Now I was suddenly finding myself hung upside down by a rope, pulling my leg in the air. "I'll join you in just a minute, I just have my lovely friend to take care of."

"While you continue making a fool of yourself over your jealously?"

At that, Discord's neck unnaturally turned to face me. "'Jealously?' Oh deary me, humans are quite imaginative aren't they? Come along Smooze."

He wasn't getting away that easily. "You know Fluttershy won't appreciate you interfering with her other friendships like that." Hit the nail on the mark. The spirit of chaos abruptly froze, back still turned to me. "You're being ridiculous over this; Fluttershy has friends alongside the guest she brought to the gala. What makes Tree Hugger any different?"

That's it, egg him on Jack. Nothing too bad can happen when provoking the incarnation of chaos itself, right? He turned fully to me with an irritated expression. "Oh I don't know, the fact she was chosen to be taken by my best friend to the Grand Galloping Gala instead of me?" The creature teleported before my hung state. "The fact she's clearly having more fun with this Tree Hugger friend here than I." Another teleport, and I felt myself being turned around to meet his widened yellow eyes with two tiny red pupils. "Or the fact that I'm clearly just not special for Fluttershy to have considered asking me to attend the gala with her in the first place!"

"It's not always about you, Discord."

The very idea incited him to look at me agape, as though the concept of him not being the focus of attention all the time was blasphemous. "Not- Pot calling the kettle black, wouldn't you say?" Following that retort was another teleport, this time taking me with him. In the blink of an eye, we appeared in midair, Discord pointing down in annoyance towards two certain mares happily conversing. "Just look, look at how much fun Fluttershy is having, without me! Have I grown too dull for her? Does she simply find me not entertaining enough anymore to make new friends, to take to this tedious gala without me?" The creature leered down, voice becoming more a husk. "Just what does that friend-stealer have that I don't...?"

"Well, she's not blinded by jealousy, for one thing." Discord refused to look at me, too focused through binoculars on the mare he cared for more than anyone else, but that hardly deterred me from continuing, "She knows that no one ranks friend above friend. And she certainly knows that Fluttershy would never replace one friend with another, as someone who knows her that well."

The immediately reply was a humoured scoff. "Are you saying that I don't know Fluttershy - my best friend - enough to know she would never consider... Replacing her friends with anyone else...?"

I smiled, my words beginning to sink in. "Pop quiz Discord; if you had a new friend, someone knowledgeable and advanced in chaotic magic, would you stop spending time with Fluttershy altogether?"

"Of course not! It would mean I would have... Someone else to talk to regarding something I liked... Oh..."

And at last, the clown ceases clowning.

I nodded, looking at the morphing expression on the spirit's face. "Friendship isn't exclusive, Discord. And you know for a fact Fluttershy, of all ponies, would treat one friend more important than anyone else special to her."

At that, the creature slowly nodded, eyes still set on the smiling yellow pegasus speaking with the green Earth Pony. "True..." And then, the reality of it all coming to him, Discord sighed, finally realizing his error. "Perhaps I was a little... Teensy too hasty in my assumptions."

"Don't apologize to me, apologize to her." And then Tree Hugger right afterwards, but I didn't need to tell Discord that... Fluttershy can do that.

"Hm, yes yes, alright." Whoa! Now we were back in the previously, and I felt gravity rush to meet as I feel, landing on a soft mattress... Which disappeared straight afterwards. Ow. "Then if you'll excuse of Starry boy, I have a friend to make amends to." Followed by another scream, prompting Discord's weary sigh. "After dealing with my other friend first..."

After which, I followed both Discord and the Smooze towards the two mares, just in case things go awry from the outcome. Although, I felt positive about this conclusion instead. At least now Twilight would enjoy the party without it becoming too much a mishap, in sacrifice of Maud Pie, the gem she was, putting Discord in his place with humour; now that was the real highlight of the episode.

Might as well introduce myself to Tree Hugger, since I've yet to had the chance to.

And then make fun of her speech patterns.

And then make fun of her speech patterns.


I'm kidding... The rest of the fanbase have already done that for me.

The moon and stars were particularly bright tonight. A sign that all was well, perhaps.

Well, for Discord, at least...

You didn't have to retreat to the gardens, you know.

Yeah well, it was instinctive. A nervous reaction from Twilight's approach. Upon meeting Tree Hugger and having some fun by mimicking her speeches, I immediately excused myself upon the Mane Six's approach, not in any mood to make things more awkward than it currently was with Twilight. Plus, the gardens looked beautiful tonight.

And Twilight was right. Stargazing was a rather fun hobby.

Hiding won't rid the problem, Jack.

Not that it's ever stopped this boy before.

In any case, I daresay Princess Twilight will be gratified by your intervention tonight, whether she realizes the alternate outcome or not.

Yeah, well...

...Well what?

I don't know... I still haven't really done much to redeem myself for my actions back then. Twilight was a hundred percent right; I DID screw up. Facing Tirek all on my own was an idiotic decision... Heh, chances are, I won't learn from the mistake and throw myself headfirst into danger again, someday.

Shame there was no Blueblood this time around to vent my frustrations on... Hah, good times. Starswirl sighed, and Sombra chuckled darkly.

"Something amuses you, my friend?"


My own small laughter subsided, leaning back from my place of the edge towards the walking mare, smiling brightly at the presence. Was too distracted by my own guilt I didn't sense her coming. "I was wondering where you were."

The Princess of Night smiled in turn, deep blue gaze as dark as the glittering sky above. "My duties to the night prevents me from interacting with this party too much." Her tone perked amusement herself. "However, noticing you outside, I was obligated to stop by."

And suddenly, I found myself in a brief hug.

Luna's smile grew, myself stunned at the rather abrupt gesture, grinning down at me. "When my sister informed me of your return, I was over the moon, if you'll pardon the pun. Like everyone else, I thought you would be absent forever. And yet, here you are." And here I am. "Welcome home, Stardust."

Well, she wasn't the first to greet me like that upon my return to Equestria. But even so, I was immensely grateful for the fond welcoming, and I found myself grinning regardless. "Thank you. It's good to see you again Luna."

"The feeling is mutual." Then the mare tilted her head, still smiling. "We must catch up sometime, but first, perhaps you'd care to share why you look so down on this kind of night." That easy to spot, huh? "I know when one tries to conceal their somber emotions; speaking from experience."

Knowing I could trust Luna not to babble as opposed to her sister, I shook my head, recollections of earlier forced into my brain. "Just an argument with Twilight is all."

"Ahh." Azure eyes shone in understanding. "It is only natural, like all relationships. Though it is none of my business, I can listen, if you'd desire me to."

Fair enough. Just had to be careful not to get into a feud with another of my friends too. Sighing, my muzzle spoke the words, "It was about the Tirek incident. Basically, Twilight thinks I should have more faith in Celestia. I think she's wrong."


"Why what?"

"Why do you believe my sister is wrong?"

The look presented to her was nothing short of incredulous. "The mare who, forgive me for saying this, banished you to the moon for a thousand years exact like it was the only option available. The mare who chooses to actively put everyone in danger in name of 'the greater good.' The Princess who arrogantly believes sending six ill-equipped young mares, with their lives ahead of them, to fight for her battles is in any shape or form, a good idea. Elements of Harmony or not, magic of friendship or not, Celestia has no excuse against trying to face these monsters by herself before sending out anyone else."

Like an army, for crying out loud!

"You believe she is apathetic towards those she sends to confront these fiends?"

"Uncaring? No. Reckless? Yes." At Luna's skeptic look, I added rather heatedly, "Don't compare her actions to my own! I choose to fight my own battles! Yes, they've almost nearly killed me every single time, but I'd fight to the end willingly to keep others safe!"

"And your friends wouldn't?" That had me shut up. Seeing the opportunity, Luna pressed on knowingly, "You truly believe Celestia forces her subjects to fight her battles, that they have no choice in the matter? You hold onto the idea that she is incapable of facing villainy herself, that she relies too heavily on others?"


The answer was my expression, and Luna sighed, smiling slightly. "Have you ever seen my sister tell Twilight and the others they have no choice in the matter? Did you see them forced against their will to confront these enemies?" ...God dammit. The Princess shook her head. "They chose to fight these monsters, just like you, without any form of enslavement involved. Does this Specter, who doesn't face these battles himself, make you face them?"

...Dammit. "No."

"You see? My sister cares for your friends, one of whom was her own student and a fellow Princess now, more than you realize. She doesn't prefer sending them to fight her own battles like how it appears to be, she would rather confront these problems herself. But even with all her wisdom and magic, doesn't make her invulnerable." Luna gazed at the night sky for a brief moment, contemplating before looking back at me. "Remember, your friends fight for the very same reasons you fight. They would willingly endanger themselves if it meant keeping their loved ones safe." The alicorn once again tilted her head. "It sounds to me it is less about having faith in Celestia, but little faith in your friends."

Bull[BEEP]! "I've always had confidence in my friends!"

"Then why so determined to keep them out of harm's way?"

"Because they're my friends!" Was my immediate retort... Before casting my gaze down, Luna's words sinking in like a steady hammer with a nail. "I just want them to be safe..."

A hoof on my chest, prompting my flinch. "You can't face every battle alone, Stardust Balance. That is the truth of the matter. We must all face these challenges through life to become a better individual for it." Slowly glancing up, I met Luna's slightly humoured gaze. "And you can begin by starting afresh with my sister."

...As much as I hated it... She was right. I WAS arrogant, so self-centered in keeping others I loved safe, it caused me to despise someone who seemed to be doing a terrible job at her position. Don't get me wrong, Celestia was still wrong about many things and decisions she makes, but still... Perhaps I've been... Overly harsh on the mare.

Perhaps I simply haven't been looking at things from their point of view...

At my small nod, the alicorn motioned to the side. "I forgave my sister for what she did to me. You can too. Isn't that right, dear sister?"

Oh no...

"Indeed so."

Oh God dammit!

Wincing, hard, a sharp inhale was next reaction upon slowly turning to spot a watching Celestia, with Twilight standing beside her, watching the exchange curiously and with slight concern. Part of me was already beginning to suspect this was all a deception, a trick to get me to like Celestia and immediately forgive for all the dumb decisions she made.

No trick, Starswirl reassured me, A chance to begin things anew, and I dare say making amends with Princess Celestia would prove more beneficial than being her enemy.

And regaining your Princess's good graces, Sombra added snidely.

...Alright. Fine. Chance to try again, give this alicorn the opportunity to prove herself, and prove myself to Twilight? Alright, I'll play this game. See where it gets us.

Upon approaching, with an encouraging nod from Luna, I stood before the waiting Celestia, who was smiling down at me despite the conversation about her... And bowed, repressed the urge to immediately stand up and defy the mare. "I'm... Sorry... Perhaps I've been too hasty in judging you for your actions..."

"That isn't necessary, Stardust." Hm? My gaze immediately looked up to meet the reassuring pink eyes. "You were in your right to question my actions towards my student and your friends." What now...? Her smile widened considerably at my confounded look. "I admit, I'm not as infallible as many view me to be; even I regret my own decisions when it comes to my own subjects." A shared look between her and Twilight. "But rest assured, the well-being of everyone across Equestria is my first priority above all others. I would never do anything that would willingly throw them in harm's way."

Although I still questioned that myself, I nodded instead of voicing those suspicions. Giving Celestia a new chance, after all. "So... We're good?" At that, Celestia expressed amusement, offering a hoof to shake... Which I took after a moment's hesitation, encouraged by the hopeful, then pleased look on Twilight's face. "I'll take that as a yes."

Then suddenly finding myself enveloped in another hug, this time initiated by my girlfriend herself. Without hesitation this time, I returned the comforting embrace in full, relieved and guiltless now that Twilight had seemingly forgiven me.

"I'm sorry..."

Twilight nodded in the hug, whispering back to me, "You can make up for breaking a promise later when we get back home." Was it just me, or was there a tinge of mischief in that tone? It sounded almost...



Celestia observed the exchange before turning, gesturing towards the way back in. "Shall we return indoors? Would you care to join Luna?"

The blue mare smiled at the invitation. "I suppose a short moment of relaxation before resuming my duties to the night wouldn't harm anypony." That said, we all returned inside to where the real party was, Twilight walking besides me with slight leaning on my right before we danced like utter fools along with Pinkie and the Smooze afterwards, and that reminded me exactly how forgiving these ponies really were.

I could learn a thing from them.

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