• Published 2nd Feb 2015
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A Journey Beyond Sanity - Darkwing Dust

Somehow transported from our world to Equestria, a young man unwillingly arrives in the form of an Earth Pony. Join us as we explore Stardust Balance's adventures, aiding the Mane Six throughout the seasons, discovering friendship... And love.

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Chapter 156: The Human Factor


"I wonder why Princess Celestia summoned us all to Canterlot. Everyone in town's been saying something's up."

"Princess Celestia's letter suggests her reasons for calling us is more on the positive side. She has some big announcement to make, although she's very clear I had to bring a certain special somepony along."

"Do you think this is an episode occurring currently?"

"We haven't a moment to waste. This has been a long day coming, my friends. Come, come."

"The time is now, for us all to welcome him to our friend, and acknowledge this otherworldly pony as one of us. He who seeks to correct the imbalances of our world. I introduce you all, to the human among us... Stardust Balance!"


"There is a spell, ancient and very uncommon, situated for those who wish to remain a pony for the rest of lives. It was outlawed by the previous rulers of Equestria as deemed too reckless and dangerous for any average practitioner to use, but Luna and I uncovered the spell from Starswirl's achieves. I believe it is this same spell which has given you your present form up to now, or a variation of it."

"I'm ready."

"Um, is Stardust meant to look in pain like that?"

"His original body is unuse to the magical realm; it must be a negative reaction!"

"I believe the united magic between us alicorns was too much for your Equestrian form to bear."

"It doesn't help that this body has never trained or taken good care of itself unlike my pony form, all because of our friend's insistence over my own personal hygience and bodily health, Spike. I'm, at least right now, useless to do anything."

"We have checked through every scroll available, and yet, there seems to be no recorded incident of the spell ever working in reverse, nor a means to cure such a consequence."

"He may be human again for a very long time... Perhaps, permanently."

"Goddammit, Celestia."

So, basically, what started as a revolutionary event for Equestria, ended in total complete disaster for me. I mean, could've been worse in one thing; I would've died on the spot if not for, I'm guessing, Starswirl's handiwork. The unicorn in question remained unresponsive, even upon our deflated return to Ponyville.

The immediate arrival resulted in Twilight quickly locking herself and Starlight into the library, vowing to research the spell extensively and uncover any solution to my rather precarious situation. Celestia had apologized solemnly for finding no current means of reverting me back to pony form, upon revealing that my change back to human form may be, this time, permanent. Good [BEEP]ing joy. Because I SO wanted to revisit this body again, it was always my favourite! God dammit. My friends returned to their homes to make up for lost time, everyone having stayed in Canterlot for a whole week ever since my temporary coma.

Myself? I was currently pacing around my own bedroom with barely-concealed agitation, glaring at the floor I walked back and forth upon. Hands folded behind my back, legs already beginning to ache. This body has not seen exercise in years, and I certainly had no intention of getting into shape, certainly not in this form.

Give Celestia a chance, she said.

It will be fine, she said.

Oh yeah, clearly Twilight. I should listen whenever that alicorn was involved, should I?! I suppose I would've been in this unique dilemma either way, huh?!

Rearing my head back, I exhaled tiredly. No, shouldn't blame Twilight for this. It wasn't her idea to use the spell; that falls to her former mentor. Hazel eyes glazed downwards, inspecting the old skin wrapped in human clothing. Black t-shirt with stripes, blue trousers and white socks. Typical attire.

Using this form again wasn't difficult in the slightest, those frequent trips to Sunset's world kept me from losing any ability in using human legs and hands. Speaking of which, height-wise I'd be about as tall as Sunset and her friends, meaning the average teenage male in his laters years in CHS would be a giant compared to me.


I think the overall worst part of being a human was - and that's not putting it lightly - the amount of anxious and open stares recieved by many equines in Canterlot, the train ride and Ponyville all the way upon returning home. My self-concious side acted up by many of the curious looks by every pony we passed by, prompting an annoyed Rainbow to bark at anyone even remotely looking at me funny, to my gratitude for my friend. I was far too exhausted with this newfound condition to even glare at anyone taking a sneak glance my way.

Regarding my open hand, I clenched my hand and concentrated, teeth grit slightly, making an effort for at least something of an advantage to work for me despite my current dilemma. And not a single radiance of gold emitted from my limb, only a pale fist belonging to a life I departed from ages ago.

I take it back, THIS was the worst part of my situation. No magic. Without my pony form I'm unable to use a single shred of Balance. Hell, I can't even feel Balance right now. As if the very force declared this form inadequate to suit its worth. And things only escalate from worse to terrifying at the implications aside from potential death all around me.

No pony body, no magic.

No magic, no Balance.

No Balance, nothing to protect me against malevolent forces.

No protection, no way of correcting any imbalances.

Meaning... A certain foe will have free range to cause as much damage as he yearns for, and I, whom possessed the sole means of stopping him in his tracks, am entirely powerless to even make a single attempt against him. Zagreus would have no issue decimating everyone I loved. All life in Equestria... Exterminated.

And not just Equestria... But Sunset's Earth, and countless more dimensions.

My features twisted unpleasantly. Twilight had to find the counterspell soon; the fate of everyone we loved depended on it. For once, I had to entirely rely on my friends for this. This time I had no choice; without magic, I'm useless to anyone.

A knock on the door. Presumably Spike. "Enter..." I called out rather defeatedly, looking over my shoulder to the individual visiting my room.

But surprise, it wasn't Spike. "Hey Stardust." The pink unicorn greeted hesitantly, smiling in light politeness. "Twilight wanted me to check up on you. We're busy looking hard for any cure to your..." Starlight gestured to my state uncertainly. "Condition."

"...Right, thanks." I huffed. "I appreciate the hard work you're both doing."

"Erm... How are you feeling?"

"'How am I feeling?'" That seemed to set me off. My patience was awfully small today, as I whirled around to face the worried powerful mare and motioned to my self dramatically. "Why Starlight, I feel just fine! I mean, it's not everyday I revert back to the form of a past life I'd sooner forget; a body which is entirely useless in skill, proficiency or adaptability. With the appearance of a humanoid gremlin on a bad night. I'm just peachy keen!"

Starlight quirked a brow, looking torn between amusement and exasperation. "Well at least you're fine enough to express dry wit." She retorted with a half-smile. "And I have no idea what a 'gremlin' is, but you don't look that bad Stardust." Starlight frowned then softly. "Or would you prefer to be called 'Jack' now, seeing that...?"

I scoffed. Like my body changing will changes how these ponies will address me. "I'm still Stardust, regardless of which body I use." My head shook, arms folded as I regarded the graduated unicorn expectantly. "So, how's progress thus far?"

On cue, the answer emerged from a flashing light. Gah! My human eyes shielded with a hiss by the bright pink light between us, Twilight teleporting into the room with a more-than-happy widened grin. Her beautiful voice called out excitedly. "I think we have the solution!"

"Twilight, as you know, I love and cherish you with every fiber in my body, heart and soul. Your knowledge and experience far exceeds my own, and there's no one else's hoofs I'd sooner place my life in with the utmost trust and faith in their abilities." I took a deep breath. "That said, are you absolutely sure this will work, love?"

The library was, putting it mildly, a mess. But this wasn't entirely new concerning this room, Twilight's often zeal when it comes to research typically results in these new mountain of books and hills of scrolls. Starlight literally had to clear room upon our arrival into the library, Twilight ordering me to stand in a specific spot and keep still, herself conversing with Starlight exactly over what to do, sicne this apperently requires both powerful mares and their magic to work.

"That faith is in good hoofs, you're right about that Jack." Twilight nodded with a positive beam. "I'm confident that this counterspell I cooked up, aided with the same type of magic which caused you to become human again, will succeed like a charm. Starlight's additional magic will double the predicted results. Not to worry, I calculated the odds of the spell working beforehand."

"...The odds being?"

"A nine-hundred and ninety-eight point nine chance of success." The alicorn promptly answered with matter-of-fact satisfaction.

...Well, knowing the show. It's likely the one point one scenario would probably happen. At my expression, Starlight added. "I'm sure it'll work, Stardust. We just need to make sure we don't somehow mess up."

"It just has to work." Twilight reinforced with utter conviction, standing beside her previous student with a resolute nod. "Just stand directly still, Jack, and nothing will go wrong. On my mark Starlight." The two got into prepared stances, horns aimed with precision in my direction.

Okay, truth be told, aside from two pointy objects aimed directly at me, the fact I wans't even in my equine form to protect me in case of anything going awry had me on edge. Not that I didn't trust Twilight, but this was far beyond regular circumstances. What if something DID go wrong? What if me being a human will only impact against the spell with negative repercussions?

Byt the two horns lighting up, I was about to get my answer.

Twilight called out. "Now!"

And braced myself with a grimace, eyes closed by the energy beams of pink and blue headed directly towards me. I expected, at first, to gain the sensation of magic encompassing my being agains, either in warmth or pain.

So imagine my geniune shock by looking down. The two beams of magic impacted my chest... As though they were hitting a mirror. Twilight and Starlight immediately stopped, the mares ducking as the magical beams bounced around the room and almost hitting them, eventually dying out. Silence followed.

...The [BEEP]...?

"What just happened...?" Same Starlight, what DID just happen...?

"I don't know... Maybe we got the spell wrong somehow." Twilight immediately summoned a book and scanned through the open contents with speed, her visible upper features frowning curiously. "No... We did everything right. So what could possibly have happened...?"

Again, good question. At the very least, I didn't feel any different. Glancing down, I noted with vague dismay at the human form remaining. What I wouldn't give to be a pony again right now. And, looking back to the mare I loved, I realized something else which unnvered me. Quite a lot. This... Dilemma, may cause some complications in our relationship... As if there weren't enough of those already.

Once again, I curse you Celestia! Now you're making things hard even for the Princess you probably consider a daughter!

"Should we try again?" Starlight asked in suggestion. "Maybe I messed up by getting it wrong." Ouch, don't put yourself down so much Starlight...

A few seconds later, they made another attempt. My features clenched instinctively, body stiffening. But, like last time, the collective magic... Bounced from my being. Firing off into different corners of the library again. We all frowned, Twilight refusing to give up just yet.

Another try. The magic bounced off.

And vice versa...

And vice versa...

Vice versa...

"I think... Your counterspell may have a slight miscalculation to it..." Starlight commented admist their panting, the two ponies taking breaths after extering so much magic just now. "Maybe we should've tested it on another pony first."

Twilight shook her head, adamant. "That can't be right. The spell should've worked on any living thing. Magic has a deep rooted connection with every living thing on this... Wait." Oh, she was making that face. The expression of a newfound discovery. "It couldn't be...!" Couldn't be what? Twilight then frowned, hard. "Jack, don't move a single muscle." Erm, alright...? The Princess closed her eyes, focusing hard. And from the lower edge of my vision, my right pale hand was covered in a purple hue, Twilight gritting her teeth slightly whilst her horn lit up with the same colour around my hand.

Was she trying to make my hand explode from the inside or something...? After a long period of silence and quiet groans from the alicorn, Twilight panted, 'releasing' my upper limb and regarding me in realization, and not the good kind.

"No no no no no no no!" She began in that all-too-familar panic, beginning to pace back and forth with worried eyes and regarding the floor intently. Starlight and I traded glances. "But it makes so much sense! Only Starswirl the Bearded would be powerful enough to make something so possible! But surely..." Twilight paused, snapping to me hurriedly. "Has Starswirl began talking to you again?"

I shook my head, crossing my arms in concern. "Not at all."

"Are you sure? This is crucial, Jack. Not even a single breath was drawn from your teacher the moment we came back?"

Again, negative. "Sorry Twilight, but he hasn't made a single noise."

"Twilight, what's wrong?" Starlight inquired with a cautious step towards her pacing teacher. "Have you figured something out?"

"Only one way to make sure..." My girlfriend muttered, and my body immediately snapped to attention by the sprakling gaze my way. "Jack, pick up that nearest book to your right, and hold it very tightly. As tight as you possibly can."

Um, sure thing love...?

Twilight's horn lit again, an aura focused around the leather-bound book in my grip. After a few seconds, she then commanded sternly. "Now lighten your grip." Alright. And after more time. "As light as you can, close to falling from your hand." Now the book was practically dangling from my grip, Twiligh's magic eventually ceasing around it and, by extension, my fingers. "Just as I thought." She mumbled in slight awe.

"Just are you thought what?" Yeah, Starlight asking for both of us. The pink unicorn was growing impatient by Twilight's reluctance to share anything with the class. "Twilight, what have you discovered? Something that'll help us turn Stardust back to... Well, a pony?"

In answer, and not a good one, the lavender alicorn looked away upon responding lightly. "I'm not sure it's even possible. At least, for me to revert Jack back." ...What? Hesitantly, the mare explained rather somberly. "Jack hails from a world where magic is non-existent. A world where, according to its rules, anything fiction to them would have no bearing nor impact in his universe. This is purely a hypothesis, but the evidence just now is compelling enough to confirm these... Unnerving suspicions."

"What suspicions?" Starlight asked further, and I could only keep silent.

Twilight turned back to us. "Starswirl would have the power necessary to keep Jack in his pony body because of the magical realm. I think the spell we performed back in Canterlot caused a chain reaction which affected even that realm, hence the shift we felt that day. And, in doing so, the magic keeping Jack as an Equestrian was also affected." We already knew that. Twilight sensed my growing agitation and proceeded to clarify with finality. "I think the counterspell doesn't work, and won't work at all, because Jack is entirely unaffected by regular Equestrian magic."



Twilight nodded solemnly at our collective exclamations. "I think only Starswirl has the means of keeping you as a pony, Jack... Otherwise, outside of his realm, I think even Discord's own power may have no effect on you. Right now, without Starswirl's help, the evidence is conclusive enough to declare a dreadful result." Violet eyes regarded me with meaningful regret. "You're immune to any other form of magic for the time being, Jack."




A long, drawn-out silence, the horrifying implications of Twilight's words sinking in to both Starlight and I, my breathing slowing considerably as my brain attempted very hard in grasping this revelation. Both hands clenched and unclenched repeatedly, eyes blinking rapidly as my mind was indecisive over how to react to this... Ghastly news.

Well, maybe ghastly was a massive understatement...

"Are you sure that's it?" Starlight felt compelled to ask, speaking with vain hope despite the clear proof which Twilight presented. "It might just be temporary. It's always possible that Starswirl is just shielding Stardust from any kind of magic with an invisible barrier. I mean, the very idea that anyone, or anything, could be immune to magic is just... Ludicrous!"

Twilight smiled sadly to our friend. "I wish it was impossible, Starlight. But you might be right. I hope at least. Right now this was completely speculation, but maybe if we tried other sources of magic that would potentially operate on Jack then-"

I've heard more than enough. "Keep searching." I ordered without demanding, turning around and wanting nothing more but to lock myself away in a safe space. "You're never one to give up, Twilight. I have every faith in your abilities. The second you find something, let me know. Because the sooner I'm out of this Godforsaken form, the better." That sound, my legs acted on their own accord, almost tripping over discarded reading material with my hasty exit.




I can't [BEEP]ing believe it. Starswirl, what the Hell is keeping you from communicating with me?! You never had this problem on my brief return to my home world before I chose to stay in this universe! I need to know... I needed to know if Twilight's theory was right! Everything depended on it if you're too affected by the spell! Talk to me, old geezer!


Nothing. [BEEP]ing nothing.

Fantastic! Oh, fantastic!

"Stardust, wait a minute!"

Oh of course.

"You should be helping Twilight with her search." I remarked rather bitterly, barely looking over my human shoulder to the hurrying pink unicorn.

Starlight flinched, but kept her ground. "Twilight's more than capable of searching without my help briefly." And continued with deep-rooted concern dancing in lilac eyes. "I know it seems bad, but we just have to give it more time and soon we'll find a solution-"

"More time? Starlight time is literally of the essence!" I couldn't resist but snap to the unicorn, inciting her startled blink. I whirled around to fully face the mare with an indignant posture, my patience all but wearing thin. "As we speak Zagreus could be using my temporary dilemma to his advantage, without myself or Starswirl capable of stopping him! And now I discover that I might as well be a walking opposite magnet for magic; something my own special somepony excels in and loves very much!"

"We don't know that yet!" Starlight argued. "As Twilight just said, it's all speculation right now. You often tell me that we shouldn't jump to conclusions, Stardust."

Yeah, well I'm a hypocrite in the highest degree. "I'm no better than those human OCs or self-inserts they place in MLP fanfictions!"

Was I having a midlife crisis right about now? My voice couldn't stop expressing my own outrage by this RIDICULOUS scenario happening right there and then.

"Y'know the ones who add nothing of substance to the overall story and just there for the sake of wish-fulfillment by enthusiastic fans whilst doing absolutely nothing to aid the ponies we know against battles and hardships! That's what I am right now, Starlight, an OC who is utterly useless to you all!"

By God...

"I'm a Goddamn gary-stu! [BEEP]!"

Starlight shook her head, clearly having zero grasp to what I was spouting from my mouth but kept trying to appease my anxious state regardless. As a good friend would. "We just need to give Twilight some time. And Starswirl. Let's calm down and find something to take your mind off all this in the meantime. Maybe we could fly some kites? Ever tried that before?"

"Not good enough." Besides, kite-flying wasn't my thing. I motioned to my presented palm. "It'd be really hard for me to take my mind off this, Starlight. I'm sorry, but I can't ignore anything right now. I have to... I don't know, think of something myself if Twilight ends up with nothing." Which I honestly hoped would never come to pass.

At Starlight's deflated expression, I turned back in regret, lowering my blurry gaze to the floor with a reluctant sigh, my thoughts confessing with vocal admittance.

"I lied to you, Starlight... I didn't just leave my world out of boredom."

One glance at my shifting my hand, expression nothing but pure dejection. A final statement before I left the unicorn to stew in her own thoughts.

"I left because I was afraid."

Never thought I'd put these on again under these circumstances...

...And I still refuse to.

Inspecting the folded glasses distastefully, my gripped fingers were close to threaten crushing the small item under my fury. Of course, that wouldn't be possible because this body hadn't the capable strength of doing so. Out of all forms I took thus far, this was the most weakest; the most useless, hideous and vulnerable.

"You're immune to any other form of magic for the time being, Jack."

Twilight's words continued repeating in my mind. An idea, but one that makes far too much sense the more I dwelled on it. Thinking about it, there was a time I had extended a line of questioning regarding how it was even plausible for a real life human to adopt the cartoon form of a fictional pony. It never added up. But now, that long-forgotten question was finally answered by Twilight's own speculation, and it all added up.

And yet, I never questioned how it was possible for Starswirl to even do that. He might be an ancient spirit and granted omniscience, but breaking through the barriers between reality and fiction? You'd think other all-powerful mystical beings would take this to their advantage and drag other people from my world into their favourite universes.

Hell, that might be the case; someone might be in the Star Wars galaxy right now. Or Hogwarts, or Narnia, or Kingdom Hearts. Persona, Mario, One Piece, Pokemon, Sonic... Although I'm not gonna whine and say that I got the short end of the stick.

But I feel more of use for those worlds than this one. At least they're more designed for humans to accomplish something. Here? Back in my real body? I might as well just constantly get in the way and make everyone's lives a living Hell.

If that was the likely scenario, would you have ever been brought to Equestria from the very beginning?

I scoffed, practically slamming my glasses to the desk. Not as if you haven't made terrible decisions in the past-


I immediately stood upwards, regarding the clean ceiling in pure shock, relief and elation. About time you made contact again!

My apologies, Jack. His voice sounded... Oddly strained. I was preoccupied with some... Repercussions emerging from my realm.

...Is everything alright?

For now, yes. I envisioned the tight smile on my mentor's muzzle. Nothing I am incapable of tending towards. More importantly, it is your safety which is crucial. The fact you are still here regardless of newfound developments brings good relief to my metaphorical heart. I'm certainly glad I managed to save you in time.

My body sat down again, mulling over those words. So what exactly happened, Starswirl? I'm back in my human form and breathing just fine. How? What went wrong in that spell they used? Isn't Balance in complete jeopardy now because of my dilemma?

Hmhmhm. To answer your justified queries, my student, it was as Princess Celestia theorized; the permanent spell was originally intended with other species inhabiting this land in mind. I had hoped that my aided magic keeping you in equine form would assist the spell in functioning without fault. Alas, it seems I have miscalculated gravely.

Ya don't say... Go on.

The backlash was severe enough to puncture through the magical realm, creating a wound in the fabric of reality. Fortunately I sealed up the wound in time, but your presence in your original body will keep the scar fresh until we can reverse this situation. A vocal deep breath. As for how you are still healthy in that form, that is my doing. I am extending the amount of magic necessary in order to keep your bodily systems from failing out. It requires a significant portion of magical energy, too much for the typical unicorn to provide.

Again, continuing to hear that weariness as he explained only made me more worried. Don't strain yourself.

Your concern is appreciated, Jack, but it is nothing I cannot handle. It's been far too long since I faced a real challenge since my arrival into the spiritual world, I welcome the tenacity.

But now that you're back, we can fix this right? I can go to Twilight and we can come up with some reversal spell required to transform me back into an Earth Pony. Hence the clear imbalance in magic would be healed.

I wish it was that simple, Jack.


As the young Princess speculated, typical Equestrian magic, no matter how powerful, will have no impact on your present body. That sounded akin to a grunt. And if we risk uniting our magic again like last time, there is half the possibility of splitting a rupture in Balance strong enough to consume this entire world. It would take unconventional means as to reverting you to equine form once more, I fear.

...Then I hope you have an idea. Because, God forbid if Equestria's most revered historical genius and revolutionary of magic itself has no clue to fixing my present state... Please tell me you have a plan Starswirl.

A moment of silence.

...No. No you can't do this to me Starswirl. For the love of God, there has to be something!

I am truly, deeply sorry. That warm voice strained with regret. Tiredness. And that answer only sent a chill down my spine from the horrific implications. I will find a solution, I promise you that Jack. But for now, you may find this body will be with you for quite a time.

But how long though?! I jumped from my seat in incredulous outrage, beginning to pace angrily from the hardly-good-enough answer. How long would I be stuck like this?! That means I am entirely incapable of stopping Zagreus without the help of my own borrowed magic. We're essentially doomed, everyone, all because... Because...!

God dammit-!

Please, shed no blame on Celestia. He quietly requested. My former pupil held sincere intentions, yearning only to make everyone happy.

Yeah... That's usually the case with her intentions...

...How long, Starswirl? How long until you can think of a cure?

I ask for time and patience. Starswirl added firmly before I could hotly retort. The world won't end if you permit me to dwell on finding a method to changing you back. For now, you must put all that training of patience to the test, my student.

That might not be good enough. Anything could be happening right now and I'm powerless to stop it-!


Oh, what are the chances?

Starlight barged into the bedroom without knocking, lilac eyes spotting me with an earnest expression. Immediately my pacing ceased and approached the unicorn, not needing Balance to pick up on distress. Starlight continued, "It's Spike!"

What about Spike? Come to think of it, I haven't seen him at all since our return home. You'd think he would try before Starlight to cheer me up...

"What happened?"

In answer, the pink mare magically held up folded paper, the aura disappearing the second my hand brushed against it. Another painful reminder. Without my glasses, I squinted at the paper before me... And my insides froze solid.

Your 'son's' survival will depend on you, human.

The lake, as soon as possible.

Just two lines, and the message was clear enough. A traded horrified glance with Starlight and the sent paper crunched in my indignant hand, the very proposal of Spike being threatened by anyone enough to send me into a frenzy. Of course, who else would've sensed the change of magic and eagerly desire to take advantage of it? And so sink so low as to abduct a child?

My child...!

We have little time to waste then. I sense the imbalance right outside the town. He grows confident enough to taunt you, Jack.

And intend harm on my son...!

My gaze told Starlight everything, and the unicorn hurriedly stated, "We should get Twilight. If Spike's in trouble-"

"He called out for me specifically." That was the end of it. Throwing the paper down, I walked past the protestant mare and added sternly. "If I don't return in half and hour, round up our friends."

Starlight wasn't done, my eyes twitching harshly by the flash of light before the second I left the room, the adamant mare teleporting right before me. "If it is Zagreus - because who else would it be? - you'll need all the help you can get, especially in your new state Stardust. You won't be equipped enough to fight him again!"

My answer was negative, plain and simple. "Zagreus isn't like the other villains Starlight; he won't hesitate in fatally harming innocent life." And that idea quickened my pace down the hall, calling out whilst brushing past the pink equine. "My son is already endangered because of me; I won't let you follow suit!"

"But Stardust! It's obviously a trap!"

"And what's the first step against traps?" I replied rhetorically before running past a corner. "Springing it!"


Don't think I've ever ran so hard in my life as a regular human, rushing down the grassy hill to where the tiny dragon rested by the edge of the clear lake, uncaring if my exclamation alerted Zagreus to my presence. To my slight gratitude, the young purple dragon was by himself out here, seemingly. Without delay, I skidded across the ground and knelt down to the young lizard, checking my precious son for anything wrong.

His eyes was closed, breathing seemed steady... No external injuries... Starswirl, think you can check anything internal? Please?

A short silence before my mentor responded. No traces of corrupt imbalance in the young dragon's heart, nor any wounds to his internal organs or anywhere else. Spike is well and healthy, Jack, thankfully so.

Thank God indeed... Ah!

Reptilian eyes slowly opened, blinking for a moment before that round head craned to his left, greeted by the sight of my relieved smiling state holding the befuddled dragon in my arms. Thank God! "Are you alright?" I immediately questioned. And at Spike's slow nod, I added just for reassurance. "Are you sure? You're not hurt anywhere?"

"No... I don't think so?" Oh thank God, again! My next move was to embrace my son in temporary happiness before Spike called out. "Look out!"

His gaze was focused over my shoulder, panicking enough to make me act, immediately rolling to the side with Spike tucked protectively in my arms, almost landing us both into the clean reflective water. My teeth grit, the dust flying into my face and whipping my hair from the black magic scorching our previous spot, emanating from a nearby source. Gaining some composure, I followed the beam to its monstrous source.

The figure atop the small hill regarded us with a clear, malicious smile, magically ripping off the familiar cloak to reveal... Something new.

I blinked in genuine surprise, expecting the scarred state Zagreus was once in during the Crystal Empire and many times before. Instead, what greeted me was a complete peach-pale body, a unicorn with, to my slight amusement, no sign of a cutie mark nor any hair whatsoever. But those sickening eyes remained soullessly black as always, staring intently into my soul it forced me to stand up and place the frightened dragon down.

"Spike, get behind me." I hissed, and my son didn't need to be told twice, concealing most of his body behind my human legs. My fists clenched the further Zagreus approached, calling out firmly. "That's far enough Zagreus. You made your point."

He has gathered enough power not to sustain his own complete body. Starswirl stated with matter-of-fact certainty, sounding as though he's ready for a fight himself. Meaning our battle will be more fierce than before, Jack. Be prepared to fight for your life.

That's what I've been doing the moment season six began...

"Not bad, isn't it?" Zagreus commented casually, his regular deep croaky voice replaced by a smooth, almost British-like quality. Obviously to mock his enemy, but I was taken aback regardless, the stallion inspecting his own hoof in satisfaction. "That little shift in magic generated enough imbalance to maintain my utterly renewed form. I am, at last, at the peak of my potential, in this form at least... More than I can say for you, hm Jack?" My features clenched, and Zagreus examined me with a condescending glance. "My, what a sorry state. It appears your friends are responsible for bringing down my only worthy opposition. Ah well, makes it far easier for me to be rid of you indefinitely."

I tensed, ready to protect the young dragon behind me with my life. If I went down, so be it. Being in this form gives me more incentive to throw my life away if it meant taking this [BEEP]tard to Hell with me.


Starswirl's sudden startling call was followed with the ground vibrating for a brief moment, the sounds of terrified shrieks and panic over the hill directly back to where the town was. Spike gasped loudly, pointing out to the smoke beginning to emerge oversight, sending a terrifying suspicion down my stiffened body.

Oh my God...

"What did you do?!" I snarled against the smirking pony, having every urge to charge over and rip the stallion apart.

Zagreus simply smiled. "Provided a means to keeping your interfering friends occupied whilst I finish you here and now. It's a shame, though, that the only witness to your upcoming demise is this pathetic excuse for a dragon-"

Whether it was the fact that Zagreus has callously caused God knows how many lives grief just now, or blatantly insulting my son after kidnapping him, setting me off enough to charge against the unprepared pony. But Zagreus seemed unfazed by my roaring assault, about to taste the wrath of a human-


A red beam of magic scorched between us, landing into the lake and causing a large splash, the side of my shirt and trousers getting soaked by it as I shielded my face and chest from the power. Judging from Zagreus' expression, whomever stopped me just now was an ally of his. Spike called out, aghast. "What is that?!"

...Oh Hell no...!

My body stiffened again, taking one slow step away from the two malevolent forces, and another. Zagreus seemed rather flattered by my reaction, walking over to join the winged-demon hovering before us with bare fangs and sinister blue eyes. Red and yellow ripped clothing, reddened skin and flaming hair, red demonic wings and just as colourful boots.

Zagreus still possess magic over bringing other creatures from various dimensions. We are meeting our foe who just ignited the town fire.

Of all villains to summon, he brings her.

"Really?" I sneered, in anger AND disbelief. In fact, despite the circumstances, I was almost insulted. "Out of everyone optional, you pick her? C'mon Zagreus, I think your new body is making you lose your touch."

"I would call this irony, Jack. The sinister version of your beloved 'student' equally responsible for your immediate destruction." And Zagreus pointed to me simply. "My dear Sunset, kindly rid us of this nuisance... Eternally."

"Spike run!"

Reaction time wasn't so good. As soon as the dragon obligated to my command, I attempted to dodge the following swooping strike of Sunset's generic demon form.

Emphasis on attempt. This body was not use to exercising reflex.

A wave of air escaped my lungs from my unprotected back scraping against rough ground, hissing at the prompted pain trailing down my body. Her claws planted firmly in the ground, Sunset's round azure eyes glared to me with ill-concealed dark glee. Indeed, this was Sunset Shimmer pre-interesting days.

Starswirl, if you've got any ideas, I'd love to hear them right now!

We are at both an advantage and a disadvantage here, moreso on the latter considering whom Zagreus utilized as bait to lure yourself here. We must remove Spike from the area before he's further involved with this.

A deep chuckle, as though thoroughly entertained by the notion. "I must say, these unexpected events are poetic, are they not? I have reached my true power, whereas you... Have lost everything. So hath fallen Starswirl's mighty pawn." Tch. I slowly rose on two feet as Zagreus mocked me. "And it was too simple, leading you here with refusal of aid from your friends. Pride has often been the downfall of your kind, human. You are powerless, vulnerable and utterly unreliable. Allow me to relieve you of your burden."

And Sunset charged, myself barely having time to duck as the demon flew over me. Jesus [BEEP]ing Christ! From the corner of my eye, Spike watched in trembling fear and worry. Zagreus may have some points, but I could at least prevent one other life from getting hurt by that creature's madness.

"You can do it Dad! She's not match for you... I think it's a she!"

Again, not all is against our favour, my student.

Right. Starswirl's observation mixed with Spike's own encouragement reminded me. Back to a time when I was entirely without magical enhanced capabilities. Strength, speed and whatnot. The Sun Shimmer Festival or whatever the [BEEP] it was called. I was at Nightmare Moon's mercy, with nary magic nor any means of fighting back. But there was one weapon at my arsenal, one very form of weaponry I have never lost.

The same weapon used recently against Timber.

A razor tongue.

"You know, you were MUCH hotter as a human." I pointed out with a wry grin at the sneering demon. "Hell, even as a pony. Never have I looked at a more dull excuse for a villain in my entire existence."

Sunset happily took the bait. Starswirl, gonna need ya to - Whoa! - think of something while I've got these clowns preoccupied.

Again, this body wasn't made for stamina nor defense, forcing me to fall backwards and roll away repeatedly from Sunset's onslaughts of slashes and attempts to grab me. I could risk fighting back physically, but somehow that felt far from a good idea. However, it occurred to me, after a moment of meeting those round blue eyes, that Sunset didn't seem to be entirely under Zagreus' control.

All the more easy to taunt you, my sweet.

"You know you've [BEEP]ed up when a bland Neanderthal like Flash broke up with you." My posture made a gesture rivaling Frieza's, stating flatly. "Let me guess, you weren't good enough in bed."

Her expression was both hysterical and frightening.

Jack, that is in no way any sort of language to use when your son is around.

Ah I've said worse.

Speaking of which. "Spike, get going already- Jesus!" My shirt fell victim to Sunset's sharp claws, barely backing up in time as the red fingers tore through the front and almost touching skin. That was too close for comfort, falling on my rear end and flinching from rough dirt scraping my palms. Agh, my tailbone...

"You are wasting time now." Zagreus called out in slight exasperation. "Finish the fool already. He is entirely defenseless."

That's true. How the [BEEP] was I still alive? Damn blind luck on my part! And don't give me [BEEP] about the 'Will of the Force' or something, Starswirl!

In retaliation I snarked. "With those teeth I bet you're pretty terrible at giving [BEEP]." Oh come on, that wasn't even a swear word!

"Dad, look out!"

[BEEP]! My instinct was to raise my arms defensively by the red ball of malefic magic summoned from Sunset's palms and into my stance. My closed eyes winced, upper limbs in an X-formations to protect my face and chest, expected to feel something hurt. Instead, it almost felt like a light tap, the powerful magic reacting differently towards its target. Blinking upwards, I followed the red ball bouncing into the sky and promptly exploding, a cloud of dust following.


Almost forgot!

"You fool!" Ha! It pleased me to see Zagreus so irritated by his own follies. "He is immune to magic in that form. I told you to employ other means!"

"What she gonna do? Bite me?" I widened my stance with a coy smile, feeling far more confident than before. No magic to harm me? Less there was to worry about. "Kinky, but I often fantasize that with your human form my dear. Claw me to death? Ooh baby at least buy me a drink first-"

I'll apologize to Twilight for saying all this with our child in hearing range. Assuming I'll survive both this and her afterwards. Sunset's infuriated roar followed with extended wings and another charge, this time the demon aiming for kicks and swipes instead of full-on magic, attempting to harm me face-to-face like before. I think reverting back to full human again has made my self-preservation lessened than ever before. I often didn't give a [BEEP] about myself moreso as a human. Still, I had to pull through.

For Spike.

Managing to block a red arm with my elbow, my free hand retaliated and pushed forward, interlocking with Sunset's other claws, my second hand doing the same. Soon, we found ourselves in a struggle for dominance, the demonic form towering slightly over me and forcing me to lean back somewhat, our teeth grit in determination, legs digging into the ground, and I cursed myself for forgetting to put on shoes. Okay ow, ow! Hands were starting to get crushed. But I couldn't give up... Not yet...!


Classic human desperate move, go!

Sunset's look of confusion by my head rearing back was immediately followed with the teen snarling backwards in pain, her face clenched tightly by the sudden headbutt right into her stupid demonic nose. Taking that chance, I grinned lightly and jumped forwards, delivering a knee into her clothed stomach, prompting her annoyed hiss. Okay, that may not have hurt her too much, but it kept her stumbling back in surprise. Now I could disengage these locked hands and leap back to get some space-

"Impressive. You've had your fun Jack, but now these games end." My head snapped back towards our audience- No...! Sunset took immediate advantage, the corner of my eye spotting her returning the favour-


A punch to the stomach...!


And a roundhouse kick to the chest, knocking all the wind out of me. My distress to Spike's newfound condition let me unprepared, allowing the demonic Sunset to strike back. Breathing hollowly, swearing I was internally bleeding, it took some effort from my elbows to raise my head and glare with a hardened squint towards Zagreus magically keeping the helpless dragon at his side.


[BEEP]... Ah...!

I coughed, feeling bile ready to escape my throat- Hck! And speaking of throat, a red hand almost cut me completely off oxygen supply. I would've been just fine with you grabbing the collar of my shirt instead, thanks Sunset! Ack! The demon, effortlessly lifting my stunned posture, ever-so-kindly applied pressure to my gripped skin, prompting my pained discomfort.

"And now, Jack." I vaguely heard Zagreus state casually, feeling my limbs leave ground and my vision meeting the sky. "It is finally time to bid adieu. It's been fun having you around, but I'm sure, given time, you'll be as forgotten as you were back home." Charming- Ugh! Wings flapped against my unprotected face and dark hair, Sunset flying us to a specific spot before ceasing, her extended arm keeping me from reaching her, the demon grinning sadistically.

Still... Don't consider you a threat love...!

Keep faith, Jack. Help will be here any moment!

"Last I checked, old friend..." My nemesis started with a tinge of sickening humour. "You couldn't swim." Those words caused a sinking pit of despair inside me, my struggling immediately halting at the horrific idea what that monster was clearly intending. It's obvious who the real demon was here! "Powerless against me, powerless to save your friends, and powerless to best water! Whatever the Princess saw in you, we'll never know. Ta ta, 'Warrior-' Argh!"

One faint glance down to see Spike taking advantage of Zagreus' presumed moment of triumph. A small grin of satisfaction from me for at least this, the bald stallion rubbing the bit limb that was in the suspended dragon's vicinity, dropping my son magically. But before Zagreus could retaliate or myself weakly command Spike to run, a blue energy beam rammed right in the surprised equine's side, sending him skidding back near the edge of the lake. Looking to the pony responsible, Zagreus growled and called out spitefully.

"Drop him!"

And Sunset happily obliged, the wind whipping against my clothes, hair and skin as everything started becoming a blur, two voice exclaiming in horror.


Last thing I saw was another blue blur impacting the demon Sunset's back before a cold sensation lifted over me. Funny thing, I don't even remember the water going into my lungs...

"- Far worse than it should."

"Jack's people have always been more susceptible to injuries. His body would be more responsive to pain considered light to us. I suspect it's how the laws of physics here are shaped to keep us more endurable to pain."

"But because he's completely human again, he won't have that same privilege as us..."

"Is there anything we can do?"

"For now, we just have to wait, and hope. Pinkie, could you pass me another blanket?"

"Okely-dokely. Here ya go Twilight, whatever helps our friend get better much faster!"

"Ah cheer up Spike. Ya know it's not yer fault for what happened; even Stardust would agree there."

"But it was my fault! Dad couldn't swim, that's why Zagreus lured him there by using me as bait! He was hoping he could make Dad suffer, and used me to make it happen..."

"Oh Spike... It was hardly your fault for Zagreus foalnapping you. In fact, when I get my hoofs on that fiend for daring to harm you... Still, we would be just as much to blame. That little town fire was merely a distraction to keep us from joining you. I'm just glad Starlight saw through the deception first and reached them in time."

"Not time enough to prevent our friend from getting hurt..."

"And almost drowning..."

"You know he would never blame either of you. I'm just thankful you rescued him from drowning just in the nick of time, Starlight. You have my eternal gratitude."

"Thanks Twilight... Though I wish none of it could've happened in the first place."

"You know Stardust. Always putting himself in danger before others."

"And if not for him, Spike here would've potentially endured a worser fate!"

"Still he should've come to us before goin' off on a foolish rescue like that! He knew he wasn't any match for Zagreus or whatever that thing was, especially if they knew Stardust couldn't swim!"

"You'd think that all that training under Starswirl, swim practice would be part of the regime."

"It's always been a small phobia. When he was little, Jack's right ear was ruptured one day while swimming. Since then he's always been reluctant approaching big areas of water. We never really addressed it much..."

"...So who was that demon, anyway? You said both Stardust and Zagreus called it 'Sunset?' As in, Sunset Shimmer? 'Cause last I checked, she looked nothing like that even when she was evil!"

"That was Sunset..." I finally managed to speak up, grimacing from the bodily aches everywhere as eyes opened and met with seven surprised equines and one dragon surrounding my large bed. "Had her plans at the Fall Formal gone through..."


Twilight and Starlight were quick to magically freeze Pinkie in midair from tackling me, thankfully, sending her harmlessly back to her spot. The purple alicorn, meanwhile, leaned forward and pressed a gentle but firm hoof to my chest, sensing my desire to sit upwards. "Don't strain yourself, you're still recovering."

"Cheers love..." I mumbled lovingly, left hand patting her soft fuzzy hoof whilst carefully leaning back against my pillow, taking note of the number of blankets all over my bed. Huh. "Please don't tell me I was out again for a whole week."

"Four hours, eighteen minutes and fifty-seven seconds, actually." Was Twilight's unamused response, now inspecting my forehead. "No fever... Thank goodness. You'll be confined to bed until tomorrow, I think. And don't even think of leaving outside of bathroom purposes."

I frowned coyly. "I wasn't even gonna plan-"

"Of course you weren't."

Starlight smiled lightly at our interaction, stepping forward with apprehension dancing in her lilac eyes. "How are you feeling Stardust? That was quite a fall for human standards, wasn't it?"

"...Honestly Starlight, I am amazed I'm still alive." Hang on. After a few seconds of checking my pulse and pinching myself, I nodded with a confounded sigh. "Yep, still alive. What a miracle. Speaking of which..." My hazel eyes met Spike's green orbs, my own life unimportant for the long moment, signalling for the dragon to approach me.

And the second Spike climbed up the bed, all manners of professionalism left me in favour of pulling the dragon into my chest, tightly embracing my son who I was so thankful was unharmed. In response, Spike returned the favour, pressing into my pained body. But no amount of discomfort will keep me from having the young dragon close to me with no intent of letting go.

"You were very brave today..." I was all too happy to mutter with pride, recalling the moment with Spike biting into Zagreus' limb and causing the latter dissatisfaction. "I'm not letting you out of my sight for the rest of the day..." The others watched the exchange with blissful expressions.

"Aww!" Pinkie cooed happily, Fluttershy nodding.

"You must be so relieved to see Spike safe and sound."

"His life over mine Fluttershy." That said, I recalled something else, looking back to the mares. My best friends. "No one else was hurt, in the town right?"

Starlight shook her head. "Thankfully no. The fires only happened on the rooftops, no one got hurt." That's some more relief there. "I knew the whole thing was a distraction, especially when we saw that magic red ball explode near the lake. I managed to stop Zagreus in time from laying another hoof on Spike, but not to stop you from falling. Without magic to keep you suspended, we were forced to watch when..."

Twilight smiled to her student, placing a hoof to the unicorn's side with reassurance. "She saved your life regardless." My special somepony clarified, proceeding to explain events after my near-drowning experience whilst regarding her former pupil with pride. "While we dealt with our opponents, Starlight threw herself into the lake to pull you out. Unfortunately, Zagreus and Sunset got away, but we managed to save both Spike and you. That's what matters most."

...Huh. "I didn't even know you could swim, Starlight."

The pink unicorn looked away. "I can't."


My surprise morphed to a smile, offering the meek unicorn a hand. The second the perplexed Starlight took it, I pulled the mare into a one-armed hug, an embrace she happily returned. After a few seconds, Starlight asked in curious relief, "Aren't you upset about Zagreus getting away again?"

"Right now, I'm honestly content that my friends, and especially my son, are safe." My hand around her hoof tightened somewhat in affection, beaming widely despite all my unpleasant injuries aching my every movement right then. "You saved the day today, Starlight, and I will always be grateful to have you as a friend and sister to this wonderful family."

As expected, tears welled up in the mare's eyes, but Starlight quickly wiped them and shared a proud smile. "And no, Stardust, despite what you think. You're not a liability to us now that you're human again. I think everypony here agrees."

Twilight and the others blinked. "Is that what you think?" The purple alicorn inquired rather incredulously, a glimmer of disappointment in her sparkling eyes. "That you're somehow a burden to us now being reverted back to human form?"

I shrugged helplessly, only able to grin meekly from Twilight's expectant stare. I could hide nothing from her. "Useless, without magic, muscles or anything noteworthy. This body was really only ever good for criticizing or writing. I spoke to Starswirl." I added, capturing everyone's complete attention. "He... Confessed that it will take a long time before I can become a pony again. He's strained enough as is with keeping balance stable because of this. So, right now I'm not... Anything."

A moment of silence.

"Pfft!" A loud scoff from, guess who, Rainbow Dash. "So you're human now? You honestly think that matters to us? After all we've been trying to get through that thick head of yours? Twilight, your special somepony's more stubborn than you!"

"Darling, I confess some things may differ now surrounding your interaction with others." Rarity added, smiling with light fondness and reassurance. "But you have to worry about regarding your friends. A burden? Useless? Perish the thought! That silver tongue, mature mindset, logical reasoning and creative mind has always come in handy. You don't need magic to consider yourself worthy of our friendship."

"Our bonds together are stronger than you think." Starlight pitched in merrily, my family nodding in agreement. "We'll help you through this, no matter what it takes. Even without Balance, you have your friends to aid you in whatever trial comes next."

"And I'll keep working on finding a solution to your condition." Twilight stated with firm conviction, once again brushing my bare arm with her lavender hoof, a fire in those breathtaking eyes. "We're all here for you Jack."

"...I'm not really surprised." Was all I could say, smiling in affection and exasperation by the sheer display of loyalty, stubbornness and strong will of my amazing friends. "My mind might have to be convinced though about me possibly being useful to anyone now looking like... This."

Applejack smirked. "I'm sure some of us will find plenty of use for ya sugarcube." And Twilight pointedly looked away with a light blush from the farmer's coy glance. "Those hands of yours might come in handy around the farm."

Oh, farm work. A joy...

"Ooh, those hands might also come in handy for reaching high places to decorate for parties! And for making cakes!"

That sounds much better. Everyone soon joined in.

"You could help in showing me how humans handle my friends with care at the cottage."

"You would assist me in revolutionizing a new form of fashion."

"Show me how fast humans can run!"

"It'll be easier to play video games with hands instead of hoofs now."

"It'd be fascinating to study human biology live. Without the dissecting Jack, stop giving me that look."

"You could show us how humans fly kites." Everyone turned to Starlight, whom flushed with an adorable grin. "Or show just me... Heh."

They all looked back to me expectantly, and those stares could only incite me to shrug with a humoured smile. "Why not? Might as well try to make use of this situation. You're all right, this changes nothing regarding our friendship." But what it changes regarding my romance with Twilight I'll worry about tomorrow. "Just try to be patient with me now. I'm not as physically productive nor strong as I was a pony."

"You have nothing to be concerned over, Stardust." Rarity said. "Now, let us address something else we take advantage over. Quite frankly, your new appearance." Uh oh. The others gave me amused apologetic looks. "I took an opportunity to examine your hair, Stardust, and, may I just say... Good grief! It's more entangled than the Everfree Forest in there! Did you ever comb back as a human?"

"...Often after I shower."

"Dare I ask, how many times do you shower a week?" My body instinctively shrunk back by the arched brow and waiting expression on the pale unicorn's face.

"...You know the details aren't really important."

Rarity looked aghast, shaking her head with a sly look to Twilight. "Twilight, I must protest. This situation cannot possibly wait. I will return with the necessary supplies shortly. Mark my words, your human boyfriend will look just as gorgeous as his previous form."

...Well, miracles have often happened in Equestria.

Twilight smirked lightly. "I'll make sure Jack doesn't try to escape." Oh ha ha. "And if he tries, getting a new hairdo would be the last thing he'll worry about."

...I gulped, pulling the quilt closer to me-


"Am I naked again?" The girls blinked, Spike snickering in good humour whereas Twilight looked away again with pink cheeks, Rainbow inquiring, befuddled.

"You keep making a big deal out of that. Why do you wanna keep wearing clothes now?"

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