• Published 2nd Feb 2015
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A Journey Beyond Sanity - Darkwing Dust

Somehow transported from our world to Equestria, a young man unwillingly arrives in the form of an Earth Pony. Join us as we explore Stardust Balance's adventures, aiding the Mane Six throughout the seasons, discovering friendship... And love.

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Chapter 109: How To Train Your Stardust

What are the chances Twilight's still pacing around like a nervous wreck?


Yep. Even though I assured her that, should everything go according to plan, all will go fine with the yaks' visit. Yep, we've reached the episode where some more furry animals similar to the buffaloes journey to Ponyville from Yakyakistan - I'm not even gonna bother - to make a new peace with friendship alongside ponykind. The alicorn practically begged for me, pleaded that I spoil future knowledge of this particular event to help things go smoothly for the arrival of the Yak Prince, and he enjoyed the trip to Ponyville.

In response, I had simply walked up to Pinkie, and told her, "Show them the secret room." The Earth Pony eventually understood what I was referring to. Revelations were shared, gratitude expressed in the form of joyful tears, and I basically resolved the episode before it become an issue.

Ah, the sound of Spike using the trumpet. Better hurry up.

The Ponyville party was still under development, but Twilight insisted we at least welcome the visitors to the castle firsthand with decorations and food similar to their homeland. I had cringed at that; Twilight's extensive research doesn't always benefit her. Yet my warnings fell on deaf ears to the mare, so I instead cautioned her about the... Excessive behaviour of the yaks when don't go their way.

And I swear to Christ, if those overgrown perfectionists decide to suddenly start trashing the foyer before I get there, I will-

The sound of outraged roars.

"Oh son of a [BEEP]." And just like that, my pace quickened, arriving through the left hallway of the first floor and into the being-trashed foyer, greeted by the sight of six stunned ponies, a petrified dragon, and three yaks smashing up the place. With an irritated growl, a brief glare cast my friend's way. "I leave for like five minutes!"

I warned her about this!

Now the yaks were storming around the place, stamping and crushing everything in sight with their hooves, horns and teeth. Everything that Twilight and the rest put effort into. It'll take days to fix everything in here!

Idle brutes... Though their strength is noteworthy.

Well I'm glad you improve, your Highness. Now excuse me while I sort this mess out. It's time for Plan B.

What are you planning? Rant at them?



And it successfully did the trick, the three large stooges paused from their oncoming storm, glaring in my direction from behind the fringes. The Prince, Rutherford - fur a lighter brown than his two escorts - spoke on behalf of the three in total, "YAKS TOO MAD! YAK FOOD NOT PERFECT! THEY MAKE US EAT DIRT!"

"YOU WILL EAT DIRT IF YOU CARRY ON!" It was only a few seconds before our faces were within inches of one another, a heated stare down commencing. Human vs Yak. Take your bets. My voice was as loud, meeting the Prince's tone head-on, "YOU APPRECIATE EFFORT PONIES PUT INTO, THEY KNOW NOT BETTER!"



Now it was resorted to a growling contest, our faces literally pushing against one another in display for dominance. Please, I faced worse than what this ungrateful Prince had to offer. A flash of pink before a certain lavender pony attempted to interject between, vainly trying to push me away, "Jack, we don't need to make things worse...!" My hoof caught the mare before she fell at my sudden leaning back, Twilight's gaze then focused on the Prince. "I'm sorry about that, sometimes he can be a little crass-"


"Huh?" Twilight blinked. "Oh. I'm Twilight Sparkle, your Highness, and I apologize profusely for the less-than-ideal first impressions-"

The yak stamped the ground impatiently, and instinctively, I reached forward between them and shielded the mare. Rutherford pointed then straight in my face. "NO. YOUR NAME."

"STARDUST BALANCE. TWILIGHT WARRIOR." That last bit was intentional, to make it clear I was just as prepared for anything these yaks would dare try to attempt next, should this plan fail spectacularly. And so far, I couldn't say if all was proceeding well or not. "I REQUEST HIS HIGHNESS TO BE MORE GRATEFUL FOR EFFORT FRIENDS PUT IN! LOWER EXPECTATIONS; NOTHING IS PERFECT!"

Another stare contest, and I idly noted the Prince's two escorts now standing beside him, all three glaring at me with hidden eyes. Through Balance, though, I sensed their strong shared emotions; feelings of pride and expectations. My own breath was small, lungs albeit tired from the yelling to match the vocal furballs-

"THIS PONY KNOWS YAK WAYS! WE AGREE!" What? "WE TRY AGAIN! PONIES AND YAKS BE FRIENDS EVEN WHEN PONIES NOT PERFECT!" Ow! Right in my ears! But from the corner of my eyes, Twilight looked stunned then... Immensely relieved. And so was I. My plan was actually seeming to work. I got these yaks' approval... Somehow.

Perhaps humans and yaks are not entirely different.

...Haha. I can't really argue. Instead, I nodded to the Yak Prince, matching his large tone once again.


A response of elation despite how loudly painful the voice was, "YAKS LOOK FORWARD TO IT!"

"Just out of interest, how did you know that'd work?"

"How what worked?"

"Yelling at them like that."

"Ah." A wry chuckle escaped my muzzle, glancing from the alicorn to the entertained yaks a short distance away. "Humans can be quite vocal when it comes to being upset too, Twilight, and wanting to make things clear. It seems humans and yaks have a lot in common."

As mindless brutes, for example.

I... Cannot argue.

Meanwhile, the Prince and his escorts were enjoying themselves among the town-filled party, hosted and organized by none other than Pinkie Pie. Yaks and ponies having fun together. The plan worked like a charm, none of that pointless journey to Yakyakistan on Pinkie's part, and our friends appreciated the mare all the more when they discovered her secret room in Sugarcube Corner. Hell, I felt nothing but immense pride and bliss at the happy moment between them all; proud of my friends, and especially proud of Pinkie.

From beside me, Twilight sighed. "It's a relief the first impressions wasn't a total disaster. I was worried things would've escalated worse."

"I told you we shouldn't have welcomed them like that," I chided, both in seriousness and teasement. "You should've heeded my warnings."

Incoming argument in three, two, one.

"I did listen to you; I just made extra certainty the welcoming food was added with extra flavour; somethings our yaks friends would enjoy!"

"Yeah, and it almost wrecked the entire foyer as a result." My grin was irrepressible.

The adorable alicorn huffed, rolling her eyes. "Why do I even bother...?"

"Because you love me too much."

"I-" Haha! Ahh that reaction though. With a face brightening a solid red, the mare's stunned and sputtering expression immediately shifted to irritation at my snickering look. "You're incorrigible, you know that."

"No idea what that means."

"Unable to change."

"Oh... Then you're completely right. Gold star love."

You are both making me sick.

It's flirting, Sombra. Ever heard of it?

Your methods of courtship are unorthodox, and terribly unsubtle. No self-respecting mare back in my day would fall victim to such repulsive advances.


Speaking of unsubtle and unorthodox. The exaggerate greetings incited both the blushing mare and I to look in the direction of the approaching royal. "Prince Rutherford," Twilight swiftly said rather eagerly, "I hope you're enjoying the party expressing the friendship of ponykind so far."

"YES. PONIES AND YAKS WILL MAKE GREAT FRIENDS FOR A THOUSAND MORE MOONS." Alright tough guy, I'd prefer my eardrums not bursting apart, again.

Twilight, however, was more enthralled by the news to complain. "That's wonderful!" And shared an excited grin my way, and back to Rutherford. "Princess Celestia's going to love this new relationship between ponies and yaks when she arrives."

"Because that's the real prize here, you getting Celestia's appro-" Twilight forcibly grinned after shutting my muzzle with her own hoof, inciting my fond eye roll. Killjoy. Rutherford, meanwhile, looked between us before grinning wildly.


"Oh, um, thank you." Twilight smiled, albeit uncertainly, at the compliment after removing her hoof off me. "We respect you too."

"We do?" A single glare in my direction. "Kidding! Kidding."

And then, all of a sudden, the Yak Prince was in my face again, eyes covered by the fur, and I braced myself for the oncoming assault of excessive vocals. "YOU WARRIOR. WE YAKS WARRIOR. WE WANT TO SHOW YOU HOW YAKS FIGHT!" Pardon? He wants a fight? "YOU COME TO YAKYAKISTAN AFTER PARTY, YES?"

...Huh. That's quite an invitation.

And Twilight, of course, took the suggestion with more enthusiastic surprise, gasping. "Yakyakistan?!" Pleasant glee began glowing on her brightened features. "You can't decline something like this, Jack! This is an opportunity nopony has been given in over a thousand moons!"

Half of me is inclined to say no, just to see Twilight's reaction... Ah whatever. I shrugged, smiling at both my girlfriend and the taller Prince. "Why not? You wouldn't mind if Twilight and the rest tag along too, would you?"


Then I found myself embraced rather tightly by a gratified mare. "You're the best," Twilight mumbled into my ear, and that was enough to fill my insides with all sort of giddy joy.

But outwardly, I grinned like a child receiving an early Christmas present. "I know."

The journey was long and hard.

That is to say, for the yaks. The large furcoats were generous enough to give us a ride on their backs the whole trip there, with the exception of Rainbow Dash, who eventually relented about three-quarters of the journey and joined Applejack on one of the back of the bohemians. We ventured through forests, the desert, and eventually, currently, scaling up this tall mountain towards where the kingdom of the yaks awaited.

From between me, Spike was napping in content, using my own provided cape as a blanket to rest for how long we've ventured. Twilight, however, continued quivering in her own excitement; the enthusiasm upon exploring a foreign land never dulling. I'd dare say the eager hunger for learning increased the further we reached the place. Rainbow and Rarity were also resting, Fluttershy, Applejack and Pinkie looking forward in their own eagerness whilst making sure their sleeping friends didn't fall off.

Was I excited about where we were going? Yeah sure. Yakyakistan, as I understood, was never really touched upon after that episode. In fact, I never even heard of the yaks being their own diverse species in Equestria with a reserved land and speech patterns of their own until watching the episode. So I was pleasantly surprised, and eager myself to learn more about the lore of their kind once we arrive to their home-

"I see it!"

Twilight's exclamation caused me to startle, and quickly catch a surprised Spike who nearly jumped off the Prince's back after that abrupt wake-up call. The purple alicorn was too focused to notice, however, staring with eye-wide glee at the large wooden gates slowly looming over us by the minutes. Our rides, meanwhile, trudged on through the snow, undeterred by how deep in said snow they were in. Using a different path than the one Pinkie took in that episode, we were relieved not to encounter a large cave-dwelling creature as the pink Earth Pony had, I had briefly mentioned to the others upon the trip here.

Ah, yes, the gates. How very tribal. And, as if knowing their Prince arrived, the large logged doors slowly began opening simply by Rutherford's approach, and the three yaks gave pause, letting the ponies and dragon riding on their backs jump off. I helped Spike get down, Twilight, Fluttershy and a yawning Rainbow flew down, Pinkie hopped off joyfully, and Applejack helped Rarity onto the snow, the white unicorn tutting at the field in distaste. The Prince and his escorts then proceeded forward, entering the domain, and we followed.

Into, in all honesty, a more pleasant sight than I was expecting.

Gasps of awe and wonder escaped the muzzles of the others, and I couldn't blame them. The entire kingdom of the yaks reminded me almost of a peaceful-looking village. Yaks ranging in all sizes and battle armour stomping around the place, looking quite content with themselves and not one expressing a temper tantrum. Two yak children merrily ran past us with laughter escaping their mouths, inciting my own smile at the sight. The homes looked to be made out of carved wood - or mud, not sure from this distance - and stone respectively, and a large temple at the far end of the village made completely from rock towered over the other small buildings, magnificently so.

"It's beautiful..." Rarity mumbled in surprised elation.


And then, finally noticing their Prince, who took one step forward upon the gates closing behind us, the yaks all paused from their daily activities... And gave stomps and war cries towards their ruler, who returned the gesture. A sign of respect among their kind, I'm guessing.

"YAKS!" Rutherford proceeded to address all subjects within hearing range... Which may as well be pretty much the whole kingdom with his vocal preference. "I HAVE RETURNED FROM PONYVILLE, AS FRIEND OF PONIES! YAKS ARE NOW FRIENDS WITH PONIES, FOR OVER A THOUSAND MOONS! HAH!"

"HAH!" The community mirrored their leader's actions, stomping the snow once again as if to express their approval.

"HAH!" Heh. Even Pinkie joined in enthusiastically.

And internally, Starswirl's aged voice popped in, This is a rare honour indeed. The yaks have often been an isolated species, intent more on the war viewpoint and making certain their kind and culture are inherently flawless. In some ways, they succeed, honing their skills and history to the next generation. The Vikings of Equestria, you might say.

"THESE PONIES COME TO YAKYAKISTAN TO MAKE MORE FRIENDS!" Rutherford then motioned to our group, inciting the stares of many other yaks hidden behind furry fringes. "WE PARTY AS CELEBRATION! HAH!"


"HAH!" Pinkie echoed the active species again, giggling in excitement. "Another party already? I love these guys!"

"Heh, they sure are a welcomin' kind," Applejack added, sounding quite relieved, smiling positively at the yaks coming over to greet their Prince. "Here I thought we were gonna see 'em swingin' around weapons and whatnot."

"You and me both," I confessed in dry amusement, though a small part of me was disappointed. I was expecting a full-on viking-style society with swords and axes all over the place. Yet, the kingdom looked rather peaceful than my expectations anticipated.

Rainbow echoed the sentiment, "Kinda disappointing though. Would've made things around here a lot less boring." The pegasus quickly retracted her words upon our glances. "Ehh, no offense to the yaks."

"Well, I'm not complaining," Fluttershy pitched in, sounding sincerely content over this matter. "Maybe they don't need scary-looking weapons. Maybe they're more peaceful than we thought."

"I share your relief, Fluttershy," Rarity said next, glancing around the gathered yaks with her own smile. "These yaks don't look like the brutes we were expecting. Rather too vocal for my tastes, certainly, but nothing too... Excessive."

Twilight added nothing to the conversation, meanwhile, more focused on the gathering yaks around the place. Indeed, the alicorn looked far too happy by what was happening before her very eyes, those violet knowledgeable orbs jotting everything down to a mental pile of notes within her studious mind, committing everything to memory, before rushing over to introduce herself to the natives, eager to learn everything there was to know about their kind.

Spike spoke in her stead, "Wonder what kind of party these yaks host?"

Probably loud and obnoxious. But, dealing with parties held by none other than Pinkie Pie, I've grown accustomed to it.

...Hey Sombra?

What is it?

Yakyakistan is the closest kingdom to the Crystal Empire.

I'll pass you merit for stating the obvious as ever. What of it?

Ignoring that first bit. Anyway, you ever butt heads with the yaks during your reign?

Sombra didn't answer, at first. Probably didn't expect the question. But the unicorn eventually recomposed himself and answered smoothly, Around the time of my rule, these yak species closed their borders to all but themselves, including the other royals of Equestria. Although the thought of conquering their tiny kingdom and utilizing their warriors was tempting, my business ruling the Crystal Empire with an iron hoof kept me preoccupied from taking such an idea into action...

I raised a brow, the fallen tyrant suddenly trailing off, as if something else struck him. What? You alright Sombra? You sounded a bit-

Above you.



Suddenly, and quite literally, a dark cloud began looming over us, blocking the surprisingly clear sky of the snowy mountain. Surprised by it also, the yaks, mares and Spike all stared upwards at the shade of darkness beginning to block us from the sun. And it didn't take long to realize it wasn't a cloud shadowing us.

When the shape of it shifted the closer it descended, at rapid speed. "Duck!" At Twilight's urgent command, everyone obliged, even the hulking yaks, once the large serpentine creature flew over us, causing a harsh gust of wind in its wake. My hoof quickly gripped onto my fedora so it didn't fly off, clenching my eyes shut at the wind harassing my face.

And, upon opening them again, I saw the Yak Prince pointing upwards in a cry of outrage, "DRAGON!"

Dragons? Here?

Indeed so, as we were all taken aback, unpleasantly so, by the giant reptiles descending from the skies above, appearing from beyond the clouds and heading towards Yakyakistan with intent. The group of dragons, about ten to fifteen of them, all either flew around the kingdom in circles or perched themselves on rooftops, glaring down at the yak inhabitants, and even sneering at the eight of ponies. Immediately, spotting a petrified Spike from the corner of my eye, my body quickly moved, instinct demanding I protect the baby dragon at all costs.

The girls could handle themselves.


"Spike, stay close to me," I said in quiet firmness while all the yaks followed their ruler's warcry. The young dragon only nodded, keeping as close to my body for protection as possible. Meanwhile, all around us, yaks were gathering spears among other weapons. Looks like Rainbow's earlier eagerness to see this species go to town with weaponry came true.

The blue flying pegasus, meanwhile, was doing her best not to get burned or jabbed by a thrown spear, dodging and ducking all over the place and letting yelps of protest here and there. "Hey, watch where you're aiming!" Rainbow cried in mild irritation, one hurled spear brushing against her light blue fur.

All Hell was beginning to break loose. Breath of fire and thrown, swinging weapons were hurled everywhere. Cries of battle echoed throughout the whole kingdom, and I was doing everything to keep Spike from any line of fire-

"Look out!"

Spike's quick warning came just in time. Immediately, my front hoof smashed into the ground of snow before me. With Balance on my side, the effect caused a white wall of frozen liquid to rise in protection, absorbing the blast of fire sent our way, evaporating the entire defense in turn. The dragon perched on a roof leered down in my direction for its unsuccessful assault, narrowing its eyes briefly as if looking at me thoroughly...

Then those same black eyes widened, as if in recognition. In response, the tall dragon immediately flew off the roof, as though trying to get away from us as quickly as possible. I'll get to what just happened in a moment, but first.

"Are you okay Spike?"

The baby lizard nodded slowly, clutching the edges of my cape in seeking for comfort, green eyes looking up at the flying reptiles in pure nervousness. "I'm fine..." Then the dragon gulped. "But where did these dragons come from?"

For once, your pet lizard brings up a valid inquiry.

Not now Sombra!

It might be prudent to withdraw.

I said not now- Oh good point, Starswirl!

"Rutherford!" I yelled to the sneering Prince, who glanced over in my direction from the shout. "We need to find shelter!" I would join in the battle myself, but Spike and the other's safety came first.

"GO TO CASTLE!" What, that temple over there was actually a castle? "DRAGONS WANT TREASURE! PROTECT AT ALL COSTS!" Thanks pal! Spike quickly reaching onto my back, I carried my little bro and followed after the fleeing mares among a few other yaks towards the stone temple- castle, ducking under more sweeping dragons, some seeming to confirm Rutherford's words by hovering above the stone building.

"Come on guys, put your backs into it!"

"We are!"

"Then show it!"

"You as well Rainbow!" Applejack barked back in annoyance, the Earth Pony, pegasus and I, aided by some guards yaks, pushed against the shut doors with as much strength as possible. Well, not too much on my part, I might just accidentally break the doors with my prowess-

Another shove from the other side.

Rainbow grunted, maintaining a firm grip despite the tremor that dragon caused. "We can't let them in!"

"You think we don't know that?!" I retorted hotly, my teeth just as grit as the others in making a firm line of defense against the invaders. Sneaking a quick glance, over my shoulder, I was relieved to see that the others were looking okay, despite the concerned expression on their faces-

Another shove!


"Language Jack!"

"Not now Twilight!"

"Will you both give it a - Ugh! - Rest?!" Rainbow released another grunt at the interrupting shove, one eye closed shut. "Geez, what's so valuable in here they want to desperately come in for?!"

From behind, the purple alicorn rationalized, "Dragons normally seek our jewels among other various treasure for their own hunger and greed. It's likely they want Rutherford's gold." The explanation was followed by another attempted shove from the other side.


"Amen brother!" I added while wincing, another shove trying to get through. Though that still didn't answer a few other things-


"What in tarnation?" Applejack wondered out-loud, looking up along with us at the sound of a bullhorn from the outside word. In answer to the sudden noise loud enough to breach the walls of the stone castle, the yak guards then abruptly released their hold against the stone doors, backing up with a cry of triumph.


Over? That quickly?

As if to emphasize those words, Applejack, Rainbow and I were forcibly pushed back by the harsh headbutt through the doors, causing us to stumble back in surprise. But instead of facing a full adult dragon with a serpentine tongue and hungry eyes, it was the hidden eyes of a Yak Prince surrounded by more of his guards, entering the temple and greeted by several stamps of hoofs from his own kind in response.

Any sort of relief drained away quickly the moment Rutherford laid eyes on a certain baby dragon, pointing towards. We all tensed at the action. "THIS DRAGON STILL FRIEND?!"

We were immediately to the rescue, forming a protective group around an anxious Spike. "Spike will always be a friend to us all!" Twilight answered first, among us three keeping him from harm's way.

"He would never hold ill intentions like those brutes!" Rarity added defensively, "Spiky-wikey wouldn't hurt a fly!"

I nodded, pitching in next, "He's not your enemy." But I will be if you so much as lay a hoof on him. Were the unspoken words following after. The same applies to those with any ill intent towards my friends.

Rutherford looked from my own warning glare, to the no-doubt terrified dragon, before nodding, exclaiming as ever. "SPIKE WILL ALWAYS BE FRIEND OF YAKS!" The four of us released collectives sighs of relief at that. Thank God. "PONIES AND SPIKE HELPED YAKS PROTECT TREASURE FROM THIEVING DRAGONS! YAKS GRATEFUL!"

"This is a regular occurrence then?" It was Rarity who got straight to the point first. Yes, I too would like to hear this.


"Nor should ya, Your Highness," Applejack agreed, frowning at this turn of events. "Have ya tried negotiatin' with 'em? Get back your treasures?"


You know, this all felt familiar somehow. Yeah, a village of vikings fighting off against dragons because the latter keeps stealing things from them... Where else was that from...?

Please tell me you're jesting.

Hm? About what?

"We can help you reach a compromise with these dragons," Twilight spoke up determinedly, ever the seeker of friendship. "This war against the dragons doesn't need to last, I'm sure both yaks and dragons can find some common ground."

Rainbow, of course, was the first to ridicule Twilight's pacifistic idea. "Negotiate? With dragons? They're too stupid and stubborn to listen to reason, remember? No offense Spike."

"None taken..." The young lizard muttered in mild irritation.

"It's better than the alternative of waging a continued war against them, Rainbow Dash," Twilight countered calmly, looking back to the watching Prince. "Although that is a good point. Dragon kind are notorious for thinking their own greed above sharing with others. Would you mind giving me time, Rutherford, to think up the perfect speech to help your relationship with the dragons by peace?"

That's very noble of her. Truly, it was. But I'm with Rainbow on this matter, unfortunately. I don't think a single speech about friendship will cut it this time... Maybe. I hate to doubt Twilight's abilities, because when it comes to resolving matters by making friends, Twilight's skill is unparalleled.

But that doesn't mean she can accomplish such all the time. Even the Yak Prince looked uncertain by the idea, staring at the carpeted ground with thought.

I have a proposal.

Does it involve murder? No thank you Sombra.

Hear me out boy,The tone was forced patience. Recall your last visit to the Dragon Lands. You were declared a friend of their kind by the Dragon Lord, yes? Perhaps, you can use that to your advantage, now with all dragon kind obligated to treat you with respect and as an equal.

...Yes. That's it! Of course! Sombra, you're a genius!

Simple common sense.

Still a great idea, regardless! Thanks pal!

I'm not your 'pal-'

"Golly, I know that look all too well," A western voice interrupted my internal conversation, inciting my look over to an exasperated-smiling Applejack. "Lemme guess, you have a plan which involves confrontin' the dragons yerself."

I grinned at the correct assumption. "How'd you guess?"

"And yer gonna insist we stay behind, hold the fort."

"You know me all too well."

"Well, ain't happenin'." Shaking her head, the orange Earth Pony grinned. "Not without somepony watchin' yer back at least."

Within hearing range, Rainbow flew between us and smirked knowingly. "Heh, you can count me in! Who'd miss an opportunity to kick some dragon butt? Some payback is sorely overdue."

"Oh! Oh! I wanna join in!" Pinkie hopped over to us merrily, grinning ecstatically despite the implied danger. "Anything to make sure a party happens!"

Pinkie, Rainbow and Applejack then... Alright, if my friends had my back, everything might go fine. Plus I can protect them in turn. This time, I'm confident about it. With a nod, I turned to Twilight with a smile. "We'll go then and see if we can convince the dragons to see another path. You know of my relationship with them since the Dragon Lands, so it's worth a shot."

The alicorn tilted her head, looking quite uncertain by the proposal. Can't blame her. "Are you sure you'll be okay? Dragons aren't entirely regarded for being honour-bound."

"Their Lord's word is law." I shrugged, although flattered by the concern. "We'll be fine, so long as we ALL don't do anything provoke them." Rainbow promptly looked away with a huff at my meaningful glance, and my eyes looked back to Twilight. "In the meantime, work on that friendship speech." My gaze then switched to Rutherford. "You know where their den is?"

The Yak Prince answered, "YES. GUARDS CAN TAKE YOU THERE."

Excellent- Oh. "Be careful," Twilight said after pecking my cheek, smiling lightly despite sparkling eyes reflecting worry. With my own hoof brushing against her cheek in response, I followed after some yaks ready to escort us, ignoring the amused glances of the other mares.

Now thanks to that, I was even more confident than ever.

"For a moment back there, I thought you'd say no."


Applejack clarified, glancing my way with a wry smile. "Believed you were gonna be all firm and insist lettin' yer go all on your yersome."

Ah. "You probably would've followed me anyway. Why kick up a fuss about it?"

Rainbow snorted, stating playfully, "You always kick up a fuss about something or other."

Well... Yeah. Applejack cast the pegasus a humoured glance, before turning back to me. "Well, I'm glad you said yes this time 'round sugarcube. Celestia knows we wouldn't want ya to get hurt... Again." Followed by chuckles from all four of us, the two yak guards keeping quiet as we were escorted to the dragon lair.

The trip across the landscape got a lot shorter than we anticipated; it wasn't long before we were near the entrance to the cavern housing the giants reptiles themselves. Turns out, though it was indeed far from Yakyakistan, it wasn't entirely far. Anyone could take a stroll between the two areas twice before the sun sets. Our yak escorts brought us before the entrance to the large cave, looking surprisingly bright from within. No dragon in sight.


"That's not foreboding at all..." Rainbow mumbled, glancing upwards at the open maw that was the entrance.

My gaze settled then on the two yaks. "Return to Yakyakistan. We'll take it from here." Obediently, the furry bohemians swiftly turned and began their return back home.

Applejack raised a brow at the command given to those guards. "Ya got a plan then?"

"One in the making."

"Makin' it up as you go then."

"Improvising?" Rainbow snorted, smirking. "My kind of plan."

"Ooh! I love making things up as I go!" Pinkie exclaimed happily.

Mhm. "Right, I'll do the talking. You three will be here as additional signs of good faith. All you have to do is sit back, and..." And... Let's see... Ah. I nodded, more to myself. "Admire my diplomatic skills."

A pause.


"Riiiight." Rainbow also nodded, expression that of amusement and doubt. "So how long before 'diplomatic skill' means 'punch everything near you?'"

Rolling my eyes, I turned back towards the cave, having no intention to retort against that jab. At least my negotiation tactics are more subtle than yours, Rainbow. Last I checked, your attempt to persuade a dragon almost got everyone else hurt.


'Sparkly' was right. The second we stepped inside, away from the snow which harassed our fur, we were greeted by a rare sight. No wonder those dragons took refuge here, looks like the Crystal Empire was missing a few crystals, all these shiny, pointy white sharp crystals reflecting many colours stuck out from the walls and ceilings all over the place.

"Heh, can't blame the dragons that they wanted to live here, this place is a gold mine!"

"Rainbow!" The orange Earth Pony hissed through gritted teeth, annoyed by the vocal acknowledgement. "Keep yer voice down! We don't want 'em to start attackin' us."

The scolded mare rolled her eyes. "From where? They ain't here right now."

"They could be deeper in the cave. We shouldn't be loud to cause 'em to be agitated."

"Ooh!" Meanwhile, Pinkie was enjoying herself by staring into a reflection, a pink Earth Pony beaming at her. Then, the party mare started inspecting her own teeth through the jagged reflection, nodding to herself afterwards proudly. "These would make really wonderful decorations for the party later!"

"Shh!" Applejack hissed again, this time in Pinkie's sheepish direction.

We should proceed.

I agree. "Come on." The mares followed obligingly, myself taking front of the group. Venturing further within the cave, the jagged crystals stabbing from the ground, walls and above seemed to be never-ending, lettings off their own lights to help brighten up the place enough so we wouldn't lose one another, or worse. Again, can't blame the dragons living here for taking residence.

But I can blame them for stealing a kingdom's treasures. All I had to do was remind them who they were dealing with, the those overgrown lizards will hand over all the gold and [BEEP] they grabbed from Yakyakistan and make peace with the natives. That'll work... Hopefully.

If not, then Plan B was in effect as we spoke.

This 'Plan B' wouldn't happen to be an Alicorn Princess with a love for spreading friendship across the lands, correct?

Give this non-corporeal pony a cookie!

"Hey guys-"

"Shh! Keep yer voice down!"

"- I was just wondering. If the dragons have all these crystals, why did they take some of Yakyakistan's treasures?" Pinkie inquired, sounding deeply confused.

"Yeah!" Rainbow shared that befuddlement. "With all these priceless things hanging off the walls, why bother taking other treasure? There's enough here to last a lifetime!"

"Greed." That was the simple answer needed, yet I clarified regardless, narrowed eyes intent on the pathway we ventured down. "The majority of dragon kind have no concept of the word 'enough.' They will take and take until they are satisfied... And then take some more."

"Well, that's gonna be their downfall then. We're gonna get all the yak's treasure back and make sure these greedy lizards never bother them again!"

"And then we'll have that Yakyakistan Party!"

"That too!"

"Rainbow Dash, Pinkie Pie, do ya think you can at least lower yer voices down a pinch-?"

"Oh, we can invite the dragons to the party too if they wanna come!"

"They might not, not after we give them a sore beat-down first!"

Applejack sighed, exasperated. "Why do I even bother...?" My own glance of sympathy sent her way. I often thought that way whenever Twilight was stubborn or adamant about something. Although to be fair, the feeling was often mutual. I dare say Twilight expressed far more exasperation than I have regarding the other's actions-

"Watch your step Stardust."

"Hm- Whoa!"

Okay, was not expecting sudden slide, shockingly more softer than I expected. From behind, the mares followed quickly, Applejack making noises of worry, Rainbow obviously flying down than taking the slide, whereas Pinkie was letting out sounds of elation. Before I could enjoy the slip down within, the ride quickly ending.

And I was greeted by a clearing... Applejack and Pinkie's landings roughly pushing me further into the large round room, slightly aching body tensing up at the thousand eyes staring in our direction.

"Okay..." Rainbow muttered upon the sight. "Might wanna take a rain check on the plot kicking..."


For greeting us, occupying the entire circular room, adults dragons of multiple sizes of colour glared at the four intruders with wary and angry intent.

Alright. Do not despair Jack. You've encountered an entire colony of dragons. You have no need to be apprehensive.

We're gonna die. His friends will say or commit an action of stupidity, and in turn get us all killed.

Calm yourselves, you especially Sombra.

I mean, my teacher's got a point. Even though we never saw it, I'm sure the mares were invited to Yakyakistan after the episode and went through all this themselves. They survived if that happened, clearly.

Do you really desire taking that chance?

...Good point also.

Keep observing, Jack. Your minds will be eased.

Starswirl's prediction came true. A small sense of relief caused me to exhale a breath I didn't know I was holding, along with the others, as the adult dragons slowly withdrawn from leaning forward with malicious expressions. Now they resorted to simply leering at us with caution. The dragons themselves have taken up respective spots around the room with their own space, some lying between crystals as though for protection.

"Hey, look! The treasure!"

Rainbow was correct, for above one dragon on a small cliff at the end of the room was the gold and jewels we sought. Yet, at the exclamation, the adult lizards began growling menacingly, daring the nervous pegasus and her friends to approach.

If they are merely cautious... Then what are you waiting for?

Applejack shared Sombra's impatience, nudging my body slightly forward from behind. "Well, show us your diplomatic skills before things get sour," She said quietly, before shoving me again.

Alright alright. Well a steady breath, my hooves proceeded forward, wincing slightly at the amount of growls and snarls aimed my way because of my approach. Clearly, they did want us here. Okay Jack... You've got this, as Starswirl said. You've survived the Dragon Lands... You can survive this-

Oh, the mares are following me. Alright then. Repressing another shudder, my focus centered more on the nearby dragon facing me dead-on and- Oh... Wait, I know this dragon! Yeah, the same one who breathed fire at me before. The tall sapphire dragon with red-pink eyes staring at me with wariness, shifting her body more tightly around herself.

"...Hello." Great conversation starter, Jack. Even Rainbow snorted at that. "I'm-"

"The Stalwart."

A blink. The voice was feminine... Ah right, should've known from the inexplicable eyelashes, I just noticed. "Oh, so you do recognize me then?"

Those reptile eyes narrowed. "Of course we do." And with one raised claw, I braced myself, but the tall dragon was motioning to the whole gathering than swiping at me. "Every dragon within Equestria attended our Lord's meeting with you. You are considered our equal, Stardust Balance." Oh... Didn't felt like it. As though hearing those thoughts, the female lizard leaned forward somewhat. "Friend of Dragon Kind, it is with that title, and respect for saving our kind back then, that we refrain from attacking you and your friends where you stand."

"Well that's a relief..." Rainbow muttered yet again. Yes, yes it was. That means things will go less sour... I hoped.

Pinkie, of course, was the least intimidated of us all around these dragons, walking forward a little with a beaming muzzle. "Hi, any friend of Stardust's is a friend of mine! I'm Pinkie Pie, and this is Applejack and Rainbow Dash!"

Rainbow said uncertainly, "What's up...?

Applejack gulped at the lizard's stare. "Howdy..." There was a slight tremor to her voice, trying to calm herself.

The female dragon sized up the others for a moment, before her stare resumed my way. "You seem to make a habit of being where you don't belong."

"I get that alot." A wry smile, my nerves decreasing the further we spoke with this dragon. "You know why I'm here?"

"The Yak Prince sent you to retrieve his gold, am I not mistaken?"

Straight to it then. Lovely. But Applejack then beat me to it next, stepping forward herself. "If ya wouldn't mind, the yaks would like their treasure back." And immediately shrank back a little from the leer. Even something as brave as Applejack isn't always defiant against bigger opposition. Not with a whole room of fully-sized killer dragons surrounding us.

The sapphire-coloured reptile replied by shaking her head first. "You may return and inform the Yak Prince neither he nor his kingdom will have their treasure back."

"And why not?" Rainbow cried out defiantly. "It's their gold, not yours!"

"Was their gold." The dragon snapped in turn, glaring right back at the flying pegasus. "It's here for a good purpose, and we will not give it back to those brutes."

"Er, hello? You already have treasure all over the place with all these crystals sticking out of the walls! What more could you need, you giant greedy-"


Pink eyes switched to me in irritation. "What? It's the truth!"

As a saving grace, Pinkie led the conversation elsewhere. "Why do you need the crown jewels so much anyway?" The mare inquired, "Rainbow's right! There's crystals everywhere! Don't you dragons love eating them more?"

Blue sincere eyes clashed with red-pink suspicious own. The dragon looked rather... Contemplative, as if making a decision before glancing to her fellow leering kind. But, looking at an earnest Pinkie again, the tall blue lizard sighed, and without saying anything, raised her laid tail off the ground, revealing her own treasure intentionally hidden from us this whole time.




"...Awww!" Pinkie held the last reaction, approaching the dragon's large eggs upon her nod of permission. We slowly followed, the pink mare examining the oval-shaped objects while carefully hovering her hoof over one, knowing better than to touch it. "They're warm. Are they close to hatching?"

The dragon nodded, looking at the pile of... Nine, ten eggs, with a sudden softened expression. "Very soon. Today if our prediction's correct. And not just myself." She gestured another claw, and our gazes followed around to the multiple dragons slowly lifting their own tails. Eggs. Eggs everywhere, and we could only gaze in awe. "This is why we require the gold. The crystals in this cave is too hard for newborns to devour."



And now you see. The well being of their own children is their first priority, as it should be.

"That's so precious!"

"Golly... That makes sense..."

"Great, now I feel bad..."

Pinkie's voice spoke again after Rainbow, this time more vocal. "Guys! Look!" And so we did. And the excited Earth Pony was grinning wildly, pointing at one... Shaking egg. "I think they're just about to hatch!" Indeed so, it looked about ready to hatch, along with all the other vibrating eggs of its brother and sisters... And all the rest protected by their beloved parents across the chamber.

"This is a miracle happenin' before our very eyes." Applejack began tearing up, smiling lightly at the sight of so many baby dragons about to be welcomed into the world.

And she was right. My own expression was sobering up the more the shaking grew. This was... Incredibly beautiful-



Even Sombra was annoyed by the untimely arrival. Idiots.

"Applejack! Pinkie Pie! Rainbow Dash! Jack!"

"Hey Twilight!" Pinkie greeted the concerned alicorn first, waving over to the mare occupied with several yak guards, their Prince, Fluttershy, Rarity and Spike. "You're just in time! A miracle's about to happen!"

"A miracle, you say?" Rarity questioned in her own worry, curiosity leaking. "What kind of miracle?" But before Pinkie could answer, their conversation was rudely interrupted, along with the process of these hatching eggs, by the Prince stomping forward, and brief horrifying image of these yaks trodding upon the innocent dragon eggs as they hatched prompted me to walk forward, making myself a barrier before Rutherford could move any closer.

Unfazed, the Prince of the Yaks pointed with one hoof in the blue dragon's direction. "YOU DRAGONS RETURN TREASURE, OR YAKS STOMP YOU!"

"Over my dead body!" I snarled back, inciting the flickers of surprise on the other's faces. "We've learnt why they've been taking your gold and jewels in the first place. You can't take them back now!" Gritting his teeth, the Yak Prince only loomed closer, once more getting in my face, snouts touching with the ultimate stare-down.


"Now it belongs to the kids!"

"'Kids?'" Fluttershy echoed in question.

But Rutherford was having none of it, beginning to try pressing me back. But my own power of Balance had us in a stalemate. Neither stronger than the other. At this inconvenience, the yak only bared his teeth further. "DRAGONS GIVE BACK WHAT IS YAKS, OR YAKS WILL-!"

A piercing sound of distress halted anyone from or speaking anything else.

Our attention then directed to behind me, everyone now focused on the squeals and cry of a baby reptile, its hand-sized head popping out from the shell with blinking innocent eyes. The mother sapphire dragon regarded her first newborn with adoring eyes, unseen from an adult dragon until now, as she leaned her had down to gently nuzzle the squealing child lovingly.

"Aww!" Pinkie once again approached the nest, cooing at the blinking young lizard cheerfully. "She's precious!" The taller dragon nodded, looking rather flattered by the compliment to her own child.

"Look! The others are hatching!" Spike pointed out needlessly, the baby dragon's brothers and sister beginning to break out of their shells and join him/her in the outside world. And with the sound of hatching echoing all over the chamber, Spike said next in epiphany, "They're all hatching! It's an entire nest of dragon newborns!"

Indeed. Cries and squeals began echoing the chamber everywhere, and we all looked around in awe and wonder. Even the yaks were stunned by the miracles happening all around us. This was MY first time seeing a dragon hatch from their egg, much less an entire room of them. And if you told me long ago that choosing to remain at home would've made me miss this extraordinarily beautiful moment...

...I'm glad I didn't.

And through children, can bring others together.


"This is why they need the gold, Prince Rutherford." The light brown yak turned to me, whereas the ponies and dragon approached separate dragons to look and coo at their young, and I was smiling like the happy fool I was. "The crystals in this cave are too hard for their children to eat. That's why I ask you allow to share this treasure, at least to help some starving young dragons."

"A token of good will among yak and dragon kind." At last, Twilight joined beside me, and we exchanged a content smile before looking back at the Prince, my special somepony taking the lead next, "They only want to look after their young. It was wrong of them to take your gold without permission, but please, can you find it in your heart to forgive and forget, forge a new relationship between both your kingdom and the nesting dragons here?"

In answer to the earnest plea for peace, the Yak Prince glanced between us with a hidden expression, before moving by, ourselves distancing so he could pass. Rutherford walked towards the first hatched eggs, and we eagerly followed, hoping for the best answer. It was written all over our faces; hope. And I found myself brushing Twilight's side as we waited with baited breath, the Prince staring down at the baby dragon blinking up at him with open curiosity... Before releasing an innocent baby grin.

And he smiled. Rutherford released the most genuine, happy smile I had ever witnessed on the yak's face. "Agreed." Whoa! Both Twilight and I then exchanged stunned glances at the fact he was now speaking with a lowered, normal tone. For the children, I supposed. "Friendship not exclusive. Yaks will share gold with dragons for their young."

And then I found myself hugging a just-as-ecstatic Twilight as tightly as possible, observing the moment between yaks and dragons with ill-concealed joy and bliss.

Yaks and Dragons. Who'd have thought?

Ehh... I can see it. Both have an adoration for violence and doing anything to acquire what they want. Sombra sounded rather solemn and amused. I wonder how the alternative would've been... Dragons and Yaks at war with one another.

Well, maybe a fanfic will have one about that when we get back. But for now, let's just enjoy the show. Back at Yakyakistan, ponies, yaks and dragons alike were celebrating the large party spread through the kingdom, and it was glorious. Of course, I was keeping to the side, watching with a content grin at how happy and alive everyone was today. Twilight and Pinkie dancing. But get this, this time their dances haven't nearly attracted as much stares as how the yaks were busting out the moves. A snicker kept escaping my muzzle at the sight.

Twilight and Pinkie being outclassed by their unique dance moves. They beat me to it.

Now imagines these furry beasts with alcoholic sustenance.

Oh God. Drunken yaks dancing. That'd be terrifying and hilarious.

And as the dragons with their young observed the party from the rooftops, I was, again, stricken with a sense of deja vu. I swear, I've seen it all before... Viking-style warriors originally at war with dragons and then making peace with them, all thanks to the cry of one child.

It's familiar, but from where...?

Do you truly not recall?

An amused chuckle escaped my muzzle. Nah, I was just kidding, of course I knew what I was referring to. We should go watch How To Train Your Dragon and its sequel again. I know, watch them both tonight with Spike. He'll LOVE both films.

Not the Netflix spin-off, though. They suck-

A prodding to my side, inciting me to snap my head round in surprise at the Yak Prince standing before me. "Prince Rutherford." I nodded respectfully. After what happened in that cave, the respect was more warranted than ever.


"Yes she is." I glanced towards the grinning, blissful Earth Pony with overall fondness, before resuming my gaze on the Prince. "I wish the best for your kingdom from hereon."

"SO DO I, TWILIGHT WARRIOR." Formal. Rutherford then inclined his large head to the side. "COME. YAK MYSTICS WISH TO MEET WITH YOU."

Yak what...?

You're kidding me. 'Mystics' now?

Why not?

Speak for yourself.

With Sombra bickering against the other unicorn, I followed after the Prince through the village, distancing away from the party to wherever Rutherford was taking us. Or rather, me, since the Warrior Prince has no clue at to me having two ancient ponies of wisdom and knowledge inhabiting my mind.

You... Think I'm wise?

Well... You can be, when you're not being overly critical or condescending.

Sombra's response was put on halt, however, for me almost smashing right into the halted Prince, the bulking yak motioning to an old-looking shack, the back of which facing the wall protecting the kingdom from outsiders. "IN THERE. BE WARNED, MYSTICS HOLD GREAT KNOWLEDGE AND WISDOM. ONLY FOOLS WOULD QUESTION THEIR POWER."

"...Will do, thanks Rutherford." That said, I slowly approached the shack, which just looked about ready to fall apart, a raised a hoof by the door... Except said wooden door just opened by itself, and I shrugged, entering into what looked like...

A satanic cult.

I'm just kidding. But it did all look rather suspicious. The door shutting behind by itself, as it appeared to, I was greeted, this time, by the only light source being the cracks through the wooden walls and blind windows, along with the candles, one placed respectively in front of each meditative yak. Knowing better than I poke one on the side, I circled around each yak instead, all bathed in black cloaks with only their faces and hooves revealed, all having formed a circle around the singular room with closed eyes.

...Was I about to become a sacrifice for the Yak Christ?

Be serious here. Mystics are never to be underestimated... Though they are nothing next to my full power. But now, you must take caution. They are not to be typically trusted.

As if hearing those words, all eyes suddenly flung open, startling me somewhat. And, instead of whispers or vague cryptic warnings, they were just as loud and obnoxious as the rest of their kind. It'd be funny if I wasn't so unnerved right then.





...Hang on. "You heard him?" I asked dubiously, looking between them all in bafflement. If they were that powerful, I might be in trouble, depending on what they wanted. Their expressions remained straightforward, fixed dead ahead to a yak opposite their field of vision.





...Okay, now I'm beginning to be more curious AND scared,


All eyes finally turned on me, the candles not illuminating enough to see their eye colour, but their expressions were discernible. Blank as ever.








'May be granted?' That hardly sounded like a definite. Still... These mystics knew their [BEEP], that much was clear. If they knew about Starswirl and Sombra... Hm... Hakuna Matata. Without awaiting the two's advice on the matter, I stepped within the center of room, and the atmosphere suddenly felt colder than it normally was around here.

The voice, all twelve of them, spoke in ominous harmony:



I hate cryptic warnings so Goddamn much.

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