• Published 2nd Feb 2015
  • 18,899 Views, 1,952 Comments

A Journey Beyond Sanity - Darkwing Dust

Somehow transported from our world to Equestria, a young man unwillingly arrives in the form of an Earth Pony. Join us as we explore Stardust Balance's adventures, aiding the Mane Six throughout the seasons, discovering friendship... And love.

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Chapter 173: I'm Mister Wright Christmas! I'm Mister Dawn!


...Cold. COLD!

The rapidly numbing sensations happening all over my laid body was all needed to prompt my startled jump out of the trench of snow, immediately standing upwards to dust every particle of the frozen liquid off the front of my face, chest, arms and legs. Well Starswirl, you weren't kidding about me landing on something soft. But freezing to death from falling into a massive thick layer of snow wasn't what I had in mind.

Explains why the clouds turned grey upon descent... Brr. I shivered at the harsh winds, pulling the edges of my coat closer as though it'd help despite the jacket zipped up already. Relentlessly snowflakes impacting my vision, and I had to wipe off the stuff fixed to my glasses before placing them back on... Hardly assisting in helping me check my surroundings.

Obvious thick weather... Thick surroundings... Knees buried in heaps of snow... Landscape and shift of gravity implies I was standing on some form of hill... Dark skies... It was far too foggy to get a good general idea as to my exact location... But I swear to God if I was back at the same mountain again-

Mount Everhoof, Jack, and regrettably, the mountains which house Yakyakistan and neighbors the Crystal Empire. The Babylonians were very precise in hiding their utopia atop a terrain travelers were least likely to venture.

Damn it... I'm back at the beginning...!

My breath exhaled through grinded teeth, hands and fingers already feeling ridiculously numb... Should've brought gloves. I loved snow, but I wasn't intending on freezing to death... First course of action? Find some shelter.

...Hold on, was that... Was that smoke, barely visible in a short distance...?

Help may be closer than I thought-!

Ow! Ow! [BEEP]! [BEEP]! Damn it! Oof! [BEEP]!

Fate had a sense of humour, somehow making me trip over layers of deep snow and roll down the hill in the most comedic of values. Landing rather roughly on my side, it occurred to me whilst composing myself and dusting the snow off me just how fortunate I was that the landing a few minutes ago didn't cause more damage to my body than it should've. Any at all. What were there pillows hiding beneath the snow or something-?

Oh... So much for help.

The smoke, as I slowly approached - Or rather limped cause the ridiculous strong winds were forcing me to - turned out to be originating from the leftover wreckage of a certain mech I somehow managed to best on the way down from the heavens. Charred black tracing across fine metal, patches of fire and smoke wafting off from the discarded piece but huge and small, scattered around the field of snow and quickly wasting no time in being buried by the white stuff. Give it about fifteen minutes, and perhaps half the wreckage would completely disappear from sight.

I did this...


Even despite my slow transition to dying of hypothermia, I managed to grin in utter disbelief. I fought an Egg Dragoon... And won! That's... Jesus Christ...

I mean, how bad[BEEP] was that?! I battled one of the most famous boss fights from the Sonic series and emerged triumphant! Not many others could claim to have a first-hand experience facing this thing... Or winning from it! I was the best!

Do you see me now Twilight? Girls! Spike! Look how awesome I was! Zagreus was just proven wrong and underestimated me... Again!

I fought off an Egg Dragoon without any help from anyone! YES!


Huh? Oh!

An exhale of relief escaped me as the family owl descended from the fog to join, a certain duffle bag clasped in his baby talons. They seem to forget about Nightshade's existence, which works well for me. Numb fingers managing to rub his chin in affection, I noted the poor owl shivering violently and prompting me to place the bag down and open it wide, allowing Nightshade to get some better warmth than I as he climbed inside with the decent-sized object closing behind him.

It wasn't much, but it'll have to do until we found some shelter... Maybe Yakyakistan if we're lucky. Rutherford would be more than happy to help, I imagined.

Yakyakistan is fifteen miles due west. As you say, the mountain shall bury the remains of the machine as though it was never there. There are a few caves between here and the village, so you may rest without being buried in ten inches of snow yourself.

Right... Hoisting the bag over my shoulder, I nodded and proceeded to head in where Starswirl directed. There wasn't much time, and it'd be terribly ironic for me to die through hypothermia. I'm guessing the travel will mostly direct me downwards, Starswirl?

You stand atop the highest points of Mount Everhoof, I'm afraid. So you'll want to mind your step, and keep a close eye on your surroundings. There are many opportunities to unexpectedly fall off hidden edges to the deep abyss.

Ugh, wonderful... Still be a cleaner and quicker demise than freezing to death, mind you. Doing my best to ignore the gales of wind whipping my hair and clothing, and the flakes pelting my scrunched-up features, I moved onwards. Should've worn my dressing gown before landing had I known, all things considered...

I was just saying, the Dragoon was more or less designed to combat the high speeds and wily nature of a fast Hedgehog, which is why it stood no chance against the Werehog during their first match. That said, that's what I believed also gave me the advantage when I fought that boss above.

Sonic was fast and athletic. I was nimble and slow, relying on my terrain than speed. The Dragoon had no compensation for dealing with a much slower target, although the drill almost managed to catch me a few times amongst the battle. Talk about close calls, hopefully next time I'll be more than prepared to deal with any other enemy Zagreus summons from alternate realities-


Oh great...

"Ah-choo!" Sniffing, my body shuddered, once again, from the violent winds threatening to have me keel over, trudging onwards for hopes of shelter quickly. According to Starswirl, a cave wasn't too far now... Just have to make it in time... "Ah-choo!"

Just a few more feet forward, Jack. You can do it.


Yeah, thanks teacher... Ugh. This cold was already giving me a headache, as if I never got enough of those back in my old world whilst I was still in this body. Wasn't even kidding, the weekly colds and headaches I got for years was ridiculous, lessening blissfully amongst my time as an equine. But now? Now I felt the strongest of migraines coming on, and I was beginning to wise I had fallen to my death instead.

Far less inconvenient than dying of a cold!

"Ah-choo! Ah-choo...!"

Try your best not to focus on that, my student. Pessimism will not aid us in our venture for warmth and shelter.

Right... Anyway, if Zagreus was just gonna straight-up summon other adversaries from other fictional universes and possibilities, than he should've opposed me with a more challenging opponent. Something or someone I would've stood no chance against.

Like, say... Darth Vader.

Heh... Best not give him ideas, alright Jack?

I managed a smirk... Before sneezing loudly again. "Ah-choo!" Where was I? Oh yeah. "Ah-choo!" Darth Vader. One infamous Force Choke or a swing of the classic crimson saber, and it would've been all over for me... Or who knows, maybe I could take Vader on and somehow survive the encounter.

At least, maybe A New Hope Vader. Empire Strikes Back or Return of the Jedi Vader? Yeah then it'd be more challenging and difficult. But the first of the trilogy depicted the Sith Lord as slow and barely as good as he use to be back when he was an annoying, whiny manchild with a poetry love for sand. In A New Hope he could barely keep up with his old Master, so if Zagreus brought that version of Vader against me then maybe, just maybe, I would survive.

If I had my lightsaber again, I might last a couple of blows against him. But I had my Sonic Screwdriver still, having picked that up from the snow earlier, and that would work just as fine against the robotic chest plate on the Dark Lord, keeping him alive. One concentrated sonic pulse would be all that was needed to disable the more-machine-than-man briefly, forcing Vader to rely on the Force and hinder him some more, giving me enough time to either escape or cut the Sith's hand off.

There, I win then.



What about Revenge of the Sith Vader?

What, those moments before he was put in the suit? I'd just throw some sand in his face and then cut off all his limbs, and leave him to die in a volcano... Like a true 'brother' would. After all, Obi-Wan and Anakin spent so much time together in the prequels enough to give us a good feel of their bond and why we should be very invested in their relationship as brothers and master and student. After all, the prequels are flawless pieces of art which shouldn't be criticized for their preference of style over substance-

Okay, I'm getting off track and this cold and headache was making me far too cynical. Moving on...

Now, Rogue One Vader... Then I'm dead. Straight-up. I wouldn't last half a second-

Oh... Hey!

Over there, I see refuge! The cave Starswirl was going on about!

"Yes- Ah-choo!" I sniffled again, increasing my pace somewhat towards the large-looking entrance a few feet from me, looking more like the entryway to a dungeon with a large boss waiting at the end... Then he'd have to wait some more, 'cause I wasn't exploring too deep inside, only enough to get away from the winds and rest.

Well, it's no five-star bed, but it'd have to do.

That was, this icy wall my tired mind just concluded was good enough for me to rest my weary state against. But before that, I knelt down and opened my bag, Nightshade's head popping out quizzically, his tiny black eyes scanning the glittering walls before flying out so I could get what I needed. Cheers pal. And one dressing gown produced, in all its blue glory.

I needed a substitute for warmth without a quilt.

Wrapping the fabric around my black coat, tightly pulling the knot, I nodded in satisfaction before the following gust of wind prompted my shiver and rubbed-together hands. "Ah-choo!" Yep, still had the cold. Wonderful. Grumbling to myself about the pleasures of having a human cold again, I resorted to placing the bag against the icy wall, followed with myself slowly sitting down with my back facing the clean cold material.

We were far enough from the cave's entrance so the snow couldn't touch and bury us while we rested. But at the same time, not too deep within so I could barely make out whatever light was pouring through from the outside. About ten to fifteen feet away, snowflakes entered and blew through the cave without touching my feet, and I hunched up myself with arms around knees and grit teeth, hotly exhaling to keep myself warm enough. Could do with a campfire... But wasn't worth the risk of melting the whole cave onto myself.

My eyes caught Nightshade watching me from my left, the young bird shuddering in turn from the gust ruffling brown feathers. My grin shivered apologetically. "Sorry Nightshade... Ah-choo! Ah-choo!" God dammit! "Get back inside the bag... You'll be much warmer in there..."

God I was tired. I was so, so tired... The last few days have been physically and mentally draining. A giant Timberwolf, Mane-iac, Nightmare Rarity, Garble and cronies, and a boss from another fictional universe. Daunting, to say the least, and I was given sparse time to even relax for a moment. Even all that excitement with the parrot pirates made me exhausted, and now, this weather and freezing atmosphere was sapping away my remaining strength. I had the sensation, then, to just curl up and fight off this inevitable death from hypothermia and eventually get Nightshade to a more warmer place, sacrificing my own just so my friend will stay alive long enough to return home, where no doubt they missed the poor guy...


Hmm? Wah-!

I blinked, startled from Nightshade's following actions, inching towards me and proceeding to climb up my waist, nestling himself between my chest and thighs with rather warm, comforting feathers brushing up against bare arms and chin. I regarded my friend questionably, but Nightshade was far more content resting comfortably against my body as though I was some source of warm and comfort for him.

Or perhaps, Jack, the other way around.

...Huh... I was then getting a flashback from a certain Pokemon episode. You know, the one where Ash and Pikachu get trapped inside a snow mountain and all the former's Pokemon team wrap themselves around him to help keep him warm. A brief, ludicrous yet hysterical image popped to mind of Spike and the mares being in here with me, wrapping their bodies around me to keep me warm when they should worry more about themselves.

Ha... They'd totally do that.


Did I ever deserve them?

No, seriously, a minute without their interjection on these questions. Was I ever truly worth being their friend? Did I ever earn that right of befriending, loving and regarding them as family altogether? A brother and father to Spike? A semi-mentor and eventual brother to Starlight? A rival for Rainbow? A helper for Applejack? A caretaker for Fluttershy? A food-taster for Pinkie? A fashion experiment for Rarity? A... Best friend and lover for Twilight?

Any of those?

The truth of the matter was... Well, let's think back long ago. And I could already envision Twilight scolding me, yet again, for dwelling on the past and not moving on. But let's recall some moments, moments where, contrary to popular belief amongst Twilight and friends, I acted and behaved far too condescending and ridicule against the mares, and dragon, ignoring their orders and concerns, getting myself and often them in trouble, taking action with my own feelings regardless of their own, selfishly committed decisions which would also impact their lives without any real consideration for them.

For two seasons worth, even though I admit I did agree with them about my progress back then, I was a jerk. A massive, hypocritical, patronizing [BEEP]wad. A madman who threw himself into the fire believing he and he alone should face the monsters without their assistance or input. My instinct to keep innocent lives safe caused them grief and worry, time and time again.

I argued, insulted and demeaned them. I was arrogant in believing that my decisions and actions were more mature, just and sound simply because I wasn't bound to the laws and rules of cartoon choices and thought process. Even now, despite all my progress, good deeds and bonds, I'd still act this way around certain individuals... Including those who never deserved my contemptible disdain.

Even now... I continued disregarding their feelings in favour of facing the monsters on my own. Monsters of my own making.


So yes... I was still unworthy of their kindness. Their honesty and generosity. Their laughter, and loyalty. And magic... None of it. I took advantage of their friendship in favour for my own selfish goals and ends... Never giving their own feelings a moment's notice.

And you know what the worse part was...?

My hand idly stroked the owl's nestled head, dazed hazel eyes regarding the only reminder of this moment to her... Followed with another sneeze.

The worse part was... I'd still make this choice, even now.

And then, something shifted on my waist. Nightshade gazed back upwards, small knowing beady eyes reading my every thought. Perceptive like his owner, the bird then suddenly hobbled down from my stomach and onto icy ground again, nipping at the duffle bag to tip it over and open the object. Going back in for better warmth, I first presumed.

But no, instead my young friend pulled out a piece of parchment. A very familiar parchment.

Ah... Twilight's letter...!

Slowly, shivering hands, almost hesitantly, reached out and gently pried the scrolled-up paper from Nightshade's beak, the satisfied owl resuming to nestle against my chest as I tenderly worked on reading the contents. Still had yet to take a look at it; that business with the pirates and then Babylon gave me scarce time.

Thus making me feel another lurch of guilt. Twilight wrote this, and I had all but forgotten about it. There was no excuse.

I wasn't even entirely sure I wanted to read it. Did I dare? Did I even have the right to? I could already feel the rage, pain and sorrow pouring from the letter by the very writer herself, and that prompted my flinch-

"Ow!" I scowled down irritably at the owl pecking my stomach, looking up at me impatiently. "Alright alright..." I grumbled sourly, Nightshade having no time for my self-despair [BEEP]. Exhaling tiredly, I unrolled the parchment and started reading the contents, lips pursed and preparing for the worse.

What was said felt like a thousand knives to my heart.

Hello Jack...

Well, Twilight's handwriting was recognizable at first glance. But here it was rather... Shaky. As if the alicorn was trembling as she wrote this...

I should've known Owlicious had accompanied you on your absurd journey... When he came from the portal, holding your own letter, it sounded too good to be true. You have no idea how much it relieved me to know that, for the moment, you were still okay.

"I have some pretty good ideas, love..." I managed to murmur softly, white breath covering my view for a second.

The second I read your message, I went to Sunset's world to find you. Of course, you were right about you being long gone before I could even locate you, Jack. You were always frustratingly stubborn in not being found when you didn't want to be. Starlight and Spike had to calm me down before I could express my disappointment by doing something I would have regretted.

Translation: Spike and Starlight had to keep you from losing all composure and exploding in hysteria. I smirked faintly at the envisioned idea, but kept reading regardless, hazel eyes yearning now to read more. It was like Twilight's written words, plus reading them in her voice within my mind, was bringing some measure of hope within me.

Of course you would ask how we were doing. The real question is how YOU are doing, because from the sound of things, Zagreus is simply putting you through a wild goose chase, leading you on to inevitably ensnare you and-


Anyway... We're doing fine. Spike's managing to cope, at least, despite severely missing the man he had come to regard as a father figure and first real friend long ago apart from myself. He's continuing with his hobby of writing poetry - a talent which was recently revealed to me, imagine how pleasantly surprised and thrilled I was at this choice of activity - claiming it's in your honour. Spike has every intention of fulfilling your request and doing you proud. You would be happy to see him now, holding his head up high despite how much he misses you.

Almost as much as... Moving on.

Starlight misses the pony she's come to regard as a brother. She recently confessed of late how much she enjoyed your involvement of her time under my teachings, whether they were welcomed or not... And despite what you may think, Jack, they were always welcomed. You helped teach Starlight more than just the magic of friendship; you taught Starlight the values of family and what it means to protect those you love. You'd be proud of her as I am... Of you both.

Pinkie Pie is... Still Pinkie Pie. Though nowadays she hosts an annual party every week because 'she feels like it.' As you can already deduce, it's moreso her means of coping from the absence of a dear friend whom, more often than not, helped keep her grounded and serious when needs be. You were always a perfect contrast to her... Although the times where you allowed your true self, the one I always knew was inside you, inside to release itself and started acting like the male equivalent to Pinkie Pie I found rather endearing. Your own smile, like hers, was always infectious.

Rarity has been keeping herself busy truly most days, taking double the orders and delivering them faster than usual, without a shred of flaws or rush to her work. I dare think that your departure has left an impact for the better on her. Not that she doesn't miss you, terribly so, but moreso that Rarity feels an obligation to make you proud, Jack, and became more motivated than ever to design and spread her amazing work all over Equestria.

Perhaps she thinks it'll someday reach you, so you can appreciate her hard work for yourself.

Rainbow Dash... Didn't take your abrupt departure all too well, as you could imagine. Actually, like Applejack and I, Rainbow wasted no time after we read your farewell letter in contacting all her resources and conducting a massive search for you all over Equestria. She worked day and night in this task, again like Applejack and I, and envision her genuine incredulity melting into frustration at the fact it was apparently difficult in tracking down a creature never before seen until now in our land; almost as if you were outside of Equestria into unknown territory at this point.

Which I truly, honestly hope ISN'T the case Jack!

...And speaking of Applejack, she wasn't too thrilled about your sudden farewell either... In fact, that might be putting it lightly. Our good friend expressed her own annoyance - again, putting that mildly - with proceeding to buck every orchid unlucky to feel her wrath. Applejack's vowed to give you an earful over how utterly reckless and idiotic you've been for leaving us this way. She claims this as confident that you'll return sooner or later, just like the rest of our friends...

Fluttershy... Well, we had to stay patient for a few days after your departure, since Fluttershy locked herself in her own cottage for a while since reading your first letter. Even mentioning your name made her act more reclusive... Those few days when readers of the recently-then published journal didn't help in matters with pressing poor Fluttershy for answers.

Although, if I was being sincere, I felt more sympathetic towards the fans back then. Because I never saw Fluttershy explode like that in my life. I was almost like I was seeing a reflection of yourself in her.

Speaking of which, I know it was you who sent that very positive feedback letter about the journal. Your handwriting was always recognizable in its simplistic uniqueness, to me anyway. You can't imagine how both relieving and irritating it was once I read the feedback; the former because it assured you were still somewhere out there, safe and alive. The latter? Because there was no return address and no means of tracking you down and dragging your ridiculous plot back home.

But I digress. After those first few days of keeping herself cooped up in her own home, Fluttershy just one day emerged with a fierce expression, followed with determination blazing in her eyes and a solemn vow to fulfill her friend's request and make him proud, even helping to find the stubborn man should we have any lead to his whereabouts. Applejack's own promise sounded more merciful by comparison.

As for myself...

I'm coping... I guess. Celestia knows how often I wake up every morning, expecting the sight of a disheveled Earth Pony in a cape and fedora to either greet me a good morning and affectionately pet Spike's head. Expecting an attempt to sleep in and have me drag his stubborn plot out, lecture him to bathe more and show some concern for his own personal hygiene. Expecting everyday to come with fond bantering, small arguments about Celestia and how things worked in Equestria, moments of peace and silence together while reading some favourite books alone or nightly stargazing together. How much I expect to see those brilliant hazel eyes, shining more brightly than the stars and the sun and reflecting so much humour and snark, affection and joy, hidden pain and sorrow...


Any... Anyway, as for how I'm doing of late... Well, since Rarity, Applejack and Rainbow Dash recently went camping with their sisters, and Spike and Starlight deciding to follow their example a day later, I had some spare time to catch up with my knowledge regarding spells which can change one's appearance entirely. It's going well. Did you know there's a thirty-three-point-six chance for a reverse spell to go horribly wrong and change you the exact way you don't want to be? I looked it up; according to the records, one pony who wanted to look like a griffon Princes ended up becoming an unpleasant toad, dating back three centuries ago.

Some new order of books arrived, also, courtesy of Cadence and Shining Armor. They thought I'd appreciate learning more about their own kingdom, and hope it'd help for future reference. You know, more to being a Princess than just spreading the magic of friendship around and keeping the peace. Although the implications sound more than overwhelming. I mean, could you imagine me, ruling a whole kingdom? I could just see you beside me, patting my head in mock-condescension and claiming I'd be the best ruler in all of Equestria... Followed with further bantering on both our parts and discussing heatedly why that factually wouldn't be the case.

In addition, just last week Rarity and I helped Applejack measure some perfect apples for the right shape and harvesting over the next coming season. Would you believe me if I said Rarity considered making tiny dresses with the farm's apples as substitutes for baby mannequins...?

Heheh... Rarity sure gets some unique ideas, huh? Reminds me of... Of...


No... I can't do this.

I can't! I'm sorry, but I just can't! Please, PLEASE come home Jack! You have... You have no idea - Zero! - as to how much we miss you! We all miss you! I miss you! Pinkie Pie misses your dance moves at parties! Rainbow Dash misses your verbal spars together! Applejack misses your snark when you're working together! Fluttershy misses your time together taking care of her animal friends! Rarity misses your disgruntled attitude whenever she works on your mane and facial hair! Starlight misses your sense of humour and flying kites together! Spike misses spending quality time with his father!

And I... I miss everything about you!

I miss our banter, our arguments, our own quality time! Every minute of every day when I'm not occupied, reading a book or signing a letter, I keep expecting a certain human I've come to love burst through the doors and make some snarky remark about something which wasn't meeting your approval happening right now! And even I am preoccupied, my mind still wanders towards your sly smirk and mischief dancing in those tired, but lively hazel eyes. I even begun missing your openly unashamed criticism against Princess Celestia from time to time! Everything about you I've come to know and grow so fondly of, despite what you may think.

Oh yes Jack. Even now, I can sense your self-doubt and sadness from here. I know you that well. How do you think I feel? Can you imagine what you did to me that morning, after spending a whole day and night spending a wonderful time with us, doing everything which made us, and you, so happy? To learn it was all a means of spending one last amazing days with the people you love? It doesn't take a bookworm to finally realize what you were doing the morning afterwards, reading your farewell letter.

A letter which... Which...

You have no idea what you did, Jack... You may have some idea, but suffice to say it took all of our friends - our family - to keep me from losing myself and still go strong when you... Left us.

...Please... Please come home, Jack... You don't need to face this battle alone. You never did. Zagreus is going to take advantage of your state-!

A tear found itself dropping onto the contents, atop the dry marks of tears which had evidently belonged to the mare whom wrote this message to begin with.

I clenched my eyes shut, hands gripping the soft material far too tightly, every word making me shudder more than the cold ever could. Because, just reading tall this and picturing what happened in my absence... The consequences it brought...

...I never deserved them.

I never deserved her...

My own forehead began leaning down, brushing against the top of the paper as I desperately tried to fight off other tears which threatened to escape my pained eyes... And failing miserably. I had no right to cry either, causing Twilight this much grief.

[BEEP]... I couldn't even bring myself to finish reading the letter she put so much effort into... That alicorn had a stronger will than I. It was a comfort, at least, that those girls were succeeding where I failed, and cheering Twilight up...

I slowly inhaled... And exhaled...

And barely managed to whisper. "Twilight..." Nightshade shifted beneath my chin. "I am so, so sorry-"

Oh now what?!

My head snapped in both surprise and irritation, the moment ruined as screams echoed from the inner depths of the cave. What, there were people in here? Ponies even? My answer came in the form of give stallions suddenly emerging from the darkness in brisk runs, fear palpable behind armoured faces. Armour I identified in a heartbeat.

Crystal guards! What were they doing this up in the mountains?! The five unicorns ran past as though they didn't even notice my position... Until one of them halted and pointed back towards the darkness.

"Wait, they're still in there!"

"There's nothing we can do for them! Flash and the others will have to hold out until we can get some reinforcements!"

"Against a yeti?! They won't survive in time!"

"We don't have any better ideas! Come on!"

...More in there?




My tired brain worked quickly to catch up, dawning comprehension and horror etching in my mind and features, prompted Nightshade to let out a disgruntled "Hoo!" At my abrupt standing, ignoring the gust of wind and feeling guards for the brief moment. Oh God dammit! Of all times for that clown to land himself in trouble!

And I was reckless, Twilight?! Your canon love interest begs to differ!

Growling, I threw the discarded bag over my shoulder and shoved the letter into my gown's pocket, Nightshade determinedly nestling on my shoulder and looking ready to fight too. Surprised I haven't used him more; this mother[BEEP]er fought off a grown dragon one time to save Spike.

Well... Maybe not in this timeline. But that didn't mean he couldn't be any less of a bad[BEEP] here.

"Hey, isn't that who we're searching for-?!"

"Wait, come back! It's too dangerous!"

I ignored them, running forward with renewed purpose, Twilight's handwriting and words sending a spark of flames within my chest as we ran forward to face destiny, and laugh at certain doom int he face once more. Hold on Flash Sentry; it's time I made remarks about how useless your pony self was then!

Running running running running running!

Must. Save. Flash Sentry. From horrible mistake. Before I. Freeze to death. Keep. Fixing. Everyone's messes. No matter. Where I go. Nothing. Changes.

Wasn't too hard to track them down, just follow the sounds of screaming and monster roars. Despite the image of Flash wailing like a [BEEP]ing baby in the face of terror bringing a faint smile to my face, the reality of the situation was all serious for me to make morbid jokes on the poor endangered boy.

Not to mention the nameless guards accompanying him.

Ah, that didn't take long. Let's see...

Large open arena...

Flash and guards cowering at a wall. Aw how cute, the pegasus was standing between the cretins and the monster.

Speaking of which... Man, that is one big yeti.

Not titan sized big, but big enough to match the human Bulk Biceps. Perhaps a little more wider... And coated with white fur. And with ice blue horns. Dark violet claws... A little occupied with terrifying Flash and company for me to see its facial features. Ah that'll only take a sec.

What's the plan of attack, Jack?

Ehhhhhhh... Kinda just charge forward and hope for the best. Distract the creature long enough for the guards to reach safety. The big [BEEP] yeti was already closing in for the poor chaps, rearing back its huge fists and releasing a primate war, causing the room to shake quite a bit from the sheer raw fury, and the endangered ponies to flinch and shiver. My own fists clenched, dropping the duffle bag to the side. It didn't help with the fact the whole arena was standing on literal ice, but the multiple pathways around were... Rock.



"Damn right." I growled, Nightshade leaping from my shoulder as I charged forward. Because if there's one thing Twilight's note certainly reminded me of.

It was that I had nothing left to lose!

The yeti was tall, but not big enough to avoid my own leap of faith once Nightshade started getting in its face, distracting the white primate from delivering a fatal blow to the trapped guards. And allowing yours truly to reach upward, briefly gripping up the back of its fur before aiming for the head, tightly wrapping my arms around the creature's neck in a death grip. Ignoring the gasps below, my own concentration was making sure this thrashing yeti didn't throw me off, having enough energy to yell out hotly.


With only a few seconds of hesitation, the stallions obeyed, whereas I was trying not to get air sickness from the methods the heavy creature was using to throw me off... Unfortunately, the monster was intelligent enough to grip my leg and squeeze it in intense searing pain, prompting my shocked gasp and swift release from its neck, the yeti wasting not time in gleefully tossing me on the ground.

And into the wall Flash and the others were previously backed against.

Ah [BEEP]!


The owl was immediately then clutched by the massive yeti, whom then aimed to hurdle the bird at the wall... But my hands reached upwards enough to grab the poor bird before he could be smashed into harsh ice, safely keeping him in my arms for the time being. Nightshade let out a noise of gratitude. Brave bird. Perhaps I've been too heavy an influence on him-

...Oh [BEEP]...!

From the side, safe on a pathway, Flash called out worriedly, "Quickly, run while you still can!"

"Never mind me!" I responded heatedly, in spite of the panic and fear then shooting up through my being at the massive figures emerging from the shadows. "Get out of here while you still can!"

Yetis. A whole lot of them. And holding the same [BEEP]ed off expression despite various size and width. Features that of pure round dark eyes, snarling sharp blue teeth and grey-blue facial expressions. I counted thirty... No, forty. Or somewhere between those numbers.

Growling, I winced at the intense hurt etched into my leg thanks to that mother[BEEP]er, holding onto the wall behind me for support, struggling to stand composed. Nightshade flew readily, evidently intending to fight with me against this inevitable tough battle. Tons of yetis, an injured leg, one baby owl and a sonic screwdriver. Surrounded by an arena of ice.



One glance down incited my renewed grin, inhaling through nostrils sharply before gradually pushing myself from the wall. The lead yeti - The one you can tell is the leader by having the biggest length and width - which attacked Flash and the others earlier cautiously approached, prepared to slam his fists down on the seemingly defenseless victim.

"Run! Stardust, run!" Flash called out in vain desperation.

I survived dragons.

I survived Changelings.

I survived demons.

You know what...?

I'll survive this!

Before his fists could destroy my shoulders and collar bones, my hand thrusted out the screwdriver and aimed directly at the ground below, smirking widely at the enraged yeti before the sounds of buzzing and major cracking alerted everyone's attention elsewhere.

And the ground beneath us shattered.

As the stallions safe above gasped in horror, my own vision was promptly greeted from the dark abyss below.





Ar- Ow!

I winced, the pain in my right leg halting my immediate process from sitting, resorting to slowly rising on my posterior instead. For a moment, my vision was slightly blurry despite the feeling of glasses still fixed on me - Not broken yet, thank God - before clearing, expecting to see total darkness all around me... Or in the yeti equivalent of a Wampa cave.

I used the sonic screwdriver... The arena broke... The yetis followed me with enraged roars of despair... Into deep darkness with wind whipping against my hair and no seeming hope for me... By all accounts, I shouldn't have survived this.

But you have, thank the Heavens.

Starswirl... Was this you? Because I wasn't expecting to be utterly alone, aside with Nightshade nestling against my side then in relief with my duffle bag nearby, in a small open clearing with a nice sky above, a mixture of snow and green wildlife meeting between a small pond, the foot of a certain mountain with a cave entrance towering above me. Was this your doing?

You're alive Jack. That's all which matters.

And... The guards?

Safe and sound too, though under the presumption you may be...

Dead? ...Well, so long as they're alive, that's far more important. Grunting a little, I carefully made to shift myself in a more comfortable position. Alright then, I survived. That's a start of a good day. Now let's assess the damage done to my leg-


It appears a good friend managed to attend your wounds whilst you dreamed. Your lower limb was heavily bruised, but not beyond repair.

Huh... Well, if it was completely inoperable, I wouldn't have been able to stand up in that cave earlier. My hand wandered down and brushed the bandaged would, fixed with wooden stumps in order to help me further. Hmm, whoever healed me knew their stuff. The pain wasn't quite as intense as before. Whom did I have to thank for this, Starswirl?

Hmhm. Believe me Jack, it would be far easier for you to learn of your saviour at a later time than of present. Right now, let us focus on your current recuperation, and where we shall go from here.

Like that is it... Fine-


My left hand caught something rustling on my stomach, not even noticing until then the rolled parchment resting on me. Now who put that on there? Nightshade looked to be sleeping at the moment, but why...?

I believe, my dear pupil, there was still some remaining statements of your Princess you have neglected to view for yourself.

I winced. Because what I properly needed, right then, was more guilt on my conscience. I just fought a pack of yeti monsters and my leg is recovering from it. Couldn't I just leave the regret for the next day?

By my heart answered in retaliation, forcing my hands to grip the edges of the paper and unroll the rest of the contents. I swallowed, willing that Twilight's own despair didn't worsen from earlier. I read from where I left off... Warily and wearily...

...Please... Please come home, Jack... You don't need to face this battle alone. You never did. Zagreus is going to take advantage of your state.

Your condition... Dammit Jack!

Why did you never tell me from the start?! I could've helped! We all could've found a way! Just because things seem bleak now doesn't mean your fate is sealed! There's always another way! You know this better than anyone! But you... You knew you were dy... You knew your time was limited... And it was kept from my knowing, just to spare us... Spare me the pain? Is it selfish of me to consider you hold my feelings higher than anypony elses? Favourtism was always a flaw of your character...

...I hate you, Jack... But I love you so much, too... Only you could 'cause me to feel both those things...

Again, I implore you to come home. Whether endangered from imbalance or becoming a human again, they're both terrible to imagine. I'm tougher than I look, you know, I could've handled the revelation! I would've devoted everything spare minute to find a cure for your condition and save you from this awful scenario! Heck, that's what I'm doing this very moment, while you just walk away to fight and die! Everyone wants you back! Sunset wants her mentor back! Starlight wants her brother back! Spike wants his father back!

I... Want my special somepony back...!


Except... You won't come back, will you?

No, that wouldn't be you otherwise. It wasn't in your character to not potentially sacrifice your own safety for the lives of people you care about. For the innocent or guilty. You care so much for everyone that you won't even consider coming home until the crisis has been averted for good. It doesn't matter how much you miss us, or how much you yearn to return home, safe and sound with the people you love and whom love you in turn.

What matters is... Your family.


Stubborn, irresponsible, inconsiderate, manchild...


Just... Be safe, okay?

Promise me you won't do anything reckless. Promise me that when you read this letter - since I know Owlicious will reach you eventually the moment I've finished feeling sorry for myself - you'll at least take into consideration what's waiting for you back home. When you're done with this battle and internal conflict, all you'll think about next is being with us... With our friends... With me...

Just remember... We'll always with you, even in spirit. And I know you can do anything once you put your mind to it. Zagreus and any imbalance won't stand any chance against you. You're the most persistent, yet determined stallion I've ever met and grown to love more than magic itself.

And when you do come home, after it's all over...


I promise you, after we're all done crying in relief and happiness at your inevitable return, the physical and verbal ramifications of your actions that night bestowed by your special somepony, will be less inclined for mercy compared to whatever our friends have in store for you.

I love you too, my stubborn, foul-mouthed Twilight Warrior... Come home soon.

Come home soon...

- Your Princess, Twilight Sparkle... XXXX




She even added four kisses at the end. That... That...!



Yes, my pupil? Even he sounded incredibly solemn as if he read the letter. Probably could from my mind gazing at the contents with Twilight's soothing voice.

Tearful hazel eyes looked out to the sunset, broadening over the horizon to far-off locations. I could barely spot the top to the Crystal Empire's spire from here. Rather fitting, considering what I just read.

Starswirl... If anything happens to me...

...I will look after them, for the remainder of their lives on this world and beyond.

...Thank you.

Maybe I never deserved their kindness, loyalty, generosity. Neither their honesty or laughter, or friendship at all. Maybe, at this point, I deserved neither to be called Jack Wright or Stardust Balance.

Maybe at this point, I was someone else.

The Human Wanderer.

The Man Whom Walked The Stars.

The Nameless Child of Earth.

Or something less pretentious like... The Warrior.

That's it... Just a Warrior.

Who will finish what he started.

Nightshade shifted against my hip, and I gently brushed the feathers on his head in comfort and support. Zagreus was going down, and after my leg has finished healing, I will continue my pursuit, and stop my own creation once and for all. Properly.

THAT... Was the promise of a Twilight Warrior!

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