• Published 2nd Feb 2015
  • 18,899 Views, 1,952 Comments

A Journey Beyond Sanity - Darkwing Dust

Somehow transported from our world to Equestria, a young man unwillingly arrives in the form of an Earth Pony. Join us as we explore Stardust Balance's adventures, aiding the Mane Six throughout the seasons, discovering friendship... And love.

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A Journey Beyond Sanity: The Movie: Part II



It didn't matter where I was at the present moment.

It didn't matter about the dull throbbing ache to the back of my head.

It didn't matter what that idiot dragging me past the mirror was attempting to achieve.

It didn't matter what that monster was planning.

All that mattered, at that moment then, was getting back there and stopping that [BEEP] from harming anymore of my friends!

"Jack, stop!"

I barely registered the voice of the fallen King's, pulling myself up hurriedly from the stone pavement and forcing myself to move upwards, heading straight back to the portal mirror which would take me back home and save my friends-!



Son of a...!




No... NO...

My nose was broken for all I cared; what truly became relevant at the moment was the fact that, pulling myself up with force and approaching the portal yet again, was being met with harsh glass, palms pressing against the mirror and heatedly pushing against it in a desperate hope that this wasn't happening.

I didn't even care at the moment to comment what a haggard sad sack of [BEEP] I looked in the reflection, aggressively pressing all over the glass with grit teeth of irritation and despair.

It couldn't be for real... It couldn't be...


"NO!" Shut the Hell up Sombra! Not even turning around to sneer at the uniform and express my rage and desperation for what he's done to me. Just don't say another word!

Starswirl! Starswirl are you there?!

I'm here. Responded an aged voice from the air that was frustratingly calm. I'm glad to see you are relatively unharmed Jack. The intensity of imbalance within the castle walls were beginning to affect the magic realm, I had to help repair-

Open the portal. NOW.

I... The trace of hesitation in the old stallion's voice was absolutely something I didn't NEED to hear at the present situation. You must understand Jack-


The growl of my mental warning wasn't enough to even faze the old bearded pony, however. Old AND useless at this circumstance. I am capable of many things, Jack, but directly connecting through the magical barrier presently sealing off this portal to the castle is not-

Then open a Goddamn portal yourself! Get us both back to Ponyville quickly! My friends are about to get themselves killed for foolishly trying to save me!

Now where have we heard this tale before...?


To attempt accessing another means of reaching Equestria when the realm has been drained of too much magic to conduct a swift recovery, could and likely would result in a major catastrophic volcano of leaked magic, drowning both worlds for the worse. The imbalances would be too much to withstand, even for us.

So we're fix it like we always do! It's not the first time we've confronted impossible odds and endured. Succeeded even! I'll take the risks for God's sake, just open the damn portal so I could save my friends!

Please Starswirl! Those three stupid ponies stand no chance against Zagreus and his slaves! I had to save them from themselves before... Before...!


The voice radiated comfort, but nothing achieved with soothing my distraught and enraged state. I'm sorry, Jack... But the needs of many outweigh the needs of you. You must simply have trust in your friends.


I will not be denied!

A stern and entirely unwelcoming hand instantly shot out and grabbed my extended wrist which wielded the green ignited blade from the ground, reared back in order to express my pure pain and anger at this mirror for deciding now of all times to close!

"Don't be a fool boy!" Sombra's all too familiar harsh and unwavering tone struck a chord within me. Who's the fool here clown! You're the one separated from home too! Purposely! His grip remained like clad steel, neither of us caring if it bruised my wrist in some way. "There would be no other means of returning home for either of us if you succumb to your darker urges this way!"

And you would know, cliche tyrant! "Let go of me!" My voice was as cracked and filled with despair and fury as my weary soul, tears threatening to leak from tired hazel eyes. "[BEEP]ing get off Sombra! I need to get back... I need to...!"

Needed to...

And, for once, the former villain's rough voice softened that to a gentle understanding. Of empathy. "Give in to your despair this way, Jack, and you would become no better than the likes of the enemies we've faced before." The grip on my sleeved wrist lessened somewhat. "And you would cause more than just your friends to suffer for it."





The clanging sound of a hilt rolling onto the stone floor, followed with my knees succumbing to the pressure of reality and despair too, staring right before the mirror and being regarded back with the ugliest sight in the world. A tired face burdened with more than he was ever capable of handling, arms hanging limply by his sides and fingers curled up on the ground, distraught eyes behind old glasses clouded as everything I've worked so hard for... All for nothing... Because the portal refused to open.

Because I caused it to happen.


Shining... Starlight... Sunburst... Everyone...

Twi... Twi...


I knew the former King was right beside me, in his newfound human form, but as of this particular moment, I had made zero acknowledgement, focused only on myself. I've finally done it... I've condemned everyone I knew and loved...

Because I was so arrogant. So hell bent on facing Zagreus alone... That three good friends of mine suffered for it...


"Jack..." Sombra started, knowing more than perhaps most what I was feeling and experiencing at the present moment, the numb sensation of a new hand grasping my shoulder.

I felt nothing. No comfort. No warmth. Just mind-numbing despair and internal rage and hatred for myself. A cold arctic of a heart threatening to collapse like a fragile glacier, cracking beneath the pressure and pain I've incited for everyone I grew to know and care for.




Forgive me...

"I thought I heard his voice! Guys, I think it's really him!"

And suddenly, the glacier collapsed, a lump in my throat with grit teeth and eyes prompted to prick even more tears of despair and anger. No, not them! I couldn't deal with this! Anyone but them!

The multiple feminine voice of good friends was like a repeated stab to the chest. "Could it really be...?" One certain elegant voice inquired with wonder.

Bile rose in my throat.

"I think it is... Pinkie, you might just be right!" One of a boastful nature, lover of sports and all things extreme.

My hands clenched.

"Stardust... Is that really you?" A tentative voice called out in a quiet melody.

My teeth grit.

"Well, I'll be!" A Western tone of awe and relief. "Ain't it mighty fine to see a good friend once again! Where in tarnation have ya been Stardust?!"

My eyes shut tight. I felt more than ready to keel over, vomit and release all the pain causing by the welcoming voices of some dear old friends. Humans or otherwise.

"Stardust... Is something the matter?" The questioning voice of a dear student I had failed, because of my own confidence and desire to do things my way without any say from anyone else, including friends I should trust and have faith in. "Why are you kneeling before the portal like that...?"

My head bowed.

"I wouldn't take another step closer." Sombra immediately warned as the painful voices approached, becoming louder and like utter agony to my ears and twisted chest. "Our friend is... Experiencing a grand deal of pain at the present time."

Understatement... Of the Goddamn [BEEP]ing millennium...

But one other voice had yet to speak, which I hoped would stay that way. Please, don't utter a single word. Don't tear my heart and shred it to bits and pieces with whatever was even left. Don't cause me the same strife with your angelic voice of concern and pure compassion which I had never deserved or earned, reminding me all too painfully of that day, in the warm Summer forest with the fallen angel laid gently in my arms.

Holding that tender smile.

Sparkling eyes of hope.

A tentative hand gently brushing my messy bearded cheek.

Her mouth opening to reassure the very soul who failed to keep his promise and protect-


I don't know how many watching students I roughly pushed by, blinded by my tears of self-hatred and overall sorrow, from my mad dash away from the school, from the portal, from it all, not even having the courage to take one glance at the seven girls observing and calling out to me in worry and panic. Uncaring of my path or destination, just looking for a means to escape and wallow in my own despair. My own well-deserved self-loathing and avalanche of guilt.

I no longer had the right to even look at them anymore... I've failed them.




...Twilight... Forgive me, all of you...

But Stardust Balance... Or Jack Wright, even... Neither meant anything for me anymore... Nothing mattered then.

I didn't know how far I ran.

I wasn't aware of how far I was walking to this point, head bowed to the pathway and as far from the school building as humanly possible, faintly even acknowledging the change from pavement to dirt road, the heated sun tackling my squinted tired eyes.

All that mattered, right then and there, was getting away from the very people I've failed because of my own general [BEEP] ups. Shocking twist of the century, eh? Stardust Balance [BEEP]s up, like always.

Everyone commits mistakes, Jack.

Oh sure. But in my case, every [BEEP] up I've ever committed since first arriving into the land of ponies could hold the promising length of a Goddamn novel!

Since birth; an entire Wikipedia site!

My bones were getting weary, lower limbs starting to ache, but I pressed on, firmly set in mind to get away from the very friends I've caused nothing but grief and despair to and failed at this very moment. My whole body could be alit in ruthless flames - justifiably so at this point - and I still would find the will to persist moving.

Rather than the will to swallow my dread and pretend what happened at the castle was a terrible bad dream.


No Starswirl. Just... No.

But my ever so wise teacher insisted on pitching in for support. What occurred back there was hardly yours to blame, my friend. Zagreus anticipated our movements and, henceforth, prepared for our arrival.

Failed support at best. That hardly makes me feel better, Starswirl. The fact I was so sloppy, and careless, and reckless; selfish enough to even spring the trap in the first place. One sight of the [BEEP] defiling my home was enough for me to take the bait, right into his devious clutches.

And now, they were paying for it.

We merely-

Stop saying 'we.' There was no 'we' in this. My actions were all mine, Starswirl! Mine to take fault and learn from.

Though I never do...




I was the worst example of a friend ever. Of anything positive-related, all things considered. Maybe Chrysalis and Sombra were onto something, all those years ago...

Perhaps a more proactive approach is in order, my friend. Our allies are likely to-



I cringed, both for speaking out-loud and raising my voice against the sole pony at the moment whom was trying to help. I'm sorry, Starswirl, I didn't...

All is forgiven. Ever kind and empathetic. Sympathetic with this situation. You are angry, stressed and afraid, naturally you would lash out. Perhaps this walk would be good to help you calm down, before we rejoin our... Your friends again to formulate a best strategy of returning home.

No, Starswirl, I didn't mean that they weren't also your-


I paused, feeling sensations prick the corners of my exhausted hazel eyes. This was becoming too much, even for me.




All good friends that I... Left behind... That Sombra forced me to leave-


No... He was trying to protect me. Me, someone who was unworthy of being saved. Someone who's [BEEP]ed up too many times to ever be forgiven by a sensible being. Someone presumably more valuable and worthy than his own childhood friend and lover, whom waited over a thousand years for her partner to return and renewed. Two lost souls finding their way together, wasted now because of a single man and his yearning to keep others out of danger in some selfish self-proclaimed 'noble' intent of keeping the peace and protecting his loved ones at all costs.

And apparently that [BEEP]tard unicorn thought I was more vital to preserve and keep out of harm's way than his own love-



Starswirl took that moment of my self-hatred and dilemma to perk up. Let's find the others Jack. Knowing Miss Shimmer and King Sombra right now, they'd have been working together this very moment to deduce a solution. Not to mention, the valuable intellect of the human Miss Spar-


Just... Don't finish there.

...I... I had absolutely no intention of regrouping with any of them this time, Starswirl... Hell, I ran all the way out here just to be by myself and wallow in my own pity and utter contempt for what a failed son of a [BEEP] I really was.

All this time.


Where... Where even was here...?

Blinking, my eyes looked upwards for the first time since cowardly fleeing from the school and winced a little by the sunlight leaking through... A forest? A rather deep forest at that? Wasn't I just at the park or something? I couldn't have walked away from the entire town already.

And why were the trees darker? It wasn't night, evidently, and I knew the park tree with a lighter lush colour. The shade wasn't dark enough to affect the branches... And was it just me or did the plants and flowers around seem a little more... Disorganized than what you'd normally see at a park.




I've seen this place before-!

My moment of relapse cut short at my hidden blade popped out immediately, the advance sound of someone emerging from the nearby large bushes putting me on edge posthaste. [BEEP], what NOW? One of Zagreus' lackeys come to finish me off?

Or... May one of the girls followed me... Wouldn't put it past them? Rainbow Dash or Sunset Shimmer, perhaps; either of which, like with all those girls, I wasn't ready to even glance upon again, never mind hold an entire conversation with again.

The answer was neither.

"So, this is what becomes of me! So soon after the fact!"

But the answer that did come chilled me to my soul. And I thought today was all out of surprises for me to endure.

For what emerged from the bushes was neither friend or foe - I hoped with the latter - but rather a pure mixture of both: A golden character, tall and proud, dark blue coat with a split heart with star in the center between the front edges of said overcoat. A pale blue buttoned sleeveless shirt beneath, typical black long pants and trainers. The exact replica of my last appearance of this cartoon man striding towards me with sheer power and knowledge in his strong blue-green eyes.

Was that a little self-gushing? Who could blame me? In that form, I was more confident; more free to myself, to express my thoughts and face danger without any shred of fear. As Stardust Balance, I was the alpha and the omega; the Heart of the Storm and the Fire Bringer of Balance. Nothing could have fazed me at this point... Almost nothing.

Starswirl... Were you even seeing this...?

The tone was clear; British courtesy blended by justified righteousness with a tinge of fury. "A short man means short bravery, if I am to believe. The legacy I've left behind; the decision I've made to keep that camp maintained and never become what that coward became, and THIS is the proper result?"

"Who ARE you...?" My voice expressed in breathless wonder and proper awe, temporarily ignoring the indignation I would normally fight back to. Because I NEEDED to know. Could be another Zagreus disguise, but something... While still feeling somewhat odd...

In this case, warmly nostalgic.

In contrast to the cold voice hurled at me mercilessly. "You forgot already, Jack? Is it Jack still, I hope, or do you enjoy feigning claim to who and what you truly are?" Golden hands on hips, the incredibly tall golden man towering over me, face-to-face, leered downwards so much I felt my spine shiver. No wonder Flash got easily intimidated. "Do you enjoy acting like the very clown we've sought to put in his place so he could be a better man for Twilight? The human one, who deserved so much more?"

Talking as though those events happened recently- Wait.


My eyes looked around wildly, tired brain somehow finding it easy then to comprehend what was going on at this point. This was all a hallucination! I was conversing with a past version of me during the events of Camp Everfree! Of course! No wonder my surroundings looked off yet suddenly familiar.

This WAS Camp Everfree. But why in God's name...?


My head snapped back to 'Stardust.' "You think I'M like Timber Spruce?" My voice sounded so hoarse and drained to even try outrage from such an insulting suggestion made by a fabrication of my distorted weary mind.

"Why the Hell not?" A gold finger, despite an illusion, felt oddly real as it prodded ruthlessly into my chest. "Reckless. Arrogant. Irresponsible." Those hazel eyes darkened considerably, judging and without sympathy. "They very things we've strive to avoid, or have you forgotten that since Celestia cast her spell?"

My body bristled. "Of course I haven't forgotten." My voice may be tired, but the fighting spirit wouldn't bow down to some ghost. "Maybe I've learnt not to always take responsibility for everything as though everyone's problems are my own!"

'Stardust' scoffed, rolling condescending hazel eyes. God, was THAT how I was seen by others? "Of course not, evidently that's why you've taken the sole task of dealing with everything by yourself to spare your friends the trouble. Why you've meddled in so many lives and deviated so much from your main path since running away from those who only sought to love and protect you?" A ghostly unnerving smirk, telling a thousand things. "Clearly, you've become a better person since becoming... This again." A gold perfect hand gesturing carelessly over my shorter and flawed stature.

"My world is plagued with scum like you. Young [BEEP]holes who think they can do as they please just because they have some measurement of authority. People who take advantage of their positions without ever considering the consequences; the people they'd hurt! You and your pathetic sister have done NOTHING to show but irresponsible conduct and behaviour!"

The memory hit like an unstoppable freight train, forcing my stumbling state to step away and grasp my own forehead in sheer panic and pain from the rather abusive recollection. The righteous indignation of a man casting judgement on a boy seeking to keep his own flesh and blood safe and sound.

The anger.

The assumptions.

The jealously.

The cruelty.

...I had to get away... I just had to...

"We promised ourselves never to become the likes of him!" Stardust called out to my retreating - COWARDLY - backside, the echoes of judgement and furious vendetta crashing like tidal waves against my conflicted storming vortex of emotions. "How will we ever win if this is the end result, Jack!"

Had to get away... Had to keep running...

Running... Until nothing more...

My feet were killing me.

My head pounded with ache.

My direction was nowhere until the sight of the woods ended.

It's snowing on Mt. Fu-

Tch... How could I even crack any jokes at a time like this? What would even be the point? Regardless how often, in the past, the astonishing number of quips and sarcastic statements hurled during the most severe of times, there was never going to be the time, at this moment, to revert back to my old self and openly mock doom in the face.

Look how much it's cost me...

...Oh Starlight...

How was she doing? I had to know. Did she escape? Was she, Shining and Radiant unharmed? Were they in hiding? Captured? Tortured? De-?

...Starswirl... You have to tell me.

The realm of magic is far too unstable to view anything beyond your own eyes, Jack. To which the aged spiritual unicorn could only apologize deeply.

To which only I could ground my teeth in frustration. Wonderful. [BEEP]ing wonderful. May as well commence with sitting against a tree and twiddle my thumbs until something sorts itself out then. Maybe do nothing overall since I [BEEP] up so much.

Timber would approve-




Perhaps, while we have the spare moment to contemplate such matters, My teacher began again all too wisely, Addressing the matter of the knowledge our dear Yak friends had provided to us not so long ago.

The memory of that echoed, haunting warning almost sounded as though I was hearing it from the real world: "THE KING WILL RISE AND FRIENDSHIP FALLS! THE SIX REBEL AND CLIMB SO TALL! IMBALANCE REIGNS AND BALANCE CRAWLS! THE CHAMPIONS OF RIGHTS WILL HEED THE CALL!"

Figured you'd have more understanding of what the Hell they're talking about than I, oh great teacher.

Starswirl chuckled. Alas, had I physically bore witness to these events in the past, perhaps things would be over a lot swifter.

Not likely, since you seem to have a habit of keeping your muzzle sewed shut whenever the going got really tough- The past!

Of course, a subject I had so idiotically never brought up! And, for a small second, something akin to hope dared flicker in the bottom pits of my tired heart. Starswirl, if you're a future version of your current past self whom's wandering around Equestria during all this, then somehow you must've been informed-

I comprehend where you're approaching this towards, Jack. But the answer remains the same as earlier. I may possess the knowledge and wisdom to guide us to triumph, but by no means does that make me omnipotent.

My mind staggered with my feet from the blunt yet firm confession and defiance. But-But if you know this [BEEP], then we can get our friends to safety! We can save Starlight, Shining, Radiant! Spike, Fluttershy! Rarity! Applejack and Pinkie and Rainbow!You know how all of this would, and WILL, end! You should be helping me out here!

Foreknowledge can become a dangerous-

-Thing? You think I wasn't aware? I, the guy who kept using his foreknowledge again and again until it started [BEEP]ing him all over? I was perfectly comprehensive of the repercussions, and accepting of them! But these events were never meant to be, so how would any set future be around anymore if you just tell me what I need to do.

And permit Zagreus another fighting chance? An excuse for the creature to grow in unimaginable power further? You said it yourself, Jack, the consequences. In all truth, no one in life should ever have to bare the pressure and implications awareness of the future truly yields; it leads to more devastating actions and aftermaths than deemed possible. Look where it had led you and I, at this point of our lives.


Knowledge can become a beautiful fountain to drink from. But there are some ugly roots many decide not to pluck out. Knowledge often breeds arrogance, recklessness and overconfidence. It is a burden as much as it is a gift. How many times have we succumbed to this peer pressure and allowed it to consume our actions; our words and decisions? To decide to guide everyone on the road to what we devise, to the future we may decide what's best for everyone, with or without their consent. To play God over and over, I ask you my troubled pupil...

The next following words sounded like a whisper behind my sensitive ear, chilling and causing goosebumps down my defeated arms.

How could we possibly be any better than him?

That flicker snuffed out in the blink of an eye. You never objected to me changing and deciding the future before all this...

Some things, Jack, we must experience firsthand, to acknowledge the lesson life crudely throws upon us. That wise firm voice softened to the one I instantly accustomed with since ages back. Zagreus is our mistake. And before you even commence with blaming yourself for his creation, yet again, let us defer back to the prophecy the Yak Mystics shared with us, shall we?

It was boiling hot out today... Seriously did the temperature suddenly increase over the course of the day? It only felt like the middle of the afternoon earlier!

To my complete amazement, I was STILL walking. It was almost incredible, but certainly purely pitiful, how long I was walking and forcing my aching legs to carry on forwards if it meant getting away from the friends and companions I've failed time and time again. It was for the best that way, after all.

But my earlier conversation with Starswirl lingered onwards, prompting a short wince in recollection.

'The Yaks have garnered these new magical properties from the main realm itself, where the life force of all the departed rest and share their powers over for the Balance and peace to our descendants imbalances have become so strong, so unjustifiably powerful, enough to puncture a hole into the realm and bleed out as much magic as possible, affecting the natives of the worlds for better or worse. Soon, it will become for the very worst.'

All creatures... Yaks, Diamond Dogs, hippogriffs, griffons, Parasprites. All those and so much more ready to be harmed in the long run by what Zagreus was doing to the world. To the mistakes I caused were doing-


What the-?

I looked around wildly, indignant. Who did- But no one was there? I soothed the stung back head that got the sensation of being actually slapped. A branch didn't hit me, I wasn't that close to any of the seemingly endless trees. So what, or who, hit me?

And then, I suddenly envisioned the disapproving hand-on-hips stare of a certain petite bookworm from Crystal Prep, causing my sharp gasp as though inhaling a heavy amount of water, the hand yielding the shining amethyst ring over my beating heart in attempt for some air. Why now... Haven't I suffered enough? Don't I deserve to wallow in despair only for the errors I've made TODAY?

...Blimey it's hot...

No, I deserved to feel nothing but grief and self-loathing for all the mistakes made since running-


Another invisibly slap, the disapproving look on the Twilight in my mind's eye's face deepening, as if some imagination of the young lavender woman was responsible for slapping me and making me actually feel the pain. How did that even work?

...Then again, just a few hours ago I encountered.a hallucinated past version of me at Camp Everfree manifested from thin air. Anything's possible.

But what cause would this Twilight in my head have for mentally lecturing me? Shouldn't it be my Twilight; the alicorn wearing the necklace I gave long ago? Wouldn't that version be currently defying the laws of nature and whacking me from behind the head for hating me so much-


Okay I get it, Twilight in my head! I'll stop being too down on myself for now-


What is your problem-?!


My hazel distraught eyes glanced down, regarding the sparkling gem. Right, that Twilight lives on in me... Didn't know that meant quite so literally, heh... Well since I had the opportunity then...

My hand raised the ring upwards, blocking the startling sun and, once again, doing my best to ignore the blasted heat going on all around me. "I'm sorry for failing you, Twilight..." The one in my head softened her beautiful features, a very small petite smile rising on her face marred with concern. I managed a weak grin to that selfless expression. "I'm sorry I wasn't strong enough to... To...!"

...Agh, it was so damn blasted hot-!

Twilight's face then etched in abrupt warning, and my body whirled around from the sensation of heat becoming too hot for comfort, raising my right wrist protectively against my face as something strong and well-aimed blasted forcibly into my right arm, shielded by the metal strapped around the wrist beneath the then-charred black sleeve.

Ack! Bleh! Dammit! Then came the smoke, which I made every effort to cough out and wave away, clearing upwards to meet my supposed attacker face-to... Face...



No no no no...!

Her red features twisted and ruined, but the lust for power and vengeance still clear behind pale blue demonic orbs, a sharp grin missing several teeth. The exactly envisioned servant for someone like Zagreus to come true. Yellow and red dress torn some places with demon red and black wings gaining several holes in them. Any comment or wit died the instance I gazed upon someone who should be dead.

Because if this woman WASN'T dead; hadn't been destroyed by Twilight's last ditch effort. Standing before me now with all the hatred and smugness she could muster, still alive and clinging onto the life she never deserved to have. That everything I endured and what that young, innocent high schooler had to accomplish for the sake of peace and protecting a friend who never deserved it.

All that meant... Nothing...

Her sacrifice... Nothing.

My grief and respect... Nothing.

The fairness... Gone...

...My hands never clenched harder than that day.

The demonic alternate form of Sunset Shimmer, disfigured somewhat but still deeming herself a threat somehow, smirked widely with damaged lips and folded bruised thin red arms. "What's wrong Stardust? It looks like you've seen a ghost? What, you seriously expected me to just give up and go home after what your precious weak Twilight did to me-"

What happened next was her own undoing.

The best description right then and there was an immeasurable rage. A pulsating volcanic eruption of furious despair and loathing; a passion for revenge. All of which then moved me forwards, bringing forth renewed energy to my legs and hands, the demon's features switching from sadistic arrogance to comprehensive dread, barely dodging the slice of a hidden blade deep across her red already-wounded cheek.

But not in time for an uppercut right over her chin, the mad woman recoiling with a hiss of pain, but I was far from finished. Another punch, fresh across the cheeks. Her extended arms in effort to spot my justified onslaught meant nothing to the pure anguish and rage of a human.

Those injuries marred across her form weren't enough. She had to PAY for what she did.

To me.

To her... Her...!


Sunset's demonic looks flickered, from that of pain for a moment to brief understanding, but fully resuming its pained state by the next punch, and kneeing, and even elbow. No coordination, no precise aimed spots save for the neck and face. I just HAD to hurt her. Plain and simple.

"W-Wait!" No, not this time. The demonic form of Sunset coughed out loud in growing agony, obviously the injuries previously scarred across her ruined form taking their toll. Her voice expressed pained outrage. "Is-Is this what you want Twilight to see- Ah!"

Her attempted swipe was blocked by a metal-protective arm, reeling her claws back and completely open for another punch... And a headbutt. Sunset staggered backwards, clutching her bruised nose with furious muffled cries of horror and surprise. The anger was shimmering down on her end, just as mine was only rising further, and her pale monstrous eyes flickered next from outrage to an oxymoron considering her current image.


She couldn't block in time another elbow right to the temple, and a knee to the hip. At this point the beaten monster was shaking terribly, flailing those red claws and kicking in agonized survival instinct.


Clearly, this Sunset wasn't as intelligent as the one on this world. The villain past version of herself was always a cliche power-craving teenager with nothing better to do in her life. "What kind of man would hit a woman- GAH!" Her arm had almost been snapped backwards, the woman then flying back quickly and skidding across the ground, pale blue widened eyes regarding the real predator whilst clutching her upper limb. "You're... An animal..."


"King of the Monsters..." The tip of the blade pointed, aiming at the reddened forehead between terrified features and flaming hair. Sunset's breath hitched, real painstakingly dread present all over her demonic scarred face and body as a whole. And, for once, I allowed myself the faintest of pleased smiles at someone elses state this way. It must've been how Sombra felt long ago.

I never smiled like this with Daisy and Timber once casting judgment. I never laughed cruelly at Tirek after he was thoroughly bested by my friends. Sombra when he disappeared into dust within my mind. Chrysalis after being blasted away from the power of love. Blueblood after his embarrassing defeat at the gala, and then our recent duel in his former kingdom.

But none of them... Had ever... EVER... Been the ones to-

"Pl... Please..." Hm? "Don't hurt me..." That dark voice shifted, reflecting that of a certain high school friend of mine. And for those few seconds, I hesitated, arm extended towards her quivering somewhat. Sunset... She grinned rather lightly, almost looking like the girl she once was. "Twilight would never have wanted this..."

And just like that, the hesitation departed in the blink of an eye. An animal's growl escaping from my tired but pent-up enraged throat.

How dare she- HOW DARE SHE?!

Sunset obviously sensed her mistake, immediately conjuring up a quick small fireball to my chest... Bouncing off harmlessly. He red demon features twisted to even more horror. I wanted to savor that.

"Twilight would never have wanted to become a pawn..."

Fireball after fireball. Again and again. Making absolutely no effort in slowing my fear-inducing advance. Good.

"Twilight would never have wanted to suffer..."

Weak, useless, a fool. That's the definition of this woman counted with so many more appropriate descriptions and names. There will be no mercy, no salvation. No imbalances or magic to save the demon this time.

"She would never have wanted to DIE..."

Her limbs trembling, Sunset could only do nothing but attempt a last-second attack, a more conjured strong ball of magical fire with both hands, thrown to me desperately. But I was wasting no over time, smacking it aside with one hand and bared pointy teeth. There was nothing to save this demon, and she knew that, backing up against the oak tree trunk the further I approached in hopeless despair and apprehension.

My blade raised, all too closer to Sunset's vulnerable and sweating forehead. So much passion and fury latched onto those last words, the agony and distraught of a man who's been through more than enough. The clenched fist baring the gleamed promise ring. "And I will never forgive for what you did to her..."

I swore I felt a tear fall down my eye upon declaring this truth, but that doesn't matter. Nothing matters but bringing this diseased creature to justice, and there was nothing else to be done about it.

My blade raised expectantly, and Sunset was visibly vibrating in terror at this point, prompting my outraged despair. "Now you feel how she felt when you killed her-!"

"Jack! Please, that's enough!"


I staggered backwards from the unexpected and timed intervention, which incited the cowering Sunset to act; a flap of wind and quick ascension to the air above. Damn, I should've cut off the [BEEP]ing wings. YOU [BEEP]-!

"Jack..." That same, all too recognizable voice which touched and soothed me all the time. "Let her go..."

Let her... But... BUT... Why was I even trying to argue with some ghost of a dead teenager in my head-?!

My breath inhaled sharply, the mental appearance of the human version of her with petite lavender hands where her heart would be, sparkling beautiful flawless eyes pleading... No, BEGGING, as if I had gone too far to provoke such a manner of request.

And I blinked... The last few minutes replaying like a fallen tree hitting the ground...


I wasn't going to...

I wouldn't have...!


"Twilight..." My knees sunk to the ground in total exhaustion, forcibly ripping off the blade and metal wrist attached from my arms and hurling as far away from me as could be possible. Face lowering into open palms. "Twilight..." Fingers digging into front strands of brown hair from the pure horrific reality I had almost completed, almost making myself a monster of the highest manner.

The worst monster of them all...

"Twilight..." My voice never sounded as hoarse, or cracked, or tired, or wanting to just keel over and let the current flames around consume me as it did the forest all around. In the end... I have become no better than Zagreus... "Twilight..."

The warmth in her tone and smile on her imaginary face told me everything. "I'll always forgive you..."

Everything else shattered.

And once opening my wide eyes yet again, everything felt... Peaceful.

No, not peaceful. 'Quiet' would be the more appropriate word.

For no longer were there the tender sounds of rustling leaves, moving bushes or cackling flames, neither the wallowing of my own self-hated anguish and the demonic version of my friend begging for mercy.

No... It's very clear, now, who the real demonic monster was, in the end. And all it took for that to show was the despaired rage some little man unleashed upon another victim to an equally terrifying creature... Oh the man's own making, evidently.

"You're... An animal..."

"King of the Monsters..."

I flinched, shaking my own poor head next alongside rubbing a rather throbbing temple. Who was I really addressing when I proclaimed such a dread of a title...?

...Now where was I?

Clearly indoors. The room was dark, but my surroundings from what little I could view from the stars barely gleaming through the windows, indicating some kind of library with rows and rows of books, but far more shorter than the library back home. With the only real light-source indoors emanating by outlines of the door right presented before me.

A door that looked more awfully fami-


Like a shock to my mind, my own eyes whirled around to inspect my surroundings on the spot yet again, this time more paying attention, with the growing sense of nostalgia impacting my chest upon recognition, my heart hammering rapidly with the flooding sensation of dropping to my knees.


This was... This was THE home...!

The Golden Oak-!

A strangled noise emerged from my disbelieving throat. Was this a dream? Another hallucination? Was I cracking under the pressure of guilt of my own horrendous actions and mistakes that I envisioning when things were much better - way much better - a long time ago?

Something was drawing me towards the door, indicated by my own apprehensive footsteps with something crawling up inside my neck with fear and the tiniest spark of hope. Would... Would she be in there...?

In there, chatting and playing with our son? Safe and happy? Eager to see and greet this weary warrior as though he was always a part of the household? Would she be a unicorn? How much younger would we be...? Would I have the right to see them?

Would I ever have the right again...?

Despite my own righteous doubts and dread, his hand already grabbed and twisted on the golden doorknob, driven feelings over logic triumphant; the idea of seeing my true loved ones yet again after all this time moving me forward, wanting to join them, be in their arms. Laugh together, make jokes together. Play and just spend as much time as possible while my own time remained short; wanting... YEARNING to spend my final days in the company and claws and hoofs of those I cherished more than the entire worlds and stars. Galaxies and multiverses.

The door found itself opening without my push, prompting my quick release of the knob and greeted by a view which caused more choking noises by my hollow throat.

I knew this room... Her bedroom. The bed itself with its familiar, rather endearing quilt and pillow of stars and moons unoccupied, a quick eager scan of the interior showing no sight of the mare I loved and craved. No, it was something else that almost had me keel over and start begging over for forgiveness and love.

Of a son - a beautiful, hopeful little purple and green boy - slumbering peacefully in that cute little bed of his, with a smile that lit up the sun in my world. A hand reaching up to clutch my own chest as I hopelessly regarded the poor dragon... Child I had abandoned because of my own fears. My own motivation to protect without consideration of the proper repercussions.

A presence to my left and the near foot of our son's - perhaps my son, not his. Not yet - tiny nostalgic bed, accompanied with a certain British rather casual disposition. "Adorable, isn't he?"

My dangling hand clenched, grit bare teeth at the golden Earth Pony merely adorning a blue cape stepping out from the shadow hidden from the stars and candlelight, hazel eyes focused intently on the oblivious young dragon, a rather short beard as though recently growing, with a form shorter than I could previous recall.

When did I ever look so young...?

One shift of his gaze to meet my wary eyes confirmed everything for me, finding myself clutching the doorframe next in support upon staggering back by the sheer intensity reflecting from those round eyes. Anxiousness, self-loathing, anger and pain. Uncertainty and distraught, confusion and guarded. Informing everything I would know about this pony... I SHOULD know.

About my season one life...

The gold pony diverted blue-green eyes back towards the sleeping dragon, that classic frown hardening by a flicker of annoyance. "[BEEP]'s sake, he'll catch a cold..."

Too many years of being use to that beeping sound to even crack a smile. I simply observed in wonder and bafflement over my past self at his earliest stages of being in Equestria wrap his own cape gently around the young dragon... Whom simply, and heartwarming, snuggled closer into the contact of the fabric.

Stardust perked a light, rather fond smile, hazel eyes then shining something new, and I had to take a moment for recollection. Was I this open about displaying positive emotions back then? Best description I had for my first months in Equestria to be that of a grump; a haughty manchild who simply wanted to go home and didn't care about hurting other's feelings for doing so. The memories were so long ago.

How many times were others upset or irritated by my behaviour; my lack of respect or civility? How did they tolerate me? What DID they see in me? What did this wonderful resting child keeping our attention and her beautiful mother view that I could not? I should've been kicked out of the library from day one!

"I think, with humanity in general, we more often than not take compassion for granted." Stardust, at his earliest and more grouchiest, reflected in an unusual tender tone, never keeping his eyes off his future son for the longest time, like some guardian angle standing protectively over a child, watching and keeping him safe for all time. The gold stallion sighed next, hardened expression dropping for one so youthful in appearance. "I won't pretend I didn't... All they've done for us, all this time, and look how they're repaid."

Not just grouchy, or psychologically depressed. This Stardust was always protective; determined to keep even the worst of scum out of danger. It was he who attempted to delay Nightmare Moon and help Luna return to the light in the dark. It was this pony who socked Gilda into a food stand after upsetting Fluttershy deeply. This pony who fought for Rarity's honour at the Grand Galloping Gala, and helped Spike become a hero. The warrior who valued himself so little but all other life with sheer importance.

The Twilight Warrior who both hated and loved.

And this was the same guy who took on an Ursaminor, an adult dragon and a hydra. Just what was I thinking?! I asked myself whilst regarding this Earth Pony staring solemnly at the ignorant young lizard, so innocent and pure on the latter's part. I was such a tiny thing!

"We always believed to ourselves, ever since we graduated from Glossopdale, that we were undeserving of friendship. Of kindness and compassion. All hindrances and wasted on the likes of us." No need asking who 'we' was. "We failed so much and so hard back home; always trying to make friends and be respected, acknowledged... Loved even. And look where it always got us." Stardust allowed himself a self-deprecating smile, hazel eyes burning in the sheer sadness he possessed. We both had. "I guess we're just not made for what these ponies have, huh...?"

"I... I can't make friends. In fact, I'm terrible with establishing friendships. I always have been. Truth be told: I don't even have any friends where I'm from. Well... not close friends anyway. Not ones I can truly trust to count on and such; only such a one exists, but he moved to a neighboring country a long time ago... Not that it was his fault of course. And I have a brother and two sisters, but this is about genuine un-blood related friendship. My point is, Twilight Sparkle, I would be the last person to ever make friends with; I'm a lazy, arrogant, distant... stallion, so easily distrusting of others, preferring his solitude and peace over the presence of others, and has little tolerance for idle conversations. A true friend would be one you can depend on entirely, to be there for you in your hour of need and to help you overcome any crisis, correct? Well... that's not me. That never has been. I don't understand all that much about friendship, and I hardly think I ever will... but... that's fine."

That distant echo, exposing all the true feelings that we had, prompting our shared sighs, before the stallion's hardened steel gaze switched to me, reverting back to that same anger and... Conviction exposed all too often back then. An oxymoron, and I never stopped being that about myself. About ourselves. It was far too intense, like an inferno ready to consume me whole, staring into those blazed blue and green eyes.

I gasped.

And, maintaining that POWERFUL stare only a real Twilight Warrior could ever hold or endure, the season one Stardust Balance declared with all the might and raw emotion never shielded within his British deep tone. "Wise people we should always be grateful for what we've given, and never squander our gifts from the world. Now, I was never one to fully appreciative those words of advice..." A bare, predatory grin eerily reminding me of Sombra, but far too early. "But I think it's time we finally come to understand them, don't you?"

And both he - and the young sleeping blissful dragon - vanished into the air, the whole library consumed by sudden rising flames before I could even scream my son's name.


The powerful scent of danger was enough to knock my unconscious state out, sitting upwards and covering my mouth from the black smoke reaching parted lips and nostrils. Ack! Horrible! The continuous coughing didn't help, almost teary eyes gazing around to see what was the cause for the sudden bad smoke-


Oh [BEEP] no... No...!

Fire. Fire everywhere. Cackling storming flames risen to the very top of the once proud tranquil trees. I rose to my feet by instinct, gazing around in horrified terror by the very fires surrounding me, threatening to consume all plantlife in its wake... And the very people inside the park this forest was in.

[BEEEEEEEEEEP]! This can't be happening! Not again! Not- Ack! I almost keeled over, the sensation of vomiting from all this smoke I was currently, unhealthily inhaling.

You must get out of there. Starswirl spoke up regarding my state and surroundings. Lest we be consumed by the flames ourselves. Your body is not capable of withstanding such conditions.


That was where the jet boots came into play yet again, saving my life once more like small rockets firing beneath my feet, forcing me to shielding my eyes from the massive smoke cloud spreading across the innocent yet suffering forest.

Ack! Yuck! Cough cough!

And what caught my eyes next once opening them would haunt me for a good long time. All plants, animals... People. The fires of this park so wild and rampaging, barely any trees left untouched. How long was I out?! I could have prevented this! And now, people are going to endure through the consequences of my own mistakes ONCE AGAIN! WHY?! WHY THE [BEEP] DID I CARRY ON PUTTING INNOCENT LIVES AND NATURE ITSELF AT RISK TIME AND TIME AGAIN-?!

But through much of the smoke threatening to spread throughout, a bright powerful pure yellow light caught the corner of my distraught eye, emerging from the edge of the woods to where the main park stood. And I had a good idea who may be involved in the clear magical light, and grit my teeth in preparation, speeding over towards the edge whilst careful not to .

Because I swear to God if those girls were here in some vain effort of seeking me out or help to fix my mistakes-


A rather stupor Sunset Shimmer, once the light died down, was regarding her own hands while kneeling on the grass for some irrelevant reason. The others, meanwhile, were looking at their friend in wonder, as though certainly oblivious to the massive wildfire heading their way. [BEEP]ing son of a [BEEP].

They weren't ready for something like this!

"What are you girls doing here?!" Interrupting whatever chat they were having in the midst of a [BEEP]ing inferno, their stunned and surprised looks turned next to the little man in jet boots landing perfectly right before them. Months of practice.

"Stardust!" Rarity exclaimed in relieved shock, a soft palm above her chest followed by a faint smile. "You have no idea how worried we were-"

Skip the friendship pedantic bull[BEEP]. I snapped in my full irritation and worry for these girls standing so close to such danger, pointing in emphasized fury. "There's a [BEEP]ing wildfire caused by my own making threatening to consume the entire park and all lives in it. Get out of here! RIGHT NOW!"

And pretended hearing that elegant warm voice belonging to a dear good friend after so long didn't almost have me kneel in exhausted hope.

Their gazes looked between each other, as though decidedly uncertain, before the ever stubborn show-off known as Rainbow Dash, with that familiar cocky voice making my heart do a somersault, protested all too heatedly. "Heck no we're not doing that! We gotta work together and stop this wildfire was spreading!"

"I can do it just fine!" I worked very hard to stop my voice from cracking just by talking to them again, and failing miserably. They faltered though, that was a good sign. "This is above you girls! Villains are one thing, natural disasters the other. NOW GET OUT OF HERE!"

That loud order followed by my own hacking cough, the lingering effects of the smoke still getting to me. And instead of my authoritative no-nonsense voice working, as usually it did, the stubborn hopeless teenagers glanced to each other, and back to their undeserving coughing friend in pure concern. And it burned hotter than the fires to the side warming my right cheek.

"We're not leavin' ya to do this alone, sugarcube." Applejack insisted with some conviction. What happened when they were eager to heed my advice during Rainbow Rocks, for [BEEP]'s sake...? A firm unnaturally strong orange hand fixed on my weary shoulder, forcing hazel to stare at emerald. "We're not lettin' a good friend down."


I shrugged off the hand albeit too irritably, muttering in self-disdain, "Some friend I've ever been..." Before looking to all the girls, seeing they weren't ready to just back done and leave before they got seriously hurt themselves.

Perhaps, my boy. The soothing, advising tone of my teacher and companion warmed into my annoyed and panicking mind. We should accept their help. Consider this, how would we... Or you alone, Jack, prevent such a fire singlehandedly? Portals are out of the question, mind you. Before I could even mentally retort with that in mind.

Fluttershy with considerate compassion on soft yellow features. Applejack undeterred and firm with a confident small smile. Rainbow folding arms in stubborn zeal. Pinkie grinned warmly in support and oblivious bliss. Rarity with hands on hips and looking ready for a verbal fight, sapphire eyes shining in resolved spirit. Sunset, simply smirking faintly at my state as though waiting for me to respond and having prepared already for the perfect retort.

Her cerulean eyes said it all: "You're stuck with us, warrior, whether you want to be or not." All their eyes said pretty much too.

People who cared about me. People whom I mistreated and badmouthed simply for calling me out on my own mistakes. People I claimed to have hated. Teenagers with so much ahead of them that something like this should never have come to pass.

...Teenagers, am I right?

"Rarity, how much can you outstretch your shields?" The fashion designer blinked, but I quickly added before any answer was then provided, my own hand on hip and leaving no room for further argument. "Never mind, do you think you're capable of projecting a strong enough shield to encase the entire forest?"

"Of that width darling?!" Rarity was, for the moment, justifiably incredulous, motioning flippantly to the cackling flames looming ever closer. "I've never attempted such a thing. Would it even work?"

No... Not with the limited magic she'd possess. Until Sunset piqued up next, catching on quickly, her voice causing my head to ring and heart to flinch in guilt, the bacon-haired teen placing a hand on her friend's shoulder for determined support. "How about using your magic to keep the fire from spreading at any edge of the forest where they'd try to." Sounded more like an order than request.

Taught her well there.

At Rarity's hesitation, followed by a thoughtful nod, I returned that nod too and pointed to Rainbow firmly. The blue teen immediately stood to attention. "Rainbow, move around the forest and keep any fire or smoke that Rarity can't reach from spreading." With her own playful and determined salute, the blue teen sped off in a multi-coloured blur.

"Fluttershy." Sunset's voice rang out, another pang of regret stabbing me. "We need to get all the animals trapped inside out of there. Can you do that?" The shy teen nodded back, peaceful blue eyes hardening in a manner when her Equestrian counterpart rarely got mad, immediately heading over to a nearby untouched nest and some animals digging out the woods for safety.

"Pinkie, go keep anyone close by to safety and prevent people from getting here."


"Applejack, we need your strength to kick some dirt into these flames. Got any ideas?"

The orange farm girl looked over contemplatively, and reaching a faint smirk. "You betcha apples I do!"

Sunset nodded. "Twilight- Oh, right."

'Oh, right,' what? That I was still here? True I avoided looking at the lavender teen the whole time here out of remorse and regret. I may even lose it and break apart just from the sight of her... But that wasn't the time. Innocent lives at stake, I can have an traumatic breakdown afterwards.

I looked to where Sunset was staring, expecting to see the girl in the adorkable bowtie... Not simply a perplexed Pinkie. Sunset, however, clarified why she was regarding the party planner so intently. "Weren't you two together when we split up looking for Stardust?"

...You did WHAT?!

And my heart commenced shattering once again following by Pinkie's damaging words. "Uh-huh, before you merged with that demonic version of you from another dimension she went to look for him in... There..." Horrified drained faces turning to the cackling forest itself, Sunset faster than I in looking in pure dread. "Oops..."

Only, dread was the biggest, most massive understatement of the entire cosmos from what was going on in my crushed soul right then and there, almost dropping to my knees at the weight of what was happening, and the horrors it could and WOULD mean...

One part of me - a faint, tiny part of the darkest side of my mind - considered throttling the innocent pink teen for allowing that to happen... But instead, I did something just as dumb, life-changing for the worst and potentially fatal, in spit of Sunset's shocked panicked yells of "STARDUST NO!"



The fire licked against my black long coat as I rampaged through the bushes and branches into the lost woods, the painful and agonizing memories of not too long back filling up my distraught and anguished mind yet again, eyes beginning to leak from that and the smoke threatening to take me down.

I failed Twilight once... I WON'T DO IT AGAIN!

"I'm gonna be desperate..."

Smoke was invading my lungs.

Violent coughs escaping my throat.

The threat of death demanding to consume, as I ran through the cackling burning inferno overtaking this forest. Sidestepping, jumping and slashes off dead branches with the blade on my mad dash for my friend's safety.

My vision was growing more blurry, my insides twisting and begging for sweet air and a more protective atmosphere, but nothing would deter me. For the first time in months, I've never more invigorated. More driven.

Because when it came to Twilight Sparkle, nothing else mattered but the safety she deserved to have.

Flashes of the smile, the sigh of release; the peaceful relaxing features of a young woman who had her whole life-


Almost tripping over a fallen branch, and sidestepping around a log, I continued onwards, hoping at least I was aiming in the right direction-

No, I KNEW I was going the right way! Something just told me! Remnants, perhaps, of that strong magical bond between myself and my Twilight... Or perhaps it was the guidance of the benevolent youthful spirit showing me the way.

"To the pressure, everything is just like!

An illusion; I'll be losing you!"

You'll barely last a few more minutes at this rate, Jack. We should-



I lost Twilight already! I failed one because of my ignorance and leniency! Because I wasn't strong enough, as a Twilight Warrior, when she needed me most... Another won't suffer because of it-!


"No..." My voice croaked as I keeled over in agony, clutching an unburnt hot tree stump in support from the sensations constricting my fragile heart. "Not... Now...!" My voice never sounded more damaged, eyes shut tight before forcing them open yet again, glaring heatedly through tears at the flames daring to get in my way.

I won't even bother asking how the end of my coat haven't been engulfed yet... Twilight... Twilight, I'm coming!

"To the pressure, everything is just like!

An illusion; I'll be losing you!

Before long..."

My legs wobbled insistently, threatening to fall over completely, but I kept moving anyway, the low corner of my eye catching the glowing hue of the amethyst ring. For Twilight... For the Princess... For the one I failed... For this one...

Nothing else mattered... But her... Her...!

I found the will to keep pressing, slowly forcing my way forward, and the flames retracted like an open gateway, as though recognizing my relentless stance against the harrowing firestorm. My teeth grit tight, unprotected fists clenched determinedly, the heavy pain in my chest and all throughout my body. The corners of my bleary eyes catching signs of black spots.

Not... Falling unconscious... This time... Getting real sick of it... Had to keep... Moving...

For her...

And my friends...

All my family...

...For me...

"I believe in my future, farewell to the shadow.

It was my place to live, but now I need your hand.

Lead me out with your light, I have breathed in,

The disgusting air of darkness, but I will never lose out."

Even blaming myself anymore... Meant nothing... Nothing in comparison to finding the angel and keeping her sa-

"Hold on!"

A voice that touched my sensors, leapt joy in my pained heart which I continued gripping in pure conviction, emanating just so close then, past the last few trees. With a snarl, I stormed forward through the torrent flames, feeling so close to her... So close to saving her from the ruthless all-consuming-

My millisecond of a smile died down immediately from the scene playing right before me, and my wobbling drained legs never felt so fast before, raising one arm once reaching the spot that would've become my friend's end.

Not again!

The young lavender teenager, keeping a falling log from squashing her and the scared little boy she was protecting, was unprepared by the next one following from behind her unguarded state. The child's scream died down to a shocked gasp from behind me as I grit my teeth determinedly, putting whatever strength and stamina I had even left into blocking this cackling trunk with the metallic bracelet on my right wrist, left palm pressed on the other side of the bracelet.


Her voice was like honey. Like peace and promise and hope. And that gave me all the incentive, with a mighty human roar, to push the massive trunk to the side as Twilight magically had with the one she stopped, immediately whirling around to face the messed facial expressions of relief, wonder, shock and hope. But my focus, renewed and clear once more, was mostly... Entirely on lavender angel, for the first time in so long.

I wanted to hug tightly and never let go.

I wanted to beg on my knees and cry into her skirt.

I wanted to... Wanted to...

The bright, purely happy smile I didn't deserve that followed cut off all remaining oxygen that was left, Twilight then kneeling down to the kid who, I would assume, got lost wandering in these woods with the flames, offering a positive reassuring grin.

"We'll get you out of here." Sparkling flawless eyes looked to me in a determination I had never witnessed from this version of my love. "Together."

My heart spoke in truth returned. "Always."

And Starswirl piqued up yet again. You best be swift. The fire brigade is on the move, and won't be for an estimated five more minutes. You won't survive much longer- JACK!

What- KAH!

"AH... AGH...!"

"Stardust? Stardust?!" Twilight immediately panicked against my blurring vision, my dropped state to kneeling and clutching the ruined ground in pain, the sensations of imbalance mixed with the lethal smoke finally, I presumed amidst my agonized mind, getting to me completely at last. No... Not while they... She was still...!

Soft, loving purple hands grasped my shoulders, forcing me to meet the knelt concerned gaze of a dear good friend... Despite everything I said about her... Any of the human friends... And Sunset...

"Twilight..." This was reaching the end. I could feel it, in my drained bones and weary mind... And if it was in beneficial to saving her... Starswirl... Can you... Open another portal...?

Enough time has passed, yes. I have recovered enough magic from my realm now to produce a temporary gateway outside this forest. You must act now-

Do it.

"Stay with us."

Of course-

Behind them...

"We can get out of here."

My teacher paused, as though slowly taking in that command, to my impatient irritation. The three of you can make it together-

Too late for me... I'm afraid... Couldn't move... Legs...

"Please Stardust."

"Twilight..." My hand, at least, found its way onto hers, offering the weakest reassuring grin to the watching concerned watching over her slender shoulder. The soft touch... I gave a kind squeeze, and perhaps the most sincere, compassionate statement I've made in a long time yet against that worried expression. "I wish there was another me here who would love you as I do for mine..."

The corner of my eye caught movement, the other two oblivious. My mind screamed the demand from my hesitating mentor: NOW STARSWIRL!

Twilight was halfway to supporting me upwards, the kid making his move to help - a kid that looked all too familiar, from a similar situation a very long time ago - leaving both completely unaware by the rather forceful pushes I gave towards the golden portal from behind. The teen and child consumed then by a vast bright light.

And followed with the massive fallen tree where they previous stood blowing my unprotected state away, not forgetting that smile again as the darkness within the heat consumed. And I honestly did not see how I could've gotten out of this one. Not this time...

But... Knowing them... Friendship...











Slowly, but surely, my senses returned to me as bleary blue-green eyes steadily blinked and opened to an unfamiliar room, even without using the glasses, whom, to my brief relief, were resting on the side drawer once I took a confused, tired glance. Except... Not exactly feeling tired.

Getting real sick of falling unconscious all the time. It's like some contrived plot convenience.


Actually, the further I woke up, the less... Curiously, and blinking rapidly in confused surprise, I rolled my shoulders and stretched out every available body part during my puzzled caution. Everything felt... Less sore than usual, ever since running away from home.

Felt like... The best sleep I've had in months...



My clear PJ-wearing body shot upwards like a bullet, finding little protest from my nerves save for faint remains in the legs, back and elbows. "I'm alive..." I breathed out, examining his clean-looking hands and taking a few moments of deep inhale and exhale, just to check myself.

I was still alive.



With a frustrated groan, I flopped right back down on the bed, interlocked hands on chest and regarding the white ceiling... Then the curious blue and white room around me. A bedroom, naturally, but one I've seen before... Was that an ant farm close by...?

How did I get here... I was suppose to have died in the middle of those burning flames. Nothing could have saved me this time; the girls wouldn't have been able to reach me in time-

Never underestimate the conviction good friends will go through to save another.

Starswirl... The warm amused voice of my mentor and fath... Friend sending a wave of relief and peace. Thank God, I needed the respite.

And the invisible voice sounded just as relieved. I am gratified to see your condition is improving, Jack. Your rest was long overdue, ever since you've been pushing yourself to dangerous, almost excruciating degrees in your pursuit of our foe.

Is that a note of disapproval in your voice, wise teacher?

A foolish teacher alone would express pride of the extremes you've endured yourself throughout.

I let out a breathless short chuckle, finding my own voice steady and unharmed. You'd think the smoke would have done some permanent damage, at least. And oddly enough... No burn marks, or casts, as I checked around. Well, okay, there were some bandages here and there, nothing, while peeking through the sleeveless top, which indicated burnt marks. I felt better.

No... I felt great. Invigorated even, for the first time in ages! Like I caught up on sleep long overdue, as Starswirl mentioned.

Starswirl, what the Hell happened to me?

You pursued your friend into the inferno in an attempt of rescue to absolve your guilt-

Afterwards! I should've been dead!

Once again, underestimating your friend's courage. Neither a tone of lecture or amusement. Simple fact. Once Twilight and the child were taken out of the woods - literally, I may add - the firefighters arrived to handle the rest. However, overcome with worry, your friends worked in unity and sought you out before the flames could touch your vulnerable skin at all. I believe it was Miss Shimmer and Mister Sentry who found your state first, and helped you get to safety as the brigade finished off the fires.




You were lucky, especially with that black coat which could have caught on fire at any opportunity. This world's Twilight Sparkle was especially relieved, though I could detect a pang of jealously from Miss Shimmer granting you another dosage of CPR-

Flash Sentry saved me.

With help from Celestia's old student, indeed. And it wouldn't be the first time, I might add-

Good lord...!

My face was covered by ashamed hands, exhaling loud and drawn out. Flash Sentry. Saving my life. AGAIN. I need some serious therapy after this.

It wouldn't be the first time, Jack, you were saved by an unlikely individual another near-death experience. In a matter of time, you'll be saved individually by everyone you've ever met in these worlds.

At that remark, I managed a faint smirk, at least taking in the comfort that my body felt better than usual after a clear long dosage of sleep and evident tending to my wounds. And how long was I asleep this time...?

A week at most. Starswirl was then quick to add as I shot upwards in immediate panic. Time operates differently between both worlds, my friend. Scarcely a day has passed since the Storm King's invasion.

...Right... [BEEP], as I ran a hands through my disjointed dark brown strands, I'll never understand how time works between these alternate worlds... And the girls are safe?

Safe and unharmed. The flames never touched them.

Good... One good thing came out of that day then, aside from saving another version of the girl I love.


Did you just say Sunset gave me-?

A calm door opening, followed by a pleasantly surprised gasp. "Oh you're awake." This time it wasn't Sentry, to my slight relief. I already swallowed my pride once thanking the boy. Instead, I was greeted by the sight of a young, pink woman in rather casual clothing whom was the human version of a dear good friend. "Thank goodness."

I couldn't even muster the energy to make some internal scathing remark about the facial features this time.

"We were starting to wonder if you'd ever wake up." Cadence stated with a compassionate bright smile, seeming to carry a plate in her hand... With a decent, appealing scent reaching my nostrils. "Twilight was beginning to believe you've entered a coma. I would argue, but she's always so sure these days of what she's talking about." A mild humoured expression. "In this case, I'm glad she's proven wrong."

I said nothing, finding myself incapable of anything to say at this particular moment. I mean, what COULD I even say? It was like some invisible force compelling me to keep my mouth shut and ears open. That was a first.

Setting the plate down right beside my bed, Cadence continued explaining some things casually, "You're in the spare guest room, though you're the first different guest I've had in a long while." One glance at the ant farm told of whom her regular 'guest' could be. And walking around, the window blinds opened to revealing the damp grey clouds, the young adult unfazed with next opening said window to allow the fresh air in. "There we are." Followed by a warm smile aimed my way. "I hope you like porridge. Your friends weren't really certain what you enjoyed aside from a sweet tooth."

At that, I grinned lightly, gently pulling myself out of bed, slowly, but surely, testing my body joints and bones before making any fast movements. Cadence watched, aura radiating compassion and serenity, though clearly ready to help should needed. My hazel eyes looked intently to the woman once I stood up completely, picking up my glasses and allowing a clearer vision once again.

And that was answered with a polite nod. "You're very welcome." Clearly reading the emotion in my smaller eyes, followed by Cadence's own tilt of the head. "It's almost surreal. When we brought you back here last week, you had so many bruises and injuries that obviously weren't treated proper in the past. It's amazing you can even find the energy to stand now."

Pink eyes gazed down in interest, and I followed her stare to the purple rem attached around my finger, immediately prompting my hands to clench slightly in instinctive protectiveness. Force of habit these days.

Cadence didn't seem to be offended in the least, nodding with pink eyes shining in knowing. "We could never take it off, no matter how hard we tried. Seems at though its a part of you now." That smile brightened to warm kindness. "She's very lucky."

My breathing slowed, mind impacted with more flashes of memories, but quickly subdued, turning my steady approach and gaze to the window outside, once hearing the sounds of pure laughter and chatter under the unpleasant sky.

And immediately, one thing caught my eyes first of.

The girls were wearing new clothing, how about that. Mustn't have noted as much earlier when there was a forest fire going on. But the rest of the scene playing out in the backyard of the house below warmed my heart in so many ways.

The seven girls, Spike and human Shining, in a chef's hat and apron, enjoying a pleasant barbecue together, the young man showing off his skills at the outside grill with Pinkie watching in amazement and Rainbow clearly boasting she can do better from lip movement alone. Fluttershy conversing with some small bugs by a bush, her arms and hair greeted by colourful butterflies, the dog Spike rolling around chasing after a few squirrels across the mowed grass. Rarity and Applejack having some kind of debate at the back with their own hotdogs and mustard.

Tch. More of a ketchup guy myself...

But the girl who brought both equal warmth and guilt to my beating heart, oblivious by my intent gaze above, seemed to be gazing at the clouds themselves, having their own conversation with only the sides of their beautiful faces visible from this angle. I stretched subconsciously, finding my expression lower from merely seeing them again. Two girls whose trust and friendship I've betrayed for my own selfish gain and reasoning.

Two girls who are safe and sound, conversing and sharing laughter, oblivious to the condition of the world.

Sunset was standing at a short distance before Flash, the two teenagers regarding one another intently, with some familiar glinting objects in their hands- Hey!

Did Sunset take my lightsaber?! Did I lose it upon running away from the school?! [BEEP] me, and I call others oblivious!

As the sounds of playful green and blue blades clashing commenced, set to burn than slice, others watched the sparring matches with cheers and eyes of interest. And Cadence, still beside me, pointed out all too casually. "They visit everyday, before and after school, just to check on their good friend."

My fists clenched, both of them this time, and my teeth bared in regret. Once more, causing them needless worry. And as if sensing my distress and guilt, soft yet firm pink fingers grasped my trimmed beard - did someone shave me while I slept? - and drew me to meet the tender, caring gaze of the new Principal of Crystal Prep.

"So much hatred behind those eyes." I flinched. Obviously Cadence could detect or sense emotions almost as well as her pony counterpart. But there was no judgement in her tone, only knowing concern. "And yet, love which overpowers it immensely."


With her lose brief examination done, Cadence straightened and released my jaw, smiling in bright warmth. "When Twilight told me who you were, I had some difficulty recognizing you. But now..." And moved herself towards the open doorway, leaving some invisible words hanging in the air. But not before adding casually. "I believe Miss Rarity left some new clothes for you in case you woke up without anyone there. Although I'd suggest a shower first beforehand. Second door down the right hall." And paused, Cadence then throwing a knowing, almost teasing smile over her shoulder. "Twilight and Miss Sunset lingered to watch over you every five minutes before joining the rest of your friends."

And leaving me alone to ponder all this information, gently closing the door from behind. With that, my hopeless gaze switched to everyone having the time of their lives, my smile widening with nostalgia and heart painfully yearning for want. Sunset and Flash sparring with playful, almost equally competitive smirks whilst careful not to actually hit each other.

Fluttershy observing while caring for the little critters, in her laid peaceful posture.

Applejack smirking and raising a hotdog for emphasis on cheering.

Rainbow Dash spilling condiments everywhere amongst her cheering onto others, with mighty cries and a bright open grin.

Pinkie Pie jumping and catching every flown condiment into her waiting mouth.

Rarity endearingly scowling in polite disgust at the mannerisms.

Twilight watching with curious interest and slight concern... And almost meeting my gaze whilst I quickly hid behind the wall of the window the second her head turned, obviously sensing keen affectionate eyes on her.

I sighed into the room, hand with ring on chest and allowing myself further respite. I missed all this, more than anything... I had to leave, that was a given, before Cadence alerted them. It was clear, this time, these girls couldn't be involved. They were peaceful, they were happy, and I almost brought certain doom upon their young states. Especially Twilight.

Always Twilight...


Steeling myself slightly, I looked to the hung clothes on the handle of the wardrobe prepared and waiting just for me, about to inspect them further before a familiar voice outside barked in order and piqued my brief interest.

And the sight below soon prompted my short muffled laughter.

Okay! Why not!

Sombra's human form, lecturing and instructing - though for him, the two may very well be the same - looking like an adult goth with a long leather overcoat. I mean what else, right?

Essentials weren't hard to find after getting changed; right next to where my glasses formerly were in that bedroom. The second I got dressed - often sneaking peeks to my friends in the yard having fun together - I was out of there, both relieved, in spit of the pain of guilt and disgust in my heart for being so, and curious as to why Cadence didn't inform them immediately to my awakening. Didn't spot her in the garden the whole time I was getting changed. Overall, I didn't get the chance at that rather lovely house to examine my new look.

But now, standing in front of the useless portal, edges of it attached with wires and all manners of machinery surrounding the field - all I can guess whom they belonged to - had to take a moment to admire myself.

Because, my dear Rarity, you've certainly outdone yourself this time...!

Never mind the trimmed facial hair, confirmed to my brief dejection, or the obvious slight shaving of my hair. I didn't even have the heart to complain about those particular things anymore... I WAS looking like a mess these last few months.

Black, rather cozy pants; trainers I could easily slid on and off. Sleeveless sea blue shirt with a unique fabric as it brushed against my skin with every movement. A long coat akin to leather, with patches and outlines of deep blue, the cutie mark on the left side over my heart. Except one notable difference, one that caused my left right to cover over the right finger bearing the promise ring.

Instead of a blue star in the center of my mark's heart... It was Twilight's.


It was beautiful...

Are you alright...?

...I don't know.

I don't know about anything anymore. Even my own actions confuse me these days. Promises I kept breaking. A vow to save that Demon Sunset only to desire destroying her after. I'd stay with Twilight, my family, only to leave on a whim. And despite everything, despite breaking my word time and time again, belittling my friends simply for disagreeing, throwing a tangent when things won't go my way, my acts of logic met with severe repercussions.

They STILL love me.

Sighing deeply, I lowered both arms and met the clueless gaze of my reflection, telling everything that needed to be said. And for a brief moment, I swore my reflection shifted to my old pony form, surrounded then by seven wonderful friends and a son I've called my own.

These people, Jack... Them and their pony selves, they know nothing of contempt or rejection. You chose the most beautiful of souls to be friend and allow heal your fractured soul, repair the shattered pieces of your heart from years ago. They've done so much, and in return, you've helped them. Time and time again. Look at this very world you're standing in.

Surprisingly, I found myself obeying in a heartbeat, gazing around towards the very school building itself I often regarded in disgust and despair. Strangely enough, a pang of nostalgia met me from the very sight.

By all rights, you could have chosen not to participate. You could have rejected from accompanying the Princess to this world in the first place; help secure her crown before dastardly plans are committed. You could have never returned to assist, in the Friendship Games, or even, in spite of your zealous disdain, Camp Everfree. And you know why, my student? Because you ARE selfless. Before you interject, ask yourself; was hypothetically shutting down that camp, and preventing this world's Twilight Sparkle from growing affectionate with Mister Spruce really your main drive going there? Or was it, sincerely, to keep looking after girls you've grown to care for as you have their Equestrian selves? Because you like them? You love them, even? I don't think anymore must be said, do you?


No... You're right, as always...


I allowed myself a small self-deprecatory grin. Once again, the teacher showing the student where he was wrong and where needed to be improved, all with warmth and compassion; things I've rarely displayed on this world at all.

You may deem that, my friend, but the reality is clear as crystal; you love your friends that much to make the harshest sacrifices in the name of their preservation. Their survival. Their happiness. Have you really broken any promises at all?

Any attempt of answering that was soon disrupted by a low, painful groan coming right from the steps towards the school doors, my hazel amazed eyes regarding the form of a gold Earth Pony crawling gently towards the steps, scraping himself across the stone cut path.

I was already heading over with quick speed, aiming to help this equine posthaste. Who was it this time; the Stardust that got hit in the head by a sledgehammer? No, he'd be in human form when that accident happened.

Upon further notice once getting closer, the dark blue cape was torn in places, brown mane ruffled violently and clear burnt marks over any exposed parts to the stallion's body. Immediately kneeling down, I worked to help this gold pony lay against the first step while trying my absolute best not to put pressure of any of his visible injuries. Wasn't sure about what internal wounds my obvious phantom of a past self may or may not have at this point.

But one look into the young, hazel eyes expressing hazed pain and... Relief... Told me everything I needed to know, as if meeting his stare caused a chain reaction to the link of memories in my mind.

Canterlot. The wedding. Chrysalis. Twilight.

"Thank... You..." Murmured the season two Stardust Balance, his gold and shocking soft hoof gently gripping my right wrist protected by the metallic bracelet. As if the very battle when he threw himself into harm's way just only happened.

"What are you doing...?" I was compelled to ask solemnly, keeping the dazed stallion steady in my careful grip. Hazel eyes gently gazed upwards to the darkening skies, looking so tired and... At peace. But the state!

No wonder Twilight was so afraid...

"Doing... What's right... Jack..." Those pained eyes looked back to me, flicking for a temporary second for a pure gold, the stallion clenching his teeth briefly in effort to keep speaking. "What... Are YOU doing...?"

Typical. Even when heavily injured and on the verge of sleep, I find a way still to criticize or judge. But in this instance, I wasn't prompted to react in equal scorn, instead finding my own head lower in outright regret.

This was the Stardust who sought to protect everyone. The first to make the promise of defending the lives of the innocent and those he's grown to care for. The Stardust who opened himself more; told even those he was acquainted with his worries and frustrations. The Stardust that slowly but surely grew to care for a certain lavender bookworm unicorn in a way once considered unimaginable, denying it to himself time and time again until the truth was pointed out after almost sacrificing his whole being for good, in effort to protect her...

The Stardust who stared down certain doom in the faced, and laughed while spitting into death's features. And here I was, dishonouring everything he's fought for.

"You never met Zagreus..."

"I was fortunate... In that regard..." Stardust inhaled slowly, closing eyes briefly to concentrate and cling on to the waking world. A fighter to the end. "Queen Syphilis... Was a nightmare enough..." At that, I had to crack a small wry grin, but he shared no such humour. "I wonder, if dying... Would have been... The better alternate... Than all that's happened..."

"What? No!" I exclaimed in heated shock, daring to hear such things from this point of my past. "You actively fought back against these things. Listen to yourself! You can't-!"

"So much despair... So much contempt... Regret..." He coughed shortly, gasping lightly with dazed eyes craning towards the direction of the deactivated mirror. "Was it really all worth it... In the end...?" The grip on my wrist tightened, I could feel the strength pouring through even with the bracelet protecting my skin. But I winced anyway, and this past life was far from deterred, muzzle set firm in faint determination. "One measly vow... For all this...?"

I couldn't answer that, and he knew it.

"And though I am not perfect or completely suitable to conduct such a task you bequeathed me, I vow I will try my best in protecting Twilight and my friends there, whatever the cost."

A gold hoof pat on my wrist, hazel pained eyes firm and commanding. "Go now... You have the choice... To die... Or fulfill that vow we made... So long ago..."

One more effort of a glance, made towards the shut doors of the school itself. I followed that gaze, somberly regarding the building as my former self made his point. Followed by the last words of a pony who fought tooth and nail to preserve everyone he loved succumbing to the much-deserved realm of sleep.

"Because... Some promises... Can never be broken..."

I didn't have to look back down to know he was gone, despite the lack of any sensation to sudden loss of weight in my arms and hands. Everything felt weighted on me these days, even as I tentatively stood upwards, setting my own mouth firm and looking forward to the school.

"Will never be broken..." Came a small whisper beneath my dry lips, knowing what needed to happen next, as I walked up the steps to the one place I had despised more than anywhere else.

Alright. That was a good shower.


What? Why else would you think I'd have come all the way back to this horrid school of bad memories? And here I thought only MY old school could do that!

Halfway down the empty hallway from the gym shower room, with damp brown hair brushed back, if felt like a refreshing breather, stretching my upper limbs yet again in relaxation. Good things to do after a long bout of depression and hopeless viewpoints.

A long rest.

And a nice shower... Even if there was a lack of shampoo or... Clean soap... Ugh...

"Now then." I said out-loud to myself, clasping and rubbing both dried hands together readily. "Time to get out of here." All that needed to be done now was figure out a way of returning to Equestria with the portal deactivated, for both Sombra and myself. And we still can't use any magic of yours, Starswirl?

It's far too risky to endure magical transportation from world to another from this realm, not with Balance so badly damaged. The old teacher sounded thoroughly apologetic. Any magic used to return home would have to be utilized by another source.

Figures. All for the convenience of the script, eh?! Maybe we should try the library for answers. You know, like Sunset did when trying to research answers for Equestrian magical causes in a human, public library. But then again, it wasn't entirely implausible for Sunset to have brought her own books from Equestria to this world... Which only begs the question of why she left them in here-

Oof! Bumping into someone around the corner cliche! My vision suddenly became slightly distorted from my glasses falling to the ground, and me with them. Great.

An angelic voice right before me, having experienced the same fate. "My glasses!" She cutely exclaimed. "I can't see without my glasses!"

"My glasses!" And I found myself unwittingly responding this way. "I can't be seen without my glasses!"

Oh, found them.

Placing them back, just as a knelt Twilight put hers back on... Uhhhhh... Were they bigger than usual? Twilight realized the error quickly too, hastily pulling mine off with an adorable embarrassed blush as I did the same thing, exchanging the correct ones to one another and, for a long moment, just stared at one another.

And stared.

And stared.

And stared.

And it took every. Single. Solitary. Fight of will in my body not to immediately break down then and there into the purple star skirt and beg for forgiveness, forcing myself to stand upwards and, somehow finding it in me, offered a hand for the lavender teen to grasp and be pulled upwards, and I swallowed a pang of some emotion down my throat at the soft touch.

The tight embrace from her which followed didn't help that either, myself returning the powerful hug in fond relief and affection. I needed this. Good GOD I needed this... Burying half my face in the thin, clothed shoulder.

And my heart was leaping all over the place, despite the fact this wasn't even my- Oh who cares? Any Twilight will do at this moment... I'm sure seeing my Twilight again send me to my knees.

Speaking of which. "I'm beginning to under my pony self's frustrations." I had to choke out a laugh at this Twilight's wry mumbling, as we pulled back - to my brief pang of somber disappointment - Twilight smiling in relieved warmth... Followed with a punch to my sensitive arm. Granted it wasn't as hard as it would've been from the others - even Fluttershy could pack a punch if she wanted too - but still.


Purple hands on her hips, Twilight was then, as I faintly rubbed my arm, staring while leaning forward in a eerily manner similar to the Princess, whenever I did something utterly stupid beyond words. Good times. "Are you going to disappear the second I take my eyes off you?"

Uhhhhh... "No...?"

"Good." Twilight seemed to accept that pause, straightening with closed mad eyes and a deep inhale, sighing. Oh boy, she was really upset. "Because I won't even begin to emphasize how worried we've been all this time." And once those beautiful eyes opened again, they were sparkling... In sadness and concern. Prompting my own short solemn sigh. "Why?"

"Why were you worried?" I was compelled to ask in return, folding arms with my own tender expression. "I yelled at you seven, unjustifiably so, called you things out of frustration and incredulity. I don't deserve to be near any of you again."

Twilight's frown deepened, obviously objective to that, and opened her lavender lips to voice her exact feelings-

"We finally found you!" Gah! Finding my world becoming a sudden blur as my helpless state was crushed by a warm, affectionate embrace that began twirling me around in the young girl's powerful grasp.







It took a few moments to worm out those ridiculously tight tiny pink arms, getting back my oxygen and leaning again a green locker, hand on chest and glaring behind dizzy eyes towards the wide beaming teen, completely oblivious or uncaring to my irritation. Likely, perhaps, since it's Pinkie Pie, both.

"Glad to see you're unenthusiastic as ever..." I growled while dusting off my undershirt, sending a half-heated look towards the loud giggling of Twilight, although the very sound and more positive expression from the bookworm then helped soothed my nerves. A lot.

"You've missed so much Stardust! I mean, a super duper bung of awesome world-building fun exciting amazing wonderful stuff you should have absolutely been here for! For example, did you know that Sunset now drives a car-?"

"Pinkie." I clutched my head, still gaining re-composure, but grinning myself anyway due to the infectious bubbly nature of this innocent party planner. "I'm glad things have been going well here..." Until I came along that is.

"Oh my gosh! We should totally have a party to celebrate your return! After all it was kinda hard with you in a week-long coma and Twilight and Sunset hovering over you at every possible second-"


"- And with the sky turning more and more foreboding dark everyday recently with that Sombra guy prospecting grave danger often. But I'm sure we can fill some time in for a welcome-back-to-your-friends party somehow!" Pinkie concluded with a playful wink. "I bet you my pony self's welcome-back-to-your-friends party will be just as awesome!"

A red-faced Twilight then commented with uncertainty, purple eyes darting my way nervously. "Pinkie, I'm not sure a party's the most advised idea at this time-"

Damn right it's not. "I'm sorry Pinkie." I sighed, dropping my arms to the sides, and felt genuinely remorseful for it. The following expression of the teen's didn't help. "But I'm too busy stopping a dimensional threat to these worlds... Or trying too..."

"Oh... So we can have a party after?" Before I could answer, unsure, the pink fluffy-haired young woman beamed warmly again and grasped both my shoulders, invading personal space in favour to push happiness. Like pony like human. "I know you think you don't deserve us as your friends." The tone lowered briefly to compassionate knowing, the smile lessening with blue clear eyes shining in kindness and friendship. "But we can't let one disagreement ruin what we have, right? You've stuck with us ever when you barely liked it. We'll always be friends, no matter what."

I took a moment to look at Pinkie Pie. Really look at her. Because there's another reason, aside from the bubbly persona and energetic hope this rare individual, be it homo-sapien or Equestrian, was so unique in a different way compared to our friends. Kindness. Generosity. Honesty. Laughter. Loyalty. Magic. Pinkie had them all, and used these qualities to the full effect.

Pinkie Pie was the embodiment of friendship itself, carrying all these traits each of our friends would hold into some beautiful, awe-inspiring manifestation of hope and magic for all. The warmth this girl provided in both worlds; the ability to forgive and show compassion to all, even perhaps the most darkest of beings she had the power to see the light even in the deepest shadows. The light was strong; sometimes flickering against the tides of oppression against her bonds with those closest, but never snuffing out. Pinkie was friendship in its purest form.

"How can you say that...?" I had to ask, my voice cracking slightly from the overwhelming warm and affection focused entirely on me. "When I've treated you with such disrespect and disgust... Since the very beginning...?"

"Pfft!" Pinkie replied, some spit flying to my shirt as the pink wonderful teen beamed all the more, shaking her head with a wide brightening grin. "Silly! We all have our grouchy days! You just needed some help from getting stuck in grumpy mode, that's all!" And once releasing me, offered up a certain finger in sincere warmth. "Friends forever, right?"

One encouraging, hopeful look from a smiling Twilight was all that was required for me to accept the offered token of eternal friendship. Another promise that, perhaps if I even tried otherwise, could never be broken.

I met Pinkie's... Pinky with my own, curled tight around each other. "Friends forever, Pinkie." Another great weight lifting from my heart, and the two proud warm smiles from both girls prompted my own wide grin since watching the barbecue, getting the sensation that, after a long time, everything will be just fine.

"What kind of cake do you like for a party? Party cakes are much more important to bake than your regular cake, just so you know what kind of cake the one you're making a party for-"


"Ooh! What kind of chocolate? Dark chocolate? White chocolate? Plain chocolate? Chocolate with nuts? Chocolate sauce? Chocolate with chocolate sauce? Candy chocolate? Caramel? Ice cream chocolate? Melted choco-?"

"Any... Except nuts."

"Okay, no nuts. Got it! Now let's talk about decorations. Hmm... Something tells me you're a fan of blue..."

"What could have possible given that away?"

"Well you often wear blue a lot, and you seem to really like the new look Rarity made for ya. Which, by the way, I also love. Great look Stardust!"

I shared a long look to the lavender thin bookworm beside me, whom giggled in good humour towards my expression and Pinkie's antics. The pink teen was hopping around the hallways around us as we headed back towards the entrance of the school building, working out my future 'best welcome back party ever.'

Now, I should be annoyed. My past selves were annoyed by the prospect of a party made all for me, undeservedly. I should be lecturing this bubbly young woman for daring hosting some celebration for my return considering the sorrow and pain I've caused them eight months back to now.

But I didn't. Because I wasn't. Because I absolutely missed this so. My heart was steadily growing more at ease the longer I spent in their presence... Must explain the lack of nightmares since my week-long coma.

"Although, if you love blue so much, it's a wonder why you seem to have it in for Flash Sentry- Oh look, we're here!" Pinkie finally stopped there once the glass doors leading outside were in full view, peeking through curiously. "Oh hey, the gang's all here too!"

At that, I paused, gulping a little. They're all here? Of course they are... My fists clenched, uncertain if I wanted to even take another step and face my mistakes. Again.

That was, until a certain purple hand gently pressed against my arm, prompting me to regard the reassuring smiling Twilight, those sparkling violet eyes that melted my insides everytime I looked at them, pony or human, telling me that everything will be just alright.

That's how, seconds later, I found myself walking outside alongside my two friends to greet the rest of our friends. Pinkie was the first to call out eagerly to the group waiting by the statue. "Hey guys! When'd you get here?!"

All eyes turned, for the most part intently on the young man atop the steps outside. Brilliant. My gaze distractedly looked upwards. The sky was getting much darker now, and there was a chilling breeze in the air. Another foreboding. One encouraging touch from Twilight, again, had me gently walk down the steps, taking each moment of approach.

"Told you they'd be at the school!" Rainbow, once the silence ended, exclaimed triumphantly, the clear blue teen smirking to the group with crossed ridiculously thin arms. "And you said they'd be in the park again!"

"I said it were possible for 'em to be at the park." The Western accent retorted, originating from a certain glaring farm girl. "Better than Rarity thinkin' they'd be at some high-class fashion store!"

A pleasant scoff. "Do not cast shade on me for having belief in our friend's tastes!" Rarity closed her eyes in haughty disagreement, turning her head away from the other two teenagers.

"Why would Stardust be at a clothes store?!"

"Why would Pinkie or Twilight take 'im to a clothes store?"

"To, perhaps, improve on his wardrobe, darling? Have you seen what that man was adorning the moment he returned to our lives after months of concern?"

"Hey! That coat looks pretty awesome! I'd wear it."

"It was kind of smelly, don'cha think?"

"Stardust likely hasn't bathed in days. In any case, wearing that all the time? Good grief! I was lucky to have my design for him ready."

"I dunno... Never struck me as a leather-lover."

"Maybe a hoodie would've been better. Can't go wrong with hoodies. Ask guitar boy over here."

I had to smile - grin, in fact - by the sheer playful bantering of friends I missed dearly. They're here, the human versions of them, but they'll do for now, seven wonderful girls who never once stopped believing in me, alongside the once-tyrannical Sombra, standing to the side with his faintly bemused expression. All my friends of this world, here and now.

...Oh and look, Sentry's here too.

The meaningful footsteps, however, slightly dropped my smile, finding myself walking forwards in turn to meet the determined young bacon-haired woman firmly regarding me with shining oceanic eyes, the both of us stopping halfway in the center of the entire courtyard, equal height and just... Gazing at each other, a thousand words to speak across our faces, but none of the words ever coming out.

Hm? A fist thrusted out between us, gripping the metallic hilt of a certain weapon wielded by a dark yellow hand. I looked back up to a faintly smiling Sunset Shimmer. "Hope you don't mind that I held on to this."

Somehow, I managed to return the smirk, looking down to the weapon again in ponder. Looks like another tool to be better wielded by someone more deserving and stronger in will. God, imagine Sunset Shimmer as a Jedi.

Nah, Gray Jedi would suit her far better.

...She'd make an amazing Ahsoka Tano.

Sunset's expression switched to surprised puzzlement once the weapon was gently pushed back with her fist towards herself, meeting my tiny grin and knowing expression. "Looked like you were having fun using it to spar earlier." To her credit, the former student of Celestia didn't flush in embarrassment, instead widened her eyes and quietly pocketing the hilt.

Before finally tackling me in a tight, powerful embrace. One I equally returned all too happily. Addressing past mistakes can wait a moment, though Sunset had something to say beforehand.

"You're an idiot..."

"I know..."

"A real, absurd moron..."

"I know..."

Sunset then pulled back after whispering some emotional words, looking ready to shed a tear but holding herself back from there. Good, don't think I could handle more crying from anyone at this point. The corners of my peripheral vision caught approaching movement, causing Sunset to - seemingly also reluctant - step back as another presence greeted me; the tallest of the lot and wearing his own leather.


Green and hazel eyes clashed, sizing each other up. I still say he looked way better with red; green eyes on him just looked... Wrong. And this is coming from the guy who was the very definition of 'wrong.'

One of us had to speak sometime soon, though, and it looked like the former King was waiting for me to start. So I did, regarding the attire again before smirking faintly. "Do I even need to say it?"

A glimmer of recognition, before Sombra's rather casual deep voice responded. "If it reveals a glimpse of the real Jack Wright once more."

"...And if this is the real me...?"

Sombra shook his long-black-haired head, closing eyes briefly as he responded matter-of-factly to that somber inquiry. "Then I might as well pretend that our battle within your mind all so long ago never even occurred."

"Welcome back, Stardust." Fluttershy greeted warmly then to Sunset's right, eyes shining with kindness and compassion and so many things I haven't even earned back yet, the rest of the friends gathering around with their own light smiles and grins and just so happy to see a dear lost friend once again.

Just as I missed them too, deeply. Which is why I then looked away, right back to the entrance of the school building I had hated and held nothing but disgust and incredulity for years. It's funny, what time and reflection does for one person. I may not even completely be the man, or pony, I was so long ago anymore.

That might not entirely a bad revelation, my student...

"Stardust...?" Twilight's beautiful concerned voice asked, and I huffed, bracing myself with closed eyes, and getting it out of the way.

"There are too much at stake here now. The enemy is becoming more powerful, and will not stop at nothing to have me, you and all other life extinguished for some twisted 'noble' cause. I can't stop and amend all my mistakes." That said, I looked back intensely on the others, whom neither blinked or shied away from the heated expression and fire behind my hazel eyes. More brownie points for them. I raised a fist bearing the ring in emphasis, sounding more determined for the first time in a while. "When I stop Zagreus, once and for all, then I will come back, and I will do everything in my power to make up for the brief I caused you. THAT is a promise... My friends."

The whole group regarded each other for a moment, Sombra keeping his gaze firm and curious on me, soon the girls, and Sentry, nodding to one another with their own small smiles, clearly ready once returning eyes back on their friend to offer support and that I wouldn't be doing this alone-

"That implies you will even still be alive to make such worthless amends."

Sombra and I stiffened, all eyes glaring upwards towards the figure in dark attire gazing down from us as though some unholy deity passing judgement. The bald head, the pure dark eyes, the twisted smile, the mocking and open disdain behind his deep unnatural voice, his own coat flapping in the growing winds.


A few steps back from the edge of the rooftop was what prompted me to act, firing my jet boots in an instant with hot pursuit, landing atop the school building in seconds. Twilight and the other were quick to follow, Rarity and Twilight using their separate magic to lift themselves and the others onto the roof, standing between in opposition to the monster casually leaning back against the glass dome.

My hidden blade produced and pointed at the creature's chest where a heart would be, ready to aim and end this mistake of my own unwilling creation once and for all. Zagreus showed no emotion to that other than a faint smirk.

"Go on..." He encouraged. "Finish me now and prove who the real monster is." Deliberately goading for me to commit full murder right in front of innocent eyes. My glare deepened in disdainful hate.

"I hold no illusions to what I am." Despite which, I was already, slowly, lowering the weapon, refusing to meet any looks from my friends no matter what happens here. Don't get me wrong, I still have the human urge to do some unspeakable horrors on this creature which caused me so much grief.

"Oh I know." Zagreus nodded, as if a sage, and widened his arms all too casually. "We're both 'monsters' in our own way, I could ponder. A shame though, that while you have the capacity to hate and feel rage, you never pull through to the end. How many, Jack? How many have escaped and caused more harm because of your mercy?"

"How many have become better for it?" Sombra was instantly throwing in his piece, taking one step forward with a distasteful growl reminiscent of his past days. "Between these words, Zagreus, mercy and compassion have done wonders for even the most darkest of creatures. A pity you are too blinded by your own abhorrent creation to see this fact."

"So many have become better once given another chance." This time, the strong confident voice of Celestia's previous pupil pitched in, cerulean eyes hardening with her tone of conviction. "Princess Luna, Discord, Sombra, Starlight Glimmer... Me." A determined yellow finger pointed the monster's way. "It's more than I can say for the 'mercy' you've shown to my other self, Zagreus!"

"That 'other self' whom this boy you call a friend was responsible for harming?" Zagreus merely pointed out coolly, and I flinched. "Who suffered because of his anger? His despair?"

"None of which would have happened if you hadn't filled her head with false promises." Sunset snapped right back without skipping a beat, strongly defending a friend who meant so much for her. "Instead of letting her be saved and become a better person for it back in her world... You dragged her down a far worse path! And I... I will never forgive you for the pain you've caused to my friends, over and over again!"

From the bearer of empathy herself... My heart was beating against my chest from the shock of such an admission, regarding Sunset then and there in a new light, the bacon-haired teen throwing me a brief smile before glaring heatedly to Zagreus in a manner which reminded me of... Well, I think we all know who.

"No one should have to be used as puppets, no matter what they've done." A closed-eyes Twilight spoke rather softly next... Which grew in utter conviction with a new hardship to those sparkling firm eyes regarding the creature whom used her in the past. "We won't let you bring anymore grief to anyone again!"

"You've messed with the wrong girls, pal! Oh and guys too." Rainbow raised a blue hardened fist determinedly, grinning and ready for a fight.

With my own small smile, I gestured to all my good friends and nodded at the fiend. "Even I know better than to incur their wrath." Before getting too serious again, demanding of the monster. "Starlight. Shining. Sunburst. What have you done to them?"

Zagreus scoffed, rolling black eyes if he had any irises as opposed to an unsettling black void. "It matters not. Those dragons failed to destroy you in the throne room. That fallen version of your friend proved herself utterly impotent in those woods. Even a forest fire couldn't kill you off." Zagreus then proceeded to sneer, straightening next and getting serious himself. "You are a cockroach refusing to be crushed, Jack. Even trapped here, I am sure you will continue to be a nuisance somehow once I have taken over the other world and cleansed everything of their weaknesses."

Mass genocide...

"Look around you. My influence is already spreading to this world in turn!" A pale hand raised to the darkened cloud covering the natural sun. "By the time my ambitions come here, I will be utterly unstoppable. And you boy, a cockroach to an ant."

"That will never happen!"

"We won't let you!"

Zagreus pointedly ignore the outcries of my supportive friends, pointing towards me next. I tender, bracing myself for anything. "There is a game of chance, popular in another universe. I believe you are more than familiar and fond of it." The tone was almost casual. Almost. "Yu-Gi-Oh, I believe its name is."


That was coming out of left field. "What about it?" I asked suspiciously, wondering if this Devilish creature was informing me what universe he was going to attack next after this one.

A small knowing smirk. "Let's leave your fate to chance then. A small game. A duel, if you will." What? Sombra and I shared wary glances. Zagreus motioned to himself gracefully. As graceful as this kind of creature could be. "Should you win, I shall leave this world and all its inhabitants unharmed once the cleansing of worlds commence. If I succeed, however." Zagreus raised a finger to cut off any protests, darkened eyes somehow becoming blacker, the deep tone along with it. "I will obliterate every person here before you can even blink."

I tensed with a sharp breath, both fists clenching all the more harder. A children's card game used for a life-or-death situation, just like the show itself. And what guarantee did I have that Zagreus wouldn't just leave my friends alone if I declined this sick twisted idea of a game? Wagering all lives like that?

I had no magic. I had no physical prowess. No real skill in combat with this form or any smarts to keep me alive. However, since we're dealing with a kid's care game I've been an expert at since I was seven...

...It's time to duel.

"I accept." Stepping forward with newfound conviction, even untying and throwing off the metal bracelet holding my hidden blade to the said for good measure, glaring openly at the smirking fiend.

Then another, stronger hand gripped my shoulder, a good friend standing beside me with his own stark determination. "We both accept." Of course, the only other one here would know the basics of the game since living in my head for so long.

We both knew the stakes. And we would both fight for them. Together!

"Hmm... Two against one? You are desperate to emerge victorious." Zagreus regarded both Sombra and I's opposing stances, rubbing his chin briefly before nodding. "Very well! We shall commence immediately!"

"Not sure how I feel about hanging the fate of our world around some card game..."

"Sounds kinda cool when you think about it..."

"In what way? How?"

"Go Stardust and Sombra! You guys got this!"

From the sides, far enough from the danger, the seven girls and one boy observed upon the stands. By our respective spots on the school field, Sombra and I opposing the demonic entity merely smiling like a creepy Slenderman if that dude actually had a face. Those are the features I would imagine on that suited [BEEP]tard.

Are you sure you're ready for this, Jack? This could be some ploy on our foe's behalf as the step to a larger game.

Oh I don't doubt that, Starswirl. But still, with no magic and God knows how stronger Zagreus has become, the risks would have to be taken. Sombra can't use magic here either, and the girls aren't skilled or trained enough to take this [BEEP]er on. All in all, a children's card game sounded a more beneficial alternative than raw force.

"Let's remember the stakes shall we?" Both Sombra and I exchanged flat looks once Zagreus began monologuing yet again. "If I win, everyone you love will die. If you win, I shall spare this world. No doubt you would bring more harm to yourselves anyway, given the track record..."

I flinched, about to retaliate before a firm dark grey hand stopped me, Sombra's green lit eyes affixed on the creature with a heated glare. But the message was clear, do not fall into that monster's trap, got it. I nodded, glaring as well towards the smug opponent.

The wind was getting colder...

We have every ounce of faith in you both, Jack.

Encouraged by my teacher's support, I held up my arm as the magically summoned duel disk slid right into place, courtesy of the mentor himself. Same said for Sombra, but as for Zagreus; summoning his, of course, evil-looking monstrous dueling disk by a void of imbalanced magic right above him, hovering down into his pale grip.

Also, by magic, the holo-projectors appeared right in places to the sides of the field, but my attention was then caught on the audience. More specifically, the encouraging resolved eyes of cerulean blue, and the sparkling hope of violet purple.

...'Get your game on?'

'Let's rev it up?'

'Go with the flow' or some [BEEP] catchphrase they used in Zexal? Nah, I'm going for the flawless classic, just like this duel disk.

"It's time to duel, Zagreus!" All three devices activated, the three of us drawing our five cards readily. This was it... Let's just hope the duel itself doesn't take twelve episodes.

"Oh. and before I neglect to mention." Oh what now?! Zagreus grinned at the evident annoyance, merely extending an arm in gesture. "New rules have been added to this children's game over time. For example, a two-against-one duel grants the latter an extra four-thousand life points." Yes I knew that. "In addition, the first opponent to have their turn cannot have a draw phase until their next."


"We won't need them." Hm? I glanced to Sombra, the taller male with wavy black hair looking back to me intently, sending the messages needed: 'For our friends. For Radiant. For Twilight. Hold nothing back.'

...We've delayed long enough. And collectively, we all shouted with passionate hope for victory from our confident throats.


Stardust: 4000.

Sombra: 4000.

Zagreus: 8000.

Dibs! "I'll start." A quick scan of the hand, years of experience guiding me. "I place one card face down!" A holographic version of the set card in the spell/trap zone right before me. "Then I set one monster card face down, in defense mode!" On cue, another, more horizontally-placed massive card appeared protectively before my set card then. "And I end my turn!"

"Is it me or does Stardust sound... Excited?" Can't blame me for getting giddy, playing a childhood game in a more realistic scenario from the show!

Sombra was quick make his move before the fiend could. "My turn!" Show us what you got King! "I too set one card face down! And then defensively the Flamevell Guard!" The small round fiery beast emerged from beneath the ground, shielding itself by its own demonic black sturdy arms. Defense points was two-thousand. Nice. "That's all for now."

Glancing to Sombra, I smirked despite the heat of the moment. "Of which of us is Yugi and Kaiba?"

The former tyrant snorted, but played along with his own faint grin. "I would be Kaiba, but your own ego has done wonders for you of late boy."

"Radiant's been making you soft hasn't she?"

"...Shut the [BEEP] up."

"If the two of you are finished." That deadly voice interjected, prompting our nostalgic banter to cease and glare right back at the void of black eyes of our dreaded foe, the man- Creature drawing his own card from the deck, just as dramatically as us. "It's my turn now." His own scan of the cards he held, and we watched with baited breath. No doubt super OP. "I think I'll commence with activating the field spell card, Malefic World!"

[BEEP]. Had to be the malefic deck. Both Sombra and I looked around from the change in sinister scenery, everything becoming consumed by red and black, whilst the girls gasped in surprise and regarded our surroundings as well. If he's played that, then there's nothing Zagreus is holding back.

And it showed by the wider dark grin. "Now, by sending one Red-Eyes Black Dragon from my deck to the graveyard, I may special summon its dark counterpart." A black void fogging from before our foe's side of the field, as Zagreus called out with already-triumph in that sickening voice. "Arise! Malefic Red-Eyes Black Dragon!"

Imagine Red-Eyes, but looking a million times more terrifying and deadly. The winged monstrous version to the mighty black dragon roared out with pure malice and a craving for destruction, blowing back the strands of our brown and black hair. Just like its master...

"Now Malefic, destroy Sombra's pathetic guard!" I grit my teeth, bracing myself for the after-shock by what such a scorching attack could do-

But Sombra, however, was already proving his worth and knowledge as a newcomer duelist. "I activate my face down: Curse of Anubis!" Oh nice! "This trap card negates your monster's attack and switches Malefic Red-Eyes to defense mode!"

We shared a grin, the pair of us knowing Zagreus will have to fight for this if we wanted us beaten and broken. What kind of deck did you give Sombra anyway, Starswirl?

Now, why spoil the surprise, my friend? The old spiritual sage sounded far more mischievous this time around. Suffice to say, you will enjoy the team coordination between yourselves and the souls among your decks.

Zagreus barely flinched. "Then I merely play two cards face down, and conclude my turn. Congratulations for delaying the inevitable."

"Yeah yeah yeah." Hear any monologues from a guy wielding a duel disk and we'll be here all day. "My turn! Draw!"

Stardust: 4000.

Sombra: 4000.

Zagreus: 8000.

Hmm... Okay, looks good! I threw out a spell card for perfect view. "I use Melody of Awakening Dragon!" Explaining as I proceeded with the motions. "By discarding Luster Dragon from my hand to the graveyard, I can add two powerful dragon-type monsters from my deck." And quite powerful they were, the sight of them causing my grin. Even Sombra took one glance and smirked faintly. He knows what's up. Time to end this! "I now activate Advanced Ritual Art! By sending one legendary Blue-Eyes White Dragon from my deck to the grave, I can then ritual summon the unstoppable-!"

"Does anyone here actually know what's going on?"

The girls replied. "Shh, Rainbow!"

It was irrelevant anyhow, once Zagreus put a complete halt to that ace of a plan. "I use my face down known as Dark Bribe! With it your ritual card is negated! Good try though Jack. Glad you've learnt some meaning of strategy from your old teacher and your Princess. A shame it was thus predictable."

I didn't need the mockery, growling. "Fine." Drawing another card from the effects of Dark Bribe, and then setting it down too. Work with what I've got. "Sombra you're up."

The former imposing King grunted in affirmation. "I draw." Taking this just as seriously as always. Show us what you've got old pal! "I activate the spell, Tribute to the Doomed. By discarding Red-Eyes Wyvern from my hand, I can destroy your Malefic monster before your malefic eyes, Zagreus!"

"Not if I activate my spare face down trap; Dark Illusion!" The set card hologram lifted upwards to reveal the purple contents beneath. "This grinds your effect to a halt."

Sombra was far from deterred. "Very well. In that case, I activate next the spell Future Fusion. By sending one Red-Eyes Black Dragon and a Red-Eyes Archfiend of Lightning from my deck to the grave, its next effect will occur. I conclude with another face down."

...A Red-Eyes deck, Starswirl. I see what you meant.

I thought you would appreciate the supposed yin and yang theme I was hoping for. And thus, working together...


"I draw then. And by the power of Malefic World, I can add one Malefic Blue-Eyes White Dragon from my deck to my hand." I tensed at that, and the monster noticed with a cruel glint in those void known as eyes. "Now, I revert my Red-Eyes back to attack mode, and this time, I'm leaving no mercy. Destroy that Flamevell Guard indefinitely!"

Ohhhh not this time! I smirked then, activating my own trap with the press of a button. His smile instantly vanished. "Go Fiendish Chain!" The trap card worked in all its glory, a set of tight magical chain wrapping from claws to mouth to wings all over the then-encased black winged beast, keeping him confined on Zagreus' side. "For as long as this trap card remains, your monster is incapable of attacking or switching modes. Good try though pal."

"Way to go Stardust!"

"You two have got this!"

"Show this creep what happens when he messes with our friends!"

The open support and encouragement was doing wonders for my broken self-esteem, soothing my inner soul and beginning to make me more confident to the idea that, yes, perhaps we can win this.

Zagreus clicked his diseased tongue, frowning in disapproval. "Your cheerleaders won't be celebrating for long. Your turn, boy."

What, that was it? Wuss. I drew once again, liking the odds so far. "I activate Pot of Greed! And what does it do, you might ask? It allows me to draw two more cards!"

Stardust: 4000.

Sombra: 4000.

Zagreus: 8000.

Niiiiice! "Then by using the spell card, Trade-In, I will discard my level eight Rabidragon to draw two more cards!" Very niiiiiiiice! I smirked widely against the waiting foe. "Time to fight field spells with field spells. Go, Mausoleum of White!"

A shining interior of beauty of grace surrounding our side of the field and half the stands the girls watched, all of them quickly moving to the light side and offering their supportive grins and pumped fists.

Now, back to Zagreus. "I set another monster down with another face down. That's all for now."

This was getting good. I could feel it! Sombra took his own turn next with a swift draw, clearly as into it as I. "I set one monster card down as well. That would be all." Wow. Alright then. I have trust in ya, old friend, as demonstrated from our shared glances and knowing glints behind green and blue-green eyes.

"Then I activate Graceful Charity, drawing three cards from my deck then promptly ridding of two. After which, I shall utilize the spell card: Doll Hammer. By destroying my Malefic Red-Eyes, taking down your Fiendish Chain trap with it." Both disappearing in a flash. "I can draw two more cards and switch one monster of my foe's to assault. I shall select... The Flamevell Guard. Now, my quickplay spell Psychic Cyclone activates, which-!"

Was it bad I've never heard of some of these cards...?

"- Allow me to decide if one of your face downs is a spell or trap! Guessed correctly, it is destroyed. And I choose... That one trap!" A lucky speculation on his part, Sombra's Shadow Spell rid from the field. [BEEP]. "And with that, I may draw one extra card. Finally, I shall my newest Malefic voice to his full effect by removing one Blue-Eyes from my deck to the grave.. Well, you know the rest."

That abomination of my precious main card made its due, roaring in magnificent terror and the promise of devastation, its cry louder with the strong ferocious gales causing Sombra and I to take one step back from the mighty force.

And we heard Zagreus' cry. "Malefic Blue-Eyes White Dragon, annihilate his weakling Flamevell Guard for good!"

He really has it out for that guard. Nonetheless. "No you don't!" I roared back determined, throwing out an arm. "I activate my continuous face down: Castle of Dragon Souls! By removing my Luster Dragon in the graveyard from play, I can boost Flamevell's attack by an extra seven-hundred points, reducing the damage enough!"

Still, the monster disappeared and a great massive tower with statues of the legendary beast rose from the ground with mighty tremors from behind Sombra and I, as Zagreus called out whilst we shielded our faces from the after-effects. "Why delay the inevitable? You know you're dying Jack. And you Sombra, an old relic from history! You both have nothing to lose, so why fight their battles for them!"

The chorus of gasps saved for Sunset from my left. But good try. "Because those girls - those wonderful, beautiful compassionate girls - either their pony or human counterparts, and all in Equestria deserve to be safe and happy from the likes of you, Zagreus. I'll protect them with my last breath!"

My voice wasn't the only one resonating in fierce conviction. "The same applies for my friends... And her." Sombra gestured with open disdain and unwavering resolve. "For Radiant and all who should live in peace but yourself, you abomination! I will protect them from nightmares like you forever!"

I did not bring myself to meet the gazes of the group from the side, instead hearing Zagreus scoff loudly, his mighty monstrous beast hovering menacingly above. "Naive nobility to the last. You are going to perish for it."

At that, I faintly smiled. "We wouldn't die for anything else. My move!"

Stardust: 4000.

Sombra: 1800.

Zagreus: 8000.

This was it... Time to play my hand. "I sacrifice both my face down stones to summon the the benevolent Dragon Spirit of White!" Not quite as impressive, but the pure glowing creature reflected from the surrounding of my field spell beautifully. I made the next anime motions of a duel with perfection. "And once it's summoned, I can banish one spell or trap card our opponent has for good! Goodbye Malefic World! And the Blue-Eyes that can't survive without it!"

The scenery transformed completely to pure white, the mausoleum overtaking everything around with its light, to the girl's cheers and Sombra's smirk of approval. Thanks guys. Now for my next trick!

"And since I had tribute The White Stone of Legend, I can add one Blue-Eyes of my own to my hand!" And so I did, the sight of such a card sending am excited chill up my spine, grinning wickedly. Alright then! "Now Dragon Spirit of White, attack-!"

"I cancel your next attack with the use of Necro Gardna in my graveyard, courtesy of Graceful Charity from much earlier."

"Then by using my White Stone of Ancients - also sacrificed this turn - with its ability, I can summon one Blue-Eyes White Dragon from my deck! Come forth!" And so it did. The correct version, shining above us and roaring in pure elegant destruction, blue eyes glaring down at my indifferent opponent, despite the gales of the roar whipping the blackened cloak. "That ends my turn."

"Of which, now, begins mine." Sombra began, drawing his card. "And now, the earlier play of Future Fusion comes to our aid! I too summon a mighty beast of terror and mayhem: Archfiend Black Skull Dragon!" Whoa. Now THAT was some giant mighty beast! Red, bulky, black with fire on its wings. Zagreus was in for it then! "Attack our opposition directly!" This time, our foe stood no chance, taking the brunt of the full assault, enveloped in deep smoke and dust but the former King was far from conclusive. "Now, I use Archfiend's effect to return one Red-Eyes Black Dragon from my graveyard to my dark, thus dealing an extra twenty-four hundred points of damage in your vicinity." Jesus! "Now, with a card face down, that ends my turn!"

While I was staring at the resolved, imposing arms-folded Sombra in sudden newfound respect and rather open awe, the smoke eventually cleared away to reveal a grimacing Zagreus, black deep eyes regarding his opponents balefully. Oh boy.

"I activate Pot of Greed!" Yep. "Then I use Terraforming to add one Mound of the Bound Creator to my hand!" Who the what now! "Then by removing one Rainbow Dragon from my deck-" Ah [BEEP]. "I can special summon a Malefic Rainbow Dragon!" Ah double [BEEP]! "And thus use it to destroy that Dragon Spirit of White!"

Ah triple [BEEP]! "I counter with the use of my field spell! Now by sacrificing my Blue-Eyes to the grave, I can increase Spirit's attacks by eight-hundred!"

"It's still not enough! My Malefic Rainbow overpowers your own!"

To that, I grinned coyly, revealing my next ace. "Have you forgotten my Castle?" Referring to the mighty stone tower far outmatching the school and much of the town buildings. "Removing the Blue-Eyes I just sent to the graveyard from play, an extra more seven-hundred is added to my monster. Now we match!"

And then, both were destroyed in a great light and smokes, the cries of worry from friends dissipating enough once it showed we were just fine as the smoke cleared. I smiled faintly to Zagreus... Whose own smile then vanquished my own.

"My Mound of the Bound Creator is used then, inflicting a good thousand points of damage to your life points, Jack." Ow! Ow! Ow! Okay, that unreasonably hurt, forcing me to stagger backwards a little. "Next, by activating my Different Dimension Reincarnation, I can rid my hand of one Grapha: Dragon Lord of Dark World in order to bring back my Rainbow Dragon from banishment." The kind of monster which belonged more to the likes of those girls close by, glaring upwards at the shining rainbow snake beast. "Next my Grapha's after-effect decimates the fallen King's tedious Archfiend."

Welp, these goes another ace. Even Sombra flinched. Regardless that signified the end of Zagreus' turn, allowing me to draw next. Things were... Not looking so well. I had to actively meet the supportive looks of my friends a few times to keep my mind focused and eye on the cards.

Heart of the Cards... Oh joy.

Stardust: 3000.

Sombra: 1800.

Zagreus: 2400.

"If we don't survive this... Sombra... I want you to know I'm glad to have fought alongside you, here and now."

"Hmph. If we do survive this... Jack... I will then strangle you to death from the asinine decisions you've been making since our last farewell."

"Fair enough." I drew once again, hoping something good would come out of this. I gotta believe! "Okay! Fair enough!" That loud statement brought raised brows from everyone, and I grinned down at my drawn card. Perfect! "By revealing the final Blue-Eyes I have, I can special summon one Blue-Eyes Alternative White Dragon from my hand!" The might dragon made its debut, roaring just as powerfully with the attack points equivalent to a regular certain white monster, but not strong enough to destroy Rainbow Dragon. Thank God for special effects. "I then use its ability to rid your monster!"

"Denied you fool! My active Mound of the Bound Creator negates such an effect against my stronger dragon."

"Fair enough." I was far from nervous, summoning normally this time. "Then come forth, Master with Eyes of Blue!" A sage old man appearing right beside the taller white beast, smiling kindly. "With his effect, I return one White Stone of Legend from the grave to my hand. Now, Synchro Summon!"

"Synchro what?"

"Synchro huh?"

"Synchro Pinkie!"



I smirked widely, motioning again in theatrics. "I tune my level one tuner Master with my level eight Blue-Eyes dragon, uniting their souls to summon a more victorious beast! I bright forth... Azure-Eyes Silver Dragon!"

Blah blah blah. Another giant beast of terror and magnificence. Let's just end this duel already!

"With that in defense mode, Sombra it's your turn!"

"Very well, I draw. And I activate my face down Jar of Avarice. This permits me to return to five cards from my grave to my deck and shuffle. Once done there, I draw one card. Afterwards, I play two face down cards, and use my Wyvern's effect from my deck to banish itself and summon one Red-Eyes Black Dragon in defense mode. Your move Zagreus!"

Seems he was just as impatient too, as was our monstrous foe, the creature drawing once again dramatically. "Hah! Card of Sanctity; we draw until six cards are each in our hands." Useful, so we did. "Next, Heavy Storm, which demolishes all spells and traps current on the field." [BEEP], so they went.

Except for one detail. "Thanks Zagreus; with Castle of Dragon Souls destroyed, I can special one removed Blue-Eyes White Dragon to the field!" Now it was three dragons against one foe!

He grunted disdainfully. "No matter. By utilizing Magical Stone Excavation on the field next from my hand, I can discard two for the price of reviving one Terraforming." Uh oh. "Which I shall bring to summon forth another Malefic World!" Red and black encompassing all around us once again, without any mausoleum to oppose it this time. Great. "I then summon Malefic Parellel Gear, and sacrifice one Stardust Dragon from my deck to the grave to special summon one Malefic Stardust Dragon!"

I flinched, especially by the degraded appearance of what was once a beautiful, majestic shimmering dragon opposing us with raw hatred and sinister intent. Much like its current deformed master.

"Now, my tuning my Gear with my Malefic Stardust, I can synchro summon the unstoppable Malefic Paradox Dragon!" Huger and wider than the school itself, flying above in all its yellow glorious terror. I had to swallow a gulp then, though Sombra seemed to show no reaction save for the faintest beads of sweat. "Finish the boy off! For good!"

Sombra was quick on the draw. "You may think so, but before your removed all our cards with Heavy Storm, I activated my face down Staunch Defender. And its effect still applies, your monster's attack targets my Red-Eyes instead!"

"NO!" Defense mode is meaningless with that Paradox's ability! "Sombra-!"

Even I was blown back from the force of such a close attack, my world spinning with the several cries of "SOMBRA!" From our good friends, the former King encompassed by a magnificent space-defying blast.

But if those attacks felt real-!

My fears were, briefly, then put to rest by the figure appearing from the dome of smoke, offering a thumbs up with the raised arm showing a deactivated duel disk. Which meant... A firm hand on my shoulder. "It's all on you now." Sombra whispered with conviction, walking to join the worried others in his smoking condition.

...I've lost too much to feel fear now. Grinding my teeth, I walked straight back to my side of the field, my dazed state clearing up soon enough, with a smug Zagreus regarding me alongside raising a single finger. "All alone boy. You seem to have a habit for it."

My free fist clenched shut, but I managed a small grin in turn. "Call it my lack of social skills." Before making the final draw. This was finally it. Heart of the Cards, come on.

For them.

For my friends back home.

For my family back home.

For... The one I failed to save...

Raising the hand bearing the promised ring, I drew once more, letting, for once, destiny decide my course of action. Girls leaned forward with baited breath. Flash and Sombra hardened their features in preparation. Zagreus smirked crudely. Don't fail me now...




This duel was mine.

"Life tip, Zagreus." I began all too casually, throwing one free hand out in the direction of my Azure. "Never expect to best a master at his own game... Unless you're me." My voice raised exponentially in triumph. "I activate my Azure-Eyes' special ability! In my standby phase I can summon back another Blue-Eyes from my graveyard!" And out it came, three mighty dragons opposing a larger deadlier force. "That's not all; I use Cards of Consonance to discard White Stone and draw two. With the final Blue-Eyes in my hand... I use Polymerization!"

Zagreus' eyes widened there, and I detected a snort of humoured approval from Sombra, extending my own Cheshire grin. Let's finish this.


"So what?" The monster scorned derisively at the fused three-headed beast then appearing from the bright light. "It is still five-hundred points weaker to my five-thousand point Paradox Dragon! You gambled and lost boy!"

"I haven't gambled until right now. Also, only Sombra gets to call me that, Zagreus." I answered rather smugly, pulling out one final card from my hand. The true ace and best shot to winning any duel ever.

It was, after all, designed to best the three Egyptian Gods.

"I sacrifice my Ultimate, for the true ultimate." My scream pierced the heavens of clear clouds my final monster descended from. "BLUE-EYES SHINING DRAGON!"

Zagreus' fist visibly clenched at the ultra rare silver and blue creature coming down from above, meeting the yellow Paradox in flight and bellowing the most terrifying roar even the former Dragon Lord would be truly amazed and in awe.

Swallowing a bit to get back some voice, rubbing my neck a little, I let out a little hoarsely, "Now, by using Monster Reborn, I bring back one Blue-Eyes White Dragon, then activate Burst Stream of Destruction, which annihilates all opponent's monsters on the field at the cost of unallowing one attack from my reborn dragon. I know my Shining Dragon, with five-hundred extra attack points for every dragon monster in my grave, is more than enough to dominate your Malefic Paradox, but I am often a fan of overkill. Bye bye to your beast, Zagreus!"

In a flash of light courtesy of one roaring Blue-Eyes, Paradox Dragon was encompassed and utterly decimated, leaving one, completely vulnerable Zagreus with no more cards to play... Whom was smiling... For some reason...

"Congratulations..." The black-eyed creature stated solemnly. "You put the fate of one world in winning a children's card game. And won you did."

Nope. Not having it. "Blue-Eyes-"

"But you've never once asked..."

"- Shining Dragon, attack -"

"If I was never suppose to exist..."

"- And finish Zagreus off -"

"Why did Starswirl bring you here at all?"

What... No! "- ONCE AND FOR ALL!"

Even though the cowardly [BEEP] disappeared down a summoning pool of imbalanced black magic, the explosion from the mighty blast when he once stood was strong enough to clear the entire dark clouds around the city instead... And making me temporarily blind. Should've worn sunglasses.

"That... Was...!"


Rainbow paused... And shrugged. "Eh, can't deny it: That was AWESOME!" The blue star athlete proceeding to punch the air victoriously with a wide impressed beaming face. "Best way of saving the world ever!"

"Hold yer horses there sugarcube." Applejack interjected with a bemused smile, raising hands in placate. "Haven't exactly saved everyone yet. These guy's home are still in trouble." Jabbing a thumb mine, Sombra and Sunset's direction. "Can't exactly be throwin' a party just yet."

"Ooh! We can throw another celebration party after both worlds are safe! I've got a loooooong banner to make!" Despite the heavy atmosphere, the darkened clouds returning and the strong growing gales of wind, we all had to smile at Pinkie's endearing behaviour. Always being the optimist in these kinds of dreadful situations.

All were currently outside by the front of the school. Twilight, focusing on the machinery surrounding the deactivated magic portal. For the best too, since I haven't exactly decided how to properly react around the young woman. Christ imagine if it was my version of the Goddess instead...

There's something to look forward to if I ever make it out alive...

Meanwhile, Sombra and Sunset were constantly eyeing me intently, as though expecting me to suddenly disappear in thin air. Suppose I couldn't blame them. Flash was... Flash, playing some surprising soft melody with his classic stereotypical instrument from the steps of the building. Everything almost felt normal.

Almost. Reminding me of my parts in the ends of Rainbow Rocks and Friendship Games. With the exception of Sombra being here or guitar boy behind us being ten feet close by in my vicinity.

"Why did you come back?"

Sombra grunted, replying without delay. "Because I can't leave you not to do something utterly idiotic and logic-defying for a millisecond." Even Sunset smiled lightly at the monarch's blunt reply. Ah great, two ex-villains ganging up on little ol' me. ""It's amazing I'm not kicking your ungrateful [BEEP] where you stand."

At that, I managed a small grin. "Probably because Radiant wouldn't allow it."

"You'd be surprised. If she's relatively unharmed from the current despair going in Equestria." That you caused.

I flinched. "I am grateful, you know..." Grateful for Sombra to come to my aid, even if I didn't deserve it-

"I wasn't talking about myself."

...Fair enough...

"How are we doing Twilight?" Sunset inquired over towards the brilliant genius working by the useless portal, the lavender teenager in a current lab coat and rising to stand after crouching over for a moment. Hope her feet didn't feel numb. "Any good?"

"As well as we tried yesterday." Twilight replied swiftly, looking back to the expectant group whilst tapping somethings on... A device of some sorts, I wasn't even going to question. "We could attempt enough unification of ours powers once again... But we're still precisely certain as to how they'd work, and whether or not they'd simply cause more damage to the portal..."

"Great! So they're still stuck here!" Rainbow expressed our emotional responses to this bad news perfectly. "We gotta think of something and fast!"

"Quite darling." A certain fashionista concurred with a determined elegant nod. "Who knows what untold devastation that fiend Zagreus is causing right this moment?"

Quite indeed. Sombra and I shared another glance, the taller man with a question behind intent emerald eyes. Alright then. Starswirl, is there any others means of heading back home without the usage of Balance?

Half-expecting a disappointing answer, imagine my surprising by the all too cryptic response of a spiritual unicorn: Funny you should ask, my boy... Your answer is about to come now.



A lightning arch of a vortex suddenly appearing right at the center of us all, causing Sombra and I, while shielding our arms still, to quickly stand protectively before the closest girls. I heard the humming activation of lightsabers too, as the sudden small vortex of magic, eventually died, something large from a puff of smoke falling to the ground from it.

And a more than familiar draconequus rising from the grey smoke in all his comedic glory. Eddie Murphy style.

Mushu! Awaken!

"I liiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiive!" Discord, howling at the moon, who sleeps in the middle of a summer afternoon, stretched upper bear and rooster arms in loud exclamation... To the frightened gasps and short screams of others.

Applejack managed to catch Rarity as the latter fainted from the towering thin sight.

Cracking his furry backside, the out-of-world - oh who were we kidding? He didn't fit in anywhere but his own realm and Fluttershy's college! - entity of Chaos gazed around with his tiny red-irises and a crooked grin. "My! My! The resemblance is almost uncanny! Hi Fluttershy!"

The stunned poor girl made no comment than a yelp of fear, hiding behind a protective Rainbow whom glared upwards to the unfazed smirking Discord.

Of course... Of course!

"YOU'RE our ride home." I stepped forward with folded arms, looking to the nail-polishing Discord by holding my own bemused expression. "Gotta make use of yourself somehow since the script won't let you help our friends back in Equestria."

"The magic realm is under the brink of collapse, threatening to drown the entire walls of dimensions and all who inhabit them. Finally, chaotic magic can almost adapt to any transgressions against the balance of all magic... For a time anyhow." The draconequus was barely acknowledging of my statement, inspecting his fingers before turning to fingers into chopsticks and... Proceeding to play around and terrify the poor human Fluttershy further, to his own dry amusement. "It's leaking everywhere, affecting all life..." Discord chuckled without a hint of concern, as though sincerely humoured by all this. "Quite the pickle this time, aye Starry old boy?"

Ignoring precisely what the old villain was insinuating, Sunset then placed a calm hand on my shoulder before looking towards the trickster intently. "Would you mind helping us get back then?" Us? At our surprised expressions, Sunset offered a wry smile and resolved nod. "Equestria's my home. Princess Twilight, you Stardust, Starlight, everyone back there are still my friends. If there's anything I can do to help... Then I'll do it."

I don't think-

Humour her, Jack.


"I'm coming too." Oh come on! What now! My incredulous reaction and glare ramped up to ten from the blue-haired boy getting himself involved with setting the instrument down neatly and walking over to join, looking rather sheepish by our surprised gazes. "I know I have no stake in this, but..." With a modest shrug, and offered light grin afterwards. "You guys have done so much for us. So has that other Twilight... I think it's time to repay all that."

You've gotta absolutely be [BEEP]ng-!

A tremor to the ground, almost making us stumble over, passing by only briefly. "I think we have zero time to argue or be picky." With a brief glare my way daring to argue, Sombra nodded back to the unfazed humming Discord. "Do it."

"As you wish, your ancient Majesty!" Adorning an old jester's outfit before blowing a trumpet, Discord summoned a darker, more twisted portal than the regular Balance transportation, right beside the playful draconequus. Perfect... Despite how utterly unstable it looked.

But like Sombra said, can't be picky right then!

"Stardust." A rather confident feminine angel's voice piqued up as the others were hugging and sharing support and farewells to the bacon-haired lucky teen, myself turning around to, once again, be granted a heartwarming and soul-melting embrace by the human Twilight, who somehow just knew.

Maybe she saw a kindred spirit... Considering all she went through... What that other Twilight went through... She can't even know...

"Go back to her..." The thin, innocent but amazing young woman whispered rather fiercely to my ear. And in answer, I simply tightened the embrace. To go back home...

I will do.

And as Sombra and Sunset eventually started guiding me towards the portal with Discord, all of us regarding the six smiling friends of this world with their full lives ahead of them, my gaze intent on the meaning and compassion behind those violet sparkling eyes; one absolute thing came clear to me.

I never said I wouldn't come back to Twilight Sparkle... To them all.

And so the journey continues; four hopeful resolved souls aiming to save their worlds indefinitely, for all the innocent cries of children and the balance of all live to continue thriving.

A mad creature, ruling his empire of arrogance and greed, unknowing of his inevitable destiny.

While these wandering yet determined souls sought out the means to save their land, their home, and along learning perhaps new thing among one another once never to be concerned.

To which, pursuing these souls with her legion, the fallen Equine seeks redemption for what was once lost. Willing to sacrifice the ever fountain of growth from many hearts to fulfill her lost ambitions...

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