• Published 2nd Feb 2015
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A Journey Beyond Sanity - Darkwing Dust

Somehow transported from our world to Equestria, a young man unwillingly arrives in the form of an Earth Pony. Join us as we explore Stardust Balance's adventures, aiding the Mane Six throughout the seasons, discovering friendship... And love.

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Chapter 170: Flash Magic... Yes You Heard Right

"No need to look wary." Twilight raised a bemused eyebrow. "You should really smile more often. It suits you. But we're getting off track here; my deal is this: while you're here in Ponyville, living under our roof, we both discover the magic of friendship together, never leaving the other out on what we've learnt from it. That way when you return back to where you're from, you can then make more friends back home and learn to put more trust in others."

The sinking feeling goes deeper. "Twilight... I don't know if-"

"Let me finish." She requested softly, taking notice of my growing agitated state. "It's not as difficult as it sounds, trust me. Think about it; wouldn't life be much more easier if you have more friends by your side? All you have to do is just open up more; consult and care in others, and be sure to lend a hand when available."

"Precisely, I can't do any of these things." I mumbled sourly, glancing at the side to see the glitter of stars appearing as the last layers of the sun were vanishing.

"You won't know unless you try. Having friends by your side to help you is more rewarding than being alone." Twilight spoke in clear determination, standing up beside me, providing some space before extending a hoof, a clear warm smile on her features. "What do you say, Stardust? Ready to start really making friends and learning the power that comes from it?"


"Whoa, hey! Easy there!"

The sound of an object being dropped, feet rushing over and the sensation of two hands firmly keeping my disoriented state still. Vision was too dazed, pain shot up in my right wrist and side of my body, clenching my teeth shut with a sharp hiss. Ow, okay, maybe I shouldn't have moved up so quick and moved around-

Wait... Hands.

Those were hands on my shoulders, not hoofs. I could feel the difference. Blinking quickly, I squinted without glasses at the upper limbs of the person keeping me from hurting myself any further. Black jacket, white shirt, dark blue-


The human counterpart of Flash Sentry smiled sheepishly in response, in VERY uncomfortable distance to my personal space. The natural instinct was to push the boy away from me, but one movement of my right arm incited a wince of hurt. Flash didn't seem entirely fazed by my pure shock, but obviously sensed my distraught and removed his offensive hands off me, rising to full cartoon teenage height and making me look like an ant by comparison, stepping back with a placating gesture.

"I'll take that as a good sign you're feeling alright, at least." And noted my expression and threw his hands in surrender. "Try not to move too much, okay? You were hurt pretty badly."

My first retort would be him not telling me what to do... But something stopped me. Probably the fact that half my brain was clouded in pain, and how ridiculously confused I was at the moment. What happened to me...?


Right, I was running, from a Mother of all Timberwolves. The mother[BEEP]er chased me throughout the forest, my teacher ordered me to jump over a ledge, a bright light encompassed me... So likely I wounded up in this world-

Flash cut me off. "I found you outside, lying in the middle of the street." He grinned friendly to my furrowed brow, motioning to one side of the room. "Your friend here was quick to find some help, he brought me to you." And there was Nightshade, perched with closed eyes atop a wardrobe. He was safe, at least, and that brought some comfort. "I took you home, a doctor came and bandaged your wounds. Heh, scared to think what would've caused them; your wrist looked pretty bad."

Flash's attempt of morbid humour paled to the morbid reality over where I was exactly was. Generic-looking bedroom with a blue bed, rock star posters hung everywhere on the walls, a lava lamp by the side, portraits of friends, a few instruments resting on the side...

...You did this on purpose, didn't you?

We were fortunate that it was Mr. Sentry here whom tended to your state.

That's not what I- Oh, whatever. Was too tired to even begin a rant at this moment.

"How are you feeling?" The bland teenager inquired once he seemed comfortable enough to ask.

It was a fair question, done out of genuine concern. "...I've been better." Was my low confession, thankful at least that my clothes were still on, despite the wraps around my right wrist and hips. Yep, gonna be feeling those for a while. My left hand was well enough to rub my own face in weariness.

"That's good." Huh? A familiar pair of glasses were presented for me. Ah, cheers boy. Now my vision was much better, as Flash then commented in good humour. "You always seem to be a magnet for trouble, huh?"

"Well I-" ...Wait. My eyes snapped to the boy. "You recognize me then?"

"Well the voice is a giveaway." Flash rubbed the back of his head with a knowing smile. "Not to mention everyone in Canterlot High bore witness to your little raving against Sunset and the others a while back."

"...Ah." Really, what else could I say? ...Wait, I knew exactly what to say. "Do they know I'm here...?" God forbid they do... I wasn't in need of any further complications, and if the girls weren't informed already of my departure from home...

Thankfully, Flash shook his head. "I tried calling them, but no answer. I suppose they're busy at that movie studios they've been invited to after saving Camp Everfree. I heard they get to witness the set of the upcoming Daring Do movie in production... Are you alright? Heh, you look like you've swallowed a lemon."

"I'll be fine..." I muttered through grounded teeth, forcing myself not to dwell on any of what Flash just said but the last part. "There's a Daring Do movie coming up?" Daring Do exists here? At the blink and nod, I chuckled humourlessly. "Can't wait to see that bomb. If it's not Harry Potter, an adaptation of a book is doomed to fail... Well, maybe that applies moreso to game movies..." Liked Hunger Games, while thinking about it, though only saw the first movie.

Flash pointed out then with good humour. "Maybe they'll show up in the movie after its release."

"God I hope not." I rolled my eyes. So many privileges those girls could have. "Unless they show up as extras or in the background, you're just asking for a movie to fail if you're hiring people with no real acting experience."

A long, drawing pause. "Well." Flash cleared his throat with an awkward smile. "Glad to see you're feeling well enough to use that snark again." Heh. I allowed him a smirk. "Oh, hope my practicing didn't wake you up earlier. But if you're hungry, I could get you something, if you want that is."

"I'm good thanks." Look at me, having a normal conversation with Flash Sentry, of all people. Under any other circumstances, I would've slapped myself silly... And then slapped him. Slowly rising to stand, I took vague note of the teen's hesitant motion to stop me. "I can't stick around, Flash. I have to keep moving." Wounds be damned.

Despite which, the guitar enthusiast took obvious notice of my flinch from the dull pain to his hip and daring to gently grabbed my lowered shoulders, even when I stood. "You're still recovering. It's a bad idea to move about-"

"It's a bad idea for me to stick around." Was my snappish reply, the boy faltering a little and taking one step back, dark blue shining in uncertain worry. What? Concerned for moi? I shook my head, gritting my teeth whilst attempting to adjust myself, fighting back the waves of pain begging me to sit down. "I can't dwell here, Sen- Flash... I have to continue on my way."

Otherwise this boy will be dragged down with me. And I'm not sure Twilight, Sunset or the others would appreciate that. "Even so." The boy persisted, "You shouldn't push yourself this way. Whatever it is can wait, can't it?"

Wait for these injuries to fully heal? Hell no. If I was in the human world, though, there might be a remedy for dulling the pain. "Got any painkillers?"

Flash paused, eventually lowering his hand and, clearly seeing I was taking no other answer, reluctantly nodded and stated without demanding, "Wait here." And promptly left the open room, leaving me to stand here with terribly ill patience for the moment.

I couldn't stay long. I should leave immediately, while Sentry was distracted... But I couldn't. Any methods to temporarily ridding myself of this pain would serve me with enough time to keep on moving and catch up with Zagreus. I needed the advantage... Maybe I should request a whole bottle of painkillers to take back with me to Equestria.

Only problem was the portal as the only means of returning...

Not necessarily.


I can bring you back to Equestria with the same means I utilized to bring you here for safety. My teacher responded casually. It would require a strong influence of magic from my realm to even affect you and allow you transportation. The sole price for this borrowed method of power would be-

More imbalance.

...Zagreus must be stopped, Jack, at all costs. With a note of solemn finality. And if you are still willing to see this war end by your hand alone, then the portal outside of Canterlot High must not be your only solution home.

I sighed, faintly grasping my bandaged side. Another reason for the world to be in peril by yours truly, once more... But either that, or endanger my friends personally by having Twilight potentially confine me to my room and never allow me to leave while stuck as this human form... Heh, imagine her reaction to my present state; wounded, unkempt hair, exhausted eyes. Trying to get myself killed in the name of a self-righteous crusade to keep my loved ones safe and protected.

A part of me was screaming, yearning to take advantage of my renewed closeness to the portal and back into Twilight's comforting grasp. See those breathtaking sparkling eyes and protective smile. Anything to be back, safe and sound, with the mare I... Cared for more than life itself.

I needed to leave, and quick-

"Here." Ah, he returns. With some pills in one hand and glass of water in the other. "Try not to swallow them too quickly- Never mind." Look pal, I was in a rush. Flash deadpanned at my immediate actions with the pills and water, for the first time not smiling like a stereotypical gary-stu. "I still think you should lie down and keep resting for a while yet."

"Flash, if I kept doing what other people suggested, I'd get nowhere." Was my oh-so callous retort, setting the half-empty glass down and granting him at least appreciation. "Thanks." Oh, I'm expressing gratitude for Flash Sentry. The world truly has gone to [BEEP], hasn't it?

"No prob." Even Flash must have noticed that, chuckling rather coyly. "At least you're not looking like you're gonna yell at me any second." Oh yeah, keep bringing that up, [BEEP]hole. Oblivious to my scowl - or likely pretending to be - the boy much taller than my current state inquired with a warm grin. "So now what? You gonna go back home?"

"Not likely..."

"Oh... Are you in trouble?"

"In a sense..."

"...You and Twilight fighting?"

"Not quite..." Why was I even indulging this boy to begin with? Just because he saved my life doesn't give him privy access to my lifestory?

But Flash didn't seem smart enough to know when to back off. "Well, something obviously happened. You and Sunset didn't exactly say goodbye on good terms." My expression flinched, and Flash finally noticed my discomfort, raising his hands in a placating nature. "And to find you out on the street, badly injured like that... Well, a guy can't help but worry about his friends, y'know? Even if you don't consider us friends, Stardust-"

"Don't... Call me..."

Just tell him off, Jack. Just tell this [BEEP]tard to leave you alone and allow you to leave. You have no reason to satisfy his curiosity or clear concern. None of this involves him in the least; and as much as I despised this boy for even existing to begin with, there's no reason to endanger his life too. [BEEP], I wouldn't even involve Timber Spruce about this. No one should have to suffer through this situation like I. And to indulge this kid, allow him to get potentially involved with the problem, even if he was simple-mindedly worried out of true perfection to his character?

And Goddammit boy, stop staring at me with those curious wide eyes simply looking out for my wellbeing!

The fact that I couldn't even bring myself to express indignation made it all the more worse, prompting my sigh and turn to the open window, taking note of a few kids playing by a fire hydrant outside the house. I was too tired to even be angry anymore.

"I'm not the same man I was before..." Was all I could muster, hands folded behind me with a solemn gaze to the beautiful day. A day that would be inevitably ruined. "I'm so tired now."

A gentle hand on my shoulder. "You've obviously been through some ordeal." Flash commented quietly, sounding deeply concerned. "Has something happened back in your world?"

"...Too many things." I shrugged, refusing to meet his expression. I didn't have that right. "I've been running for a long time now... Tch, sometimes I wonder if it's even worth the effort."

Why I was even confessing all this to him was a great mystery in itself. But, for some reason or another, a small voice in the back of my head, sounding suspiciously like a certain Princess, answered that I needed this.

"...Running from what?" Flash asked severely. "What could be so dangerous that it would make you flee from the sanctuary of your friends?"

Huh... You were there, Flash, even if you weren't properly acquainted with the [BEEP]tard. "It doesn't matter." I sighed again, barely taking note of my expression in the reflective window. "Nothing else matters anymore..."

The sound of shuffling feet, feeling Sentry's presence right beside me. "What do you mean?" He asked, sounding positively aghast. "What's happened to you?"

And I was THIS close to opening my mouth, and confessing to Flash Sentry, of all people, my troubles and worries and fears-

If it wasn't for the violent shaking beneath him, almost knocking us both over. And the sudden sounds of chorused screaming outside leaking through glass. My body almost hunched over and gasped at the pain the vibrations were directing to my hip.

The shaking stopped, but my legs did not, vaguely hearing Sentry's surprised call after upon my hasty retreat from the room. No, not here Zagreus!

This ends now!

Screams... Came from... Over here.

...Ah boy...

The long hurried jog all the way out on this warm sunny day, added to the still-healing wounds, had me grab my own knees and hunch over, panting. Now, I knew that if I was in my other human form, this wouldn't be an issue and my injuries would be recovering much faster. Another limitation to being pure human, I suppose.

Around me, adults and children spending time at the park fled in terror, ice cream and sports toys abandoned on the ground as families and friends ran past me, aiming for safety. That was for the best, whatever we were dealing with here shouldn't have innocent lives blocking me from stopping it.

Starswirl, imbalances?

One or two in the vicinity. But I highly recommend we take care of the present threat which emerges from these wormholes of unstable magic before they cause unprovoked harm.

"Stardust!" I had half a mind to snap at the boy for A. Following me. And B. Calling me by that name again. Flash huffed a little once he reached me, looking around the scattering citizens with apprehension, but not before presenting me with a familiar cylinder object. "You forgot to take this."

Ah! "Cheers." Just what I needed, taking the lightsaber hilt and firmly keeping it in my grasp, nodding to the boy. "Get out of here while you still can. You're in too much danger here."

"No offense, Stardust, but you're not exactly in top condition to do anything yourself." Flash countered, not unkindly. "If there's trouble here, then our best bet is to call the girls and get them to help- Look out!"


My mouth hissed at my body hitting firm ground, affecting my wrapped-up hip. [BEEP], that hurt! The teenage boy was also on the ground a few feet away, saving us from being struck by a green tentacle that just attempted to whack and fixed to the solid path itself. A green tentacle which looked suspiciously familiar, and I followed it back to its source.

Oh Hell no...!

Pure green hair for long tentacles, hoisting herself feet in the air with a sinister grin and malicious neon green eyes with red inner irises. Grey-blue body adorned with a purple skin-tight villain suit fixed with golden outlines and black-covered limbs. An equine which didn't belong here for any Goddamn reason whatsoever.

An Equestrian in the human world.

The Mane-iac chortled heartily, grinning darkly at the fleeing people it spread newfound terror towards. As we both made an effort to stand and oppose the, quite literal, comic book villain, Flash pointed out in sheer disbelief. "Who is that?! I don't think she belongs here!"

"She doesn't even exist!" I snarled, wasting no time and activating the weapon in my left hand. Let's hope it'll compensate. The Mane-iac then proceeded to chuckle darkly, repeating the notions of how she acted last time we fought... If this even was the same exact villain I confronted about three seasons ago.

"She looks like that villain from that cartoon kids watch! Power Ponies, I think!"

"I-" Time stood still, my gaze then focused on Flash for a long moment to comprehend his words. Power Ponies? Specifically called that in this world? Unless the characters in this show of his were ponies themselves, then the parallel would make no Goddamn sense-!

Mane-iac was sick of waiting for me to understand Flash's nonsensical words, lashing out again with one or two tentacles. Oh no you don't my dear! My body protested at the movement, but the painkillers were starting to kick in, allowing me to at least dodge the onslaught of green solid hair strands and retaliate with a proper swing.

The imbalance summoned her here. Starswirl provided unnecessarily, while the villain snarled and reared back in pain to one of her burnt long strands. If we don't hurry, who knows what other nefarious bring would visit this world in addition. They have no place among this realm.

The corrupted mare ripped straight from a comic book sneered evilly, proceeding to up the ante by attacking and retreating many tentacles in rapid succession, barely defending myself with the azure humming blade whizzing and reacting to the movements. She aimed for my feet, head and shoulders, looking for any vulnerable spots, clearly. It was hard enough swinging this thing with my left hand, but she wasn't making it anymore easy-

My body managed to duck completely from the tree trunk grabbed and hurtled my way. Jesus Christ! And my expression flinched once again at the backlash to my side from making that quick movement. Good, the pain was dulling, for the moment. I might have at least enough concentration to counterattack this mare and turn the fight around. Last I checked, Mane-iac relied only on her hair as a form of offence and defense. I burn away the hair strand by strand, then this battle will be a cakewalk-

Oh for [BEEP]s sake! "Are you still here?!" I roared indignantly to our sole audience, keeping a safe distance from the ongoing battle. "Get out of here already!" And promptly jumped back a little from the next tentacle hitting where I once stood.

Seriously, did that boy have any sense of self-preservation. This wasn't a show to observe for entertainment!


Not one word, Starswirl.

I was going to say nothing.

Agh! No you don't [BEEP]! Mane-iac's maniacal laughter shifted to exclaim of pain from the face I reverse-gripped my blade and swung at the strand capturing my left wrist, allowing me freedom while she reared back for momentary recovering. Oh no, not letting you get on the defensive. Whilst ignoring the slowly-numbing pain to my side, I hurried forward with blue lightsaber outstretched, intending to leap upwards and finish this quickly. The strike wouldn't kill her, God forbid, but at least incapacitate her long enough for Starswirl to send her back to the dimension she dwelled-

That was, until the tip of blade bounced off a harmless dark energy shield, prompting my eye-wide self to jump back in surprised frustration. A sphere of magic encapsulated the recovering mare, safely keeping her from my blade while I wildly looked around for the source. No way in Hell the Mane-iac can produce any source of magic outside of using her hair.

And Flash proved himself useful once again, pointing to the side in exclaimed disbelief, "Over there!" And I followed his finger towards the lake... And the equine figure walking above the surface with grace and an elegant malevolent smile.




A body encased with blackness enough to blend into the night, if it weren't for daytime. Body as tall and comparable to that of Celestia's, without the wings. The mane and tail was a whole other story, awfully long and glittering as though stars were living inside the flowing hair, a rich velvet shade with few lanes of whiteness trailing down the mane. Brilliantly blue serpentine eyes. This villain was one I had never encountered before.

But from my experience among the fanbase, a villain I identified all too well.

"I don't think she's suppose to be here either!" Flash called out with apprehension dripping in his tone.

"She's not canon." I grumbled sourly, raising my blade protectively. That's two comic book villains. Was Zagreus playing some sick prank on us or something? Did he consider this a trivial matter and left to some generic comic antagonist and a blatant, less interesting ripoff of Nightmare Moon?

There is the argument those spin-off comics in your world have always been part of the established universe, you know.

I think I would remember one of my best friends transforming into this... Rather entrancing tall unicorn. Regardless, we could argue about continuity later, for now it was a matter of dealing with not one, but two insane spin-off adversaries-

Oh come on!

Seems to be an unwilling habit, getting disarmed of my weapon for, what, the fourth time now? My lightsaber rolled harmlessly towards a safe, unwelcome distance from my position... Right near where Flash still stood for some stupid reason-

"Agh! You mother[BEEP]er-!"

To be fair, what other appropriate response and reaction was necessary for this deranged supervillain to take advantage of my vulnerable state and strike hard, one tentacle wrapping tightly around a certain wounded wrist? My teeth clenched from the reinforced agony the Mane-iac was now gleefully pressuring into my damaged arm, leaving alone time for my other hand to be ensnared with her devious grasp.

Ah great- Ow! Now she was attempting to pull me forward, causing my to forward hunch and wince from the sensation now burning in my hip. So much for painkillers! There was already the image of inevitably being swung around like a ragdoll, slamming into trees, benches, carts and whatever was in close proximity to the Mane-iac's position. Still, I made some effort to halt her cackling process, vocally struggling in turn.

From the corner of my eye, Nightmare Rarity was more than prepared to ignite her incredibly long horn with dark magic, likely set to fire my way and perhaps blast me or Flash into oblivion. Shame it'd do nothing to harm, but for him? I had to break free, and fast. Maybe I should've set the weapon to cut instead, how easier it would be to rid of these radioactive magical strands. Yep, definitely should've-



Indeed. You may have the advantage yet.

Damn right I do. As demonstrated by the villain's signature crazed laughter dying to a pause from meeting my newfound resistance, my trapped hands gripping the solid strands, pushing my boots into the ground and grinning wickedly in resolve. Yeah [BEEP]? Not being your personal playtoy today!

In return to that silent vow, my foe growled determinedly, mimicking my motion in the air by heaving back to pull too. Basically becoming a tug of war, with the magic and my resistance to such causing a standstill. Our clenched expressions matched, pony verses man in a struggle for dominance. A battle I was going to win.

Because, I'm not going to lie, losing and dying to this pony in question would be [BEEP]ing embarrassing.

Meanwhile, Nightmare Rarity smirked, taking a moment as though she was thoroughly amused by the situation, the magic still sparkling from the tip of that dangerous-looking horn. Was that her equivalent of sharp nails? I'd hate to be on the receiving end of that, physically at least. The magic I could handle.

But meeting my glance, that amusement shifted to an open disapproving scowl, as though finding me wanting. Charmed. The outrageously tall dark unicorn reared her head back to finally get it over with. Ah well, at least I could take this struggling equine down with me-

...Was that the sound of a lightsaber?

It happened all in a blur.

The moment an uppercut from a blazing sky blue blade scorched up the two tentacles pinning my arms, my open right palm was free to meet the incoming dark magic midswing, SOMEHOW aiming with precise direction in the screeching villain's path. The backlash which followed packaged itself with another shot of pain in my bandaged wrist, a roar of unadulterated outrage of pain bellowing from a cloud smoke, and forceful wind inciting us to shield our eyes and cover our faces.

Concluding with a sudden loud splash of water. Cautiously, as the winds died down and smoke and dust cleared, Flash and I lowered our arms and glanced carefully over to where the Mane-iac once stood, ripples of water from the lake behind her providing any evidence of her presence left.

...That's her taken care of. Hopefully she'll be down for the count.

Unfortunately, we weren't done just yet.

Flash had the sense to keep a firm two-handed grip on the blade, raising the weapon upwards in defense beside me as we turned, opposing the waiting unicorn standing atop the lake's surface like a Goddamn Suicune. Nightmare Rarity arched- Nah I'm calling her Narity. Narity arched an unimpressed brow, as though we weren't worth the dirt beneath us.

"Hm, he said you would put up some fight." An echoed, more elegantly volume voice resembling Rarity's resonated from the enemy, sounding far too casual for the situation.

Our eyes met, and I shuddered. Light blue serpent irises, staring into my soul and deeming me unworthy. In all honesty, any thought of attacking her had me on pause. I didn't know the full story, just assuming that Rarity of her universe was corrupted by some dark magic hence... That. But it didn't change the fact that, regardless of emerging from different dimensions, I would still be fighting a dear friend.

A very good friend... And sister.

Her expression sniffed, as though catching whiff of those thoughts and promptly scoffing, allowing the grace of a small, tolerant smile. "Indeed, even without your stronger disposition you appear quite formidable. It appears you are not a creature to be underestimated." Thank you, I guess. The unicorn then took an unexpected action, and turned away from us, calling over her equine shoulder with a casual dark air. "Until the next time we cross paths, darlings."

Walking towards the center of the clear lake before slowly disappearing into purple mist, fading away to God knows where. Quietness settled afterwards.

Was... Was that it...? Were we done, already?

...It appears so. My wise teacher responded with a note of curiosity. We should proceed to take this opportunity and close the nearby imbalances. They should be very close by.

The humming of the lightsaber died out, Flash relaxing his stance alongside me and throwing a cautious smile. "Now that was insane." 'Insane' was putting it mildly. The hilt in his palm presented between us, offering with genuine friendliness. "Hope you didn't mind me borrowing this." With a hint of good humour.

Good, because by all means, Flash did not deserve to wield such a weapon. So that contradicted the fact that my hands were then curling the boy's fingers around the metal and pushing it gently back to him, inciting his real surprise.

"The least I could do." I heard myself say, despite the parts of my mind protesting violently about this idea. "You can't rely on those girls to protect everyone forever, despite how good they are. You'll need to defend yourself at times. Just try not to burn your fingers or let any family relatives touch the blade."

Flash blinked... Then released a sincere wide grin as though I just bought him the world's sickest metal guitar, his grip around the lightsaber tightening and raising it up in promise. "I get the picture. Kind of felt cool to use in the heat of the moment, if I'm honest."

For the first time ever, I think, my mouth released the first genuine chuckle towards this teen that wasn't sarcastic or spiteful. "True, holding a lightsaber always feels epic." That said, I glanced back to the lake, and the unconscious being floating among the surface with untangled green hair everywhere. "Now help me pull that pony out of the lake."

I'll deal with the fact that I have willingly gave Flash Sentry the best weapon in the universe after the matter.

You're grasping at straws, teach. There's no way any of this was true. The Rarity of my world nor here ever turned into that Nightmare form.

Which you are aware of, my dear disbelieving pupil. But you forget, not every circumstance which occurs around your friends reaches your eyes or ears.

But that still makes no sense! If my Rarity, either of them, because that form, then you think the girls would've told me about it sometime ago! Unless, say, it has yet to happen, but that wouldn't be plausible since the comics were released, what, a couple of years before season seven even premiered.

Perhaps they've neglected to share with you these events because it's all in the past.

Oh yeah, solid excuse wise one. Look, there is absolutely NO evidence to suggest that any of the comics - And, thank God, Equestria Girls - were ever canon in the show. There's no reference to either of them the whole show thus far- Why are you laughing?

Hahahaha. Oh, foreknowledge is a wondrous element, Jack. Perhaps, one day, you will find out yourself... Very soon, potentially.

Listen, I've already come to, grudgingly, accept that this parallel world is canon to the Equestria version I'd arrived in. Now the comics too? There's likely some overall convoluted storytelling and billions of new characters in there I couldn't possibly keep up with. Hell, I haven't even learned half of Ponyville's citizen's names, and I knew for a FACT Twilight was already knowledgeable in that area.

...What was taking that portal back home so long anyway?

Some more time, please Jack. Balance is still recovering from the recent imbalances and last portal which brought you here.

"Here you are!"

Shame, I was hoping to leave before he likely returned. "Thanks." I was gratified regardless, accepting the warm hotdog and devouring it without remorse. Ketchup and nothing else, just how I liked it. Listen, it's been FAR too long without meat and while Twilight would disapprove, I'd welcome to eat anything by now without casual meals. I'm not gonna push my luck for Starswirl to serve me a five-star dining. I glanced after swallowing to the boy taking a seat beside me. "What is with your persistence to befriend me, anyway?"

Flash shrugged, taking a bite from his own hotdog with mustard and answering a moment afterwards. "A friend of Sunset's is a friend of mine." He let off a meek smile. "Call me a masochist, but I get the feeling your attitude's born out of distrust for boys in the past, am I right?" At my stare, he waved placate. "Hey, I'm not judging you for it. I've seen how relaxed you are around the girls than your own gender group, with the exception of Spike. That's just you."

"Then why-?"

"You don't have to like me, that's alright." The smile was cringe-inducingly friendly. "I know it's more about keeping our other friends happy, which really matters."

...Fair point. "Well, thanks again." I stated with much less reluctance, looking forward to the rather pleasant view of a lovely park... Aside from the signs of devastation and hurtled property parts in random places. "Saved my neck now, twice... Not to mention your actions back at that place."

"You mean Camp Ever-?"

"That place." I repeated with grounded teeth, taking a second to sigh, another bite and compose myself. "But yeah, thanks for the saves. I can... See what Sunset saw in you in the past, misguided popularity aside."

God that felt painful to say in my throat.

Flash only chuckled warmly, patting my shoulder again as though we were old chums. "I know, I know, don't push my luck." And smiled benevolently at my soft scowl. "Though you could return the favour by answering something I've always been wondering, since back at the Fall Formal?"

"Why do I hate you?"

"Ye-" That expression paused, Flash blinking for a few seconds before he inquired rather softly, "Am I really that contemptible to you?" I flinched, finding myself unable to answer scathingly, instead looking away. Yet the boy persisted yet again. "I know I can't please anyone, but I at least would like to know what I've done so I can make amends, for the sake of our friends."

The same friends who probably wanted nothing to do with me at this point?

I huffed, rolling my eyes while slouching forward, feeling a lot more tired there and then. "In fairness, I don't dislike you as much as back then. You can thank Twilight and friends for that." I allowed myself a small smirk. "In fact, I dare say my hatred has, these days, directed on a certain camp counselor moreso than you."

"That's... Nice?"

I had to snort a laugh, shaking my head. "It's a long story, Sen... Flash, and I don't want to discourage you because of it. Suffice to say, your first impression as a bland pretty boy who plays guitar with the personality of a soaked sponge has done no wonders in my eyes."

A short pause. Then a chuckle. "Pretty, huh?"

"Don't flatter yourself."

"Heheh, you're not the first one to make that comparison, Stardust."

Ignoring the address, I raised an incredulous brow at him. "Bland and soaked sponge?"

Flash shook his head. "With other words in the past, sure. But it's not news that I have some popular strak in Canterlot High. I guess naturally anyone would be protective of their girl hearing about it." Oh great, now he thinks it's out of jealously. "Though I'll take some comfort knowing your disdain has lessened somewhat. Maybe there's a chance we can be proper friends after all!"

I graced him a sly smirk. "I pick my friends very carefully, Flash." And allowed those words to sunk, before confessing with a casual air. "But after today, there may be some hope yet."

"I hope so, you did give me a dangerous weapon to use for protection. If that's not a sign of trust, I don't know what is." Wit? From you Flash? The world was full of wonders today! "So, when's this supposed transportation arriving?"

Decent question. Starswirl?

One or two hours, if we speed things up.

One or two hours trapped in this heinous world then. Great. "One or two hours, give or take."

"Huh..." A side-glance showed Flash's contemplative expression, as though making some kind of decision. Then, that finished with a wide smile bordering on hope. "In that case, you play any instruments?"

Random question, and I'm not certain I enjoyed where it was heading. Regardless, I indulged the boy. No harm in giving him casual conversation after all we've been through today. "I played the piano once or twice when I was little. The drums at one point for fun. But beyond that, none."

That smile widened to the point it was beginning to unnerve me. "One or two hours, eh? How about I show you some practice with the guitar? Could teach you a few things." But nothing on his expression stated he was seeking for something in turn other than genuine friendship.

Spend willing time with Flash, playing guitar... When God knows Zagreus is doing unspeakable things back home and the only other means back was taking forever to conjure...

"...Only if you never tell Sunset or the girls anything about these events when they come back." I added with extra stress, raising one index finger between us to emphasize the situation. "I mean it, they can't know I was here, Flash."

"Deal." The enthusiastic teenager said, knowing better than to question it, and offered a handshake... Well, at least he didn't spit in it first.

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