• Published 2nd Feb 2015
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A Journey Beyond Sanity - Darkwing Dust

Somehow transported from our world to Equestria, a young man unwillingly arrives in the form of an Earth Pony. Join us as we explore Stardust Balance's adventures, aiding the Mane Six throughout the seasons, discovering friendship... And love.

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Chapter 129: Starlight, Starbright

Ponyville itself? Probable, but then again I'm sure I'd sense something...

"Stardust, look! I just finished the Palace level!"

"That's nice Spike..."

Canterlot? No, too soon to target Celestia or Luna for him...

"I still have no idea which girl to date. If only Rarity was in this game... Stardust, who should my character be with?"

"Whoever feels best Spike..."

The Empire? What motive would Zagreus have to hide there? None, I would hope. The very thought of that freak of nature being anywhere close to Shining, Cadence or, God forbid, Flurry sent a chill down my spine.

I believe we focus intently moreso on the populated landscapes. Let's try somewhere considered insignificant.

Alright, good call.

"Maybe I should work up on Kindness next. Heh, wouldn't Fluttershy be happy? Hey Stardust-"

"Busy Spike."

Perhaps it wouldn't be harmful to take a temporary break and join him.

This is far too important to overlook, Starswirl. Sombra's been absolutely right, I can't afford wasting anymore time nor distractions. And if my friends have any problems with that... They should understand the significance of this threat regardless.

Their needs have to wait.

Now, what about the Everfree Forest? Specifically, that ruined castle. Seems the perfect hideout for a creature wanting to grow stronger without being discovered.

Too obvious. Zagreus wouldn't dare be anywhere near the town housing his worst enemy; the only one whom can fight back his powers and crush him like the worm he is.

Cross that one off then...

"Do you think I should explore the Mementos the next day-?"


"Oh... Sorry."

God dammit. Putting the quill down, I craned my neck to gaze at the sheepish dragon by the couch, sighing. "Sorry Spike, but I can't be distracted right now by anything. I need to concentrate." On what? Well wasn't it obvious? Tracking down Zagreus of course! First of all by listing down any potential spots that monster would be hiding and building up his power in.

"No kidding." Spike commented in faint amusement, smiling crookedly my way whilst the background music blaring from the TV screen played lowly. I asked him to lower the volume before playing. "You've been at your desk all day! Think Twilight's starting to rub off on you?"

Implying that hasn't happened already?

"How about you take a break and watch me? I've already made great progress on Persona, if I do say so myself."

"No rest for the wicked Spike." I quipped, resuming to face my work. "This can't wait, not this time." By all accounts, Zagreus needed to be stopped. Not even the allure of the fifth Persona game I had recently downloaded distracted me now, regardless how addictive it was. Never really played any Persona game beforehand, but I was now seeing the appeal behind them.

But, as said, that can wait. Tracking down Zagreus, however, can't wait.

"If you say so..." A slight tinge of disappointment, followed by a hopeful continuation. "Hey, Twilight and Starlight's going to hang out with Applejack and Rainbow Dash today, and Fluttershy's asked me to help out with making cupcakes for her animal friends later. Wanna join us?"

"Busy, Spike."

Griffonstone? Potentially. Appleloosa? He wouldn't try the same place again, I imagine. Then again, we don't really know how that monster's mind operates. Las Pegasus? That'd be easy for hiding in crowds, though a pony wearing a hood with deformed features would stand out among the bustling cheerful equines of many colours and life. Rainbow Falls? Maybe, would seem peaceful enough for him to make a move...

"Oh... Will you think about it?"

Sighing again, growing annoyed by the tedious interruptions, I replied in exasperated flatness, "We'll see, Spike."

Okay, I've narrowed down the search list to all potential locations he could be resting at, many which I have never personally visited. But that won't stop us. The three of us - Starswirl, Sombra and I - were working around the clock with tracking down Zagreus. My mentor is searching the globe's energy for any signs of unnatural imbalance, even a faint trace. Sombra was using my shadow to scout out as far as his reach can get, reporting back every hour or so.

As for myself, I worked on contacting everyone I ever got acquainted with regarding spotting any suspicious individuals in a dark cloak. Daring Do, the Dragon Lands, Appleloosa, Canterlot, Crystal Empire, Trottop, everywhere I could think of. Hell, I even low key took a look in the Diamond Dogs' lair for any signs of Zagreus's handiwork.

So far? Nothing.

But I was far from quitting.

"Hey Stardust!"

"Hi Stardust!"

"Lyra, Bon..."

My destination was to the Mayor's office. I needed all the help possible, and Mayor Mare arguably had more power in these matters than Twilight. I just needed the town official to contact all reliable places, other cities and towns, to help extend my search. After everything I've done for Ponyville, the Mayor should feel compelled to help me; almost harming the citizens when under the control of an influential tyrant notwithstanding. If not, I can always plant the suggesting with my little Balance tricks of mine.

It never pays well to use your own magic on the unsuspecting.

In these circumstances, morality and free will can kiss my [BEEP], old man. Have you found anything?

"Good afternoon Stardust! Charming day isn't it?"

"Want some lemon muffins?"

"Hello Doctor, Derpy..."

You should really acknowledge your friends. We wouldn't desire misunderstandings between yourself and those dear to you.

Clearly they could tell I was preoccupied with my thoughts by expression and meaningful walking alone. Again, did you find anything Starswirl?

The aged unicorn sighed, almost remorsefully. Regrettably, Zagreus appears to be one step ahead of us. He must have anticipated our tactics here; I, at present, cannot detect even the slightest growth of imbalance from a singular location. The current imbalance across Equestria are unnatural and untampered with, that is all I can sense from my own search.

I see... Thanks anyway, Starswirl. I appreciate the help.

Of course my friend. You know how I desire to keep the worlds safe from Zagreus's venomous grasp. The sooner we clean up my error in judgement, the better.

Blaming yourself again, Starswirl? Don't, we both know the real culprit here.

If I had anticipated his intentions sooner-

If I hadn't been so reckless in my interventions, so sure of myself and willing to throw myself into other people's problems simply for the sake of feeling better about myself, none of this probably would've happened. You wanted to help me become a better person, Starswirl, it was my choice to interfere and meddle with the lives of these inhabitants, for better or worse.

No, it's my fault Zagreus was around, and I was going to clean up this mistake as quickly as possible. That's why I can't afford playing with the others today, or most likely for the whole week, potentially a month, in my efforts for searching Zagreus. I know you'd advise me to be patient, Starswirl, but I can't rest at night knowing he's still out there, somewhere. Plotting, devising sinister methods in harming me and my friends.

"Hi Stardust!"


And if they do get hurt, it'll be because of my reckless adventures... I can't- I WON'T allow that to pass.

...Then I suppose we shall wait for Sombra to return from patrol before discussing our next move.

Correct. In the meantime, there was Town Hall. And after my visit there, I'll go see a certain zebra next for assistance. Zecora's insight wasn't something to dismiss; maybe she'll know something even the great Starswirl the Bearded wouldn't.

My teacher chuckled. We all remain students to new things throughout life, my friend.

"Stardust? Always a pleasure seeing you again."

"Hey Octavia..."

Again, you shouldn't blatantly ignore the greetings of your friends like that. I understand your impatience, but you needn't cause strife amongst yourself and the ones you brush past. After we discuss our next move, I recommend you take a moment to see your friends.

I'll consider it.

Turns out, my friends could wait. Courtesy of Starswirl, our next move was inspecting the magically projected map of the entire land. Jesus, Equestria looks like a way smaller world with all the visible landmarks clearly standing out over the large map. Once again, this time with the map's help, we were pinpointing possible locations Zagreus could be concealing himself at.


Even despite the crowded populace, his appearance would make him unsettling enough to stand out.

Yakyakistan, perhaps. Concerning the incident regarding the buffalo, overtaking another species with muscles for brains shouldn't be dismissed.

Zagreus would have to generate more imbalanced energy to influence an entire kingdom, Prince Rutherford and his subjects are a greater number than the buffalo tribe. The former being controlled would be noticed by us. Not to mention, Balance has settled among the Yaks since the dragon incident.

Then what else... Damn, some of these places I don't know of or ever been to. This could take forever! Zagreus could be hiding close by and we're not able to sense him.

I would have detected the foul stench of that abomination during my search around the town. Hmm, what about that narrow dangerous valley where the self-conceited pegasus hosted a race for those animals at a previous time?

You refer to Ghastly Gorge? Considering the malicious eels which lurks within the Gorge's walls, not to mention the deadly terrain all around, hiding there would prove foolhardy for our enemy. But it shouldn't be overlooked among our investigations. We should take a look when we have the time.

That time being now. Ghastly Gorge was the closest to all these potential locations, hence we can start by looking there first thing. Rubbing my bearded chin, a tired sigh escaped my muzzle. God I didn't get enough sleep, Zagreus has been haunting my mind and soul ever since our confrontation at Appleloosa.

A recommendation, you should rest for a short period until you're mentally prepared once we arrive at the Gorge. The eels, unfortunately, wouldn't have any difficulty against an exhausted pony, a user of Balance or not. Meditation is the presentable option; your heart needs to be kept balanced enough to combat Zagreus once again.

Alright then, good call. Stretching somewhat, Balance quickly alerted me to signatures, before the conversing voices, of certain equines entering the throne room, first being a blue pegasus, pink eyes blinking in satisfaction.

"See, told you he was here."

"We never doubted you Rainbow." Twilight replied humouredly, herself, Applejack and Starlight following after Rainbow. The alicorn paused upon the display on the table between the thrones. "Huh? The map? Is there another friendship problem already? Ooh, wonder who'll be dispatched where this time! Rarity and Pinkie've still yet to return from Manehatten, but if it isn't asking for them, it shouldn't be an issue."

The enthusiasm of the studious mare prompted my small smile. Friendship was valuable to her as coke was to me. Though neither compared to how much she mattered to me, and vice versa. Resting my cheek on my hoof, leaning against one arm of my seat, I said in faint casualness, "I activated the map, Twilight. Just needed to check something."

Twilight visibly deflated, being comforted then by an amused Starlight. "Oh." Sorry love.

Applejack smirked, saying reassuringly, "Don't worry Twilight, I'm sure you'll be gettin' a friendship problem in no time." Sure, just give it another twenty episodes or so. The map barely does much this season to begin with.

"And we'll solve it in no time flat when it does!" Rainbow stated confidently, a smug grin plastered on that blue muzzle, before turning to me. "Need any help?"

Not this time. "No thanks Rainbow, this is something I need to handle on my own."

"Oh... Definitely need our help then." What? The pegasus rolled her eyes jokingly. "Come on Star, I know that look on your face. There's trouble, and you want to handle it on your own for the gajillion time. Am I right?" Welp, caught me red-handed. "Thought so. So, what's buggin' ya? Something to do with that 'Zagreus' guy you've been fighting?"

She is astonishingly perceptive.

Surprisingly- Oh, you were being sarcastic.

Twilight, clearly interested, walked forward to take her seat, examining the map closely. "Let me guess, you're searching for locations he could be hiding at, right?" I nodded, focusing intently on the projection before us as well. "In that case, we should look for the most likely areas someone who obviously wants to go into hiding arould be. That narrows down the list to less numerous locations outside the populated towns and cities. If we-"

"I've already narrowed them down, thanks love."

"Oh... I see." Twilight sounded disappointed further, frowning. "That'd make things easier for us to track down Zagreus and apprehend him-"

"I'll handle that. First thing tomorrow I'll be heading out to investigate the first spot."

"Don't you mean we'll head to investigate?" Applejack chimed in firmly, looking both annoyed and humourous at my clear insistence. "Or are ya convinced this is your problem and yours alone, sugarcube?"

Cyan eyes stared back at the green orbs glaring in challenge. "Can't argue with facts, Applejack." Before she could retort, I interjected with more force to my voice, "I'm not taking any chance this time, girls. This is my mistake and mine alone, and I'll be damned before I let any of you get hurt because of this."

I still had terrible flashbacks to many of my friends becoming endangered because of me. Twilight, Spike and Starlight in that imbalanced dimension, Strongheart abducted and all-out war because of it. Human Twilight, backhanded by a possessed Shining Armor...

"Can't argue with facts? Well here's some factual information not up for discussion then; your friends are helping you out anyway." Twilight wasn't in any mood for games either, giving me the same stern look. "I know all about what occurred in Sunset's world, our friends were kind enough to tell me after your hasty departure. And if you think I'm- We're just gonna sit back and let you fight this danger by yourself again, then you're sorely mistaken Jack. This time there's no Crystalling to keep us preoccupied." Emphasized from the bright sensation of resolve radiating across our bond, present as day. Those enchanting purple orbs were crystal clear, saying they were going to help, whether I liked it or not.

Probably should've kept my mouth shut about my investigations.

And Twilight wasn't the only one fueled by determination. "Hear hear." Applejack nodded, smiling toothily. "Yer stuck with our help 'till the very end Star." Starlight, observing the proceedings between the throne occupants, smiled wryly, continuing to look unsure about fitting in with the group.

That's alright Starlight. The fanbase isn't too sure about where you belong either.

"Look, girls, I appreciate that you all care so much, I do." But I couldn't afford their lives being at risk. Not now, not ever, Not while I can help it. "This isn't anything like we've faced before."

"Uh-huh, and that's gonna stop us how, exactly? We've fought new threats all the time! What's so different about this one? I say bring it."

Ugh, seriously. Annoyed eyes switched to a smug Rainbow. "Zagreus is nothing like the former villains we've face before. He's an entire league of his own, something that was never meant to exist before in the first place."

She snorted, too arrogant to see the bigger picture, lounging back against her throne comfortably. "So what? Just because he's an accident doesn't mean we stand no chance against him. You said it yourself, he's weak right now, yeah? If we act now, we can find him and capture him before it's too late, and you can stop being a stubborn worrywart."

Having little patience for arrogance, Rainbow tested my patience far too quickly. "God dammit Rainbow, this is different!" One hoof slammed on the armchair, my frustration palpable. Starlight leaned back at the display, and Rainbow raised both brows at my clear irritation, baring my teeth. "Zagreus doesn't follow the rules; he's not bound by the cartoon logic of this world. He's not a conqueror nor seeks to simply cause trouble. He's not afraid to kill!"

Rainbow shuddered, but Twilight intervened, "Jack, calm down. Rainbow just wants to help. We all do."

"Yeah, and that right there's the problem." Leaping off my throne, I glared around at the others. Not in scorn, but sternness. "You're my best friends, and that's exactly what motivates me to say this; stay out of this. Zagreus isn't a friendship issue, but a Balance one. I have to clean up my mistake, alone." My gaze then turned to the doorway, voice betraying how exhausted I was while softening in remorse, "I can't risk endangering you all any further... I'm not Celestia."

"Jack, wait!" No Twilight, this wasn't up for discussion. But my insistent girlfriend called out regardless in hopes I'll hear her plea. "Let us help you! We... I don't want you to get seriously hurt again!"

"You can't fight all yer battles alone Star!" Applejack added firmly. "Zagreus bein' a thing ain't your fault!"

Oh but it is. And the last thing I heard before leaving the room was Rainbow's mutter of "Sheesh, and you guys call me self-conceited..."

Been a while since I've last visited my favourite hill. This perched spot of mine overlooking the far off peaceful lands of Equestria should basically be described as the place I go to whenever something's happened between myself and the mares. In this case, it was simply unavoidable. But still, it was always worth the heated debates, at least, to admire the beautiful landscape of my new homeworld. The gentle breeze brushed against the grass and trees, the sun starting to descend for its own rest beneath night.

Which reminds me, after my investigation tomorrow, I should contact Sunset, see how they're doing... Oh God. What if he's-?

Do not worry. Zagreus wouldn't be strong enough to risk interdimensional travel without a self-sustaining portal to take him there. Miss Shimmer and the girls should be out of harm's way for now.

'Should be?' Is it not your purpose to see all, of great one?

Contrary to popular belief, I am far from omniscient. My perspective of the world ranges only so far, I cannot extend my senses to all places at once. Starswirl paused briefly, adding in kindly. But if you'd like, I could take a moment of absence to check how that world and your friends there are getting along.

I'd appreciate that, thanks Starswirl.

Of course. And while I check on them, you should consider a moment in indulging your pony friend's worries. They're evidently afraid for your well-being, and seek to help however possible. I ask you at least consider letting them in.

...No promises.

My teacher replied in warm mirth, Ah well, it's better than nothing. I shall return shortly.

Alright... Ay.

Sighing, I started rubbing my own forehead tiredly. It wasn't my wish to intentionally start fights with the others regarding this serious matter, but they're too stubborn to see this was beyond their league. Twilight especially, she wants to help her boyfriend despite the new risk he's be putting her through if he agreed... Which I don't. And that mare calls me recklessly infuriating...

Sounds as though you're rubbing off on her. All of Equestria is doomed by the eventual rule of two hotheaded ponies.

Not now Sombra, please...

Tch, someone has to crack humour while you're wallowing in your mistakes. Sombra scoffed, that criticizing tone clear as ever. Hate to admit it, but I share the old unicorn's opinion on this matter. You need help against that monster, and your friends are offering their services. It's foolhardy to insist declining their admittedly somewhat competent uses.

At what cost? Their potential deaths? Not happening. I already called it close back in that void, and with Crystal Prep when human Twilight was...

Anyway, I've been trained enough to fight this right? Surely I'm strong enough now to handle things on my own. I'm not like the others - no offense to them - I wasn't bound by relying on the ties between friendship to win the day. Zagreus was something the likes of Tirek and Chrysalis would never become. We're talking about a villain unchained by simple-minded conquest. Whatever Zagreus wanted would endanger countless lives.

And with that, I needed to train, then find the [BEEP]tard and defeat him as quickly as possible. If not... Well, I'd have eternity in Hell to be chastised for trying to stop him alone.

"So this is the famous 'Star Hill' she mentioned." 'She' being Twilight, I presumed. The sound of soft hoofsteps, rustling against the soft grass moved closer, a shy yet curious voice, hiding the firm resolve in her heart, addressed me from behind. "I'm sorry if I'm disturbing you, but I was hoping we could talk."

I could imagine what. Regardless, my tired tone replied, "Sure." And from the corner of my vision, Starlight took a seat beside, looking out to the distance in smiling awe.

"No wonder you come here often, this looks very peaceful."

I nodded, glancing to the pink unicorn. "But that's not why you're here."

Starlight's expression shifted. "Straight to the point? I can appreciate that." The new student of Twilight looked nervous yet amused, taking a moment to inhale deeply and continue, "I... Understand what you're going through."

Oh? "Do you?"

"Believe it or not." Starlight grinned wryly, nodding while regarding the sunset. Her voice spoke in solemn nostalgia. "Insistent on getting things done alone, wanting less complications in the way. But in your case, it's about protecting your friends, isn't it?"

"Ten points for observation. You're excelling as Twilight's pupil already."

The tall mare shook her head, purple and blue mane wavering in the quiet wind. "I know it sounds hypocritical, but ever since you guys took me in I've started to learn new things about myself. Maybe, in spite of everything I've done, I kept to myself because I didn't want others to get hurt like I did, long ago... You're right Stardust, Zagreus must be stopped." Light purple eyes gazed at me, burning in question. "But he can't be stopped alone, we both know that. And you can't consider yourself solely responsible for his existence to begin with."

"But I can, Starlight." I reminded her softly, drained of any energy to argue back heatedly. "Zagreus started being ever since I met Twilight and the rest."

"Even so, you're not the only one who brought him this world." Starlight replied sadly, staring at the patch between us, her heart jumbled in emotions. "I was essentially the catalyst to releasing that monster on the world." But that resolve stayed firm, eyes staring back at me in newfound certainty. "One thing Twilight and the others have taught me about friendship; you should never, ever fight these things alone. The weight of responsibility should be shared by those who are equally at fault."

Honestly didn't expect to be getting pointers so soon by Starlight, of all ponies. The unicorn, like Sunset, was acting like another Twilight in spirit, but with a personality and past experience which defines her entirely. I couldn't help but listen to what the mare had to say; evidently, Starlight prepared beforehand what to say before reaching me here; I should oblige to her request for my ears.

"If there's one thing we have in common, Stardust, we're both shaped by our past mistakes." Starlight smiled wanly. "I don't know too much about you, but I can see it, in your eyes. So much bitter regrets. I don't need your special magic to know your feelings, everytime I look at you... I see me. I refuse to go back to my past life, and I can't abandon a friend in need. That's why Twilight, Spike and everyone wants to help you. We want you to have faith in us."

"It's not about faith, my dear. It's about-"

"- Not risking the lives of everyone you love?" She interjected knowingly, a sly smirk on her small muzzle. "Noble, but I know our friends long enough to deduce they'll help you no matter the cost. Why delay the inevitable?"

That is a point.


"Heheheheh, Twilight's student all right." Beginning to stand, I smiled back at Starlight, nodding in approval. "Alright, I'll go speak with Twilight, since clearly I can't just ignore their offers for help without slowly explaining why them helping would only worsen things."

"With Twilight equally lecturing as to why their help would benefit you instead, and refuse to take no for an answer."

Huh. Got me there. "Sounds like Twilight. Won't stop helping those close to her until the very end."

Starlight smiled warmly, standing alongside me and turning to walk back down the way she came. "From everything she's told me, sounds like you two have a lot in common. You should've seen her after your abrupt departure; she looked annoyed, concerned and infuriated at the same time. I take it you getting these reactions out of Twilight's a regular occurrence."

"Hey, it's not intentional... Most of the time." We both chuckled, the previous mood settling down into reassurance. "But thanks, Starlight, for the encouragement. You're right, I shouldn't quickly dismiss my friends. I think the problem is, I care too much."

The look wasn't of sympathy, but understanding. "You make it sound like a bad thing."

Well, sometimes it was.

Yet sometimes, it helps.

Back already Starswirl? How's Sunset and the rest?

I'm pleased to see you've take my advice after my brief departure. Miss Shimmer and her friends are safe, and the Twilight Sparkle of that parallel world is adjusting to her new life alongside her friends in Canterlot High just fine. Zagreus seems to be nowhere in sight of the girls.

I released a breath I didn't know I was holding, prompting Starlight's curious glance. Thanks Starswirl, that means a lot to me. Now, time to deal with a no-doubt-exasperated Twilight of my own.

Twilight was tracked back to the library, surprise surprise. In other news, The Force Awakens was a very controversial film for some reason. The alicorn's back was facing us, seemingly intent on reorganizing some floating books above her. On the inside, however, I could detect the level of anxiety bubbling in her soul.

"I'll leave you two to it." Starlight, having accompanied me back, turned and gave me a look wishing me luck before closing the doors behind her, leaving us two all alone. Great, cheers Starlight. Now then, looking back to Twilight whom obviously knew I was here, how best to start this conversation...?

Twilight already took the initiative. "A package arrived for you while you were out." What? Oh, so it did. My eyes glanced to the brown object lying on the table nearby. She continued calmly, the hovering books swirling around to be neatly placed back in their shelves. "Rarity and Pinkie Pie returned from Manehatten also. Both had a pretty great day, as I've been told. I'm sure they'll be happy to help us continue the search tomorrow."


But she was having no further bull[BEEP], her beautiful tone sounding clipped, "Our bond works both ways, you know. Even all the way over here, I sensed what you were thinking, how you were feeling, while you were outside on your favourite hilltop. You know what the worst part is about finding your urge to throw yourself into harm's way before others so infuriating?" A small grin rose on her muzzle as she glanced over to me, her demeanor gentle for a moment. "It's also partially as to why I feel so strongly for you."

Stepping forward, I attempted to converse back. "I don't want you or the others to think you're liabilities to me. It's just that if I can keep you all safe and sound, I'll take the opportunity without a second thought. Zagreus is, for all intents and purposes, a threat that can't be stopped by friendship alone. Even Starswirl said so."

Shaking her head, Twilight was undeterred. "The thing is, Jack, that even if that's true; it won't stop me." The book were neatly placed back, filling the shelves perfectly, as Twilight took small steps towards me, a small smile containing far more emotions than it should allow. "It won't stop us from trying to help."

"Zagreus could fatally wound you all-"

"As well as you. Have you considered that?"

"Rather me than any of you."

Twilight sighed, lowering her gaze to the blue marble floor between us. "After all this time, you still think yourself undeserving of happiness."

"It's not that love." I interjected quickly, wanting to clear this misunderstanding ASAP. "I'm the happiest man alive being with my friends. With you. The problem lies with Zagreus being, mainly, my mess that I have to clean up. He's the Devil in comparison to our former foes, and I refuse to allow him anyway in arm's reach of my family..."

"Jack, with all due respect, but I don't care." Huh? Violet orbs sparkled intently, reflecting the solemn resolve ironed from her tone. "I don't care how powerful he may be. Our friends aren't deterred either. We're not allowing you to confront this danger by yourself; our bonds are stronger than Zagreus could ever be. The magic of friendship hasn't failed us yet!" Face to face now, that firm conviction softened the closer we were, and I adamantly refused to back away from the proximity. "I've almost lost you one too many times. Even when you were in Appleloosa, I was constantly worried for your safety. When Sunset told me what happened in the human world, I..."

That's okay, she didn't need to say it. Gently, my hoof brushed against her lowered chin, keeping our gazes locked, and I replied in an equal somber tone, "I know I can't stop you and the others from helping me. That has to be the most infuriating part about our relationship; your insistence to make my efforts in protecting you all for naught. But... That's probably why I admire all of you, you'll do everything to help others, however impossible it seems, no matter the cost. You're stronger than me, Twilight, in will and heart and..." I smiled in faint amusement. "Heh. There I go again, believing myself unworthy of you."

The reassurance was expressed in something that, as always, had my heart leap again and again in pure joy. Purple lips brushed against gold, softly, meaningfully, Twilight being much bolder than I at times, and, though it might be weird to say, I loved it when she takes the initiative and, therefore, taking me by surprise. After the kiss, fully intending to ease both our worries, Twilight's smile lit the whole room as ever.

"And there you go again, underestimating your own strength," Twilight said lovingly, a hoof caressing my ponified cheek, before her lovely features hardened again somewhat. "If Zagreus is as dangerous as you and Starswirl claim, that's all the more reason we'll help; me, Starlight, the girls, and every other friend who we've come to know and adore. Whether you like it or not." The last statement was both teasing yet serious at once.

"Well... I certainly can't tell you or the girls what to do." Regretfully. I'd be far more content throwing myself into the fire over them.

"I can hear your thoughts, you know."

Or, damn. With a sheepish grin, I replied out-loud, "Nothing can be hidden from each other. We're the perfect couple Twilight!" An exasperated smile from my amused girlfriend, prompting me to add, "But alright, if you all want to help, I can't force you otherwise. But just know if Zagreus does pop up somewhere, I will attempt to reach him first."

Those entrancing eyes sparkled again. "In that case, I'll just have Rainbow beat you to him." Hah, bring it on. Twilight, still stroking my left cheek, proceeded to gently pull my head, brushing her forehead against my own, and our bonds pulsated much brighter. Her melodious voice was barely a whisper at her next statement, "You don't have to worry about us, ever. We take care of you as you take care of us..."

"Hm, mostly it's you who takes care of me. Sometimes I think it's you who wears the pants in our relationship, Twilight."

Finally leaning back, to my slight disappointment, my special somepony smirked jokingly. "'Sometimes?' Funny, I always thought I being the alpha in our relationship was established from the beginning. Someone has to tolerate your antics with a mature disposition." Wha- I beg your pardon? My antics? Twilight laughed lightly at my internal indignation and flabbergasted expression, inclining her head towards the reading table. "So, are you going to open your package?"

Please do. This vomit-inducing moment between yourself and the Princess is giving me allergies.

Hardy har Sombra. Although now with my own worries eased somewhat, I took Twilight's suggestion and headed over to the clean table, beginning to unwrap the medium-sized package and knowing exactly what were contained within. About time it got here too, I ordered these a week ago. But I didn't have the heart to blame Derpy for the lateness. Ripping off the brown paper, I grinned satisfactory at the contents revealed to me.

Twilight peeked around me curiously. "New books?" Of course she'd be interested. Which was great actually.

"Yep." I slid the six volumes to her, and the Princess of Friendship blinked in honest surprise. Playfully, I explained rather smugly, "Remember those premium edition spell books at the Manehatten bookstore during our day out there you looked at? Well, last week you mentioned how Starlight needed some spell books of her own to study on, and these would be perfect for them. So-"

Twilight heard enough, as I suddenly found myself embraced tightly by a gleeful mare. "You're amazing honey." She praised me warmly, that beautiful smile prompting my self-fulfilled grin in return. "I'll have to return the favour someday."

As the glittering rare-looking editions were magically picked up, I called out to the happily trotting Princess humourously, "Love me, feed me, never leave me."

Of course I was kidding, so it must've been my imagination after Twilight paused by the doorway, her adorable cheeks turning pink, that I heard through the bond in her voice: "That first one may already have happened..."

Nah, that's just wishful thinking.

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