• Published 2nd Feb 2015
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A Journey Beyond Sanity - Darkwing Dust

Somehow transported from our world to Equestria, a young man unwillingly arrives in the form of an Earth Pony. Join us as we explore Stardust Balance's adventures, aiding the Mane Six throughout the seasons, discovering friendship... And love.

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Chapter 132: The Changeling Armada

"Trust me Celestia, you're not gonna regret tonight."

As we walked out the main gates leading to the royal courtyard, the tall alicorn chuckled light-heartedly. "I never implied otherwise, Stardust." The pair of us were moving towards the waiting small carrier outside, to be pulled by two loyal pegasi servants. "From what I hear about Starlight Glimmer, from yourself and Twilight, she is someone truly extraordinary. A shame my own interactions with her at the Crystal Empire were bare."

Hmhm, you're gonna be mighty disappointed tonight then. "Well, luckily you'll have the pleasure of spending time together tonight. I just know, you're gonna love her."

"I'm pleased to hear you say that. From what I hear, it's not often you gift others with praise but to those deserving."

I grinned in amusement. "Anything about me Twilight doesn't tell you about?"

Celestia smiled kindly. "Perhaps some vague details of your own exploits which seem to annoy my former student." Sounds about right. The alicorn stepped onto the golden small carriage, ready to transport her all the way from this castle to Ponyville. "Are you certain you don't want to accompany me?"

"Nah, haven't been to Canterlot in a while anyway." I shook my head, moving back slightly to give them some space. "I'll go visit some old faces. Could you tell Twilight I'll be home late?"

A raised brow of intrigue, the Princess of the Sun inquiring curiously, "You won't be joining us at all then?"

Must. Repress. Sly grin. "Nah... Why spoil the fun? Adieu, Celestia."

Celestia, none the wiser, nodding politely in farewell before her pegasi guards took off, carrying the alicorn all the way towards Ponyville, the shade of evening barely starting to reveal itself. Poor blokes. But with the Princess fading from sight, only then did I start grinning like a mischievous child. Tonight, it just won't be the guards who get the short end of the stick.

Cunning of you to raise her expectations like that, soon to be over barely anything.

You approve? Consider it tiny payback for all the bull[BEEP] she put Twilight and the others through, especially with the Tirek incident for her blatantly ignoring my warnings of not dispatching Discord after the magic-stealing villain. How remiss of me not to point out that particular flaw since the gala heated argument between myself and Twilight over the latter's actions.

Have fun tonight, Celestia, being in the company of a distracted DJ, a muffin-crazed pegasus, and a cranky donkey. As opposed to meeting the very unicorn her former pupil accepted under her wing. I couldn't stop snickering on my way towards the kingdom town. Those were the definite highlights of the episode; Celestia looking bored out her mind, and Twilight completely forgetting about her at the very end.

Wish I was there to see it, but I had important matters attending to. My being here wasn't just to hype Celestia up for her visit to Ponyville. Still, would've been funny to watch up close. A rather dark episode, though, with Trixie becoming so depressed as to almost commit suicide.

Don't even try to argue against that.

I won't, I'm more attentive on what you intend to achieve being here. But I'm surprised your first objective wouldn't be to check through the archives of your teacher's.

I'd be surprised if there was anything contained within regarding the much-needed information we seek. Starswirl chimed in response to Sombra's inquiry. It wouldn't hurt, of course, to inspect that room should our efforts in the rest of Canterlot be for naught. For now, I recommend we search through the shelves of the kingdom's main library.

Quite right, too. Beware Canterlot, Stardust Balance is here to invade your libraries and read them all dry!

Sombra snorted. You confuse yourself for your Princess.

He was there from the very beginning, wasn't he?

From the very start, no. The anomaly of his own being became noticeable since your return to Canterlot High, in your battle against the sirens. My mentor sounded slightly weary, almost somber. Zagreus's presence reached my attention back then, though I refrained from informing you of this first imbalance, admittedly, to keep you from being distracted, Miss Shimmer and the girls relied on your support and encouragement during then.

Since the sirens...

Did Zagreus play some role back then, one I wasn't aware of?

Clearly. Pay attention.

Hmm. During your final battle opposing those wicked sirens, I sensed something amiss nearby. Something... Wrong. You confirmed my suspicions upon your own inquiry regarding a particular 'plothole.'


Sombra spoke with thoughtfulness, Hmm... I believe he refers to your question as to how those weaklings acquired the power needed to retain their true forms in that tedious music battle.

...So, the sirens inexplicably gaining their magic back, without absorbing the magic of the girls. That was Zagreus's handiwork?

Alas, that sadly appears to be true. It seems your own return, alongside the changes made by boosting Miss Shimmer's confidence, and stalling Princess Twilight's own arrival, was the trigger in provoking Zagreus to finally make his move. He used his abhorrent magic to sustain the Dazzlings' pendants and provide them the means to take over the minds and souls of all that world's inhabitants.

Oh... So, once again, the world was, once again, endangered because of me. Wonderful.

In other news, our search through Canterlot, so far, has proved fruitless. We tried looking in the huge popular library. Didn't work. Smaller libraries and bookstores scattered throughout the kingdom. They weren't working either. The best I had to do was ask for directions, alongside signing a few autographs from those who recognized me along the way.

What was it they called me again? 'The Hero of Canterlot?' Yeah, just wait 'till they learn who was responsible for endangering them and everyone they love. It doesn't matter what Twilight says to reassure me, there's no escaping the fact that I, and I along, am responsible for Zagreus's being here.

Focus not on casting fault, my friend. The sage unicorn advised calmly. But on how best to finding our enemy.

Regarding this subject, I find myself curious about something. The former King addressed the other voice in my mind. Precisely how do you intend on trapping our foe? I trust you have the means in mind for capturing Zagreus once we locate him, but you've yet to share the details.

Starswirl answered without skipping a beat. Correct, I have planned the necessary means in apprehending Zagreus, once we either find him first, or he becomes strong enough for us to sense his presence. This plan relies on Jack to keep Zagreus distracted through words or combat alone, or to tire him out enough for the spell to work.

Sounds like a plan to me. Find Zagreus, stall him or wear him out, then trap him. Probably won't be that simple, but I always live in hope.

Or we could simply proceed with my own suggestion to handling this matter.

With murder? No thank you. I'll capture this threat to everyone I love, have him arrested, trialed for his crimes against everyone in both this world and its alternate counterparts. But I certainly, without any hesitation, absolutely not be his executioner.

No one has that right.

"Hey, it's you!" A pony was approaching me from behind, prompting me to pause from my mental conversation and turn to face the female voice, both her tone and her presence recognizable.

Huh. Now there's a sight I wasn't expecting outside a library. "Moondancer! It's been a while!"

Bright yellow fur, light red mane with two stripes of dark and light purple, a black sweater with pink buttons on the chest, and dark purple eyes looking awfully familiar. Hell, the mane and tail style resembled my girlfriend's a little much too. The light, reskinned Twilight unicorn smiled pleasantly, a contrast to her old personality of our first encounter. "I'm surprised you remember me... Stardust right?" I nodded, and she continued casually, "I thought I recognized you from earlier, scouring the Canterlot Library just before."

"Where else would I be?" I asked in dry humour. Probably visiting my girlfriend's parents, or maybe that donut shop Spike went to in season one. "How have you been, Moondancer?" What a mouthful, I should give a nickname to make it easier.

Twilight II. Sounds about right.

The unicorn shrugged. "Same old, same old, I guess. Studying to my heart's content. How's Twilight been doing?"

I mimicked the gesture. "Same old, same old, I suppose. Teaching her new student everything to know about the magic of friendship."

"Oh I've heard about that!" Moondancer grinned, albeit enthusiastically. "Lyra told us - Minuette, Twinkleshine and myself - during a visit here. It's great to hear that Twilight's succeeding as a Princess of Friendship flawlessly. This new pupil of her's couldn't be in better hoofs."

"No need to tell me that." I smirked.

Pleasantries are entertaining, to some degree. Sombra mused rather sarcastically. But don't we have a task to accomplish?

Give me a moment.

"Well, it's great seeing you again Twi- Monndancer." I grinned, albeit sheepishly at the blinking re-coloured unicorn. "But my being here isn't a social call. I'm on a very important mission."

"Oh, I see." Her equine shoulders dropped somewhat. "Anything I can help with?"

"I-" ...Actually... "I think you can, honestly." Who else to turn to in gathering information within Canterlot when neither Twilight nor Celestia were around? Luna was probably asleep. "I'm looking for books, or scrolls, about a particular magic unseen for countless generations. I've been searching through the libraries around the kingdom, and was about to go back to the castle to check there."

Behind those large glasses, dark purple eyes glinted. I'm sorry, it's too distracting how much 'Twilight' Moondancer was. I mean really Hasbro, especially with the human Twilight, you couldn't be a little more distinctive with these designs? "I've got just the place in mind." The mare responded coyly, even mannerisms reminding me of Twilight ridiculously much.

"Twilight's old study room!" I gestured around, widening front limbs while standing on hind hoofs, twirling in satisfaction. "Brilliant idea my dear."

"That last statement sounds almost redundant." Moondancer grinned humouredly, following me inside to be greeted by two floors filled with rows and rows of books. "Truthfully I've been using this room for research and study purposes than the main library in Canterlot nowadays."

"Can't fault ya." I nodded approvingly. "Since you clearly share Twilight's enthusiasm for all things magical, scientific and everything else related to knowledge."

Amongst other well noted shared traits.


Setting her satchel containing other books down, the bright unicorn motioned around. "So, where shall we start?"

Straight to business. I approve. "Any and all information relevant to the concept and magic of Balance itself."

Moondancer was swift enough to find all the required stacks of written books underneath a whole minute. With an amused nod to the piles of paper bound by leather magically brought before us, we went to straight to work. The Twilight copycat was scanning through two books per second, making more work of it than I was with one page at a time. "Anything specifically about Balance?" She asked with eyes fixed on the flipping pages.

"Imbalance, mainly." Moondancer nodded, proceeding to look through her side with callous ease.

Let's see... Nope...

Nothing here...


Come on, there's gotta be something...


Roughly about five or four minutes later, the unicorn finished looking through about twenty in contrast to my three books. She closed the last page and released a small huff, glancing over to my side. "Anything?"

I shook my head, putting the book aside for the moment. "Nothing. You?"

"Sadly not." The unicorn was pursing her lips, clearly annoyed. "'A Guide to Balance Philosophy,' 'The Stability of Balanced Magic,' 'Theorizing the Ideal Perfect Magic,' all wielding nothing substantial. At least for what we're looking 'd think there'd be something here. Didn't Twilight mention as such before you came to Canterlot?"

"I never said she did." I shrugged, unable to help myself. Craning my neck around, I clarified for the curious mare, "Although, to be frank, I'm not terribly surprised by the results. Even Starswirl's Archives yielded nothing of interest. We checked ages ago."

The sound of dropped book and glasses. "You don't mean Starswirl the Bearded's Archives? The room at the royal castle with all the research notes, spells and theories crafted and practiced by Starswirl the Bearded himself?!" Well, that certainly got her attention, the mare shot up while pushing her large glasses back on hastily. "You and Twilight visited that room?!"

Someone's got a fan...

And as always, I am humbled to be remembered fondly by today.

Tch, or being obsessed by young magic fanatics.

"I was going to check there again, after this." I informed the excited Twilight copy. "If you want, I can take you with me and we can look together."

And, I swear to God, she squealed. "Really?! I get to see everything that was ever written down and mastered by my hero!" Moondancer practically hopped around cheerfully. "No wonder you're Twilight's special somepony! Well what are we waiting for?!"

With an amused smirk, I asked, "Shouldn't we clean up this mess first Moony?"

Moondancer waved dismissively at the discarded book lying about. "Later, this can't wait- Wait... 'Moony?'"

Well I certainly can't call you 'Twilight;' at least, not out-loud anyway. "Less of a mouthful." Moondancer then cocked her head. "What? It's not that bad... What is it?" I added with a frown, noting the expression of unease morphing on her Twilight-like features.

"Did you close the door after me?"

Hm? "No, didn't you?"

Moondancer shook her head. "I just don't remember it closing that's all. Weird huh?"

"Yeah, definitely weird." With that, I raised my tone slightly to address our guests. "It'd be even more bizarre if that was a sign someone followed us in, wouldn't it?"

You knew.

What? That there were multiple lifeforms in here with us observing from the shadows, ever since we first entered the place? Yeah my connection to Balance isn't all that disoriented today, Sombra. Question is, what's taking them so long to reveal themselves?

Perhaps they need some... Incentive.

"Stardust?" Moondancer asked, frowning in open confusion.

Way ahead of ya pal.

Don't call me 'pal...'

"You're good at hiding yourselves, I'll give you that." I addressed the blinking blue lights observing us from every corner and shadows they could find. "But I sensed you coming in right off the bat. We have uninvited guests, Moony. I recommend you leave now and let me handle this."

"What?" The unicorn snapped her head wildly, eyes widening in horrified shock at the azure eyes with no irises watching from above. "Who are they? What are they?"

Three guesses, and they're all probably correct.

As if triggered by something, the black creatures immediately leapt from their respective hiding spots and swarmed across the room, forcing me to put my guard up- Before Moondancer's sudden scream caught my attention, swatting away two insects while keeping narrowed gaze heatedly on the unicorn suddenly captured by two of the intruders.

"What- What are these things?!" Moondancer called out fearfully, rearing her head back in scared revulsion at the creatures leering almost hungrily at her.

"Changelings..." I answered darkly, taking on an authoritative tone at their close approximation to the mare. "Leave her out of this. It's clearly me you want."

In answer, the whole group surrounding themselves around the frightened unicorn, two keeping her hostage with the rest glaring balefully my way. Alright, wanna do things the hard way? These clowns needed to be reminded who rests on top of the food chain.

"A single hoof on her hair, and it won't be your Queen you'll fear any longer."

That got their attention, some shifting and stepping back in sudden nervousness, bug-like eyes all uncertain. Moondancer gasped, whereas Sombra chuckled in good humour. Adequate use of a threatening tone. The grit teeth almost sells it.

Be on guard. Starswirl advised calmly. The Changelings should never have been in Canterlot too soon. Whatever is occurring, we must uncover what with a clear mind and attentive eyes.

One of the Changelings, meanwhile, stepped forward, prompting two more to slowly take a close yet seemingly safe distance on both sides of me. Joke's on them, no distance would save them from my wrath. The Changeling standing opposite me, obviously the leader - Purple eyes, interestingly - pointed with a snarl. "Any tricks, and your pony friend will feel love no longer. Our Queen is expecting you, 'Twilight Warrior.'"

"You're in no position to make threats."

The Changeling narrowed his eyes. "Aren't we?"

"No." I answered, matter-of-factly with a calm expression. "I've come a long way since the battle in Canterlot long ago. There is nothing preventing me from utterly destroying you all if you don't let my friend go. Just make it easier for yourselves, and you won't be returned to your oh-so adored Queen in body bags."

Even more Changelings shifted uncomfortably, and Moondancer looked positively stunned at the vowed declaration. The leader even appeared unnerved, for a moment, before insisting, "It's not just your friend at risk here, but this entire kingdom too. You must come, or nothing will prevent our Queen from dealing a swift vengeance across Canterlot, with Princess Celestia occupied elsewhere."

...Were they referring to the season six finale? No, as Starswirl, it was way too early for that... Was this Zagreus at work? I sensed no imbalance from these guys, and that Changeling's eyes looked almost... Pleading. What was going on here exactly?

"Uhh, Stardust...?" Moondancer gulped nervously at those keeping her trapped.

I suggest we comply to their wishes, for the moment. There are things we need to understand, forces at work we must uncover.

To my own surprise, I took the suggestion and surrendered myself, for now anyway. The Changelings were quick to cover both mine and Moondancer's sight with brown bags, escorting us outside the room and, presumably, the kingdom itself. At their repeated threats and snarling instructions, we followed, my senses of Balance clouded by the suffocating hate of these Changelings, and the agitation of Moondancer. Poor mare, she didn't deserve to be involved in any of this. But they probably wouldn't have released her had I complied regardless.

Soon, the marble floor of Canterlot beneath our hooves switched to smooth dirt... Then rocky terrain. I don't know exactly where these guys were taking us, but I don't need to look to know, eh Starswirl?

You are currently being taken within the underground mines. My mentor supplied the necessary info all too happily. I sense a powerful darkness from within. I need not inform you of the individual yielding so much Chaos in her heart.

Yeah, but here's my main question: Were we dealing with present Chrysalis, or future Chrysalis? You suggested that the Changeling Queen under Zagreus's influence was from the future, Starswirl... Was that future now? Was this the point she mentioned when she abducted Cadence a while back?

Did I... Did I prevent the season six finale from happening already...?

Jack... There is something we must discuss, once this is all over. He added before I could ask. It appears we have reached the destination.

Huh- Oh.

That familiar darkness, though untouched and uncorrupted by Zagreus this time. There was no modified imbalance in her heart, but the hate and villainous glee rolled off the Queen's vengeful tongue. "Well done my loyal subjects. You have brought me the Warrior I seek... Reveal his face."

My vision was greeted to the looming neon eyes of Queen Chrysalis, surrounded by various leering Changelings standing loyally to their ruler and mother. From the walls and ceiling, multiple crystals poking out shone through the many tunnels of the ancient mines. A beautiful contrast to the abhorrent monsters glaring in our direction.

"Stardust, where are we? What is going on?" Moondancer, still shielded from seeing, asked rather frantically. "Who's there with us?!"

Laughing dastardly, the Queen's black horn lit up a dangerous green, bringing forward my fedora to her side. Chrysalis smirked. "Hmm, how quaint. Your taste in fashion is almost as pitiful as your taste in Princesses, Stardust Balance."

My muzzle twitched. "Glad to see you haven't changed terribly much, Syphilis."

But, instead of growing annoyed by that taunting response, Chrysalis replied smoothly, "And, it appears, the same goes for you, little warrior. Tell me, how is your life among ponies going thus far?" What? But Chrysalis then nodded to the other hostage. "And who is this, a poor pony caught in the crossfire? That seems to be a thing with you, isn't it Stardust? Show her face."

We were then greeted by the panicking features of a bright yellow unicorn, the mare looking around in shocked terror... And stopping in relief at the sight of me. "Stardust, please tell me what is going... On..." And going back to terror at the glaring watching gaze of Queen Chrysalis.

"Hmm... She almost looks like Twilight Sparkle." See, even the villain can spot the similarities! Leaning back, Chrysalis smirked faintly. "Oh, I'm sorry, it's 'Princess Twilight Sparkle' now, is it not? Princess of - What was it again - 'friendship?'" Followed with more mocking laughter by the patronizing Changeling. "How wise of Princess Celestia to grant such a young pony with a title and pretense of power."

Okay, I've heard enough. "Bronchitis, as much as I love hearing you smack talk my girlfriend behind her back." I drawled, unafraid in the slightest at my current situation. "And believe me, underestimating Twilight would be your biggest mistake by far, I have much more important things to be getting on with. State your business, and leave with all your Changelings out of this kingdom. I am NOT as forgiving as I was long ago."

"Oh, I believe you, 'Hero of Canterlot.'" That drew a dawning gasp from Moondancer, but the Queen ignored it in favour of observing with a sickly smug expression. "You have been quite preoccupied of late. But very well, I shall oblige to your first wish." Waving a hoof, she ordered a few of her subjects. "Make sure our other guest gets comfortable. There is business I must discuss with our friend here."

"Ugh- Hey!"

"Be gentle with her!" I barked in irritation and concern for the mare being dragged off. "I'll come back for you Moony!"

"You better!" The mare responded in equal indignation, pulled further away into the darkening tunnels.


"Rest assured, as long as you cooperate, no harm will be brought to your young friend." The Queen said casually, beginning walk another direction. "Come, we shall discuss matters alone... Changeling to Changeling."



"What?" I asked, while several other Changeling looked shocked at the absurd notion. But I followed after the Queen regardless; best not leave her out of sight where she won't cause any trouble... For now anyway.

Sombra, could you...?

Follow the other Changelings and watch over that blatant carbon copy of your Princess? If you'll pester me into it otherwise...

Thanks pal... I really appreciate it. With Sombra not answered, meaning he already left, I hurried to catch up with the pacing tall Changeling, keeping a steady distance but ready to defend myself when needed.

It was a few walks further through the endless tunnels, before Chrysalis decided to speak again. "So, again, how has life in Ponyville been treating you?"

"I didn't willingly get captured for small talk, Syphilis."

She only nodded. "Yes, your reputation from cutting to the chase does you credit. I admire a pony who deals with matters as swiftly and efficiently as possible... But you are no pony, aren't you?"

I narrowed my eyes. What would she possibly know about anything? "Hoping to charm me with compliments now? Here I thought, after all we've been through, you'd hate me too much to consider that idea."

"'Hate?' Oh my dear, dear warrior, you are mistaken a great deal." Chrysalis smirked mischievously. "It is true you have delayed my plans and created a great deal a setbacks for me. By all rights, I should punish you with all the righteous fury of a Queen. But, I shouldn't allow personal matters to interfere with a kindred spirit."

"...I'm pretty sure you tried the 'much alike' shtick before." You and every other villain I've fought, in fact. "Guess what? It didn't work, so why should it now?"

"Because you can't deny what is real, my young friend." Chrysalis advanced further for a moment, pausing to stare at a pale red crystal reflecting both our features, running a black hoof down the object with a new contemplative disposition. "You are not from these lands. No, Equestria, am I incorrect?"

Something akin to a shiver ran down my spine, my face betraying me with a brief grimace. How could she possibly-?

"You'd be amazed the lengths of knowledge I can obtain once I focus on what I want." With a tiny grin, she looked back to me with a knowing glint in those deathly neon eyes. "Like my kind, you change your appearance in order to fit in with the natives. And who can blame you, really? Like us, you seek peace. Acknowledgement... Acceptance by others."

My eyes hardened. How dare she. "I don't disguise myself to deceive others in getting what I want."

"Don't you?" Chrysalis inquired in intrigue, examining the red crystal before gazing back to me once again. Those green eyes illuminated the darkness just as much. "Was that not your priority from the start? It's okay to admit it, Stardust... Jack..." Oh Christ. My teeth clenched at the foul usage of my real name, prompting her grin to widen in sick amusement. "You're nothing like them. And soon, those who claim to love you will reject you for it. But I... I understand you, Twilight Warrior. We are far more alike than you can possibly believe."

I sincerely doubt that.

The Queen was kind enough to lead me down further through the glittering tunnels. Although honestly it started to felt as though we were travelling in circles. The small tour was profitable enough, however, for me to get a real sense on the Changeling's heart. Chaos coated it like black paint, and yet, not a trace of influenced imbalance leaking like sickening vapour. Either Zagreus was hiding his own hold over the Queen really well, or Chrysalis was here beneath Canterlot on her own intent.

Right now, I'm going to get to the bottom of this.

"Why have you brought me here, really?" I asked seriously as we passed by an edge leading into a pit of blackness. "What are you planning down here, Mephiles?"

The Queen sighed, lowering her head somewhat. "I suspect you already know the answer, my young friend. Revenge is a very powerful incentive, isn't it?" Called it. We explored down another tunnel, her subjects bowing among the walls and ground as we walked by. "My intention for you, meanwhile, is true regarding our earlier discussion. I simply wish for you to learn whose side you must really take."

She's still going with this? "After everything you did? Everything you're going to do? Are you so desperate as to request the aid of your enemy for some petty retribution?" At last, the sickly-blue haired Queen paused, halting us right in the middle of a seeming round area. Track from the mines spread through separate pathway tunnels surrounding us, but azure bug-like eyes leaking from the darkness are enough to see. Above us, a large group of pink crystals stuck out from the ceiling.

Turning to me, Chrysalis looked almost... Regretful. "I appreciate your skepticism, but I am purely sincere with my words." Sure you are. The Queen faced me completely whilst speaking, badly attempting me to join the dark side. "Ever since my spies informed me about the young warrior residing with the Princess of Friendship, who foiled and stalled my plans repeatedly, I was intrigued, though irritated at first, by your persistence."

Now, she was resorting to the tactic of slowing moving around, circling me at a distance but enough to make my skin crawl. That method, Chrysalis? Please.

"My intrigue heightened, however, by my subjects sharing with me how you originally resorted to situations." Those green eyes glinted. Was that an inkling of respect I saw in her eyes? "You have a clear head, barely panicking in troublesome, yet tedious obstacles. You carry yourself with authority, and you tolerate no nonsense from anyone, including those fun-loving energetic ponies." She spat that word out as though it were the plague. "You show no fear in addressing your betters with boldness, because you know you are above them. You, another creature from a land unknown, possess a fighting spirit even that love-blind fool Shining Armour never had."

"Is this going somewhere? Villain monologues nowadays are starting to bore me." But she barely looked like she was paying attention, lost in her own little world. The Changeling Queen looked upwards, a sly smile raising upon her contemplative features. Something about this was beginning to unnerve me...

"And when we fought, in Canterlot, long enough..." Chrysalis gazed slowly towards me, gleefully, and I forced myself not to step back in repulsion at the unsettling look. "I sensed a thrill not felt in centuries, a fulfillment; an excitement in me few males could ever instill within. Upon my temporary defeat, a thought struck me: what better King to rule side by side with than a creature who fights you as his equal?"

...Ohhhhhhhh no...

Sweet Jesus, please tell me this WASN'T going where I THOUGHT it was going...!

Chrysalis must've noticed my dawning expression, a sinister grin reaching her black muzzle. "Yes, there is no one more suitable to rule the Changeling kingdom alongside me. I want you, Stardust."

This can't be happening!

"Are you insane?!" I exclaimed hotly, unable to comprehend this... This... Repulsive suggestion. "Become your King?! I'm perfectly happy dating a Princess I have faith in a billion times more than you, thank you very much!"

The disgusting Queen only chuckled, raising her head up rather haughtily. "You simply require time to reflect upon this; I'd be shocked too." Tapping her hoof twice on the ground, two Changeling flew between my vision's edges. "You will be reunited with your friend in the meantime. Off you go."

Gladly! I wouldn't consider this for the life of me! I'd sooner marry Flash Sentry than consider courting the likes of her! I couldn't be happier making a hasty departure from this vile Queen ASAP-

"Oh, and one more thing I should add." Dammit! Reluctantly, I paused and looked over my shoulder. Chrysalis added calmly, inspecting her own hoof in vain interest. "Consider this as incentive. I know you are finding it difficult to fit in with those repulsive creatures, but my own subjects would accept you as one of their own. Also, I know you're searching for something, and I guarantee you, we could find it much quicker if we worked together. Now, toodle-oo, my soon-to-be betrothed."

Doing everything in my power not to gag at the implications.


"Moony." Shoving past the guard, I entered the custom cell to the worried unicorn, immediately inspecting her for injuries. Moondancer, in turn, to my small surprise, gripped onto me in sought comfort.

You needn't bother asking. From the corner of my eye, Sombra's shadow shifted. None of these pests dared lay a hoof on her. It seems you've instilled more fear into these creatures than I presumed. I'm almost impressed.

Hm. "Are you alright?" I was compelled to ask anyway. Pushing back slightly, the unicorn nodded, but fear remained plastered on her features.

"So far, all they've done is lock me in this cell." Speaking of which, the rocky bars closed themselves behind me a second after I entered. Deep purple eyes glinted in concern. "What did that vile creature want with you? She was a Changeling, wasn't she?"

I nodded, looking back to the bars, carefully running a hoof over them introspectively. "Yeah, the Queen herself. And apparently, she wants a King to rule by her side, and help her take over all of Equestria."

Oh? When do we expect the honeymoon?

It's not funny.

"Oh... Oh!" She understood quickly. "She wanted you to... But you said no, right?"

"Of course I did." I scoffed, shaking my head disbelievingly. "Wouldn't marry her in a thousand years. Not to mention, I already have the best thing in my life to ever happen to me back in Ponyville."

"Thank goodness." Moondancer sighed in relief, walking over to join me by the thick rocky bars, looking to me in renewed interest. "So, you're the Hero of Canterlot who helped repel the Changeling invasion a while back?"

"That's me."

"Huh... I was expecting you to be taller."

I couldn't resist snorting in amusement, despite the circumstances. "Cheers Moony. I can see why Twilight's childhood friends with you."

The mare grinned, albeit faintly, then proceeded to examine the bars with me. "I already inspected these earlier. Study enough to keep us fairly shut, but if we generate enough force we could create an impact enough to shatter these bars into pieces, thus spawning an opening huge enough for us to escape."

"Okay, now I see why you're Twilight's friend."

"It's simple logic." Moondancer shrugged. "The difficult part lies in finding the best preferred route in our- Uh oh." Uh oh was right. Having felt them coming, I immediately pulled the mare and myself back from the bars at a safe distance, keeping Moondancer behind me in preparation. For before us, a small group of Changelings approached the cell and watched from bug-like eyes.

They were wary. But strangely enough... No hostility emanating. At least, not against us. That's some sign-


The one standing between the two accompanying the Changeling had some physical uniqueness to him in comparison to his friends. Red scales and tail, purple back coat - Armour? - dark blue wings and... Purple eyes?

Stepping forward, the middle of the three spoke almost... Civil-like. Or attempting to sound civil, in the very least. "You refused our Queen's offer."

"Obviously." I responded with a frown. "Did she send you?"

Exchanging glances with one another, prompting Moondancer and I to do the same curiously, the middle Changeling addressed us again with a heavy frown. "Our Queen... She intends on invading all the major kingdoms through infiltration, and capture all those who'd prove to be thorns in her side."

Moondancer gasped, but I narrowed my eyes. "I already know this." Now it was their turn to look surprised. "Are you here to gloat? If so, save your tongues when you relish the taste of love. Oh wait, that'll never happen."

"So long as we follow our Queen's foolish ways, we know."

"Exac- What?"

Now this is interesting...

It appears events are becoming twisted from past changes.

"Huh?" Moondancer echoed, as unsure as I sounded.

"This is not our first encounter, Twilight Warrior." The middle Changeling continued. "We spoke, long ago, after our defeat in Canterlot."


Think back, Jack, on the night of the Canterlot Wedding. There was one more of their kind you addressed alongside young Spike.

I... Oh yeah! "You're that Changeling who left without starting a fight!" Well, what were the Goddamn odds?! It was too dark that night, so I wouldn't have recognized these notable differences of the Changeling from the get-go. That explains it!

"Huh? Could somepony tell me what's going on right now?" Moondancer was clearly at a lost. But I was far more interested in what this Changeling had to say above all else.

"Why are you here?"

Nodding, the Changeling proceeded to answer. "You attempted to persuade me, have me believe there were alternate paths to gaining love than taking it from others." So I have. I remember that conversation clear as crystal. Then, glaring at the ground between us, he spoke with slight venom, "Believe it or not, warrior, I... Accepted your proposal... To a degree... And began proposing to others of my kind to gain love another way." He huffed somewhat. "It was a tiring process, but many gradually came to accept that idea, and we began starting to share love among our kind anew."


"But... That's great, isn't it?" Moondancer asked, obviously noting the solemn bitter disposition of the Changeling also. "Finding another way to get love without stealing it from others, that's a good thing! Of course, I have to ask, is it even possible?"

"It is." I answered for her, fixing my stare on the Changeling. "I've seen it happen." That prompted the other creatures to share curious looks. "What went wrong?"

"The Queen." He replied, glaring upwards with upset violet orbs. "She uncovered my intentions, and ordered me to halt, declaring that all other creatures beyond Changeling kind are undeserving of love, and that we must show them all their place."

"That's... Evil. Pure, unadulterated evil!" Moondancer spat out, incredulous at such a declaration. "Love is about sharing, accepting others for who they are! It's not something to be selfishly taken and given only to a select few. Your Queen's logic is flawed!"

"She's blinded by pure hate." I said with a frown, understanding the severity of this obstacle. "There's a difference between love and greed, and she views them as the same thing. She must be stopped."

To my slight surprise, however, the Changeling along with his friends nodded. "Yes. Our Queen will only bring us to ruin otherwise." Well, that was easy! "But what can we do? Her power, even without absorbing enough love, can dominate all other Changeling kind. To openly oppose Queen Chrysalis would be foolhardy."

Right then, planning time! "You three, stand aside." Phase one shall commence. Blinking cautiously, the Changelings obeyed my command and stepped out of harm's way. The cell door itself was no match for a Balance-powered kick, landing rather loudly on the ground and crumbling into dust. Walking out, I smirked in satisfaction and turned to face my four comrades. "What's your name, by the way?"

The lead Changeling answered after a moment's hesitation. "...Pharynx."

Phar- ...How the flying [BEEP] do you spell that name?

"...Interesting name." Putting it mildly. Maybe one of his friends here was Thorax. Who knows.

Do all Changeling names but the Queen's have an 'X' in them? That'd be cool.

"Right, Pharynx, I want you to help Moondancer here escape. Tell anyone you pass she's been summoned by your ruler, or it's a Changeling taking on her form. Either works."

"Why? What are you going to do?" The unicorn asked with a frown, swerving around to face me.

"Something foolhardy." I grinned somewhat playfully, prompting their dawning looks. "Once outside, disguise yourself as ponies and alert the royal guards about the Changeling army gathered beneath the kingdom. I'll distract Chrysalis in the meantime."

Well what do you know? You said her name correctly for once.

"By yourself?" Moondancer looked appalled.

I shrugged in answer, looking back to the Changelings. "Help me today, and I will be forever grateful. And I also promise you this, your entire species will be sharing their own love with one another sooner than later. Let's just say I have a... Sixth sense with these things. So, will you do as I ask?"

Pharynx frowned, but nodded anyway. "We will help you two today. But should anything go awry, we must feign ignorance. The Queen mustn't know of this treasonous act by her children. But... I want all Changelings to be safe..."

"...And they will be." I vowed, placing a hoof on his shoulder, to Pharynx's eye-widened surprise. I smiled. "You're gonna have a great future very soon. But in the meantime, please, get my friend here to safety."

Pharynx nodded yet again, this time with firm resolve. Observing the exchange, Moondancer inquired in incredulous awe, "Are you always so reckless...?"

"Eh, just ask Twilight the next time you see her."

One by one, a Changeling fell. One by one, they all charged, and failed. Without even breaking a sweat, I stormed through the vast tunnels towards the Queen's signature, not even breaking a sweat as I glazed through the guarding Changelings. Long ago, even a fight against two of them wore me down. But now, now was a testament to how far I've come since season two. Chrysalis was going to be in for a rude awakening, should we resort to violence in this inevitable next confrontation.

I can only hope Pharynx and Moondancer found no trouble on their end. Last thing I needed was that on my conscience. A lot of trust was placed on the Changeling, and is he's anything like Thorax... Well, I'm hoping for the best.

I confess, I myself was pleasantly surprised by the amount of faith you instilled onto the young Pharynx just earlier. Have you no doubts to his intentions?

You must've sensed it too, Starswirl. There was little Chaos in his heart in contrast to his kind at the present. This can be considered a test as to why I should trust him also.

Risking your Princess's childhood companion over blind trust? You have come a long way.

Hm... Another Changeling gets socked after foolishly charging straight at me, walking by him indifferently. By the way, Starswirl; any conclusions as to if this Chrysalis I'm about to face is from the present or future?

Indeed. All evidence, suggested through actions and words, direct towards the former. The Queen Chrysalis we encountered within the Diamond Dogs' lair was full of hate, vengeance and revulsion, equally shared onto you alongside Prince Shining. This one appears more reserved, calculating and patient. And as we plainly see, this Chrysalis still holds control over her own kind, whereas the one before implied all Changeling kind but her already reformed thanks to the combined efforts of Miss Glimmer, young Thorax, Miss Trixie and Discord.


Twirling my body around, I roundhoused kicked another Changeling by the back of the head, elbowed another in the stomach, and uppercut a sneaky one to my right. She was getting close, I sensed it.

The largest piece of evidence points to her heart, uncorrupted with no signs of Zagreus within.

Yes... But somehow, she knows my secret. When I reach her, I'll find out exactly how she knew these things, and who exactly told her about them.

Did the repeated word of 'spies' no tip you of anything?

You know for a fact I don't just spread the news that I'm a human randomly, Sombra. No, something else was at work. Not to mention, it being far too early for Chrysalis to invade Canterlot and capture its leaders once again, especially when one of them is currently in another town.

Thus enforcing my belief that the invasion today is merely an afterthought, and you yourself are the main prize she seeks, Jack. My teacher sounded unsettling grave. In some way, she knew you were coming, and we would've detected any spies among Ponyville before they could report back to their Queen. Your suspicions are very well justified.

So Zagreus was behind this...

Unfortunately, but this is merely speculation.

Regardless, it appears terribly likely that accusation rings true.


Grabbing two Changelings by the muzzles, slamming them over on to the ground, I reached the same area before having left Chrysalis a short while ago. In the center, the Queen stood, not looking the least bit fazed. On the contrary, she looked... Disturbingly gleeful. Even when I beating the [BEEP] out of her people while approaching her.

"I suppose this means you've made a decision to my proposal?" She asked almost civilly, uncaring as I backhanded and tripped another Changeling over while maintaining my gaze on her.

Remain on guard. The royal authorities will arrive soon.

"I must respectfully decline, Queen Bronchitis." Bowing mockingly, I shot back in a passive-aggressive voice. "I'm already happy with the mare of my dreams, thank you very much."

Raised brows, but not looking the least bit surprised. "She will never understand you, you know. Celestia's lapdog cares only for friendship and knowledge, neither love nor balance."

"You may have spied on Twilight, took the form of her, once, but you will never understand her." Stepping forward some more, my voice strengthened in authority. "The royal guards will be here soon. You can either surrender, or flee."

A glint of disappointment, but her neon eyes hardened. "And if I choose to fight?"

"Then I hope your riches can cover a very high hospital bill."

Chrysalis narrowed her eyes, expression shifting to full-on seriousness whilst leaning her head down to my level... Then raised back up again and laughed, cheerfully. "Ahahahahaha! Your fighting spirit is delectable! Misguided, but delicious to savour even from feet away!" Composing herself, she grinned in malicious intent, her darkness flaring up. "But I am no fool, warrior. Had I succeeded in coaxing you to my side, overtaking Canterlot would've been the appetizer. It matters not whether today or the future if I succeed, my plans are unfolding by the minute."

Unluckily for her, I was well-aware of what she was intending. But there was something I absolutely NEEDED to know before this confrontation turns south. "Who told you about my origins? Tell me."

That expression was akin to pity. "Oh, why spoil the surprise, my darling warrior?"

"Tell me!" I demanded with more force, prompting the Changeling to leer.

"Or what? Will you make me tell you?"

"Don't tempt me..." I growled through gritted teeth, and Chrysalis looked overjoyed.

"That fire! Such hunger for violence!" Then, the Changeling started to turn, calling over her shoulder. "You can't deny your true calling, Stardust. You are a creature of war and destruction. It's only a matter of time before your pony friend realizes this... And when you do, you will join us no matter what... Until then, my little warrior..."

"No, wait!" I pounced... Only to land on solid material, the Changeling Queen disappearing in a green flash and evil laughter. From around, the flashes of light spread all over from the fallen Changelings to the ones observing with blue eyes from the tunnels, leaving only my enraged self to stand where the withdrawn gloating Chrysalis once stood.

Cliche, but it got the message across... This was only the beginning. And from the sounds behind me, along with the light hearts coming into range of my magic, the royal guards were here.


Dammit dammit DAMMIT!

With every expletive coming to mind, I started punching the ground repeatedly with each word. That [BEEP]ing [BEEP]! I will... I'll...!


...I know...

Sounds of confusion and wariness arouse once the golden-armoured equines reached this room, greeted only by silence, signs of combat, and my own glaring at the ground in shame and anger.

A sigh of exasperation. "Not one." Moondancer announced in clear frustration, throwing her limbs up in the air. "Not a single Changeling found and apprehended. It's as if they all disappeared at once!"

It wasn't too hard, finding a pegasus guard right outside the entrance to the mines. Moondancer and Pharynx - The latter in disguise - had informed the guard of what was occurring beneath the kingdom, and the pegasus was quick to rally enough guards for to repel the force lurking underneath their home. Extra help arrived in the form of night guards led by Princess Luna, upon learning over what was transpiring. After Chrysalis retreated, they looked through every tunnel within the mines, but not a trace of any Changeling presence was there.

As if vanished by magic... Ha ha.

"And Pharynx?"

Glancing from her desk, Moondancer shook her head. "After we alerted the royal guards, he with his friends fled before things could escalate. But they promised they'd see you again sometime soon, and trust in your words that all Changeling kind will be reformed." A brief pause. "They... Will all be reformed right? You weren't just saying that to win their trust?"

"I never break a promise." I responded, imaging Twilight's scowl upon me saying that. "Chrysalis will get her comeuppance also, even though she got away today. You'll see." Onto other news, I forced myself to smile. "Good work, by the way, being courageous enough to stick through to the plan. Twilight would be proud."

Moondancer smiled slightly, looking amused, flattered and tired. "Never thought I'd find myself in such a terrifying situation. But then again, I'd never considered being friends with Twilight again, but life is full of surprises, huh?" She asked rhetorically, then looked back to her book. The pair of us currently rested at where we left off, the study room Twilight used to occupy before moving to Ponyville. "So... What happened down there, between you and Chrysalis?"

Oh where to start? That it's basically been confirmed that my worst enemy by far has shared with a previous villain personal details over my life, somehow knowing I'd visit Canterlot and where precisely I'd be? That it incited the Queen to spring a trap and endangering not only a friend, but an entire kingdom as well? That things were escalating far too out of my control? That, once again, I am reminded that I may as well be a menace to everyone I love than anyone else?

"Nothing... Just a short confrontation is all."

"Alright...?" She didn't sound convinced. Couldn't blame her. "Ever since we found you down there, you've looked nothing but... Disturbed."

I really should mask my expressions better. "It's nothing." I reassured the puzzled mare, forcing another smile, albeit softer this time. "Today has just drained me. I'm more glad that you and everyone else in the kingdom is safe today."

At that, the unicorn flipped another page, and sighed again. "Yeah, that was a close call. If this is what you, Twilight and your friends in Ponvyille get mixed up in often, I certainly don't envy you." Tch. Her smile was more amused than exasperated. "Still, today gave me a lot of new information to uncover. Such as the Changelings themselves. I hope we'll one day see Pharynx again, he could shed some light about not just the physical and magical, but culture and all other sorts of differences between Changeling and pony kind. Imagine what we could learn by working together-

And there she goes. With a small smile, I watched as Moondancer rambled on and on about the subject which was raising her enthusiasm, her eyes fixed on the many books before her. Twilight two-point-oh over here.

But, then again, constantly comparing her to Twilight wasn't really fair. Just last week I gave Sunburst a chance, so why shouldn't I do so again with Moondancer? Another friend whom I... Successfully endangered...


With a sigh, I made sure to carefully leave the mare to her own musings, closing the door gently behind me leading to the outside world. The setting sun greeted me, with cheerfully conversing townsfolk and reinforced guards patrolling the streets. Luna's handiwork with what just occurred today.

Leaving without a farewell?

That innocent pony doesn't need me [BEEP]ing up her day any longer.

What happened wasn't your fault.

Wasn't it...?

At least we know further now. Zagreus is influencing others without having to prompt with his magic. Deception, an effective tactic to keeping others stalled, while he can continue gaining more power in peace.

So today was only a distraction?

That, or a message.

Well, message well received. Now I'll have to deal with Zagreus AND Chrysalis. Speaking of which, while on the way back to Ponyville, I should finally work out a plan for the season six finale to help Starlight and the others.

I fear the only idea there, Jack, would be to back down.

I- I'm sorry?

For once, Starswirl sounded stern and tired at once, wise voice allowing little argument. It would be more beneficial to allow thing to naturally run their course, this time around. Please, heed my words before you shout... Zagreus is already growing stronger by the imbalance of your being here alone, fueled by the echoes of the choices you make, the words you use to influence others, and every step on the ground you make. The defeat of Queen Chrysalis at her own kingdom has been established in the original universe; imagine the significant impact of imbalance made by any intervention on your behalf.

...So, what... I just sit by and do nothing? That's your recommendation?! Can't I just tell Twilight and the others what's going to happen-?!

Anything you do would count, I'm very much afraid. Jack, though your passionate determination to keep your friends safe is admirable, it is also unwise. For some things are for your friends to face on their own.

...I... I can't just sit by and do nothing...!

I'm sorry, Jack. And he meant it, his tone said it all. But as your mentor, and friend, I must insist your lack of involvement when we reach that point... Alongside any other changes you intended on the 'episodes,' significant or not.

Oh come on! Really?! I don't... I don't want them to suffer when I can do something about it!

I am truly, truly sorry Jack, but we can't afford Zagreus growing any stronger than he likely is now, thanks to today's events.

...Sombra, tell me you don't agree...!

Unfortunately, Jack, I agree with this old fool. Sombra sounded almost pained himself. We've interfered too much already. Tell me, would you rather risk Zagreus growing more powerful and endanger your friends further, by throwing yourself into the main events for your own self-righteous need to protect the very beings you hold close to your heart?


But is there really no other way...?

We can only focus on tracking Zagreus's location. My teacher responded, full of remorse and conviction. Young Starlight Glimmer and her friends can deal with Queen Chrysalis, once that time comes. Our objective is, by all counts, more imperative.

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