• Member Since 8th Jun, 2015
  • offline last seen Dec 28th, 2023

The Joeker

Can't fully edit this for some reason, so I'll make it short. I'm Joe, welcome and have a good time on site.


This story is a sequel to Achieving Divinity: A New World

(Slight M rating warning: Sex. and a bunch of fucked up fetishes. Chapters will be marked with an [M] at the start, and the A/N of said chapters will contain a warning. There may be some chapters containing 'A Slice of Life'. Chapters will be marked with [SoL] at the start.)

So... Here we are. Again. My story ended on a cliffhanger last time, yes? Well, here I am to continue it. I'm not quite dead yet... Or am I? I could be for all I know. Maybe I'm here as my Heaven or Hell? Or purgatory? Am I in Purgatory? Ah, thinking thoughts like this doesn't help.

So... I left off with Erlking chanting a spell and me being thrown through a portal... Right? Yes, right. Ahem.

I think at that point, my life took a major u-turn straight to Tartarus. But me being me, I decided to sit back and enjoy the damn ride. No point fighting what you can't control, right? WRONG! I WILL PUNCH DEATH IN THE BALLS IF HE COMES ANYWHERE NEAR ME! Ok? Ok.

Just to be clear, I am not afraid of death. No far from it. Hell, I'll head right into it and I'll even pay the toll. I will even enjoy the ride there, but I will fight to prevent it.

Huh? Then, what am I afraid of you ask? Well, read on and find out what a God is scared of... Hmm? I'm not a God? Nope, you are correct. But I may as well be, right? I need my self-esteem or else I have nothing.

I know I am not a God. I am not perfect. I'm the farthest thing from it. But I strive to be good. To help the innocent and the helpless. I have been hailed as a God before for my deeds back in Aleroth.

If not a God, I strive to be a Saint. This isn't Rivellon. I'm no God. I'm just an alien. A foreigner in a hostile and unfamiliar place, right?

ANYWAY. Enough rambling, let's continue shall we?

Chapters (30)

This story has a sequel: Achieving Divinity: Dragon's Deception

(This is a Divinity II crossover but you won't need to have played the game to understand this story so please just give this a chance if you haven't. Watch the trailers for Divinity 2 if you want to know more or read the wiki page if you prefer... I'm basically making this the fourth installment in the series of actual games. There was Divine Divinity, Beyond Divinity, Divinity II: Ego Draconis/The Dragon Knight Saga AKA Flames of Vengeance and now my story: Achieving Divinity. Set a few months after Divinity 2: DKS for those who've played the game.)

Damnation! How the hell did this happen? This is worse than when the others told me we had to eat soil three times a day to survive, but we didn't do it In front of the young recruits so as not to discourage them...

Ah well, I suppose I should introduce myself first of all, that is the polite way to do things yes?.

My name is Dra- Err... Tyrath, Tyrath Kyelinth. It's pronounced Kai-linth just so you know, but I don't mind. If you have your own pronunciation for it, go right ahead.


Anyway, enough of that, my name i- Wait I just went over this! Sorry, I got confused for a second, that tends to happen when you’ve got a thousand things on your mind at any given time. Moving on this time... No for real, I won't forget this time. Do you ever find yourself in an existential quandary? Wondering just what the hell happened and how you got there in the first place what certain things you could've changed to avoid this exact situation? I know I have...

I saved the world more than once yes, but what about myself? Can I save myself? I was 19 at the time, it's now a year later and I never found time to work on myself.I don't know who I am or what my end goal is. I wonder about myself sometimes.

Then again one of these particular moments happens in every beings life at one point usually. So. Here I am. At the start of my new story.

Let's begin, shall we?

Chapters (13)

(No ponies until Ch 5/6)

I am the Hero of Ferelden, and the King as husband to Queen Anora, officially, the title is Prince-Consort but everyone calls me the King and treats and thinks of me as such, I made a lot of world affecting choices during the Blight, some for better, some for worse, since I ended the Blight and helped Amaranthine and House Dace, life was looking up, apart from one

thing... the Calling, this is the call all Wardens get after 30+ years to go to the Deep Roads and end your life throwing yourself at the Darkspawn beneath, I don't plan to end that way, so now I am on the road seeking something that may not exist, just like with the Sacred Ashes.

But something happens to me and Barkspawn when we find a relic that could help, something that would change our, and every other Wardens lives, forever, when we end up somewhere foreign, with no idea of what to expect, what will we do? how will we cope? will we survive? one way to find out...

My name is King Regnier Therin Cousland, and this is my codex...

Chapters (7)

(Picture source, image is not mine: here Prototype by MDreed)

Chapter 6 contains time travel, and foaling(mare pregnancy and birth)

Project Pariah, stuck in a cell, made by a virus, that pretty much sums up life for him, he has led a lonely existence, imprisoned and scorned for something that he didn't cause, because they are scared, what happens when you corner a fox? bad things.

They learned this with Alex Mercer and James Heller, both interests to Pariah, who can patiently wait, but when the End War breaks out and shit goes wrong, Pariah is thrust into a world he doesn't understand, but Parah is an adapter and can make himself fit in, but when he ha to reveal what he is, he is worried and hopes these inhabitants will not mess with things they don't understand... but in a world filled with peace, does it have a place for people and ponies like Pariah? Pariah who is lonely? maybe he can find company in a purple pony and her 5 friends, and 2, perhaps 3 Princesses and learn what it means to be human/pony...

Chapters (9)

This story is a sequel to Livin' The Dream.

[there might be no mane 6 in this story by the way]

Who am I? or... what am I? am I even human anymore?

Have you ever wondered what defines a soul? well I hope you find the answer, i really do, and when you do, let me know, because I'm still searching for my soul...

Well, I've died thrice now, and it's not that enjoyable, I either expected eternal damnation or ascension, but no, I was given another chance, by... well we'll cross that bridge when we come to it, you'll know who he is VERY soon, no worries.

I have been given a third chance at life now, but where am I? what time is it? who am I? why am I asking you these things? just read the story.

(And to warn you my char is kind of a Mary Sue but he will still get his ass kicked and many other things which show that no matter how badass you are, things can go horribly wrong, so don't dislike because of that fact because I warned you.)

Chapters (13)

(the image is supposed to be Baz crying after his parents have died and obviously worried Princesses, just something to show the story's main line, my character is a broken man.)

Baz was a good kid, straight A* student, on his way to getting a good job, the works, life was going great... until year 10 in high school... At 18, his parents and brother died in a house fire, with him being the only survivor.

For the past 3 years he has been living on the road, working for gangs, getting into trouble, not because he wanted to but because he needed to, he could never step foot inside a school again after he found out, so he couldn't finish up and get a job, he didn't even have a house.

He had plenty of money however, but refused to settle down, he had also done some horrible things in order to survive, he also had a lot of general knowledge, not that it served him well.

One fateful night and a car accident later, he is in Equestria.

A certain Princess helps him acclimate while another thinks 'it' should be locked up, but not before Baz wakes up again and his life is destroyed further...

And G-Man is here?

what will ensue I wonder?


Chapters (9)

This is a Kingdoms Of Amalur crossover.

When the Fateless One is thrown into Equestria with nary a clue as to how he got there in the first place, he has to find what happened, and sets out to do so.

Equestria doesn't like dealing with things violently and murder is nonexistent, the Fateless One lives, thrives and requires violence to survive and earn his keep.

He needs to get back... or does he? will he want (or be convinced) to stay and learn the values of friendship and can he even make friends with these ponies? only time will tell... and the Fateless One has eternity to wait... do you?

(credit to NyxKnight for image & wIll contain romance between human and pony and possible clop in future chapters, they will be marked)

Chapters (10)

(cred to Blizzard Entertainment and LDAustin Art.com for the pic)
'The number of the Riders shall ever be Four'
I missed out 'Conquest' for a reason... he is but a myth to us, even I know not to believe it, Conquest was a fake identity...

Don't you judge me mortal! you have no right! for your information I have much knowledge...!

But the Nephilim kept even this from me, so begone!

No? you want a story I guess?
Let me continue(read short description first)
...the figure neither spoke nor moved until he asked me to recount history for him, I did just that, at the end he sent me to guide Death, why? I didn't know, when he sacrificed and I finished my tale he revealed himself as the fifth Horseman...

Desire... and there is peace right now...

But that will all change when Desire is sent on a mission, which I will account for you in these chapters.

(eventual clop, I will mark featured chapters)

Chapters (15)