//------------------------------// // What the fuck? // Story: What Defines A Soul? // by The Joeker //------------------------------// I'm awake... what the fuck happened? How did I...? As far as I remember... I- I don't remember anything at all... worrying. I bolted up out of bed- Wait, bed? when did I...? Hang on... where am I? Well, in a dark room to be precise, but where exactly in the world? Russia? I could be for all I know, I could even be on an alien planet! hope I wasn't probed. Wait… I could hear voices on the other side of the door… hopefully they can help me. I put my ear to it and listened and I could hear them perfectly… with no muffle… weird. "That thing sang a song that rang out from Witherford to here, it spurred some of the non-blessed on and sparked a revolution in some non-believers." "Yeah... plus, I found an odd shape that seemed to be materialising, I brought it here in case it's a bomb!" said an obviously crazy person. "A bomb? Ahhhhhhh!" shouted another. "Yeah yeah it's in there." he said quickly, both these people were crazy… "What? No no no! we need to dispose of it!" said the other, meanwhile I collected a small knife and as the door opened I stood behind it, I snapped the persons neck and threw my knife into the other some kind of bodily instinct made me faster than usual, with reflexes- what the fuck!? Ponies just walked into my room… fucking ponies! What the fuck?! They must be trained, their owners must have ordered them to check on me I found a sword in a holster on my back and wielding it just felt… right. Wait… this was the sword from MGS… and I felt something moving in the back of my head… I let it out somehow and I suddenly had computer interface in front of me, and it said: 'Welcome, Project Ezekiel.' my legs felt… odd… like they aren't natural, before I could vocally ask the computer it seemed to be connected to my subconscious and able to detect when I wanted to ask it something. "Your new legs are 100% cybernetic, and your real ones were lost in a [DATA EXPUNGED]" damn! Classified info meant the government got their hands on me… for whatever reason… I also realised I could fight and look at the interface because I heard: "What th-" before a slicing was heard, and I figured out how to bring my visor down, I was covered in blood and so was my blade, the thing is, I felt myself move and I was moving myself consciously but at the same time I wasn't, it's like I know what to do and I do it without sending my brain the signal, I just killed a pony without paring him a glance... I looked in a very small mirror and saw myself… cyborg ninja… I'd always dreamt of being Gray Fox… but to actually be him… I experimented with a few things to get the hang of everything... I needed answers, and I wasn't finding them standing around. I 'retracted' my suit and left. I walked away and went out before I triggered a trap, I jumped backward, but a swinging spear (imagine a log trap from SW:TROTJ where the Ewoks use swinging logs to take down an AT-AT but replace them with spears)pierced my shoulder, I knew to not retract my suit unless I'm definitely safe. I snuck past some guards with some awesome acrobatic moves, I still couldn't see any human owners maybe they left… I got to the exit door and opened it… what the fuck…? It looked like old New York. Old New York in the middle of a fucking zombie apocalypse! There was a sign that says Manehatten... maybe it was a joke? I turned and saw some 'crazed ponies'; they had green dilated eyes and ragged fur! "There! he is untouched by the God of Chaos' glory!" shouted a human pack leader I guess, I mean ponies can't talk and a bunch started to run after me, god my brother would love this, he loved zombie invasion stuff and always wanted one to happen… My brother, my family… they must be worried about me… I need to get back. I sprinted through the streets, avoiding crowds of the bastards as I went. I could fucking sprint fast! And I never ran out of breath as much as I used to! I saw I was surrounded on all sides so I fucking Prince of Persia'd that shit! I kept going through the city, getting away from the things as best I could, which was pretty amazingly well with my new legs! What the fuck was going on though? Some kind of Ponyocoplypse? Whatever's going on it's fucked up, I can say that at the least... I kept running away from these crazed animals, there were so many of them... Eventually I got into an alley and hid from them. "Whew... close one..." I breathed. I saw the massive hoard still running past, how many were after me? there must have been a few thousand at least. "Time to move." I said as the last of them were gone and I ran in the opposite direction. "Time to find someone who can help my sorry ass." I said and ran again to get as far away from the bloodthirsty ponies as possible. Just what the fuck was going on exactly? zombified ponies? I sure as hell hope not! Just where can I go for help though? it's not as if help is in an abundant supply... and what did that unseen person mean? 'God of Chaos' glory...' maybe some kind of cult? probably. "Ok... time to move." I said. But as I was running I noticed a shop that was selling science supplies... hmm... Done... I'll have a nice surprise for these zombie bastards... I headed to what I assume is the town square. I hid behind a wall and heard voices. "Are they all gone?" "Yes, all the revolutionaries have either fled, died or have joined our cause!!!" I heard them leave and kept moving through the back alleys. I saw the town center and placed the merchandise down. "Ok... time to fucking leg it!" I said to myself and sprinted to the outskirts of town. (Maybe add your own dramatic music to the background) I kept running until- (Might wanna turn your sound down) I turned around and put my hand on my brow as if trying to look far away. I have no idea how the blueprints for that bomb found their way into my head... but damn... a small nuke, enough for a city, no fallout as far as the rest of the world outside 0.5 miles of Ground Zero. -Meanwhile, Princess Celestia's POV- As me and Luna marched with our small army to Manehattan to take it from Discord's minions or even destroy it. Suddenly: "Shiiiiit..." said a guard, but a glare from Luna made him button up. "Well... somepony took'st care of that for us..." said Luna, it was true, less casualties for them, suddenly a note landed in front of them that said all civilians were taken to 'Chaos Camps' and none were caught in the explosion because every citizen had either escaped or been taken, she also felt a presence... a familiar one, as if it delivered the note in case they thought the pony that did this was out to get them... It appeared Luna felt it too, but neither sibling pressed. "Indeed dear sister, come we must away to the Chaos Camps." said Celestia as they marched onward... Meanwhile the man now known as Gray Fox marched... Imagine the army and Baz walking away through what appears to be a desert on a split screen, with a camera flashing over the Princesses faces and Baz's face to this: