The Grid

by Valuable Ashes

First published

A CYOA story featuring the CMC and modern weaponry.

A trio of friends founded a militia in the south part of Manehatten who are actually slightly more competent that the standard police force. Nearly a month later, their part-time job was nowhere near as exciting. One day while shopping for snacks, they get pinned by a group of unknown ponies.

Set in an AU where guns are common and Scoot's wings are not so small anymore. Assess the situation and gain the best outcome.
Pixel Art map by ThisHidingPony (me).
There are 15 unique endings. 3 of them are more unique than the rest.
(If you find something wrong like a typo or an idiom that doesn't make sense. Tell it to me. I'm no native English speaker so there may be something wrong).

The Mini-Store (Start Here)

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One early morning, in the heart of Manehatten were a trio of friends. They were inseparable and quite fond of each other. In their younger years they were known as the Cutie Mark Crusaders because before they had found their marks of adolescence, they would try to find whatever their mark by means of experimentation.

On the trio's flanks were purple shields with an emblem in them to differentiate their talents alongside their goals. Even then, they were still the Cutie Mark Crusaders. After finishing up school in Ponyville, they moved to Manehatten to go to college.

Ten years later, shortly after they all graduated from college. The CMC were worried by the lack of competence the local police have. Some days they would hear gunshots in the night then when they stop that's when they would hear sirens. Then later, in the morning the newspapers would be filled with murders. The solution? The trio founded a militia. They named it after themselves, The Crusaders.

Even then, they knew they couldn't make money off of the militia and so they have jobs to keep them fed. Aside from the actual jobs they have, the militia hasn't been doing much to increase their reputation. Rarely they would find mares being mugged by stallions and stallions trying to mug the Crusaders with varying degrees of success. That was until Sweetie Belle bought a Colt 1011 to ward off any thieves. Loaded with blank rounds if threatening them isn't enough.

Of course, this raised a lot of questions from ponies if a unicorn was waving a firearm in the air. So the Crusaders went on a shopping spree in one of the popular clothe stores in Manehatten. Specifically, Rarity's Boutique.

While Rarity is on a trip with the other element bearers to Yakyakistan, Sweetie Belle could practically feel her presence in any store she goes in to. Realizing that buying simple green shirts isn't going to make them stand out in the crowd, Apple Bloom requested a tailor to put the word "CRUSADER" in white bold text on the front of the shirt.

Satisfied with their new uniforms they paid the tailors and went to wear them every time they would go on duty.

A month passes and nothing exciting happens. They had doubts that they were wasting their time or was too small of a threat to dangerous gangs in the city. Apple Bloom decided to talk about it at a local store, Mini-Stable, and the future of the Crusaders. They would have been finished talking about it if only they didn't have such dilemmas on picking their food.

"Do you guys want fish or chips? Fish and chips?" Apple Bloom asked the other two.

"What about our drinks? Do we take root beer? Or chocolate drinks?" Scootaloo asked Apple Bloom.

"Or how about we grab what we want and sit down? I'm getting hungry over here" Sweetie Belle replied.

The earth pony and pegasus looked at each other then nodded in agreement. However, before Apple Bloom could grab a bag of chips, she saw something outside the window.

There were two white featureless vans parked outside. This alone raised some red flags. She could question more about it but was stopped by the van's doors opening. Five ponies in total came out of the two vans. They were wearing bandannas around their muzzles.

The rest of the Crusaders looked out to see what Apple Bloom's sudden pause in movement meant. There were four unicorns and an earth pony outside. Then something horrible happened. A unicorn pulled out a sub-machine gun.

Apple Bloom's eyes widen and reflexively ducked behind the shelf. The two Crusaders followed suit almost immediately. Then the unicorn opened fire. The sub machine gun was aimed at its first victim through the store's glass door. A middle aged earth pony purchasing something in packets. He never was able to pay as three bullets found their way into his head. The unicorn pony behind the cashier falls onto the floor moaning in pain.

A pegasus mare and her filly yelped and hid under the coolers in the front of the store. The unicorn outside emptied out his magazine and reloaded. Just as Apple Bloom peeked out again, the other three unicorns and earth pony pulled out varying small arms and shot wildly into the store. Bottles and chip bags were shot open, spilling out food and water to the floor.

"What are we going to do now?" Sweetie Belle yelled in all the gun fire.

"We can't stay here. We've got to fight back" Apple Bloom shouted back at her. "Hold them off until the police arrive"

"I'll help the pony behind the counter" Scootaloo reached out a hoof but quickly retracted it as another surge of bullets tried to eviscerate her foreleg.

Even though Apple Bloom was shaking and scared, she tried to not let it get the better of her. Their first real fight just mere seconds away from her. She shook her head then looked at the ponies around them in the store. An earth pony beside them was in a fetal position clutching his sling bag tightly. A mare and her filly was just behind the shelf they were hiding behind and a unicorn writhing in pain behind the counter.

Her face took on a determined expression as she examined the odds stacked up against each other.

"No matter what happens. We must save these ponies" The other two Crusaders nodded.

The guns outside stopped firing and everything was silent. Scootaloo took this chance and vaulted over the counter to the fallen unicorn. Whoever that was shooting at them missed the speedy pegasus by a mile.

As the bullets tore through panes of glass and a weeks worth of snacks...
...the Crusaders need to defend the store.

Stage A: Defense

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Holes were being created by the second. These thieves don't look like thieves anymore. What was the point in destroying the food they were supposed to steal?

The firing stopped again for a while. Sweetie Belle took the chance to peek over the metal shelf that separated them from life and death. She saw all five ponies outside, some switching magazines and some being on guard looking around for something. But what?

From her perspective, she found out that half of the unicorns had pistols while the other half had sub machine guns. The lone earth pony wielded a baseball bat in his mouth.

"What's out there?" The earth pony whispered out loud.

"There are five of them. They've got pistols and SMGs" The unicorn whispered back.

"What do you think they're doing here?"

"I don't know. Scoots! How's the earth pony?" The two mares heard quiet grunts behind the counter before a familiar voice whispered back at them.

"He's doing fine. Just got his shoulder grazed. I'm patching him up right now"

"Apple Bloom! An earth pony is coming through the front door. What do we do?"

Going medieval in a gun fight is most likely to end in death but a good push and shove to the corner of the store would provide cover for a little while. Another option to know is that Sweetie Belle is wielding a pistol in her magic grip. Although she has blank rounds in the gun, shooting at point blank range will have the same effect as like shooting with live rounds.

The earth pony has entered the store, not even bothering to close the door. Sweetie Belle raised her pistol and is on the verge of pulling the trigger.

With only seconds to spare, Apple Bloom...
...stops Sweetie then rushes to tackle.
...let Sweetie Belle shoot him in the leg.

Stage B: Offense

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Seconds passed by and nothing happened. All three crusaders were behind cover and are not moving any time soon. The mare and her filly huddled close to the bandaged unicorn.

Before long, the trio heard hoof steps getting closer to the store. From the sounds of it, there were two ponies coming closer to the front door. Scootaloo looked expectantly at Apple Bloom to make their next move.

Apple Bloom could think of a couple ideas once the two ponies enter. They could get into a hoof fight and try to use the element of surprise on them. However, none of them knows what weapons they are carrying. Alternatively, Scootaloo could shoot at one of them. Their odds of surviving would be greatly increased.

As everypony could hear the shattered glass door swinging open, Apple Bloom decides to...
...have Scootaloo shoot one of unicorns.
...tackle them both.


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Welcome to the credits

I actually created this halfway into completing the CYOA because rewriting then removing then adding in the parts that need to change and adding extra dialogue is repetitive. Thank you for giving the time to read and play this CYOA.

The only way to access the Credits is to find the Pacifist or Genocide endings or the hidden Canon ending. That or from chapter skipping (going through chapters by clicking "Next" and not by the links).

Here are the statistics I will show you if you are interested.

Estimated time to finish: 10 hours and 26 minutes
Editing and Proofreading: 1 hour and 15 minutes
Date started/ended: July 22, 2020 - August 28, 2020
Total Choices: 35
Endings: 13
Endings with Civilian/MC deaths: 6
Special Endings: 3

I created this game after watching multiple playthroughs of Into the Breach (Made by Subset games) and the song Pumped Up Kicks (Created by Foster The People). I originally wanted the CYOA to be grid-based like chess hence the name of the CYOA but I deemed it too hard.

If you managed to get this far into the credits, thank you so much for playing through this. I'll tell you something though, there is a canon ending to this. It's not fake, you just have to find it.
If you wish to see the picture I made to help me keep track of all the choices, I still have no idea how to put it here in the story. It took hours from my endless time at home to make this. I only had MS paint at the time and can't afford for such big painting tools and apps. I also made my profile pic with MS paint.


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Apple Bloom stood still and did nothing to stop Sweetie Belle. In turn, the unicorn fired her pistol. The blank round collided the hind leg of the earth pony and tripped on the floor.

Apple Bloom took this chance and shoved the earth pony to the wall then did a swift jab to knock him out. The earth pony's friends outside couldn't get a clean shot and missed her entirely, the bullets blasting holes in the concrete walls.

Apple Bloom looked at the spot where the pony got shot at. It was bruised and she could see a small amounts of blood pouring out.

"Sweetie! Scoots! Try to apprehend them but kill them if you have too" The two Crusaders nodded then went back to focusing on the situation. Apple Bloom peeked behind the wall then ducked back. "Sweetie, I need you to cover me while I lead the mare and filly behind the counter"

Sweetie Belle looked at her pistol briefly and time seemed to slow down. There are four armed unicorns outside with full magazines probably. She peeked over the metal shelf before ducking back in to avoid getting shot. When she did so, she gained valuable information. All unicorns were positioned in front of their vans leaving them with no cover. She could hide behind the shelf and shoot where she last saw them but they would most likely switch positions or hide.

Sweetie Belle could think of two ways to suppress the unicorns. Either she shoots above the metal shelf or to the side. If she shoots above the shelf, she would have to rely on how heavy the metal shelf is as she would need to support her weight on it. If she would shoot at the side, she wouldn't have to worry about falling over and have better aim. However, she would be right next to path Apple Bloom and the other ponies have to take creating a much larger target for the unicorns.

Deciding that it would be a great idea to cover them sooner, Sweetie Belle covers...
...above the metal shelf.
...the side of the metal shelf.


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Before Sweetie Belle could aim at the earth pony and fire, Apple Bloom rushed out into the open and tackled the pony into the wall. A stream of bullets were trying to keep up with her but hit the concrete walls and further destroying the windows. The earth pony pushed Apple Bloom out in the open but she pounced back to him before the unicorns could riddle her bullets.

Apple Bloom threw a strong right hook at the earth pony and he slumped on the wall unconscious. The yellow earth pony stayed in the corner, wary of the unicorns outside.

"Don't kill anypony!" She shouted at the others and crouched down. "Sweetie Belle, give me covering fire. I'm going to pull those two behind the counter"

Sweetie Belle looked at her pistol briefly and time seemed to slow down. There are four armed unicorns outside with full magazines probably. She peeked over the metal shelf before ducking back in to avoid getting shot. When she did so, she gained valuable information. All unicorns are in front of their vans. She could shoot where she last saw them but they would most likely switch positions and hide in the vans for extra cover.

Sweetie Belle could think of two ways to suppress the unicorns. Either she shoots above the metal shelf or to the side. If she shoots above the shelf, she would have to rely on how heavy the metal shelf is as she would need to support her weight on it. If she would shoot at the side, she wouldn't have to worry about falling over and have better aim. However, she would be right next to path Apple Bloom and the other ponies have to take. If she does this, the unicorns outside would likely focus fire on your direction.

As time slowly ramps back up to full speed, Sweetie Belle...
...shoots above the metal shelf.
...shoots at the side of the metal shelf.

Suppressing (High)...

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Sweetie Belle nodded at Apple Bloom who nodded back. The yellow earth pony galloped then ducked behind the coolers just beside the two pegasi. The ponies outside were too slow to react and managed to shoot her tail instead of a killing blow. Apple Bloom was coaxing the two to follow her. The filly held onto her mother as tightly as she could while the mare was too scared to answer.

Bullets bounced off of the metal shelf. Some of them pierced through the metal and into another shelf behind it. Once the mare agreed, Apple Bloom gave the signal. Sweetie held on the top of the shelf with her two forelegs and shot at the two unicorns with sub machine guns. The two ran behind the van while the other two unicorn with pistols fired at Sweetie Belle. She ducked but lost her hoofing, losing precious time covering Apple Bloom.

She remembered that her pistol was still above the shelf and so she fired blindly with her pistol unsure of whether or not she scared the rest of them. It appeared to work as Apple Bloom and the two pegasi safely moved behind the counter.

Sweetie Belle switched to a fresh magazine and discarded the empty one in a pocket. She looked out into the streets and was not surprised that the unicorns were coming out one by one.

Sweetie Belle ducked back behind the shelf then looked at the earth pony beside her. His eyes are wide and is trying to be as small as he could possibly can. While she knew that the only safe place in the whole store was behind the counter she also knew that carrying him was going to be a tough challenge.

She tried levitating him off the floor but ended up moving just an inch above ground. If she were to carry him, she could throw her gun to one of the Crusaders and have them cover for her while she pushes the earth pony.

After careful consideration, she...
...hauls the catatonic earth pony.
...leaves him there.

Suppressing (Low)...

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Sweetie Belle nodded to Apple Bloom and the earth pony nodded back. The unicorn mare slipped out of cover and fired blank rounds to the unicorns outside. Two of them fell back behind the van while the other two backed off a bit and fired back at her.

Some bullets hit the metal shelf, causing Sweetie to take cover. This didn't stop her from continuing to suppress them with her firearm. The blank rounds were unable to hurt anypony at this range but it would definitely hurt somepony.

Meanwhile, Apple Bloom tried to coax to two civilians to move with her. The filly hugged tightly to her mother and in turn the mother returned the hug. Soon, they were ready to leave. As Sweetie Belle was covering the three, a bullet struck into her head making her fall limp on the shelf.

Apple Bloom shouted at the fallen Crusader before being shot in the stomach. Like the two Crusaders, the pegasus family met a similar fate. The mother covered her filly as best as she could before dying from the ponies outside. Their blood pooling out of their bullet wounds.

When the police arrived, they found nothing but splashes of blood and three mares dead in the middle of the store. After watching through the mini-store's security camera, they could see five ponies loading up a bandaged unicorn, a knocked out pegasus, a crying aqua foal, and a struggling earth pony into a van.

Scootaloo's fate is unknown.


Two (2) Crusaders have been killed
One (1) Civilian has been killed

Staying Put...

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Sweetie Belle looked at the path to the counter and shook her head. It looked too dangerous and out in the open to carry the heavy earth pony. She sighed and looked outside the mini-store again. The unicorns were still there and shooting at them if anypony poked their heads out.

Meanwhile, Scootaloo finished patching up the unicorn. It was sloppy but she did the best she could. The unicorn stallion coughed then motioned Scootaloo to a secret compartment inside the counter. There was a loaded Bearetta inside the box.

"Those bastards out there are not your average ponies. I know those masks anywhere. They come from a gang probably living in some abandoned warehouse" He shoved the pistol in the pegasus' hooves. "I hope you know how to use it"

"Why can't you?"

"I'm scared, okay? I don't know how to handle things like these" The unicorn chuckled to himself. "This store was built to withstand a firefight. I wanted it to be like that. I thought I had to guts to be a hero when the right time came but now that it's actually happening, I just realized that I can't"

Scootaloo leaves his side and moved next to Apple Bloom. The earth pony has never held a gun before, much less know much about it except squeezing the trigger causes the gun to fire while the pegasus has gotten through simple training to at least know the basics to handling a firearm. The pegasus checked the bullets inside the magazine and was surprised to see live rounds inside.

"Apple Bloom, what do we do now?"

"I don't know. Just wait for the police to arrive. They can't be far"

Unfortunately for them, this attack was not the only one happening in the city. Multiple police forces were having trouble with different raids going all over the city. It was a coordinated attack from a popular gang that resided in the rich areas of the city. Their name is feared by many. The locusts.

Needless to say...
...the trio will have to defend for far longer.


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Sweetie Belle threw the pistol behind the counter, the firearm landing next to Apple Bloom. The Crusader looked at it and didn't know what to do with it.

"Scootaloo, you're the only pony who can use the pistol. Cover me while I haul this pony over there"

Scootaloo averted her eyes from the bandaged unicorn and looked at the pistol. The yellow mare urged Scootaloo get into position. The orange pegasus mare nodded at the white unicorn then Sweetie's plan was set in motion. Scootaloo was on her hind legs while her hooves were on the both the hoof grip and trigger.

The earth pony was probably heavier then a sack of potatoes. Sweetie Belle used both muscle and magic to pull him to cover. She was halfway there when she heard a dreaded click.

"I'm out!"

With no more covering fire, the unicorns came out from behind the vans and gunned down the unicorn and earth pony. Sweetie Belle's eyes turning lifeless by the second. Both Crusaders mourned loudly over the loud gun fire.

The police came to the scene thirty minutes later to interrupt a fight between the last two Crusaders and the unicorns. The offending ponies were cuffed and sent to jail. Meanwhile, the two Crusaders saw their third member aboard a stretcher. Apple Bloom regrets not helping Sweetie Belle push the earth pony. If only she said what her plan was. It didn't take long before the Crusaders disbanded and went on their own ways.


One (1) Crusader is dead
One (1) Civilian is dead

Going Melee...

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"When I say the word, we pounce on them. You got it?" Apple Bloom whispered at Scootaloo. The pegasus' gripped the pistol inside her wing.

The two gang members stepped into the store, pushing the broken glass door out of their way. Their hooves made contact with the shattered glass. Behind the metal shelf, Sweetie Belle ducked beside the shocked earth pony. Making sure that she wouldn't be seen.

Apple Bloom kept waiting patiently under the counter until she saw her chance. One of the gang members looked directly at her and was not fast enough to deflect a hoof to the face. The other unicorn saw her but was tackled by a speedy pegasus.

Sweetie Belle looked at her two best friends fighting the armed unicorns. Sometimes, the other two ponies outside would shoot at them. Sweetie Belle quickly decided that she would cover them for now. Despite being blank rounds, a shot to the face would disorient somepony.

Apple Bloom was doing well on her own but Scootaloo is having a slight problem. She couldn't land any of her hits, the unicorn was too good for her. However, she had a pistol hidden behind her wing.

She could try to and push him away to fire the gun but it would only create a small space that the unicorn could close in quickly or she could smash his face with the pistol. Just hope that there is no round in its chamber.

Not wanting to became beaten to a pulp, Scootaloo decides to...
...push him and fire the pistol.
...smash his head with the pistol.

Bullets and Barrels...

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As the two unicorns enter through the shattered window, Sweetie Belle takes a shot to one of them. The blank round hits the barrel of one causing her to fall to the floor with a yelp. While she fell, a ray of light hit Sweetie Belle's eye effectively making her blind for a short moment.

When she could see again her first sight was the unicorn stallion kneeling next to the fallen unicorn. Before Sweetie could ask herself what caused the blinding light she looked at the two unicorn's horns. A gold ring was sitting on the base of each their horn. A married couple.

The blank round was fired a few hooves away from the target, making it deadly to many. The blank struck her chest, piercing through the skin and bones. Punching through a vital organ in her body. The pony beside her wept, holding her hoof tightly before letting go.

The stallion turned his gaze from his wife to Sweetie with fire in his eyes. He raised his SMG and shot wildly around her but Sweetie fortunately ducked quickly.

Sweetie Belle fled from the metal shelf and vaulted over the counter.

The raging unicorn stepped to where she last was and saw her behind the counter. He was going in with the intent to kill her dead. Instead he saw the earth pony in a fetal position. He hefted the earth pony up to him and pointed the gun to his head.

"I know you are there. Come out before I put a bullet into his head"

In the corner of the store, Apple Bloom and Scootaloo have already finished knocking out the unicorn they were fighting and hid themselves behind his sleeping body. The angry unicorn was slowly loosing patience and held the earth pony tighter.

"You've got five seconds before I blow his brains out"

Scootaloo has a great idea to sneak behind him and Apple Bloom will take the earth pony away from the unicorn. However, the noise from Scootaloo's wings flapping will attract the unicorn's attention. Alternatively, the two Crusaders can stay still and let Sweetie get out of cover and take the shot. With the earth pony in the way of the unicorn, it can be a difficult shot.

Luckily, the distance between Sweetie and the two are far enough for the blank round to be a non lethal. It will hurt in the morning but non lethal. Then the other two can apprehend the unicorn.

"5... 4..."

With very little time to choose, the Crusader(s)...
...sneak around the unicorn.
...shoots the unicorn.

Stealth engaged...

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Scootaloo and Apple Bloom set their plan to action. The pegasus flapped her wings and instantaneously went to the far side of the store near the shattered window.

The unicorn turned his head at the noise but failed to see who made it. The magical grip around the earth pony tightened making the hostage start to flail around a bit. Apple Bloom went to position behind the metal shelf while the unicorn was looking the other way. Both pegasus and earth pony nodded to each other and they both moved fluidly to the unicorn.

While the unicorn was looking the other way, Apple Bloom pounced on him, but failed to knock the SMG off of his magical grip. Scootaloo came around the corner and kicked the unicorn's horn making him lose concentration.

The unicorn struggled and tried to fling them off with his magic but it proved futile. Sweetie Belle was shaky after the close call and looked for tape to wrap all the gang member's hooves together. Scootaloo used the rest of the first aid kit to aid the hurt ponies until authorities arrived.

The Crusaders were finally resting with the civilians and ensuring there were no more threats. The police and ambulances arrived. They were questioned but were let go after being vouched by the three ponies that were saved.

Sweetie Belle looked back at the scene and saw the widower try to cling onto his dead lover. For the rest of the trip back home she couldn't think of anything else but that.

Sweetie Belle announced that she will leave the Crusaders. Apple Bloom tried to reason but it was useless. The Crusaders lasted a few more months before the remaining duo had to disband after Apple Bloom suffered a near fatal injury.




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Scootaloo stood up to push the offending earth pony to one of the refrigerators then crouched back down again. She pulled out the pistol hidden in her wing with a hoof. She hesitated before holding it by the barrel. Hoping it wouldn't fire while she was wielding it, she charged towards the unicorn.

The pony didn't have enough time to react and got slapped by the pistol. He collapsed down to the floor with his right cheek bruised. It wasn't enough to knock him out and the pony stood back up again albeit with shaky legs.

Scootaloo was having none of that and hit him again. The pony fell and wasn't moving anytime soon. The pegasus moved next to the unicorn and checked his pulse. She breathed a sigh of relief when she felt something.

Meanwhile, Apple Bloom managed to dodge both bullets and punches while fighting the unicorn. Her race as an earth pony increased her skills in hoof to hoof fighting. She may have gotten hit once or twice but she was showing no signs of stopping.

Scootaloo, finally free from her fight, came to join Apple Bloom. Outnumbered two to one, the unicorn does not have any chance to fight for long. It looked as if things were running smoother.

But all the good things must come with a price. The other two unicorns with their SMGs fired a burst of bullets to one of the windows. Sweetie Belle turned her attention from the brawl and to the window and saw the last two unicorns galloping to the shattered window.

The white unicorn moved to the left side of the shelf to aim at the duo charging. In moments, the two unicorns will enter the store, no doubt trying to kill all of the Crusaders and possibly the civilians too.

A precaution. Sweetie Belle knew that firing blank rounds in close range could harm a pony. Aside from the head, she could shoot the barrel or one of the legs. They're both much bigger targets.

With what looks like death nearing her, Sweetie aimed her pistol... one of the legs and fired. the barrel and fired.

One two punch...

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Apple Bloom dismissed her idea of fatally harming a pony so the duo kept on fighting the unicorn. Scootaloo delivered a punch to his right cheek and the stallion staggered a bit. Apple Bloom took this chance and landed an uppercut. The force of the punch sent him flying for a short time in the air before landing on the floor.

When the entire fighting ended, the two Crusaders were forced to duck from a stream of bullets. It impacted the metal shelf causing sparks to fly out of it. Sweetie Belle carefully listened at the pinging sound. It was almost as if the unicorns are emptying their magazines. But, why does she hear hooves impacting the ground?

Just then, a window was smashed open by a unicorn mare. Her eyes looking at the two vulnerable Crusaders on the floor and raised her SMG to fire upon them.

Meanwhile, Sweetie Belle managed to get into a position where she could fire at the mare. Now there is only one thing left to think about. Where should she shoot?

Sweetie Belle knew that firing a blank at this range could potentially hurt somepony real bad if not, fatal. She could shoot at one of her legs to destabilize her or she could shoot at her barrel, completely stopping her from harming anypony else.

Before the mare could kill both of her friends, Sweetie Belle...
...fires at her leg.
...fires at her barrel.

Bang bang...

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Scootaloo stood up to push the offending earth pony to one of the refrigerators then crouched back down again. She pulled out the pistol hidden in her wing with a hoof. She fumbled around the hoof trigger for a bit before firing.

The pony didn't have enough time to react and got shot on his torso. He collapsed down to the floor breathing heavily. The pony stood back up again albeit with shaky legs.

Scootaloo was having none of that and hit him with the pistol barrel. The pony fell and wasn't moving anytime soon. The lifeless unicorn twitched until he finally ceased to live.

While Apple Bloom was fighting the unicorn, the shot made them both stop in place. This proved bad for her as the unicorn got out of his trance better than her and the stallion was on top of her. Her race as an earth pony increased her skills in hoof to hoof fighting. She may have gotten hit once or twice but she was showing no signs of stopping.

Scootaloo, finally free from her fight, came to join Apple Bloom. Outnumbered two to one, the unicorn does not have any chance to fight for long. The pegasus kicked the unicorn off the earth pony and had a hoof fight. Sweetie Belle looked at her two friends and breathed a sigh of relief knowing that none of them died when she heard a gun going off.

But her relaxation was short lived. The other two unicorns with their SMGs fired a burst of bullets to one of the windows. Sweetie Belle turned her attention from the brawl and to the window and saw the last two unicorns galloping to the broken window.

The white unicorn moved to the left side of the shelf to aim at the broken window. In moments, the two unicorns will enter the store, no doubt trying to kill all of the Crusaders and possibly the civilians too.

A precaution. Sweetie Belle knew that firing blank rounds this in close range could harm a pony. Aside from the head, she could shoot the barrel or one of the legs. It's a much bigger target anyways.

With what looks like death nearing her, Sweetie aimed her pistol... one of the legs and fired. the barrel and fired.

Bullet to the knee...

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As the two unicorns enter through the shattered window, Sweetie Belle takes a shot to one of them. The blank round hits the hind leg of one causing her to fall to the floor. While she fell, a ray of light hit Sweetie Belle's eye effectively making her blind for a short moment.

When she could see again her first sight was the unicorn stallion kneeling next to the fallen unicorn. Before Sweetie could ask herself what caused the blinding light she looked at the two unicorn's horns. A gold ring was sitting on the base of each their horn. A married couple.

Although the mare was breathing albeit slowly, the stallion male turned his gaze from his wife to Sweetie with fire in his eyes. He raised his SMG and shot wildly around her but Sweetie fortunately ducked quickly.

Sweetie Belle fled from the metal shelf and vaulted over the counter.

The raging unicorn stepped to where she last was and saw her behind the counter. Instead he saw the earth pony in a fetal position. He hefted the earth pony up to him and pointed the gun on his head.

"I know you are there. Come out before I put a bullet into his head"

In the corner of the store, Apple Bloom and Scootaloo have already finished knocking out the unicorn they were fighting and hid themselves behind his body. The angry unicorn was slowly loosing patience and held the earth pony tighter.

"You've got ten seconds before I blow his brains out"

Scootaloo has a great idea to sneak behind him and Apple Bloom will take the earth pony away from the unicorn. However, the noise from Scootaloo's wings flapping will attract the unicorn's attention. Alternatively, the two Crusaders can stay still and let Sweetie get out of cover and take the shot. With the earth pony in the way of the unicorn, it can be a difficult shot.

Luckily, the distance between Sweetie and the two are far enough for the blank round to be a non lethal. It will hurt in the morning but non lethal. Then the other two can apprehend the unicorn.

"7... 6..."

With time running out, the Crusader(s)...
...sneak behind the unicorn.
...shoots the unicorn.


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"One of them might have a gun out. When I say the word, you shoot at one of them. You got it?" Apple Bloom whispered at Scootaloo. The pegasus' held the pistol with a hoof and another on the trigger.

The two gang members stepped into the store, pulling the broken glass door out of their way. Their hooves made contact with the shattered glass creating cracking sounds. Behind the metal shelf, Sweetie Belle ducked beside the shocked earth pony. Making sure that she wouldn't be seen.

Apple Bloom kept waiting patiently under the counter until she saw her chance. One of the gang members looked directly at her and was not fast enough to deflect a hoof to the face. The other unicorn saw her but was swiftly shot by a pegasus.

The loud bang that reverberated the store walls disoriented the ponies inside but shook off the confusion resulting with the remaining unicorn fighting two ponies at the same time.

Sweetie Belle looked at her two best friends fighting the disarmed unicorn. Sometimes, the other two ponies outside would shoot at them. Sweetie Belle quickly decided that she would cover them for now. Despite being blank rounds, a shot to the face would hurt somepony. However, she was heavily suppressed from continuous gun fire that forced her to hide and could not cover her friends in any way possible.

Apple Bloom and Scootaloo continued fighting the unicorn. It was clear who was going to win but with no more cover from the other Crusader they would need to take down the unicorn immediately.

Apple Bloom could make it quick and buck him hard in the face. That would stop his attacks but would most certainly kill him. Alternatively, the duo could try to hit him harder until he faints but the constant gunfire on their position might kill one of them.

Dodging the bullets whizzing by her, Apple Bloom...
...bucks him in the face.
...continues to fight the unicorn.


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Scootaloo and Apple Bloom set their plan to action. The pegasus flapped her wings and instantaneously went to the far side of the store near the shattered window.

The unicorn turned his head at the noise but failed to see who made it. Apple Bloom went to position behind the metal shelf while the unicorn was looking the other way. Both pegasus and earth pony nodded to each other and they both moved fluidly to the unicorn.

While the unicorn was looking the other way, Apple Bloom pounced on him, knocking the SMG off of his magical grip. Scootaloo came around the corner and kicked it away.

The unicorn struggled and tried to fling them off with his magic but it proved futile. Sweetie Belle found a roll of duct tape and taped all the gang member's hooves. Scootaloo used the rest of the first aid kit to aid the bleeding and hurt ponies until authorities arrived.

Arrived they did. Minutes after the Crusaders were finally resting with the civilians and ensuring there were no more threats. The police and ambulances arrived. They were questioned but were let go after being vouched by the three ponies that were saved.

After the police peeled off the duct tape and arrested the gang members, the trio finally went on their way back home. The praise they received and reflecting how well they were able to do such things under pressure increased their resolve. They knew one thing and it was that the Crusaders will not disband. Not until all order is restored in the city of Manehatten.

And they will do it one battle at a time.





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The unicorn was counting down slowly. Every second feeling like a lifetime. The two Crusaders behind the unicorn laid still, relying on Sweetie Belle to make her move.

"4... 3... 2..."

Sweetie Belle hoping for the best, stood up from cover and fired in the unicorn's direction. The first blank round hit the barrel of the hostage earth pony. It seemed to break him out of his trance and he let out a grunt of pain. The second blank hit the foreleg of the hostage then the third hit the unicorn on an important part of the body.

"Augh! My eye"

The blank hit his eye with a force that he topple over. The other two Crusaders moved in to help the Earth pony and the downed unicorn. It was a gnarly sight and Scootaloo did his best to remove the blank then covering the entire eye up.

Sweetie Belle couldn't bear to look at them and curdled up under the counter. The store was a complete wreck but everypony was okay. Almost everypony. The orange pegasus and yellow earth pony tied up the gang members in duct tape.

Scootaloo had to make sure the injured unicorn was still alive and not dying from blood loss. While Apple Bloom looked after her distressed friend. When the police and ambulances arrived, Sweetie Belle finally stopped crying. The bleeding unicorn was brought to an ambulance while the rest were taken into custody.

The Crusaders were questioned but were let go when the surviving ponies vouched for them that they saved them all. When the trio left the store, Sweetie Belle couldn't bear the feeling of doing that again but with careful convincing words she gained better resolve in the militia.

The trio continued to fight for justice and order but she left the militia years later when Sweetie Belle decided to work in the fashion industry like her sister. With one pony short, the Crusaders were less efficient and disbanded months later after Scootaloo became gravely injured due to a bar fight.



Pew pew...

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The unicorn was counting down slowly. Every second feeling like a vice slowly crushing the heart of the trio. The two Crusaders behind the unicorn laid still, relying on Sweetie Belle to make her move.

"3... 2..."

Sweetie Belle hoping for the best, stood up from cover and fired in the unicorn's direction. The first blank round hit the barrel of the hostage earth pony. It seemed to break him out of his trance and he let out a grunt of pain. The second blank hit the foreleg of the hostage then the third hit the unicorn in the eye.

"Augh! My eye"

The blank hit his eye with a force that he toppled over. The other two Crusaders moved in to help the Earth pony and the downed unicorn. It was a gnarly sight and Scootaloo did his best to remove the blank then covering the entire eye up.

Sweetie Belle couldn't bear to look at them and curdled up under the counter. She didn't want to kill ponies, she wanted to save them but if this was the price she doesn't know if she could handle it. With the white unicorn in a catatonic state, the orange pegasus and yellow earth pony tied up the gang members in duct tape.

Scootaloo had to make sure the injured unicorn was still alive and not dying from blood loss. While Apple Bloom looked after her distressed friend. When the police and ambulances arrived Sweetie Belle finally stopped crying. Instead, she has adapted a mile long stare . The bleeding unicorn was brought to an ambulance while the rest were taken into custody.

The Crusaders were questioned but were let go when the surviving ponies vouched for them that they saved them all. When the trio left the store, Sweetie Belle couldn't bear the feeling of doing that again but with careful convincing words she gained a little more resolve in the militia.

She doesn't have to carry all the burden after all. The three were best friends forever.

The trio continued to fight for justice and order but she left the militia months later when Sweetie Belle decided to work in the fashion industry like her sister. With one pony short, the Crusaders were less efficient and disbanded months later after Scootaloo became gravely injured due to an accident involving her scooter, a ramp, and a destroyed bridge.

It would appear that the engineer that built the bridge was cutting corners even though he was given a generous budget of half a million bits.

At least that was a sick stunt she pulled.

(Yes, that was a Poly Bridge reference. Shut up)

I knee-d you baby...

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As the two unicorns enter through the shattered window, Sweetie Belle takes a shot to one of them. The blank round hits the hind leg of one causing her to fall to the floor. While she fell, a ray of light hit Sweetie Belle's eye effectively making her blind for a short moment.

When she could see again her first sight was the unicorn stallion kneeling next to the fallen unicorn. Before Sweetie could ask herself what caused the blinding light she looked at the two unicorn's horns. A gold ring was sitting on the base of each their horn. A married couple.

The stallion male turned his gaze from his wife to Sweetie with fire in his eyes. He raised his SMG and shot wildly around her but Sweetie fortunately ducked quickly.

Sweetie Belle fled from the metal shelf and vaulted over the counter.

The raging unicorn stepped past the dead unicorn with a bullet wound in his barrel to where she last was and saw her behind the counter. Instead he saw the earth pony in a fetal position. He hefted the earth pony up to him and pointed the gun on his head.

"I know you are there. Come out before I put a bullet into his head"

In the corner of the store, Apple Bloom and Scootaloo have already finished knocking out the unicorn they were fighting and hid themselves behind his body. The angry unicorn was slowly loosing patience and held the earth pony tighter.

"I'll shoot him! I'll blow his brains out"

Scootaloo has a great idea to sneak behind him and Apple Bloom will take the earth pony away from the unicorn. However, the noise from Scootaloo's wings will attract the unicorn's attention. Alternatively, the two Crusaders can stay still and let Sweetie get out of cover and take the shot. With the earth pony in the way of the unicorn, it can be a difficult shot.

Luckily, the distance between Sweetie and the two are far enough for the blank round to be a non lethal. It will hurt in the morning but non lethal. Then the other two can apprehend the unicorn. But fate had other plans.

"Argh! Forget it, I'm gonna kill you!"

The unicorn dropped the shivering earth pony then raised his SMG above his head. His stance changed and looked like he was going to run to Sweetie's hiding spot.

Sweetie Belle could shoot at the unicorn with all her bullets. Surely one would get lucky and kill the raging unicorn dead. Or, Sweetie Belle could fight for the SMG then the other two Crusaders can tackle him. Though if he sees her, he would most likely start shooting at her.

With milliseconds left to choose, Sweetie decides to...
...shoot the unicorn and hope.
...fight over the control of the gun.

Jousting (with firearms)...

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Sweetie Belle came out of cover and started shooting at the shape of the unicorn. The stallion did the same thing but was seconds too late. A bullet landed straight through the neck of the stallion causing him to start choking on his own blood. He fell on the floor. He gripped his neck tightly but couldn't save himself from his fate.

Light sobbing could be heard from where the refrigerators are located but the fight was already over. The Crusaders won.

Scootaloo was now treating the wounded and when she finally came to the mare (now widow). The bullet would on her hindleg was covered by her hoof so she had to remove move in closer to remove the foreleg. What she didn't expect was to be stabbed with a shard of glass.

Apple Bloom knocked the widow out while Sweetie Belle was trying to remove the shard with tears in her eyes.

She shouldn't have killed him. If she didn't kill him maybe things would've ended better. Maybe.

Minutes later, the police and ambulance came. The Crusaders rushed their fallen member to the nearest ambulance and stayed beside her the rest of the trip. Fortunately, the doctors managed to save her from death. The pegasus stayed in the hospital for months just to regain the blood she lost and to heal up.

While recovering, the Crusaders disbanded after experiencing the near death of one of their best friends. Although, after a couple of years they were able to exceed in their jobs better than any other ponies that tried to do business, the trio can't help but feel as if they have given up a part of their soul on that fateful day.




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Sweetie Belle came out of cover and started shooting at the shape of the unicorn. The stallion did the same thing but was seconds too late. A bullet landed straight through the neck of the stallion causing him to start choking on his own blood. He fell on the floor. He gripped his neck tightly but couldn't save himself from his fate.

Then all was quiet. The Crusaders can finally rest from the battle for their lives and others. Apple Bloom stayed beside Sweetie Belle while Scootaloo looked for anypony wounded. Then she looked at the two dead unicorns lying on the floor. She knew she couldn't help them but it would have been nice if they were still alive and not dead.

Scootaloo took the time to move the dead stallion next to his wife. They looked so peaceful together, now that nopony was fighting. If only they have done something else.

The police and ambulances came minutes later. The three were questioned but were let go after receiving enough evidence from the civilians.

Afterwards, the three walked back home. While walking, two of the Crusaders started asking if this was the right choice. To save lives for the price of others. Apple Bloom, being outnumbered two to one could not do anything to convince them otherwise and said nothing for the whole trip.

Weeks later, the militia was disbanded after the Crusaders left to forget the whole incident. They kept in contact ever since but slowly separated and the incident back in the Mini-Store was forgotten.

A decade later and Apple Bloom announced that she and her colt friend was getting married. Sweetie Belle was the happy for her but Scootaloo could not help but think about something familiar about this.



Red Barrels...

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As the two unicorns enter through the shattered window, Sweetie Belle takes a shot to one of them. The blank round hits the barrel of one causing her to fall to the floor with a yelp. While she fell, a ray of light hit Sweetie Belle's eye effectively making her blind for a short moment.

When she could see again her first sight was the unicorn stallion kneeling next to the fallen unicorn. Before Sweetie could ask herself what caused the blinding light she looked at the two unicorn's horns. A gold ring was sitting on the base of each their horn. A married couple.

The blank round was fired a few hooves away from the target, making it deadly to many. The blank struck her chest, piercing through the skin and bones. The bullet pierced through a vital organ in her body. The pony beside her wept, holding her hoof tightly before letting go.

The stallion turned his gaze from his wife to Sweetie with fire in his eyes. He raised his SMG and shot wildly around her but Sweetie fortunately ducked quickly.

Sweetie Belle fled from the metal shelf and vaulted over the counter.

The raging unicorn stepped to where she last was and saw her behind the counter. He was going in with the intent to kill her dead. Instead he saw the earth pony in a fetal position. He hefted the earth pony up to him and pointed the gun on his head.

"I know you are there. Come out before I put a bullet into his head"

In the corner of the store, Apple Bloom and Scootaloo have already finished knocking out the unicorn they were fighting and hid themselves behind his body. The angry unicorn was slowly loosing patience and held the earth pony tighter.

"You've got five seconds before I blow his brains out"

Scootaloo has a great idea to sneak behind him and Apple Bloom will take the earth pony away from the unicorn. However, the noise from Scootaloo's wings will attract the unicorn's attention. Alternatively, the two Crusaders can stay still and let Sweetie get out of cover and take the shot. With the earth pony in the way of the unicorn, it can be a difficult shot.

Luckily, the distance between Sweetie and the two are far enough for the blank round to be a non lethal. It will hurt in the morning but non lethal. Then the other two can apprehend the unicorn. But fate had other plans.

"Argh! Forget this, I'm gonna fucking kill you"

The unicorn dropped the shivering earth pony then raised his SMG above his head. His stance changed and looked like he was going to run to Sweetie's hiding spot.

Sweetie Belle could shoot at the unicorn with all her bullets. Surely one would get lucky and kill the raging unicorn dead. Or, she could fight for the SMG then the other two Crusaders can tackle him. Though if he sees her, he would most likely start shooting at her.

With milliseconds left to choose, Sweetie decides to...
...shoot at the unicorn.
...struggle for control over the gun.


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Despite the unicorn with tears in his eyes, Apple Bloom was not convinced at his surrender. Apple Bloom nodded to Scootaloo and aimed at the stallion. This did not go unnoticed by the raging unicorn behind his tear-filled mask and ducked. He pulled out his SMG and sprayed the mini-store.

The trio immediately ducked behind cover, waiting for him to run out. When it did, Scootaloo popped out of cover to shoot at the unicorn. The first few shots didn't hit him but eventually something hit and the unicorn outside died.

Even though the threat was over, the trio felt shaken. A pony was baiting them in the form of mercy. The unicorn and pegasus mare dropped their firearms for different reasons. While Scootaloo rushed to apply first aid to anybody injured, Sweetie Belle cried.

Apple Bloom looked at her two friends then the stallion outside.

"He almost killed Scootaloo" She thought to herself. "That was too close"

When the police arrived, the four civilians have vouched for the trio's heroics. Despite killing more than half of the gang, the police let this one slide. When the Crusaders left the mini-store to return home, they were silent. The events still lingered in their minds.

Not knowing what to do next, the Crusaders continued doing justice before disbanding the militia. But not long after, they created a new name for themselves in bars all across Manehatten. Ponies all around fear them as they sometimes appear out of nowhere in the middle of bar fights. They call them...



Lowering Karma...

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Despite the unicorn with tears in his eyes, Apple Bloom was not convinced at his surrender. Apple Bloom nodded to Scootaloo and took the shot.

After the loud bang, the stallion outside felt something warm trickling down his forehead. He put a hoof up there and felt a circular hole on it. The stallion crumpled outside, dead from the shot.

Even though the threat was over, the trio could not help but feel as if they've done something wrong. A pony asking for mercy but instead rejected it. Sweetie Belle could hear light sobbing coming from their right where the wounded mare was. Before anypony could do anything, the mare's eyes shot up and grabbed the SMG in her magical grip.

She fired at the vulnerable trio killing a Crusader and fatally wounding one. Scootaloo aimed the pistol right on the crying mare's face and fired. As the mini-store was quiet once more, the lone Crusader surveyed the damage. She gasped at the sight.

Sweetie Belle was shot through the hip and all the way up to her face. Scootaloo died by multiple shots to the chest but was able to take down the mare before she expired. Apple Bloom looked at her two friends then the stallion outside.

She looked down on her trembling hooves. The blood on them could not be washed away by a mere shower. Shaken from the sudden deaths of her companions. She fell into a blank stare.

When the police arrived, the four civilians may have vouched for her and the heroics she have done but the yellow earth pony was too deep into her mind that she couldn't escape from it.

She now resides with her older sibling, Applejack and frequently takes a trip to a therapist.



Waving the White Flag...

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"If you want us to not shoot her, you must come here and surrender your weapon to us"

The unicorn stallion outside looked like he was having an internal debate with himself before agreeing. He unloaded the SMG and walked to the store. When he reached the store, Apple Bloom tackled him with a roll of duct tape.

"I'm sorry but we don't know if you're going to attack us or not. Scootaloo over there is already administering first aid to her. She'll be fine" The yellow earth pony's words calmed the unicorn somewhat, yet he still keeps glancing at his wife.

"When the police arrest you and let you go, I want you to stop your thievery and live a normal life. Because the next time we cross paths again and I see you robbing, you're a dead stallion"

The stallion frantically nodded and was placed with all the other gang members except one. The unicorn stallion the Scootaloo shot was lying on the floor, undisturbed. Apple Bloom looked at his corpse before averting her eyes.

The police and ambulances came. When the trio were questioned, they were let go after four civilians told them enough evidence that they were not the reason for the commotion and saved the day.

The trio looked at the stallion being separated from her lover. As the events that happened today started to dawn on them, they can't help but feel sympathy for the stallion and the mare.

The trio walked down the road back to their homes and yet they can't help but talk about what happened. Even though Scootaloo killed one of the gang members, the police let it slide saying that "now there are one less of them".

This didn't comfort her in the slightest. She killed a pony whether from self defense or not. Yet, after the other two Crusaders convincing her that "there was no other option" or "the pony could have killed one of them" made her feel a bit better.

For the next two weeks, they would continue fighting for justice in the streets. However, on one faithful night. Two factions face off to meet again.




Sweeping the legs...

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The mare would have killed the two Crusaders if not for the hidden unicorn mare. Sweetie fired a blank round at her hind leg making her fall to the floor with a thump. While falling, a ray of light rebounded from a metal object on the base of her horn hitting Sweetie's eye.

When she could see again, she saw an important detail. The mare had a golden ring on her horn. Sweetie put down her pistol for moment then looked at the unicorn outside. More specifically, the thing on his horn was another gold ring. That confirms it, the two unicorns both inside and outside the mini-store, are a couple.

She could see the tears streaking from his eyes as he held the SMG in his magical grip.

"Don't shoot her. I- I'll surrender. Just please, don't shoot"

The trio was stunned to say the least but there doubts lingering in the air.

"Maybe it's a trap to get us out of cover" Apple Bloom said.

"Did you see his face? It was the face of desperation. That's hard to fake" Sweetie Belle countered. Scootaloo silently agreed with her.

"I don't know. It still looks like a trap to me. What do we do?" Apple Bloom was still not convinced at the stallion's efforts.

Scootaloo could shoot at the unicorn outside with the pistol she's wielding or the trio could trust the unicorn. Before, it was these gang members who were in control. Now it's the Crusaders. After careful decision, the Crusaders... to the unicorn.
...shoot him dead.


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Sweetie Belle popped out of cover and looked straight at the unicorn stallion. Upon seeing him, the stallion charged straight to her with no apparent goal in mind. The magical grip around the SMG glowed brightly and the first stream of bullets poured out.

Sweetie Belle locked eyes on the SMG and tried to take it for herself. The stallion stopped his charge and tried to increase the magic he put into the gun. Two unicorns, a mare and a stallion stood half a meter away from each other trying to win over the gun.

The other two Crusaders didn't waste time to take the lone gang member down. Then when the stallion finally conceded, all was silent. The trio clearly knew who was the winner and rejoiced except for Scootaloo.

She looked to the dead unicorn lying dead near the refrigerators. The other two took notice of her then convinced her that she did the right thing and there was nothing she could do. Scootaloo argued about it before bursting into tears. The weight of her actions finally going down upon her.

Soon, the police and ambulances came. The trio were questioned but were let go after receiving enough evidence that they were not the reason behind the deaths. The four surviving civilians thanked the trio for saving their lives.

For months, the Crusaders continued fighting but the attempted suicide of a member made them disband the militia. It all started on a bridge. Scootaloo was sitting on the edge of the fence with her scooter nearby. There she held the gun that got her the first kill. Whenever she thought about it, the guilt increased. Until she couldn't live without feeling pain.

Before she could do something rash, the other two Crusaders came up to her and pleaded to stop. Scootaloo looked at the gun once more then threw it over the water. The pistol sank down to the bottom of the ocean, never to be seen again. The three Crusaders looked on at the sunset talking about the all sorts of things before climbing back down to continue on with their lives.




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A crimson aura passed through the mini-store and split itself into three. These three floated down to Crusaders while they look at the stallion outside.

Scootaloo looked at Apple Bloom for orders and to which Apple Bloom nodded. The orange pegasus fired a bullet to the unicorn's forehead. Before the unicorn could realize what happened, Scootaloo fired again this time in his chest. The unicorn outside looked at them before collapsing on the ground.

The trio looked at themselves and the aftermath of what was around them. All three have shown no mercy to any of the offending ponies except the earth pony slumping near the front door.

Then, just like that, they found something that they didn't know what was in them. A crave for violence. Apple Bloom looked at the other Crusaders before nodding at their accomplishment.

"What now? Surely when the police come we could be mistaken as them" Sweetie Belle asked.

"We leave the min-store as fast as we can and go into hiding. Scootaloo, check the earth pony stallion over there" Scootaloo did what she was told then relayed information back to her.

"He's still alive and I think he's waking up"

"Shoot him dead. Can you do that?" Scootaloo nodded and grinned at the earth pony. Sweetie, how's the unico- I mean, earth pony?"

"She fainted, just like my older sis"

"Leave her"

"Why? When we could kill her right now"

"So we can leave a message to the police. Tell them that there's a new gang in town. Actually, you know what?"

Apple Bloom moved near both the hornless unicorn and unicorn. Apple Bloom firmly planted her forelegs on the floor with her rear facing the unconscious hornless unicorn. With a swift buck, the hornless unicorn finally lay dead with a half crushed skull.

"The civilians will tell everything. Alright girls, we're moving out now" The trio left the mini-store and went to one of the featureless vans. Sweetie Belle levitated the guns and magazines from the dead ponies while Scootaloo and Apple Bloom secured the van. Minutes later, the police arrived and the witnesses told them of three heroes coming to their aid. Only to transform into villains after the battle.

Weeks later, the city of Manehatten had missing posters plastered on poles or buildings. The three mares that lived in the same house together, studied in the same school together, made up a militia together has just reported missing. In other news, a new gang just north of Manehatten appeared, raiding markets and banks and leave horrifying evidence that even leave the toughest of the police force traumatized. But these news couldn't be related to each other, could they?




Holding the Line...

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Sweetie Belle and Scootaloo fired on the incoming stallion as he was quickly getting closer. The stallion fired a spray of bullets near the head of Sweetie Belle but she ducked. Scootaloo aimed at the stallion's general direction and fired three shots.

The second shot hit the stallion's left leg then then third hits his chest. The stallion trips on the ground and laid on a pool of his own blood. Then it was quiet. The trio looked out through the shattered glass windows and at the dying corpse that was once a living pony.

But something felt wrong, they couldn't put a hoof on it before being surprised by the still alive unicorn mare to where the refrigerators were. She stood up on trembling legs and in her magical grip was her SMG. In a quick second, she sprayed the gun to all three Crusaders.

Sweetie Belle was the first one to die being so close to the unicorn. Scootaloo was next and then Apple Bloom. When the three mares flopped to the floor, the SMG wielding mare laughed out loud after avenging her husband but what she didn't expect was a shot to the chest.

Scootaloo, still gripping on her fleeting life managed to fire a single bullet through her heart. Just to be sure, she fired once more before succumbing to eternal sleep.

Weeks later, on Canterlot's memorial park, six old mares looked at three graves situated next to them. Their cutie marks drawn on top of the graves and their names etched on the center of it. Half of the mares sobbed while the other half could do nothing but mourn silently.



Firing the Big One...

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The mare would have killed the two Crusaders if not for the hidden unicorn mare. Sweetie fired a blank round at her barrel making her fall to the floor with a thump. While falling, a ray of light rebounded from a metal object on the base of her horn hitting Sweetie's eye.

When she could see again, she saw an important detail. The mare had a golden ring on her horn. Sweetie put down her pistol for moment then looked at the unicorn outside. More specifically, the thing on his horn was another gold ring. That confirms it, the two unicorns both inside and outside the mini-store, are a couple.

She could see the tears streaking from his eyes as he held the SMG in his magical grip.

"Don't shoot her. I- I'll surrender. Just please, don't shoot"

The trio was stunned to say the least but there doubts lingering in the air.

"It could be a trap. He's still holding that SMG of his" Apple Bloom said.

"Did you see his face? It was the face of desperation. That's hard to fake" Sweetie Belle countered.

"I don't know. It still looks like a trap to me. What do we do?" Apple Bloom was still not convinced at the stallion's face. Scootaloo couldn't help but agree with her.

Scootaloo could shoot at the unicorn outside with the pistol she's wielding or the trio could trust the unicorn. The gangsters may have had the upper hoof minutes ago but now the Crusaders are in control of the situation. to the unicorn.
...shoot him dead.


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"If you want us to not shoot her, you must come here and surrender your weapon to us"

The unicorn stallion outside looked like he was having an internal debate with himself before agreeing. He removed the magazine in the SMG and walked to the store. When he reached the store, Apple Bloom tackled him with a roll of duct tape.

"I'm sorry but we don't know if you're going to attack us or not. Stay still so I could-" The yellow earth pony couldn't continue on before a bullet pierced her belly. The SMG, while missing its magazine, had a bullet left in the chamber.

The two Crusaders gasped before Scootaloo unloaded the pistol mags onto the stallion. Then there was silence. The unicorn stallion the Scootaloo shot was lying on the floor, undisturbed.

Scootaloo grabbed the first aid kit and ran to Apple Bloom's side, quickly administering aid to her wound. The two Crusaders worked hard on keeping Apple Bloom alive. Sweetie Belle got work on removing the bullet then Scootaloo wrapped a bandage on her. After minutes, it looked as if the earth pony would still live.

The police and ambulances came. When the duo were questioned, they were let go after four civilians told them enough evidence that they were not the reason for the commotion and saved the day.

The duo looked at the stallion and mare. As the events that happened today started to dawn on them, they can't help but feel sympathy for them. One of the Crusaders was placed in an ambulance to further heal up.

The two Crusaders walked down the road back to their homes and yet they can't help but talk about what happened. Even though Scootaloo killed two of the gang members, the police let it slide saying that "now there are two less of them".

This didn't comfort her in the slightest. She killed a pony whether from self defense or not. Yet, after the other Crusader convincing her that "there was no other option" or "he could have killed more ponies like us" made her feel a bit better.

After Apple Bloom was discharged from the hospital, the trio continued to fight for what's right and being extra cautious around surrendering ponies. The Crusaders were later disbanded months after when Apple Bloom broke down in the middle of a fire fight thus making her vulnerable to enemy attacks.

The militia disbanded after Apple Bloom was sent to the hospital where she was found with multiple bullet wounds. She survived it once more, but left the city to do family work.



Disabling Legs...

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The mare would have killed the two Crusaders if not for the hidden unicorn mare. Sweetie fired a blank round at her hind leg making her fall to the floor with a thump. While falling, a ray of light rebounded from a metal object on the base of her horn hitting Sweetie's eye.

When she could see again, she saw an important detail. The mare had a golden ring on her horn. Sweetie put down her pistol for moment then looked at the unicorn outside. More specifically, the thing on his horn was another gold ring. That confirms it, the two unicorns both inside and outside the mini-store, are a couple.

She could see the tears streaking from his eyes as he held the SMG in his magical grip.

"Fuck you! Fuck! I'll kill you!"

The trio was stunned as the husband, now widower, charged straight at them while wildly firing at them.

The Crusaders have mere seconds before the stallion jumps over the store's windows. With two pistols on the Crusaders, they could make a firing line and shoot at the unicorn. Although, the SMG the unicorn is wielding is deadly and intimidating. Otherwise, they could wait for him to come here and ambush him. After careful decision, the Crusaders...
...fires at him.
...attempt to ambush him.

Grabbing Firearm...

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The stallion let out a shout and charged at the counter Sweetie Belle was hiding behind. The moment he vaulted over was when the unicorn mare popped up and tried to seize control over the SMG. They were half a meter away, looking at each other in the eyes as both poured magic to get a hold onto the gun but what she couldn't realize was that the unicorn had another plan.

In a flash, she felt the pistol she had was levitated out of her grip and was fired point blank at her. Four bullets dug deep into her and she fell. Apple Bloom screamed and jumped over to the stallion to pummel him. He wasn't able to block her attack and was thrown to the wall.

Scootaloo rushed over to the first aid kit on the wall but it was too late. The white unicorn mare was dead on the floor. As for the unicorn stallion, he wasn't able to live for long as he was bucked in the ribs until he died. The two Crusaders mourned over the death of their best friend.

When the police and ambulances came, the duo were questioned but were let go after the survivors vouched for them. The two looked at the their best friend being loaded up in the ambulance and being driven away. When there was nothing for them to do, they left for home.

The Crusaders, being one mare down, become less efficient and was disbanded shortly after. Apple Bloom became a drunk mess and was joined in by Scootaloo. Despite what happened back in the Mini-Store, they had built up a reputation as drunken brawlers.




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In the middle of the night where the moon shone bright under the cold streets of Manehatten. Six ponies were in a stand off. Three mares and three stallions glaring on each other. One of the stallions held a pistol in his teeth while another had a baseball bat. The supposed lead stallion chuckled at their prey.

"Give me your money and maybe I'll spare you your lives" A stallion announced to the mares. However, what those three didn't know was that these three mares were not just some passerbys.

The white unicorn levitated her newly painted white and purple Colt 1011 loaded with live rounds. Beside her was an orange pegasus reaching for something under her left wing. She pulled out a pistol like the Colt and it was painted green and it's hoof grip was gray.

The Flock was a suitable choice for first timers and the orange pegasus loved the gun immediately. When the three stallions backed off a bit from the sudden showcase of guns. The lead mare called to them.

"Not so tough now, huh?" Then the stallions ran off to someplace else.

Two weeks after the incident back in the mini-store and life was back to where they first saw it. Catching ponies mugging others and shooing them off before they could do any harm. They were just about to finish patrolling and heading back home until they saw a couple sleeping on a bench across the street.

Worried that they might freeze before they could wake up, the yellow mare gestured to the others where she was going. The lead mare went up to the stallion and poked him gently. The stallion stirred but continued to sleep. She was about to do it again but was stopped when she saw a golden tarnished ring on the base of their horns.

This would've meant nothing because they did look like a couple from a distance but they found something familiar on the mare. One of her legs were bandaged up. Then they saw very similar resemblances and asked to themselves if they saw them before. Then it hit them.

The clothes that were supposed to keep them warm were torn and the couple were showing signs of severe hunger. Finally with no threats nearby, the trio could finally make out their features regardless of the night. The stallion had a red coat and white mane and the mare had a brown coat and light yellow mane. The country mare nudged the stallion and backed away when he yawned out loud.

"Hmm? Oh sorry, officer we'll be going right away" The stallion was about to wake his wife up before the orange pegasus stopped him.

The stallion's eyes widened when he finally saw her face and the others despite the darkness of the night. "Hello again. I don't think we introduced ourselves"

"Well, my name's Hook Sinker. This here is Shore Line"

"Pleasure to meet you, my name's Apple Bloom" The yellow earth pony said.

"Sweetie Belle" The white unicorn by her right joined in.

"Scootaloo" The orange pegasus said by her left.

"I suppose this is a nice reunion after the whole mess weeks ago but why did you come to us? Surely it isn't because you saw us sleeping here"

"That's actually-" Apple Bloom put up a hoof to silence Scootaloo.

"No. I've been thinking. The militia has been small for quite a while and maybe we could use some extra hooves" Apple Bloom lend out her hoof. "What do you say?"

Hook looked at the yellow hoof then to his wife. He looked back at the hoof then bumped it. The yellow earth pony nodded then proceeded to help Hook carry Shore Line back to their home base. The other two Crusaders flanked them. For the two homeless ponies, it felt as if they were finally forgiven from their misdeeds.


(See you in the sequel about three years from now, I have no clue)


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The trio hid behind various spots to attempt to ambush the stallion. Since there was not a whole lot of time, one was barely in position when he jumped over the window. Apple Bloom was hiding behind the freezers, Sweetie Belle hid behind the metal shelf, and Scootaloo vaulted over the counter.

Once the stallion was over the broken windows, he sprayed his gun all around him but nowhere near where he thinks his wife is. When he is visibly calming down, he started to move around the mini-store.

When he set hoof on the open side of the store beside the dirty table in the middle, Apple Bloom tackled his hooves causing him to fall on his barrel. Before he could shake off the yellow earth pony, Scootaloo jumps from the counter and onto his back.

Sweetie Belle came in and yanked the SMG away from his magical grip and sat on flank for good measure. Suffice to say, he wasn't getting out of there soon. Apple Bloom duct taped his hoofs and muzzle and Scootaloo ran around giving first aid to the unicorn mare who got shot in the leg.

When the police and ambulances came, they were questioned and were released after collecting enough evidence and interrogating witnesses.

On the road home, Scootaloo and Apple Bloom were questioning themselves on their fight back there. The pony Apple Bloom bucked could be dead or in a coma right now and Scootaloo outright killing the stallion with the pistol made her feel queasy. Maybe they weren't cut out for doing actual justice.

At the end of the day, the militia has been disbanded and the trio continued to go on with their lives. Apple Bloom became the smartest of them all with 11 PhDs and now works as an engineer. Sweetie Belle works with her sister and Scootaloo becomes a celebrity with all her cool tricks on her scooter.




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Apple Bloom looked for an opening to the unicorn's fighting stance and readied herself. Scootaloo delivered a punch to his right cheek and the stallion staggered a bit. Apple Bloom took this chance and planted both forelegs on the floor and landed a powerful buck to his face. The force of the kick sent him flying to a wall.

The kick was so powerful it shattered his skull. His destroyed face slumped from the wall.

Before Apple Bloom realized what she has done, the two Crusaders were forced to duck from a stream of bullets. It impacted the metal shelf causing sparks to fly out of it. Sweetie Belle carefully listened at the pinging sound. It was almost as if the unicorns are emptying their magazines. And, why does she hear hooves impacting the ground?

Just then, a window was smashed open by a unicorn mare. Her entrance made her a little disoriented and took her seconds to snap out of it before looking at the two vulnerable Crusaders. She raised her SMG to fire upon them.

Meanwhile, Sweetie Belle managed to get into a position where she could fire at the mare. Now there is only one thing left to think about. Where should she shoot?

Sweetie Belle knew that firing a blank at this range could potentially hurt somepony real bad. She could shoot at one of her legs to destabilize her or she could shoot at her barrel, completely stopping her from harming anypony else.

Before the mare could get a double kill, Sweetie Belle...
...fires at her legs.
...fires to her barrel.


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The mare would have killed the two Crusaders if not for the hidden unicorn mare. Sweetie aimed her pistol to her barrel but didn't fire immediately. Instead she moved a lot more to the right and fired right into her forehead. A loud bang resonated from the pistol and hit the unicorn's horn. The horn, being the most sensitive and fragile member to a unicorn, got blasted away from its bearer. Effectively, making the unicorn mare faint.

However, what was on the horn was interesting. Upon a closer look, she saw an important detail. It had a golden ring on it. Sweetie put down her pistol for moment then looked at the unicorn outside. More specifically, the thing on his horn was another gold ring. That confirms it, the two unicorns both inside and outside the mini-store, are a couple.

She could see the tears streaking from his eyes as he held the SMG in his magical grip.

"Don't shoot! I- I'll surrender. Just please, don't shoot"

The trio was stunned to say the least but there doubts lingering in the air.

"It could be a trap. He's still holding that SMG of his" Apple Bloom said.

"Did you see his face? It looks like the face of desperation" Sweetie Belle countered.

"It still looks like a trap to me. I say we shoot him" Scootaloo was unconvinced.

Scootaloo could shoot at the unicorn outside with the pistol she's wielding or the trio could trust the unicorn. Unknown to the ponies both inside and outside the mini-store, an aura lingers in the air. It's crimson mist swirling just above the building. The Crusaders... the unicorn.
...shoot him dead.