• Published 19th Feb 2013
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Wake up. See This. What do? (Comment driven story) - RazortheAwesome

(This story is driven entirely by user comments) Out of nowhere you suddenly wake up to find yourself in Equestria with Twilight Sparkle looking down at you with a lascivious grin. What do you do?

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Breakfast Time

Before you switch out of Sherlock-mode: investigate why the hell that couch is so god-damned comfy

Before you make an effort to switch out any of the fictional characters you are channeling, you take a moment to look back at the couch and use your inner Sherlock to investigate why the couch you were sleeping on is so damn comfy. Not that it really matters to you, a comfy couch is a comfy couch either way, but for the hell of it you decide to.

It doesn't appear to be a leather couch, it's made of some kind of fabric, you're no fashion expert you can't really tell which, but either way, it a soft and smooth fabric. The couch itself is rather soft, really soft. It's the perfect amount of softness where it's kind of squishy but not too much, just how you like it. Also, it's rather wide for a couch, you can't even bend your knees really when you lean all the way back against it. Then again, you suppose that may be made to accommodate the ponies, as they don't really sit on it like humans do. Well, Lyra does but she can't really lean back either. Either way, it was wide enough to also function as a bed.

So, what we have is a soft, wide couch that's made of some kind of smooth fabric. That's all you need to know, really.

Change to your inner Doctor.

Channel your inner Dr.who and investigate something or go on an adventure

Maybe cook something for Lyra and Bon Bon.
Switch out Sherlock for Dr. Who. Might help us deal with weird shit better
Switch out Snake for Commander Shepard(Paragon version)

Switch my inner Snake and Sherlock Holmes with the Fourth Doctor Who, and do some cooking for Lyra and Bon-Bon before going out to Apple Jacks and getting your debt repaid; maybe even explore the town and get that kick ass suit.

That done, you decide to switch out your inner Sherlock Holmes for the Doctor from Doctor Who. Sure, Sherlock is smart and he can figure things out, but you figure that channeling The Doctor would give you a better chance of trying to understand and batshit insane nature of this world. Even if he doesn't have any idea what's going on, he's good at figuring it out.

Of course, the issue that comes with this is deciding which Doctor to channel. The answer to this is actually a lot simpler than it sounds once you think about it. By default when you pick "The Doctor," you are picking the most recent Doctor, which has the memories and experiences of all the previous Doctors plus his own, which when combined with your own knowledge and experiences makes a lot of knowledge. So, with that in mind you decide to channel the most recent Doctor. You're not getting his personality, so you should have to worry about anything like that.

Now if only you have a sonic screwdriver...

Channel your inner Batman, which essentially combines Sherlock Holmes's brilliance with Solid Snake's badassness. With a character channeling slot freed up, go with all the other disembodied extradimensional votes and channel "The Doctor". That way you can cook, have another layer of brilliance, and it'll be easier to accept seemingly impossible things that currently cause your pain-receptorless brain to hurt.

Once you've made the switch, see what you can do about making a meal and then go take a quick look out the window. Never hurts to know what's going on outside.

<- what that guy said. Don't forget to make it the Tenth. He's nicer, and you'll need all the 'niceness' points you can get.

Switch with batman because it just makes sense. That and because you heard batman likes ponies

You also decide to switch out your inner Solid Snake for Batman. Why the hell didn't you think of doing this before? It makes so much more sense now that you think about it. Batman has the intelligence and detective skills of Sherlock Holmes and the badassness of Solid Snake, and possibly more, so if you need to fight or investigate, anything there is none better. Plus, he is the only character in the entire universe who can win arguments by virtue of "I'm the god damned Batman!"

Start by stretching. and then go have a breakfast. (Vodka and some weed or something. you can't take this world sober.)

Psh, Walk the dinosaur. Duh :rainbowdetermined2:

oh also, Walk to the fridge (or anything that might look like a fridge) and see what food they have.

(If there is nothing there)

Well you did say you'd help AJ, so go to the apple farm and help out. Hopefully they'll feed you something, I mean you would be on a FARM. :ajsmug:

Try and see if there is a coffee maker anywhere. Get a cup of joe and wait for Lyra and Bon Bon to get up. You really don't want to walk around this town without a trusted escort. If the mail has arrived, go grab it and the newspaper and bring it inside (Meeting Derpy totally up to you). Proceed to read from the paper until the others awaken.

Get a quick cup a coffee to fully wake up. then head to Applejack's:ajsmug:; its a farm, they get up early so you should head there ASAP.

Eat breakfast. Can't even remember when I ate last time.

First, check that whether or not that was actually a dream. Then, find something to eat and go to Applejack's farm to continue paying off your debt.

TOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO................................. THE FRIDGE!

You think this character arrangement is good for now, Batman and The Doctor should be able to help you out in a variety of situations should you need them to. That done, you stand up off the couch and stretch your arms out to fully wake you up. That seems to do the job, you seem awake now.

You make plans to head over to head over to Applejack's farm later (if you can even remember where it is, you were knocked out when you got there) and help her out. Right now though, you REALLY need some breakfast. Now that you think about it, you can't even remember the last time you really ate. Okay, it was back in the tent, but you mean the last time you really ate a decent breakfast.

That in mind, you head on over to the kitchen. On a nearby clock in the room, you notice that the time is 7:00 am. You're kind of surprised that you woke up that early, you don't usually get up in the morning. Then again, you were REALLY tired when you got here and you think it was about 11:00 pm when you went to sleep, so it makes sense. Plus, you slept like a rock right until that nightmare hit. That couch was really comfy.

Anyway, you head on into the kitchen, and the first thing you notice a coffee maker.

"Oh thank god," you say to yourself in your morning voice. You really could use some coffee right now after all that's happened. You REALLY could use some coffee.

You then head over to the pantry doors and open one of them to look for the actual coffee. You open one of the pantry doors, you don't find any coffee, but you do find something. You find a sizable jar of oats.

"Sweet," you say to yourself as you take out the jar and set it down on the kitchen counter. You can use this to make oatmeal. Now that you think about it, Lyra and Bon Bon don't seem to be up yet. Maybe you should make some breakfast for them. It's the least you can do after all they've done for you. You don't even need to think about whether you should do it or not. You are going to make breakfast for them. It's only right.

Screw the action, I think we've had enough of that for awhile. It's time to eat.

How about switching out Solid Snake for Gordon Ramsay? Just be sure to cook the food well. (Video Link)

Or maybe Emeril Lagasse? Dude can really kick it up a notch. (Video Link)

You don't need to channel any fictional characters for this. You know how to cook. You know how to cook quite well actually. You've been living on your own for long enough, it's only makes sense that you know how. While nothing special, you are quite proud of what you can do.

Plus, the problem with channeling those two is that they are real people and not fictional characters, so you can't use them.

Anyway, with your mind set to the task at hand, you begin searching through the rest of the pantry. Surely enough, you find everything you need. You find some milk in the fridge, and you even find some brown sugar. This just keeps getting better and better. And of course, you find the coffee. Everything is good to go.

About thirty minutes later, Lyra walks on into the kitchen. The sound of hooves on a hard wood floor is kind of hard to miss.

"Good morning Lyra," you turn to say to her as she walks in. You also notice that she has quite the case of bad bed hair. Bed mane.... Meh, doesn't matter.

"*Yawn* morning Jason," she replies back to you in a voice that's as tired as she looks. Clearly, Lyra is not a morning person. Something else you two seem to have in common. "What are you doing?" she asks as she walks up to you. You're not quite finished yet.

"Making some oatmeal for you guys," you say to her. At that, her eyes instantly shot open despite them being kind of glaze over a moment ago.

"What!" she says. "No, no you don't have to do that. I can just-"

"No, no, I insist," you say to her. "It's the least I can do." At that, Lyra just looks up at you with a surprised look on her face. After a moment, she sighs and lets it all out.

"You're not gonna take no for an answer are you?" she asks.

"No, not really," you reply back. You really aren't.

"All right," Lyra says. "At least please tell me you made some coffee too."

"Right over there," you say as you point to the coffee maker.

"OH THANK CELESTIA!" Lyra practically shouts as she walks on over to the coffee maker. You watch as she grabs a cup with her telekinesis and pours herself a cup of coffee. She doesn't even waste any time before taking a sip. The instant she does, you notice an immediate change, she's more awake now.

"Ahh..." Lyra exhales as she finishes her drink. "Wow, this is good coffee." she says to her.

"Thank you," you reply back.

"Lyra!" You hear Bon Bon shout as she walks into the kitchen. She looks slightly better than Lyra did, but you can still tell that she is clearly not a morning person either.

"By Celestia, that was good!" Lyra exclaimed as she leaned back in her seat, her bowl of oatmeal licked clean.

"Thank you," you say to them. The fact that they like your cooking makes you feel really good for some reason.

"Where did you learn to cook like that?" Bon Bon asks, her face filled with intrigue.

"My mother taught me," you reply back.

"Your mother," Lyra just says. Before she can any anymore though, the doorbell to their house suddenly rings.

"I'll get it," Bon Bon says as she gets out of her chair and walks on over towards the door. You and Lyra just sit there in silence for a few seconds while you take another sip of coffee. The silence between you doesn't last long.

"Jason!" Bon Bon suddenly calls from the door.

"Yeah," you reply, not really as worried as you would be if it were Twilight. That threat is over now, at least you hope.

"Can you come over here for a second!?" Bon Bon shouts again. Okay, now you're even more confused. Who could possibly be asking for you out here. You look over to Lyra, she's just as confused as you are.

Still, you're not going to get anywhere just sitting here and doing nothing, so you set your coffee mug down and walk on over to the door, Lyra follows you. When you get to the front door, you're quite surprised to see Rarity standing there. Two rectangular, boxes are on her back.

"Rarity?" is all you say.

"Jason!" she calls out as she sees you. "So glad I caught you before you left."

"What are you doing here?" you ask her.

"Well, I'm here to give you these," Rarity replies rather politely as she levitates the boxes off of her back and floats them over to you. You grab hold of them and let them fall into your hands as the magic surrounding them dissipates.

You then walk back on over to the couch and sit down as you put them on the table. You then take the lid off of the top box. Inside, are a nice pair (really nice) of shoes wrapped in plastic, and underneath them is your suit. The one Rarity made you.

"Woah," is all you can say. Lyra looks surprised as hell to see that. You think you can see a twang of jealousy in her eyes almost.

"I thought I would bring it over since you wanted it back," Rarity says to you from the door.

"Thank you Rarity," you politely say back to her. You then close the box and set it down on the table. It's then that you notice the second box she gave you. "What's in this box?" you ask her.

"Oh, that," she replies. "Since you're going to be working on Applejack's farm. I thought I would make you something better suited for manual labor. Honestly, you can't wear a suit while working on a farm. It's unbecoming." You can't really argue with her logic there, but still.

Your curiosity getting the better of you, you open the box. Inside, also wrapped in plastic, you find a pair a workman's boots, and underneath them, is a red, button up shirt and a pair of jeans. You also find a belt in there. You're honestly quite shocked to see this. You didn't expect her to make something like this for you. You have to admit, despite what Rarity tried to do to you, you have to admit she is incredibly generous. Though, in the back of your head you get this feeling that she may be doing this just to butter you up, in a sense.

"Wow," is all you can say.

"Now now, no need to thank me," Rarity says with a wave of her hoof. "I was only-"

"Hi everypony!" Pinkie Pie suddenly says as she jumps out from behind Rarity, does a front flip and lands on the floor like an acrobat. She throws her hooves up in the air and strikes a dramatic pose as she lands. No one in the room even speaks, not even you.

"Pinkie..." Bon Bon finally says. "What are you doing here?"

"Oh," Pinkie Pie say as she falls back on all four hooves. "I'm just here to give you guys these." She says as she reaches into... somewhere... and pulls out a small, white piece of paper, which she hands over to Bon Bon. She then zips over to Lyra and gives her one before zipping over to you and shoving on into your hands before zipping away.

You look down at what she gave you.

"You are invited to Jason the Human's Welcome to Equestria Party!!!" it said on the front in big, elaborate, poofy (somehow) letters.

"Here's yours Rarity," Pinkie says as she hands onto to her as well. "Well, I gotta go. Sorry I can't stay and chat but there's A LOT of things I have to get together for your party tonight Jason. I'll see you then!" Then, just as quickly as she came in, she's gone. All of you just stare out the open door for several moments. None of you speak for several moments. You are to busy trying to comprehend where the hell she came from to speak.

"Well," Rarity finally said after several moments. "I suppose I better be going to. I do have a lot of work to catch up on." She then turns back to you. "Au revoir Jason. I suppose I'll be seeing you at the party." You just let out a loud sigh at that.

"Yeah," you say. "I suppose so." You suppose you're sort of committed to it now. You're still not sure if having every pony in the same room with you is a good idea, but logically everything should be okay. After all, not every pony you've met so far is crazy for you or wants to have their way with you. It was only two really (you're still not sure about Fluttershy). You're kind of glad you got your suit back now as well. "Bye," you say to Rarity.

"Bye," she sing songingly says to you as she leaves. Bon Bon shutting the door behind her.

You, Lyra, and Bon Bon are all silent for several minutes as you look at the door.

You suppose you should be getting over to Applejack's farm, but a thought you had before comes back to you. You really have no idea where it even is, since you were knocked out when you got there and were running away from it like crazy when you left. Plus, you're really not sure if you want to be walking around alone right now, considering all that's happened.

What do you do?

Author's Note:

I realize that to some of you that the human having an actual name might be a little daunting...

If it helps, think of him like Commander Sheppard from the Mass Effect series.

He looks like however you want him to, and he does whatever you want him to, but his name is always Sheppard.

So yeah, just think of him like that.

Also, the last name "Morgan" is significant. I'm surprised none of you got that :pinkiehappy:

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