• Published 19th Feb 2013
  • 13,170 Views, 2,974 Comments

Wake up. See This. What do? (Comment driven story) - RazortheAwesome

(This story is driven entirely by user comments) Out of nowhere you suddenly wake up to find yourself in Equestria with Twilight Sparkle looking down at you with a lascivious grin. What do you do?

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Drop Kick the Door

Suddenly you hear a very peculiar and very loud noise. Turning to find the source you see a Hind helicopter flying past. You can just barely make out Jesus (wearing some really swag shades) in the pilots seat. Suddenly, the cockpit opens and the co-pilot stands up, and you see it is none other than Solid Snake himself! Snake sees you and yells out, "YOU'LL NEVER BE AS COOL AS ME MOTHERBUCKER!!!" before giving you a pair of really rude hand gestures and flying off with Jesus. As they fly off into the sunset, you see Discord zoom over your head, shaking his fist at the Hind helicopter before following it into the distance. This... odd display has gained the attention of everypony in hearing distance, who are now giving you VERY strange looks.

Your attention is momentarily taken away from the strange building when you hear a very peculiar noise. A loud very peculiar noise. You look up and you feel your jaw drop past the center of the Earth when you see it.

Above you, a hind helicopter suddenly flies past with Jesus at the controls. No really, Jesus is at the controls, you can barely make him out, but its him. The helicopter flies above you and stops for a moment. Then suddenly, the cockpit opens up. Once it does, the co-pilot stands up. At the sight of him you feel your jaw form a new hole on the other side of the earth.

Solid Snake stands up from the helicopter, points at you and yells out at the top of his lungs "YOU'LL NEVER BE AS COOL AS ME MOTHERBUCKER!!!" Before throwing you several rude hand gestures (go to 4:56) at you. Then suddenly the cockpit closes and the helicopter flies away leaving you speechless.

You make a mental note to ask Lyra just what the hell kind of drugs she gave you when you're not fleeing for you life. You hope she and Bon Bon are okay.

With a running start, do an amazing flying kick into that carousel. Knocking the door down in the process.

with a combination of 'highness', badassness, and miniture pants, 2 words somehow spring to mind- Fuck Doors - you Parkour the shit out of the boutique, using moves the french would be envious of.

Because of your situation, you think pony interaction should be kept to a minimum. So you climb ninja-like through a dark window on the second story. Leap to the floor in a cat-woman pose...only to land on something soft.

and furry.

called Opal.

Run over to the building, bust the door down, smooch the surprised Unicorn on the lips, run back out the door, and casually grab a pony and rape them while running. Also, don't forget those pistachios you shoved in your pocket.

Using your new badass skills, enter through the front door. (Quite badass, yes?)

Kick down the door and shout "It's time to kick ass and chew bubblegum and I'm all out of bubblegum." Then when rarity tries to attack you, chuck norris comes out of nowhere and roundhouse kicks her to the moon which explodes into millions of fiery flowers of death. Then he looks at you and gives you a note that says: You owe me. You proceed to leave through the window like a boss but then you are mauled by a giant mutant opal who strangely sounds like Obama.

I regret nothing!! :pinkiecrazy::pinkiecrazy::pinkiecrazy::pinkiecrazy:...:trollestia:

Kick Down the door, find the nearest cat, punt kick it out the window, then a Freddie mercury pose, you know the one.

Busy down the door and yell: "THIS IS THE POLICE!!!" And use your fingers as a mock gun.

You decide to go to the nearest door, knock the door to see if there's someone inside, nobody answer it then you remembered watching that movie "Wreck-it-Ralph" and doing your best impression of Ralph you started to shout: ¡¡I'M GONNA WRECK IT!!

And ¡BANG!, now that door is history.

I regret nothing.

Ok the next thing you do now is very calmly walk over towards the carousel building and... CARTWHEEL KICK THE FUCKING DOOR IN LIKE A BADASS!

start singing indestructible by disturbed and throw an epic manly punch at the door, punching a hole right through it knock from the inside and open the door with the hand inside the building

run through the house up the stairs and jump out another window because its so badass and land on the roof of the next building then start ninja hopping into the sunset

With the helicopter gone, you return your attention to the strange carousel-like building in front of you. Part of you wants to stop what you are doing and look for a cardboard box you can sneak around it, but since you've already used that joke and the fact that there don't seem to be any cardboard boxes around, that doesn't appear to be happening anytime soon.

You make a mental note to look out for any cardboard boxes that might show up in the future though. This time Snake just made it personal. Anyway back to the matter at hand.

Perhaps its a strange combination of the drugs, the pants, and the fact that you just jumped out a window like a badass a second ago, but right now you are feeling like an absolute badass. So, with feeling like a badass, you come to one conclusion.

'FUCK DOORS,' you think to yourself as you make a mad dash for the building. Yeah, definitely must be the drugs.


And run you do.

The song Indestructible by Disturbed begins to play in your head as you run as fast as you can towards the building. Yes this is the perfect song for the perfect badass. You are a badass. You are unstoppable. No- YOU ARE INDESTRUCTIBLE!!! NOTHING WILL STOP YOU NOW, NOT EVEN A PURPLE UNICORN!!!

As you get close to the building, you suddenly realize that you need a badass line for a badass entrance.

"IMAWREKTHAPOLICEIVECOMETOKICKASSANDCHEWBUBBLEGUMANDIMALLOUTOFGUM JEEEEEEEEEENNNNNNNNKKKKKKKKKIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIINNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNSSSSSSSSSSSSSS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!" You scream at the top of your lungs as you jump up and throw a flying kick towards the door because FUCK DOORS! You are a badass and badasses do not need to use doors!

It only occurs to you afterwards that you should have screamed "DYNAMIC ENTRY!!!" as well, but que sera sera you suppose.

You're a badass right now. Wanting to continue your badass streak, you do a flying kick into the door. Unfortunately, Rarity paid top bit for a well constructed door that couldn't be forced open by thieves. You think you feel your foot bones disintegrate into powder upon contact. So instead, you flying kick (with your other foot) into one of the windows. Unfortunately, it's reinforced, bullet proof glass. You feel your other foot shatter.

Unfortunately, the second your foot hits the door, you stop dead in your tracks. You can swear you feel every bone in your foot shatter. The door doesn't budge an inch and you feel your badass powers evaporate instantly upon contact with it.

"OW!!!!" You scream as you fall to the floor and grab your poor foot in your hands. "OWOWOWOWOWOWOWOWOWOWOWOWOWOWOWOWOWOWOWOWOWOWOWOWOW!!!!" You say over and over again as if somehow that will help it heal instantly.

"What in the name of King Louie the 14th's colorful pleated trousers is going on out here?" You look up to see a white unicorn with a wavy purple mane and a pair of red glasses balanced on her nose in the doorway (which is now open) looking down at you. Her voice has a hint of a french accent that is obviously fake.

Instinct taking over, you quickly leap to your feet, rush past her into the building and shut the door behind you.

"What..." Is all the alabaster unicorn can say before you are suddenly on your knees with your hands clasped together.

explain yourself but DO NOT mention that you're high and grovel for a place to hide.

"PLEASE HELP ME!!!" You say to the alabaster unicorn trying not to sound as high as you obviously are. "YOU'VE GOT TO LET ME HIDE HERE PLEASE!!!" You tell her.

The unicorn just gives you an extremely confused look in response. She obviously has NO IDEA what is going on.

What do you do?

Author's Note:

While writing this chapter I had the song Raining Blood by Slayer playing in the background instead of Indestructible. :pinkiehappy:

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