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Book 1: Curiosity | Chapter 3: Inseperable

Chapter 3: Inseparable

The air was chilly, it rained throughout the night. And the sun rose from the mountains, only to be covered behind in the light clouds hovering above the peaks.

Princess Twilight snuggled in the covers for a little longer as she started to awake. She stretched her legs to the other end of the bed, before she realized she was laying with her twin. She curled back to her side, although, the moment she did, she felt the other side of the bed empty and cold. Princess Twilight turned around to see that the left side of the bed was vacant. It seems that Twilight was up, leaving her side of the bed and pillow, wrinkled and disorganized. Princess Twilight sat up, and yawned as she stretched her arms out at full length. She got up to fix the bed, but as she was laying the foundations of the sheets, she felt something under the sheet crumble like paper. She uncovered the sheet from the bed, and saw a piece of paper that seemed like it was ripped from a standard subject notebook. Princess Twilight picked it up, she read:

Dear Soon-To-Be-Ex-Princess:

I thought a lot about what you said last night, and I think things would be easier if I switched places with you! Relieving your tensions of being the next ruler, in which I will take over! And Sunset would be with you, to help you get settled in... Have fun!


Twilight Sparkle, Princess Twilight Sparkle II

Princess Twilight had a shivering feeling running down her spine. She rubbed her eyes to make sure she read it all correctly. Princess Twilight was hyperventilating, she bolted to the stairs, but she kicked her pinkie toe on the side of the railing of Sunset's bed.

"Aaaaoooowww!" Princess Twilight whispered, as she was hopping on one foot, with the other foot in her hand, trying to ease the pain. "That hurts!" Princess Twilight decided to casually walk down the stairs.

Sunset was still sleeping, as Princess Twilight was awake, quietly whimpering in pain. Sunset was laying on her front side with her right arm, underneath a pillow, to give extra support for her head, and the other draped along the side of the couch. Her legs spread apart with one of them underneath the blanket, and the other outside the blanket, over the side of the couch like her left arm. Princess Twilight came over toward Sunset.

"Sunset!" Princess Twilight whispered. "Sunset?!" As she tapped her shoulder. Sunset tossed over to face the other side of the couch. "Sunset! Please wake up!" Princess Twilight continued to tap her shoulder, even shaking her a bit. Sunset was snoring loudly. Sunset turned to face the ceiling, her mouth wide open and gargling her saliva. "Wake up!" As Twilight came closer to whisper in her ear.

Sunset's phone alarm went off.

"Whaa!" Sunset jumped, bashing her head against Princess Twilight's.

"Ow?!" Princess Twilight said, as they both put their hands on where they verbally came into contact.

"Ow yourself!" Sunset yelled. "What were you doing?" Princess Twilight focused on the subject of matter.

"Sunset! It's Twilight!" Princess Twilight yelled.

"Yeah?" Sunset yawned. "You're Twilight!"

"No, your Twilight!" Princess Twilight responded.

"I'm not Twilight!" Sunset replied.

"No!" Princess Twilight grunted. "Look, Twilight has run off to the mirror!"

"What?!" Sunset yelled, as she got up from the couch.

"It's Twilight! She left for the mirror!" Twilight handed her the paper. Sunset read the note that was left.

"Dammit Twi!" Sunset yelled, crumbling the paper in her hands angrily. Before they were able to react, they heard a faint laugh coming from one of Sunset's cupboards in the kitchen. They turned toward where the noise was coming from. Sunset opened one of her cupboards, and Twilight was sitting inside of it, giggling to herself.

"Twilight, what the hell are you doing in there?" Sunset yelled.

"Watching the both of you fail!" Twilight said as she chuckled.

"What?!" Princess Twilight said. Twilight got out of the cupboard, and handed them her phone. They watched themselves get hurt when they got up this morning.

"Oof..." Princess Twilight said under her breath, while Sunset looked at her, not necessarily happy about Twilight's prank.

"I set up a small camera right here, and waited until you two got up!" Twilight said.

"But, I didn't set an alarm on my phone?!" Sunset argued. "Did you hack my phone and put the alarm on?"

"No...?" Twilight responded.

"Twi?!" Sunset asked.

"You forgot to turn it off." Twilight replied, taking a wild guess.

"I did?" Sunset looked at her phone. "Oh..."

"I did max out the volume though..." Twilight added.

"Why? What was the meaning of this?" Sunset asked, as she handed Twilight the note she left.

"Like I said, it was a prank!" Twilight is enlightened, however, the girls seem upset. "I'm sorry if it was a terrible one, but I wanted to wake you two up!"

"What for?" Sunset commented.

"Well, I wanted to see if Princess Twilight would like to see a movie, before she leaves!"

"Really?!" Princess Twilight answered with excitement. "I would like to go! Can we go? Please?!" Princess Twilight asked Sunset.

"Okay, okay, sure!" Sunset responded.

"Yay!" Princess Twilight yelled as she jumped for joy, like Pinkie Pie would.

"What time is the movie?" Sunset asked, as she was relieved and was excited for this event.

"That depends on what you would like to watch?" Twilight was searching through her phone, and handed it to Sunset and Princess Twilight to view.

"How does this one sound?" Sunset asked Princess Twilight while pointing at the screen.

"Ooh!" Princess Twilight replied. "Okay!" Sunset handed back Twilight's phone. "We would like to see, "The Last House on the Left in the Woods on a Haunted Hill" ."

"A horror movie?!" Twilight confirmed. "Okay! The next showing is in 30 mins."

"Got it!" Sunset and Princess Twilight said simultaneously. The girls rushed to get ready.

They were on their way to the movie theater. It was not a far walk, a couple blocks down the street. The winds were circulating, the air felt cold and smelt like the earth sprung out a new foundation. The sun was above, however, it was blocked by endless streams of clouds, gliding toward the same direction as the wind. The sun being covered was not enough warmth to evaporate the remnants of the rain on the concrete pavement and sidewalks. The girls made sure to dress appropriately for this type of weather.

Twilight walked out of the house first, she was wearing a light purple jacket, underneath was a striped buttoned purple and black dress shirt, matching black jeans, and her usual black high-heeled tops.

Princess Twilight walked out, wearing what Twilight packed for her last night. A purple t-shirt with the trims laced with magenta, light blue jeans, and her pair of long boots.

Sunset walked out to shut the door and to lock it. Sunset was wearing a different leather jacket, which had a faded orange ring at the center crease of her arms, with a matching pair of leather boots. Underneath the jacket was a light blue t-shirt with a long white tank top underneath, which hung lower than her blue t-shirt, and light blue jeans nearly identical to what Princess Twilight was wearing.

When they arrived at the movie theater, Twilight purchased the tickets for the movie. They weren't asked if they were old enough to watch the film, in which a couple of other teens came in to watch the same thing, they were unable to get past the security. Twilight and the others made their way to the snack bar, and Sunset suggested they purchase one of the couple's deals, which was a large bucket of popcorn and two medium drinks. Twilight ordered it, with an extra medium drink for Princess Twilight.

They were seated at the top, furthest from the screen, to the far left corner. Sunset sat between the two Twilights. Twilight was in the left corner, nearest to the stairs. Princess Twilight sat a couple seats away for Sunset to sit between them.

"Comfortable?" Sunset asked, as she walked up to the seats.

"Yep!" Princess Twilight and Twilight said simultaneously.

"Okay, who wants the popcorn first?" Sunset asked while handling the bucket full of popcorn.

"I'll take it!" Princess Twilight replied.

"She can take it!" Twilight added.

"Alright!" Sunset responded, as she sat down.

They all were sitting there watching some familiar faces pile in as the theater was showing an endless playlist of advertisements, which was replaying more than half of them at a time.

The movie began, the lights dimmed out into complete darkness, the ambience of music played, and the screen extended its reach further near the right and left exits. Princess Twilight got excited and shoved a handful of popcorn in her mouth before letting Sunset take over on it. Sunset looked at Princess Twilight, and she chuckled when she saw her cheeks bubbled like a chipmunk with a mouthful of nuts. She handed the popcorn to Twilight. Twilight indulged in the popcorn, not paying any attention to Sunset and Princess Twilight.

As they were viewing the movie, Princess Twilight kept getting freaked out over the amount of jump scares they would encounter. Sunset was laughing the entire time, while Twilight was continually chugging down the popcorn. Princess Twilight was huddling over to Sunset, holding onto her arm for comfort. Sunset held out her hand, in which she immediately grasped her hand tightly. Sunset smiled, blushing. Twilight was finished with the popcorn bucket and she tried handing some over to Sunset, but she saw that Sunset was preoccupied with Princess Twilight. She placed the bucket on the floor, but Princess Twilight accidentally kicked the bucket over and landed on top of a person sitting below them. The person who was sitting next to the person, who the popcorn dropped all over him, laughed and picked off a few to eat. Only Twilight saw the popcorn fall into someone, so she sat back down, and sat up, shriveled up in her lonely corner. She crossed her arms and squinted her eyes, as her jealousy rose over Princess Twilight, holding onto Sunset like how a couple would when watching a movie together. Twilight rolled her eyes in disgust, and tried to continue on with the movie.

It came to a part in the scene where a person was about to look underneath an old wooden bed, the camera slowly turned to look at it from the main character's point of view, it was an incredible build up of a creepy scene until the character saw nothing under the bed, relieving tension of their audience. The person got back up, only for the audience to see the creature standing right behind him. Princess Twilight squealed in terror, in which she pulled Sunset closer to her by the neck. She let her go, when she realized what she was doing. Sunset laughed, while Princess Twilight was smiling as she blushed. They both looked at each other, and they both didn't realize they were holding each other's hand. They were captivated by each other's eyes, even with the only light source was the movie in front of them to see each other.

It was until Twilight interrupted, when she tapped Sunset's shoulder. Sunset turned around to look at Twilight.

"Hey, I'm going to use the restroom!" Twilight whispered.

"Okay!" Sunset whispered back. With Sunset's focus cut off, she went back to viewing the movie. Princess Twilight was watching the film, but continued to have her arm underneath Sunset's as they both continued to hold hands. Twilight got up from her seat, and started walking down the stairs. Before she was about to exit the theater room, she took one last glance at Sunset. She saw the two leaning against each other so calmly and close. She could see the two falling in togetherness. Twilight slowly turned around as she shut her eyes, and walked out.

Twilight was in the bathroom, inside one of the stalls. She thought about everything, the signs were true about them, she didn't want to believe it. A voice came from inside the bathroom, it echoed like another person was there with her.

"Told you..." the voice whispered in her ear.

"No!" Twilight held her ears, trying to block any sense of hearing.

"They're both... ponies..." the voice added.

"Stop!" Twilight yelled, as she began to tear up, with one tear falling down from her left eye to the floor.

"Let go...!" the voice continued.

Twilight ran out of the stall, she punched the shit out of a paper hand towel dispenser until she began to feel the burst of pain in her knuckles. She backed away, she started to fidget her hands and couldn't stop shaking with blood dripping down to the floor. She turned the faucet as far as she could to wash her hands. It stung. Twilight grunted, and she pulled her hands away to turn the sink off and grab what she could from the towel dispenser. She wrapped the towels around her hand, she would press down on it until she couldn't hold it anymore. The cheap paper towels started to stick to her knuckles and she tore it off, making it even worse.

Twilight cleaned herself up and walked out of the bathroom, casually trying not to make a scene, until she was stopped by security.

"Stop!" The officer demanded. Twilight was confused, but she stopped and the officer bent down to meet Twilight at eye level. "You're in violation of littering and disruption of viewers in the theater!"

"What?!" Twilight yelled. "But..." Twilight held her tongue and she looked a little past the security officer and saw the person who had popcorn dropped all over him, in which he still had some to prove his case. "But... I didn't do it!"

"Liar! You sat right above me!" The person yelled, pointing at Twilight.

"I'm going to escort you out of the movie theater!" The officer said, "You may return tomorrow, if you'd like, but for today...!" The officer led her to the door, and slightly pushed her out of the theater.

"Asshole!" Twilight said as she walked away. She stopped for a moment to think about what she said. "I'm sorry..." Twilight pushed her back to the wall, kneeling to the concrete sidewalk, and she took off her glasses to rub her eyes, wiping away her tears.

The voice came back to taunt her.

"You meant it!" The voice crackled.

"I did not!" Twilight yelled.

"They're probably making out by now!"

"No! Stop!"

"Listen! Now's your chance! To gather the info you need!" The voice suggested.

"You're right!" Twilight admitted. "I can't stop thinking about her... after I saw that... I just couldn't..." Twilight stood up, putting on her glasses. She regained control of herself.

"Maybe it was for the best that I was kicked out of the theater." Twilight spoke to herself. She took out her notebook, the piece of paper she ripped out this morning. "I've got other plans..."