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Book 2: Animus | Chapter 7: Love

Chapter 7: Love

There were tensions arising in Rarity's mind. A sharp struck of fear, of worry, and desperation. She felt the time had come for the worst. She had to make sure there were those who could help, that can make it to her in time.

Rarity called Pinkie.

Sweetie Belle awakened the moment when she heard Rarity scream in her bedroom. She didn't take it as serious because she believed Applejack and Rarity were up to something that she had to close her ears for again. It was late at night, and did not want to deal with their loud activities.

Pinkie came over as quickly as she could throughout a violent storm, but she never failed to be there when she was needed.

"Pinkie, thank you so much for making it!" Rarity said, as she opened the door. As Pinkie walked inside, she gave her a hug. Rarity didn't respond as she would have. The feeling was neutral.

"Of course Rarity! What's happening?!" Pinkie asked. She pulled away from her, as Rarity tried to gather her thoughts. None of it was explainable as it was a deep feeling of time was of the essence.

"No time to explain... I just want you to make sure you... you'll keep my sister safe... okay?!" Rarity spoke, with words that broke up. There was tension in her throat, dry and hard to swallow.

"I will Rarity. I will." Pinkie responded, as was willing to make it her last efforts to fulfill.

Sweetie Belle awoke, and walked out of her bedroom to see what was going on. She was not prepared to see any sort of foreplay, but had to confront them in trying to get some rest. Rarity grabbed her, and gave her a hug. There was a silence. A frightening silence. It made her heart pace quickly, as it was abrupt to her previous reasonable suspicions.

"Rarity, what's wrong? What is happening?!" Sweetie Belle asked, as she looked up to her sister's teary-eyed face. Rarity pulled her away, and knelt to her, meeting at her eyes.

"Sweetie, I need you to trust me and go with Auntie Pinkie! Okay?!" Rarity said sincerely. With the tears in her eyes, she fought back with her arched brows ready to do all that she can for her.

"Okay..." Sweetie Belle said, as she was wiping her eyes, as her anxiety arose to uncomfortable levels of stress on her heart.

Pinkie took her, as they both headed outside ready to head back to her place.

Before Pinkie was able to make it to the sidewalk at the end of the street, she saw Applejack's truck pull into the driveway. Pinkie saw it as a sign of relief, as she didn't want to carry around Sweetie Belle through the storm.

"Oh, Applejack! She could give us a ride!" Pinkie Pie said, with a smile. "Wait a minute..." Pinkie squinted, and saw someone else get out of the truck. There was an incoming blank white van, unable to see the inside with its nearly pitch black windows. Pinkie ran for it, and carried Sweetie Belle on her shoulders the rest of the way.

A girl, with two large pigtails of purple and streaks of turquoise, got out of the truck. She made her way toward the house.

Rarity locked herself in the room, and had her geode around her neck. She was ready for whomever may be at the door. She called out to Twilight, before she heard her door open.

A familiar face came and bust down the door. Rarity used her power to restrain her to the wall. She struggled and tried to use her newfound power to overthrow her summoned diamond-shaped shield.

"Aria Blaze!" Rarity asked, as she had tears in her eyes. Her anger grew, being provoked by one of The Dazzlings. "What have you done with Applejack?!"

"Wouldn't you like to know?!" Aria said sarcastically. Rarity pushed further, and Aria's body was being squished into the walls.

"Where?! Is?! She?!" Rarity continued. Aria grunted, and felt uncomfortable. Aria caused the wall to crack which made Rarity draw back.

Aria moved from the shield and ran for Rarity. She blocked her in time before she landed a strike with an odd black box in her hand. As Aria tried to punch and kick hoping she would land one on her to use her taser on Rarity to make her stunned for a moment to take her. But, Rarity was quick and agile as she was continually blocking her every move. Rarity pushed her back, and she grabbed a couple of fabric pieces from her desk, making a few objects fall onto the floor, and she had used them to wrap her arms and legs individually and together. It was a trick Applejack showed her, utilizing it to her advantage. Aria couldn't move.

"Damn you!" Aria yelled, as she tried to free herself. Rarity once again, trapped her underneath a protective force. She struggled underneath her, throwing the small objects that fell. She looked for a way out. On the side of her, she saw a pair of scissors lying to her right. Rarity glanced at where she was looking. Her designer's scissors, sharp enough to cut through six layers of canvas fabric. Toward her other side was her portable taser. They both continued to seize control, but Aria kicked her legs up, to drop Rarity to the bare floor. They both rolled toward their predestined defense weapon.

"Tell me where Applejack is, or I will electrify you!" Rarity demanded, holding up the taser, her thumb on her red button. She had a small glowing shield that appeared the size of her fist.

"Do it! I dare you!" Aria responded, even though she was outmatched. Rarity was breathing heavily, and was about to do it. She stopped once she felt another presence behind her.

"Enough." A voice said. Rarity stopped. "Get up!" Rarity got up, not looking at who it was. Once she felt her feet flat on the floor, she looked up to see another one of the Dazzlings. It was their leader, magenta eyes and kinky blonde curls, Adagio Dazzle. She had a blunt weapon in hand, and held it up to face to make her feel vulnerable and outmatched. "Drop it! Or else, your friend gets it!"

Rarity dropped the taser, as it broke on impact. Aria rolled her eyes. She thought of Applejack, maybe they have her, and she meant to do her harm if she didn't comply.

"Where's Applejack?!" Rarity questioned.

"I don't know? Where did you last see her?" Adagio said sarcastically. She laughed as Aria did the same. Rarity was pissed of their mockery, and had used her power to push her blunt object away from her face. Adagio and Aria stood against her, as Rarity covered herself. She saw something coming in from behind Adagio. It was a winged demon, with deep red skin and a glowing horn coming from her forehead. She crashed through the window, appearing behind Rarity. It made her drop her defense, as she saw that creature before.

"S-Sunset?" Rarity cried.

Demon Sunset lifted her hand, and swiped it down to her. Rarity, out of instinct, blocked it with a force-field. Preoccupied, Adagio pulled up her blunt instrument, and smacked her across the face with it. The heaviness of it, knocked her unconscious.

Twilight was contacted by Rarity.

T: Slow down Rarity. What's going on?!

R: Listen, I don't have much time! But I think Applejack and the other's are in danger! We need to get whoever's left together now before all hell breaks loose, do you understand me?!

T: Yes, I will do what I can!

R: Hurry!

Twilight, as quickly and as painfully as she could, got up. She called Sunset, Rainbow Dash, Fluttershy, and Pinkie Pie. None of them answered. She stopped to think for a moment.

They must already have been after each of them? Twilight thought.

She struggled to think on what to do, as far as fighting them off when they might arrive at her doorstep. The lockets she made weren't the same as before.

Why? She continued.

She noticed the original one had a specific use, which was to absorb Equestrian magic. But these new lockets were doing something different. She looked around to see what it was that they were doing. She looked down at her poor friend on the couch, it occurred to her that they were able to absorb the life essence out of people.

How did I make them like that? She thought. Probably due to being under so much stress and exhaustion. It had to have been from something else entirely.

The replica she made, she was given plenty of time to perfect it. This time, it is much darker, much worse than she had originally intended for. She could have just made them all false lockets, but if she didn't produce them with any results, they would have killed her and Spike.

Everything was her fault. Everything was falling apart.

What can I do? What can I do? Twilight thought. It caused her brain to fracture like the skies as the lightning began to strike.

She opened her closet to see if there was any materials or previous experiments to use against them. She found nothing, as it was all emptied out by them. This was truly a wicked situation. There was nothing Twilight could think of as a way to stop them from showing up.

Please help... Twilight began to feel every sense of hope in her left, drift apart. It slowly ate at her. Crushing her. Making her feel weaker and weaker. She sat silently, hearing the storm brew outside. There was nothing she could do... besides wait.

She took a look down at her geode that was wrapped around her neck. It gleamed, and it made her gain back some stride of hope in her soul that she was willing to fight to her last breath for a chance to get them back.

Meanwhile, back at Rarity's. She was carried out by Adagio. She was placed inside a van with Rainbow Dash inside as well, both still unconscious. They tied her to Rainbow Dash, using some of the materials in Rarity's workshop to tie them both. They gathered a few of her belongings, and threw them inside. They slammed the doors shut.

Adagio, Aria, and Sonata asked Demon Sunset to help them enhance their power, which they will use to conquer the city, to finally own all the magic that surrounds them. Demon Sunset obeyed, and drained some of her power into them. They increased with much, and were able to utilize their siren powers without transformation. They all laughed, as they were now able to continue where they left off.

They headed their way over to Twilight's house, and prepared for their last victim on the list. Leaving the van, and the truck behind.

Rainbow Dash woke up, feeling restrained. Tied to something, next to someone. Rainbow Dash kicked her legs out, not sure if it was anyone of them who had taken Fluttershy. The painful force on Rarity's leg awakened her.

"Ow!" Rarity yelled. "Who the hell just kicked me?!"

"Rarity?" Rainbow Dash asked. "Is that you that's tied up with me?"

"Oh dear... I think you're right!" Rarity continued.

"Great..." Rainbow Dash said sarcastically.

"It's not like I take pleasure in this either!" Rarity stated.

"I'm still pissed off at you. You're a real jerk!" Rainbow Dash said.

"Excuse me?! You're the one who tries too hard to be funny! It annoys the hell out of me!"

"Well, you need to loosen up... literally!"

"You think this is my fault?! Hmph! It's not like it matters, we all are to blame for this and you know it!"

Rainbow Dash thought about it. She was right. They both were not together to help each other like they said they would.

"Rarity... why do you hate me?" Rainbow Dash asked.

"I don't hate you Rainbow Dash, you just annoy me..." Rarity admitted.

"Why? What's been up your ass?! All I tried to do was just lighten things up. I didn't intend to do any harm..." Rainbow Dash continued.

"Look, spare the foul language, but... it's been rough... with all this sketchy secrecy between us... we've all been terrible... we've become separated... I found refuge with Applejack... but..." Rarity admitted.

"But what?"

Rarity began to cry.

"My parents, nor does Applejack's family approve of us... that's why we've kept our relationship a secret... it's been hard trying to find a place to not feel so... ashamed..." Rarity cried.

"I see... why didn't you just tell us?" Rainbow Dash asked.

"Why didn't you tell us about you and Fluttershy?" Rarity added.

Rainbow Dash was silenced. She began to cry.

"Obviously, we've all dealt with this stuff on our own... which is why we are all facing our own personal doom!" Rarity admitted.

"Rarity... the time you mocked my relationship with Fluttershy..." Rainbow Dash cried.

"Oh, I didn't mean it darling!" Rarity said sincerely.

"No, I know... it's just... it still hurts... I know I'm not the one to show... my feelings, especially with you guys... but Fluttershy became special to me... she's the only one I felt like I could share anything with... do anything with... but after you said that... I just couldn't take it..." Rainbow Dash admitted.

"I'm so sorry Rainbow Dash... I'm sorry..." Rarity apologized.

"I'm sorry too... about hurting you... annoying you... everything because I was desperate for attention... until I realized the one I really should focus on was Fluttershy..." Rainbow Dash admitted.

"That may be true... but we are all friends... right? I'm sorry I've been rude, a real stick in the mud... it's just been hard... I still love my parents, I love Applejack... I still love you all as well!" Rarity admitted.

"I love ya too Rarity... in a different way!" Rainbow Dash said.

Rarity laughed with tears in her eyes.

"Well of course dear!" Rarity chuckled.

Rainbow Dash chuckled too.

"I do miss the times we all were there for each other. I guess... the pressures of our everyday lives was just something we didn't anticipate until now..." Rainbow Dash admitted. "But we can still be there for each other, right? No matter how much further down the years go by?" Rainbow Dash asked.

"If we get out of this alive... I surely hope so..." Rarity assured.

Rarity and Rainbow Dash heard something walk outside, the door of the van swung open. They both turned their heads to see who it was.

"Pinkie?!" Rainbow Dash and Rarity screamed simultaneously.

"You guys are okay!" Pinkie Pie said, with a sigh of relief. "I'm so glad!"

"Oh Pinkie, thank you!" Rarity said. "Where's Sweetie Belle?!"

"Don't worry, she's with Maud!" Pinkie said, as she was cutting the rope with a pair of scissors she found in the van. "Twilight called me, but I didn't answer, cause I left my phone. But I had to check on everybody! No one was there. I even went to everyone's house. Everyone I found was unconscious! But, this van outside your house, might have something! So, I went over to check."

"Great job Pinkie!" Rainbow Dash enlightened. "Now, we just need to get to Twilight before the Dazzlings do!"

"Yep!" Pinkie said. As Pinkie was trying to cut the rope, she heard a noise coming from behind her. "You guys hear that?!"

"Hear what?!" Rarity asked. Pinkie looked up, and saw Demon Sunset above on the roof of the van.

"Oh!" Pinkie yelled. Demon Sunset picked Pinkie up by the hair. "Owie, my hair!"

"Pinkie!" Rarity and Rainbow Dash said simultaneously again. Demon Sunset threw Pinkie across the street, into a thorny bush.

"Ouch, ouchie, OUCH!" Pinkie said, as she was trying to get loose out of the thistles. "Don't worry about me! I left the scissors with you guys!" Pinkie yelled to Rarity and Rainbow Dash.

Demon Sunset jumped over to Pinkie. Rarity and Rainbow quickly tried to grab the scissors to cut the rope. As they both tried to find it, Rainbow Dash accidentally gripped the blade in her palm.

"Ah!" Rainbow Dash yelled.

"Are you alright darling?!" Rarity asked.

"Yep! Just a flesh wound..." Rainbow Dash said, as she inhaled to block herself from screaming. "Here!"

"Thank you!" Rarity said, as Rainbow Dash showed it to her. Rarity felt it was her scissors from her desk that Aria used. She was glad to have it with her.

They both got loose. Inside the van, they saw all their belongings inside boxes. Not only did they attempt to kidnap, but raided their homes as well. They wanted to go find Pinkie to help her take off Sunset first, but they searched inside for anything they could do against her.

Meanwhile, Pinkie was dealing with Demon Sunset, but she was just buying everyone time to get help. Pinkie kept running around, playing hide and seek with Demon Sunset. She would spring out, and try to attack, but Demon Sunset kept her guard up and would knock Pinkie into the ground. She would grab her, and shove her into the mud. Throw her across the field, as she would try to get away.

"Boy, you're one tough cookie!" Pinkie said. "Wait a minute!" Pinkie jumped up, and realized she had an idea. Pinkie ran and set up a small trap that could make Demon Sunset put her guard down.

Pinkie placed a small trap, when she came up to unlatched it threw a pie directly down into her face, along with a few other distractions she would place.

Demon Sunset followed her, walking to where she could be hiding next. She felt a string being pulled from her hooves when she took a step forward, and saw a pie being thrown at her. She caught it, but it burst into her face. The winged Demon was wiping it away, but she was disoriented and walked a little further into a party cannon that went off from another tapwire. The sound of the boom with confetti bursting at her face, made the Demon less capable to coordinate properly. Pinkie swung down from the tree, and kicked her to the ground. The loss of balance, and hearing, as Pinkie gave a shift kick in her chest took her flying. Demon Sunset was furious with flames engulfing her.

"Oh no..." Pinkie said. Demon Sunset focused and used the magic from her horn to blast at Pinkie. Pinkie was lifted up, and felt the power coursing through her from the horn. Pinkie screamed as she was being enclosed with flames of Demon Sunset's wrath.

Rarity came and bashed into her side of the head, which made Demon Sunset fall and was knocked unconscious. It was a blunt instrument that Rarity was familiar with.

"Nice swing!" Rainbow Dash commented. As she came running.

"Thank you darling!" Rarity said, as she was enjoying her act of badassery. Pinkie came in.

"Yeah, that was a pretty good hit!" Pinkie added.

"Goodness darling!" Rarity said as she turned away. She covered her eyes, and looked away.

"What?!" Pinkie said.

"You're... not fully clothed..." Rarity said hesitantly.

"What did you expect?! I was on fire, seconds ago?!" Pinkie said, as her hair was slightly burnt, almost half of her was uncovered due to the burning.

"Come on, let's get you fixed up really quick!" Rainbow Dash said. As she threw down her jacket.

They looked down at the Demon to make sure it was down for good. It changed back to Sunset in front of them. They were relieved to not have to deal with that creature again. Dash carried Sunset, as Rarity was trying to block Pinkie's bareness. They entered Rarity's house, placed Sunset safely on her bed. Rarity got something for Pinkie to wear. Unfortunately, it was nothing but her best ensembles pulled from her 'nighting out' section. She was generous enough to spare her favorite one.

"Okay! Ready to head over to Twilight's for our final showdown?!" Rainbow Dash asked.

"You betcha!" Pinkie yelled, wearing a beautiful blue dress.

"Bring it on!" Rarity responded.