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Book 1: Curiosity | Chapter 2: Jealousy

Chapter 2: Jealousy

Sunset and Princess Twilight entered the cafeteria. She held the door and Princess Twilight walked in, but she immediately shut the doors, not looking to see if Twilight entered through or needed the door open to enter. As they walked toward the lunch table with all the other girls, Pinkie Pie sensed her presence first. Pinkie Pie got up, gasping and inhaling a tremendous amount of oxygen before she turned around to see Princess Twilight with Sunset.

"TWILIGHT!" Pinkie Pie yelled, as she pounced onto Princess Twilight like a feline catching its prey. She held Princess Twilight like how Sunset did. Her strength carried Princess Twilight in the air, as if she was light as a feather. "I missed you so, so, so much!"

"Pinkie... please...!" Princess Twilight said, slowly detaining oxygen in her lungs, as well as signaling with her legs that she was not exactly comfortable being held so high without breathing. Pinkie Pie let her go, and Princess Twilight nearly fainted. She was captured by Rainbow Dash, as she got up from her seat to grab her, holding her arms from behind.

"Jeez Pinkie Pie, miss her much?!" Rainbow Dash said sarcastically.

"Ah better go help!" Applejack said, as she got up from her seat, to carry Princess Twilight with Rainbow Dash to an empty seat at the table.

"Goodness, give her some space to breathe!" Rarity suggested. "You alright, darling?"

"Yeah..." Princess Twilight replied, breathing heavily.

"Oh... oh my." Fluttershy added. "Where's our Tw..."

"Sorry! But, of course I miss her!" Pinkie interrupted. "I can only be away from friends for so long! By the way, where's our Tw..."

"I guess that's true." Rainbow Dash interrupted. "It has been a long time since we've seen you Twilight! Speaking of which, where's our Tw..."

"Yeah..." Princess Twilight said, as she smiled. "Sorry..."

"It is good to see ya again!" Applejack commented.

"I agree!" Rarity added.

As they spoke, Sunset looked around and saw the whole cafeteria staring at them. It was not long until they continued on with their own conversations when things began to quiet down.

"Okay girls, I think we should let Twilight rest for a moment." Sunset suggested. "We'll have all day today to ask her anything after class, right?!"

"Oh my, you're right!" Rarity panicked. "Class is in like, five minutes!"

"Yep!" Princess Twilight confirmed. "I'll be here all day! We could totally hang out later!"

"Oh splendid!" Rarity said.

"Awesome!" Rainbow Dash shouted.

"Great!" Applejack agreed.

"Yay!" Pinkie Pie yelled, as Fluttershy nodded with joy.

"By the way." Fluttershy whispered. "Where is Tw..."

"So it's decided!" Sunset interrupted, with her voice raised with glee.

At the cafeteria doors, Twilight saw through the small windows on the doors, peering through to see her friends huddling around Princess Twilight, giving her a group hug, in which she was not invited in. She watched her friends instead of walking though. She couldn't move with the thought of how others may see two Twilights, but she also was starting to feel a little jealous of Princess Twilight. The way the others are around her, the way Sunset and Pinkie Pie picked her up from the ground. It sparked something in Twilight to feel envious of her.

"C'mon Twilight! Why are you thinking like this? They're your friends, of course. They're her friends too, you know?!" As Twilight spoke to herself in the echoing, empty hallways. "They just miss her. She was the Twilight before me, she was the one who brought them all together... who wouldn't miss her…" Twilight signed, over the fact that she was probably overthinking about the situation, so she decided to enter through to be with her friends. As Twilight was about to enter through, the door swings right open, smacks her in the face. The force of the door pushed Twilight to the floor. Princess Twilight walked out from the cafeteria, as the other girls walked out, they didn't even notice that they hit anyone.

"I'm so terrible with doors!" Princess Twilight commented.

"I don't even know why that was necessary..." Sunset said. "You literally kicked the door open."

"Yeah..." Princess Twilight apologized with a slight chuckle. "Sorry..."

"Should we look for our Twilight?" Fluttershy whispered to Pinkie Pie.

"I know, it is like we conveniently forgot about her." Pinkie Pie said, directly to the reader, skipping down the hallway with excitement.

The girls asked Princess Twilight what they wanted to do after school, as they continued to walk down the hallway. Twilight got up from the floor, rubbing her face. She was pissed off that they didn't notice her. It sent all of her pain receptors to be circulating around her face. Twilight was about to yell at them, but she had a funny itch in her nose. She sneezed. It alerted everyone in the hallway. The girls immediately turned toward where the noise was coming from. They saw Twilight, with her hands covering her nose.

"Oh, there you are Twilight!" Pinkie Pie said.

"Hey Twilight!" Rainbow Dash added.

"There you are!" Sunset commented.

They all headed their way to meet with Twilight. As they came up to her, they saw her hands covered in blood, with traces of it streaming down from her nostrils. The girls were utterly stunned to see that much blood dripping from her hands and nose unto the floor.

"Ah shit!" Applejack yelled, as she quickly grabbed a handkerchief from her jean pocket to place over Twilight's nose. Applejack's reaction to instinct. Everyone regained focus and rushed Twilight over to the nearest girl's bathroom.

The bell rang, but the girls were helping Twilight with needed medical attention in the girl's bathroom.

"We're so sorry Twi..." Sunset apologized.

"It's fine." Twilight replied, as Rarity was cleaning her up, and putting on some make-up to hide the bruise on her nose.

"We really didn't mean to slam the door in your face." Rainbow Dash assured. "I can't believe we didn't even notice."

"All done!" Rarity expressed. "You alright sweetie?"

"I think." Twilight replied, with a slight smirk on her face. She had a couple of tissues stuffed in her nostrils, which made her voice muffled in the echoing restroom.

"I'm so sorry!" Princess Twilight confessed softly. "It was my fault that happened, I opened that door..."

"You kicked it..." Pinkie interrupted.

"Yeah... thanks Pinkie." Princess Twilight said sarcastically.

"You're welcome!" Pinkie Pie said sincerely.

"It's okay." Twilight said. "I'm fine. Besides, you all are missing class to help me, right?"

"Of course!" Sunset said. "We all would skip class for each other, under any circumstance!"

"That's right!" Applejack commented.

"Yep!" Pinkie Pie added.

"You betcha!" Rainbow Dash yelled.

"Of course!" Rarity added.

"Oh... yes!" Fluttershy said quietly, as she nodded.

"I agree!" Princess Twilight said, as she placed her hand on Sunset's right shoulder. Sunset smiled back at Princess Twilight, putting her hand on her's.

"Thanks, everyone!" Twilight said.

They all headed for their classes. The girl's were eager to hang out with Princess Twilight. It gave them the incentive to focus and study harder than before. Princess Twilight headed for the library. It was her favorite place to be in Canterlot High.

Later on that day, after school, the girls headed out to the best known hang out spot for teens and friends, the mall. Everyone was excited to go look around with Princess Twilight, as they had a lot of catching up to do. The first thing they did together, they went to the food court to have something sweet while they conversed with Princess Twilight. They each ordered small fries with either a cherry or blue-raspberry freeze. Then, they all headed for a large circular table, in which they all could have a seat.

"School of Friendship?" Sunset asked. "That sounds like fun! And you were the main instructor?"

"I was." Princess Twilight enlightened everyone with the recent developments of spreading the study of Friendship to anypony. "I gave the role of principal to Starlight Glimmer after she graduated. We've also expanded to a university in a much larger city in Equestria."

"That's amazing Twilight!" Sunset replied.

"This Queen Chrysalis with her Changelings and King Sombra sounds like real trouble!" Rainbow Dash added. "I can totally take 'em!"

"Yeah, Chrysalis has become a real pain lately, but her Changelings have actually reformed to be good guys, relinquishing Chrysalis's throne of power! And King Sombra is another story." Princess Twilight responded.

"That sounds good that they have changed to be better." Fluttershy replied. "The Pony of Shadows sounds frightening though."

"Yeah, I agree." Rarity added. "I hope not to tangle with any of them!"

"Even so, I agree with Rainbow Dash on taking them down!" Applejack commented, as she gave something warm for Pinkie Pie to eat as she got a brain freeze from sucking down her cherry freeze. Twilight laughed.

"After all that you had to go through." Sunset said. "I guess that is why it's been hard to keep in contact?" As Sunset said that, Princess Twilight felt like she needed to confront them about how things may turn out in the future.

"Yeah, it has been quite busy." Princess Twilight said. "I'm sorry for not visiting you all in so long. My job over the safety of everypony, and to help with friendship studies... it's been rather difficult... with also the occasional villain." Princess Twilight was starting to tear up, as the other girls sympathized with her. "On top of that... I've been asked to be the next ruler of Equestria, with our other two princesses stepping down from the throne, to retire." Princess Twilight expressed with worry and sadness. "I-I don't think I'm good enough... o-or ready..."

Sunset got up from her seat and comforted Princess Twilight as she began to cry. The others began to surround her, gathering closer to her.

"Twilight...?" Applejack asked softly. "You're more capable than what you give yourself credit for..."

"Yeah, after everything you've been through, you have done what previous princesses have never done before." Sunset added.

"You are the sweetest, most powerfulest pony I know!" Pinkie Pie said with much enthusiasm.

"You kick all kinds of bad guys behind, just like me!" Rainbow Dash yelled.

"Not good enough? Please!" Rarity shouted. "You're the most caring, the most trusting, and most generous! The fact that you took time off for us, it's spectacular!"

"You help not only our people, or pony, but also every living creature!" Fluttershy added softly.

"Thank you... everyone..." Twilight cried, trying to speak with her heart racing in her chest, as the tears fell rapidly in which she couldn't control.

The girls got up to once again give Princess Twilight a group hug. They all huddled together, embracing the strong friendship they shared, a bond that can't be broken. However, Twilight did not move from her seat, she was once again outside of the group hug they did for Princess Twilight. This time tears streaming down her face as she saw how absolutely heartwarming it was to witness, and she decided to take a photo, a memoir of best friends showing their love and support.

As Twilight took the photo and saved it to her phone, the others started to leave the table, heading toward another direction. They threw away half empty plastic cups and cartons into the trash. They left Twilight back at the table. She was beginning to question this repetition of being left behind, although she thought of how she did purposely step out to observe instead of engaging along with them. Twilight threw away her leftovers and headed their direction to catch up with them. She was behind them, and she overheard what they all planned to show Princess Twilight around the mall. To explore and experience her new surroundings. Princess Twilight agreed to have the girls take her anywhere throughout the mall, to whatever destination they desired.

Their first stop was at a music store, with a lot of instruments on display in the furthest left corner of the store. Endless rows of CDs, records, with an array of critically acclaimed movies, and some random music station playing through the ceiling speakers. The girls mingled around, while Pinkie Pie and Rainbow Dash took Princess Twilight over to the instruments to try out a few new gadgets at the store. Applejack was looking around the country section, she would laugh at some of the crazy titles that were on display.

"This one is labeled "Old Town Road," interesting..." Applejack commented on one of the newest hit singles, while stroking her chin as she was examining the CD.

Rarity was looking around the pop section, even though she was not into the music as she was for the interesting fashion design of their costumes.

"Definitely no sense of style these days!" Rarity said, while looking at a "Wow, greatest hits" CD.

Fluttershy was strumming her fingers through each CD under the label "S" in the metal section of the store.

"Yes!" Fluttershy raised her voice in excitement. "Skull Cruncher's latest album is in!"

Sunset was walking by Fluttershy, she rolled her eyes as she smiled of how much of a metalhead Fluttershy was, compared to herself. Twilight was walking around, not necessarily looking at anything, but trying to keep up with everyone. They all eventually met up with Pinkie Pie and Rainbow Dash, fooling around with some of the instruments they were on display. Princess Twilight was playing with them, trying out a new interesting electronic synthesizer.

"I love how this one sounds!" Princess Twilight said.

"Listen to this!" Pinkie Pie said, as she was jazzing out with a saxophone. Everyone crowded around her, clapping their hands to the beat, pushing Twilight to the edge of the store. As Pinkie finished, everyone cheered, and went their own way. Twilight smiled, but they all exited quickly as people started exiting the store. She was going to wait outside until everyone was ready to leave.

"Pinkie, that was amazing!" Princess Twilight said with much amazement. "You always have a way with all instruments!"

"Thank." Pinkie Pie yelled.

The next store they went to was a video game lounge. They had all sorts of new and old games meant for multiple platforms and consoles, with many available demos to play. Sunset and Princess Twilight jumped on an interesting "All-Stars" racing game. The girls gathered around to see them play.

After a few moments, many gamers and the store clerks were surrounding the girls, yelling and cheering on Sunset and Princess Twilight's gameplay. The others began to really get into it as well. As Sunset was about to beat Princess Twilight and make it to the finish line, the game cuts off before the finish line and states: "PURCHASE FULL GAME." The gamers and store clerks were saddened by cleverly placed advertising. While the girls began to laugh, Sunset and Princess Twilight laughed so hard, the tears swelling up in their eyes from being blocked from finishing the game. They all enjoyed the game so well, they all haven't noticed Twilight's absence.

Twilight was blocked by many gamers surrounding the girls as they played. She tried to get past them, but the amount of people crowding them made it as difficult as it was in the music store. The yelling, screaming, and excitement made it difficult to ask for her to get through. So, Twilight ended up sitting in an empty seat in the store. Before she was able to get past them all, the girls left along with the crowd. Twilight found them heading toward Rarity's suggested destination, which was the fashion boutique shop.

Rarity made Princess Twilight try on a few of her choice, favorite dresses and shoes to really spark the royalty in her.

"So delightful!" Rarity enlightened Princess Twilight, with the glamour and style of many different designs and presentations for a person of royalty. "You should really wear more stuff like this darling! It really shows that you are a princess!"

"Yeah..." Princess Twilight replied hesitantly. "Looking too fancy is not really my thing." Princess Twilight humbly said.

"Hmph, modest as always!" Rarity shouted. "Perhaps something with a little more, simplicity!"

The other girls were looking around the shoe aisle. They all were trying on a few of the one's on display, but they all were a little too glamorous for their taste.

"These aren't even shoes!" Rainbow Dash yelled, holding onto a pair of high heels. "They're practically a weapon!" The others rolled their eyes and smiled.

Twilight was circling around the store, as she was being blocked by endless racks of clothes, like going through a maze to find the correct path that leads to her friends, although she watched her friends exit the store soon afterwards.

"Now to find the exit." Twilight said, under her breath.

Twilight sighed of how quickly this day has gone by, as she tried to keep up with everyone.

After they went to a few more places, Twilight was exhausted. She stopped and took a breather by the window on the third floor, where there was plenty of room to relax, with much comfortable seating. As she peered out of the window, she saw the sun barely touching the horizon, giving it a soft glowing flame, almost ready to burn out for the night. There was a slow breeze blowing through the leaves of trees, and clouds surrounded it, looking as heavy as they did this morning. The city in the distance was lit up, with many passing vehicle headlights and backlights coursing throughout the streets.

"As much as I was trying to not make this about me, it hasn't felt the same since earlier today." Twilight admitted to herself. "Like how I feared the Midnight inside, coming back to haunt me, to think so irrationally, to act so violently and feel enraged at every instance of fear or turmoil."

Twilight sat there for a moment trying to figure herself out, as the girls tried out the new photo booth. It was a tradition to use one before leaving any central place that gathers friends together. After they all exited the photo booth, Sunset took the picture frames, and she noticed Twilight was not with them.

"Hey, where's Twilight?!" Sunset asked.

"I'm right here!" Princess Twilight replied, as she pointed at herself in the picture. She took a second glance at the photo, and she noticed what Sunset was talking about. "Wait a minute. You're right! She is not in the photo!"

"What?!" Pinkie Pie yelled. "We have to find her!" Pinkie Pie took a quick glance in a couple of directions. "Oh wait, there she is!" Pinkie Pie responded, as she pointed at Twilight, sitting by the window. The girls made their way to Twilight, while Sunset handed the pictures to the other girls to look at.

"Tuckered out there, sugarcube?!" Applejack addressed Twilight. Twilight jumped, snapped into focus, after Applejack cleared the silence around her.

"Oh yeah... crazy day, huh?" Twilight casually replied, as she smiled. Sunset was concerned for Twilight, but she seemed to be acting like everything was okay. Rarity bumped Rainbow Dash's arm with her elbows, as Rainbow Dash looked at Rarity. Rarity signaled her to ask Twilight something.

"Well... we're off to get something from somewhere. You want to join us?" Rainbow Dash requested.

"No thanks. I think I'm good. Whenever you are all ready to head out, let me know." Twilight said, as she yawned loudly.

"Oh, okay!" Rainbow Dash responded. "Who's all ready?"

"Didn't you say you were going to get something?" Twilight asked. "I can wait until you're done!"

"Uhh..." Rainbow Dash panicked. "Right... but it's not that important!"

"Okay then." Twilight said. "Ready whenever you are!" The girls gathered together and started heading out the door. While Rarity was chuckling at Rainbow Dash's embarrassed face.

As they continued on, Sunset was walking slowly to be by Twilight's side, to speak with her, while the others made Princess Twilight lead the way. Twilight was in the back of the group, she met up with Sunset trying to get her attention.

"Hey..." Sunset said softly.

"Hey..." Twilight responded.

"I came to check to see if you're alright?" Sunset asked.

"I'm fine." Twilight replied, as she let out a sigh of discomfort.

"Twi, what's wrong?"

"Nothing. Just tired." Twilight continued. Sunset paused, she felt that Twilight was trying to ignore her. They both stood still, in the middle of the parking lot.

"Twi...?" Sunset said softly.

"Sunset, it's okay. I'm fine." Twilight said.

"Were you with us the whole time?"

"I-I was being blocked the whole time. I just got tired, so I went to sit down."

"Blocked? Why didn't you say anything?"

"I don't know. I didn't want you guys to worry about it. You all were having so much fun, so I stepped out for a minute."

"Twilight." Sunset said, with a more serious tone.

"What?" Twilight questioned.

"I know things have been crazy, with everything going on, but don't think we are ignoring you, or pushing you away." Sunset assured. Twilight was angrily silenced.

"Why do you care so much about it?" Twilight started to get angry with Sunset. "I stepped out, that's it. I'm fine."

"Of course I care! Why are you getting all upset?"

"Because... if you did care, you would at least notice!"

"You're the one that stepped out!"

"Oh, am I supposed to cry to you, and beg for attention?!"

"You know what? If you're going to act like this, why hang out at all?!"

"Because I didn't expect you to completely throw away your friend like that!"

"Oh really? After all we've been through together, you think I'm going to leave you?!"

"I don't know."

"I can't notice everything Twilight!"

"Yeah. That is why I backed away, because I did not want to make this all about me!" They both took a deep breath while looking away from each other. The sun was about to be out of sight, the winds picked up, and the clouds appeared to cover the last remnants of the light. The street lights began to flicker on. They both looked at each other.

"I'm sorry." Twilight said. "I just... didn't want to ruin your time with her. It's what you wanted, right? I just wasn't feeling it today."

"I'm sorry too, Twi." Sunset responded. "I appreciate that, but I want us all to enjoy it together."

"Yeah, I suppose it wasn't anything to argue about." Twilight agreed.

"Yeah." Sunset agreed. They both came together, wrapped their arms around each other. They both let go, and they continued walking, however, the others were not in sight.

"You know?" Sunset asked. "We should ask Princess Twilight to spend the night at my place."

"Oh?" Twilight said, with a tinge of excitement. "That would be fun."

"Yeah!" Sunset said with much enthusiasm.

It took another few minutes for them to reach the other girls, out to the parking lot, inside Applejack's pickup, with the lights on, and the engine running like a motorboat. The pickup was a tough piece of metal. It survived many years of climbing mountains, drifting through snowy and muddy trails, and carrying tons of apples and apple cider throughout the town. Applejack couldn't live without it, it was her precious.

"There ya are!" Applejack yelled. "It's freezing out here! Get in!"

Applejack was driving the truck, sitting next to her was Rarity and Rainbow Dash to the right with Fluttershy on her lap, being somewhat uncomfortable. In the backseats was Pinkie Pie on the right with Princess Twilight on her lap, hugging her a little too much for comfort, and Sunset sat in the middle, with Twilight on the left. As they all were packed in the truck, Sunset asked Princess Twilight if she was going to spend the night. Princess Twilight said she could, in which Sunset asked if the others would join in.

"Ah can't, ah got to work tomorrow on the farm." Applejack commented.

"I can't either, I'm babysitting!" Pinkie Pie added.

"I don't think I could either, Angel has a vet appointment." Fluttershy said softly.

"What's wrong with him?" Twilight asked.

"I think it's common cold!" Fluttershy replied.

"Or the flu? If he has the flu..." Rainbow Dash responded.

"Again with the flu?" Rarity questioned. "Seriously?!"

"I hate the flu, if you have the flu..." Rainbow Dash added, while Rarity was disgusted with Rainbow Dash.

"What about you Rarity or Rainbow Dash?" Sunset asked.

"I think I'll be fine, not tonight." Rarity replied.

"Okay." Sunset said.

"Yeah, I think I'll be good as well." Rainbow Dash said, while Rarity elbowed her in the side of her gut. Rainbow Dash returned the favor. Rarity squealed, which made Applejack jump and turn the wheel a little to the left, then to the right, to adjust back to the lane.

"What in tarnation...?!" Applejack yelled.

"Sorry, sorry..." Rarity replied.

"You tryin' to make me wreck or somethin'?!" Applejack grunted.

"No..." Rarity said, with a little sense of guilt.

"By the way, am droppin' you off first, Rarity, then Sunset and Twilight." Applejack assured. "Since your place is closest."

"Okay!" Sunset, Twilight, and Princess Twilight said simultaneously.

"Fine." Rarity replied, crossing her arms with disgust.

Applejack dropped off Rarity first. As Rarity exited the vehicle, Fluttershy and Rainbow Dash got out, Fluttershy took Rarity's spot while Rarity gathered her stuff from the back of the truck. Rarity waved at them, while the girls replied with waving their hands and said goodnight. Applejack drove off while Rarity was greeted by her little cat Opal, as she opened the door. Applejack came to Sunset's stop. Pinkie Pie, Princess Twilight, Sunset, and Twilight got out of the vehicle. Princess Twilight thanked them for such a great time. Pinkie Pie gave her another tightly compressed hug that lifted her off the ground.

"In case we don't see each other tomorrow..." Pinkie said. "I'm giving you another big, lovey-dovey-huggy-wuggy!"

"Pinkie... please..." Princess Twilight gasped, as she was once again feeling light-headed and bruised from being held too tight. Pinky let her down. Princess Twilight held onto Twilight's shoulder, Twilight held her to make sure she didn't fall.

"Goodnight girls, thanks!" Sunset said.

"G'night! We'll try to see ya again before ya go back!" Applejack yelled, from the front seat of the truck. Pinkie climbed in the backseat and waved at them.

"See you, Pinkie!" Princess Twilight said.

As the truck left, the girls entered Sunset's house. Sunset's house was tall, however, it only had 2 rooms, a bedroom above a couple flights of stairs, where a few guitars were mounted on the wall, which was also part of the living room, and a bathroom to the left of the door. The kitchen was furthest from the door. Underneath the stairs was her computer and library, with a small fridge toward the side. The living room was a single futon set in front of a 50" TV screen with a couple of video game consoles.

"So..." Sunset said, to break the silence. "You two can sleep up there!" Sunset pointed up at the single bed above.

"Okay." Princess Twilight and Twilight said simultaneously.

"I'm crashing on my couch tonight!" Sunset added.

"Oh Sunset...?" Twilight asked.

"What's up?" Sunset replied.

"I'm going to quickly head back to my place to grab a few things, and to make sure I feed Spike."

"Are you going to need us to go with you?" Sunset asked.

"No, it's not far." Twilight suggested.

"Okay. See you in a little bit." Sunset said, as Princess Twilight waved.

"Yep, see you!" Twilight said, as she went out the door.

"You have a pretty cool place Sunset!" Princess Twilight determined, as she browsed with her eyes around the room.

"Thanks." Sunset said, as she went through her stuff above the stairs. "I know you don't have something to wear to bed, so I hope you don't mind wearing this." Sunset pulled out a matching silk and trim lace tank top and cami shorts.

"Oh!" Princess Twilight said. "Thanks!"

"You're welcome!" Sunset replied. "Bathroom is over there." Sunset pointed toward the right side, the door was slightly opened. Princess Twilight entered, and shut the door. While Princess Twilight was in the bathroom, Sunset was undressing into her usual long sleeved purple shirt, which had her symbolic red and yellow sun, and matching pajama pants. They both have a couple of streaks of orange and red on the sides. Princess Twilight walked out, Sunset turned around and was astonished.

"That looks so good on you!" Sunset said, trying not to blush.

"Really?" Princess Twilight responded, as she looked at it from the mirror. "Thanks."

Twilight opened the door of her house. She turned on the living room light, and walked through.

"Spike!" Twilight yelled. "C'mere Spike!" There was no sign of him anywhere. Twilight went into her kitchen, and she took out a can of chopped meat and vegetables, mixed and simmered with gravy. She placed a bowl, full of water on the floor with his food.

Twilight went to her room, she got undressed. As she picked out her clothes from her dresser, she touched a couple of large streak marks from her back. Pausing to think about it, before slipping into her buttoned sleep shirt and matching pajama pants. She packed extra clothes with hygiene supplies, and she thought about bringing extra clothes for Princess Twilight. She packed one of her favorite shirts and jeans with a couple of colored socks.

As she began to head out, she noticed Spike's food was untouched, however, she looked at her locked closet near the front door. She touched it, reminiscing about the past. Twilight headed out the door.

"I'll be back Spike!" Twilight assured, as she locked the front door. Inside of Twilight's house, there was a slight growl, emanating from her room closet.

"There is something I've been meeting to ask you..." Princess Twilight said softly, as she awkwardly scratched the back of her head, and looked in the opposite direction.

"What is it?" Sunset replied.

"How would you feel about coming back to Equestria, with me, to be a part of our kingdom?"

"Going back? Tomorrow?"


"For how long?" Sunset asked, as Princess Twilight shook her head. "Oh, you mean... for good?"

"I never anticipated my life to be so busy, being caught up with everything. Remember, you asked me if you could before?"

"I know, it's just... things have changed since then... I wasn't friends with everyone, which took a lot of time to do so... I'm not sure if I can."

"I understand."

"Are you sure it is going to be difficult for you to reply back, or to visit?"

"I think so. If you did come back with me, you would have the freedom to visit anytime."

"Why can't we go visit you?"

"You could, but you wouldn't be able to know if anything were to happen, it might be too dangerous to keep the portal open."


"I know, but you would be a great help for all of us. Just think about it, I won't hold it against you if you say no. I'm letting you know that, because I may not be able to visit anytime, anymore."

Just as Sunset was about to say something, she heard a knock at her door. It made Princess Twilight jump. Sunset went to open the door, and there was Twilight in her sleepwear, with a full backpack.

"Hey!" Twilight said.

"Hey, Twi!" Sunset replied. Twilight entered through the door, and she placed her backpack on the floor, by the couch.

"Hi!" Princess Twilight said.

"Hey! So I've brought you this to wear for tomorrow!" Twilight replied, as she took out an outfit for Princess Twilight to wear. Princess Twilight looked at the clothes Twilight bought for her.

"That's cute!" Princess Twilight admired. "That's really cute! Thank you!"

"Yeah." Twilight responded. "I figured you and I both fit the same size and everything."

As Princess Twilight was smiling with her eyes closed, Twilight looked at what she was wearing to sleep. She was not surprised to see that Sunset would give her something a little sexy to wear. Her cleavage was wide open, to where most people at first glance would peak down instead of meeting at her eyes. Her legs were exposed, seeing the full curves of her upper thighs, to a pair of skimpy short shorts.

How? Twilight thought to herself, as she went to put her clothes back into her backpack. Why does she have that? Twilight thought again, trying to process the purpose of buying really cute lingerie sleepwear. She never saw Sunset wear it, so it might have been for... on occasion…

"Uh, Twi?" Sunset said, which snapped Twilight back into focus.

"Huh?" Twilight replied, actively listening.

"I said, would you like to play the next game?" Sunset repeated, as she held one of her controllers in her hand, while the other controller was in Princess Twilight's hand. They both were playing that racing game they played earlier. Which Twilight missed entirely.

"Sure...?" Twilight said, to show participation.

"While you go up against Twilight, I would make us all something to snack on?" Sunset asked.

"O-okay!" Twilight said.

Sunset finished the first game with Princess Twilight. Sunset won, but she made Princess Twilight feel confident in her gaming skills. Twilight picked up her controller, and she began to go against Princess Twilight. Sunset got up to head to the mini refrigerator, underneath her bed and stairs. There were some drinks in the mini fridge. She headed for the kitchen, the opposite side of the room. She was thinking of what to make for everyone. After a few moments, Sunset came with a bowl of popcorn and homemade nachos. Princess Twilight and Twilight were excited to partake.

For the rest of the evening, the girls played games for an hour, then switched on a movie marathon, until they all got tired.

"I'm beat!" Princess Twilight said.

"Me too!" Twilight added, as Sunset yawned. They all helped in cleaning up the living room, and headed for bed. Twilight and Princess Twilight both walked up the stairs to lay down. Twilight slept on the left, Princess Twilight on the right. They both laid the exact same way, but posed in opposite directions, like a mirror image of one another. Princess Twilight couldn't sleep because of what happened earlier.

"Hey, Twilight?" Princess Twilight whispered, Twilight turned to face her.

"Yeah?" Twilight said.

"Well... it is weird to say my own name..." Princess Twilight added. "But, how are you feeling?"

"I'm okay." Twilight replied.

"I'm still concerned, because of what happened earlier. I'm sorry if I made you feel outcast... and about the nose bleed..."

"No. You're fine! I'm fine! Don't worry about it."

"Alright. Thank you though."

"Okay, for what?"

"Thanks for making sure everyone was okay, and having a great time together!"

"Of course!" Twilight chuckled.

"Hey, Twilight?" Twilight asked. "Wow, it is weird to say my own name..."

"Yeah?" Princess Twilight replied.

"From what I've heard earlier, since you're a princess... is it going to be difficult for you to visit?"

"Yeah, I think it would. With everything that has happened, and to become the new ruler, I fear it might take up more of my time than I had anticipated."

"I see..."

"I asked Sunset if she could be the one in charge of it, in case anything happens."

"Oh, really? That sounds great!"

"Yeah, but it would involve her... moving back to Equestria..." Twilight was stunned with what Princess Twilight said.

"Oh..." Twilight whispered.

"Yeah, it is an option."

"It might be okay. Because, I've always wanted to go back. Since the time we've spent together during our Spring vacation. I was so thrilled."

"Oh? That would be something fun! It would be helpful and it would mean a lot, since you and I share that same passion for learning!"

"Yeah, it would be easier, but it is her decision to make."

"Yep." Princess Twilight said, as she yawned, signaling that she would like to sleep.

"Night!" Twilight said.

"Night!" Princess Twilight replied.

Meanwhile, downstairs on the futon, Sunset overheard the conversation. The thought of herself leaving for Equestria kept her up, whether she would be helping or dismissing her friends with her decision, it would be hard to make that choice. Leaving or staying, helping or disregarding? Sunset thought to herself as she tried to close her eyes to sleep. Her mind kept worrying about it. Those same thoughts also kept Twilight up. As she laid opposed to Princess Twilight, she thought of Sunset leaving them. It made her worry much more. Twilight was also thinking about the other world, the studying and research she could accomplish for her own, but at the cost of her dearest friend.