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Book 2: Animus | Chapter 8: The Storm Draws In

Chapter 8: The Storm Draws In

Rarity, Rainbow Dash, and Pinkie Pie rode to Twilight's house using Applejack's truck. Although Rarity originally refused to use it, but it was the only vehicle quick enough to get to Twilight's.

Pinkie drove, but she was having trouble navigating through the storm. Countless raindrops poured down, as there were beams of light coming from the darkened clouds. Emptiness surrounded, even the headlights at full volume, they were unable to see five feet away of the road.

"Are you sure you're able to drive through this?" Rarity asked, as she cautiously held onto Rainbow Dash's shoulder whenever they purged through the large puddles on the road. "It seems almost impossible to drive in this weather!"

"I'm fine!" Pinkie enlightened, as she shifted gears.

Rainbow Dash was looking the other direction. She was clenching her fist, which Rarity saw, sitting next to her. She pondered the fact that they took Fluttershy like they done to her Applejack. The horrors she must have experienced. She hesitated to say anything to her. She wondered if she was going to speak at all, now that she had time to gather her thoughts.

"Is... Fluttershy okay?" Rarity asked softly.

"No... they have her, and they will pay for what they did!" Rainbow Dash said, with a deep and focused whisper. Rarity looked down at the floor, and felt everything she felt. Her anger, her sadness. Her eyes glowed bright with vengence as they did when they fought earlier that day. If only she could take back what she said, but they had already apologized for what happened. Still felt guilty.

Rarity slowly touched her hand, trying to calm her down before they had to face the Dazzlings once again. Rainbow Dash looked away from the window, and glanced down as their palms came into contact. She firmly held Rarity's hand. Her hands were soft and warm, as Fluttershy's. She felt Rarity's nails poke the tips of her knuckles. She sighed, as she let her hand release for her to hold tighter. She looked back up at the window, and felt like she was ready for what comes next.

"Oh damn!" Pinkie yelled, as she drove into someone on the road. The girls were stunned from their seat, as they heard the thumping from the front of the truck, and the body being rolled on the roof. Pinkie immediately stomped on the brakes. The person rolled a few yards in back of them. "Whoops... heh..." Pinkie chuckled.

"Pinkie, what the hell was that?!" Rainbow Dash yelled. "Are you crazy?!"

"Well, it was kind of her fault?!" Pinkie said.

"What are you talking about?!" Rarity added. "You just killed someone!"

"Relax, it was just Adagio!" Pinkie said.

"That's not the point Pinkie!" Rarity continued.

"She's getting up, and she looks pissed!" Pinkie informed, as she glanced at the rear view mirror.

"Well duh!" Rainbow Dash yelled. "You just ran her over!"

"Get out!" Pinkie yelled. "GET OUT NOW!" Pinkie jumped out quickly while Rainbow Dash carried Rarity out, and the truck was pushed away by a wave of magic. The truck rolled into the other street. Rainbow Dash laid right on top of Rarity, which was a little uncomfortable for the both of them, so she fell to lay beside her instead. Pinkie was on the other side of the road, she was standing, not allowing her dress to be soaked.

"Pinkie, I'm going to kill you, after we get through this!" Rarity said, while being drenched in water from laying on the soaked grass. She was shocked to see her girlfriend's favorite truck gone in seconds.

"Not if I can help it..." Adagio grunted from afar. Enraged, and bruised from the impact of the truck. She limped her way to her, as she saw the other two take off in the other direction to the house down the street. Pinkie went over to help Rarity and Rainbow Dash get up to head in that same direction.

Sonata and Aria were attacking Twilight. Twilight was using her magic to stop them, but she struggled to stay focused. They turned their attention toward the front door to see the others barge in. They stopped resisting, as they were clearly outmatched.

"Damn it!" Aria said. "I knew I forgot something!"

"Same!" Sonata said.

"Girls, help!" Twilight said, as she dropped her hands. Rainbow Dash kicked Sonata, as she was the one who attacked Fluttershy. Rarity used a shield to push away Aria to the wall. Pinkie went over to hug Twilight. "Pinkie, now's not the time!"

"But, Twilight..." Pinkie cried. Adagio appeared, and carried the other two with her outside. They gathered their strength by focusing their power together. Adagio was recovering from her wounds. They were going to use all the power they gathered to finally end the Rainbooms once in for all.

"What's the plan Twilight?!" Rainbow Dash asked, as they all saw them burst with energy.

"Okay..." Twilight sighed. She gathered her thoughts, as she pushed in her glasses. "Pinkie,I need you to distract them!"

"You've got it!" Pinkie said.

"Rainbow Dash, I need you to surround them by running around in circles!" Twilight commanded.

"Okay?! That's doable..." Rainbow Dash said, as she was unsure of what she was actually doing.

"Rarity. Can you cast a dome, like you have before?!" Twilight asked.

"What?!" Rarity questioned. "I can't do anything like that anymore! What do you mean like before?!"

"Okay, look, just make sure they don't leave that open field!" Twilight said.

"Very well then..." Rarity said.

"One more thing everyone, after about thirty seconds. I need you all to quickly get out of here as fast as you can. By our luck, we might just miss the blast." Twilight said.

"Wha-what do you mean?!" Rarity asked, as she was reminded of her dream.

"Listen, I don't have much time to give every detail, but I'll give the signal, then make a break for it!" Twilight requested. "Got it?!"

Everyone nodded.

"Go!" Twilight yelled.

The girls dispersed to different areas. The Dazzlings came up, in their final forms. Tall, serpent-like creatures, each of them a specific color. Adagio, of course, in the middle, who glistened like gold. Sonata was bright blue, and Aria was purple. They each had large tails which hung down to the ground. Razor-sharp claws, and terrifyingly large teeth.

Pinkie came to them, and they each were eager to take her energy. Pinkie channeled her power from her element crystal. She gained her form, pony ears, her hair lengthened, her symbol on her cheek, and with her power was able to conjure up many party favors for her liking. Ready to fight for her friends.

"Let's party!" Pinkie announced, as the Dazzlings flown over to her.

Rainbow Dash began to run toward their general area, she circulated around them as Twilight demanded. She was unsure of what she was even doing just running around instead of fighting. Whenever one of the sirens looked to what Rainbow Dash was doing, Pinkie was there to pop in right in front of them.

Rarity kept her focus on making sure they stood in the field as Twilight requested, but could not make a large enough shield to cover the whole perimeter as she was able to before. It's been too long since she had to use her powers to the fullest, but she was at least able to contain them by blocking their next move.

Twilight watched as it was going according to plan. They just needed to stay long enough for the finishing move, Twilight thought.

Pinkie was grabbed by one of them, and was thrown around. She got back up, and used her power to generate party cannons to attack. She blinded them from the confetti and their ears rang from the sound, the closer she came the worse they all felt. Adagio jumped out, and clawed at her. Pinkie surprised her with a gift of a wrapped present, and a boxing glove that popped out like a jack-in-the-box and punch her in the snout. The others had a gift that exploded in their face.

They all got pissed off, and came to her all at once. They picked her up and each took a turn stabbing her with their claws, bitting her with their jaws, and slapped her with their long tails, in which threw Pinkie across the field.

"Pinkie!" Rainbow Dash and Rarity yelled.

"Don't lose your position!" Twilight yelled. Rainbow Dash grunted as she felt useless, but continued to run the same way she started.

Rarity kept her shield open, even from watching Pinkie being tormented in front of her. She couldn't lose her focus for her, even if she didn't know what Twilight intended. She did all that she could do to help.

Pinkie kept fighting, and was thrown around enough times to cause her to be too tired to get back up. She was bruised, with much claw and teeth marks over her that bled excessively for her to start to lose consciousness. She got up, and decided to use what left of her energy to make up one final act.

Pinkie focused and brought up a bunch of helium-filled balloons to distract them. Adagio bit into one. But as she grunted, her voice became high pitched, which made Aria and Sonata start to laugh. Adagio got mad at them. She yelled at them, but they couldn't hold back their laughter. Pinkie popped the rest of the balloons, to make them all ingest the helium which surrounded them. They all kept laughing and could not stop. Even Adagio lost focus. Pinkie's last power was to make her enemies laugh so hard they can't stop. As she will always be the element of laughter.

Sadly, Pinkie fell, and was too tired to carry on. Her form disappeared, and the rain soak into her beautiful blue dress.

"Now!" Twilight yelled. Rainbow Dash quickly ran to pick Pinkie up from the ground. The Dazzlings felt the mist swarm around them, as Rarity released the shield, and left the Dazzlings alone in the field. They stood, unsure of what was going on. Twilight was standing there staring right at them. "Pika Pika... bitch!"

The skies opened up, and in a single instance, released a streak of light which struck down right at the Dazzlings. The blast of the light that struck, engulfed the field. The sound was intensively loud, which made the ground shake with much force. The Dazzlings screamed, the pain of them being electrocuted. They all felt the flames running through their veins. It made the lockets spark, and explode, in which a large cluster of energy came for everyone like before.

Twilight stood there, closed her eyes, awaiting for it to come.