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Book 2: Animus | Extra: Adagio's Bizzare Adventure 4

Friendship is Unbreakable

Later that day, the sun was nearly setting, it was still light enough outside.

Scootaloo contacted everyone, and asked them to join her and Adagio at the clubhouse. They both were playing card games, until they heard talking outside.

Scootaloo and Adagio walked outside. She saw Sweetie Belle with an adolescent woman, and Apple Bloom the same. Scootaloo was surprised that she was not the only one with a new addition to their friendship.

"Hey Sweetie Belle! Apple Bloom! Who are they?" Scootaloo asked.

"This is Aria Blaze." Sweetie Belle announced.

"Sup!" Aria said.

"This one is Sonata!" Apple Bloom said.

"Hi!" Sonata said, as she waved.

"I like you all to meet Adagio!" Scootaloo announced.

"Hi!" Adagio said.

"Wait a minute?" Sweetie Belle said. "Here, bring them together!" They all brought Adagio, Sonata, and Aria closer together. "Look!"

Sweetie Belle pointed out that they each had the same locket around their necks.

"You're right Sweetie Belle!" Scootaloo and Apple Bloom said.

Adagio, Aria, and Sonata looked as well, and they too were surprised. Was it a coincidence? Or maybe destiny, that they were brought together? The Crusaders thought.


"This is great! We brought some friends together who lost their memories as well!" Scootaloo enlightened.

They each were seating in the clubhouse, eating chips, and talking about their day with meeting one another. They laughed and were intrigued by how much they all learned from each of them.

"So, you were the one that provoked Diamond Tiara?!" Scootaloo asked.

"Yeah, but she deserved it!" Sweetie Belle said. They all laughed.

"You were also the ones that caused all that ruckus in the park?!" Apple Bloom asked.

"Yeah, but it wasn't my fault, right Aria?" Sweetie Belle continued.

"There were men in black after us, trying to capture Sweetie Belle, so they used extensive force to do so, luckily, I found a way to destroy them!" Aria said.

"You have powers too?!" Adagio asked.

"Yeah, I have strength, agility, and have some sort of absorbing power which made them fade into nothing..." Aria said.

"I did the same thing earlier today!" Adagio said. "I had strength which came out of nowhere, and was able to feel like I was gathering his ability, then he faded."

"Cool!" Sonata said. "I beat up a family of raccoons with my speed and strength!" Sonata said. They all laughed.

"It's true!" Apple Bloom said. "You all have such strange gifts!"

"It's probably the mystic blood!" Scootaloo pointed out.

"Mystic blood?" They all asked.

"She's talking about the time I sliced my finger open, and out came a dark liquid. Scootaloo showed me that our blood was different. Most people bleed red, but if we are the same, then we bleed a darker form." Adagio said.

"So, we're not human?!" Aria asked.

"I suppose not." Adagio said.

"That's weird, but cool!" Sonata said. "Hey, what's that?!" Sonata pointed out to the window, and they all saw a huge flash of light in the skies.


They all ran out to see it more closely.

"It must be the Rainbooms again!" Apple Bloom said.

"Rain, booms?" Adagio said.

"Yeah, my sister is there, probably fighting off some bad people!" Sweetie Belle said.

"I see." Aria said.

"My favorite person, out there kicking all kinds of behinds!" Scootaloo mentioned. Adagio smiled.

"Watch out! Something's coming!!!" Sonata yelled.

They saw some sort of light coming toward them, the girls ducked, but they continued to fly towards the others.

"Adagio! Aria! Sonata!" The Crusaders yelled. They saw them being engulfed in light, and they saw the streak going into their heads. They fell immediately after they were hit. They all went to them to see what had happened. They picked them up, and shook them to make sure they were okay.

"Sonata? Sonata?!" Apple Bloom said.

Adagio woke up. Scootaloo was there, and held her up. Adagio pushed Scootaloo away. She looked back at the other two, and they were sitting up as well.

"Adagio?" Scootaloo asked. "Are you okay?" Adagio got up from the ground, and the other two joined.

"Enough kid, go home!" Adagio demanded.

"What?! Why, what happened to you?!" Scootaloo questioned.

"All of you leave, now!" Adagio said.

"Listen to her!" Sonata said.

"Do it!" Aria said.

"Adagio, please! Tell me what's going on?!" Scootaloo continued, as she went up to Adagio, and shook her by the arm. "Are you hurt?!"

"Ignorant child!!!" Adagio said, as she slapped her with the back of her hand. Scootaloo fell to the ground. Sweetie Belle and Apple Bloom ran to Scootaloo.

"What the hell was that for?!" Sweetie Belle yelled.

"Go away!" Aria replied. "Now!"

"I-I... I thought we were... friends..." Scootaloo cried. "HOW DARE YOU!!!"

Scootaloo ran away. Sweetie Belle and Apple Bloom stood there, unsure of what to do.

"Please, Sonata. Remember what we've done for each other! Don't push me away!" Apple Bloom begged Sonata.

"Leave me! Now!!!" Sonata yelled. Apple Bloom left with tears in her eyes.

"Aria? I'm sorry for all the names I called you... I'm sorry for saying you were my enemy... please... don't do this!" Sweetie Belle cried.

"I am your enemy! I will stop at nothing to get my way! You understand that?!!!" Aria yelled. Sweetie Belle ran for it as well. She cried.

Adagio, Sonata, and Aria were left alone. They all looked away, they had a tear fall from their eyes. They felt a huge spike in frequency in their ears, like a loud white noise, blasting their eardrums. They both fell, and struggled to fight it, block from their heads.


Adagio awakened in a white emptiness. There was no sound. Adagio looked around, she saw Aria and Sonata there with her. They tried to speak, but couldn't get the words out.

Moments later, there came chains that constrained them. They couldn't move or get out of it. It was tightened, and lifted them from the non-existent surface of the floor. The weight of it had carried them, and were unable to move from it. As they struggled, they heard each other's voices. They stopped for a moment and realized their minds were able to be heard, because they kept thinking about the poor girls they had hurt. But, it was to make sure they were safe, and away from them. They knew danger would arise once they received their memories back.

The torment they put Twilight Sparkle through, haunted them. The power they received. They all felt a vibration in the chains, like a spider knowing when their prey has been captured in its web.

They heard laughing coming from the emptiness, until they saw her. A figure who looked like Twilight Sparkle, but had a sinister smile and had a glowing aura around her eyes. She laughed, and came to them.

"You thought that power you had was your's?" She said. "But it was me, Midnight Sparkle!"

"Midnight?" Adagio thought.

"Yes, Midnight. I'm the creator of the lockets you bear on your necks!" Midnight said.

"No, Twilight did!" Aria thought.

"Keeping her up all hours of the night to finish them, of course I helped, because I inherited her body during that time to make them!" Midnight said. "How does it feel? Thinking this all was your plan? You really don't understand the full weight of your disastrous acts against the innocent!"

Midnight showed them their past. The times they gathered people's energy, feeding off of them, and hurt people, making them turn against each other. They even saw the friends they made, making them cry and run away. Adagio cried. Aria and Sonata also felt terrible.

"Hahaha! So, heartbreaking! Isn't it Adagio Dazzle, Aria Blaze, and Sonata Dusk! Your lust for power was my way of getting underneath your precious skin. Using your methods against you to my advantage!" Midnight explained. "Don't take this the wrong way, I'm not mad you tortured Twilight Sparkle or myself, I rather enjoyed it! But, it is time I finally rid the Rainbooms for good! By stealing their souls!"

Adagio, Sonata, and Aria heads perked up.

"Yes, the lockets don't steal energy, they steal their souls. Which is why the men in black you all took, faded. Not that there were people to begin with!" Midnight snickered.

"What do you want with us?!" Adagio asked in her head.

"I'm going to use you, to absorb the Rainbooms all one by one, and take over this place!" Midnight explained. Adagio, Sonata, and Aria nudged in their chains.

"You can't make us!" Sonata said.

"Oh really?!" Midnight said. "Who's going to stop me?" Midnight put a finger on Sonata's forehead. In her mind, she showered her with gruesome imagery, thinking she was being tortured. She screamed and cried.

"Stop! What are you doing to her?!" Aria yelled. Midnight lifted her finger from Sonata's forehead.

"I'm inside of all of you, I synchronized the lockets, allowing me to mingle in your heads together." Midnight said. "With your minds, I can make you believe anything I set my mind to! Like this chain for example, you all believe you are really chained up!"

"What if we didn't believe you have us chained up?!" Adagio asked.

"I could be quite convincing, but it will have to take enough willpower to say otherwise!" Midnight said.

Sonata broke the chain that held her, and she ran up to Midnight to punch her.

"Tsk. Tsk. Not so fast!" Midnight said, as she held her fist in her hands. "Even when you believe it, there are still many things that hold you back!" Midnight pushed her back, Sonata skidded across the floor. The others came down to help Sonata. "See? But you can't defeat me, you're mine now!"

Afterward, Midnight had ordered Adagio, Sonata, and Aria to do what she told them.


Adagio, Sonata, and Aria both went back to the van, they had parked near Twilight's house. They saw the girls, and planned to follow them home, to take them out while they sleep. However, they saw them fight each other down the street. They then broke apart. Adagio ordered Sonata to follow Rainbow Dash, and Aria to follow Applejack and Rarity. While Adagio would go after Sunset and Twilight. They followed them, knowing where each of them lived.

They waited until nightfall, each of them separated toward their designated person to capture, however, each of them stormed off in the middle of the night, which made things somewhat difficult. But, they managed to get by absorbing them one by one. Under Midnight's control, they were unable to resist her wanting of their souls. However, only Sonata and Aria were able to resist to let Rarity, Rainbow Dash, and Pinkie Pie go, instead of absorbing them.

When they used Demon Sunset to give them power, they resisted the chance to absorb them. Demon Sunset was less powerful afterward, allowing her to stay and watch over the two they had tied in the van.

Adagio ordered Aria and Sonata to absorb Twilight instead. In which, she held back and was run over by Pinkie Pie. It let Midnight's guard down, having to recover from injuries that occurred. Midnight retaliated and synchronized them together again.

"You think you can stop me?!" Midnight yelled. "Give it up, they won't be able to surpass me now!"

The Dazzlings fought against Midnight while she was occupied with fighting Pinkie Pie.

"Enough!" Midnight fought back. "Think of the power we can have! That's what you wanted?! Now take it!!!"

Adagio stood up, being the last one standing against Midnight.

"But, I refuse!" Adagio said, standing proudly against Midnight. While Midnight was intrigued by her strength to resist her manipulation. "There's one thing I love when I've dealt with your kind, who think they can have all that they want, but when they get told no, the look on your face, I live for it!"

"Is that so?" Midnight said. "Very well then, I can't easily take you and your friends away! Scootaloo I will save for last! You will watch me break her!"

"Haha, there's one thing I know. These girls have always found a way to turn things around, even when there's almost zero chance of making it. They will find a way, in ways you wouldn't understand!" Adagio admitted.

"I WILL MAKE YOU SUFFER!" Midnight yelled.

"Now!" Twilight said. Midnight watched as the lightning struck them. The Dazzlings and Midnight screamed in pain, as they were struck with fire.

"What?! This can't be!!! I AM MIDNIGHT!" Midnight yelled. "I AM... MIDNIGHT!!!"

The blast had taken the lockets away, freeing the Dazzlings from Midnight's power. They smiled, as they fell into the ground.


Adagio apologized for everything she had done. Twilight forgiven her, but Adagio admitted they were bad people, who didn't deserve them in their lives.

The Dazzlings were taken to a hospital, and each of them woke up. Oddly happy, that they were still alive and were able to turn everything around.

"Guys, let's never get caught up with magic again?" Adagio announced.

"No kidding!" Aria said.

"I'll be okay with that!" Sonata added.

"There's one thing we got to do before we leave however..." Adagio said.

"What's that?!" Aria and Sonata said simultaneously.


A few weeks later... They found their van parked outside the hospital, as they got out. They were unsure of how it got there, but were glad to see it.

Adagio came and knocked on the door. The door opened, and out came Scootaloo.

"A-Adagio?" Scootaloo said.

"Hey kid." Adagio said.

"What are you doing here?!" Scootaloo said.

"I came to say I'm sorry... after I got my memories back, I was afraid of hurting you. So, I said those things to make you leave, cause I knew how stubborn you can get." Adagio said, as Scootaloo smiled. "You taught me a valuable lesson, I didn't like who I was, and the things I did. I came back to let you know. You've changed me, so I could be better myself. Help others, and never losing sight of what's important!"

"You really mean that?" Scootaloo asked, with tears in her eyes.

"I'm really happy I met you!" Adagio.

"You're leaving?" Scootaloo continued.

"I am, but I just wanted to let you know how I felt before I do." Adagio said, as she patted Scootaloo's head.

"Thank you, Adagio! I'm happy that I was able to help you!" Scootaloo said.

"Have this!" Adagio said, as she placed her headband with spikes in the center on her head. "To remember me by!"

"Thanks!" Scootaloo said. "The others are here too!" Scootaloo brought Apple Bloom and Sweetie Belle outside to meet Aria and Sonata one last time.

"I'm going to miss the apple pies!" Sonata said to Apple Bloom. Apple Bloom laughed. "They're to die for!"

"Are we still friends?" Sweetie Belle asked.

"Arch enemies!" Aria said, with a smile.

"Arch Nemesis!" Sweetie Belle corrected. Aria laughed.

They each gave them cool hair accessories to them, to remember them by.

Adagio and the other two waved goodbye as they got into their van, and drove off. Scootaloo, Sweetie Belle, and Apple Bloom watched them drive away. They smiled, knowing all of what they told them, they were truly capable to stand both individually and collectively to make all the difference in the world, and now that they saw they were changed. They know that they have changed their lives for the better. The girls cried and knew they were going to behave from now on, and so they journeyed away to a new place of their own.

"You know, if any of this was taken out of context, this would be illegal!" Scootaloo said.

"That's what I said!" Sweetie Belle said.

"What do ya mean by that?!" Apple Bloom asked. Sweetie Belle and Scootaloo looked at each other and giggled. "What?!" Apple Bloom continued.

"It's alright Apple Bloom, never mind!" Scootaloo said, as she ruffled Apple Bloom's hair. They all went back inside the clubhouse.

The end of the end.

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Comment posted by Notowa deleted April 9th
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