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Book 2: Animus | Chapter 4: Broken

Chapter 4: Broken

It was about a half an hour when the group reconvened at Twilight's house. Applejack, Fluttershy, and Rarity arrived, not looking the best of efforts.

"Hey, what's up?" Rainbow Dash asked patiently.

"Don't ask." Applejack suggested as she shook her head. She pulled her hat off to the side.

"Please be silent!" Rarity added, as she was tugging her stomach. Still feeling sick.

"Fine." Rainbow Dash grunted. She rolled her eyes and pouted down in her spot on the couch.

"You guys are finally here!" Sunset enlightened, as she walked out of the room.

"What's goin' on?!" Applejack asked.

"Look." Sunset requested, as she held up the memory stone. The girls gasped.

"That..." Rarity pointed to it. "What is that?"

"It's the memory stone!" Sunset said. "The memory stone steals a person's memory. It can wipe anyone's memory of you." The girls were silent, as they looked at each other unsure of what she meant. "It was the time you all forgot about me."

"No wonder it doesn't ring a bell..." Rarity added. "I simply can't remember when that happened."

"Seriously?" Rainbow Dash interrupted. "I remember it. We all thought Sunset was still bad, so we basically outcast her, leaving her out of our group!" Everyone was awkwardly silent.

"Look, I don't want to be reminded of it. Let's just move on to Twilight!" Sunset suggested. "Please."

"Right!" Pinkie shouted.

"The only way to restore Twilight's memory is to destroy it... but..." Sunset stopped in the middle of her sentence.

"But what?" Fluttershy asked.

"I don't know how long it's been since that time. It could already be too late. She could have lost everything..." Sunset cried.

"What do ya mean?" Applejack questioned.

"Within three days after the sun sets. The memory that was absorbed into the stone, disappears... forever." Sunset stated, the girls were worried. "Twilight... could already be gone..."

"Then let's waste no time. Let's destroy it now!" Applejack ordered. The girls nodded.

The girls gathered together outside. Twilight was still asleep, but she was with them, so they could manifest their power.

The girls were grouped in a line, they held their hands together and focused. They felt the surge of power running through them like an electrical current. Sunset transformed into her Daydream form. The girls remained normal. Sunset levitated, she lifted her hands up, and swung her arms down to where they placed the stone. The stone cracked being engulfed with Sunset's powerful beam of light. It burst. The stone opened, as several strings of colors aerated from it. The girls could describe them as movie reels. As a few of them went into Twilight.

Sunset changed back, and went over to Twilight. She lifted her up. Twilight moaned, and her eyes twitched and opened them slowly.

"Twilight?" Sunset asked softly. Twilight opened her eyes, and they were less frightening than before. They were a sparkling beauty like the stars of the night.

"Sunset...?" Twilight spoke softly. "Thank you." Twilight hugged Sunset tightly. The girls smiled, and came in for a hug as well.

"I'm so happy you're back Twilight!" Pinkie enlightened.

"Thanks." Twilight said, as she ruffled her curls. Pinkie purred, hugging her close.

The girls took Twilight inside her house, and sat her down on her couch to rest. They gathered around her, some standing and some sat down beside her.

"What happened Twilight?" Rainbow Dash asked. "That was so weird."

"I'm so sorry everyone... I didn't mean to cause so much trouble..." Twilight responded with sincerity. "I'm sorry..."

"It's okay, Twilight." Sunset asked. "What happened to you?" Sunset sat down by Twilight, and looked at her. Twilight looked away.

"I-It's nothing..." Twilight said. "Just an accident..."

"What?" Rarity squandered. "You're not going to tell us?" Twilight was silent. Pinkie Pie jumped into the conversation.

"Oh Twilight! You dropped your geode by the curb!" Pinkie said, as she handed it over to Twilight.

"Thanks Pinkie!" Twilight said. She placed back on. "That's much better!" She looked at everyone, and was silent but wanted answers. "What?"

"Well, we do deserve an explanation for this Twi?" Applejack requested. She posed, looking straight at her wanting an answer.

"I'm sorry..." Twilight said, as she looked down at the floor. She was intimidated by Applejack, and did not want to say anything.

"What's wrong with Spike?" Fluttershy asked, as she was examining him on the couch. "Is there something wrong with him?"

"He's okay." Twilight replied, looking away from the group. "At least... I think so..." Twilight said under her breath.

"What was that?!" Rarity asked.

"Nothing... I'm fine. Spike's fine... and thank you for helping, okay?" Twilight said. She looked back as she gave a dishonest smile. The girls knew there was something with her. Twilight looked away again, as it was shown to be doubtful they would listen.

"Somethings still fishy!" Rainbow Dash said. "What are you hiding?"

"Look, it was just a small accident..." Twilight suggested, as she got up from the couch to confront everyone. "It's okay."

"Twilight?" Sunset added, as she still felt something was not right. "What is it?"

"Nothing!" Twilight assured, strongly. She walked toward them, and started to push everyone to the door. Applejack cut between her to confront her.

"Ah don't believe for one second that this was just an accident!" Applejack said, as she walked back to Twilight. Twilight was startled, and walked away while facing her. Twilight was once again, being cornered. "What happened?!"

"N-nothing Applejack... I-I'm serious!" Twilight said hesitantly. "Please don't..."

"Why ya pushing us away?" Applejack said, as she continuously walked up to her until she was backed up against the wall. Applejack facing directly in front of her, her eyes searching deep trying to make sense of why. Twilight cowardly looked up, as Applejack easily towered over her. Sunset reached out and held onto Applejack's shoulder.

"It's okay Applejack." Sunset said. "Let's just go..."

"No!" Applejack yelled. "Ah ain't letting this go after the mess she made! She owes us that much!" Sunset was startled, she moved her hand away.

"I'm sorry, it wasn't my fault. I had no memory of anything. What was I supposed to do?" Twilight assured.

"Why then?!" Applejack continued. "You're seriously goin' to defend her on this?!" Applejack asked Sunset.

"That's what I said!" Rainbow Dash commented.

"Shut up Rainbow Dash!" Sunset said. The girls were all starting to become tense from the argument. "Look, just stop!" Sunset faced toward Sunset, making her step back to the other toward the door.

"Am sorry, am honest!" Applejack said. "Ah can't just let Twilight do whatever without fessin' up! There's gotta be somethin' she's hidin'!"

"Enough, Applejack!" Sunset said, as she stood up to her. Applejack looked straight at her and crossed her arms, hoping Sunset would try something to stop her.

"Please... just leave!" Twilight requested, as she teared up. Applejack looked back at Twilight, as tears began to fall from Twilight's eyes. Applejack shook her head and baited everyone to head for the door.

The girls headed out following Applejack, but Sunset stood for a second at the door. She quietly shut the door in front of her.

The girls were walking down the street. Feeling angry, and didn't know why any of this was happening.

Twilight was up to something, and Sunset was trying to clear it up for her, Applejack thought. They were both making her sick. Rarity felt the same, being in the middle of something going on between those two. They were nothing but trouble.

Fluttershy felt indifferent, as she was more worried of Spike not waking up. Rainbow felt it was an opportunity to try and make light of the situation.

"Talk about PMS, right guys?" Rainbow Dash said, as she snickered. Fluttershy sighed heavily. Pinkie Pie smacked her forehead. Rarity rolled her eyes, and Applejack was not happy, as they all continued to walk down the same path, following her.

"Seriously?!" Rarity yelled.

"What?" Rainbow Dash asked.

"You're so immature! Grow up, will you!" Rarity suggested.

"What's up with you guys? Can't take a joke?!" Rainbow Dash asked. Pinkie signaled at Rainbow Dash to pipe down.

"Must you always have a stupid running gag or some sort of zinger! When will you be serious for once!" Rarity continued.

"I am serious! I'm just lightening up the mood, but you always have to be so demeaning!" Rainbow Dash added.

"Now's not the time Rainbow Dash!" Applejack said, as she looked back to face Dash. "Just stop!"

"Ah c'mon!" Rainbow Dash said. "It wasn't our fault Twilight's going rogue or whatever!"

"Just shut up!" Rarity yelled, finally had it with Rainbow. Everyone stopped to look at Rarity.

"What's your problem?! Why do you always have to act like such a BITCH!" Rainbow Dash said.

"You watch your mouth there!" Applejack said, as she clenched her fists. She walked over to guard Rarity, in case Dash was going to do something.

"Oh yeah?! Protecting your little girlfriend?! Bring it!" Rainbow Dash requested, as she held up her fists in the air. Rarity was enraged with Rainbow mocking her.

"Girls stop it! We are all friends!" Fluttershy intervened. She placed her hand over Dash to stop her from wanting to fight.

"You two? Seriously?!" Rarity mocked back.

"That's it!" Rainbow Dash yelled. She zipped by Applejack and tackled Rarity. She rolled over her, and kicked her over to a nearby bush. Rarity felt the thorns pricking her, as she tried to get up. Her hair was caught up inside, and had twigs and leaves in it. Which made Rarity furious.

Rainbow Dash prepared to ram into her again, but Applejack caught her with a rope. She tied both her hands and feet together. "Damn you Applejack!"

"Enough!" Applejack said.

"Serves her right!" Rarity said, smirking at her inability to run.

Rainbow Dash looked toward Fluttershy, hoping she would do something to help. Fluttershy was saddened by her actions, but she called over a squirrel to tackle Rarity's hair. Rarity squealed. Applejack went over to help her, while Fluttershy untied Dash.

When Rainbow Dash was loose, she ran over to push them both back in the bush. They head-butted each other, and fell deeper in the thorns. Rarity got up, and used her magic to form a shield that pushed Rainbow Dash away into Fluttershy where they both fell onto the road. There was an incoming car, and Rainbow Dash picked Fluttershy up, and got her to her feet in time. Rainbow Dash was enraged. She ran to them, wanting to really get back for nearly killing them both.

"Rainbow Dash, NO!" Fluttershy screamed. Rainbow Dash couldn't stop, and Rarity summoned a shield at the right time. It stopped her, as both Applejack and Rarity got out of the bush. Dash's face smashed into it. She backed away and her nose was gushing out blood. She held her nose, trying to make it stop, but it was gushing out like a waterfall. Rainbow Dash felt the tears in her eyes fall, and her hand was soaked. Fluttershy ran to her, and tried to wipe it, but she shifted away from her. She stopped, until she pulled back her head to sniff the blood down. Rainbow Dash gasped for air.

"You're gonna pay!" Rainbow Dash smiled, as her nose dipped with blood and her eyes matched it. She was about to run toward them again.

"Stop it!" Pinkie Pie yelled, standing in front of them. Making them both stop to look down at Pinkie. "I-I'm sorry..."

"What are ya talkin' about Pinkie?" Applejack asked, with a tone of concern.

"I-I... broke your promises... all of yours... I'm so sorry..." Pinkie said softly, as she began to tear up.

"Pinkie... you did...?" Fluttershy said. "But... you promised..."

"I know... I'm sorry..." Pinkie said.

"They knew?!" Rarity questioned, with a furious tone.

"Know what?! It was only obvious that you and Applejack are a thing!" Rainbow Dash mocked.

"I'm gonna...!" Rarity insulted.

"Rarity, STOP!" Applejack interrupted, as she tugged at Rarity's shoulder. Fluttershy went over to Rainbow Dash.

"Get off me! Leave me alone!" Rainbow Dash said, as she once again shifted away from Fluttershy, and she walked away down a different path.

"Serves her right!" Rarity continued.

Fluttershy grew angry, she gnashed her teeth, and had clenched her fists to where the fingernails dug into her palms. She had called forth birds and told them to prepare for an attack.

"Please, Fluttershy... stop..." Applejack pleaded, as she saw the birds circle around her in the air. It made her uneasy.

"Stop..." Fluttershy said, as tears streamed down her face, and she ran away.

They all went their own way.

"All I ever wanted was to make everyone happy... I just made things worse..." Pinkie said, as she cried.

Meanwhile, back at Twilight's house. Sunset stayed back to see if she could help Twilight.

"Twilight..." Sunset said softly. She quietly walked back toward the wall she was pushed into.

"Just go... leave me..." Twilight responded, kneeling to the floor and cried.

"I'm not leaving!" Sunset demanded, as she knelt down to help her. "Please. Let me help."

"Go, I've done nothing but cause pain and misery to everyone! I don't deserve our friendship!" Twilight cried.

"Enough Twilight!" Sunset said, as she came up to her. Twilight was frightened as she quickly looked up to see Sunset upset at her. She didn't like what she said, but she had to help her. "I don't want to believe this was your doing." Sunset said, bring down her tone.

"Please stop..." Twilight cowardly pushed herself back to the wall.

"Please Twilight. I can't leave you, not after what everyone else had done. I can't... I just couldn't... I have to know the truth!" Sunset begged, as she felt Twilight's guilt and sadness in her heart as well. "I know you wouldn't do anything to hurt us."

"I'm sorry Sunset... I'm so sorry... You don't hate me do you...?" Twilight asked, as she looked back at her.

"Nothing will make me hate you Twilight... just trust me. We'll get through it together! No matter what." Sunset assured and smiled, looking deep into her eyes. Twilight took out her hand, for her to hold. Sunset firmly grasped her hand, and used her magic to peek into her mind.