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Book 1: Curiosity | Extra: Dashie and Flutters

Extra: Dashie and Flutters

Prior To Curiosity...

It was the last of the soccer season, they finally made it to the winner's championship game. Unfortunately, all but Fluttershy was able to make it to the game. Sunset was having trouble when Princess Twilight all the sudden stopped talking to her, Applejack and Rarity were together somewhere, and Twilight could have been anywhere. Pinkie Pie was gone too. Although, at times like this, at least one of them showed up.

Fluttershy was there within the crowds, cheering on for Rainbow Dash, the fastest and strongest player in the game. She ended her basketball season with countless slam dunks, and made their school to the top ranks. Rainbow Dash has a huge reputation to keep, and made the school receive many sponsorships. She didn't care about the money or the fame, but loved being the absolute best. Pushing herself even beyond her own expectations, which always made herself feel awesome.

Fluttershy softly cheered on for Rainbow Dash, and the whole crowd cheered for her as well. After so much training and keeping herself in shape, all mattered at this very moment. Rainbow Dash made a few goals, with the opposing team under them by a couple of points. She was going back and forth in the field, a few of the players on the opposing side were actually good, but not as good as Rainbow Dash, as she would snatch their chances of ever making it to the goal.

Rainbow Dash had the ball, but her teammates were telling her to pass it back, to avoid the ball being taken away. She didn't listen as she was close to making it again before the timer of the last quarter would end the game. Even though they had enough points to win, Rainbow Dash wanted to make one more goal all on her own. The coach yelled at Rainbow Dash, requesting that she'd stop and listen to her teammates. Rainbow Dash was there at the goal, she kicked the ball toward the goal. The goalie caught the ball, the ball was thrown, and landed right toward the other team. They all bolted to the other side of the field. Within seconds of the clock, one of the players kicked the ball halfway to the goal, and the opposing team quickly gained enough points to win.

Everyone on Canterlot High's side was devastated. The coach threw down her hat and yelled. Rainbow Dash stopped for a moment, and turned to look at everyone on her squad. They all gave her a mean look, some turned away, and others yelled at her saying it was all her fault for losing the game. Fluttershy in the distance saw them put Rainbow Dash down, which made herself feel sad. Rainbow Dash didn't look sad or mad about anything.

Moments later, in the locker room.

"The hell was that Rainbow Dash?!" The coach questioned. "What were you doing?!"

"I thought I could make it..." Rainbow Dash said. "My bad..." As she was seated on a bench, taking off her shoes.

"My bad?!" One of the girl's said as she was undressing into her normal outfit. "Is that all you can say?"

"What you did, cost us our game!" Another girl said.

"Whatever." Rainbow Dash replied.

"Look, next time..." The coach continued. "Just listen out for your teammates, that is why we are a team, we are all working together for the same goal!"

"I don't have the same goal as them!" Rainbow Dash yelled. Turning her head towards them all, and went back to getting dressed.

Everyone was silent. The coach shook her head, and rubbed her eyes, and went her way as she sighed. The girl left Rainbow Dash alone, and one of them slammed the locker to make it clear that she was not happy with her at all. Rainbow Dash sat there alone. She thought about everything. She put her hands in her face, and stopped herself from dressing into her casual clothes.

"After everything I've done for this school..." Rainbow Dash said to herself. "Win after win, but after one fail...pisses me off!" Rainbow Dash threw her school shirt to the locker doors. Rainbow Dash heard someone coming through the doors.

"Uh, hi..." A girl with a soft voice said. Rainbow Dash turned to look at who it was. It was Fluttershy, cowering in the corner, hugging an odd stuffed blue pony that had a rainbow mane and tail.

"What do you want Fluttershy?!" Rainbow Dash yelled, as her voice echoed throughout the locker room.

"I came to see how you were doing...?" Fluttershy replied.

"I'm not in the mood to ta..." Rainbow Dash looked again. "Where's everyone else?!"

"Oh, uh, they couldn't make it..." Fluttershy responded softly. "They ..."

"Don't care, it was probably for the best!" Rainbow Dash interrupted sarcastically, as she continued to get dressed.

"I'm sorry..." Fluttershy said softly.

"What are you sorry for?!" Rainbow Dash said. "Your reputation is not in shambles!" Rainbow Dash got up, and carried her sports bag. "If you even had one!" Rainbow Dash went down to the doors and exited without saying another word.

Fluttershy had her head down, her eyes drooped down, and her eyes slowly shut with tears. She gripped the stuffed pony.

"It's okay Fluttershy..." Fluttershy said to herself. "She is upset right now, she'll be okay." Fluttershy opened up her eyes again, and she saw Rainbow Dash's school shirt on the floor. Fluttershy took and held it close. "Oh Rainbow Dash..."

Within the next week. Rainbow Dash was getting all kinds of flack and was teased all over social media. Students walking to class would tap on her shoulders and ruffle her hair. Rainbow Dash ignored them. The other girls were silent during lunchtime, since they all had their own problems and ambitions to even know about what happened to Rainbow Dash. However, Fluttershy was the only one to see Rainbow Dash skipping meals and having her hand in her face to shrug off all the ridicule from the students. Rainbow Dash walked out of the cafeteria. The girls didn't notice, but Fluttershy. Fluttershy went to go find her. She found Rainbow Dash outside on the bleachers, sitting down and throwing some left over rocks on the steps.

"Hey... Rainbow..." Fluttershy said softly.

"What do you want?!" Rainbow Dash yelled.

"I came to..."

"Go away!" Rainbow Dash requested. "Leave me alone!"


"Go!" Rainbow Dash yelled. Fluttershy quickly walked away. Fluttershy was saddened, but she didn't want to give up on her.

Fluttershy asked everyone politely and individually to stop hurting Rainbow Dash about the game. A lot of the people finally stopped, but there were a few that carried it further. Fluttershy got mad at them, to the point where they feared in every crossing hall with her in between classes. Even though everyone stopped teasing Rainbow Dash, she was still silent and not feeling any better than she was before.

During the weekend, everyone was not talking, wanting to hang out or be together again. Not even for a jamming out session with the band mates. Which was fine in Rainbow Dash's case since all she wanted to do was be home, alone. As Rainbow Dash laid in bed, after two in the afternoon, she heard a knock at her door. She wanted to ignore it, but she got up to see who it was, maybe it was Scootaloo coming by to see her. Rainbow Dash opened her door, and saw that it was Fluttershy, she immediately shut the door. She stood on the other side trying to ignore her.

"Rainbow?" Fluttershy said. "I have something of yours..." Rainbow Dash opened it again, and saw her school shirt, folded and washed from all the dirt.

"What did you do to it?!" Rainbow Dash yelled.

"I-I washed it..." Fluttershy said softly.

"That's my lucky shirt!" Rainbow Dash raised her voice. "Why did you wash it?!"

"Y-you don't wash it?" Fluttershy questioned.

"Give it to me!" Rainbow Dash snatched it from her hands angrily. "You'd never understand!"

"If you would tell me..." Fluttershy suggested. "Maybe I could..."

"No!" Rainbow Dash attempted to slam the door again, but was stopped by Fluttershy's boot.

"Ow!" Fluttershy yelled.

"What are you doing?!" Rainbow Dash yelled. "What were you thinking?!"

"I-I'm sorry..." Fluttershy as she held onto her boot. "I-I wanted to see..."

"Whatever it is, the answer is no!" Rainbow Dash shut the door again. But, Fluttershy used her weight to stop it from closing. "Enough!"

"No! I have to tell you something!" Fluttershy replied, as she tried desperately to keep the door open. Rainbow Dash moved out of the way, allowed the door to open wide, and made Fluttershy hit the floor.

"What do you want?!" Rainbow Dash asked. Fluttershy turned to face her from the floor.

"Well, if you would give me a chance..." Fluttershy said, as she got up. "I wanted to see if you would like to go somewhere with me today? I know things have been quiet without any bad magical things happening, or anybody wanting to hang out... so would you like to do something?" Rainbow Dash gave an exhausted sigh.

"Fine." Rainbow Dash said. "If you'd finally stop bothering me!"

"Okay, great!" Fluttershy said. "I'll see you in an hour!"

"Whatever." Rainbow Dash said, as she carried Fluttershy outside, and slammed the door. Fluttershy jumped for joy, while Rainbow Dash was disgusted.

About an hour later, Rainbow Dash got dressed in her casual clothes, however, when she opened the front door, she saw Fluttershy in a sparkling seafoam green dress, with matching high heels. She did her nails in that color, as well as a light green shadow in her eyelids, and sugary red blush on her cheeks. Rainbow Dash's face was in shock.

"What are you wearing?!" Rainbow Dash asked. "I didn't know we had to dress up!"

"Oh, you don't have to... I thought I looked nice, didn't I?" Fluttershy said softly. "Do you like it?"

"I-I..." Rainbow Dash couldn't say a word.

"Let's go!" Fluttershy said.

Fluttershy took Rainbow Dash to an aquarium near the city. They went through the first floor, and it brought many creatures from the sea. Which to Rainbow Dash's surprise was fascinating. Rainbow Dash never saw such creatures in real life.

Fluttershy would look at them and they would often respond when she was near them. The biggest part of the aquarium was the center tank of all assorted fish, sea turtles, stingrays, and smaller sharks. They both entered underneath the tank, and they were surrounded by all the sea life. Rainbow Dash was smiling for the first time throughout the week, Fluttershy saw, and she smiled. She turned to look at Fluttershy and she was glowing, with her dress, the area was illuminating with her shining dress. The sea creatures turned to look at her.

Rainbow Dash saw them turned towards Fluttershy. Fluttershy would wave and they would respond. As she walked, they would move along with her, as if she could control them, she would spin and they would circulate around her. Rainbow Dash was amazed by her. She turned to look the other way, a huge sea turtle was watching over Rainbow Dash. It responded only to her. Rainbow Dash placed her hand on the glass and the turtle placed a fin where her hand was. Turtle smiled, she smiled. Fluttershy watched her, she went over to her, and they both walked out. They continued along and went into the octopus room, and next to it, an area that had many small jellyfish.

At the end of the place, they went through a gift shop, and Fluttershy gave her a cute gift. Right next to the small alligators, in which Pinkie Pie already is, she bought Rainbow Dash, a large stuffed sea turtle. She held it close, but placed it back in the bag, to not make it seem like it was a big deal. Fluttershy smiled.

They both stopped at a decent restaurant near the aquarium. They apparently don't serve seafood. But, it was a country-styled diner, with a lot of old fashioned photos of antiques of buildings and people during the time of the first town built in the area. Rainbow Dash and Fluttershy ordered their meals and kept quiet. She would look around the building, the people were laughing, and talking, as well as enjoying their meals. Fluttershy wanted to ask Rainbow Dash something, but she didn't look like she wanted to talk. The way she was positioned in her seat, with her right arm giving her head rest by the table. Fluttershy wanted to try anyway.

"Rainbow?" Fluttershy asked.

"Don't ask..." Rainbow Dash said.

"Please..." Fluttershy requested. Rainbow Dash sighed.

"What is it?" Rainbow Dash asked.

"Did you like the aquarium?" Fluttershy asked.

"Sure." Rainbow Dash replied.

"I know you're still going through stuff, but I wanted to hang out with you." Fluttershy continued.

"Yeah? Is there literally anyone else available?"

"Last time I checked... no."

"Why me?"

"You look like you can use some company..."

"Don't bother. I'm fine."

"I'm not sure if that's true."

"Look, I appreciate all this, but I can handle myself!"

"I know you can."

"I'm going home after this."

"Okay, thanks."

"Sure." Rainbow Dash rolled her eyes, and continued to sulk.

Throughout the rest of the time, it was quiet. They went home afterwards. Fluttershy wanted to thank her for going with her, but Rainbow Dash ignored her.

Fluttershy consistently asked her to join her in some activity, and Rainbow Dash was finally fed up with Fluttershy's constant neediness. They both were on the field that day, away from everyone. She made Fluttershy follow her to tell her to stop.

"Okay, you need to stop!" Rainbow Dash yelled.

"I'm sorry..." Fluttershy said.

"Why are you even here?!" Rainbow Dash asked.

"I-I... why are you like this Rainbow?" Fluttershy responded. "You used to be happy and helpful... now I don't even know who you are anymore..."

"What are you talking about? What are you trying to say?"

"I missed what we did together, it's not like anyone else asked." Fluttershy said, as she started to cry. "Iwant us all to be happy."

"Too bad! Alright! I don't want your help!"

"Everyone stopped teasing you, so why are you continuing to sulk around?"

"I don't care what they think!"

"Why ?"

"It's none of your business! Now leave me alone!"

"I won't leave!" Fluttershy yelled. Rainbow Dash stopped for a moment.

"I'mtrying to help you, why can't you accept that?!" Fluttershy continued.

"I didn't ask for help! I Want to be left alone!" Rainbow Dash responded. "My happiness is not your problem, my problems are not your problems!"

"I don't care, I don't want you to do something bad!"

"Like what? Hurt myself, all because of a stupid game, yeah right! Get real!"

"Then why do you continue to sulk around?"

"Why do you need to know?!"

"Because I care!"

"Just stop bothering me!"

"Why are you so afraid to face your feelings and your problems?!"

"I'm not afraid of anything! You got that! I don't care if I lose! I don't care if people tease me! I don't care if anyone even cares about me!" Rainbow Dash yelled, as Fluttershy began to cry. She looked away from her. She tried not to shed any tears, but with all this yelling and getting it out, she couldn't help it. "No one cares about me... I do a lot for everyone, they all use me up... they don't really care..." Rainbow Dash started to cry. "I'm mad at myself... I always try to be the one to tough it out, but it hurts... It hurts so much... no one cares..." Rainbow Dash kneeled to the ground with her hands in her face. Fluttershy came closer to her, but was too shy to lay a finger on her.

"I care..." Fluttershy said softly. "I felt the same way too... I'm not taken seriously, everyone talks over me, and people walk all over me like I'm a doormat..." Fluttershy continued to cry. "I understand..." Rainbow Dash got up. She looked at Fluttershy. She smiled even with her eyes dripping with tears down her face. Rainbow Dash recognized that Fluttershy's strength was on the inside, with her soft exterior. While she knew that strong and independent facade herself only guarded her from facing her true feelings. She was the only one to notice it. Rainbow Dash went over to her, and she grasped onto her tightly. Fluttershy also did the same.

"I'm sorry Fluttershy..." Rainbow Dash said softly as she continued to stutter. "I'm so sorry..."

"It's okay..." Fluttershy said. "I'm always here for you..."

Within the next few months, Rainbow Dash was opening up to Fluttershy little by little as they continued to hang with each other. She was starting to accept her, and herself more and more. Everyone else in their group was either extremely happy or completely falling apart from the inside. Hanging out with Fluttershy, Rainbow Dash started to pick up on everyone's state of mind. She called everyone to the band room. There she forced everyone to play a song, in which Fluttershy wrote, and wanted her to duet together.

Fluttershy's song:

"Last of Us"

Performed by: The Rainbooms

[Verse 1]: (Rainbow Dash):

We all have our moments,

When we sit alone.

Waiting and watching the time being wasted.

When it could all be gone.

Then you'd wished it all to come back again.

[Pre-Chorus]: (Fluttershy):

I'm not going to wait anymore,

I won't leave my heart aching sore.

I sacrificed everything inside,

Because this could be our last time.

[Chorus]: (Together):

Don't let me go,

Ah-Oh, Ah-Oh

Don't leave me behind.

Don't you say so,

Ah-Oh, Ah-Oh

Don't make me cry!

Don't leave me alone,

Ah-Oh, Ah-Oh

Don't tell a lie.

Don't you say no,

Ah-Oh, Ah-Oh

Don't say goodbye!

(Pre-chorus: Rainbow Dash)

(Chorus: Together)

After they completed the song, they all finally came together and were happy. Rainbow Dash was back to being the top of her game, and Fluttershy praised and admired her confidence in herself once more. Everyone else was cheering on, and went to see Rainbow Dash beat countless games, winning back her title.

After a long day of being with Princess Twilight and the girls, Rainbow Dash couldn't stop thinking of Fluttershy. She was sitting on her lap. She didn't feel heavy at all, but rather squishy and soft. She might have felt uncomfortable since they both had a connection of something they both couldn't understand. Rainbow Dash took her mind off of it, and began to contemplate what Rarity's deal was all about. She couldn't figure out why? Rarity picking on her did make her feel a bit sad, in which she cuddled with her stuffed turtle for the rest of the night in her bed.

Fluttershy came over to Rainbow Dash's house, the second day Princess Twilight Sparkle decided to visit. It was a time in which neither of them were in a deep and serious relationship. She went over to see how Dash was doing, after having some problem happening between her and Rarity. She wanted to make sure she was feeling okay. Although Dash was still a bit reserved to have her feelings show, it would be for Fluttershy to know and to look into.

Dash was in the shower, after doing her morning routine of stretching out her body. She heard the knocking of her front door, as she stepped out of the shower. As if, it was right on cue. She threw on a clean towel from the towel rack and went to see who showed up.

Fluttershy knocked a few times, until she heard the footsteps coming to open the door. Rainbow Dash answered, as her glossy blue skin was shining, the glare that sparked an exciting opening in Fluttershy's mind. Her hair was still wet, heavy, and glistened like a rainbow in the stormy sky. She always loved how long and beautiful her hair looked, especially when it was held down.

"Hey Fluttershy!" Rainbow Dash said.

"H-hi... is this a bad time?" Fluttershy stuttered. She saw Rainbow Dash, her glowing skin and wet hair made her heart skip a beat for a moment.

"No, you could come in!" Rainbow Dash said.

"Oh okay..." Fluttershy said, as she entered.

"Yeah. Wait a moment while I get dressed!"

"Okay!" Rainbow Dash was delighted to see her, and invited her in. Fluttershy sat down, as Dash went to her room to change into some casual clothes. A part of her, was feeling a little too heated to see her in that thin towel. She looked down to the floor and saw her watered footprints, leading into her bedroom where she was dressing. She sat quietly, until she heard a knock at the door. It made her jump, having to snap back into focus. Rainbow Dash asked her to answer it for her. She answered, and it was Apple Bloom, Sweetie Belle, and Scootaloo at the door. Fluttershy let them in. "Hey kids?"

"Who you callin' a kid!" Scootaloo stated.

"Oh, I'm sorry, young lady!" Fluttershy responded.

"Meh." Scootaloo said, as she walked in with the other two.

"How ya doin' Fluttershy?" Apple Bloom asked.

"Oh, I'm good!" Fluttershy replied. "You?"

"Good!" Apple Bloom said.

"What are you doing here?" Sweetie Belle asked.

"Nothing, hanging around." Fluttershy said. "What about you girls?"

"I don't know yet!" Sweetie Belle said.

"Yeah, we wanted to see if Rainbow Dash could come with us to watch a movie!" Scootaloo said.

"What movie?" Fluttershy asked.

"It's a horror movie called "The Last House on the Left in the Woods on a Haunted Hill"." Apple Bloom said.

"Oh my, a scary movie?!" Fluttershy questioned. "Aren't you a little too young to be watching such things?"

"Yeah? That's why we need Rainbow Dash!"

"Such brave girl's to go watch a horror movie!" Fluttershy said.

"Hmph, you've got that right!" Scootaloo smirked.

"What do you need me for?" Rainbow Dash said as she walked into the living room.

"I need an adult!" Scootaloo said.

"I am an adult!" Rainbow Dash said. "Kind of..."

"We need an adult to go watch the movie!" Apple Bloom said. "Or else they won't let us in!" Rainbow Dash turned to look at Fluttershy.

"Do you want to go Fluttershy?" Rainbow Dash asked.

"Oh no, it is too scary..." Fluttershy said.

"Sorry girls..." Rainbow Dash replied.

"C'mon! Please?!" Scootaloo begged.

"Nah, but I could let you in on a secret!" Rainbow Dash whispered to Scootaloo. Scootaloo drawn closer to Rainbow Dash. Scootaloo's smile grew brighter as Rainbow Dash told Scootaloo what to do, and asked the girls to join her in the movies. The girls all exited the house, and were on their way to the movie theater.

"What did you say to Scootaloo?" Fluttershy asked.

"Oh nothing, something for them to do for now!" Rainbow Dash said. "So, what brings you over?"

"I wanted to check in with you, I noticed that Rarity has been getting angry with you yesterday." Fluttershy mentioned Rarity bullying Dash while Princess Twilight was visiting.

"Oh, you noticed..." Rainbow Dash said. "Yeah, I have no idea what that was all about!" Dash started to remember how squishy Fluttershy's ass felt having to sit on her lap during the ride home.

"I did think it was a little rude!" Fluttershy said. "Especially in the truck."

"I know, right? Almost made us all crash the vehicle!"

"Well, I'm glad everything might work out after all..."

"What do you mean?"

"Well... I saw Applejack's truck over at her house..." Dash agreed there was something with Rarity that day. Fluttershy assured it would not be long until Rarity would be relieved of her pissy attitude, as she told her about Applejack's truck parked outside her house.

"No way, really?!" Dash delighted the fact that Applejack and Rarity were a thing in secret.

"Yeah, I saw it on the way here, and same with Sunset with both Twilights."

"Talk about a love Twi-angle!"

"Yeah… haha..."

"What about us?" Rainbow Dash asked. Fluttershy was so shocked at the straightforwardness of Rainbow Dash's question.

"I-I..." Fluttershy stuttered and blushed.

"C'mon, if it's one thing you taught me, which was to open up my feelings!" Rainbow Dash added. "How about it?"

"Umm..." Fluttershy couldn't find the words to express. Fluttershy couldn't help but feel a loving connection. A connection she was not familiar with, and brought her to be overloaded with anxiety.

"C'mon Fluttershy!" Rainbow Dash said, as she sat down on the couch with her, making her jump. "Don't be shy, Flutters!"

"Pet names...?" Fluttershy said. "Does that make you... Dashie?"

"If you want it to be?" Rainbow Dash replied, as she came closer to her. Fluttershy squealed, and wanted to get closer, but her face was bright red. "Your nose is bleeding!" Fluttershy stopped for a moment, and felt her nose. Rainbow Dash rushed to the kitchen and grabbed a clean cloth and rushed it under some hot water.

Dash was thorough. She was careful to not pinch or scratch her roughly, but was delicate and slow. She felt the warmth she brought. Dash dropped her hand with the towel, but Fluttershy caught her hand, and wanted to keep the warm cloth at her neck. The sensation was soothing. She sat up, to come closer to her. Fluttershy closed her eyes, and allowed Dash to draw near. Dash came, closing in, and raised her lips to her's. She kept her eyes closed, until she saw Dash pulling in. At the very last second, Fluttershy dropped her face, and looked away.

"Oh Rainbow Dash, I just can't do it..." Fluttershy said. Dash was shocked, a little ticked off. As Fluttershy admitted to her cowardice.

"Oh C'mon!" Sweetie Belle yelled from the window outside. Rainbow Dash and Fluttershy both were freaked out about the girls watching them the whole time. Apple Bloom went back to Rainbow Dash's place.

"Sweetie Belle! Hurry up! We are going to be late for the movie!" Apple Bloom yelled.

"Oh right!" Sweetie Belle said, as she ran up to Apple Bloom and took off the other direction.

"Well that was... unexpected..." Rainbow Dash said. Rainbow felt the awkwardness seeping in, as she saw Fluttershy feeling down about herself for not sharing their first kiss.

"I'm sorry..." Fluttershy said.

"It's okay..." Dash said. She came to her, and tried to lift her head up, to not feel bad about wanting to take things slow.

"No it's not..." Fluttershy said. She kept telling herself she was not happy with herself, after all they've been through, she could at least share this moment with her.

"Look, if you're not ready, you're not ready!" Rainbow said. "But, remember what we said, we only have so much time on our hands. No?" She felt even more ashamed, but Dash comforted her, telling her that if she wasn't ready then she wouldn't force her to be. She felt things were not taking off as she would have wanted, but she understood Fluttershy.

"I know... but I'm too..." Fluttershy said softly.

"Too sad? Too angry? Too embarrassed?" Rainbow Dash questioned.

"I'm sorry..."

"You're not in love with me?"

"I am!"

"Not like that though?"

"No... I mean, yes... no..."

"Flutters, what is it?"

"I want to be with you, but I... can't control myself..."

"What do you mean?"

"I've waited for so long for you to say that to me, but... I can't think straight..."

"That's not a joke, right?"


"Right, sorry..."

"I'm sorry Dash."

"C'mere!" Rainbow Dash said as she held out her arms to her. Fluttershy came to her. She laid Fluttershy's head down on her lap, to calm her down, and run her fingers through her faded pink hair. "I think you might have been overly worked up about it. I understand, after all that you helped me go through somethings, maybe it's time to move on from being a friend to be there to help out, but someone much more closer. This time, you're not alone to help, I would be there too! I could help you out as well! Yeah?" Rainbow Dash continued as Fluttershy nodded her head. Telling her that she makes herself feel all worked up over everything, when she just needed to relax and let life flow. Dash told her now that every passing day, they will eventually have to move on, but they have the time to make things work between them. Fluttershy was used to handling everyone. Worrying over exaggerated possibilities, worse case scenarios, or even just letting fate happen when it comes. Her anxiety was something she wanted to help Fluttershy through, but this time, she won't have to be alone to face it. "Just think about it, but I'm here for you as much as you are here for me!"

"Thank you..." Fluttershy cried. "Dash!"

A little while later, when Rainbow Dash and Fluttershy continued to talk, they both received messages from Pinkie Pie and Applejack. Not much longer Sunset replied about heading over to the Burger Joint. They wanted to join in as they both were hungry.

As Rainbow Dash and Fluttershy headed home together.

"Did you see how awesome it was to have wings!?" Rainbow Dash yelled.

"I did!" Fluttershy said. "What an experience it was."

"I know, right?!" Rainbow Dash said.

"I thought you looked cool, as a pony." Fluttershy commented.

Back in Ponyville...

They both were helping in rebuilding Ponyville, and they came up with a little game as they placed wood down for construction. Whomever stacks ten planks on each side of the base for the house the quickest has to tell the winner their secret.

Dash was a little slower than the other, considering it was easier for the other who was a real pegasus. The other Rainbow Dash was impressed on how quickly the other caught on, making impressive time for everypony else to work on their part.

So, she wanted her to tell her something interesting about herself, as they both glided across Ponyville. Dash had to come clean, and told her about her relationship with Fluttershy.

"No way! Really?!" Rainbow Dash said.

"Yeah, it's... not too serious at the moment." Dash said, as she blushed.

"Huh, interesting. Never really thought about being with her." Rainbow Dash said.

"Really? Do you have a thing for the Fluttershy here?" Dash asked.

"Well, not exactly." Rainbow said.

"Oh?!" Dash asked. "Well, has anyone liked you?"

"Haha, you've got to beat me first!" Rainbow demanded.

"Alright, you're on!" Dash said.

This time, Dash was quicker than before, having the incentive to know her other self. They both got toward the end of the street. They rested for a moment, sitting on a small cloud above the library.

"Wow! I impress myself sometimes!" Rainbow said.

"Haha. Alright, tell me who!" Dash demanded.

"Alright. Well, I kind of have been thinking, someone does." Rainbow said.

"What, really?!" Dash said. "Who?"

"Well, think of it like this..." Rainbow said, as she dragged her along to show many ponies working around Ponyville. "They do a lot of honest work around Ponyville, while I take my work to the skies. But, I always found reason to come down and hang out with her. You know?"

"I see... I guess I could see how it could be difficult to know." Dash said. "How awesome!"

"Yep! Now, tell me, why do you have a thing for your Fluttershy?" Rainbow asked, as she swiped her tail into the air.

"Heh..." Dash thought about it, but it took her moment to think of why? "Same rules! You have to beat me!" As Dash thought of how she could respond.

"Oh-ho, someone's the life of the party! Almost as much as Pinkie Pie! You're on!" Rainbow said, ready to get on with helping the next street. Dash hesitated, but was ready to begin.

"Ha! Gotcha!" Rainbow yelled, as she came up to Dash. She cornered her at the end of the street, and was eager to ask her again. "So? How's the other Fluttershy? What do you like about her?"

Dash didn't have as much time as she thought on the matter, she also didn't have much to respond with.

"Well..." Dash hesitated. "She is like the other Fluttershy, where she takes care of a lot of animals..."

"Yeah?" Rainbow said enthusiastically.

"And..." Dash couldn't say, looking away from the other Dash.

"And?" Rainbow asked, as she had a worried look on her face. Dash looked away, trying to find the words to say. Until she saw a turtle in the sky, hovering with a small propeller on the shell.

"Who's that?!" Dash asked. Rainbow flew up and caught him.

"Oh, this is Tank!" Rainbow replied.

"You have a Tank?!" Dash squealed.

"I have a Tank!" Rainbow said, as she grinned. "Wait, you have a Tank?"

"I do have a Tank!" Dash yelled.

"Awesome!" Rainbow responded. "We both have a pet turtle named Tank!"

"Yeah, Fluttershy sometimes helps me take care of him." Dash said.

"Oh, so that's how you two got together?" Rainbow continued. "That's so awesome!"

"Yeah..." Dash agreed, unsure of what to say. "So, have you been serious with anypony?"

"Do you want to save that for our next game?" Rainbow asked.

"I don't know if I can handle another race..." Dash admitted.

"What?! Tired already?!" Rainbow shouted. Dash picked herself from the ground and darted back towards the wood planks. "Ha, I see! Trying to get a head-start! Not on my watch!"

Later on, after a few more trips back and forth, between each break, they talked about somethings relating to each of their worlds. Rainbow Dash explained her life in Cloudsdale, working from time to time with being a Wonderbolt, an Element of Harmony class instructor for the School of Friendship, and her previous job from the Weather Factory. Dash explained her life from school, athletics, and being a vigilante hero. They were both impressed, even from different worlds they managed to be heroes, working in school, and have a highly active background.

After they had time to have a break, and everypony having time to work on their respective roles, Fluttershy came around to see Dash.

"Hey Dash!" Fluttershy said.

"Hey Fluttershy!" Dash said. "How's Fluttershy?"

"Great! We both were making new homes for birds, as well as new burrows for all the little critters!" Fluttershy announced.

"Cool." Dash said.

"So, I hear you guys have been active!" Rainbow said sarcastically.

"Oh, I suppose so..." Fluttershy said, as she blushed.

"Haha... yeah..." Dash said.

"Dash here has been a little hesitant on the dets!" Rainbow said, slowly scooting closer between both of them. "Maybe you can weigh in!"

"Oh... uhh... What would you like to know?" Fluttershy said. Dash gave her a slight stomp of her hoof toward Fluttershy's hoof. "Ow!"

"Well, I'm kind of wondering, how you two started!" Rainbow asked.

"Umm... I guess..."

"Okay, I think I hear the other Fluttershy calling back for you..." Dash interrupted, as she scooted her away from the conversation.

"Wait..." Fluttershy said. Dash stopped, and Fluttershy turned around to hug her, she then walked back to help with the other Fluttershy. Dash slowly walked back.

"Well, that was weird..." Rainbow said. Dash didn't speak. "Is there something going on between you two?"

"Not really..." Dash said quietly.

"You did say it wasn't too serious..." Rainbow said. "What's up?"

"Nothing..." Dash said.

"Ah c'mon..." Rainbow begged. Dash flew back to her station to bring back more wood. Rainbow shook her head, not sure what that was all about. Dash continued on until she reached the end toward the Everfree Forest. It looked larger and much more dense than the one back home.

"I don't know if I want to go in there." Dash said to herself. She exhaled, and took a rest at the bridge. "Why is it so hard to find the words to say... I guess I'm not serious with Fluttershy..."

Dash was called by another group of ponies to help them out. Dash went to them and started to work.

What felt like hours, of setting up planks of wood, all the walls placed up, and straws above to the roof, Dash was exhausted. With everyone's help and having been appreciated for all the hard work, they were invited to stay at the Castle of Friendship.

Rainbow Dash was trailing everywhere Dash had gone to, with the annoyance of her asking her questions constantly, she left the castle.

It was late at night, Dash became lost and unsure of where she was going, she panicked and accidentally ran into the Everfree Forest. There she was tormented by screeches and growls, culminating from all directions, the swamp gas and marshes made it hard to breath and travel through. She couldn't take it much longer, she cried for help. She thought of everything from that moment on, what it would be like to not return, never to be seen again. It was, as if, nothing mattered, but she mattered. Who was it that made her feel welcomed, and who made it so that she was able to get through anything, even for herself? Dash thought.

Moments later, she heard a soft cry for her name in the distance. Dash ran towards the sound of that voice. She came to it, and it was her, Fluttershy, the voice of a softly spoken angel. The yelling had punctured her esophagus, and made her speechless when Dash came to her, and wrapped her hooves around her. She was the only one that came to find her, why? Dash asked herself.

"Dash... I was so worried..." Fluttershy whispered.

"I was worried too... I'm sorry..." Dash replied, with tears falling from her eyes. "I don't want to do that again..."

"Let's go back..." Fluttershy requested.

"Yes please..." Dash said.

They were guided by Angel and fireflies, to find their way back to the Castle, and everyone was there to see them return. They all surrounded them.

"Are you guys okay?" Princess Twilight asked.

"Never better!" Dash replied, as Fluttershy blushed as she looked toward her.

Afterward, they all headed to their rooms inside the castle. After a full day's work, they all were terribly exhausted. However, they each were placed with their other selves. From there on, Dash knew she would probably have to confront her misbehavior.

Later on that night, being restless, yet desperately wanted to shut her eyes, she had to come forward about it.

"Hey..." Dash asked, turning over to face her other self on the large bed.

"Hmm?" Rainbow grunted, having been awoken from her sleep.

"I just wanted to say..." Dash hesitated. "I'm sorry... I'm sorry for the way I was acting earlier..."

"Don't sweat it!" Rainbow said, oddly surprised, yet knew it was coming. "I know it's not everyday that we get to hang out with ourselves!" Dash chuckled.

"Listen... about earlier..." Dash said.

"Hey, you don't have to explain yourself... we're cool!" Rainbow said.

"But... I just wanted to say something...?" Dash asked.

"Okay?" Rainbow said, having drawn closer.

"The reason I ran out was because of a question you asked earlier. It was the one about Fluttershy, what did I like about her?" Dash said.

"Yeah?" Rainbow replied, listening more intensely.

"I-I didn't know how to answer that, because I'm not in a serious relationship. It was more of a close friendship, but I wanted to be something more..." Dash continued.

"Why didn't you just tell her?" Rainbow asked.

"I want to, but I had to make sure of it first... what really mattered to me the most, why I even want to be in this relationship." Dash said. "The truth is, she's always been there. Every game I had, every time I felt lonely, sad, or angry. Every time we were together, she always made me feel... special. Sure I receive a lot of praise and love for all of my talents, but she was the one that cared for me on what's inside. Who I really am."

"Huh?" Rainbow huffed, turning over to face the ceiling. She thought about Dash's words. "You know something?"


"I would have never shared something like that, even for myself."

"Really? I suppose, being around Fluttershy... I started to share more of what I feel...?"

"Definitely. Because, I never did anything like that... maybe we are not exactly the same." As Rainbow turned back to face Dash.

"You really think so?"

"Yeah, but we're not too different. I just hope that emotional stuff doesn't get in the way of your activities!"

"Me too."

"I'll admit, it's different having you around. It makes me feel like I have a sister. I mean, I do have Scootaloo, but having one near my age, it feels different."

"Yeah, same."

"But, I hear ya. Maybe you should let her know about how you feel. But, as a fair warning. If she's anything like our Fluttershy, maybe tone the emotional drama to a minimum."

"Why so?"

"Well, like I said, she would do anything to make you feel better. It's a nurturing effect she has, since she takes care of a lot of animals. She would treat you like an injured pet if she had to."

"Huh, okay."

"Yeah, I suppose... Thanks for clearing that up for us!"

"Yeah, I feel better now that it's over with!"

"So, what are you wanting to do tomorrow?"

Rainbow Dash and Fluttershy continued walking down that path that led to Fluttershy's house.

"What about you?" Rainbow Dash asked.

"Oh, that would be a story for another day." Fluttershy replied.

"Okay." Rainbow Dash said.

Even though Rainbow Dash didn't necessarily share everything, it was enough to make Fluttershy smile. That smile, she was happy that Rainbow Dash had fun, spending time in that world beyond.

"Yeah I know!" Rainbow Dash said, as she blushed. "I definitely would go back if I could!" Rainbow Dash continued as Fluttershy smiled passively. "You know... I've got to be honest with you... you did look really cute! But, you're always cute!" Rainbow Dash commented. Fluttershy blushed and tried to hide her face with her shoulders. "C'mon I admit it! No shame!"

"Thank you!" Fluttershy said. They approached Fluttershy's house first, and it was starting to get dark out. "Dashie...?"

"Yeah?" Rainbow Dash said. "What's up Flutters?" Fluttershy was unsure if she wanted to leave just yet, but as soon as they both reached her door. She came running toward her, and jumped into her for their first kiss. It was unexpected, but Dash loved being surprised.

"I love you!" Fluttershy said.

"Yeah I know!" Rainbow Dash said. "I love you too!"

"I know..." Fluttershy repeated. They both hugged and gave each other another kiss, and went home until they saw each other again.

Rainbow Dash asked Fluttershy if she could spend the night. But, she would have to get back to her animals. Even though they have a system where they would be able to be fed in case things like this were to happen, she didn't want them to worry. Dash let her go, and told her next time she will, and Fluttershy agreed. Dash ran back to her house, thinking their first time should be at her place anyway.