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Book 2: Animus | Extra: Adagio's Bizzare Adventure 1

Mystic Blood

Adagio awakened to the strikes of the lightning that night. The clouds of darkness circulated, and it began to rain. She remembered nothing, of how she got there or where she was? She saw lights in the distance, and headed toward their direction. She was limping, and having difficulty walking on two limbs.

She entered into a diner full of people, she took a seat at the counter, still drenched and dragged mud all over the floors. The waitress walked over to her.

"Anything I can get you?" The waitress asked. Adagio looked at her, confused.

"I-I'm not sure..." Adagio said.

"You lost?" The waitress asked.

"I don't really know." Adagio said.

"I lost something once!" A person from the diner said. "I lost something I couldn't live without... my identity!" Adagio and the waitress looked to the far edge of the diner, near the door. It was a young girl, with purple hair, tanish skin, with an orange jacket. She sat up proudly in her booth. Adagio walked over to her.

"Identity?" Adagio asked. Scootaloo had a mug up to her lips, and drank the rest of what was left. She gasped as she placed down the mug.

"Yep! A complete change in myself, who I want to be. But, I was lost. Seeking validation and praise such as my idol!" Scootaloo said.

"Odd." Adagio said. "I thought you literally lost your identity."

"Who's to say I didn't?! Thinking my life revolved around everyone else but myself!" Scootaloo added.

"I see." Adagio replied.

"The name's Scootaloo!" Scootaloo said, as she held out her hand to Adagio.

"A-Adagio." Adagio said, as she shook Scootaloo's hand.

"Adagio huh? Sounds different! Where are you from?" Scootaloo asked.

"I don't remember..." Adagio said.

"Really? Sounds like amnesia to me!" Scootaloo enlightened.


"Yeah, lost your memory, or just became stupid!"

"Yeah? Thanks..."

"Don't worry I'll help ya find your memory!"

"You will? Aren't you just a kid?"

"Hey, you want my help or not?"

"Okay okay, don't get all defensive..."

"Good! So since you lost your memory, I bet you have nowhere to sleep?"

"Guess you're right..."

"Don't you worry! I gotcha!"

"Thank you... Scootaloo."


They arrived at an odd place, nearby Canterlot High school. Scootaloo opened the door. It was a small house, modern layout, and simply plain.

"Is your mom going to freak out about this?" Adagio asked.

"Mom is not here. I live with a relative." Scootaloo said.

"Who?" Adagio continued.

"Not important, but there you go!" Scootaloo said, as she pointed to a room that had a bunk bed, a large dresser, and a window that had a curtain draped over it.

"Thank you." Adagio said.

"No probs!" Scootaloo enlightened. "I got top bunk!" As Scootaloo climbed up and slammed her body to the bed.

"Yeah, sure." Adagio agreed, as she laid down, facing up to stare at the metal bars above her.

"This is cool! I don't get much company!" Scootaloo said.

"Really?" Adagio asked.

"Well, that's not true, the friends I have don't know where I live. I just show up whenever!" Scootaloo added.

"I see." Adagio said.

"You know something? I think I don't feel tired..." Scootaloo said, as she peered over the bed and railing.

"You know, me either?" Adagio commented.

"Want to do something?" Scootaloo asked.

"Sure." Adagio said.

"Awesome!" Scootaloo continued. Scootaloo jumped down, and took hold of Adagio's hand. They both ran into the living room.


Scootaloo and Adagio were in the living room and were watching TV. Scootaloo was feeling a little munchy, so she went into the kitchen to fix up something for her to eat. Adagio realized that Scootaloo was gone for a little while, so she went after her.

Adagio found her trying to cut up some meat, but she was having trouble cutting it. Adagio went up to help her.

"I don't need help! I'm fine!" Scootaloo insisted.

"That knife is dull. You're not going to dig into the meat like that you know?" Adagio said.

"Fine. You're the expert!" Scootaloo said as she handed over the knife in Adagio's hand. Adagio looked into a few of the drawers to find something like a sharpening tool. It took a minute digging through various objects, but she found one. "That's what that thing is used for?!"

"Duh? What did you think this was?" Adagio said. Scootaloo was embarrassed with her cheeks bright red, she looked away and crossed her arms. Adagio braised the knife a few times with the object to sharpen it. She brought it over to the meat and chopped it. Scootaloo was impressed that it was a clean cut through it. Adagio continued until it was reduced to half its original size. "That's good enough, right?" Adagio asked. Scootaloo nodded.

Adagio had Scootaloo put the meat away, while she cleaned the knife. As she was drying the knife, she accidently sliced her finger open. It was almost too quick to feel the pain, and didn't notice until she saw the blood running down her hand.

"OH MY GOSH!!!" Scootaloo screamed.

"Relax, relax!" Adagio assured. "It's just a flesh wound!"

Scootaloo panicked, but she was stunned that her hand was discolored. It was dark, and not the usual deep red.

"Wh-what are you?!" Scootaloo asked, with her eyes locked onto the blood.

"What do you mean?" Adagio said. Scootaloo took the knife, and quickly sliced her finger open. "Scootaloo?!!" Adagio yelled. "What the he..." Adagio was stunned, her finger was glowing red. Adagio looked at her hand, her blood was different. "I see..."


Scootaloo and Adagio sat back down. Their wounds were treated. Scootaloo was still stunned to see what she saw in the kitchen. Adagio knew Scootaloo was a little afraid of that, even she was surprised she was different. Scootaloo sat and ate the snack she made, while sharing some with Adagio.

"You okay?" Adagio asked.

"What are you Adagio?" Scootaloo asked.

"I'm not sure myself, I was hoping you might know."

"I don't, but that just makes things interesting! I suppose... you're some sort of mystical being!"

"Mystical being?"

"Yeah, from the role-playing game Gryphons and Gargoyles!" Scootaloo said, as she held up the scriptures to Adagio. "They have a lot of creatures with all different types of colors of blood! However, the only type I've seen that has dark blood are syrens!"

"Interesting..." Adagio said, as she looked into the descriptions of syrens. Scootaloo came up to her. Adagio looked back and was looking at her with intensity. "Yes?"

"You don't have any gills or fish-like characteristics?!"

"Uhh... thanks...?"

"You also don't have any wings." Scootaloo went and took off Adagio's shoes. "Or talons!"

"I think you're explaining two different species, kid." Adagio said.

"No, in Greek mythology, they are a form of Harpy, descendants even! One type is a bird with a female head, the other is part woman and part sea creature, like a mermaid!"

"Okay, well based on the description. Do I look anything like that?"

"No, but maybe there's a transformation!" Scootaloo said, as she came close to Adagio's face.

"Whatever, can we move on from this?" Adagio asked.

"It's fascinating! You're not human! That is so cool!" Scootaloo said.

"Sure. Whatever." Adagio said.

"Why are you upset?"

"I don't know. It's just... if I am not human, then what am I?"

"Oh right! Since you lost your identity, I wanted to let in on something!"

"What's that?"

"My key to being who I want to be. People always say 'be yourself' 'be your best self' or even 'be yourself but better!' But who am I if I'm not me? Who else would I be?"

"Yeah, yeah. What's your point?!"

"Well, my point being, even if you're not human, own it! Maybe there is something special about yourself that has yet to be discovered! That's why my group the Crusaders strive to know!"


"Yeah, we launch our greatest mission. To discover our true purposes in life! No matter how small, we make significant contributions to everyone's life! No matter how big we become, we will not abandon our roots such as friends, family, and home!"

"I see. So, what about me?"

"You know, most people would care less, but not me! I knew there would be greatness in you! Everyone will eventually find others to help them out in life. But I chose you!"

"Choose me?"

"Yep, you seemed to stand out, and that is exactly what I'm set out to do, to find your memories!"

"Thanks kid. But, I don't think..."

"No buts! I already made my decision! Because that's just who I am!" Scootaloo said proudly, as Adagio smiled.

"Very well, then. How do we proceed for tomorrow then?" Adagio asked.

"Tomorrow, we shall look around for clues! Any familiarity with even the smallest things can trigger bits of memory!"

"I guess that's true."

"So, our goal for tomorrow, we set out to find that thing that stands out to you! Hopefully this will help us in finding some traces of your memory!"

"Alright, I'll be onboard with this!"


"Ready to head to bed?"

"Yeah, we probably should!"


Detective Scoots was on the case, scouring the town for any clues. They awoke early that next morning, on the hunt for anything that stuck out to Adagio.

Scootaloo went through alleyways in town, she looked between a few neighborhoods around the area, and even went through a few shops. Adagio got tired.

"Scootaloo, I don't think there's anything." Adagio said, as she sat down by the counter of an antique shop.

"Giving up already?!" Scootaloo questioned, as she looked at a couple of trinkets on the shelf. "C'mon, I'm no quitter! Besides, this is fun!"

"What if we don't find anything?" Adagio asked.

"Don't give up now!" Scootaloo said. "We've only just begun! Have a little faith!"

They arrived at the park, there was no one that looked familiar to Adagio, and no items or interesting-looking objects lying around. It took an hour and a half to completely comb the place, until they felt their stomach's growl.

"You feel hungry too?" Scootaloo asked.

"Yeah, I think I do." Adagio said.

Scootaloo caught a glimpse of a small hotdog stand, just outside the premises.

"Just our luck!" Scootaloo pointed out to the stand. "Here. I got a couple of dollars. You can get us a couple of 99 cent hotdogs!"

"Alright. Anything on yours?" Adagio asked.

"Mustard!" Scootaloo said.

"Got it!" Adagio said, as she walked over to the stand.

Scootaloo sat down at a stone picnic near the entrance, and waited for Adagio. A few moments later, a couple girls snuck up on Scootaloo as she sat down.

"Hey there, tomboy!" A girl said. Scootaloo's eyes shot up, when she heard the boy. She knew who it was.

"Diamond Tiara..." Scootaloo said, under her breath. "Silver Spoon..."

Adagio came walking through the entrance with a couple of hotdogs in hand, but as she walked in, she saw two classy-looking girls picking on Scootaloo. She stopped for a moment to see what was happening. They were pushing her and messing up her hair, as Scootaloo gently pushed them away.

"C'mon tomboy, I thought you would be stronger than that!" Diamond Tiara said.

"Shut up!" Scootaloo cried, with her throat becoming dry. "I'm not a boy!"

"Whatever. See you 'round, tommy!" Silver Spoon said, as she shoved Scootaloo to the metal fence behind her. They both left Scootaloo standing there, feeling hopeless and hurt.

Adagio slowly walked up to her, gently handed over her hotdog with mustard, like she wanted. Scootaloo sat back down at the table.

"Scootaloo?" Adagio asked. "Who were they?"

"No one, just a couple of spoiled, privileged asshats!" Scootaloo angrily said.

"Seemed like it, you okay?" Adagio asked. Scootaloo didn't answer. Adagio sat down with Scootaloo, as she bit into the hotdog. She handed Scootaloo her's by sliding it across to her.

Scootaloo just looked at it.

"They make me so mad!" Scootaloo said, as she flicked the hotdog off the table to the ground. Adagio just watched the hotdog hit the ground, and immediately was taken by a passing squirrel.

"What's tomboy mean?" Adagio asked.

"They call me that because of the clothes I wear, the way I cut my hair!" Scootaloo said.

"I see..." Adagio said, as she finished up the hotdog. "You're afraid of them? They pick on you about that?"

"They do! All the time!" Scootaloo said, as she felt tears in her eyes. "I hate it! Which is why I stopped caring about what I am!"

"Scootaloo, it's okay. You know after travelling around, sharing some things with me. You haven't told me why?" Adagio said. "Or how you lost your identity?" Scootaloo sat down with Adagio, and sighed.

"I lost myself. Following expectations, their judgments get to me. I couldn't live with myself. So, I changed the way I look, but it only brought worse things to come. I tried not to do anything bad, but it just hurt so much. I suddenly got the nerve to let it all go, all my anger and hate one night at a different park. But it took control of me. Then, it was just all the sudden... gone. I don't know how, but it was just gone. After that, I started to realize that I should stop caring about what people think, afterward, most of them got used to me like this. They however, just want someone to pick on."

"Scootaloo, I think you've really grown." Adagio commented.

"Maybe, but I just didn't want to hurt anybody." Scootaloo said. "Why does it matter anyway? The way people dress, or their hairstyle?"

"Yeah?" Adagio agreed. "I was a little shocked, about last night..."

"What do you mean?" Scootaloo said.

"You did just cut your finger open without a second thought to it." Adagio said. "Have you... hurt yourself before?" Scootaloo shriveled up, with her hands adjusting in her sweatshirt.

"Yeah..." Scootaloo said. "But, I got over that! It was not really helpful."

"I'm glad that's not the case, but I think, next time, just stand up to them. They won't have anything against you if you just stand up to them." Adagio said.

"I tried. But, I... don't know what to say or do." Scootaloo said.

"It's okay. Everything you've told me, why you chose me, why you are going out of your way to help me, and just owning who you are... that's never stopped you before!" Adagio enlightened.

"I suppose so." Scootaloo said, as she blushed.

"You've got something I think is special, Scootaloo. You've shown me who you are, you're really supportive by taking in some random stranger, you've matured unlike anyone else I've seen. Even if I lose my memories. I'm happy that I've got to share new ones with you!" Adagio said. Scootaloo got up, and gave Adagio a tight hug.

"Thank you." Scootaloo cried. "So, what do we do now?"

"Well, I suppose we could continue looking. There's a neighborhood we haven't seen yet?" Adagio said.

"Yeah, that's true. If anything, I could take you to see our cool clubhouse!" Scootaloo suggested.

"I think that would be cool!" Adagio said. "Let's go!"


Afterward, Scootaloo headed up the street near Crystal Prep and Canterlot High School. They looked in the streets, and in the middle of the road was an oddly shaped rock, with intricate lines all around it.

"Adagio, look at this!" Scootaloo said.

"Weird rock." Adagio confirmed.

"Can you read these odd markings?" Scootaloo asked.

"Not really..." Adagio said.

"Well, I guess that's that..." Scootaloo said, as she dropped it in the middle of the street. "I guess it's just some odd hardened clay someone made."

"Yeah, maybe." Adagio said.


"So? It's already kind of getting late, you want to head to the clubhouse? I could call the other Crusaders, I think it would be cool for you to meet them!" Scootaloo said.

"Sure." Adagio said.

They walked to the end of the street, before they passed the high school. On their way to a small shack, and Scootaloo contacted the others to meet her there.

"You know what? I forgot something back at my place." Scootaloo said.

"I hope it's not your identity." Adagio chuckled, Scootaloo snickered. "Need me to go with?"

"No, I think I'll be good this time!" Scootaloo said.

"Alright then." Adagio said. Scootaloo walked off to her place. It wasn't far from the clubhouse.

Moments later, there came a large black vehicle, like a limousine, pulled up on the curve of the sidewalk Scootaloo was walking.

"This is obviously not good!" Scootaloo commented.

"Hey tomboy!" A voice from the vehicle said.

"Her again?!" Scootaloo shouted. "What are the odds?"

Diamond Tiara walked out of the vehicle, and stood in front of Scootaloo.

"What do you want, Diamond Tiara?!" Scootaloo said.

"You and your friends are a bunch of jerks! Are you all out to get me tommy?!" Diamond Tiara said.

"The only jerk around here is you!" Scootaloo replied.

"Oh really? C'mon, show me what you've got, if you're not so afraid of me?!" Diamond Tiara said.

"I'm not going to hurt you, Diamond. I don't want to hurt anybody."


"That's not who I am! I don't take pleasure in hurting others, I want to help them! I don't care what name you call me, or who you bring to me to beat me down, I will always stand back up and take it!" Diamond Tiara stood there angrily.

"Fine. If that's how you want to play?" Diamond Tiara stood back. "Guard!" A tall, blocked figure stepped out of the limo. He was a man in black, and looked as if someone already dealt with him earlier. Scootaloo was frightened. "Get her!" As Diamond Tiara shouted and pointed at her. The guard ran after her. Scootaloo ran for it back to the clubhouse.

Adagio sat back, looking out of the small window of the place, it wasn't long until she saw Scootaloo gunning for it down the street. Adagio got up and walked out.

"Scootaloo?" Adagio said. "What's going..."

"No time to explain!" Scootaloo said as she ran past Adagio into the house. Adagio looked back and saw a large man in black. He stood, opposed and ready for anything. Adagio took a stance and was ready.

The man moved and ran to her. Adagio was on guard, as he came in to throw a powerful punch to her. It pushed Adagio back to the door of the clubhouse. He jumped and slammed into the ground, the force had blown Adagio away from the house. Adagio got up, as he was trying to get inside. Adagio ran up, and swung her leg into his face. He was blown back, into a fence nearby. Adagio was surprised by the strength she had, and was ready to protect Scootaloo from anyone. The man got up, and popped his knuckles and his neck. He ran back up to the clubhouse, Adagio came and stopped him by pushing him back. He was battling against her with his own strength and weight. She was so strong, it surprised him. Adagio came up, and kicked him to the ground. She focused on him as she laid her hand on his chest, and she started to feel like she absorbed him from his life. Adagio shot away from him, as she felt the odd power in her, surge through her veins. The man in black then faded.

"What the hell..." Adagio said.

"Adagio!" Scootaloo shouted. She ran up to her, and hugged her again. "What was that?!"

"I-I... don't know... it was scary..." Adagio said. Scootaloo stood back.

"Well, thanks for protecting me!" Scootaloo said as she smiled brightly. Adagio looked back, and saw how happy she looked.

"You're welcome kid, after all you've done for me today!" Adagio said. "What did you bring back?"

"Some games and snacks!" Scootaloo said.

"Cool!" Adagio said.