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Book 2: Animus | Extra: Adagio's Bizzare Adventure 2

Odd Tendency

Aria awoke underneath a tree. Luckily, shielded from the rain that drizzled down. She could see the lightning strike down a few areas. She sat up, and curled up to avoid the cold wind that carried the leaves above her. She closed her eyes and waited for when the storm would pass.


The sun arose, it was still cloudy, but it was not heavy enough to rain. Aria woke up, and sniffled a sneeze. The air was cold, moist, and she could smell the dirt, of which was pleasant to her senses. Aria yawned and was hoping to finally get somewhere before another storm hits. She got up, and stretched her body. Sleeping under a tree may be a dream for some, but not her's.

Aria walked down the street on the sidewalk, to a small town nearby. She could see various homes, and small shops around the area. She continued to walk, until she heard a faint scream coming from an alleyway nearby. Aria went to see what was happening.

"C'mon! Give it up!" A girl said.

"No!" Another girl said.

"Give it up Sweetie Belle, you know Diamond Tiara always gets her way!" Another girl said.

"No! Why don't you ask your daddy to get you one?!" Sweetie Belle yelled.

"No! That is mine and you know it!" Diamond Tiara replied. "Silver Spoon, my gloves please!" Diamond Tiara commanded.

"Yes ma'am!" Silver Spoon said, as she reached into a purse she was holding. She handed them over to Diamond Tiara. She snagged it away, and put them on.

"What are you doing?" Sweetie Belle asked.

"I don't want to get my hands too dirty!" Diamond Tiara said, as she clenched her fist. "Since you won't hand me my prize, I will just have to pry it from you with force!" As she pointed at her. Silver Spoon smiled. Sweetie Belle was scared, she curled up her arms.

Diamond Tiara came up to her, and smacked her across the face.

"Stop it!" Sweetie Belle yelled.

"You like that?!" Diamond Tiara continued, as she held up her hand again, and forced it against her.

Aria looked, she contemplated if she should be involved. She could hear the one they call Sweetie Belle cry. Aria turned around.

"Stop... please..." Sweetie Belle begged, as she held her hands up to block from being hit again.

"Not a chance!" Diamond Tiara said, she held up her hand again. As she was about to smack her again, she felt her arm stop in midair. "What?!" She looked and there was an adolescent woman who had stopped her from hurting Sweetie Belle.

"Enough!" Aria said, as she threw Diamond Tiara's arm back at her. Diamond Tiara stood back, and was upset.

"How dare you intervene!!! Do you know who my father is?!!!" Diamond Tiara yelled.

"No. Should I?" Aria responded.

"Just wait until my father hears about this!!!" Diamond Tiara continued, as she pulled out her phone.

"So scared!" Aria said sarcastically. Diamond Tiara stormed out of the alleyway, and Silver Spoon followed.

Aria looked behind her, and saw the frightened girl slowly appear to her.

"Thanks..." Sweetie Belle said, as she wiped her eyes.

"Yeah sure." Aria said, looking away from her. "What's their deal?"

"Oh... I suppose it was this..." Sweetie Belle said, as she held up a beautiful gold bracelet, with matching earrings. "They're limited edition, so only so many people have one set."

"That's nice. But, for whom?!" Aria asked.

"Myself, who else needs nice jewelry?!" Sweetie Belle said.

"Apparently she did?" Aria continued.

"Whatever, she's rich! She could have everything else. But, I saved up for something neat like this!"

"I see. Well, see ya!" Aria said, as she began to leave.

"Wait a minute!" Sweetie Belle said, as she walked out of the alleyway with her. "So, what's your name?"

"Aria. Aria Blaze." Aria said.

"Oh sweet!" Sweetie Belle said. "Where are you heading to?"

"Honestly, don't know." Aria said, as she stood in the street.

"Well, if you're lost, want to come with me?" Sweetie Belle asked.

"Why? I don't know you." Aria said.

"Well, c'mon. As a thank you for helping me." Sweetie Belle said with a large smile. "I also might need a helping hand for... you know..."

"I'm not a bodyguard lady!" Aria said.

"Oh c'mon!" Sweetie Belle said. As she heard a rumbling noise coming from Aria's stomach. Aria gripped her belly, and felt it was empty. "I could treat you to food!"

"Alright fine." Aria said, as she looked away again.


They arrived at an odd Italian restaurant. The waiter brought the girls their dishes, and Sweetie Belle requested that she order both of their meals. Aria agreed, considering she didn't know what to get there. He brought over a plate of boiled spaghetti noodles, drenched in a black liquid.

"Enjoy your meal!" The waiter said, as he bowed and went his way.

"What is this?" Aria asked.

"Oh, it's noodles in squid ink!" Sweetie Belle answered.

"Squid ink?" Aria continued, looking suspicious.

"Yeah, try it! It is so good!" Sweetie Belle said, as she began to dig in.

Aria brought it to her lips, and began to eat some. Afterward, her eyes opened wide, her taste buds enhanced the experience of the saltiness, the texture of it sprinkled delightfully. Aria swallowed, she felt renewed with the taste of squid ink. Aria ate some more, to where her lips were covered in black, almost as if she was wearing dark lip gloss. Sweetie Belle smiled, her lips were dark as well, but she knew from the look from Aria, she enjoyed it.


"Well, thanks for that." Aria said.

"No problem!" Sweetie Belle replied.

They both went to a park, and sat down on a park bench.

"So, where are you from?" Sweetie Belle asked.

"I don't know." Aria said.

"Do you go to school with us?" Sweetie Belle asked.

"How should I know? Aria said.

"Do you know anyone around here?" Sweetie Belle continued.

"No." Aria said. Sweetie Belle was irritated, and Aria was getting sick of her asking questions of things she could not remember.


"Nope!" Aria interrupted.





Sweetie Belle got angry with her. Aria was annoyed.

"C'mon there has to be something!" Sweetie Belle yelled.

"There isn't, so shut your trap!" Aria said. Sweetie Belle had enough, so she grabbed a scarf from her back pockets and stuffed it in Aria's mouth.

"What the hell?!" Aria yelled. "You think that was funny, you little brat!"

"If you have nothing nice to say, you can SHOVE it!" Sweetie Belle responded.

"You can shove it, pint size!"


"Loud mouth!"

"Brainless bitch!"

"Nosy little sack of shit!"

They were both in each other's face, and people around them were terrified and shocked of how terrible they were to each other.

"Fine!" Sweetie Belle said.

"Fine!" Aria said.

"You're not my friend!" They both said simultaneously.

"But, my enemy!" Sweetie Belle said.

"Arch Nemesis!" Aria corrected, they both stared each other down as they smiled, and locked hands together in a formal agreement, and shook.


A few moments later, a large limousine came by the park's parking lot, and had stopped in front of both Aria and Sweetie Belle. Out came Diamond Tiara with her father Filthy Rich.

"Is that them darlin'?" Filthy Rich asked, as he smoked a cigar.

"Yes daddy! They have it!" Diamond Tiara said. Filthy Rich whistled, and out came three men in black. As they got out and did a few poses to show dominance and order, ready to tackle down anyone on their master's command.

Aria and Sweetie Belle both were completely stunned as their mouths were wide open and eyes completely peeled. They slouched a little as they were completely powerless of how jacked they all were.

"Oh sugar honey iced tea..." Aria said.

"What?!" Sweetie Belle said.

"We need to get the H-E-double hockey sticks- out of here!" Aria said as she ran.

"You could have just said hell!!!" Sweetie Belle said as she ran with Aria.

"Get 'em!" Diamond Tiara said, as she pointed at them. The men ran for them.

The first one ran close to them. Aria and Sweetie Belle ran as fast they could, but he approached them in seconds. He jumped five feet in the air, and trapped the girls from running. Aria and Sweetie Belle were stunned.

The other two warped away, since one of them stopped them.

"What do we do?" Sweetie Belle said.

"Unsure, but listen. We need to just keep running." Aria said.

"I don't want to lose you! He's too powerful!" Sweetie Belle said.

"I'm not leaving you, just far enough to lose him. I know he's menacing, but I think if we split. We could lose him easier." Aria said. Sweetie Belle nodded.

"On three, we break!" Sweetie Belle said. "1..."

"3!" Aria interrupted, as she pushed Sweetie Belle away from being kicked by the man in black. Sweetie Belle kicked herself off the ground and ran out further in the park. Aria went the other way. The man in black stood, with his leg halfway into the ground. The ground shook. He received a call from Diamond Tiara.

"I just want the girl! Leave the other one to the other men!" Diamond Tiara yelled. The man got his foot out of the ground, and ran after Sweetie Belle.

Sweetie Belle's heart was racing, and she looked back to see the man coming for her. Luckily there was some woods nearby for her to run to.

"If any of this was taken out of context, this would be illegal!" Sweetie Belle said, directly to the reader.

Aria ran, but the other two showed up in front of her.

"Alright, let's do this!" Aria said. Aria stood on her guard, the other two came and dashed to her. One lifted his leg with a powerful kick, and the other came with a powerful fist. Aria stood, and blocked their attacks. She took a moment to think about how she acquired this much strength. The men were surprised as well. Aria believed in herself to take them on. She snickered.

Aria kicked both of them in the face as she jumped and hurled both her legs at them. They hit the ground. Aria believed in herself even more. Aria went crazy, any throw of their fists or a kick, Aria dodged them or blocked them before they could land a single hit. Any open space she would attack instantly, weakening them. Aria came to one of them, she was about to attack, but she felt something inside her, absorbing something out of one of the men. She kept at it, until he dropped like he was asleep in an instant. He vanished shortly as they continued to fight.

Sweetie Belle jumped and ran through endless dead trees blocking some of the trail that led to the city. The man would kick them away, and even open up the pathways from blocking his way of capturing her. Sweetie Belle saw him catching up. Sweetie Belle was thinking of how to make him distracted or even try to hide from him. She took off a jacket she wore, and threw it on a small bush, and made sure it looked believable to catch him off guard, which she will use the time to climb up on the nearby tree to get away from him.

He came up, and saw the jacket, he grabbed it, and realized it was not her. He looked around and lost sight of her. Sweetie Belle was about six feet above ground, looking down until he walked off to another direction. Even though she did lose him, she couldn't get down. She saw how far up she was, and couldn't let go of the branch she sat on.

"Oh dear, oh dear... oh no..." Sweetie Belle said to herself, as she continuously looked down.

To Sweetie Belle's surprise, she began to place her foot down to a lower branch, and worked her way down. The man came back, and saw her up in the tree. Sweetie Belle saw him look back at her, she screamed, she also lost her grip for a split second and latched on as quickly as she could. The man came and used both of his legs and the force of his running to kick the tree down entirely. Sweetie Belle saw the ground becoming closer and closer, she screamed again. She was saved to the bush nearby where her jacket was, and landed safely. The man came to her. Sweetie Belle sat there and did not move as she was stunned to almost falling off a tree.

Aria came right behind the man, and smacked the back of his head with one of the branches that fell off the tree he kicked. Sweetie Belle immediately snapped out her fear, and saw him tumble to the ground. Aria came to her, got her down from the bush. Sweetie Belle gave her a hug.

"No time for that, let's go!" Aria assured. Aria and Sweetie Belle headed off to the city.


Aria and Sweetie Belle arrived at the mall. They were unsure if the men in black were still after them, so they put on more elaborate disguises as they travelled through the mall to hide.

"You really think this will work Aria?" Sweetie Belle asked.

"I don't know. I guess we'll find out." Aria said.

Aria noticed that people began to stare at them, Sweetie Belle was being looked upon as well.

"What's going on?" Sweetie Belle asked.

"I suppose the clothing we are wearing is attracting people." Aria said.

"But, I thought we were supposed to be hiding?!" Sweetie Belle said.

"Well, go hide then. I'm liking this attention!" Aria said. She got up on one of the tables and had posed an elegant way that people started to crowd around.

Sweetie Belle was upset at her, she was gaining all the attention and was defeating the whole purpose to avoid being captured. So, Sweetie Belle remembered their agreement of being arch-enemies, and she got up on a table as well, and did the same thing. People began to shower their undivided attention to both Sweetie Belle and Aria. Aria looked at her, and Sweetie Belle did as well, they both locked their eyes at each other and smiled menacingly.

They came across another clothing shop, when they were stopped by a couple of trendy and stylish fashionistas.

"Oh, darlings!" A guy said, Aria and Sweetie Bell turned around, walked down from the tables, and saw a guy who had an exquisite taste of his aura of blues and pinks. "This, so bold, so fresh! What do you think, Sapphire Joy-Star?!"

Then came a famous pop-star known as Sapphire Joy. Holding onto a mannequin that was dressed up and with the name "Caesar" stitched on the back.

"Oh you're right darling, so intensively bold!" Sapphire said. "Hey, I'm with the infamous Royal Pin lined up for a fashion show to promote my next latest album! Wanna join? I'm sure all the latest and greatest trending fashionable clothing will be to your satisfaction!"

"Uhh..." Sweetie Belle and Aria said simultaneously. "Okay!" Aria and Sweetie Belle said again. They both looked at each other, and thought of ways to out-class the other.

"Who's that?" Sweetie Belle asked, pointing at the mannequin.

"Oh, this is Ceasar! My charming new guy friend, wearing my new favorite design by yours truly!" Sapphire Joy-Star said. Both Sweetie Belle and Aria looked at each other. "Let's get this party started!"


The mall lit up with lasers and pop music by Sapphire Joy-Star's latest hit-single "Disco Star" blasting through enormous speakers, brought to us by DJ Pon-3.

Several women stepped out for the first round of top of the line designs from the mind of Royal Pin.

Both Sweetie Belle and Aria walked out, and everyone panicked of how amazing it was to see them. Aria and Sweetie Belle posed in position for all the paparazzi and news outlets taking snapshots of their fabulousness.

"If my sister saw this, she would freak out!" Sweetie Belle commented.

"I bet she would." Aria said, as they both began to walk back to try on more clothing lines.

Out came a large man, which fired everyone up, as he was muscular, body-built for action. Like straight out of a romance novel, even for being fully clothed in almost every assortment of greens and yellows. He travelled through the pathways, and posed with such pride and purpose.

He went back almost instantly.

"Who is he?" Royal Pin asked Sapphire Joy-Star.

"I don't know." Sapphire said.

"Nice!" Royal Pin admitted.

Everyone came back out for a final impression, all in "authentic" Aztec wear. They all lined up to take the last few shots. Although, the line was too crowded, and Aria was hogging the spotlight, leaving Sweetie Belle unattended. Sweetie Belle was pissed and pushed Aria out of the way to be noticed. Aria was reluctant to give it up, and pushed her out the way. They both fought, which started into a full on brawl on stage. The other models tried to break it up, but were pushed and shoved out of the way, even landing on top of audiences and security. Aria and Sweetie Bell took it back towards the tent that had all the clothes they tried on. Both Royal Pin and Sapphire Joy-Star were upset and distraught with all the violence the girls had caused. They threw each other and the tent started to collapse. Aria and Sweetie Belle saw the wall come down on them. Aria moved to quickly draw Sweetie Belle away from the impact.

They saw the wall, shaped like a cross, landed in front of them. Sweetie Belle took it as an omen to apologize to Aria.

"Aria, I'm so sorry..." Sweetie Belle said. "You've done nothing but save me from guards and from a falling wall."

"No, I should apologize Sweetie Belle, I suppose I have a tendency to want attention. I let it get to my head. I'm sorry too!" Aria said. They both hugged each other tightly.

Sapphire Joy-Star got up and saw that the wall had collapsed on her mannequin, as she saw his hand exposed outside from the wall, with the rest of his arm underneath.

"CAESAR!!!" Sapphire Joy-Star screamed. She lied there crying. Royal Pin was there to comfort her. Aria and Sweetie Belle were still on the floor, and they saw the damage they had done. "Guards!"

Then came a large muscular man, wearing nothing but a loincloth and some golden accessories, taking a stance against Aria and Sweetie Belle.

"Get them!" Sapphire yelled.

"Sweetie Belle, I have something else to tell you." Aria said.

"What is it?" Sweetie Belle said.

"RUN FOR YOUR LIFE!!!" Aria yelled, as she picked herself off the ground and made a run for it.

"OH MAN! HOW DID I KNEW YOU WERE GOING TO DO THAT!!!" Sweetie Belle yelled, as she got up to run after Aria. The man yelled loudly and charged up his strength to go after them.

Aria and Sweetie Belle ran out of the mall, and were greeted by Diamond Tiara and Filthy Rich.

"Nice outfit!" Diamond Tiara mocked.

"Call off this whole thing right now!" Sweetie Belle begged.

"Sorry, but I can't. Not until you give me my prize!" Diamond Tiara said.

"You know what? Here!" Sweetie Belle said as she handed her a box that had her precious bracelet and matching earrings.

"Sweetie Belle...?" Aria said.

"It's not worth it!" Sweetie Belle announced.

The man came crashing through the windows above, and landed to capture Sweetie Belle.

"Call it off daddy!" Diamond Tiara demanded as she was giving off her smug face at Sweetie Belle. Filthy Rich waved his hand, and the man stood there. Diamond Tiara and Filthy Rich both got back in the limousine, and took off immediately. The guy stood there angrily as Sweetie Belle and Aria walked away.


Aria and Sweetie Belle were walking down the street.

"I can't believe you've done that!" Aria admitted. "Why let her win, after all this time?!"

"Ha. You think I would do that?! You seriously don't know me at all!" Sweetie Belle said, as she stood proudly, as the accessories she wore glared in the sunlight.

"You didn't..." Aria said, as she smiled.

"Hmph! I did!" Sweetie Belle said, as she grinned.

"Think she'll find out?" Aria asked.

"Definitely! The box was empty and the guy we've been running from is right behind us!" Sweetie Belle announced. Aria looked back, he was there, ready for action.

"Sweetie Belle, you couldn't have just put fake ones in there?!" Aria suggested.

"C'mon, you saw how she is! She deserves nothing less!" Sweetie Belle said.

"What do we do about him?" Aria asked.

"What?! We can take him, after all we've been through, we can do this together!" Sweetie Belle said.

"Easy for you to say, you're just going to leave me to do all the dirty work!" Aria said.

"Yeah, pretty much!" Sweetie Belle admitted.

"Fine! You owe me another meal after all this!" Aria said.

"You've got it!" Sweetie Belle said.

The one final showdown, and Aria stood there, and the man came walking toward them.

He ran toward them, and Aria stood her ground. He came in and slammed his knuckles into Aria arms, as she was trying to protect herself from the impact. Aria pushed him forward, and jumped to kick him. He blocked it, and grabbed onto her leg, and swung her away down the street. While he was occupied by that, Sweetie Belle ran up to him, and kicked him in his groin. He stopped for a second, and looked at her straight in the eyes.

"Okay... that usually works..." Sweetie Belle stuttered, as she slowly walked backwards, away from him.

He was distracted which allowed Aria to come in and attack from behind. He looked back, and was kicked in the face, the same way he knocked down the tree. We were thrust back, and fell. Aria focused again, and began to extract his power from him. Aria couldn't stop, it was changing her, like she hungered for it. The man got back up, which made Aria fall to the ground. He started to limp towards Sweetie Belle, but before he got close he faded. Sweetie Belle was stunned.

"Aria? What happened...?" Sweetie Belle asked.

"I-I... don't know..." Aria said, as she held onto her head, as if she was having a headache. Sweetie Belle went over to her to pick her up from the ground. "Look, just keep your distance... I don't know what I just did, okay?"

"Alright." Sweetie Belle said softly.

"So? What's on for tonight?" Aria enlightened.

"Well, I know a few places!" Sweetie Belle said.


Moments later, as Sweetie Belle and Aria were at another restaurant, she got a text message from her friend, saying "come over at the clubhouse."

"Cool, I just got a message! From my good friend Scootaloo!" Sweetie Belle said.

"Scootaloo? Really?" Aria said.

"Yeah, you know her?" Sweetie Belle asked.

"No, it's just a weird name." Aria said.

"Hey, that's my friend! If I have nothing to say..."

"Then you could shove it!" They both said simultaneously.

"Yeah, I know. I know I'm rude, but I suppose we have that in common!" Aria pointed out.

"Hmph, I suppose!" Sweetie Belle admitted. "I guess we both should keep it to ourselves?"

"Nah, it's fun to mess with people!" Aria said as she smiled. Sweetie Belle did as well.