The Midnight Series: Incomplete Edition

by Notowa

First published

Friends reunite to a grueling discovery.

Midnight Sparkle appears once again, slowly tormenting the Mane 7.

[Book 1]: Curiosity - 11 Chapters, 54k words
After the Rainbooms decided to separate, they had to deal with their internal loneliness and struggling through high school without the support of their friendship. During the time spent away, some decided to be with one another to share their burden and developed intimate relationships. Regaining trust and care for their own lives, they've returned. However, there was a time when Sunset was not able to contact Princess Twilight Sparkle. This began to worry her, and the others try to help her through her struggles to find out why.

[Book 2]: Animus - 15 Chapters, 48k words
After Twilight Sparkle's experiment with magic caused so much mayhem, she decided to put it all behind her and move on. However, there were some who kept a close eye on things as she was experimenting with magic. Those who want magic for themselves, and their own malicious intentions. Those who will stop at nothing to retrieve it, but come to find something much more interesting. Twilight arrived under mysterious circumstances, and the mystery doesn't end as it is up to Sunset Shimmer and the gang to find out what happened.

[Book 3]: Animosity - 17 Chapters, ? words. [Coming Soon!]
A story of life, love, and destructive ideologies that comes to a final clash.

Book 1: Curiosity | Chapter 1: Worried

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Dear Princess Twilight,

Hey, it's been awhile since we've last spoken to each other, and I wanted to check in again. I know you may be busy being a princess and all, and fighting against evil, so that you may not be able to reply as soon as I have hoped. And I've been meaning to ask if it was okay to enter through to visit, but I'm afraid of popping in at a bad time, so I'll stay where I am until you let me know if it's okay. I miss you Twilight, please write back soon. I will always have this book by my side!

Your best friend,

Sunset Shimmer

Chapter 1: Worried

Shadowy gray clouds hovered above in the sky, wispy winds blew as the decayed, autumn leaves flew off the branches and onto the sidewalks of Canterlot High School. Students walking to class, feel the breeze sink through into their sweatshirts as they gaze at the dreary skies, daydreaming of a brighter day.

Something was on Sunset Shimmer's mind that day, as she looked out into the gloomy weather outside. It was, in fact, just the right setting. She was sulking throughout her day, sitting in her classrooms, feeling this clouded morning set in her heart as she lost contact with a close friend. With her streaks of flames of her hair streaming down her face and her whole back. Her eyes were dull unlike her usual glow like the ocean waves, wearing her leather jacket, with studs appearing on each side of her sleeveless shoulder pads, unzipped, to reveal a red t-shirt underneath that had a yellow sun symbol appearing on her chest. A yellow pencil skirt with a red and orange streak on each side, and double strapped leather boots, with both the zippers and belt buckles to arise up to her knees. After each class, she would feel this sinking cloudiness dragging in on her deeper and deeper. It made all her other classmates feel the mood of something uneasy and unpleasant.

Sunset did not pay any attention to her teacher's lectures on the whiteboards, ignoring all the notes and information they need to study for this next upcoming exam. Sunset's mind was in the clouds, hoping something would come up, to help her, in her time of despair.

The lunch bell finally rang for the student's to head for the cafeteria. Sunset walked there without having to look up from the floor, as if it was second nature to her. She sat down at some random lunch table, not having anything to eat because she wouldn't be able to digest any of the "nutritious" meals on an upset stomach. After a few moments, a group of girls took a seat at the table, surrounding her.

Pinkie Pie sat next to Sunset, with a plate of spaghetti and meatballs all covered in condensed spray canned cheese because she loved random things put together to her delight. Her hot pink, fluffy curls, and enlightened attitude which gleamed happiness in her indigo eyes. She wore a simple, plain white t-shirt, a fluffy cotton candy-colored skirt, white leggings with matching Velcro sneakers.

Rainbow Dash sat next to Pinkie Pie, with her plate of a couple of ham and cheese sandwiches, with a 20 oz. water bottle sitting beside them. Hydration and decisive meals to keep up her strikingly healthy physique, as her rainbow flash barely caught up to her as she ran up to the table. Her full length, colorful hair wisps around, nearly knocking over everyone else out of their seats. She was wearing a bright sky blue jacket with her symbolic rainbow lightning bolt on the chest, black yoga pants with streaks of outlined rainbow lightning bolts to the sides of her thighs, and a pair of blue and white Jordan's.

Twilight Sparkle sat across from Rainbow Dash with a packed lunch of everything her body needs for the day. Deriving from a daily nutritional structure that has been approved by the FDA, which she recently read about. She adjusted her thick black glasses as she caught wind of Rainbow Dash running up to the table, which blew her long violet hair, soaring in the air, making it a bit ruffled and frizzy. She wore a simple school uniform and a pair of black high-heeled tops.

Rarity sat beside Twilight, across from Pinkie Pie. She placed a shiny blue glassware bowl full of luscious greens and tomatoes upon the table. She was wearing a gorgeous white tank-top and sparkling blue skirt, a pair of diamond encrusted, purple high heels, that matched her painted nails and glamorous sparkling hair, with the ending streaks, spiraling to accommodate a proper length.

Applejack sat next to Rarity, across from Sunset, with a tray of delectable delights from the cafeteria's array of foods. With an apple in the corner of her tray. She was wearing a red flannel dress shirt, with long blue jeans, cowgirl boots that had three apple patches to the sides, and with her hair in a single braid, draped along the side of her left shoulder, toppled with her signature cowgirl hat.

Then came Fluttershy, sitting next to Applejack, with a tray filled with almost a little bit of everything with the amount of choices for food to her liking. She was wearing a white t-shirt with a couple of butterflies on the front, with a common ruffled green skirt and pale pink boots that matched her long, faded pink hair. The gathering of the Rainbooms during lunchtime.

As the girls were eating, they were discussing some of the material they needed to review for the upcoming exams, as they failed to notice Sunset's sappy mood. It wasn't until Applejack took a glance in front of her, taking a bite of her apple in which she picked up from her tray.

"Y'all alright, Sunset?" Applejack asked, as she took a bite of her apple, which made the others turn their attention toward Sunset.

"I'm fine." Sunset replied, with a very monotone voice. "I'm not feeling well today."

"It is quite a gloomy day." Fluttershy added, as she chewed on her food.

"Sunset, you have nothing to eat!" Pinkie Pie yelled. "Here, have this!" She gave Sunset a cupcake, with a little frosted face drawn on it, from her hair. Sunset looked up at Pinkie, she gave her a passive smile.

"Thanks Pinkie, but I'm not hungry." Sunset said, as she returned the cupcake back to Pinkie Pie. Pinkie was saddened, as she turned away her friendship cupcake. "I think... I'm gonna go get some fresh air..." Sunset got up from her seat and slowly walked away from the table, with her hands inside her pockets, as she exited the cafeteria. They all looked at each other, puzzled. They all thought of what might be wrong with Sunset.

"I hope it's not the flu!" Rainbow Dash addressed, slamming her arms to the table with enough force to gather their attention. "I hate the flu... if you have the flu!" She sat back, crossed her arms, and placed her feet on the table.

"I don't think it's the flu." Twilight replied, as she ate. "She doesn't seem to have any of the other symptoms of the flu, if she has the flu. There is definitely something else going on." she looked up at the cafeteria doors, thinking of what it could be.

"Should we go to check in on her?" Rarity suggested. "Maybe if we ask, she could let us know."

"Am sure it's going to be fine." Applejack assured. "If we give her some space, she might let us know later on." The others seem to agree.

"You girls want any of this?" Pinkie Pie interrupted, holding the cupcake in her hands, acting as if this was the main source of the problem.

"No." The girls replied, as the girls continued on with their previous conversation. Pinkie Pie was eating the cupcake instead. Twilight got up from her seat and walked out, to catch up with Sunset. The others were unsure of what to make of it, as they watched her walk out the doors.

"Should we be worried about it now?" Applejack commented, while the others shrugged it off.

Sunset sat down on the stairs in front of Canterlot High's main entrance, facing the mirror and stallion statue. She looked at it, contemplating on walking through to see what had been going on. As the freezing breeze brushed up against her face and body, but could not feel the cold. She took out her book, her only connection to the other side, however, there was still no reply. Sunset believed she may have been forgotten, or something terrible has happened to her friends. She worried about them, there was no telling what was going on. If she were to enter during an event that could be dangerous, she may not return. She may even be putting all the other girls at risk as well, if she told them about it. So, she remained sitting alone, hoping for a reply.

Moments later, Twilight walked out of the front doors, walking towards Sunset. She sat down next to her. She placed her hand over Sunset's shoulder, giving her a sense of comfort.

"Hey..." Twilight said softly. She looked at her, but she was not looking back.

"Hey..." Sunset replied. Her tone remained the same since her time in the cafeteria. It worried her.

"I came to check in on you, are you okay?" Twilight asked. Her brows narrowed, trying to get close enough to know.

"I'm fine." Sunset said, as she let out a heavy sigh of discomfort.

"It's going to be okay." Twilight addressed. She sat back, and waited for her to say something.

"Thanks Twi, but I'm afraid things don't seem that way as of now."

"I understand." Twilight said, as she lifted her hand away from Sunset. She felt the chills sprinkling down from her fingertips to her abdomen.

"I appreciate you coming to see if I was okay though." Sunset replied, to relieve Twilight's worry. Sunset was hoping Twilight would take it as a reassured response for her to leave her alone. "You've always been so thoughtful." She looked at her with a weak smile, not enough to convince her.

"The others should know what's going on too."

"I-I don't know, it's personal."

"Okay..." Twilight looked away from her, and couldn't bear the intense cold.

"Sorry Twi, I'm not feeling it today." Sunset admitted, as she crossed her arms over her knees. She was curled up, and was not wanting to continue.

"That's okay, I hope you'll feel better soon." Twilight said, as she got up from the stairs. She was about to head inside to be shielded away from the chilling wind. But as she got up, a single ray of sunshine lifted from the clouds, pointing towards Twilight with the sun's glare reflecting from the mirror and stallion statue, which faded shortly after. Twilight looked at Sunset and it appeared that she looked up at the mirror as well. She decided to cheer her up with something funny about her own interest in that world beyond. "You know..." Twilight said, to break the awkward silence between them. "That pony world still interests me."

"Oh, yeah?" Sunset replied, feeling like she needed to respond with something other than an annoyed grunt.

"Ever since we've entered through during our Spring vacation, I've always wanted to go back to learn more, you know, about the magic and science, the endless possibilities to learn from." Sunset gave a slow, short nod. "It was such a fun assignment in our English class, the teacher laughed at how creative I was to include everyone with a talking pony counterpart." Twilight chuckled. She looked back at Sunset, and she had her head buried at her thighs with her arms covering her face. Twilight's smile faded, as she went back down to comfort her.

"Sunset...?" Twilight said calmly, as she patted her hair.

"Twi... please stop." Sunset said, as she lifted up her head, making Twilight remove her hand away. "I'm not feeling well."

"Does it have something to do with them?" Twilight continued. She said it softly and slowly to not make Sunset upset. She took a wild guess since Sunset had her book sitting beside her. She nodded. "But, you have that book to help keep in touch, right?" Twilight asked. "Unless it's used up, but you could go back and get another one, can't you?"

"That's just it, Twi!" Sunset yelled, adding more to her discomfort. "I haven't remained in contact! I've received nothing!" Twilight looked away from her.

"I'm sorry Sunset." Twilight answered, feeling a bit crushed by Sunset's fierce tone. Looking down to the pale, cemented stairs, but she got why she was upset. Sunset looked away, she regretted throwing her anger at Twilight.

"I'm sorry, Twi." Sunset said, to relieve Twilight's stunned look on her face. "I didn't mean to snap at you like that."

"No, I'm sorry. I was being pushy." Twilight replied, looking back at her. "I shouldn't have crossed a line into your personal space like that."

"Well, I guess it did help getting it out. I suppose." Sunset added, she looked at her with relief.

"How long has it been since you've last spoken?" Twilight continued, as she felt her coming back.

"A few months." Sunset replied, she looked back at the book she placed.

"Are we still able to go through? We should check to see." Twilight got back up and headed toward the mirror.

"No, Twi..." Sunset got up, and stopped Twilight from going any further by grabbing her arm. She let go of her arm as soon as Twilight looked back at her.

"Why? Is there something wrong?" Twilight was a little frightened by her action. "Have you already checked?"

"No, it's not about that." Sunset shook her head. "I think there is something going on, to where they haven't said anything."

"Why are you keeping this a secret from everyone?" Twilight concerned. "If anything, we should check to make sure of it."

"Because it could be dangerous!" Sunset flustered, and was worried. "It may not be a good time to barge in unannounced!"

"What difference does that make? We've faced plenty of powerful enemies before, how is this any different?" Twilight asked, playing off as some sort of test. "And why is Twilight the only one who could enter through anytime?!"

"You just don't get it, Twi!" Sunset crossed her arm, and looked away. The conversation was ticking her off.

"If we get the girls together, we'll be okay!" Twilight assured, trying to get her on the same page.

"No!" Sunset countered.

"I don't see why you won't consider going through to help them?!" Twilight argued, as she gestured to the mirror.

"That's not the point, Twilight! If we happen to go through during a crisis, what if we don't make it back?!" Sunset was showing her serious concern for their safety, but Twilight looked as if she was not buying it.

"It's not about that, isn't it? You'd rather go alone?!" Twilight continued. Sunset was angrily silenced. "Is that what this is about?!" Twilight said, raising her voice. "To go all by yourself? To have it all for yourself?!"

"Is that right?!" Sunset yelled. "What are you trying to say?! What are you even talking about?!"

"You know what I mean!" Twilight looked away, and pouted.

"You know what?!" Sunset was throwing her arms as she argued, placing her hand on her chest. Her voice started to crack due to stress and sadness. "This argument is pointless, because I'm just a little concerned for my friends in Equestria, you all of a sudden turn this against me?!"

"Yes, you're being selfish!" Twilight pointed out. "You're basing this on the assumption that they're in danger! What if they aren't? Why don't we go in to find out together?!"

"No! There has to be a reason they haven't said anything to me!"

"Then, let's go find out" Twilight calmed down, and held out her hand to see if Sunset would listen to her. "Together?"

"I..." Sunset was at a loss for words. "I-I don't know..." as she looked away, ignoring Twilight's friendly gesture.

Twilight took her hand away, looking down at the ground again. She was not convinced that Sunset knew how to respond to her with this complex decision. She tightened her hand, gripping them hard, and decided to let out something she held back.

"It's not fair, you know?" Twilight questioned. "Comparing me to a princess..." Twilight said, softly under her breath, as she crossed her arms in anger. "...I could never measure up to her... not in the slightest..." Sunset was devastated by what Twilight said. She ran up to her, shouting in her face and pointed out to her.

"Don't you even say that! How can you…?!" Sunset stopped yelling for a moment to catch her breath, as she began to have tears falling from her eyes. Twilight grasped what she said, regretfully aware that she didn't mean it. "Don't say stuff like that... you... you all mean so much to me... after all we've been through... why? Just why?!" Sunset didn't hold back her pain and weakness any longer. She stood back, looking away from Twilight. Twilight cried as well.

"I'm so sorry Sunset..." Twilight said, looking down at the ground, her eyes fell as the winds began to pick up. "I'm so sorry..."

Sunset turned to look back at Twilight, she headed towards her direction. Twilight looked up to see her walking to her, and held onto her. They both wrapped their arms around each other, encapsulating them tightly, as they sniffled their last remaining tears.

"I'm sorry." Twilight repeated. She was sincere in her words, regretting everything she said. "Forgive me."

"I'm sorry too." Sunset replied, as she whispered in her ear. "We both got a little too carried away..." They both unlatched their arms to firmly grasp their frozen hands together, as they stared deeply into each other's eyes of sincerity, and blushed with their eyes gleaming with water.

The front doors of the school open, to which they both turned their attention to whom it may be, walking out of the door, and they quickly wiped away their tears.

A boy, with spiky blue hair, wearing a zipped leather jacket with a ring of red and white surrounding it. Grungy blue jeans, with a pair of black and blue sneakers. It was Flash Sentry.

"Hey Flash!" Sunset and Twilight said simultaneously.

"Hey!" Flash replied. "I heard some fighting going on, I came to make sure that no one was hurt."

"It's okay. No one is hurt!" Sunset suggested, with a passive smile.

"Thanks for taking the time to check." Twilight added. Flash blushed, as he scratched the back of his head.

"Yeah, of course!" Flash continued, with a bright smile on his face.

Moments later, at the mirror and stallion statue, came a person from inside the mirror. Which made its way towards the three students having a conversation at the front entrance of the school. They haven't noticed anyone coming out of the mirror. It reached out onto the two girls shoulders, and gave a heavy tug, which made them become utterly shocked with adrenaline.

"Surprise!" A girl yelled, as she tugged at Sunset and Twilight's shoulder.

"Whaa!" Sunset and the other two screamed, as they had a near panic attack, catching their breath.

Sunset looked at the girl. Her long violet hair, with a couple streaks of magenta extending past her waist. Her cutesy blue dolly shirt, and purple skirt with a large six-pointed magenta star surrounded by smaller white stars at each point, and her pair of long purple, belt-buckle boots that reached to her shins. The glowing twinkle of her galactic eyes. She caught a glimpse of a familiar face.

"T-Twilight?!" Sunset questioned herself, as she focused. "Twilight!" Sunset yelled, as she grabbed Princess Twilight with her arms locked to her sides. She picked her up with all her excessive, adrenaline fueled strength.

"Hey... Sunset... can't... breathe...!" Princess Twilight pleaded, as she gasped for air and her arms falling asleep. They were clamped tightly under Sunset's arms, and her legs being lifted off the ground, as she waved them around, trying to get Sunset to put her down.

"Oh!" Sunset said, as she chuckled. "Sorry!" Sunset let her go, and Twilight was already trying to readjust to her bipedal form.

"That's okay." Princess Twilight suggested, as she smiled. "It's been awhile!" Sunset smiled back.

Twilight saw how Sunset lifted Princess Twilight up from off the ground with such happiness and love. It made her squint her eyes with a sense of envy. Flash walked up into focus, with his face in confusion and excitement.

"T-Twilight?" Flash said, as he simultaneously looked back at Princess Twilight and Twilight Sparkle, trying to configure seeing double, contemplated that doppelgangers were real. "Ha-How are there two Twilights?!" The girls looked at each other, as they tried to come up with an explanation for the two Twilights, however, there was one thing they could say that would avoid needing much explanation.

"Um..." Twilight froze in confusion.

"W-were twin sisters!" Princess Twilight said, as she went over to drag Twilight to her side by wrapping her arm around her neck, smiling awkwardly.

"Yeah?!" Sunset added.

"Okay...?" Flash replied, as he slightly nodded his head, trying to piece it together.

"W-we used to go to the same school, at Crystal Prep, but I was the one that transferred to Canterlot High, while she stood back at the other school." Twilight said, as she gave an awkward, passive smile. She had Princess Twilight let her go from her awkward hug.

"That would explain why we don't see her as often." Sunset assured.

"Yeah?" Flash said. "Are they both named Twilight?"

"R-right, but my full name is Twilight Velvet." Princess Twilight answered, while Sunset and Twilight looked at each other, they knew that was the name of Twilight's mother's maiden name.

"Okay, well... I-I think I'm heading back inside, the bell is about to ring, so..." Flash said as he awkwardly chuckled, blushing, and slowly heading for the door.

"Okay, see you!" Sunset and Twilight said simultaneously, again.

"See you, Flash!" Princess Twilight whispered, as she waved at him leaving for the door.

As Flash went back inside, he contemplated on which Twilight he had a crush on.

"So... which Twilight did I like...?" Flash panicked. "No, no! Which one danced with me at the Fall Formal?!" Flash questioned himself until he met up with his group of friends, and they noticed how steamed he looked, with his face all red and sweaty.

"You alright, bro?" One of Flash's friends said.

"I-I'm fine!" Flash answered, as he chuckled, frightening his friends.

Sunset and Twilight continued their discussion on Princess Twilight's surprise appearance.

"Twilight...?" Sunset questioned softly, to break the silence between them. "How have you been? What's been happening?"

"Well..." Princess Twilight said hesitantly. "A lot has happened, but I suppose you want to know why I haven't said anything... for a really long time."

"What has happened?" Twilight asked.

"I'm so sorry I caused so much worry over the past few months..." Princess Twilight said, as she looked away from both of them, closing her eyes in shame. "My efforts to reply or to come visit has been very difficult for me... after all that has been going on..." Sunset and Twilight looked at each other, as they both had sympathetic faces. Sunset went over to Princess Twilight to comfort her by placing her arms over her shoulders.

"Tell me everything, please!" Sunset said, with much enthusiasm. "I want to know all about it! I want to help in any way I can!" Princess Twilight shed a single tear, she wiped it away and looked at Sunset. Sunset's determined eyes made Princess Twilight gain the courage to say what she needed to her. She took hold of Sunset's arm and gave her a firm hand grip to Sunset's hand. Sunset let her arm down from off her shoulders to hold her hand in place.

"Well..." Princess Twilight said softly, as she looked away again, trying to think of what to say. "Okay!"

"I want in too!" Twilight said, as she stood at a distance quietly, but after what she said, she walked over to Sunset and Princess Twilight, eager to jump into the conversation. "We're all friends, right?"

"Of course we are!" Princess Twilight assured. "We're sisters after all, right?" Princess Twilight gave a wink to Twilight, confirming that they are not only friends, but officially sisters from two different dimensions.

"This is great!" Sunset said, with much happiness and reassurance. Her sadness was suddenly lifted, and so were the clouds above, they felt less heavy and dark, as they began to clear up for the afternoon sun, at its peak, to give it's radiance warmth and light upon the previous, dreary morning. "But, before we get into explaining, let's go meet up with everyone in the cafeteria! I'm sure everyone would love to see you again!"

"Oh, that would be great!" Princess Twilight said, eager to see all her friends once again, after a long time. She missed them, however, she still felt worried about what she would need to explain to them. "Let's head on over!" Princess Twilight was worried, but she won't let it get in between meeting with her friends. Sunset picked up her book from off the stairs, and opened the front door for Twilight.

"Thanks." Princess Twilight commented. "I'm terrible with doors here." As Sunset and Princess Twilight headed inside, Twilight walked right behind them, but as Twilight held the door, she stopped for a moment. Before entering through, she took one last glance over to the mirror and stallion statue. She squinted at it, as she was in much thought of it.

Book 1: Curiosity | Chapter 2: Jealousy

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Chapter 2: Jealousy

Sunset and Princess Twilight entered the cafeteria. She held the door and Princess Twilight walked in, but she immediately shut the doors, not looking to see if Twilight entered through or needed the door open to enter. As they walked toward the lunch table with all the other girls, Pinkie Pie sensed her presence first. Pinkie Pie got up, gasping and inhaling a tremendous amount of oxygen before she turned around to see Princess Twilight with Sunset.

"TWILIGHT!" Pinkie Pie yelled, as she pounced onto Princess Twilight like a feline catching its prey. She held Princess Twilight like how Sunset did. Her strength carried Princess Twilight in the air, as if she was light as a feather. "I missed you so, so, so much!"

"Pinkie... please...!" Princess Twilight said, slowly detaining oxygen in her lungs, as well as signaling with her legs that she was not exactly comfortable being held so high without breathing. Pinkie Pie let her go, and Princess Twilight nearly fainted. She was captured by Rainbow Dash, as she got up from her seat to grab her, holding her arms from behind.

"Jeez Pinkie Pie, miss her much?!" Rainbow Dash said sarcastically.

"Ah better go help!" Applejack said, as she got up from her seat, to carry Princess Twilight with Rainbow Dash to an empty seat at the table.

"Goodness, give her some space to breathe!" Rarity suggested. "You alright, darling?"

"Yeah..." Princess Twilight replied, breathing heavily.

"Oh... oh my." Fluttershy added. "Where's our Tw..."

"Sorry! But, of course I miss her!" Pinkie interrupted. "I can only be away from friends for so long! By the way, where's our Tw..."

"I guess that's true." Rainbow Dash interrupted. "It has been a long time since we've seen you Twilight! Speaking of which, where's our Tw..."

"Yeah..." Princess Twilight said, as she smiled. "Sorry..."

"It is good to see ya again!" Applejack commented.

"I agree!" Rarity added.

As they spoke, Sunset looked around and saw the whole cafeteria staring at them. It was not long until they continued on with their own conversations when things began to quiet down.

"Okay girls, I think we should let Twilight rest for a moment." Sunset suggested. "We'll have all day today to ask her anything after class, right?!"

"Oh my, you're right!" Rarity panicked. "Class is in like, five minutes!"

"Yep!" Princess Twilight confirmed. "I'll be here all day! We could totally hang out later!"

"Oh splendid!" Rarity said.

"Awesome!" Rainbow Dash shouted.

"Great!" Applejack agreed.

"Yay!" Pinkie Pie yelled, as Fluttershy nodded with joy.

"By the way." Fluttershy whispered. "Where is Tw..."

"So it's decided!" Sunset interrupted, with her voice raised with glee.

At the cafeteria doors, Twilight saw through the small windows on the doors, peering through to see her friends huddling around Princess Twilight, giving her a group hug, in which she was not invited in. She watched her friends instead of walking though. She couldn't move with the thought of how others may see two Twilights, but she also was starting to feel a little jealous of Princess Twilight. The way the others are around her, the way Sunset and Pinkie Pie picked her up from the ground. It sparked something in Twilight to feel envious of her.

"C'mon Twilight! Why are you thinking like this? They're your friends, of course. They're her friends too, you know?!" As Twilight spoke to herself in the echoing, empty hallways. "They just miss her. She was the Twilight before me, she was the one who brought them all together... who wouldn't miss her…" Twilight signed, over the fact that she was probably overthinking about the situation, so she decided to enter through to be with her friends. As Twilight was about to enter through, the door swings right open, smacks her in the face. The force of the door pushed Twilight to the floor. Princess Twilight walked out from the cafeteria, as the other girls walked out, they didn't even notice that they hit anyone.

"I'm so terrible with doors!" Princess Twilight commented.

"I don't even know why that was necessary..." Sunset said. "You literally kicked the door open."

"Yeah..." Princess Twilight apologized with a slight chuckle. "Sorry..."

"Should we look for our Twilight?" Fluttershy whispered to Pinkie Pie.

"I know, it is like we conveniently forgot about her." Pinkie Pie said, directly to the reader, skipping down the hallway with excitement.

The girls asked Princess Twilight what they wanted to do after school, as they continued to walk down the hallway. Twilight got up from the floor, rubbing her face. She was pissed off that they didn't notice her. It sent all of her pain receptors to be circulating around her face. Twilight was about to yell at them, but she had a funny itch in her nose. She sneezed. It alerted everyone in the hallway. The girls immediately turned toward where the noise was coming from. They saw Twilight, with her hands covering her nose.

"Oh, there you are Twilight!" Pinkie Pie said.

"Hey Twilight!" Rainbow Dash added.

"There you are!" Sunset commented.

They all headed their way to meet with Twilight. As they came up to her, they saw her hands covered in blood, with traces of it streaming down from her nostrils. The girls were utterly stunned to see that much blood dripping from her hands and nose unto the floor.

"Ah shit!" Applejack yelled, as she quickly grabbed a handkerchief from her jean pocket to place over Twilight's nose. Applejack's reaction to instinct. Everyone regained focus and rushed Twilight over to the nearest girl's bathroom.

The bell rang, but the girls were helping Twilight with needed medical attention in the girl's bathroom.

"We're so sorry Twi..." Sunset apologized.

"It's fine." Twilight replied, as Rarity was cleaning her up, and putting on some make-up to hide the bruise on her nose.

"We really didn't mean to slam the door in your face." Rainbow Dash assured. "I can't believe we didn't even notice."

"All done!" Rarity expressed. "You alright sweetie?"

"I think." Twilight replied, with a slight smirk on her face. She had a couple of tissues stuffed in her nostrils, which made her voice muffled in the echoing restroom.

"I'm so sorry!" Princess Twilight confessed softly. "It was my fault that happened, I opened that door..."

"You kicked it..." Pinkie interrupted.

"Yeah... thanks Pinkie." Princess Twilight said sarcastically.

"You're welcome!" Pinkie Pie said sincerely.

"It's okay." Twilight said. "I'm fine. Besides, you all are missing class to help me, right?"

"Of course!" Sunset said. "We all would skip class for each other, under any circumstance!"

"That's right!" Applejack commented.

"Yep!" Pinkie Pie added.

"You betcha!" Rainbow Dash yelled.

"Of course!" Rarity added.

"Oh... yes!" Fluttershy said quietly, as she nodded.

"I agree!" Princess Twilight said, as she placed her hand on Sunset's right shoulder. Sunset smiled back at Princess Twilight, putting her hand on her's.

"Thanks, everyone!" Twilight said.

They all headed for their classes. The girl's were eager to hang out with Princess Twilight. It gave them the incentive to focus and study harder than before. Princess Twilight headed for the library. It was her favorite place to be in Canterlot High.

Later on that day, after school, the girls headed out to the best known hang out spot for teens and friends, the mall. Everyone was excited to go look around with Princess Twilight, as they had a lot of catching up to do. The first thing they did together, they went to the food court to have something sweet while they conversed with Princess Twilight. They each ordered small fries with either a cherry or blue-raspberry freeze. Then, they all headed for a large circular table, in which they all could have a seat.

"School of Friendship?" Sunset asked. "That sounds like fun! And you were the main instructor?"

"I was." Princess Twilight enlightened everyone with the recent developments of spreading the study of Friendship to anypony. "I gave the role of principal to Starlight Glimmer after she graduated. We've also expanded to a university in a much larger city in Equestria."

"That's amazing Twilight!" Sunset replied.

"This Queen Chrysalis with her Changelings and King Sombra sounds like real trouble!" Rainbow Dash added. "I can totally take 'em!"

"Yeah, Chrysalis has become a real pain lately, but her Changelings have actually reformed to be good guys, relinquishing Chrysalis's throne of power! And King Sombra is another story." Princess Twilight responded.

"That sounds good that they have changed to be better." Fluttershy replied. "The Pony of Shadows sounds frightening though."

"Yeah, I agree." Rarity added. "I hope not to tangle with any of them!"

"Even so, I agree with Rainbow Dash on taking them down!" Applejack commented, as she gave something warm for Pinkie Pie to eat as she got a brain freeze from sucking down her cherry freeze. Twilight laughed.

"After all that you had to go through." Sunset said. "I guess that is why it's been hard to keep in contact?" As Sunset said that, Princess Twilight felt like she needed to confront them about how things may turn out in the future.

"Yeah, it has been quite busy." Princess Twilight said. "I'm sorry for not visiting you all in so long. My job over the safety of everypony, and to help with friendship studies... it's been rather difficult... with also the occasional villain." Princess Twilight was starting to tear up, as the other girls sympathized with her. "On top of that... I've been asked to be the next ruler of Equestria, with our other two princesses stepping down from the throne, to retire." Princess Twilight expressed with worry and sadness. "I-I don't think I'm good enough... o-or ready..."

Sunset got up from her seat and comforted Princess Twilight as she began to cry. The others began to surround her, gathering closer to her.

"Twilight...?" Applejack asked softly. "You're more capable than what you give yourself credit for..."

"Yeah, after everything you've been through, you have done what previous princesses have never done before." Sunset added.

"You are the sweetest, most powerfulest pony I know!" Pinkie Pie said with much enthusiasm.

"You kick all kinds of bad guys behind, just like me!" Rainbow Dash yelled.

"Not good enough? Please!" Rarity shouted. "You're the most caring, the most trusting, and most generous! The fact that you took time off for us, it's spectacular!"

"You help not only our people, or pony, but also every living creature!" Fluttershy added softly.

"Thank you... everyone..." Twilight cried, trying to speak with her heart racing in her chest, as the tears fell rapidly in which she couldn't control.

The girls got up to once again give Princess Twilight a group hug. They all huddled together, embracing the strong friendship they shared, a bond that can't be broken. However, Twilight did not move from her seat, she was once again outside of the group hug they did for Princess Twilight. This time tears streaming down her face as she saw how absolutely heartwarming it was to witness, and she decided to take a photo, a memoir of best friends showing their love and support.

As Twilight took the photo and saved it to her phone, the others started to leave the table, heading toward another direction. They threw away half empty plastic cups and cartons into the trash. They left Twilight back at the table. She was beginning to question this repetition of being left behind, although she thought of how she did purposely step out to observe instead of engaging along with them. Twilight threw away her leftovers and headed their direction to catch up with them. She was behind them, and she overheard what they all planned to show Princess Twilight around the mall. To explore and experience her new surroundings. Princess Twilight agreed to have the girls take her anywhere throughout the mall, to whatever destination they desired.

Their first stop was at a music store, with a lot of instruments on display in the furthest left corner of the store. Endless rows of CDs, records, with an array of critically acclaimed movies, and some random music station playing through the ceiling speakers. The girls mingled around, while Pinkie Pie and Rainbow Dash took Princess Twilight over to the instruments to try out a few new gadgets at the store. Applejack was looking around the country section, she would laugh at some of the crazy titles that were on display.

"This one is labeled "Old Town Road," interesting..." Applejack commented on one of the newest hit singles, while stroking her chin as she was examining the CD.

Rarity was looking around the pop section, even though she was not into the music as she was for the interesting fashion design of their costumes.

"Definitely no sense of style these days!" Rarity said, while looking at a "Wow, greatest hits" CD.

Fluttershy was strumming her fingers through each CD under the label "S" in the metal section of the store.

"Yes!" Fluttershy raised her voice in excitement. "Skull Cruncher's latest album is in!"

Sunset was walking by Fluttershy, she rolled her eyes as she smiled of how much of a metalhead Fluttershy was, compared to herself. Twilight was walking around, not necessarily looking at anything, but trying to keep up with everyone. They all eventually met up with Pinkie Pie and Rainbow Dash, fooling around with some of the instruments they were on display. Princess Twilight was playing with them, trying out a new interesting electronic synthesizer.

"I love how this one sounds!" Princess Twilight said.

"Listen to this!" Pinkie Pie said, as she was jazzing out with a saxophone. Everyone crowded around her, clapping their hands to the beat, pushing Twilight to the edge of the store. As Pinkie finished, everyone cheered, and went their own way. Twilight smiled, but they all exited quickly as people started exiting the store. She was going to wait outside until everyone was ready to leave.

"Pinkie, that was amazing!" Princess Twilight said with much amazement. "You always have a way with all instruments!"

"Thank." Pinkie Pie yelled.

The next store they went to was a video game lounge. They had all sorts of new and old games meant for multiple platforms and consoles, with many available demos to play. Sunset and Princess Twilight jumped on an interesting "All-Stars" racing game. The girls gathered around to see them play.

After a few moments, many gamers and the store clerks were surrounding the girls, yelling and cheering on Sunset and Princess Twilight's gameplay. The others began to really get into it as well. As Sunset was about to beat Princess Twilight and make it to the finish line, the game cuts off before the finish line and states: "PURCHASE FULL GAME." The gamers and store clerks were saddened by cleverly placed advertising. While the girls began to laugh, Sunset and Princess Twilight laughed so hard, the tears swelling up in their eyes from being blocked from finishing the game. They all enjoyed the game so well, they all haven't noticed Twilight's absence.

Twilight was blocked by many gamers surrounding the girls as they played. She tried to get past them, but the amount of people crowding them made it as difficult as it was in the music store. The yelling, screaming, and excitement made it difficult to ask for her to get through. So, Twilight ended up sitting in an empty seat in the store. Before she was able to get past them all, the girls left along with the crowd. Twilight found them heading toward Rarity's suggested destination, which was the fashion boutique shop.

Rarity made Princess Twilight try on a few of her choice, favorite dresses and shoes to really spark the royalty in her.

"So delightful!" Rarity enlightened Princess Twilight, with the glamour and style of many different designs and presentations for a person of royalty. "You should really wear more stuff like this darling! It really shows that you are a princess!"

"Yeah..." Princess Twilight replied hesitantly. "Looking too fancy is not really my thing." Princess Twilight humbly said.

"Hmph, modest as always!" Rarity shouted. "Perhaps something with a little more, simplicity!"

The other girls were looking around the shoe aisle. They all were trying on a few of the one's on display, but they all were a little too glamorous for their taste.

"These aren't even shoes!" Rainbow Dash yelled, holding onto a pair of high heels. "They're practically a weapon!" The others rolled their eyes and smiled.

Twilight was circling around the store, as she was being blocked by endless racks of clothes, like going through a maze to find the correct path that leads to her friends, although she watched her friends exit the store soon afterwards.

"Now to find the exit." Twilight said, under her breath.

Twilight sighed of how quickly this day has gone by, as she tried to keep up with everyone.

After they went to a few more places, Twilight was exhausted. She stopped and took a breather by the window on the third floor, where there was plenty of room to relax, with much comfortable seating. As she peered out of the window, she saw the sun barely touching the horizon, giving it a soft glowing flame, almost ready to burn out for the night. There was a slow breeze blowing through the leaves of trees, and clouds surrounded it, looking as heavy as they did this morning. The city in the distance was lit up, with many passing vehicle headlights and backlights coursing throughout the streets.

"As much as I was trying to not make this about me, it hasn't felt the same since earlier today." Twilight admitted to herself. "Like how I feared the Midnight inside, coming back to haunt me, to think so irrationally, to act so violently and feel enraged at every instance of fear or turmoil."

Twilight sat there for a moment trying to figure herself out, as the girls tried out the new photo booth. It was a tradition to use one before leaving any central place that gathers friends together. After they all exited the photo booth, Sunset took the picture frames, and she noticed Twilight was not with them.

"Hey, where's Twilight?!" Sunset asked.

"I'm right here!" Princess Twilight replied, as she pointed at herself in the picture. She took a second glance at the photo, and she noticed what Sunset was talking about. "Wait a minute. You're right! She is not in the photo!"

"What?!" Pinkie Pie yelled. "We have to find her!" Pinkie Pie took a quick glance in a couple of directions. "Oh wait, there she is!" Pinkie Pie responded, as she pointed at Twilight, sitting by the window. The girls made their way to Twilight, while Sunset handed the pictures to the other girls to look at.

"Tuckered out there, sugarcube?!" Applejack addressed Twilight. Twilight jumped, snapped into focus, after Applejack cleared the silence around her.

"Oh yeah... crazy day, huh?" Twilight casually replied, as she smiled. Sunset was concerned for Twilight, but she seemed to be acting like everything was okay. Rarity bumped Rainbow Dash's arm with her elbows, as Rainbow Dash looked at Rarity. Rarity signaled her to ask Twilight something.

"Well... we're off to get something from somewhere. You want to join us?" Rainbow Dash requested.

"No thanks. I think I'm good. Whenever you are all ready to head out, let me know." Twilight said, as she yawned loudly.

"Oh, okay!" Rainbow Dash responded. "Who's all ready?"

"Didn't you say you were going to get something?" Twilight asked. "I can wait until you're done!"

"Uhh..." Rainbow Dash panicked. "Right... but it's not that important!"

"Okay then." Twilight said. "Ready whenever you are!" The girls gathered together and started heading out the door. While Rarity was chuckling at Rainbow Dash's embarrassed face.

As they continued on, Sunset was walking slowly to be by Twilight's side, to speak with her, while the others made Princess Twilight lead the way. Twilight was in the back of the group, she met up with Sunset trying to get her attention.

"Hey..." Sunset said softly.

"Hey..." Twilight responded.

"I came to check to see if you're alright?" Sunset asked.

"I'm fine." Twilight replied, as she let out a sigh of discomfort.

"Twi, what's wrong?"

"Nothing. Just tired." Twilight continued. Sunset paused, she felt that Twilight was trying to ignore her. They both stood still, in the middle of the parking lot.

"Twi...?" Sunset said softly.

"Sunset, it's okay. I'm fine." Twilight said.

"Were you with us the whole time?"

"I-I was being blocked the whole time. I just got tired, so I went to sit down."

"Blocked? Why didn't you say anything?"

"I don't know. I didn't want you guys to worry about it. You all were having so much fun, so I stepped out for a minute."

"Twilight." Sunset said, with a more serious tone.

"What?" Twilight questioned.

"I know things have been crazy, with everything going on, but don't think we are ignoring you, or pushing you away." Sunset assured. Twilight was angrily silenced.

"Why do you care so much about it?" Twilight started to get angry with Sunset. "I stepped out, that's it. I'm fine."

"Of course I care! Why are you getting all upset?"

"Because... if you did care, you would at least notice!"

"You're the one that stepped out!"

"Oh, am I supposed to cry to you, and beg for attention?!"

"You know what? If you're going to act like this, why hang out at all?!"

"Because I didn't expect you to completely throw away your friend like that!"

"Oh really? After all we've been through together, you think I'm going to leave you?!"

"I don't know."

"I can't notice everything Twilight!"

"Yeah. That is why I backed away, because I did not want to make this all about me!" They both took a deep breath while looking away from each other. The sun was about to be out of sight, the winds picked up, and the clouds appeared to cover the last remnants of the light. The street lights began to flicker on. They both looked at each other.

"I'm sorry." Twilight said. "I just... didn't want to ruin your time with her. It's what you wanted, right? I just wasn't feeling it today."

"I'm sorry too, Twi." Sunset responded. "I appreciate that, but I want us all to enjoy it together."

"Yeah, I suppose it wasn't anything to argue about." Twilight agreed.

"Yeah." Sunset agreed. They both came together, wrapped their arms around each other. They both let go, and they continued walking, however, the others were not in sight.

"You know?" Sunset asked. "We should ask Princess Twilight to spend the night at my place."

"Oh?" Twilight said, with a tinge of excitement. "That would be fun."

"Yeah!" Sunset said with much enthusiasm.

It took another few minutes for them to reach the other girls, out to the parking lot, inside Applejack's pickup, with the lights on, and the engine running like a motorboat. The pickup was a tough piece of metal. It survived many years of climbing mountains, drifting through snowy and muddy trails, and carrying tons of apples and apple cider throughout the town. Applejack couldn't live without it, it was her precious.

"There ya are!" Applejack yelled. "It's freezing out here! Get in!"

Applejack was driving the truck, sitting next to her was Rarity and Rainbow Dash to the right with Fluttershy on her lap, being somewhat uncomfortable. In the backseats was Pinkie Pie on the right with Princess Twilight on her lap, hugging her a little too much for comfort, and Sunset sat in the middle, with Twilight on the left. As they all were packed in the truck, Sunset asked Princess Twilight if she was going to spend the night. Princess Twilight said she could, in which Sunset asked if the others would join in.

"Ah can't, ah got to work tomorrow on the farm." Applejack commented.

"I can't either, I'm babysitting!" Pinkie Pie added.

"I don't think I could either, Angel has a vet appointment." Fluttershy said softly.

"What's wrong with him?" Twilight asked.

"I think it's common cold!" Fluttershy replied.

"Or the flu? If he has the flu..." Rainbow Dash responded.

"Again with the flu?" Rarity questioned. "Seriously?!"

"I hate the flu, if you have the flu..." Rainbow Dash added, while Rarity was disgusted with Rainbow Dash.

"What about you Rarity or Rainbow Dash?" Sunset asked.

"I think I'll be fine, not tonight." Rarity replied.

"Okay." Sunset said.

"Yeah, I think I'll be good as well." Rainbow Dash said, while Rarity elbowed her in the side of her gut. Rainbow Dash returned the favor. Rarity squealed, which made Applejack jump and turn the wheel a little to the left, then to the right, to adjust back to the lane.

"What in tarnation...?!" Applejack yelled.

"Sorry, sorry..." Rarity replied.

"You tryin' to make me wreck or somethin'?!" Applejack grunted.

"No..." Rarity said, with a little sense of guilt.

"By the way, am droppin' you off first, Rarity, then Sunset and Twilight." Applejack assured. "Since your place is closest."

"Okay!" Sunset, Twilight, and Princess Twilight said simultaneously.

"Fine." Rarity replied, crossing her arms with disgust.

Applejack dropped off Rarity first. As Rarity exited the vehicle, Fluttershy and Rainbow Dash got out, Fluttershy took Rarity's spot while Rarity gathered her stuff from the back of the truck. Rarity waved at them, while the girls replied with waving their hands and said goodnight. Applejack drove off while Rarity was greeted by her little cat Opal, as she opened the door. Applejack came to Sunset's stop. Pinkie Pie, Princess Twilight, Sunset, and Twilight got out of the vehicle. Princess Twilight thanked them for such a great time. Pinkie Pie gave her another tightly compressed hug that lifted her off the ground.

"In case we don't see each other tomorrow..." Pinkie said. "I'm giving you another big, lovey-dovey-huggy-wuggy!"

"Pinkie... please..." Princess Twilight gasped, as she was once again feeling light-headed and bruised from being held too tight. Pinky let her down. Princess Twilight held onto Twilight's shoulder, Twilight held her to make sure she didn't fall.

"Goodnight girls, thanks!" Sunset said.

"G'night! We'll try to see ya again before ya go back!" Applejack yelled, from the front seat of the truck. Pinkie climbed in the backseat and waved at them.

"See you, Pinkie!" Princess Twilight said.

As the truck left, the girls entered Sunset's house. Sunset's house was tall, however, it only had 2 rooms, a bedroom above a couple flights of stairs, where a few guitars were mounted on the wall, which was also part of the living room, and a bathroom to the left of the door. The kitchen was furthest from the door. Underneath the stairs was her computer and library, with a small fridge toward the side. The living room was a single futon set in front of a 50" TV screen with a couple of video game consoles.

"So..." Sunset said, to break the silence. "You two can sleep up there!" Sunset pointed up at the single bed above.

"Okay." Princess Twilight and Twilight said simultaneously.

"I'm crashing on my couch tonight!" Sunset added.

"Oh Sunset...?" Twilight asked.

"What's up?" Sunset replied.

"I'm going to quickly head back to my place to grab a few things, and to make sure I feed Spike."

"Are you going to need us to go with you?" Sunset asked.

"No, it's not far." Twilight suggested.

"Okay. See you in a little bit." Sunset said, as Princess Twilight waved.

"Yep, see you!" Twilight said, as she went out the door.

"You have a pretty cool place Sunset!" Princess Twilight determined, as she browsed with her eyes around the room.

"Thanks." Sunset said, as she went through her stuff above the stairs. "I know you don't have something to wear to bed, so I hope you don't mind wearing this." Sunset pulled out a matching silk and trim lace tank top and cami shorts.

"Oh!" Princess Twilight said. "Thanks!"

"You're welcome!" Sunset replied. "Bathroom is over there." Sunset pointed toward the right side, the door was slightly opened. Princess Twilight entered, and shut the door. While Princess Twilight was in the bathroom, Sunset was undressing into her usual long sleeved purple shirt, which had her symbolic red and yellow sun, and matching pajama pants. They both have a couple of streaks of orange and red on the sides. Princess Twilight walked out, Sunset turned around and was astonished.

"That looks so good on you!" Sunset said, trying not to blush.

"Really?" Princess Twilight responded, as she looked at it from the mirror. "Thanks."

Twilight opened the door of her house. She turned on the living room light, and walked through.

"Spike!" Twilight yelled. "C'mere Spike!" There was no sign of him anywhere. Twilight went into her kitchen, and she took out a can of chopped meat and vegetables, mixed and simmered with gravy. She placed a bowl, full of water on the floor with his food.

Twilight went to her room, she got undressed. As she picked out her clothes from her dresser, she touched a couple of large streak marks from her back. Pausing to think about it, before slipping into her buttoned sleep shirt and matching pajama pants. She packed extra clothes with hygiene supplies, and she thought about bringing extra clothes for Princess Twilight. She packed one of her favorite shirts and jeans with a couple of colored socks.

As she began to head out, she noticed Spike's food was untouched, however, she looked at her locked closet near the front door. She touched it, reminiscing about the past. Twilight headed out the door.

"I'll be back Spike!" Twilight assured, as she locked the front door. Inside of Twilight's house, there was a slight growl, emanating from her room closet.

"There is something I've been meeting to ask you..." Princess Twilight said softly, as she awkwardly scratched the back of her head, and looked in the opposite direction.

"What is it?" Sunset replied.

"How would you feel about coming back to Equestria, with me, to be a part of our kingdom?"

"Going back? Tomorrow?"


"For how long?" Sunset asked, as Princess Twilight shook her head. "Oh, you mean... for good?"

"I never anticipated my life to be so busy, being caught up with everything. Remember, you asked me if you could before?"

"I know, it's just... things have changed since then... I wasn't friends with everyone, which took a lot of time to do so... I'm not sure if I can."

"I understand."

"Are you sure it is going to be difficult for you to reply back, or to visit?"

"I think so. If you did come back with me, you would have the freedom to visit anytime."

"Why can't we go visit you?"

"You could, but you wouldn't be able to know if anything were to happen, it might be too dangerous to keep the portal open."


"I know, but you would be a great help for all of us. Just think about it, I won't hold it against you if you say no. I'm letting you know that, because I may not be able to visit anytime, anymore."

Just as Sunset was about to say something, she heard a knock at her door. It made Princess Twilight jump. Sunset went to open the door, and there was Twilight in her sleepwear, with a full backpack.

"Hey!" Twilight said.

"Hey, Twi!" Sunset replied. Twilight entered through the door, and she placed her backpack on the floor, by the couch.

"Hi!" Princess Twilight said.

"Hey! So I've brought you this to wear for tomorrow!" Twilight replied, as she took out an outfit for Princess Twilight to wear. Princess Twilight looked at the clothes Twilight bought for her.

"That's cute!" Princess Twilight admired. "That's really cute! Thank you!"

"Yeah." Twilight responded. "I figured you and I both fit the same size and everything."

As Princess Twilight was smiling with her eyes closed, Twilight looked at what she was wearing to sleep. She was not surprised to see that Sunset would give her something a little sexy to wear. Her cleavage was wide open, to where most people at first glance would peak down instead of meeting at her eyes. Her legs were exposed, seeing the full curves of her upper thighs, to a pair of skimpy short shorts.

How? Twilight thought to herself, as she went to put her clothes back into her backpack. Why does she have that? Twilight thought again, trying to process the purpose of buying really cute lingerie sleepwear. She never saw Sunset wear it, so it might have been for... on occasion…

"Uh, Twi?" Sunset said, which snapped Twilight back into focus.

"Huh?" Twilight replied, actively listening.

"I said, would you like to play the next game?" Sunset repeated, as she held one of her controllers in her hand, while the other controller was in Princess Twilight's hand. They both were playing that racing game they played earlier. Which Twilight missed entirely.

"Sure...?" Twilight said, to show participation.

"While you go up against Twilight, I would make us all something to snack on?" Sunset asked.

"O-okay!" Twilight said.

Sunset finished the first game with Princess Twilight. Sunset won, but she made Princess Twilight feel confident in her gaming skills. Twilight picked up her controller, and she began to go against Princess Twilight. Sunset got up to head to the mini refrigerator, underneath her bed and stairs. There were some drinks in the mini fridge. She headed for the kitchen, the opposite side of the room. She was thinking of what to make for everyone. After a few moments, Sunset came with a bowl of popcorn and homemade nachos. Princess Twilight and Twilight were excited to partake.

For the rest of the evening, the girls played games for an hour, then switched on a movie marathon, until they all got tired.

"I'm beat!" Princess Twilight said.

"Me too!" Twilight added, as Sunset yawned. They all helped in cleaning up the living room, and headed for bed. Twilight and Princess Twilight both walked up the stairs to lay down. Twilight slept on the left, Princess Twilight on the right. They both laid the exact same way, but posed in opposite directions, like a mirror image of one another. Princess Twilight couldn't sleep because of what happened earlier.

"Hey, Twilight?" Princess Twilight whispered, Twilight turned to face her.

"Yeah?" Twilight said.

"Well... it is weird to say my own name..." Princess Twilight added. "But, how are you feeling?"

"I'm okay." Twilight replied.

"I'm still concerned, because of what happened earlier. I'm sorry if I made you feel outcast... and about the nose bleed..."

"No. You're fine! I'm fine! Don't worry about it."

"Alright. Thank you though."

"Okay, for what?"

"Thanks for making sure everyone was okay, and having a great time together!"

"Of course!" Twilight chuckled.

"Hey, Twilight?" Twilight asked. "Wow, it is weird to say my own name..."

"Yeah?" Princess Twilight replied.

"From what I've heard earlier, since you're a princess... is it going to be difficult for you to visit?"

"Yeah, I think it would. With everything that has happened, and to become the new ruler, I fear it might take up more of my time than I had anticipated."

"I see..."

"I asked Sunset if she could be the one in charge of it, in case anything happens."

"Oh, really? That sounds great!"

"Yeah, but it would involve her... moving back to Equestria..." Twilight was stunned with what Princess Twilight said.

"Oh..." Twilight whispered.

"Yeah, it is an option."

"It might be okay. Because, I've always wanted to go back. Since the time we've spent together during our Spring vacation. I was so thrilled."

"Oh? That would be something fun! It would be helpful and it would mean a lot, since you and I share that same passion for learning!"

"Yeah, it would be easier, but it is her decision to make."

"Yep." Princess Twilight said, as she yawned, signaling that she would like to sleep.

"Night!" Twilight said.

"Night!" Princess Twilight replied.

Meanwhile, downstairs on the futon, Sunset overheard the conversation. The thought of herself leaving for Equestria kept her up, whether she would be helping or dismissing her friends with her decision, it would be hard to make that choice. Leaving or staying, helping or disregarding? Sunset thought to herself as she tried to close her eyes to sleep. Her mind kept worrying about it. Those same thoughts also kept Twilight up. As she laid opposed to Princess Twilight, she thought of Sunset leaving them. It made her worry much more. Twilight was also thinking about the other world, the studying and research she could accomplish for her own, but at the cost of her dearest friend.

Book 1: Curiosity | Chapter 3: Inseperable

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Chapter 3: Inseparable

The air was chilly, it rained throughout the night. And the sun rose from the mountains, only to be covered behind in the light clouds hovering above the peaks.

Princess Twilight snuggled in the covers for a little longer as she started to awake. She stretched her legs to the other end of the bed, before she realized she was laying with her twin. She curled back to her side, although, the moment she did, she felt the other side of the bed empty and cold. Princess Twilight turned around to see that the left side of the bed was vacant. It seems that Twilight was up, leaving her side of the bed and pillow, wrinkled and disorganized. Princess Twilight sat up, and yawned as she stretched her arms out at full length. She got up to fix the bed, but as she was laying the foundations of the sheets, she felt something under the sheet crumble like paper. She uncovered the sheet from the bed, and saw a piece of paper that seemed like it was ripped from a standard subject notebook. Princess Twilight picked it up, she read:

Dear Soon-To-Be-Ex-Princess:

I thought a lot about what you said last night, and I think things would be easier if I switched places with you! Relieving your tensions of being the next ruler, in which I will take over! And Sunset would be with you, to help you get settled in... Have fun!


Twilight Sparkle, Princess Twilight Sparkle II

Princess Twilight had a shivering feeling running down her spine. She rubbed her eyes to make sure she read it all correctly. Princess Twilight was hyperventilating, she bolted to the stairs, but she kicked her pinkie toe on the side of the railing of Sunset's bed.

"Aaaaoooowww!" Princess Twilight whispered, as she was hopping on one foot, with the other foot in her hand, trying to ease the pain. "That hurts!" Princess Twilight decided to casually walk down the stairs.

Sunset was still sleeping, as Princess Twilight was awake, quietly whimpering in pain. Sunset was laying on her front side with her right arm, underneath a pillow, to give extra support for her head, and the other draped along the side of the couch. Her legs spread apart with one of them underneath the blanket, and the other outside the blanket, over the side of the couch like her left arm. Princess Twilight came over toward Sunset.

"Sunset!" Princess Twilight whispered. "Sunset?!" As she tapped her shoulder. Sunset tossed over to face the other side of the couch. "Sunset! Please wake up!" Princess Twilight continued to tap her shoulder, even shaking her a bit. Sunset was snoring loudly. Sunset turned to face the ceiling, her mouth wide open and gargling her saliva. "Wake up!" As Twilight came closer to whisper in her ear.

Sunset's phone alarm went off.

"Whaa!" Sunset jumped, bashing her head against Princess Twilight's.

"Ow?!" Princess Twilight said, as they both put their hands on where they verbally came into contact.

"Ow yourself!" Sunset yelled. "What were you doing?" Princess Twilight focused on the subject of matter.

"Sunset! It's Twilight!" Princess Twilight yelled.

"Yeah?" Sunset yawned. "You're Twilight!"

"No, your Twilight!" Princess Twilight responded.

"I'm not Twilight!" Sunset replied.

"No!" Princess Twilight grunted. "Look, Twilight has run off to the mirror!"

"What?!" Sunset yelled, as she got up from the couch.

"It's Twilight! She left for the mirror!" Twilight handed her the paper. Sunset read the note that was left.

"Dammit Twi!" Sunset yelled, crumbling the paper in her hands angrily. Before they were able to react, they heard a faint laugh coming from one of Sunset's cupboards in the kitchen. They turned toward where the noise was coming from. Sunset opened one of her cupboards, and Twilight was sitting inside of it, giggling to herself.

"Twilight, what the hell are you doing in there?" Sunset yelled.

"Watching the both of you fail!" Twilight said as she chuckled.

"What?!" Princess Twilight said. Twilight got out of the cupboard, and handed them her phone. They watched themselves get hurt when they got up this morning.

"Oof..." Princess Twilight said under her breath, while Sunset looked at her, not necessarily happy about Twilight's prank.

"I set up a small camera right here, and waited until you two got up!" Twilight said.

"But, I didn't set an alarm on my phone?!" Sunset argued. "Did you hack my phone and put the alarm on?"

"No...?" Twilight responded.

"Twi?!" Sunset asked.

"You forgot to turn it off." Twilight replied, taking a wild guess.

"I did?" Sunset looked at her phone. "Oh..."

"I did max out the volume though..." Twilight added.

"Why? What was the meaning of this?" Sunset asked, as she handed Twilight the note she left.

"Like I said, it was a prank!" Twilight is enlightened, however, the girls seem upset. "I'm sorry if it was a terrible one, but I wanted to wake you two up!"

"What for?" Sunset commented.

"Well, I wanted to see if Princess Twilight would like to see a movie, before she leaves!"

"Really?!" Princess Twilight answered with excitement. "I would like to go! Can we go? Please?!" Princess Twilight asked Sunset.

"Okay, okay, sure!" Sunset responded.

"Yay!" Princess Twilight yelled as she jumped for joy, like Pinkie Pie would.

"What time is the movie?" Sunset asked, as she was relieved and was excited for this event.

"That depends on what you would like to watch?" Twilight was searching through her phone, and handed it to Sunset and Princess Twilight to view.

"How does this one sound?" Sunset asked Princess Twilight while pointing at the screen.

"Ooh!" Princess Twilight replied. "Okay!" Sunset handed back Twilight's phone. "We would like to see, "The Last House on the Left in the Woods on a Haunted Hill" ."

"A horror movie?!" Twilight confirmed. "Okay! The next showing is in 30 mins."

"Got it!" Sunset and Princess Twilight said simultaneously. The girls rushed to get ready.

They were on their way to the movie theater. It was not a far walk, a couple blocks down the street. The winds were circulating, the air felt cold and smelt like the earth sprung out a new foundation. The sun was above, however, it was blocked by endless streams of clouds, gliding toward the same direction as the wind. The sun being covered was not enough warmth to evaporate the remnants of the rain on the concrete pavement and sidewalks. The girls made sure to dress appropriately for this type of weather.

Twilight walked out of the house first, she was wearing a light purple jacket, underneath was a striped buttoned purple and black dress shirt, matching black jeans, and her usual black high-heeled tops.

Princess Twilight walked out, wearing what Twilight packed for her last night. A purple t-shirt with the trims laced with magenta, light blue jeans, and her pair of long boots.

Sunset walked out to shut the door and to lock it. Sunset was wearing a different leather jacket, which had a faded orange ring at the center crease of her arms, with a matching pair of leather boots. Underneath the jacket was a light blue t-shirt with a long white tank top underneath, which hung lower than her blue t-shirt, and light blue jeans nearly identical to what Princess Twilight was wearing.

When they arrived at the movie theater, Twilight purchased the tickets for the movie. They weren't asked if they were old enough to watch the film, in which a couple of other teens came in to watch the same thing, they were unable to get past the security. Twilight and the others made their way to the snack bar, and Sunset suggested they purchase one of the couple's deals, which was a large bucket of popcorn and two medium drinks. Twilight ordered it, with an extra medium drink for Princess Twilight.

They were seated at the top, furthest from the screen, to the far left corner. Sunset sat between the two Twilights. Twilight was in the left corner, nearest to the stairs. Princess Twilight sat a couple seats away for Sunset to sit between them.

"Comfortable?" Sunset asked, as she walked up to the seats.

"Yep!" Princess Twilight and Twilight said simultaneously.

"Okay, who wants the popcorn first?" Sunset asked while handling the bucket full of popcorn.

"I'll take it!" Princess Twilight replied.

"She can take it!" Twilight added.

"Alright!" Sunset responded, as she sat down.

They all were sitting there watching some familiar faces pile in as the theater was showing an endless playlist of advertisements, which was replaying more than half of them at a time.

The movie began, the lights dimmed out into complete darkness, the ambience of music played, and the screen extended its reach further near the right and left exits. Princess Twilight got excited and shoved a handful of popcorn in her mouth before letting Sunset take over on it. Sunset looked at Princess Twilight, and she chuckled when she saw her cheeks bubbled like a chipmunk with a mouthful of nuts. She handed the popcorn to Twilight. Twilight indulged in the popcorn, not paying any attention to Sunset and Princess Twilight.

As they were viewing the movie, Princess Twilight kept getting freaked out over the amount of jump scares they would encounter. Sunset was laughing the entire time, while Twilight was continually chugging down the popcorn. Princess Twilight was huddling over to Sunset, holding onto her arm for comfort. Sunset held out her hand, in which she immediately grasped her hand tightly. Sunset smiled, blushing. Twilight was finished with the popcorn bucket and she tried handing some over to Sunset, but she saw that Sunset was preoccupied with Princess Twilight. She placed the bucket on the floor, but Princess Twilight accidentally kicked the bucket over and landed on top of a person sitting below them. The person who was sitting next to the person, who the popcorn dropped all over him, laughed and picked off a few to eat. Only Twilight saw the popcorn fall into someone, so she sat back down, and sat up, shriveled up in her lonely corner. She crossed her arms and squinted her eyes, as her jealousy rose over Princess Twilight, holding onto Sunset like how a couple would when watching a movie together. Twilight rolled her eyes in disgust, and tried to continue on with the movie.

It came to a part in the scene where a person was about to look underneath an old wooden bed, the camera slowly turned to look at it from the main character's point of view, it was an incredible build up of a creepy scene until the character saw nothing under the bed, relieving tension of their audience. The person got back up, only for the audience to see the creature standing right behind him. Princess Twilight squealed in terror, in which she pulled Sunset closer to her by the neck. She let her go, when she realized what she was doing. Sunset laughed, while Princess Twilight was smiling as she blushed. They both looked at each other, and they both didn't realize they were holding each other's hand. They were captivated by each other's eyes, even with the only light source was the movie in front of them to see each other.

It was until Twilight interrupted, when she tapped Sunset's shoulder. Sunset turned around to look at Twilight.

"Hey, I'm going to use the restroom!" Twilight whispered.

"Okay!" Sunset whispered back. With Sunset's focus cut off, she went back to viewing the movie. Princess Twilight was watching the film, but continued to have her arm underneath Sunset's as they both continued to hold hands. Twilight got up from her seat, and started walking down the stairs. Before she was about to exit the theater room, she took one last glance at Sunset. She saw the two leaning against each other so calmly and close. She could see the two falling in togetherness. Twilight slowly turned around as she shut her eyes, and walked out.

Twilight was in the bathroom, inside one of the stalls. She thought about everything, the signs were true about them, she didn't want to believe it. A voice came from inside the bathroom, it echoed like another person was there with her.

"Told you..." the voice whispered in her ear.

"No!" Twilight held her ears, trying to block any sense of hearing.

"They're both... ponies..." the voice added.

"Stop!" Twilight yelled, as she began to tear up, with one tear falling down from her left eye to the floor.

"Let go...!" the voice continued.

Twilight ran out of the stall, she punched the shit out of a paper hand towel dispenser until she began to feel the burst of pain in her knuckles. She backed away, she started to fidget her hands and couldn't stop shaking with blood dripping down to the floor. She turned the faucet as far as she could to wash her hands. It stung. Twilight grunted, and she pulled her hands away to turn the sink off and grab what she could from the towel dispenser. She wrapped the towels around her hand, she would press down on it until she couldn't hold it anymore. The cheap paper towels started to stick to her knuckles and she tore it off, making it even worse.

Twilight cleaned herself up and walked out of the bathroom, casually trying not to make a scene, until she was stopped by security.

"Stop!" The officer demanded. Twilight was confused, but she stopped and the officer bent down to meet Twilight at eye level. "You're in violation of littering and disruption of viewers in the theater!"

"What?!" Twilight yelled. "But..." Twilight held her tongue and she looked a little past the security officer and saw the person who had popcorn dropped all over him, in which he still had some to prove his case. "But... I didn't do it!"

"Liar! You sat right above me!" The person yelled, pointing at Twilight.

"I'm going to escort you out of the movie theater!" The officer said, "You may return tomorrow, if you'd like, but for today...!" The officer led her to the door, and slightly pushed her out of the theater.

"Asshole!" Twilight said as she walked away. She stopped for a moment to think about what she said. "I'm sorry..." Twilight pushed her back to the wall, kneeling to the concrete sidewalk, and she took off her glasses to rub her eyes, wiping away her tears.

The voice came back to taunt her.

"You meant it!" The voice crackled.

"I did not!" Twilight yelled.

"They're probably making out by now!"

"No! Stop!"

"Listen! Now's your chance! To gather the info you need!" The voice suggested.

"You're right!" Twilight admitted. "I can't stop thinking about her... after I saw that... I just couldn't..." Twilight stood up, putting on her glasses. She regained control of herself.

"Maybe it was for the best that I was kicked out of the theater." Twilight spoke to herself. She took out her notebook, the piece of paper she ripped out this morning. "I've got other plans..."

Book 1: Curiosity | Chapter 4: Curiosity

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Chapter 4: Curiosity

About an hour later, Sunset and Princess Twilight headed out the door of the theater.

"That was a pretty crazy movie!" Princess Twilight said.

"Yeah, I've seen better, honestly." Sunset commented. Sunset noticed something was off as they walked out to the bitter cold winds outside.

"Twilight?" Sunset asked.

"Yeah, what's up?" Princess Twilight responded.

"Where's Twilight?" Sunset added.

"Wasn't she with you?" Princess Twilight with determination.

"She told me she was heading to the bathroom, but I'm not sure after that."

"You don't think... she is in trouble?!" Sunset went back into the theater, she checked the bathrooms, and looked around to the people entering and exiting the theater rooms, while Princess Twilight looked for anyone who recently exited the theater. Sunset met up with Princess Twilight to see if she found her.

Sunset began to worry about Twilight. She took out her phone, in which she apparently received over five unread messages. Two of them were from Applejack, the other from Pinkie Pie within their group chat, however, there was one from Twilight. Sunset chose what Twilight wrote:

Hey Sunset, I got really sick from eating a lot of popcorn, so I'm heading back to my place. Please be careful, and I'll be alright! See you 2 later!

Sunset was immediately relieved that Twilight was okay.

"Twilight is okay!" Sunset said to Princess Twilight.

"Oh, that's good!" Princess Twilight responded. "She is safe?!"

"Yeah!" Sunset added, as she read what the other's were texting about. "It seems the girls want to meet up for lunch somewhere!"

"Oh, really?!" Princess Twilight replied. "That would be fun!"

Sunset and Princess Twilight both head over to a nearby burger joint, and Sunset asks the girls to meet them there. Sunset text Twilight about bringing her food later on.

Twilight opened her phone one last time before she entered through the mirror. She sent a text to Sunset back about her being sick from eating too much popcorn. After she confirmed that with Sunset, she was ready to enter through. Twilight looked all around her to make sure no one was there to witness. She entered.

Twilight was teleported, and she arrived in a dark room. She struggled to be on all four limbs.

"Uh-oh!" Twilight yelled, as she tumbled to the floor. "Okay, baby steps!"

Twilight rose to her hooves and began to walk, slowly for the door. However, she looked back at the mirror.

"I guess I should buy us some time!" Twilight said, as she examined the mirror. She kicked the mirror, it fell over, and it shattered. "Whoops... I hope no one heard that..." Twilight walked out, not seeing anyone around.

"Okay, time to find a source of information." Twilight said, as she was walking toward the many doors of the castle. Twilight opened a few, but they appear to be bedrooms. Twilight walked through a few hallways, until she reached a suitable spot to research. "Perfect!" Twilight walked through to find many books, numerically and alphabetically in order, three stories high above the level floor.

"Let's begin!" The voice whispered.

Sunset and Princess Twilight met up with everyone at the burger joint, they arrived within 15 mins. since the time Sunset text everyone. She looked at her phone to see Twilight responded with an okay, when Sunset asked if she'll bring her something for later.

"Hey guys!" Rainbow Dash yelled, as she came walking in, and the others exchanged greetings while entering in.

"Where's Twilight?" Applejack asked, as she looked around.

"Twilight is home." Sunset replied,"She had gotten sick from earlier."

"I see, she was a little distant yesterday!" Applejack responded.

"She was..." Fluttershy added. "I hope she's okay..."

"She is, don't worry!" Sunset assured.

"I hope it's..." Rainbow Dash was interrupted by Rarity, pinching her lips with her nails before she could say a word.

"If you mention the damn flu one more time, I will strangle you!" Rarity whispered in her ear, she let go of Rainbow Dash's lips. Rainbow Dash gave her a mean look, as she rubbed her lips. Since they were clamped by Rarity's fingernails, it brought a little pain to her mouth.

"Calm down Rarity..." Applejack intervened.

"Hmph!" Rarity shrugged off and walked away. The others gathered around the table, taking a seat. They each ordered, and they were talking to Princess Twilight about any of the recent difficulties that were nearly life threatening. Princess Twilight had too many to name, but she mentioned Tempest Shadow, and she went on to explain one of the toughest missions she has yet.

Meanwhile, Twilight was reading for an hour, gathering all the information she needed for her next project, however, she was interrupted by a familiar voice.

"Twilight?" A voice said. Twilight turned around to see a young purple dragon with green horns and green spikes.

"Spike?" Twilight said. "You could talk?"

"I guess I can! When did you get back?" Spike asked.

"Umm... a little over an hour ago?"

"Oh, you're early!" Spike assured.

"How long did you think I was going to be there for?" Twilight asked.

"You said a couple days, at least, last time I heard."

"Oh, interesting..."

"Not really. But, when did you start wearing glasses?"

"Oh, umm..." Twilight paused to think for a moment. "They're reading glasses?"

"Hmph... I never knew... We'll probably because I sleep all day and night!"


"Oh, since you're back, I suppose you are ready for your upcoming lecture?"

"What lecture?"

"A lecture you have to give at the School of Friendship? Are you okay? You seem a little off today?"

"It's good! Just a little dazed from being away for a while."

"Oh, I hear ya! Well, I suppose you should start heading there!"


"Alrighty then!"

"Yeah? You wouldn't mind helping me out, would you?" Twilight asked.

"I would, but... I have stuff to do." Spike replied.

"Very well!" Twilight started to head out to explore. "Great! Now what do we do?" Twilight asked herself.

"You haven't really scratched the surface yet, you might want to try thinking about using your resources!" The voice yelled in her head.

"I know, but I figured... I would have enough time to gather the info I need."

"In time!" The voice reassured.

Twilight walked out of the castle, where she would see many ponies walking about, attending to their own business. The air was warm, glistening with brightness, reflecting each of the colors of the grass, leaves of trees, and even the buildings seemed radiant and welcoming. So, Twilight went ahead to explore her surroundings, gathering information on anything in particular toward her own scientific research.

Before she was able to accomplish anything, she heard that dragon's voice gasping and yelling out her name.

"Twilight!" Spike yelled.

"I hope he didn't find out about the mirror..." Twilight said to herself.

"Twilight, I decided to come with you!"

"Oh, really?"


"What happened? What made you change your mind?" Twilight asked.

"Well, I figured, it's been a while since we've done anything together. And I wanted to ask you about what happened back in the hooman world!" Spike replied.


"Let's go!" Spike led the way to the School of Friendship. Spike told Twilight it was not a far walk to the school. "So, anything new with the girls? What was it like? Did you encounter any kind of danger? Did anyone mention me?..." Spike asked Twilight. Spike went on, asking questions, which made Twilight become somewhat annoyed. "We're here!" Spike announced. Twilight looked at the institution, a large building, lots of purples and blues that has Princess Twilight symbolic star, surrounded by streams and waterfalls in which gleamed a rainbow by the sunshine.

"Whoa!" Twilight yelled.

"What is it?" Spike asked.

"Nothing." Twilight replied, realizing that she was already supposed to know about it. Twilight and Spike entered through the doors. They passed through the offices and into the lecture halls.

The instructor announced Princess Twilight's arrival to the lecture room.

"Everyone, please give a warm welcome to 'The Princess of Friendship!'." Everyone in the classroom cheered and clopped when Twilight entered through the doors. She was heavily greeted, which made Twilight smile, but also nervous to be speaking in front of class in which she had no idea of what to say or do.

"Well... hi everybody!" Twilight said hesitantly. The students were quiet and all chatted to each other about Twilight. Twilight thought about what she said, she realized she said 'everybody.' "Sorry, sorry... I've been to a different dimension recently, so what I've meant to say is ' hello everypony!'."

The class laughed and started to become mildly interested in her lecture. Twilight was also starting to become less anxious to continue with the lecture.

"So, before I do get started with the lesson? Are there any questions regarding friendship?" Twilight said intuitively. One student raised her hoof to the air, in which Twilight called on her.

"So, what is it like in the other dimension? Did you make friends there too?" The student asked.

"I did make great friends there. So, in this other dimension I traveled to, there are creatures called humans! They don't have hooves or look like any particular animal. They walk on two legs, and have a thing called hands!" Twilight said.

The classroom was fascinated by Twilight's answer. Another raised her hoof, adding onto the other question that was answered.

"So, what was your experience like in the other dimension?"

"It is quite a shock, because when you enter through this dimension, I change my form entirely. Having to walk on two legs like the others!" The whole class was astonished by Twilight's answer.

"I made great friends there as well... there was one in particular I was close to..." Twilight began to quietly go off on a tangent, she started to cry in front of everyone. "I mean, I've done my best to be there for them. I've changed my ways for them. I've done all that I can to be supportive... and they throw me away... especially the one I called my best friend... who would rather be with someone else... after all that I've done... I'm never good enough! I've changed how I look, I changed my hair to how she likes it! I've been less of a know-it-all for her... using less big words... I would always be by her side... and she throws me away!" Twilight ran out of the lecture room, which the class was utterly shocked by this turn of events. Spike ran after her, and the instructor dismissed class for the remainder of the day.

"Twilight! Wait?!" Spike yelled, as Twilight ran off into the distance, Spike ran out of breath, and tried to fly his way to her. "Twilight!" Spike couldn't catch up, as she was nowhere in sight.

Twilight cried, she slowed her pace and took a moment at a quiet sight by the riverside. She looked at herself in the river. She didn't mean to hurt anyone, or shock anyone during class. Twilight sat there, hoping no one would see her like this.

Spike thought about what could have made Twilight so upset, so he wanted to take it out on the others in the human world.

"Something made Twilight upset, and I'm going to get to the bottom of this!" Spike said, as he puffed up his chest and straightened his tail and marched on back to the castle to meet up with everyone.

Spike arrived at the room where the mirror should be, however as he turned the corner and gently opened the door, he saw the mirror shattered into a million pieces.

"Holy guacamole!" Spike yelled. "This is bad! I have to tell Princess Celestia!" Spike ran off to write a note to Princess Celestia.

Twilight sat by the river, sulking and contemplating if coming to Equestria was worth it. She had done so much damage that it may not be safe to stay, although she would not be able to make it back. As she was there, she heard a familiar voice, singing beautifully, nearby an oak tree. Twilight got up to see who it was. A pegasus with a faded pink mane and tail, yellow coat, and three colorful butterflies right above the flank.

"Fluttershy?" Twilight questioned.

"Oh? Hello Twilight!" Fluttershy replied. "Back from your talk with Sunset?"

"Yeah..." Twilight responded.

"You seem upset, is everything okay?" Fluttershy asked.

"Well, not really... I came back earlier than expected... and I went to a lecture which I was unprepared for..."

"Oh, that's too bad... I'm sorry that happened." Fluttershy said softly.

"Thanks... what are you up to?" Twilight asked.

"Oh, I'm just doing my usual rounds of teaching these young-lings how to fly." Fluttershy assured.

"Oh, you could do that?" Twilight said without hesitation.

"Of course! Don't you remember I showed this to you before?" Fluttershy responded.

"Right... sorry..." Twilight said.

"You do seem a bit different than usual..." Fluttershy commented. "When did you start wearing glasses?"

"Oh, uhh..." Twilight was at a loss for words.

Meanwhile, Sunset and the girls walked out of the burger joint after an hour passed of them talking about stuff Princess Twilight did while she was away. The others shared videos they have done over the past few months as well. Princess Twilight was amazed by how popular they have become in their community. She also ordered Twilight a meal before they all left to see Princess Twilight head back home. Sunset text Twilight about coming over to drop off her food and seeing if she would like to join them to see Princess Twilight one last time. Sunset received no response, but she figured she was resting, so they all headed for Twilight's place.

The girls arrived at Twilight's house, and Sunset rang the doorbell, but she received no response. After a few tries with dead silence, Sunset picked up an odd object sitting next to her door mat, and found a spare key. Sunset opened the door.

"Hello? Twilight! I got food!" Sunset yelled inside an echoing living room. Sunset and the girls entered her house. Pinkie Pie wanted to surprise Twilight by jumping on her while she was in bed. Sunset headed for the kitchen. "C'mon Twilight!" Sunset continued.

Applejack and Princess Twilight looked at a suspicious locked closet in the living room.

"What do ya recken that is?" Applejack commented. While Princess Twilight shrugged.

"C'mere Spike!" Fluttershy was yelling for Spike.

"Surprise!" Pinkie Pie jumped onto Twilight's bed, but as she removed the covers, there were pillows laying where Twilight should be. "What?!" Pinkie yelled.

Sunset walked into the kitchen and accidentally stepped into some uneaten food left for Spike.

"Gross!" Sunset said, as she began to smell the meat from her boots.

"What is going on?" Fluttershy was worried. Rarity, Applejack, and Princess Twilight headed for the kitchen to meet up with everyone.

"Twilight is not in her room!" Pinkie Pie entered.

Moments later, Sunset looked on top of the counter, and there was that same note left by Twilight from this morning. She dropped Twilight's food onto the floor, as she lost grip and function for a split second. Everything was slowed down inside Sunset's mind, it took a few seconds for the food to hit the floor, and the sounds of sloshing meat from her boots, and the food bursting out of the take out box as it impacted the floor. Sunset was stunned for a moment, she ran for the door, disregarding the tracks she left behind from not cleaning her boot from the meat. The girls were stunned by the weight of the food hitting the floor, and Sunset taking off without warning or making any sound. The girls wanted to catch up with Sunset, but before they could, they looked at what Sunset was looking at. They picked up the note, and once Princess Twilight caught a glimpse of it, she ran out to catch up with Sunset, while the girls continued to read.

"Oh my..." Applejack added. Eventually, they all headed straight for the mirror, but Applejack stopped the girls before they left the house and shut the door, so that she would drive them to the school. Sunset and Princess Twilight were already too far ahead to stop them, so the girls hopped on board with Applejack to keep up with Sunset.

Book 1: Curiosity | Chapter 5: Double Trouble

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Chapter 5: Double Trouble

Twilight and Fluttershy were casually walking along the open paths of Ponyville. As they were walking, Twilight looked to observe her surroundings, embracing the scenery, ponies mingling around the shops, and the ponies conversing with one another. It felt welcoming, close with nature, and open to join in with anyone.

"Uh, Twilight?" Fluttershy asked softly.

"Oh, sorry..." Twilight replied. "What was that?"

"Oh, I just was wondering how Sunset was doing?"

"Oh, she's fine. Everything was good!" Twilight replied, feeling a bit hesitant to lie, but tried to not make Fluttershy upset. If she was anything like her Fluttershy, talking to her about problems was not a way to go.

"Oh, that's good. I'm glad you two made up!" Fluttershy responded.

"What? Did we have a fight or something?" Twilight asked.

"Oh no, you were afraid that Sunset was upset at you for not responding for so long..." Fluttershy replied.

"So, you knew about that?"

"You told everyone, remember?"


"Oh, that's okay Twilight! I'm glad everything worked out!"

"Why didn't we notify Sunset about anything?"

"Well, you said since we've been busy, we should leave the book back at the library for safekeeping. Until you suddenly remembered where you left it, after we've recently dealt with the Mean 6, and the building of the School of Friendship, and University."


"You okay Twilight? You're acting a little funny..."

"No, I'm fine. I ...just to remind myself of something."

"Oh, I'm glad I could help."

"Of course, thanks! Usually, I'm on top of everything..."

"I understand."

Twilight and Fluttershy continued on walking through the streets, and waved at passing ponies when they greeted them. All the while, Fluttershy was talking about what she was doing while Princess Twilight was away. They came across a unicorn with a glossy white coat, sparkling purple mane that curled a most fashionable embrace, pulling a huge cart of colorful jewels.

"Rarity?" Twilight questioned.

"Oh, Rarity is back?!" Fluttershy added.

"Yeah, she is carrying a huge cart full of... gemstones?" Twilight commented.

"Oh, that must be important!"

"Do you want to meet with her?"


Twilight and Fluttershy both headed for wherever Rarity was heading to. Rarity was seen walking into a very prestigious looking building.

"Rarity's Boutique?" Twilight said to herself. Observing the place, in which her Rarity planned to accomplish herself at some point. "How remarkable, the resemblance is uncanny!"

"You coming in Twilight?" Fluttershy asked.

"Oh, yes!" Twilight replied.

Twilight entered the shop, and she saw many fabulous dresses, all of differential colors, styles, for all ages and for everypony. Fluttershy went behind a curtain in which was probably Rarity's work room. Fluttershy entered, and Rarity was putting her jewels away.

"Hi, Rarity!" Fluttershy whispered.

"Oh!" Rarity screamed, awaking her cat Opal. "Oh, Fluttershy, I didn't hear you walk in."

"Sorry... I saw you coming back, and I thought I would stop by to say hi..."

"I see! I came back from scouring the mountainside. Spike was supposed to meet with me at the bridge, but he didn't show up."

"Oh, sorry to hear about that."

"Oh, that's quite alright! I still managed to get what I needed! My next seasonal line will be dazzling!"

"Wow!" Twilight said, as she walked in, taking a look around Rarity's workshop, with drawing boards, cupboards of fabrics of all types of textures and colors, tool kits laying around the floors, and some of her newest designs all lining up across the room.

"Twilight darling!" Rarity yelled. "When did you return?" As she went over to give Twilight a hug.

"Oh, she came back earlier today!" Fluttershy commented. Rarity noticed something as she unlatched her arms from Twilight's neck.

"When did you start wearing glasses?" Rarity asked.

"Uhh..." Twilight couldn't find the words to say.

"Oh, I simply love it! You look so... sophisticated!" Rarity implied.

"Right..." Twilight said.

Rarity began to talk about what she has been up too, and her plans for her newest additions to her outfits. Fluttershy and Twilight both were intrigued with Rarity's newest designs, in which she planned to work on during the week. Rarity mentioned being hungry after all the trouble she went through to gather the gems, and Fluttershy suggested visiting Pinkie Pie. To announce Twilight's return and to get something to eat. Twilight was also feeling hungry, now that Fluttershy mentioned it.

The girls walked a few blocks toward an interesting, colorful building. It felt and smelled oddly similar to Sweet Snacks Café back home, as Twilight approached the building. She felt the energy and hype like having a sugar rush, and the smell of sweet baked goods aroused her senses like a fresh baked pie sitting on a window sill.

"Sugar Cube Corner..." Twilight said to herself. "Interesting..." Twilight continued walking with the girls, and entered.

"Hi everypony!" Pinkie yelled, as the girls walked into the shop, with Pinkie Pie behind the register. "Hi Sci-Twi!" Twilight perked up when Pinkie called her out.

"Uhh... hi..." Twilight said, awkwardly trying to look elsewhere around the shop, focusing too hard on the stacked pies, plates of decorated and colorful cupcakes, with many types of sweets, that spread around the glass cases, observing like she was window shopping.

"Try this!" Pinkie yelled, as she shoved a colorfully bright cupcake in Twilight's mouth. Twilight was having a hard time eating the full cupcake in one bite, but she enjoyed it. Her tongue was swimming with flavors, as she swallowed. Crumbs and some frosting were still all over her mouth.

"Pinkie, that was delicious!" Twilight replied with a muffled voice, swallowing the rest of the cupcake, and whipping her face.

"Thanks! It's a new flavor I'm trying out called "Rainbow Flash!"." Pinkie added. "What brings you all here?" Pinkie asked.

"Oh, we wanted to see if you're good for a lunch break?" Fluttershy asked.

"Ooh, let me check in with Mr. Cake!" Pinkie said, heading for the employee's room. Pinkie hopped out and was excited. "He said 'yes!'."

"Splendid!" Rarity amused. As they were about to leave, a mare with an orange coat, yellow mane and tail with a cowgirl hat, with one small ribbon wrapped at the end of her tail. She came walking in. She was carrying a case of apple pies.

"Applejack?" Twilight commented.

"Howdy there Twilight!" Applejack responded. "When did ya get back?"

"A while ago." Twilight replied. Applejack nodded and headed for the glass case full of goodies and placed down her apple pies.

"Hey, Pinkie Pie!" Applejack said. "Ah have the apple pies, Mrs. Cake ordered!"

"Sweet! I'll let her know!" Pinkie yelled.

"There's no need! You go on ahead Pinkie!" Mr. Cake commented.

"Okay, thanks!" Pinkie said. Afterward, the girls headed out and Applejack asked Twilight the same question. Rarity was discussing where to go as far as finding some place to eat.

As they were walking, a pegasus from above, on a cloud decided to pay a visit. She had a blue coat, a rainbow mane and tail. She took the opportunity to scare prank Twilight while they weren't looking. Rainbow Dash quietly swooped in on Twilight. She tapped her tail, and she quickly vanished before Twilight turned back to look to see what hit her tail. Twilight saw nothing. But, as she turned around, Rainbow Dash screamed in her face.

"Hi Twilight!" Rainbow Dash yelled. Twilight screamed and fell to the ground, alerting the girls and turning back to see Rainbow Dash and Twilight.

"Rainbow Dash?" Twilight questioned as she got up, dusting herself off. The others were glad to meet up with each other. Rainbow Dash was laughing at how shocked Twilight looked. Rainbow Dash noticed something was different about Twilight, but she couldn't figure out what it was. Then it hit her like an object falling to the floor at an excelled rate, smashing on impact to the floor.

"Whaa-what happened to your wings?!" Rainbow Dash yelled.

"I-I... don't know!" Twilight muttered, as sweat began to break from her mane, trying to not be noticed or anything suspicious.

"Oh, you're right! I can't believe I didn't notice until now!" Rarity commented.

"You guys didn't notice the whole time?!" Pinkie Pie questioned. "I noticed that before I noticed the glasses!"

"Ha-how do you lose a part of your own body?! Twilight!" Rainbow Dash added. She began to be furious with Twilight. "Twilight?!" Rainbow Dash came closer to Twilight trying to corner her to the side of a building.

"What are you...?" Applejack commented, as she looked back to see Rainbow Dash in her attacking stance against Twilight.

"Oh... oh my..." Fluttershy whispered to herself. They all watched Rainbow Dash corner Twilight to the building. Twilight's back was against the wall, and Rainbow Dash placed her hoof to the side of her, close enough to impale her face.

"Who are you?!" Rainbow Dash questioned, proudly standing her ground against the imposter. "Well?!" As Rainbow Dash pushed her snout against Twilight's. Twilight looked deep into her determined, crimson eyes. Twilight sighed, Rainbow Dash let her down to speak.

"I'm sorry..." Twilight said sincerely. "I'm not Princess Twilight... I'm Twilight... from the human world..." The girls gasped.

"You guys didn't notice that?" Pinkie yelled, making everypony feel stupid.

"W-wait?!" Applejack questioned. "If you're not our Twilight,where is our Twilight?"

"She's fine! Don't worry! I decided to come here, while your Twilight with everyone else!" Twilight expressed.

"Oh, why didn't ya just say so?" Applejack responded, feeling relieved.

"Why did you come here?" Rainbow Dash added to her question.

"I was... curious..." Twilight answered. "Since, you're Twilight can come and go, I figured... I take the opportunity while I can."

"Okay, I believe you." Rainbow Dash responded with a chuckle.

"Is she returning soon?" Rarity asked.

"Yeah, I think so..." Twilight whispered.

"Great!" Rarity replied. The girl stood idle in the middle of the street.

"So..." Applejack said to break the silence between them. "Food?" The girls agreed and started to walk once again to a suitable restaurant. The girls asked each other where to go. Rarity suggested a nice place to visit since they have a guest with them. However, when they asked Twilight, she wanted to go to where they would suggest to be a good place.

They arrived at a place called the Ponyville Café. Indoors, the place felt like a classic country-side family owned restaurant, with a bunch of fairly old photos of Ponyville of settlers and the Apple family establishing livestock and barns within the first ever town built, mounted on the wooden walls with various old antiques, placed around the area for aesthetic purposes. In which, Twilight was amused by the historical artistry the place held. They all took a seat at a table, and ordered a special meal for Twilight. Twilight was glad they've been so kind to her after the day she was having yesterday. It is no wonder Princess Twilight enjoyed crossing over to theirs, the simple treatments, the feeling of being loved and valued. While they were eating, the girls asked Twilight about the other world. Twilight shared her stories and interactions with their human counterparts. They were overjoyed to know that their other dimensional-selves were more or less the same. They were also seeing what differences their Twilight had with her. They each joked around and Twilight was enjoying being with them.

After they finished lunch, they decided to show Twilight around Ponyville, to feel as welcome as they made Princess Twilight in their world.

"Around the Town"

Performed by: Rarity, Rainbow Dash, Applejack, Fluttershy, Pinkie Pie, and Twilight Sparkle.


Let's get down (let's get down), we'll show you around (we'll show you around).

Hear the sound (hear the sound), we'll sing as we take you,

Around the town!


I have all the fashion of today.

My Carousel, swinging by your way.

How are you doing? Where are you going?

C'mon tell your story.

Start a party? Or going exploring?

No need to worry.

You could have it all.

Relaxing time at the spa.

Need to shine? Gleaming so fine.

The jewels you could wear.

Making all the others stare.

[Rainbow Dash]:

From Ponyville to Cloudsdale.

Became a Wonderbolt without fail.

I would be in charge of the weather.

Protecting ponies from any danger.

Loyalty is my greatest treasure.

Being the fastest without measure.



Sweet Apple Acres of the Apple family.

Gatherin apples all throughout my history.

No time's a wastin, of all the cider ah be makin.

Of all the things to be tastin, somethin to sink your teeth in.


I care for nature, all throughout our adventures.

My love for every creature, hide away from any danger.

Every place, everywhere.

I made the Animal shelter.

Some disowned, I have a place to call home.


[Pinkie Pie]:

Let's break it down.

We got games and theater.

Cottages, City hall Mayor.

Toy store, gag store,

Quills and couches,

Library and lounges,

Play store, old store,

School house, treehouse, a place for a mouse.

I could go all day, but I almost forgotten.

Sugar Cube Corner topped with frostin!

Your old pal Pinkie, now how to party!


How wonderful, how wondrous.

So beautiful, and so joyous.

I'm happy I came.

No regrets.

And that I made, such great friends.

If I had the time, I would spend the day.

Everyday, to a world that would take me away.


They took her to a few of the tour hot spots, like the arcade, in which many kids decided to surround Twilight as she was playing, the tea shop which was relaxing as was the Day Spa, and Applejack's farm on Sweet Apple Acres. The last stop, which took the longest was Twilight going through the library books at the Golden Oak Library.

They enjoyed Twilight's visit, she was almost like their Twilight. They all loved her the same. It was soon after, Spike rolled in, to steal the spotlight as he was running toward them.

"Twilight?!" Spike yelled, out of breath and was panting while kneeling to the ground, taking a moment to breathe.

"Spike?" Twilight questioned. "What is it?" Spike inhaled to say what he needed to say.

"Twilight! The mirror! It shattered!" Spike yelled, throwing his arms around like a maniac. The girls gasped, as they began to worry about their friend trapped in another world.

"Wha-what do you mean shattered?!" Rainbow Dash asked.

"I went to see the mirror, after what happened with Twilight, but when I saw the mirror, it was tipped over and was shattered all over the floor!" Spike answered.

"No way!" Rarity commented. The girls were shocked by the turn of events, however, they turned to Twilight for help.

"How?!" Applejack asked Twilight.

"I-I don't know..." Twilight answered.

"What do we do now?" Applejack asked the girls. "Can't you fix it?" Applejack asked Twilight.

"I don't know if I can." Twilight answered.

"W-wait, are you saying this is not our Twilight?" Spike asked, as he was conversing with Rarity.

"Yes, I'm afraid our Twilight is stuck in her world." Rarity said. Spike was surely worried about it now.

The others believed that Twilight wasn't initially the cause of the mirror breaking, but they continued to ask Twilight if there was any way they could help in fixing it.

"Ah don't believe it for one second." Applejack yelled. "Twilight said that you were intelligent! In like science and stuff!"

"Applejack, your world is different though. The laws of science and technology are different in my world. I can't work here the same way." Twilight suggested.

"You're kiddin'?" Applejack added. "I see..."

"I'm sorry, I can't help..." Twilight assured. The girls were convinced that Twilight couldn't have done something like this because she would be trapped as well. Spike burped out flames of green and out came a written message.

"Princess Celestia summons us!" Spike said. The girls' heads perked up, and were relieved that Celestia's name came up. "She wants to help us in getting Princess Twilight back!"

"This is great!" Rainbow Dash said. "If anypony could fix our problem, Princess Celestia would know what to do!"

"Good thinking Spike!" Rarity said.

"Yeah! Let's head there immediately!" Spike suggested.

The girls made their way to meet with Princess Celestia, however, Twilight was worried, things got more complicated than she had hoped.

"This situation went from bad to worse?!" Twilight said to herself. "What have I done?!"

Meanwhile, at Canterlot High School. Sunset was throwing her fist at the mirror and stallion statue. Her anger fueled her with adrenaline, to suppress the pain in her knuckles as she continually punched the mirror. Princess Twilight came in, and tried to get Sunset away from the mirror.

"Sunset!" Princess Twilight yelled. "Sunset, stop!" Princess Twilight held Sunset's waist trying to pry her away from the mirror, however, she was weak against Sunset's rage. "Stop it! You're going to break the mirror!"

"Get off!" Sunset yelled intensively, pushing Princess Twilight to the ground. Princess Twilight's rump hit the ground hard, making her unable to mask the pain she felt from the cemented path. She ended up scraping her hand across the walkways, and so she rubbed her hands, wiping away the blood and ripped skin. Sunset looked back at Princess Twilight. Sunset fell apart when she saw Princess Twilight in pain. "Twilight?!" Sunset said sincerely, as she kneeled down to comfort her, by holding her hand where she was torn. "I-I'm so, so sorry Twilight!" Tears fell from Sunset's eyes, she finally lost it when she couldn't enter through the portal. "I'm so sorry..." Sunset continued.

"I'm okay, are you?!" Princess Twilight said calmly. Princess Twilight adjusted herself to her knees, to meet Sunset directly.

"I-I... can't go through..." Sunset sniffled. "I-It's closed..."

"It can't be..." Princess Twilight said softly, becoming worked up of the situation, as she held Sunset's bruised and bloodied knuckles.

The girls finally arrived, parked in front of the school. They all ran toward them, and they saw Princess Twilight and Sunset saddened and hurt. Rainbow Dash ran to see if she could go through the portal. She placed her hand, and she felt the mirror as a hard surface, making her hand sit firmly on the glass. Applejack, Pinkie Pie, Rarity and Fluttershy saw as Rainbow Dash looked back at them. The situation got worse.

"Okay..." Applejack commented. "We need to find a way to get in some other way."

"I have an idea..." Fluttershy said.

"There is no other way!" Sunset argued, as she interrupted Fluttershy unknowingly. "Unless we are able to get across the ocean to that island again?! There is no way we'll be able to find a portal in time..."

"Maybe it is almost time for the portal to re-open on it's own?" Rarity suggested.

"Hey..." Fluttershy attempted again to grab her attention.

"No, it's not." Sunset denounced. "It's only every 30 moons, we are barely in the middle of the month."

"Okay, how about we use an artifact that transports us there instantly?!" Rainbow Dash added.

"What are you talking about?!" Sunset yelled. While the girls argued over their options as far as getting Twilight and Princess Twilight back home.

"Hey!" Pinkie yelled. The girls turn toward her. "Okay Fluttershy, go ahead."

"Oh, um... we could try to use our elements to open it back up?" Fluttershy suggested.

"Will it work without Twilight?" Sunset asked Princess Twilight.

"I'm not sure, it's worth a shot. But, can I use your book to see if I can contact anyone?" Princess Twilight asked.

"Of course." Sunset handed over her book to Princess Twilight.

"Unfortunately, I can't be much help, I don't have my element on me to do anything." Princess Twilight said.

"You're fine, Twilight." Sunset suggested. "Okay, let's try it !"

The girls gathered together, held hands, and shouted: 'Friendship is Magic!'. They stood there for a moment, they looked at each other to see if they had any changes to their clothes, if they have the pony ears, or hair suddenly growing longer.

"It didn't work..." Sunset said. "Now what?!"

Meanwhile, back in Equestria. The girls took the train to Canterlot. Twilight sat by the window, she was trying to ease herself by observing the scenery.

"Y'all alright Twilight?" Applejack asked, as she was the one sitting across from her from the other seat.

"Yeah..." Twilight sighed.

"I know you're pretty worried, gettin' homesick and everythin'..." Applejack added. "But, we'll figure this thing out together, right?!" Twilight gave a passive smile.

"Yeah, you bet!" Rainbow Dash added. The others joined in the conversation as well.

"What are you doing Spike?" Rarity asked.

"The book is glowing!" Spike said. "They've sent a message from Sunset's book, hoping to see if any of us would reply!" Twilight perked up, and started listening in to their conversation. The girls gathered together as well.

"Oh, that is great news!" Rarity expressed. "What does she say?"

"She was asking about the mirror, they can't enter through!" Spike responded.

"Well, let them know we are on our way to see Princess Celestia to figure this out!" Applejack added.

"Got it!" Spike replied.

They arrived at Canterlot, and they were escorted to the castle by the guards. They were hoping for more of a warm welcome, however, the situation at hand was urgent according to Princess Celestia. The castle was massive and full of luxurious fabric and silk curtains, painted glass windows, in which Twilight only a chance to glance at, they entered to the main corridor where the Princess would be. The red carpet showed the way to Princess Celestia, as they opened the doorway. There she was, an alicorn, wings and a horn, her radiant white coat, her fading and flowing sparkling rainbow mane and tail, with her golden horseshoes, and crown upon her head with a golden necklace. Sitting beside her was an alicorn with a much darker coat, mane and tail, she was much smaller, and seemed to have an opposite aura than the other.

They entered, and stood a close enough proximity from the stairway leading to the throne. The girls bowed their heads toward Princess Celestia. Twilight was a little late to bow, since she was nervous and watched the others first before taking action. Princess Celestia stood proudly, welcoming them and asked them to raise their heads.

"Step forth, visitor!" Princess Celestia said, pointing out Twilight from the group. "According to Spike, the mirror that bridged both worlds has shattered." Princess Celestia announced. "Is this correct?" Twilight gulped in fear of her, and she hesitated to answer her.

"Y-yes... your highness..." Twilight whispered.

"Speak up, please!" Princess Celestia demanded.

"Yes." Twilight said.

"You are not our Princess Twilight, you are another Twilight from that world?"


"Please, tell me what caused the mirror to be shattered?"

"I-I don't know..."

"There were no witnesses I presume?"

"I was the only one who found out, your majesty." Spike said.

"I see." Celestia continued. "Well, a few guards went and checked on it themselves, and they concluded that it was no accident."

"Did somepony else do it? Applejack asked. "Can they fix it?"

"I would normally assume there would be somepony or something behind this, however the only ones who should know about the mirror is you all, and our kingdom." Princess Celestia said. "But, unfortunately it will take up a couple days to fully repair the mirror. Have you informed Princess Twilight?"

"I have!" Spike announced. "With connections using Sunset's book!"

"Good!" Princess Celestia said. "Now you!" Princess Celestia pointed out toward Twilight.

"You came here, under what circumstance?" Princess Celestia asked.

"I... I was curious..." Twilight answered.

"Did Princess Twilight grant you authorization to come through to our world?" Princess Celestia asked.

"Y-yes..." Twilight responded.

"According to my connections with the School of Friendship, you impersonated Princess Twilight during a lecture. And caused an disruption among the students and forced the class to be dismissed. Is this correct?" Princess Celestia added.


"W-wait, Princess, she didn't know..." Fluttershy interrupted softly. "Sorry... but it was on short notice and she barely came from the mirror..."

"Did any of you know that this was not our Twilight?" Princess Celestia asked the girls. They all were quietly chattering.

"No, your majesty, we didn't." Applejack said softly. "At first..."

"Spike?" Princess Celestia asked.

"N-no..." Spike said.

"So, you came, but you didn't announce to everyone that you weren't the princess." Princess Celestia asked Twilight. "And that you did not let anypony know that you were given permission to be here?"

"Yes..." Twilight said.

"So, you lied to us about being Princess Twilight?"

"Yes..." Twilight responded.

"Are you lying about what happened to the mirror?" Princess Celestia asked. Twilight was breaking into tears.

"Yes..." Twilight said softly. "I... I broke it..." The girls were all saddened and angered by Twilight for trapping their friend in the other world, but they were also growing close to Twilight. "I'm so sorry... I'm so sorry... your majesty... everyone..."

"Spike, be sure to let Princess Twilight know of this." Princess Celestia requested. "The mirror will be fixed, but it will take time to recover it. For now, in the meantime, I'm afraid I will have this Twilight being kept on watch in the dungeon."

"What?!" Rarity questioned.

"Oh please, Princess, can we watch over her?!" Applejack asked.

"That's a little extreme, right?!" Rainbow Dash added.

"I understand, I'm sorry, but I cannot trust her with all that she caused." Princess Celestia announced.

Twilight was hyperventilating, and she ran for the door, but the door was immediately guarded by the royal guards. The girls were shocked to see Twilight run away.

"My ponies, please bring her to me." Princess Celestia requested. "I won't harm you Twilight, I promise..." The girls hesitated for a moment, but they all came toward Twilight.

"It's okay, Twilight..." Applejack assured. "You can trust Princess Celestia..."

"No... no... no, no, no NO!" Twilight said to herself. She noticed the horn on top of her head started to glow, in which she took one last glance at everyone. Then, she vanished.

"What?!" Princess Celestia yelled. "How did she..." The girls were as surprised as Princess Celestia was.

"My guards and ponies, please keep an eye out for Twilight. You must bring her back, I don't want anymore trouble to be caused. Understood?"

"Yes, your majesty!" The girls said simultaneously.

"Spike?" Princess Celestia asked.

"Yes, your highness?" Spike said.

"Please inform Princess Twilight about what has happened, and if at all, if she could find a way to return." Princess Celestia requested.

"Yes!" Spike said, as she picked up the book and started writing.

Meanwhile, back at Canterlot High School.

"Hold on!" Princess Twilight yelled. "I'm getting something!" The girls went to Princess Twilight. They saw the book glow, the words appeared on the book within minutes. Princess Twilight was reading into it.

"Okay, it is from Spike!" Princess Twilight said, as the girls gave a short relief. "Oh no!"

"What is it?!" Sunset asked.

"The mirror on the other side..." Princess Twilight hesitated. "Was shattered... by Twilight..." The girls gasped.

"What?!" The girls said simultaneously.

"Twilight is on the run, and they are searching for her!" Princess Twilight said. Princess Twilight began to shiver, and breathing heavily over the amount of stress she was encountering.

"I can't believe this..." Sunset said.

"What isn't there to believe?" Applejack asked Sunset. "She said it was Twilight."

"There has to be something else..." Sunset suggested. "This isn't Twilight!"

"Well, what else could it be?!" Princess Twilight asked.

"I don't know. There is something wrong with her!" Sunset responded. "We have to go back to her place!"

"Why would we do that?!" Rainbow Dash asked.

"I have a feeling that we might be able to find an answer there!" Sunset added.

"We don't have time to snoop around on a hunch!" Applejack commented.

"I hate to say this, but I think Applejack has a point, what if she really is going crazy? We have to focus on bringing our Twilight back and Princess Twilight home!" Rarity added.

"Please." Sunset asked. "I don't want to believe that this is entirely her fault!"

"I was a little worried that Spike was not there when we went over." Fluttershy added.

"Well, if you make you feel any better, they are going to fix the mirror, but it will take a while until it is finished." Princess Twilight assured.

"Alrighty..." Applejack said. "We'll go look, but afterward, we have to find a way to get them back."

"Thank you, everyone!" Sunset said sincerely. They all came together, hopped on Applejack's truck and headed for Twilight's place.

Book 1: Curiosity | Chapter 6: The Mystery Revealed

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Chapter 6: The Mystery Revealed

As they drove to Twilight's house, the clouds above were heavy, and it began to pour. The winds felt like it was carrying the truck to a whole different direction than where they were destined. They could hear the thunder outside, but no traces of light were seen in the skies.

Applejack parallel parked toward Twilight's house, and the rain was starting to drizzle down, which made Rarity hesitant to walk out, her makeup would be ruined by the rain. Luckily, Applejack had spare umbrellas in the truck, allowing Rarity to use it. The girls couldn't care less about the weather, but to find the truth about this destructive side of Twilight.

Sunset opened the door, allowed everyone in and shut the door. The girls sighed of how cold it was inside Twilight's house. Fluttershy went to find Spike, she was calling out his name. The girls started to search Twilight's place for any clues as to how she became this way. Sunset was looking through Twilight's room, into her drawers and dressers to see if anything stuck out to her. Sunset was feeling a bit uncomfortable looking through Twilight's stuff, but she was hoping that she would find something to make Twilight seem less villainous. Applejack was looking around the other rooms like the bathroom, or other closets. Scavenging through boxes and cabinets or drawers, but she could not find anything remotely useful or helpful in this situation. Pinkie Pie was scouring the couches in the living room, she ended up finding some pocket change during her search, but she rendered them useless. Fluttershy kept trying to call out for Spike, even crawling around the kitchen cabinets for any traces of fur or activity. Rarity was cleaning up Sunset's meat-shoe traces on the floor, which led up to looking at the suspicious locked closet, trying to find a way to open it. Rarity tried to lockpick the lock of the closet. Princess Twilight was with Sunset, more or less, looking around with her, but was also making sure she wasn't missing any updates in the book. Rainbow Dash was trying to look like she was helping in searching, but she was focusing on the meat that was left out on the floor.

"Shit!" Rarity yelled as she failed to open the lock, alerting everyone around the area. "Excuse my language, but there's nothing here!" The girl began to return together in the living room. Fluttershy, however, was still on the search for Spike. Applejack was convinced she was right, and they were wasting time, uncomfortably searching through Twilight's personal belongings.

"This can't be..." Sunset said under her breath. "T-there has to be something we're missing!"

"C'mon Sunset, we looked everywhere!" Rainbow Dash said, disgusted to look anymore.

"We've tried, Sunset." Applejack assured. "There's nothing here. We've been wasting time, when we could be across town for the other portal." Sunset rage was coming back to bite her.

"You're not looking hard enough!" Sunset yelled back to Applejack. Applejack drew back, but she returned fire, the thunder rages, allowing the lighting to strike the trees or the surface, making the very ground shake. The girls stood back and watched them go off on each other.

"What are we even looking for?!" Applejack asked.

"I don't know!"

"What if all this time, this wasn't a problem we can find, but something we did?!"

"So, you're saying it's my fault?!"

"No! Am saying what if we did do somethin' to upset her?!"

"Like what?!"

"Maybe, for example, ignorin' her?!"

"So, you are blaming me?! Don't act like neither of you were listening in for her?!"

"She's spent the most time with you, hasn't she?! And I am not blamin' 'you', I said 'we'!"

"Whatever! You are all thinking about it, right?!" Sunset yelled. Princess Twilight tried to calm both of them down.

"Girls, please stop. This is helping no one..." Princess Twilight said calmly.

"Okay, fine! I'm the problem! I admit it!" Sunset said, cooling off a little. She started to tear up. "I-I ... ignored her... when she was the one... there the whole time... for me... I'm sorry..." The girls began to feel sad for both of them. Pinkie Pie got up and put her hand on Sunset's shoulder. Sunset pulled her in for a hug.

"We all ignored her, when she probably needed us the most!" Pinkie suggested. The others drew closer.

"I'm sorry Sunset..." Applejack said sincerely. "I didn't mean..."

"I know..." Sunset interrupted. Sunset Wiped her eyes. "These past couple days, I just felt... emotional..."

"I understand." Applejack assured. Princess Twilight stood back, and watched them all hug it out with each other, she smiled, they had a lot to discuss. But, she noticed that one of them was not present.

"Where's Fluttershy?" Princess Twilight asked the girls. The girl turned toward Princess Twilight, and they all headed for the other rooms to see where Fluttershy was.

"Fluttershy?" Princess Twilight whispered. She found her in Twilight's room in her closet.

"Shh!" Fluttershy angrily whispered.

"Sorry!" Princess Twilight whispered. "Girls, in here!" As Princess Twilight went back to normal volume. The girls headed for Twilight's room.

"Shht!" Fluttershy whispered back, started to get pissed off at them, continually digging through a mountain of clothes in Twilight's closet.

"What's going on Fluttershy?!" Rainbow Dash yelled. Princess Twilight quickly went to hold down Rainbow Dash's mouth. The girls saw how quick she was to cover Rainbow Dash's mouth, they held their own mouths as well. Fluttershy got up, and stormed at them, looking at them with her captivating and hypnotic angry eyes.

"If you guys won't shut up! And let me concentrate! I will make sure that you all suffer and I'll have your hides hanging on my wall in my shed! UNDERSTAND!" Fluttershy yelled. The girls nodded gently, not saying a single word, and still having their mouths covered. Princess Twilight was so scared, she was gripping onto Rainbow Dash tightly, she began to suffocate, turning into a darker tint of blue of her skin. "Umm... thank you... sorry..." Fluttershy returned to being her usual self, and continued to dig through the clothes. She heard a faint whisper coming from the closet, ontinued to dig through, she found Spike lying beneath the clothes, he was wrapped up in strings. "Spike!" Fluttershy cried. Spike quickly ran out of the room. She followed, the girls were relieved and let go of their mouths. Princess Twilight finally let go of Rainbow Dash. Rainbow Dash kneeled to the floor, trying to catch her breath, coughing.

"I'm so sorry Rainbow!" Princess Twilight said sincerely.

"I swear, we keep doing this to each other..." Rainbow Dash commented while breathing heavily. "We are not... going to accomplish... anything!"

"You're right..." Sunset said. "We need to stick together, and not hurt each other."

"Yeah, I'll forgive you this time Twilight!" Rainbow Dash said as she got up, feeling normal again. "We have to make sure we don't piss certain people off!"

"Okay...?" Princess Twilight responded. The girls headed for the kitchen, where Fluttershy was at, watching Spike eat Twilight's meal on the floor. He also was drinking all the water that was left in the bowl, as well as eating the food that was left out for him yesterday.

"Poor Spike, what could have done this to you...?" Fluttershy added. Fluttershy tried to comfort him, but he was hostile, and growled whenever she came near him. Fluttershy examined him, and it seems that he was in there for the past couple of days, underneath the clothing, wrapped in strings. All compressed tightly, he showed signs of struggle, but he knew that if he continued to resist, he would strangle himself and stopped breathing altogether. Fluttershy was traumatized by the look of Spike, he clearly was hidden and suffered for a long period of time.

"What happened to Spike?!" Applejack asked.

"Sunset... I don't think Twilight would do this... why would she...?" Fluttershy said as tears streamed down her face. Fluttershy held onto Rainbow Dash for comfort.

"There, there..." Rainbow Dash patted Fluttershy's head, reluctant to give her a full hug.

"It's alright darling..." Rarity commented, holding onto Fluttershy's shoulder. "You found him!"

"Yeah... I did..." Fluttershy sniffled, and she smiled.

"Okay, that is one mystery solved, now how about this closet?" Applejack questioned, pointing at the locked closet in the living room.

"It must have something, since it is locked." Sunset added. "Let's try to not break it."

"We clearly don't have a lot of time to look for a key." Applejack assured. "We need to find out what's in there!"

Moments later, Spike came along, and sat on the head rest of the couch to get everyone's attention. Spike was happy, and was allowing Fluttershy to comfort him. Spike was patting his collar, the dog tag he had on. Fluttershy went to see what he was doing, and she took it off, and it was an oddly shaped metallic tag. Fluttershy turned it over and it was the closet key.

"Girls, Spike had the key!" Fluttershy yelled in excitement.

"Open it!" Applejack said. The girls gathered around to see what was in store for them.

Meanwhile, back in Equestria.

Twilight was well covered beneath layers of thick trees and bushes of all types of odd colors. There were thorns and briars everywhere, which was making it harder to walk through, or to find a path that leads somewhere outside the heavy and moist environment. The ground with each hoofstep felt like she was sinking into it, the air was hard to breath, and she could barely see where she was going, because her eyes felt watery over the smell of a swampy gas filling her senses.

"Where am I?" Twilight asked herself, as she was trampling over a thicket of thistles. The voice came back, and was loud in her ears.

"Idiot!" The voice yelled. "How can you have possibly made things worse?! You had one simple job to do!"

"Shut up!" Twilight yelled back. "It's not like you were helping at all?!"

"I offered you guidance! Use your damn head for once! You are supposed to be the smart one!"

"Yeah? I can't lie!"

"No shit?! You're a terrible liar! I would have made the situation better myself!"

As Twilight was dragging around her hooves, she fell, not before she heard a loud screech. Twilight looked above her, she saw a large carnivorous bird diving to pick her up. Twilight ran, and before the bird could latch it's talons into her, Twilight dodged the bird's catch. Twilight, out of breath, fell to the ground, and she saw it circling back around to attempt another hunt. Twilight ran, regardless of the pain in her legs from scraping it against the thorns. Twilight took some cover under a burrow, but not before a small creature, startled, and growled at Twilight. Twilight ran the other direction, but before she could think, the bird swoops in, Twilight dodged once again in time. The bird took hold of another prey, as it flew away, back to it's home.

Twilight struggled to breathe, but she was relieved, laying on the ground ready to pass out. It was not long until she saw a flash of a rainbow that flew past her gaze in the sky. Twilight got back up, and headed for another place to take shelter. Twilight contemplated on being captured by them, it would be less of a pain and she at least won't be eaten for dinner. Before Twilight thought of anything, she tripped and fell into a great depth of darkness, screaming as she fell deeper and deeper.

Meanwhile, back at Twilight's place.

The girls unlocked the closet, and opened the doors. They found stacks of boxes that had papers filled to the top and with notebooks with separate files. The girls dug into them to see if they could find anything regarding her insanity.

The girls dug through their own separate pile of papers and files, but they were all Twilight's past school work. Even the answers to the exams they all studied for, in which Rainbow Dash found and decided to take pictures of it while nobody was looking.

"This is hopeless!" Sunset yelled, pushing a box to the corner with her boot. "There's nothing useful to finding out why Twilight is crazy, or getting Princess Twilight back home! You guys were right... I just wasted our time!" As Sunset sat down on the box, with her hands in her face.

"It's okay, Sunset..." Princess Twilight assured Sunset. While she went to take Sunset's hands away from her face. Princess Twilight smiled, and Sunset smiled back. Spike went over to the closet, to point at something. Applejack went over to him to see what he was doing.

"What'cha doing there, sugarcube?!" Applejack commented. Spike grabbed a book from the closet, it was hard to grasp with his paws. Applejack grabbed it, it was stuck, until she pulled it. It opened a secret walk-in compartment within the closet.

"Everyone, you're not going to believe this!" Applejack yelled. The girls surrounded Applejack, and they all headed inside.

They entered through an open storage unit, they were surrounded by Twilight's science equipment and boxes full of chemicals, paperwork, blueprints, and samples of some sort.

"Man, is Twilight breaking bad in here, or what?!" Rainbow Dash commented.

"Let's hope not!" Sunset said. "This looks promising!" As she picked up a recently used blueprint of a familiar object. While the girls went through some of the interesting finds Twilight kept.

"Don't do drugs, kids!" Pinkie said directly to the reader.

"I see..." Princess Twilight said. "So, a locket that could absorb Equestrian magic!"

"Wait, again?" Rainbow Dash asked. "Didn't she have that same thing during the Friendship Games?!"

"She did, the first time we've ever met each other!" Sunset commented. "She had a device that would absorb our element's magic, that's when she became... Midnight!"

"Midnight?" Princess Twilight asked. "So, is it like a darker side of herself?"

"Yeah, you could say that, she almost sucked our entire school into Ponyville." Sunset responded.

"Oh my..." Princess Twilight said.

"Twilight, what do you think these are?" Rarity asked, holding a few odd samples inside containers.

"Are they labeled?" Princess Twilight asked.

"Not that I can see." Rarity added.

"Bring them over here." Princess Twilight suggested as Rarity brought them over and set them on a table with a lamp that Sunset turned on. They each examined the samples, they all looked like they were pieces of some objects, they each were colored differently, and were made out of rock or gem stones. Then, it hit Sunset.

"I know what they are!" Sunset yelled, alerted everyone in the closet. "They are the pieces to her locket, she used parts of it to remake another one!"

"Hey guys, I found something else too!" Applejack said, as she read on the blueprint Pinkie Pie pointed out. "It seems she was in the middle of experimenting with the remake on various subjects"."

"How could she absorb Equestrian magic from anyone?" Sunset asked.

"It reads..." Applejack continued. "Twilight has been gathering it from people who acquired magic, under various circumstances. She contained them before they were to use the magic for themselves."

"Well, that explains why we haven't seen any trouble for the past few months..." Rainbow Dash added.

"Yeah, and so she would use it for herself?" Princess Twilight asked.

"It seems like she hadn't used it for any other purpose, but to gather magic from enemies." Applejack added.

"Well great..." Sunset said.

"That's not all!" Fluttershy said. "It seems the locket does absorb the magic, but it can be filled with darkness as well. She said, it can cause her to have nightmares, and hear "voices"..."

"So the Midnight inside of her, is starting to have more control over her as she continues to use it." Sunset concluded.

"Why didn't she take it off, or put it away?" Rainbow Dash asked.

"I have no idea." Applejack added. "The rest of it is unreadable..."

"She could be using her own element to gather the magic." Sunset theorized.

"Okay, so we did find out what has been going on with Twilight, however, how can we return to Equestria now?" Sunset asked.

"No idea..." Princess Twilight said. "But, if we can, we should move this to the living room. It's getting stuffy here."

They all were crowded in there, for everyone to see anything, and after breathing all over and talking, the air felt dense and warm. They all went out of it, and closed the doors. They all felt the cold, breathing down their arms and necks as they approached near the door. The weather outside was still drizzling and thundering.

"So what now?" Applejack asked, as they all sat on the couch, surrounding each other talking about how they were going to get Twilight and Princess Twilight back home. Applejack, Rarity, and Rainbow Dash sat in one couch, Princess Twilight and Sunset sat in another, with Fluttershy on the floor sitting criss cross so she can comfort Spike after all that he has done for them, and Pinkie Pie came laying right on top of Applejack, Rarity, and Rainbow Dash.

"I don't know, but I guess you can say... we all came out of the closet?!" Pinkie Pie said, as she held her phone out with the comical drumbeat playing. Rainbow Dash was the first one to laugh, they all started to laugh, calming themselves down a little, with all that they have discovered about Twilight's experiments.

"Pinkie, you're so random!" Rainbow Dash enlightened.

Meanwhile, back in Equestria.

Twilight continued to fall, she would skid across some branches and vines, and she would try to grab them, but with her hooves she could not latch on tightly enough to reduce her fall. As she came closer to the ground, she was stopped immediately in mid-air, by the use of a spell. Twilight looked around, but she saw darkness, she tried to see what saved her from what could have been a fatal accident. Twilight dropped to the floor, and a light flickered from somewhere in the darkness by a nearby creature. The light was a bright green, which matched whatever was laying there within the place Twilight landed.

Twilight's heart was racing, breathing heavily, she tried to find an edge or something to find light among the dark. Until, a large horn glows in the darkness, brightening up the area. She looked and saw an alicorn, that was mangled and covered with holes, sharp fangs like a bat, a transparent and faded light blue mane and tail, black coat, and her eyes were bright green. The alicorn was circling her, making Twilight's rump hit the edge of some rocks and moss, pinning her up against a corner like how Rainbow Dash did to confront her.

"Princess Twilight..." the alicorn said. "No, you're not Twilight! No wings?!"

"I'm not!" Twilight answered.

"Interesting... I see you're on the run. Why?!" The alicorn yelled, her words echoed in the dense place, returning to her like it circled back to haunt her again.

"I-I don't know what you mean?" Twilight responded.

"Running from the others, why?"

"How do you know about that?!" The alicorn smiled.

"You clearly don't belong here! Who are you?!" The alicorn asked.


"Imposter! Although, I could use you to finally get back at those pesky mares in Ponyville!"

Who is she?! Twilight questioned herself. Twilight remembered a specific creature, one from Princess Twilight's stories she told back at the mall, the way she described that particular creature in the story.

"You're... you're Chrysalis, aren't you?!" Twilight asked, hesitantly.

"How do you know my name?!" Chrysalis yelled.

"My sister told me..."

"Hmph, smart pony!"

"Let me go!"

"No, since I can't have the real Twilight, I will have to make do with you!"

"What are you...?!" Twilight was picked up from off the ground with Chrysalis's magic, and she was tossed around the cavern. Chrysalis crackled at how weak and vulnerable the imposter Twilight was.

"I'm having way too much fun!" Chrysalis said while laughing. "So weak!" As she put Twilight on the ground.

Twilight got up from the ground, and she stood her ground against her. Before she could react, Chrysalis's vision in the dark gave her the advantage of beating Twilight down with her hooves. Twilight laid on the floor, bloodied, weak with bruises. Twilight was blind, she could not see without her glasses, possibly broken from the impact, and fell off somewhere.

"Stop... please..." Twilight cried. Chrysalis flashed the light again to see where Twilight was.

"Poor little pony..." Chrysalis said sarcastically. "What?! Can't use that horn of your's?!"

Back in Ponyville.

Applejack and Rainbow Dash met up together, continuing the search for Twilight.

"Ah found no traces of her here!" Applejack yelled, as Rainbow Dash was flying in the air.

"No luck with me, either!" Rainbow Dash added.

"The place I haven't checked in Ponyville was the Everfree Forest." Applejack commented.

"Yeah, good luck finding her in there!" Rainbow Dash said sarcastically.

"What do we do now?" Applejack asked.

"I don't know, but we should meet up with the others!" Rainbow Dash suggested.

"Gotcha!" Applejack responded.

Back at the Everfree Forest, inside a disclosed cavern.

"C'mon, just one more trip to the other side?!" Chrysalis teased. Twilight couldn't say anything as she was beaten badly. Being picked up with Chrysalis magic and tossed around like a rag doll. Chrysalis laughed, and she thought of bringing her out to show the other ponies to surrender and get her revenge on them. Chrysalis opened up the cavern, throwing Twilight aside, as she was too weak to get up. She could see the warm sun up to the sky, and breathing the vapor of the Everfree Forest's swamp gas. It made Chrysalis disgusted, being reduced to this since the Mane 6 destroyed her kingdom.

Before Chrysalis picked Twilight up, she found an odd object, almost sticking out of her body, where the heart would be. Chrysalis, forcibly took it out, and it was a powerful object. Afterward, Twilight began to rapidly heal from it being removed. She took it, and could feel the power inside was dark and forceful. Chrysalis placed it on herself, it sunk into her skin, she could feel it nearly sticking out of her body. She crackled of how much more powerful she felt. She blasted a fiery green wave of light which signaled all nearby villages and areas of ponies, a warning to her destructive capabilities. It was waved that shook the ground, it made the trees whistle and blew to the ground, it made the winds circulate back the other direction. Everyone in Ponyville was screaming and crying for what they thought was an earthquake, but it was much worse. Applejack and Rainbow Dash on their way to meet up with everyone was seeing the green flames burst from the Everfree Forest. Rainbow Dash couldn't stabilize her flight in the sky and was taken down. Applejack fell to the ground. The green flames flashed and were teleported to where they were. They saw Chrysalis laugh and started to wreak havoc on the innocent ponies' cottages and shops, making everypony run for their life. The rest of the group on the search for Twilight, gathered, and was devastated that Chrysalis rose up once again to cause destruction.

Book 1: Curiosity | Chapter 7: Race Against Time

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Chapter 7: Race Against Time

In the distance, beyond the Everfree Forest, lived many ponies in peace thanks to the Princess of Friendship and her best friends. They were known together as the Elements of Harmony. Together they took down some of the most powerful and darkest enemies, who want to enslave, destroy, and manipulate all life in Equestria. Their sacrifice and friendship was what saved many lives. Almost nothing could have separated such a powerful bond between friends and loved ones. However, a connection could be lost due to the loss of one's mind, becoming the enemy themselves, being trapped in another world, or even death…

Who could have been mad enough to break such a bond?

Twilight awakened to the sounds of screams, the shaking of the ground, and the smell of smoke and swamp gas filling her senses enough for her to choke. Twilight was unable to see much of anything, when her eyes set to focus, but blurred without the use of her glass lenses back inside the cavern. She could barely see the smoke rising to the skies, above countless rows of trees, grass, and ridges of endless colorful bushes. It didn't help as the dense air made her eyes water as she had trouble adjusting to see. As she had trouble being able to stand firmly upon the rocks outside the cavern, she felt a sense of relief and a release of a huge burden upon her shoulders that was suddenly lifted. How was it possible? The situation at hand was inexplicably terrible, but the feeling of a massive weight being taken off, was making Twilight feel reassured and energetic. She was utterly powerless against this creature she released. But the voice in her head was silent, and her wounds of being beaten were healed.

Twilight took a moment to regain focus, retracing her steps of how it came to be:

She became overly jealous of Princess Twilight. Her curiosity of the pony world made her become in trouble with everyone because of the choices she made.

Before that, however...

Twilight, after the Friendship Games, gathered pieces of her locket back at Canterlot High, as a memento of finally finding friends. It was only recently when the pressures of the upcoming exams came, pushing all students to be loaded with school work to study for them. She had no choice but to use any means necessary to eliminate any potential victims of the use of Equestrian magic to their own desires. To avoid causing disasters upon the citizens and the student body. Twilight didn't discard any of her previous blueprints or projects from before, so she gathered them to modify another locket. One that could relinquish a person's Equestrian power. Twilight would show up at any event of someone about to lose their grip of themselves into a darker form of themselves, in which Twilight absorbed their power, saving many people's time, and the person who was being influenced of dark magic would see a whole new perspective of life, when they saw that they had taken it too far. Twilight was relieved for having more time to study, to hang with friends, and to participate in any other extra curricular activities she may enjoy, without some occasional bad guy ready to disrupt their everyday lives. However, there was always a price to pay when using the type of technology that gathered magical power. Something inside her, hungered for it, even wanting to use the power herself for her own studies. Her curiosity, her desire, allowed herself to peek into the greater unknown. The power she gathered, the strongest was darkness to which she awakened a familiar friend.

Twilight regretted ever trying to learn about it, instead she opened Pandora's box, and released something she tried so desperately to keep away from ever reaching the surface of her mind. She tried to not be sidetracked by small things that would annoy her, or cause her to be sad. Because inside, a voice would whisper, making it a bigger problem than it was. She also became restless, awaking in the middle of night due to nightmares that would haunt her. The voice became more frequent when Twilight tried to get rid of it. She was driven mad, and tried to absorb it out of her, using the locket and her Element of Harmony. But the magical power synchronized together and formed into one object. Twilight held onto it, but it sunk into her skin and was engraved inside her heart. She became infested within the mysteries of Equestrian magic. Twilight was not herself. Her own companion, Spike, was troubled being around her. He was reluctant to be near her. Twilight tried to comfort him, but he scratched her from behind, opening her skin which later became a couple of large streak marks down her back. She did not know what happened to Spike after he attacked her, but she was pained by Spike ever being violent with her. She grew scared of Spike ever coming near her again. She has tried to keep her distance since. There was one other person the Midnight inside of her would use to manipulate Twilight for her delight. Her love for Sunset Shimmer. Twilight would unknowingly allow herself to be involved in a matter that was not her's, carrying it to the extreme by even replacing her own sister and trapping her into another world. Last thing she needed was some foolish, power-hungry being or creature to find out about it, and use it to spread darkness among the innocent lives of people, or in this case... ponies.

Twilight's distress over the choices she made. She made everything worse. She may never even be welcomed as a friend anymore. Twilight cried. She can't help them even if she wanted to, her Element was still gone, still inside the locket. Somepony overheard from a distance, Twilight's cry.

"Who might you be?" Somepony said. "The princess I knew is not who I see." Twilight turned toward where the voice was coming from, she had a tough time finding where because she had trouble seeing. The voice was a mare. She could not see vividly of who it was, but only saw the outlines of black and white. Twilight squinted to try and focus.

"Who's there?" Twilight asked.

"I am Zecora, the infamous witch docta." Zecora explained. "Who are you, so we may have trust too?"

"I can't be trusted." Twilight said, as she put her head down. "I'm sorry..."

"I'm afraid there are bigger things to fear, than a single mare." Zecora spoke. "I can help you see, but only if you would help me."

"You can?!" Twilight got up to see her closely. "What is it that you need?"

"Follow me, if you want to see." Zecora said. Twilight could see her moving forward, so she walked along with her, trying not to bump into her, or lose balance of her hooves. "I can feel you are troubled, and what has been caused has doubled."

"Yeah, it is all my fault..." Twilight said. "I've done more harm than good."

"I know what you don't mean, of what I've seen." Zecora added.

"What?" Twilight asked.

"It's not you that caused harm, but something inside that has been alarmed." Zecora said.

"How do you know about that?" Twilight asked.

"I sense the feeling in you of empathy, for everypony." Zecora responded. "The things that have been released, an evil that cannot be ceased."

"How do I stop it if I can't see...?" Twilight added.

"If sight is what you seek, I will help in regaining meek!" Zecora continued.

"What did you want me to do?" Twilight asked. "And thank you."

"I see that you are kind, and left the bad behind." Zecora said. "So I will need you to gather a special plantation, so I can brew a sight potion!"

"Got it!" Twilight said, as she walked off, but before she could think of it, she went back to Zecora. "And exactly where might that be?"

"It is inside another cavern, it is a glowing blue flower with a large green stern." Zecora said. "The cavern is deep, than the one you awakened from sleep. You are unable to see so you will not be afraid of what lies beneath, you will succeed and recover it from underneath.

"Alright!" Twilight said, determined to do what she can to help. They continued along, and they approached a small opening into the ground.

"We are here, the flower you need to see is near!" Zecora continued.

"Okay!" Twilight said.

Twilight walked to it and pushed through. It was like a burrow underneath the place, it seems it was the one she came across earlier, unfortunately the creature that lived there has been taken by a large bird. She continued along, and it started to get narrower. She was beginning to feel the cold, she felt like there was a mist in the air as if it were like a sprinkle of rain, and the ground felt moist. The darkness surrounded her, as if she was walking into endless space. She felt her back, being dragged down as the cavern got denser with rocks that felt wet and chilling, making her shiver. Twilight would feel the sting of feeling the ice touch her skin, raising her fur and mane, making her squeal a little to the touch of it. She crawled her way through, and Twilight felt like she could barely even breath, the chance for her to become claustrophobic would be now, but she continued on. She came across a huge opening inside the cavern. She feared falling into another vast and empty void, and crashing down into the floor. She placed a hoof down to where she could feel the ground. Twilight caught sight of the glowing flower, and the amount of vines and moss it covered inside, making it almost unnoticeable. She started to walk, but felt an empty spot, which made her stunned with anxiety of falling off a possible edge. Twilight kept reaching out with her hooves to make sure she could not feel the floor sink or be an edge. Even divots made Twilight think it was not safe to place her hooves down into. The mist grew stronger, and Twilight could hear movement within the cavern. She could hear a water stream, Twilight went forth and she felt something wet beneath her. It was freezing, and Twilight brought her hoof to smell it, and she licked it when she smelled no scent from it.

"Fresh spring water..." Twilight said. "A water source is how many plants are able to grow and be nurtured, but what about the sunlight?" Twilight questioned, but she continued on. Twilight crawled through back to the outer burrow and met up with Zecora.

"I see that you have the flower, now I may make a potion to extract its power!" Zecora said.

"It must be really special to grow inside a dense and dark cave!" Twilight enlightened.

"It is a rare plant that grows when there is darkness, very much like a fungus." Zecora added. "It not only enhances your sight, but it also helps you see in the night!"

"That's cool, but you don't have to waste it on me..." Twilight said.

"Nonsense my dear pony, with this I can make many!" Zecora said sincerely. Zecora and Twilight both headed for her small hut within the forest, and Zecora got to work on the potion.

After she finished it, she gave Twilight a swig of the potion. It was a very bittersweet flavor to swallow, but as soon as Twilight focused on her sight, it became the finest it's ever been.

"Wow!" Twilight amused. "You're a zebra?!"

"A zebra I am, not a donkey or a lamb." Zecora commented.

"Thank you so much, Zecora!" Twilight said.

"You're very welcome, and welcome to my home!" Zecora replied. "And thank you for getting the plant for me, the cavern was too small for me to squeeze." The minute they shared gratitude, the ground once again shook from the on-going battle ahead. "The path that's ahead, will lead you straight to your friends as I said."

"Alright! I'll head there now!" Twilight said.

"Be safe my friend, I don't want you to meet a bitter end." Zecora said. Twilight nodded. Twilight headed out for the path that led to Ponyville. Twilight stopped for a moment, and turned back to Zecora.

"By the way, I'm Twilight, hopefully we'll see each other again!" Twilight said, as she ran for Ponyville.

"A familiar name and pony wherein, perhaps she is a twin?!" Zecora commented.

Meanwhile, in Ponyville.

Chrysalis used her newfound powers to burn down the cottages, making it hard for everypony to run or fly away by making the winds circulate at intense speeds, and the ground unstable to lose balance frequently. She was wanting to make everypony suffer, but what she wanted most was to destroy the Elements of Harmony.

It took a few moments for Applejack, Rainbow Dash, Rarity, Fluttershy, and Pinkie Pie to arrive at the scene, they gathered and were ready to fight her. Chrysalis toned herself down from everypony else to focus on the main ones who destroyed her kingdom.

"Where did all this power come from?!" Applejack asked.

"Why don't you ask your little imposter Princess?!" Chrysalis crackled.

"Imposter Princess?!" Rarity asked. The girls thought for a moment, and they realized that she was talking about Twilight.

"What did you do with her?!" Rainbow Dash yelled.

"I left her to be scavenged by the creatures of the Everfree Forest!" Chrysalis chuckled. The girls were angrily silenced. They all wanted to find Twilight and take her to safety, but they needed to deal with Chrysalis first.

"I'm going to get her!" Rainbow Dash said to the girls.

"No, we need to deal with her first!" Applejack said. "We won't find her in time!"

"But..." Rainbow Dash couldn't finish her sentence, she knew it was true, that they needed to deal with her first. The hurt and sorrow they felt, fueled their determination to stop Chrysalis. The girls went ahead and began to fight.

Meanwhile, at Twilight's house.

The girls were settled inside Twilight's house, and tried to think of how they could get to Equestria as quickly as they could. The storm outside made crossing the ocean feel like a terrible idea, given the yacht they were on broke down through a storm.

"I would make another way, but I'm not sure how your technology works without magic." Princess Twilight said.

"I guess that's true, the only reason we have magic was because of me..." Sunset added. The girls thought about it since Sunset was a pony who originally belonged in Equestria.

"Girls!" Pinkie yelled, alerting everyone. The girls turned toward her.

"What is it Pinkie?!" Rainbow Dash asked.

"I found Twilight's journal of where all victims of Equestrian magic came from!" Pinkie said, as she came out of Twilight's closet.

"Okay...?" Sunset said. "How is this relevant?"

"Take a look!" Pinkie said. "If we look closely, there seems to be groups of people within the same area."

"So?!" Rainbow Dash asked.

"So... you'd think if there are a lot of people having Equestrian magic, there would be some sort of leak nearby?!" Pinkie said. The girls looked at each other.

"Are you saying, there are more rifts nearby where Twilight gathered magic from?!" Rarity asked.

"Yep!" Pinkie said.

"Pinkie, that's brilliant!" Princess Twilight said.

"Thank you!" Pinkie enlightened. "It also says it right here in her journal!"

"Wait, if Twilight knew about it, why didn't she use it to go through to Equestria?" Rainbow Dash asked.

"Time constraints?!" Sunset questioned. The girls somewhat agreed, pressures of school made them prone to study the majority of their spare time, and Twilight probably didn't have the time to find out if it were true. It was not long after that Sunset's book glowed. Princess Twilight went to pick it up, only to be met with Sunset's hand.

"Sorry... force of habit..." Sunset said, as she blushed.

"That's alright, it is technically yours!" Princess Twilight added, as she smiled. Princess Twilight looked inside of the book, her smile went away, and she started to panic.

"What is it Twilight?!" Sunset asked. Princess Twilight gasped for air, as if she was trying to breathe in a dense environment. "Twilight?!"

"We have to go now!" Princess Twilight encouraged.

"What's going on?!" Applejack asked.

"It's Chrysalis! She came back, and is wrecking Ponyville!" Twilight cried.

"Oh Twilight..." Sunset said, as she went to her to comfort her. The girls gathered and were ready to hop in Applejack's truck for the hot spot, but Fluttershy went back to grab Spike and took him with her. Sunset had the book of where Twilight used her locket, and they pin-pointed to where there was a hot spot of victims using Equestrian magic.

Meanwhile, in Canterlot.

"My Princess, Chrysalis has unleashed an assault on Ponyville!" A Royal Guard said.

"This is not good!" Princess Celestia said.

"My sister, allow me to counteract with an army of guards!" Princess Luna asked.

"I can't allow that!" Princess Celestia said.

"What about the ponies?!" Princess Luna asked.

"I'm aware, but we can't risk another ambush coming to Canterlot for an attack." Princess Celestia added. "I'll send the guards to gather them!"

"Your Highness!" Spike came in through the inner gate.

"What is it Spike?" Princess Celestia asked.

"Twilight might have found another way to come back to Equestria!" Spike said.

"Let us hope it works, and if they are able to reach it in time. Due to Chrysalis's attack, the ponies that were helping in restoring the mirror to flee." Princess Celestia added. "Spike, help in gathering the Elements once again and bring it to them!"

"Right! Yes, your Highness!" Spike said as he flew off to Ponyville.

In Ponyville.

Twilight arrived, and she saw many ponies still trying to flee from the terror being unleashed upon them. She ran into the midst of town to see if she could find the others. Twilight was stopped when she saw a building ready to collapse to the ground. She saw a young mare, with an orange coat, and purple mane, she was screaming for help as she was stuck in being tied to a carriage. She ran up to her, the building came crashing down, Twilight was going to block the impact by laying above the young one. Before she felt the building crash down, her horn glowed again, and it stopped the building from falling on top of them. Twilight focused and was able to release the young mare from the carriage. Twilight also teleported to her after she let go of the building. The building fell, and destroyed the carriage.

"Thank you Twilight!" The young mare said.

"No problem!" Twilight replied. "Run, get to safety!" The mare took off in the other direction. Twilight ran further into the green inferno, green flames infesting many of the shops, cottages, and nearby trees. Twilight found the girls, and they were caught up in battle with Chrysalis.

"What?!" Chrysalis yelled. "Alive?!" The girls looked back, and found Twilight coming in.

"Twilight!" Applejack yelled. The girls banded together, and were ready to fight against Chrysalis. Chrysalis laughed.

"You will not be able to stop me!" Chrysalis yelled.

Chrysalis swooped in on them, and crashed to the ground, the impact caused a wave of green flames to surround her and burst out to them, causing them to become separated from each other. The girls swung into the skies and fell into debris of places remaining engulfed in flames, or to the ground. Rainbow Dash picked herself up, and flew right back to She to punch her directly at full force and speed. Chrysalis sensed it coming at a split second before her hoof made impact, and she lifted her legs to retaliate against Rainbow Dash gunning at her at full speed. Rainbow Dash felt a shock wave of Chrysalis's hooves slamming into her stomach and chest, making her feel an intense, sudden pain burst into her abdomen causing blood and saliva to burst out of her mouth. The force was strong enough to cause the winds to circulate and pound as the sound barrier broke. Rainbow Dash slammed into a nearby building within seconds of Chrysalis's kick.

Applejack came in and roped Chrysalis's front hooves, causing her to fall. Applejack went in to slam her to the floor. But, Chrysalis stopped her in midair with her magic, and tied the rope around Applejack. She dropped Applejack to the ground. Chrysalis picked up the rope with her mouth, and began to swing Applejack around, making her hit every nearby building. When she had enough speed, she let the rope go and saw Applejack fly to the sky, landing somewhere further away.

Rarity sneaked around and placed heavy fabric she could find around Chrysalis's head, blinding her to see. She began to quickly wrap her with more things she could find to restrain her full body. Chrysalis became angered and set it all into flames, Rarity stood back. She focused and brought Rarity into the air. She used her power to burn her. Chrysalis was laughing at Rarity's reaction to the pain of being burned alive. Twilight rushed through and kicked Chrysalis straight at her face. It caused Chrysalis to fall to the ground, and lose her focus on Rarity. Rarity dropped to the dirt, her hair was still burning, and her coat was starting to recover. Rarity quickly put it out at the nearby fountain garden. She screamed. Rarity was enraged with Chrysalis, and so she went in to attack her. She got up and tried to blast her away, but Twilight made her occupied by kicking her and making her lose her focus and accuracy. Chrysalis picked up Twilight and flung her to compact into Rarity. Rarity took it to save Twilight from being terribly injured.

Pinkie Pie used her party cannon, and she blasted it into Chrysalis's face, making her blind to see. Pinkie unlatched a bowling ball tied by a rope above a slanted building. She tied it to a post, so she could use it like a wrecking ball. The ball came swinging right into Chrysalis's face as she got out from all the streamers and confetti from her view. She fell into piles of sticky glue as she hit the ground, and Pinkie rolled her up quickly, as she placed her into another huge cannon and blasted her into a target. Chrysalis was stuck for a moment, having her arms clamped to her sides. She burst into flames, burning the ring around her, but Pinkie gift sitting in front of her. She took one look at it and it blasted her again. Pinkie had another present on her, but Chrysalis fired at her from her horn and hit Pinkie directly, making the present blast into her instead.

Fluttershy called forth many forest creatures brave enough to attack Chrysalis. Birds flew in to peck at Chrysalis's eyes. Chrysalis swung them around making them fall away. Bears and wolves came by to try and stop Chrysalis. They clawed her and bit her as much as they could to make her stop. Fluttershy went in to help them. The animals surrounded Chrysalis and they almost had her completely restrained down, but Chrysalis focused and teleported away from them. Chrysalis flew to the sky and blasted them with her magic from her horn and made them spread out across the town. The animals ran off as she was too powerful. She requested they find shelter immediately. Fluttershy's anger of Chrysalis hurting her animals' friends, made her fly up to her as quickly as she could and bash her in the chest. She continually used her hooves to hit anywhere the animals did the most damage, the traces of bite marks and ripped skin from claws allowed Chrysalis to be weakened and vulnerable to hit. Rainbow Dash rose up from the building to the sky, she still had blood gushing from her mouth, but she was ready to launch another attack. Rainbow Dash landed a kick at full speed, and made Chrysalis bash into the ground. Rarity got up to attempt again to restrain her, Applejack came and ran to her as well. Twilight saw that many ponies still were around, in shock of the events happening. She went to them and begged them to run away to find safety. They didn't move in which made Twilight focus on getting them somewhere safe.

The rain was still coming down, but was starting to come lightly, as clouds continued to pass by. The girls bundled up for a little expedition.

Applejack had a hard time finding a place to park her truck without having it being towed or fined for illegally parking. Having her truck being taken away was the last thing she should want. The girls walked out and followed Sunset to where the place might be. They walked around, the place seemed to be a small park in the distance, and they were in the middle of a wide open field. Sunset stopped for a moment and was starting to look around for any traces of light or anything remotely looking like a magical portal.

"It should be here!" Sunset yelled.

"Okay!" Princess Twilight confirmed. The others nodded.

The girls mingled around trying to see if they could feel any difference in atmosphere. Applejack found a manhole into the sewers below. She went back to the truck and grabbed a couple of tools to open it. Applejack got the manhole open, and went inside to see if anything stood out to her. Sunset and Princess Twilight walked around, even digging a little into the ground to see if they somehow opened into a rift. Rainbow Dash ran across the park using her speed. Fluttershy brought her attention to any animals nearby to see if they felt any unnatural presence nearby, Spike also sniffed around for clues. Rarity stood back out of the rain by the restrooms and concession stands, but she looked around inside the buildings. Applejack continued down the sewers and found an empty place beneath, until she felt the place become brighter. The further she went down, she came across an odd looking spring of water coming down, there were no pipes or leakage anywhere near it. Applejack placed her hand through it, and her hand went through the wall as if there was something else inside.

"Everyone!" Applejack yelled. "Ah think ah found somethin'!" Applejack was barely coming out of the ground, and everyone saw her head poke up from where she was. "In here!" Applejack continued.

"Ugh, I'm not going in there!" Rarity said, disgusted with having to go into the sewer. "Tell me you're joking!"

"Am not, ah need you all to see this!" Applejack added.

"Grr... fine!" Rarity said. "At least I'll be away from the rain!" The girls followed Applejack to where she found the stream of water, coming from nowhere. The other saw it too. Sunset placed her hand inside. It went through the wall.

"Applejack! I think you found our rift!" Sunset suggested.

"Are you sure?" Fluttershy asked.

"Yeah, this could lead anywhere!" Rainbow Dash added.

"Only one way to find out!" Sunset said. Sunset held out her hand, Princess Twilight was the first to hold her hand, Pinkie Pie held onto Princess Twilight. Then they all gathered and held their hands together. They went through the stream together.

Rainbow Dash and Fluttershy flew down to where Chrysalis was, Rarity and Applejack came together to meet up with them. Pinkie rose up from the debris from one of the places that fell nearby. Chrysalis got up and screamed, making the ground shake again. She focused and charged up the power so she could blow the entire surroundings into nothingness. The girls stood back, Rainbow Dash went ahead, but when she touched the aura around Chrysalis, it set her flying back to where she was. It was until they saw a light coming from above the smoky black clouds above them. The light crashed down into Chrysalis making her lose focus and blasting her away from the others. The light slowly faded, revealing Sunset Shimmer and Princess Twilight with the others along by her side. The girl saw themselves, and felt so relieved to see them. Spike was trying to figure out what new form he took. The girls only took a minute to get used to walking on all four limbs, and the others came to help.

"Twilight?!" Applejack asked. Princess Twilight looked back to see Applejack, who was mangled up and was fighting Chrysalis alongside her friends.

"I'm so sorry it took so long..." Princess Twilight said, softly.

"Twilight!" The others said after Applejack mentioned her name.

"Don't worry about that darling, you're here now! Rarity reassured. "That's all that matters!"

"Where's our Twilight?!" Sunset asked.

"She is here, but not with us right now." Rarity said.

"Alright. Let us help!" Sunset suggested. Princess Twilight did a slight healing spell for her friend's wounds, as they came in for a hug for the return of their beloved friend. Rainbow Dash spat out the last of the blood left in her mouth. The girls gathered, together, side by side. Chrysalis came up, and saw that there were two of each kind and Princess Twilight along with them, and an unfamiliar pony that had a red mane and tail with yellow streaks, and an amber colored coat.

"It's not possible..." Chrysalis said to herself. Chrysalis hovered above them. She tried to regain focus and continue with her plans to wipe this place out of existence. "It doesn't matter how many of you show up! You're too late to stop me now!"

"We'll see about that!" Sunset said. The girls charged at her, and Chrysalis stopped focusing and flew towards them. Princess Twilight using her horn to blast Chrysalis back. Both the Rainbow Dash's planned to synchronize their attack by punching her from both sides. They flew at their top speed and succeeded in thrusting their hooves into her face. Rarity came and gave Applejack a boost into the air using her diamond shield to walk on, to buck Chrysalis to the ground. The others took a swing as she came crashing down. She slammed into the ground. She got back up, heavily injured, as she was too enraged to quit. The others stood back and watched Chrysalis becoming too weak to stand up.

"Twilight!" A voice came from the skies. It was Spike with a bag. "I came to bring you guys your elements!"

"Thank you Spike!" Princess Twilight said.

"Twilight! You're back, for real this time!" Spike enlightened.

"Yep!" Princess Twilight said, as she smiled at him. Another Spike that approached Spike.

"Whoa, another me?!" Spike questioned. "Awesome!"

Chrysalis hovered to the skies again, she forced herself to focus on exploding the area, and hopefully everypony within the vicinity.

The girls put on their Elements of Harmony, and with Princess Twilight taking over the other Twilight's role, she was able to make the others transform as well. The girls came together and were ready to finally end Chrysalis's madness.

The girls gathered and put their strength and power to stop Chrysalis. They were all suddenly healed within their transformation. Making them strong and ready to fight.

"Go!" Princess Twilight said, and the others concentrated on Chrysalis and blasted her with the Element's magic.

Chrysalis saw it coming, but did not try to move or stop it. The power struck her, and was engulfed in light. However, it did nothing to Chrysalis. The girl shrouded in confusion. She laughed, as she was healed from all her wounds, and felt like she was able to regain her strength. The girls focused again and blasted her, but Chrysalis was unmoved and untouched. Chrysalis laughed maniacally, as she felt the magical powers surging through her more and more.

The girls were devastated by what happened. Sunset remembered something about Twilight's locket, how it was able to absorb Equestrian magic.

"Does Chrysalis have Twilight's locket?" Sunset asked everyone.

"I don't see it on her!" Princess Twilight said.

"How is she absorbing our power?!" Sunset added.

"Back up, what's this about?" Applejack asked.

"Our Twilight had a locket that could absorb Equestrian magic, it is how she became crazy in the first place, and she must have it on her." Sunset replied.

"So that's what she meant!" Rainbow Dash added.

"What is it?" Princess Twilight asked.

"We asked her how she got her powers, and she said to ask the "imposter princess"." Rainbow Dash replied.

"So she does have it." Sunset concluded. "But, where is it?" The girls now were afraid to attack her again, risking feeding power more into her.

"What's the matter?!" Chrysalis crackled. "Afraid of me now?!" Chrysalis focused and threw herself and blasted them all away. They all got up from the ground.

"What do we do?" Rarity asked.

"I don't know?!" Sunset replied. Chrysalis laughed at their weakness.

"Now that I have this power, I will use it to wipe all of Equestria, starting with this pathetic hick town!" Chrysalis charged up herself and was ready to lay down a powerful bomb that could destroy everything around them.

"We have to do something!" Applejack yelled. Sunset kept thinking about it, how do they stop Chrysalis now? Sunset asked herself.

"Sunset!" A voice came from the distance. She was not able to see who it was since there was smoke all around them. Their eyes came into focus that it was Twilight.

"Twilight!" Sunset yelled. She went over to Twilight.

"I'm so sorry for everything... I'm so sorry..." Twilight said sincerely.

"We'll apologize later, now we need to find a way to stop Chrysalis from destroying everything!" Sunset added. "We know about your locket!" Twilight was shocked by how caught up they were on everything.

"She does have my locket, it absorbed my Element along with it, so I won't be much help, but I will tell you this... there is a limit!" Twilight said.

"A limit?" Sunset asked.

"Yes. There is always a limit of how much it can contain, the reason you can't see it, it's because it's absorbed into her skin! That's why I was unable to take it off and act like my normal self." Twilight added.

"Twilight, get to safety! I'm afraid, if we don't make it in time..." Sunset said.

"You will!" Twilight assured. As Twilight left, she took the two Spikes with her and she vanished into the smoke. Sunset ran back to the others.

"Everyone, we need to continue to let her absorb our power!" Sunset requested.

"What?!" Rainbow Dash yelled. "Are you crazy?!"

"Listen! We need to destroy it from inside of her, and by doing that is to let it absorb into her, it will eventually be too much for her to control!" Sunset added.

"Alrighty then!" Applejack said. The girls gathered one more time to strike another attack on Chrysalis.

"Haven't you idiots learned?!" Chrysalis yelled from above. "You can't beat me!"

"You want more power?" Sunset asked. "You've got it!" The girls focused and burst their power into Chrysalis. Chrysalis laughed of how foolish they were to hand over and surrender their power to her.

"Fools!" Chrysalis yelled. "You have destroyed yourselves!" The girls kept feeding into her, they began to feel weak and tired of pushing their powers into it.

"Are you sure this is going to work?!" Princess Twilight asked.

"Just trust me!" Sunset yelled. "Keep at it!" The girls continued, Chrysalis laughed, but it was until she felt her own body feel less out of her control. Chrysalis was starting to get worried of how much she had absorbed, and it became too much.

"No, no." Chrysalis said. "Stop! Stop it!" Chrysalis kept feeling like her body was not her own and started to feel like her body was breaking apart. Her body started to crack open. She screamed of how she feared being broken apart, and fading away. Her chest opened up and broke the locket she was inside of her. Chrysalis fell to the ground. The girls stopped for a moment, and saw that Chrysalis was not damaged or hurt, but was weakened from being overloaded with power. Sunset picked up Twilight's Element, as it was still in one piece. The girls cheered and hugged each other as they finally defeated Chrysalis.

The girls cheered, but suddenly felt like the sky was somehow getting brighter. They looked up and saw a huge ball of energy ready to fall directly on them.

"Oh no!" Fluttershy yelled. Princess Twilight focused and used her horn to stop it from falling, but it came closer and closer. She used a magic spell to somehow pop it in the sky, but it absorbed it.

"Damn!" Sunset said. "All the power Chrysalis focused on and the power Twilight gathered..."

The ball came crashing down, within seconds, the entire area was engulfed in a light so bright, it made everything blank and unable to see anything. The crash blew everything in its path so quickly, the impact and sound of it came later. It burst everything away, almost nothing escaped the impact.

Book 1: Curiosity | Chapter 8: Apology

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Chapter 8: Apology

The skies were empty and void of any clouds, the smoke was removed due to the powerful winds the bomb blew, and all the debris of the majority of cottages and shops that once were Ponyville's greatest attractions, were disintegrated down into dirt and ash.

There was a crystallized dome that hovered above a certain area in Ponyville. It appeared to be coming from Rarity. She unknowingly used her powers from her horn to generate a shield to protect all her friends and Chrysalis from the blast of the bomb. Rarity stood by in shock of how much of a close call it was. She stood idled with her eyes wide open, looking into the distance as she was caught, frozen and stunned. The girls got up, as they all banded together to huddle into one group, protecting each other, including Chrysalis, out cold on the ground. They saw Rarity standing straight. Applejack got up to see her.

"Rarity?" Applejack asked. "Hey, Rarity?" Applejack waved her hoof in the air trying to grab her attention away from staring into emptiness. Rarity did not move a muscle once Applejack got up to see her. Rainbow Dash and Sunset both tried to awaken her out of her trance by bumping her on the head and body. She was stiff like a statue. Princess Twilight with everypony else got up to help with Rarity. Rarity went up to her counterpart to do the same thing to help in waking her up. Princess Twilight asked everyone if she could put her to rest, with a spell so she may wake up later on. The others agreed. Princess Twilight focused and made Rarity fall to the ground, with her eyes closed and the shield around them vanished.

The girl walked around what was left of Ponyville. It was an isolated wasteland of a place that once had colorful and friendly ponies, gathering around together and enjoying their daily lives, doing what they do best. They all traveled while carrying both Rarity and Chrysalis with their magic. They could not see anything beyond the dust and ash that carried on with an after wave of winds coming into their view. There were no sounds or signs of life or survivors. Princess Twilight knelt in tears because she felt like she failed to reach them in time to save everypony from danger. They dropped Rarity and Chrysalis, when Princess Twilight lost focus.

"I-I... it's... all my fault...!" Princess Twilight sniffled. "I-I... I'm not worthy to be... to be... a princess...!" She fell over, with her whole body on the ground, wallowing and hiccuping her moans of despair. The others watched, and their faces planted on the ground, they couldn't see Princess Twilight put herself down so harshly. They all were afraid they were the only ones to have survived a blast like that. That meant that everypony could have been vaporized. Their families, their friends, and their homes. Destroyed, with little to no trace of them left. The others had stars in their eyes as well, they gathered around Princess Twilight, and tried to comfort her, she held out her hoof for somepony to grasp and make herself feel a bit comforted. Sunset held out her hoof to her, and they all sat down with Princess Twilight. Sunset felt something under her and it was Twilight's Element. She held it close, as she was not present with them.

A moment after, Chrysalis grunted and slowly got up from the ground. The others stood up, Princess Twilight and Sunset stayed seated. The girls took a stance against her, readied, if she were to attack.

"What the hell happened here?!" Chrysalis asked.

"You know damn well what happened!" Rainbow Dash yelled. "You caused all of Equestria to be... destroyed!" Rainbow Dash hesitated as she couldn't take in how dreadful it was to say.

"I wish..." Chrysalis said. "I could never pull off anything like that!"

"You're lyin'!" Applejack said, with her eyes filled with tears, but was hesitant to not drop a single tear down her cheek. "This is your fault!"

"Idiots!" Chrysalis yelled. "I don't know what you're all getting at?!" Rainbow Dash fastened her wings to take off, but before she could get up from the ground to attack her, Sunset held her tail with her mouth to stop her.

"What are you doing?!" Rainbow Dash yelled. Sunset spat out her tail.

"She is right, it is not her fault!" Sunset assured. The others looked down at her, as they all were too enraged to feel any kind of sympathy for Chrysalis. "It was Midnight. Remember?"

"If it hadn't been for Twilight as well!" Applejack yelled back at Sunset. "Lying to us, allowing herself to be impersonatin' one of my dearest friends... it is her fault!" Sunset got up to see Applejack eye to eye. Chrysalis watched them tear each other apart, she was slightly enjoying it.

"Stop it! We all concluded it was Midnight who was behind everything!" Sunset responded. "You think I don't know how you feel?!"

"No you don't Sunset!" Applejack cried. "My family is dead, because of her! My life is ruined, all because somepony had to trespass into our world!"

"Stop it guys!" Rarity spoke.

"Please, stop..." Fluttershy added.

"We didn't even know about it, until way later!" Both Pinkie Pie's said, getting in between them. "So stop blaming each other, before we all do something we'll regret!"

"Ah already regret ever letting this go! Ah should have stopped her before this all happened, but ah didn't because ah felt bad for her! What kind of friend are you, for letting her get this bad?!" Applejack yelled at Sunset.

Sunset out of rage, tackled her. In which they both got into a fight with each other. They pulled each other's tail, ruffled their faces by kicking and bucking, head budding like a couple of rams, and punching each other, having at each other's throats when they fell to the ground. The girl watched in horror seeing their two friends fight each other. Princess Twilight still laid on the ground, hearing them fight and argue over whose fault it was, but she already blamed herself for not replying to Sunset in the first place, and for interfering with their personal lives. Rarity stood by her sleeping other self, as she begged for Applejack and Sunset to stop hurting each other. Fluttershy huddled with her other self, trying to avoid being involved in the fight, but was constantly trying to yell at them to stop their fighting, but her voice was blocked with grief and sadness. The Pinkie Pies were standing by. Applejack was watching her other self getting tangled up with Sunset. She would have done the same with Rarity trying to break up the fight, but she was simultaneously keeping an eye out for Rainbow Dash. Rainbow Dash was ready to join in the fight with the other Rainbow Dash, as they both believed Chrysalis was the cause but Rainbow Dash also thought Applejack was right about Twilight, in which the other Rainbow Dash was going to defend Sunset's stand on the issue. Chrysalis smiled and chuckled of how they're tearing apart their friendship from the inside. She couldn't have planned it better herself.

Applejack and Sunset were both tired and bruised from all their fighting. It was a stalemate. But they still stared each other down like a couple of alphas ready to throw a showdown of who's the authority.

"If we are the last ponies, alive, we have to stay together!" Rarity yelled. "We are all we have left..."

"You're right..." Sunset replied, dropping her guard. Rainbow Dash stood down, and the other Rainbow Dash thought of how Rarity was right.

"Am not spendin' the rest of my life with her!" Applejack yelled.

"Why?!" Applejack's other self questioned. "Twilight is not even here for you to be mad over." Applejack heard herself say something that made her stop looking at Sunset, and plot down a little bit away from Sunset and the group, facing a different direction from them.

Applejack looked away from everypony, and she began to cry. She hated crying in front of anypony. She was silent, when it came to sorrow or grief, not showing anypony any sign of weakness. Only when she was alone, would she be sensitive toward anything, allowing herself to cry and be emotional. The only one who would know about it was Pinkie Pie, but Pinkie promised she would not tell anypony, and would occasionally occupy ponies or steal the spotlight for Applejack to have some time for herself. Applejack laid down her hat over her face to block her tears from anypony seeing. The Applejack that stood by Rarity also did the same thing, she knew why it was hard to let go, even for herself, not being able to go back to their own world.

"A-am... sorry..." Applejack cried. "Am so sorry... a-ah didn't mean it..." Sunset went over to her. Sunset placed a hoof on Applejack. Applejack shook like she was frightened of anyone near her, when she felt Sunset's hoof on her.

"I'm sorry too Applejack... we all lost something... I'm sorry..." Sunset said sincerely. Applejack hugged Sunset. She held onto her tightly, and Sunset let Applejack's pain sink into her as well. "I didn't mean to hurt you or anybody... anypony..." Sunset assured, as she held onto Twilight's Element.

"How?!" Chrysalis questioned herself. "These ponies, sicken me!" The girls gathered together, Rarity and Applejack laid the other Rarity by Princess Twilight, who was still silently laying on the ground.

"We're all here for each other." Rarity said. "Remember?" Sunset looked up at Rarity.

"Yeah... I do..." Sunset replied. Sunset smiled.

"What now?" Princess Twilight said, as she got up. "I'm sorry... I couldn't be there..."

"Twilight..." Rainbow Dash said. "You did everything you possibly could..." Rainbow Dash went over to see her.

"The fact that you have found a way to come back home, without the mirror, was amazing Twilight!" Pinkie Pie enlightened.

"I agree with Rainbow Dash, Pinkie, and Rarity." Fluttershy added.

"But... at what cost..." Princess Twilight commented. "There's no home without everyone..."

"We're here for you Twi." Sunset said.

"We all are." Applejack said, as she was cooling off from being upset. She went over to join Rainbow Dash with Princess Twilight.

"I... I'm glad... I'm at least, not alone..." Princess Twilight said. As she cried and held onto Rainbow Dash and Applejack by her side. "Thank you... everyone... and everypony..."

"Well, I'm leaving!" Chrysalis said, feeling bored of everypony being all apologetic and lovey-dovey.

"Where do you think you're going?!" Rainbow Dash yelled.

"Away!" Chrysalis responded, as she spread her wings out, and flew off. As she was in the air, something struck her down, causing her to crash back down onto the ground. She was knocked unconscious. The girls were frightened and came together.

"Sunset?!" A voice came from the distance. Sunset looked out toward the empty valleys, and the dirt and ash slowly drifted back to the ground. All around them, the girls looked and saw the sun at its peak, and the green pastures and trees were visible out further in the horizon. The girls smiled. "Sunset?!" The voice continued. Sunset walked out of the group.

"Sunset, Princess Twilight, everypony!" Rarity said. "Look!" Rarity pointed with her hoof outward. Sunset, Princess Twilight, and the others looked toward the direction Rarity pointed to. They saw Twilight, she was walking along with everypony that lived in Ponyville. Princess Twilight was so enlightened she teared up. Twilight ran up to Sunset and the others. Twilight hugged both Princess Twilight and Sunset. Sunset gave back Twilight's Element. Twilight smiled.

Applejack ran up to a mare, who had a yellow coat, red mane and red tail with a cutesy pink bow.

"Apple Bloom!" Applejack cried.

"Big sis!" Apple Bloom yelled. They both hugged, Applejack cried along with Apple Bloom. "Ah missed ya big sis!"

"Ah missed ya more!" Applejack responded. While Applejack was holding onto Apple Bloom with love and care, a stallion with a red coat with an orange mane and tail came up with one of the eldest mares in Ponyville. She has a lime green coat and a long faded white and silver mane and tail tied up in a bun, holding onto a cane for support. "Big Mac! Granny Smith!"

"Well, in all my years of living in Ponyville, this has to be one of most devestatin' disasters I've lived through..." Granny Smith said.

"Eeyup!" Big Mac commented.

"Rarity!" A young mare with curly white and light purple mane and tail with a white coat said.

"Oh, Sweetie Belle!" Rarity said, as she gave her a hug. "You're okay!"

"Of course I am!" Sweetie Belle added.

Rarity awakened to see too many ponies surrounding her, causing her to squeal. Applejack was there with her to see her awake.

"Applejack!" Rarity yelled. "The bomb! It's coming!" Rarity held onto Applejack, freaking out with her coat covered in dirt and her hair messy.

"Rarity, calm down." Applejack assured. "We're all safe now!" Afterward, Rarity hugged Applejack, Applejack blushed and did the same.

The mare with an orange coat and purple mane and tail walked over to Rainbow Dash. Although, she stopped once she saw two Rainbow Dashes standing by each other.

"Who is who?" The young mare said.

"Right here, Scootaloo!" Rainbow Dash said.

"Scootaloo?!" Rainbow Dash asked.

"How are there two Rainbow Dashes?!" Scootaloo asked.

"Well... it's kind of a long story...!" Rainbow Dash replied.

"Cool!" Scootaloo said. "Now I have two big sisters!" They both looked at each other, and smiled.

"Hey everypony!" The Pinkie Pies said. "Guess who's got another twin sister!" The crowd went wild over the fact that Pinkie Pie could have possibly gone through the mirror pool again to clone herself another Pinkie Pie. But, they cheered nonetheless.

Fluttershy saw Angel with a few other little critters running towards the Fluttershys. Fluttershy thought of how cute they all were, and the other Fluttershy agreed, and she shared them with her.

Everypony gathered around the Rainbooms and the Elements of Harmony. They all focused on the two Twilights that stood before them all. Twilight came up to both Sunset and Princess Twilight, she hugged them and went over towards the others.

"Twilight?" Sunset asked. "How? I thought everyone was..."

"Gone?" Twilight interrupted. "Well, before you came here, I helped a few ponies to Zecora in the Everfree forest to provide them shelter. She asked me to bring as many I could to her. I went everywhere in Ponyville and gathered them altogether using my new teleportation technique. It was a little difficult to get the others to trust me and help them after all the damage I did, but Scootaloo helped the others to see that I was here to help guide them to safety after previously saving her from a falling building. Afterward, Spike went to Princess Celestia to notify her of everything..."

"And so she did." Princess Celestia interrupted, she came in from a large chariot of white and silver with a couple of pegasi carrying it. She walked onto the ground, and saw that there was much damage done to the central area of Ponyville. Twilight gulped. She was surely afraid of what would come. Spike walked out with the other Spike, as they both came to Twilight.

"Princess Celestia!" Sunset and Princess Twilight said simultaneously. They both kneeled in her presence. All of the ponies surrounding the area did the same.

Twilight stepped forth to Princess Celestia. She kneeled in front of her. Princess Celestia stood proudly. Princess Twilight and Sunset feared Twilight. The other girls and both Spikes gathered where Sunset and Princess Twilight were.

"Princess Celestia..." Twilight said cautiously. "I-I'm sorry for running away... causing so much... chaos in Ponyville." Princess Celestia was listening in. Twilight was scared to be in her presence. "I-I'm sorry for lying to you... and everypony else." Twilight continued, she said it all, before she lost herself in tears. "I'm sorry for trespassing into your world without permission! I'm sorry for trapping Princess Twilight into another world! It is all my fault... I'm so sorry..." Princess Celestia came to her. Twilight flinched and backed up away from her. Twilight had tears running down her face.

"Twilight, from the other world. You have caused such destruction in our world, and for that, you will be punished for it." Princess Celestia requested. "However, for your bravery and selflessness to save and gather all my ponies to safety..." She assured, and slowly came up to Twilight to meet her in her eyes. "I forgive you..."

"Thank you, your highness... but I wasn't the only one..." Twilight said humbly, and she walked on over to Zecora hidden in the crowd. "Zecora helped as well!"

"It is true, it was the right thing to do!" Zecora said as she bowed her head. "We both did what we could to help everypony, making sure we got them to safety!"

"I did help in making sure that blast couldn't have reached any further than the center of Ponyville." Princess Celestia admitted. "There's many places still standing. The Castle of Friendship is one of them. So, the mirror will be fixed, but in the meantime, I will have you, Twilight, under community service as punishment, help in rebuilding the partial of Ponyville that was destroyed."

"Your highness..." Sunset asked, as she walked up to Twilight, Zecora, and Princess Celestia. "Could we be there to help Twilight?"

"Of course!" Princess Celestia responded. "Just let this be a lesson for her. To be honest, and to be careful when entering into our world."

The girls came together, and they rejoiced.

"My little ponies!" Princess Celestia said. "Let us all give thanks to our heroes of Equestria. And the newest members of the Elements of Harmony!" Everyone clopped and cheered. "We will rebuild Ponyville, as they've shown us that together we can accomplish much greater!"

There were some places that still stood, as to anywhere nearby Ponyville, such as the Everfree Forest, Sweet Apple Acres, and a few miles before entering towards the Castle of Friendship, they remained in decent condition.

With the last couple of days, the girls helped all the ponies in Ponyville rebuild the towns' cottages, and shops back to how it was. Replanting a lot of vineyards, grass, and trees. Fluttershys helped the animals build new burrows, nests, and houses, in which they also rebuilt the animal shelters. The girl's got to know each other, and grew to like each other a lot while they were working on construction. They also gave Twilight plenty of time to learn a few tips and tricks for her research, which helped her reconstruct a few shops much quicker.

Within the last day, the mirror was fully repaired and was working as it should. Ponyville was still working in some places, but Twilight had done enough to make the place feel like home again. The girls gathered and asked them to visit again. All but Sunset and Twilight were left, saying their goodbyes to them. The others left Princess Twilight to Sunset and Twilight.

"Twilight?" Sunset asked Princess Twilight.

"Yeah?" Princess Twilight responded.

"As much as I would like to stay. I'm afraid my place is there. We all need each other, but I need them... more..." Sunset replied.

"I understand." Princess Twilight said, as she smiled. "With everything going on, I will have to let you know when the portal will be open, but I should be able to reply in the book like always!"

"Great!" Sunset said. "So, I guess this is goodbye?"

"No, for now, we will visit again soon!" Princess Twilight assured.

"Alright!" Sunset said, as she walked through the mirror. Twilight went over to Princess Twilight.

"I'm sorry for being a bad sister." Twilight said.

"It's okay, I forgive you!" Princess Twilight said. "We are like family. We mess up, cause each other trouble, but in the end, we are here for each other, no matter what!"

"Thank you!" Twilight said. "I guess we'll see you some other time." Twilight said, as she was about to head out.

"Hey, before you go, I want to tell you something!" Princess Twilight asked Twilight. Twilight stopped to listen and went back to Princess Twilight. "Well first maybe, don't do any experiments without letting them know..."

"Yeah, no kidding!" Twilight said, as they both chuckled.

"Secondly... You are a leader, that means you're responsible for the whole team." Princess Twilight added. "But, promise me, you'll take care of them. Especially Sunset. I know you may feel that I'm more special because I'm a princess with numerous gifts, or even because Sunset and I talk a lot to each other, but I don't want you to think that. We may be similar in many ways, but we are different. I don't want you to feel jealous or hateful towards me. I want you to be better than me! Please, will you promise me that you will take care of Sunset and the others? For me?"

"I... I will!" Twilight replied.

"Thank you!" Princess Twilight said. "I know you could be a great leader!" Twilight walked out, and looked back toward Princess Twilight, watching her fade away by diving deeper into the portal.

Twilight arrived at the mirror and stallion statue, in front of Canterlot High, and went back to her bipedal form. She saw the others struggled to get on their feet. All, but Sunset managed to make the first step. Twilight giggled as she saw Applejack holding onto Rarity, as she tried to get up on her high heels.

"Rarity, just take them off!" Applejack said.

"I'm not getting my perfect feet dirty!" Rarity replied. Rainbow Dash was laughing and was able to walk again. She ran across the lot to regain her control and ability. Fluttershy brought Spike with her, as he was mad at being a dog again.

"Spike?" Twilight said, as she got up from the ground. Spike ran up to her, and she hugged him. He was no longer afraid of her. He licked her, and Twilight smiled to have her companion back.

"So, what did Princess Twilight have to say?" Sunset asked.

"Oh, just to be safe!" Twilight said.

"Okay." Sunset said. Twilight got up and everyone met up with her. Twilight was sad, as she held onto Spike.

"I'm sorry everypony..." Twilight shook her head and chuckled. "Everybody! Sorry!"

"It's fine!" Applejack commented. "At least everypony in there is safe and okay!"

"Yeah..." Twilight said. "What about you... I'm sure you're all mad at me for being secretive and conniving?"

"Yeah?" Rainbow Dash said. "What was all that stuff in the living room? By the way, it's a mess!"

"Oh that's alright. But, I've been stupid. I was so worried about passing the test and was curious about everything, that I... awakened something inside me. I regret ever hurting you all." Twilight continued. "I'm sorry!"

"It's all right Twi." Sunset said. "We all make mistakes, but we got through it together, like you said! I should have listened and waited, but I was too eager and afraid that I let it all go!"

"Same!" Rarity said. "We're all sorry we didn't see if anyone had any problems to work out!"

"Yeah..." They all agreed.

"Thank you, so much everyone!" Twilight said. "I guess we should have checked in with everyone, instead of separating again?"

"Agreed!" The girls said. They heard a phone go off. Applejack felt her pocket vibrate.

"Oh shoot!" Applejack yelled.

"Language darling!" Rarity said. "Seriously, have I taught you nothing!"

"No, it's Granny Smith! She left me 50 messages!" Applejack yelled. "Ah better go! Does anyone else need a ride?"

"I'm good! I better stretch my legs out! And run back home!" Rainbow Dash said.

"I do!" Rarity said.

"I'll be with Rainbow Dash!" Fluttershy said.

"Aww man!" Rainbow Dash said, as they both headed out on the sidewalk. "Oh well, I guess I could walk with you!" Fluttershy looked at her with puppy dog eyes and nodded.

"Sunset? Twilight?" Applejack asked.

"No, we're good!" Sunset said after confirming with Twilight.

"Alrighty then, see ya later!" Applejack said, as she headed for her truck, Rarity got in with her and drove off. Rainbow Dash and Fluttershy waved and walked on the sidewalk to their house. Leaving Sunset and Twilight with Spike alone.


Sunset was by the mirror, she placed her hand on it, and felt the mirror cold and solid, as her hand was placed flat on the surface. Twilight looked back, and placed Spike on the ground. Twilight walked over to her.

"Hey..." Twilight said, as she placed her hand on Sunset's shoulder.

"Hey." Sunset replied. They both smiled at each other. "I guess, we both have something to hide..."

"What do you mean?" Twilight asked.

"I did like her, but I guess it would be hard, being in two different worlds." Sunset said.

"I suppose so..." Twilight said.

The sun was behind the mirror, it was evening time and the clouds had continually drifted, and the sun was peeking through an opening, shining brightly at the ground.

"Sunset..." Twilight said.

"Yeah?" Sunset said. Twilight hesitated to say anything. She gripped her hands tightly, and gritted her teeth. Looking down at the cemented ground, seeing the sun's light growing closer.

"It's getting late, huh?" Twilight said.

"Oh, it is." Sunset said. "Want to walk back home together?"

"S-sure..." Twilight said. They both walked side by side, and saw their shadows getting even flatter, reaching near the school yard, with the sun at their side. Spike followed. "Thank you..."

"What for?" Sunset asked.

"For... always being there..." Twilight said, as she blushed.

"Of course!" Sunset said, as she smiled. They both arrived at their crossroads, with Sunset heading off towards the town, and Twilight heading to her place near Crystal Prep. They both hugged and waved back at each other, as they walked on their own paths to their homes.

Twilight opened her door, Spike ran inside and was happy to be home. Twilight walked in to see her living room, messy with all her papers laying around and her closet opened. Twilight closed her door and closet, and headed for the kitchen. Twilight got Spike some food ready, she sighed, getting back into her old life again. But, she smiled, as she saw Spike eating and feeling happy having his Twilight back with him. Twilight smiled.

"One day Spike..." Twilight said. "One day..."

Meanwhile, in Ponyville…

There was a celebration going on in Ponyville. The place was lit, and fireworks were going off, the ponies danced in celebration of New Ponyville. They had an endless assortment of cakes, drinks, and party favors. In the center were both Pinkie Pie's singing "The Real Pink Pony" while the crowd got wild and hopped around to the beat! By the end of it:

"Thought you forgot me?!" Pinkie yelled to the crowd, and to the reader. "I'm Pinkie, everypony and everyBODY loves me!" The crowd cheered and went on with the party.

Roll Credits

The ending song of Curiosity.

"Sunset to Sunrise"

Performed by: Sunset Shimmer

[Verse 1]:

As the sun passes by, and the skies will burn away.

As the moon glistens by, with stars of the milky way.

Time is endless, and yet, ages through another day.

I couldn't find a better time to tell you, what I want to say.


Even as the sun sets, and all fall down to sleep.

Another journey awaits now, and it begins with you and me.

Walking through the endless earth, to find the sunrise again.

We'll see the sunrise again.

[Chorus x2]:

If you want in?

Come walk with me.

We'll find it.

Let us be free.

[Verse 2]:

As the moon enlightens the night, and the stars cover the sky.

As the sun peaks with the light, and the darkness fades by.

Time is endless, and yet, years continue to fly.

I couldn't find another time to tell you, what I want to try.

[Verse 3]:

As the sun passes by, and the skies will burn away.

As the moon glistens by, with stars of the milky way.

From sunset, to sunrise. We'll see the sunrise again.


The End...

Book 1: Curiosity | Extra: AJ and Miss Rarity

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Extra: AJ and Miss Rarity

Prior to Curiosity...

After the events of Rollercoaster of Friendship, Applejack was starting to become close with Rarity. She knew Applejack grew to like her, however, she did end up liking someone during the events of Spring Breakdown. But after they've reached safety on an island by going through the sinkhole portal to Equestria, Rarity made her decision to be with Applejack. It was no coincidence the guy she liked was oddly similar to Applejack with hair color, skin color, and having an accent. Rarity let the guy go, and realized he was doing his job rather than being a person of interest. Since that time, Applejack and Rarity started to see each other more often.

They went to each other's house, Applejack fixed up her studio and walk-in closet, which Rarity simply enjoyed. Rarity took a little more interest in how to take care of animals, and getting her hands constantly dirty. Rarity's favorite animal she would take care of was a mini pony named Li'l Sebastion. Applejack remembered the first time she spotted him inside the barn.

It was a hot summer evening, the sun was slow to set, and made all the livestock exhausted from the heat to find any shade. They all took refuge in the barn, and it was also time to be fed.

Applejack and Big Mac were out feeding the pigs. Rarity was there, sitting around the haystacks watching them taking care of their lovely animals. She was used to the muddiness it carried, the smell of animal shit, and stocks of apples with haystacks that surrounded the barn. She started getting used to it whenever Applejack invited her over, and she would observe and took note of everything.

Applejack was surprised by Rarity's sudden interest in farming, she insisted that she would like to be more involved.

"Who's this?!" Rarity squealed.

"Oh, that lil' fella?" Applejack said, as she was feeding the pigs outside through the gate. "That there's Li'l Sebastion!"

"I want it!" Rarity said. "It's everything!"

"Oh, well, he ain't for sale, but there were some folks coming around who do want him!" Applejack said.

"No! I simply refused to let anyone near him!" Rarity yelled. "Can't we keep him?"

"Well, ah would, but..." Applejack hesitated. "They did offer a lot for him, but ah personally don't want to because the poor fellas' got a lot of health-related problems!"

"Like?" Rarity questioned.

"Ah think it's mainly diabetes." Applejack said, as she stroked her chin trying to remember.

"That's... not right..." Rarity commented. "Poor little guy... I should give him my fleece to cover him with it!"

"Rarity stop!" Applejack said. "He's allergic to cotton! He gets really stuffy!"

"Okay..." Rarity said, as she put away her blanket, and was feeling sad for him.

"Don't worry Rarity, ah got Fluttershy helping me make sure he's safe and comfortable!"

"Oh, that's good..." Rarity said. "What's this between you and Fluttershy?"

"Oh c'mon! We're all friends, there's nothin' goin on!" Applejack said. "Besides, my eyes on you longer than you have on me!"

"Is that so?" Rarity continued. "Well, why don't you prove it!" Applejack grabbed her and raised her up to the wooden fence to sit on. Applejack held her close, and brought her in for their first kiss. Rarity blushed, and was surprised at her. She was impressed by her to make the first move. She went in for another, with her arms wrapped around her.

"Sweet Sarsaparilly!" Apple Bloom yelled, as she was in shock to see her older sister smooching up Rarity.

"Apple Bloom!" Applejack shrieked. "Wh-what a-are ya doin' in here?" Applejack stuttered, as she was red with embarrassment, and with sweat streaming down her face.

"A-ah came t-ta tell ya... foods ready!" Apple Bloom said hesitantly.

"Oh..." Applejack responded.

"Ain't Big Mac here too?" Apple Bloom said.

"Eeyup!" Big Mac said.

"What are ya doin' in here?!" Applejack said. "Oh, wait, you were helpin' me feedin' the animals..."

"Eeyup!" Big Mac continued.

"Why y'all green lookin' Big Mac?" Apple Bloom asked. "Are ya sick?"

"Eeyup!" Big Mac quickly ran out toward the trees.

"Aw C'mon..." Applejack stopped to think about it. "Ah guess cat's out of the bag..."

"E-yup..." Rarity added, feeling embarrassed as Applejack.

From that moment on, it was awkward to be around her family.

Applejack wouldn't force her to be out there doing some work, but rather asked her to make some firm and tightly woven pants so she won't be ruining her good jeans for school. After Rarity was done with it, she delivered it to her, Applejack was in love with the jeans. She wore those jeans everytime she worked.

Their first date was when Applejack invited her to her house to have an outside cook-out. Applejack treated her with her own cooking, however, Rarity does not eat very much meat, but rather a healthier option. She was convinced she could make a fine cuisine even Rarity would enjoy. After Applejack was done, she made Rarity, chicken stir-fry. Fresh peas, carrots, noodles, fried rice, and grilled chicken. Rarity was impressed, until she first took a bite. She was filled with such delight, it was light, but packed with much flavor. Rarity was in love with Applejack's cooking. Together they shared a meal, and gathered into the barn with Li'l Sebastian. Rarity loved being there. Together they sat on the haystacks listening to music. They danced together. They would have a formal dance and a dance to a pop song, but as they twirled around, they both accidentally tripped over a rope that was laying around the hay. Rarity was laying directly on top of Applejack, and they both laughed, blushed, and they both laid comfortably together, side by side. They kissed, but they also slept in the barn all throughout the night. Even though the haystacks were uncomfortable, they loved being there together. As they got up in the morning, they heard some other snoring going in the barn. They went to see who it was, and they found Sweetie Belle and Scootaloo in the hay sleeping. They both concluded they were snooping around and tried to ruin their date with the rope. Both Rarity and Applejack laid them down on the couch in the house. They went into Applejack's room to sleep some more.

Around the same time, Rarity asked if her family was willing to spend time with both her and Applejack, however, since the time Rarity mentioned it to them, they thought Rarity was actually pursuing a possible relationship with a man named 'Jack.'

When they came over to see her, they opened the door and found out that her date was a lady named Applejack. Once they saw her and Rarity together, they stormed off, not saying a word, or even called to ask her anything regarding her decision.

That night they shared, Rarity was upset. She was bedridden, and didn't want to wake up. The thought of both of their families not accepting their love for each other made her feel ashamed, unwelcomed, and hurt.

"Rarity?" Applejack asked, as she walked into the bedroom. Rarity didn't get up, she laid in bed, staring straight at the blank and colorless wall. "Ah made ya a soup!" Applejack tried to lift her spirits up, but she was not responding. Applejack went over to her side of the bed, she sat down and would feed her silently, as she blew on every spoonful. Rarity would open her mouth, and slowly swallow it down. After she was done, Applejack placed the bowl down on the desk beside the bed, and would lay with her. "It's going to be okay." Applejack would say, as she would stroke her hair. She held her close. "Ah will always be there for you."

It took a week for Rarity to get back into work, but she made the suggestion that no one should know of their relationship. Applejack was against being dishonest toward her friends, but she had to for her.

The amount of time Applejack spent with Rarity, was making things back home quite difficult. Apple Bloom was a little overworked, and once had a heat stroke. The sudden change from just wanting a relationship, was taking a toll on everyone's life. Applejack felt like it was her fault for the cause, but none of them blamed her for anything.

Months after, they have been on a few dates such as going to the movies, and Rarity making Applejack try on a few outfits and even some cute lingerie. Rarity bought her two types in which she sold one of them to Sunset because Applejack favored only one of them, which was Rarity's favorite. She didn't question Sunset, but she wanted to get rid of it. Some ladies love comfortable and sexy sleepwear.

The two were a few months into the relationship, but every now and then, some fighting would erupt.

After Applejack dropped off the girls, she was working around the house, until around ten at night. She was ready to sleep after a long day with the Princess Twilight and the others. Later on that evening, Rarity called, to talk about some things that happened during Princess Twilight's visit…

Over the phone at two in the morning...

A: What?

R: What's with your tone of voice?!

A: Am tryin' to sleep...

R: Aren't we going to talk about today?!

A: About what?

R: Dropping me off first, not even saying anything about it. You didn't even come over to see me... What about Rainbow Dash's behavior, hmm? You could have at least said something?

A: Really... right now?

R: Yes right now! Why didn't you bother to call or text or come by to see me earlier?!

A: Ah was busy!

R: And another thing why is it that when you tend to know what everyone else is feeling, why can't you ever tell with me?!

A: Ah don't know... the others are too obvious...?

R: Well I guess I'll give you that. Both Sunset and Twilight need to get a room already!

A: Rarity please...

R: Don't you dare hang up on me!

A: Rarity look, we'll talk more tomorrow.

R: No, since you've been completely ignoring me. I've been dropping hints all over, and you couldn't see a single one?

A: What hints?

R: Can't you tell I was going through something, and needed you by my side?!

A: Ya did?

R: Yes?! I helped you in your time of need!

A: Ah don't want to talk about that, right now!

R: Fine, but I still needed you, and you totally ignored me?!

A: Rarity, can't you just be subtle with me?

R: Where's the fun in that?

A: Look, you almost made me crash today, can we not right now?

R: Oh, so you're blaming me, when Rainbow Dash has been the one poking me and annoying me all afternoon? Where's my knight in shining armour?

A: First off, that near-crash incident was your fault, and secondly, ah know ya always got to start somethin'.

R: I can't believe you would do this, blame me! Agh!

A: Rarity, ah got shit to do tomorrow, can't this wait?

R: Language darling!

A: You've heard me cussin' all the time, ya even do that yerself!

R: Yes... well, I have reason to! I have Opal here sometimes claws me up or nips at me every now and then. Sometimes I get caught in a stitch. Sometimes I have needles that all of a sudden have to prick me and my glorious fingers! Or sometimes I crack a nail, or if my make up is messed up. By the way, why didn't you tell me my lashes were off today?!

A: Rarity please, can ah go back to sleep, ah promise when am done gettin' everythin' together here, I'll come by!

R: So you chose work over me?! How selfish!

A: Rarity, if ah go a day without work, am a-be in trouble. Not only that! If ah stopped working altogether, am going to lose the farm...

R: So is that an invitation to finally come live with me?! Marvelous!

A: Dammit Rarity, am going to bed!

R: And you're not even going to tuck me to bed? Or lay with me, or maybe even...

A: No?! I'll come by tomorrow, okay?

R: Hmph, fine!... goodnight...

A: G'night...

R: Love you!

A: Love ya too!

The next day. Applejack woke up around six in the morning. She was doing a lot of work around the farm, tending to the animals, gathering apples, making sure she helped in fixing something to eat when everyone got up. She was done around eleven, which she wanted to head out to spend time with Rarity. She knew Rarity would be happy to see her. Applejack told everyone she was going to come back home sometime after one, but with Rarity, it could end up being the entire weekend. Apple Bloom said she was heading out to hang with Scootaloo and Sweetie Belle at the movie theater. She drove up to Rarity's place. Applejack could have sworn, she saw Sunset with both Twilight's walking up that very street. But, they're doing whatever at this point.

Applejack walked up to Rarity's front door. Rarity opened the door, and she looked extremely exhausted, her hair was bushy, her clothes weren't put together, her eyes were red and watery, and it looked as if she didn't wash out her makeup from her face. Rarity was a complete mess, unlike her usual perfect self.

"Uh... Rarity?" Applejack asked.

"Oh, Applejack! You came!" Rarity enlightened.

"Yeah, ah said ah would, remember?" Applejack replied. Rarity pulled her into her house, as she looked around outside her front door. She squinted, and shut the door behind her and locked it. "What's goin' on Rarity?" Rarity hugged her, and her face fell on her shoulder.

"I had a bad dream last night..." Rarity said. "I couldn't sleep. Especially the way I was talking to you last night... you're not still mad at me... are you?"

"Of course not, Rarity." Applejack said. "Ah knew ya didn't mean it, but ah wasn't being good to ya either..."

"Oh, Applejack!" Rarity felt a little relieved, and hugged Applejack tightly.

"Ya look tired..." Applejack said. "Why don't we go lay down?"

"Okay..." Rarity said softly. "Carry me?" Applejack held onto Rarity with one arm behind her neck, and the other went down to the back of Rarity's knees and swung up to hold her tightly. She held onto Applejack with her arms around her neck, staring deeply into her eyes. The strength Applejack made Rarity tingle with excitement, as Applejack carried her to the bedroom. Applejack looked back at her, she loved handling Rarity, as if she was saving her from a life threatening situation, it made her feel empowered to protect her dear sweet Li'l Miss Rarity.

Applejack laid with Rarity, they snuggled together, maintaining a soothing temperature under the sheets and blankets. She faced away from Applejack, but her legs and toes curled up against Applejack's, with her soft right arm placed over Applejack's firm arm on top of her own waist and stomach. Applejack liked being the bigger spoon, when she would lay with her. She would feel her body, slowly breathing in and out of her small nose, her soft moans and movements of her legs, freezing toes, and arms adjusted to her sides. Rarity's hair in Applejack's face. Applejack could smell the sweet sensation of green apples and cinnamon. It wasn't Rarity's usual scent, but she knew it would arouse her senses. Rarity would often use it, whenever she wanted her attention. Applejack thought about it, maybe it was one of the hints Rarity tried to use to get her attention.

Applejack closed her eyes, and thought about what were the other moments she could have said something. She couldn't think of anything, other than, Rarity always sitting next to her every time they sat anywhere. Applejack was starting to get it, she was ignoring it the whole time. She thought about how annoying Rainbow Dash was with her stupid running gag about the flu. Neither of them said anything, but they both obviously didn't get the joke enough to care for it, so it became annoying for the both of them. Which is why Rarity was probably getting pissed off at Rainbow Dash, it seemed like Rarity had enough. Applejack thought about Rarity, the way she squealed in the truck that nearly made her crash. She said Rainbow Dash was poking her, so Applejack placed her finger where she was poked. Rarity jolted, as she was awakened from her rest. She was pissed. Rarity turned toward her.

"Applejack!" Rarity yelled. "What are you doing?!"

"Am sorry..." Applejack said sincerely. "Are ya sensitive there?"

"You know I am!" Rarity replied. Applejack couldn't say anything, she did not remember why.

"Am sorry..." Applejack continued. Rarity turned back to face away, and continued to rest.

"It's fine." Rarity responded. Applejack thought about it. Why couldn't she remember? It had to have been earlier that day. Applejack thought about it earlier that morning, they both don't have any classes together in the morning, lunch happened, and that's when Princess Twilight showed up. Something might have happened, since then, but what was it?

Applejack suddenly remembered Rainbow Dash running to the table, she was running, which made the table shift to the right, almost knocking everyone over. Rarity might have been trying to sit down, and the table ended up hitting her, possibly bruising her side. Which probably explains her being rude to Rainbow Dash all evening long. Applejack really missed out on everything. This drama could have been avoided if she had just listened and paid attention.

"Rarity..." Applejack said softly, as Rarity let out a moan. "Am sorry for earlier, ah don't know why ah didn't notice in the first place..." Rarity turned her whole body around to face Applejack.

"That's alright..." Rarity whispered softly, she was still exhausted. "As long as you are here now, that's all that matters to me."

Rarity was laying her head on top of Applejack's chest which was soft and comfortable for her head for support. Her right arm reached over Applejack's shoulder going under her neck, slightly gripping them for stability, and the other arm was placed over Applejack's stomach. Applejack adjusted her body to lay on her back, allowing Rarity to lay on top of her. She could hear her heartbeat, the heat and sensation of her vibrating breath, and heartbeat. The comforting relaxation Rarity had enjoyed so much. Slow breaths in which they both felt together, they both felt sleepy. Applejack closed her eyes, and allowed herself to sink into Rarity's motion of dreariness, within each breath she took. Their legs crossed each other, lying comfortably.

"Ah love ya Rarity." Applejack said to herself, as she fell asleep.

Moments later, Applejack heard the front door slam. It made her jump.

"Rarity?" Applejack asked, as she tapped on her shoulder. "Someone came through the door." Rarity muffled and moaned, she was too tired to get up and to hear what Applejack said. Applejack wanted to go see who it was. She slid her way through the sheets, but Rarity's grip tightened around her legs and chest, as if she knew about her wanting to get up. Rarity's reflex slowly got loose, Applejack was able to get up without awakening Rarity.

Applejack went into the living room. There she saw Apple Bloom with a mark on her head, Sweetie Belle, and Scootaloo sitting on the couch looking mopey.

"Apple Bloom?" Applejack questioned.

"Oh, hey big sis?" Apple Bloom said.

"What ya'll up to?" Applejack asked. "What's with that mark on yer head?"

"Nothing, got denied from watching a movie!" Scootaloo said.

"Yeah, we did." Sweetie Belle added. "We saw Twilight and Sunset over there wanting to watch the same movie!"

"What movie?" Applejack continued.

"It's "The Last House on the Left in the Woods on a Haunted Hill"." Apple Bloom answered.

"A horror movie?!" Applejack asked. "Ya know ya have to be 17 years old to watch such things, right?"

"Yeah, but we had a sick disguise though!" Scootaloo said. Scootaloo explained going to the movie ticket booth with Sweetie Belle and Apple Bloom in one whole outfit, with Apple Bloom on the bottom and Sweetie Belle on top. While Scootaloo by their side, and tried to look like she was going there with an older sibling to watch it together. However, the ticket guy noticed straight away when both Apple Bloom and Sweetie Belle started talking.

"Sweetie Belle..." Apple Bloom said, as she struggled to have Sweetie Belle on her shoulders. "You're a lot heavier than ah thought you'd be!"

"Shut up!" Scootaloo yelled, as she elbowed Apple Bloom in the stomach. "The plan won't work if you're talking!"

"How dare you say I'm heavy!" Sweetie Belle said. They came up to the ticket booth. Apple Bloom tried to walk, but could not see where she was going. She ended up bumping into someone.

"Sorry!" Apple Bloom said. "Oh!" Apple Bloom opened up and saw Twilight with Sunset at the ticket booth. Twilight looked back.

"Hide!" Scootaloo said. They both turned around immediately before Twilight saw their faces. She went back to talking with Sunset. "Okay, we're good."

"Hey, was that Twilight?!" Sweetie Belle yelled.

"Shut up!" Scootaloo said. Their turn arrived, and the ticket guy looked at them. Scootaloo was trying to look mature and natural, while Sweetie Belle struggled to give the guy some money to buy the tickets. Apple Bloom walked over, but she head-butted the desk, and fell over. Scootaloo attempted it on her own.

"Can I get two tickets to see The Last House..."

"Nope!" The ticket guy interrupted.

"Why not?!" Scootaloo asked.

"It's rated "R," and you're clearly not old enough!" Ticket guy said.

"I have my older sister right here!" Scootaloo turned back to see them, and they revealed their identity as Apple Bloom got out to rub her head from hitting it against the desk. Scootaloo was mad.

"Security!" Ticket guy said. The girls were automatically kicked out of the theater, the security guy said they couldn't return until tomorrow. They got food, and headed over to Rarity's place.

"Ya tried to get into an "R-rated" movie by lyin'!" Applejack yelled. "Am very disappointed in you!"

"Am sorry, Applejack." Apple Bloom said sincerely, feeling bad about how she handled the situation. The other two comforted her, and also felt terrible.

"We're sorry Applejack!" Sweetie Belle added. "We've been wanting to watch this horror movie for ages!"

"Ah see." Applejack said. "Whatcha gonna do now?"

"I don't know..." Sweetie Belle said. "No plans so far..."

"We could try again tomorrow?!" Scootaloo suggested. Applejack went over and bumped her on the head. "Ow!"

"No bad deeds!" Applejack said to Scootaloo. "What would Rainbow Dash think of ya?"

"What are you talking about?" Scootaloo said. "She's the one that suggested it!"

"What?!" Applejack said. "She did not!"

"She did!"

"What did she say?"


"Scootaloo, you're in big trouble!"


Moments later, Applejack heard something in the other room.

"Applejack!" Rarity said, from a distance.

"We'll discuss this later!" Applejack said to the girls. Applejack went into the bedroom. Rarity was sitting up, looking mad at Applejack. "Rarity... ya need somethin'."

"You've got out of bed!" Rarity said. "And what's with all the yelling?"

"Oh, ah had to check to see who came through the door." Applejack said. "It was Sweetie Belle and the other girls."

"Oh, are you mad at them?" Rarity asked.

"Well, they did try to sneak into an "R-rated" movie." Applejack said.

"Oh, that darn girl! But, come back to bed... please!" Applejack walked over to lay back down with Rarity.

"Sorry for wakin' ya!" Applejack said.

"That's alright. At least you were there to protect me, if there was a home invasion!" Rarity said.

"Yeah, I suppose so. But, yer not that vulnerable as much as yer playin at, ya know?"

"What, can I, at least, act like I don't?!"


"Whatever!" Rarity laid back down, facing away from Applejack again. Applejack laid there thinking about it, and she saw the girls peeking behind in the corner. Applejack saw them, and the girls giggled and ran off. Applejack blushed. Applejack went to shut the door. She laid back down. She turned to face Rarity.

"Rarity..." Applejack whispered. "What was your dream about?" Rarity turned to face her.

"Well..." Rarity sighed. "My dream... it scared me. I thought I was fighting something or someone, but all of a sudden there was a blast of flames, and everything disappeared. I couldn't bear the thought of being alone last night... Which is why I called you in the middle of the night, to get my mind off of it. After I came forward with you about yesterday, and the way we spoke to each other, I thought you were getting bored of me..." Rarity began to tear up. "After we fought, I didn't mean to hurt you... I just wanted to see if you still... loved me." Applejack held her close.

"Am sorry Rarity..." Applejack said. "Ah wasn't there when ah should of been... nothing and ah mean nothing will make me change the way ah feel about you! Ah don't care if anyone accepts us. Ah don't want to leave you. Ever."

"Oh Applejack..." Rarity cried. "I love you!"

"Ah love ya too!" Applejack replied. They both began to hold each other tightly, as they laid side by side. When Rarity cried, Applejack wiped her tears, Applejack dragged her in for a kiss. "Ah miss our moments like this."

"I agree." Rarity added. "Then let's do it some more." They both continued to kiss. "Oh Applejack, that's not how you use your tongue darling! You filthy girl!" Applejack giggled. But, they heard giggling from the other room.

Meanwhile, in the living room, Apple Bloom was closing her ears trying not to hear anything, while Sweetie Belle and Scootaloo were listening in, and laughing. Applejack opened the door, and yelled at them.

"What are ya perverts doin'?!" Applejack asked.

"Perverts?!" Scootaloo yelled.

"Rude!" Sweetie Belle said.

"You're the one's listenin' in!" Applejack said.

"So?" Scootaloo continued to taunt Applejack.

"Look, go find somethin' else to do!" Applejack requested.

"Like what big sis?" Apple Bloom asked.

"Ah don't know, go bother Rainbow Dash or somethin'!" Applejack said.

"Nah, I'd rather go sneak into the theater again!" Scootaloo suggested.

"No!" The girls said.

"Applejack!" Rarity yelled.

"What is it?" Applejack asked.

"Pinkie Pie sent a message!" Rarity replied.

"What she sayin'?" Applejack added.

"She wants to meet up for lunch!" Rarity said.

"How about we take ya with us?" Applejack suggested. "Then, you could figure it out from there?"

"We already ate though!" Sweetie Belle said.

"Ah don't know what else to say to ya girls?" Applejack admitted. "But, whatever it is, please stay out of trouble!"

"Fine!" Apple Bloom and Sweetie Belle said.

"No promises!" Scootaloo said. Applejack went back to the room with Rarity.

"What did Pinkie suggest?" Applejack asked.

"Nothing so far..." Rarity said. "I guess we should wait on everyone else to confirm?"

Applejack mentioned to Rarity about how she saw Sunset with both Twilights, and they were talking about the relationship between them was like a typical love triangle.

After an hour later, Apple Bloom and the girls headed off to do something together, and Applejack and Rarity went back to lay down with each other. Applejack replied to Pinkie Pie about where they would like to go. Sunset replied saying Princess Twilight and she were going to the Burger Joint near the mall. Rarity was disgusted in having to go to a fast food place. Applejack said she could share a meal with her. Rarity was also not wanting to deal with Rainbow Dash at the moment, however, Applejack convinced Rarity to go since they may not see Princess Twilight for a while afterward, so Rarity went with her.

When they arrived, Rarity was not in the mood for this, but their friend might be away, so it will have to do. When they found out that Twilight was not there due to her being sick, Rarity was complaining.

"If I knew that, we could have just stayed home!" Rarity suggested.

"Sorry hun, but we are already here." Applejack said. Rarity was disgusted. That's when she pulled on Rainbow Dash's lips about the flu and threatened her if she mentioned it again. For the remainder of the time, they all were talking, only Applejack seemed a little more enthusiastic to hang with the others.

Afterward, they were in for an emotionally gripping ride when Twilight left for Equestria.

Applejack and Rarity were texting both Sweetie Belle and Apple Bloom in making sure they were home safe and sound. Apparently, the girls were having a sleepover for the weekend at Applejack's place, which was good that they will be somewhere safe.

After being gone for two straight days, when they arrived. School was happening the next day, so they practically had to get back into gear once they set foot into their world. After everything, they were going to let this feeling go since Twilight was already feeling extremely guilty over everything that has happened. Applejack looked at her phone, and saw everyone has been texting her, when she left on such short notice. She needed to get home, same with Rarity.

They both were riding home together. It was a tiring and stressful evening, with the skies still melting into the ground with rain and clouds. The day felt gloomy and bittersweet. Rarity sat close to Applejack as they came up to the house. Rarity was hesitant to leave the truck, after being in that whole situation, it felt like they didn't really spend much time this whole weekend. Applejack looked straight forward, and so did Rarity.

"Quickie?" Applejack suggested, as she looked back at her.

"Quickie!" Rarity said.

Book 1: Curiosity | Extra: Dashie and Flutters

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Extra: Dashie and Flutters

Prior To Curiosity...

It was the last of the soccer season, they finally made it to the winner's championship game. Unfortunately, all but Fluttershy was able to make it to the game. Sunset was having trouble when Princess Twilight all the sudden stopped talking to her, Applejack and Rarity were together somewhere, and Twilight could have been anywhere. Pinkie Pie was gone too. Although, at times like this, at least one of them showed up.

Fluttershy was there within the crowds, cheering on for Rainbow Dash, the fastest and strongest player in the game. She ended her basketball season with countless slam dunks, and made their school to the top ranks. Rainbow Dash has a huge reputation to keep, and made the school receive many sponsorships. She didn't care about the money or the fame, but loved being the absolute best. Pushing herself even beyond her own expectations, which always made herself feel awesome.

Fluttershy softly cheered on for Rainbow Dash, and the whole crowd cheered for her as well. After so much training and keeping herself in shape, all mattered at this very moment. Rainbow Dash made a few goals, with the opposing team under them by a couple of points. She was going back and forth in the field, a few of the players on the opposing side were actually good, but not as good as Rainbow Dash, as she would snatch their chances of ever making it to the goal.

Rainbow Dash had the ball, but her teammates were telling her to pass it back, to avoid the ball being taken away. She didn't listen as she was close to making it again before the timer of the last quarter would end the game. Even though they had enough points to win, Rainbow Dash wanted to make one more goal all on her own. The coach yelled at Rainbow Dash, requesting that she'd stop and listen to her teammates. Rainbow Dash was there at the goal, she kicked the ball toward the goal. The goalie caught the ball, the ball was thrown, and landed right toward the other team. They all bolted to the other side of the field. Within seconds of the clock, one of the players kicked the ball halfway to the goal, and the opposing team quickly gained enough points to win.

Everyone on Canterlot High's side was devastated. The coach threw down her hat and yelled. Rainbow Dash stopped for a moment, and turned to look at everyone on her squad. They all gave her a mean look, some turned away, and others yelled at her saying it was all her fault for losing the game. Fluttershy in the distance saw them put Rainbow Dash down, which made herself feel sad. Rainbow Dash didn't look sad or mad about anything.

Moments later, in the locker room.

"The hell was that Rainbow Dash?!" The coach questioned. "What were you doing?!"

"I thought I could make it..." Rainbow Dash said. "My bad..." As she was seated on a bench, taking off her shoes.

"My bad?!" One of the girl's said as she was undressing into her normal outfit. "Is that all you can say?"

"What you did, cost us our game!" Another girl said.

"Whatever." Rainbow Dash replied.

"Look, next time..." The coach continued. "Just listen out for your teammates, that is why we are a team, we are all working together for the same goal!"

"I don't have the same goal as them!" Rainbow Dash yelled. Turning her head towards them all, and went back to getting dressed.

Everyone was silent. The coach shook her head, and rubbed her eyes, and went her way as she sighed. The girl left Rainbow Dash alone, and one of them slammed the locker to make it clear that she was not happy with her at all. Rainbow Dash sat there alone. She thought about everything. She put her hands in her face, and stopped herself from dressing into her casual clothes.

"After everything I've done for this school..." Rainbow Dash said to herself. "Win after win, but after one fail...pisses me off!" Rainbow Dash threw her school shirt to the locker doors. Rainbow Dash heard someone coming through the doors.

"Uh, hi..." A girl with a soft voice said. Rainbow Dash turned to look at who it was. It was Fluttershy, cowering in the corner, hugging an odd stuffed blue pony that had a rainbow mane and tail.

"What do you want Fluttershy?!" Rainbow Dash yelled, as her voice echoed throughout the locker room.

"I came to see how you were doing...?" Fluttershy replied.

"I'm not in the mood to ta..." Rainbow Dash looked again. "Where's everyone else?!"

"Oh, uh, they couldn't make it..." Fluttershy responded softly. "They ..."

"Don't care, it was probably for the best!" Rainbow Dash interrupted sarcastically, as she continued to get dressed.

"I'm sorry..." Fluttershy said softly.

"What are you sorry for?!" Rainbow Dash said. "Your reputation is not in shambles!" Rainbow Dash got up, and carried her sports bag. "If you even had one!" Rainbow Dash went down to the doors and exited without saying another word.

Fluttershy had her head down, her eyes drooped down, and her eyes slowly shut with tears. She gripped the stuffed pony.

"It's okay Fluttershy..." Fluttershy said to herself. "She is upset right now, she'll be okay." Fluttershy opened up her eyes again, and she saw Rainbow Dash's school shirt on the floor. Fluttershy took and held it close. "Oh Rainbow Dash..."

Within the next week. Rainbow Dash was getting all kinds of flack and was teased all over social media. Students walking to class would tap on her shoulders and ruffle her hair. Rainbow Dash ignored them. The other girls were silent during lunchtime, since they all had their own problems and ambitions to even know about what happened to Rainbow Dash. However, Fluttershy was the only one to see Rainbow Dash skipping meals and having her hand in her face to shrug off all the ridicule from the students. Rainbow Dash walked out of the cafeteria. The girls didn't notice, but Fluttershy. Fluttershy went to go find her. She found Rainbow Dash outside on the bleachers, sitting down and throwing some left over rocks on the steps.

"Hey... Rainbow..." Fluttershy said softly.

"What do you want?!" Rainbow Dash yelled.

"I came to..."

"Go away!" Rainbow Dash requested. "Leave me alone!"


"Go!" Rainbow Dash yelled. Fluttershy quickly walked away. Fluttershy was saddened, but she didn't want to give up on her.

Fluttershy asked everyone politely and individually to stop hurting Rainbow Dash about the game. A lot of the people finally stopped, but there were a few that carried it further. Fluttershy got mad at them, to the point where they feared in every crossing hall with her in between classes. Even though everyone stopped teasing Rainbow Dash, she was still silent and not feeling any better than she was before.

During the weekend, everyone was not talking, wanting to hang out or be together again. Not even for a jamming out session with the band mates. Which was fine in Rainbow Dash's case since all she wanted to do was be home, alone. As Rainbow Dash laid in bed, after two in the afternoon, she heard a knock at her door. She wanted to ignore it, but she got up to see who it was, maybe it was Scootaloo coming by to see her. Rainbow Dash opened her door, and saw that it was Fluttershy, she immediately shut the door. She stood on the other side trying to ignore her.

"Rainbow?" Fluttershy said. "I have something of yours..." Rainbow Dash opened it again, and saw her school shirt, folded and washed from all the dirt.

"What did you do to it?!" Rainbow Dash yelled.

"I-I washed it..." Fluttershy said softly.

"That's my lucky shirt!" Rainbow Dash raised her voice. "Why did you wash it?!"

"Y-you don't wash it?" Fluttershy questioned.

"Give it to me!" Rainbow Dash snatched it from her hands angrily. "You'd never understand!"

"If you would tell me..." Fluttershy suggested. "Maybe I could..."

"No!" Rainbow Dash attempted to slam the door again, but was stopped by Fluttershy's boot.

"Ow!" Fluttershy yelled.

"What are you doing?!" Rainbow Dash yelled. "What were you thinking?!"

"I-I'm sorry..." Fluttershy as she held onto her boot. "I-I wanted to see..."

"Whatever it is, the answer is no!" Rainbow Dash shut the door again. But, Fluttershy used her weight to stop it from closing. "Enough!"

"No! I have to tell you something!" Fluttershy replied, as she tried desperately to keep the door open. Rainbow Dash moved out of the way, allowed the door to open wide, and made Fluttershy hit the floor.

"What do you want?!" Rainbow Dash asked. Fluttershy turned to face her from the floor.

"Well, if you would give me a chance..." Fluttershy said, as she got up. "I wanted to see if you would like to go somewhere with me today? I know things have been quiet without any bad magical things happening, or anybody wanting to hang out... so would you like to do something?" Rainbow Dash gave an exhausted sigh.

"Fine." Rainbow Dash said. "If you'd finally stop bothering me!"

"Okay, great!" Fluttershy said. "I'll see you in an hour!"

"Whatever." Rainbow Dash said, as she carried Fluttershy outside, and slammed the door. Fluttershy jumped for joy, while Rainbow Dash was disgusted.

About an hour later, Rainbow Dash got dressed in her casual clothes, however, when she opened the front door, she saw Fluttershy in a sparkling seafoam green dress, with matching high heels. She did her nails in that color, as well as a light green shadow in her eyelids, and sugary red blush on her cheeks. Rainbow Dash's face was in shock.

"What are you wearing?!" Rainbow Dash asked. "I didn't know we had to dress up!"

"Oh, you don't have to... I thought I looked nice, didn't I?" Fluttershy said softly. "Do you like it?"

"I-I..." Rainbow Dash couldn't say a word.

"Let's go!" Fluttershy said.

Fluttershy took Rainbow Dash to an aquarium near the city. They went through the first floor, and it brought many creatures from the sea. Which to Rainbow Dash's surprise was fascinating. Rainbow Dash never saw such creatures in real life.

Fluttershy would look at them and they would often respond when she was near them. The biggest part of the aquarium was the center tank of all assorted fish, sea turtles, stingrays, and smaller sharks. They both entered underneath the tank, and they were surrounded by all the sea life. Rainbow Dash was smiling for the first time throughout the week, Fluttershy saw, and she smiled. She turned to look at Fluttershy and she was glowing, with her dress, the area was illuminating with her shining dress. The sea creatures turned to look at her.

Rainbow Dash saw them turned towards Fluttershy. Fluttershy would wave and they would respond. As she walked, they would move along with her, as if she could control them, she would spin and they would circulate around her. Rainbow Dash was amazed by her. She turned to look the other way, a huge sea turtle was watching over Rainbow Dash. It responded only to her. Rainbow Dash placed her hand on the glass and the turtle placed a fin where her hand was. Turtle smiled, she smiled. Fluttershy watched her, she went over to her, and they both walked out. They continued along and went into the octopus room, and next to it, an area that had many small jellyfish.

At the end of the place, they went through a gift shop, and Fluttershy gave her a cute gift. Right next to the small alligators, in which Pinkie Pie already is, she bought Rainbow Dash, a large stuffed sea turtle. She held it close, but placed it back in the bag, to not make it seem like it was a big deal. Fluttershy smiled.

They both stopped at a decent restaurant near the aquarium. They apparently don't serve seafood. But, it was a country-styled diner, with a lot of old fashioned photos of antiques of buildings and people during the time of the first town built in the area. Rainbow Dash and Fluttershy ordered their meals and kept quiet. She would look around the building, the people were laughing, and talking, as well as enjoying their meals. Fluttershy wanted to ask Rainbow Dash something, but she didn't look like she wanted to talk. The way she was positioned in her seat, with her right arm giving her head rest by the table. Fluttershy wanted to try anyway.

"Rainbow?" Fluttershy asked.

"Don't ask..." Rainbow Dash said.

"Please..." Fluttershy requested. Rainbow Dash sighed.

"What is it?" Rainbow Dash asked.

"Did you like the aquarium?" Fluttershy asked.

"Sure." Rainbow Dash replied.

"I know you're still going through stuff, but I wanted to hang out with you." Fluttershy continued.

"Yeah? Is there literally anyone else available?"

"Last time I checked... no."

"Why me?"

"You look like you can use some company..."

"Don't bother. I'm fine."

"I'm not sure if that's true."

"Look, I appreciate all this, but I can handle myself!"

"I know you can."

"I'm going home after this."

"Okay, thanks."

"Sure." Rainbow Dash rolled her eyes, and continued to sulk.

Throughout the rest of the time, it was quiet. They went home afterwards. Fluttershy wanted to thank her for going with her, but Rainbow Dash ignored her.

Fluttershy consistently asked her to join her in some activity, and Rainbow Dash was finally fed up with Fluttershy's constant neediness. They both were on the field that day, away from everyone. She made Fluttershy follow her to tell her to stop.

"Okay, you need to stop!" Rainbow Dash yelled.

"I'm sorry..." Fluttershy said.

"Why are you even here?!" Rainbow Dash asked.

"I-I... why are you like this Rainbow?" Fluttershy responded. "You used to be happy and helpful... now I don't even know who you are anymore..."

"What are you talking about? What are you trying to say?"

"I missed what we did together, it's not like anyone else asked." Fluttershy said, as she started to cry. "Iwant us all to be happy."

"Too bad! Alright! I don't want your help!"

"Everyone stopped teasing you, so why are you continuing to sulk around?"

"I don't care what they think!"

"Why ?"

"It's none of your business! Now leave me alone!"

"I won't leave!" Fluttershy yelled. Rainbow Dash stopped for a moment.

"I'mtrying to help you, why can't you accept that?!" Fluttershy continued.

"I didn't ask for help! I Want to be left alone!" Rainbow Dash responded. "My happiness is not your problem, my problems are not your problems!"

"I don't care, I don't want you to do something bad!"

"Like what? Hurt myself, all because of a stupid game, yeah right! Get real!"

"Then why do you continue to sulk around?"

"Why do you need to know?!"

"Because I care!"

"Just stop bothering me!"

"Why are you so afraid to face your feelings and your problems?!"

"I'm not afraid of anything! You got that! I don't care if I lose! I don't care if people tease me! I don't care if anyone even cares about me!" Rainbow Dash yelled, as Fluttershy began to cry. She looked away from her. She tried not to shed any tears, but with all this yelling and getting it out, she couldn't help it. "No one cares about me... I do a lot for everyone, they all use me up... they don't really care..." Rainbow Dash started to cry. "I'm mad at myself... I always try to be the one to tough it out, but it hurts... It hurts so much... no one cares..." Rainbow Dash kneeled to the ground with her hands in her face. Fluttershy came closer to her, but was too shy to lay a finger on her.

"I care..." Fluttershy said softly. "I felt the same way too... I'm not taken seriously, everyone talks over me, and people walk all over me like I'm a doormat..." Fluttershy continued to cry. "I understand..." Rainbow Dash got up. She looked at Fluttershy. She smiled even with her eyes dripping with tears down her face. Rainbow Dash recognized that Fluttershy's strength was on the inside, with her soft exterior. While she knew that strong and independent facade herself only guarded her from facing her true feelings. She was the only one to notice it. Rainbow Dash went over to her, and she grasped onto her tightly. Fluttershy also did the same.

"I'm sorry Fluttershy..." Rainbow Dash said softly as she continued to stutter. "I'm so sorry..."

"It's okay..." Fluttershy said. "I'm always here for you..."

Within the next few months, Rainbow Dash was opening up to Fluttershy little by little as they continued to hang with each other. She was starting to accept her, and herself more and more. Everyone else in their group was either extremely happy or completely falling apart from the inside. Hanging out with Fluttershy, Rainbow Dash started to pick up on everyone's state of mind. She called everyone to the band room. There she forced everyone to play a song, in which Fluttershy wrote, and wanted her to duet together.

Fluttershy's song:

"Last of Us"

Performed by: The Rainbooms

[Verse 1]: (Rainbow Dash):

We all have our moments,

When we sit alone.

Waiting and watching the time being wasted.

When it could all be gone.

Then you'd wished it all to come back again.

[Pre-Chorus]: (Fluttershy):

I'm not going to wait anymore,

I won't leave my heart aching sore.

I sacrificed everything inside,

Because this could be our last time.

[Chorus]: (Together):

Don't let me go,

Ah-Oh, Ah-Oh

Don't leave me behind.

Don't you say so,

Ah-Oh, Ah-Oh

Don't make me cry!

Don't leave me alone,

Ah-Oh, Ah-Oh

Don't tell a lie.

Don't you say no,

Ah-Oh, Ah-Oh

Don't say goodbye!

(Pre-chorus: Rainbow Dash)

(Chorus: Together)

After they completed the song, they all finally came together and were happy. Rainbow Dash was back to being the top of her game, and Fluttershy praised and admired her confidence in herself once more. Everyone else was cheering on, and went to see Rainbow Dash beat countless games, winning back her title.

After a long day of being with Princess Twilight and the girls, Rainbow Dash couldn't stop thinking of Fluttershy. She was sitting on her lap. She didn't feel heavy at all, but rather squishy and soft. She might have felt uncomfortable since they both had a connection of something they both couldn't understand. Rainbow Dash took her mind off of it, and began to contemplate what Rarity's deal was all about. She couldn't figure out why? Rarity picking on her did make her feel a bit sad, in which she cuddled with her stuffed turtle for the rest of the night in her bed.

Fluttershy came over to Rainbow Dash's house, the second day Princess Twilight Sparkle decided to visit. It was a time in which neither of them were in a deep and serious relationship. She went over to see how Dash was doing, after having some problem happening between her and Rarity. She wanted to make sure she was feeling okay. Although Dash was still a bit reserved to have her feelings show, it would be for Fluttershy to know and to look into.

Dash was in the shower, after doing her morning routine of stretching out her body. She heard the knocking of her front door, as she stepped out of the shower. As if, it was right on cue. She threw on a clean towel from the towel rack and went to see who showed up.

Fluttershy knocked a few times, until she heard the footsteps coming to open the door. Rainbow Dash answered, as her glossy blue skin was shining, the glare that sparked an exciting opening in Fluttershy's mind. Her hair was still wet, heavy, and glistened like a rainbow in the stormy sky. She always loved how long and beautiful her hair looked, especially when it was held down.

"Hey Fluttershy!" Rainbow Dash said.

"H-hi... is this a bad time?" Fluttershy stuttered. She saw Rainbow Dash, her glowing skin and wet hair made her heart skip a beat for a moment.

"No, you could come in!" Rainbow Dash said.

"Oh okay..." Fluttershy said, as she entered.

"Yeah. Wait a moment while I get dressed!"

"Okay!" Rainbow Dash was delighted to see her, and invited her in. Fluttershy sat down, as Dash went to her room to change into some casual clothes. A part of her, was feeling a little too heated to see her in that thin towel. She looked down to the floor and saw her watered footprints, leading into her bedroom where she was dressing. She sat quietly, until she heard a knock at the door. It made her jump, having to snap back into focus. Rainbow Dash asked her to answer it for her. She answered, and it was Apple Bloom, Sweetie Belle, and Scootaloo at the door. Fluttershy let them in. "Hey kids?"

"Who you callin' a kid!" Scootaloo stated.

"Oh, I'm sorry, young lady!" Fluttershy responded.

"Meh." Scootaloo said, as she walked in with the other two.

"How ya doin' Fluttershy?" Apple Bloom asked.

"Oh, I'm good!" Fluttershy replied. "You?"

"Good!" Apple Bloom said.

"What are you doing here?" Sweetie Belle asked.

"Nothing, hanging around." Fluttershy said. "What about you girls?"

"I don't know yet!" Sweetie Belle said.

"Yeah, we wanted to see if Rainbow Dash could come with us to watch a movie!" Scootaloo said.

"What movie?" Fluttershy asked.

"It's a horror movie called "The Last House on the Left in the Woods on a Haunted Hill"." Apple Bloom said.

"Oh my, a scary movie?!" Fluttershy questioned. "Aren't you a little too young to be watching such things?"

"Yeah? That's why we need Rainbow Dash!"

"Such brave girl's to go watch a horror movie!" Fluttershy said.

"Hmph, you've got that right!" Scootaloo smirked.

"What do you need me for?" Rainbow Dash said as she walked into the living room.

"I need an adult!" Scootaloo said.

"I am an adult!" Rainbow Dash said. "Kind of..."

"We need an adult to go watch the movie!" Apple Bloom said. "Or else they won't let us in!" Rainbow Dash turned to look at Fluttershy.

"Do you want to go Fluttershy?" Rainbow Dash asked.

"Oh no, it is too scary..." Fluttershy said.

"Sorry girls..." Rainbow Dash replied.

"C'mon! Please?!" Scootaloo begged.

"Nah, but I could let you in on a secret!" Rainbow Dash whispered to Scootaloo. Scootaloo drawn closer to Rainbow Dash. Scootaloo's smile grew brighter as Rainbow Dash told Scootaloo what to do, and asked the girls to join her in the movies. The girls all exited the house, and were on their way to the movie theater.

"What did you say to Scootaloo?" Fluttershy asked.

"Oh nothing, something for them to do for now!" Rainbow Dash said. "So, what brings you over?"

"I wanted to check in with you, I noticed that Rarity has been getting angry with you yesterday." Fluttershy mentioned Rarity bullying Dash while Princess Twilight was visiting.

"Oh, you noticed..." Rainbow Dash said. "Yeah, I have no idea what that was all about!" Dash started to remember how squishy Fluttershy's ass felt having to sit on her lap during the ride home.

"I did think it was a little rude!" Fluttershy said. "Especially in the truck."

"I know, right? Almost made us all crash the vehicle!"

"Well, I'm glad everything might work out after all..."

"What do you mean?"

"Well... I saw Applejack's truck over at her house..." Dash agreed there was something with Rarity that day. Fluttershy assured it would not be long until Rarity would be relieved of her pissy attitude, as she told her about Applejack's truck parked outside her house.

"No way, really?!" Dash delighted the fact that Applejack and Rarity were a thing in secret.

"Yeah, I saw it on the way here, and same with Sunset with both Twilights."

"Talk about a love Twi-angle!"

"Yeah… haha..."

"What about us?" Rainbow Dash asked. Fluttershy was so shocked at the straightforwardness of Rainbow Dash's question.

"I-I..." Fluttershy stuttered and blushed.

"C'mon, if it's one thing you taught me, which was to open up my feelings!" Rainbow Dash added. "How about it?"

"Umm..." Fluttershy couldn't find the words to express. Fluttershy couldn't help but feel a loving connection. A connection she was not familiar with, and brought her to be overloaded with anxiety.

"C'mon Fluttershy!" Rainbow Dash said, as she sat down on the couch with her, making her jump. "Don't be shy, Flutters!"

"Pet names...?" Fluttershy said. "Does that make you... Dashie?"

"If you want it to be?" Rainbow Dash replied, as she came closer to her. Fluttershy squealed, and wanted to get closer, but her face was bright red. "Your nose is bleeding!" Fluttershy stopped for a moment, and felt her nose. Rainbow Dash rushed to the kitchen and grabbed a clean cloth and rushed it under some hot water.

Dash was thorough. She was careful to not pinch or scratch her roughly, but was delicate and slow. She felt the warmth she brought. Dash dropped her hand with the towel, but Fluttershy caught her hand, and wanted to keep the warm cloth at her neck. The sensation was soothing. She sat up, to come closer to her. Fluttershy closed her eyes, and allowed Dash to draw near. Dash came, closing in, and raised her lips to her's. She kept her eyes closed, until she saw Dash pulling in. At the very last second, Fluttershy dropped her face, and looked away.

"Oh Rainbow Dash, I just can't do it..." Fluttershy said. Dash was shocked, a little ticked off. As Fluttershy admitted to her cowardice.

"Oh C'mon!" Sweetie Belle yelled from the window outside. Rainbow Dash and Fluttershy both were freaked out about the girls watching them the whole time. Apple Bloom went back to Rainbow Dash's place.

"Sweetie Belle! Hurry up! We are going to be late for the movie!" Apple Bloom yelled.

"Oh right!" Sweetie Belle said, as she ran up to Apple Bloom and took off the other direction.

"Well that was... unexpected..." Rainbow Dash said. Rainbow felt the awkwardness seeping in, as she saw Fluttershy feeling down about herself for not sharing their first kiss.

"I'm sorry..." Fluttershy said.

"It's okay..." Dash said. She came to her, and tried to lift her head up, to not feel bad about wanting to take things slow.

"No it's not..." Fluttershy said. She kept telling herself she was not happy with herself, after all they've been through, she could at least share this moment with her.

"Look, if you're not ready, you're not ready!" Rainbow said. "But, remember what we said, we only have so much time on our hands. No?" She felt even more ashamed, but Dash comforted her, telling her that if she wasn't ready then she wouldn't force her to be. She felt things were not taking off as she would have wanted, but she understood Fluttershy.

"I know... but I'm too..." Fluttershy said softly.

"Too sad? Too angry? Too embarrassed?" Rainbow Dash questioned.

"I'm sorry..."

"You're not in love with me?"

"I am!"

"Not like that though?"

"No... I mean, yes... no..."

"Flutters, what is it?"

"I want to be with you, but I... can't control myself..."

"What do you mean?"

"I've waited for so long for you to say that to me, but... I can't think straight..."

"That's not a joke, right?"


"Right, sorry..."

"I'm sorry Dash."

"C'mere!" Rainbow Dash said as she held out her arms to her. Fluttershy came to her. She laid Fluttershy's head down on her lap, to calm her down, and run her fingers through her faded pink hair. "I think you might have been overly worked up about it. I understand, after all that you helped me go through somethings, maybe it's time to move on from being a friend to be there to help out, but someone much more closer. This time, you're not alone to help, I would be there too! I could help you out as well! Yeah?" Rainbow Dash continued as Fluttershy nodded her head. Telling her that she makes herself feel all worked up over everything, when she just needed to relax and let life flow. Dash told her now that every passing day, they will eventually have to move on, but they have the time to make things work between them. Fluttershy was used to handling everyone. Worrying over exaggerated possibilities, worse case scenarios, or even just letting fate happen when it comes. Her anxiety was something she wanted to help Fluttershy through, but this time, she won't have to be alone to face it. "Just think about it, but I'm here for you as much as you are here for me!"

"Thank you..." Fluttershy cried. "Dash!"

A little while later, when Rainbow Dash and Fluttershy continued to talk, they both received messages from Pinkie Pie and Applejack. Not much longer Sunset replied about heading over to the Burger Joint. They wanted to join in as they both were hungry.

As Rainbow Dash and Fluttershy headed home together.

"Did you see how awesome it was to have wings!?" Rainbow Dash yelled.

"I did!" Fluttershy said. "What an experience it was."

"I know, right?!" Rainbow Dash said.

"I thought you looked cool, as a pony." Fluttershy commented.

Back in Ponyville...

They both were helping in rebuilding Ponyville, and they came up with a little game as they placed wood down for construction. Whomever stacks ten planks on each side of the base for the house the quickest has to tell the winner their secret.

Dash was a little slower than the other, considering it was easier for the other who was a real pegasus. The other Rainbow Dash was impressed on how quickly the other caught on, making impressive time for everypony else to work on their part.

So, she wanted her to tell her something interesting about herself, as they both glided across Ponyville. Dash had to come clean, and told her about her relationship with Fluttershy.

"No way! Really?!" Rainbow Dash said.

"Yeah, it's... not too serious at the moment." Dash said, as she blushed.

"Huh, interesting. Never really thought about being with her." Rainbow Dash said.

"Really? Do you have a thing for the Fluttershy here?" Dash asked.

"Well, not exactly." Rainbow said.

"Oh?!" Dash asked. "Well, has anyone liked you?"

"Haha, you've got to beat me first!" Rainbow demanded.

"Alright, you're on!" Dash said.

This time, Dash was quicker than before, having the incentive to know her other self. They both got toward the end of the street. They rested for a moment, sitting on a small cloud above the library.

"Wow! I impress myself sometimes!" Rainbow said.

"Haha. Alright, tell me who!" Dash demanded.

"Alright. Well, I kind of have been thinking, someone does." Rainbow said.

"What, really?!" Dash said. "Who?"

"Well, think of it like this..." Rainbow said, as she dragged her along to show many ponies working around Ponyville. "They do a lot of honest work around Ponyville, while I take my work to the skies. But, I always found reason to come down and hang out with her. You know?"

"I see... I guess I could see how it could be difficult to know." Dash said. "How awesome!"

"Yep! Now, tell me, why do you have a thing for your Fluttershy?" Rainbow asked, as she swiped her tail into the air.

"Heh..." Dash thought about it, but it took her moment to think of why? "Same rules! You have to beat me!" As Dash thought of how she could respond.

"Oh-ho, someone's the life of the party! Almost as much as Pinkie Pie! You're on!" Rainbow said, ready to get on with helping the next street. Dash hesitated, but was ready to begin.

"Ha! Gotcha!" Rainbow yelled, as she came up to Dash. She cornered her at the end of the street, and was eager to ask her again. "So? How's the other Fluttershy? What do you like about her?"

Dash didn't have as much time as she thought on the matter, she also didn't have much to respond with.

"Well..." Dash hesitated. "She is like the other Fluttershy, where she takes care of a lot of animals..."

"Yeah?" Rainbow said enthusiastically.

"And..." Dash couldn't say, looking away from the other Dash.

"And?" Rainbow asked, as she had a worried look on her face. Dash looked away, trying to find the words to say. Until she saw a turtle in the sky, hovering with a small propeller on the shell.

"Who's that?!" Dash asked. Rainbow flew up and caught him.

"Oh, this is Tank!" Rainbow replied.

"You have a Tank?!" Dash squealed.

"I have a Tank!" Rainbow said, as she grinned. "Wait, you have a Tank?"

"I do have a Tank!" Dash yelled.

"Awesome!" Rainbow responded. "We both have a pet turtle named Tank!"

"Yeah, Fluttershy sometimes helps me take care of him." Dash said.

"Oh, so that's how you two got together?" Rainbow continued. "That's so awesome!"

"Yeah..." Dash agreed, unsure of what to say. "So, have you been serious with anypony?"

"Do you want to save that for our next game?" Rainbow asked.

"I don't know if I can handle another race..." Dash admitted.

"What?! Tired already?!" Rainbow shouted. Dash picked herself from the ground and darted back towards the wood planks. "Ha, I see! Trying to get a head-start! Not on my watch!"

Later on, after a few more trips back and forth, between each break, they talked about somethings relating to each of their worlds. Rainbow Dash explained her life in Cloudsdale, working from time to time with being a Wonderbolt, an Element of Harmony class instructor for the School of Friendship, and her previous job from the Weather Factory. Dash explained her life from school, athletics, and being a vigilante hero. They were both impressed, even from different worlds they managed to be heroes, working in school, and have a highly active background.

After they had time to have a break, and everypony having time to work on their respective roles, Fluttershy came around to see Dash.

"Hey Dash!" Fluttershy said.

"Hey Fluttershy!" Dash said. "How's Fluttershy?"

"Great! We both were making new homes for birds, as well as new burrows for all the little critters!" Fluttershy announced.

"Cool." Dash said.

"So, I hear you guys have been active!" Rainbow said sarcastically.

"Oh, I suppose so..." Fluttershy said, as she blushed.

"Haha... yeah..." Dash said.

"Dash here has been a little hesitant on the dets!" Rainbow said, slowly scooting closer between both of them. "Maybe you can weigh in!"

"Oh... uhh... What would you like to know?" Fluttershy said. Dash gave her a slight stomp of her hoof toward Fluttershy's hoof. "Ow!"

"Well, I'm kind of wondering, how you two started!" Rainbow asked.

"Umm... I guess..."

"Okay, I think I hear the other Fluttershy calling back for you..." Dash interrupted, as she scooted her away from the conversation.

"Wait..." Fluttershy said. Dash stopped, and Fluttershy turned around to hug her, she then walked back to help with the other Fluttershy. Dash slowly walked back.

"Well, that was weird..." Rainbow said. Dash didn't speak. "Is there something going on between you two?"

"Not really..." Dash said quietly.

"You did say it wasn't too serious..." Rainbow said. "What's up?"

"Nothing..." Dash said.

"Ah c'mon..." Rainbow begged. Dash flew back to her station to bring back more wood. Rainbow shook her head, not sure what that was all about. Dash continued on until she reached the end toward the Everfree Forest. It looked larger and much more dense than the one back home.

"I don't know if I want to go in there." Dash said to herself. She exhaled, and took a rest at the bridge. "Why is it so hard to find the words to say... I guess I'm not serious with Fluttershy..."

Dash was called by another group of ponies to help them out. Dash went to them and started to work.

What felt like hours, of setting up planks of wood, all the walls placed up, and straws above to the roof, Dash was exhausted. With everyone's help and having been appreciated for all the hard work, they were invited to stay at the Castle of Friendship.

Rainbow Dash was trailing everywhere Dash had gone to, with the annoyance of her asking her questions constantly, she left the castle.

It was late at night, Dash became lost and unsure of where she was going, she panicked and accidentally ran into the Everfree Forest. There she was tormented by screeches and growls, culminating from all directions, the swamp gas and marshes made it hard to breath and travel through. She couldn't take it much longer, she cried for help. She thought of everything from that moment on, what it would be like to not return, never to be seen again. It was, as if, nothing mattered, but she mattered. Who was it that made her feel welcomed, and who made it so that she was able to get through anything, even for herself? Dash thought.

Moments later, she heard a soft cry for her name in the distance. Dash ran towards the sound of that voice. She came to it, and it was her, Fluttershy, the voice of a softly spoken angel. The yelling had punctured her esophagus, and made her speechless when Dash came to her, and wrapped her hooves around her. She was the only one that came to find her, why? Dash asked herself.

"Dash... I was so worried..." Fluttershy whispered.

"I was worried too... I'm sorry..." Dash replied, with tears falling from her eyes. "I don't want to do that again..."

"Let's go back..." Fluttershy requested.

"Yes please..." Dash said.

They were guided by Angel and fireflies, to find their way back to the Castle, and everyone was there to see them return. They all surrounded them.

"Are you guys okay?" Princess Twilight asked.

"Never better!" Dash replied, as Fluttershy blushed as she looked toward her.

Afterward, they all headed to their rooms inside the castle. After a full day's work, they all were terribly exhausted. However, they each were placed with their other selves. From there on, Dash knew she would probably have to confront her misbehavior.

Later on that night, being restless, yet desperately wanted to shut her eyes, she had to come forward about it.

"Hey..." Dash asked, turning over to face her other self on the large bed.

"Hmm?" Rainbow grunted, having been awoken from her sleep.

"I just wanted to say..." Dash hesitated. "I'm sorry... I'm sorry for the way I was acting earlier..."

"Don't sweat it!" Rainbow said, oddly surprised, yet knew it was coming. "I know it's not everyday that we get to hang out with ourselves!" Dash chuckled.

"Listen... about earlier..." Dash said.

"Hey, you don't have to explain yourself... we're cool!" Rainbow said.

"But... I just wanted to say something...?" Dash asked.

"Okay?" Rainbow said, having drawn closer.

"The reason I ran out was because of a question you asked earlier. It was the one about Fluttershy, what did I like about her?" Dash said.

"Yeah?" Rainbow replied, listening more intensely.

"I-I didn't know how to answer that, because I'm not in a serious relationship. It was more of a close friendship, but I wanted to be something more..." Dash continued.

"Why didn't you just tell her?" Rainbow asked.

"I want to, but I had to make sure of it first... what really mattered to me the most, why I even want to be in this relationship." Dash said. "The truth is, she's always been there. Every game I had, every time I felt lonely, sad, or angry. Every time we were together, she always made me feel... special. Sure I receive a lot of praise and love for all of my talents, but she was the one that cared for me on what's inside. Who I really am."

"Huh?" Rainbow huffed, turning over to face the ceiling. She thought about Dash's words. "You know something?"


"I would have never shared something like that, even for myself."

"Really? I suppose, being around Fluttershy... I started to share more of what I feel...?"

"Definitely. Because, I never did anything like that... maybe we are not exactly the same." As Rainbow turned back to face Dash.

"You really think so?"

"Yeah, but we're not too different. I just hope that emotional stuff doesn't get in the way of your activities!"

"Me too."

"I'll admit, it's different having you around. It makes me feel like I have a sister. I mean, I do have Scootaloo, but having one near my age, it feels different."

"Yeah, same."

"But, I hear ya. Maybe you should let her know about how you feel. But, as a fair warning. If she's anything like our Fluttershy, maybe tone the emotional drama to a minimum."

"Why so?"

"Well, like I said, she would do anything to make you feel better. It's a nurturing effect she has, since she takes care of a lot of animals. She would treat you like an injured pet if she had to."

"Huh, okay."

"Yeah, I suppose... Thanks for clearing that up for us!"

"Yeah, I feel better now that it's over with!"

"So, what are you wanting to do tomorrow?"

Rainbow Dash and Fluttershy continued walking down that path that led to Fluttershy's house.

"What about you?" Rainbow Dash asked.

"Oh, that would be a story for another day." Fluttershy replied.

"Okay." Rainbow Dash said.

Even though Rainbow Dash didn't necessarily share everything, it was enough to make Fluttershy smile. That smile, she was happy that Rainbow Dash had fun, spending time in that world beyond.

"Yeah I know!" Rainbow Dash said, as she blushed. "I definitely would go back if I could!" Rainbow Dash continued as Fluttershy smiled passively. "You know... I've got to be honest with you... you did look really cute! But, you're always cute!" Rainbow Dash commented. Fluttershy blushed and tried to hide her face with her shoulders. "C'mon I admit it! No shame!"

"Thank you!" Fluttershy said. They approached Fluttershy's house first, and it was starting to get dark out. "Dashie...?"

"Yeah?" Rainbow Dash said. "What's up Flutters?" Fluttershy was unsure if she wanted to leave just yet, but as soon as they both reached her door. She came running toward her, and jumped into her for their first kiss. It was unexpected, but Dash loved being surprised.

"I love you!" Fluttershy said.

"Yeah I know!" Rainbow Dash said. "I love you too!"

"I know..." Fluttershy repeated. They both hugged and gave each other another kiss, and went home until they saw each other again.

Rainbow Dash asked Fluttershy if she could spend the night. But, she would have to get back to her animals. Even though they have a system where they would be able to be fed in case things like this were to happen, she didn't want them to worry. Dash let her go, and told her next time she will, and Fluttershy agreed. Dash ran back to her house, thinking their first time should be at her place anyway.

Book 1: Curiosity | Extra: Pinkie Doodle

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Extra: Pinkie Doodle

Prior To Curiosity...Again

After Friendship Games Pinkie Pie first switched places with the other Pinkie Pie. After a while, they would switch in between major events. This time it was after Spring Breakdown.

Pinkie Pie was adjusted to her newfound life on the other side. The world seemed smaller, yet deserved more exploration. After she exited the mirror, she came across a huge building, she read the bolded letters along the side:


"Canterlot High School!" Pinkie Pie said to herself. "Cool!" She crawled along the cemented walkway to the doors of the school, there was no one to witness her odd behavior. looked around, and saw a picture of the student body. Pinkie saw that they were standing upright on two legs, so she forgot to try herself. She fell a few times, but laughed as she got back up to look at more pictures. She concluded that walking on two legs was way easier than on all fours. Pinkie continued to look at the pictures, she saw familiar faces on the board, it was the yearbook committee. She saw Sunset, Rainbow Dash, Fluttershy, Applejack, the other Twilight, and herself on the board. On the side, she read:

Not pictured: Wallflower Blush

"Wow, we still look cool in our human form!" Pinkie Pie said. She continued down the left hallway, and was seeing all of the trophies, banners, advertisements, and interesting facts along the billboards. She was enjoying herself, as she skipped merrily to the other side of the building. She saw an empty classroom, the huge cafeteria, and made it to the back where the locker rooms are. She entered and found Fluttershy sobbing from the middle of the hallway. "Fluttershy?!"

"Pinkie Pie?!" Fluttershy questioned. "Where have you been?"

"I was out somewhere, looking around the school!" Pinkie said, as she was jumping around. "What's the matter?" Pinkie stopped and walked up to Fluttershy.

"Oh, it's nothing..." Fluttershy said softly. "It's fine."

"It's okay Fluttershy!" Pinkie said. "No need to hide anything!"

"Okay... promise you won't tell?" Fluttershy requested.

"Cross my heart, and hope to fly, stick a cupcake in my eye!" Pinkie said. "That is a Pinkie Promise, and I never, ever, ever break a Pinkie Promise!"

"Alright... it's Rainbow Dash, she lost a game and now she's really upset."

"Oh, I see." Pinkie said. "Where's everyone else?"

"They couldn't make it..." Fluttershy said. "I assume it's about their own relationships..."

"Hah..." Pinkie questioned. "Relationships?"


"Okay, are you worried about Rainbow Dash?"

"Well, of course, she lost a game."

"But, is it about the game?"

"I-I... I..." Fluttershy was at a loss of words.

"Haha, kidding!" Pinkie Pie yelled. "You should probably go and cheer her up!"

"Like how?" Fluttershy asked.

"Take her out! I'm sure she would like to have an active day with friends!" Pinkie Pie said.

"Oh, I suppose..." Fluttershy continued. "What should I do?"

"Hmmm..." Pinkie Pie was in much thought. "Take her to some place you'll like!"

"Why me?" Fluttershy questioned. "What if she doesn't like the place I like?"

"Nonsense! Anyone would enjoy anything as long as it's fun!" Pinkie Pie said.

"Oh, okay..."

"Besides, getting her to come out is not the hardest part!"

"It's not?!"

"Nope, coming forward about her feelings will!" Pinkie said.


"Just be careful when you do!" Pinkie said as she was about to head out the doors.

"Wait Pinkie!" Fluttershy yelled before she left.

"Yeah?" Pinkie skipped to Fluttershy's house.

"I have her shirt, should I give it back?"

"Give her this one!"


"I don't know, maybe that shirt is special!"


"See ya!" Pinkie said, as she walked out.

It was not long before Pinkie caught up with Applejack and Rarity. She decided to go look around the mall by herself. She found her two best friends being together.

"Hey, you guys!" Pinkie yelled, coming from behind Applejack and Rarity at the mall. She saw that Applejack was carrying a few bags from a very prestigious boutique, along with crossing her left arm with Rarity's right arm. "Wow, you move fast, faster than light!"

"What?" Rarity said.

"It's nothing!" Pinkie said. "How you doin'?!"

"Just shopping, nothing else!" Applejack said.

"I see it is just you two today, out together, doing stuff!" Pinkie added. "Sounds romantic!" Applejack and Rarity were embarrassed. "Nothing to be ashamed about!"

"You're alright... with me… an Rarity?" Applejack asked.

"Of course!" Pinkie said. "Why wouldn't I be?"

"Well... we haven't exactly... told anyone yet...?" Applejack said.

"Why not?" Pinkie asked. "I'm sure they won't make a big deal out of it."

"Look Pinkie, I appreciate you for understanding as well as accepting us, but... it's not time yet, you understand?" Rarity said.

"Oh yeah! I do!" Pinkie nodded.

"Thank you Pinkie, promise not to tell until we are ready?" Applejack asked.

"Cross my heart, and hope to fly, stick a cupcake in my eye!" Pinkie said. "That is a Pinkie Promise, and I never, ever, ever break it!"

"Thank you!" Rarity added. "Behave yourself now Pinkie!"

"You've got it!" Pinkie said, as she continued looking throughout the store.

After she left, she thought about paying Fluttershy a visit.

"Hey Fluttershy!" Pinkie yelled.

"Hi Pinkie!" Fluttershy said.

"So... how did it go?" Pinkie asked.

"It was amazing, Pinkie you should have seen it." Fluttershy said.

Meanwhile, during Fluttershy's first date with Rainbow Dash, the time at the aquarium, Pinkie watched them observe all the sea life there was to explore, however, she was the cause of the lights illuminating on Fluttershy's dress to make it glisten and make all the fish attracted to it. While she fed the sea turtle a nice snack for it to stay put by Rainbow Dash, so Rainbow Dash could see to soften her emotional hardships.

"Yeah, I bet it was great!" Pinkie enlightened.

"Thank you Pinkie Pie, for helping me out with everything!" Fluttershy added.

"You're welcome Fluttershy!" Pinkie said.

"What should I do now?" Fluttershy asked. "I know it could be counted as a date, but I don't know how to carry on with the next one..."

"That's okay, do what you do best!" Pinkie said. "Calmly get her used to you being there, but not so often she freaks out!"


"See ya!" Pinkie said, as she walked away back home. As she was lying in bed, she thought about going to visit Sunset to bother her as well.

The next day, Pinkie came crashing down the door.

"Hey Sunset!" Pinkie yelled, awakening her from her sleep. She jumped on her bed, with Sunset freaking out on what happened, while Pinkie simultaneously threw pillows at her face. She stopped messing around with Sunset, and stopped to look at her. "Wow, you look like shit!" As she smiled.

"Always nice to see you too Pinkie..." Sunset said, half awake, and about to go through a cardiac arrest. Sunset went back to sleep.

"Sunset, what's wrong, how come I haven't been seeing you lately?" Pinkie asked.

"It's nothing Pinkie..." Sunset said. She was on Sunset's bed, looked around the living room and saw all the trash Sunset left sitting around. She was in sorrow, overeating, and tissues crumbled up and piled in the small garbage can next to the table for her lamp. She was feeling uncomfortable, she looked and was lying on top of a book with a sun on it underneath her. Pinkie saw that she accidentally ruffled the pages, some of the pages even bent up. As Pinkie Pie held it up, Sunset turned around.

"What the hell Pinkie!" Sunset yelled, she was furious at Pinkie for ruining her book. "Get out, get off of my bed!" She was startled and headed to the living room. "Out!" Sunset said, as she pointed to the door. Pinkie was saddened by Sunset's rage, and walked out of her house.

Pinkie wanted to do what she could to help Sunset, but it seems she was sad about something.

Later that evening, Pinkie Pie had a visitor. It was Sunset.

"Hey, Pinkie, may I come in?" Sunset asked.

"Of course!" Pinkie said as she allowed Sunset inside her house.

"Pinkie, I'm so sorry for earlier, things haven't been as good lately..." Sunset said softly.

"What's wrong?" Pinkie asked.

"Twilight stopped talking to me..."

"The pony Twilight or Sci-Twi?"

"Both, I haven't been able to contact them, or anyone... I've been so lonely..." Sunset began to tear up. "No one... I'm sorry..."

"It's okay Sunset... I knew you didn't mean to..." Pinkie said, as Sunset stopped her from finishing her sentence to hug her tightly.

"I don't know what to do Pinkie." Sunset continued. "I miss them, I miss them all."

"I understand." Pinkie said. As she allowed Sunset to be comfortable with telling her everything that was on her mind. She made another promise to not tell anyone about it.

All throughout the evening, Pinkie made Sunset a bed to sleep for the night, and together they continued to talk. When things began to quiet down, Pinkie thought to herself, how she was going to bring everyone together. However, she thought maybe it won't be her doing, but it will be each of them, coming together in some way that will remind everyone the importance of friendship. So, Pinkie made a plan to help everyone.

Pinkie and Sunset awoke early that morning, and she walked Sunset home, Pinkie said to Sunset she was business to attend to. Sunset understood and went her way.

Pinkie went to go visit with Rainbow Dash. She arrived and Rainbow Dash opened the door.

"Oh hi Pinkie Pie!" Rainbow Dash said, when she opened the door.

"Hi Dash!" Pinkie said. "How you doin'?"

"Oh nothing, playing around with my guitar." Rainbow Dash said. "Wanna come in?"

"Sure." Pinkie said, as she skipped into the house. She sat on her couch. "Hey, Dash?"

"Yeah Pinkie?" Rainbow said.

"Remember you got that guitar when you battled against Trixie?" Pinkie asked.

"I do! I love this baby!" Rainbow Dash continued.

"Anything you've been playing lately?"

"Nah, I haven't come up with anything for a while."

"You know something? I think making a whole new song will make everyone happy!"

"What do you have in mind?"

"Well, have you been seeing Fluttershy lately?"


"Well, remember she mentioned her lyrics for the band?" Pinkie asked.

"I think I know where you're going with this... I definitely should ask Fluttershy, after all she did for me." Rainbow Dash responded with her cheeks red.

"What do you mean?" Pinkie said, cautiously.

"Well... I can't say..." Rainbow Dash looked away as she smiled.

"C'mon! Pretty please with a Pinkie Promise!" Pinkie suggested.

"Pinkie Promise?" Rainbow Dash questioned.

"I cross my heart, and hope to fly, stick a cupcake in my eye! That is a Pinkie Promise and I never, ever, ever break a Pinkie Promise!" Pinkie said.

"Oh... okay..." Rainbow Dash said, as she scratched the back of her neck. "She's been helping me through some difficult stuff, and I think that using her lyrics may be what I need to kind of... give back!"

"Wow! That is absolutely, positively thoughtful of you!" Pinkie yelled.

"Thanks Pinkie! And you're serious about your promise though?"


"Okay, I'll ask her about it!"

"Okay cool!"

"So, what did you come over for?" Rainbow Dash asked.

"Just checking in, it's been awhile since we've hung out, and by doing this could be great for everyone!" Pinkie said.

"You really think so? That will be awesome! Thanks Pinkie!"

"This weekend?" Pinkie asked.

"Sure!" Rainbow Dash replied.

After Pinkie was visiting with Rainbow Dash, she ran for Fluttershy's house. She was so ecstatic and knocked down Fluttershy's door. Pinkie startled all of Fluttershy's pets.

"Pinkie, what are you doing?" Fluttershy said.

"Fluttershy! I was dropping in to see how you doin'?" Pinkie replied.

"Oh nothing...tending to my friends..."

"Great!" As Pinkie was looking around, and fixing her door. Fluttershy calmed her pets down, and she heard the phone ring. Fluttershy looked at the number and it was Rainbow Dash.

"Hello?" Fluttershy said.

"Hey Fluttershy?!" Rainbow Dash said.

"Oh hi, Rainbow Dash... what are you doing?"

"I wanted to see if you'd like to come over to help me with music?"

"Music? What did you need help with?"

"Well, you still have those lyrics for our band? I wanted to see if you want to help in creating some new material?"

"Oh! That will be great! Just give me a moment to get them ready!"

"Great!" Rainbow Dash said. Fluttrershy hung up the phone. Fluttershy was shaking with excitement and anxiety. Pinkie was walking to where Fluttershy was after she fixed Fluttershy's door. "Pinkie! I need help!"

"What is it?" Pinkie asked.

"Rainbow Dash,asked me to help her with her music!" Fluttershy responded.

"Okay? What do you have to do?"

"She asked me for lyrics... but... I don't know if they are any good?"

"Are you sure?"

"I don't know... I'm freaking out..."

"Hey, it's okay... did you want to show them to me first?" Pinkie asked.

"I... suppose I could..." Fluttershy replied softly.

"But, I think you're okay!"

"You sure?"

"Of course!"

"Thank you Pinkie!"


Pinkie helped Fluttershy organize her notes and even looked at a few of them, and she thought they were pretty good.

"They are pretty good Fluttershy." Pinkie assured.

"Thank you." Fluttershy responded.

"I don't think you have to worry about sharing them!"


Afterward, Pinkie went over to Rarity's place. Rarity opened her door.

"Pinkie Pie, what brings you over?" Rarity asked.

"Hi Rarity!" Pinkie said. "Ya got a minute?" Rarity invited Pinkie inside her house.

"So, what's up?" Rarity continued.

"Well, you know we all haven't been together in a while? So, I was suggesting we should do some sort of collaborative work!"

"What do you have in mind?"

"Well, for you... I was thinking of some cool gear to wear for each of us for this weekend?"

"Oh, that sounds interesting!"

"Yeah, something to help us remind everyone that we are a team! To bring us back together!"

"Oh, Pinkie that's a brilliant idea! I suppose it's been awhile since I've worked on anything recently. Okay!"

"Yeah! Great!"

"I need to get started!" Rarity said, as she went to her studio to work.

After Pinkie gave Rarity a boost in creativity, she thought Rarity could use some help. She ran over to Applejack's farm. She knocked on the door.

"Hey Pinkie Pie!" Apple Bloom said.

"Hey there sweet little Apple Bloom!" Pinkie yelled, as she ruffled her hair. Apple Bloom giggled. "Applejack available?"

"She's out back!" Apple Bloom said.

"Thank." Pinkie said, as she hopped to the back of the house. Applejack was sitting around with a small mini pony.

"Hey! Applejack!" Pinkie yelled. Applejack was startled.

"What in tarnation!" Applejack yelled. "Pinkie?!"

"Hey!" Pinkie said with a huge smile.

"What's up?" Applejack asked.

"Oh nothing, but I have something to ask?" Pinkie added.

"What is it?" Applejack continued.

"Are you busy today?" Pinkie questioned.

"Not too much, why?"

"Well, I think Rarity may need your help!"

"She does? What's happening? Is she okay?"

"She's okay, but she is working on something that would be really, really fun for the both of you to work on!"

"No offense Pinkie, but am not fashionable like Rarity. Ah be in the way..."

"Oh no, it's not that! She is working on something fashionable, but what I would suggest is be a helping hand! Like, if she needs any heavy lifting, you would be there!"

"Hmm... ya know, that might not be a bad idea!"


"Yeah, ah think she'll like it!"


"Thanks Pinkie, am glad you came to let me know about it!"

"You're welcome!"

After Pinkie was done visiting with Applejack, she went over to Sunset's place again, and Applejack went to Rarity's. She arrived at Sunset's place, and she knocked on her door, instead of barging in. Sunset opened the door.

"Hi Pinkie Pie!" Sunset said.

"Hey Sunset!" Pinkie replied.

"What brings you over?" Sunset said, as she allowed Pinkie inside to sit down on the couch.

"Well, I wanted to see if there's anything new with contacting Twilight?" Pinkie asked.

"Well, for either of them, no response." Sunset responded. "But, perhaps they're both busy at the moment."

"I see. But, how do you feel about meeting up with the girls this weekend?"

"Oh, they asked?"

"Not officially, but I wanted to see if you're up for it!"

"Of course I would!"

"Great! I'll see you there!"

"Wait Pinkie, what's this all about?"

"Kind of hard to explain, but it's been a while since we've done something, so why not make a plan to do so?!"


"Yeah, In fact?!" Pinkie said, as she held out her phone, and texted Rainbow Dash to see if it was okay for Sunset to join her. Rainbow replied saying yes to it. "Okay, why don't you go over to Rainbow Dash's place?"

"Alright." Sunset said, as Pinkie walked out to the door. "For what?" Sunset Received a text from Rainbow Dash saying to bring over her guitar. "Band practice?"

"Cool, you should join!" Pinkie said.

"Okay." Sunset said, as she went to grab her guitar off the wall. "You going with?"

"Nah, I still have business to attend to!" Pinkie suggested.

"Okay , I'll see you." Sunset said.

"Yeah, see you around!" Pinkie replied.

Pinkie and Sunset went separate ways, but Pinkie went over to Twilight's house. She knocked on the door. Nobody answered, so she went over to an object and unlocked the door.

"Twilight?!" Pinkie called. She walked in and shut the door. She quickly looked around, until she saw Twilight lying in her bedroom. She walked slowly and quietly to her bed, she got up without waking her up, and she pounced on Twilight. Twilight screamed and Spike in the corner marked as Twilight struggled in her blankets, and Pinkie crawled around. Twilight got up from the bed. Spike was by her side ready to attack. She got up from underneath the blanket. "Surprise!" Pinkie yelled. Spike fainted.

"Pinkie Pie?!" Twilight said, with a little disgust. "What are you doing?!"

"I came to check in on you!" Pinkie replied. "How are you?!"

"Tired..." Twilight said, as she yawned. "What is it?"

"Where have you been?!" Pinkie asked.

"Nowhere,been working... on homework." Twilight responded.

"Okie-dokie-loki!" Pinkie said as she got up from the bed. "Oh, just letting you know, the girls want to hang out this weekend!"

"Where?" Twilight said.

"Nowhere in specific,be ready to be there!" Pinkie replied.


"Good seeing you again!"

"Yeah... I suppose I have been too busy..."

"It's okay, meet up with us this weekend okay?!"

"Alright, I will!"

"Wait Pinkie, before you go... I want to ask you something..." Twilight said.

"What is it?" Pinkie added.

"Well, it's about Sunset..."



"Tell me, I won't tell anyone!"

"You promise?"

"Cross my heart, and hope to fly, stick a cupcake in my eye! I never, ever, ever break a Pinkie Promise!"

"Okay... I know Sunset's been worried about me, but I don't know what to say sometimes. What would you do if you were given the chance to confess but was too afraid to say it?"

"You like Sunset?"

"I...I" Twilight was at a loss for words.

"Well, I never really asked for those types of feelings before... I can't say! Now, we talk about something like sweets or delicious food,I always say what's on my mind!" Pinkie replied.

"You think she'll accept?"

"I can't say."


"But, don't ignore your opportunity to do so! Okay?!"

"Okay... thanks Pinkie!"


After Pinkie reconciled their friendship, the girls gathered that weekend, and they played a song written by Fluttershy. Rarity made gifts for everyone, in which they wore and performed in front of the school. The crowds cheered, seeing them back together again.

After Pinkie hung out with everyone, she rested. The next day, they woke up early to meet up with the children and their parents, and they were to return before 11 am. So, she entertained them, singing songs, blowing up party balloons and making the kids so crazy they passed out, and was sleepy. Afterward, Pinkie cleaned up the rooms, and made sure nothing was broken in the house. She would check on the kids, making sure they were comfortable and tucked into bed. It was still early before the parents would arrive, but she was feeling a bit different today.

"I can't shake this feeling in my head?" Pinkie said to herself. "I'm not bored or anything, or feeling sick... what is it?" Pinkie contemplated what this feeling was inside her. Something felt off to her, within her usual state of Pinkie Pie. She looked around to see if she could find a book to read or a movie to watch to get her mind off of it. She picked up a story book that had something to do with a lost duck. Pinkie read it, and was sad about the lost duck, but was glad it found its way home. "Lost..." Pinkie found out, she felt lonely. It was weird because she hung out with everyone yesterday, but she realized they each were practically in love with each other, making her the only one without a love interest, so it made Pinkie feel a bit disoriented. She never looked for someone, nor has anyone looked to her as a preferable date. Nearing the end towards Senior year, she never was with anyone. Just Pinkie. How odd, that she knew of everyone else's feelings but her own.

A couple of hours later, the kids were settled and watched TV for the remainder of time. Their parents arrived, and gave Pinkie a fairly generous amount for making their kids so settled, and the house was cleaned. She went her way, she never favored money all too much,only when she needed it for food, but the thought of her loneliness made Pinkie text everyone seeing if anyone wanted to meet up for lunch, and she was paying. Pinky went home, and rested.

Later on that day, Applejack text back saying she was in, and not longer after Sunset replied saying where her and Twilight were heading to. Pinkie got up, and headed there.

As Pinkie walked to the shops, she met up with Scootaloo, Sweetie Belle, and Apple Bloom.

"Hey girls!" Pinkie yelled.

"Hey Pinkie!" Apple Bloom said.

"Yo, what's up!" Scootaloo added.

"Hello Pinkie!" Sweetie Belle replied.

"Whatcha girls up to?" Pinkie asked.

"Nothing... we're bored!" Scootaloo said, while the girls nodded.

"Well... I'm about to meet up with everyone at the Burger Joint, wanna come with?" Pinkie said.

"Been there, done that!" Scootaloo responded.

"Oh, well, how about... the movies?" Pinkie suggested.

"Already did!" Scootaloo answered.

"Wow, okay..."

"Look, Pinkie you don't have to help us, we understand, we'll figure something out!" Apple Bloom said.

"Wait!" Pinkie yelled. "Since it's the weekend, why don't you girls have a sleepover, you know, like build forts, watch movies all night, talk about the newest stuff on the internet?" The girls' faces lit up with excitement.

"Hey, you know that might actually be a good idea!" Sweetie Belle responded.

"Yeah! I'm the best at building forts!" Scootaloo said.

"Yeah, and I got tons of movies I like to watch over and over again!" Apple Bloom added.

"Thanks Pinkie!" The girls replied.

"Aww, you're welcome girls!" Pinkie said. Afterward, the girls headed off to make a plan, and Pinkie saw their free-spirited nature, and youthfulness, which made her feel confident in being okay with who she is.

Pinkie sang a song while she was on her way to the Burger Joint.

"Cross My Heart"

Performed by: Pinkamena Diane Pie (Pinkie Pie)

[Verse 1]:

I heard the voice, I played it safe.

More than twice, I kept them safe.

The secrets, their stories.

The decisions, their choices.

All in me, they trust in me.

[Verse 2]:

I'm here for you, you're there for me.

I love you too, the smiles I see.

Bring me joy, and down to tears.

Easy to destroy, their trust and fears.

All in me, they count on me.

[Chorus x2]:

I cross my heart,

I hope to fly,

Stick a cupcake,

In my eye.

[Verse 3]:

My dearest friend, the love I felt.

Through the end, memories I held.

The troubles, the struggles.

Surviving and striving.

All in me, they remain in me.

[Verse 4]:

Thank you, for everything.


The pony Pinkie Pie asked human Pinkie Pie to stay a little longer to make preparations for a celebration of the rebuilt Ponyville. After she did they both held a party, singing songs, eating so much sweets, and did so until they could feel the break of dawn.

While both Pinkie's were tuckered out, they both stood under a tree.

"We both know how to party!" Pinkie said.

"Yes we do!" Pinkie replied.

"It's so great to have another Pinkie here!" Pinkie said.

"Yeah, it is!" Pinkie said, as she looked down.

"What's the matter?"

"Well, after being here, and going back home, does it feel weird to know everyone, their secrets and their lives?"

"Hmm... well, I always thought it was good to have a friend that understands and knows them."

"Yeah, but does it bother you to have so much information that may never be revealed."

"At times, it is a huge thing to keep, there are some that even made me question, but it is for a greater cause, they trust you."

"Yeah, I guess... but what about our lives? Do you sometimes forget to think for yourself?"

"Yeah at times, but it never bothered me because of everyone!"

"Have you pursued a love interest?"

"I thought about it, but in the end, what is important is being there for everyone, and not one or yourself, but how much more that matters!"

"They matter a lot, they mean the whole world to me!"

"That is why, it will all work out in the end! And, if you struggle with that, remember to always keep checking in of yourself, and myself of course!"

"Yeah, no doubt!"

"Thanks Pinkie!"

"Thanks Pinkie!"

They both hugged each other as they saw the sunrise from the mountains. Pinkie spent the day and night with the other Pinkie.

The night after that, Pinkie headed for the mirror. The mirror was closed, but Pinkie helped her return back. She arrived in the middle of the night at Canterlot High, she smiled coming back to being human. She got up, and hopped back to her home, however, as she walked back she saw a light flashing in the sky. She felt in her gut knew, it was not over yet.

Ending song of Pinkie Pie:

"Pinkie Doodle"

Pinkie Doodle went to town,

With little gator Gummy,

In Ponyville she stuck around,

To find something yummy.

Pinkie Doodle keep it up,

All the sweets you sought.

With the music and the mic,

And dropped it like it's hot.

The End of the End.

Book 2: Animus | Chapter 1: Lost

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Chapter 1: Lost

It was late at night. The storm was coming through, with the wind currents brushing up against the doors and windows. The weeds and branches of trees tap upon them, making a sound, as if someone was outside their home. The thunder was light, not touching the ground, nor disrupting the townspeople's sleep throughout the night. It was, instead, calming to listen to.

The rain started to drizzle, as Sunset Shimmer heard it from her bathroom window. She was taking a long deserved bath, with candles surrounding the tub to give a dimness of light in an unlit room. Meditating with the sounds of the rain and wind, picking up the patterns, that was soothing to listen in. The tub was full of bubbles, which began to dissipate as she prolonged her time in the tub with her eyes closed.

She thought about her previous adventure with everyone, and wondered if Twilight was trying to say something to her. Majority of that incident was Midnight's doing, but Twilight might have had something to do with it.

Was Twilight really jealous of Princess Twilight? She thought. Did she do all of that because of her?

There were some things unexplained and remained a mystery with everything she saw. All her research and paperwork inside a locked closet. All the things hidden, which made Sunset start to shiver.

She opened her eyes and saw that the bubbles were gone, and the tub was no longer hot. The candle wax was starting to spill out onto the floor as the flames grew thin, ready to burn out. Sunset doused them out, and she got out to turn on the lights. She grabbed a clean bathrobe from the towel rack at the opposite side of the sink, and drained the tub, drying out her long glossy and fiery hair. Her arms felt numb from being in the air, as she wrapped a towel around her head.

As she walked out into the living room, the lamps were still on, making it a nice, dim atmosphere inside the room. The windows were foggy with raindrops pouring down on it from the outside, and the heat from the bathroom that was condensing inside. She could hear the nearby branches of trees, scratching up against the walls outside her home as the winds blew.

She sat down on her living room couch, still contemplating about Midnight. Her phone was sitting on the desk where her lamp and half drunken tea was left. She picked up her tea, it was cold and bittersweet, as she put it up to her lips to drink. She glanced at her phone and picked it up. There appeared to be no messages or updates of any of her social media.

Most days were quiet, even during school. The only time Sunset and her friends spent time together was during Rainbow Dash's games, or making an occasional vlog video, or even just wanting to hang out to celebrate something. And then comes trouble, which prompts them all to come together to take the evil down. Then it was back to a normal quiet routine once again.

Sunset felt kind of out of place, given that she was still pony in a human world.

If there was a human Twilight, was there a human Sunset? She thought.

She went through phases of existential moments as the time grew spent there without a clue. It felt like there was so much unexplained and also remained a mystery. She has not tried to search for the other Sunset.

What good would that do? She would often ask herself.

With all the vlog videos and internet fame she had, she was certain the other one would notice that there was another person like her in the world somewhere.

She also thought about what Princess Twilight said about going back to Equestria, maybe during the summer, she could go back to visit. That all depends if the portal was even opened.

As Sunset was sitting comfortably and re-watching her vlog videos, she heard something outside her front door. She thought it could have been just the twigs or rocks being thrown around with the wind, but it sounded heavier than that. Sunset walked up to look, but as she stood up, she saw a quick flash outside her window by the front door. It could have been lightning, striking down into the ground, but she had not felt the light struck the earth, or the sound of a boom after it. It sounded as if her light bulb outside her front door had gone out. The sound of the glass breaking against something, in which could have been the dirt swallowed by the winds.

She sighed as she contemplated putting up another light bulb tomorrow morning. She went to her cupboard to fetch a pack of light bulbs. Might as well do it now, because it's not something she usually had to do, so it would not even cross her mind the next day.

Sunset went to turn off the light switch, as she opened the door. Right outside her door, she saw a figure in the darkness. She screamed, slammed the door, and locked it. S

he tried to look out the window, but could not see with all the heat condensing from her skin and from the bathroom, with the rain pouring down from the other side. There was just fogginess and darkness. Sunset grabbed a flashlight and a baseball bat over by her computers underneath her bed, and she gathered her strength to unlock and reopen the door. If anything, her element was on her neck for guidance. Sunset turned the flashlight on, and readied her weapon to the air. She slowly re-opened the door. Her eyes widened and her pupils shrunk to the size of pebble.

"T-Twilight?!" Sunset questioned, as she saw Twilight Sparkle standing there in the rain with no coat or shoes on. "Come in here!" Twilight followed the light into Sunset's living room. She backed away from her, to shut the door to lock it.

There is something off about Twilight? Sunset thought. She seems... lifeless.

The way she was walking to her, was like a walking corpse. Twilight was soaking wet, her hair was scraggly, and her eyes were dull and wide open without her glasses on, and her feet was covered in dirt, tracking mud all over the floor.

"Twilight? What's wrong?!" Sunset continued. "Why were you out there in the rain?!" Twilight did not answer. She stood there silently, and looked up at Sunset with those huge eyes. There was emptiness in them. It frightened Sunset. "Twilight?" Sunset saw her hands, as they were bleeding, and the blood fell onto the floor with the dried mud from her feet. "Twilight?!" Sunset screamed.

She rushed her to the bathroom. She washed her hands with soap to wash off the blood and dirt, and saw shards of glass falling from her hands. It seems Twilight was the one that had made the front light turn off.

She held onto the bulb until it burst into her hands and caused her skin to rip open. Sunset thought as she was carefully taking the glass out her hand, Twilight resisted and grunted in pain. She tried to pull away from her, but Sunset had kept her hands into the sink.

"Stop!" Sunset yelled. Twilight got away from her. "Stop it! What is wrong with you?!"

Sunset grabbed a towel and the first-aid kit from her bathroom cupboard, under the sink. She placed Twilight down on her toilet seat, and cleaned off the water and blood. The towel was soaked after it, as Sunset wrapped her hand with a clean gauze. Twilight stopped resisting her. She just looked at her hands as she was wrapping it, trying to move her fingers, but could only use them as pinchers like a crab.

"What are you doing here?! What's wrong?!" Sunset questioned, as she gently tugged her shoulder. But, all she got was Twilight's dark, soul-gripping eyes that would make her feel uncomfortable and send shivers down her spine.

Sunset brought another towel from the cupboard to wipe her up. Twilight started to fight her as she tried to wipe off her head and body.

"Twilight! Stop!" Sunset kept yelling at her. Twilight was still soaked and was cold to the touch of her. There is definitely something wrong with her.

Sunset grabbed her shoulders and used her power to see into her mind. She saw nothing but darkness until she saw what happened outside her front door.

"What the hell?!" Sunset got up and was upset.

Twilight followed her to the living room, she stood by staring at her, as Sunset paced around the living room. Sunset angrily sighed.

"What is wrong with you?!" She yelled again, aggressively shaking Twilight. It made Twilight frightened of her, as she tried to speak, but she just made a noise like some sort of banshee.

Sunset was devastated. She had no idea what was wrong with Twilight.

She grabbed her phone and called the girls, but none of them answered. She was about to phone the police, but she saw Twilight walking around her house, looking at things and touching everything. She came to Twilght's book. Sunset stopped, dropping her phone on the couch, and snatched the book away from her.

"No! Don't you dare touch it!" Sunset yelled. Twilight looked at her. She could not look at her, as her eyes were freaking her out, to continually stare back at her.

Sunset placed her book down, and had taken Twilight up the stairs. She wanted to give her some fresh clothes to wear for now to sleep in. Hopefully the girls will come over in the morning to help her figure out whatever was wrong with Twilight, Sunset thought to herself. She was scrambling through her dresser and found the sleepwear she gave Princess Twilight, but she had her other pair of pajama shirts and matching pants to wear. She handed the clothes over to Twilight, while she put on her's. Twilight touched the clothing and looked at them as if she had no idea what they were.

"Put them on!" Sunset demanded Twilight. Twilight just kept playing around with them, even making them fall onto the floor like a child. "No!" She sighed. "Please, don't make me do this..." she said to herself. She had to do it for her, apparently.

She took her back down the stairs to the living room to pick up the clothes she dropped, and started taking off her clothes one by one. Twilight was resisting her, and was trying to make her stop.

"Stop it!" Sunset yelled. Twilight fought with her. "Stop! I don't want to do this anymore than you do!" Twilight backed away and gave Sunset a mean look, as she tripped to the floor from the stairwell. "Twilight!" Sunset yelled. Twilight tried to get up to the stairs, but she could not get up quick enough as she tackled her and made her put on the shirt and pants.

Twilight stood up, and was touching the clothing she had put on. Sunset was exhausted, she had given no other thought to it, other than how annoying it was. She placed Twilight's soaked clothes and all the towels she had used in the bathroom, as Twilight continued to look around as if she had never seen the place before.

Sunset made Twilight head back upstairs. She reached out to her blankets from one corner and uncovered it.

"Get in bed!" Sunset pointed towards the opening she left. Twilight did nothing but stare where she had pointed. "Go to bed!" Sunset continually yelled, and pointed at the opening again. Twilight just looked at her.

She was disgusted with her, so she forcefully laid her down. Covered her up, and tightened the sheet and blanket so she won't be able to get up or fall off the bed. Twilight struggled being under the blankets. She couldn't move, so she stopped and watched Sunset head back down the stairs.

"Goodnight Twi!" Sunset said, as she turned off the lamps downstairs. "We'll have to figure out what's wrong with you tomorrow!"

Sunset laid on the couch to rest, and she fell asleep as quickly as she laid down. Not even thinking about what just happened.

Later on that evening, Sunset dreamt of Twilight. She was frightened by her. Twilight's eyes were dreadfully cold. The deadly stare, which made everything about the situation worsen.

Sunset woke up, as she was getting scared of the dream she had. She turned the lamp on. Twilight was standing right by the couch, with her intense stare looking straight at her. Twilight had nothing but her eyes, she had no other facial features. She screamed as Twilight had placed a blanket over her face.

Sunset woke up again from the couch. She was hesitant to turn on the lights, but she did with her eyes closed. Luckily, no one is there, she thought.

She would feel the cold piercing and dripping from her head down to her back. The uncomfortable silence made her think twice about going back to sleep again.

She walked up to check on her friend. Twilight was still awake. She turned her head and watched Sunset come up the stairs. She saw that she was awake, with that stare that haunted her. She tried to close her eyes gently, trying to make her go to sleep, but Twilight would open them back up, slowly, and one eye at a time.

Sunset shifted back. She was about to head back down the stairs, that was until Twilight had reached out to her arm. Twilight's grip suddenly became stronger, making her arm feel the pain of being crushed. The bandages began to soak up more blood as she reopened up her wounds.

"Ow! Stop!" Sunset yelled. "Let go!" She tried to get away from her, but her grip was tightening. Sunset kept fighting, until Twilight used her other hand to drag her closer.

"No!" She stopped resisting because she was afraid of falling off the platform to the living room.

She was tossed around and landed on top of Twilight. In which, Twilight wrapped her arms around her and her legs underneath the blankets, locked up with Sunset's legs. Making it difficult for her to move.

"Get off me!" Sunset tried to pull her off, but Twilight kept her arms tight around her until she grew tired of fighting back.

Sunset was out of breath and was unconscious. The last thing she sensed was Twilight's cold arms and her body wrapped around her. The cold atmosphere made her feel the uncomfortable, frozen rain and wind from outside throughout the night.

She drifted off into a sleep, with her eyes closing slowly. Her eyes were the last thing she saw.

Book 2: Animus | Chapter 2: Helpless

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Chapter 2: Helpless

Sunset was walking to an odd building. The building was not familiar in the slightest to her, but she felt like she had been there before.

She was her ponyself. Sunset looked around her, and there was a fogginess that surrounded her, along with dead trees that no longer held leaves together on the branches. It was nighttime, with the moon glowing at the peak in the skies.

She came to the building, and it looked as if it was an abandoned mansion in the middle of the woods. Sunset knocked on the door, and it had opened fairly slowly. She was greeted by human Princess Twilight. Which made her feel comforted. She held out hoof hand and brought her inside the mansion.

Inside of it was covered in reds and blacks, the carpeting was bright red and the walls were a darkened wood that still held a glossy pigment to give it's richness and texture. There were candles and torches that partially lit up the room, like an old castle.

Princess Twilight held Sunset's hand, as she realized she was in her human form. Princess Twilight dragged her further into the mansion, where she saw pictures of familiar faces on the walls, painting of places she had been too, and passed many doorways.

She stopped at one of the doors, and opened it. She brought her to a refined room. Near the center against the wall was a large king-sized bed that had black sheets, a fluffy red blanket, and was enclosed with a transparent black curtain draped down from the four corners against the railing of the bed. The room had a small desk and chair in the far right corner of the room. There was a large wardrobe in the other corner, and the rest of the room was darkened by shadows that lingered everywhere it was not lit.

Princess Twilight laid next to Sunset. She wrapped her in the sheets and blankets, making her comfortable. They both laid there, starting to get sleepy. The comfort of Princess Twilight with her made her feel relaxed.

Sunset felt something underneath the sheets that made her crawl up to the top of the bed.

In an instance, Princess Twilight felt like she was being dragged. Sunset quickly grabbed her hands as she was about to be taken away into the darkness. She tried to pull her in, but her grip suddenly lost strength and Princess Twilight was taken away.

Sunset sat in the bed, alone and afraid of walking out of the curtains. She heard a giggle coming from the side of her. She quickly turned to look and saw Princess Twilight sink below underneath the bed.

She crawled to the edge and checked underneath. Sunset saw nothing. She got back up, but she heard something behind her.

Sunset slowly turned around and saw that the wardrobe was opened with scratch marks all over the inside of it. She kept turning the other direction. Until she came across the desk, and there was something carved into it. It had an eye symbol which looked familiar to her.

Sunset turned around and saw Twilight with no facial features and her enormous eyes staring from the other side of the room. With her hands, bloodied, and the fingernails cracked and ripped into her skin. Twilight hovered to her, but Sunset went back to the bed. She stood until she felt like she was safe enough to head for the door.

She ran and opened the door. Bolted through the hallway Princess Twilight took her through. The pictures on the walls became blank and the painting smeared like someone had used their hand to wipe it away. Sunset didn't look back until she found the front door she came out of.

Sunset was suddenly outside. She came out to the front entrance of Canterlot High. She saw the mirror and stallion statue. She went to it, and placed her hand over it, but it was solid. The mirror had her reflection, but it was her ponyself. It quickly changed in front of her to a familiar face, the demon she became.

Sunset backed away from it, and turned to the school entrance. She saw Twilight standing at the door. Both the demon and Twilight came to her. Sunset ran for it, but they caught her. Sunset tried to wake herself up before they reached their hands to her.

Sunset startled, as she started to regain her composure. Her eyes twitched to open up again, laying in her bed. She felt the bitter cold of the bright morning sun peeking through the curtains. Throughout the night, she remained frozen from the touch of Twilight's body. She could feel her intoxicating dead corpse nearby.

She looked around and saw that Twilight was not there. Sunset hoped that it was all a dream. As she got up to fix her bed, her bed was wet with blood, cold sweat, and possibly piss from Twilight's doing, since she may not know how to use the restroom.

"Great, now I have to clean that up!" Sunset said to herself, as she wrapped up the sheets and blankets to a naked mattress underneath.

As she got up, the house felt colder, and she could smell the freshness of earth from outside in her house. Sunset looked around and saw that Twilight was nowhere to be found.

"Twilight?" Sunset called. She walked down the stairs and saw Twilight laying on the floor. "Twilight?!" Sunset ran to her, it seemed she fell over the platform late at night. She was knocked unconscious. Her eyes were closed, her body felt heavy and lifeless.

"Oh, Twilight..." Sunset picked her up, and placed her on the couch, as she searched to see if Twilight was still breathing. She was. Sunset, relieved, and was curious about Twilight and looked into her mind again.

Through Twilight's eyes, she saw herself, it seems that Twilight was not asleep but watched her throughout the night. Twilight's grip lifted from her as she saw herself moving around into the blankets. Sunset scooted Twilight out of bed, and made Twilight fall over from the platform. She smacked the ground with her full weight.

Sunset was startled when Twilight hit the floor, and for the fact that Twilight stood up countless hours on staring at her. It made her skin crawl with goosebumps.

She remembered to phone the girls, given it was an emergency they needed to figure out together.

It took a little while for the girls to arrive, but Twilight was still asleep when they entered Sunset's house.

"What's the problem?!" Rainbow Dash yelled, as she ran into Sunset's house. "I'm ready for anything!"

"What's up Sunset?" Applejack asked. As Rarity, Fluttershy, and Pinkie Pie walked in. The shivering cold breeze was blown into the house, so Sunset went to shut the door. "Does it have something to do with Twilight?" Applejack took a wild guess as she looked down at Twilight, lying on the couch.

"I'm afraid so..." Sunset said. "Twilight arrived late last night in the middle of the storm, with no shoes or even a jacket." The girls were terrified. "That's not all, she was acting weird. I tried talking to her, but she didn't say anything. It was creepy."

"How unnerving..." Rarity commented "Something smells funky..." She complained, as she looked around the room.

"It does." Sunset replied.

"Something actually smells funky, like sweat and something else?" Rarity continued. Sunset thought about it, and realized she did not wash up or cleaned the bed before she called them over to her house.

"Sunset did say she was outside..." Applejack interrupted. "She could have stepped anywhere with no shoes on!"

"Yeah..." Sunset said, as her face grew pale, as she scratched the back of her head.

"Well, then do something about it!" Rarity demanded. "I can't stand to be here any longer with this... fumes of toxicity!"

"C'mon Rarity, there are more important things to worry about!" Rainbow Dash added. "Like, did you use your brain magic or whatever Sunset?"

"Yeah I did, nothing seemed to have happened before she arrived last night." Sunset said, while Rarity was once again upset with Rainbow Dash, but this time Applejack stepped in to calm her down.

"That's strange..." Fluttershy said softly, as she went to examine Twilight's body. "She's breathing rather slowly, and her pulse..."

"She is sleeping ya know?" Rainbow Dash added.

"Even so, her whole body feels cold, and not functioning normally..." Fluttershy said. "I'm worried! Was Spike with her at all?"

"No, I don't think so..." Sunset said.

"This is not good. It's happened again, isn't it?" Fluttershy questioned, overly worried of the both of them.

"Am afraid am with this one on Fluttershy." Applejack said. "Twilight probably had an accident with something again?"

"It could be." Sunset said. "But, after what happened, you think she would have been more cautious, or even too scared to mess with things like this again?"

"Guess not..." Pinkie Pie said, as she was laying on Sunset's bed.

"Pinkie Pie?!" Sunset yelled. They all turned their attention to Pinkie above the platform on Sunset's bed.

"What?!" Pinkie Pie asked.

"Twilight was laying there!" Sunset announced.

"Oh, that explains why it's wet over here!" Pinkie Pie said. Sunset facepalmed in embarrassment. The others looked at each other.

"Look, we're going to find out together, right?" Applejack asked, as she placed her hand on Sunset's shoulder.

"Yeah, let's hope!" Sunset said, as she began to worry. Everyone quieted down, and they saw Twilight awaken from her sleep. She did not yawn or even wipe off the drool from her mouth. "Twilight? Are you okay?" Sunset asked, but Twilight did nothing, but starred with her big captivating violet eyes.

"Twilight?!" Rainbow Dash asked, but Twilight looked toward her direction, and Rainbow Dash cowardly shifted back away from her as she looked deep into her eyes. "Talk about Fluttershy's raging eyes."

"What?!" Fluttershy said. Twilight observed all that surrounded her, not saying a word or having any reaction in her emotionless expression. "I should try it!" Fluttershy stepped to her, Twilight looked at her, and Fluttershy gazed at her with her powerful mind controlling eyes. She focused for a minute or two, but she could not see anything in Twilight but dread. "It's no use..." Fluttershy added. "We need to go check in at her house, find Spike, and open her closet of secrets again!"

"Agreed!" Rainbow Dash said. As the others nodded, Sunset was not convinced that Twilight would do something like this again.

"Anyone else feel hungry?" Pinkie Pie asked, as she was kicking her feet off the side of the bed. "Cause I could use something warm in my tummy!" The girls stopped for a moment, and were starting to feel their empty stomach growl.

"Sure." Sunset said. "But, what do we do with Twilight?"

"Take her with us?" Rainbow Dash said. "She won't do any harm!" As she tapped on her shoulder. Twilight looked back at her. "Except do that!" Rainbow Dash added.

"There we go!" As Rainbow Dash placed a pair of sunglasses on Twilight. "Someone just got fifteen percent much cooler!" The girls laughed.

"Okay, I'm going to get ready!" Sunset said.

As the girls waited around for Sunset. They just talked about some things regarding Twilight's behavior. Twilight was silent, looking around, and looking at all the girls one by one. As if she never knew them, and took off the glasses.

"C'mon Twilight, really?!" Rainbow Dash added.

Sunset finally showered, and she got dressed into a dark red shirt that had orange and yellow stripes along the neck and shoulders, black jeans, leather boots and her leather jacket, unzipped.

"Alright, let's go!" Sunset said, as she walked out of the bathroom. The girls liked the newest outfit she had.

"Wait, what about Twilight?!" Pinkie Pie asked. "She's not dressed!" They all turned their attention to Twilight, and she was still wearing Sunset's usual pajamas.

"Oh boy..." Sunset said.

Book 2: Animus | Chapter 3: Uncontrolled

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Chapter 3: Uncontrolled

The girls struggled to get Twilight somewhat decent to be in the middle of the public eye. They ought with Twilight getting her into fresh clothes, like Sunset did the night before.

Rarity tried to fix up Twilight with some make-up, but she kept moving her head too much for Rarity to focus. Rainbow Dash placed the sunglasses back onto Twilight's face, to block her stare that gave them nightmares.

They walked out of Sunset's house. The air was cold, with the winds pushing them forward to find a place to indulge in a hearty meal for the noon. The clouds were roaring forward with the winds, carrying toward their direction. The sun was blocked, making the chilling air more unbearable to stay out for too long.

They all reached a diner that was more or less cozy-like, according to Applejack. The place was a family-owned diner, but it was more of a modern layout than what it used to be.

It used to have a country-styled aesthetic with old pictures, antiques, and the inside decorated with a log cabin coat over the walls.

The girls were seated within the center of the diner, given it was the largest table they could spare for seven teens. The diner was quite filled to capacity because it was the middle of the weekday, where many families and friends are gathered to enjoy a meal together. The table was squared and each of the girls sat next to their partners, surrounding each spot on the table. Pinkie sat next to Twilight, and Sunset sat on the other end next to Twilight. They sat with her to make sure she won't make a mess of things.

The waitress took their orders, and left with a disgusted feeling in her stomach when she called onto Twilight. She took off the glasses, and the stare she gave the waitress made her stagnant. She nearly went through a heart attack. Sunset ordered for her a soup, which happened to be Twilight's favorite.

Twilight surveyed around the diner, she blinked and was fixated on looking at others while they ate. She was opening and closing her mouth, mimicking them, but as she did, she gave off an odd sound, as if they were moans of an exhausted grunt.

Sunset would look at the others, they were unsure of what to think of Twilight. They all tried to focus on each other.

Applejack was talking to Rarity, Fluttershy and Rainbow Dash spoke about Twilight on how she would give off a creepy feeling that would make their skin crawl. Pinkie would twitch being near Twilight.

Sunset sat silently, looking down at the table because she knew how awkward they all must feel, being near this imposter. She thought of what could be wrong with her, but it wasn't anything that they dealt with before. This situation was different in Sunset's opinion.

No one would be this dead-like and still had some function of their body. Unless, Sunset thought, Twilight's mind simply vanished. Sunset thought about what device did that before, but how was it possible?

"Hey everyone?" Sunset asked, the girls focused on Sunset. "Do you think it's possible that Twilight is not really there?"

"What are you saying?" Rarity asked. "Like we're all dreaming this?"

"No?" Sunset continued. "Like her mind?"

"Are we imagining things?" Rainbow Dash asked. "That would be pretty scary! Right Fluttershy?" Rainbow Dash teased Fluttershy.

"Oh stop it..." Fluttershy said, as she would slap Rainbow Dash's hand away trying to creepily tickle her. "But... yes..."

"Are ya tryin' to say, this is not Twilight?" Applejack asked. "Are we imaginin' things?"

"What I mean is, her mind was taken by something, and all that's left is this empty shell?!" Sunset answered.

"If that's true... then that could mean... there is someTHING or someONE taking away people's minds!" Pinkie Pie commented, as she acted out her words.

"Yeah, it just feels scary..." Sunset said. "I'm scared about what's happened to Twilight. If she's even okay..."

"Don't worry, Sunset. Just like before, ya have a feelin' that Twilight's house has the answer!" Applejack assured, as she held onto Sunset's shoulder next to her.

"You're right..." Sunset replied. "But, is it even okay for us to just sit around until we do find something about it?"

"And skip out on lunch?" Pinkie commented. "I already missed breakfast!"

"Pinkie's right." Rainbow Dash added. "We will all be rested and ready for action after we get something in our system!"

"I suppose you're right!" Sunset said, as she smiled. The rest of them nodded. They continued their previous conversations. Trying to ease up on the tensions.

The waitress returned with their food, and asked Sunset to hand Twilight's food to her. She didn't want to come near her. Sunset grabbed the bowl, and placed it in front of Twilight.

"Enjoy your meal!" The waitress said, as she quickly turned the other direction. The girls wasted no time digging into their food, after a few bites Sunset realized Twilight did not know how to eat. Sunset sat up in her seat, and pulled to sit closer to Twilight. The girls watched Sunset, as they chewed their food. Sunset picked up her spoon, the spoon filled to the brim, and brought it over to Twilight. She sat still, and watched the spoon come to her. Pinkie came over to open her lips, as Sunset placed a spoonful into her mouth. Twilight sat up and the soup spilled out of her mouth, and got all over the seat and her pants.

"Twilight!" Sunset grunted. Sunset signaled Pinkie to try it again. As they cleaned her up. Sunset and Pinkie closed her mouth and lifted her head up for her to drink it down. After they did, Sunset placed the spoon in Twilight's hands. A few tries, Sunset felt that she got the hang of it. They all continued to eat, sitting quietly.

Twilight was focused on the soup, she came across something in the bowl. She swallowed whole, but she caught it stuck in her throat. Twilight was sounding off being restrained from breathing. Sunset got up, and pulled her in to push the food out of her. Sunset heaved, and Twilight spat out the piece of meat onto Rarity across from her. Rarity screamed. She didn't want to touch it, so Applejack leaned over to pick it up.

Sunset looked around and saw that there were a few guests starting to see what happened. Applejack wrapped the piece into a napkin, and sat back up in her seat. Rarity was cleaning where it hit her. She was disgusted with Twilight.

Rainbow Dash tried desperately to hold back her laughter. Fluttershy could see her cheeks puffing red and her hand over her mouth, her eyes squinting as she started to drool over her hand. Fluttershy shook her head and sighed. Rarity looked over and saw Rainbow Dash trying not to laugh, she was pissed off at her. Applejack placed her hand over to her to calm her down, but Rarity yanked her hand away and got up to head for the restroom.

As Rarity headed inside, Rainbow Dash let out a chuckle. Applejack looked displeased with her. So, it made her stop after a few hacks of her throat. Rainbow Dash cleared her throat, and returned to her meal.

Sunset was helping Twilight how to eat the physical food, as Pinkie Pie was helpful enough to assist Sunset. Twilight gnawed on a piece of meat until it was reduced to a saucy-like substance for her to swallow. She tried a few times, and began to be fully capable of eating. Sunset and Pinkie were relieved, and sat back down to eat their food.

Applejack got up to meet with Rarity in the bathroom. Fluttershy poked Rainbow Dash, as Rainbow Dash knew Fluttershy was not happy with her.

Rarity stood at the sink, continually wiping off the stain left on her shirt. Rarity looked up to see Applejack next to her.

"I really hate Rainbow Dash sometimes..." Rarity said, as she sniffled with a few tears.

"Ya don't mean that..." Applejack said calmly. "It wasn't her fault..."

"Hmph!" Rarity huffed, continually scraping off a stain left on her shirt.

"It was rude of her though." Applejack added.

"I swear, I'm just going to..." Rarity said, as she threw down her fist at the sink. It was weird, as that would normally hurt, she thought. Applejack went over to her, and placed her hands over her shoulders.

"Ah understand, but just let it go. Ya know she can be a little immature at times..." Applejack requested.

"I'll let it go, but when I say so!" Rarity yelled, Applejack turned away.

"Okay..." Applejack commented. She left for the door, and Rarity continued to wipe off the stain. "Are ya comin' back to the table?"

"I lost my appetite!" Rarity continued. Applejack went.

She sat back down, seeing Twilight getting used to eating normally. She didn't feel like eating either.

Twilight picked up her whole bowl, and drank it all. Sunset was surprised, and Pinkie was astounded. However, after Twilight placed the bowl down, she got up and went over to Pinkie.

"What's up Twilight?" Pinkie asked. Twilight went over and dragged her plate closest to her, and shoved her hand into her food and brought it to her mouth. "Hey!" Pinkie yelled, as Twilight chomped down her food.

She went over to the next person, and ate their food. Twilight was becoming monstrous and invading people's space, taking their food and eating it like an uncontrolled maniac. She was making a mess of things. The people were utterly shocked and terrified of her.

Sunset got up and tried to restrain her, but she had an unusual strength to her. The others went to tackle her down, and stop her from eating or resisting. As they brought Twilight to her knees, Rarity went to see what was happening. Twilight regurgitated all the food she had in her mouth and stomach. It made Rarity sick and disgusted, as she rushed to the restroom once again. Applejack and Sunset pulled Twilight to a seat. The people were also becoming sick seeing the chewed food of all sort of assorted colors. The workers got down to clean it up, but the smell of it made them all back out immediately.

"Okay, we need to get to Twilight's house now!" Sunset demanded.

"Ah'll stay an' clean up, ya go on ahead!" Applejack said.

"I'll stay as well!" Fluttershy requested. "I'll help clean!"

"Are you sure?" Rainbow Dash asked.

"Yes, go!" Fluttershy added.

Sunset, Pinkie, and Rainbow Dash headed out the door. Rarity was stuck in the bathroom, trying to cough up what she had left. Applejack and Fluttershy stood back to help the custodians clean up the mess she left behind.

Sunset held onto Twilight by her left arm, and Rainbow Dash carried her on the other side. Pinkie looked at Twilight, she looked sick and was ready to pass out. By their luck, it was not far from Twilight's house.

On the way there, Sunset stumbled on something as she walked. She kicked it, nearly tripping over it. She looked down, and it was an egg-shaped rock. It looked like it was carved by some kid who left it there. She kicked it over again, but found that eye symbol in the center, with lines and carvings of intricate characters. She contemplated it, as she felt the familiarity of it from her dream. Sunset dropped Twilight on Rainbow Dash and Pinkie, to pick it up. She held it to see if any of it was real. The other girls saw it, as they held onto Twilight. It was revealed to them as the memory stone.

Sunset and the girls made it back to Twilight's house. Sunset opened the door, using the spare key in the odd shaped object by the door. When the door swung open, there were papers scattered everywhere, and the closet was already unlocked with boxes ripped apart. They placed Twilight in an empty spot on the couch. She fell, lying down not making another sound.

"Great, at least our suspicion about Twilight was right all along!" Rainbow Dash commented.

"But we don't even know why yet!" Sunset responded. "Just look around for anything useful!"

"Sunset, is there anything that's not obvious? Why are you so quick to defend Twilight anyway? After everything that's happened, aren't you a little pissed off?" Rainbow Dash asked.

"What are you trying to say?!" Sunset yelled. "Of course I'm upset! But, there has to be a reason! Why are you so quick to judge?!"

"A reason for this?" Rainbow Dash said as she held up the stone at Sunset's face. "She's definitely hiding something!"

"Are you going to help or not?!" Sunset questioned.

"I think we should wait until the others arrive!" Rainbow Dash suggested.

"We don't have time, if this is a replica then we can't spend anymore time doing nothing! Twilight could lose her memories forever!" Sunset yelled. "Do you have any idea what that..."

"Calm down, Sunset. We know, but we can't destroy it without all our elements together!" Pinkie Pie interrupted. There was a pause between Sunset and Rainbow. "Just hold on... please."

"Fine." Sunset said, as she stormed into Twilight's bedroom, and shut the door behind her.

"Thanks, Pinkie..." Rainbow Dash said softly, as she sat down on the couch. "What's everyone's deal today?"

"You're welcome Dash. But this situation just got a lot deeper than we think. And remember, there's a time and a place for laughter, which is why I hang back just a little..." Pinkie added.

"Yeah... I guess I can't really help it..." Rainbow Dash said, as she looked down to the floor. Pinkie rested her hand on her shoulder.

"It's alright, sometimes laughing and smiling makes everything a little bit better!" Pinkie added. Rainbow Dash smiled. She looked back toward the kitchen, and found something weird. Pinkie followed her and saw it too.

They found Spike in a small cage on the kitchen floor. They opened it up, but he was not moving. They were worried about him.

Sunset was in Twilight's room. She sat by the window, afraid of facing the fact that Twilight may not be as apologetic as she claimed to be. The Twilight she knew was not doing sketchy experiments or have been keeping secrets from them.

What could be the reason for the memory stone? How is there another one in the first place? Sunset questioned herself. What was she trying to keep away? Maybe Midnight never left her, but she tried to get rid of her that way? Was it too strong and it erased all of her?

Sunset hoped she was not too late, who knows how long it's been since she did it. She could already be too late.

Book 2: Animus | Chapter 4: Broken

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Chapter 4: Broken

It was about a half an hour when the group reconvened at Twilight's house. Applejack, Fluttershy, and Rarity arrived, not looking the best of efforts.

"Hey, what's up?" Rainbow Dash asked patiently.

"Don't ask." Applejack suggested as she shook her head. She pulled her hat off to the side.

"Please be silent!" Rarity added, as she was tugging her stomach. Still feeling sick.

"Fine." Rainbow Dash grunted. She rolled her eyes and pouted down in her spot on the couch.

"You guys are finally here!" Sunset enlightened, as she walked out of the room.

"What's goin' on?!" Applejack asked.

"Look." Sunset requested, as she held up the memory stone. The girls gasped.

"That..." Rarity pointed to it. "What is that?"

"It's the memory stone!" Sunset said. "The memory stone steals a person's memory. It can wipe anyone's memory of you." The girls were silent, as they looked at each other unsure of what she meant. "It was the time you all forgot about me."

"No wonder it doesn't ring a bell..." Rarity added. "I simply can't remember when that happened."

"Seriously?" Rainbow Dash interrupted. "I remember it. We all thought Sunset was still bad, so we basically outcast her, leaving her out of our group!" Everyone was awkwardly silent.

"Look, I don't want to be reminded of it. Let's just move on to Twilight!" Sunset suggested. "Please."

"Right!" Pinkie shouted.

"The only way to restore Twilight's memory is to destroy it... but..." Sunset stopped in the middle of her sentence.

"But what?" Fluttershy asked.

"I don't know how long it's been since that time. It could already be too late. She could have lost everything..." Sunset cried.

"What do ya mean?" Applejack questioned.

"Within three days after the sun sets. The memory that was absorbed into the stone, disappears... forever." Sunset stated, the girls were worried. "Twilight... could already be gone..."

"Then let's waste no time. Let's destroy it now!" Applejack ordered. The girls nodded.

The girls gathered together outside. Twilight was still asleep, but she was with them, so they could manifest their power.

The girls were grouped in a line, they held their hands together and focused. They felt the surge of power running through them like an electrical current. Sunset transformed into her Daydream form. The girls remained normal. Sunset levitated, she lifted her hands up, and swung her arms down to where they placed the stone. The stone cracked being engulfed with Sunset's powerful beam of light. It burst. The stone opened, as several strings of colors aerated from it. The girls could describe them as movie reels. As a few of them went into Twilight.

Sunset changed back, and went over to Twilight. She lifted her up. Twilight moaned, and her eyes twitched and opened them slowly.

"Twilight?" Sunset asked softly. Twilight opened her eyes, and they were less frightening than before. They were a sparkling beauty like the stars of the night.

"Sunset...?" Twilight spoke softly. "Thank you." Twilight hugged Sunset tightly. The girls smiled, and came in for a hug as well.

"I'm so happy you're back Twilight!" Pinkie enlightened.

"Thanks." Twilight said, as she ruffled her curls. Pinkie purred, hugging her close.

The girls took Twilight inside her house, and sat her down on her couch to rest. They gathered around her, some standing and some sat down beside her.

"What happened Twilight?" Rainbow Dash asked. "That was so weird."

"I'm so sorry everyone... I didn't mean to cause so much trouble..." Twilight responded with sincerity. "I'm sorry..."

"It's okay, Twilight." Sunset asked. "What happened to you?" Sunset sat down by Twilight, and looked at her. Twilight looked away.

"I-It's nothing..." Twilight said. "Just an accident..."

"What?" Rarity squandered. "You're not going to tell us?" Twilight was silent. Pinkie Pie jumped into the conversation.

"Oh Twilight! You dropped your geode by the curb!" Pinkie said, as she handed it over to Twilight.

"Thanks Pinkie!" Twilight said. She placed back on. "That's much better!" She looked at everyone, and was silent but wanted answers. "What?"

"Well, we do deserve an explanation for this Twi?" Applejack requested. She posed, looking straight at her wanting an answer.

"I'm sorry..." Twilight said, as she looked down at the floor. She was intimidated by Applejack, and did not want to say anything.

"What's wrong with Spike?" Fluttershy asked, as she was examining him on the couch. "Is there something wrong with him?"

"He's okay." Twilight replied, looking away from the group. "At least... I think so..." Twilight said under her breath.

"What was that?!" Rarity asked.

"Nothing... I'm fine. Spike's fine... and thank you for helping, okay?" Twilight said. She looked back as she gave a dishonest smile. The girls knew there was something with her. Twilight looked away again, as it was shown to be doubtful they would listen.

"Somethings still fishy!" Rainbow Dash said. "What are you hiding?"

"Look, it was just a small accident..." Twilight suggested, as she got up from the couch to confront everyone. "It's okay."

"Twilight?" Sunset added, as she still felt something was not right. "What is it?"

"Nothing!" Twilight assured, strongly. She walked toward them, and started to push everyone to the door. Applejack cut between her to confront her.

"Ah don't believe for one second that this was just an accident!" Applejack said, as she walked back to Twilight. Twilight was startled, and walked away while facing her. Twilight was once again, being cornered. "What happened?!"

"N-nothing Applejack... I-I'm serious!" Twilight said hesitantly. "Please don't..."

"Why ya pushing us away?" Applejack said, as she continuously walked up to her until she was backed up against the wall. Applejack facing directly in front of her, her eyes searching deep trying to make sense of why. Twilight cowardly looked up, as Applejack easily towered over her. Sunset reached out and held onto Applejack's shoulder.

"It's okay Applejack." Sunset said. "Let's just go..."

"No!" Applejack yelled. "Ah ain't letting this go after the mess she made! She owes us that much!" Sunset was startled, she moved her hand away.

"I'm sorry, it wasn't my fault. I had no memory of anything. What was I supposed to do?" Twilight assured.

"Why then?!" Applejack continued. "You're seriously goin' to defend her on this?!" Applejack asked Sunset.

"That's what I said!" Rainbow Dash commented.

"Shut up Rainbow Dash!" Sunset said. The girls were all starting to become tense from the argument. "Look, just stop!" Sunset faced toward Sunset, making her step back to the other toward the door.

"Am sorry, am honest!" Applejack said. "Ah can't just let Twilight do whatever without fessin' up! There's gotta be somethin' she's hidin'!"

"Enough, Applejack!" Sunset said, as she stood up to her. Applejack looked straight at her and crossed her arms, hoping Sunset would try something to stop her.

"Please... just leave!" Twilight requested, as she teared up. Applejack looked back at Twilight, as tears began to fall from Twilight's eyes. Applejack shook her head and baited everyone to head for the door.

The girls headed out following Applejack, but Sunset stood for a second at the door. She quietly shut the door in front of her.

The girls were walking down the street. Feeling angry, and didn't know why any of this was happening.

Twilight was up to something, and Sunset was trying to clear it up for her, Applejack thought. They were both making her sick. Rarity felt the same, being in the middle of something going on between those two. They were nothing but trouble.

Fluttershy felt indifferent, as she was more worried of Spike not waking up. Rainbow felt it was an opportunity to try and make light of the situation.

"Talk about PMS, right guys?" Rainbow Dash said, as she snickered. Fluttershy sighed heavily. Pinkie Pie smacked her forehead. Rarity rolled her eyes, and Applejack was not happy, as they all continued to walk down the same path, following her.

"Seriously?!" Rarity yelled.

"What?" Rainbow Dash asked.

"You're so immature! Grow up, will you!" Rarity suggested.

"What's up with you guys? Can't take a joke?!" Rainbow Dash asked. Pinkie signaled at Rainbow Dash to pipe down.

"Must you always have a stupid running gag or some sort of zinger! When will you be serious for once!" Rarity continued.

"I am serious! I'm just lightening up the mood, but you always have to be so demeaning!" Rainbow Dash added.

"Now's not the time Rainbow Dash!" Applejack said, as she looked back to face Dash. "Just stop!"

"Ah c'mon!" Rainbow Dash said. "It wasn't our fault Twilight's going rogue or whatever!"

"Just shut up!" Rarity yelled, finally had it with Rainbow. Everyone stopped to look at Rarity.

"What's your problem?! Why do you always have to act like such a BITCH!" Rainbow Dash said.

"You watch your mouth there!" Applejack said, as she clenched her fists. She walked over to guard Rarity, in case Dash was going to do something.

"Oh yeah?! Protecting your little girlfriend?! Bring it!" Rainbow Dash requested, as she held up her fists in the air. Rarity was enraged with Rainbow mocking her.

"Girls stop it! We are all friends!" Fluttershy intervened. She placed her hand over Dash to stop her from wanting to fight.

"You two? Seriously?!" Rarity mocked back.

"That's it!" Rainbow Dash yelled. She zipped by Applejack and tackled Rarity. She rolled over her, and kicked her over to a nearby bush. Rarity felt the thorns pricking her, as she tried to get up. Her hair was caught up inside, and had twigs and leaves in it. Which made Rarity furious.

Rainbow Dash prepared to ram into her again, but Applejack caught her with a rope. She tied both her hands and feet together. "Damn you Applejack!"

"Enough!" Applejack said.

"Serves her right!" Rarity said, smirking at her inability to run.

Rainbow Dash looked toward Fluttershy, hoping she would do something to help. Fluttershy was saddened by her actions, but she called over a squirrel to tackle Rarity's hair. Rarity squealed. Applejack went over to help her, while Fluttershy untied Dash.

When Rainbow Dash was loose, she ran over to push them both back in the bush. They head-butted each other, and fell deeper in the thorns. Rarity got up, and used her magic to form a shield that pushed Rainbow Dash away into Fluttershy where they both fell onto the road. There was an incoming car, and Rainbow Dash picked Fluttershy up, and got her to her feet in time. Rainbow Dash was enraged. She ran to them, wanting to really get back for nearly killing them both.

"Rainbow Dash, NO!" Fluttershy screamed. Rainbow Dash couldn't stop, and Rarity summoned a shield at the right time. It stopped her, as both Applejack and Rarity got out of the bush. Dash's face smashed into it. She backed away and her nose was gushing out blood. She held her nose, trying to make it stop, but it was gushing out like a waterfall. Rainbow Dash felt the tears in her eyes fall, and her hand was soaked. Fluttershy ran to her, and tried to wipe it, but she shifted away from her. She stopped, until she pulled back her head to sniff the blood down. Rainbow Dash gasped for air.

"You're gonna pay!" Rainbow Dash smiled, as her nose dipped with blood and her eyes matched it. She was about to run toward them again.

"Stop it!" Pinkie Pie yelled, standing in front of them. Making them both stop to look down at Pinkie. "I-I'm sorry..."

"What are ya talkin' about Pinkie?" Applejack asked, with a tone of concern.

"I-I... broke your promises... all of yours... I'm so sorry..." Pinkie said softly, as she began to tear up.

"Pinkie... you did...?" Fluttershy said. "But... you promised..."

"I know... I'm sorry..." Pinkie said.

"They knew?!" Rarity questioned, with a furious tone.

"Know what?! It was only obvious that you and Applejack are a thing!" Rainbow Dash mocked.

"I'm gonna...!" Rarity insulted.

"Rarity, STOP!" Applejack interrupted, as she tugged at Rarity's shoulder. Fluttershy went over to Rainbow Dash.

"Get off me! Leave me alone!" Rainbow Dash said, as she once again shifted away from Fluttershy, and she walked away down a different path.

"Serves her right!" Rarity continued.

Fluttershy grew angry, she gnashed her teeth, and had clenched her fists to where the fingernails dug into her palms. She had called forth birds and told them to prepare for an attack.

"Please, Fluttershy... stop..." Applejack pleaded, as she saw the birds circle around her in the air. It made her uneasy.

"Stop..." Fluttershy said, as tears streamed down her face, and she ran away.

They all went their own way.

"All I ever wanted was to make everyone happy... I just made things worse..." Pinkie said, as she cried.

Meanwhile, back at Twilight's house. Sunset stayed back to see if she could help Twilight.

"Twilight..." Sunset said softly. She quietly walked back toward the wall she was pushed into.

"Just go... leave me..." Twilight responded, kneeling to the floor and cried.

"I'm not leaving!" Sunset demanded, as she knelt down to help her. "Please. Let me help."

"Go, I've done nothing but cause pain and misery to everyone! I don't deserve our friendship!" Twilight cried.

"Enough Twilight!" Sunset said, as she came up to her. Twilight was frightened as she quickly looked up to see Sunset upset at her. She didn't like what she said, but she had to help her. "I don't want to believe this was your doing." Sunset said, bring down her tone.

"Please stop..." Twilight cowardly pushed herself back to the wall.

"Please Twilight. I can't leave you, not after what everyone else had done. I can't... I just couldn't... I have to know the truth!" Sunset begged, as she felt Twilight's guilt and sadness in her heart as well. "I know you wouldn't do anything to hurt us."

"I'm sorry Sunset... I'm so sorry... You don't hate me do you...?" Twilight asked, as she looked back at her.

"Nothing will make me hate you Twilight... just trust me. We'll get through it together! No matter what." Sunset assured and smiled, looking deep into her eyes. Twilight took out her hand, for her to hold. Sunset firmly grasped her hand, and used her magic to peek into her mind.

Book 2: Animus | Chapter 5: Enemy

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Chapter 5: Enemy

Through Twilight's eyes, Sunset saw the events that took place prior. From the moment they all returned home.

"One day Spike..." Twilight said to Spike, watching him eat his food. She smiled, hopefully things will finally be back to normal, she thought. "One day..."

She was putting away all the papers and boxes back into her closet. She locked it up and placed the key back onto Spike's collar.

Twilight heard a knock at the door, and some glass breaking. She went to open the door because she was unable to see out the window. She was greeted by three figures standing in the dark. The porch light appeared to be broken.

"Hello?" Twilight asked.

"S'up!" The figure in the middle said. The figure from the right, drew her arm to Twilight's neck, and she felt an aggressive static shock in her neck, which made her fall to the floor. She heard Spike make a run for it in her bedroom.

Twilight, on the floor, was whimpering and continued to feel the shock running through her nervous system. Her eyes became drowsy.

The figures came into the light. They had their hoods on, and they took it off when Twilight nearly shut her eyes closed. She saw three girls, one of them had long curly blonde hair, magenta eyes. The one on the right, that electrocuted her, had long purple hair that had a streak of turquoise on each side of her twin pigtails. The other had light blue hair with purple highlights. They all wore black clothing. They smiled and snickered as Twilight fell asleep.

Twilight woke up. It was pitch black inside her living room. She felt herself tied to a chair and gagged. She muffled a scream, and tried to untangle herself sitting in the chair. There was a spotlight shined on her the moment she opened her eyes. It made her stop and try to make out who was behind it. She heard one of the girls call out to someone.

"Is she finally awake?" The girl asked.

"Yes, she is Adagio!" The other girl said.

"Excellent!" The one they called Adagio said. "Light toward me!" The light was pointed at Adagio, the fluffy curls, and magenta eyes she met, standing in the center. "Remember me?" As she gave a sinister smile in the light.

Twilight shook her head.

"What?!" Adagio said, as her smile went away. "You don't?" She looked at the other two, they were just as confused. "Well then, listen up!"

Adagio got up, and placed her hand on her chest to introduce herself.

"I'm Adagio." She said. "To the left, Sonata Dusk, and to the right, Aria Blaze. Got it?" Twilight nodded. "We are here because we have been watching you." Adagio said, swerving her hips as she walked over to Twilight's side view. "That amulet you had, I want it! Will you give it to me?" Twilight shook her head, and tried to say something to her. "Aria?" Aria came up and had the taser in hand. She pushed the button in front of her that made Twilight squirm, and tried to sound off her fear of it.

"We already searched the house, and it doesn't appear to be anywhere." Adagio continued, as she threw off the gag from Twilight's mouth. "Where is it?"

"Please... I don't have it..." Twilight cried. Her body constantly shook, her heart pounded against her ribs, cold sweat fell from her head, and could not slow her breathing.

"What?!" Adagio yelled. "What happened to it?! We saw you, taking away magic out of people! Where is it?!"

"It's gone..." Twilight whimpered.

"Aria..." Adagio said. As she went up, placed it on her shoulder. She did not hesitate to shock her again. Twilight screamed, while she pulled it away. "We've got this place covered. No one can hear you scream. You're stuck with us, until you tell us where it is, or how we can get one!"

"I-I m-made it..." Twilight cried. Her arm burned, and the feeling never stopped making her twitch.

"You made it?" Adagio asked. "How?" Twilight looked up. She was staring at the locked closet. Adagio followed her eyes to see where she was looking. She told Sonata to check it out.

"It's locked." Sonata said, as she pulled on the door.

"Where's the key?" Adagio continued. Twilight looked away, and shook her head. "Aria!" Twilight screamed again, but she heard a growl coming from behind her. It made Aria stop, and look to see what it was.

"No, Spike, no!" Twilight pleaded, as she tried to get her arms free.

"Get the dog!" Adagio ordered. The girls went for it, Spike had bit one of them when she heard one of them scream. "Bring it over!" The last thing Twilight heard was a loud thud, and a squeal.

"Spike!" Twilight wailed. Adagio returned toward Twilight's side. She brought up Spike. He was still alive, but was hurt and could not muster the strength to do anything but be held in an awkward position.

"Where is the key?" Adagio asked, as she shook the hanging dog. Twilight looked up, and nodded her head to point it out on the dog's neck. Adagio looked at his collar, it was a small oddly shaped object sitting inside of the dog tag. She took it off, and dropped Spike on the floor. He was too weak to move, but sat over to Twilight's right foot.

"Open it!" Adagio ordered Aria as she threw the key at her. Aria got it open. Adagio went over to it, and found all her books, and papers. She was impatient, and got them all to throw out everything inside until she had reached one that didn't move until she tugged it out of it's slot. The closet opened up to a secret compartment. "Well, well... Sonata, go ahead!" Sonata appeared to Twilight side, she saw her hand bleeding and with large teeth marks on the palm of her hand. She had a cloth in the other, and brought it into her face, going into the dark again.

Twilight awakened to her face directed to the floor, she looked up, and found her hands tied above her head on the ceiling. Her feet were tied, but had them both nearly touching the floor with her toes. She couldn't move at all, her arms felt sore and her head felt heavy with pain still urging from her neck. She cried, and the gag was replaced in her mouth.

"Adagio, she's awake again!" Sonata said.

"Good!" Adagio said. "Look!" Adagio said, coming from the side of her, holding out a blueprint of her locket. Twilight shook her head, trying not to see. "This is it, isn't it?" Adagio unwrapped the gag from her mouth.

"Please... please stop..." Twilight pleaded softly.

"This could be simple." Adagio assured. "Make this for each of us... and we'll let you go."

"No..." Twilight cried. "I can't... I promised..."

"I don't care. I want it!" Adagio demanded. "Make it for us!" Twilight shook her head. "Very well... if you want it the hard way."

"Please... no!" Twilight fretted, as she tried to get out of the chains that held her arms. It strangled her hands, and stopped once her hands fell asleep.

"Is that a yes, then?" Adagio mocked. "Let's start it up... girls!" Both Sonata and Aria came into focus with a couple of things meant for Twilight in their hands.

"No... please no!" Twilight cried.

"Say yes, or else!" Adagio requested. The girls held a couple of clips hooked up to a battery connecting them to her toes. Twilight shook her head. The girls went back, and they both flipped the switch. It electrocuted her entirely throughout her body, strangling every nerve and vein in her body. Twilight could feel it pulsing through her, making her have a seizure, and uncontrollable movements. She screamed to the rhythm of the charge. They turned the power off, and unhooked the clips. Twilight hung there, breathing heavily, coughing, and had tears falling. There was smoke coming from her feet, it burned as she felt heavier.

"Want some more?" Adagio whispered in her ears. "How about your damn dog?!" Adagio brought up a metal cage, with Spike trying to get out of it. They unhooked the clips and placed it on the cage. "Say yes, or it's just one flip of the switch?!" Twilight saw the sadness in Spike's eyes, feeling helpless inside. She couldn't take the pain. She would have rather them torture her, and leaving Spike alone.

"Okay... okay..." Twilight yelled in a whisper. Adagio smiled, and the girls took away the battery and clips. They had let Twilight go, but her arms and legs felt too numb to try and make a run for it. Twilight freed Spike, and held him close. He was sad for Twilight, but was happy they were both alive. Adagio quickly came to place him back inside the cage.

"Don't get any ideas!" Adagio said. "We can still do a lot of terrible things! But, we'll let you both go, once we've acquired our little trinkets! And if you think about seeking help from Sunset or whomever..." Twilight got up, and nodded. For Spike, she had to go through with it. Sonata and Aria both came in with boxes of materials needed for them. They read the blueprints, and went to various locations to search for them.

Afterward, Twilight was making them all lockets. When they weren't looking, she had a plan to do something about them. She had used some of the material to craft a familiar object. One that she knew she could use to put all that mess behind her.

She got the drawing from Sunset when she asked her about it during the time they almost forgot about her. She let her keep it. Along with a sample kept inside a small container. She used the sample for reference to know what material to use. It was in terrible shape, given they had kept her up for the past how many hours, by giving only an hour of rest in between and to feed Spike.

But, it felt too much for her to handle. She had to get help... somehow...

It was the second night, and Twilight finally finished the lockets. Twilight had given it to them. Adagio smiled once she handed it to her. She came up to the cage, and she focused it on Spike. Adagio wanted to make sure the lockets were working. She ended up absorbing an unknown force out of him. He laid inside unconscious. Twilight fell as it was too painful to take in. Aria picked her up, but Sonata came out with something from her closet that looked nothing like the others.

"What's this?!" Adagio asked. Sonata pulled out more information about it. "There's nothing about it besides a stupid drawing with a couple of Equestrian markings on it." She gave it to the others, unsure of what to do with it besides take it with them.

They loaded up everything in their van, and shut the door. Twilight was dragged along. She was awake, and tried to get away from them as she was being kidnapped. They've given her another shock at the neck, while the girls trapped her inside. Twilight kept resisting. She grabbed her geode as she found one of the boxes of her belongings inside, and had caused them to stop the van from moving. She had made them crash the van in a standpoint at the end of the street.

"That's it!" Adagio had enough of her, so she grabbed Twilight out of the van and slammed her into the ground. She had the stone in hand, and was about to throw it at her, but she looked at the back of the stone, and read what it said: perdet animum tuam

The stone glowed, the skies opened up. Each of them felt lifted up. As the stone glowed, it blasted each of them away in different directions. All the while, the reels had been taken away.

Twilight went blank, leaving her geode somewhere, and the girls that tormented her were out of sight.

She appeared to Sunset's front door.

Sunset came back into focus, and she sat down to the floor with her back against the wall. Her eyes were flooded, and left her unable to breathe, as if she felt everything Twilight felt.

"Twilight...?" Sunset cried, looking deep into her eyes. The horrible things that happened, made her realize why.

"Sunset..." Twilight spoke, with tears running down her face as well. Sunset got up to give Twilight a tight hug. "Ow..." She flinched, and backed away. Having to remember every small detail made the pain return without fail.

"Sorry!" Sunset said, pulling away from her. "I'm so sorry Twilight..."

"Sunset, it's okay..." Twilight replied. "It still hurts a little."

"You were protecting us..." Sunset replied, she felt her lungs unable to open to speak. "I can't believe... after all that..."

"I know..." Twilight responded, she turned to face the opened cage on the kitchen floor. "But... you're here with me now... that's all that matters..." Twilight held Sunset's hand, held it tight. Sunset smiled.

"Adagio... I'll make her pay!" Sunset yelled, as she clutched her empty fist. She looked directly at Spike, lying on the couch unconscious. Every ounce of her wanted to make the Dazzlings suffer. After everything they had done to clear their names, they've become unforgivable.

"No, Sunset..." Twilight pleaded, as she scooted closer toward her. "I need you here... with me..."

"We have to stop them, we need the girls together right now!" Sunset's anger took control and wanted the Dazzlings to pay for the torment they brought to Twilight.

"Sunset, please... they won't listen." Twilight continued. "At least, not right now they won't." Sunset sighed, letting it all sink in.

"I guess you're right. They won't listen. Even if I tried to talk. They're too angry at the both of us." Sunset admitted. She looked back at Twilight. "What do we do now? Spike's still gone?"

"Yes, they have him. But, I'm so weak right now..." Twilight said. "I can barely walk..."

"Let's take you back to your room." Sunset requested, as she helped her get up. She was on her feet, but she was wobbling like she was before.

"Okay..." Twilight agreed. "Thank you..."

Sunset helped Twilight to her room. She brought her to the bed and carefully laid her down, and she began to rest. Sunset looked at her, even though the whole situation became a lot worse, she smiled for Twilight's return. She took pity on Twilight, and decided to lay next to her. Twilight felt Sunset taking refuge in her bed. She blushed, but felt guilty for everything she caused on herself and the others.

How can we stop this now? Twilight thought.

The sun was down, the skies grew dark, and both Twilight and Sunset were laid to sleep. Sunset kept tossing and turning, she felt uncomfortable but didn't feel like getting up. Twilight was too tired to notice. Sunset was having nightmares, the Twilight that haunted her... never left.

Sunset felt the cold, chilling air, as she walked through a large forest. The forest was familiar to her, she found some lights in the distance. Sunset went to it.

She came across a large body of water that had a dock and small boats tied to the wooden barriers. A small campsite, which Sunset recognized, the log cabins and symbols planted on the front doors. She was in Camp Everfree, the Everfree Forest.

She went to one of the ranger's cabins, and she saw Gloriosa sitting there on a desk, drawing what appears to be Gaea Everfree. Gloriosa was relaxed and fixated on the drawing. Sunset heard a twig snap behind her.

She looked behind her, but there was nothing. She turned back to look, and Gloriosa stared directly at her. She started on a new blank page, and drew another picture. Her movement was unnatural, and she was drawing abnormally quick. Although, she kept her eye on Sunset the entire time as she drew. Her hand withdrew from the paper, and dropped the burning pencil on the floor. She lifted up the drawing for her to see. It had Sunset looking through the window as she is doing now, but behind her was Twilight with no facial features and huge eyes.

Sunset quickly turned to look, and at the center of the camp, Twilight stood there. Sunset couldn't move as she was stunned to see her appear. She tried to look away from her, back into the cabin.

Gloriosa slammed into the window, smashing it. She screamed, transforming into Gaea once again. It pained her, as if she was cursed with darkness. She waved her hand, and used the vines to restrain Sunset by the neck. She couldn't get out of them, as it began to block her breath from releasing any air. Twilight slowly walked to her. The closer she came, the fear began to encapsulate her. Sunset tried desperately to resist having Twilight come to her, and from suffocating. She came to her, and lifted up her hands to touch her face.

Sunset woke up and screamed. Twilight was facing her, with her hands on her face, and she screamed when Sunset did.

"Twilight?!" Sunset yelled, as she flicked off Twilight's hands. She was breathing heavily, and touched her neck to make sure it was free from any ropes or strings. But, it was her geode that was tucked underneath, as she forgot to take it off.

"I'm sorry so Sunset..." Twilight apologized, as she sat up to turn on the lamp next to her bed. "I don't know what that was..."

"It's okay, Twilight... I'm sorry if I scared you..." Sunset said sincerely, as she sat up in the bed. "Just a nightmare..."

"Are you okay?" Twilight asked softly.

"It's been terrible for the past night." Sunset added, as she looked down to the floor. "I haven't been able to get much sleep. It's been making me feel paranoid."

"I'm sorry Sunset. I wish there was something I could do about that." Twilight said sincerely. "Do you need any medications?"

"Don't worry about it, Twi. I'll be okay." Sunset assured, looking back at her with a passive smile.

"Are you going to try to sleep again?" Twilight said, as she placed a hand on her right shoulder.

"Yeah, but... I might just head home. Try to get some rest there."

"In the middle of the night?" Twilight cried. "It sounds like a hurricane out there too."

"Don't worry, my place isn't too far." Sunset assured, as she got up on her feet and stretched. She put on her boots, and her leather jacket from the floor.

"Oh..." Twilight moped, as she looked away. Removing her hand, and cupped them down to her lap.

Sunset looked at Twilight, she looked a bit sad about her decision. She didn't want her to leave. Sunset went down to sit next to her.

"Hey, I'll call you to let you know I'm safe, okay?" Sunset assured, as she held her hands. "I just need to have some space to think about our next move. Alright?"

"Alright." Twilight said, as she gave a passive smile while looking at her, face to face. She smiled back, and wanted to give her mind at ease.

Sunset was at the door, and Twilight got up to watch her walk out. She saw how violent the winds grew. She looked back to find Twilight's jacket sitting on the coat rack of her closet. She took it down, and silently asked if she could borrow it. Twilight nodded. She put it on. Sunset turned back, smiled, waved, and headed out the door. Twilight went to close it, and sighed. Unsure if anything was coming through to her. She still felt guilty, unsure of what to do next without everyone.

Sunset walked out into the night. She protected her face from catching too much wind, and felt as suffocated as she did in her dream. There were a few cars that drove out giving light toward where she was heading to, but none of which she could clearly see far ahead. Sunset felt the cold shifting through her hair, so she used her hood to cover herself, but immediately blew off. The wind made her dizzy and blind to see, which made her accidentally walk into someone down the street.

"Sorry!" Sunset apologized, as she continued through the storm. The figure looked back.

Sunset finally made it home, and tried to shut the door with the wind pushing back. She got up to her couch to sit, and wanted to call Twilight.

"Hey Twi, I made it. Okay?!" Sunset said.

"That's good!" Twilight responded, feeling relieved. "I guess I'll see you later!"

"Yeah! Goodnight." Sunset said, as Twilight replied. She ended the call.

She let out an exhausted sigh, and wanted to get comfortable.

She happened to look back at the door, and realized she didn't close it all the way. She went to close it. As she walked close, the door slammed her across her face and pushed her body to the floor. Sunset felt the pain in her left cheek and left arm. She laid on the floor, groaning from the pain. Sunset looked up, and saw the person she passed by earlier. The hooded figure revealed itself.

"Adagio!" Sunset grunted, she gritted her teeth having to hold back her pain.

"In the flesh." Adagio sang, having taken pleasure in her hurt. "How convenient it was to bump right into each other. Like it was some kind of... cheeky love story!" Sunset got up to face her.

"You will pay for what you did to Twilight!" Sunset assured. She clenched her fists, and adjusted her stance for when she will make her move.

"Oh you will, huh?" Adagio mocked, smirking. Making Sunset feel weak against the bruising of her body. "How will you do it without your little friends?"

"I don't need my friends to finish you!" Sunset continued, waving her hands around to make her push away.

"Such bold words. I'm afraid even you won't be able to lay a finger on me... unless I want you too." Adagio added, as she gave a naughty smile and pointed her hips. Her hands rested on them. Sunset was trying to transform, but her power was not strong enough to manifest. "What's the matter? Your friends are not around to help you?"

"Shut up!"

"Oh you poor, lonely girl. How will you be of any use to me?"

"Use? What the hell are you talking about!"

"That's okay! I'll make use of you!" Adagio focused on Sunset. With the powers she recently gained, she was able to move before Sunset was able to see her coming. She knocked her to the floor, grabbed her arm and twisted it. Her strength was far greater, as it felt like the strength of a muscular man pinned her down. She restrained her to the floor, and Sunset was unable to get up and move. Sunset struggled, as Adagio's strength made Sunset squeal in pain. "Yes, continue to grunt and squirm. You're making me excited!"

Adagio laid her hand on her back, and she began to feel something coming out of her. A light was pulsating through her arm into her chest where a locket appeared to be. Sunset felt weak, and her body started to feel cold. Her skin turned gray, and her eyes rolled back into her head. She was gone.

"Now... for my pleasure..." Adagio picked her up, the dead-weight of Sunset made her struggle to keep her where she wanted her. She pushed her seductive lips into Sunset's. There was a change in her cold body. It burst into flames. She levitated off the floor, and grew large wings, her hair stood up and waved like fire. Her clothes burned into her own style. She opened her eyes, it was pitch black with irises that glowed bright green. She screamed like a banshee to the ceiling. "Well... this got more interesting!" Adagio said, as she maniacally laughed.

Book 2: Animus | Chapter 6: Alone

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Chapter 6: Alone

Her hair turned to an unattractive dullness, covering her face, which streamed down like a grey and dirty waterfall. The darkened pink of her skin and her eyes no longer glowed happiness, but sadness and sorrow.

She sat alone in her living room, unsure of what to do as far as helping anyone. Pinkie's heart was shattered, especially since she lied to them about sharing their secrets with each other. It was the only way for them to break away from hurting each other. She took their anger and pain away, by putting herself to be the enemy instead of each other. Although, it won't be long until they come back to tear each other apart, since they know each other's secret relationships. Only Pinkie was the one that had nothing to keep away from them.

She cried, it hurt her inside, knowing her friends are now fighting against one another. She laid on the couch, and began to feel tired due to her emotional state, completely drained. Her energy was low, and could no longer keep her eyes open. She shut her eyes, and took rest on the couch.

Pinkie dreamt of her friends. Applejack with Rarity, Rainbow Dash with Fluttershy, and Twilight with Sunset in front of her.

They all walked down the hallways of Canterlot High School. Pinkie was behind each of them, they all continued to walk down not looking back to see if she was alright. There was a growing distance from her to them. Pinkie ran, but could not reach. The entire place became a blank darkness that surrounded them. The girls finally looked back at Pinkie, but couldn't care less as they turned away their heads and ignored her. She cried for them, but they kept walking away. Pinkie reached out her hand, but could not reach. She began to sink into the darkness, it stopped her from moving further to catch up.

There was a silence as she stared into the everlasting emptiness. It was until she felt a presence there with her. Pinkie turned the other way, and it was Twilight. She began to float towards her without her control. Twilight turned to look at her, but she had no mouth or a nose to breathe. It was clear to Pinkie that her dream was turning into a nightmare. It scared her as she tried to float away, but she came closer and closer towards the scary-looking Twilight. Pinkie screamed for help, but there was darkness and the thoughts of her cries were echoing, becoming ambient within the emptiness. Twilight reached out toward Pinkie, and Pinkie tried waking herself up by pinching herself and biting the tip of her finger. She came to her.

Pinkie woke up, screaming, but she was greeted by her sister Maud Pie. She sat down beside her, and she wanted to wake her up. The windows appeared to be dark. It was late. There was a storm coming in, as she had felt the winds against the walls of her house.

"Pinkie, Pinkie... it's just me." Maud said, in a mildly calming voice.

"Maud?!" Pinkie yelled, as she was out of breath. Her chest was tense with a growing fear of something near.

"What is wrong?" Maud asked, as she felt Pinkie's head. There appeared to be no fever, but cold sweat.

"Oh Maud, I had a terrible nightmare..." Pinkie replied.

"Do you want to sleep with me tonight?" Maud asked.

"Yes please!" Pinkie cried.

Pinkie was taken to Maud's room, with boulder sleeping on top of a dresser. Her room was simple, with one bed, one dresser, and a desk with nothing on it beside various minerals.

She laid in her firm bed and cuddled close to Maud, as she feared for her safety. Maud was already made comfortable in her baggy shirt and boxer shorts. She sensed something in Pinkie that made her want to ask about her day.

"I've noticed you've been a gloomy gus lately Pinkie. Are your friends being good to each other?" Maud asked while Pinkie held her close.

"Well... not really. I tried to help, but I made things worse." Pinkie responded.

"It's okay Pinkie. Remember, their happiness is their own problem. Don't get so caught up to where you feel emotionally drained." Maud continued. "You need to do things for yourself as well."

"But, I love them. I don't want them to be unhappy." Pinkie replied.

"I understand, but I don't want you to not live your life. I would like for you to live it how you want, and everyone else will either be supportive of it or not. But, regardless, I am here for you Pinkie, five-ever, remember?"

"I know Maud... I know. I love you!"

"I love you too Pinkie." Maud and Pinkie fell asleep, with Maud at her side, Pinkie felt comforted and it had made the darkness that surrounded away.

She returned home with tears coming down her face. She couldn't help Rainbow Dash, and Dash turned away from her when she tried. Rarity mocked their relationship, which made this whole situation worse, and Pinkie didn't keep her promise about it being a secret between them.

Everything around her was falling apart, even little bunny Angel was being a little shit during his usual feeding time. While all the rest of the pets were compliant and quiet, because they felt a growing sadness in Fluttershy's heart.

The day grew thin, as the darkness was spread over the horizon. Winds were picking up, so she made sure her friends outside were covered and kept warm. Fluttershy was exhausted, and went to sleep almost immediately as she fell into bed.

Fluttershy felt like she was being carried by an endless dark stream, and was not going to move or do anything to deter the flow. She felt herself falling deeper and deeper, to where she couldn't care if she woke up the next day.

She breached against something and stopped moving entirely. Fluttershy looked up, and saw Twilight standing there. She faced away from her, and felt unnaturally frightened.

Why was she here? She asked herself.

Twilight turned around, and revealed her non-existent mouth or nose, but her huge eyes which Fluttershy could not get out of her mind. She grew furious with that Twilight. She got up and walked over to her. She threw countless punches at her face, at her body, and made her fall to the floor. She kicked her continuously. She was mad at Applejack and Rarity, but she was even more upset at Twilight for making her clean up her mess, and having to be put through the worst two weeks of her life.

I just want to be home, taking care of my friends! Have a romantic relationship with Rainbow without having to put up with your stupid actions! Fluttershy thought.

Fluttershy went down to her laying on top of her, and looked back at her. Twilight did not change, but started to make Fluttershy cried. Feeling guilty of her actions. She apologized, and wanted to take back what she did. The Twilight changed form, and turned into Rainbow Dash. She ended up being the one hurt and tainted with bruises and scars left by her tantrum. Fluttershy screamed.

Fluttershy woke up, feeling the dread set in deep. She picked up the phone, and called Rainbow Dash as quickly as she could. It took Rainbow Dash a minute to answer it, which made her worry over every second she was not answering.

R: Hello?

F: Rainbow Dash... I'm sorry...

R: Wait what? What are you talking about?

F: I'm sorry Rainbow Dash. I'm so sorry.

Rainbow Dash paused.

R: Look... I don't know what you are talking about, but I should be the one to apologize, alright? For earlier...

Fluttershy paused.

R: Okay, you know what? I think I'll just come over. Okay?

F: Okay, please hurry!

R: Alright!

Fluttershy hung up. She adjusted herself to sit up on her bed, and turned the small lamp on. Waiting for Rainbow Dash to arrive.

After her fight with Rarity and Applejack, she went home. She cleaned up the blood that became dried under her nose and mouth, with it stained all over her hands. She took a shower, allowing it all to sink into her skin. It was cold, but it did not help her feel any better.

She was still angry and restless. She laid in bed and began to act out her rage into a pillow. Rainbow Dash beat it up, until she grew too tired to land another hit. Instead she laid in her bed, not wanting to get up, or move to eat anything for the rest of the day. She stood there until she felt her eyes becoming heavier, slowly shutting.

Rainbow Dash was laying in the center of a park, on a merry-go-round. The merry slowly shifted back and forth, with Rainbow Dash's foot on the sand, giving it a small push forward and back. Her arms rested on her stomach, as she felt no motivation to play around with the children that she overheard at the park. She heard the children laughing and playing around.

Rainbow Dash just listened, until she heard one begin to scream. She got up, but the park was empty. The children's screams grew louder, sounding as if they were being tortured. Rainbow Dash looked around but couldn't see anyone in the park. It was ringing in her ear, as she tried to close up, to block it from rupturing her eardrum.

It stopped as she heard one child laugh behind her. Rainbow Dash turned around, and the park became silent. She turned around, and saw her younger self with her hand on the rails.

"Want to play?" A young Rainbow Dash asked. "I can make this go fast!" The young one pulled the rails and had made the wheel spin faster as she ran. Rainbow Dash didn't have a second to grab onto one of the rails to save her from falling off. It became almost impossible to hold onto.

"Stop!" Rainbow Dash asked. "I'm sorry I was a jerk when I was younger!"

"I thought you liked to go fast?" Young Rainbow Dash taunted her. "Isn't that all you are?" Rainbow Dash cried with the winds caught in her eyes and begged her to stop. The merry became too fast, and Rainbow Dash let go.

She flew across the field, and skidded across the dirt. She was surprised the impact didn't wake her up from this nightmare. She lifted her head up, and saw a familiar face. Struggled to get up off the ground, as the pain felt all too real.

"What the hell are you doing here?!" Rainbow Dash said, as she looked up to see Twilight and her soul-gripping eyes. "Just go away!" She heard voices emanating around her.

"Weak... alone..." The voice spoke. She spoke with no mouth, and it irritated Dash.

"I'm not weak!" Rainbow cried. "I-I'm not a-alone!" She kept feeling the pressure and guilt, of the way she acted toward Fluttershy and her friends. "I'm not alone..." There was a stream of tears running down her cheek. She couldn't stop this feeling.

"Weak... alone..." The voice continued. Rainbow Dash fell onto her knees, and screamed.

Rainbow Dash lifted herself off the ground, as she heard the phone on her desk ring. The sound of it going off and was somehow similar towards how she screamed inside her dream. She tried to get up, but recognized that she fell out of bed. It was very unusual, as she had not done that since she was young. She reached above to her desk to grab the phone.

Rainbow Dash ended her call with Fluttershy and decided to head over to her house because she wanted to apologize in person for her behavior. She also wanted to make sure she was still okay after everything. She worried.

Dash picked up a coat, and ran for it, through the chilling and wispy winds of the night. She came across a hooded figure walking through the night as well on the other side of the road. It seems there were a couple of them. She ignored them as she ran across and found Applejack's truck at Rarity's place as well. She couldn't stop until she reached Fluttershy.

Rainbow Dash ran inside, and Fluttershy jumped to her to give her an immediate hug. It startled Dash, but returned the favor by swinging her around.

"Fluttershy..." Rainbow Dash said softly.

"Rainbow Dash..." Fluttershy said softly.

"I'm sorry..." Rainbow Dash said sincerely.

"Oh Rainbow Dash..." Fluttershy said, as she continued to wrap her arms around her and brush up her face against her chest. "It's okay. I'm not mad. I'm just glad you came!"

"Yeah, me too!" Rainbow Dash enlightened, as she felt teary-eyed to be with her once again.

As they looked into each other's eyes, Fluttershy caught in the corner of her eye, an intruder. The figure was a girl wearing all black, her hair was light blue hair with purple highlights. Fluttershy screamed.

Rainbow Dash quickly turned around, and saw her at the door. It appeared to her as Sonata Dusk from the Dazzlings. She had something that resembled a locket in her hand and focused it toward Rainbow Dash, but Fluttershy threw Dash aside and allowed Sonata to take her instead.

"NO!" Rainbow Dash yelled. Sonata grabbed Fluttershy and with the locket, absorbed something that looked like light and flowed through her arm into her locket. Fluttershy fell, Rainbow Dash leaned forward and saved her from the impact of the floor.

"Fluttershy...?" Rainbow Dash cried, as she held her cold and lifeless body. She shook her, but no response was made. "What did you do to her?!" Rainbow Dash yelled at Sonata. Sonata gave a sinister smile, and ran out to the darkness. Dash ran after her. But felt a sharp pain in her face, immediately as she walked out the door. She was completely knocked out by a large red arm. It walked in closer to light and revealed to be Demon Sunset's arm that swung across her, as she ran out to chase Sonata.

She was unconscious and was taken by Adagio. They tied her up, and threw her inside a small barely functioning van.

Rarity stormed home, and Applejack walked behind her at a distance, as she knew Rarity was still upset.

Applejack couldn't help but feel bad about the way she was at Twilight, but it was her fault that everything had to be taken to the worst of measures.

They both came up to Rarity's house. Rarity walked inside and slammed the door without looking to see if Applejack was going to come in. Applejack drew away from the door. She stood and looked away, unsure of what to do but to walk back home.

Rarity immediately went to wash up all of the filth of the dirt and twigs from her hair, all thanks to Rainbow Dash. She kept pulling her hair, nearly ripping out every strand of how enraged she felt. She just wanted to strangle Dash and Applejack. Both of them were pissing her off.

Applejack went home, even though she was tired from all the stress of fighting with friends, she was immediately put to work around the house. With all the drama circulating her friends, she was dodging all her chores that Granny Smith told her to do. She was actually a little relieved to have something to occupy her mind, away from the drama.

She went to sleep right after, as it was, both physically and emotionally, an exhausting day for her. It was a little early in the evening, but she just wanted it all gone.

Rarity held onto a thing she made for their band, after they got back together. She made them all one to show that they were going to always be there together.

She was missing Applejack, even if they were all separated, she didn't want to be away from her. At the very least, be alone with her, forever. Rarity couldn't find the words to say, nor how to say it and just went to sleep, feeling this heavily dreaded evening finally weighing on her, as she shut her eyes.

She awakened to a dream she had before. She was fighting along with the others, but a blast of flames came over. She thought it was from before with their battles against the Chrysalis. But, none of them were ponies. She looked around a scattered mess from the flames, tearing down everything in sight but herself. She looked around and was all alone.

Why am I alone? Where is everyone? She asked herself.

A mirror from her geode appeared and it showed her the attitude she had with everyone. Her sour behavior, the fights she started, and never really apologizing or clearing it up with anyone. Where she went wrong, there was no one for her to save nor anyone left to save her. They all left her, and no one came back. None stood a chance, and none stood together again.

Rarity woke up, with tears in her eyes. Even if everyone hated her, or did not want to be there for her again, she at least wanted Applejack there. But, she needed to apologize to everyone, which she wanted Applejack there with her for support. She called Applejack, immediately after waking up. She desperately wanted her there. It took a second for her to answer.

R: Applejack? Are you there?

A: Yeah, are ya okay?

R: No, actually...

A: What's wrong?

R: Can you come over?

A: Well... I don't know.

R: Please...

A: Alright then, I'll be down in a sec.

R: Okay...

Applejack was not feeling good enough to sleep either, she felt like there was unfinished business to attend to. She got dressed, and was heading down the stairs as quietly as she could. She tried not to awake the others.

"Applejack?" A voice asked. It came from the living, and it startled her. She turned the corner to look and it was Granny Smith, rocking in an old chair with one lamp on in the corner of the room. She felt she was caught trying to leave again. She walked up to her, and had to face the music.

"Yes, Granny Smith?" Applejack asked softly.

"Ah think ah know what's been goin' on with ya?" Granny Smith continued, and continuously rocking in her chair.

"Uhh, it's nothing..." Applejack stuttered.

"With ya leavin' almost every evenin'." Granny Smith added.

"Oh, Granny... am sorry ah..."

"Ya found yerself a filly? Ain't ya?" Granny Smith interrupted, as she snickered.

"What?!" Applejack asked, as it was shocking to hear her say such a thing. "Ya knew?"

"Well, of course, dear! Ah was once yer age too, ya know?" Granny answered.

"Are ya okay with it?" Applejack asked.

"Well... in this day in age, kids are more acceptable to things like this, but it's not like it was a new thing, even back from then." Granny said. "What am tryin' to say is. Don't keep it a secret, share it, embrace it. Am just glad ya found someone yer close to."

"You accept it, even if it's with another woman?" Applejack continued.

"Of course! Ah can't control yer life, neither does anyone else! I've learnt that the hard way with yer parents." Granny Smith added. "But listen, we've been talkin.' Big Mac, and Apple Bloom are willin' to take over more of the responsibilities here."

"What are ya sayin'?" Applejack questioned.

"It means, ya got to focus yer life somewhere else. Life's too short to miss out on things."


"Don't ya worry about us, all of us understand. So, ya go on ahead, and be there for yer girl!"

"Granny, ah don't want to leave here..."

"Listen, wherever that girl goes, you go! Don't be wastin' it! Build yerself your own farm!" Applejack froze for a minute to think.

"A-ah will Granny, ah won't let'cha down!" Applejack said. Granny nodded. She gave Granny a hug. "Am glad you've accepted us..."

"Ah do! So does Mac and Apple Bloom. They were just shocked to see ya moochin'!" Granny Smith said. "Well go on then." Granny Smith let Applejack go.

Applejack headed out the door, but her phone rang again.

A: Rarity? What's up?

R: You are heading over right?

A: Yes ah am!

R: Can you stay on the line for me?

A: Ah got to drive though?

R: Please...

A: Fine. I'll put you on speaker!

R: Okay.

Applejack had her keys out, and was heading inside the barn. As she walked in, there was a split second of something metallic coming toward her face. She was bashed in the head. The phone in her pocket fell out. Applejack took a moment to endure the pain in her head, but she was tired, and felt dizzy. She slept. In the shadows, was Aria Blaze, chuckling. She threw down a shovel that she used to hit her with. Aria held onto Applejack's arm, and absorbed a light from her.

R: Applejack? Are you okay? I heard the phone hit something! Applejack? Applejack?! Hello?!

Aria: She's not coming back!

R: Who is this?! Hello?!

Aria smashed Applejack's phone with her boot.

Rarity on the other side, was shocked. She was breathing heavily and tears were streaming down her face.

"Applejack!" Rarity screamed.

Book 2: Animus | Chapter 7: Love

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Chapter 7: Love

There were tensions arising in Rarity's mind. A sharp struck of fear, of worry, and desperation. She felt the time had come for the worst. She had to make sure there were those who could help, that can make it to her in time.

Rarity called Pinkie.

Sweetie Belle awakened the moment when she heard Rarity scream in her bedroom. She didn't take it as serious because she believed Applejack and Rarity were up to something that she had to close her ears for again. It was late at night, and did not want to deal with their loud activities.

Pinkie came over as quickly as she could throughout a violent storm, but she never failed to be there when she was needed.

"Pinkie, thank you so much for making it!" Rarity said, as she opened the door. As Pinkie walked inside, she gave her a hug. Rarity didn't respond as she would have. The feeling was neutral.

"Of course Rarity! What's happening?!" Pinkie asked. She pulled away from her, as Rarity tried to gather her thoughts. None of it was explainable as it was a deep feeling of time was of the essence.

"No time to explain... I just want you to make sure you... you'll keep my sister safe... okay?!" Rarity spoke, with words that broke up. There was tension in her throat, dry and hard to swallow.

"I will Rarity. I will." Pinkie responded, as was willing to make it her last efforts to fulfill.

Sweetie Belle awoke, and walked out of her bedroom to see what was going on. She was not prepared to see any sort of foreplay, but had to confront them in trying to get some rest. Rarity grabbed her, and gave her a hug. There was a silence. A frightening silence. It made her heart pace quickly, as it was abrupt to her previous reasonable suspicions.

"Rarity, what's wrong? What is happening?!" Sweetie Belle asked, as she looked up to her sister's teary-eyed face. Rarity pulled her away, and knelt to her, meeting at her eyes.

"Sweetie, I need you to trust me and go with Auntie Pinkie! Okay?!" Rarity said sincerely. With the tears in her eyes, she fought back with her arched brows ready to do all that she can for her.

"Okay..." Sweetie Belle said, as she was wiping her eyes, as her anxiety arose to uncomfortable levels of stress on her heart.

Pinkie took her, as they both headed outside ready to head back to her place.

Before Pinkie was able to make it to the sidewalk at the end of the street, she saw Applejack's truck pull into the driveway. Pinkie saw it as a sign of relief, as she didn't want to carry around Sweetie Belle through the storm.

"Oh, Applejack! She could give us a ride!" Pinkie Pie said, with a smile. "Wait a minute..." Pinkie squinted, and saw someone else get out of the truck. There was an incoming blank white van, unable to see the inside with its nearly pitch black windows. Pinkie ran for it, and carried Sweetie Belle on her shoulders the rest of the way.

A girl, with two large pigtails of purple and streaks of turquoise, got out of the truck. She made her way toward the house.

Rarity locked herself in the room, and had her geode around her neck. She was ready for whomever may be at the door. She called out to Twilight, before she heard her door open.

A familiar face came and bust down the door. Rarity used her power to restrain her to the wall. She struggled and tried to use her newfound power to overthrow her summoned diamond-shaped shield.

"Aria Blaze!" Rarity asked, as she had tears in her eyes. Her anger grew, being provoked by one of The Dazzlings. "What have you done with Applejack?!"

"Wouldn't you like to know?!" Aria said sarcastically. Rarity pushed further, and Aria's body was being squished into the walls.

"Where?! Is?! She?!" Rarity continued. Aria grunted, and felt uncomfortable. Aria caused the wall to crack which made Rarity draw back.

Aria moved from the shield and ran for Rarity. She blocked her in time before she landed a strike with an odd black box in her hand. As Aria tried to punch and kick hoping she would land one on her to use her taser on Rarity to make her stunned for a moment to take her. But, Rarity was quick and agile as she was continually blocking her every move. Rarity pushed her back, and she grabbed a couple of fabric pieces from her desk, making a few objects fall onto the floor, and she had used them to wrap her arms and legs individually and together. It was a trick Applejack showed her, utilizing it to her advantage. Aria couldn't move.

"Damn you!" Aria yelled, as she tried to free herself. Rarity once again, trapped her underneath a protective force. She struggled underneath her, throwing the small objects that fell. She looked for a way out. On the side of her, she saw a pair of scissors lying to her right. Rarity glanced at where she was looking. Her designer's scissors, sharp enough to cut through six layers of canvas fabric. Toward her other side was her portable taser. They both continued to seize control, but Aria kicked her legs up, to drop Rarity to the bare floor. They both rolled toward their predestined defense weapon.

"Tell me where Applejack is, or I will electrify you!" Rarity demanded, holding up the taser, her thumb on her red button. She had a small glowing shield that appeared the size of her fist.

"Do it! I dare you!" Aria responded, even though she was outmatched. Rarity was breathing heavily, and was about to do it. She stopped once she felt another presence behind her.

"Enough." A voice said. Rarity stopped. "Get up!" Rarity got up, not looking at who it was. Once she felt her feet flat on the floor, she looked up to see another one of the Dazzlings. It was their leader, magenta eyes and kinky blonde curls, Adagio Dazzle. She had a blunt weapon in hand, and held it up to face to make her feel vulnerable and outmatched. "Drop it! Or else, your friend gets it!"

Rarity dropped the taser, as it broke on impact. Aria rolled her eyes. She thought of Applejack, maybe they have her, and she meant to do her harm if she didn't comply.

"Where's Applejack?!" Rarity questioned.

"I don't know? Where did you last see her?" Adagio said sarcastically. She laughed as Aria did the same. Rarity was pissed of their mockery, and had used her power to push her blunt object away from her face. Adagio and Aria stood against her, as Rarity covered herself. She saw something coming in from behind Adagio. It was a winged demon, with deep red skin and a glowing horn coming from her forehead. She crashed through the window, appearing behind Rarity. It made her drop her defense, as she saw that creature before.

"S-Sunset?" Rarity cried.

Demon Sunset lifted her hand, and swiped it down to her. Rarity, out of instinct, blocked it with a force-field. Preoccupied, Adagio pulled up her blunt instrument, and smacked her across the face with it. The heaviness of it, knocked her unconscious.

Twilight was contacted by Rarity.

T: Slow down Rarity. What's going on?!

R: Listen, I don't have much time! But I think Applejack and the other's are in danger! We need to get whoever's left together now before all hell breaks loose, do you understand me?!

T: Yes, I will do what I can!

R: Hurry!

Twilight, as quickly and as painfully as she could, got up. She called Sunset, Rainbow Dash, Fluttershy, and Pinkie Pie. None of them answered. She stopped to think for a moment.

They must already have been after each of them? Twilight thought.

She struggled to think on what to do, as far as fighting them off when they might arrive at her doorstep. The lockets she made weren't the same as before.

Why? She continued.

She noticed the original one had a specific use, which was to absorb Equestrian magic. But these new lockets were doing something different. She looked around to see what it was that they were doing. She looked down at her poor friend on the couch, it occurred to her that they were able to absorb the life essence out of people.

How did I make them like that? She thought. Probably due to being under so much stress and exhaustion. It had to have been from something else entirely.

The replica she made, she was given plenty of time to perfect it. This time, it is much darker, much worse than she had originally intended for. She could have just made them all false lockets, but if she didn't produce them with any results, they would have killed her and Spike.

Everything was her fault. Everything was falling apart.

What can I do? What can I do? Twilight thought. It caused her brain to fracture like the skies as the lightning began to strike.

She opened her closet to see if there was any materials or previous experiments to use against them. She found nothing, as it was all emptied out by them. This was truly a wicked situation. There was nothing Twilight could think of as a way to stop them from showing up.

Please help... Twilight began to feel every sense of hope in her left, drift apart. It slowly ate at her. Crushing her. Making her feel weaker and weaker. She sat silently, hearing the storm brew outside. There was nothing she could do... besides wait.

She took a look down at her geode that was wrapped around her neck. It gleamed, and it made her gain back some stride of hope in her soul that she was willing to fight to her last breath for a chance to get them back.

Meanwhile, back at Rarity's. She was carried out by Adagio. She was placed inside a van with Rainbow Dash inside as well, both still unconscious. They tied her to Rainbow Dash, using some of the materials in Rarity's workshop to tie them both. They gathered a few of her belongings, and threw them inside. They slammed the doors shut.

Adagio, Aria, and Sonata asked Demon Sunset to help them enhance their power, which they will use to conquer the city, to finally own all the magic that surrounds them. Demon Sunset obeyed, and drained some of her power into them. They increased with much, and were able to utilize their siren powers without transformation. They all laughed, as they were now able to continue where they left off.

They headed their way over to Twilight's house, and prepared for their last victim on the list. Leaving the van, and the truck behind.

Rainbow Dash woke up, feeling restrained. Tied to something, next to someone. Rainbow Dash kicked her legs out, not sure if it was anyone of them who had taken Fluttershy. The painful force on Rarity's leg awakened her.

"Ow!" Rarity yelled. "Who the hell just kicked me?!"

"Rarity?" Rainbow Dash asked. "Is that you that's tied up with me?"

"Oh dear... I think you're right!" Rarity continued.

"Great..." Rainbow Dash said sarcastically.

"It's not like I take pleasure in this either!" Rarity stated.

"I'm still pissed off at you. You're a real jerk!" Rainbow Dash said.

"Excuse me?! You're the one who tries too hard to be funny! It annoys the hell out of me!"

"Well, you need to loosen up... literally!"

"You think this is my fault?! Hmph! It's not like it matters, we all are to blame for this and you know it!"

Rainbow Dash thought about it. She was right. They both were not together to help each other like they said they would.

"Rarity... why do you hate me?" Rainbow Dash asked.

"I don't hate you Rainbow Dash, you just annoy me..." Rarity admitted.

"Why? What's been up your ass?! All I tried to do was just lighten things up. I didn't intend to do any harm..." Rainbow Dash continued.

"Look, spare the foul language, but... it's been rough... with all this sketchy secrecy between us... we've all been terrible... we've become separated... I found refuge with Applejack... but..." Rarity admitted.

"But what?"

Rarity began to cry.

"My parents, nor does Applejack's family approve of us... that's why we've kept our relationship a secret... it's been hard trying to find a place to not feel so... ashamed..." Rarity cried.

"I see... why didn't you just tell us?" Rainbow Dash asked.

"Why didn't you tell us about you and Fluttershy?" Rarity added.

Rainbow Dash was silenced. She began to cry.

"Obviously, we've all dealt with this stuff on our own... which is why we are all facing our own personal doom!" Rarity admitted.

"Rarity... the time you mocked my relationship with Fluttershy..." Rainbow Dash cried.

"Oh, I didn't mean it darling!" Rarity said sincerely.

"No, I know... it's just... it still hurts... I know I'm not the one to show... my feelings, especially with you guys... but Fluttershy became special to me... she's the only one I felt like I could share anything with... do anything with... but after you said that... I just couldn't take it..." Rainbow Dash admitted.

"I'm so sorry Rainbow Dash... I'm sorry..." Rarity apologized.

"I'm sorry too... about hurting you... annoying you... everything because I was desperate for attention... until I realized the one I really should focus on was Fluttershy..." Rainbow Dash admitted.

"That may be true... but we are all friends... right? I'm sorry I've been rude, a real stick in the mud... it's just been hard... I still love my parents, I love Applejack... I still love you all as well!" Rarity admitted.

"I love ya too Rarity... in a different way!" Rainbow Dash said.

Rarity laughed with tears in her eyes.

"Well of course dear!" Rarity chuckled.

Rainbow Dash chuckled too.

"I do miss the times we all were there for each other. I guess... the pressures of our everyday lives was just something we didn't anticipate until now..." Rainbow Dash admitted. "But we can still be there for each other, right? No matter how much further down the years go by?" Rainbow Dash asked.

"If we get out of this alive... I surely hope so..." Rarity assured.

Rarity and Rainbow Dash heard something walk outside, the door of the van swung open. They both turned their heads to see who it was.

"Pinkie?!" Rainbow Dash and Rarity screamed simultaneously.

"You guys are okay!" Pinkie Pie said, with a sigh of relief. "I'm so glad!"

"Oh Pinkie, thank you!" Rarity said. "Where's Sweetie Belle?!"

"Don't worry, she's with Maud!" Pinkie said, as she was cutting the rope with a pair of scissors she found in the van. "Twilight called me, but I didn't answer, cause I left my phone. But I had to check on everybody! No one was there. I even went to everyone's house. Everyone I found was unconscious! But, this van outside your house, might have something! So, I went over to check."

"Great job Pinkie!" Rainbow Dash enlightened. "Now, we just need to get to Twilight before the Dazzlings do!"

"Yep!" Pinkie said. As Pinkie was trying to cut the rope, she heard a noise coming from behind her. "You guys hear that?!"

"Hear what?!" Rarity asked. Pinkie looked up, and saw Demon Sunset above on the roof of the van.

"Oh!" Pinkie yelled. Demon Sunset picked Pinkie up by the hair. "Owie, my hair!"

"Pinkie!" Rarity and Rainbow Dash said simultaneously again. Demon Sunset threw Pinkie across the street, into a thorny bush.

"Ouch, ouchie, OUCH!" Pinkie said, as she was trying to get loose out of the thistles. "Don't worry about me! I left the scissors with you guys!" Pinkie yelled to Rarity and Rainbow Dash.

Demon Sunset jumped over to Pinkie. Rarity and Rainbow quickly tried to grab the scissors to cut the rope. As they both tried to find it, Rainbow Dash accidentally gripped the blade in her palm.

"Ah!" Rainbow Dash yelled.

"Are you alright darling?!" Rarity asked.

"Yep! Just a flesh wound..." Rainbow Dash said, as she inhaled to block herself from screaming. "Here!"

"Thank you!" Rarity said, as Rainbow Dash showed it to her. Rarity felt it was her scissors from her desk that Aria used. She was glad to have it with her.

They both got loose. Inside the van, they saw all their belongings inside boxes. Not only did they attempt to kidnap, but raided their homes as well. They wanted to go find Pinkie to help her take off Sunset first, but they searched inside for anything they could do against her.

Meanwhile, Pinkie was dealing with Demon Sunset, but she was just buying everyone time to get help. Pinkie kept running around, playing hide and seek with Demon Sunset. She would spring out, and try to attack, but Demon Sunset kept her guard up and would knock Pinkie into the ground. She would grab her, and shove her into the mud. Throw her across the field, as she would try to get away.

"Boy, you're one tough cookie!" Pinkie said. "Wait a minute!" Pinkie jumped up, and realized she had an idea. Pinkie ran and set up a small trap that could make Demon Sunset put her guard down.

Pinkie placed a small trap, when she came up to unlatched it threw a pie directly down into her face, along with a few other distractions she would place.

Demon Sunset followed her, walking to where she could be hiding next. She felt a string being pulled from her hooves when she took a step forward, and saw a pie being thrown at her. She caught it, but it burst into her face. The winged Demon was wiping it away, but she was disoriented and walked a little further into a party cannon that went off from another tapwire. The sound of the boom with confetti bursting at her face, made the Demon less capable to coordinate properly. Pinkie swung down from the tree, and kicked her to the ground. The loss of balance, and hearing, as Pinkie gave a shift kick in her chest took her flying. Demon Sunset was furious with flames engulfing her.

"Oh no..." Pinkie said. Demon Sunset focused and used the magic from her horn to blast at Pinkie. Pinkie was lifted up, and felt the power coursing through her from the horn. Pinkie screamed as she was being enclosed with flames of Demon Sunset's wrath.

Rarity came and bashed into her side of the head, which made Demon Sunset fall and was knocked unconscious. It was a blunt instrument that Rarity was familiar with.

"Nice swing!" Rainbow Dash commented. As she came running.

"Thank you darling!" Rarity said, as she was enjoying her act of badassery. Pinkie came in.

"Yeah, that was a pretty good hit!" Pinkie added.

"Goodness darling!" Rarity said as she turned away. She covered her eyes, and looked away.

"What?!" Pinkie said.

"You're... not fully clothed..." Rarity said hesitantly.

"What did you expect?! I was on fire, seconds ago?!" Pinkie said, as her hair was slightly burnt, almost half of her was uncovered due to the burning.

"Come on, let's get you fixed up really quick!" Rainbow Dash said. As she threw down her jacket.

They looked down at the Demon to make sure it was down for good. It changed back to Sunset in front of them. They were relieved to not have to deal with that creature again. Dash carried Sunset, as Rarity was trying to block Pinkie's bareness. They entered Rarity's house, placed Sunset safely on her bed. Rarity got something for Pinkie to wear. Unfortunately, it was nothing but her best ensembles pulled from her 'nighting out' section. She was generous enough to spare her favorite one.

"Okay! Ready to head over to Twilight's for our final showdown?!" Rainbow Dash asked.

"You betcha!" Pinkie yelled, wearing a beautiful blue dress.

"Bring it on!" Rarity responded.

Book 2: Animus | Chapter 8: The Storm Draws In

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Chapter 8: The Storm Draws In

Rarity, Rainbow Dash, and Pinkie Pie rode to Twilight's house using Applejack's truck. Although Rarity originally refused to use it, but it was the only vehicle quick enough to get to Twilight's.

Pinkie drove, but she was having trouble navigating through the storm. Countless raindrops poured down, as there were beams of light coming from the darkened clouds. Emptiness surrounded, even the headlights at full volume, they were unable to see five feet away of the road.

"Are you sure you're able to drive through this?" Rarity asked, as she cautiously held onto Rainbow Dash's shoulder whenever they purged through the large puddles on the road. "It seems almost impossible to drive in this weather!"

"I'm fine!" Pinkie enlightened, as she shifted gears.

Rainbow Dash was looking the other direction. She was clenching her fist, which Rarity saw, sitting next to her. She pondered the fact that they took Fluttershy like they done to her Applejack. The horrors she must have experienced. She hesitated to say anything to her. She wondered if she was going to speak at all, now that she had time to gather her thoughts.

"Is... Fluttershy okay?" Rarity asked softly.

"No... they have her, and they will pay for what they did!" Rainbow Dash said, with a deep and focused whisper. Rarity looked down at the floor, and felt everything she felt. Her anger, her sadness. Her eyes glowed bright with vengence as they did when they fought earlier that day. If only she could take back what she said, but they had already apologized for what happened. Still felt guilty.

Rarity slowly touched her hand, trying to calm her down before they had to face the Dazzlings once again. Rainbow Dash looked away from the window, and glanced down as their palms came into contact. She firmly held Rarity's hand. Her hands were soft and warm, as Fluttershy's. She felt Rarity's nails poke the tips of her knuckles. She sighed, as she let her hand release for her to hold tighter. She looked back up at the window, and felt like she was ready for what comes next.

"Oh damn!" Pinkie yelled, as she drove into someone on the road. The girls were stunned from their seat, as they heard the thumping from the front of the truck, and the body being rolled on the roof. Pinkie immediately stomped on the brakes. The person rolled a few yards in back of them. "Whoops... heh..." Pinkie chuckled.

"Pinkie, what the hell was that?!" Rainbow Dash yelled. "Are you crazy?!"

"Well, it was kind of her fault?!" Pinkie said.

"What are you talking about?!" Rarity added. "You just killed someone!"

"Relax, it was just Adagio!" Pinkie said.

"That's not the point Pinkie!" Rarity continued.

"She's getting up, and she looks pissed!" Pinkie informed, as she glanced at the rear view mirror.

"Well duh!" Rainbow Dash yelled. "You just ran her over!"

"Get out!" Pinkie yelled. "GET OUT NOW!" Pinkie jumped out quickly while Rainbow Dash carried Rarity out, and the truck was pushed away by a wave of magic. The truck rolled into the other street. Rainbow Dash laid right on top of Rarity, which was a little uncomfortable for the both of them, so she fell to lay beside her instead. Pinkie was on the other side of the road, she was standing, not allowing her dress to be soaked.

"Pinkie, I'm going to kill you, after we get through this!" Rarity said, while being drenched in water from laying on the soaked grass. She was shocked to see her girlfriend's favorite truck gone in seconds.

"Not if I can help it..." Adagio grunted from afar. Enraged, and bruised from the impact of the truck. She limped her way to her, as she saw the other two take off in the other direction to the house down the street. Pinkie went over to help Rarity and Rainbow Dash get up to head in that same direction.

Sonata and Aria were attacking Twilight. Twilight was using her magic to stop them, but she struggled to stay focused. They turned their attention toward the front door to see the others barge in. They stopped resisting, as they were clearly outmatched.

"Damn it!" Aria said. "I knew I forgot something!"

"Same!" Sonata said.

"Girls, help!" Twilight said, as she dropped her hands. Rainbow Dash kicked Sonata, as she was the one who attacked Fluttershy. Rarity used a shield to push away Aria to the wall. Pinkie went over to hug Twilight. "Pinkie, now's not the time!"

"But, Twilight..." Pinkie cried. Adagio appeared, and carried the other two with her outside. They gathered their strength by focusing their power together. Adagio was recovering from her wounds. They were going to use all the power they gathered to finally end the Rainbooms once in for all.

"What's the plan Twilight?!" Rainbow Dash asked, as they all saw them burst with energy.

"Okay..." Twilight sighed. She gathered her thoughts, as she pushed in her glasses. "Pinkie,I need you to distract them!"

"You've got it!" Pinkie said.

"Rainbow Dash, I need you to surround them by running around in circles!" Twilight commanded.

"Okay?! That's doable..." Rainbow Dash said, as she was unsure of what she was actually doing.

"Rarity. Can you cast a dome, like you have before?!" Twilight asked.

"What?!" Rarity questioned. "I can't do anything like that anymore! What do you mean like before?!"

"Okay, look, just make sure they don't leave that open field!" Twilight said.

"Very well then..." Rarity said.

"One more thing everyone, after about thirty seconds. I need you all to quickly get out of here as fast as you can. By our luck, we might just miss the blast." Twilight said.

"Wha-what do you mean?!" Rarity asked, as she was reminded of her dream.

"Listen, I don't have much time to give every detail, but I'll give the signal, then make a break for it!" Twilight requested. "Got it?!"

Everyone nodded.

"Go!" Twilight yelled.

The girls dispersed to different areas. The Dazzlings came up, in their final forms. Tall, serpent-like creatures, each of them a specific color. Adagio, of course, in the middle, who glistened like gold. Sonata was bright blue, and Aria was purple. They each had large tails which hung down to the ground. Razor-sharp claws, and terrifyingly large teeth.

Pinkie came to them, and they each were eager to take her energy. Pinkie channeled her power from her element crystal. She gained her form, pony ears, her hair lengthened, her symbol on her cheek, and with her power was able to conjure up many party favors for her liking. Ready to fight for her friends.

"Let's party!" Pinkie announced, as the Dazzlings flown over to her.

Rainbow Dash began to run toward their general area, she circulated around them as Twilight demanded. She was unsure of what she was even doing just running around instead of fighting. Whenever one of the sirens looked to what Rainbow Dash was doing, Pinkie was there to pop in right in front of them.

Rarity kept her focus on making sure they stood in the field as Twilight requested, but could not make a large enough shield to cover the whole perimeter as she was able to before. It's been too long since she had to use her powers to the fullest, but she was at least able to contain them by blocking their next move.

Twilight watched as it was going according to plan. They just needed to stay long enough for the finishing move, Twilight thought.

Pinkie was grabbed by one of them, and was thrown around. She got back up, and used her power to generate party cannons to attack. She blinded them from the confetti and their ears rang from the sound, the closer she came the worse they all felt. Adagio jumped out, and clawed at her. Pinkie surprised her with a gift of a wrapped present, and a boxing glove that popped out like a jack-in-the-box and punch her in the snout. The others had a gift that exploded in their face.

They all got pissed off, and came to her all at once. They picked her up and each took a turn stabbing her with their claws, bitting her with their jaws, and slapped her with their long tails, in which threw Pinkie across the field.

"Pinkie!" Rainbow Dash and Rarity yelled.

"Don't lose your position!" Twilight yelled. Rainbow Dash grunted as she felt useless, but continued to run the same way she started.

Rarity kept her shield open, even from watching Pinkie being tormented in front of her. She couldn't lose her focus for her, even if she didn't know what Twilight intended. She did all that she could do to help.

Pinkie kept fighting, and was thrown around enough times to cause her to be too tired to get back up. She was bruised, with much claw and teeth marks over her that bled excessively for her to start to lose consciousness. She got up, and decided to use what left of her energy to make up one final act.

Pinkie focused and brought up a bunch of helium-filled balloons to distract them. Adagio bit into one. But as she grunted, her voice became high pitched, which made Aria and Sonata start to laugh. Adagio got mad at them. She yelled at them, but they couldn't hold back their laughter. Pinkie popped the rest of the balloons, to make them all ingest the helium which surrounded them. They all kept laughing and could not stop. Even Adagio lost focus. Pinkie's last power was to make her enemies laugh so hard they can't stop. As she will always be the element of laughter.

Sadly, Pinkie fell, and was too tired to carry on. Her form disappeared, and the rain soak into her beautiful blue dress.

"Now!" Twilight yelled. Rainbow Dash quickly ran to pick Pinkie up from the ground. The Dazzlings felt the mist swarm around them, as Rarity released the shield, and left the Dazzlings alone in the field. They stood, unsure of what was going on. Twilight was standing there staring right at them. "Pika Pika... bitch!"

The skies opened up, and in a single instance, released a streak of light which struck down right at the Dazzlings. The blast of the light that struck, engulfed the field. The sound was intensively loud, which made the ground shake with much force. The Dazzlings screamed, the pain of them being electrocuted. They all felt the flames running through their veins. It made the lockets spark, and explode, in which a large cluster of energy came for everyone like before.

Twilight stood there, closed her eyes, awaiting for it to come.

Book 2: Animus | Chapter 9: Forgiveness

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Chapter 9: Forgiveness

Twilight remembers what pieces she used for the lockets. Remembering all the pain she felt. She used their weapons against them by giving them a taste of their own medicine.

She quickly analyzed the scenario in her head as Rainbow Dash asked "what's the plan?" Rainbow Dash would run around in circles, causing raindrops to form in the sky like a mist, in which drenched the Dazzlings. Rarity will use her power to shield them from leaving the targeted area, while Pinkie Pie distracted them from stopping the others. All they needed was her signal to release it when it was time, allowing the girls to get out as quickly as they can as she would watch the sparks fly.

Lightning is caused by negatively charged clouds, with enough positively charged electrons on the ground to connect both the cloud to the ground, causing an electrical current to generate a lightning bolt. Living creatures naturally generate positive energy, drenched in water gives them a boost, with something metallic like copper wire, which was used inside the lockets they carried. Allowed them to become engulfed as electrical conductors for the lightning to easily target them to strike.

Twilight was relieved to have at least three of her friends left to finish the job, while embracing a clear victory using scientific understanding. Now that victory was her's, she wanted to be in that blast to complete her final plan.

The reason she wanted to stay behind, she didn't know if she could live with herself for what she's done. What she started. The only reason the Dazzlings considered approaching her was because of her utilizing her powers to find sources of Equestrian magic. What she didn't know was she was being watched. She was careless, and brought so much suffering on her friends. From what she understands, they are now lost. She never intended to take it as far as she did, but it happened. Now, as the wave of energy exploded, she awaited for it to take her in as well.

Twilight opened her eyes, but she was surrounded. Twilight looked behind her, and there was Rainbow Dash, Pinkie Pie, and Rarity inside a large dome-like force field.

"I-I did it..." Rarity said as she focused. Twilight smiled, they did not leave her after all. Rarity was relieved to have her friends by her side, her dream was there to help her turn things around. Rainbow Dash held Pinkie in her arms, as Pinkie smiled and had her eyes closed.

"I love you guys!" Pinkie said. She held onto Dash tighter, as she smiled back.

"We love you too, Pinkie!" Twilight said, as tears streamed down silently. "Thank you!"

Rarity stopped focusing on the shield, and they were splashed with water that rested on it.

"Didn't think that one through..." Rarity said, as she was wiping off her dress.

"Yeah... good one Rarity!" Rainbow Dash said, as she swiped her hand over Rarity's back. Rarity grunted, and looked at her, a little bit ticked off, but she let it go when Pinkie got up in between them. "Twilight..." Dash, Rarity, and Pinkie stood staring at Twilight, as she turned her back on them to look the other way.

"I will tell you, I will tell you everything but... I just hope Sunset and the others are okay..." Twilight said, as she looked out into the distance, beginning to tear up. "They came... they tortured me... until I made them all a locket, just like the one I had before... but I was weak and angry... I thought I messed up, but something made them differently this time... I was hoping it wouldn't work, but it took away something inside of them... I don't know what it is..."

"Tortured..." Rarity spoke. "Why didn't you tell us?!"

"If I did, they would have done something horrible..." Twilight cried. "I wanted to protect you all, and I knew you guys wouldn't believe me... after the mess I made..."

"Twilight..." Pinkie said, as she went over to hug Twilight.

"I'm so thankful for everything you've guys done for me... even if... even if they don't return..." Twilight cried. Rarity and Rainbow Dash looked at each other. They both could have lost their partners, and they feared being left behind, alone. Rarity held onto Rainbow Dash's hand, and Rainbow Dash held it tightly. They cried, and they all came together in the dark, the cold rain, the brushing winds. They all took time to hug everyone individually. Twilight felt everyone's guilt, she felt it on herself. She caused them to fight, a fight that was unnecessary, and made them all separate again after just barely coming back together. She took it all away.

They heard an exhausted moan coming from the Dazzlings. Twilight came up to them, the others followed. Adagio was laying on the ground, the others were fried and stiff, but were still breathing. Adagio rolled to look up at the skies, it pained her but needed to look into her eyes. Twilight came up to her.

"Adagio..." Twilight said softly, she knelt beside her burnt body. She saw those magenta eyes that terrified her, but now saw the pain that was returned.

"Clever girl..." Adagio said, as she coughed, wiping away the raindrops that fell on her face. "Please... tell me they're okay..."

"They're breathing, but they're really weak." Twilight said.

"I'm only going to say this once..." Adagio spoke softly. "I'm sorry... no more will I mess with you... or the others... you're too strong... even from after fighting with each other..."

"You guys fought with each other again?" Twilight asked the girls.

"Yes..." Rainbow Dash and Rarity said simultaneously.

"We saw them, out on the streets, fighting each other over their shared secrets." Adagio said. "It was quite a turning point. Quite a show."

"It really was all my fault..." Twilight cried. "...I ruined everything..."

"We all did Twilight..." Rarity said.

"We all had things that we couldn't confess..." Rainbow Dash added.

"I lied to you guys about sharing your secrets..." Pinkie confessed. "I stood in front of you all so you could stop fighting..."

"Pinkie..." Rarity cried. "That's alright my dear..."

"Thank you Pinkie..." Rainbow Dash added.

"I'm so sorry you guys..." Twilight replied, with much sincerity. "I... I love you guys so much... no matter what happens..."

"Love you too Twilight." Pinkie enlightened.

"Give me a break!" Adagio hissed. "But, please... call an ambulance... then you will never have to see us again..."

"Adagio..." Twilight said.

"I'm not surprised you would have any empathy left for us, but we are terrible people who don't deserve any of you." Adagio continued. "Nor do you deserve us in your lives..."

"Maybe we could have been friends..." Twilight suggested. Adagio smiled, but shook her head.

"I got all I need." Adagio said, she turned her head, and slowly moved her body to get closer to them. "Aria... Sonata... never again..." Adagio passed out, and kept her hands together to hold their's.

It took the ambulance a few moments to get to Twilight's place. They all took the Dazzlings in to get treated. Luckily the storm stopped when they arrived, allowing a safe and quick ride toward the hospital.

Twilight took everyone into her house. They all sat down on the couch to explain what to do now. Twilight explained to them what happened to her in full detail before and after the events of what caused the Dazzlings to target her in the first place. They couldn't believe Twilight's scientific plan worked in the end, allowing them to be stopped. They all laughed when Twilight told them the reference she shouted when it hit. But, they all still felt sadness in their hearts knowing that half of them are gone.

"You don't know what the lockets did to them?" Dash asked.

"Not a clue... but Spike was unable to move or wake up again... almost like... he's actually gone." Twilight hesitantly said. Everyone bowed their heads, the terrible fate of their friends, lost.

Rainbow Dash was happy they managed to pull together again to save themselves from the Dazzlings plot to take over. The heaviness in her heart, the melting of her colorful hair, drenched in the rain, the tears falling to hear that her precious Fluttershy was gone. The others were scared, and saddened that only they were left to witness their tragic end.

Rarity came to comfort Rainbow Dash, their understanding of each other was more than enough to share their burden together once again.

Twilight heard something coming from the hallway. The sound of claws and patterning of paws from her room. Twilight got up to see. It jumped on her from the darkness.

"Ah! Spike!" Twilight yelled, as she hugged him tightly. "You guys!" Twilight yelled, as she was surprised by him. "Spike was taken along with them, but if he's back, then that must mean, they'll all could be back!"

Everyone jumped out of their seats took look down at Spike. He was pouncing around, wagging his tail, and looked like himself once again. They heard their phones ring immediately after.

Rarity got a call from Sunset, and Rainbow Dash got a call from Fluttershy. They both teared up, and answered immediately.

Rainbow Dash and Fluttershy:

R: Fluttershy?! Is that really you?!

F: Dashie! You're okay! Oh thank goodness!

R: Are you still back at the house?!

F: Yes!

R: I'll be right there!

Rarity and Applejack (Sunset's cell phone):

R: Sunset?!

A: It's me Rarity!

R: Applejack... y-you're okay?

A: Ah am, my phone was smashed, and my truck is gone, so ah headed over to your place, but ah found Sunset in yer room! Might want to explain that?

R: Of course darling, I'm... just so relieved that you're here!

A: Am happy you are too!

Pinkie and Twilight both watched them tear up with joy, and they all were relieved to have them all come back. Twilight held onto Pinkie's shoulder. Pinkie smiled and was hugging Twilight tightly.

"It will be alright then?" Pinkie questioned softly.

"I hope so." Twilight said, as she smiled brightly.

"Guys! Is it okay if I go to see Fluttershy?!" Rainbow Dash asked. "I know it's all sudden..."

"Yes, of course! Go to her!" Twilight said. Rainbow Dash thanked them. She went to her, as she ran through the storm, waiting to return back into her arms.

"Well, I'm off as well. Pinkie, is Sweetie Belle going to stay at your place for tonight?" Rarity asked. Pinkie knew what she meant.

"Of course she can!" Pinkie enlightened.

"Thank you, Pinkie!" Rarity said sincerely. Rarity headed out the door. "Thank you..." Rarity whispered as she walked out.

"Well, what are you going to be up to Pinkie?" Twilight asked.

"Well, I'm rather tired. I should probably get home." Pinkie said.

"You know what? You should just stay the night, it's almost sun up, might as well stay."

"Okay!" Pinkie said. Twilight smiled, as Pinkie smiled brightly.

Meanwhile... at Fluttershy's place.

Fluttershy awakened laying on the floor, her animals surrounded her. They thought she was really gone, so they all gathered together and stayed with her.

They were rejoiced to see her get back up again, although she couldn't move properly, she was slow, and felt stiff. Her animals helped guide her, and for a moment Fluttershy smiled, she was back, and was thankful for everyone of her pets for helping her. She got up to the couch, and she saw her phone laying on the edge. Fluttershy sat down, and tried to rest for a moment as she was tired and felt heavy. Lifting her arms and breathing felt like a workout.

Fluttershy took a moment to regain her strength, and she was back to feeling normal. She called Rainbow Dash in hopes she would answer her.

Fluttershy was sitting on the couch, comfortably as she waited.

Dash barged through the doors, and there she was, sitting on the couch. She slowly got up to hold her. Their arms encapsulate tightly around their bodies. She pounced onto Fluttershy, making them both fall onto the couch. Rainbow Dash, on top, looked into Fluttershy's eyes. The gleam in their eyes, knew what hell they were put through, but it was worth the pain to be there in each other's arms once again.

Rainbow Dash's eyes fell, and she pushed her lips into Fluttershy's. Their hands stuck together. Fluttershy felt her wet lips and closed her eyes to embrace the moment. She couldn't breathe, so she pushed Dash a little left, and they both rolled off the couch, and switched positions. Fluttershy leaned forward and continued to hold her, and locked her mouth onto Rainbow Dash's. Dash massaged her back as she leaned closer, and her hair tickled her ears and neck when she came in. Rainbow Dash leaned over on Fluttershy, her heart was pounding, her breath picked up it's pace, and her whole body felt a warmth that was intoxicating. She could feel Fluttershy's heart race, she would moan. It made Rainbow Dash excited, in which she wanted to indulge more deeply.

Dash was worked up, having gone through all that mess just to have her back, and now she wanted to give her everything. Fluttershy was not able to move. She felt it was too much, and asked Dash to stop what she was doing.

Dash stopped, and allowed her to breathe. She got up, and helped her to the couch. She didn't know what was happening to her, Fluttershy in a soft whisper asked her to bring an inhaler from her bathroom sink. Dash ran to pick it up, and brought it to her.

"Fluttershy... I'm so sorry..." Dash whispered, and worried for her. Fluttershy held out her hand, and held her cheek and slowly felt it all the way down her chin. She couldn't speak with the spray running down her throat, but she knew she was sincere.

Fluttershy looked up at the ceiling. She was looking beyond it, felt the light shining through it.

"Please..." Fluttershy whispered. She begged that her life was not over yet, she really wanted to stay with her. "Not yet..."

Meanwhile... at the barn.

Applejack couldn't have been more happier than to have smelled the mud and rain the moment she woke up from what felt like a nightmare. She also smelled the barn, filled with animals, and haystacks. It was home.

Remembering from what Granny Smith told her earlier that day, she accepted them, and no longer wanted her to wait any longer to be with her, but to live with her. It will take some time planning, moving any of her clothing and other things back to Rarity's house, given her truck was gone. Even though her truck was a family truck, it couldn't have been a much more troubling time for it to be gone, but wanting to see Rarity felt more important.

Applejack struggled to walk, but nothing in her lifted spirit wanted herself to give up to be with Rarity. Every step was like pulling weights over her personal limit, her very heartbeat was painful to feel inside, beating against her weak ribs, the headache she received after being hit with a shovel, her lungs wouldn't open wide enough for air to flow through, making her respiratory system to collapse from moving an inch further. Applejack didn't want to give up. Rarity could still be in danger, she wouldn't be able to know if she was safe and alive. She fell to the pavement, the rain coming down on her, she slammed her fist against it, pushing herself.

"C'mon...!" Applejack said, as she struggled to get back up. "She needs me! I need her!"

For a moment, she crawled across the sidewalk, but she felt her body shut down. Her spirit was willing, but the flesh countered against her. She stopped moving for a second to catch her breath.

She heard a voice coming from a spark in the sky. She turned over to look at the darkened clouds above. The rain fell, and lightning struck between them. Applejack began to remember how it was possible to be brought back in the first place. A light that carried her and her friends. The elements may have opened something far more vibrant than what she remembered. It was a calming feeling, like waking up after hours of sleep, like being carried as a baby from the cradle, a feeling of being lifted, waking up next to someone you hold dear in your arms. Applejack remembered.

Applejack said, "help me."

The light struck again, she felt the vibration coursing through her as she felt the ground shook. The feeling of her blood circulating through her veins, her heart slowed, and the pacing of her breathing continued. Applejack reached out, and felt her body lift up, back on her feet. She held the gate at her side, gaining balance once again.

"Am comin' Rarity!" Applejack determined to never stop moving until she reached her.

At Rarity's house... Applejack came busting down the door, and found Sunset walking out of Rarity's bedroom. She was confused, but she couldn't have been doing anything since she was with Sunset not too long ago.

Sunset gave Applejack a hug, they both understood what was happening, and decided to let it all go, but always stay together. Not long after Sunset returned back home after she was able to walk again. Applejack went to her bedroom. Her door was broken, forced entry. She used Sunset's phone to call Rarity, when she answered, a sigh of relief calmed her down.

Rarity walked through the front door, and they both held each other. The rhythm of their heartbeat was pounding through their chest, they could feel it when they came together.

"I don't want to leave your side ever again!" Rarity cried.

"Rarity, ah have somethin' to say." Applejack said calmly.

"What is it?" Rarity asked.

"Granny Smith, and the other's... requested ah stay with you..." Applejack said.

"What do you mean?!" Rarity said.

"They accept us, Rarity. They accept us. And am going to stay here with you. Wherever you go, ah go." Applejack continued.

"Oh Applejack!" Rarity continued to hold Applejack. "Let's head to the room, Sweetie Belle is at Pinkie's!"

"You betcha!" Applejack said.

In the bedroom, they cuddled together in bed. They kissed, feeling the cold and warmth of their lips touch. Their tongues played, as they slowly massaged their shoulders and their arms. Applejack loved the softness of her skin, and Rarity was starting to notice Applejack was starting to use some of her moisturizer, as she could smell the scent of cherry blossoms. It pleased her the most. Rarity wanted to tackle her, when she got up on her again, but Applejack felt something in her struck.

"Ah!" Applejack yelled.

"What?" Rarity asked. "What is it?"

"There's a sharp pain in my back!" Applejack replied. Rarity immediately jumped off to help Applejack lay still, and comfortably on her back.

"Applejack? Are you okay?!" Rarity continued.

"Ah don't know..." Applejack said.

Meanwhile... at Sunset's house.

Sunset arrived at her house. She remembered the bed, and the mess Twilight made, so she laid on the couch once again. She felt restless, and contemplated all the things she's gotten into. They all had to do with Twilight. Maybe there was something else, but maybe she was too blind to see it, or too stubborn to acknowledge it?

Sunset text Twilight, and asked if she would like to talk about things during the weekend. A few moments later, Twilight texted back and agreed to it, and was looking forward to it. Sunset smiled, and was finally able to sleep.

Meanwhile... at Twilight's house. Pinkie texts Maud about spending the night with Twilight, as she was laying in Twilight's bed. Maud replied to her about getting home early to pick up Sweetie Belle. Pinkie agreed. Twilight came into the bedroom, and laid beside Pinkie.

"Hey Twilight?" Pinkie asked.

"Yeah Pinkie?" Twilight replied.

"So, after all that, are you okay?" Pinkie continued. "Like mentally and physically?"

"I'm actually a lot better. Now that everything was taken care of. But, Pinkie. I'm proud of you, the way you handled everything. You're truly a hero for us all." Twilight said.

"Thank you Twilight!" Pinkie said. "The others are too!"

"Of course, but I, however, shouldn't be."

"What do you mean?" Pinkie asked.

"I made everything fall apart... I caused so much pain and hurt..."

"Twilight... don't say that. After saving us all, we forgiven you..."

"You're too kind Pinkie... but... can I forgive myself...?"

"Sure... in time... right?"

Twilight smiled. Pinkie did as well.

"Goodnight Pinkie!" Twilight said, as she yawned.

"Night Twilight!" Pinkie said. They both laid in opposite directions, but felt comforted. While Spike laid in the corner, and slept happily with his favorite people.

Twilight received a message from Sunset, and she wanted to meet up with her sometime this weekend to talk. Twilight replied that she was looking forward to it. Twilight smiled, and fell asleep.

Book 2: Animus | Chapter 9.5: What Was Hidden Inside?

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Chapter 9.5: What Was Hidden Inside?

Adagio, Sonata, and Aria all came together to synchronize their powers to form into their final and strongest form.

Inside the lockets, however, was another story...

Sunset was floating in an endless space, as if she was in a dream. A sleep, in which she feared to just fade into, never coming back to what it used to be. She felt an intense vibration while she glided, and it had pulled her down into a non-existent surface. Sunset awoke, and she opened her eyes slowly. She sat up, and looked around, there was nothing but a large white space. To see nothing but all the colors at once made her focus too heavily, and it made her worry.

Sunset spoke, but no words came out. She tried to speak, she tried to yell, but there was silence.

"What is going on?!" Sunset thought, however, she was able to hear it. Her own voice in her mind. "I can hear my mind?! This is weird." Sunset thought. "I suppose collective unconsciousness is a thing. But, what about the other's? I should be able to see it all. Is this the result of what Adagio did after she pulled me in? Am I inside that locket like I saw with Spike? Great... what now?"

Sunset felt a heavy vibration under her feet. It made her stumble to remain in balance.

"What the hell is going on?" Sunset thought. "I hope the others are okay..."

She walked a little into the empty space, and accidentally bumped into something, which scared her. She looked behind her and there was Fluttershy.

"Fluttershy?" Sunset thought, before her lips moved to lipsync with her thoughts.

"Sunset?" Fluttershy asked in her head. Fluttershy tried talking. But, she couldn't say anything.

Fluttershy thought of it. The entire place was full of whispering, it echoed and filled their ears with Fluttershy's thoughts.

"I'm sorry Sunset... Rainbow Dash?! Is she okay? Where are we? Why can't I stop? She can hear everything?! Don't think of her and Twilight! I love you Rainbow Dash! Where are we? Stop it, stop it, stop it! Stop thinking! Damn it, now she knows, does she know about Rarity and Applejack too?! No! I can't stop! Where are we?! I'm scared! Dashie... I can't believe Twilight did this again?! As smart as she is, she pretty stupid! Wait, stop thinking negative thoughts, please! Stop it, stupid bitch! It is all her fault! Rainbow Dash, please, enough!"

"Stop!" Sunset asked. But Fluttershy was too emotional.

"I'm sorry!" Fluttershy said, all at once and was silenced.

"What did you mean about Twilight and me?" Sunset was thinking, it was heard by Fluttershy. "What did I do?!"

"Well, you did try to defend her, but she's the one doing all this, you're too stupid to see it! After what happened to Spike, I could never forgive her for it!" Fluttershy thoughts couldn't stop blaming Twilight for everything. "Oh no, she heard everything... stop it Fluttershy... behave... please stop it!"

"Fluttershy calm down..." Sunset thought. "I know it's not easy, but please, don't be so worried."

"How can I not worry! Dash is by herself fighting off the Dazzlings! I hope she's okay..."

Applejack appeared not long after. She was standing outside the conversation, but heard everything.

"Fluttershy, thank you, ah agree with ya." Applejack thought. "Twilight is to blame for this!"

"How can you say that? She's our friend?!" Sunset thought. "It's not what you think!"

"What do ya mean?! Face facts Sunset, she has gone too far with her experiments!" Applejack thought. "Quit defendin' her! She has nothing worth redeemin' for, unless she fessin' up in tellin' us the truth!"

"I know the truth, Applejack!" Sunset continued. "If you would just listen!"

"Ya know what, am done talkin' with ya!" Applejack stated. "Why don't ya tell Twilight to say it!"

"Applejack! Damn it! Would you stop being so stubborn and listen to me?!" Sunset thought.

"Ah see how it is! Ya think ah don't know, but ah do!" Applejack said.

"What are you talking about?!" Sunset asked.

"Duh! You both, together!" Applejack said. "You two are causin' alot of trouble over the past few days, and tryin' to cover it up!"

"Just listen to me!" Sunset requested.

"Am tired of hearin' ya!" Applejack continued.

"Applejack!" Sunset was about to let her emotions go, but she tried everything to hold it back.

"No!" Applejack looked away from both Fluttershy and Sunset, as she was done dealing with the both of them.

"She was tortured by them!" Sunset yelled.

"What?!" Applejack and Fluttershy thought.

"She was tortured! What if it were Rarity or Rainbow Dash? Now you all the sudden care?! She was being tormented by Adagio and the other two! They hurt her day and night just so she could make them all their stupid lockets! How can you all turn your backs on her without even knowing anything?!" Sunset asked. "If she tried to reach out for us, they could have done worse! How can you not care?! Your best friend was suffering, and you turned your backs on her! She didn't want you all to worry, so she tried to brush it off, but was traumatized to even think of it! Until you all pushed her too far!"

Sunset was mad that they both agreed that Twilight was the one who caused everything. Sunset's mind was full of anger. It made Applejack and Fluttershy uncomfortable, and shocked to feel Sunset becoming unhinged. She cried.

"I was alone, you know... you all took it upon yourselves to have someone be there for you, but I didn't..." She felt the hurt and sadness she felt for so long, opening up to everyone. "You all left me behind with nothing! I was in love with them and with all of you... but what does it matter, right?!" Sunset continued. "Now this shit happens... I, at least, took pity for everyone... I don't care what you think... I was abandoned by everyone... and now we are stuck here... who knows what might come of this?!"

"Sunset..." Applejack thought. Fluttershy cried.

Applejack and Fluttershy came over to her to calm her down. Sunset walked away, but she knew they tried to understand now.

"Maybe Twilight was the cause of everything, but I don't want Twilight to be excluded from our friendship." Sunset said.

"We would never do that to her..." Applejack and Fluttershy thought.

"It was just the lies and secrets she kept away." Applejack said. Sunset turned back, and was angry at them.

"Then why did you keep your relationships a secret then?!" Sunset yelled. "You're mad at Twilight for keeping secrets! What hypocrites!" Applejack and Fluttershy were silenced, they thought of why they did in the first place.

"I kept my relationship a secret because Rainbow Dash requested that I should until everyone was settled and to tell everyone when it was our time." Fluttershy thought.

"Ah felt the same way. Rarity's parents didn't approve of us, but my family just barely accepted us. We were still unsure of how everyone else would respond. It stressed Rarity out so much, so ah kept it hidden for her until she was ready to bring it out to everyone." Applejack said.

"We're sorry..." Applejack and Fluttershy apologized.

"I'm sorry, I can't do this to you. I have no reason to... I'm so sorry... but of course, I accept you all..." Sunset came to them and apologized as well. "Ever since we all became separated after everything. You all turned to one another for comfort and relied on each other which I am happy for. I understand. The reason I was upset was because I had no one to turn to, because I love Princess Twilight. She wasn't responding at the time, nor was the our Twilight. It could have been the time Twilight was experimenting on her locket. It was until Pinkie Pie felt like we all should come back together. That's when I finally felt that we could start again. It gave me hope..."

"We are friends and we should never abandon each other like we did, even if we all have relationships. We should be there to support each other." Applejack thought.

"I agree, I'm so sorry for everything you guys..." Fluttershy said. They all came together and grouped in a hug.

Fluttershy heard someone talking.

"Who's there?" Fluttershy asked, as the girls looked around. "Look!" Fluttershy pointed out in the distance and it was Spike. "Spike?!"

"Fluttershy!" Spike said, as he ran to her. "Sunset! Applejack!" Sunset and Applejack were shocked to see him talk.

"Spike! I'm so glad you're okay!" Fluttershy.

"Where's Twilight?" Spike asked.

"Not here. She was still at home, last I remember." Fluttershy said.

"Poor Twilight. All that stuff was true, she did try to protect me, and you all. I did try to help, but I was being mangled up." Spike said.

"Oh you poor thing..." Applejack cried. Sunset felt her sorrow as well.

"That's okay. I'm okay now, but I worry." Spike said.

"We all do..." Sunset said. "We all hope they are all okay."

"Not only that..." Spike said hesitantly.

"What?!" They said.

Spike pointed behind them.

They felt another presence among them. It was Twilight with the huge eyes and no other facial features. Fluttershy cowardly took hold of Applejack. Both Applejack and Sunset stood to prepare for what could be a fight. Spike stood behind them.

"That's it! Who are you?!" Sunset yelled. Twilight walked to them, they backed away, they kept their eyes on her. Twilight used her nails and ripped off her face like it was a plastic mask. Fluttershy screamed, and Applejack and Sunset both were shocked. Twilight revealed herself to be Midnight.

"Surprise, surprise!" Midnight said, as she gave sinister smirk.

"Midnight!" Sunset yelled.

"I love how you are all so incorruptible, but Twilight was just about to lose her grip on her own soul." Midnight said.

"What do ya mean?" Applejack said.

"It's true. Tortured, being abandoned, and her unrequited love... each and every single one of them came crashing down to where I can finally reach the surface of taking over her mind!" Midnight said.

"Enough of this! Go away!" Sunset said. "Leave us alone!"

"Sorry, but I will never leave. Until I get what's mine!" Midnight continued. "What I wanted before was to be all-powerful, but that plan changed when I was inside that bug pony back in Equestria. Too much of it, obliterated everything! Now, I just wanted to find a host to inherit for my own."

"Never!" Sunset yelled. "How are you even manifested in the first place?!"

"I would tell you, but isn't it obvious... you all lost your souls too!" Midnight chuckled.

"What do ya mean?!" Applejack questioned.

"The lockets absorbed your soul, not your power. The one thing that is more powerful than your geodes, is your soul. A more darker magic, if you will. So, technically, you're all dead!" Midnight laughed.

"We're... dead...?" Fluttershy whispered.

"Yes, my dear... dead. Left your physical bodies where you were absorbed, and now your souls are stuck inside this locket. Even if they somehow destroyed them, you will not return to your bodies, but be sleeping, silently, dreamless, and alone!" Midnight said. The girls were shocked.

"Twi..." Sunset said. Sunset screamed, she knelt and cried. Applejack, Fluttershy, and Spike came to her. They all felt the heavy feeling of being lost forever. This dread dragged them down.

"We are not alone!" Applejack said. "We have each other!"

"Maybe for now, but would it be once they've stopped synchronizing their power? Besides, floating endless together? You all barely managed each other's presence seconds ago. In here, can be for an eternity! All your little feelings and relationships, are meaningless!"

"Ah don't care!" Applejack acted impulsively, refusing to let go any of her cherished memories or love of her friends and Rarity. "There's nothing stoppin' me from defeating you right here and now!"

"Ah liked to see ya try!" Midnight mocked. Applejack rushed over to her, and tried to punch her. Midnight jumped and swung into the air. "Be honest with me, do you think you can hide what you truly feel?!"

"Shut up!" Applejack continued. Sunset was still crying, with Fluttershy holding onto Sunset for comfort and watched Applejack fight Midnight, Spike was also with Fluttershy. Even Fluttershy started to question if keeping anything was worth the effort if they were stuck inside. "Ya don't know me!" Applejack continued to throw punches, but she couldn't land a single hit.

"Without your geode, or everyone together, you are powerless against me!" Midnight continued.

"Everyone, c'mon!" Applejack pleaded.

"What's the point Applejack? We're dead." Sunset said.

"She's right, Applejack... we can't do anything about it..." Fluttershy cried in a monotone voice.

"So? Ah don't want to be left here with this demon!" Applejack stated.

"Breakin' my heart sugar!" Midnight mocked. Applejack was furious.

"Help me!" Applejack yelled. "Sunset! Fluttershy!" Sunset and Fluttershy perked up. Midnight smiled.

"Give it up! Quit trying to play the hero. Quit being the man!" Midnight shouted.

"Shut up!" Applejack cried.

"Touched a nerve, huh?" Midnight said. "I know exactly what you fear, what you're insecure about." She pulled up visions of the past about Applejack. Growing up, being mistreated by classmates because of the way she grew up without her parents. Being called a boy, even today she was rumored to be too boyish at time. Midnight pulled up Apple Bloom and Rarity, being left behind without her, her farm not being able to flourish with animals or plantations.

Sunset saw the torment Midnight was doing, projecting Applejack's fear and insecurities. It made her snap out of herself, and made Fluttershy stop to see her in pain.

"Stop..." Applejack whispered, she began to tear up in her eyes. She wiped them with her arm. She couldn't control what was inside her mind. She knelt down in shame. "Am not a man! Am a woman! Ah don't know what everyone else's deal, thinkin' am some sort of... just because of my strength... the way ah work around a farm... because ah chose to be with Rarity... people think am... manly... it hurts... ah may not show my feelin's or get all emotional, but ah still feel them like anybody else! Apple Bloom... I know I've been neglecting her too... because of my choices... I'm so sorry..." Spike came up to her, and smiled, Applejack smiled.

Sunset and Fluttershy got up, and stood in front of Applejack.

"You're right Applejack, even though we are dead, we can't let her come between us!" Sunset said.

"I will stand with you guys, wherever we go!" Fluttershy shouted.

"Thank ya guys!" Applejack said, as she got back up, and stood her ground against Midnight.

"How quaint!" Midnight said sarcastically.

"Whether we like it or not, sharing is caring, and caring brings friendship, and friendship is magic!" Sunset said. The three girls and Spike were gathered in a light, and they were able to transform into their elemental forms. Spike remained in his usual form, but was there with them.

"Impossible! You're away from your bodies, how can you manifest your powers?!" Midnight yelled.

"It's not the gemstones that gave us power, it was in us all along. It's what's inside that matters!" Sunset continued. They all came to her and blasted her with beams of light. Midnight screeched in agony.

"I'll be back!" Midnight screamed. She faded.

The girls stood together, and they accepted their fate even if they were not able to return to the living, but at least they had each other.

The girls felt another vibration, this time it was some electrical force. They felt the shock of the surface.

They busted out of the lockets with a similar blast from what they've experienced in Ponyville. They looked and saw Twilight, Rarity, Pinkie Pie, and Rainbow Dash underneath a large bright dome. They saw the Dazzlings being electrocuted by a lightning bolt. Spike tried to come to Twilight, but he was unable to get her attention.

"Spike, we can't, we're not a part of the living..." Fluttershy said.

"You're wrong!" Spike said. "We can. We just need to find our bodies!" Spike ran to the house, and he found his body laying in the living room. Spike laid beside it and was absorbed into it.

"No way..." Fluttershy said.

"We might be able to find our bodies by focusing." Applejack said.

"You're right! Our elements are connected!" Sunset said. The girls came together, and they focused. They were taken up by a light, and were transported back into their bodies.

Sunset woke up. Her body felt stiff and it was hard for her to breathe. She felt numb and paralyzed. It took a few moments for her to regain her composure. She tried to walk, but her legs still needed to warm up. Being dead for nearly an hour, made them almost lose function and control of their body.

"Twilight..." Sunset said. After she said that, she felt a boost in herself to get up on her feet, and walk. She opened the broken bedroom door, and awakened to being inside Rarity's house. "H-how did I end up here?!" Sunset continued and struggled to walk, but she got better with time.

She heard the front door open, and Applejack came in.

"Applejack?!" Sunset asked.

"Sunset?!" Applejack said, as she came to Sunset for a hug. "We're back!"

"Yes we are!" Sunset said enthusiastically. "Am glad you've made it! Since we both have, am assuming Fluttershy did as well."

"We might want to call her to make sure, but do you mind if ah use your phone? Mine is apparently busted..." Applejack asked.

"Of course!" Sunset smiled.

Her breathing calmed down, her heart started to beat normally, and finally felt her body being lifted up. The blood flowed quickly, and gave her enough energy to sit up.

She sat up on her couch, and accidentally awakened Dash from her sleep. She was laying beside her, her knees on the floor, and laid her head on her stomach. Fluttershy smiled, as she sat up. She looked at the time on her phone, the time had skipped, being a couple of hours since the time Dash came through the door.

"Dashie..." Fluttershy said softly.

"Fluttershy... you're okay?!" Dash asked, feeling worried.

"I think so." Fluttershy replied.

"Great!" Dash was relieved. "I'm happy to hear that!"

"Yeah... I'm sorry I scared you. I had no idea what was going to happen."

"No, no, it's okay. I should have paid attention more." Dash said, as she looked away, feeling regretful. Fluttershy smiled.

"Do you... want to sleep together?" Fluttershy asked, as she felt hesitant to ask on such short notice.

"Really?!" Dash replied, as she gazed into her eyes. "Yeah, I would love to!"

"Okay." Fluttershy said, as she blushed. Unsure of where it was heading.

Dash carried Fluttershy in the room, she enjoyed being held. Fluttershy wasn't as heavy as Dash thought. She felt squishy, soft, and always smelled like peaches.

She placed her down on the bed, and she climbed in with her. The bed was soft, cushioney, unlike Dash's bed which was firm. The large pillows underneath felt too frilly and packed with memory foam beans. A glossy cream sheet, and over it was a darkened red. It was heavy, but stylish. Dash was actually uncomfortable in bed, felt overheated being covered underneath layers of satin fabric.

Fluttershy was snuggled inside, but she faced away from Dash. She was breathing heavily again, and Dash went over to her. It seemed she was worked up being in bed with Dash. She was drenched in sweat, and her heart pounded through her chest.

"Fluttershy?" Dash asked, as she held her close. "Are you okay?"

"Huh?!" Fluttershy hissed. "Oh, yeah... I'm fine..."

"C'mon Shy, what's up?" Dash continued.

"It's uh... I'm not used to this..." Fluttershy said, hesitantly. "Like... at all..."

"It's okay. Just think of it like we are at the movies, sitting together, holding each other's hands, and sharing refreshments!"

"Well... Oh Dash, I want to just be calm, and be okay with all this... but..."

"What's the matter?"

Fluttershy let out a sigh.

"I can't explain it. I still get... really nervous when I'm around you. I have this anxiety and uncontrollable, tense feeling that make me feel so worked up." Fluttershy cried. "I can't control it."

"Fluttershy... maybe we are pushing it a little too much." Dash said, as she scooted away. "I can leave if you really want."

"No... please stay..." Fluttershy begged, turning toward to face her.

"I'm not going to stay if it makes you uncomfortable."

"Please Dash, I'm just not used to this... you understand, right?"

"So you... have anxiety?"

"I'm not sure if it's really severe, but it feels worse than just having butterflies, you know?"

"I see..." Dash said, as she held out her arms. "Come here." Fluttershy scooted a little closer towards her, but Dash dragged her in closer. She embraced her and Fluttershy allowed herself to wrap her arms and legs crossing together with her's. It made their bodies a little heated up, with the fact that Fluttershy's breasts were pressed up against Dash's side under her arms. It threw her off, considering her breasts were bigger than she remembered. Dash shook her head to stay focused.

"D-Dash..." Fluttershy stuttered.

"I don't know a lot about mind stuff or whatever, but I'm here for you, remember?" Dash reminded.

"Yeah." Fluttershy agreed.

"You can talk to me about anything, okay? Even if you don't feel comfortable in this relationship and want to break up, I won't get mad." Dash admitted.

"How can you say that?! I don't want our relationship to end. I just don't know what I need to do..." Fluttershy cried.

"Well, then just talk to me."

"Okay... I do want to share something with you. It's been making me feel terrified."

"What is it? Tell me, please."

"Okay..." Fluttershy exhaled. "When I allowed myself to be taken by Sonata. I wasn't sure where I was. I felt so scared... it was just an emptiness that dragged on for miles! I walked, but nothing changed from where I was standing."

"What happened?"

"Sunset found me, I was sitting there, unsure of what to do next. She talked with me, but her mouth wasn't moving. It was like we had our minds speaking for us, and I let it out. Everything I felt, everything I thought of. I said I loved you. I missed you, but I also got angry. Because it was Twilight's and Sunset's fault. But, I didn't mean to... it just came out... all the things I said..."

"Hey, it's okay. Were you asleep or something?"

"No. I had to tell them about us..."

"You did?"


"What did they say?"

"They were happy for us."

"Okay. Then, why are you upset?"

"Because, it not only stopped there. We fought, we all did..."


"It was me, Sunset, and Applejack."

"That's everyone that was taken by the Dazzlings!"

"I suppose, we somehow met up in this weird place..."

"You guys fought... like fist fights or..."

"We said some things, but... Sunset was what made me feel... ashamed..."

"What did she say? Did she hurt you?!"

"In a way...she said, she had no one. Princess Twilight and our Twilight were absent during our separation. She was left all alone, while we were out together. Almost throughout the summer, no one decided to check in with anyone, until Pinkie Pie brought us together again."

"I see. Pinkie Pie really is something." Dash admitted, as Fluttershy looked at her with discontent in her eyes. "But, I understand, about Sunset."

"She made us see what horrible friends we've been. I felt so terrible."

"Fluttershy... it's okay."

"Am I a horrible friend, Dashie?"

"No, no... we just had a little disagreement, that's all. But we're together now, right?"

"Yeah... that wasn't the worst part!"

"What else happened?"

"As it turns out, Twilight was tortured, and we weren't there for her."

"Yeah, I know... she told us everything..."

"The Dazzlings, day and night. She was... and as it turns out... it wasn't her fault to begin with."

"What?! After all that?!"

"Yes. The one behind it was Midnight!"

"Seriously?! Again?!"

"Yes. She was there, after finding out Spike was there to witness everything to confirm our suspicion about her."

"I can't believe it, and they knew?"

"Yes, Sunset and Applejack were there to see it."

"I don't think Twilight knows about her being the one to do all of that again, she told us it was all her fault."

"It wasn't. What scared me, was the fact that she took our souls!"

"I guess that explains why you felt... lifeless... after Sonata... I had no idea."

"She did. I felt even worse... not being able to come back, not being able to share our moments together! The regrets I have..."


"I'm so sorry, Dashie. I never wanted to leave you. I just didn't know what would have happened..."

"Fluttershy, it's okay, really... you don't have to go through this alone, okay?"

"Oh Dash, I'm sorry..."

"Hey, I would have jumped in for you any day, but the fact that you did it... maybe it was for a reason..."

"What do you mean?"

"Well, I love you. I would have never forgiven myself if I'd known that you weren't ever coming back. But, maybe things can change, now that you are alive and able to do what you need to do, and work out anything you need to. But, maybe we all went our different ways for a reason."

"Thank you Dashie. I wouldn't know what to do without you... I love you too..."

"Yeah..." Dash replied, as she brought Fluttershy in for a kiss on the forehead. "I love you too!"

"But, that also means. I want to try to move our relationship forward. I know, I can get a little too shy and unsure. But I want to... truly." Fluttershy requested.

"I won't want to force you, Shy." Dash responded.

"But you should... just a little. I need it." Fluttershy begged.

"I don't know, we can try I guess." Dash agreed.

"Okay, thank you..." Fluttershy said, as she got up to give Dash a small peck of her lips, and laid back down to cuddle with her.

"Let's just relax for the rest of the night, okay? We'll worry about all that heavy stuff later." Dash requested.

"Alright, thank you Dash." Fluttershy agreed.

"You're welcome!" Dash responded.

For the night, Fluttershy stayed snuggled under Rainbow Dash's arms and legs. She felt safe, being next to her. Dash was slightly overheated, but she wanted to be there with her.

Although, the stuff Fluttershy explained to her was haunting her mind. The fact that their souls were taken, and the things they all fought over. What regrets does Fluttershy have? Dash thought. What was going on inside of her mind?

Dash had one final thought about Twilight. Midnight might still be at large, not only that, but whatever happened might change everything they think they know about everyone. Twilight doesn't even know what happened. Fluttershy, she's fragile, sensitive, and soft. Dash thought. Maybe doing anything with her might be a little too much.

It was a short night, as Dash saw the sky lighting up. She glanced at Fluttershy, she was so cute laying next to her. Dash closed her eyes, and fell asleep shortly after.

"Oh Applejack, what happened?" Rarity asked, feeling worried.

Applejack tried to turn herself over to lay on her stomach. Her back felt a sharp pain. Rarity moved her around to make her comfortable. Applejack kept wanting to adjust herself.

"Please stop moving!" Rarity said.

"Ah don't feel comfortable..." Applejack said, as she pushed herself, and fell to lay down. "There we go..." Rarity smiled.

"Okay... just lay still from now on!" Rarity suggested.

"Yeah, no kiddin." Applejack said. Rarity sat beside her. It was Applejack's usual spot to lay in, but she will always be willing to change up things in the bedroom. She placed her hand on her back. She felt Applejack twitch from the feeling of her soft warm hands touch her sensitive back. "What are ya up to Rarity?"

"I want to take care of you too!" Rarity requested. "You cared for me when I was in bed, wallowing in sorrow the time my parents came around. So, I want to give you a back rub."

"Ya sure? Ya could just lie down and sleep..." Applejack suggested.

"Nonsense darling!" Rarity said. "I'd be delighted to help you feel better!" She placed both her hands down on her, she would work her way downward then upwards.

"Mmmm... thank you Rarity..." Applejack said, as she felt the soothing sensation her hands running down her back.

"It's my pleasure." Rarity said. "So, tell me what happened after I called you."

"From the time when you ask if I was coming over?" Applejack asked, Rarity nodded. "After you called, I was hit by a shovel in the head... I guess I blacked out after that."

"Oh my goodness!" Rarity yelled. "Do you need anything for that?"

"No actually, my back is the only thing that feels off at the moment." Applejack assured. "Anyways, ah woke up, but ah felt like ah was floatin in space, everything was blank white, and ah couldn't talk..."

"Were you abducted by aliens or something?!" Rarity interrupted.

"Nah, it couldn't have been." Applejack replied. "Anyways, please let me finish..."

"Alright alright, continue..." Rarity said.

"Okay, then ah found Sunset and Fluttershy there, they were talkin, well arguin from the sound of it. They were speakin, but their mouths weren't movin. Ah went in, after ah heard Fluttershy mention why we're in this mess in the first place. It was because of both Twilight and Sunset. So ah got after her, couldn't control myself since ah was in deep thought about her and Twilight. Trust me, it felt like ah wasn't actin like myself, speakin my mind without any filter, whatsoever! Sunset yelled at us, and explained how the Dazzlings tortured Twilight into making those lockets like the one's from before."

"Yes, I'm afraid that was true!" Rarity interrupted.

"Really?! It was?!" Applejack yelled.

"Yes, and I felt bad afterwards, even though it was her experiments, it wasn't her fault in the end..." Rarity continued.

"Yeah, ah felt the same way too. Sunset began to confess about her feelings as well. It seems everythin started to happen when we all separated..."

"What do you mean?"

"Well, she explained that, during the time last summer, Princess Twilight stopped talking to her. We all were facing our own stuff during that time, but it seems Fluttershy and Rainbow Dash were together, you and ah were seeing each other. Sunset had no one, because she theorized that Twilight started her experiments during that time so she pretty much left Sunset in the dark the entire summer. She was left alone with no one to talk to."

"That's awful, I can't believe we had done that... after everything we've been through... makes me upset that we didn't return any of Sunset's calls..."

"Ah know... after that... we tried reasoning, but she continued... we deserved it honestly..."

"Yeah, that's okay..."

"She accepts us though..."

"Of course she would."

"But, it seems that Sunset isn't sure about which Twilight she loves..."

"Really?! Poor Twilight... after the mess she's been through..."

"Yeah... ah think that's why she ended up doing that stuff... she probably knew..."

"Do you think Sunset's confused?"

"Ah think so, she is stuck between two worlds... she probably doesn't have any plans after senior year..."

"Maybe, but... we'll be there to help, right?"

"Of course, ah wouldn't want to do that again, separate like we did... ah couldn't do that to them..."

"What happened next?"

"Well, as it turns out, the one behind everythin was Midnight. She told us we were dead..."


"Yeah, she told us the lockets didn't necessarily absorb our power, but our souls."

"Oh my..."

"Ah couldn't take it... the hurt that ah felt, never being able to say goodbye, not being able to feel your presence again, not being able to hear you speak, everythin ah loved about you was just gone..." Applejack began to tear up.

"...Applejack..." Rarity said softly.

"Ah was so scared... it felt like everythin was goin to end right there... ah didn't want to believe it, so ah tried to fight with her. Ah couldn't land a single one, until she told me about my insecurities... my fears..."

"Insecurities?" Rarity asked. "What do you mean?"

"She called me a man... nothin made me feel more insecure about myself was being called a man... because of my strength, because am not into girly things, or about you..."

"Applejack... you never told me about this..."

"Ah don't have anything against men, but... ah was teased about it... thinkin ah was just one of the guys... especially when ah thought about your parents... if ah was a man... would they treat me any different...? Ah stopped fightin, almost let it all consume me in my weakest moment... but they came to me, they stood by me, and ah was able to feel better. Sunset ended up helpin us escape the lockets by destroying Midnight. Midnight mentioned even if we'd escape we wouldn't been able to return to the livin."

"That's what Twilight meant then... she told us she loved us for being there for her, but she cried when she told us that the ones that were taken may not come back... ah thought she meant the Dazzlings, or even our powers... but she meant you..."

"We were out of the lockets, and ah saw you standing there beside everyone... ah took one last look before ah had to leave with the others. Spike was there with us, and he told us that Midnight lied to us about not being able to return to our bodies. We watched him, and he awakened. I thought about our connection, maybe our elements will help us in finding our bodies... we were taken up by a light again, and ah felt like ah was falling back into my body... ah woke up, on the ground, in the rain, and my headache."

"You probably damaged yourself while you were trying to regain function in your body."

"You sound almost like Twilight."

"I assume after being supposively dead for a long period of time?!"

"It was a struggle, being dead made everythin inside feel weak and painful, but ah wanted to see you again so badly, after having another chance to live again."

"Oh Applejack..." Rarity said, as she laid her head on her back. She wrapped her arms around her. "Ah the worst would have happened to you... but hearing that makes me saddened, yet so happy..."

"Ah think so too..."

"I love you so much!"

"Ah love ya too! There is somethin else ah have to confess..."

"What is it?"

"Well, ah struggled gettin here, and ah was about to fall asleep again until ah asked for help..."

"Someone helped you?"

"I thought it was something... spiritual."


"Yeah, ah thought ah felt a presence like no other, not like Midnight where everythin felt cold and distorted, but harmonious and welcomin'..."

"I'm afraid I don't follow..."

"It sort of synchronized with the lighting in the sky, like it was commanded to."

"Well, what is it?"

"Ah think, after ah spent time away from my body, being engulfed in a light, and felt my body coming back to life..."


"Yeah. Ah wish ah can explain it to you, but every feeling ah felt when ah was with you, ah felt the same... if ah did ended up dying right then and there, ah would have probably accepted death then, but ah was determined to find you again!"

"I was the reason? You came back?"

"The reason ah was able to stand and get here."



"Applejack, I never thought we'd cherish this moment once more, I'm just so happy you're here again!"

"Me too!"

Applejack felt better, after having to speak to Rarity. It seems as if they could share anything together. Applejack sat up.

"Applejack?! I told you to stop moving!" Rarity said.

"Well, am feeling much better, now it's your turn!" Applejack assured.

"What?! You want to do me now?!"


"I-I don't know... Oh!"

Applejack pulled her in and laid her down.

"I guess we are doing this!" Rarity suggested.

Applejack placed her arms on her, lightly letting her fingers soothe slowly down her spine. She felt the goosebumps rise.

"That does feel amazing!" Rarity said.

"See. Just relax now." Applejack said. "Okay?"

"Okay." Rarity said.

"So, ah been meaning to ask ya."


"Well since ah shared something personal... is there any you have?"

"I did confess something to Rainbow Dash, but I feel guilty because I should have shared them with you first..."

"What was it?"

"I still love my parents, even if they hate me... and I did say I still love our friends, even if they sometimes annoy me..."

"Ah see."

"But, do you feel the same with anyone else?"

"Of course ah care and love them too!"

"See... that's why I feel guilty... after sharing that moment... I feel... softer..."

"Hmm... ah suppose ah can relate. But, are you feeling sad because ya didn't that way with me?"

"In all honesty... I did... until you told me everything that happened to you... you shared something... real and it really showed me your love for me is strong. I never felt so attached to you like never before..."

"Maybe, instead of just fantasies, why don't we share more real things... we both already faced so much tragedies and hardships from your parents, ah don't see why we can't connect more emotionally."

"You're right, I do feel different now, especially since you are planning on staying with me, right?"

"Yep, ah won't ever have to leave you, and we could share anything with each other."

"I'd like that very much! So, so much!"

Applejack went down to kiss the back of Rarity's neck. She cuddled her, as she laid still.

"You don't mind if we switched spots?" Rarity asked.

"Not at all!" Applejack said, she got up and laid at her usual side of the bed. Snuggling closely, with Applejack being the smaller spoon. Rarity's fingers course through her hair, Applejack felt comforted and relaxed. Applejack remembered to ask Rarity something.

"Rarity?" Applejack asked.

"What is it baby?" Rarity said.

"Whatever happened to my truck?" Applejack asked. Rarity immediately perked up, and remembered what happened. She completely forgot about that chunk of metal. Rarity sat up. "Rarity, what is it?" Applejack sat up with her. Rarity turned away to hide her face.

"I'm so sorry Applejack..." Rarity said calmly. "It all happened so fast..."

"What's wrong?" Applejack said.

"It was blown away by Adagio's power, because Pinkie Pie accidentally ran her over..." Rarity said, hesitantly.

"Pinkie Pie? Rarity, what happened?" Applejack continued.

"Since Aria came over to my place, with your truck, I thought the worst has happened when you cut me off... she arrived with it, and after I tried to fight her, we all took your truck to get to Twilight's house. Pinkie drove, it was raining hard, so we barely could see. Pinkie ran Adagio over, it freaked us out. She just told us to get out of the truck, and Adagio blew it away from the street..." Rarity admitted.

"My Rarity, I'm sorry that happened..."

"I'm the one who should be apologizing! I just lost your truck!"

"Stop it... am just glad you're okay now..."

"Please Applejack... be honest... I know you loved that truck..."

"But... ah love ya more..."


"Am serious darling. Ah love ya more."

"Oh Applejack..." Rarity held onto her tightly. "Listen, I will get you a truck, a better one! You have my word!"

"That's awfully kind, but ah think it'll be okay..."

"What?! You don't want another one?"

"Well, ah suppose we could go look, but ah don't think it's necessary..."

"Hmmm..." Rarity pouted.

They heard something pull up in the driveway.

"Rarity, ya hear that?" Applejack asked. Applejack got up, she dressed herself, and headed to the front door. Her eyes were shocked. "Rarity?!"

"What is it?!" Rarity asked, from the bedroom.

"My truck... it's here..." Applejack said hesitantly.

"What?!" Rarity choked.

Applejack went to the truck and she saw it all in place, the keys left in the ignition, and was still running. She turned back the key, and allowed it to power down. Next she heard the van that was parked away from the house, take off in an instant.

"What the...?" Applejack stuttered.

"Applejack!? What's going on?!" Rarity yelled.

"Nothin' my truck is somehow back!" Applejack replied. She tried to look out for the van that took off, but it was gone and out of sight. "Weird..."

Applejack went back inside. Rarity came out of the bedroom, using a sheet to cover up in.

"Applejack? You said... your truck is back?!" Rarity asked.

"Yeah, it's weird. Also that van that was parked, disappeared." Applejack responded.

"Really?! That is odd... because Adagio and the other two were transferred to a hospital after everything!" Rarity said.

"They were?" Applejack asked. "Then... who could it be?!" Applejack said, she contemplated.

"Let's go to bed, no use thinking about it now, your truck is back. Hopefully not too damaged?" Rarity said.

"No, obviously, it was able to be driven back here..." Applejack commented.

"Well then...?" Rarity huffed. "Bed?"

"Might as well!" Applejack said, with a sigh of relief.

"Thanks for reminding me Pinkie!" Twilight said.

"You're welcome!" Pinkie enlightened. "So, where are we going with the van?"

"Actually, let's leave it as a surprise for someone at the hospital!" Twilight said.

"Gotcha! Gotcha!" Pinkie replied.

"Pinkie, what's going on?" Maud asked.

"Please sis, can you watch over Sweetie Belle for me?! I have to get to my friends before it's too late!" Pinkie said, while giving her a look of desperation and puppy dog eyes.

"Fine, but text me, when it's over, please." Maud said, mildly.

"Thank you, I love you so so so much!" Pinkie said, while she gave Maud a warm hug and a kiss. Pinkie left Sweetie Belle with Maud.

Sweetie Belle was a little curious to see Pinkie's sister because she looked gloomy and emotionless unlike how Pinkie is.

"So, what's up?" Sweetie Belle asked.

"The ceiling." Maud said.

"Haha, that's a good one!" Sweetie Belle laugh cautiously.

"I wasn't joking." Maud said. "The ceiling is above us."

"Oh boy..." Sweetie Belle thought, smiling awkwardly.

Maud took her to Pinkie's room to rest. With everything that was going on, Sweetie Belle was still exhausted and worried of her sister.

"Goodnight." Maud said.

"Hey, Pinkie's sister?" Sweetie Belle asked.

"My name is Maud." Maud said.

"Oh, Maud... I'm worried about my sister... do you think they will be okay?" Sweetie Belle said.

"Without a doubt." Maud said, mildly.

"Okay...?" Sweetie Belle said, as Maid closed the door.

Sweetie Belle lied in bed, and was tossing and turning. She was afraid, the lighting was also starting to erupt in the skies. Sweetie Belle shook, and was wide awake with fear.

Sweetie Belle opened the bedroom door. She walked down the hallway.

"What are you doing?" Maud said, coming from behind Sweetie Belle. Sweetie Belle screamed.

"You scared me!" Sweetie Belle yelled.

"You're supposed to be sleeping. It's a school night." Maud said.

"Oh yeah, who made you mom?!" Sweetie Bell responded. She looked into Maud's eyes. Maud leaned over to her, and made her look deeper. Sweetie Belle was frightened. "No, no please! Don't look at me like that!" Maud looked away.

"Are you not tired?" Maud asked.

"No..." Sweetie Belle said.

"Okay." Maud said blatantly. "Let's go watch something on the television screen."

"Okay?" Sweetie Belle replied.

They sat together and watched the newest series Mr. Stone. Sweetie Belle was mildly into the show, but was not getting sleepy. Maud watched quietly.

"This show is crazy!" Sweetie Belle said.

"It does depict accurate scientific understanding of biology, geology, and physics." Maud said. "I find that interesting."

"You seem to enjoy it!" Sweetie Belle said.

"Of course, I just told you." Maud said.

"Oh..." Sweetie Belle was silenced.

About an hour later, Sweetie Belle yawned.

"You're tired. You should sleep now." Maud suggested.

"No, no, I'm okay!" Sweetie Belle stuttered.

"It's a school night, you need sleep." Maud said.

"Listen, I can't..." Sweetie Belle said.

"Why not?" Maud continued.

"I-Uh... I-I..." Sweetie Belle hesitated. "You know what?! I've been meaning to ask about your eyes! That eyeliner and eye shadow you use is killer!" Sweetie Belle awkwardly smiled. Maud continued to stare directly at her. Sweetie Belle held the smile, until she started to break a sweat, streaming down her head.

Maud took Sweetie Belle to the restroom, she had shown her the secrets of using make-up, in which she never showed to anyone, not even Pinkie knows about it. Sweetie Bell was fixed up, and she was astonished by how amazing she looked. She may even adopt this new look she has for herself. Maud said it was a one time thing, and she should not try to steal her way of using make-up.

Maud received a message from Pinkie Pie, saying Sweetie Belle was staying for the night, and Pinkie was going spend the night at Twilight's. Maud was not too pleased with Pinkie's decision, but she was relieved that everything turned out okay as she thought.

"Pinkie and the others are okay." Maud said.

"Really? That's great!" Sweetie Belle said. "So, when do I go home?"

"You're staying here for the night." Maud said mildly.

"What? Why?!" Sweetie Belle said. "N-not that this night was not enjoyable or anything, but..."

"I believe it has to do with your sister, and Applejack." Maud said.

"Seriously? Again?!" Sweetie Belle was disgusted.

"It's okay." Maud said.

"Okay?! This is just an excuse for them to do naughty things!" Sweetie yelled.

"Understandable." Maud said. "But, you're good to sleep, right?"

"How can I sleep, when I know exactly what my sister is up to?!" Sweetie Belle continued.

"Good point. But, you seriously need sleep." Maud suggested.

"I can't!" Sweetie Belle yelled.

"You know, I know a neat trick." Maud said.

"What is it?" Sweetie Belle asked. Maud swung her hand, and bumped Sweetie Belle's side of her neck. She fell, Maud caught her and laid her to sleep in Pinkie's bed.

"Goodnight, small human." Maud said, as she slowly shut the door.

Book 2: Animus | Chapter 10: Sunset And Twilight

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Chapter 10: Sunset and Twilight

Twilight met with Sunset at Sweet Snacks Café. Pinkie Pie was there to take their orders. They sat at a small booth at the end of the store, near the doors so they could touch the beautiful spring breeze coming in. After weeks of endless rainfall, the darkness had suddenly passed on.

Pinkie returned to give them a fruit smoothie to drink. It was bright pink, with a couple of cherries and whipped cream on top. It looked delicious, and wasted no time to take their first sip through a stripped straw. They both smiled, and simply enjoyed the silence between them. Both were feeling unsure of how to start the conversation. It felt different between them, since the time spent through tragedies, adapting to a normal life seemed odd.

"So, Twilight?" Sunset asked softly. She took one last sip, and wanted to start somewhere.

"Yeah?" Twilight asked, as she swallowed an opened cherry. Pinkie was sure to never leave any pits inside.

"How are you feeling?" Sunset continued.

"Oh, I guess it's been okay... I'm not sure what to do... I still feel terrible..." Twilight said, hesitantly.

"I understand. We all needed to get rid of all the skeletons in the closet, right?" Sunset requested.

"I think you're right. I don't want to hurt you or anybody, ever again! I never intended for anything like that to happen... I'm so sorry Sunset." Twilight apologized.

"It's alright. I think everyone, in time, will adjust to our normal life again." Sunset said.

"You really think so?" Twilight asked.

"We all took measures into our own hands and never considered turning to each other for help." Sunset said. "I don't want us to make that same mistake again."

"Yeah, I guess that's true..." Twilight agreed.

"I don't think we'll split up like we did before, but instead come together!" Sunset enlightened. "We're all here for each other, right?!"

"Yes, of course." Twilight said softly.

"You okay?" Sunset asked.

"Yeah..." Twilight whispered.

"What is it?" Sunset asked.

"Well... since we've come across these events, do you think the rifts in the world will be troublesome?" Twilight added.

"I can't say. I guess I should ask Princess Twilight about them." Sunset continued. Twilight looked at Sunset.

"How are things in Equestria?" Twilight shifted focus.

"It's actually pretty tame last I heard." Sunset smiled. "Everyone is doing fine!"

"That's good to hear!" Twilight asked. "I'm glad sis is alright."

"Yeah, I think this summer I might want to try and go back for a little bit." Sunset mentioned.

"What for?" Twilight asked.

"Just to visit, and maybe just to catch up with others I don't really get to talk to." Sunset admitted. "I don't think we've met Starlight last time."

"Yeah?" Twilight agreed. "Cool..." Twilight smiled, but it went away. Sunset saw her smile went away, as she went in for another drink.

"Maybe you should come with me this time?" Sunset requested. "Make it official this time."

"Really?" Twilight perked up. "You really think that will be okay?"

"Of course... why wouldn't it be?" Sunset questioned.

"I... I don't know..." Twilight replied. Twilight looked away, and tried to drink and remain silent toward the change in tone.

"It will be okay Twilight, I promise!" Sunset enlightened. "Besides, you said when we are together, we'll be fine."

Twilight looked into Sunset's eyes, and saw that she was sincere. She believed in what she said before. She blushed, and sat up in her seat.

"Thank you, Sunset." Twilight said. "I do have to ask you something, though..."

"What is it?" Sunset responded.

"Well, what do you have planned after high school?" Twilight asked softly.

Sunset sat silently, her pupils grew thin, as if she was stunned to hear what Twilight said.

"Uhh..." Sunset stuttered.

"I know it's an awkward question, but I did ask everyone else too. They all seemed to know what they would like to do after school. They're not really thinking about college..." Twilight added.

"What do you have planned?" Sunset asked.

"Well, Principal Celestia has already recommended and suggested colleges for me, considering I'm the top student... also getting nearly a full ride scholarship if I ace this year's exam..." Twilight continued.

"I see." Sunset said, as she looked away.

"Yeah..." Twilight said softly.

"I'm unsure... I suppose... I... I don't know..." Sunset stuttered, as she looked around the place.

"Sorry I asked." Twilight admitted.

"No, I think it's okay. I probably should think about it. What did the other girls say?" Sunset replied.

"Applejack's got a farm, Rarity has a fashion career, Fluttershy has vet certification, Pinkie..." Twilight responded.

"Okay, okay. You made your point." Sunset said.

"But, I think Rainbow Dash is also thinking about college." Twilight said.

"Really, how?" Sunset asked.

"Athletics!" Twilight assured.

"Right!" Sunset said.

"Yeah... in all honesty, I've been wanting everyone to do better in school so maybe we could all go, but everyone already has plans..." Twilight admitted. "I would hate to leave everyone if I do go. After getting back together again."

"No Twilight, you should. I'm sure everyone would want you to go out there, and become something." Sunset suggested. "We all don't want to hold you back, go for it."

"I suppose so..." Twilight whispered. "I would have liked everyone to try too."

"Yeah... still unsure what I will do." Sunset admitted.

"Okay. Well, I guess we'll see about it later. The future is unexpected!" Twilight enlightened.

"Yeah, definitely!" Sunset said, with a smile. They both continued to talk about what they might want to do during the summer before school starts again.

Moments later, Rainbow Dash, Rarity, Applejack, and Fluttershy came through the doors. Sunset's face lit up, and Twilight turned around and smiled.

"Hi everyone!" Sunset said.

"Hey Sunset!" Rainbow Dash said. "Hey Twilight!"

"What are you girls up to?" Twilight asked.

"Oh, Pinkie called us over to treat us to a surprise!" Applejack said.

"A sundae surprise!" Pinkie yelled. Everyone cheered Pinkie and thanked her. They all sat together as they ate their sundaes. They all huddled up in the small booth, but all managed to fit together.

"Oh by the way Twilight." Rainbow Dash said.

"What is it?" Twilight said.

"I think you owe us dinner, tonight!" Rainbow Dash said.

"Really, Rainbow?" Rarity said.

"No, no... she's right! I do owe you guys a lot, all things considered at that lunch incident. I will treat us all dinner tonight!" Twilight enlightened.

Everyone cheered, they all gathered together, they enjoyed the day, like the old times.

The girls gathered around a table, they all took pictures, updating their statuses saying "hanging with the BFF's!"

Each of them took the time to explain the kind of things they went through during the time they separated. Clearing up a few loose ends, and promised they won't do that again. They also understood the relationships they've made during that time, finally officially announcing their partnerships. Rarity and Applejack, Rainbow Dash and Fluttershy.

They also discussed their plans after high school, since Twilight mentioned it. They all still weren't exactly set on their decisions considering they didn't want to leave each other again. So, they all were thinking about what could be plausible options. But, neither of them were settled just yet.

After dinner, Sunset went home, she enjoyed her time with them all. The thought of all them becoming separated again made her feel scared. After they all just got back together. It seems almost bittersweet toward the idea of leaving at all to Equestria after high school. There was also the chance of her just staying, maybe work on her own career.

Sunset sat down on the couch and contemplated. Almost as if she started this way, before everything happened.

A couple of week's later... Sunset's book glowed in the middle of the night. She received a message from Princess Twilight Sparkle.

"Alright!" Sunset said. "Let's do this!"

Roll Credits

Ending song of Animus.

Performed by: The Rainbooms

[Verse 1]:

Take a breath, just relax. As it all starts to come back.
Take the steps, to a pace. No matter how long it'll take.


Memories are all I have in mind.
(Fluttershy and Rainbow Dash):
I wonder, what did I have to find?


Remember, all the laughs, all the pain. All the things that you intake.
(Rainbow Dash):
Not afraid of what is real, and what is fake. To discern, all the facts, all the claims.
Everything in your sakes.
(Pinkie and Rainbow Dash):
Not astray, of anything you had to face. To return, all the paths, of every place.
Your track, to retrace.
What could you do to find your way?

[Verse 2]:

Take a break, set it straight. As they will always remain.
Take a chance, to move along. And recollect all that is lost.


Memories, like a movie in rewind.
(Rarity and Applejack):
I wonder, what have I left behind?



(Fluttershy and Rainbow Dash):
Memories of all I hidden inside,
(Rarity and Applejack):
I wonder, what have I lost outside?

The end...

Book 2: Animus | Extra: Adagio's Bizzare Adventure 1

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Mystic Blood

Adagio awakened to the strikes of the lightning that night. The clouds of darkness circulated, and it began to rain. She remembered nothing, of how she got there or where she was? She saw lights in the distance, and headed toward their direction. She was limping, and having difficulty walking on two limbs.

She entered into a diner full of people, she took a seat at the counter, still drenched and dragged mud all over the floors. The waitress walked over to her.

"Anything I can get you?" The waitress asked. Adagio looked at her, confused.

"I-I'm not sure..." Adagio said.

"You lost?" The waitress asked.

"I don't really know." Adagio said.

"I lost something once!" A person from the diner said. "I lost something I couldn't live without... my identity!" Adagio and the waitress looked to the far edge of the diner, near the door. It was a young girl, with purple hair, tanish skin, with an orange jacket. She sat up proudly in her booth. Adagio walked over to her.

"Identity?" Adagio asked. Scootaloo had a mug up to her lips, and drank the rest of what was left. She gasped as she placed down the mug.

"Yep! A complete change in myself, who I want to be. But, I was lost. Seeking validation and praise such as my idol!" Scootaloo said.

"Odd." Adagio said. "I thought you literally lost your identity."

"Who's to say I didn't?! Thinking my life revolved around everyone else but myself!" Scootaloo added.

"I see." Adagio replied.

"The name's Scootaloo!" Scootaloo said, as she held out her hand to Adagio.

"A-Adagio." Adagio said, as she shook Scootaloo's hand.

"Adagio huh? Sounds different! Where are you from?" Scootaloo asked.

"I don't remember..." Adagio said.

"Really? Sounds like amnesia to me!" Scootaloo enlightened.


"Yeah, lost your memory, or just became stupid!"

"Yeah? Thanks..."

"Don't worry I'll help ya find your memory!"

"You will? Aren't you just a kid?"

"Hey, you want my help or not?"

"Okay okay, don't get all defensive..."

"Good! So since you lost your memory, I bet you have nowhere to sleep?"

"Guess you're right..."

"Don't you worry! I gotcha!"

"Thank you... Scootaloo."


They arrived at an odd place, nearby Canterlot High school. Scootaloo opened the door. It was a small house, modern layout, and simply plain.

"Is your mom going to freak out about this?" Adagio asked.

"Mom is not here. I live with a relative." Scootaloo said.

"Who?" Adagio continued.

"Not important, but there you go!" Scootaloo said, as she pointed to a room that had a bunk bed, a large dresser, and a window that had a curtain draped over it.

"Thank you." Adagio said.

"No probs!" Scootaloo enlightened. "I got top bunk!" As Scootaloo climbed up and slammed her body to the bed.

"Yeah, sure." Adagio agreed, as she laid down, facing up to stare at the metal bars above her.

"This is cool! I don't get much company!" Scootaloo said.

"Really?" Adagio asked.

"Well, that's not true, the friends I have don't know where I live. I just show up whenever!" Scootaloo added.

"I see." Adagio said.

"You know something? I think I don't feel tired..." Scootaloo said, as she peered over the bed and railing.

"You know, me either?" Adagio commented.

"Want to do something?" Scootaloo asked.

"Sure." Adagio said.

"Awesome!" Scootaloo continued. Scootaloo jumped down, and took hold of Adagio's hand. They both ran into the living room.


Scootaloo and Adagio were in the living room and were watching TV. Scootaloo was feeling a little munchy, so she went into the kitchen to fix up something for her to eat. Adagio realized that Scootaloo was gone for a little while, so she went after her.

Adagio found her trying to cut up some meat, but she was having trouble cutting it. Adagio went up to help her.

"I don't need help! I'm fine!" Scootaloo insisted.

"That knife is dull. You're not going to dig into the meat like that you know?" Adagio said.

"Fine. You're the expert!" Scootaloo said as she handed over the knife in Adagio's hand. Adagio looked into a few of the drawers to find something like a sharpening tool. It took a minute digging through various objects, but she found one. "That's what that thing is used for?!"

"Duh? What did you think this was?" Adagio said. Scootaloo was embarrassed with her cheeks bright red, she looked away and crossed her arms. Adagio braised the knife a few times with the object to sharpen it. She brought it over to the meat and chopped it. Scootaloo was impressed that it was a clean cut through it. Adagio continued until it was reduced to half its original size. "That's good enough, right?" Adagio asked. Scootaloo nodded.

Adagio had Scootaloo put the meat away, while she cleaned the knife. As she was drying the knife, she accidently sliced her finger open. It was almost too quick to feel the pain, and didn't notice until she saw the blood running down her hand.

"OH MY GOSH!!!" Scootaloo screamed.

"Relax, relax!" Adagio assured. "It's just a flesh wound!"

Scootaloo panicked, but she was stunned that her hand was discolored. It was dark, and not the usual deep red.

"Wh-what are you?!" Scootaloo asked, with her eyes locked onto the blood.

"What do you mean?" Adagio said. Scootaloo took the knife, and quickly sliced her finger open. "Scootaloo?!!" Adagio yelled. "What the he..." Adagio was stunned, her finger was glowing red. Adagio looked at her hand, her blood was different. "I see..."


Scootaloo and Adagio sat back down. Their wounds were treated. Scootaloo was still stunned to see what she saw in the kitchen. Adagio knew Scootaloo was a little afraid of that, even she was surprised she was different. Scootaloo sat and ate the snack she made, while sharing some with Adagio.

"You okay?" Adagio asked.

"What are you Adagio?" Scootaloo asked.

"I'm not sure myself, I was hoping you might know."

"I don't, but that just makes things interesting! I suppose... you're some sort of mystical being!"

"Mystical being?"

"Yeah, from the role-playing game Gryphons and Gargoyles!" Scootaloo said, as she held up the scriptures to Adagio. "They have a lot of creatures with all different types of colors of blood! However, the only type I've seen that has dark blood are syrens!"

"Interesting..." Adagio said, as she looked into the descriptions of syrens. Scootaloo came up to her. Adagio looked back and was looking at her with intensity. "Yes?"

"You don't have any gills or fish-like characteristics?!"

"Uhh... thanks...?"

"You also don't have any wings." Scootaloo went and took off Adagio's shoes. "Or talons!"

"I think you're explaining two different species, kid." Adagio said.

"No, in Greek mythology, they are a form of Harpy, descendants even! One type is a bird with a female head, the other is part woman and part sea creature, like a mermaid!"

"Okay, well based on the description. Do I look anything like that?"

"No, but maybe there's a transformation!" Scootaloo said, as she came close to Adagio's face.

"Whatever, can we move on from this?" Adagio asked.

"It's fascinating! You're not human! That is so cool!" Scootaloo said.

"Sure. Whatever." Adagio said.

"Why are you upset?"

"I don't know. It's just... if I am not human, then what am I?"

"Oh right! Since you lost your identity, I wanted to let in on something!"

"What's that?"

"My key to being who I want to be. People always say 'be yourself' 'be your best self' or even 'be yourself but better!' But who am I if I'm not me? Who else would I be?"

"Yeah, yeah. What's your point?!"

"Well, my point being, even if you're not human, own it! Maybe there is something special about yourself that has yet to be discovered! That's why my group the Crusaders strive to know!"


"Yeah, we launch our greatest mission. To discover our true purposes in life! No matter how small, we make significant contributions to everyone's life! No matter how big we become, we will not abandon our roots such as friends, family, and home!"

"I see. So, what about me?"

"You know, most people would care less, but not me! I knew there would be greatness in you! Everyone will eventually find others to help them out in life. But I chose you!"

"Choose me?"

"Yep, you seemed to stand out, and that is exactly what I'm set out to do, to find your memories!"

"Thanks kid. But, I don't think..."

"No buts! I already made my decision! Because that's just who I am!" Scootaloo said proudly, as Adagio smiled.

"Very well, then. How do we proceed for tomorrow then?" Adagio asked.

"Tomorrow, we shall look around for clues! Any familiarity with even the smallest things can trigger bits of memory!"

"I guess that's true."

"So, our goal for tomorrow, we set out to find that thing that stands out to you! Hopefully this will help us in finding some traces of your memory!"

"Alright, I'll be onboard with this!"


"Ready to head to bed?"

"Yeah, we probably should!"


Detective Scoots was on the case, scouring the town for any clues. They awoke early that next morning, on the hunt for anything that stuck out to Adagio.

Scootaloo went through alleyways in town, she looked between a few neighborhoods around the area, and even went through a few shops. Adagio got tired.

"Scootaloo, I don't think there's anything." Adagio said, as she sat down by the counter of an antique shop.

"Giving up already?!" Scootaloo questioned, as she looked at a couple of trinkets on the shelf. "C'mon, I'm no quitter! Besides, this is fun!"

"What if we don't find anything?" Adagio asked.

"Don't give up now!" Scootaloo said. "We've only just begun! Have a little faith!"

They arrived at the park, there was no one that looked familiar to Adagio, and no items or interesting-looking objects lying around. It took an hour and a half to completely comb the place, until they felt their stomach's growl.

"You feel hungry too?" Scootaloo asked.

"Yeah, I think I do." Adagio said.

Scootaloo caught a glimpse of a small hotdog stand, just outside the premises.

"Just our luck!" Scootaloo pointed out to the stand. "Here. I got a couple of dollars. You can get us a couple of 99 cent hotdogs!"

"Alright. Anything on yours?" Adagio asked.

"Mustard!" Scootaloo said.

"Got it!" Adagio said, as she walked over to the stand.

Scootaloo sat down at a stone picnic near the entrance, and waited for Adagio. A few moments later, a couple girls snuck up on Scootaloo as she sat down.

"Hey there, tomboy!" A girl said. Scootaloo's eyes shot up, when she heard the boy. She knew who it was.

"Diamond Tiara..." Scootaloo said, under her breath. "Silver Spoon..."

Adagio came walking through the entrance with a couple of hotdogs in hand, but as she walked in, she saw two classy-looking girls picking on Scootaloo. She stopped for a moment to see what was happening. They were pushing her and messing up her hair, as Scootaloo gently pushed them away.

"C'mon tomboy, I thought you would be stronger than that!" Diamond Tiara said.

"Shut up!" Scootaloo cried, with her throat becoming dry. "I'm not a boy!"

"Whatever. See you 'round, tommy!" Silver Spoon said, as she shoved Scootaloo to the metal fence behind her. They both left Scootaloo standing there, feeling hopeless and hurt.

Adagio slowly walked up to her, gently handed over her hotdog with mustard, like she wanted. Scootaloo sat back down at the table.

"Scootaloo?" Adagio asked. "Who were they?"

"No one, just a couple of spoiled, privileged asshats!" Scootaloo angrily said.

"Seemed like it, you okay?" Adagio asked. Scootaloo didn't answer. Adagio sat down with Scootaloo, as she bit into the hotdog. She handed Scootaloo her's by sliding it across to her.

Scootaloo just looked at it.

"They make me so mad!" Scootaloo said, as she flicked the hotdog off the table to the ground. Adagio just watched the hotdog hit the ground, and immediately was taken by a passing squirrel.

"What's tomboy mean?" Adagio asked.

"They call me that because of the clothes I wear, the way I cut my hair!" Scootaloo said.

"I see..." Adagio said, as she finished up the hotdog. "You're afraid of them? They pick on you about that?"

"They do! All the time!" Scootaloo said, as she felt tears in her eyes. "I hate it! Which is why I stopped caring about what I am!"

"Scootaloo, it's okay. You know after travelling around, sharing some things with me. You haven't told me why?" Adagio said. "Or how you lost your identity?" Scootaloo sat down with Adagio, and sighed.

"I lost myself. Following expectations, their judgments get to me. I couldn't live with myself. So, I changed the way I look, but it only brought worse things to come. I tried not to do anything bad, but it just hurt so much. I suddenly got the nerve to let it all go, all my anger and hate one night at a different park. But it took control of me. Then, it was just all the sudden... gone. I don't know how, but it was just gone. After that, I started to realize that I should stop caring about what people think, afterward, most of them got used to me like this. They however, just want someone to pick on."

"Scootaloo, I think you've really grown." Adagio commented.

"Maybe, but I just didn't want to hurt anybody." Scootaloo said. "Why does it matter anyway? The way people dress, or their hairstyle?"

"Yeah?" Adagio agreed. "I was a little shocked, about last night..."

"What do you mean?" Scootaloo said.

"You did just cut your finger open without a second thought to it." Adagio said. "Have you... hurt yourself before?" Scootaloo shriveled up, with her hands adjusting in her sweatshirt.

"Yeah..." Scootaloo said. "But, I got over that! It was not really helpful."

"I'm glad that's not the case, but I think, next time, just stand up to them. They won't have anything against you if you just stand up to them." Adagio said.

"I tried. But, I... don't know what to say or do." Scootaloo said.

"It's okay. Everything you've told me, why you chose me, why you are going out of your way to help me, and just owning who you are... that's never stopped you before!" Adagio enlightened.

"I suppose so." Scootaloo said, as she blushed.

"You've got something I think is special, Scootaloo. You've shown me who you are, you're really supportive by taking in some random stranger, you've matured unlike anyone else I've seen. Even if I lose my memories. I'm happy that I've got to share new ones with you!" Adagio said. Scootaloo got up, and gave Adagio a tight hug.

"Thank you." Scootaloo cried. "So, what do we do now?"

"Well, I suppose we could continue looking. There's a neighborhood we haven't seen yet?" Adagio said.

"Yeah, that's true. If anything, I could take you to see our cool clubhouse!" Scootaloo suggested.

"I think that would be cool!" Adagio said. "Let's go!"


Afterward, Scootaloo headed up the street near Crystal Prep and Canterlot High School. They looked in the streets, and in the middle of the road was an oddly shaped rock, with intricate lines all around it.

"Adagio, look at this!" Scootaloo said.

"Weird rock." Adagio confirmed.

"Can you read these odd markings?" Scootaloo asked.

"Not really..." Adagio said.

"Well, I guess that's that..." Scootaloo said, as she dropped it in the middle of the street. "I guess it's just some odd hardened clay someone made."

"Yeah, maybe." Adagio said.


"So? It's already kind of getting late, you want to head to the clubhouse? I could call the other Crusaders, I think it would be cool for you to meet them!" Scootaloo said.

"Sure." Adagio said.

They walked to the end of the street, before they passed the high school. On their way to a small shack, and Scootaloo contacted the others to meet her there.

"You know what? I forgot something back at my place." Scootaloo said.

"I hope it's not your identity." Adagio chuckled, Scootaloo snickered. "Need me to go with?"

"No, I think I'll be good this time!" Scootaloo said.

"Alright then." Adagio said. Scootaloo walked off to her place. It wasn't far from the clubhouse.

Moments later, there came a large black vehicle, like a limousine, pulled up on the curve of the sidewalk Scootaloo was walking.

"This is obviously not good!" Scootaloo commented.

"Hey tomboy!" A voice from the vehicle said.

"Her again?!" Scootaloo shouted. "What are the odds?"

Diamond Tiara walked out of the vehicle, and stood in front of Scootaloo.

"What do you want, Diamond Tiara?!" Scootaloo said.

"You and your friends are a bunch of jerks! Are you all out to get me tommy?!" Diamond Tiara said.

"The only jerk around here is you!" Scootaloo replied.

"Oh really? C'mon, show me what you've got, if you're not so afraid of me?!" Diamond Tiara said.

"I'm not going to hurt you, Diamond. I don't want to hurt anybody."


"That's not who I am! I don't take pleasure in hurting others, I want to help them! I don't care what name you call me, or who you bring to me to beat me down, I will always stand back up and take it!" Diamond Tiara stood there angrily.

"Fine. If that's how you want to play?" Diamond Tiara stood back. "Guard!" A tall, blocked figure stepped out of the limo. He was a man in black, and looked as if someone already dealt with him earlier. Scootaloo was frightened. "Get her!" As Diamond Tiara shouted and pointed at her. The guard ran after her. Scootaloo ran for it back to the clubhouse.

Adagio sat back, looking out of the small window of the place, it wasn't long until she saw Scootaloo gunning for it down the street. Adagio got up and walked out.

"Scootaloo?" Adagio said. "What's going..."

"No time to explain!" Scootaloo said as she ran past Adagio into the house. Adagio looked back and saw a large man in black. He stood, opposed and ready for anything. Adagio took a stance and was ready.

The man moved and ran to her. Adagio was on guard, as he came in to throw a powerful punch to her. It pushed Adagio back to the door of the clubhouse. He jumped and slammed into the ground, the force had blown Adagio away from the house. Adagio got up, as he was trying to get inside. Adagio ran up, and swung her leg into his face. He was blown back, into a fence nearby. Adagio was surprised by the strength she had, and was ready to protect Scootaloo from anyone. The man got up, and popped his knuckles and his neck. He ran back up to the clubhouse, Adagio came and stopped him by pushing him back. He was battling against her with his own strength and weight. She was so strong, it surprised him. Adagio came up, and kicked him to the ground. She focused on him as she laid her hand on his chest, and she started to feel like she absorbed him from his life. Adagio shot away from him, as she felt the odd power in her, surge through her veins. The man in black then faded.

"What the hell..." Adagio said.

"Adagio!" Scootaloo shouted. She ran up to her, and hugged her again. "What was that?!"

"I-I... don't know... it was scary..." Adagio said. Scootaloo stood back.

"Well, thanks for protecting me!" Scootaloo said as she smiled brightly. Adagio looked back, and saw how happy she looked.

"You're welcome kid, after all you've done for me today!" Adagio said. "What did you bring back?"

"Some games and snacks!" Scootaloo said.

"Cool!" Adagio said.

Book 2: Animus | Extra: Adagio's Bizzare Adventure 2

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Odd Tendency

Aria awoke underneath a tree. Luckily, shielded from the rain that drizzled down. She could see the lightning strike down a few areas. She sat up, and curled up to avoid the cold wind that carried the leaves above her. She closed her eyes and waited for when the storm would pass.


The sun arose, it was still cloudy, but it was not heavy enough to rain. Aria woke up, and sniffled a sneeze. The air was cold, moist, and she could smell the dirt, of which was pleasant to her senses. Aria yawned and was hoping to finally get somewhere before another storm hits. She got up, and stretched her body. Sleeping under a tree may be a dream for some, but not her's.

Aria walked down the street on the sidewalk, to a small town nearby. She could see various homes, and small shops around the area. She continued to walk, until she heard a faint scream coming from an alleyway nearby. Aria went to see what was happening.

"C'mon! Give it up!" A girl said.

"No!" Another girl said.

"Give it up Sweetie Belle, you know Diamond Tiara always gets her way!" Another girl said.

"No! Why don't you ask your daddy to get you one?!" Sweetie Belle yelled.

"No! That is mine and you know it!" Diamond Tiara replied. "Silver Spoon, my gloves please!" Diamond Tiara commanded.

"Yes ma'am!" Silver Spoon said, as she reached into a purse she was holding. She handed them over to Diamond Tiara. She snagged it away, and put them on.

"What are you doing?" Sweetie Belle asked.

"I don't want to get my hands too dirty!" Diamond Tiara said, as she clenched her fist. "Since you won't hand me my prize, I will just have to pry it from you with force!" As she pointed at her. Silver Spoon smiled. Sweetie Belle was scared, she curled up her arms.

Diamond Tiara came up to her, and smacked her across the face.

"Stop it!" Sweetie Belle yelled.

"You like that?!" Diamond Tiara continued, as she held up her hand again, and forced it against her.

Aria looked, she contemplated if she should be involved. She could hear the one they call Sweetie Belle cry. Aria turned around.

"Stop... please..." Sweetie Belle begged, as she held her hands up to block from being hit again.

"Not a chance!" Diamond Tiara said, she held up her hand again. As she was about to smack her again, she felt her arm stop in midair. "What?!" She looked and there was an adolescent woman who had stopped her from hurting Sweetie Belle.

"Enough!" Aria said, as she threw Diamond Tiara's arm back at her. Diamond Tiara stood back, and was upset.

"How dare you intervene!!! Do you know who my father is?!!!" Diamond Tiara yelled.

"No. Should I?" Aria responded.

"Just wait until my father hears about this!!!" Diamond Tiara continued, as she pulled out her phone.

"So scared!" Aria said sarcastically. Diamond Tiara stormed out of the alleyway, and Silver Spoon followed.

Aria looked behind her, and saw the frightened girl slowly appear to her.

"Thanks..." Sweetie Belle said, as she wiped her eyes.

"Yeah sure." Aria said, looking away from her. "What's their deal?"

"Oh... I suppose it was this..." Sweetie Belle said, as she held up a beautiful gold bracelet, with matching earrings. "They're limited edition, so only so many people have one set."

"That's nice. But, for whom?!" Aria asked.

"Myself, who else needs nice jewelry?!" Sweetie Belle said.

"Apparently she did?" Aria continued.

"Whatever, she's rich! She could have everything else. But, I saved up for something neat like this!"

"I see. Well, see ya!" Aria said, as she began to leave.

"Wait a minute!" Sweetie Belle said, as she walked out of the alleyway with her. "So, what's your name?"

"Aria. Aria Blaze." Aria said.

"Oh sweet!" Sweetie Belle said. "Where are you heading to?"

"Honestly, don't know." Aria said, as she stood in the street.

"Well, if you're lost, want to come with me?" Sweetie Belle asked.

"Why? I don't know you." Aria said.

"Well, c'mon. As a thank you for helping me." Sweetie Belle said with a large smile. "I also might need a helping hand for... you know..."

"I'm not a bodyguard lady!" Aria said.

"Oh c'mon!" Sweetie Belle said. As she heard a rumbling noise coming from Aria's stomach. Aria gripped her belly, and felt it was empty. "I could treat you to food!"

"Alright fine." Aria said, as she looked away again.


They arrived at an odd Italian restaurant. The waiter brought the girls their dishes, and Sweetie Belle requested that she order both of their meals. Aria agreed, considering she didn't know what to get there. He brought over a plate of boiled spaghetti noodles, drenched in a black liquid.

"Enjoy your meal!" The waiter said, as he bowed and went his way.

"What is this?" Aria asked.

"Oh, it's noodles in squid ink!" Sweetie Belle answered.

"Squid ink?" Aria continued, looking suspicious.

"Yeah, try it! It is so good!" Sweetie Belle said, as she began to dig in.

Aria brought it to her lips, and began to eat some. Afterward, her eyes opened wide, her taste buds enhanced the experience of the saltiness, the texture of it sprinkled delightfully. Aria swallowed, she felt renewed with the taste of squid ink. Aria ate some more, to where her lips were covered in black, almost as if she was wearing dark lip gloss. Sweetie Belle smiled, her lips were dark as well, but she knew from the look from Aria, she enjoyed it.


"Well, thanks for that." Aria said.

"No problem!" Sweetie Belle replied.

They both went to a park, and sat down on a park bench.

"So, where are you from?" Sweetie Belle asked.

"I don't know." Aria said.

"Do you go to school with us?" Sweetie Belle asked.

"How should I know? Aria said.

"Do you know anyone around here?" Sweetie Belle continued.

"No." Aria said. Sweetie Belle was irritated, and Aria was getting sick of her asking questions of things she could not remember.


"Nope!" Aria interrupted.





Sweetie Belle got angry with her. Aria was annoyed.

"C'mon there has to be something!" Sweetie Belle yelled.

"There isn't, so shut your trap!" Aria said. Sweetie Belle had enough, so she grabbed a scarf from her back pockets and stuffed it in Aria's mouth.

"What the hell?!" Aria yelled. "You think that was funny, you little brat!"

"If you have nothing nice to say, you can SHOVE it!" Sweetie Belle responded.

"You can shove it, pint size!"


"Loud mouth!"

"Brainless bitch!"

"Nosy little sack of shit!"

They were both in each other's face, and people around them were terrified and shocked of how terrible they were to each other.

"Fine!" Sweetie Belle said.

"Fine!" Aria said.

"You're not my friend!" They both said simultaneously.

"But, my enemy!" Sweetie Belle said.

"Arch Nemesis!" Aria corrected, they both stared each other down as they smiled, and locked hands together in a formal agreement, and shook.


A few moments later, a large limousine came by the park's parking lot, and had stopped in front of both Aria and Sweetie Belle. Out came Diamond Tiara with her father Filthy Rich.

"Is that them darlin'?" Filthy Rich asked, as he smoked a cigar.

"Yes daddy! They have it!" Diamond Tiara said. Filthy Rich whistled, and out came three men in black. As they got out and did a few poses to show dominance and order, ready to tackle down anyone on their master's command.

Aria and Sweetie Belle both were completely stunned as their mouths were wide open and eyes completely peeled. They slouched a little as they were completely powerless of how jacked they all were.

"Oh sugar honey iced tea..." Aria said.

"What?!" Sweetie Belle said.

"We need to get the H-E-double hockey sticks- out of here!" Aria said as she ran.

"You could have just said hell!!!" Sweetie Belle said as she ran with Aria.

"Get 'em!" Diamond Tiara said, as she pointed at them. The men ran for them.

The first one ran close to them. Aria and Sweetie Belle ran as fast they could, but he approached them in seconds. He jumped five feet in the air, and trapped the girls from running. Aria and Sweetie Belle were stunned.

The other two warped away, since one of them stopped them.

"What do we do?" Sweetie Belle said.

"Unsure, but listen. We need to just keep running." Aria said.

"I don't want to lose you! He's too powerful!" Sweetie Belle said.

"I'm not leaving you, just far enough to lose him. I know he's menacing, but I think if we split. We could lose him easier." Aria said. Sweetie Belle nodded.

"On three, we break!" Sweetie Belle said. "1..."

"3!" Aria interrupted, as she pushed Sweetie Belle away from being kicked by the man in black. Sweetie Belle kicked herself off the ground and ran out further in the park. Aria went the other way. The man in black stood, with his leg halfway into the ground. The ground shook. He received a call from Diamond Tiara.

"I just want the girl! Leave the other one to the other men!" Diamond Tiara yelled. The man got his foot out of the ground, and ran after Sweetie Belle.

Sweetie Belle's heart was racing, and she looked back to see the man coming for her. Luckily there was some woods nearby for her to run to.

"If any of this was taken out of context, this would be illegal!" Sweetie Belle said, directly to the reader.

Aria ran, but the other two showed up in front of her.

"Alright, let's do this!" Aria said. Aria stood on her guard, the other two came and dashed to her. One lifted his leg with a powerful kick, and the other came with a powerful fist. Aria stood, and blocked their attacks. She took a moment to think about how she acquired this much strength. The men were surprised as well. Aria believed in herself to take them on. She snickered.

Aria kicked both of them in the face as she jumped and hurled both her legs at them. They hit the ground. Aria believed in herself even more. Aria went crazy, any throw of their fists or a kick, Aria dodged them or blocked them before they could land a single hit. Any open space she would attack instantly, weakening them. Aria came to one of them, she was about to attack, but she felt something inside her, absorbing something out of one of the men. She kept at it, until he dropped like he was asleep in an instant. He vanished shortly as they continued to fight.

Sweetie Belle jumped and ran through endless dead trees blocking some of the trail that led to the city. The man would kick them away, and even open up the pathways from blocking his way of capturing her. Sweetie Belle saw him catching up. Sweetie Belle was thinking of how to make him distracted or even try to hide from him. She took off a jacket she wore, and threw it on a small bush, and made sure it looked believable to catch him off guard, which she will use the time to climb up on the nearby tree to get away from him.

He came up, and saw the jacket, he grabbed it, and realized it was not her. He looked around and lost sight of her. Sweetie Belle was about six feet above ground, looking down until he walked off to another direction. Even though she did lose him, she couldn't get down. She saw how far up she was, and couldn't let go of the branch she sat on.

"Oh dear, oh dear... oh no..." Sweetie Belle said to herself, as she continuously looked down.

To Sweetie Belle's surprise, she began to place her foot down to a lower branch, and worked her way down. The man came back, and saw her up in the tree. Sweetie Belle saw him look back at her, she screamed, she also lost her grip for a split second and latched on as quickly as she could. The man came and used both of his legs and the force of his running to kick the tree down entirely. Sweetie Belle saw the ground becoming closer and closer, she screamed again. She was saved to the bush nearby where her jacket was, and landed safely. The man came to her. Sweetie Belle sat there and did not move as she was stunned to almost falling off a tree.

Aria came right behind the man, and smacked the back of his head with one of the branches that fell off the tree he kicked. Sweetie Belle immediately snapped out her fear, and saw him tumble to the ground. Aria came to her, got her down from the bush. Sweetie Belle gave her a hug.

"No time for that, let's go!" Aria assured. Aria and Sweetie Belle headed off to the city.


Aria and Sweetie Belle arrived at the mall. They were unsure if the men in black were still after them, so they put on more elaborate disguises as they travelled through the mall to hide.

"You really think this will work Aria?" Sweetie Belle asked.

"I don't know. I guess we'll find out." Aria said.

Aria noticed that people began to stare at them, Sweetie Belle was being looked upon as well.

"What's going on?" Sweetie Belle asked.

"I suppose the clothing we are wearing is attracting people." Aria said.

"But, I thought we were supposed to be hiding?!" Sweetie Belle said.

"Well, go hide then. I'm liking this attention!" Aria said. She got up on one of the tables and had posed an elegant way that people started to crowd around.

Sweetie Belle was upset at her, she was gaining all the attention and was defeating the whole purpose to avoid being captured. So, Sweetie Belle remembered their agreement of being arch-enemies, and she got up on a table as well, and did the same thing. People began to shower their undivided attention to both Sweetie Belle and Aria. Aria looked at her, and Sweetie Belle did as well, they both locked their eyes at each other and smiled menacingly.

They came across another clothing shop, when they were stopped by a couple of trendy and stylish fashionistas.

"Oh, darlings!" A guy said, Aria and Sweetie Bell turned around, walked down from the tables, and saw a guy who had an exquisite taste of his aura of blues and pinks. "This, so bold, so fresh! What do you think, Sapphire Joy-Star?!"

Then came a famous pop-star known as Sapphire Joy. Holding onto a mannequin that was dressed up and with the name "Caesar" stitched on the back.

"Oh you're right darling, so intensively bold!" Sapphire said. "Hey, I'm with the infamous Royal Pin lined up for a fashion show to promote my next latest album! Wanna join? I'm sure all the latest and greatest trending fashionable clothing will be to your satisfaction!"

"Uhh..." Sweetie Belle and Aria said simultaneously. "Okay!" Aria and Sweetie Belle said again. They both looked at each other, and thought of ways to out-class the other.

"Who's that?" Sweetie Belle asked, pointing at the mannequin.

"Oh, this is Ceasar! My charming new guy friend, wearing my new favorite design by yours truly!" Sapphire Joy-Star said. Both Sweetie Belle and Aria looked at each other. "Let's get this party started!"


The mall lit up with lasers and pop music by Sapphire Joy-Star's latest hit-single "Disco Star" blasting through enormous speakers, brought to us by DJ Pon-3.

Several women stepped out for the first round of top of the line designs from the mind of Royal Pin.

Both Sweetie Belle and Aria walked out, and everyone panicked of how amazing it was to see them. Aria and Sweetie Belle posed in position for all the paparazzi and news outlets taking snapshots of their fabulousness.

"If my sister saw this, she would freak out!" Sweetie Belle commented.

"I bet she would." Aria said, as they both began to walk back to try on more clothing lines.

Out came a large man, which fired everyone up, as he was muscular, body-built for action. Like straight out of a romance novel, even for being fully clothed in almost every assortment of greens and yellows. He travelled through the pathways, and posed with such pride and purpose.

He went back almost instantly.

"Who is he?" Royal Pin asked Sapphire Joy-Star.

"I don't know." Sapphire said.

"Nice!" Royal Pin admitted.

Everyone came back out for a final impression, all in "authentic" Aztec wear. They all lined up to take the last few shots. Although, the line was too crowded, and Aria was hogging the spotlight, leaving Sweetie Belle unattended. Sweetie Belle was pissed and pushed Aria out of the way to be noticed. Aria was reluctant to give it up, and pushed her out the way. They both fought, which started into a full on brawl on stage. The other models tried to break it up, but were pushed and shoved out of the way, even landing on top of audiences and security. Aria and Sweetie Bell took it back towards the tent that had all the clothes they tried on. Both Royal Pin and Sapphire Joy-Star were upset and distraught with all the violence the girls had caused. They threw each other and the tent started to collapse. Aria and Sweetie Belle saw the wall come down on them. Aria moved to quickly draw Sweetie Belle away from the impact.

They saw the wall, shaped like a cross, landed in front of them. Sweetie Belle took it as an omen to apologize to Aria.

"Aria, I'm so sorry..." Sweetie Belle said. "You've done nothing but save me from guards and from a falling wall."

"No, I should apologize Sweetie Belle, I suppose I have a tendency to want attention. I let it get to my head. I'm sorry too!" Aria said. They both hugged each other tightly.

Sapphire Joy-Star got up and saw that the wall had collapsed on her mannequin, as she saw his hand exposed outside from the wall, with the rest of his arm underneath.

"CAESAR!!!" Sapphire Joy-Star screamed. She lied there crying. Royal Pin was there to comfort her. Aria and Sweetie Belle were still on the floor, and they saw the damage they had done. "Guards!"

Then came a large muscular man, wearing nothing but a loincloth and some golden accessories, taking a stance against Aria and Sweetie Belle.

"Get them!" Sapphire yelled.

"Sweetie Belle, I have something else to tell you." Aria said.

"What is it?" Sweetie Belle said.

"RUN FOR YOUR LIFE!!!" Aria yelled, as she picked herself off the ground and made a run for it.

"OH MAN! HOW DID I KNEW YOU WERE GOING TO DO THAT!!!" Sweetie Belle yelled, as she got up to run after Aria. The man yelled loudly and charged up his strength to go after them.

Aria and Sweetie Belle ran out of the mall, and were greeted by Diamond Tiara and Filthy Rich.

"Nice outfit!" Diamond Tiara mocked.

"Call off this whole thing right now!" Sweetie Belle begged.

"Sorry, but I can't. Not until you give me my prize!" Diamond Tiara said.

"You know what? Here!" Sweetie Belle said as she handed her a box that had her precious bracelet and matching earrings.

"Sweetie Belle...?" Aria said.

"It's not worth it!" Sweetie Belle announced.

The man came crashing through the windows above, and landed to capture Sweetie Belle.

"Call it off daddy!" Diamond Tiara demanded as she was giving off her smug face at Sweetie Belle. Filthy Rich waved his hand, and the man stood there. Diamond Tiara and Filthy Rich both got back in the limousine, and took off immediately. The guy stood there angrily as Sweetie Belle and Aria walked away.


Aria and Sweetie Belle were walking down the street.

"I can't believe you've done that!" Aria admitted. "Why let her win, after all this time?!"

"Ha. You think I would do that?! You seriously don't know me at all!" Sweetie Belle said, as she stood proudly, as the accessories she wore glared in the sunlight.

"You didn't..." Aria said, as she smiled.

"Hmph! I did!" Sweetie Belle said, as she grinned.

"Think she'll find out?" Aria asked.

"Definitely! The box was empty and the guy we've been running from is right behind us!" Sweetie Belle announced. Aria looked back, he was there, ready for action.

"Sweetie Belle, you couldn't have just put fake ones in there?!" Aria suggested.

"C'mon, you saw how she is! She deserves nothing less!" Sweetie Belle said.

"What do we do about him?" Aria asked.

"What?! We can take him, after all we've been through, we can do this together!" Sweetie Belle said.

"Easy for you to say, you're just going to leave me to do all the dirty work!" Aria said.

"Yeah, pretty much!" Sweetie Belle admitted.

"Fine! You owe me another meal after all this!" Aria said.

"You've got it!" Sweetie Belle said.

The one final showdown, and Aria stood there, and the man came walking toward them.

He ran toward them, and Aria stood her ground. He came in and slammed his knuckles into Aria arms, as she was trying to protect herself from the impact. Aria pushed him forward, and jumped to kick him. He blocked it, and grabbed onto her leg, and swung her away down the street. While he was occupied by that, Sweetie Belle ran up to him, and kicked him in his groin. He stopped for a second, and looked at her straight in the eyes.

"Okay... that usually works..." Sweetie Belle stuttered, as she slowly walked backwards, away from him.

He was distracted which allowed Aria to come in and attack from behind. He looked back, and was kicked in the face, the same way he knocked down the tree. We were thrust back, and fell. Aria focused again, and began to extract his power from him. Aria couldn't stop, it was changing her, like she hungered for it. The man got back up, which made Aria fall to the ground. He started to limp towards Sweetie Belle, but before he got close he faded. Sweetie Belle was stunned.

"Aria? What happened...?" Sweetie Belle asked.

"I-I... don't know..." Aria said, as she held onto her head, as if she was having a headache. Sweetie Belle went over to her to pick her up from the ground. "Look, just keep your distance... I don't know what I just did, okay?"

"Alright." Sweetie Belle said softly.

"So? What's on for tonight?" Aria enlightened.

"Well, I know a few places!" Sweetie Belle said.


Moments later, as Sweetie Belle and Aria were at another restaurant, she got a text message from her friend, saying "come over at the clubhouse."

"Cool, I just got a message! From my good friend Scootaloo!" Sweetie Belle said.

"Scootaloo? Really?" Aria said.

"Yeah, you know her?" Sweetie Belle asked.

"No, it's just a weird name." Aria said.

"Hey, that's my friend! If I have nothing to say..."

"Then you could shove it!" They both said simultaneously.

"Yeah, I know. I know I'm rude, but I suppose we have that in common!" Aria pointed out.

"Hmph, I suppose!" Sweetie Belle admitted. "I guess we both should keep it to ourselves?"

"Nah, it's fun to mess with people!" Aria said as she smiled. Sweetie Belle did as well.

Book 2: Animus | Extra: Adagio's Bizzare Adventure 3

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Sonata Dusk Crusaders

Sonata awoke in a smelly darkness, she laid on something that breathes. It was warm, and squishy. She did not want to move.


The next day, Apple Bloom got up to do her usual chores around the barn. It was her turn to feed the pigs they had in the pit. As the pigs got up to be fed, Apple Bloom saw a woman laying in the center, covered in mud. Apple Bloom screamed.

Big Mac came running to Apple Bloom, and he had a pitch fork in hand to protect his little sister. He jumped inside the pit and found a girl laying in the mud. She seemed to be sleeping? Big Mac thought. He carried her inside to the haystacks. He laid her down, and contemplated on calling the police.

"Do ya know her Big Mac?" Apple Bloom asked.

"Eenope!" Big Mac replied, as he scratched his head.

Sonata started to wake up, as she stretched her arms out and let out a yawn. She sat up, and was greeted by two farmers.

"Hi!" Sonata said.

"H-howdy?" Apple Bloom said. Big Mac remained silent as he was thinking about what to do about this girl.

"I'm Sa... So... Sonata!" Sonata said. "Yes!"

"Sonata huh? Apple Bloom continued. "Howd'cha get here?"

"Oh... I don't know!" Sonata said, as she gave a huge smile.

"What should we do, Big Mac?" Apple Bloom asked. "She looks totally lost!"

"I am totally lost! How did you know?!" Sonata interrupted. Sonata got up, and looked around. "Nice place you got here!" Big Mac was still unsure what to do, as she looked confused and didn't seem threatening to their safety.

"What's goin' on here?!" Granny Smith said, as she walked in.

"Sorry Granny Smith, but we have a... an unexpected guest!" Apple Bloom said.

"What's that now?" Granny Smith said.

"Hey, old lady!" Sonata said, as she waved, hanging from the ceiling.

"What are ya doin' here?" Granny Smith asked.

"I don't know!" Sonata said. "It's weird!" Sonata then dropped down between Big Mac, Apple Bloom, and Granny Smith.

"Great, another nutcase!" Granny Smith said.

"Ooh, I love nuts!" Sonata said, as she laid down on the ground, still covered in mud. "Or do I?" Sonata said, as she got up on her two feet.

"Alright, since you are here, you might as well help out!" Granny Smith ordered.

"Yes ma'am!" Sonata said, as she stood proudly in a marching stance.

"Apple Bloom, goin' get this one cleaned up! We have a lot to do today!" Granny Smith said.

"Yes Granny!" Apple Bloom said, as she took Sonata inside to get cleaned up.


Sonata came back with a nice cowgirl outfit from Applejack's wardrobe. Big Mac was surprised, and Granny Smith was smiling.

"Let's get to work!" Sonata said.

She worked around the farm, tending to the animals, fixing up patches of haystacks, cleaning up the house, and picking some apples off the apple trees. The last thing they needed was to grind up the apples into cider the old fashion way. Both Apple Bloom and Sonata took part in crushing them into the sauce. Big Mac was cleaning it, making it sparkling fresh for this week's batch. Granny Smith was making sure the apples were in good condition to be in the sauce pan. It took hours of foot stomping, but it was honest work. Granny Smith was surprised by Sonata, how helpful she was.

"She did good, didn't she?" Granny Smith said to Big Mac.

"Eeyup!" Big Mac said.

"What do ya thinkin'?" Granny Smith said. Big Mac shrugged.

"You were a real big help Sonata!" Apple Bloom said.

"Yeah, this was fun!" Sonata said.

"Thank you!" Apple Bloom said.

"You're welcome... uhh..." Sonata said.

"Apple Bloom!"

"You're welcome Apple Bloom!" Sonata said. Apple Bloom smiled.

"Sonata! Was it?" Granny Smith yelled.

"Yep!" Sonata said, as she jumped off the sauce pan.

"Well missy, you've been such a nice help 'round here. How 'bout we treat ya to dinner tonight?" Granny Smith said. "I'm bakin' my world famous apple pie!"

"Oh, thank you so much Granny!" Sonata said, as she was hopping around. "I would like it very much!"

Granny Smith was laughing, although Granny Smith laugh was cut short, as she held her chest. She was breathing hard, and her sides were burning. She fell. Sonata was in shock of how quickly she turned. Big Mac was there, and he quickly went to help Granny Smith off the ground. Apple Bloom ran to Sonata. Sonata held her, as they both were scared.


Granny Smith was laying on the couch, she seemed to have calmed down. She begged for Big Mac to not take her to the hospital, she didn't want to be there. Sonata and Apple Bloom stood beside them, still shocked.

"My pills... Big Mac..." Granny Smith said softly. Big Mac went over to the kitchen to fetch a prescription capsule, however, it was empty. "Is it empty?"

"Eeyup..." Big Mac said softly.

"Aw shucks... knew I forgot somethin'..." Granny Smith said with a smile. "Apple Bloom..."

Apple Bloom came forward.

"Granny, don't go!" Apple Bloom begged.

"I'm not going... anywhere sweetie." Granny Smith said. "I just need... my pills... you know that clinic... down the street?"

"Yes!" Apple Bloom said.

"Take this, tell them I need another." Granny Smith said. "I do think you need... an adult present though..."

"I'll go Granny!" Sonata said. "I'll go with Apple Bloom!"

"Big Mac, would ya stay here?" Granny Smith asked.

"Eeyup..." Big Mac said.

"Yes, Sonata and I can do it!" Apple Bloom said.

"Very well..." Granny Smith said, as she rested her eyes.

"Okay, we'll be right back Big Mac!" Apple Bloom said.

"Eeyup!" Big Mac said.


Sonata and Apple Bloom walked out of the clinic, and received Granny's medication.

"Well, that was easier than I thought!" Sonata commented.

"Yeah, they've known Granny for a long time!" Apple Bloom said.

"Great! Let's head back!" Sonata said.

"You've got it!" Apple Bloom added.

On their way to the farm, they were walking near the park and Apple Bloom saw all the destruction that happened.

"What happened here?" Apple Bloom asked.

"No idea!" Sonata said.

"It makes me upset to see such destructive people!" Apple Bloom commented.

"I suppose you're right about that!" Sonata agreed.

They were stopped by a passing raccoon on the sidewalk, it looked up at them. Apple Bloom gasped a little. Sonata was looking at it.

"What's that?!" Sonata asked, as she pointed at the creature.

"That's a raccoon!" Apple Bloom answered.

"A coon!" Sonata said. "He looks friendly!" Sonata went over to it, and held out her hand.

"Sonata! No!" Apple Bloom yelled.

The raccoon hissed, and ran up to Sonata and clawed at her face. Sonata screamed, as it climbed up and was circulating around her face, clawing and biting her.

"Get it off me! Get it off!" Sonata yelled.

"Hold still!" Apple Bloom said, as she got a stick from the ground. She held it up and started to wack Sonata with the stick. Although, Apple Bloom kept missing the raccoon, and ended up hitting Sonata's head in each swing. "Sorry!"

The raccoon dropped down, and grabbed Granny's medication. Sonata regained consciousness and felt her hand empty. Apple Bloom was upset.

"OH NO!!!" Sonata yelled, as she held up her hands at her face.

Sonata ran to capture the little bandit. The raccoon went into the small woods nearby the park. Apple Bloom was there alongside Sonata, and they found the bandit's small hiding place up in the trees.

"Okay, now we just have to climb up there and snatch it away!" Sonata suggested.

"It's a little ways up, huh?" Apple Bloom saw the tree tower over them.

"Yeah, all the way up there!" Sonata said. "Well, let's get going!" Sonata said, as she began to climb the tree. Apple Bloom stood at the base, and saw Sonata already up a few feet off the ground. "You comin?"

"I-I'm not sure..." Apple Bloom said.

"Alright, stay put! I'll get it!" Sonata said.

"Thanks again Sonata!" Apple Bloom said.

"Yep!" Sonata said.

Sonata got up to the first branch, it seemed easy to climb up afterward. Sonata finally reached a small hole up in the tree.

"Gotcha!" Sonata said. She put her hand inside to reach for anything she could grab onto. She felt something furry, she flinched as she may have caught the little raccoon. She reached further, her whole arm going through the tree. She felt the paper bag that had Granny's medication. "Got it!" Sonata said, as she pulled it out of the tree.

Sonata had Granny's medication, but as she yelled to Apple Bloom that she had it, she saw a pair of glowing eyes coming from the dark hole. The raccoon jumped out and began to scratch her up in the face once again.

"Oh my God!!!" Sonata said. "No!"

Sonata lost balance and dropped the bag down to Apple Bloom. Apple Bloom saw it coming down, so she timed herself, and jumped to capture it before it hit the ground. Apple Bloom was relieved, until she saw the creature attacking Sonata.

"Sonavabitch!" Sonata yelled.

"Sonata!!!" Apple Bloom yelled. When Apple Bloom yelled it woke up the whole tree, and out came a whole family of raccoons coming down to Apple Bloom. "Oh no!"

Sonata was attacked by a few more, but she saw Apple Bloom being chased down by all these pesky rodents, she needed to be there for her. Sonata threw her fists out to them. Slamming them multiple times against the tree branches and some falling to the ground.

"ORA ORA ORA ORA ORA ORA!!!" Sonata yelled, as she bashed raccoons against her fist. Sonata saw her strength, and thought it was awesome, she jumped off the branch and fell to the ground. She dropped and landed with little to no damage. Sonata was excited. Apple Bloom came back with a herd of raccoons after her. Sonata once again used her power to punch them all at high speed. The raccoon came flying in the air, Apple Bloom was safely behind Sonata. The raccoon retreated back to their homes, as they saw they were no match for Sonata's power and strength.

"Sonata!" Apple Bloom yelled. "Thank you!" Apple Bloom came to give Sonata a hug.

"Don't thank me yet, we still have to get to Granny!" Sonata requested.

"Right!" Apple Bloom replied, as she nodded. They both ran back to the farm.


"Thank ya!" Granny Smith said, as she got up from the couch. She took the pills she needed, and was relaxed. "That's much better! Although, my schedule will be off for a little bit, ah might be up past my usual bedtime. Thank ya Sonata and Apple Bloom!"

"You're welcome Granny!" Sonata and Apple Bloom said simultaneously.

"Now, how about ah get supper ready?!" Granny Smith said. Apple Bloom, Big Mac, and Sonata rejoiced of Granny's recovery.


They were all sitting at the table, Apple Bloom was telling them the heroic acts Sonata did for Granny's health.

"Sonata, ah can't thank ya enough for what ya did for us today!" Granny Smith said.

"It was nothin Granny!" Sonata said.

"So, you still have no idea where you came from, right?" Granny asked.

"Yeah, I have no idea." Sonata admitted.

"You're welcome to stay in the farm for the night, hopefully not in the mud this time. At least until you can remember!" Granny suggested.

"Thank you!" Sonata said.

"For all the good that you've done today, ah be delighted to help!" Granny said. Sonata smiled and nodded. Big Mac and Apple Bloom both were happy as well.

They had apple pie for dessert. Sonata absolutely loves it.

After they had food, Apple Bloom helped set up a bed for Sonata in the barn. It was until she received a phone call, asking her to meet up at the clubhouse.

"Hey, am going to be meetin' with friends before dark. Is that okay?" Apple Bloom asked Granny Smith.

"Yes ya may. Ah'll be up for a little while. If Applejack shows up, ah'll tell her to make sure she cleans up for the night! Yeah?" Granny Smith said.

"Okay, see you in a little bit Granny!" Apple Bloom said, as she walked out the door.

"Make sure to take Sonata with ya!" Granny suggested.

"Yep!" Apple Bloom yelled, outside the house.

Book 2: Animus | Extra: Adagio's Bizzare Adventure 4

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Friendship is Unbreakable

Later that day, the sun was nearly setting, it was still light enough outside.

Scootaloo contacted everyone, and asked them to join her and Adagio at the clubhouse. They both were playing card games, until they heard talking outside.

Scootaloo and Adagio walked outside. She saw Sweetie Belle with an adolescent woman, and Apple Bloom the same. Scootaloo was surprised that she was not the only one with a new addition to their friendship.

"Hey Sweetie Belle! Apple Bloom! Who are they?" Scootaloo asked.

"This is Aria Blaze." Sweetie Belle announced.

"Sup!" Aria said.

"This one is Sonata!" Apple Bloom said.

"Hi!" Sonata said, as she waved.

"I like you all to meet Adagio!" Scootaloo announced.

"Hi!" Adagio said.

"Wait a minute?" Sweetie Belle said. "Here, bring them together!" They all brought Adagio, Sonata, and Aria closer together. "Look!"

Sweetie Belle pointed out that they each had the same locket around their necks.

"You're right Sweetie Belle!" Scootaloo and Apple Bloom said.

Adagio, Aria, and Sonata looked as well, and they too were surprised. Was it a coincidence? Or maybe destiny, that they were brought together? The Crusaders thought.


"This is great! We brought some friends together who lost their memories as well!" Scootaloo enlightened.

They each were seating in the clubhouse, eating chips, and talking about their day with meeting one another. They laughed and were intrigued by how much they all learned from each of them.

"So, you were the one that provoked Diamond Tiara?!" Scootaloo asked.

"Yeah, but she deserved it!" Sweetie Belle said. They all laughed.

"You were also the ones that caused all that ruckus in the park?!" Apple Bloom asked.

"Yeah, but it wasn't my fault, right Aria?" Sweetie Belle continued.

"There were men in black after us, trying to capture Sweetie Belle, so they used extensive force to do so, luckily, I found a way to destroy them!" Aria said.

"You have powers too?!" Adagio asked.

"Yeah, I have strength, agility, and have some sort of absorbing power which made them fade into nothing..." Aria said.

"I did the same thing earlier today!" Adagio said. "I had strength which came out of nowhere, and was able to feel like I was gathering his ability, then he faded."

"Cool!" Sonata said. "I beat up a family of raccoons with my speed and strength!" Sonata said. They all laughed.

"It's true!" Apple Bloom said. "You all have such strange gifts!"

"It's probably the mystic blood!" Scootaloo pointed out.

"Mystic blood?" They all asked.

"She's talking about the time I sliced my finger open, and out came a dark liquid. Scootaloo showed me that our blood was different. Most people bleed red, but if we are the same, then we bleed a darker form." Adagio said.

"So, we're not human?!" Aria asked.

"I suppose not." Adagio said.

"That's weird, but cool!" Sonata said. "Hey, what's that?!" Sonata pointed out to the window, and they all saw a huge flash of light in the skies.


They all ran out to see it more closely.

"It must be the Rainbooms again!" Apple Bloom said.

"Rain, booms?" Adagio said.

"Yeah, my sister is there, probably fighting off some bad people!" Sweetie Belle said.

"I see." Aria said.

"My favorite person, out there kicking all kinds of behinds!" Scootaloo mentioned. Adagio smiled.

"Watch out! Something's coming!!!" Sonata yelled.

They saw some sort of light coming toward them, the girls ducked, but they continued to fly towards the others.

"Adagio! Aria! Sonata!" The Crusaders yelled. They saw them being engulfed in light, and they saw the streak going into their heads. They fell immediately after they were hit. They all went to them to see what had happened. They picked them up, and shook them to make sure they were okay.

"Sonata? Sonata?!" Apple Bloom said.

Adagio woke up. Scootaloo was there, and held her up. Adagio pushed Scootaloo away. She looked back at the other two, and they were sitting up as well.

"Adagio?" Scootaloo asked. "Are you okay?" Adagio got up from the ground, and the other two joined.

"Enough kid, go home!" Adagio demanded.

"What?! Why, what happened to you?!" Scootaloo questioned.

"All of you leave, now!" Adagio said.

"Listen to her!" Sonata said.

"Do it!" Aria said.

"Adagio, please! Tell me what's going on?!" Scootaloo continued, as she went up to Adagio, and shook her by the arm. "Are you hurt?!"

"Ignorant child!!!" Adagio said, as she slapped her with the back of her hand. Scootaloo fell to the ground. Sweetie Belle and Apple Bloom ran to Scootaloo.

"What the hell was that for?!" Sweetie Belle yelled.

"Go away!" Aria replied. "Now!"

"I-I... I thought we were... friends..." Scootaloo cried. "HOW DARE YOU!!!"

Scootaloo ran away. Sweetie Belle and Apple Bloom stood there, unsure of what to do.

"Please, Sonata. Remember what we've done for each other! Don't push me away!" Apple Bloom begged Sonata.

"Leave me! Now!!!" Sonata yelled. Apple Bloom left with tears in her eyes.

"Aria? I'm sorry for all the names I called you... I'm sorry for saying you were my enemy... please... don't do this!" Sweetie Belle cried.

"I am your enemy! I will stop at nothing to get my way! You understand that?!!!" Aria yelled. Sweetie Belle ran for it as well. She cried.

Adagio, Sonata, and Aria were left alone. They all looked away, they had a tear fall from their eyes. They felt a huge spike in frequency in their ears, like a loud white noise, blasting their eardrums. They both fell, and struggled to fight it, block from their heads.


Adagio awakened in a white emptiness. There was no sound. Adagio looked around, she saw Aria and Sonata there with her. They tried to speak, but couldn't get the words out.

Moments later, there came chains that constrained them. They couldn't move or get out of it. It was tightened, and lifted them from the non-existent surface of the floor. The weight of it had carried them, and were unable to move from it. As they struggled, they heard each other's voices. They stopped for a moment and realized their minds were able to be heard, because they kept thinking about the poor girls they had hurt. But, it was to make sure they were safe, and away from them. They knew danger would arise once they received their memories back.

The torment they put Twilight Sparkle through, haunted them. The power they received. They all felt a vibration in the chains, like a spider knowing when their prey has been captured in its web.

They heard laughing coming from the emptiness, until they saw her. A figure who looked like Twilight Sparkle, but had a sinister smile and had a glowing aura around her eyes. She laughed, and came to them.

"You thought that power you had was your's?" She said. "But it was me, Midnight Sparkle!"

"Midnight?" Adagio thought.

"Yes, Midnight. I'm the creator of the lockets you bear on your necks!" Midnight said.

"No, Twilight did!" Aria thought.

"Keeping her up all hours of the night to finish them, of course I helped, because I inherited her body during that time to make them!" Midnight said. "How does it feel? Thinking this all was your plan? You really don't understand the full weight of your disastrous acts against the innocent!"

Midnight showed them their past. The times they gathered people's energy, feeding off of them, and hurt people, making them turn against each other. They even saw the friends they made, making them cry and run away. Adagio cried. Aria and Sonata also felt terrible.

"Hahaha! So, heartbreaking! Isn't it Adagio Dazzle, Aria Blaze, and Sonata Dusk! Your lust for power was my way of getting underneath your precious skin. Using your methods against you to my advantage!" Midnight explained. "Don't take this the wrong way, I'm not mad you tortured Twilight Sparkle or myself, I rather enjoyed it! But, it is time I finally rid the Rainbooms for good! By stealing their souls!"

Adagio, Sonata, and Aria heads perked up.

"Yes, the lockets don't steal energy, they steal their souls. Which is why the men in black you all took, faded. Not that there were people to begin with!" Midnight snickered.

"What do you want with us?!" Adagio asked in her head.

"I'm going to use you, to absorb the Rainbooms all one by one, and take over this place!" Midnight explained. Adagio, Sonata, and Aria nudged in their chains.

"You can't make us!" Sonata said.

"Oh really?!" Midnight said. "Who's going to stop me?" Midnight put a finger on Sonata's forehead. In her mind, she showered her with gruesome imagery, thinking she was being tortured. She screamed and cried.

"Stop! What are you doing to her?!" Aria yelled. Midnight lifted her finger from Sonata's forehead.

"I'm inside of all of you, I synchronized the lockets, allowing me to mingle in your heads together." Midnight said. "With your minds, I can make you believe anything I set my mind to! Like this chain for example, you all believe you are really chained up!"

"What if we didn't believe you have us chained up?!" Adagio asked.

"I could be quite convincing, but it will have to take enough willpower to say otherwise!" Midnight said.

Sonata broke the chain that held her, and she ran up to Midnight to punch her.

"Tsk. Tsk. Not so fast!" Midnight said, as she held her fist in her hands. "Even when you believe it, there are still many things that hold you back!" Midnight pushed her back, Sonata skidded across the floor. The others came down to help Sonata. "See? But you can't defeat me, you're mine now!"

Afterward, Midnight had ordered Adagio, Sonata, and Aria to do what she told them.


Adagio, Sonata, and Aria both went back to the van, they had parked near Twilight's house. They saw the girls, and planned to follow them home, to take them out while they sleep. However, they saw them fight each other down the street. They then broke apart. Adagio ordered Sonata to follow Rainbow Dash, and Aria to follow Applejack and Rarity. While Adagio would go after Sunset and Twilight. They followed them, knowing where each of them lived.

They waited until nightfall, each of them separated toward their designated person to capture, however, each of them stormed off in the middle of the night, which made things somewhat difficult. But, they managed to get by absorbing them one by one. Under Midnight's control, they were unable to resist her wanting of their souls. However, only Sonata and Aria were able to resist to let Rarity, Rainbow Dash, and Pinkie Pie go, instead of absorbing them.

When they used Demon Sunset to give them power, they resisted the chance to absorb them. Demon Sunset was less powerful afterward, allowing her to stay and watch over the two they had tied in the van.

Adagio ordered Aria and Sonata to absorb Twilight instead. In which, she held back and was run over by Pinkie Pie. It let Midnight's guard down, having to recover from injuries that occurred. Midnight retaliated and synchronized them together again.

"You think you can stop me?!" Midnight yelled. "Give it up, they won't be able to surpass me now!"

The Dazzlings fought against Midnight while she was occupied with fighting Pinkie Pie.

"Enough!" Midnight fought back. "Think of the power we can have! That's what you wanted?! Now take it!!!"

Adagio stood up, being the last one standing against Midnight.

"But, I refuse!" Adagio said, standing proudly against Midnight. While Midnight was intrigued by her strength to resist her manipulation. "There's one thing I love when I've dealt with your kind, who think they can have all that they want, but when they get told no, the look on your face, I live for it!"

"Is that so?" Midnight said. "Very well then, I can't easily take you and your friends away! Scootaloo I will save for last! You will watch me break her!"

"Haha, there's one thing I know. These girls have always found a way to turn things around, even when there's almost zero chance of making it. They will find a way, in ways you wouldn't understand!" Adagio admitted.

"I WILL MAKE YOU SUFFER!" Midnight yelled.

"Now!" Twilight said. Midnight watched as the lightning struck them. The Dazzlings and Midnight screamed in pain, as they were struck with fire.

"What?! This can't be!!! I AM MIDNIGHT!" Midnight yelled. "I AM... MIDNIGHT!!!"

The blast had taken the lockets away, freeing the Dazzlings from Midnight's power. They smiled, as they fell into the ground.


Adagio apologized for everything she had done. Twilight forgiven her, but Adagio admitted they were bad people, who didn't deserve them in their lives.

The Dazzlings were taken to a hospital, and each of them woke up. Oddly happy, that they were still alive and were able to turn everything around.

"Guys, let's never get caught up with magic again?" Adagio announced.

"No kidding!" Aria said.

"I'll be okay with that!" Sonata added.

"There's one thing we got to do before we leave however..." Adagio said.

"What's that?!" Aria and Sonata said simultaneously.


A few weeks later... They found their van parked outside the hospital, as they got out. They were unsure of how it got there, but were glad to see it.

Adagio came and knocked on the door. The door opened, and out came Scootaloo.

"A-Adagio?" Scootaloo said.

"Hey kid." Adagio said.

"What are you doing here?!" Scootaloo said.

"I came to say I'm sorry... after I got my memories back, I was afraid of hurting you. So, I said those things to make you leave, cause I knew how stubborn you can get." Adagio said, as Scootaloo smiled. "You taught me a valuable lesson, I didn't like who I was, and the things I did. I came back to let you know. You've changed me, so I could be better myself. Help others, and never losing sight of what's important!"

"You really mean that?" Scootaloo asked, with tears in her eyes.

"I'm really happy I met you!" Adagio.

"You're leaving?" Scootaloo continued.

"I am, but I just wanted to let you know how I felt before I do." Adagio said, as she patted Scootaloo's head.

"Thank you, Adagio! I'm happy that I was able to help you!" Scootaloo said.

"Have this!" Adagio said, as she placed her headband with spikes in the center on her head. "To remember me by!"

"Thanks!" Scootaloo said. "The others are here too!" Scootaloo brought Apple Bloom and Sweetie Belle outside to meet Aria and Sonata one last time.

"I'm going to miss the apple pies!" Sonata said to Apple Bloom. Apple Bloom laughed. "They're to die for!"

"Are we still friends?" Sweetie Belle asked.

"Arch enemies!" Aria said, with a smile.

"Arch Nemesis!" Sweetie Belle corrected. Aria laughed.

They each gave them cool hair accessories to them, to remember them by.

Adagio and the other two waved goodbye as they got into their van, and drove off. Scootaloo, Sweetie Belle, and Apple Bloom watched them drive away. They smiled, knowing all of what they told them, they were truly capable to stand both individually and collectively to make all the difference in the world, and now that they saw they were changed. They know that they have changed their lives for the better. The girls cried and knew they were going to behave from now on, and so they journeyed away to a new place of their own.

"You know, if any of this was taken out of context, this would be illegal!" Scootaloo said.

"That's what I said!" Sweetie Belle said.

"What do ya mean by that?!" Apple Bloom asked. Sweetie Belle and Scootaloo looked at each other and giggled. "What?!" Apple Bloom continued.

"It's alright Apple Bloom, never mind!" Scootaloo said, as she ruffled Apple Bloom's hair. They all went back inside the clubhouse.

The end of the end.