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Final Episode: The Final Face Off: Final Part


The mighty dragon unleashed its bright, fiery wrath, straight at Gar.

“YOU LOSE!!” Sunset shouted at him.

The blast came nearer and nearer, and everyone watched with extreme stress, ready for the impact.

“I don’t lose… NOT YET!!!” Gar shouted as he held up the single card in his hand, causing a bright flash to rise, nearly blinding everyone, and canceling out the dragon’s attack.

“What is that?!!” Sunset yelled. Then she could see a bright and beautiful monster floating in the light, like some sort of mystical god.

Gar then laughed loud and wickedly. “Behold… You are bearing witness to the power of the one card in the entire dueling universe that is more like me than any other…


The beautiful creature winked at Sunset with a very sinister glare.

Everyone felt as transfixed as she did at the sight of this monster.

Gar then explained, “Since I had no other cards in play and no other cards in my hand, my Goddess now lends me her power… and destroys EVERY SINGLE CARD YOU HAVE OUT!!”

“What?! NO!!!” screamed Sunset, but it was no use.

The Goddess raised her huge weapon up, and she spoke, “Feel the wrath of vengeance!”

She then vanquished all of Sunset’s cards in a bright blast of winds and light. “NO!! THIS CAN’T BE HAPPENING!! I HAD IT WON!!!”

“Well, you don’t now!” taunted Gar.

The wrath ceased and the field was completely empty.

Pinkie dropped her pompons and fell to her knees in extreme shock. “I can’t believe it!” she sobbed softly.

“She was close! So close!” Rarity sobbed with her.

Even Twilight was struck with shock and misery at what happened.

Suddenly, there was a small glow on Gar’s field.

“What’s happening now?” groaned Rainbow.

Gar snickered, “My Goddess has one other special ability; she lets me summon one monster from my deck, and I choose to play RED LAMP!

(Atk: 900)

“I only have one wish right now, and that’s to defeat you, and because my lamp was special summoned…” he paused and glared deeply at Sunset, “…You lose 600 life points!

…Game Over!”

Sunset gasped, and the lamp blew a small puff of smoke at her taking away everything she had left.

Sunset LP: 500 -----> 0

All she could do was fall to her knees with her eyes wide open, and a defeated look on her face.

Everyone gawked at her, some of the Equestrians had tears in their eyes.

“Sunset!” Twilight peeped softly as a single tear slipped down and splashed by her feet.

“She… she lost!” Spike cried ever so softly.

The referee then made it official. “The Winner and Champion of the Friendship Cup Tournament… Masquerade!”

Gar just stood where he was. Even as the cameras focused on him.

The crowds were totally silent below, and their mouths and eyes were wide-open.

Finally, someone began to applaud. Then the other people next to him, and others, and more, until everyone was cheering thunderously.

They weren’t cheering exactly because Gar had won the duel, but because of how exciting everything was.

“That was intense!”

“Best duel ever!”

“No one’s ever come that close to beating Masquerade before!”

“That girl rocks!”

Sunset stood, wiping the tears of defeat from her eyes, listening to all the applause.

Her friends were all confused like she was, until they finally understood.

Tracey Flash then approached Sunset wanting to know, “Sunset Shimmer, you may have lost, but that’s one of the most outstanding duels anyone has ever seen.

You came so close to beating Masquerade-- closer than pretty much anyone has.

How are you feeling?”

Sunset was highly baffled. “Um… I… feel a little tired?”

Gar gawked at Sunset from afar, almost as if he didn’t know what exactly to say or do about her, for he had been reflecting on quite a few things.

Suddenly, Sci-Twi burst out onto the roof in a panic. “Guys!” she called. “Terra’s run away!”

Everyone gasped, even Gar was surprised to hear.

After managing to fight their way past the paparazzi and the crowds, the gang made it out of the building-- except for Gar who stayed behind to collect his prizes.

They were all now standing by the road in the city park, far away from the crowds, and Sci-Twi explained everything.

“…We spent so much time arguing, nobody noticed.” She held up a note that Terra managed to write. It read…


I can no longer take all this…

It’s bad enough we’re all homeless, and it’s worse so that all the world hates us and won’t give us much help, but the biggest issue is that we bring all this upon ourselves by acting worse.

Dick and Kori, you just want Sunset to give you the money…

Raven, you tried to wash Gar up, not to mention kill him…

As for me, I can’t bear this anymore, my heart is already hurt, and not just by Gar’s rejections, by the fact that my so-called “friends” and “family” have become so greedy, so self-centered, they’ve become worse than the monsters on the cards.

Goodbye, and this time forever! Don’t bother trying to find me.


Pinkie felt like crying at such a thing. “This is just too much!” she sobbed.

Sunset was furious at the other Titans. Especially at Raven for the stunt she pulled. “I cannot believe you would stoop so low!” she scolded.

Raven didn’t look the least bit remorseful, proving how much she didn’t care.

“And you three…!” Sunset scolded the other Titans.

“Hey, we didn’t know about the stunt.” protested Dick.

“If we had, we would have stopped it.” added Kori.

The Equestrians all had no idea if they could believe it or not.

“At least my conscience broke through.” said Vic. “I didn’t want to go through with it.”

“Yet you still did anyway.” growled Rainbow. “You could’ve still said “No.” and you could’ve stopped Raven by locking the computer.”

Vic cringed with guilt.

“And simply wanting the money if Sunset had won it?” asked Fluttershy. “We would have all shared it with you, because that what friends do.”

“We weren’t going to demand it.” said Dick. “We were going to persuade you. We’re desperate, and we’re homeless.”

Princess Twilight shook her head pitifully, “That still does not excuse the fact you were still thinking only for yourselves.

Haven’t you learned anything from your history?”

She referred to how all their selfish and narcissistic ways put the whole country in danger, doomed Jump City, and ruined many people’s lives, as well as their own.

“At least we tried to do good!” cried Kori. “We aborted the upload.”

“Actually, I did…” protested Vic.

“…No, you didn’t.” called a familiar voice.

Everyone turned round and they were all surprised to see Gar standing by the road.

“What’s he doing here?” Shining Armor hissed angrily.

“Shh…!” said Cadance.

Gar stopped before, but he gazed at Sunset in particular.

He softly approached her. Sunset stiffened, ready to balk at him if he tried to act mean again, but to her surprise, he handed her an envelope.

“Consider yourself repaid.”

Sunset opened the envelop to find a check inside for half a-million dollars-- half of the prize money he had won.

The Equestrians were completely speechless.

Then Gar turned to face the Titans, and he pitched a second envelope with another check for the rest of the money at Dick.

…Even Raven was speechless and shocked at this gesture.

“You’ll need it…” he sneered at them “…And all the luck in the world.”

Then he turned and started to head back towards the road.

“Wait…!” called Celestia. “Where are you going?”

“Anywhere that’s away from you people. My business is finished here. I’ve got other places to be.”

“But why give your money away?” asked Luna.

“Because, I already have plenty of money to burn, and I can easily make it all back.

Besides, I’ve won something even better than money or a title… I’ve won ultimate revenge.”

He looked back and forth at everyone.

He had finally gotten back at the Titans for all their years of mistreating him. They were homeless, hated-- pretty much having had lost everything.

“You all got exactly what you deserved.”

The Titans didn’t know what to say.

Then he gazed at the Equestrians, feeling proud that he was able to show that Friendship really isn’t everything, and it could not always work. “If Sunset’s loss to me doesn’t knock any sense into any of you, I don’t know what will.”

Rarity stepped forth in fury. “So that’s it?!” she balked. “You just up and leave in such a manner?”

“Don’t you even care that Terra’s run away?” added Applejack.

Gar snuffed. “The Titans can easily find her.”

“No, we can’t.” snapped Vic. “I’ve already tried my scanners. I think she did just what you did-- shielded herself from being traced.”

“Oh, well.” Gar said slyly. “Goodbye.” and he began to walk off again, but Sunset ran out in front of him.

“You really think you can keep on going like this?” she asked. “You think that by always being mean, and wallowing in darkness and despair is a healthy way to live?”

“Bah!” sneered Gah “I’ve done great up to now, and I will continue to.”

“Keep telling yourself that!” called Raven. “I may not have exposed you, but that doesn’t mean I won’t try again, or anyone will.”

“Raven!” snapped Dick. The Equestrians were really having their fill with her bad attitude.

Gar, however, only laughed in amusement. “You really think I can be exposed that easily?”

Raven was starting turn red with rage, but she kept calm.

Gar then explained, “Don’t you think many before having tried pulling the same stunts as you--always spying on me, trying to see my face, or learn of my identity?

In the end, they never succeed.

I’m the world’s greatest gamer, and I have a price on my head-- protected by the government.”

He paused and saw everyone gawking at him in disbelief.

“That’s right.” said Gar. “A special computer program is designed on the internet to stop any and all uploads of anybody who even thinks of trying to expose my identity.”

Sci-Twi and Vic gasped.

“You got to be kidding?” Raven asked in shock. “You mean the files would never have uploaded?”

Vic now understood. “That explains why the upload was canceled and the files were deleted before I even hit the keys.”

Sci-Twi was nearly baffled. “So, I never had to try to do anything.”

“That’s right.” hissed Gar. “You didn’t save me, and you never had to, and I would think twice if you tried to go around mentioning me to people.

The Law of my demanded privacy would not take kindly to that.”

This was just too much for anyone to bear. It was as if Gar was completely untouchable, not just in games and sports, but in public as well.

“Here’s the thing.” Gar said “…I’ve won. You all lost. So, take your consolation prizes, and whatever you have left of your so-called “dignity” and get out of my life!”

He then turned to face Sunset one last time. “Like I said, my giving you this money and repaying you changes nothing.”

Sunset finally accepted defeat, and she said nothing back to him.

The winds were starting to pick up as a private helijet flew overhead and dropped down a long rope ladder.

“He actually has his own transport?” Rainbow asked in disbelief. “It’s official… this is majorly unfair!”

Gar grabbed onto the ladder, and the crew winched him up.

“So long!” he called back in a mocking voice.

The helijet began to fly away, and Dick couldn’t help but shout out to him, “WE’LL MEET AGAIN!! I WON’T FORGET YOU FOR THIS!!”

The helijet was already miles away and disappeared behind the clouds.

Dick furiously kicked a rock, sending it sailing across the fields.

Then he saw all the Equestrians gawking at him with extreme disappointment. “What are you looking at?” but then he realized he had gone too far. “Look, I’m sorry. I just… well… I…”

The Equestrians all turned their backs on him.

“Please, don’t do this to us.” begged Kori.

“I thought we were all friends here?” asked Vic, but nobody responded to him.

“Sunset, come on…” Dick said, in a desperate attempt, but she walked straight up to him, and handed him her check giving him the full million-- just like he wanted.

“Titans…” she said severely. “I think it’s time for you all to go… Now!”

Then she backed away towards her real friends, who all shared her wishes, finally turning her back on the Titans.

Seeing as they were completely defeated, and that the girls wouldn’t budge, “Let’s go.” Dick said to his team.

“Dick…?” said Kori. “Where will we go? What will we do?”

Dick looked down at the two checks. “We’ll just have to see what happens and where things take us.”

Kori heeded her husbands wishes and followed him into the RV, followed by Vic. “So long…” he said sadly. “It was fun while it lasted.”

Raven was the last to board, but she couldn’t help but turn back to sneer at everyone. “You Equestria Girls are all phonies! We thought there wasn’t any friendship problem you couldn’t solve, and that you never gave up.

I guess we were wrong about you.”

Princess Twilight turned to face the pitiful woman and protested softly. “We can’t help you. No one can help you… until you’re willing to help yourself and make a proper change.”

Raven clenched her fists, but then went inside.

The engines charged up, and the RV took off into the skies and was gone.

Sunset’s heart really ached, and her eyes filled with tears.

Everyone felt just as hurt to tell the Titans off like that. They were heartless jerks who needed a long time to consider themselves, but there still friends for a time and all a great team.

Rubeus, who had shown up out of nowhere, had witnessed everything.

“Well done, ladies…” he said to the girls. “It was hard, but you did the right thing.”

Sunset was inclined to agree.

“Let’s go home.” Spike suggested.

That was the best, and only idea, everyone could agree to.

A few days had passed, and everyone rested up and shook their woes away.

Princess Twilight headed back to Equestria immediately. She promised to speak to Princess Celestia about Rubeus and see to it that he was let off easy.

Rubeus went back to running his company and being a well-to-do human being as he promised.

He also had his talks with Loki, which always seemed to turn into brotherly squabbles, and with Loki still refusing to budge, resulting in him remaining imprisoned until a time he could get over himself and accept humanity like Rubeus.

As for Sunset, she really became worldly known as The Girl who almost beat Masquerade.

Many duelists in the city were fascinated by her, and were always inviting her to clubs, parties, vlog-casts, and others just wanted to a chance to duel her…

But Sunset refused every one of them claiming “It’s no big deal.”

Her deck and her duel disk were safely stored in a storage box in her closet at home. She and all her friends had quite enough of dueling for a while and wanted to take a much-needed hiatus from it all.

Sunset felt accomplished anyway. She had finally mastered the four summoning powers.

Sci-Twi no longer lived in Gar’s shadow, feeling that when she defeated Karle for good, she overcame an opponent greater-- her own self.

Also, Summer Vacation was only a few days in, and it was time to have some fun and forget their troubles, like hitting the beaches!

Surfing… Swimming… Suntanning… Picnicking… Volleyball… and of course Snacking and Dancing… and all the fun you could want.

As Sunset lay back in her beach chair, she couldn’t help but look up at the skies.

Sci-Twi joined her. “You still thinking about the Titans?” she asked.

Sunset nodded, “All the time. I know it’s not my business to worry about them, but I can’t help it.”

Sci-Twi put a comforting hand on her shoulder, “Don’t let it eat you. Everything has its limits… which, sadly, includes friendship.”

Sunset sighed but agreed.

“…We can’t ever forget our pasts, because if we do, we’ll never learn from them, but we can put them aside for a time and enjoy the good times.”

Sunset smiled, but the moment was interrupted when a beachball hit her.

“Hey, you two!” Applejack called “Shake a leg and join us!”

The girls dashed off for more fun.

Sometime later…

In a city far, far away…

A newspaper van threw out a stack of papers to be collected.

The front page had a double feature.

One was a story of how the Titans didn't get very far with all the money they had made, and were now reported living in seclusion, cut off from society and fending for themselves. They were still very much hated by the majority of humanity.

"Serves them right." the people would say.

"A fitting punishment for what they did."

The other was the story of a big dueling contest and exhibition being held in that very city, where duelists could come and challenge the Legendary Masquerade for a chance at Five-Thousand dollars, while Masquerade was already paid a handsome sum for attending.

At the tournament, Gar successfully defeated every single opponent that came his way, but he showed better sportsmanship due to these people not being like Equestria Girls-- believing too much in faith and friendship.

“Ladies and Gentlemen…” the announcer hollered “Once again: The reigning, undefeated master gamer… Masquerade!”

The crowds went wild with cheers and applause.

The announcer then called, “For Five Thousand dollars… Is there no duelist out there who can take out this thunder of the gods?”

The arena went dark, with one spotlight in the center ring, and the other shining on a new challenger.

The people gasped, and even Gar couldn’t believe what he was seeing.

His next challenger was a tall, thin woman, wearing an outfit almost identical to his in every way, just different colors, and a shorter coat.

She even wore a sphere, and a mask of her own covering every inch of face. Nobody knew who she was.

“Ladies and Gentlemen…” called the announcer “Daring all odds and fighting for her money and newest reputation.

Here she is… the amazing… MASQUEREEN!”

The crowds cheered, but many hissed at her, calling her bad names.



“There’s only one Masquerade.”

She ignored it all as she made her way to the dueling arena, where Gar was still in total disbelief.

“You’ve got to be kidding me.” he said to himself.

“Shall we duel?” she hissed at him in a deep, but familiar voice. Then she held up her deck to shuffle, and Gar could see the bottom card was Change of Heart.

Rather than fly off into a snit, Gar simply slammed his deck down and declared, “Show me what you’ve got.”

Author's Note:


After all these years (May 7, 2019 to September 14, 2023) I've reached the end. It's over. (It felt so good to kick these characters asses) to me... THIS is a feeling of accomplishment and pride... and much better than having a life.

Thank you (The kind, understanding and respectable people) for sticking with me through this all.

The absolute biggest sets of fics I've ever made.

Now I can finally get back to Starfleet Magic and Friendship is Failure.

Until the next time people... *Draws a Card*

Comments ( 4 )

That was awesome. That final play from Masquerade was pure anime cheese and it was delicious.

That was magnificent man. You are the greatest.


Like I said... "Thank you... to those who have been respectable"

And "Up yours" to my haters!

Great job I love all your stories, sometimes it's believable how they would talk and sometimes act not, but it all depends on how the author writes them.

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