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Episode 15: Rocking-Raging-Raven


Sci-Twi’s group had wandered a great deal from where Terra had dueled Karle, and they didn’t feel like they were any nearer to finding any of their friends than they were before.

“We’re lost… aren’t we?” asked Cadance.

Shining Armor looked one way, and then another. Every way looked the same; just endless stretches of shadow lands with mountains, and deserts, and not a sign of anything to tell them where they were or where to go, not even any footprints in the sand other than their own, and even then, their own footprints were disappearing by the billowing sands so they couldn’t even know which way they came.

“Yeah, I’d say we are.” he finally admitted, but he didn’t like it.

Spike felt upset. “If only I wasn’t trapped in this piece of cardboard, I could sniff the others out.”

Applejack was already trying her farm-girl sniffing technique. “I ain’t given up, and neither should you all.” She was very worried about her friends ever since she had that sickening feeling that something had gone horrible wrong in two places.

Terra agreed with her, still determined to find the others, but then she noticed Sci-Twi was looking all around, and even up on the mountain peaks.

“What are you looking for?” she asked.

“Karle.” Sci-Twi answered “She said she was following us, and who knows what other dangers are out there. Plus, I really want to get my deck back.”

This and concern of the others gave her plenty of fuel to keep going… until her stomach growled. Some of the others felt the same way.

“Maybe we should stop for a bite first.” suggested Terra.

Unable to argue with that, everyone just sat where they were on the sand, and took out some of the food they had stored from a while back.

They were careful not to consume too much took quickly, for the food wasn’t going to last much longer, unless they found a new supply, which wasn’t too seemingly.

The other groups had also stopped and consumed bites of their food supplies, but Celestia didn’t seem too hungry.

“You okay?” asked Vic, but then he figured. “Still upset about Luna, huh?”

“Well, yes…” replied Celestia “But that’s not slowing me up. I… just don’t feel hungry at all or even sleepy or tried for that. If anything, I feel stronger than ever.”

The others all found this strange, seeing as she had just gotten out of a duel, which she lost, not to mention the shock and grievance of seeing her sister turned into a card thus: sparing her own soul.

Sunset wasn’t paying too much attention, as she was preoccupied wondering about the jewels on the mystery card.

She thought to herself, “I know these jewels must resemble the four summoning methods, but how do they work exactly?” she thought and she thought. “I won’t know for sure unless I duel again, and that’s running a great risk as it is.”

“Sunset?” called Raven. “Sunset…?”

She snapped out of her trance. “Oh, sorry, I was miles away.”

“I’ll say you were.” said Raven. Then she looked back and could barely see any sign of the city. “We’ve come miles too, and we’re just wandering around like Gar used to be.”

Vic’s eyes narrowed at her. “Rae!”

“What do you mean by “How he used to be?” asked Twilight.

Raven shook her head trying to act innocent, “…It’s nothing. It’s all history.” Then she took a big bite of a sandwich, hoping the Equestrians would back off, but both Sunset and Celestia felt convinced that what she had implied wasn’t merely “Nothing.”

Twilight especially wasn’t convinced, but before she could ask, the ground began to shake.

“What’s happening?!” she wailed.

“Ah, man! Don’t tell me--?” groaned Vic, and at that moment, the ground burst open and out came a gaggle of rock-type Malefican monsters. One of which, the leader of the bunch was wearing a duel disk.

The leader laugh, “There she is.” he growled while pointing at Sunset. “That’s the one their highnesses want most.”

Sunset looked ready and edging for a duel, despite the risks, really wanting to learn more about her card, but before she could do anything…

Raven snuck behind Vic and opened the compartment in his back, stealing his duel disk.

“Hey! What are you doing?!” he bellowed, but Raven already stepped forth and addressed the monsters, “If you brutes are dueling anyone, it’s going to be me.”

She readied the disk, taking out Vic’s deck and replacing it with her own. “It’s about time I got back into the action.”

“But Raven--” called Celestia.

“But nothing…!” Raven insisted “Something’s going on with you, and I don’t think it’s safe for you to duel. Vic shouldn’t duel at all, and Sunset…” she paused “…Somehow, I don’t think she should duel either, not if they want something from her.”

Sunset knew this as well, and found it hard to protest, but the rock leader still disagreed as he glared Raven down. “You have nothing of importance to us. We intend to duel your friend and that is final!”

Before he could do anything else, Raven held out the duel disk and fired a beam at the leader’s disk, which forced the duel challenge, which surprised the rest of the friends.

“How did she do that?” wondered Celestia.

Sunset deduced, “Of course… in this world, if they can force others into duels, then so can we.”

Raven nodded, having guessed that earlier. Now the leader had no choice but to duel her.

Much to the leader’s chagrin, he had to comply, “Very well, but you realize you are digging your own grave with this. I’ll burry it with you, and then rock slide on your friends back there too.”

Raven was growing annoyed. “Can you knock it off with the bad rock puns? Let’s just duel.”

The other rock monsters didn’t take kind to her rudeness, but the leader, somewhat did. “The last being foolish enough to speak to me that way was crushed like a pebble.”


Rock Leader LP: 8000

Raven LP: 8000

The cards were drawn, and the friends were all worried for Raven.

“Do you think she can crush this creep?” asked Sunset.

“Hard to tell,” replied Vic “She hasn’t dueled in a while, but we can’t think negative here.”

“Let’s Rock and Roll.” chuckled the leader as he made the first move. “I shall summon BARRIER STATUE OF THE DROUGHT in defense-mode!”

(Def: 1000)

His dumpy little rock monster appeared.

“Ha!” Raven scoffed “You just made a big mistake. By summoning a monster, I can--” she was about to try and summon one of her PSY Frames, but her cards actually shocked her like a force-field blocking her off.

“What’s going on?” asked Celestia. “Why can’t Raven play her card?”

“Ah!” Sunset gasped “That monster…”

Everyone saw the creature shedding thick sands all over the field, which made Raven gag and cough.

The Rock leader snickered, “You’re already catching on. Thanks to my Statute’s special ability, the field becomes shrouded in dusty drought. Now no monster can be special summoned unless it is Earth-Attributed.”

Raven growled angrily. All her monsters were Light-Attributed; meaning her PSY Frames no longer could use their effects.

“This is really bad!” she thought. “Since most of my monsters needs to special summoned to be played, I won’t be able to get much out onto the field.”

The Rock Leader felt satisfied. “Now I shall place four cards facedown, and end my turn.”

“Great!” Raven thought “I can’t play my monsters, and now I’ve got four face downs to deal with!”

The friends were all shuddering for Raven already.

“I can’t believe this.” Sunset muttered “The duel just started, and Raven’s already seriously backed up.”

Vix wasn’t even sure if he wanted to cheer Raven on, knowing she wouldn’t like it and it probably wouldn’t help.

“Maybe thinking negative is the only thing right now.” he thought, but he really didn’t want Raven to lose.

“It’s my turn…” Raven said and she drew her card, but it wasn’t really something that could help her. “I have no other choice.

…I’ll place two cards facedown, and end my turn.”

The Rock Leader’s followers taunted Raven.

“Looks like someone’s hit rock bottom already.”

“She’s like a mere pebble in the land of boulders.”

Raven’s head was throbbing in anger. “If I have my powers back--” was all she could say before the Rock Leader cut in “…But the fact remains: you haven’t. So I suggest you settle in. It’s going be a rocky road.”

Raven didn’t know what hurt more; the bad puns, or her terrible situation.

“It’s my draw…” said the opponent. “And I activate the trap known as STATUE OF ANGUISH PATTERN!”

A large stone creature suddenly appeared on the field.

(Def: 2500)

“Uh… what is that supposed to be?” asked Raven.

“It’s a Trap Monster!” called Sunset. “It’s a card that’s both a monster, and still treated as a trap.”

Raven growled softly while her opponent chuckled. “Perhaps you’re all not full of rocks in the head.”

“Yeah?” sneered Raven. “Well, the fact is that monster still has no attack power.”

The Leader snickered. “I am aware, but here’s what you are unaware of, I have two more of them to play.”


“I activate… two more Statutes, and summon them to my field, for just as the very rock formations that formed the Earth itself!”

Surely enough, two more Statues formed up by the first one.

(Def: 2500) x2

Raven glared at the trio of statues, and two of them started glowing!

“What are they doing now?” she had to ask. She got her answer when, POW, the glowing statues fired magical beams at her two facedown cards, and blew them into dust.

“No! My cards…!”

The leader chuckled, “Did I not mention my Statues’ hidden powers. Whenever a card is summoned from my spell/trap zone, they are able to destroy one card, which leaves you virtually defenseless.”

Suddenly, Raven’s side of the field began to spark and thunder with rage.

“What is happening?”

That’s when Raven gave a sinister grin. “Looks like you fell for a little trick of my own.

One of the cards you destroyed was my BLACK PENDANT. Since you destroyed it, you get hit with 500 points of damage.”

Dark billowing winds blasted from her field, striking her opponent hard…

Rock Leader LP: 8000 -----> 7500

…But the opponent just stood where he was, taking the hit without so much as a flinch or a flicker, as he was a rock creature.

“And further more…” Raven continued “The second card was this…” she got it out of the graveyard to show everyone, “This is a handy spell called SPELL CALLING, and since you destroyed it, I now get to set one Quick-Play spell from my deck down onto my field.”

The opponent grumbled softly as Raven made her selection. “Read it and weep. I set BOOK OF MOON facedown.”

The opponent gazed deeply at that card and could practically read Raven’s thoughts. “I see what she plans… she intends to use that spell to turn my Drought Statue facedown, and thereby canceling out its power.

A bold attempt, but not good enough.”

The friends could hardly believe Raven was still trying to duel her best out there, and watched with extreme anxiety.

“Now then!” shouted the Rock Leader “I shall summon one monster in defense-mode, and then ends my turn.”

Raven was confused. “All he’s doing is playing defense. Why isn’t trying to attack me?”

She began to suspect there was more to his plan than she thought, but at least now it was her turn.

“It’s my draw!” she thundered, drawing a fifth card. “And now, as you may have guessed, I activate my BOOK OF MOON. It lets me flip one monster on the field facedown, and I know just the one…” she pointed straight at the Barrier Statue, and with a magic zap from the book, the monster flipped over.

“Alright!” cheered Vic “With that statue flipped down… that means Raven can summon her monsters again.”

Celestia and Sunset were hopeful for Raven’s next move; while the opponent seemed all stiff as the rock he was, as were his followers.

Raven reached for another card, “Now from my hand I activate the spell CARD DESTRUCTION. It forces us to discard all the cards in our hands, and then draw the same amount from our decks.”

She discarded four cards, and then redrew four more, but her opponent did nothing as his hand was empty.

Raven then gazed down at her cards, and she was pleased with what she had.

“What do you think she drew?” asked Twilight.

“I think we’re about to find out.” said Sunset “I just hope it’s good.”

“Now…” Raven called as she grabbed a card “I play the spell TELEKINETIC POWER WELL. Now I can special summon as many Level 2 or below Psychic-Type monsters from my graveyard.”

Her graveyard began to glow brightly, and three of her monsters appeared in an instant.




Her three monsters all stood with their wires flailing, and their bodies glowing.

The Rock Leader was hardly impressive. “A bold move, I must say, but you forget that it comes with a price; a price that costs you 300 life points for each level of those monsters.”

The friends all gasped, and Vic added it all up. “That means Raven’s going to lose 1500 points!”

Raven groaned and growled as the energy drain shocked her…

Raven LP: 8000 -----> 6500

…But she managed to stay standing. “It’s a price I had to pay, and it was worth it. Now I tribute my Beta, in order to summon this… PSY-FRAME DRIVER.”

(Atk: 2500)

“And if you think that I’m finished here, guess again, because I tune my Level 1 Alpha with Level 6 Driver.”

The monsters changed into the orbs and rings as they began to tune together.

“I Synchro Summon PSY-FRAMELORD ZETA!”

(Atk: 2500)

Her monster glowed with its powerful light, forcing the rock monsters to raise their arms up to their eyes.

“What’s the matter? Can’t stand the light?” Raven teased “Well, maybe you can stand this… I play MONSTER REBORN, to bring back my Frame Driver.”

(Atk: 2500)

“And that here’s here, I’ll Syncrho Summon again, by tuning Gamma with Driver, I bring forth… PSY-FRAMELORD OMEGA!”

(Atk: 2800)

Her two strong Synchro monsters stood side-by-side, glowing brighter than ever, much to the disdain of the enemies, but the joy of the friends.

“Excellent.” said Celestia “Now Raven really has a chance to turn the tables.”

Raven entered her battle phase.

“Go Zeta, attack that facedown Statue.”

Her monster rushed in to attack while she thought, “By destroying that card, I’ll be free to special summon more of my monsters again.”

The attack was about to connect, when the opponent sneered, “I think not! I activate the trap CALL OF THE EARTHBOUND.”


The friends all gasped too, and watched as the monster veered off from its selected target.

“This trap forces your monster to attack a different creature on my field.” He pointed to his other hidden monster, and Zeta was forced to attack and reveal it-- an ugly kind of jar with a goofy looking face.

“What is that?”

“…It’s a MORPHING JAR!” cried Sunset.

Everyone watched as the ugly creature was destroyed, but then came the next part as Sunset explained, “When a Morphing Jar is flipped up, both players discard all cards that they hold, and then draw five new ones.”

Raven was forced to send her last card away, and both players drew a fresh hand.

The opponent snickered, “Your plan was only rock-steady, but far from solid. Now, my hand is perfectly freshened.”

“Yeah?” snapped Raven “Well you forget, I still have another monster.” And she ordered her Omega to attack the Drought statue again, and this time it was destroyed, but since it was in defense-mode, the opponent was left undamaged.

“Like I said…” he taunted “I am Rock Solid. You are not.”

“We’ll see about that…” sneered Raven. “I place two cards facedown and end my turn.”

Raven’s features were starting to harden, and she seemed to be breathing softly yet angrily.

“Is she alright?” asked Celestia. “She’s looking really angry.”

The others noted this as well, particularly Twilight. “She looks like she’s struggling with some deep inner memory.” she thought.

Raven still managed to cool herself down, but she wasn’t done with the thoughts in her head by a long shot.

The rock monsters also noted her anger rising.

“What’s with her?”

“She looks like she wants to fly into a rage.”

The leader took little interest and drew his next card, giving him six in hand.

Raven thought careful as she looked up at Omega. “I dare not use his special ability just yet. It’ll be best if I wait for him to play his hand down first.”

“Let’s Rock!” bellowed the opponent, “And I shall turn all three of my Statutes to attack mode.”

(Atk: 0) x3

Raven was confused since all three monsters had no attack points.

“Confused are we?” taunted the leader, which made Raven’s head throb.

“Well you know, they say a good offense can come from a strong defense, and that is exactly what I intend to show you.”

Raven had a good idea of what was coming now!

“I play the spell card SHIELD AND SWORD, and its enchanting power will swap all monsters attack and defense points.”

“Oh, no!” cried Raven, and the magic did its work right before her eyes.

(Atk: 0) -----> (Atk: 2500) x3

(Atk: 2500) -----> (Atk: 1800)

(Atk: 2800) -----> (Atk: 2200)

“Raven’s monsters just grew weaker!” cried Sunset.

“And his monsters just toughened way up!” added Vic.

The leader laughed, “Time to rock her monster’s world!”

“I don’t think so!” sneered Raven. “I activate Zeta’s special ability, which lets me target one Attack Position monster you have and banish it alone with Zeta.”

The monster only snickered, “I’m afraid that won’t be happening. My statues are impervious to being targeted by card effects so long as I have a trap monster in play.”

Raven was furious now by this recently revelation, and the fact that her monster had to stay put and couldn’t use its power after all.

She began panting angrily again.

“Rae, take it easy.” called Vic “Don’t let this guy get to you.”

It still wasn’t exactly her opponent that was bothering her, but her inner conscience.

Twilight still felt more convinced about this than ever.

The opponent then engaged his battle phase. “My first statue shall destroy your Zeta!”

His monster summoned a hoard of magical stones and began to bombard Raven’s monster…

(Atk: 2500) VS (Atk: 1800)

…Destroying it and more stones pelted against Raven. She growled as it felt like she was really being stoned.

Raven LP: 6500 -----> 5800

“Hang tough, Raven!” called Sunset.

“Ha!” scoffed the opponent. “My second statue will now destroy your Omega!”

As the monster began to charge up again, Raven couldn’t believe what she was about to do, but she felt it was her only chance.

“I activate my trap, PSY-FRAME OVERLOAD!”

“What?!” barked the leader.

The other monsters and the friends gawked in confusion.

“Now I’ll banish one “PSY-Frame” in my hand, and now I can target and banish one card in play.”

The leader seemed unamused. “And I thought I had rocks on the brain. I already explained to you that my Statues cannot be targeted.”

“I’m not going after them.” said Raven “I’m banishing my own monster. Scram, Omega!”

Her monster obeyed, and vanished in a ray of light.

“Why would Raven do that?!” snapped Celestia. “Now she’s wide open for a direct attack!”

“And worse than that, now he get a replay.” said Sunset. Then she suddenly realized, “Wait a minute…!”

“Now I activate another trap!” shouted Raven

“Since your monster vanished,” sneered the opponent “Now I will attack you instead, go my Statue.”

The attack then aimed straight at Raven.

“No!” she shouted “I activate PSY-FRAMEGEAR BETA from my hand. When you declare a direct attack while I control no monsters, I can summon him from my hand along with a PSY-Frame Driver from my deck.”

The two monsters appeared.

(Def: 0)

(Atk: 2500)

“And you know what happens now?” Raven partially bellowed at her opponent, “Your attacking monster is instantly destroyed, and the battle phase ends! And by the way: This effect doesn’t target, so your monster is going down!”

“Ah!” gasped the leader, but he was forced to watch as his monster powered down, and his body began to crack and crumble, and the creature collapsed into dust.

“Oh, no… This isn’t good!” muttered one of the rock comrades.

His friend agreed, “So that’s why she banished her monster. It was so she could summon those creatures out and stop the leader.”

“This is far from over.” the leader insisted as he laid three cards facedown, ending his turn.

“Now my monsters are both banished.” said Raven, and her creatures vanished as she said, leaving her wide open again.

The friends were impressed by Raven’s playing, but her anger was still showing.

“She’s getting angrier.” said Twilight. “Is she alright?”

Vic couldn’t answer. It wasn’t often that Raven showed growing rage like she was now; mostly because she had to hold her powers back, but now that her powers were disabled… was she just starting to break loose?

Raven was finding it harder to keep her composure as she gazed at her opponent, and then her eyes began to narrow angrily, as if she was seeing something different.

“I’ve got to get a grip!” she thought “If I keep slipping like this I could lose focus, and I can’t afford that, not now!”

She drew her next card, giving her two in hand.


It activates when I pay half my life points…”

Raven LP: 5800 -----> 2900

“And then I can summon as many of my banished monsters as I need.”

She was about to do so when her opponent called to her. “Sorry, but I’ll have to ground you, because I activate a trap of my own… CALL OF THE HAUNTED…!”

Raven growled angrily, but she had a sneaky feeling he was going to revive his Drought Statute, which would prevent her from summoning her Light monsters.

“Sorry, but I’m not grounded!” she scoffed. “Since I have no monsters, and you played a trap, I summon PSY-FRAMEGEAR EPSILON from my hand and a third Driver from my deck.”

(Atk: 1500)

(Atk: 2500)

“And by doing so, your trap is negated and destroyed!”

In a flash of lightning fired by the monsters, the trap had failed.

“And now…” Raven called “My trap continues to activate, which lets me summon my banished creatures.”

Three flashes of light shot out from an opened portal, and her monsters materialized.



“PSY-FRAME DRIVER…” (Atk: 2500)

Raven suddenly gasped and clutched herself in pain, and fell down on one knee. She had forgotten she had just paid much of her life points, which drained much of her energy as well.

“Raven!” called Vic “Are you okay?”

She didn’t answer, if anything, she looked more enraged than ever as she glared at her opponent, with her eyes flaming with building rage.

She got back up onto her feet, looking almost ready to ram through a brick-wall.

Her opponent noted this, and yet preferred to egg her on. “Looks like someone’s been a little rocked, and is about to get buried alive.

You fell for my real trap.”

“What?!” snapped Raven.

“That Call of the Haunted was a ruse to get you to use us resources, because now I activate another trap monster… TIKI SOUL!”

Raven groaned softly, and watched as a new monster popped up onto the field.

(Def: 1800)

“Oh, no!”

“Oh, yes…” laughed the opponent “And since I have summoned yet another trap monster, my two Statues on Anguish activate their own abilities, which will destroy two of your cards.”

The monsters began to glow, and they fired their ancient beams at Raven’s field, destroying one of the Frame Drivers, and the Overload trap card.

“It won’t matter to me!” Raven growled. “Now I tune Level 2 Epsilon with my Level 6 Frame Driver.”

The monsters began to synchronize, and Raven’s largest monster appeared.


(Atk: 2700)

Her monster growled viciously.

The friends began to feel their hopes returning as they basked in the light of Raven’s monster.

Raven then engaged her battle phase. “Thought Ruler, attack that Anguish Statue now!”

Her monster charged up, and prepared to fire a powerful psybeam…

…But the opponent snickered, “You just never learn do you. I still have one more trap monster to summon.”

Raven cringed softly.

“I now activate SWAMP MIRRORER, a trap creature that allows me to choose its Type and Attribute. Obviously: I choose Rock and Earth!”

The monster then appeared on the field, giving the opponent a full five trap monsters!

(Atk: 1800)

The friends were aghast beyond imagination.

“He’s got five monsters that are also considered traps in play at once!” cried Vic.

The others all nodded with shock in their eyes. Five trap monsters VS Raven’s single monster.

“And it only gets worse…!” said Sunset “He just summoned another trap monster; that means…!”

…The Anguish Statues began to glowing again.

“Say goodbye to your last defense!” shouted the opponent, and his two statues prepared to fire their beams.

“Not this time!” sneered Raven. “I activate Archfiend’s special ability. Whenever a spell or trap targets one Psychic monster I control, by paying 1000 life points.”

Her monster was able to block both monsters, which cost her quite a lot of points…

Raven LP: 2900 -----> 900

She wailed and growled as the pain shot through her.

“Raven!!” cried Sunset.

“What is she thinking?!” wailed Celestia. “Now her life points are so low she could lose duel!”

Twilight was shuddering with fear. “…And if she loses the duel, she loses her soul!”

Raven was aware of this, but she thought to herself, “I’m not going to lose! I have this duel in the bag, and I’m going to punish him!”

With a loud roar, she summoned more inner strength to help her stand upright.

The rock monsters could hardly believe her.

“How is she still able to go?” asked one.

“She’s stronger than she looks.” suggested the other.

The leader was growing irritated. “You may be standing now, but I’ll ground you to rock bottom yet!”

Raven clenched her teeth. “You have no idea how sick I am of hearing all those bad rock puns!”

She engaged her battle phase. “Archfiend, attack and destroy Anguish Statue.”

Her monster complied, and he lunged over to the other side of the field, and with its might claws it slashed the creature’s rock solid body.

(Atk: 2700) VS (Atk: 0)

The monster exploded, and bits of debris flew past the opponent.

Rock Leader LP: 7500 -----> 4800

“Take that!” shouted Raven, and she panted heavily after that, which almost made the rock monsters all wince.

The friends were now deeply concerned that Raven needed to cool down a bit.

“What is with her?” wondered Twilight.

Suddenly, the rock pieces of the statue began to reform into the image of its card.

“What’s happening?” asked Raven.

The leader snickered and motioned over at his Tiki. “You should never attack ancient properties, even if they seem like simple stone.

My Tiki has the power to reform my trap monsters. Then, instead of being sent to the graveyard, the card is merely set face down on my field.

Raven’s eyes widened and the opponent snickered and said “You realize what this means now don’t you? It means that I shall be able to reactivate the card on my next turn, and you’ll be in big trouble!”

He was right. He would be able to destroy Raven’s monster on his next turn, and Raven didn’t have enough life points to defend block it this time.

Yet, she didn’t seem deterred much.

“If that’s true, then I’ll activate ONE DAY OF PEACE.”


The friends all gawked in relief.

“That’s good.” said Sunset “Now each player draws one card, and no one takes any damage until Raven’s next turn.”

Once her turn was over, Raven’s Alpha was destroyed due to the Dimension card’s effect.

Raven felt slightly relieved, but the rest would all depend on what happened next, but she was formulating a plan.

“It’s my draw!” growled the opponent, and he took a fourth card, but really there wasn’t much more he could do for now.


(Def: 2500)

Since it was summoned, Raven’s monster was blasted and destroyed, and she couldn’t stop it this time.

“Looks like your monster’s been grounded, but I can’t very well have it causing me more trouble next turn, can I?”

Raven was unamused.

The leader then glared at her, “Fortunately for you, attacking will have no effect. Therefore, I’ll put all my monsters in defense-mode, and I shall place one card facedown.”

It didn’t take much for anyone to guess that he had planted another trap monster to spring on Raven.

“And now, the time has come for you to make your final move before I ground you into dust.”

Raven was completely still, a mix of incredible anger and determination, and a slight bit of concern.

She didn’t even bother to think about the potential consequences that would befall her if her next draw failed.

The friends noted this as well.

“Look at her. She’s all stiff as a board.” said Twilight.

“I’d be too if I were in her position.” remarked Sunset. “Look at all those monsters! How can she possibly get past--” she stopped when it finally clued into her the one possible way that Raven could turn things around.

“Come on, Rae…!” muttered Vic.

Raven looked deep inside of her, thinking only about what was making her incredibly angry, and seeing it within her opponent.

She then swiftly drew her next card, giving her only two in hand.

She wasted no time in playing it.

“I activate POT OF AVARICE so I can shuffle five monsters from my graveyard into my deck, and then I draw two cards.”

When all was done, she was ready.

“Time for me to get rid of those rocky pests once and for all, starting with… HEAVY STORM!”

“AAAAAAAAAAAHHHH!!” The monster leader screamed, and his two comrades gasped in horror as the strong winds began to pick up.

“Ah! Of course…!” cried Celestia, finally realizing the fact herself. “All those monsters… strong as they are, they are still treated as trap cards.”

Raven heard her and nodded, “That’s right, and Heavy Storm destroys all spells and traps on the field, and there’s nothing you can do to save them all this time!”

The monster growled in outraged as ever single card he had out was blown into dust, leaving him completely wide open!

“Curse you!” he bellowed “Curse you and your trickery!”

“You brought it on yourself!” Raven protested. “You spent so much time playing trap monsters that you didn’t have much room left to summon other monsters or play different cards.

The leader groaned angrily.

“Hey, take it easy.” called one of his comrades.

“Yeah, you still have more life points than she does.” added the other.

Raven mere snuffed, “Like that’s going to make a difference when I play this spell, POT OF GREED, let’s me draw two more cards.

Now I’ll throw this facedown, which allows me to finally play this card, REVERSAL QUIZ!”

“What? Reversal Quiz?!” cried the opponent.

The friends all gazed with excitement.

“Now…” Raven said “The first thing I do is send my facedown card and every card I’m holding to the graveyard…”

Her facedown card vanished, and as it did, it cast a bright glow on her deck. “That, card my HYPER QUICK, and when it’s sent to the graveyard, I draw one card, and if it’s a spell card, I can activate it at once.”

She quickly drew her next card.

“What do you know; it’s my PREMATURE BURIAL! So now, I pay 800 life points…”

Raven LP: 900 -----> 100

She braved the forces of the shocking.

“…And now, my Thought Ruler Archfiend returns!”

The evil ghost hand reached deep into the ground and pulled up Raven’s monster.

(Atk: 2700)

“Oh, no!” cried the leader, and then he looked at Raven.

“And now…” Raven said “My Reversal Quiz fully activates. I declare one card type, and then look at the top card on my deck, and if I call it right, then we will trade life points, and since I only have 100 points left… if this works, then I win!”

It was a real tense moment now. Raven only had a one-in-three chance, but she didn’t let it get to her.

She closed her eyes, and still thought of what was enraging her.

“…I choose “Monster!”

Then she flipped over her top card. “Ha! It’s PSY-FRAME DRIVER!”

“No!!” cried the leader, but there was no way out of it. The life point scores switched like magic.

Raven LP: 100 -----> 4800

Rock Leader LP: 4800 -----> 100

“This can’t be!!”

His comrades were just as frightened and astounded, while the friends would have been cheering for joy, but Raven looked pretty enraged now as she engaged her battle phase.

“Thought Ruler Archfiend, wage a direct attack and end this!!”

Her monster roared, and lunged over to the other side of the field, striking the opponent hard and wiping him out with such force that the leader screamed and roared.

Rock Leader LP: 100 -----> 0

Raven then let out a raging scream herself as the Malefic Lightning come forth, zapping the Rock Leader, and turning him into a card.

The remaining two rock monsters were so upset at the loss of their leader, and so frightened by Raven’s raging, they quickly began to burrow away and were gone.

Raven was panting very furiously, finally feeling her weariness catching up with her.

“Raven…!” Celestia called as she began to dash over-- running much faster than usual, and catching Raven in her arms in almost no time, and almost even hurting her with her strength.

“Stop!!” she groaned.

Celestia gently lay her down on the ground as the others rushed over, and Celestia looked down at her hands and felt one of her legs. “What’s happening to me?” she wondered. “First I don’t feel tired, and now I--”

She stopped when the others came rushing over and Vic scooped Raven up in his arms, and he didn’t hurt her.

“You okay, girl?” he asked.

Raven was so blown out from her rage-fit she could barely speak. Vic could feel the tension within her just by the feeling of her body.

“We better set her down and let her rest.” suggested Sunset.

Celestia didn’t hear them, as was far too concerned as she continued to look at herself. “My hands!” she cried. “Look at my hands!”

Her hands were starting to show spots of paleness, and these were not usual. Now she was really getting scared, and so were the others.

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