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Episode 33: Part 4: Foolish Friendship?


The scores were set.

Sunset LP: 8000

Dick & Kori LP: 8000

“I’m up first.” said Dick. He held up his five cards, “And I set the Pendulum Scale with Scale 2 PERFORMAGE BUBBLE GARDNA, and Scale 5 PERFORAMGE PLUSHFIRE.

Take your positions, my brethren!”

As his two monsters appeared up in the lights, Dick still thought back to his childhood days of performing and working in the circus.

“With this, I am able to call on as many Level 3 through 4 monsters as I wish.


Two lights shot down from above as his monsters appeared.



The two performers struck their performing poses.

“Okay, I end my turn.”

The others on the sidelines were confused.

“That’s it?” asked Rainbow. “I thought for sure he’d do something more than just play two monsters like that.”

Vic and Raven, however, could see what was about to happen…

…Especially when Dick nodded at his wife. “Do it, Kori.”

She nodded, “I’m with you all the way, and since we share a field, and you build the Pendulum Scale, I get to harness its power as well.

I Pendulum Summon!”

Five bright lights shot down from the sky, and her monsters appeared.






Her five knights glowed with brightness…

Pinkie’s eyes sparkled with glee. “Wow! What a play.”

Rainbow felt it was impressive. “…She pendulum-summoned using Dick’s Pendulum Scale? I wish I had known that during my last duel.”

Kori looked up at Sunset again. “I’m sorry to have to do this to you, but it needs to be done.”

Sunset didn’t seem the least bit concerned.

“…Since Alslahm was summoned, you instantly take 1000 points of damage.”

Sunset narrowed her eyes in anger, and watched as the knight fired a burning light-stream at her, striking her head on.

Sunset LP: 8000 ----> 7000

The sparks and shocks jolted her, but she didn’t even flinch or blink her eyes.

Everyone noted this…

“She’s not even twitching.” said Vic.

“I don’t like the looks of this.” muttered Cadance.

“Ha!” scoffed Sunset. “Was that supposed to frighten me? Don’t you realize that I’m not the same as I used to be? I have powers that not only improve my dueling, but my strength as well.

You can’t harm me so easily.”

“Oh, really?” sneered Kori. “Well here’s something I can do…

Since Deneb was summoned, he lets me add SATELLARKNIGHT SIRUS to my hand.

And now for Unukalhai-- since it was summoned, I send SATELLARKNIGHT RIGEL from my deck to the graveyard.”

“Boring…!” Sunset jeered.

Kori glared at her angrily, “You won’t find THIS so boring.” She paused and looked at Dick again, and he motioned for her to go through.

“I now take all seven of these monsters, and overlay them!”

Sunset’s eyes widened.

Pinkie and Rainbow gasped hard, “ALL SEVEN?!!”

“Is that even possible?!” cried Cadance.

Because the field was shared, Kori was allowed to use Dick’s monsters as well as her own.

“With all of these monsters, I build the Overlay Network, so I can call on a monster I bring out on special occasions!”

The seven lights poured into the portal, and burst out with a light so bright, that nearly everyone had to shield their eyes.

Kori had to chant out to her new, emerging monster.

“With the powers of stars, from the depths of space,
I summon forth a creature of mighty grace!


This new monsters was so incredibly beautiful! Its armor shimmered with spectrum glows, and further illuminated by all the overlay units swirling above its head.

(Atk: 550)

“BOO-YAH!! Girl’s cookin’ with fire now!” cheered Vic.

Raven nodded, and Pinkie couldn’t believe her eyes either. “Whaaa-how!!” she exclaimed “That’s the most beautiful monster I’ve ever seen!!”

Rainbow and Cadance agreed, but they didn’t get what the big deal was.

“It may be pretty, but its attack points are way low.” said Rainbow.

“Maybe you should wait and see.” said Raven.

Kori threw her arm up high declaring, “I now use all seven overlay units to activate Ptolemaues’ super-special ability!!”

All seven orbs flowed faster and faster, forming into a big ball of lightning, which the monster flung straight up towards Sunset.

POW!! The light crashed with such force, the resulting explosion broke a chuck off the roof!

“Sunset!” cried Cadance…

But before anyone else could say a thing, the smoke from the explosion was blasted away, by Sunset-- she had used her Malefic Magic to shield herself in a protective barrier, which also lowered her slowly onto another, lower rooftop.

She still did not seem the least bit impressed.

“Hey! Nothing happened.” wailed Pinkie. “She didn’t lose life points, or cards, or anything.”

“What kind of effect is that?” wondered Rainbow.

Kori then turned, grinning at the girls. “Like I said-- it’s a Super-Special Ability. By using seven Overlay Units, Sunset’s turn will be skipped!”

“Huh?” said Sunset.

Pinkie and Rainbow’s eyes lit up.

“That’s amazing!” cried Cadance. “That means Sunset can’t do anything to either of them.”

Vic nodded. “Told you… Kori only brings out that monster on special occasions. It’s easy to summon, but it’s not easy to give it the power it needs. That’s why Dick let her use his own monsters to help her.”

“Speaking of which…” Dick cut in “Since my Trick Clown was sent to the graveyard, I can summon it right back to the field by lowering its attack and defense to Zero.”

With that, his clown returned to the field, striking its performing pose.

(Def: 0)

“You do realize that by doing that, you also suffer damage.” Sunset pointed out “…A big 1000 points to be exact.”

“I’m aware!” hollered Dick, and he and Kori both received painful shocks.

Dick & Kori LP: 8000 -----> 7000

“Sorry, I had to do that.” he said to Kori.

“It’s alright...” his wife replied. “Now I’m up, and I summon my Sirus!”

(Atk: 1600)

“Since he was summoned, I can use his effect-- I take five “Tellarknight” monsters in the graveyard and shuffle them into my deck.

Then I get to draw one card!”

She took her card, and her eyes gave a shimmer at it.

“I activate the Field Spell, XYZ COLISEUM!”

All at once, the area warped into the glowing realm of the ancient battle zone.

“Now, all Xyz Monsters will gain an additional 200 attack points, and they are the only monsters allowed to attack!

(Atk: 550) -----> (Atk: 750)

Sunset merely grunted, but there was nothing she could do at all with her turn skipped.

Dick and Kori were both relieved, and they both looked at each other, agreeing to try and reason with her again.

“Sunset, you have to fight this darkness.” Dick called to her. “I don’t know what’s happening to you, but you have to fight it!”

Sunset growled, obviously not even making the slightest effort to see anything.

“Quit wasting time, and just make your move! The sooner I finish the two of you, the sooner I can take the rest of your posse on!”

The entire gang couldn’t believe what she had just said.

“Sunset, you’re talking crazy.” protested Kori.

“I told you before! The old Sunset is gone. I’ve seen a better way of things, and they don’t involve friendship, and love.

Now, make your moves before I really lose my temper!”

Pinkie felt she was going to cry, and Rainbow looked mad enough to kick over a building herself, but they both managed to keep it easy, knowing it wasn’t Sunset’s true voice speaking.

Dick and Kori knew by this point they had no choice, they had to continue dueling.

“It’s my draw!” called Dick.

He looked at what he got and was most pleased.


(Atk: 1200)

The little performer stood proudly next to Trick Clown and belched a small flame from his mouth.

“Now I overlay Trick Clown and Flame Eater. With these two monsters, I build the overlay network!”

He two performers leapt about, flipped about, and then vanished into the portal, creating a big burst of light.


His favorite monster came swinging in on its lines and bowed to everyone.

(Atk: 2500) -----> (Atk: 2700)

Dick looked up at him, with that same strange expression-- as if he could see his father’s face, and the monster actually smiled back at him.

Sunset only laughed. “Are you still attached to that card because it constantly reminds you of your parents? How pathetic…!”

Dick and Kori both felt enraged.

“If anything,” Sunset continued “You should be grateful that your parents aren’t here now. I don’t think they’d love to see what a disgrace their son is.”

Even the others on the sidelines felt hurt by such a remark.

“SHUT UP!!” shouted Dick. “Don’t talk about my parents like that!”

“My husband is no disgrace!” called Kori. “Dick, and I… and all our friends are the best we can all be.”

The others all agreed.

“Are you certain of this, or are just saying it?” laughed Sunset. “You all committed crimes in the past, which is why you are here today.”

Vic and Raven looked down at the ground in a bit of shame.

Dick cringed in anger, “Let’s just move on!”

Despite his rage over the insult of his parents and honor, Dick still felt a bit uneasy for what he was about to do, but he had no choice.

“Trapeze Magician, wage a direct attack!”

His magician bowed, and swooped in on his swing, booting Sunset hard in the chest and making her growl!

Sunset LP: 7000 -----> 4300

The shocks hit her, but she still acted as if they were nothing. “Anything else you’d like to foolish attempt?” she taunted.

Dick growled, “Yes, but it’s far form foolish. It’ll guarantee good safety.

I play the Continuous Spell; BUBBLE BARRIER!”

His spell appeared and encased his magician within a bubble shield. “Now, once every turn, my magician can’t be destroyed, and I don’t take any battle damage either.

But of course, it may not even matter, because I can’t take damage that’s lower or equal to his attack points anyway.”

He then looked over at Kori, “That means you’re safe too, because we share a score.”

His wife nodded at him and readied herself. “Now it’s my turn. I draw!”

She liked what she had. “Perfect. Now I summon SATTELLARKNIGHT ALTAIR!”

(Atk: 1700)

“And now I use his ability to summon one “Tellarknight” from my graveyard, and since I only have one… I choose Capella!”

Her monsters re-appeared in a big glow of cosmic light.

(Def: 2000)

“And since Capella was summoned, I can now use its ability too—one that lets me add one extra level to all my Tellarknights.”

Her monsters gave another cosmic glow, which enveloped the other regular knights, increasing all their levels and its own from 4 to 5.

“Check it out!” cried Rainbow. “She’s got three Level 5 monsters!”

Pinkie was trembling, with fear and excitement.

Kori thrust her arm up, “I overlay Level 5 Capella, Altiar, and Sirus!”

All three of her knights vanished into the overlay network.

Kori called a chant out to her monster as it appeared in a stary stream…

“Powerful bright, and solid and true,
May this cosmic force bring defeat to you!


Her monster appeared in a luminous glow, that brightened up the dark streets even more, much to Sunset’s annoyance.

(Atk: 2700) -----> (Atk: 2900)

Vic was all overjoyed. “Way to play it, Kori!”

Raven said nothing. She just remained still and silent… as if she was still thinking of something else, which was silently disturbing her.

Kori then called to both her Xyz monsters. “Diamond… Ptolemeaus… Go! Attack Sunset directly!”

The two monsters combined their powers together, and shot a combo-beam at Sunset, nearly knocking her down from the roof!

The total damage amounted to 3650!

Sunset LP: 4300 -----> 650

“Sunset!” Cadance called out.

Everyone, even Kori and Dick were concerned… but when the smoke had clear, Sunset was still standing on the roof, and laughing wickedly.

“I must say, that was a bit impressive…” she paused “…And by “a bit” I mean “laughable.” and she burst out laughing again. “You all have much to learn about the new powers I possess.”

Nobody liked the tone of her voice, and some began to fall into worry.

While all this was happening, Sci-Twi and Karle’s duel was getting rather interesting.

Karle LP: 8400

Sci-Twi LP: 4500

Karle laughed at how pitiful Sci-Twi seemed. “Go ahead and make your move, but seeing as there’s no way you can ever win… why bother?”

“Don’t listen to her, Twilight!” Spike called. “You will beat her.” Then he muttered softly, “Because if you don’t…” he stopped right there, not wanting to even think of it.

“Even if she does win, what good will it do?” asked Terra. “Karle has no soul, so she won’t go away.”

Princess Twilight looked at her human-counterpart, unconvinced as she thought, “I’ll bet she knows something. Maybe she’s found a way…!”

Undaunted, Sci-Twi brushed her lips with her wrist. She continued to eye the green glowing jewel under Karle’s hair-bangs.

“I have to keep dueling.” she thought “The more we duel, and the more power Karle rages forth, that jewel glows brighter and faster.”

Her eyes narrowed at it.

“Give up!” shouted Karle “Admit defeat now!”

“Never!” balked Sci-Twi. “You’ve done so much damage—all because of me—and it’s time I rectified all that.

Here goes!”

She drew a third card.

The Lunar Eclipse was still in-effect, but she didn’t let it bother her one bit.

“I play POT OF GREED, so I can draw two more cards.”

Now she had four cards in hand; one of them which particularly intrigued her, but rather than go deep into thought about it, she continued her play.

“First up: I’m switching both my monsters into attack-mode!”

(Atk: 1800)

(Atk: 300)

“And now I activate Sunlight Unicorn’s ability. I look at the top card on my deck, and if it happens to be a spell--”

“…I know how it works!” growled Karle. “I faced your friend Fluttershy before-- the fool that she was.”

Sci-Twi was taken back hard by such insult, so were the others.

“…If you find an Equip-Spell, you add it to your hand, or if not, it goes to the bottom of the deck. Now hurry up and show me!”

Sci-Twi snuffed and shut her eyes as she thought, “Come on, Fluttershy. I need you to guide with this.”

She could feel Fluttershy’s spirit standing next to her, and placing her hand over Twilight’s as she flipped up the card.

“Perfect!” she cried with joy, “I have PREMATURE BURIAL.”

Karle was annoyed.

“But first up, I have a different spell to play, and that’s SPY-HERO. I send two random cards from my deck to the graveyard.”

She ditched her two cards, without even looking at them, as was the rules, but the moment they hit the graveyard and appeared on her screen, she was delighted to see what they were.

“I just sent Fluttershy’s DANDYLION to the graveyard, and that means, two Fluff Tokens appear on my field.”

The two little puffs sprouted up from the ground.

(Def: 0) x2

“Now, Spy Hero activates, and takes one of your spells from the graveyard and give it to me, and I know just which card I want too…”

Karle duel disk glowed as a single card shot out from the graveyard, and magically appeared in Sci-Twi’s hand. “Just perfect… FUSION GATE!”

She played the card immediately, warping the field once again.

“Now I can invoke its power, to Fuse together Mozarta and Elegy!”

The two monster images appeared and merged. Rarity had no chant for the monster that was coming, but Sci-Twi just made one up…

“Musical voices, high and low,
Combine into one to star in this show!


(Atl: 2400)

The glorious monster stood tall, curtsied, and held her baton up high.

The spectators all gazed up in awe at it, and everyone thought of Rarity.

“Is that supposed to impress me?” growled Karle.

Sci-Twi adjusted her glassed, “No, it’s supposed to do more, especially when I pull off another summoning.

Level 1 Sunny Pixie Tunes with Level 4 Unicorn, and my two Level 1 tokens!”

The pixies flew up high creating the tuning rings, while the remaining monsters changed into light orbs, synchronizing together, and Twilight called Fluttershy’s chant…

“From a sacred realm, this creature rises
Her power and wisdom will bring forth surprises!


Fluttershy’s beautiful dragon spread out her lovely wings, illuminating the field.

(Atk: 2100)

“Wow! Look at her go!” exclaimed Twilight.

Even Spike was impressed. “Fusion, and Synchro at once?! What next?”

Next, Sci-Twi was suddenly bathed in a shower of tiny glowing sparkles. “Since Sunny Pixie was used to Synchro Summon a Light monster, she grants me 1000 life points.”

Sci-Twi LP: 4500 -----> 5500

“And just in time too, because now I activate the Premature Burial I just got, which requires that I pay 800 points!”

Sci-Twi LP: 5500 -----> 4700

She groaned as she was shocked all over by the point loss, but she shrugged it off and assured the spectators that she was fine.

“…It’s worth it, because now I call Sunlight Unicorn back to the field!”

(Atk: 1800)

“And now that he’s back, I get to use his ability again.”

She flipped over the top card on her deck and gasped, “Oh, no!” it wasn’t an Equip-Spell as she hoped, which meant the card went to the bottom of her deck.

“Aw, too bad!” taunted Karle “You were hoping for something special, and it didn’t happen. You see what happens when you rely too much on your friends to bail you out of a tough spot.”

She laughed at her, and the spectators were growing angry, but then they noticed Sci-Twi was grinning.

“There are still moves I can make.”

“Huh?” said Karle.

“Unicorn is still useful, especially when I summon from my hand BUJINGI BOAR!”

(Atk: 1100)

“That’s one of Applejack’s monsters.” said Terra. “Now she has two Level 4 monsters in play!”

Sci-Twi narrowed her eyes, “I overlay Level 4 Boar with Level 4 Unicorn in order to build the Overlay Network!”

The two monsters vanished into the portal, and in honor of Applejack, Sci-Twi made up a chant for the summoning…

“Honest as light, and bright as day,
The creature shall make my enemies pay!


(Atk: 1800)

The three monsters all stood together.

“Unbelievable!” cried Spike.

“Fusion… Synchro… even Xyz.” murmured Terra. Seeing all this made her think strongly about her own deck.

Karle had to admit, “Not bad, but I still hardly see anything to be concerned of. You waste your time summoning these pitiful creatures that can’t even hold a candle to my Lunalights.”

Sci-Twi clenched her fists. “They’re not pitiful! These monsters are from each of my friends!”

She looked up at the three monsters, and images of each of their respective duellists seem to appear above them.

“And together, we’re going to shut you out and get rid of you once and for all!”

“Ha!” scoffed Karle. “Go ahead and try.”

“I won’t try; I’ll do!

I activate Fairy Dragon’s special ability. She destroys the Fusion Gate spell.”

The Dragon gave a huge flap of her wings, spreading strong sparkles onto the field spell, shattering it, and the sparkles then enveloped Sci-Twi herself.

“…Now, not only do I gain 1000 life points…”

Sci-Twi LP: 4700 -----> 5700

“…And now I get to activate a Field Spell of my own.”

A single card popped out from her deck.


All at once, the field was bathed in a light so bright, everyone winced and covered their eyes.

The dark fog from the Lunar Eclipse effect even parted away, but it’s magic still remained in-effect.

…Gar even began to stir, but he was still too weak to awaken after the beatdown Karle had given him.

Terra didn’t notice this. She was far too mesmerized by the duel.

Sci-Twi stood tall and proud at the end of light.

“Thanks to Luminous Spark, all Light Monsters gain 500 extra attack points.”

(Atk: 2400) -----> (Atk: 2900)

(Atk: 2100) -----> (Atk: 2600)

(Atk: 1800) -----> (Atk: 2300)

“And now I’ll activate Tsukuyomi's effect!

By using one overlay unit and discarding every card in my hand to the graveyard, I then get to draw two new cards.”

She sent the only card in her hand away and placed her hands over the deck ready to draw.

She could hear and feel Applejack calling to her. “It’s okay, Twi… I got your back.”

Sci-Twi drew her two cards, and gawked at them both so deeply that her glasses nearly fell off her face.

“What do you suppose she drew?” wondered Twilight.

“I just hope it’s good.” said Terra.

Sci-Twi peeked over the cards at Karle, who was losing her patience.

“Will you get on with it already?!” she bellowed.

“Nothing at all!” shouted Sci-Twi, and she called out, “Tsukuyomi, attack Leo Dancer!”

The monster complied and leapt over to attack!

“But it’s still weaker than Leo Dancer is!” wailed Spike. Then he realized, “Wait a minute…!”

“I activate BUJINGI SINYOU(‘s) special ability.” shouted Sci-Twi, and with that, and image of the card she had just discarded glowed.

“By banishing it from the graveyard, Tsukuyomi will now gain attack points equal to Leo Dancer’s!”

“Ah!” cried Karle.

(Atk: 2300) -----> (Atk: 5800)

Sci-Twi snickered. “While you’ll only take half the damage from this attack, but it’s worth it!”

(Atk: 5800) VS (Atk: 3500)

Leo Dancer was beaten-- slashed to pieces—and Karle took 1150 points of damage, which merely blew a soft breeze at her.

Karle LP: 8400 -----> 7250

“I can’t believe this!” she growled.

“Oh, yeah! Well believe this!” yelled Sci-Twi “Schuberta, attack and destroy Panther Dancer!”

Rarity’s monster bowed, and then waved her baton, sending a magical, sonic sound stream at Panther Dancer, blowing her away.

(Atk: 2900) VS (Atk: 2800)

Karle LP: 7250 ---à 7150

“No!” shouted Karle.

“She’s totally defenseless!” cried Twilight.

“Sick her!” hollered Spike.

Sci-Twi agreed, and hollered, “Ancient Fairy Dragon, direct attack!”

The dragon complied and shot a strong light beam straight for Karle.

Karle screamed as the blast hit her hard and knocked her flat on her back!

Karle LP: 7150 ---à 4550

She furiously pounded the ground as she got back up onto her feet. “You treacherous punk!”

Sci-Twi could see the jewel on Karle’s head was pulsating really hard and fast.

“It’s working!” she thought “If I can just keep this up a little longer, it’ll all work out!”

She ended her battle phase.

“Now, I’ll activate Schuberta’s special ability, which lets me banish three cards from your graveyard, and she’ll gain 200 extra attack points for each one.”

She knew just which cards to banish, and she tossed out the three Lunalight Fusions-- Cat Dancer, Panther Dancer, and Leo Dancer.

The three monster spirits wailed as they vanished into darkness, and Schuberta grew stronger.

(Atk: 2900) -----> (Atk: 3500)

“Wait, why did she do that now?” wondered Twilight. “She could have banished other cards and then attack with more power.”

Terra already had the idea why. “She’s playing it super safe. She waited until all those Lunalights were in the graveyard, and that way, by banishing them, she limits what Karle can do.”

Spike agreed, noting that Karle still had her Pendulum Monsters in play. “Still, she’s got her on the ropes now. I mean, look at her…!”

Sci-Twi stood proudly with her three special monsters behind her, and the spirits of her friends faces hanging above each one-- each like a guardian angel protecting and looking out for her.

She really felt she had Karle in a bind now.

“I’ll place two cards facedown, and that ends my turn, so Tsukuyomi’s attack power returns to 2300, but it’s also the end of your eclipse.”

“Thanks, girls,” she thought quietly. “Now I really feel like we’re all working together.”

She looked up at all the monsters and images of her friends, which only she could see, and the faces of her friends smiled down at her.

The moment, however, was broken when Karle called out, “You are doomed!”

Everyone’s features hardened, and Karle, she looked she had just been in a scrape with someone-- she was all sweaty and dirty, her long hair was a bit frizzled, and the jewel on her head was still glowing madly.

“You seriously expect me to believe that just because you summoned all these monsters, that you have this duel won? You couldn’t be more pathetic!”

Sci-Twi growled.

“Nothing will stop me in my ultimate conquest.” Karle thought, and she began to think back to all the times-- when she and Sci-Twi were one-in-the-same-- she heard Sci-Twi’s friends preaching about friendship, helping each other, support, and all that “Junk!”

“I’ll show them all who’s the greatest. Once I win this duel, I’ll be rid of this rotten kid for good, and then I can focus on my main goal: to destroy Masquerade and become the greatest duelist ever!”

To Be Continued…

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