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Episode 61: How Friendship Changed


While a good part of Rubeus’ story was already well-known, he was prepared to tell the Equestrians everything-- the whole truth.

He recalled to the past, many centuries ago when he and Loki arrived in the Human World where the Equestria Girls and friends lived.

*Rubeus’ POV*

After the great war against Equestria, my brother and I were all washed up, weak, tired, and our powers were nearly totally vanquished, causing us to take on the appearance of ordinary humans.

Our outrage was beyond imagination. Everything we ever knew, everything we had, everything we hoped to achieve was all gone-- locked away in the darkness.

We roamed the world, scavenging for whatever we could find to sustain ourselves.

Loki and I would take time and practice our combat skills to help defend ourselves and keep in shape. This helped us to ward off marauders and other scoundrels who would attempt to rob us of what little we had.

It rather fascinated us, as we won battle after glorious battle, we discovered that the people and the animals of this world also exhibited vast amounts of hated, anger, dark emotions.

We realized our ultimate blessing-- a key to restoring our vanquish.

The more we fed off the negative emotions, the stronger we would become, and as time passed, we grew stronger, richer. All the enemies we defeated that came our way and using their treasures to sustain ourselves.

Not a soul suspected that we were not being of this world.

Still, we knew that we would require more than just mere emotional energy to unlock the sealed Malefic World and regain our true forms.

As the world began to modernize into the twenty-first century, Loki and I passed off as successful businessmen, with the vast fortune we accumulated over the ages.

We would search and we would observe the evolution of technologies, athletics, science, and arts, but none of which provided us with the correct amounts of power we needed.

Then, several years ago, we found our answer… the game of Duel Monsters!

Seeing people duel, and the vast amounts of power they put into their thoughts, their strategies, and the stress of losing or struggling to obtain victory.

This was what we needed most, so we began to acquire new powers, by combining Malefic Magic with Duel Energy.

As fate would have it, our years, and years of observing duelists all over eventually led us to Canterlot City, and that’s when we discovered you girls and your connections to Equestria.

You all exhibited great skills with your day-to-day lives, and your Equestrian powers to stave off evil threats.

And you… Sunset Shimmer, being naturally from Equestria. Your energies were the highest ever, and your dueling skills were beyond words of incredible.”

*POV Pause*

Sunset was astounded. “You knew I was the one who could help you?” she asked.

“You were spying on me and my friends, and you saw all the battles we fought, all the duels we had, and all the good times we shared?”

She and the others felt rather violated of their privacy, but then again who didn’t even notice them in times of darkness, especially Sunset’s evil times herself.

“Wait, that don’t make sense.” said Applejack. “How does this make you on our side?”

“I am getting that…” replied Rubeus, and he continued his story.

*POV Resume*

Though our plans to use you Equestria Girls in our plans began to come along smoothly…

…Something very mysterious happened to me.

We had setup our amusement park, “Magic Land.” An ideal place to hold our dueling tournament to lure you all in.

…But by the time came to set our plan into action, it was longer my wish to do so, for I had grown to love this world, and the people in it.

Over the centuries, while my brother and I looked out only for our own ambitions, we did have several moments in which others would offer us help and assistance.

Becoming businessmen means trusting those around you, the people would just show up out nowhere offering us kind hands, and opportunities to expand.

Then there were just simple deeds…

When I found a lost teddy bear sitting in the office hallway by a little girl on a tour, the little girl was so happy to have her toy back.

“Thank you, Mister.”

Something about that child smiling at me and thanking me sparked something. I never felt such emotions before.

At first, I merely brushed them off as I was still dedicated to my Malefic nature, but the more good deeds I saw people doing and how happy in made them, I soon found myself doing good deeds by chance, and making more people happy, especially children and their families.

Even the businesses I worked in made people happy and comfortable, and I felt my Malefic darkness fading away, being replaced by something I had never known-- the joys of friendship and helping others with kindness. It was much different than darkness and warfare.

Then one day, I knew it had happened-- I had changed. I was so successful in business, in life, and seeing all the smiles and joy I gave to other people… I could never go back to the way I once was.

*POV Ends*

The Equestrians were simply touched by the story.

“You felt the joys of friendship change your life.” said Twilight, and both she and Sunset looked at each other remembering how friendship changed their lives to.

Rubeus admitted, “I no longer have the desire to destroy and conquer. I wish to continue my good work, and to build more happiness and joy for others.

…But alas: Changing how I felt was one thing, changing my connections and my origin is quite another.”

He looked down at his vile hands and claws, and he hated the way they looked all pale and vicious.

“I began to hatch a secret plan of my own; to vanquish the Malefic World for good. I wanted it all to be gone so that its evil would never be a threat to anyone ever again, and I could cut all ties to my previous life forever.”

He paused and looked at Sunset, “You and your friends were the key to making my dream come true. If Equestrian magic defeated us once, it could help me vanquish the darkness forever.”

Sunset was astounded, but she had to ask. “…Well, if it was that important to you, why didn’t you just ask. We would have helped you.”

“Because you were not properly ready.

You see… just as we had combined Malefic Magic with Duel Energy, this made our forces strong. Therefore, your dueling skills would have to improved immensely.

I wish that I could have told you all this from the beginning, but this was the only true way to help you unlock your full-potential, and I also had to be certain that you and your friends could truly help me.

When you declined to join the Friendship Cup Tournament, I was forced to take Princess Twilight as prisoner, knowing you would have no choice but to attend.

I gave you all those cards, Sunset, as ways of further enhancing your dueling and testing your skills and your heart.

Through all the challenges you braved, you grew to be quite the duelist, but even then, you were not ready.

The real test was lying in wait!”

“You mean, here, in the Malefic World itself?” asked Sunset.


You were all placed in a situation where things were dire than ever, and the stakes were far higher.

You braved the dangers that awaited you, however, the real test of all was Z-Arc. Knowing the menace, he was and how dangerous his revival would be, you all banded together through even the darkest of times and defeated him.

This proved to me that your friendship with each other, and the determination you exhibit were exactly what I needed.

…And now that you successfully defeated me in our duel, I am more than convinced now than ever.”

He paused and looked remorseful again. “I realize the horror and dangers I have put you all in, and I am probably undeserving of any forgiveness, but you must understand now why it had to be done. There was no other way.”

He looked at Sunset again.

“You have proven yourself to be a worthy duelist, Sunset Shimmer. Your skills are strong, your friendship is true, and I know you can help me fulfill this ambition.”

Sunset, like all the others were totally perplexed. Many of them didn’t know what to think of any of it at all. Rubeus was right, he had put them all through a rough ride.

“Think we should trust him?” whispered Fluttershy.

Applejack narrowed her eyes. “If only my magic would work here in this world, I could tell if he’s being honest. He could still be lying.”

“He’s not lying!” insisted Sunset.

Twilight stood by her. “I agree. I can tell when someone believes in friendship.”

While they had not officially forgiven him for all the trouble he caused, they were at least willing to help Rubeus stop the Malefic World forever.

Twilight and Sunset both looked at all their friends as if to ask who else was in with them.

The others were all still highly skeptical, and Rubeus said nothing, not wanting to make him seem desperate or whiny.

“Wait a moment!” said Shining Armor. “You may have explained your actions, but you haven’t told us where the rest of our friends are.”

“Or why the Titans are still unconscious.” added Cadance.

Everyone wanted these answers, but just as Rubeus was about to explain, he was cast in a magical barrier which held him in place, shocking him violently.

Everyone gasped in shock, and then they heard sinister snickering coming from the end of the chamber.

It was Loki, and he sneered, “I can see I wasn’t wrong about you, brother! You really have gone soft and weak.”

“Loki!” thundered Rubeus. “How did you escape? I locked you in a barrier in the hallways.”

Spike’s eyes widened. “He did what now?” All the others were surprised to hear of this too.

Rather than answer at first, Loki tossed three burned out and damaged cards at the floor, and Sunset recognized them.

“Starving Venom Fusion Dragon…?

Clear Wing Synchro Dragon…?

Dark Rebellion Xyz Dragon…?

Those cards belong to Violet, Sapphire, and Khaos.”

“Correction:” hissed Loki “They DID belong to those fools. They’re nothing more than vanquished losers, lost among the darkness they came from.”

He recalled back to the hallway.

“You honestly thought you could hold me in containment Rubeus? Well, you did for a while, but not indefinitely.

While my Malefic Powers were disabled, I still had my Duel Energy, which took time to build up against such a barrier you had cast on me using the energy we had obtained over the ages.

The barrier began to weaken, but those three fools you had guard me rose to their task of keeping me at bay.

I was still able to duel them while contained, and as I expected, all three of them posed me no threat.”

He recalled several powerful explosions-- he and his monsters crushed the trio and their dragons like swatting flies.

Crushing each of them weakened the barrier around him, and while Rubeus was dueling Sunset, his own power with the barrier was waving.

“I finally managed to escape, and I cast the trio back into oblivion!”

Violet, Sapphire and Khaos were seen in a flashback, screaming in horror as their existence was wiped out, leaving only their charred dragon cards.

“You monster!” growled Luna. “Those three were loyal to you from the beginning, and you destroy them just like that?!”

Loki only laughed. “Those three were nothing more than pawns of darkness, made only to serve our cause, but it seems they were just as big turncoats as my foolish brother-- ordered to keep watch of me and prevent me from interfering so that you all could gain up on me at once.”

Everyone gasped in shock, and this fully confirmed that Rubeus was really their ally.

“It’s all true!” Rubeus admitted, and he looked at Sunset. “Unlike me, my brother was not turned by the power of friendship, I could tell. He and I would never think the same again.”

Loki scoffed, “I will never bow to the foolishness that is Friendship. I won’t be weak like my brother is, and it’s a good thing that I suspected his betrayal for a long, long time.”

Sunset narrowed her eyes angrily at him…

…But then, suddenly, the machine in the back of the chamber began to rev up again.

“I thought that thing was out of action?” cried Spike.

Loki snickered, “…It’s only damaged, it’s not busted.” He held up his glowing fist, “You all forget, I can control it as well as my so-called “brother.” Speaking of whom…!”

Rubeus had a feeling he knew what was coming next. “No! Don’t, Loki!”

“Like you can stop me?” hissed Loki. “You’re still fatigued from your duel. There’s nothing you can do… except FALL TO MY POWER!!”

With a bright flash, and a loud scream, Rubeus was consumed in the light, and he was too weak to fight back.

Everyone else covered their eyes from the brightness, and when they looked again, Rubeus was gone!

“What have you done with him?” Sunset demanded.

Loki simply held up a soul card with his brother’s picture on it, which made everyone gasp.

“But… but how?!” cried Twilight. “The realm was destroyed!”

“…You simple-minded, idiot!” chuckled Loki. “What anything that falls can easily be built up again, especially pure darkness, which can never be truly vanquished!

My brother is now settling quietly in his new prison where he can’t cause many more grief…” he paused, and then magically held up more soul cards of all the others, including Raven, Vic, and Gar, “…Just like these captives.”

“So that’s what happened to our friends!” cried Fluttershy.

Everyone just livid to see all their friends trapped again.

“Celestia!” cried Luna as she saw her sister’s soul card.

Spike and Shining Armor took one look at Sci-Twi’s soul card, and they both snapped with rage.

“Why you--” growled Shining Armor, and he charged forth to rush Loki. Spike angrily barked and growled, breaking out of Sunset’s grip, and dashed to attack…

…Very foolish of them, as Loki zapped them both, casting them in barriers, holding them in place where they stood.

Lokin turned and then zapped the remaining friends in barrier, before eyeing at Twilight and Sunset.

“Look out!” Twilight shouted, and she pushed Sunset out of the way just in time before Loki zapped her into a barrier as well.

“No! Not again!” cried Sunset.

Loki laughed, “I think I’m going to like ruling this world, solo, without anyone holding me back.

It’ll take some time to restore the machine to full power, but at least I now have plenty of souls to get me on the way.”

He then recalled during Sunset’s duel with Rubeus…

“It’s a good thing I managed to salvage whatever of the souls I could take before they all escaped, or I’d have to start from scratch.”

Sunset was furious and she bolted up onto to her feet. “You let them go, or so help me, I’ll…”

“You’ll what…?” sneered Loki. “I think I’ve had enough of your prattling as well. Let’s see how you like being trapped by my power!”

He tried to zap her into a barrier of her own, but the bright aura appeared around her body deflected the magic off her.

“Urgh! As I thought, your dueling energy is too high!” growled Loki. “I guess I’ll just have to dispose of you the old-fashioned way by dueling you down to size.

And unlike my foolish brother, I won’t lose to you.”

“Fine by me!” agreed Sunset. “I think I understand now. Rubeus wanted to change for the better, but he knew that you opposed the idea of embracing friendship and harmony.

So, the only way to truly put a stop to all this is for me to defeat you, Loki! That’s what Rubeus was testing me for, and now I’m going to do it!”

Loki snickered as he pocketed his soul card collection. “You really shouldn’t make promises that you cannot keep.

I’ve already dueled you in the past, and each time, you lost to me.

True: You may have new cards now, and your skills have increased immensely…” he paused for a moment, “…But you’re not the only that has.”

Sunset blinked once. “You mean, you have new cards too?”

“Of course. My brother created his very own cards, after all, and I did the same. Just like him, I also could only use so much power to make such new cards with limited strengths, but it should serve me quite well nonetheless.”

He then spread out his arms casting magic everywhere throughout the chamber.

The entire room began to quake, and the roof began to vanish while the entire floor of the room began to rise high into the dark skies.

“Whoa! Aren’t we going up a little high?!” whimpered Cadance.

Fluttershy’s stomach turned, “I don’t like high places-- not this high anyway!”

Loki snickered, “I just want this duel to have quite the background, and it’s better than risking the castle being anymore damaged in all the pummeling I’m about to deliver.”

Sunset then noticed in the sky, “The rifts! They’re still there!”

While the holes in the sky had shrunken after Rubeus’ defeat, they had not closed completely. This was because the generator was still operating.

“Like I said,” hissed Loki “The darkness has not been completely vanquished. This duel will be the first step into restarting my conquest for world domination.

The more we duel, the more the energy will fuel the machine, and the rifts will begin to expand once more, absorbing all the world and all the people into the darkness once more.”

Sunset winced in horror. “Then that means everything will start all over again!”

Meanwhile, in the newly creating holding darkness, all the captured souls were awakening to realize their predicament.

“Where are we?” asked Sci-Twi.

“I don’t think I like this.” whimpered Pinkie.

Dick looked all around, “Kori? Kori!”

“I’m here!” his wife answered in the sphere next to his. They were relieved to see each other but frustrated that they couldn’t reach one another.

Vic, Raven, and Gar had finally awakened too.

“Ah, man!” Vic groaned. “Either I’m going crazy or we’re in deep trouble.”

“What gave you that impression?” Raven sarcastically snarked.

Terra was frightened, but next to her she saw Gar in a sphere of his own. He was awake, and his face was still uncovered, but he sat with his arms folded with his eyes barely open, still miserable as ever.

Suddenly, Rubeus thundered, “No!! Loki, I’ll make him pay for this!”

Everyone was surprised to see him trapped like the rest of them.

“Looks like Sunset taught you a lesson!” Rainbow balked at him. “Serves you right for what you did to us!”

“Now, hold on a minute…!” said Rubeus. He could see he would have to re-explain himself, and so he retold the story.

“You expect us to believe all this?” snapped Celestia.

It was no surprise that not any of the others believed him, which Rubeus understood and saw coming.

“Whether you believe me or not, the point is there is but one hope for us all, and that is Sunset Shimmer. She must defeat Loki. Only then will everything be fine again.”

“Really? What makes you say that?” asked Dick.

“Because, the machine is built with a counter-mechanism I had secretly installed, and it is the one sure thing my brother does not know of.

Since both he and I are controller of the machine, if we both are defeated, then the machine will automatically reserve everything that has happened. It will return us all to the world we all came from, and it will seem as if nothing ever happened.”

Nobody believed him, except for Sci-Twi.

“I think he’s telling the truth.”

The others all gawked at her with shocked expressions, and Sci-Twi explained, “I’ve seen the looks in people’s eyes like that before. I used to give it myself when I tried to explain to others who didn’t believe me.”

She wasn’t completely convinced though, and asked, “How do we know we can really trust you?”

“I’m afraid I can’t do much now to convince you,” replied Rubeus, “But I assure you, we will soon all be free, and that will show you that I am telling the truth.”

“How do you know we’ll be free?” asked Rainbow. “How do you know Sunset will get us out of this?”

“Because I have seen her dueling, and she has the skills and will to defeat my brother. I am confident that she will win.”

Gar could only scoff. “You’re delusional! You’re just gambling that she’ll win, just like you gambled with everything else.”

Rubeus looked insulted, but Pinkie spoke severely to Gar. “How can you still be so insensitive at a time like this?!”

Vic agreed, “In case you didn’t notice, you’re stuck here with the rest of us too. So, drop the whole high horse, or Mr. Big Shot act.”

Undaunted, Gar said, “I’m just telling you like it is. When are you all going to wake up and realize that all this Friendship, Confidence, and Faith is nothing but a load of nonsense?”

He then went into deeper detail.

“When you duel, there is no magic potion, or incantation, or some voodoo that let’s you draw exactly what you need at the last minute of a dire situation. It’s all just plain dumb luck.

The cards are stacked the way they are no matter what you feel. You’ll draw what’s on top whether it’s what you need or not, but it’s not fate, it’s just the deck and how it’s stacked and handled by the duelist.”

As mush as everyone wanted to argue with him about that, it was undeniably true, even Rubeus was forced to admit.

“There were times when I was unconvinced of the success of the mission, and many things did rely on risk and chance.” he paused. He also remembered but did not tell that if Sunset hadn’t beaten him, he’d have to subject himself to the rising of the Malefic World after all and forget his love for the human world.

“Well at least Friendship and faith does something!” Dick sneered at Gar. “Like giving us the strength to keep on going forward and continue even when it seems hopeless.”

Kori agreed with her husband and added, “We don’t see you doing that stuff, mainly because we know you don’t care about friendship and stuff.”

“I used to,” replied Gar, “But it was never good enough, and not only have I proven it, but do did all of you.”

He referred to his days with the Titans. “I tried to be a good friend to you and the people, and all I got was a mountain of ridicule, disrespect, and punishment for it.

So, much for friendship being the key to happiness and comfort.”

Then there was the dueling tournament, and the Malefic Battles. “You all kept striving forth with your faith, and while it may have given you strength to keep on going, it didn’t matter in the end-- you still lost!

Especially when it came to Z-Arc. You all tried, and tried with all your faiths and hopes together, but Z-Arc clobbered you all like a giant stepping on an ant-colony.

You all collapsed too easily from the stress and bleakness that you rely on someone else, or something else to hold out their hand and pick you up when you’re down.

I’ve learned to stop relying on things like that, and that’s how I was able to stop Z-Arc myself.”

Raven crossly glared at Gar and scolded him, “Yeah, and look where you ended up-- right here because you’re so full of rage and hatred.”

“The fact is, I still beat Z-Arc, and you’re not one to talk about rage!” sneered Gar. “You tried to dispose of me through your hatred of me. The Malefic World and its curses had nothing to with your will. You did it all yourself, and you ended up paying a much-deserved price for it.”

The Equestrians all realized this, and it really put Raven in a bad spot.

Raven looked seething enough to chew through her sphere and attack him, which only confirmed her bad attitude and unjustified behavior from before.

“All I’m saying is,” said Gar. “…You all really need to stop relying on just blind faith and hope that things will go okay.

Maybe Sunset can set us free… but consider all the possibilities including the bad. I know I have. That’s why I’m embracing my fate if it’s meant to be.”

Terra had never Gar so serious before, the fact that he was willing to accept non-existence instead of believing in escape.

“You really have no faith in any of this?”

Gar said nothing and ignored her; just sat in his sphere with his arms folded and his eyes shut tight.

Celestia shook her head at the angry young man. “I guess some people are just too stubborn to turn back.”

Rubeus could feel Gar’s darkness, “When an individual carries a belly full of hate and mistrust, especially when their gentle spirit has been broken, it can be down-near impossible to ever convince them to change.”

Still, there was little any of them could do for now, except hope Sunset would win, and that Rubeus was truly their ally.

Sunset stood ready, but her insides were going crazy.

“This is it.” she thought. “One final duel, one last chance to finally put an end to this dark nightmare.”

“Sunset, take him down!” hollered Applejack.

“We believe in you.” added Fluttershy.

“Of course, we do, darling.” agreed Rarity.

The adults all gave her a thumb-up, and Twilight gazed at her with a proud and hopeful expression.

Sunset could feel their faith coming at her, and while it did pour on the pressure for her to win, something magical began to happen on the floor.

The three charred dragon cards were glowing and floated up towards Sunset. She watched in awe as the cards were magically restored before her eyes.

“Take the cards.” a voice called to her.

The images of Khaos, Sapphire, and Violet appeared.

“You three!” growled Loki, and then he thought. “I’ll bet my brother is behind this.”

“We were given orders by Prince Rubeus.” said Violet.

“Yeah, if anything was to… like… happen to us, you… you know… get our cards.” added Sapphire.

“We realize we have had our resentments towards one another,” said Khaos, “But these are the wishes of Prince Rubeus, and of us. For the three of us are no longer exist after our defeat.

Take our cards, and use them to fulfil your destiny, and make Prince Rubeus proud.”

The spirits vanished, never to be seen again.

“Don’t do it!” urged Shining Armor.

“You can’t put those cards in your deck.” wailed Cadance.

“Maybe… she should.” considered Spike.

Sunset kept gawking at the three dragons, and remembering their powers, she figured, “These cards could really boost my chances at winning even more, but should I really trust the trio.

I still have a hard time believing in all this.”

Loki called to her, “Even with those cards in your deck, you’ll never defeat me. So, either drop them or use them, but let’s get going already.”

With that, Sunset put the three cards into her Extra Deck.

“What are you doing?” cried Rarity. “Those cards are pure evil! They’ve caused us all nothing but despair since the first day.”

“I don’t think so.” said Twilight, “A card is just like magic. It doesn’t have to be evil; it all depends on who uses it, and while I still don’t understand this game as well as the rest of you, I’m sure Sunset will use those dragons well.”

Sunset took one last look at her extra deck, and then she glared over at Loki. “I’m ready when you are.”

Loki could only snicker.

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