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Episode 20: Long Born The Queen


Terra sat in the wide open plains, practically all alone what with Applejack gone, and Sunset was still unconscious no matter how much Terra shook her.

“Sunset, please wake up.” she cried “We can’t lose you too. Please, wake up!”

Sunset was far too lost to hear her. The only hint at all that she was even alive at all was the very faint and soft sounds of her breathing, and the crackling groans.

Terra felt really all messed up herself. “Why?” she thought sadly to herself “Why and how has it come to all this? No matter where I go, no matter what I do; it’s always a disaster.”

Thinking about it only made her hurt with more grief, when she thought back to her former life as an lone traveler, a Teen Titan, Slade’s appetence, and…

…She stopped right there, trying to supress the next bit of memories that continued to torment her, but they were still there and refused to let her be.

…Then, all that topped off with Jump City decaying, the people banishing her and her fellow comrades, and then there was Gar and the way he behaved towards her and everyone, all down to these Malefic battles and how they were picking off her friends one-by-one.

Just as she was wondering how things could get any worse…

“Terra!” called a familiar voice making her practically leap up onto her feet.

She turned round, and could see Vic and the others coming to her… without Celestia.

The friends arrived on the scene to see Sunset unconscious.

“What happened?” asked Sci-Twi. “Where’s Applejack?”

It didn’t take long, or the fact that Terra was still clutching Applejack’s hat, and the crushed expression on her face, to know what happened, which made all the friends turned shocked.

“No…” said Shining Armor “No, it can’t be!”

Terra got up and handed him Applejack’s soul card.

“Applejack!” cried Cadance.

“Ah, man!” groaned Vic.

Even Raven was shocked and saddened by this. “What happened?” she asked.

Terra explained it all…

She and the others were trying to stall the trio from chasing after them to keep Celestia safe, when Sunset accidently forced herself and Applejack into a duel. The rest spoke for itself.

“I can’t believe it!” cried Raven “As if we hadn’t lost enough as it is.”

That’s when Terra finally realized, and her eyes went wide.


The others all gave looks of extreme guilt, and it was Vic who explained what happened.

“The trio was gaining on us, and we tried to get away, but those three were on us in almost no time. They didn’t even try to challenge us to duel them.”

“There is no way out of this.” said Violet “Hand over the woman.”

“Never!” shouted Vic, and he along with the others stood in front of Celestia like a protective wall.

“What do you even want with me?” she asked.

“Look, we don’t have time for this.” growled Sapphire. “Hand her over, or else!”

“Or else what?” sneered Cadance.

Shining Armor stood next to his wife, and before Celestia, showing his fists.

“Oh, well, I guess we’ll do it the hard way.” said Khaos, and he held out a single card from his deck.

“What is he doing?” wondered Princess Twilight.

Suddenly, she and the others had just remembered that spell cards and their effects could be used for real with Malefic Magic.


The mighty sword appeared above him, but rather than behave like it would in a normal duel, the sword lived up to its name, and began to cast a mighty veil of dark shadows everywhere.

“Hey! What’s going on?” groaned Spike.

“I can’t see a thing.” called Twilight.

It was so much darker than ever, no one could see their hand before their face, but this was nothing that the Maleficans weren’t used to; being shadow creatures, they could navigate even the thickest of darkness.

“We’ve got to protect Celestia!” cried Cadance.

“I can’t see her.” wailed Shining Armor.

“I’m right here!” Celestia hollered Celestia, but she suddenly felt herself being scooped up by Khaos.

“Put me down!” she shouted as she fussed and kicked about. “Let me go!! Do you hear me?!”

Violet came up to her and gave her a hit in the neck, knocking her out cold.

Khaos glared at her angrily. “Don’t hurt her! Remember Prince Loki’s orders.”

Violet protested, “Relax, it was just a tap. Besides, it shut her up.”

“Okay, okay… let’s split.” said Sapphire.

The trio jumped on their clouds and began to soar away leaving the gang to continue stumbling about in the darkness.

Sapphire couldn’t help but give them a final gift. “Hey, down there… catch this…!” and he grabbed one of his own cards.

“Take this; SHOCK SURPRISE!”

Rather than destroy monsters like it would in a duel, the card created a massive swam of shocking lightning bolts that struck all around the fog veil, blowing it away in massive gusts from the force of the strikes, and knocking everyone off their feet.

In midst of all the chaos, and stumbling, Twilight and Spike’s soul cards had fallen out of Raven’s possession, and in the billowing gales, it began to blow away.

“HEEEEEEEEEEEELP…!!” they both screamed as they floated off in different directions.

“SPIKE….!! PRINCESS TWILIGHT…!!!” shouted Sci Twi.

The trio hadn’t seen the cards fly off, but Sapphire was having too much fun torturing the victims, he was ready to zap them with another card, only for Violet to smack his hand and balk “Cut it out! You’re wasting precious power.”

“Ah, come on, I’m just fooling with them.”

Khaos intervened, “Every ounce of energy we waste could seriously jeopardize The Masters’ plan. Until we have gathered a sufficient amount, we can’t afford to get carried away.”

With this in mind, Sapphire sulked as the trio flew off, leaving the gang in disgrace and anger.

Vic angrily pounded the ground so hard, almost sending his entire metal fist all the way through.

Sci-Twi fell to her knees in tears. “Spike…! Princess Twilight…! We lost them again!”

Her brother came up and hugged her sorrowfully, and Cadance joined them in despair.

Raven… she was standing stiff as a board, with a mix of anger and sadness.

The flashback was over, and you can bet, Terra felt more hurt than ever. She could barely breathe and felt she was going to faint like Sunset did.

“Listen to me!” snapped Vic as he held her shoulders. “Look, I know this bites, believe me, we all feel like this. But all this moping and groaning over it isn’t going to help us. You need to stay strong so we can beat these guys and get the others back.”

The others all nodded in agreement.

Terra braved and wiped her tears away, promising to try.

Of course, Sunset was still unconscious, and the group agreed they couldn’t do anything until she woke up.

So they all decided to stay and rest where they were, and consume bits of food they had, which was starting to run low, and cause for greater concern.

“This is horrible!” thought Sci-Twi. “Our friends are trapped in cards, Celestia’s gone, Spike and Princess Twilight are lost, we still can’t find the rest of the gang, Karle is still out there, and now our food is running low.”

She never felt so helpless and so lost for clues or direction in her life.

Shining Armor could sense his sister’s woe, and held her tightly like he always did when she was upset. He didn’t bother say anything to her, and he didn’t have to. She knew him better than that, and he would have given her the old pep-talk that things would get better, or he had faith in her.

All she could do was snuggled into his arms, while at the same time wondering what horrors Celestia was getting into being in the clutches of the enemy.

Celestia was slowly beginning to awaken.

“Oh!” she groaned. “What happened to me?”

She looked around and saw she was lying on a bed, in a dark room, with stone columns surrounding her, and the floor was all misty with fog.

“Where am I?” she wondered as her vision slowly became clear and, then she remembered being kidnapped by The Terrible Trio, and someone hit her in the neck.

Strangely, her neck didn’t feel very sore, not even when she rubbed it.

Suddenly, her eyes snapped wide open by the strange feeling of her hand rubbing up against her skin. It felt a little colder, and rougher, as if she were wearing gloves.

She looked at her hands to realize, they were no longer their usual color, but was now a pale chalk gray, and her skin was scalier now, just like Prince Brother’s in their true forums.

She wasn’t even wearing her causal summer outfit anymore, but a Maleficain robe, half yellow, and half pink, with a blue sash across her left shoulder.

“No!!” she panicked “What’s happening to me?!”

Then she heard a familiar voice that told her, “No need to panic my lovely. It’s not as bad as you think it is.”

She looked on towards a darker area of the room, and saw someone standing in the shadows.

“Who’s there?”

That’s when Loki stepped out, and she recognized him all at once.


Though he had no proper facial features to show it, Loki would be grinning at her. “I’m glad that you’re awake. Now we can get to know each other better.”

He slowly began to step towards the bed, but Celestia backed away, rolling off the bed and got onto her feet. “You stay away from me.”

Loki only snickered, “I’m afraid resistance is quite useless at this point. You’re already becoming one of us thanks to the gift I gave you.”

Celestia froze where she stood “Gift? Wait a minute…” and she thought back to the flowers sent to her suite on the airship, from “The Secret Admirer.”

“It was you? You’re the one who sent me those flowers?”

Loki nodded and answered, “I am said “secret admirer.”

Celestia was shocked, and disgusted to learn this.

Loki explained…

“I have been around for many centuries, and never have I met a creature as remarkable and as stunning as you, and to think, you are your own world’s counterpart of Princess Celestia, the ruler of Equestria.

…But that’s beside the point.”

He moved in closer, and still Celestia backed away from him.

“You mean you’re the one who did this to me as well.”

Loki explained again. “The flowers that I gave you were tainted with a powerful Malefic Powder, which slowly began to take effects upon you.

The dizziness you felt was mere a beginning-- a slight side effect on your human body, but upon entering the Malefic World, the power has begun to awaken within you, making you one of us.”

Using his powers, he conjured up a kind of magical wall that served as a mirror to reveal Celestia’s full reflection, which made her gasp in horror…

Her facial features were vanishing as she was becoming as expressionless as he was, and even her long hair was styled differently-- instead of hanging loose in a big flowing wave, the left side of hair remained that way, while the right side was braided and hanging off of her right shoulder.

She gasped in horror and disgust, which only amused Loki as he uncast the mirror. “Don’t worry; you’ll grow used to it, after all… you’re going to be my queen.”

Celesti felt like throwing up. “You must even crazier as you are insane.”

“Oh, trust me, I’m not insane.” said Loki. “Even as we speak, the Malefic World grows strong, and it hungers for more souls and power. Soon it will be strong enough to rise to full strength, and my brother, Rubeus, and I will have more than enough power to invade every world, every dimension, and shroud it within our realm.

We will be the most powerful creatures that ever existed, and I want you to be by my side, Celestia.”

He reached out to take her in his arms, but she gave him a huge smack to the face, sending him reeling backwards.

“You’re a monster! A Demon! A Scoundrel! You’ve caused me and my friends nothing but suffering, and you captured my sister’s soul!!”

Rather than be annoyed with her, or try to make any form of correction, Loki simply chuckled, “You’ve got a real fighter’s spirit, and it only means we were made to be even more.

Think of it. All this and all worlds will be yours to rule with me and my brother. Anything you could ever want, I can give you.”

Feeling less and less afraid, and more infuriated, Celestia was starting lose her patience.

“No! I’m not your queen, and I never will be! I’m getting out of here.”

She began to run towards the end of the room where a single doorway lay, but Loki gave one snap of his fingers, causing a large stone slab to seal it tight.

“As I told you: resistance is impossible. Besides, even if you were to escape the palace, you’re already one of us.”

“No! No, I’m not!!” shouted Celestia. “Understand this, you psycho: I am not your queen, and I never shall be! I will never fight for your evil cause!

How can you even think I would consider, especially after what you did to my sister?!”

Loki rolled his eyes and sighed, “I can see you’re going to need a little extra persuasion.” he paused. “Tell you what… I’ll make you a deal.

If you can defeat me in a duel, right here and now, then I’ll consider letting you go.”

Celestia couldn’t believe he would suggest such a thing, and the whole “Consider” bit was a major turn off for her.

“I won’t!” she snarled “I know you and your kind, you’d double-cross the second I win.”

Loki snickered, “Perhaps I would. It is the Malefic way after all, and you’d better get used to it.”

Celestia looked angrier than ever, and then suddenly, like magic, her duel disk appeared on her left arm, with her deck and all.

“What the--” she gasped, and before she knew it, Loki had flapped up his cape, revealing his own duel disk, and he shot hers with the challenge beam, automatically initiating a duel.

“Come now,” hissed Loki “What’s a little friendly duel?”

Celestia looked as if she would explode. “You know nothing about the word “Friendly!”

Still, with the challenge already active, she couldn’t refused, and right now she felt made enough to brawl her way through an army, and decided to duel.

“I’m dueling for my sister!” she stated “I’m also dueling for the sake of my friends and our freedom!”

“How very noble.” mocked Loki. Then he thought silently, “What she doesn’t realize is that this duel is the last step into making her mine.

With every life point she loses, her pure energy will weaken allowing the Malefic power within her to finally make her see me and our in whole new way.”

The disks were ready and the cards were drawn.


Celestia LP: 8000

Loki LP: 8000

“Ladies first…” insisted Celestia.

“I activate the spell INSTANT FUSION. I pay 1000 life points to summon a Fusion monster!”

Celestia LP: 8000 -----> 7000

She didn’t feel shocked from the drainage at all, but she did feel a slight tingle inside of her, as if she were a beach ball and someone had just pricked her with a pin, and the air hissed out of her.

“The Malefic energy does well.” thought Loki. “It makes her stronger so she can resist the lethal consequences. It still puzzles me that she can’t

Celestia shook herself back into focus. “…I Fusion Summon MUDDRAGON OF THE SWAMP.”

(Def: 1600)

Her dragon gave a sickening growl.

“And now, I summon the Tuner monster, METAPHYS RAGNAROCK.”

(Atk: 1500)

“When he’s summoned, I banish the top three cards from my deck.”

She did just that, and was very pleased with what she had banished.

Loki said, “I take it by your glaring at me that you did something you feel will benefit you.”

Celestia felt insulted, but didn’t want to let him get to her.

“I now activate the spell DIMENSION FUSION!

I now pay 2000 life life points…”

Celestia LP: 7000 -----> 5000

“And I am now able to summon the three monsters that were just banished.”

The portal opened wide as the three monsters jumped out onto the scene.




She began to feel weary again after that drainage of points, and it was harder to maintain focus more than ever.

“What’s happening to me?” she wondered in thought. “I’ve got to maintain my stance. I need to win this so I can hurry up and get out of here.”

All her monsters stood together, glaring Loki down.

He could only remark, “So you’ve managed to summon five monsters in one turn… very impressive, my dear.”

“I’m not your dear.” insisted Celestia, “and when I win, I’ll prove it to you.

I now Tune Level 4 Metaphys with Level 5 Majesty Maiden.”

The two monsters began to tune together in a bright light which illuminated the room as the monster was formed.


(Atk: 2800)

The monster’s glistening body and sparkling wings brightened up the room even more, much to Loki’s annoyance.

“And I’m still not done yet.” called Celestia “With my two Level 9 Kings, I build the Overlay Network!”

The giant monsters leapt up into the portal, and the monster appeared in a powerful bust of light forcing Loki to look away while groaning.

Celestia then hollered, “I Xyz Summon TRUE KING OF ALL CALAMITES.”

(Atk: 3000)

Loki narrowed his eyes at the three beasts on Celestia’s field. “Fusion… Synchro… even Xyz? Not bad… I’m very impressed with your dueling.”

“Comments from you mean nothing.” sneered Celestia. “Now I’ll play the spell SPELL-ABSORBING POWER MIRROR! It will cast a spell upon my Muddragon.”

With that, her dragon began to glow in a magical shield.

“I see…” hissed Loki “So this way, your monster won’t be destroyed by your Instant Fusion’s side-effect at the end of the turn. Very clever…”

Celestia couldn’t help but nod at him that time in agreement, and then she ended her turn placing her last card facedown.

The shield then vanished off of Muddragon, leaving him still in play.

Celestia’s hand was empty, but her field was full of powerful beasts, making her truly believe she had the duel in the bag.

“There’s no way he can beat me now.” she thought. “With my Calamity King and my Muddragon, I can use their effects to stop monsters on his field from using their special abilities or attacking.

And then there’s my trap card, Half Or Nothing! If he tries to make his monsters attack, they’ll all lose half.

Celestia stood down.

“Now, it’s my turn.” said Loki “I draw, and I shall now show you the way a True Malefican duels.”

Celestia growled softly.

“It all starts with this spell; FORBIDDEN DARK CONTRACT WITH THE SWAMP KING.

It allows me to summon “Triple-D” monster form my hand in defense mode, but its effects will be negated, and so I summon TRIPLE-D CHAOS KING APOCALYPSE!”

(Def: 2000)

Celestia felt very irked seeing these cards; remembering how they had caused a whole bunch of trouble-- capturing Princess Twilight’s soul, and Spike’s too.

“And now…” continued Loki “You know how my spell works; it allows me to fuse monsters without the need of another fusion card.

So, I shall now fuse my Chaos King Apocalypse with DOUBLE-D LAMIA in my hand, and I shall now call on a monster you haven’t seen yet.


(Atk: 3000)

Celestia gawked up at the wolf-like creature. “He’s right!” she thought “I’ve never seen that monster. I don’t even know what it does.

This is so unfair; the way he keeps using all these mystery cards that no one has ever seen before to give himself an unfair advantage.”

She looked up at her own monsters, but decided not to use their powers just yet. Knowing how crafty he was, she knew he would most likely summon amore monsters, and then she would decide when and if to strike.

“You’re speechless I see…” hissed Loki “A fine quality in a queen you will make for me.”

Celestia growled at him and demanded, “Just go already!”

“As you wish.” said Loki.

“When my Tuner monster, Double-D Lamia, is sent from my hand to the graveyard, I can destroy my Contract Card and summon her out.”

With that, his contract card was shattered, and his Lamia appeared in its place.

(Def: 1900)

Celestia’s hunch was proving right so far, but still she chose not to activate her own monster’s abilities yet.

Loki was quite aware of her idea and thought, “If she truly thinks she can out duel me, she has much to learn.

I will train her well and make her a fine dueling Malefic Queen.”

He snapped himself back into focus.

“Now, to continue… I’ll set the Pendulum Scale with Scale 6 DOUBLE-D SAVANT THOMAS, and Scale 8 DOUBLE-D SAVANT NIKOLA.”

His monsters took their places up in the glowing lights.

“I am now able to summon as many Level 7 monsters as I wish.


(Atk: 2700)

“He’s back!” wailed Celestia.

“He is… but he won’t be for long.” insisted Loki. “I tune my Level 1 Lamia with Level 7 Chaos King.”

The monsters tuned together, forming yet another creature Celestia had never seen before.


(Atk: 2800)

Celestia was beginning to quiver at the sight of all this summoning, yet she stayed strong, and ready to use her own effects later.

“And if you thought I was finished, you are sadly mistake.” sneered Loki “I play the spell CARD OF DEMISE. So now, I may draw five new cards, but I must discard my entire hand in the next five turns.

But of course, this will all be over soon anyway”

“Oh, just great!” groaned Celestia “It’s bad enough he summoned a whole bunch of monsters, and now he’s refreshed his hand too. I’ve got a bad feeling about this,”

Loki snickered softly.

“I now will use the Pendulum Ability of Savant Thomas, which allows me to add King Apocalypse from my Extra Deck to my hand.”

Once he took his card back, he declared “…I am now ready to attack!” and he engaged his battle phase.

“Oh, no you don’t!” thundered Celestia. “I use one overlay unit to activate Calamity King’s special ability.”

“I thought so.” thought Loki.

Calamity King began to glow brightly, and Celestia called out, “Now my king will change all the monsters on the field into Dark Attributes for the remainder of this turn, including your monsters.”

With that, all the monsters on the field were bathed in glowing light, which really irked Loki.

“So now my monsters are unable to attack and cannot use their abilities?”

“You know it…” said Celestia “You may as well give up, on this duel, and in winning my heart.”

“On the contrary, I’m going to win this duel, and there’s nothing you can say or do that will stop me.”

“What do you mean by that?”

“I’ll show you… by activating the quick-play spell TRAP BOSTER!”

Celestia gasped hard.

“Thanks to this…” said Loki “I discard one card in my hand, in order to activate this trap from my hand, DNA TRANSPLANT!”

“No!! Not that card!” cried Celestia.

“Oh, yes…” hissed Loki. “The power of this trap allows me to transform all creatures on the field in any Attribute I call, and I believe I shall choose “Wind!”

Strong gusts of wind seemed to magically billow in, and all the monsters on the field were enveloped in the gales, causing Celestia’s dark aura effect to cease.

“I believe your King of Calamites can no longer hold me down!” sneered Loki. “You forget… I’ve seen you duel before, and as much as I do admire your current skills, you’ll need to step up your game if you’re going to be my queen.”

Celestia balked at him “How many times do I have to tell you… I am not… your… queen.”

“Oh, but you will be.” insisted Loki. “I always get what I want, especially when I know how to get it.

Now that my monsters are free to attack, I call on King Beowulf, to attack and destroy your Muddragon of the Swamp.”

His King leapt forth, ready to attack Celestia’s monster.

“Nice try…!” snapped Celestia “I activate the trap HALF OR NOTHING.”

Loki growled and narrowed his eyes, while Celestia smirked at him. “Thanks to this trap, you can either continue your battle, but your monsters will have their attack points all halved, or you can choose to just back down.”

Loki hesitated for a moment, and then he went. “Hmm… This is quite a predicament I’m in. Either choice I make will result in me being in trouble.

So I’ll just have to go with Option three.”

“There is no option three!” sneered Celestia.

“Don’t you ever get tired of being wrong? I now activate Cursed King Siegfried’s special ability, which stops the effect of your trap card.”

“What?!” cried Celestia, and she watched as the wicked creature unleashed a powerful blast, which shot her trap card and turned it pale, and ceasing its effects.”

“No!” wailed Celestia.

“Now that your trap is no longer in effect,” shouted Loki “My Beowulf continues his attack against your Muddragon.

Oh, and I should mention that Beowulf deals you damage even if your monster is in defense mode!”

“Ah!!” Celestia shrieked, and the attack struck hard…

(Atk: 3000) VS (Def: 1600)

Her monster exploded, and the shockwaves billowed past her…

Celestia LP: 5000 -----> 3600

She still felt no shocks or pain from the loss of points, but she felt that strange feeling catching up to her again.

“What’s happening to me?!” she cried “I feel like I’m slipping away or something.” Then suddenly it hit her, “…It’s the poison you gave me!”

Loki said nothing about it, which confirmed her fear.

Instead he contemplated on her remaining monsters, which his King Siegfried was no match for.

“I suppose I shall have to step up my game now.” he said “From my hand, I play the quick-play spell FLASH FUSION.

This allows me to Fusion Summon using my King Beowulf and King Siegfried, and together they will form a monster I’m sure you remember.


(Atk: 3500)

Celestia screamed fretfully as the huge monster appeared and glared down at her.

Loki snickered, and since it was still his battle phase, he ordered his king to attack, “…Destroy her Chaofeng now!”

His king complied, and stirred up incredible and powerful energy forces which blew Celestia’s monster down!

(Atk: 3500) VS (Atk: 2800)

The winds billowed past her, nearly frazzling her hair.

Celestia LP: 3600 -----> 3100

Now she felt even stranger than ever, and could her insides starting to churn and change no matter how much she tried to resist.

Loki almost regretted what he was doing by attacking her so much. “Trust me, darling, this will all be over soon, and it really is for your own good.”

Celestia was feeling a bit too sore to protest.

Loki’s battle phase was over, but not his turn.

“Now I activate Armageddon’s special ability, which allows him to strike down your King of All Calamites, and then you are dealt damage equal to half of your king’s attack points.”

Celestia only cringed and shut her eyes tight as Armageddon blasted her own king into ashes, and the shockwaves struck her again, and she lost another 1500 life points.

Celestia LP: 3100 -----> 1600

Celestia felt so weird and strange that she collapsed to her knees while quivering softly.

Loki sighed softly.

“I’ll place one card facedown, and now my turn is complete, which means my King Armageddon is now destroyed due to my Flash Fusion.”

His King exploded and vanished into the Extra Deck.

Celestia was still quivering, in sickness and in worry. She had no monsters in play, no cards in her hand, and very little life points left.

Even in her quivering, she still reached for her deck to draw. “I… will not… be… your queen!” she growled, and she managed to draw a card.

“Actually, you will.” said Loki. “This is the end for you, but the beginning… for us.

Triple-D Chaos King Apocalypse’s effect can be activating when it’s your turn.”


“But first I must destroy Savant Nikola and Savant Thomas.”

The two monsters vanished in sparling explosions, and the two cards were sent to the Extra Deck.

“…By doing this, I can now summon Chaos King Apocalypse to the field.”

(Def: 2000)

Celestia was shaking and whimpering to the verge of tears.

“And now, everything is exactly as I need it.


Celestia was too weak and numb with fear and sickness to ask what it did, but Loki explained anyway.

“Now I activate the effect of Savant Nikola.

Whenever it is destroyed in my Pendulum Zone, I can return Chaos King Apocalypse to my hand, which allows me then to reset the Pendulum Scale with Dobule-D Savant Niokla, and Double-D Savant Thomas!”

The two monsters returned to the light.

“And now, my Dark Contract with the Swinging Abyss shall use its power on you.

Whenever a “Double-D” monster is returned to my hand, you will take damage equal to the defense points that monster had.

Chaos King Apocalypse has 2000 defense points, which is more than you can afford to lose!”

Celestia felt her vision faded away with all the fear that was swimming through her!

The trap card gave her a huge blast of dark power, blowing her down and onto her back.

Celesta LP: 1600 -----> 0

Celestia was down on her back, with her cards scattered all about, and she passed out, but no lightning came to strike her.

Instead, the duel images all vanished, and Loki slowly approached the fallen woman.

“I’m sorry I had to do that, are you quite alright?”

Celestia got up softly, and turned her face, now complete without much features.

She looked up at him, but rather nicely than with fury, and she hissed at him in a deeper and wickeder voice. “I feel perfectly fine, and I forgive you… my dear Prince.”

Loki gazed down at her almost lovingly, and he held her hand, helping her onto her feet.

“Come… we have much to discuss, about our future.”

She actually agreed with him. “Yes… our future.”

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