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Intro: Re-Run


It all began at the start of Summer Vaccation. Canterlot High was closing up, and The Equestria Girls were deeply getting involved in the game of Duel Monsters, some had been playing for far longer than others, like Sunset Shimmer…

…Her goal was to assemble a deck that would allow her to conduct use of all four of the known Extra Summoning techniques-- Fusion, Synchro, Xyz, and-- her favorite-- Pendulum.

She and the girls were unaware that they were being observed by two businessmen, The Prince Brothers… Rubeus and Loki, who were soon revealed to be far more than they seemed.

Their plans for a good summer were soon put on serious hold, especially when after Princess Twilight Sparkle came for a visit from Equestria.

While at a slumber party, two mysterious and evil beings managed to infiltrate the girls’ nightmares, forcing Sunset into a duel she could not win and defeated her, and then demanding she participate in the upcoming Friendship Cup Duel Monsters tournament…

…And when she refused, the two creeps forced her hand by extratcing Princess Twilight’s soul and imprisoning it within a card, thus blackmailing Sunset to enter the tournament to save her friend.

Her friends offered to enter as well to assist her in her quest, despite the fact that some of the girls were amateur players.

The tournament was held at a Theme Park called “Magic Land” which was built by none other than the Prince Brothers, whom were revealed to be the ones behind Twilight’s kidnapping and organizing the Friendship Cup, where they seemed to observe and favor The Equestria Girls and their dueling style… preferably Sunset, for she had been given a gift the night before the tournament, a gift containing blank dueling cards that slowly revealed themselves and aided her throughout the tournament.

Whatever The Brothers were up to, it couldn’t have been good, especially when they took another turn for the worst in capturing Doggie Spike’s soul to add further pressure.

Throughout the tournament, the girls had more than enough pressure worrying about Twilight, but having to stay focussed and making it through the tournament rounds was torture, having to content with tricky challenges, unexpected surprises, and other rival duelists.

One of the worst dueling rivals was Masquerade… a masked duelist and worldwide master pro-gamer with a very cold and callous attitude towards the girls.

“What are you laughing at?” asked Rainbow Dash.

“Just that you talk like such a little kid.” chuckled Masquerade.

He walked away after Rarity had lost a duel, and his only remark…

“How Pathetic…!”

“I’ve got nothing nice to say to a loser.”

He felt the girls were weak duelists, as well as inferior people in contrast to himself because of their overly-beliefs in friendship and kindness, but it seemed no matter how hard the girls would try, there was just no reasoning with the grouchy duelist, and to add insult to injury, every duel or game the girls would challenge him to always resulted in their defeat due to his excessive skills as a master gamer.

“Just as I thought; you are but lambs trying to fight a lion.”

“Friendship is useless and a complete waste of my time.”

“Unlike you little girls, I keep my focus on the game! Friendship does nothing but hold you back!”

“Another perfect example of just how strong and smart you AREN’T!”

It was plain to see that Masquerade, alone, was going to be a lot to handle, but then there was this other duelist by the name of Karle Plight, whom was just as cold and nasty as Masquerade was. She was just as mean to the girls and would go to incredible lengths to insult and bring them down in her own conquest to duel and defeat Masquerade herself.

Along the way, the girls met up and allied themselves with the former world-renowned superheroes, The Teen Titans, whom had grown into young adults and called themselves simply “The Titans.”

They had come to participate in the tournament hoping to win the prize of one-million dollars, which they needed in hopes of saving the remains of an ailing and decrepit Jump City, which had fallen into serious decline over the years due to the effects of bad overdevelopment, corruption, and greed. As a result, many stocks and businesses were affected worldwide, and many people were losing their jobs, their homes, and their very ways of life.

The entire world, infuriated by the recklessness and crimes, had renounced any efforts in saving the city.

“This isn’t my mess, and I refuse to clean it up.”

“These people dug their own graves. I’ll save my money for those who really need it, other than greedy folks that abuse power.”

“You brought this on yourselves!”

“Why should we help you? You’ll just abuse the power like you did before.”

“You forced me and my family to run out of town!”

Even the President of the United States was not willing to lift a finger to assist the greedy and rotten people of Jump City.

“Though it is against my basic and moral principles, the fact remains: the people of Jump City turned whole lives upside down, destroyed environments, and endangered many people more for the sake of greed and stupidity.

We shall leave Jump City as it stands, as a reminder of the mistakes people have made, and while it is true, the march of progress must continue forth, there is such a thing as going too far and being consumed by baffling urges such as greed and power.”

As a result, many had fled the crumpling city, but many more remaining were unable to venture forth due to lack of supplies, strength, or even plans and those who would take them in. They lived in poverty, misery, and shame from their crimes or getting involved in them.

Now teamed up together, and joined by Principal Celestia, some of the Titans and the girls, including Sunset, managed to qualify for the Friendship Cup Finals, alongside with Masquerade and Karle.

The Finals were held on the Prince Brother’s personal airship, and all of the girls who hadn’t qualified, were given guest passes to attend and observe the tournament, much to their growing suspicions of the Prince Brothers’ plot…

…It had been revealed earlier, by Princess Celestia herself, that The Prince Brothers were in fact evil denizens of a foreboding realm known as “The Malefic World,” which had been sealed away long, long ago after waring with Equestria for dominance and power, and The Brothers had escaped to the Human World, plotting their attempt to reawaken their lost world…

…By harnessing the properties of Duel Energy emitted from pure concentration while dueling, and Equestrian magic, which the girls were chock-full of.

As the tournament progressed, Masquerade seemed to have it out badly for the Titans, and gave Raven a serious beat-down, eliminating her from the finals.

Loki Prince had also grown affectionate for Principal Celestia, and made attempts to win her over-- sending her flowers that emitted a strong poison that began to infect her.

The most shocking discovery was that Human Twilight Sparkle had been posing as Karle all the time-- leaving a robot-duplicate in her usual place to deceive her friends. Having been humiliated by Masquerade years prior to the tournament, her mission to defeat him and exact vengeance resulted in crushing failure!

“I remember you now… You’re that nerdy kid I taught a lesson to at the Math-a-thon three years ago in Japan.”

Twilight looked up at him miserably as he continued to taunt her.

“How incredibly amazing: You’ve spent all this time studying, planning, chasing me down to exact your revenge, and you even went to such lengths to deceive your friends, pretending to be someone else, only to be on your knees in despair and failure once more?

I guess I wasn’t wrong about you…

…You really are the saddest and weakest opponent I’ve ever had!”

The Titans had also come to a horrible discovery that the people of their former hometown no longer cared for them, and had since exiled them from ever returning to Jump City again.

The worst of it all was when it came time for the final duel, when Sunset would duel Masquerade for the Friendship Cup Crown…

…Despite knowledge of the Brothers and their plot, the girls and the Titans were ultimately unable to stop the villains from achieving their goal.

Having harnessed enough power, the Prince Brothers revealed their true, monstrous forms, and opened a powerful vortex dragging in everyone into its depths, including Twilight’s family-- Shining Armor, Principal Cadance-- and even Celestia’s sister, Vice Principal Luna.

Where are they going, and what will become of them all?

Now is the time to continue…!

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