• Published 7th Apr 2020
  • 4,087 Views, 199 Comments

Off Duty - awf

After centuries of ruling Equestria without a single day off, Princess Celestia is driven to true desperation: selling herself into slavery as a vacation on Earth, the one place she can go without being recognized.

  • ...

Chapter 62

The big day finally came. Celestia hadn't gotten too much sleep, but she didn't mind that in the slightest. She felt full of energy and often found herself smiling for no particular reason.

Even Luna remarked on it at breakfast: "You seem happy, Sister."

She obviously knew whom Celestia was expecting that day and just wanted to tease a little, but it didn't work. "Mm-hmm!"

When Celestia said nothing more, her sister simply let it drop. The ambassador - Eli Grant - watched the two mares for a while, then chose to ignore it, too.

"When?" Luna asked after a while.


Now the young diplomat posed his question: "Um, excuse me. What is happening this afternoon?"

Luna was the one to answer: "My Sister will see her coltfriend again."

"Oh!" the lad said and blushed a little. He didn't press the issue, but his embarrassment did make Luna chuckle.

Celestia paid them no heed. She floated their rudimentary meals before the pair and took hers out to the balcony again. It was just eggs and toast, but it would do. She wasn't hungry anyway, but the mare forced herself to eat. If Rawsthorne missed her at least half as much as she missed him, it would be a very busy night. She would need her strength. While she ate, the Princess looked down at the castle courtyard. It seemed quite peaceful, except for a group of guard trainees out marching. It was quite hard work, what with the large bags of sand strapped to each pony's back. Endurance training, Celestia thought. Once upon a time she had enjoyed looking at the muscular, sweat-soaked flanks. It was a little guilty pleasure of hers, even if she would never have admitted it to anypony.

Now, with his imminent return, all Celestia could think of was Rawsthorne and his sweaty flanks. The pony idly wondered if she would keep picking humans to keep her company over the centuries ahead. Or maybe she would mix and match? Perhaps she would finally work up the nerve to try dragon? From the stories she had heard, that was rough.

All such inappropriate thoughts flew from her mind as Celestia spotted a group of three ponies making their way to the castle gate. She recognized Lake Frond! She had sent word that they would be late, but at least they arrived before Rawsthorne and Rock Lichen. The Princess rushed back into the small kitchen and put her plate on the table. Her sister had been whispering something in Eli Grant's ear and fell silent at the sudden intrusion.

Neither of them spoke, so Celestia hurriedly explained before rushing off. "Lake Frond arrived. I'll go see to the rooms!"

The mare whom Celestia led to a guest bedroom was an entirely different one from a few months ago. She reminded her strongly of the Lake Frond she had first met in the pony meeting group on Earth, with her constant, slightly mischievous smile and sparkling eyes and ready laugh. If Celestia didn't know the truth, she would have guessed that her friend had put on some extra weight. She bulged, just a tiny bit. Even without that, the way Lake Frond kept stroking her belly with her hooves would have been a definite clue.

"So, how are you feeling?"

The mare kept grinning and considered her answer for a while. "Happy," she said at last. "I'm good. They are really coming today? Already?"

"Yes!" Celestia barely contained her excitement, but Lake Frond had no reason to suppress her joy. The mare pranced a few steps and twirled around in an impromptu dance in front of Celestia.

"Anyway, the doctor says I'm doing fine! The little one is okay!" Lake Frond explained, hopping backward on three legs for a few paces so she could feel her belly again.

"I am very happy to hear that, Lake Frond."

They arrived to the door. "Uh, thanks for letting us all stay here, Princess," Lake Frond said.

"Oh, it was no trouble at all! And it is 'Celestia', remember?"

"Uh, yeah. Thanks. Letting Mom and Dad tour the castle was very nice of you."

Celestia inclined her head in lieu of an answer. "Come, I will ask for some tea to be brought and we can catch up. I have an hour before the court begins." The Princess turned to look for somepony to take her message, but one of the guards stationed in that corridor was already saluting. He dashed off before she could even say thank you.

"Wow," Lake Frond commented. "Uh, I'm sorry if it's a rude question, but why are there so many guards in the castle?"

It wasn't one Celestia got very often. She ushered her friend inside and closed the door.

"Are you afraid of attacks?" the mare followed up.

"No, it is not that, Lake Frond. Well, that is a small concern, but not the reason."

Her friend sat on the carpet so she could spread her forelegs helplessly. "Then what?!" she asked.

"In truth? Mainly it is to let them feel useful. For some it is also training in discipline. Another part is helping ponies who wander in and get lost."

"Oh," Lake Frond said, deflating a little. It didn't seem very noble or chivalrous and the mare understood why Celestia didn't want the guards to overhear.

"Don't worry! Most guards move on after a time, and having served in the Canterlot castle looks quite impressive on a résumé. They get good postings anywhere in Equestria they like."

"Oh! I understand," her friend confirmed. "It's like - nothing usually happens, but then there are these stories. When the changelings attacked or Discord, or Tirek! Makes the guards look like heroes!"

"Well, I think standing still in a boring, empty hallway for hours on end is just as heroic, Lake Frond."

The mares laughed a little and Lake jumped up on the bed to make herself more comfortable. Almost immediately she sprawled on her belly. She watched the Princess for a few seconds, then laid her head down on the pillow. "Thanks, by the way. For sending me those letters from Rock Lichen. I was so relieved he was with Rawsthorne, rather than Mary and Andrew."

"Yes, they were quite upset, I gather."

Lake Frond's tail swished up and thumped on the sheets. "Oh, like you wouldn't believe. I think if they got their hands on him, they would have belted him. Or worse." Her voice went quiet as the mare imagined horrors the Williamses might inflict on her beloved.

"Hush. He is safe. There is no point in dwelling on such things. You know Gregory makes sure he is well."

"Yeah," the pony replied, cheering up. "How did he manage that, by the way?"

Celestia was a little loath to say it, but she did anyway. "He paid the Williamses a lot of money."

Lake Frond was silent for a few seconds. "Oh," she said, her ears folding down and her voice flat. "I don't think I can ever repay something like that, but I'll try! We both will, I promise, Prin- uh, Celestia! We'll get jobs and- and-"

"Lake Frond." Celestia said the words in a soft, gentle voice, but it stopped the mare in her tracks. "Please do not concern yourself with it. Gregory will lack for nothing in Canterlot and if he ever wishes to return to Earth, I will help him. Besides, he is not as obsessed with money as most humans." There was silence, which Celestia tried to change into something more pleasant. "Enough about Earth. Tell me of yourself and your foal. Do you know already if it will be a filly or a colt?"

"Yes!" Lake Frond said. She raised up her head and smiled at the Princess.


"I'm not telling!"

Now Celestia was really curious. "Why not?!"

Her grin widened and Lake Frond lowered her voice. "I'll tell Rock, first! You can listen in, if you want, but I want him to be the first to know! Well, beside the doctor..."

It was a very reasonable and sweet wish, so Celestia just nodded. "Of course. I will listen in, but-" the Princess bit her lip a little as she failed to contain her burning curiosity, "-perhaps just a hint?"

Lake Frond rolled her eyes in exasperation. "How can I give you a hint without outright telling you?!"


It took her some time to think it over, but then the mischievous grin was back. "All right," Lake Frond said quietly. "It's what we've both always wanted!"

That was no help at all, but the reply was quite clever. Celestia finally mastered her nosy nature and let the matter slide. She laughed gently. "Clever answer."

Before she could try and dig any further, Lake Frond changed the topic: "So, what have I missed around here?"

"Well, I have managed to get the kingdom back in working order. We haven't started any wars with our neighbors, which is good. Oh, and Luna has a new human coltfriend!"

"Oh, that's- wait, what?!" Lake Frond exclaimed. If she had had her tea already, she would have spit it out. "Human? From where?!"

Celestia laughed at her expression. "I asked for one to help with the clerical work. He is... like an assistant. Officially, he is here to improve human relations." Celestia realized she might have said too much. "Oh, please tell nopony this. I do not think the young human even knows yet! Luna has been very patient and careful with him."

Lake Frond stared for a while longer, but then a grin slowly spread across her muzzle. She winked conspiratorially. "My lips are sealed, Princess. It sounds cute! Can I meet him?"

They fell silent as somepony knocked on the door. "Ah, that will be the tea! Have you had breakfast? I can ask for something."

Lake Frond licked her lips while Celestia went to let in the maid with the tray. "M-maybe something small? We got up pretty early," the mare suggested tentatively, as if she didn't wish to impose.

Celestia murmured a few words to the maid, who nodded, bowed and left. Then she went to pour two cups. "It will be a few more minutes. Tell me - what did your parents say when they learned about... your condition and Rock Lichen?"

The court that day was endless. It took every ounce of willpower for Celestia not to yell at her subjects to hurry it along, but there were just more and more of them! She wondered for a moment if maybe they had somehow heard, or intuited, that she was expecting an important visitor, and were conspiring to keep her busy. Then, suddenly, it didn't matter anymore. The mare found herself looking up at the large door to the court room as they opened.

Right into his eyes.

How had he sneaked in so stealthily? Celestia had to sit because her hind legs didn't seem to be obeying her anymore. The pony before her - she had already forgotten her grievance - stopped talking and followed her gaze. There was a lull in conversation as everypony in the room watched the new human. Even the guards, misreading her expression, moved in on Rawsthorne.

"No, w-wait." All faces turned to look at her. But she had the Duty. A few more minutes... Rawsthorne would understand.

Luna placed a wing around her withers and put her muzzle right by her ear. "Go to him, Sister," the younger mare said. "I will conclude the court." Celestia turned disbelieving eyes on her sister, who just smiled back and winked. "Go," she repeated.

Everypony was watching with deep interest now. Celestia made her unsteady way down the dais and toward the man. He was nervous, too. Meeting her was just as big for him, Celestia realized. For some reason that warmed her heart and a dopey little smile crept on her muzzle. She didn't care who saw. Belatedly she spotted a very happy-looking Rock Lichen next to Rawsthorne, but that also didn't matter.

Celestia stopped before the man. He stepped closer. Almost without her conscious control, her wings wrapped around and she pressed her muzzle against his cheek.

She was dimly aware of the murmuring in the hall, until Luna raised her voice. "Attention!" her sister bellowed in her Canterlot Royal Voice. She pointed a hoof at the mare on the steps, who had been complaining to Celestia not a minute earlier. "Thou! Proceed!"

The poor pony squeaked in alarm and huddled down. She began stammering an apology, but Celestia was no longer listening. There were still eyes on her, but she pushed the feeling aside. Once before she had avoided kissing Rawsthorne because of appearances and she had come to deeply regret it.

Not this time.

Neither of them had spoken yet. Their lips met. It wasn't a passionate kiss, but it didn't have to be. For now it was enough that they had found each other again.

"Sister!" Luna's voice broke through the haze in Celestia's mind. "Sister!" the younger alicorn shouted again. "Please depart this room! Thou art causing a scene!"

Celestia glanced to the throne and found Luna smiling gently. Many other faces also held grins. Her subjects understood. They weren't judging. They were happy to see her joy. Not to mention they were incredibly curious. These were ponies, not humans. Love was not taboo, whatever its form. She had to remember this. Luna was right, however. While she was there, court was being disrupted.

Celestia smiled at Rawsthorne and whispered. "Come, let us get out of here."

He was only too happy to oblige, being even less comfortable than she was under all that scrutiny. She kept one wing around Rawsthorne, as if afraid of losing him again, and led him out to the hall. Of course some of the nosier ponies tried to follow, but her guards, with unspoken agreement, contained the crowd in the court room. One of them saluted, grinning, as he pushed the door closed.

Only then did Celestia remember to look for Rock Lichen. He had a reunion of his own. He had followed them out and the stallion looked far calmer and more patient than she imagined he felt. When he saw her looking, Rock Lichen grinned. "Afternoon, Princess," he said politely.

There was a shout from the other end of the hall and Celestia looked just in time to see a white streak. Somepony had gone to tell Lake Frond, that was good. Now the mare ran for her husband and simply... leapt. Rock Lichen caught her, but both of them went tumbling to the floor. The mare ended up on top and simply began licking him. Her eyes were closed, ears flat and she was making short, whimpering noises in her throat. Her tail was swooshing around madly. She had no words, just her tongue, and Rock Lichen didn't mind in the slightest. He just held his wife and let her do whatever she wanted, smiling all the while. It almost felt wrong to watch, but Celestia did so anyway. Their joy complemented hers. She sat beside Rawsthorne, leaned her head on his shoulder and deeply inhaled his scent. She had missed that, too.

"Hey, Celly. Missed me?" the man whispered.

"You smell nice." It was no kind of answer, but Rawsthorne accepted it and brushed her cheek with his hand. It made the mare sigh and close her eyes for a moment.

At long last, Lake Frond got a hold of herself. She lifted her head to look at her husband, and, with her tongue still poking out, smiled.

"Hey beautiful!" Rock Lichen said. He returned a lick, then grunted. "Urk- you're squeezing, love!"

Both Celestia and Rawsthorne chuckled at that. Lake Frond went a little red in the face and relaxed her grip. "I missed you so much!" the mare whined. "I'm not letting go!"

The stallion didn't seem interested in standing up either. Celestia wondered if she would have to send for ponies with a stretcher to get the two in their room. She decided to give them some more time. At least until the crowd of onlookers got unbearably large. For now, the few guards who had followed her out of the court room had the situation in hoof.

"How are you? How is the foal?" Rock Lichen asked, a question he had probably been thinking for a while.

The mare grinned, then looked up at the Princess. She winked. "We're both fine," she told her husband. "And I have something to tell you!"

"Oh?" Rock Lichen asked, staring in her eyes as if mesmerised.

"Yes!" Lake Frond squeaked. She bumped her nose against his and flicked her tail around. "Rock Lichen, we're going to have a filly!"

The two just clasped one another and Celestia felt her own eyes fill with happy tears. After a moment they kissed. She followed their example and gave Rawsthorne a light peck on his cheek, too. At least that was how she started. He moved to intercept her and turned it into a proper kiss. It simply went on for ages. When Celestia surfaced again, Lake Frond and Rock Lichen were upright and watching her with big grins.

She sought for words. "Come, let us go someplace more comfortable." She looked around for a guard and spotted the perfect candidate. "You, Glory Tail from Baltimare. Please ask the kitchens to send tea and muffins to the roof terrace." He bowed and flew away at speed. She looked to the other guards. "Please see to it that we are not disturbed. Only Princess Luna is allowed to come."

They all saluted and formed up behind the group. She needn't have ordered it. The crowd of passers-by didn't follow. They understood it would be intruding.

Before Celestia could move, Rock Lichen took a step away from his mare. "Hold on, let me look at you," he said when the mare tried to follow. He stared for a while, then went and gently felt her barrel and belly with a hoof. He seemed overawed by the slight bump.

"What?!" the mare demanded with a puzzled grin. She shifted her hooves and flicked her tail, suddenly self-conscious.

"Just- you're beautiful, Lake Frond!"

"Aww," she exclaimed and grabbed him again. At least this time they didn't fall over. They nuzzled for a moment, then Lake sighed. "Come on, we're holding up the hallway."

Celestia stood up and - still keeping a wing on Rawsthorne - led them away. There was such a lot she wanted to ask and even more she wanted to say, and from the looks of him, the man was also bursting with questions. She remembered a crucial detail and glanced back at the guards, who were following at a respectable distance.

"Oh, if Lake Frond's parents come-" Celestia didn't know how to finish that thought, so she glanced expectantly at the mare.

"Kindly send them away and tell them I'll see them in a few hours," Lake Frond finished. She giggled a little at that, but neither Rock Lichen, nor Celestia, nor Rawsthorne minded her decision. The four of them shared a special bond. They all wanted to catch up without outside intrusion, at least for a while. There would be time for others later.

"Oh! I just realized!" Rock Lichen said suddenly and stopped. They all looked, Lake Frond raising an ear and focusing it on him. "We need to get married - I hope your parents won't-" he mumbled to a stop when the mare laid a hoof on his muzzle.

"Sweetie. We are married, remember?" she reminded him.

His ears went down and Rock looked at the carpet. "Well, yes, but that was just us. It wasn't official or anything..."

Lake Frond laughed gently and sat on her haunches. She put both hooves on his face so she could turn it to face her. "Love, us is what matters."

"Well, yes, but-"

This time it was Celestia who interrupted him. "Rock Lichen, you two are more married than any couple I've met over the centuries, but if it makes you feel any better - I pronounce you husband and wife. There, now it's official."

The three of them laughed and after a moment even Rock Lichen joined in. "Don't you have to hear our vows first?" the stallion persisted.

Celestia let Rawsthorne go for just a moment, so she could brush the feathers through Rock Lichen's mane. "No, I do not have to, because it is obvious to me you two care deeply about each other." She stopped and leaned her head to the side. "However, if it is a wedding party you want - then I agree. You may organize a little something. You should, in fact. I will bake the wedding cake!"

"That's settled then," Lake Frond said and pulled her husband upright. "Now let's go, or I won't tell you what color fur your filly will have!"

The stallion gasped sharply. "You know? How?!"

The mare just grinned. "They have magic for that now. The doctor said it was inspired by some human invention. It was complicated, but yes - I know."

"Tell me tell me tell me!"

Shortly after they had finished the muffins Celestia became aware of Rawsthorne's stare. She idly brushed her muzzle with a hoof, afraid something might be on it. "What?"

"It's just-" he began and waved a hand to indicate her appearance. "All this!"

Celestia frowned a little. She had looked in a mirror before court. She looked like she always looked. "What do you mean?"

"This," he waved again. "The way you walk, the way you command. The crown, the golden vest, everything!"

Celestia smiled a little. "You sound shocked. Did you not believe it before?"

"I have, I have," Rawsthorne said, "but maybe in some way I didn't quite know what it meant?" He had answered just a tad too quickly. She would have to tease him about it a little, later on. Right now, Celestia was still in the soft, warm glow of having him by her side again. When she didn't reply, Rawsthorne continued: "Guess you really are the Princess!"

"Ahem!" came a voice which made them all look. Luna was striding to them, grinning. "There are two Princesses in Canterlot, I will have you know!" She hardly ever used the Royal Voice lately, Celestia had noticed, even with strangers. All the practice with Eli Grant was paying off.

"Oh! Of course, I didn't mean- I'm sorry if I-" Rawsthorne began apologizing, but Luna just laughed and held up a wing.

"No need, Mr. Rawsthorne. We- uh, I am pleased to meet you."

Celestia shuffled on the bench until she had her back pressed against Rawsthorne, so that Luna could sit. She didn't mind the arrangement and neither did he. One arm came around her withers to pat her barrel and the mare brushed it with her muzzle. On the other side of the table, Lake Frond and Rock Lichen glanced up at the Princess, bowed their heads, but then went straight back to whispering to each other. It reminded Celestia of what she had been telling Rawsthorne before he started lavishing praise on her.

"Oh, I am extremely sorry about the house, Greg. Any way I can repay you, you have but to ask!"

Before he could answer, Luna jumped it. "Half the treasury is mine, Sister. Keep that in mind, please." She looked the human up and down and very obviously licked her lips. "But perhaps we could come to some arrangement..."

"Luna!" Her indignant whisper quickly made the younger alicorn lower her ears in embarrassment. Celestia looked to see if Rawsthorne wasn't too offended, but he was just grinning. When their gazes met, he burst out laughing.

"Sorry, Princess," he told Luna, "but I am a one-pony man."

Just for that Celestia gave his face a lick. He was as pleasantly salty as she remembered. The mare couldn't help herself and licked again, this time lower, on his neck.

"Uh, perhaps we should order some food?" Rawsthorne suggested. "Or whatever we do here?"

Celestia colored a little, but quickly collected her wits. "I will go and send for something. Any wishes?"

Shrugging, Rawsthorne pointed a finger at her. "Whatever you're having."

"Good. Hay stew it is." She slipped from under his arm and tried very hard not to laugh at his expression. "Do not worry. It is vegetable stew and fresh bread and fried broccoli. I'll have your hay fries, if you do not want them. Then there is marzipan cake for dessert."

"Delicious," Rawsthorne commented.

Celestia realized she would probably have to arrange for a supply of meat, just so she could offer Rawsthorne some variety. Of course she would! He had already given up so much in such a short time that the mare decided he would not have to give up absolutely everything! It was be the least she could do. Besides, the griffin cook had given her a few recipes she wanted to try, however gross they sounded.

As Celestia walked to the entrance, she heard Rawsthorne say: "Celly spoke a lot about you, you know? She really missed you."

She nearly smacked a hoof against her face. 'Celly'. She had forgotten to mention to Rawsthorne to keep his pet name for her to himself. Even now, Luna began giggling at it. "Oh, did she? I didn't know - ahem - 'Celly' felt that way!"

Oh no, even Lake Frond and Rock Lichen were chuckling!

Celestia sighed and let it drop. She had wanted to become more approachable to her subjects. This would undoubtedly help, as would her earlier display in the court room. Perhaps, next winter, she might even get to join the fun in the snow! Yes, she would forgive 'Celly' in exchange for that! She quickly sent a guard to the kitchens and returned to the table. Of course Luna had that same smirk she had each time she learned an embarrassing detail about her older sister.

"Hey, Celly," the younger alicorn said.

Rawsthorne quickly caught on and patted Celestia on the flank. "Sorry," he whispered.

"I do not mind. It's much shorter than 'Princess Celestia'. I like it." That took the fun right out of it and Luna pouted a little. Celestia pushed it a bit further, just for the fun of it: "We shall have to think up a similar name for you, Sister. What does Eli Grant call you when you are alone?"

Now her younger sister squeaked in alarm and looked away. So there was something! Celestia looked forward to finding out.

She would find out! Celestia squeezed herself back on the bench between her sister and Rawsthorne and leaned her back against the man again. His arm found its way around her neck and down. The fingers slid under the peytral. They played idly with the Royal Chest Fluff and Celestia groaned in comfort. The jealous look her sister gave her took the sting right out of 'Celly'.

"Do not worry, Sister. Soon, you too."

Luna nodded, but didn't comment. She stopped frowning, however.

"After dinner, you have to attend the evening ceremony, Gregory. If you did not believe me being a Princess, then you also didn't believe I can move the sun and moon. I will prove it to you."

"Hey!" he protested and tapped her nose with a finger. It made her scrunch up her muzzle and go cross eyed for a moment. "I believed you, I was just a little... unprepared."

"I shall enjoy seeing your face when you are 'unprepared' for the ceremony!"

He sighed in mock-exasperation and went to bop her nose again, but Celestia just licked his finger and smiled. "Love you."

The nose bop changed to a cheek-brushing and Rawsthorne whispered back: "Love you too."

At long last! Celestia had Rawsthorne in her bed chambers. No more cold, empty bed! No more waking up in the middle of the night from a wonderful dream and feeling around with hooves for the warm body which wasn't there. Not to forget - finally some relief for the fire in her belly. She was a long way from her next heat, but she wanted it badly. She had missed it!

When the year turned and it became her time in the cycle again, Rawsthorne would be in for a ride of his life! Celestia couldn't get her mind off such things. She felt a little guilty. The man had been back less than a day and already she was focusing almost exclusively on what was in his pants.

Was that good? Was it bad? She would decide later. At the moment, Celestia was lounging on her bed, waiting for Rawsthorne to finish his evening ablutions. The Lowering of the Sun ceremony had been a big success. However much Rawsthorne had vowed he was ready to see it, he still couldn't keep that slack-jawed, open-mouthed, overawed look from his face. Even now, it still made Celestia chuckle a little every now and then. She supposed that seeing it done for the first time would be impressive, especially if you had grown up in a world with no magic whatsoever.

When it was done Rawshorne had cheered just as loudly as her subjects, and clapped his hands. At both of them. Even Luna was quite flattered by his enthusiasm, while the other two men watched Rawsthorne with a slightly bemused expression. Their meeting had gone well, Celestia thought. The ambassador seemed to respect Rawsthorne's vast knowledge of the law and Rawsthorne likewise expressed his appreciation to have Mr. Bennett's skills to call upon when his new position might require them. Everyone seemed to be hitting it off.

Even if they didn't, Celestia would still keep Rawsthorne in the castle. She would put her hoof down, if she had to! After all, she was the Princess!

The man in question came from the bathroom attached to the royal suite. He was wearing the bathrobe he had brought from Earth, much to the mare's dismay. She quickly brightened up. It was more exciting to wait! The reveal would come later.

"Hey," she greeted.

He sat on the edge of the bed and put his hand on her hoof. "So, here we are. New rooms, new country. New world, even." He seemed sombre. Celestia tried to imagine what it would be like to leave everything behind and go someplace she had not even seen. For love.

She nuzzled him. "I really appreciate you joining me here, Greg. Please understand that." His grip tightened. "You will lack for nothing. Whatever you wish, simply say and I will make it happen, and-" Her throat seized up and Celestia had to force herself to exhale before she could continue. "If you ever wish to return to Earth, I will help you however I can. Pony money has no value in your world, but the crown does have some bargaining power." A tear slid down her face at the thought that Rawsthorne might grow bored with her and Equestria. He saw it and brushed it away with his thumb.

"Hey, I only just got here. Let me see your kingdom before I decide I don't like it, okay?"

She smiled and crawled forward to put her head in his lap. Then Celestia closed her eyes and sighed contentedly. The hand patted her neck, then travelled down, brushing her withers and stopping in that precise spot between her wings. It applied a gentle pressure and the mare moaned. She remembered her burning need.


"Hmm?" he asked absentmindedly, concentrating on his hand which was travelling lower. It brushed her cutie mark and traced a warm line down her hind leg to the ankle. Celestia rolled a little to give her human better access. The wonderful touch came back up on the inside of her leg. She fought to remember what she wanted to ask.

"How.. h-how many times-" The mare was already breathing heavily. "-can you go... tonight?" She absolutely didn't want to make the night end too soon!

Rawsthorne chuckled a little. "As many times as you make me, sweetie. You're the Princess, remember?" Celestia could stand it no longer. Her lips sought out his and she moaned again as the fingers finished their journey of exploration.

Then she froze at a sudden memory. She pulled her face away and smiled apologetically. "J-Just a second..." She clambered out of the bed and examined the wall beside it. She frowned in silent calculation and turned around.

Rawsthorne just watched her curiously.

Then Celestia leaned on her forehooves and bucked the wall with all her might. She wasn't as used to the motion as an earth pony, but it was still a powerful blow. It left the plaster cracked and two deep indents of her hooves imprinted in the wall. Rawsthorne flinched and leaned away. At the same time, there came a muffled yelp from the other side of the wall, followed shortly by the sound of smashing glass.

"What the-" Rawsthorne began, but Celestia hushed him. He fell silent and they listened as the neighboring door slammed open, followed by stomping hooves in the hallway. There was a very irate-sounding knocking and Celestia magicked the door open to admit a red-faced Luna.

"What was the meaning of that?!" the younger alicorn demanded. "Why did you do that, Sister?! You made me smash my glass!"

Celestia smiled pleasantly. "Was this the glass you had been holding up to the wall and listening through, Sister?"

Luna opened and shut her mouth a few times, then looked away. The red of annoyance in her cheeks was quickly replaced by a deeper crimson of embarrassment. She didn't need to admit it. Celestia knew and Luna knew she knew. "How?" was all she asked.

"I had a dream, once. Also, I know you quite well, Luna. Now, will I have to erect a soundless spell each night?"

The younger alicorn looked at the floor with her ears folded all the way down. "No, Sister," she said in a quiet, defeated voice.


"Yes, Sister."

Celestia didn't quite believe it. Luna had seemed contrite and sincere before and then had gone and 'forgotten' her promises mere weeks later. This time, it only had to last until she started having Eli Grant in her room for the nights. She was only curious, that was all. Celestia couldn't stay mad at her sister. "Good night, Luna."

"Yes. Uh- good night." The door closed a lot more gently than it had opened. The hoof steps went to the other room.

Celestia heard the gentle tinkle of glass as Luna swept it up with her magic. "Sorry about that."

Rawsthorne just waved it away with his hand. "You two are quite close?" he asked as the mare returned to her bed, limping a little. Perhaps she had bucked a tad too hard.

"She is my sister. You must understand, Greg - everypony around us grows old and fades away. In the end, all we have is each other."

"Aren't there four of you alicorns?"

Celestia nodded a little and lay on her side. "That is a recent thing. For the longest time, there was just myself and Luna, and then only myself for a while, until Luna returned." She groaned a little.

"What is it?" the human asked with concern.

"Hoof. Kicked too hard."

He shuffled away, taking his warm lap which Celestia had been using as a pillow. She tried to follow, but a gentle hand held her still. "Hold on," he told her and the mare went limp.

"What are you doing?"

"Going to try something."

His hand picked up one of her hind legs and carefully pulled it closer. The fingers gently pressed into the frog. Celestia gasped, then exhaled the air in a moan. The pressure intensified and all she could do was whimper as her mind started to dissolve in pleasure.

"Gold and riches and..." She had to focus hard to keep talking. "Luxuries a-and, and, gold."

"Hmm?" Rawsthorne asked and stopped rubbing. It allowed Celestia to get out a coherent thought.

"That's how I'll reward you for this! Please don't stop!"

He chuckled and went right back to it. The mare closed her eyes with a small groan. Her head flopped back down and she whispered: "I love you, Greg."

The End