• Published 7th Apr 2020
  • 4,090 Views, 199 Comments

Off Duty - awf

After centuries of ruling Equestria without a single day off, Princess Celestia is driven to true desperation: selling herself into slavery as a vacation on Earth, the one place she can go without being recognized.

  • ...

Chapter 20

The pony group. Celestia was not looking forward to them, not this time. There had been too much speculation on Skype about her and Glitter Dust, and neither of them really wanted to tell the others. The alicorn because she had been tricked so easily - now that she knew it, her error was obvious, of course - and the pegasus because she had done the same to the others in the past.

She had still promised to attend, if for no other reason than as a show of support for Glitter Dust, and so she followed Rawsthorne down the hallway and into the room. This time she had made cookies. It wasn't technically her turn, but the alicorn had decided to do it anyway. As a sort of belated greeting.

She was among the first there. Rock Lichen and Lake Frond were already present and so was Heavy Hoof, but none of the others. In fact, Belle Hop and Silent Brook wouldn't be able to make it. Of those present, the brown stallion perked up the most when Celestia entered - in her guise of Supple Branch, of course. The couple also smiled, but there was no way they could match Heavy Hoof's sheer enthusiasm.

"Why hello there, beautiful-" he began, but Celestia shot him a glare. After a couple of days with Denis and his innuendo and smirking she was in no mood for any more of these games. Luckily, the stallion was more tactful than that human. His ears went flat and the grin vanished. "Sorry. Just complimenting you."

She sighed and went to join them around the coffee table, while Rawsthorne, with a last pat on her withers, went to the owners' room.

"Well? What's going on with you two?" Lake Frond demanded, even before Celestia could bring the box of chocolate chip cookies out of her saddlebags.

She tried to fiddle with the straps, but couldn't unbuckle them without her magic. Luckily, Heavy Hoof noticed her predicament and went to help. The fact that he brushed her barrel and flanks with his muzzle didn't exactly help her composure.

She focused on the box, instead. "I made these. I know it's not my turn, but here they are anyway."

It distracted Rock Lichen, who quickly took one and tasted it. Even Heavy Hoof followed suit, but the mare just stared. "Tell us. Come on, we're here to help, remember?"

Celestia was undecided. She considered the group her friends, that was true. She knew Glitter Dust thought very highly of everypony, but should she bring up their trouble? Would the pegasus mind her telling them? She had hidden the faint traces of her belting with the changing spell, but Glitter Dust would have no such luck.

They would immediately know she had been punished. Maybe if she prepared them, they wouldn't be as hard on the poor mare?

"Me and Glitter got into some trouble over a certain... thing. I don't think I should say any more. She'll tell you if she wants to."

Now they were very attentive. Three pairs of eyes seemed to bore into hers. Luckily, Celestia was used to such scrutiny and didn't even bat an eyelid.

They were interrupted by Glowbug, who joined them and floated her own box to the coffee table. The smell quickly told the alicorn that it was shortcake with strawberry jam. She couldn't help licking her lips in sweet anticipation.

"Hey! I thought it was my turn!" the unicorn complained. She quickly noticed who had brought the cookies and turned her glare on Celestia. "You might have said! I worked all day on this!"

"Sorry! I really like baking, I couldn't help it! I'll still do my turn, don't worry!"

Somewhat mollified, the mare looked to Lake Frond. "So, did you get it out of her yet?"

When the earth pony shook her head in denial, Glowbug turned back to Celestia. "Good. I'm in time, then. Go on. What happened?"

"She and Glitter got in some trouble together, but she won't say what," Lake Frond summarized.

The news made the unicorn smile a little. "Good. At least I'm not the one in trouble this week. So, what was it?"

She almost cracked and told, but luckily the pegasus in question came in, led on a leash by her owner. It was a very unusual sight and everypony stared in shock.

"Wow, must have been real bad," Lake Frond muttered under her breath. Her husband nodded and, after a few seconds, so did Heavy Hoof. They couldn't help noticing the welts on the lime rump. It was significantly better than when Celestia saw her last, but there could be no question.

"Jeez, good thing Maggie didn't outright flay her!" That was Heavy Hoof, and he was a tad too loud. Glitter Dust's head snapped to them and she scrunched up her face in annoyance.

Fortunately she was unhooked from the leash and allowed to join them. "Go on, laugh. Get it over with..." she said miserably.

"Nopony will laugh, sweetie," Lake Frond said calmingly and jumped down from the couch so she could go give her stricken friend a hug. "But please tell us what happened."

Glitter looked to Celestia, then heaved a sigh. "Same story."

The others seemed to understand. "Oh. Poor thing. Supple didn't know any better?"

The pegasus shook her head.

"How much?" Rock Lichen asked.

Glitter didn't seem sure that she wanted to tell them. But then she hung her head and answered quietly: "Over a thousand."

Four sets of eyes widened and Lake Frond put her hooves over her mouth as she gasped.

"Sweet Celestia, Glitter! What were you thinking?!"

The mention of her name almost gave the alicorn a start, but she managed to hide it at the last second. It was a common expression, she should have been ready for it. Being in disguise was making her jumpy.

"Wasn't. What else is new?"

Heavy Hoof joined Lake Frond next to the pegasus and they both hugged her. "What are you gonna do?" he asked. "That's a ton of money."

"It's fine," Glitter explained, "Supple's owner is really nice. I'll just help them with their roof."

They all stared at Celestia in surprise. "Really?! Just like that? A thousand bucks?!" Rock Lichen sputtered. "What aren't you telling us?"

The alicorn didn't see any harm in admitting the truth. "I'm good with law. Used to help set up treaties and so on with Griffonstone and some other neighboring countries. I will work for Gregory at his law firm until I pay it off."

They still seemed a little doubtful, particularly Glowbug. "Thousand bucks? What, so you'll work his law thing and the house for like a year?"

"Two thousand, actually. I also went overboard with buying music."

There was no reply as they all stared until Glitter spoke up: "Your rump healed up nicely. You can hardly see it."

They all stared at her behind and Celestia felt herself blush a little. "Yeah. I heal fast."

The group just looked at each other in silence for a bit. Then Lake Frond renewed her hug on Glitter Dust and waved a hoof at Celestia. "C'mere. You poor things."

The Princess joined the embrace a little reluctantly, because the earth mare was gently chiding the pegasus. "We've been over this a million times, Glitter. You go overboard with these things. Those games aren't good for you."

The mare pushed herself away and groaned. "Yes! I know! We have been over it! And I'm swearing it off for good this time, I promise!"

Nopony seemed to believe it, so Celestia also withdrew and went to stand by her friend's side. "It's true. She will need all of us to help her through it, okay? That is what friends do."

The disbelief softened and Lake Frond smiled. "Of course, dear. We're here whenever you need us, okay?"

The ponies went back to their seats and turned their attention to the sweets on the coffee table. Celestia made sure she got at least a piece of the shortcake before it was gone. It was absolutely delicious, a fact she made sure to mention to Glowbug.

Just like that their incident was in the past. It was a relief and soon the alicorn found herself relaxing around her friends. They told stories, especially Lake Frond and Rock Lichen after their road trip.

Glowbug had managed to get through a week without throwing a temper tantrum, a fact she was very proud of. Heavy Hoof went back to fawning over her, only she didn't mind so much anymore. In fact, after Denis, the stallion was a true gentlecolt. One of the humans came out to bring them lemonade - Mrs. Turner, if Celestia recalled the name correctly. Glowbug's owner.

Eventually the time ran out and the ponies left, one by one. In the end, only Glitter Dust, Celestia and Heavy Hoof were left. The pegasus was getting ready to go - Maggie was already waiting at the door - so the alicorn went to give her a last hug and see her out. Walking reminded her of pressure in her bladder, so after her pegasus friend left, she went into the small bathroom. Undoubtedly Rawsthorne would want to leave soon, too. Best to get her 'business' over with, so she would be ready.

She finished quickly and flushed. The sink was a little annoying in her Supple Branch guise - it seemed much further up than she was used to. It was a strain to reach the tap and she was using one leg to pull herself a little higher so she could turn the water off.

"Need a Hoof?" Why exactly Heavy Hoof had followed her didn't matter. She was grateful for the help as the strong stallion nudged her up and held her there quite easily. Then, as she was lowering herself, her grip on the sink slipped and she basically fell right on him.

"Oh! Sorry!"

The pony didn't seem to mind. He had his sultry smile back as he shuffled her into an uncomfortably tight hug. "You smell wonderful, beautiful," he commented.

The mare was instantly aware of their bodies, pressed together. Unbidden thoughts of Rawsthorne touching her wings arose. She looked away, but there was no hiding the flush in her face.

"Yeah, I think we both need this," the stallion murmured.

She wanted to say no, but he was just too warm! The strangeness of the past weeks caught up to her. This would be something familiar. Something she knew and wanted! The human was confusing and she couldn't quite make up her mind. It felt both right and wrong at the same time, but with Heavy Hoof, it would be natural.

A brief affair. A bit of fun. They both knew what it was and it wouldn't hurt anypony! After all, he had done it with all the others, she knew. With some of them it was a regular thing. Celestia suspected the stallion met Glitter Dust quite often, and possibly Belle Hop, too. Maybe not Lake Frond, now that she was married, but almost certainly Glowbug!

She opened her mouth to say yes, but there came a knock on the bathroom door. "Supple?"

It was Rawsthorne's voice and it brought a strange relief. Heavy Hoof had a certain charm, something intensely physical. It clouded her mind, made it hard to think.

"Come on, we're going. Is Heavy Hoof there with you?"

She gave the stallion a nervous grin. She whispered so the human wouldn't hear. "Sorry. Maybe another time?"

He was disheartened, but didn't stop trying. "Can I visit you someday? It doesn't have to be a big deal, Supple. Just a bit of fun. I really like you. And I know you like me."

She became aware of the 'oozing' and her ears folded down flat. There was entirely too much of such... excitement lately! She would have to do something about it, either with her owner, or with Heavy Hoof. Or, her treacherous mind supplied, with both of them.

Though probably not both at once.

She made herself breathe deeply and pushed the stallion away. "I'll talk with Gregory. I'll let you know on Skype." That would be easier, she knew. No smell. No touch. His insidious magic wouldn't work so well over the Internet.

As they pulled apart, Celestia got a very good look down Heavy Hoof's belly. He was quite impressive and she felt herself involuntarily shudder. The stallion inhaled, deeply. "I know you want it too. You can't lie to me, Supple," he whispered. "Talk to me on Skype when you get home. We can get the video chat going and maybe... have a little fun?"

Celestia felt the blush blossom up again and she fought to wrench her mind back to the matter at hoof. Luckily, the knock came again. "Supple Branch?" The human was starting to sound a little worried.

"Coming! Just a second!"

Heavy Hoof 'vanished' as impressively quickly as he had risen. In a few seconds, his posture was completely relaxed and he was essentially presentable. He nuzzled the mare and whispered: "I'll buy you a minute..." Then he went out. Celestia heard him talk to both the owners. "Sorry, it was the lemonade. Went right through me. Supple also needed a boost to reach the sink. It's too far up, you know?"

Her owner followed the explanation with the same question again: "Supple is still in there?"

"Yes, she's drying her hooves. Should be out in a moment. By the way, Mr. Rawsthorne - would it be alright if I visited? Peter, will you drive me?"

The other human agreed rather quickly: "Well, sure, if that's okay."

"Please say no, please say no!" She muttered under her breath while she dabbed urgently at her behind with toilet paper.

Sadly, there was no such luck. "I guess that works. Oh, I'll ask my colleague for a quote. I don't work with inheritance cases, but I'll refer you and make sure you get a good price," her owner promised.

"Great! And of course I'll pay for your time. I have the number, let's say this weekend?"

She was finished, too late, and went out to the meeting room. "Here I am, sorry to keep you waiting!"

Peter was holding out his hand and Rawsthorne shook it. "Good night, Mr. Rawsthorne," the human said. "I'll lock up, don't worry."

The mare quickly slipped on her saddlebags and left. They weren't fastened properly, but she didn't care. She was only too glad to get out of Heavy Hoof's sight, and the cold air outside helped.

"Did you have fun?" her owner asked as they were walking to the car.

"Yeah. It was nice." The meeting was, really. The last few crowded minutes in the bathroom - well, she hadn't decided how she felt about that yet. Nothing happened which she would regret, that was the important bit. She looked up at her owner, but all she could think about was getting him home and into bed. Naked, preferably.

A new thought came up and made her stop in shock. She almost couldn't believe it, but it explained everything. She did the math in her mind quickly and it worked out. She should have been expecting it!

"Uh oh."

Rawsthorne also stopped and turned back. He looked at her with truly heartwarming concern. She felt her tail begin to rise and her ears flatten. "Everything okay? Did you forget something?"

She swallowed a lump and stared at the human in abject misery. "I think I'm going into heat..."

She had to give credit where it was due. Celestia was impressed by how nonchalant Rawsthorne seemed on their drive home, especially after the news she had just dropped on him. The silence suited her very well. Her thoughts and emotions were a complex, undecipherable bundle and she needed some time to work it all out. Before getting the human involved in any way.

Heat. Of course she was due. It had followed the same, regular cycle for millenia. She really should have seen it coming, and back home she would have. The symptoms would be eased by a combination of herbs, hot baths and, when all else failed, a secret cache of select toys in a magically sealed compartment in her room.

Not to mention she would have had staff - mares, of course - who would understand and take over some of her duties. Plus, Celestia recalled, it was easy to ignore your body when the fate of Equestria hung in the balance.

There were no such distractions on earth. There would be no relief of toys - not unless she could get Rawsthorne to buy her some. Yeah, the mare thought glumly, that wouldn't be awkward in the slightest. She could do some with her hoof and magic, but it most definitely wouldn't be enough. Not when the heat really hit. Herbs were probably a no-go. She knew their names and how they looked. It was conceivable she could find some, perhaps all of them, on Earth, but without her Royal Alchemist, there was no way for her to prepare the mixture. The recipe, which she hadn't used in hundreds of years was in a book in the Canterlot Library. A fat load of good that did her, even if she did remember most of it. Too dangerous. The delicate glassware apparatus was another thing she couldn't get on Earth, even if Celestia was willing to risk drinking a potion made from otherworldly herbs and brewed entirely from memory.

She should have thought about it before she left! The mare groaned and closed her eyes in frustration. She practically felt Rawsthorne's concerned eyes on her, but he didn't comment, much to her eternal gratitude. Which led her to the next scary thought. The human.

There was tension between them as it was. A bit of flirting here and there. A suggestion in the eye, or perhaps in the way she touched him, or he her. All roads were leading to an intimate relationship. She was actually fine with that, but this was way too soon! With a sinking feeling in her stomach, Celestia realized that in a day or two, she would present herself to the human and demand it.

Unless he bound her up and locked her somewhere. Possibly with one of those horn rings, so she couldn't get out by herself. Yeah, the pony thought and smiled a little. Bound, hoof and wing. Vulnerable and exposed. Perfect for taking- She hurriedly pushed the scene away with a small squeak. Her eyes flew open, but it was too late. There was definite wetness on the base of her tail. The alicorn prayed it wouldn't leak past it and stain the seat. Stupid, stupid filly! Stay away from thoughts like that! Discipline was key. If only she hadn't spent the best part of the past two months trying to give up her self-control. Her ears couldn't go any lower.

Then there was the stallion. Heavy Hoof. Celestia closed her eyes again and whimpered a little. She wanted him, bad. Of course she did. It was what her body demanded during heat. His casual charm and pushy suggestions weren't making it any easier to say no. It was critically important to say no! Heat, plus a stallion equalled a foal. It had never been a worse time for her to get in the family way! There was absolutely no way the stallion could visit her. Even the pony group meeting would be iffy.

Perhaps, if they were both surrounded by others. Glitter Dust, and Lake Frond and Glowbug and Belle Hop - they were mares and would understand. They would keep an eye on her and make sure she didn't let her body overpower her mind. If she was alone with Heavy Hoof? Celestia couldn't help breathing a little faster and more heavily. She was getting hot just thinking about the two of them, in a room, alone.

One whiff of her during the peak, and he would be unstoppable. If he was hard to resist now, she would say yes faster than light! Even her analogies were breaking down as she remembered their brief chat at the pony meetup. The brown stallion - like delicious, sweet chocolate. The mare gulped, then gasped and slapped herself in the face with a hoof.


Rawsthorne looked over again. "You okay?" he asked.

"Please stop! Right now! Please! NOW!"

The human obeyed. Luckily, there wasn't much traffic and the road was wide. The wheels hit the sand on the edge and the car drew to a halt. Celestia opened the door, unbuckled the seat belt and jumped from the car. The chill air took some of the edge off. The danger passed.

She hung her head in shame and let out her breath as she calmed down. It had been too close! A mere thought - a memory - was enough to drive her to the edge. The pony began to shiver as the feeling drained from her. She let out another miserable sigh.

Then there was Rawsthorne, thoughtfully bringing her a blanket from the car. Why he had blankets in the car, Celestia didn't know, but it was very welcome. He draped it over her flank and ran his hand through her mane.

The cold helped and she found his caress merely warming, rather than 'exciting'. "Sorry. I really needed some air. I was getting... um..."

The man shrugged and stopped her from saying anything embarrassing with a simple palm on her muzzle. "Don't worry about it. Are you alright? What happened? Did you need the bathroom?"

She shook her head and let it fall down again.

"Then what? Were you sick? Something you ate?"

Another shake and a deep sigh.

Rawsthorne spread his arms. "Well? Talk to me, Celestia. I'd like to help, just tell me what's wrong."

"The heat."

He frowned, not understanding. "The heat? What does that mean, exactly?"

She took a step forward so she could bury her face in his shirt. As much as she could fit with the horn laid sideways. She could smell him, on the fabric and through it, but he was not a stallion and it didn't trigger a significant response.

"I couldn't stop myself thinking about... well Heavy Hoof. It's the urges. They can drive a mare a little... crazy."

He still didn't get it, making her explain some more. But at least he couldn't see the blush. "It... was a very vivid thought. Very warming, if you understand."

It took several seconds for the man to grasp what she was saying. "OH!" But he didn't know how to respond. Luckily he didn't move away. If she had to guess, Celestia would say his face was just as red.


The hand was back and sought out an ear. It was folded down, but he quickly teased it upright so he could scratch it. "Don't be. It's just nature, right? Beyond your control."

She nodded against his chest, grateful for the comfort. At least the ear scratching wasn't an erotic gesture.

Except she had just made it so by thinking it...

Her legs grew weak and she felt herself... warming up once more. She pulled away with a small whimper. "Sorry! Maybe it's best you don't touch me. Everything... makes it happen right now."

Rawsthorne also stepped back and quickly shoved his hands into his pockets. "So, what do we do now? Do you want me to lock you up until it passes? Is there medicine which would help?"

The image of her being tied up and the human... 'exploring' her came back. It took an effort to dislodge. "No. There is a herbal mixture, but I don't remember the exact recipe. I never made it by myself. There was always a Royal Alchemist - in the castle - who made it for me." She sighed and sat on her haunches. That put her tail on the freezing ground, but that was good. Cold and ice were good right then.

"If you lock me up, I'll get out in an instant. Magic. Unless you order one of those rings, and I'm not too sure about that."

He was at a loss now. "Well, what do you suggest?"

"I was going to talk to you - go through the options at home, but it's progressing faster than I feared. I'm sorry - I should have expected it, but I completely forgot."

"How often do you- uh, how often does it happen?"

"About every ten months. Last time I was still in Equestria. Family and friends help."

He nodded and came closer. He didn't try to touch her, but the presence itself was a comfort. "Take as long as you need. Then I'll take you home and we'll talk, okay?"

Celestia nodded miserably. A few more minutes in the cold and perhaps she would be able to finish the journey. If she focused really hard.

Finally they were in the living room. The mare was on the floor, since she could not trust herself with any furniture right at the moment. Rawsthorne was sitting in the comfy chair, looking at her.

"So, what do you suggest?" he asked after some silence.

"I don't know. Without that herbal mixture, it will be... 'intense'. More than I'm used to. I'll probably try to... relieve it as much as I can."

Yep, there was that red in his face. "You mean like toys, and uh. Well, pleasuring yourself?"

She shook her head, not quite ready to look him in the eye. "Worse. I'll come to you. Begging. For it." From the corner of her eye the pony saw the human lean away. It was far too early in whatever relationship they were building, but they needed to talk it out and decide, now. She had run out of time.

"Let me just tell you that I won't hold you responsible if you say yes, okay? It'll be my fault. I am sorry in advance. I won't be quite myself."

That got it started. First the imagination - she saw his face redden some more. Then the widening eyes as he realized what it would mean. Then determination.

"Well, it's not right. I'm your owner, Celestia. The difference in power - that would be nothing more than abuse, no matter the biological justification."

She nodded in agreement. Of course you can't have a meaningful relationship between two persons if one of them has to do everything the other orders. If one of them is completely in another's power.

Except in her case it wasn't so. She was slave only on paper. That changed their power dynamic, but the pony couldn't just come out and say it. Not until she could be sure how Rawsthorne would feel about it. In time, something could work between them, she knew.

Perhaps, it didn't have to be a real relationship, not yet.

"Actually, I'd prefer to consider us 'consenting adults' in this case." She was grateful for that little phrase. It was in one of the generic law books she had read that day.

"Still - I'm an owner and you're- well. I'm not sure consent can work here, not legally."

She almost growled a little. He wasn't understanding. "Forget legally, Greg! Look at me! I'm still lucid and coherent. I'm still in control of myself, right?"

He was a little doubtful and it nearly drew an exasperated sigh from her. She barely stifled it in time.


"Good. So, here's how I see it. You're right, a relationship can't work between us, not like this. Yet there doesn't have to be one! All this needs to be is physical! Relief. A bit of fun. No expectations, no commitments!"

Now she was coming to the crux of the issue. Could the human envision an intimate relationship with someone of a different species? Their biology 'fitted', she knew that much.

"Well, that's a big question and it's rather unexpected, Celestia. You have to understand that. Have you thought, maybe- one of the others? Heavy Hoof seems fond of you. Or that Silent Brook?"

She rolled her eyes. He hadn't made the obvious connection, it seemed. "Oh, sure. A mare in heat and a stallion. Do I need to draw you a picture what would happen?"

His eyes widened and a hand flew to his mouth. "Oh!"

Yeah, that shut him up, all right. A stupid idea. She was tempted too much as it was! Rawsthorne didn't have to go offering it, enticing her with those kind of thoughts!

"Okay, how about... toys? Maybe they don't sell pony toys, but human ones would... fit."

She had to admire the man. Now that they were talking solutions, he didn't seem to mind getting into the nitty-gritty details. His face was quite red and he had trouble looking in her eyes for any length of time, but the suggestion was welcome.

"Yes, that would help. But are you going to go into a store with me to buy... toys?"

"No need!" he said and grinned. For the first time, there was some relief in his face. "We can order them over the Internet. I'll find a seller and you can see what they offer and pick a few."

The Internet. It kept on surprising her. "Good, we will do that, but when I am really in it, I will want the real thing. I have already thought about it with you, so I will think about it again. Sorry."

The news surprised him, however much he tried to hide it. Surely the human had considered it - them - too, right? Please let it not be just her!

"I don't know what to say to that, Celestia," her owner answered slowly.

"Well, figure it out in the next day or two, or buy a really strong horn ring and some chains. I may not be able to control myself!" She hadn't felt the full force of her heat in nearly a thousand years! The herbs had always been there to take the edge off. Celestia had no idea what would happen. Surely the feelings will be exacerbated by withdrawal. She couldn't imagine how intense it might be, but she knew she had to prepare for the worst.

Now the human gulped in fear and looked uncertain. "M-maybe, just as a precaution. I have no doubt you'll keep a hold on yourself. You're a willful person, I know that first-hand."

"Well, maybe. I just wanted to warn you. If I come, in the middle of the night, you will either have to say yes or restrain me. I wanted you to know that either is fine. I won't blame you for whatever happens, okay?" She didn't add that she would prefer the former. Even without her heat Celestia was curious. Besides, she liked the human. She would very much prefer the former over the latter!

He wasn't rash, or stupid. He kept a level head. He indulged her fanciful desires, while at the same time keeping a firm hand on the reins. The mare had no doubt she was falling for this human, hard. A few more months and she would have started to work on him saying 'yes'.

Sadly, that option had just vanished. Either Rawsthorne would accept her and give in, or he would reject her. She just hoped their relationship would stay cordial and pleasant for the duration of her vacation, or else she might have to cut it short.

At least for the moment, she felt a little better. It was a lot to spring on her owner all at once, but she had no doubt he would think it over and come up with a solution.

"I'll keep it in mind. I'll see if I can get a ring sent here quickly enough." Then Rawsthorne proved his clarity of thought yet again. His brow furrowed and the man looked right at the mare.

"You probably shouldn't come to work with me for a few days, then? How long does heat usually last?"

She didn't know if the lack of herbs would change it, but she didn't think so. "About a week. I'll get the brunt of it over the weekend, and then a few more... sensitive days. I should stay away from the pony meeting next week, just to be safe."

The human mulled it over. "Okay, good. I'll bring you the books you need, so you can stay on track. I'll tell Denis you're ill or something and you'll go back with me next Thursday, okay?"

She nodded. Then she stood up and went to the human. She had to bump his chest with her muzzle a few times before he put his arms around her neck. Then she nuzzled him.

"Thank you, Gregory. I really appreciate it. All of it."

He nodded and carefully patted her head and neck. No ear-scratches, the mare noticed. He really didn't want to excite her. It was a shame and it didn't bode well for him saying 'yes' when the time came. Perhaps it was time for a bit of honesty?



would prefer it if you said 'yes'. That would - alleviate my symptoms best."

"But Celestia, I-"

She silenced him with a wing feather on his lips. "Hush. No more talk about 'power differences' and 'consent'. I like you and I'm comfortable with the idea. I don't see a power difference. It'd just be fun. No obligation to make it anything serious."

This time he didn't quite argue. It gave her hope.

"How about you play some more with my wings and then see how you feel about it all?"

She extended one and waved it right in his face. She knew he was curious and if he was aware of what it meant, it might get him... 'warm'. It would be easier to convince him.

"I'll think about it, Celestia. Go to bed and we'll talk again tomorrow after work."

She pulled her head away and blinked. The mare was impressed. Either he found ponies completely unsuitable for those kinds of thoughts, or he had self-control even more rigid than hers. Well, her former self, at any rate.

"You don't think humans and ponies... doing it, are gross, do you?"

Now was a moment of truth. The mare watched his face closely for any sign of disgust, but there was just concentration as the man thought deeply on what to say.

"Hmm, no, not as such," he said slowly. "Just never thought about myself in that situation."


Her voice was flat and full of sarcasm. "You went and bought a pretty mare like me, and not even once, for a second, considered laying her down on the bed and seeing what it was like?"

It wasn't helping! She felt herself getting warmer and it caused a shudder to run through her body.

"No, Celestia. I thought about how nice it would be to have someone around who would do all the housework and maybe talk to me over dinner. That is all."


Perhaps all the stories of how depraved and horny human men were had been exaggerated? Or, maybe her owner really was different? If it was the latter, Mr. Plain would find a bucket of diamonds as a personal gift from her!

Right now the pressure was building again. Celestia remembered Heavy Hoof's promise and got an idea. A video chat would be safe!

"Okay, I'll go and... take care of it. I'll get your breakfast ready tomorrow morning, Gregory. And I expect you to consider my... proposal."

The human nodded. "Sure thing. Good night, Celestia."

She kept the tail firmly against herself. She had just washed the floor in the hallway and stairs the other day and she didn't want to do it again the next day.

"Good night."

The iPad was already in her room. Undoubtedly the stallion was waiting at his computer, eager to have some fun with her. She wondered what kind of fun and how they would do it. She felt another tingle... down there at the tentative images her imagination conjured up.

Celestia didn't even feel hungry, despite her lack of dinner. Rawsthorne would probably make something for himself. She considered asking him to include her but it didn't seem right. She was supposed to be the servant in any case! Valid medical condition or no.

Right at the moment, all she could really focus on was the glowing screen of the iPad. None of her friends were on, not even Heavy Hoof, despite his invitation. He was probably still with his owners, watching them-

Even alone, the alicorn felt herself blush. The thing which had seemed so utterly immoral and disgusting only a few days ago was now filling her mind with very inappropriate images. She was a hypocrite! Heat or no, what was being done to poor Heavy Hoof was not right!

Despite that the mare couldn't help wondering if he liked it. The tension without relief would be agony, but the sweet release later - could it be worth it? She had been 'containing' her own excitement for most of the day and was very much looking forward to letting it all out.

Celestia forced herself to stop biting her lip and concentrated. Hot it maybe was, but still a perversion! Even thinking about it like that had made her complicit. She was a bad pony. What she needed was for someone - preferably Rawsthorne, of course - to hold her down and belt her, good. Leather strap on her backside. Maybe even a bit in her mouth to keep her quiet! Then, when he was done, she would be in the perfect position for him to put those strong hands on her back, lift himself up and-

"Eep!" The hormones were messing with her head. She wished the stallion's humans would hurry up and finish, so he could join her. He would be very excited, wouldn't he? The wait was killing her. Desperate for something to do, she went to the bathroom and picked up several large towels. Heavy Hoof or no, she would need them.

On her way back she heard Rawsthorne's phone ring. The mare paused and listened to the conversation. "Oh, hi, Mrs. Turner. Yes, I called earlier..."

It didn't seem important. Something about law, probably. The pony owners had learned that Rawsthorne was a successful lawyer and were all asking for advice.

She made a mental note to remind Rawsthorne to charge them. It was highly unprofessional to offer his valuable services for free, just because his pony knew theirs.

Even that didn't matter right now. She had what she needed. Two of the large towels went on the bed, another covered the floor and she put a few extras on her bedside table. Then she checked the iPad again.

Still no Heavy Hoof.

She had to wait longer, but it was killing her. There had to be something she could do!
The mare remembered what Rawsthorne had said. The Internet had stores which sold sex toys. Maybe she could find one herself and at least examine the merchandise? It would make picking it with her owner much less awkward and, above all, shorter. Yes, it was the responsible thing to do.

She flung herself on the bed and hurriedly tapped on Google. It was a neat idea - one place where she could find anything on the Internet. She blushed heavily as she wrote out the search: 'sex toys'.

The selection was astounding! Celestia felt her mouth drop open as she read through the result summary. Every shape, color, length and girth imaginable. Even if there were no toys for ponies, she could find one that would feel appropriately long and wide!

They were in all possible colors - even vivid green and white and red! She knew humans came in only a few shades of pink and brown, but they sold toys in any hue they could imagine. Some were even transparent! Now she was genuinely curious. At first the mare had skipped past the sections for men, but now she looked. Women really didn't seem too different from mares. Less pronounced, perhaps. No wonder it all fitted! On the other hoof, no surprise sensible men preferred pony. They were much more pleasing to look at, down there. The tail in particular accenuated the sight nicely, even if Celestia said so herself.

She had a very guilty thought and went back to Google. It took her some time to work up the nerve to type out her next query. Finally, averting her eyes, as if that would make it better, the pony typed out: 'pony sex toys'.

One look at the images and she couldn't suppress a whinny of excitement. There it was! All shapes and sizes imaginable!

It was exactly what she needed to see!

Just in time, her Skype dinged and she brought the stylus up. Even her magical grip was shaking and it took her several tries to hit the right buttons.

It was Heavy Hoof: "You ready?"

Immediately it began to ring with the video call. She almost forgot! Changing into Supple Branch was a matter of concentrated effort. She hoped she could keep the disguise up while she was otherwise distracted. She gave it some brief thought, then floated over a pillow and leaned the iPad against it. Now it would only take a small nudge to make it tip over, hiding the camera and her. Any magical light, which accompanied the change, she could explain by bad Wi-Fi signal. Glitter Dust had used that explanation more than once when the screen got blurry and blocky.

Only then did she answer the call. The stallion appeared with herself in a smaller, dark square in the top left corner.

"Hi, Heavy Hoof!"

She had a genuinely warm smile for him. But he couldn't see it. "Sweetie? You'll have to turn on the light!"

Of course. There was plenty from the iPad's glow for her to see around the room, but Supple Branch was just a shadowy outline on Heavy Hoof's screen. She nearly flicked the switch with her magic, before she recalled herself.

"Uh, give me a moment."

She lowered herself from the bed on unsteady hooves and shaky legs and made her way to the light switch. She had to rear up to hit it - another unusual, stimulating motion.

"That's better! Now come back and let me get a look at you!" her friend commanded.

She found herself liking the tone. No lover in the past had dared talk to her that way. Of curse not, she was Princess Celestia. Even the boldest stallions couldn't keep that thought out of their heads.

The mare hurried back to bed and put herself in front of the camera, smiling widely.

"Cheerful, aren't we? I knew I was good, but I didn't think I had such an effect!"

She shook her head a little. "Almost, but not quite. I'm going into heat. That probably explains the... the bathroom."

His eyes grew wide and the stallion looked wistful. "I knew I smelled something! It must have just started tonight?"

She nodded, then a thought made her frown a little. "You can't see me for about a week. Sorry. Can't risk it, not now."

His ears lowered in misery. "Oh. Well, what about condoms?"

"What are they?"

The brown pony brightened up again. She knew why, too. Getting at a mare in heat would mean he mounted her several times in a night, without fail. Maybe even eight or nine times, if he was really pent up from his owners. It would wear both of them out and make the rest of her heat a lot more manageable.

"They're little plastic... like bags, you put over-" he began, then fell silent and looked away. Celestia couldn't believe her eyes, but she almost saw it even through the video chat: Heavy Hoof was blushing!

"You put them over, well, a stallion. So he doesn't... you know."

She laughed a bit. There was a blush on her too, but Heavy Hoof's was cuter. This was simply too sweet to let go. "He doesn't what? I need details, Heavy Hoof!"

He was adorable when he sputtered like that. "Do I really need to draw you a picture here?"

"It would help!" She grinned and winked at the poor guy.

Heavy Hoof heaved a sigh. "A bag for my 'stallionhood', so it catches all the 'juice'. No foals, you see?!"

It was very tempting, but it also sounded risky. She didn't want to play with chance like that. "Well, what if it breaks?"

He shook his head firmly. "It doesn't! Really! They make them very sturdy, even if they are so thin! It's good. They hardly ever-" The poor stallion plugged his mouth, but not quite in time. The mare finished his sentence for him.

"They hardly ever break, is that what you were going to say? Sorry. I'm really tempted, you know? But that's not a chance I'm willing to take!"

It helped that Celestia couldn't be sure about her disguise holding up through their fun. Maybe, with the heat at its worst, she would have accepted one of those risks. Both at once were just too much to leave to luck.

Perhaps, as a last resort. After she spoke with Rawsthorne about it. And only if the human was completely unwilling to help her out himself.

"Aww," Heavy Hoof said sadly. There was a whiny edge to his voice as he begged. "Come on, Supple! It'd be totally safe, I promise! I really really like you!"

Again, Celestia thanked the stars for the iPad. In person, she wouldn't be able to say no to him. "Sorry, Heavy Hoof! Maybe I shouldn't have told you at all. I'm really not comfortable with the idea."

He looked so miserable with those ears folded down and that muzzle scrunched up in sorrow. She nearly gave in, but then the stallion brightened up. "Okay, I understand. I won't push it, but maybe we meet after your heat, when you're safe? A kind of a 'follow up'?"

That pony was just too damn nice! The alicorn caught herself just on the verge of saying 'yes' again! "I won't promise it, but maybe?"

By the looks of it, Heavy Hoof was also quite impressed with her. "Quite strong-willed, aren't you? Not even Glowbug was this tough. Okay! I like a challenge. I'll work for it. The reward will be all the sweeter then!" His sultry wink woke her up fully again and Celestia remembered the reason they were talking.

"Okay, just video chat for tonight. What do I do?"

This was firmer ground, and Heavy Hoof's response was immediate and confident. "Alright, love - just follow my lead and do what I say."