• Published 7th Apr 2020
  • 4,090 Views, 199 Comments

Off Duty - awf

After centuries of ruling Equestria without a single day off, Princess Celestia is driven to true desperation: selling herself into slavery as a vacation on Earth, the one place she can go without being recognized.

  • ...

Chapter 50

Celestia went to the pony meeting with Silent Brook, but in her 'double' disguise. She was still uneasy about policemen seeing her walking around without a human, but the stallion assured her they wouldn't meet any. He sounded as if he knew about these things, so Celestia believed it and followed him out of the house. She didn't know how late they would be, so the mare conscientiously prepared a meal for Saul, should he come from work before them. Nothing fancy, just cream cheese, tomato and basil sandwiches, with the atrocity that was sliced ham inside. They would keep on the table for an hour or two, until Saul came and ate them. Celestia arranged them on a plate, then thoughtfully added a sprig of parsley for decoration. She observed the result with a critical eye for a moment, then nodded quietly to herself. Just because it was only sandwiches was no excuse to do a half-job. Then it was time to go.

Silent Brook led her down the street, then turned into a small park. "Shortcut," he explained. He didn't have to, because Celestia had absolutely no idea which way it was. Not too far, he assured her.

She caught up until she was trotting easily by Silent Brook's side. "Any suggestions for a name?"

"Huh? What?"

"I don't want to risk someone overhearing-" Celestia paused, looked around, and then whispered it: "Supple Branch."

"Oh!" Silent Brook exclaimed. He gave it some thought. "Uh, how about 'Tree Sap'?"

It was probably the color. It did put one in mind of trees, or mud. "Yes, that could work. Thank you."

They kept trotting, but Silent Brook looked at her sideways. "For a Pr- uh," he began, but caught himself in time. "Uh, for who you are, you sure go for a lot of subterfuge."

She didn't like it either. "It's the human world. I do hope someday I will be able to visit as myself. Officially."

"That would be wonderful," he said and nodded. It was getting dark, but Silent Brook knew the way very well. They left the tarmac and he led her through a thicket of trees and bushes.
> She saw that the winter was fading. Of course surprises could still happen, but for now the ground was almost clear of snow. Almost, but not quite.

"Wait, wait, just a moment, please!" She made a slight detour to a pile of rather dirty, second-hoof snow. Perhaps it was where the humans had pushed it together to clear the walking paths and the mass allowed it to stick around this long. There wasn't more than a few inches, but it was enough for her purposes. With a quiet giggle of delight, Celestia jumped right in it with all four hooves. It was delightfully cool on her frogs!

"Come on! Try it!"

Once he saw what she was doing, Silent Brook sighed and rolled his eyes a little, but he did walk to her and put a single hoof on the snow.

"No, come here!" She ran around and head-butted him onto the patch. It was obvious he wasn't enjoying it nearly as much as she had, but he did look down at the white-covered ground.

"Okay? Can we go now?"

Celestia giggled again and rejoined her friend on the small blotch of snow. She saw with great sorrow that she had already stepped through it and reached the mud in some places.

She still pranced a little, just for the joy of it. "Are we in a hurry?"

Silent Brook was puzzled. "Well, no, but-"

"Then shut up and allow yourself to experience the world, Silent Brook." She nudged him with her rump so the pony had to step sideways. He looked down again, ears focused on the snow as if it might tell him secrets.

Then he returned his eyes to the mare. "It's just cold," he pointed out.


"But so is the sidewalk. And the grass."

Celestia shook her head. "It's a different kind of cold."

He didn't seem convinced. "Sure, but so what?"

Celestia circled around until she was looking in his face from up close. "So everything, Silent Brook! The senses are how we know the world. Do not deny yourself experiences, no matter how busy you are. I made that mistake, too. Learn from it!" She smiled at him encouragingly. "Think of the dusty gravel road in the height of summer. Your legs ache from walking all day. Then you come across a stream and gladly wade into it. The water is cool and lovely on tired hooves."

He didn't understand, at least not yet. "Okay, but I don't see-"

"Hush! Now remember dew on a spring morning. A thousand droplets of water, cold but not chilly. Or grass on a warm evening in early autumn. Got all that?"

"Mhm!" the stallion nodded. He really was trying, she saw. Maybe because he remembered who she was.

"Those are just some of the sensations you can feel, just by walking. Snow is another. Which is your favourite?"

"Uh," the pony thought for a while. "Autumn, I guess. Warm grass."

"Now, imagine you lived in the city and only ever walked on streets. You would never know what grass felt like under your hooves. Would you say your experiences in that life would be richer or poorer in comparison?"

"Poorer, of course!" he replied with barely a delay. It was the answer she was expecting.

"Well, feeling, but not taking time to notice things is almost as bad. So allow yourself to feel and make your world richer, Silent Brook."

Maybe she got through to him, or perhaps the stallion was just too polite to say that she was an old, crazy mare, but he did shuffle his hooves a little with a look of concentration on his muzzle.

"Soon it will be spring and you won't be able to do this. Make sure you remember what it feels like, Silent Brook."

He still kept his eyes closed and focused on the sensations on his frogs. "Okay, yes! Thank you!" he chirped happily.

It was too perfect. Celestia glanced around for possible onlookers, then used a tiny bit of magic to scoop up some of the snow. Her dusting spell came to her aid again as she removed bits of twigs and dirt from the ball. Then she aimed it.

"So, what do I- GACK!" Silent Brook tried to say. He got it right in the muzzle and sputtered for a few moments until he had spat the snow out. He gulped down a breath of air, then glared at her. "Pri- uh, Tree Sap! That was just mean!" The pony advanced on her, eyeing the patch of snow under him for ammunition.

He wouldn't be able to get together a clean ball, not without magic, and he knew it. But it was fun to pretend. "No! Please! I'm sorry!" Celetia squealed. She giggled in excitement and dashed off to put some distance between herself and her 'irate' friend.

He didn't run, just slowly followed her. It looked like he wouldn't chase her, which was slightly disappointing. Surely he wasn't taking it too seriously, was he? Celestia waited for her friend and then fell in step with him. He didn't look at her and he glowered a little at the world. Surely he wasn't that sore about a little harmless snowball?

"I cleaned it with magic, if it helps."

Silent Brook just grunted.

"Sorry." She wasn't really and he knew it perfectly well, but it couldn't hurt to apologize anyway.

Finally the stallion glanced at her. "I'd never have imagined you doing things like that, you know?"

Of course she knew. Nopony could imagine their Alicorn Princess acting like a foal! It was what made it so fun! "I know!"

He shook his head in exasperation. "You really are enjoying Earth, aren't you?" There was that disapproval again.

"And if I am?"

He kept his mouth wisely shut, but Celestia didn't enjoy this sudden, newfound tension between them. "Listen, Silent Brook. I will admit that the idea of coming here to 'get away' for a while was... somewhat hare-brained. I honestly did not intend to disrespect the situation of my ponies on Earth."

He walked on in silence.

"Even Princesses need some time for themselves."

Now the stallion spoke up. "Most ponies vacation in Vanhoover or Los Pegasus."

"I tried that. The most recent time I went to Vanhoover, the mayor begged for my help and I ended taking petitions from citizens. Twelve hours each day, for an entire week."

He hadn't known that and the stallion swiveled an ear toward her. He still didn't look, but she had his full attention now.

"Then Los Pegasus. That was two years ago. Six ribbon-cutting ceremonies. Four public speeches, no less than nine school visits and I spent the nights going through the city regulations because the council asked me to advise them on construction laws."

Now Silent Brook was looking at her with sincere compassion.

"At one point, I fell asleep into a bowl of cucumber soup. Thankfully it is served cold."

"I'm sorry," he said and really meant it. "I had no idea."

The Princess smiled a little as she thought about it. It wasn't really a bad memory and she had shared a pleasant little laugh with Luna later, especially once she had described to her Sister exactly how red in the face the mayor had been!

"Perhaps the fault is mine. I can't say no when my ponies need me. Before Earth, I was seriously considering a vacation among Minotaurs or Dragons, but it would have turned out into a diplomatic visit. I am known everywhere, Silent Brook."

He made the connection himself. "Except Earth," he finished with a small sigh.

"Except Earth."

"Okay," the stallion conceded. "When you put it like that, I understand. I'm sorry for the way I acted."

She gave him a smile and brushed her flank against his as the walked. "It is alright, Silent Brook, but you understand now why I make sure to experience everything I can? There is no telling when I might get another chance."

"Yes, but you really should make time for yourself. I mean back home. It's not healthy to work all the time," he pointed out helpfully.

"Indeed. That is why I am here."

They suddenly reached the end of the grass and their hooves clopped on concrete again. Silent Brook looked both ways then went on the street. Celestia glanced back, incredulous how quickly the park gave way to buildings.

"Over here," Silent Brook said and turned.

Now that she was there, Celestia thought she recognized some of the buildings. They were quite near the pony meeting place. "Oh, this is here? I never realized you lived that close. Why don't you come more often?"

Silent Brook heaved a sigh. "In case..." he tried to say, but thought better of it. "No reason."

"Come on. Tell me."

He lowered his eyes to the sidewalk. "In case Saul needs me."

"It will get better. Just speak with him like I've taught you. Bring him together with April again. Get him to accept help."

He nodded. "Yes. Thank you."

Just like that they were at the door. It was late enough that the meeting had already started. That meant the humans would hopefully be in the owners' room. Celestia would prefer it if they didn't see her at all.

When she entered, just behind Silent Brook, everypony jumped to their feet to come greet the newcomer.

"Oh! Hello there!" Lake Frond called out, but a moment later they recognized her and there was a series of gasps.

"Supple?!" Heavy Hoof asked a little incredulously. "Wh-what happened to you?"

Glitter Dust knew and she was giggling into her hoof, but the others just stared.

"Sorry everypony. A little extra disguise to get me home. I hoped it would be a bit better, but you all saw through it in seconds."

That last part worried her a little. Rock Lichen came up and circled around her. "No, no, don't worry," he was saying. "Humans won't be able to tell. They really can't recognize us except from color."

It was a relief and besides, her papers didn't have too detailed a description. Miriam Adams had read it out to her. It basically just said 'Mare: Cyan (coat), green (mane)' and a couple of words for her cutie mark. She considered drawing another over it, but then just covered it with paint. The humans didn't understand what it was for, and she could claim to the border people that she hadn't gotten hers yet. Even if they knew what age ponies got their marks at, she could claim to be a unique case. Miriam agreed and changed the text to say she had no cutie mark. The papers would confirm her story. Celestia glanced around. It seemed as if everypony was there.

The important stuff first. "Do you have the papers?" she asked Lake Frond, who nodded.

"I gave them to Glitter already. She'll get them to that lawyer of yours."

Rock Lichen raised a concern in a nervous voice. "Uh, are you sure we can trust this lawyer lady?"

"Yes. She won the case against those foal-nappers and she's helping me get home. I trust her completely."

That was enough and the stallion relaxed. "So, how will we do this?" he asked.

Celestia had been thinking about it. "Can you keep a small something hidden from your humans?"

Lake Frond and her husband looked at one another. Then the mare said: "Yes. What did you have in mind?"

Celestia glanced at her pegasus friend. "Glitter Dust, could you get Maggie to buy them a prepaid phone, like mine? That way we can talk in secret." She had experimented with the thing a little and knew a secret. "If you put it to the most silent setting, humans can't usually hear it ringing from the next room, but we can."

They were all impressed. Even Heavy Hoof whistled through his teeth. "Nice, Supple! Good idea!"

That reminded her. "Oh! Can you please call me 'Tree Sap' while I have these... colors?"

"Oh. Sure, no problem!" the pony agreed easily. He watched her with a hungry expression, which was at the same time flattering and a little disconcerting. The stallion still had desires toward her, it seemed, which reminded her about the little drama which was happening among her friends.

"Listen, everypony." She had their full attention. "I do not know when exactly I will leave Earth. If an opportunity presents itself, I will take it. There might not be time to say goodbye."

The information was making them sad, but each of them smiled at their monarch in support. "We understand," Glitter Dust assured her.

"Thank you. If will send word as soon as I can, probably through Gregory, but before I go..." She didn't want to say it outright. If Belle Hop was too shy to speak with Heavy Hoof, she certainly wouldn't appreciate being outed in front of everypony. She needed to get her alone and then she needed to kick the stallion in the rump and get some answers. He was either incredibly thick and hadn't noticed how the pegasus felt about him, or he was using her affection for an easy lay. In either case, a kick to the rear was the least he deserved!

She was coming up with a plan when Glitter Dust spoke up again: "Uh, Tree Sap?"

That woke Celestia from her thoughts and she pointed a hoof at the other pegasus. It was time to help. "Belle Hop, can I see you quickly in the bathroom?"

Five muzzles fell open in surprise. Only Glitter Dust and Silent Brook knew what was going on. Heavy Hoof made a small whimpering noise as he no doubt imagined extremely inappropriate things the two mares might do alone. She firmly ignored him and led the bewildered pegasus away.

Once in the small bathroom, she quickly cast a spell against eavesdropping. Just to be safe.

"Tell me about Heavy Hoof."

Belle Hop instantly blushed and looked away. "W-why do you wanna know about him?" she asked. "H-he's just a p-pony."

"Yes, and so are you. Tell me what you think about him."

Realization dawned and Belle Hop gave a small gasp as she covered her mouth with a hoof. "You know?! Who told you?"

Celestia shook her head and laid her leg around her friend's withers. "Never mind how I know. You want Heavy Hoof to see you like you see him."

It wasn't a question and Belle Hop nodded sadly. Her ears, stiff from the initial shock, were folding back.

"Right now, he only sees you as a momentary diversion. Then he is right out there again, chasing other mares."

Again, Belle Hop didn't have to confirm it. A look at her face made it plain. She sniffed a little.

"Did you tell him how you feel?" Celestia asked.

Her friend shook her head. "I t-tried, but I cuh- cuh-," she sobbed and tried to finish the sentence before tears started in earnest. "Couldn't!"

Celestia pulled her closer and pressed her face against the Royal Chestfluff. It wasn't the real thing because of her shape change spell, but it still had some of its power. "There, there, sweetie. Don't be ashamed."

The mare clung to her with all four hooves and wings as she wept. Celestia just waited patiently for the torrent to stop. Eventually it did. Celestia imagined the others had their ears plastered to the door, but thanks to her spell they wouldn't hear anything. Belle Hop deserved some privacy, at least.

"You can tell me, sweetie."

Belle Hop did so, haltingly and miserably. "T-the first time, you know," Belle Hop began her story, "it was just supposed to be some fun. I knew that's what it should have been."

It matched her own experience. Heavy Hoof was pushy and perhaps a little manipulative, but he wasn't dishonest. He didn't try and hide what he wanted. He didn't lie about the relationship.

"B-but... somehow," Belle Hop went on, trying to describe emotion with words. "Somehow it changed. I don't know why, but I... fell for him." She was blushing now, but at least she wasn't crying anymore. Maybe there was even a hint of a smile at the memory. "I know I shouldn't have. I knew he was only after one thing, but he's so... forward. I guess... it appealed to me because I was never like that."

"And you never told him?"

Belle Hop shook her head. "N-no! Of course not!" she said with a very frightened voice. "I knew he didn't want anything more serious. If I asked him for that, maybe he'd just run away from me." Her ears went down some more and she averted her eyes. Even her wings shuffled uncomfortably. "I guess I rather had an occasional..." The pony squeezed her eyes shut and shuddered as she said it: "... romp. Rather that than... nothing at all."

It wasn't hard to see what it was doing to her. Everypony saw it, except Heavy Hoof, or maybe he was ignoring it on purpose so he didn't loose access to 'an easy lay' whenever he needed one? The latter thought made Celestia's blood boil. She would get to the bottom of it!

Unfortunately, that would probably mean she'd have to break Belle Hop's heart. If the stallion was using her in that despicable, cold-hearted fashion, then Celestia would ensure he never came near her again. A broken heart could heal. Whatever Heavy Hoof was doing to the pegasus now, even unknowingly, couldn't. Celestia prayed she was wrong. Maybe he really was just ignorant. None of the others had told him, Lake Frond knew that much. They didn't like to poke their snouts in the affairs of other ponies.

Now, how to explain it all to Belle Hop? The Princess drew a deep breath. At times like these, being an alicorn was quite hard. "Sometimes love isn't meant to be, sweetie. I know it might hurt, but telling yourself a lie will only hurt more in the end. You understand?"

Fresh tears were already pouring and Belle Hop was about to start crying again. It looked like she had been keeping it all in, never willing to talk to anypony about it. It was a stroke of luck that she opened up to Celestia. Maybe it was the authority, or maybe it was the way her ponies saw her. Like a mother.

"We'll get to the bottom of this. Maybe Heavy Hoof just didn't realize it, okay?"

Belle Hop gave a sad nod.

Celestia held her in silence for a few more minutes, then gave her a last nuzzle and gently freed herself. "I'll go and speak with him." The mare was already shaking her head, her eyes wide and panicky, but Celestia was firm. "Sweetheart, it is best you know now. Every minute longer will just make it worse in the end."

There was no denying that tone. Maybe it was for the best.

Celestia embraced her again, briefly. "Wait here. You can cry if you need to - nopony outside this room can hear you. I'll be back very soon, okay?"

She felt Belle Hop nod against her neck, then she released her and slipped outside. The others were sitting around the coffee table, watching 'Tree Sap' as she exited the bathroom alone. She paused for a few moments to collect herself, then looked up, glaring. It made Heavy Hoof flinch when those eyes landed on him and he backed away slightly as she advanced on him. Lake Frond and Rock Lichen looked at one another and Glowbug looked away. Even Glitter Dust seemed uncomfortable.

"Heavy Hoof. A word, please?"

He knew it was something important. Of course he did, but it didn't appear that the stallion knew what she was about to say. It boded well. If he had knowingly misled Belle Hop, he would undoubtedly be more afraid. "Y-yes?" he mumbled.

"Tell me about Belle Hop."

Heavy Hoof tried to look around Celestia, but the door to the bathroom was closed. He glanced at her face, then quickly lowered his eyes and gulped. "S-she's a friend."


He fidgeted and sagged under her wilting presence. Even looking like an earth pony, Celestia was still an alicorn and they all felt it keenly. "Well, some- uh, sometimes we," the stallion began, cautiously, "you know. It's just a bit of fun. I never forced her, I swear!"

His statement rang true. Celestia believed him. Besides, it fit with her own experiences and also with what Lake Frond and Glitter Dust had said. "You are friends, nothing more?"

Again the poor stallion gulped. "Well..." he began, then drew a shuddering breath. "Good friends? W-who sometimes... you know."

She waited, while Heavy Hoof began to shiver nervously. He really didn't seem to know what she wanted, but he was too afraid to ask. "What if I told you, Heavy Hoof, that Belle Hop likes you?"

He still didn't get it. Rock Lichen was about to say something, Celestia saw it from the corner of her eye, but a hoof in the stomach from his wife shut him right up.

"I l-like her too," Heavy Hoof said uncertainly.

"You misunderstand."

Now he was completely baffled. Heavy Hoof finally looked up at her face and spread his hooves in defeat. "Then what, uh, Tree Sap?" Even under stress he remembered the new name. Commendable, but neither here nor there.

Celestia brought her face closer and lowered her voice. The others would still hear, but it gave the stallion that extra sense of privacy and secrecy. "Belle Hop is deeply in love with you. Each time you 'pick her up', she's ecstatic and then you go and chase Glitter Dust again, or Glowbug, or any other mare you see, and it breaks her heart." Celestia had never seen a pony's eyes go that wide. Another fraction of an inch and they would have popped right out of his head.

His mouth moved, but no words came out. He tried again: "L-luh- love?!" it was barely a whisper.

"You did not know?"

He shook his head, mutely. He tried to swear it, but his voice failed him again, so the stallion just put a hoof on his heart.

"Are you lying to me?"

Heavy Hoof suddenly understood her fury. He cringed back and hurriedly shook his head again, more urgently. Almost frantically.

She believed it. An alicorn didn't spend centuries dealing with negotiators, diplomats and petitioning subjects without getting a very good feel for when ponies were lying. It was the best possible outcome and Celestia relaxed a little. Maybe Belle Hop's heart wouldn't have to be dashed.

"Now that you know, what will you do about it?"

All Heavy Hoof could do was give a slight whimper. He was still staring at the alicorn in shock.


He found words: "Please, I had no idea! You have to believe me! I'd never-"

She could almost read his thoughts. Heavy Hoof began to imagine how Belle Hop had felt when he simply thanked her for the sex and left. Had he talked about the others in front of her? "That would be monstrous!" he exclaimed with horror. "Princess, you know I would never-" he shuddered and took a deep breath. "I swear I'm not like that!"

The theatrics were a bit much, but there was honesty underneath it. Heavy Hoof was acting it up a little to avoid her rage, that much was clear to her. Now, as he watched the silent Princess, his ears folded down and he spread his hooves helplessly in the air. "What should I do?" he asked.

"That depends. Can you give Belle Hop what she needs? What she deserves? If not, it's kinder to break it off now."

He swallowed a lump and looked at the bathroom door again. "C-can I talk with her first?"

Good. Celestia nearly smiled. Perhaps, underneath his obsession, Heavy Hoof had a core of decency. She turned and slowly walked to the bathroom door. "Come."

After a moment of shock he followed her. She slipped inside first, but held the door for the stallion to follow. Then she closed it. The spell of silence was still there. Belle Hop wasn't crying, but it was very obvious she had been. The sight made Heavy Hoof stop just inside the door, while Celestia went to hug the mare again. She held her, almost protectively, while Heavy Hoof stared at them both.


The command jerked him awake and he took a hesitant step closer. In her hooves, Celestia felt Belle Hop hold her breath in anticipation.

"Belle," Heavy Hoof began, but his voice broke and he had to swallow again. "I had no idea. Why didn't you ever tell me?"

Belle Hop tensed up and it looked like she would sob again. Celestia gave her a squeeze and answered for her. "She was afraid you'd run away. You don't exactly inspire confidence, Heavy Hoof."

He took another step forward and sat near the mares. His eyes were on Belle Hop and he almost didn't seem aware of 'Tree Sap'. "I wouldn't do that, Belle. I know I'm not the perfect stallion, but I'm not a monster, you know?" The mare closed her eyes, maybe to try and stem the flow of tears. She still didn't answer, but Celestia nodded at the stallion to continue. He sighed and looked down. "I'm not sure I know how to handle this, Belle. You know I'm messed up, but I always liked you and-" he mumbled, stringing together sentences as they were forming in his mind. He obviously didn't know exactly what he wanted to say. "Buck, I don't know what to say, Belle!" he swore. His voice made the poor pegasus flinch.

Celestia leaned down and whispered in her ear. That seemed to help and the mare blinked, then asked in a very quiet voice: "C-can you lo-love me back?"

The two just watched each other for a very long time. Celestia was beginning to think that she would have to prod the stallion along again, but finally he spoke up. "I d-don't know." Belle Hop gave a sob before he could continue: "But I'd like to try, Belle."

Something else was needed. Celestia added her own question: "You'll give up chasing other mares?!"


"No more fooling around? No more Mr. Suave? If you can't see Belle, you'll keep it to yourself?!"

"Yes! I swear!" Heavy Hoof said. Then he remembered and his face fell. "I can't control what the humans do to me. They m-make me watch..."

Celestia felt Belle Hop nod against her chest. "We know that. I will do everything I can to get you both home once I'm back in Equestria. I have friends among humans now. Can you hold on a little longer?"

Heavy Hoof nodded to that. "Y-yes." His eyes were still on Belle Hop, who still didn't understand what was happening, but Celestia could feel how her poor heart was rattling.

She carefully let the mare go and motioned to the stallion. "You two need to talk."

"Yes," Heavy Hoof said. He was about to take Belle Hop in his hooves, but Celestia placed herself between them. She put her muzzle right to his ear and whispered. Belle Hop couldn't hear it.

"You are allowed to change your mind and say no, Heavy Hoof. Love can't be forced, but if you say yes and later break her heart, I will have horrible creatures straight from Tartarus come get you and drag you off, understand?"

He whimpered in misery and his hooves went to his midriff, as he hugged himself for what little comfort he could find.

It wasn't the nicest thing and, of course, Celestia would never go through with her threat, but there was some mystery associated with the Royal Sisters and mystery implied a measure of fear. She used it when she had to, even if she sometimes regretted it later.

"Do what is right, and do not lie, even to yourself. Say 'no', if it is the truth, but never ever say 'yes' as a lie!"

He managed a shaky mumble: "I prom-promise, Princess!" Then she stepped away and the stallion grabbed Belle Hop, as if hoping she would protect him from the vengeful alicorn. For her part, the mare clutched at the stallion and buried her face in his chest.

Maybe they would make it work, Celestia decided, or maybe they wouldn't. She left the bathroom, but kept the silencing magic. It would linger for about twenty minutes more before fading. They might be happy, she thought. On the other hoof, they might discover that they don't fit together, but at least now they had a chance. With a bit of luck, both their hearts would mend. Even if they didn't stay together, it would be a lot better than the way they were both torturing themselves and each other. Her other friends looked at her, but didn't ask any questions. It was just as well. Celestia wouldn't have answered any.

Very soon it was time to leave. Celestia chatted with the others about inconsequential matters until the two ponies returned from the bathroom. She tried to see if they had done anything beyond talking, but it didn't seem so. Neither of them seemed winded or flustered. It looked like Belle Hop had done her best to erase any sign that she had been crying. Her cheeks were still damp, but nopony commented. She followed Heavy Hoof demurely and the two sat on the floor by the coffee table, side by side, with their flanks nearly touching. The mare looked at the circle of her friends, opened her mouth to speak, then her ears folded down and she changed her mind. Instead, Belle Hop blushed and looked at the carpet.

Lake Frond came to her aid: "Don't worry Belle. We know."

"What?!" she squeaked, echoed closely by the bewildered Heavy Hoof. They both stared at the bemused pony faces around them.

"You all knew, except for me?!" Heavy Hoof gasped out. "Why did nopony say anything?!"

Now it was the others' turn to be embarrassed. "Maybe we should have," Lake Frond admitted. "I guess we all had worries of our own. I'm sorry, the both of you."

There was some silence, until Rock Lichen addressed the other stallion: "So, does this mean you're no longer chasing Glitter or Glowbug?" He waited a second to let it sink in, then added in a lower voice: "Or Lake?"

All three mentioned mares, as well as Belle Hop, colored deeply. They couldn't meet each other's eyes after that, or Heavy Hoof's.

The stallion in question glared a little at his friend, but then his shoulders slumped and he sighed. "Yeah, I guess I'm done with all that."

His new marefriend smiled a little at that and clarified: "We'll... uh, we decided to try and make it work." As she said it, Belle Hop leaned a little into her coltfriend and nuzzled him. It was cute and Celestia nodded happily at both of them. She would be sure to write letters to them until she had a way to bring them both to Equestria, or, if they didn't wish to go, at least get them basic pony rights.

"Anyway, we should probably get going," Silent Brook said meaningfully. Celestia knew it was a cue for them to leave. It was getting late and despite his claim of how close by he lived, they had some distance travel on hoof.

Celestia stood up and went to give her friends hugs. "I do not know when I'll leave, so each time might be a goodbye." She had said as much before. The ponies gratefully accepted an embrace each and said how much they would miss her. Celestia did the same.

Until she came to Glowbug. Then she whispered, right into her ear, almost beyond hearing: "Step out with me, we need to talk."

The changeling controlled herself very well. She gave an almost imperceptible nod and stood up. "I think I'll walk you out. I could use a bit of air. It's stuffy in here," Glowbug explained. "Somepony tell Mrs. Turner if she asks."

There was no comment, so Celestia guessed it wasn't an unusual request. The two mares followed Silent Brook out of the room and to the building entrance. There the alicorn paused to address her guide. "Go ahead, I'll catch up. Just give me a minute, please."

He was definitely curious, but Silent Brook didn't ask. He just mumbled something about 'secrecy' to himself and trotted off. Just to be sure, Celestia brought up a small bubble to keep their conversation private. "I think you should tell them." It was blunt, but they didn't have much time.

Glowbug frowned a little. "Why?"

A valid question. The changeling seemed comfortable with the disguise, and she had told Celestia that she really felt more like 'Glowbug' the unicorn, than her old changeling self, but the lie still felt wrong.

"I just think they deserve to know. Please, consider it? I think you'll be surprised by their reaction."

Glowbug pointed an accusing hoof at the alicorn. "You nearly blasted my head off!"

Ugly as it was, her mud-colored fur at least hid the embarrassed blush. "Sorry, but they've known you longer. They will listen." Why was this so important to the Princess? Why should she care what this one changeling did on Earth? Maybe it was what Glowbug had told her. Her friends liked her and their friendship and love was food she needed to survive, but she also liked them back! Somehow, for some reason, that made it different. 'More filling', Glowbug had said. Celestia knew what ponies were like if they were being drained of emotion. She just had to think back to Shining Armor and his wedding to Princess Cadence. Her friends didn't look like that. Glowbug could be spreading her feeding around - the thought still made Celestia a little uncomfortable - so that nopony noticed, but she didn't think so.

"When was the last time you... uh, 'fed'?"

It was a completely unexpected question, but Glowbug thought about it and answered: "Dunno. A couple of weeks ago? I wouldn't call it that, though."

"What would you call it then?"

"It's not like feeding. I guess..." she began, then paused and lifted a hoof up to scratch her muzzle in thought. "Lemme see. I made lemon cookies for the meeting, and Lake Frond said they were good. It was something like pride or something," Glowbug explained thoughtfully. "That was when I felt it, anyway. Normally I don't even notice it anymore."

Celestia repeated flatly: "You don't... even notice it?"

The other mare raised her face to the sky and groaned a little in exasperation. "Quit it with that tone, okay? I told you it's not like that! I don't drain my friends." She looked at Celestia with almost a kind of fire in her eyes. "I wouldn't do that to them, even if I was dying of hunger!"

Maybe that was it, Celestia thought? Giving love and friendship was somehow more filling than taking it? She would have to look into it some more when she was back in Equestria. "Sorry. Just think about telling them the truth, okay?"

"I'll think about it," the mare said with the slightest bit of tension in her voice.

That was no way to treat a friend, Celestia realized. She reached around the unicorn and hugged her again. "Please forgive an old, foolish mare. I'll write when I'm home."

The changeling in her hooves relaxed. "It's fine. Be safe, okay? Maybe when we're free, I'll come visit you in Canterlot." It was a test. Glowbug wanted to see what Celestia thought of a changeling walking the streets of Canterlot.

She didn't fall for it. The alicorn pulled back and smiled. "I would like that. Of course you'd be an honored guest at the Castle."

"In the dungeons, right?" the mare asked.

They both giggled and the tension between them vanished. "Take care. I have to go now." Celestia could see Silent Brook waiting patiently on the other side of the street. She let the silence bubble vanish and trotted up to him. "Ready. Let's go."

He just gave a nod and led the way back to the park.

They were nearly home when Silent Brook stopped and grabbed her. He pulled her down toward the ground. For the briefest moment Celestia considered using her magic to break free. She didn't know what had come over her friend, but if he had snapped and meant to hurt her for some reason, she would need to overpower him and try to get him back to his senses.

Then Silent Brook whispered in her ear: "Shhh!"

She followed his gaze and saw a black car parked before their house. More importantly, a couple of men were at the door, talking with Saul.

"I don't like the look of that," the stallion said quietly. "Come! Now!"

Celestia could just nod. She was worried by her friend's tone, so she followed him behind a corner.

"I'll go check it out," he said, left her in hiding, and crawled away.

She peeked around the building and focused her ears on the men. She had an idea. It was dangerous, but a bit of magic could help her hear. She looked around and made sure no one was around, then cast her spell. The voices became audible. Too late she remembered that Silent Brook hadn't really needed to risk himself, but he was already out of earshot.

"... come the fuck back when you have a warrant, okay?" Saul was saying, angrily.

He sounded upset and the man who answered him was a lot calmer. "Sir," he said, politely, but firmly, "we do have a warrant to search this house. Step away from the door, please."

There was a faint whisper, which put Celestia in mind of a phone. Were the two people somehow on the phone at the same time they spoke with Saul? How? She could see no devices in their hands.

"I'll fucking believe that when I see it!"

When one of the men lifted his hand, Celestia saw a bit of paper. "Here, I already showed it!" he insisted. "Let us in, please, otherwise we'll be forced to arrest you, sir!"

Her blood went cold and Celestia took a step back. They had found her! There could be no doubt. It was bad! Her phone with Rawsthorne's and Miriam Adams' number was up in the room. As were her hoofguards and peytral. She didn't care so much about losing them, but they would give the humans undeniable evidence that she was there and ammunition to go after her friends, both human and pony! Not to mention Saul. She didn't enjoy the idea of her new human friend to be tossed in a prison, or questioned about his involvement with her, but how could she resolve the situation? It was an impossible problem! The mare shivered and tried to keep from panicking. It would do her no good, anyway. The best thing to do now was wait for Silent Brook to come back. Maybe they could sneak around the back and he could fetch her things. The spell was still working and Celestia leaned forward to hear again.

Saul was explaining something angrily: "-gives you the right to bother me in the middle of the night over some pony or something! Unbelievable!" The other human tried to calm him down, but Saul wouldn't stop. "I fought in a war, do you understand that, you slick bureaucratic piece of shit?!"

Now he was yelling. In a moment, the men would make good on their threat and arrest him. Celestia couldn't have that. She didn't want to wait for Silent Brook to come back. She went looking for him. The mud color helped hide her and she dropped to her knees to be as invisible as possible. Then she crawled forward.

Her stallion friend was hiding behind the empty car. He waved urgently when he saw her coming, but he couldn't raise his voice. She ignored his gestures and joined him.

"Feds," he whispered. "Probably after you."

Celestia thought about a sound bubble, but she didn't want to risk too much magic. The glow of it might attract attention. "Yes. What do we do?" She tried very hard to keep the fear from her voice, but some bled through.

Silent Brook gave it some thought. "We need to get your things from upstairs and then get you out of here. It's not safe anymore."

Celestia agreed, but her ears lowered in misery. She hadn't expected to say bye to Silent Brook just yet, and it looked like she couldn't say goodbye to Saul at all, but she nodded anyway. They peered around the car, where Saul was beginning to shout and the men were preparing to tackle him.

Silent Brook heaved a sigh. "I better go stop him, before they shoot him or something," he said. The mare held him back with a hoof, but the stallion wouldn't be deterred. "I have to. They're looking for a pony, I'll go and keep them busy. You go around the back. The door is probably closed, but you can magic it open, right?"

Celestia nodded once.

"Good. Sneak upstairs for your stuff, then leave out back."

The mare swallowed a lump. "Where do I go? What do I do?"

Her friend hugged her briefly. "Call Rawsthorne. Or Miriam. They'll know what to do."

She hoped so. Otherwise, it would mean flying to the portal and forcing her way back. A very messy affair. There wasn't much time left. The officer's voice sounded like he was about to lose his patience. She held Silent Brook for a moment longer to nuzzle him. "Thank you. I'll write when I can."

He nodded, then slipped away. His hoofsteps were louder than they should be, making all three humans shut up and look around.

"I brought you your damn cigarettes, Saul. What the fuck is going on here?"

Celestia didn't wait to see the rest. She crawled back the way she came, keeping low and ducking between the buildings as soon as she could. Then she stood and ran over the grass backyards as quickly as she could. Ditching her camouflage would enable her to fly, but the mare didn't want to do that. Even if she went back to 'Supple Branch', she would still be a pony the men knew. With her dyed fur, she might be able to pretend to be somepony else in an emergency. Mere minutes later she jumped the fence to Saul's backyard. Like Silent Brook had said, the door was locked, but a simple spell took care of that. She slid inside. There was still somewhat of a commotion at the front door, with Saul blocking the way.

"It's not the right pony," one of the men was saying. "It should be blue or something. This one is orange. And a male. We're looking for a female."

The other guy said: "Are you sure it's male? How can you tell?"

The stallion barked a short laugh. "I can show you if you wanna make sure," he offered.

"We should still check his papers," the other human said.

It made Celestia freeze in her steps. Silent Brook had no papers, due to the way he arrived in the country! She couldn't let him get caught up in that. There was no telling what the people might do. They may even send him back to an auction! She couldn't let them break up Saul and Silent Brook. Not to mention April, but there wasn't a lot she could do. She nearly groaned out loud with how helpless she felt at the point.

Maybe the feds wouldn't care about Silent Brook, since he wasn't who they were looking for. Otherwise, the only way she could solve it was through force, and she didn't want to do that. She decided to wait a tad longer. As she listened, the men began to argue. The first voice insisted that they only cared about the cyan mare - Celestia in disguise. That Silent Brook was unimportant. It gave her hope.

Then Saul jumped in. "For fuck's sake, wait here a minute!" he grumbled and slammed the door in his face.

The agents immediately forgot about the stallion and started knocking on the door again. "Sir?! Open this door immediately, or we'll have to break it down!" they threatened.

Ignoring them, Saul was going to his bedroom, which gave her a chance. Celestia went to meet him. "Saul."

The man stopped and looked wildly around. "What the fuck are you doing here? They're looking for you! Get outta here, damn it!"

His concern warmed her heart. "I have to take my things from upstairs and I don't want Silent Brook to get in trouble for his missing papers."

The man crouched down and put a hand in her mane. I was something he had never done before, but Celestia didn't object.

"He won't. I have his papers."

"You do?!" This was something even the stallion didn't know.

"Of course I do," Saul confirmed. "I'm not so stupid to have an unlicensed pony in the house, for fuck's sake."

It was very good news. For a moment Celestia wondered how he had gotten them, but then shrugged. The human bureaucracy was full of holes, it seemed. She gave the man a quick hug and a nuzzle. At first he froze, but then the arms went around her and patted her back.

"Thank you, Saul. I'll never forget this. I'll find a way to return the kindness, I swear!" After a moment she let him go and his hands slid away.

"Don't mention it," he said gruffly.

Here was another human who would be getting a polite but formal invitation to Equestria soon, Celestia decided. At least a dinner and a day at the spa! Together with April too, of course!

But now wasn't the time for this. "Take care, Saul. Silent Brook needs you more than you think." She wondered why exactly she had said that. It was a spur of the moment thing, but it rang true. Whatever the stallion said, he needed Saul about as much as the human needed him. They were both damaged by their experiences and they relied on each other to give themselves purpose. Hopefully she had done enough to get them on the path to healing.

More knocking interrupted her as the men outside were apparently going frantic.

"Hurry up!" Saul said and went into his bedroom to fetch Silent Brook's paperwork.

The mare muffled her hoofsteps with a simple spell and ran up the stairs. She made sure to avoid the window and grabbed her bag. The phone was on Silent Brook's bed and the charger was in the wall - thankfully she had left it plugged in when they left for the pony meeting. That meant it was full of electricity now! It went in the saddlebags, those slid easily on her back and Celestia was done. She took a last look around the room to make sure she wasn't forgetting something.

The hair dye! It was still in the bathroom! She made a slight detour, grabbed the bottles and shoved them in the bags. That was everything. She didn't bother about the toothbrush. Then she went down the stairs and paused just out of sight of the front door. It was open again and Saul was showing the humans the documents.

"Wait, papers? Mine?! How do you have those?" Silent Brook was asking.

Stupid, stupid, Celestia thought. Don't draw attention to them, she thought, but she couldn't do anything. The agent who had insisted on verifying the stallion's identity was reading the papers and the other was a few steps away, looking at the car. He was probably impatient to get going.

Now or never, the mare thought, and slipped down the last few steps, through the hallway and into the living room. She left by the back door and pushed it closed. Then she ran for it.

A couple of jumps saw her in a neighbor's backyard and from there she galloped through an open gate into another street. She kept to the grass until she was around the corner because it somewhat muffled her hoofsteps.

Where to go? Only one place came to mind. Celestia hoped her sense of orientation was up to the task and began to circle around. She relaxed a little once she entered the park where Silent Brook had taken her on a shortcut. There were fewer lights and she could hide out in the bushes if she really had to. The mud color would help, but she had to come up with something else before she slept, like a hiding place, or a plan.

With a weary sigh, she brought out her phone and put in the first number. She nearly called, but changed her mind. If the agents were this close on her tail, it was a definite possibility that they were watching Rawsthorne to see if she contacted him. She quickly changed the number and pushed the green button.

"Hello?" came Miriam Adams' voice.

Celestia went straight to the point: "Miriam, I have a problem. They found me here. I had to leave!"

There was a long silence from Miriam on the phone. Celestia began to think that the D.A. had simply ended the call.


"Still here," the woman said and the words filled the alicorn with relief. "Thinking."

Celestia floated the plastic device beside her ear as she walked further into the park, away from the well-lit path.

Finally, Miriam spoke up again: "Where are you now?"

"A park near Saul's house, but I don' think they can find me. It's dark and there's a lot of evergreen bushes where I can hide."

"That's good. Who is after you?"

Celestia didn't really know. She had assumed it was just 'the government', but Miriam's question made her think it might be a little more complicated. "Some men. They didn't look like police. No uniforms and their car was just... regular. They were certainly asking Saul about me. He told me to run." Again there was silence. Even though Miriam couldn't see her, Celestia lowered her ears reflexively as she apologized: "I'm sorry to spring this on you. I thought... maybe they're watching Gregory in case I called him. I didn't know what else to do."

Celestia had been hoping that Miriam Adams would say it was alright, but the woman didn't. She really was pushing the woman too far. She swallowed a lump and tried to make her voice steady. "If it's t-too much to ask, I'll understand. I'll call Gregory."

"No!" Miriam replied quickly. "You were right in thinking he's probably being watched. I'll get a message to him tomorrow. Do you have anywhere to stay?"

The mare looked around her. It wasn't even a forest. She was in the deepest, darkest part of the park she could find, and the lights from the path were still visible here and there through the bare branches. If she remained vigilant, she could probably wait until morning, but the disguise spell would be incredibly difficult to maintain by then.

Still, Celestia didn't want to sound weak and whiny. "I can wait here. I think I'll be alright, but I won't be able to keep my disguise much longer than until midmorning."

"Okay, I understand," Miriam said. "I need to get off the phone so I can call some people. Hide somewhere and wait until I call you back, okay?"

It was an immense relief that the woman was taking charge. Celestia still had her backup plan, but that was to be used in an emergency only. "Yes. Thank you, Miriam!"

The woman grunted something affirmative, then hung up. Alone once more, Celestia looked around for a better hiding place. Maybe one of the larger bushes would do, although the ground was soggy and cold. She sighed and looked around to select the largest shrub. Of course it had needles, but she hoped that at least it wasn't too thorny on the inside. In the dark she couldn't tell what kind it was, so Celestia just went for it. It was a bit of a squeeze and the branches were quite thick, but she found a small hollow near the center. After she turned around a few times, it was almost tolerable. The foliage was just thick enough to hide her, while allowing her to see around pretty well. There was nothing else to do, so the pony curled up and lay down to wait. The ground wasn't too soggy and her fur should protect her for a few hours. In a flash of inspiration, Celestia remembered her saddlebags and rooted around in one.

Yes! Her scarf, the one she had enchanted to keep her warm on her walks with Rawsthorne! She had almost forgotten that she had packed it. She quickly put it around her neck and the magic warmed her up nicely. If it didn't rain, she could stay like that until morning. Perhaps longer. The trickiest part would be not falling asleep.

The phone began to ring loudly and it made Celestia jump up in fright. She had forgotten to silence it! It was pure luck that there was no one around. She hurriedly pulled it from her bag and answered it.


It was Miriam again and her voice made the mare sag in relief. "Okay, tell me where you are," the woman commanded.

Celestia knew the address of Saul's house and she told the lawyer that. Then she explained how to get to the park.

"Good, good. I think I know the area. I'll be there in an hour. I'll call you." She was about to hang up.


Celestia was lonely and frightened. Even with her magic scarf, the ground seemed to be sucking warmth from her. Another hour in the dark, trying to look in all directions at once, listening to every tiny sound, seemed dreadful.


"W-what are you going to do?" One minute, Celestia decided. Just let her friend talk to her for a minute and then she could face another hour!

"I'll come get you," Miriam answered. "I've got your papers ready, I can get you across the border, I think."

Immediately the Princess thought about her friends. "What about Lake Frond and Rock Lichen?"

Miriam sighed. "You're thinking about them at a time like this?"

Celestia nodded before she remembered that the lady couldn't see her. "Of course. I made them a promise."

"Noble," the woman commented wryly. She appeared to think for a while longer. "Okay, how do we reach them?"

It was sheer luck that Celestia had been at the pony meet up that night. Then again, it was about time for something to go her way! "Glitter Dust will take them a cell phone. Like mine."

"Okay, good. This is going to be risky as all hell. If we get caught, we'll both be doing prison time, understand?"

Swallowing, Celestia gave a nod and then pressed her lips firmly together for a moment as she imagined what human jail might be like for a pony. "I understand." Would she really risk everything for two of her subjects? It wasn't even a question. Of course she would!

"Good. Once you can reach them, they'll escape and we'll meet them somewhere," Miriam explained. She was right. It did sound risky.

"Where will I wait? I can't keep the disguise, and as soon as I change, the hair dye will vanish."

"Yeah, I know," the woman replied. "Here's what we do. You can't stay with me or Rawsthorne. They probably aren't watching me, but I'd rather not risk it. My brother has a house about an hour away and he's on a ski trip in France. I have the key."

A very resourceful woman. Plus it sounded a sight more comfortable than hiding in a forest somewhere. "Miriam, I don't know how I will ever repay you..."

"Hush. It's not done yet," the D.A. said, but Celestia could tell she was smiling. "Anyway, we'll pick up the other two, then we'll go on a road trip. We should be fine once we're across the state line."

Celestia thought back to her arrival on Earth. She had gone to the auction house first, then to Rawsthorne, both had been long drives. "How far is it?"

"About a day and a half, maybe two. We'll go for as long as you can keep the disguise, then we'll take a motel room to rest," Miriam explained. "We can do this, Celly. Don't worry. Anything else?"

Having a plan was incredibly comforting. "No, thank you. I'll be here."

Miriam said her goodbyes and hung up. Celestia settled down to wait.