• Published 7th Apr 2020
  • 4,090 Views, 199 Comments

Off Duty - awf

After centuries of ruling Equestria without a single day off, Princess Celestia is driven to true desperation: selling herself into slavery as a vacation on Earth, the one place she can go without being recognized.

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Chapter 58

It took some doing, but Celestia finally finished reading the massive pile of letters Luna had simply stuck in her room during her 'reign'. A lot of them were simple to answer - requests for funds, or help, or guards. She tried very hard not to be annoyed with her sister. She could have dealt with those easily in the same way Celestia herself did: give them to the palace staff to sort out. There were quite a number of letters from the human authorities. Run of the mill stuff at first, but then sounding increasingly agitated and demanding when there were no replies. The last few were a bit scary with all the threats if she didn't respond immediately. She was nearly done, but then Celestia came to a different one. It didn't look official, just a simple, white envelope with an inexpertly folded bit of paper. It was hoof-written and it looked like the person's - well, hand, the alicorn decided - must have been shaking a little.

'Please, I beg of you, at least tell me what has happened to Shawn! Why are you not answering my letters???'
'It's been three weeks!! Where is my husband???'

There was no signature, but Celestia didn't need any. She swallowed a lump and opened another.

'Dir Sir or Madam, I hope this letter finds you well. My name is Rita Bennett and I am writing to ask you about my husband, Shawn Bennett. He has not been in touch with me for over two weeks and I am starting to worry.'
'The embassy assures me that he is merely held up for an important negotiation, but I would feel a lot better if I had confirmation from you as well.'
'Please remind Shawn that he should write and let me know when he is coming home. Thank you in advance. Sincerely, Rita Bennett'

That was probably her first letter, Celestia decided. She didn't open the others. It was easy to guess what they would contain. With a heavy heart, the mare stood up from her desk and went to look for the ambassador. It was late afternoon - shortly after court, but not yet time for dinner - so she headed for the royal wing. Bennett was usually in his room at this time. She knocked on his door and waited for the man to speak up before entering, as was polite.

"What is it?" he asked and tugged a little on the sleeves of his shirt. Celestia saw that he had just changed it, probably with the one on his bed.

"I will send a maid to get that and wash it, Mr. Bennett."

"Sure. Thanks. What was it you wanted?"

The mare blushed a little and silently levitated the papers to the human. He picked them out of the air and read the top one. In moments his brow furrowed and his lips pressed together in a thin line, but the ambassador didn't say anything. He opened the other envelopes and examined those letters, too.

Celestia shuffled a little on her hooves, but she didn't leave. It was best to face Mr. Bennett's anger head on.

"My wife told me she wrote these. I was wondering where they ended up," the man said quietly. He walked to his desk and dropped the stack in a drawer. The torn envelopes he crumpled up and tossed into the paper bin.

"I have only now gotten through the stack of paperwork my sister left for me. I wished to apologize again, Mr. Bennett. I had not realized you were married." Celestia decided to break the news she had been keeping as a surprise for the human. "I know it will not repay what you have suffered, but Luna and I would like to invite you to a little picnic. You may also invite your wife, if you would like."

The man leaned his head to the side and narrowed his eyes in suspicion. "Picnic? Why?"

Celestia kept her smile in place. "I have invited a famous griffin cook, who will prepare - I believe it's called 'barbecue'. You mentioned once that you miss it while you are in Equestria?"

Celestia was amused at how wide his eyes bulged and how the man opened and shut his mouth a few times in shock. "Barbecue?!" he managed, at last. "Don't you know what that is?"

The mare just nodded. She summoned all her powers of acting to keep her face smooth. "Yes. Bits of meat, burned on a grill - usually charcoal. The cook assured me he would bring some... 'prime cuts'?" That hit its mark. Celestia was watching Mr. Bennett's face closely and his tongue touched his lips at the mention of 'prime cuts'. She didn't like the sound of the word 'cut' in there, but Luna had insisted. That mare really wanted to get closer to the ambassador. Oh, but he was married! How had she not thought about that before? Celestia mentally berated herself. Of course he was indifferent to her sister! Even if he would be willing to consider ponies - in that way - he still had a wife! Luna would have to look for her 'interesting experience' someplace else.

"Okay, fine. I'll come, and I already squared it away with the missus, so it's fine," Bennett said, waking Celestia up from her thoughts.

"Oh. Of course." Se was about to leave, but paused for another thought. "I will arrange a nice bouquet of flowers for you to take to Mrs. Bennett. Along with a note of personal apology."

"Yeah. Sure."

"Mr. Ambassador?"

He had been getting thoughtful at the mention of flowers for his wife, but now the man looked up at Celestia again. "Yes?"

"I did not expect you to forgive your treatment that quickly. N-not that I am ungrateful! I was just curious."

He sighed. "I told you. Looks bad in front of my bosses if I let myself get thrown in a slammer!"

"There is more than that."

The man simply stood and looked at her for a while. It didn't seem like he would say anything more and Celestia turned to leave. Just before she was out of the door, he spoke up: "It's because of this place."

Celestia froze and looked back. Her tail swished and her muzzle scrunched up. "This place?"

The man spread his arms apart and sighed. "This country. Your country! Everyone is nice. It's refreshing after some of the places I've been."

After seeing Earth first-hoof, Celestia could believe it. "I see."

Now that he had started to explain, Bennett went on in a hurry: "I mean- anywhere else I'd never believe Luna's apology, but coming from a pony it really meant something. I was going to tell my boss everything and to hell with you all, but I decided to give you the benefit of the doubt."

Celestia came back inside, a faint smile on her muzzle. "I am very grateful you did, Mr. Bennett."

"Despite that... the prison- I'd still rather work with you than some of the rulers on Earth."

The mare closed her eyes and inclined her head in a small bow. When she looked up again the, man was fidgeting. His fingers seemed to play with one another and he bit his lip a little.

"When is this barbecue?" he asked.

"The day after Winter wrap-up. This weekend. Consider it a little celebration of spring!"

Celestia was on her way to the dining hall. She was looking for her sister to tell her the bad news. There would be no getting in Mr. Bennett's bed, unfortunately, but she was not to worry. There were more humans on Earth, many of whom would be happy to meet a pony princess. She was thinking though the - admittedly short - list of human males she knew, when a guard stopped her.

"Forgive me, Princess," he said with a small bow. "There is a visitor to see you. A human."

She immediately guessed Mr. Plain and all thought of Luna and the Ambassador fled from her mind. "Where?"

The stallion - a navy blue pegasus - extended a wing. "The small meeting room. I've already asked for refreshments."

The Princess inclined her head. "Good work. What is your name?"

He was one of the new recruits and seemed a little shy around royalty, but he answered in a crisp, clear voice. "Glory Tail, ma'am. From Baltimare."

"Thank you for bringing me this news, Glory Tail from Baltimare." She didn't wait to hear the reply. Whatever news Mr. Plain had brought was too important to her. It took some effort not to gallop, but Celestia kept her pace at a brisk trot. She passed a few ponies in the halls, but none of them commented. These days, the Princess was often in a hurry.

She burst into the room with the question already on her lips: "Plain! Any news from my friends?!"

The man already had a tray with a pot of his preferred tea. He was sipping from a cup and looking out the window at Canterlot. Whoever had brought the refreshment had been kind enough to include another cup for the princess. Despite her impatience there was protocol to follow. She poured for herself and joined Mr. Plain in admiring the view. The sun was fat and orange, low on the horizon and made the streets into a tapestry of gold and black. Her people were finishing up their business and many of them were gathering before the palace to see the Sisters' ceremony. She had very little time, so the mare hurried things along.


The man pointed to his open briefcase. There were several envelopes and Celestia felt her heart jump for joy. Her friends! Rawsthorne and Miriam and Glitter Dust. Hopefully, there was one from Glowbug and one from Silent Brook. And yes, even Heavy Hoof. She had been wondering how he and Belle Hop were doing. The one from Rawsthorne was the most important, so she opened that one first. She could read the others later.

Seeing that she would be occupied for a while, Mr. Plain turned back to the window and raised his cup to his lips again. As Celestia opened the folded paper her heart felt like it was going crazy. She murmured impatiently to herself.

"Please, let it be good news, please!"

Her eyes took in the lines of text.

'My dearest Celestia,' Rawsthorne had written,
'with Miriam's help I have managed to keep Rock Lichen with me. To facilitate this, I had to repay his owners, Mr. and Mrs. Williams, his full price which, along with the fine for our soirée at the border puts me in an uncomfortable position financially.'

The mare inhaled sharply at the news, but she kept reading.

'No matter. I am in the process of selling the house and concluding my affairs at work. Miriam is working on release papers for Rock Lichen, so if all goes well, we will both join you in about a month.'

Now Celestia knew she had a dopey smile on her face, but she didn't care. One month! Already? She had prepared herself to wait alone for a year, at least, but now it was barely turning spring and Rawsthorne was already on his way. She felt a pang of regret that he had to uproot his life so quickly, but she would ensure he was welcome in her castle to make up for it. Very welcome.

"Good news?" Mr. Plain asked. He had turned around and was looking at her expression.

Celestia smiled wider. "Yes! They are coming here, soon!"

The auctioneer shrugged. "Good for you. I never would have thought it possible. Not Rawsthorne."

She didn't reply, because the mare wanted to finish the letter.

'See you soon. Much love, Rawsthorne.'

Simple, yet heartfelt. Celestia thought of Lake Frond. How happy would the mare be to hear this news? She had gone to live with her parents and Celestia hadn't seen her in a while. She remembered the guard. Glory Tail from Baltimare. Yes, he would deliver her letter! With luck, Lake Frond would come to Canterlot to wait for her husband and they could catch up.

Right now, however, she was nearly late. Celestia grinned at the auctioneer. "Please, make yourself at home. I will have a room arranged for you and I will have letters for you to take back in the morning."

The man lifted up his cup, as if in a salute, but Celestia was already leaving. She gave her instructions to the first guardspony she saw in the hall. Mr. Plain would be taken care of and Glory Tail would be at her door first thing in the morning. Things were looking up. So excited was the mare that she completely forgot about Luna and Bennett. Besides, there was the sun to lower and dinner to have after that, and yes, she would of course invite Mr. Plain to dine with them!