• Published 7th Apr 2020
  • 4,090 Views, 199 Comments

Off Duty - awf

After centuries of ruling Equestria without a single day off, Princess Celestia is driven to true desperation: selling herself into slavery as a vacation on Earth, the one place she can go without being recognized.

  • ...

Chapter 44

Celestia was happy that the Laundromat was completely empty. It really was a thing of the past. She had her pick from the rows of huge washing machines, so she selected the one that seamed the least beaten up. Even better, it was easily large enough for all the washing she had to do. There was a lot of it. Bedclothes and garments were only the start of it. After a brief consideration, she had also taken the fabric from the couch pillows, the curtains and the table cloth. Now the thing was churning in its endless cycle and the mare, disguised as Supple Branch in public of course, sat on the uncomfortable seat and waited. She hoped Silent Brook would be back soon with Glitter Dust's reply, or preferably, the pegasus herself. She glanced from the machine right in front of her to the other one. She had picked the two cleanest - one for white cloth and one for colored and black. Learning about that particular problem had been fun. Rawsthorne's shirt had been ruined, but luckily the human didn't mind too much.

If the little display could be believed, it would take another hour to finish washing. After that - Celestia glanced around her at yet another row of big, blocky machines - she would have to move it all into two dryers. It would end up costing four dollars. Not too expensive. Just time consuming and infinitely boring!

Celestia looked around and saw a stack of magazines. She went to inspect them, immediately spotted the title and said it out loud from sheer surprise: "How to please your man?!" She blushed and looked around to make sure no one was looking. Why would humans put stuff like that in a magazine was beyond her, but with the knowledge right there, she could certainly use it if she ever saw Rawsthorne again.

That thought threatened to make her sad and the mare shook her head. No! She'd see him again. Maybe not in the next few days, but as soon as she got home, she would have Mr. Plain send Rawsthorne a message - and an invitation. He was bound to say yes! She picked up the magazine and opened it. It couldn't hurt to read it, could it? Even an old pony like herself could do with learning a few new tricks.

"Hey Supple!" The cheerful voice interrupted Celestia right in the middle of 'blowjob like a porn star', and she hurriedly shoved the shameful thing under her rump with a faint squeak.

"Uh, h-hello!" She looked wildly around herself, right into the eyes of smiling Glitter Dust. That was enough to overpower the embarrassment, so she jumped from the seat and gave her friend a warm hug. It had only been a day, but somehow it felt longer.

Glitter Dust sat right on the floor and kept her smile. "So, Silent tells me you wanted to see me."

Celestia bobbed her head. "Yes! I need you to send a message to Gregory."

This made Glitter Dust's face fall. "Uh, dunno if that's such a good idea, Supple," she began slowly. At least she was using the right name, Celestia thought. They were the only three in the laundromat, but one could never be too careful.

"Why not?"

"You got out of there just in time. The feds came to Maggie, asking questions. She never saw you... as you are, so she couldn't tell them much. They even asked me stuff! I think that put them off the trail, but you should still be careful for a while."

It was alarming news. The people looking for her were clever and thorough. They went after Rawsthorne, Mr. Plain and now Maggie and Glitter Dust. Undoubtedly they would ask any others Rawsthorne had had contact with.

"What did you tell them?"

The pegasus glanced at her a little sideways, as if insulted. "Nothing, of course. I never suspected you were an alicorn. I just knew you as 'Supple Branch'. I don't know where you are now."

Celestia smiled with relief.

Silent Brook piped up: "They won't find you here. Humans mostly don't know about me. A cop told me once that I'm not even in the computer. 'Cause I got in the country through the military and no one bothered to register me or something." He was at the same time irritated by the fact and slightly proud of it.

She was relieved, but the fact still put a damper in her plans. "Well, I need to get a message to Gregory. Isn't there anything you can do?"

The pegasus sighed. "Give me it and I'll try in a couple of days if things settle down a little."

The alicorn grinned. "Thank you! Just tell him you looked at the sun and it was very interesting, so he should, too." She hoped her human would put it together. 'Look at the sun' should be clear enough that he should come see her. "Oh, and I really like this laundromat. It's so quiet."

That last bit was a hint for the pegasus, more than Rawsthorne. It really did look like a good place to meet, Silent Brook was right in that.

Glitter Dust shrugged a little. "Okay, guess he'll know what you mean?"

Celestia just nodded.

"Perfect. I have to go now. Maggie drove me here. She's waiting in the car."

As soon as she was gone, Silent Brook put his hoof on the seat. Too late Celestia saw that the magazine was still open on the incriminating page.

"Why are you reading up on how to pleasure humans?" he asked in a flat voice.

She was instantly blushing again. "I w-was curious and bored. It was just the first thing I grabbed..." She couldn't quite meet his eyes, and that probably told him everything about Rawsthorne and her.

"Uh huh," he said slowly, unconvinced. He slid the magazine away and sat. "So, what's next?"

The mare glanced at the machines. "The dryer."

It made the stallion chortle a little. "I meant after that. Just go home and wait for Glitter?"

"Something like that. How were your dreams tonight?"

Silent Brook glanced away from her. "Same as usual. Not too bad."

"I will try again tonight. I'm sorry."

He waved a dismissive hoof. "Thanks for trying, anyway."

The Princess thought about how to really help the stallion. Given enough time she could probably do it herself, but there were ponies who specialized in this kind of thing, especially after the Earth-portal. "Are you sure I cannot convince you to come home with me? There must be-"

He was already shaking his head. "No. Thanks, but no," Silent Brook said. His eyes focused on the house, which was just visible through the shop window. "He needs me."

His loyalty was truly heartwarming. She sighed and joined her friend on the seat. She didn't have wings in her disguise, but she put her foreleg around him. After a moment, the stallion relaxed and leaned against her. They watched the machines turning their laundry around and around.

Celestia avoided the living room where Saul was sitting on the couch watching the TV and smoking. He had immediately sent the stallion out for more cigarettes, but seemed to be ignoring the mare still. She didn't mind too much and went about replacing all the fabric she had stripped from the house. She hung the curtain up - making sure the human wasn't looking in her direction while she used the magic - then stepped back to inspect her hoofwork.

It wouldn't do. Now the walls were a distinct contrast against the curtains. How did you make walls that yellow?! She really would have to try and come up with a spell to whiten them. Maybe yet another variation of her dusting magic? While she considered the problem, Celestia took her load of washed cloth and went into the master bedroom on the ground floor. She had cleaned in there before, but it still felt strange. Everywhere, on everything she could smell, there was just Saul. It almost felt like cheating on Rawsthorne. She didn't want to stay in that room too long, so she quickly fitted the sheet and spread the blanket on the bed. A bit of surreptitious magic rapidly folded Saul's clothes and stacked them in their proper places in wardrobes and dressers and drawers. Then she spotted the ashtray on the nightstand. It was overflowing with ashes and cigarette butts. Celestia rolled her eyes in exasperation. She was sure she had cleaned the room the previous day. The human must have brought it with him when he went to bed. Smoking in bed? That was a fire hazard if ever she saw one. The drawer was slightly open, too. She pushed it closed, but not before she spotted a glint of black metal.

Her breath caught and the mare froze on the spot. It was as if her blood had suddenly been replaced by ice. She had heard of them. Of course she had - even back in Equestria, and she had seen them on TV, but this was the real thing. Celestia couldn't help her curiosity. It was wrong and the thing was evil, but she wanted to look at it. Her ear turned toward the door, but the TV was still blaring and Saul was still on the couch. She heard the springs squeak a little as he shifted. Then, heart hammering, she gently pulled the drawer open. It didn't make a sound.

There it was.

A black, metal thing. More blocky than the ones she had seen in movies. She was almost afraid to touch it, even with magic, but she did so anyway and lifted the gun up to the light. Some letters were embossed on the side. They didn't make much sense, except for a word: 'beretta'. She wondered what it meant. The weapon was obviously made for hands. There was no way for a pony to operate one, except maybe a unicorn. The loop where a human would put his finger was far too small and the grip would fit a palm, not a hoof. Trying to hold the thing steady would be a nightmare for a pony. Just out of curiosity, she let it float down into her upturned hoof so she could feel the physical weight of it. It was heavier than she expected.

"What the FUCK are you doing in there?!" The yell came from the door. So much had Celestia focused on the evil little thing that she hadn't heard the human move!

"EEP! Sorry! Sorry!" She quickly let the gun drop back into the drawer and stepped aside.

The human, irate and red in his face pushed past her and picked it back up. "What did you do?! Why were you looking for my gun?!"

The alicorn couldn't help noticing that he gripped the handle and put his finger in the loop with the trigger. For now it wasn't pointed at her, but she knew it was a definite possibility if Saul didn't like her answers.

Gulping in fear, Celestia thought quickly. She could probably protect herself with magic, but then she would have to leave and the crazy human would take it out on Silent Brook. It wasn't fair.

Truth was her best defense. She didn't have to think about her expression because it was already quite pitiful. Large, sad eyes. Ears folded flat. Lips slightly parted in terror. Tail tucked in and her forehooves so close together that they were touching.

"I'm very sorry, Mr. Saul. I was cleaning in here and I saw it. I know I shouldn't have, but I wanted to look. I was very careful, I swear!"

He was obviously expecting denial, so the admission shocked him. He stared through suspicious eyes, unsure what to make of it. His hand with the gun lowered and the dreadful barrel was pointing at the floor now.

Then the door burst open and Silent Brook called out: "Saul here are your damned smokes." His hooves rang on the floor as the stallion went to check in the living room. It was empty, of course.

"Saul? Supple?" the pony was calling out as he walked through the kitchen back to the hall.

Celestia saw something strange. As Silent Brook was calling for him, the human looked at the gun in horror, then at the door. He seemed afraid. In moments, he stuck the weapon back in the nightstand and pushed the drawer closed.

"One word and you're dead!" he threatened.

Celestia just nodded quietly, then the human left her and went to meet the stallion.

"There you are! Smokes are on the coffee table. You're welcome!" He had purchased them with Celestia's money, but she didn't mind. Anything to ingratiate herself with the pair. She hadn't known how long she would have to live with them, after all.

"Who the fuck is she, horse?! Who did you drag home?" the human yelled.

It caught Silent Brook by surprise, but he went instantly on the defensive. "What? She's a friend, Saul."

Maybe they didn't realize she could hear. Celestia quickly followed the human out and made sure the stallion saw her.

"Yeah?! Barging into our lives like that? Poking through my stuff?" the man demanded.

Her pony friend stared at Celestia for a moment in surprise, but then glared up at his owner. "She was probably cleaning, Saul. You know? The stuff we ought to do ourselves every now and then!"

It didn't help. The tall man pointed a trembling finger at the mare. "Well, she was going through my stuff! I want her out of here, now!"

This was very bad news and Celestia took a step back at the accusation.

"Hah! Like you have stuff to hide! You're just a paranoid drunk, Saul. Let it go!" Silent Brook argued.

Why she said it, Celestia could never quite figure out. It seemed like the right thing at the right moment. It was obvious that Saul didn't want the stallion to know he kept a gun nearby and Silent Brook already knew. She needed to break that wall between them and get them talking. Really talking, not just shouting obscenities. Besides, if she had to leave anyway, there wasn't much of a danger.

"I accidentally found the gun, Silent Brook. I should not have, but I picked it up to look and I'm sorry."

Saul made a passable impression of a goldfish as he stared at her with his mouth opening and closing. Then he advanced on her. "I'll strangle you! Tattling little bitch!"

Silent Brook was faster and placed himself between her and the human. If he was angry about her telling Saul, he didn't show it. "Give it up, Saul. I already knew you have a gun there."

Now that incredulous stare was focused on the stallion. "You what?" the man asked in quiet surprise. He didn't shout it and his arms fell to his side, which Celestia took as good signs.

"Face it, you son of a bitch. You've got problems. Hah! I've got problems, too! It's more common than you think. We're both messed up in the head. Of course I know you have your gun in the drawer!"

It took Saul some time to answer. He didn't meet their eyes. "I kept it for the day you stopped coming back."

There it was! The first step! Celestia nudged Silent Brook forward with a well-aimed hoof to the rump. He stumbled and the human reflexively caught him, falling to his knees as he did so. The stallion looked up. "Why the fuck do you think I keep coming back, you idiot? To stop you from going off the deep end! It's not for your sunny personality, you know?"

Celestia smiled at the little jab. It was important he spoke naturally. Saul would know it was honest. The man was hard to read. His lips pressed together and he just watched the pony silently. But he didn't remove his hands from Silent Brook's shoulders.

Then Saul looked up at Celestia.

"She's a friend, Saul. You can trust her. I do. With my life," the stallion said gently.

Still Saul said nothing and after a few seconds, their moment of closeness was over. He stood up with a grunt and left. The ponies listened to heavy footsteps, then the tormented squeak of the couch and finally, the tearing of paper as Saul opened his new cigarettes pack.

At long last, Silent Brook looked at his alicorn friend. "Stupid," he commented. "Stupid, but ballsy. How'd you know that'd work? He might have killed us both."

She looked down in shame. "I d-didn't."

"Lucky, then."

The mare pointed. "Go and talk with him. You two need to talk it out. It's not going to get better if you just yell and swear at each other."

Silent Brook shrugged. "Dunno what to talk about."

The Princess rolled her eyes. "Tell him what you told me. How much you appreciated him visiting you in that cage in the desert. Start with that."

The stallion looked at her suspiciously. "And what will you do?"

The alicorn smiled. "I'll finish with the laundry, then I will begin cooking lunch."