• Published 7th Apr 2020
  • 4,090 Views, 199 Comments

Off Duty - awf

After centuries of ruling Equestria without a single day off, Princess Celestia is driven to true desperation: selling herself into slavery as a vacation on Earth, the one place she can go without being recognized.

  • ...

Chapter 34

Celestia paced nervously up and down the living room as she and Rawsthorne waited for their visitors. Her visitors, actually. Or maybe 'jury' was the better term.

"It's just the three of them, right?" On the one hoof, the alicorn was relieved she wouldn't have to deal with all her friends' accusing glares at once, but on the other hoof, she would need to go through it multiple times. Twice, with any luck, if she could get in touch with Silent Brook.

"Yeah. Maggie said yes and the Wiliamses let Lake Frond and Rock Lichen come. I couldn't get Peter or Patrick." That meant no Heavy Hoof, at least. And no Belle Hop. There was a pause as Rawsthorne counted in his mind. "Oh, and that other one, what was it? He usually comes alone... the one from the park..."

"Silent Brook."

The human snapped his fingers. "Right! I don't think I've even met his owners."

Celestia believed it. The stallion, it seemed, came and went as he pleased. Maybe Glitter Dust would have a way to reach him - she had said that Brook sometimes came by her store to say hello. The mare realized that her question had been entirely pointless. She had been there in his office when Rawsthorne called each owner and asked. She heard their replies through his phone.

It had just been something to say. An attempt to distract herself, the mare guessed. "What about Glowbug?" She hadn't been in his office when he spoke with the old lady.

"Oh, Mrs. Turner said she was sorry, but her daughter is coming to visit and she wants Glowbug to help with cooking."

The changeling already knew, so the alicorn didn't mind her absence, but having a sympathetic face in the little crowd would have been comforting. Amazing how quickly things changed, Celestia thought. A week ago she had been very uneasy about what was essentially a mortal enemy, but now she was sad that Glowbug wouldn't attend. Maybe if a changeling could accept her deception, the others would too?

A hand on her withers halter her pacing and the pony looked at Rawsthorne, who was sitting on the couch. At least he wasn't mad anymore! In fact, Celestia now remembered, he had helped immensely when Wendy accosted them at the reception in the morning. It would have taken Celestia a lot longer to convince the receptionist that nothing sinister was behind the previous night's phone call.

Her owner - funny how hard that expression was to shake off - came up with a simple, yet effective explanation. Incredible! She was just a very rare type of pony - very expensive - so they didn't wish to draw too much attention. It was all true, too! Wendy was most understanding and apologized profusely for posting that picture without asking. She even removed it from Facebook straight away.

That reminded Celestia. "Oh! Did you get all the others from the party?!"

Rawsthorne needed a moment to catch up, but then he shrugged a little. "Most," he replied. "Christine promised she would talk with the ones we couldn't reach."

The mare sagged in relief. The fact that the fingers had started to massage her neck also helped. "Thank you, Greg. I can't express my gratitude for your help. I really should have considered these things before."

She didn't mind that the humans took pictures of her - as a Princess, Celestia was so used to it that she automatically smiled and looked at the cameras, but she should have asked the people not to put the photos on the public Internet. Most of them, it turned out, were quite reasonable. She had heard them agree easily as Rawsthorne dialled little Sally's entire guest list.

Telling him, Celestia decided, had been a very good decision. Even the people who had already put her pictures online agreed to remove them. Her human really did have a way with words and the mare was immensely proud and grateful.

"Mmm." She closed her eyes and gave in to the marvellous scritching. "I'll have to think up some reward for all your help, Greg."

"A big one, yes," the human agreed. It made the mare blink her eyes open in surprise.

"I thought you were more modest."

He shook his head. "Not after the stunt you pulled!" Rawsthorne said pointedly. He even raised an admonitory finger at her!

Celestia suddenly felt a chill go down her spine. "I'm not off the hook yet, am I?"

The human shook his head again. "Not by a long shot. I'll help you clean up this mess, Celestia, but then we're going to have a Talk."

She practically heard the capital letter in the last word. It made her give a little whimper of concern. The mare swallowed a lump and sought out her bravery. "Y-you... I said you c-could belt me again, if- if it helps..." She left the question hanging in the air hopefully. Better that than sending her home! Maybe if she showed some contrition, she wouldn't even get that much.

"I'll do that, yes," Rawsthorne agreed. She stared at the matter-of-fact tone.

"Uh, I didn't... Really?!" The mare pulled away from the human's touch. Her mouth gaped open in shock. She had accepted the punishment! Suggested it, even. Rawsthorne wasn't supposed to insist, especially not now when he knew who she was!

"Yes." His tone was too calm. Celestia searched his face and tried to decide if it was a joke. Damn these unreadable human expressions!


The man steepled his fingers and inspected the mare for a moment. "Because you deserve it and, like you said, because you never get punished."

She couldn't quite wrap her mind around his reasoning. "But you've punished me... several times!" The memory was enough to make her blush in embarrassment and look away.

"Yes, while you were Celestia, maid," Rawsthorne explained patiently. "Now I know you're Princess Celestia, ruler of a nation, and you have behaved like an irresponsible child toward me and your people. So you'll get spanked like one."

Celestia opened her mouth to point out the glaring, obvious flaw in his reasoning, but she couldn't immediately spot it. She suddenly realized that she was dreading this spanking like no other!


She had taken two without problems. What was different this time?! It hit her: Back then, Rawsthorne had thought her just a regular pony. So she had taken it as a game - as an act. She could have stopped it at any moment and the knowledge had given her the confidence she needed. This time it wouldn't be an act. Both she and Rawsthorne knew exactly who she was and this time, she had to take it. No escape. Of course Celestia could magic her way out and prevent Rawsthorne from hurting her, but that would just prove to him she was a fake and a coward and, ironically, that would hurt her more.

There was no real choice. Princess Celestia would have to take her humiliating, richly deserved punishment. It was a different kind of error. Previous beltings have been due to her miscalculations as a mare. This one was due to her blunder as the Princess.

She was afraid of this punishment. It showed her, in very clear ways, that she was fallible. It wasn't exactly news, but never before in her long reign had the alicorn been faced with that knowledge in such a direct manner. Luna had been correct from the very beginning. The plan was madness, foolishness! Except not because of personal danger - her Sister had been wrong on that part. It was a bad idea because of disrespect toward her ponies! She would pay for belittling their suffering.

Her ears folded down as Celestia came to the conclusion. The punishment was unavoidable. It was out of her hooves and Rawsthorne knew this perfectly well.

Celestia swallowed and tried very hard to keep her voice stead. "I un-understand. Of course, Gregory. I accept the punishment."

The doorbell rang. "Good," the human said and stood up. "We'll decide on the details later. Deal with your friends first."

A small mercy, at least. Putting it off didn't help too much, but Celestia was happy about the respite. She wouldn't have to think about the upcoming spanking for a while. Her subjects would take all her concentration.

As they had agreed beforehoof, Rawsthorne would entertain Maggie, who was driving the lot, so Celestia could would have the privacy to explain herself to the ponies. It suddenly seemed like a bad idea. The mare wished her human would be there when she told them. She heard the front door open and quickly changed into Supple Branch. The alicorn wanted a chance to explain before showing them. Her heart was going into overdrive as her friends filed into the room. Glitter Dust was familiar with the house so she led the way, but they were all confused and bewildered. Celestia didn't think their owners deigned to tell the ponies why they were there. In fact, the humans themselves didn't know much! Rawsthorne had been very discreet.

"Supple? What was this about an urgent meeting?" Lake Frond asked. The three relaxed a little when they saw their friend.

"Yeah," added the pegasus, "what's wrong? Did something happen?"

More than ever before Celestia wished she could be elsewhere. Anyplace! At that moment, the alicorn would rather fight Discord again, or Tirek, or Sombra! She would be less afraid. Her heart wouldn't feel as if it was about to explode. Even her legs were trembling and the ears, flat against her skull, no longer obeyed her.

"Supple? You look like you've seen a ghost!" Rock Lichen said, smiling at the little joke, but when Celestia failed to give a reaction, the stallion's face fell.

"Please, everypony. H-have a seat." Why did she suddenly feel like a filly at her first poetry recital? A filly who had neglected to learn the poems and everyone was staring and waiting for her to begin. She was used to speaking in front of a crowd, even when she had bad news. She just wasn't accustomed to owning up to a blunder of her own make. The alicorn swallowed and looked at the worried, expectant faces before her. She tried a reassuring smile, but it fled from her muzzle in a few seconds.

"Don't worry, whatever happened - we're here for you, sweetie," Lake Frond said encouragingly.

Disappointing them, that was the big problem, Celestia realized. She would have to tell them that their friend had lied about the most important thing. Who she was. Undoubtedly their trust would vanish, but the alicorn hoped there would be enough reverence for the Princess left to allow her to explain.

"I'm... I-" She swallowed again and sat down. Her rump hit the carpet and the mare looked down miserably. Nothing for it, but to come out. "I've been lying to you."

The mare dared a glance up, but all she met were three confused expressions.

"Oh?" Glitter Dust asked first. "About what?"

"Everything. I'm n-not really 'Supple Branch'. It's a disguise." Three faces blinked in surprise, but none of them spoke. Celestia just pushed forward. "Y-you see, I wanted to get away from my life. So I came up with this ruse to stay on Earth for a while. As a-"

This was the bitter word. This was where she made light of their situation.

"-a vacation."

There was the sound of giggling. Lake Frond had her hooves before her mouth. "Vacation!? Earth? Whatever gave you that idea?!" she asked between laughter, but Glitter Dust was staring.

"Okay, who are you then?" the pegasus asked suspiciously. "Why would you need a disguise? Are you a changeling?!"

The earth pony couple gasped and hugged each other at the revelation. Even Celestia was shocked. She tried to read Glitter Dust's expression. Did the pegasus know about Glowbug? If so, how? And why hadn't she told anypony else? Maybe it had just been a lucky guess.

"No, nothing like that, I promise. I'm a... pony."

They all noticed the pause. "Then who?" Rock Lichen demanded. His wife had gotten worried after the accusation and the pair still held hooves.

The alicorn closed her eyes and said it. "I'm Princess Celestia."

There was silence. When she looked again, the three were just staring.

"What?!" both Rock Lichen and Lake Frond shouted at the same time. Glitter Dust jumped from the couch and advanced on the disguised alicorn. "Is this some kind of sick joke, Supple?" the pegasus demanded. "How did you get Mr. Rawsthorne to get us here? It's not funny, you know!"

Celestia sighed. "Please, everypony, stay calm. I'm in disguise. I didn't want anypony to worry if they saw me, but the receptionist at Gregory's law firm took a picture. I didn't know she would put it on the Internet!"

Her friends looked at each other, then back at her. Lake Frond also lowered herself from the couch and joined the pegasus in her inspection. "Okay, let me get this straight. You - Princess Celestia - somehow got shorter, removed your horn and wings and dyed your fur and mane, so you could... take a vacation on Earth?!"

It sounded like a very bad joke, especially coming from a mouth that wasn't hers. "It's a spell..."

"Prove it!" Glitter Dust demanded angrily. "I don't appreciate being made fun of, Supple. Prove it."

She gulped again. There would be no going back. "Okay, s-stand back."

She took a few steps backward to give herself room. Then she released the spell. A flash of light and she stood before them. Suddenly, Celestia wished she had her hoofguards and peytral. She felt entirely naked without it.

There were three little gasps and a thud of hooves as Rock Lichen joined his wife on the floor. They all bowed. "P-princess!" Glitter Dust gasped, "f-forgive me! I didn't mean t-to-"

"No!" Her voice was urgent and she fell down on her belly before her prostrating subjects. "Please, none of that! I don't... deserve it."

They slowly rose up, staring in wonder. "I never thought I'd see you again, Princess!" the stallion mumbled quietly. He was smiling and that was making it worse.

"You should have said sooner," Lake Frond insisted. "Uh, m-majesty!"

"No titles, please! On Earth, I'm no more special than you. Less! I lied and pretended and used Gregory for a very selfish purpose."

Glitter was the first to get over her amazement and shock. "Why would you take a vacation on Earth?!"

Celestia took a deep sigh. It would take some explaining.

"Okay, okay, let's say we understand. Thousands of years, no time off. Anywhere you went ponies come to you with their problems,..." Rock Lichen paused, trying to understand. "But why Earth? It's so dangerous. Who knows what might have happened! What if someone got you who wasn't as nice as Mr. Rawsthorne?"

The alicorn had glossed over that part a little, so she went back to it. She leaned back again the chair a little for support. After that explanation, all her muscles felt weak like water. Her friends were seated on the couch and she had pulled up the comfy armchair for herself.

"Actually, I made sure the auctioneer - Mr. Plain - found someone who would sign a contract on how to treat me. I've had to deal with Mr. Plain a few times and I knew I could trust him to keep his word."

The ponies nodded. There was a bit of silence, so Celestia brought up the dragon in the room.

"So, I am very sorry for lying to you and I will understand if you're upset with me, but I do need your help."

Glitter Dust frowned. She was the only one who had showed any annoyance at the deception. Maybe because Celestia hadn't really spent much time with the other two. The pegasus probably thought they were friends. That they had told each other everything.

"Well..." Rock Lichen began, unsure of how to say it. The stallion blushed a little, but his wife came to rescue.

"It wasn't the nicest thing, Princess, but we understand. We're just glad you're not really a slave."

Celestia moved her gaze to the pegasus. "I'm really sorry, Glitter. I'm not very proud of it, you know? I'll understand if you don't wish to be my friend anymore."

The mare groaned a little and threw her hooves up in exasperation. "Fine! Fine. Apology accepted."

That cleared the air a little, but maybe a bit more was called for. "In fact, I have agreed that Gregory should punish me for the deception."

Three sets of eyes widened. "Princess! I don't think that's-" Rock Lichen began uneasily.

The alicorn smiled gently. "It's quite alright. I deserve it. In fact, I proposed the punishment."

It wasn't entirely a lie. Just a slightly bent truth. Enough to mollify the stallion.

"Well, if you think it best. Just please make sure those pictures don't end up on the Internet, or you will have a revolt on your hooves, Princess."

"Please, just 'Celestia'." She had asked them to call her that several times, but habits died hard, it seemed. From a very early age, all her ponies were taught to call her and Luna 'Princess'. It was hard to undo that.

"You said you needed our help, P- uh... Celestia," the earth mare asked. She blushed as she corrected herself, but it was a start.

"Yes. Glitter Dust, you said a lot of ponies saw the picture of me on the Internet. Do you have their names. Can you contact them?"

The pegasus mare shook her head. "Sorry. Wendy removed the photo and all the comments went with it. No way to tell now."

Her ears drooped a little at the news. She had had a plan, but it looked like she wouldn't be able to implement it, after all. "Oh."

"Why?" the pegasus asked.

There was no harm in telling them her idea. "I thought we could contact each of those ponies and tell them about me. That was the help I needed. Not about the vacation, of course, but there is something else."

"I don't think we should lie, Princess," the stallion pointed out.

"Oh, no, it wouldn't be a lie, Rock Lichen. I'm helping Gregory with a court case involving ponies. Have you heard of that?"

The couple shook their heads, but Glitter raised a hoof. "Oh, yeah! I read about that once. Some ponies were foal-napped, but the humans were caught and now they're going to trial."

"Indeed! It is an important trial. It will decide if those homes committed theft, or foal-napping."

"Theft?!" Lake Frond burst out. "How is it theft?! They took ponies!"

"Exactly, but it seems some humans are trying to get the criminals a lighter sentence by convincing everyone that foal-napping ponies is merely theft. I am helping to convict them of the full crime."

Now the faces were approving and admiring. All three of her friends were smiling. "Way to go, Princess!" Rock Lichen said proudly. "Whatever we can do to help!"

Celestia nodded. "I need time. I won't appear in court, because that will be a very public affair. It will be in newspapers and I have been seen too much as it is. If the human leaders knew I was here, there would be trouble, you understand? My visit isn't exactly... 'diplomatically authorized'."

After a fashion, they all nodded. "So, that's why the disguise," Rock Lichen pointed out.

"Yes, exactly. I need to remain in hiding for as long as the prosecuting people need my help, and the humans, especially, must not find out who I really am, or else all my testimony would be dismissed."

It was rather simplified, but she didn't want to bother her friends with exact legal terms. She also neglected to mention that she only wore the disguise where ponies were liable to see her. Now that she looked back, she should have the disguise at all times in public.

The people at Rawsthorne's firm knew her as the alicorn, so she'd have to keep that the same, at least. "I was hoping you could contact all the ponies who saw that picture and assure them that the Princess is not really a slave. That I am helping make laws to protect them, so they shouldn't draw undue attention to who I am and I wish everypony to know that I am working hard to get them all home."

She saw a quick flash of disappointment on Glitter Dust's muzzle and quickly corrected: "At least those who wish to go home, and those who stay shouldn't be slaves. It will take time, but that is my goal."

The three looked at each other, then the pegasus spoke up: "Well, we could mention it in the pony chat group we have on Facebook. There's a lot of members."

The alicorn was flabbergasted. "Pony chat group?!"

"Yeah," Glitter went on. "Somepony made a group on Facebook just for ponies. You need to have a video chat with at least two members to prove you're not a human, so there definitely aren't any humans in there. We could tell everypony there, and they'd tell their friends." The mare shrugged a little and began smiling. "In a couple of days, most ponies on Earth would have your message, Princess."

It was amazing news and the alicorn grinned widely. "That would be perfect! Can you do that, Glitter Dust?" There was something else which bothered her suddenly. The Princess tried to put her hoof on it. "Wait, why don't I know about this pony chat group?"

The pegasus leaned her head to the side. "Well, you're not on Facebook and I haven't been on it much, lately. I guess it just slipped my mind. Those two don't use their computers much and Heavy Hoof and Belle Hop just use Skype for video chat." She shrugged a little to herself. "I guess it got a little quieter lately - a lot of the ponies went home."

At least some good news, Celestia thought. "Well, there are still enough ponies in it to spread the message?"

"Of course! I'll do it as soon as I get home. Anyway, what about the others?"


"You know, Belle Hop, Silent Brook, Glowbug-" the pegasus started, then put her hoof over her mouth and gasped. "Holy crap," she swore, "Heavy Hoof! Nopony say anything to him, alright?! I will tell him in person!"

The couple looked strangely at her. "Why?"

Now there was an evil grin on her face when the mare took her hoof away. "I wanna see the look on his muzzle when I tell him he's had video sex with a Princess!" All four of them blushed at the thought. Then Glitter gasped again and covered her mouth once more. "I have y-your... eep!"

Celestia remembered the toy she had let the pegasus 'borrow'. They couldn't meet each other's eyes.

"So, that's why it was so... big," the poor pony squeaked. After a moment, Rock Lichen and Lake Frond caught up and also looked away in embarrassment. Obviously the pegasus had told them about it. They waited in silence.

"Well. I can't tell you all how grateful I am for your help and how relieved that you aren't angry at me for the lie."

That moved them past the awkward. The earth mare smiled. "Of course, Princess! We know you have good reasons. You haven't led us wrong yet. We trust you." The other two nodded.

"Thank you!" Celestia had tears in her eyes. Such loyalty even after she had - for all intents and purposes - abandoned them on Earth. She would find a way to get them home, or ensure they had the rights they deserved on Earth! The alicorn swore it to herself again.

"You'll tell the others, too?"

"Yes, but it would help if we did a video chat, so they could see for themselves," Glitter Dust suggested.

"Good idea. I will be on Skype each night, whenever you need me."

The three jumped from the couch and she went to embrace them. Then they bowed again, making her blush a little. She still didn't feel she deserved it. "Come on, let's go tell Maggie to drive us home," the pegasus said. "Bye, Princess!"

Celestia watched them go. As soon as the door closed, she collapsed into the couch. It had gone a lot better than she had any right to expect, but now she was wrung out. The uncertainty with Rawsthorne, the hard day at work, and the emotional roller coaster of telling her friends. The mare didn't think she had the mental energy to get up to her room. Maybe Rawsthorne would carry her. She would try and convince him. Then there was the punishment.

She trembled at the thought, but now it was imperative she got what she deserved. Hopefully, the man could be persuaded to make it a Friday, so her bruises would have at least a few days to heal before she displayed them at work. Undoubtedly Wendy would ask questions, so she would have to come up with a good reason, and Denis would probably make jokes. She could imagine his smirk so clearly that Celestia made a face.

"That unpleasant?" Rawsthorne asked.

She opened her eyes in wonder. The mare hadn't heard the human come in! "No, thinking about Denis. What he'll say when he sees my rump on Monday. Please, can we do the belting on Friday, so I have a couple of days at least to heal?"

Rawsthorne laughed and reached over to pat her mane. "Sure, I think that's acceptable."

"Oh, and can you carry me to bed?"

The human just kept laughing. "Come on. Up to your hooves and in the bathroom. If you're not ready for bed in ten minutes, you're sleeping in your own room."

That worked. Celestia stuck her tongue out at him, but she did drag herself to her hooves.She went slowly out of the room and up the stairs with only minimal grumbling at the unfairness of it all.