• Published 7th Apr 2020
  • 4,090 Views, 199 Comments

Off Duty - awf

After centuries of ruling Equestria without a single day off, Princess Celestia is driven to true desperation: selling herself into slavery as a vacation on Earth, the one place she can go without being recognized.

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Chapter 29

The moment Celestia opened her eyes, she knew something was different. The light was strange. True - she had slept a little later than usual, but the room was still too bright. Not that she particularly minded that, she was just curious.

Waking up in Master's bed was to be enjoyed, whatever the weather. The arms were still around her and the mare could feel Rawsthorne breathing against her neck. She smiled. Apparently the alicorn wasn't the only one to enjoy sleeping in after a hard week. She hardly remembered getting into his bed, but she was glad she did, and more glad that the human hadn't simply thrown her out and sent her to her own room.

It was a mark of her progress!

Right now, however, she was stiff and curious about the strange light and her owner was lying on her mane, making any movement quite impossible. Regrettably, he would have to be shifted.

"Uh, Greg?"

The arm slid up her barrel, but there was no other response. She tried again. "Wake up."

This time it worked. Her human moved and yawned. Most importantly, he rolled to his back and off the hair. It allowed the mare to stretch out her legs and sit up.

Then she looked out the window.


Rawsthorne sprang bolt upright with a crazed look in his eyes, but she didn't notice, because she had already jumped from the bed. Her hooves pattered on the rug in a fast, excited little dance. Any sleepiness or stiffness was instantly gone.


She was squealing with delight, but the pony didn't much care. She fluttered her wings a little and ran in a tight circle around the room. "SNOW SNOW SNOW!"

She had been waiting for it! All the rain and the cold - it was bound to happen, but the uncertainty had been unbearable! Now it was finally there! Celestia didn't notice the bewildered look Rawsthorne gave her, nor his confused expression as he looked out the window. She jumped on the bed and hugged the human, even as she flailed her tail around wildly in excitement.

"Yes! Yesyesyes! Finally! Come on! COME ON!"

Before he could answer, she leapt back down and scampered out of the room. Her flank hit the opposite wall in her haste, but the pony didn't much care. She practically flew down the stairs and possibly left skid marks on the hardwood where she landed. In moments she had opened the door and burst outside, into the white, virgin world. She stopped in the driveway and inspected the ground with a big smile.

Her legs were sunk in the soft, puffy blanket up to her ankles. She kicked at it and noted that it clumped easily - perfect for a snowball! Then she twirled in a circle, trying to see everything. The roof had a blanket of white. So did the hedge. The hillside and trees were faint splotches of green and brown under pristine white. Only the road was its customary ugly black, but Celestia didn't let it bother her. It was winter, there was snow, and she was going to a children's birthday party, where there would be cake and - undoubtedly - a good, exhilarating snowball fight!

Surely the young humans would enjoy building a snow pony! Then, when they came back inside, wet and cold, but ultimately happy, she would make them hot cocoa with little marshmallows. The mare gasped. She had a bag in the pantry! She had made sure to buy it a long time ago in preparation for this exact day! She stomped in a rapid little dance and squealed a little again.

"This is going to be so much fun!" She pranced to the yard and looked around the house. Of course it was the same in all directions. First snow! The world was white. The sky was a different shade of white. The sun was a mere suggestion of a shape, somewhere over there. The sound was muffled. The air was clean and smelled of water and... snow!

Celestia closed her eyes, twirled again, then fell right on her back into the powder. Perhaps the blanket of white wasn't quite thick enough, but she didn't mind. It stuck most pleasantly to her fur and tickled her nose where it landed. She pushed her wings open and wriggled around a little. The snowflakes working their way among her feathers were pure bliss. Sure, it was cold, but so refreshing!

The human finally showed his face at the front door.

"Greg!" She jumped up in a spray of snow and ran to the human. "Isn't it wonderful?! Don't you just love first snow?"

She didn't say: 'There are no cameras! Nopony was staring at her behaviour! There were no ponies to be scandalized by her antics!' It was the most free she had ever felt and the alicorn wrapped her wings around the human.

Who yelled in surprise and jumped away.

Oh, right! The feathers were full of snow and all Rawsthorne was wearing was a T-shirt. Without fur, the snow could be shockingly cold! The mare just giggled and shook herself. A few flaps took care of her wings. Now she was a little disheveled, but positively glowing with joy.

"Let's get inside before you catch a fever," her human suggested.

She giggled again. Alicorns didn't easily get sick, but Rawsthorne was right. There was something to do before the fun! "I will make us breakfast and a cup of tea!" she promised, swishing her tail around to shake the snow out of it. Then she flicked her ears a few times to do the same. Some of it had already melted in her mane and ran in a cold little stream down her neck. It made her shiver, but it was a pleasant sensation. It made her feel so alive!

She didn't mind getting inside with her owner and shutting the door. Besides, the house felt even warmer now!

"A quick breakfast. We overslept, Celestia. We need to be at Christine's in an hour," Rawsthorne reminded her.

The mare nodded, her smile growing even wider. "Yes, sure! I'll fetch the present!" The box was in her room. She had wrapped it and wrote the child's name in nice, pink letters. She blushed a little when she remembered what was inside, but not even that could dampen her spirit on this day! Pony rides in the snow and then a snowball fight! And then cake!

The mare grabbed her human again and nuzzled him. Again he gasped as a trickle of cold water ran down her cheek and under his collar, but she just laughed at his expression and dodged as he tried to grab her ear for a quick bit of discipline.

Luckily he didn't chase her into the kitchen, though the mare was half-hoping he would. A short chase would be fun!